Nashville State Community College Foundation 2021-2022 Annual Report

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Annual Report


Cecily Freeman Stone

Chelsea Spence Director of Development

Ryan Parker Development Officer

Board of Trustees

NSCC President

Dr. Shanna L. Jackson

Board Chair

Joey Hatch Vice Chair

Nancy Eisenbrandt


Vic Alexander

Scott Brisson

Ginna Burrell

Kathy Cloninger

Lisa Ferrelli

Paula Harris

Chef Max Knoepfel

Andy Marshall

Gregory Martz

Tyson Norman

Jovonna Palmer

Dee Patel

Sharon Reynolds

Rich Rhoda

Robert Sherrill

Laquita Stribling

Deborah Varallo

Rod West

Karla Macintyre, Young Leaders Council Intern

Greetings from Nashville State!

In a post-pandemic world, we are seeing the realities of the toll this critical time in our nation and world has taken. Federal funding that once filled the gap is fading; the cost of living has increased due to inflation; and students are seeking support now more than ever. This underscores the significance of financial support from donors like you. Even amidst challenging times, there is a generous spirit binding us together. Our supporters understand the critical work to be accomplished now and ahead and stand ready as partners to help Nashville State achieve our mission. We are thankful you share in our pride for the success we’ve achieved over the years and especially this one. Here’s to you!

Cecily Freeman Stone, Executive Director

Nashville State Community College Foundation

Vision 2030: A student ready college

Nashville State’s vision is to lead the nation in achieving equitable outcomes for our diverse community of learners. We understand that to keep our region vibrant and thriving, we must grow our own talent. We are moving forward toward our Vision 2030: A Student Ready College strategic plan. This past year we opened our new North Davidson Campus, increasing access for an area that had been underserved. But access to education isn’t enough. The barriers our students face to complete their education require a holistic approach to support. That is why the Nashville State Community College Foundation is critical to our efforts. Your time, gifts and talents directly impact student success and workforce development at the college. Thank you for supporting our students, our college and our community!

Dr. Shanna L. Jackson, President

Nashville State Community College

3 2021-2022 Financials Employees 2% Individuals 4% Corporations 12% Government 57% Foundations 21% Trustees 4% $1,209,391 total support received 329 individual donors $3,676 average gift student and program support Student and Program Support 93% Fundraising 5% Administrative 2% 1,008 students received assistance through the Foundation’s Beyond Financial Aid Programs $990,636 designated to support students and programs sources of Support

Current Scholarships

Ambassador Scholarship

Berger Endowed Scholarship

Brian Uhl Scholarship

Cathy O’Bryant Endowed Scholarship

Culinary Arts Scholarship

Dickson High Noon Rotary Scholarship

The Doochin Family Scholarship

Dorothy Gaubert Pyle Endowed Scholarship

Doug Jameson Memorial Scholarship

ESOL Ambassador Scholarship

The Fuqua Family Endowed Scholarship

HCA Foundation Endowed Scholarship

ISSA Scholarship

Jacob Roberts Memorial Scholarship

Jay Luther Memorial Culinary Arts Scholarship

Jim Formosa Memorial Scholarship

John E. Mayfield Endowed Scholarship

Lance Woodard Memorial Scholarship

Moe’s Southwest Grille Scholarship

Nashville State Community College Foundation Scholarship

Nashville State Community College Foundation Endowed Scholarship

OTA Scholarship

Piedmont Natural Gas Scholarship

Randy Rayburn Culinary Arts Scholarship

Roberts Williams Memorial Scholarship

Ted M. Washington Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Wallace Wilson Scholarship

WITT Scholarship

Nashville State Community College By the

in the Tennessee Board of Regents system.

most diverse student body
Nashville State serves the
4 6,712 students *Classes are offered for incarcerated individuals at the following locations: Turney Center Industrial Complex, Riverbend Maximum Security Institution, and Debra K. Johnson Rehabilitation Center 56% students attending part time 1,012 2022 graduates seven campus locations Nashville, Antioch, Waverly, Dickson, Clarksville, East Davidson,north Davidson 46% Pell eligible / Low income 40% age 25 or older 64% female 36% male 36% first generation 4% active duty or veteran 19:1 student-teacher ratio 51% White 27% Black or African American 10% Hispanic/Latino 4% Asian 4% Two or more races 3% Unknown

Like community colleges nationally, more than half of Nashville State Community College’s student body enroll part-time (56%).

