Nashville's Fittest Issue

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We hope your year is off to a strong start!

2024 has been an exciting ride so far The Nashville Fit Games made its return to Music City Participants from across the area came together for the ultimate showcase of our thriving fitness community Power, speed and endurance were put on full display in a series of team and individual divisions This issue is dedicated to the winners who claimed the title of Nashville’s Fittest, along with every competitor who laced up and showed up

As passionate storytellers, we ’ re moved to share articles that extend far beyond physical wellness Our “for the community, by the community” contributors have aggregated a collection of recipes to nourish you, workouts to push you, mindfulness practices to guide you - and so much more I’d like to extend a heartfelt thanks for spreading your passion and knowledge It’s no secret this industry is better together

We’re thrilled to announce the return of the Music City Fit Expo on June 8 The largest health and wellness expo in the South will boast a diverse lineup of 140 fitness-based businesses

From equipment suppliers to apparel brands, personal trainers, studios, recovery centers, supplement shops and local food vendors – you ’ re personally invited to explore all things fitness under one roof In addition to checking out vendor booths - watch world-class athletes go head-to-head in the Tennessee Strongest Man competition, battle it out in The Gauntlet, and strut the runway in the Angel Competition Bikini Fashion Show For those looking to get in on the action, local businesses are offering pop up experiences for the public, including the Ninja Warrior Challenge, bootcamp and boxing classes, and MoveFit Attendees will also have the opportunity to socialize, take photos and receive autographs from industry icons including four-time Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler, 2023 Strongest Man on Earth, Brian Shaw, Bodybuilding legend, Lee Priest and CrossFit athlete, Sydney Wells. Need we say more?

We can’t wait to see you there!


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Cellular Health in the 21st Century Nory brings the heat with HIIT! P A G E 27 Meet the power couple behind Ruck Nutrition 29 A new recipe from Hale’s Kitchen

P A G E 22

P A G E P A G E 35







Writer/ Podcast



Social Media &






Event Coordinator

Writer/ Podcast



Contributing Writer


Get ready to elevate your brand and connect with fitness enthusiasts nationwide at the highly anticipated 2024 Music City Fit Expo! Are you looking to showcase your products or services to a dynamic audience of healthconscious individuals? Secure your spot now and join us as an exhibitor to unleash the power of your brand! With thousands of attendees expected to flock to the expo, this is your prime opportunity to boost brand visibility, generate leads, and network with industry professionals. Take advantage of this unparalleled chance to shine in the heart of Music City. Reserve your booth today and make your mark at the 2024 Music City Fit Expo!

Learn more or ask us anything



For the second year in a row, athletes lined up to compete under the lights at The Factory in Franklin for a chance to win the title of "Nashville's Fittest" in nine different divisions at the Nashville Fit Games.

The 2024 Nashville Fit Games set the stage for all to challenge themselves amongst friends, community and competitors alike

The broad range of athletes are a boasting point of The Nashville Fit Games. Boston Marathon runners, Crossfitters, and Boot Campers take the line side-by-side with circuit athletes, obstacle course racers, and even a Navy Seal. The Fit Games is all about giving the Nashville community one day of the year they can proudly represent their gym while coming together with others on an equal playing field Everyone willing can find a place on the competition floor

The 2024 workouts, written by Devin Tolentino, were designed to test an athlete's strength, speed, power, and stamina without overcomplicating movements that create barriers to testing true fitness and athleticism While workout details differed by division, every athlete was guaranteed to get the chance to bench press, run, bike, and test their limits with squats or lunges

Fit Games

In the Competitive division, the top tier of athletes going for a cash prize, Jordan May took the day with the most event wins and an overall victory, taking the men's title of The Fittest in Nashville. On the women's side, Liz Beuschel secured victory in the last workout with an impressive 500m row sprint after an entire day of dominating lifting, biking, and running events.

With over 100 athletes in the Team's division this year, spouses battled siblings and training partners fought hard for every point and place they could get In three different divisions, male-male pairs, male-female pairs, and female-female pairs, teams took on four intense workouts to earn their spot on the podium

The energy in the air during every event was tangible to every spectator The support that outpoured from every gym and business in the Nashville community is a great reminder that no matter how different we are, coming together for a common goal unites us all.

