The Signature | January 22, 2021

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The Signature

Darrick Conger’s passing has had tremendous impact on his shipmates at AIMD Sigonella, his friends, and his family back home across the United States. He was a caring, funny, and energetic person. If you were fortunate enough to be his friend, then you knew you had someone you could always count on. There is so much to say about my great friend Darrick. He would always be the one to go above and beyond to ensure everyone was doing well and having a good time at work or social settings. His one love in life was making people laugh. It didn’t matter how far he had to go or what line he had to cross, he just wanted to bring smiles to those around him, regardless of who they were. At work and at home, the man never stopped moving. His willingness to help even when exhausted was something we all admired. Darrick had a phenomenal work ethic. He was the most and best qualified among his peers but you would never know it because he wasn’t one to brag. Whenever he completed any maintenance action, there was no shred of doubt that he would produce the highest quality of work. We enjoyed working with him, hearing him express his loyalty to the Alabama Crimson Tide, laugh at his inability to function without his morning coffee, and just being in his presence. I have so many fond memories it’s difficult to focus on just a few. He was the most trustworthy person I know. I can’t count how many times I have looked back through our phone messages filled with ribbing insults, memes, and our plans for the future. We shared a brotherly banter that I will truly miss. We would sit and talk about our goals and what we wanted out of life. Although he was stubborn at times, he would always heed my advice. He trusted me and I could confide in him. Truth be told, I needed Darrick more than he needed me. Things aren’t the same now; a piece of each of our hearts is missing, and it’s a void that will never be filled. Of all the people the Navy brings you in contact with, Darrick is someone I am truly thankful I got to know on a personal level. His passing left more questions than answers. I find myself asking how and why this tragedy could’ve happen. He touched the lives of so many people with his charisma and jokes, and with that, he left many hearts broken with his passing. On behalf of Marianne Ayers, Anthony and Michelle Coleman, Seth Long, Skyler Keefe, Cayla Gray, Caleb Smith, Donald Vannah, myself, and many others: Darrick’s memory will live on and he will never be forgotten. I love you brother.

by AS2 Jerome Ayers

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