Part-time students face different financial, social and academic challenges than traditional students. Colleges face unique challenges engaging part-time students to help them persist and succeed to degree completion. Like most other states, Tennessee’s lastdollar promise scholarship known as the TN Promise Scholarship, is limited to students who enroll full-time.

“Nashville State is focused on being a student ready college. A critical piece is understanding what supports our students need to succeed,” said Dr. Shanna L. Jackson, president of Nashville State. “Like Nashville GRAD, Flex provides wrap-around services, helping remove financial barriers and providing social and emotional support to our part-time students as they persist and graduate.”

Flex is modeled after the successful Nashville GRAD program. GRAD students’ 2-year graduation rate is nearly double that of other NSCC students, and GRAD students persist (84.5% vs. 68.5%) and are retained (57% vs. 45%) at higher rates than TN Promise students.

As part of Nashville Flex, part-time students receive: $150 per semester for textbooks, $100 monthly for transit and/ or food, a loaner laptop, a strong peer network, and a dedicated advisor who provides mentoring and support. Flex students can also request emergency funds to help support them when unexpected financial challenges arise –such as car repairs or medical bills.

Flex soft-launched in January 2021 with 11 students. With full implementation beginning this fall semester, the roster for the demonstration project has grown to 52 students.

“My students are so resilient,” said Lindsay Hager, manager of peer mentoring and Flex student success advisor. “They are fighting so much, and yet they still prioritize their education. They prioritize it because they know it will better their future, no matter how hard it is right now.” The financial supports provided through Flex help keep students from feeling forced to choose between employment or postsecondary.

Recognizing these and other barriers, The TN College Access and Success Network (TCASN), Nashville State, the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce, Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, and Kresge Foundation for Education made the decision to focus on the success of part-time students and are already seeing it impact students positively.

“I can work 8 hours less this week and still be able to get groceries. It really does give you this sense of comfort and this level of ‘things are going to be okay.’”
Flex Student

Thank you, Donors!

With gratitude, we recognize those donors who supported Nashville State Community College July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022.

Visionary $100,000 + Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County Champion $25,000 - $99,999

Chi Boule Foundation PNC Foundation

Tennessee College Access and Success Network UBS Business Solutions Ambassador $10,000 - $24,999 21st Century Educational Foundation Amazon Corporate American Paper & Twine Company AT&T Foundation

Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation

Debbie and Joey Hatch

Louise B. Wallace Foundation

President $2,500 - $9,999

The Advance Financial Foundation Alliance Bernstein

Kathy Cloninger

Scott and Lauren Delphey (Food Properties Group)

Dollar General Nancy Eisenbrandt

Wilford and Cathey Fuqua

Greg Giles

Gullett, Sanford, Robinson, & Martin, PLLC

HCA Management Services Helen Jameson


Andy and Jan Marshall Middle TN Chapter Information Systems Security Association

Nashville International Airport Oxford Architecture Piedmont Natural Gas Pinnacle Bank

Jerry and Karen Rabalais Regions Bank

Richard and Nancy Rhoda Rockley Family Foundation, Inc. Women in Technology of Tennessee