If you missed this year's event, check out The Gauntlet on June 8th, The Nashville Fit Games Spring event.


Thanks for another successful Fit Games! We will see you at the Music City Fit Expo with The Gaunlet

More Than A Trainer

An Interview with Gunnar Peterson & Collin Schoen

Gunnar Peterson is a Nashville-based personal trainer whose clients include celebrities, professional athletes, and general fitness enthusiasts Gunnar is the former Los Angeles Lakers Director of Strength and Endurance, and is widely recognized for his functional training expertise and commitment to developing and implementing innovative fitness techniques.

With over 30 years in the fitness industry, Gunnar's dynamic approach, boundless energy, and (sometimes risky) humor only add to the effectiveness of the experience his clients enjoy. With a client list as diverse as his training methods, Gunnar emphasizes strength training modalities that can be transferred from the gym to daily life, from training camp to the championship game He has worked with athletes from the NBA, NHL, NFL, MLB, USTA, professional boxing (male AND female!), and various NCAA sports.

Many films and television celebrities such as Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Billy D Williams, Angelina Jolie, Kim and Khloe Kardasian, and more have sought Gunnar's guidance in preparing for roles and have stayed on to become year-round clients.

I first discovered Gunnar as a young trainer working at GNC. It was a slow day, and I was flipping through the GNC quarterly magazine. Gunnar held up one end of a couch with one hand and vacuumed under it with the other

B Y : G E R E L L W E B B

I don't remember the exact title of the article, but whatever it was, it must've caught my attention I was a struggling trainer fresh from realizing that my dream of playing professional football would not happen, and now struggling with whether or not the fitness industry was for me. That day, I decided not to quit. To push myself to see what and who I could become. Sometimes, you have to see someone else living your dream to believe it's possible

Fast forward to the present. I had the opportunity to engage in one of the most organic interviews that I've ever done

I met Gunnar at his new gym, Common Ground, in Franklin, TN. Gunnar moved here from Beverly Hills, CA, a little over a year ago. I had to ask what brought him to Nashville. "LA is just Nashville with a tan,” Gunnar replied. "It was more of a perfect storm and the stars aligning On top of that, LA has changed, and I just felt like it was time to make a move"

We talked about a little bit of everything, like does Gunnar train his wife, which he answered with a big NO!

Gunnar shared how he fell in love with fitness “I was a chubby kid," he said, "I complained a lot about it My mom asked if I wanted to complain or actually do something about it She signed me up for Weight Watchers"

Gunnar has literally done it all in the fitness industry, and is the original "celebrity trainer." His impact on the fitness industry is undeniable He is living proof that our industry has no limitations, only limited thinking You actually can do it and go as far as you want When asked who in the industry inspired him, he mentioned the likes of Jake Steinfield, better known as "Body by Jake"

No trainer has made a more significant impact on the appearance and physical performance of Hollywood's elite than Gunnar. His influence has paved the way for the personal trainer business, going from being a luxury niche for the wealthy into a $12 billion industry in 2022

I, for one, am thankful for the path he forged and for showing me what was possible before when I needed to see it the most

Watch the full video interview




In the blink of an eye, life can take an unexpected turn One moment you're on track to conquer a half marathon and the next, you're grappling with a debilitating injury that sidelines you from your goals Whether it's a ruptured Achilles tendon during training or a pulled muscle from a mundane task, the physical pain is just the beginning of the battle.

The mental challenges that accompany rehabilitation can be equally daunting, but with the proper mindset and approach, it's possible to navigate through the darkest moments and emerge stronger on the other side

Feeling overwhelmed is expected when the initial shock wears off and reality sets in. The journey ahead, marked by weeks or even months of rehabilitation, can seem daunting.

The pain becomes a constant reminder of the present, overshadowing thoughts of the future Frustration, anger, and sadness may creep in, derailing progress and sowing seeds of doubt

Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there is hope. Research from John Hopkins University underscores the power of a positive attitude in driving positive outcomes Studies have shown that maintaining a positive mindset can significantly impact recovery, with some even suggesting an 87% increase in positive outcomes simply through positive thinking This underscores the importance of cultivating an environment conducive to physical and mental healing.

Here are some strategies to help navigate the mental challenges of rehabilitation:

• Practice Gratitude: Start each day by listing three to five things you are grateful for Focusing on the positives can shift your perspective and set the tone for the day ahead

In the blink of an eye, life can take an unexpected turn

Overcoming the Mental Hurdles of Rehab: A Journey to Healing cont’d...

• Accept Help: It's okay to lean on others for support Allow friends, family, and healthcare professionals to lend a helping hand during this time Accepting help is not a sign of weakness but rather a recognition of the strength found in community

• Challenge Negative Thoughts: Combat negative thoughts with positive affirmations For every negative thought that arises, counter it with two positive thoughts. Over time, this practice can reframe your mindset and promote resilience.

• Listen to Your Body: Your body is a powerful indicator of its needs Pay attention to fatigue, pain, or discomfort signals, and adjust your rehabilitation plan accordingly Rest when needed and push yourself when able, finding a balance that fosters healing

• Cultivate a Positive Mantra: Develop a mantra or phrase that resonates with you and use it as a source of encouragement during challenging moments Repeat it to yourself whenever doubt or fear creeps in, reaffirming your commitment to the healing journey

• Journal Your Thoughts: Reflecting on your emotions and experiences can be therapeutic Take time each night to journal your thoughts and feelings, allowing space for introspection and growth.

• Embrace Mindfulness: Incorporate practices such as prayer and meditation into your daily routine. These activities can help quiet the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate peace amidst adversity

• Trust the Process: Recovery is not always linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey Trust in the process, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to your goals, no matter how small

Above all, remember to smile. In the face of adversity, a smile is a powerful symbol of resilience and optimism While the road to recovery may be challenging, the alternative giving in to despair is far worse

In conclusion, while the journey through rehabilitation may be fraught with obstacles, it is also a testament to the strength of the human spirit. By cultivating a positive mindset, embracing support, and trusting in the process, we can overcome the mental challenges of rehabilitation and emerge stronger, both physically and mentally, on the other side



HIIT Workout with Nory

I'm Nory Dayen, a certified personal trainer specializing in strength training and conditioning, focusing on beginners and individuals striving for a healthier lifestyle As a Venezuelan (native Spanish speaker), I identified a need for Spanish-speaking trainers and resources to assist Hispanics in feeling more comfortable visiting the gym (or wherever they prefer to workout) and helping them make sustainable lifestyle changes to achieve their health and personal goals

“Passionate about empowering others”

With a background in gymnastics, I developed a solid foundation in strength training, performance, nutrition, and discipline, which has been, by far, the most critical skill throughout my life and career. After living in different countries five years ago, I discovered Nashville and was captivated by its vibrant culture and welcoming community.

In addition to personal training, I'm the founder of an app designed to provide training programs, guided workouts, and a wealth of resources tailored to beginners and intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts within the Hispanic community.

Passionate about empowering others to embark on their fitness journeys, my app serves as a valuable tool for individuals seeking to improve their overall well-being and reach their fitness goals.

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NASHVILLE FIT MAGAZINE Page 17 Official Podcast Production company of the Nashville Fit Magazine

Power up your lower body with this dynamic hit workout! Targeting glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves for a stronger, more sculpted physique

Deadlift to Lunge

Starting Position: Stand with your feet hipwidth apart, holding a barbell, dumbbell, or kettlebell in front of your thighs with a shoulder-width grip Your shoulders should be pulled back, chest up, and core engaged This is the starting position for the deadlift Deadlift Phase:

Keep your back straight.

Hinge at your hips.

Bend your knees slightly to lower the weight towards the ground Move into the lunge and be sure to alternate sides

Plank Jack

Starting in a plank position, you jump your legs out to the sides like a jumping jack while maintaining the plank posture, then jump them back together

Overhead March

Hold weights, dumbbells or kettlebells, overhead while marching in place

Squat to Thrust

Begin with feet shoulder-width apart, perform a squat by bending your knees and lowering your hips, then explosively extend your hips upward while swinging your arms upward


Do as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes. 40 seconds on/20 seconds off


Meet the Power Couple Behind Ruck Nutrition

Today, we have the pleasure of delving into the dynamic partnership of Dakota and Charles, the driving forces behind Ruck Nutrition. Their journey began with a mutual attraction, sparked not only by external qualities but by the authenticity and consistency they found in each other As they navigate business and romance, they've discovered the power of complementing each other's strengths, building a resilient bond that thrives on mutual respect and understanding

Their shared vision for Ruck Nutrition extends beyond mere business goals; they aim to make a global impact in the fitness industry while nurturing their relationship and envisioning a future filled with growth, both personally and professionally. Join us as we explore their inspiring story of love, partnership, and entrepreneurial spirit

Nashville Fit (NFM): It's fantastic to have you here with us today Let's dive right in. What initially drew you to each other?