Trustee $1,000 - $2,499

James and Lisa Alderman

The Aspen Institute, INC Be About Change

Lauren Bell

Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Chad Custer

Emily K. Evans

Lisa Ferrelli

Follett Higher Education Group Gaylor Electric

Gilbert McLaughlin Casella Architects, PLC

Greater Nashville Hospitality Association

Paula Harris Hoar Construction

Dr. Shanna L. Jackson Paul D. Koonce



Greg Martz

Cheryl Mason

Milligan’s Maple Products, LLC

Nashville Office Interiors Tyson and kelli Norman

Robert and Nancy Phipps Renasant Bank

Betty Renfro

Robert Sherrill

Skanska USA Building Inc. Charles Starks

Sherry Stewart

Varallo Public Relations LLC

Rod West

advocate $500 - $999

Brittaney Baker

Valerie S. Belew

Ginna Burrell

Sandra Cary

Charles L. Clark

David Gerth

Karen S. Goodman

Donna Griggs

Evelyn T. Hadley

Eric Hicks

Rob Jack

Margaret F. Jones

Karen A. Kendrick Max Knoepfel

Leesa LeClaire

Jaclyn Libowitz

Carol J. Martin-Osorio

Anthony and Mendy Mazzo Modernism Week

Dawne Moore

Laura P. Moran

Robert S. Overall, III

Jovonna Palmer

Performance Food Group Andrew Quirk

Randy R. Rayburn

Sarah Roberts

Julia Sheffield

Karen L. Stevenson

Deborah Varallo

Robert Grohovsky and Tanzy Wallace

Julie Williams

Ellen L Zink

scholar $250 - $499

Jesmin Akther Alliances, LLC

Tomi Baker

Margaret Behm

Glenda S. Bernard

Scott Brisson

Emily I. Bush

Jennifer D. Byrd

Kerry Carden

James Cheek

Dr. Agenia W. Clark

Karissa Cliff

Christopher R. Cosby

Dell Technologies

Wendy A. Dierberger

Auborn and Lindsay Hager

Philip Hardin

Brittany Haskell Jamica S. Hines


Nicole R. Hubbs

Fred Jordan Judy Kane

Candice Lee

Philip K. Lee

Kim Lewis

Devora D. Manier

Charles May

Eric A. Morgan

Katherine Murrie

Emily R. Naff

Nashville Chefs Association

James E. Needham

Elizabeth A. Nettles

Next City Inc

Dee Patel

Clay Patton

Jonathan and Kathleen Peterson

Sally Robertson

Sharley J. Ross

Alan Scoggins

Gena Shearon

Yvonne S. Simerman

Mia L. Sneed

The Steven and Laurie Eskind Family Foundation

Laurie L. Swanson

Nick Taras

Jessica Taylor

Richard W. Wall

Kelly West

Donna G. Whitehouse

Mary D. Womack

Partner $100 - $249

Mark Alexander Amazon Smile Foundation

Patricia J. Armstrong Jared Book

Becci Bookner

Byron Brewer

AC Brown

Donald Burgner

Genevieve T. El Chaer

Jay Chambers

John R. Cherry, Jr. Stephanie Chesher

Jessica Cobb

Brad Corcoran

Dennis Corrieri

Karina Davis

DevMar Products

Melissa Doyle

Philip and Mary Duke

Derrick Dupuis

Sheryl J. Dusek

James Edwards

Troy Edwards

Kathy Emery

Richard English

Dora S. Estes

David Ewing

Angela R. Fountain

Stephen P. Francescon

Fred L. Frazier

Pam Gadd

Rene Garcia

Sandra Goad

Franklin Godwin

Michael Gomez

Chuck Goodrich

Chris Grissom

Lillian R. Haber

Carol Harper

Bryan Hay Thomas Hayden

Clement Hilton

Jamal L. Hipps

Henry Ho Camille Holt

Chase Ingalls

Miranda D. Inman

Garland Jackson

Ronald Jackson

Jeff L. Jetton

Joseph Johnson Malcolm Johnson

Theresa Jolly William Jones

Michelle Joyner Lily Kane Kelly Kaplan

James W. Kelley, Jr. Candice King Drew Kovacs

Stephen Kruger

Helen E. Kunkel

Jackie Leatherwood Shannon Lumpkin

Karla Maclntyre

Larry E. Mangrum Gloria Marshall Master Snack Vending Constance F. Mathews

Sandra McCalla

Justin McClain

Ashley C. McGowan Matthew McLean

Nathan Meadow Cynthia D. Moore Cynthia M. Morgan Patricia L. Morrison Catharine A. Murphy Michelle A. Nelson Natalie Olsen Jacquelanne Orlando Rebecca Ozols Donald Paquin Ryan Parker Jody Perling