Dakota: Well, for me, it was more than just Charles' external qualities like his looks and ambition, although those were definitely attractive traits It was when I realized he was genuine and consistent, both in public and in private, that I truly became attracted to him Seeing him maintain that authenticity across all aspects of his life was incredibly appealing to me

Charles: I remember being immediately struck by Dakota's beauty when I first saw her But what really stood out to me was her kindness and thoughtfulness, especially during a difficult time for me personally She did these small, meaningful gestures that showed me she cared in ways I hadn't experienced before

NFM: It sounds like you both have a deep appreciation for each other's genuine qualities. How does working together impact your relationship?

Dakota: Working together has been an adventure for us We've had to navigate our different working styles and find a balance that works for both of us It took some adjustment, especially for me coming from a more traditional 9-5 job, but now we complement each other well and make a great team

Charles: Initially, I was hesitant about mixing business with our relationship, but I quickly saw that Dakota brought valuable skills to the table that complemented mine It's been a learning experience, but ultimately, it's strengthened our bond and brought us closer together.

NFM: That's wonderful to hear how you've found a way to make it work together. Now, looking ahead, what are you most excited about for the future, both in your business and your relationship?

Dakota: In terms of Ruck Nutrition, we have big plans for expansion and growth We want to reach more customers globally and establish ourselves as a leader in the fitness industry And personally, we're excited to continue growing as a couple, pursuing our dreams together, and potentially starting a family

Charles: Absolutely We have ambitious goals for Ruck Nutrition, from expanding our product line to hosting our own events. And on a personal level, we're excited about the possibility of writing a book together and exploring new opportunities as a couple. The future looks bright, and we can't wait to see where it takes us.


Crafting Culinary Wellness through "Hale’s Kitchen"

In the bustling world of culinary exploration, where flavors dance and aromas tantalize, Rachel Hale stands as a beacon of simplicity and nourishment. Recently, Nashville Fit Magazine had the pleasure of sitting down with Rachel to delve into her captivating journey into the realm of cooking and wellness.

Rachel's culinary odyssey began in the comforting embrace of her childhood kitchen, where she fondly recalls the tender guidance of her mother's culinary wisdom. "One of my favorite memories as a child was cooking with my mom," Rachel reminisces. "She began teaching me how to prepare healthy meals at a young age. As a kindergartener, I was learning how to make a salad. She taught me that our bodies are temples that need to be cherished."

However, it was a pivotal move to California in 2017 that marked a transformative chapter in Rachel's culinary exploration Embracing the principles of the Whole30 lifestyle, she embarked on a journey of culinary discovery that left her feeling more energized and vibrant than ever before "I learned to prepare new recipes, and I had more energy than ever before!" Rachel exclaims Since then, she has remained steadfast in her commitment to a paleo lifestyle, championing ingredients that nourish both body and soul

When queried about her favorite ingredients, Rachel's eyes sparkle with enthusiasm "I LOVE trying new recipes with anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, etc," she reveals Her culinary philosophy centers around the mantra, "Simple Sells," advocating for dishes that are not only delicious but also easy to prepare and budget-friendly

Rachel's approach to cooking is rooted in a deep understanding of nutrition and mindful meal planning "I cook based on the nutrition my body needs," she explains "I rarely ask myself, 'What do I want for dinner?' Instead, I ask 'what do I need for dinner?'" By prioritizing nutrient-dense ingredients and mindful meal planning, Rachel crafts dishes that nourish both body and mind

Dispelling common misconceptions about cooking, Rachel emphasizes the judicious use of oil and advocates for investing in quality spices to elevate home-cooked meals "You don’t need as much oil as you think," she advises "Invest in quality spices Do not buy the cheap option This is an easy switch-up that will take your meal to the next level"

In her quest for culinary innovation, Rachel draws inspiration from a myriad of sources, including collaborations with paleo-friendly companies "With 'Hale’s Kitchen,' I am constantly getting products from different paleo-friendly companies," she reveals "This sparks my creative flow, and I often create new recipes based on what they send me"

As our conversation draws to a close, Rachel leaves us with a tantalizing glimpse into the future of "Hale’s Kitchen" and her culinary journey "The journey of 'Hale’s Kitchen' is just beginning," she declares "With each recipe, I hope to inspire others to embrace the power of simplicity and nourishment in their culinary endeavors"

In a world where culinary complexity often reigns supreme, Rachel Hale's approach to cooking is a breath of fresh air a testament to the transformative power of wholesome, nutritious meals So, don your aprons and join Rachel on a culinary adventure where every bite is a celebration of wellness and vitality


Whole30 Chicken Pad Thai

Pad Thai and Noodles

1 Spaghetti Squash

1 lb chicken

3 tbsp avocado oil

2 green scallions Chop, and separate white and green pieces

2 cloves of minced garlic

2 eggs

1 cup carrots thinly sliced

1/3 cup red bell pepper thinly sliced

1/2 inch fresh ginger thinly sliced

3 tbsp coconut aminos marinate the chicken

Salt to taste

⁄ cup of bean sprouts for garnish

Pad Thai Sauce

3 tbsp almond butter

2 tbsp rice vinegar

1/2 lime squeezed

1/4 cup coconut aminos

2 tbsp fish sauce

1 tsp sesame oil


1/2 cup crushed cashews

1 lime cut into wedges the green part of the 2 green scallions

Crushed red pepper flakes


1 Preheat your oven to 400° F, and line a baking sheet with foil

2 Cut the squash in half lengthwise, and scoop out the seeds and strings Spray with avocado oil spray Place squash face down on the baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes

3 Thin slice chicken thighs into strips In a bowl, marinate the chicken with salt, coconut aminos, ⁄ tsp ground ginger

4 Next, make the sauce In a small bowl, whisk all the ingredients together

5 Heat a large skillet over medium high heat, and add the avocado oil Add chicken and cook through Remove chicken from the pan

6 In a bowl, whisk the eggs Add the eggs to the same pan Remove from the pan while the eggs are still slightly runny

7 Over medium heat, add the white pieces of chopped green onion, and sauté until lightly brown Add carrots, red pepper, ginger, and garlic Cook for another minute

8 Add chicken and egg back to the skillet, break up the eggs into small pieces Add the Pad Thai sauce, and cook for about 30 seconds Stir to combine all the ingredients

9. Remove from the heat. Plate the spaghetti squash separately and add the Pad Thai Mixture on top.

10. Garnish with fresh lime, crushed cashews, the green leaves of the chopped green onions, bean sprouts and crushed red pepper flakes.

Makes 6 Servings | Calories: 426 calories | Protein: 34g




April 6

Gilda’s Gang 5K & 1 mile

7:15am Shelby Park


Sweat & Social

Flat Bottom Brewery

April 27-28

Rock N Roll Marathon



Girls on the Run 5k

Two Rivers Park


Fitness Sampler

The Beauty Boost Nashville


Move for MDS 5k

Two rivers park


June 8

Music City Fit Expo Nashville Fairgrounds


Proprietary Mineral Blend


Designed for elite athletes, the everyday fitness lover, the soccer mom and even our smallest athletes!

BREAKING THE MIRROR: The Dangers of Body Comparison

No one can deny it, and we all know it: we live in a culture of mass consumption, where things like possessions, status, and physical appearance replace experience, skill, and character as gauges of personal identity, health, and happiness. I don’t need to write an article to make people aware of this reality, or the fact that body dissatisfaction and comparison are at an all-time high in today’s society as a result. But, while it’s normal for everyone to experience negative feelings toward their body at times, are we really paying attention to how much we’ve become preoccupied (some would even argue obsessed) with “keeping up with the Joneses?” More importantly, are we turning a blind eye to how deeply and dangerously this comparison affects our overall life satisfaction?