David Perreault Alice Pigott

Joyce Platz

Nathan Pryor Isabella Putman

Jessica W. Rabb

Mike Ragan

Emily J. Reynolds Mary C. Rice

Anna Richards

Lyle Richardson Sharon K. Roberson

Joshua A. Rogers

Justina Rogers Sydney U. Rogers

Carol Rothstein

Alison J. Sargent

Thomas Scoggins

Shanell Bledsoe

Photography Lisa M. Shaw

Patricia G. Shea

Kim A. Silverman

Debra Smith Nick Snow

Kristi Spurgeon

David Stellato

Dr. Laquita R. Stribling

Michael Sztapka Dorma Tabisz

Tennessee Board of Regents

Albert L. Thomas

Teri Thomas Randa L. Thompson

Wendy Thompson

Tammy D. Thorne

Charles W. Thurman

John and Janet Tudor Steve Tudor Donald L. Turner Merrill Waite

Jessica Wallace Johannah Williams Sandra C. Wills Don Wilsdorf

Teresa Wilson Christopher Yontz Kimberly D. Zills

Friend $99 and below

Amber Adams

Kathleen M. Akers Yvonne Anderson Henry Barnes Jenny Barnes

Coneia Batey Asia Bobbitt Kevin Brewer Amy S. Bryant Tyler Bull Tiarra Cantrell

Harrison Cartledge, Jr. Anthony Cassiol

Jennifer M. Chalos

Charles L. Clark

Thelma Clark

Stephanie Coleman Landon Cook

Jill Cooksey

William Decker Dr. Howard Doty Brenda Dowdle Katrina G. Dubree Duke Energy Corporation Heather Durai Chiara Ferrari Kenny Ferrelli Lisa M. Fletcher Sharlene Fletcher Adriane D. Gordon Mike and Christi Gossett Jenny C. Graham Rodney Grayson Ruth L. Green

Rosemary Hackney

LeAnne Hamilton

Brenda K. Harriford

Ginger L. Hausser

Natalie Hawthrone

Carol Y. Hines

Tamara Huey

Mario Hussey

Carolyn Jeans

Xyaire Jenkins

Kelsey Johansen

Azaiah Johnson

Julius Johnson

Lynda Jones

Amy Joyner

Sirisha Kalagarla

Jonelle Knox

Justin Kowalske

Robert Kramer Zack Lewis

Ashley Long Leda L. Longwood

Patrick Lovelace Don McEachern

Misti D. Meeks

Scott Meltzer

Mary Murphy

Terrance Murray

Jeffrey Myers

Cecilia Mynatt

Nancy Nolan

Veronica Omitowoju

Carolyn Palmer

Juanita Palmer

Hazel Parmer

Rexall Parmer

Chivonne Peeler

Caroline Pigott

Richard G. Poen, Jr.

Nick Pride

Jennifer C. Rector

Tamika Reed

Andrea D. Regg

Carole Richmond

Ashley Rose

Tammy L. Ruff

Erin Russell

Christopher Saunders

Christa Shelton

Alhassan N. Sheriff

Derek K. Smith

Laura Smith

Chelsea Spence

Elizabeth R. Stein

Deborah Story Brick Sturgeon Kevin Thomas

Priscilla Tibbs Nina Tinsley Jennifer Trevisan Sara Beth Urban Laura Ward

Deborah M. Washington

Paul Webb

Aniyah White Christine Whitmore Ann Willits

Jason Winkler

Jeff Winsett Beth Wright Stacey Wykoski


A.Marshall Hospitality Americana Taphouse

Avery’s Trail Bacardi USA, INC

Big Machine Vodka

Burger Dandy

Brown Water Spirits Buffalo Chip Spirits City Winery Corsair Distillery

Deacon’s New South George Dickel



Hattie Jane’s Creamery Heroes Vodka

Ingram Whiskey

Lipman Brothers Inc. Mama Yang & Daughter

Merridee’s Breadbasket

Midtown Café Music City Center

Nicoletto’s Pasta Co. Old Hickory Bourbon Puckett’s Restaurant

Savarino Bakery Scout’s Pub Stillhouse


Our Mission

The Nashville State Community College Foundation works to provide quality education, remove financial barriers, and empower students at Nashville State to achieve their dreams for a brighter future.

NSCC 16-22 • Nashville State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age status as a protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulations and by Tennessee Board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Director of Human Resources,, 120 White Bridge Road, 615-353-3305.

Bridge Road @NSCCFoundation #nsccfoundation #nsccfamily
Nashville, TN 37209

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