“No one can deny it, and we all know it”

Telling ourselves the grass is always greener, to excuse ourselves after a two-hour doom scroll on Instagram, is not enough. Merely reminding ourselves that image is filtered and carefully curated both online and in reality is a start, but also a scapegoat we often use to avoid taking a hard look at the deeper issues and alarming consequences of body comparison.

Preoccupation with body image throws us into a chronic state of unease This makes us perfect prey for commercial “solutions” like fad diets, weight-loss pills, cosmetic surgeries, and other forms of instant gratification that can end up costing us what we could have saved for experiences, retirement, or the future of our children We waste hours at a time, staring at a screen and scrolling through idealized versions of others’ lives; hours we could more productively spend creating and manifesting within our own lives Body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and excessive exercising/overtraining affect over half of the world’s population, including all genders, all races, and a broad spectrum of age groups Women are increasingly seeing pregnancy as an encumbrance of body image, and in some surveys, women have reported not wanting children for this reason


According to Yale psychiatrist Alan Feingold, M.D, societal pressure on women specifically to achieve an “ideal” appearance correlates to role conflicts, power/control issues, motherdaughter generational rifts, and accomplishment-based self-worth; the body is essentially one big screen on which we project all of our anxieties…but is it worth the cost? How will the decisions we make from the lens of body comparison affect our future?

We have to focus on the deeper reasons for comparison; it isn’t just about taking the Joneses off the pedestal in our minds, reminding ourselves that nobody is perfect… because, duh. It’s about the more complex work of facing and addressing the insecurities within so that we can open up space in our minds to invite compassion and acceptance. We begin understanding what we truly want for ourselves only when we focus on selfreflection that can never be found in a mirror.

Cellular Health in the 21st Century: A Deep Dive into Preventive Measures and Cellular Health

In the United States, a staggering 17% of the GDP is allocated to addressing five prevalent diseases: Cancer, Heart Disease, Cholesterol, Diabetes, and Obesity Surprisingly, an astounding 70% of curable and reversible diseases are preventable, emphasizing that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure As we dive into the statistics, it becomes clear that our health choices profoundly impact our lives, and it's time to reassess our priorities

Examining data from the CDC reveals alarming numbers associated with causes of death in the US The leading culprits include Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases, Stroke, Accidents, and medical errors These diseases collectively claim hundreds of thousands of lives annually, underscoring the urgent need for a shift in our approach to health

Nobody aspires to become a statistic. None of us desire to burden our families, lose our independence, or suffer from preventable chronic illnesses. It's crucial to acknowledge that bad health is never intentional. So why does our health often take a backseat until a crisis emerges?

Several factors contribute to this trend:

• Time: The relentless pace of modern life becomes an excuse for neglecting health. The perpetual rush leaves little room for selfcare and health improvement.

• Excuses: Daily life becomes a breeding ground for bad habits, with excuses accumulating until we wonder how we got to this point.

• Problems: Focusing on problems can provide a false sense of purpose, but in the process, environments darken, and individuals become discouraged.

• Fear: Paralyzing fear often prevents individuals from taking proactive steps towards better health. The fear of the unknown keeps them stagnant.

• Lack of Knowledge: Many people lack a comprehensive understanding of nutrition and the body's ability to heal and repair itself This knowledge gap hinders informed health choices


As we explore this topic, it's imperative to ask ourselves five critical questions:

• What am I willing to do to enhance my health?

• Does my life and health genuinely matter to me?

• When did I feel my best, and what contributed to that feeling?

• What aspects of life consume too much time, and how can I address this?

• What behaviors can I adopt to improve my health?

Before achieving cellular-level health, we must honestly assess our current state and future goals physically, mentally, and spiritually. The pivotal question becomes: What steps can we take to fortify our immune system, preventing the onset of medical crises that could otherwise contribute to alarming statistics?

I submit to you that the number one thing you can do is to get hydrated at the cellular level. When your cells are hydrated, they are healthy and can fight off disease. That's why we created the cellular hydration powder for our patients.

Whether you're proactively seeking better health or facing health challenges, remember: "You don't have to be healthy to get started, but you do have to get started to be healthy." A robust immune system safeguards your health and aids your body in the healing process. After all, "It's hard to make a hydrated cell sick!" So, let's embark on the journey of "Cellular Health in the 21st Century" and pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant life.


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