2016-17 Year in Review

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The Nanovic Institute for European Studies is committed to enriching the intellectual culture of Notre Dame by creating an integrated, interdisciplinary home for students and faculty to explore the evolving ideas, cultures, beliefs, and institutions that shape Europe today.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies University of Notre Dame 1060 Nanovic Hall Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 -7000






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Graffiti near Ponte San Francesco, Venice, Italy, 2017



William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs

When I wrote last year’s director’s message,

local communities. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the

The most exciting event of all has been

we had just begun to deal with the shock

former director-general of the world-renowned

our Big Move. In July, we relocated to

of Brexit, Great Britain’s rejection of the

particle physics center, CERN, lectured about

the Institute’s magnificent new home in

European Union. Since then, European

how scientific research can bring governments

Nanovic Hall. Through the generosity

debates have shifted to an even bigger theme:

and individuals together to work for the

of Bob and Liz Nanovic, we will begin

the future of democracy! My students yearn

common good. Along with our Catholic

the new academic year with an expanded

to understand the rise of new populist parties

university partners from East-Central Europe

capacity for programming, more offices

and movements, sharply contested elections,

and the former Soviet Union, we organized

for graduate students and visiting scholars,

and the mounting challenges of economic

a conference in Zagreb, Croatia, on fostering

and a breathtaking seminar room with the

stagnation, immigration, environmental

students’ “hope in the future.” In July, we

technology for connecting directly to Europe.

degradation, and terrorism. Together with

hosted a leadership institute at Notre Dame

We are perfectly poised to intensify our

our fellow institutes in the Keough School

at which senior educators and administrators

commitment to European studies for many

of Global Affairs, the Nanovic Institute has

from these universities were exposed to the

years to come!

actively engaged these themes through a

latest thinking about non-profit management.

host of flash panels, distinguished lectures, symposia, and research.

As you can see on the following pages, the Nanovic Institute has focused on many more

We have also organized events that underscore

themes over the past academic year—business

the resilience of democratic institutions and

ethics, interfaith theatre, early modern

humanistic values in contemporary Europe.

Catholicism, the history of eurocentrism,

Continuing our tradition of facilitating

and “middlebrow” music. All of these

on-the-ground learning, we sent students

undertakings have energized our culture of

to Austria to explore innovative ways of

European studies, both on campus and in the

integrating refugees and other immigrants into

university’s Global Gateways in Europe.

Professor A. James McAdams published Vanguard of the Revolution: The Global Idea of the Communist Party with Princeton University Press in August 2017.


NEW GLOBAL CHALLENGES Responses from the Humanities and Social Sciences Momentous events in Europe once again

new era of protectionism (Jeffrey Bergstrand).

One manifestation of these events is the

commanded campus attention this year.

The question of who stood most to gain was

afterlife of the Soviet Union. Political

Aiming to deepen student perspectives

answered by Andrew Gould, who pointed

historian George Liber (University of

and promote greater understanding of

to Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Paris as

Alabama-Birmingham) provided an historical

the issues at stake, the Institute organized

alternative financial centers to London.

perspective for students interested in the

faculty panels and visiting speakers around the rise of nationalism, the fragility of democratic culture, and troubling forms of authoritarianism. These stories, new and old, continue to haunt Europe as it seeks to find effective ways of confronting mounting global challenges.

to consider the increasing fragility of the European political order. A second panel, in spring 2017, investigated European populism, asking whether new movements, and particularly their right-wing manifestations, posed a threat to democracy itself. The

legacy of Russian authoritarianism as it affects Ukraine today. Ryszard Legutko, a European politician and intellectual, addressed the temptations of totalitarianism even in free societies, showing how politics can darken into intolerance and coercion, especially regarding religious and civil liberties. Migrations to European economies were also cause for

The Institute’s opening panel in the fall, Brexit:

directors of two institutes in the Keough

Now What?, focused on how to communicate

School of Global Affairs, Paolo Carozza

a deeper understanding of the decision and a

and Michel Hockx, took up this question

clearer sense of what could happen next. The

alongside Olivier Morel, an expert in French

Hesburgh Center Auditorium was packed to

politics, and Lucia Manzi, a graduate student

capacity. A multidisciplinary panel moderated

in Political Science who studies Italy’s “Five

The complicated histories of European

by A. James McAdams reflected on whether

Star” movement. The panel concluded that

cultures can be difficult to communicate to

Brexit meant “that nationalism was back”

although there were disturbing signs of

a broad audience. Thanks to faculty fellow

(Sebastian Rosato), whether the setback

connections between populist and fascist

Patrick Murphy (Marketing), author and

for European federalism was imminent or

movements across Europe, European

historian Ross King held an engaging visit

piecemeal (Emilia Justyna Powell), and what

populism takes different forms, due to diverse

with faculty and students about how to write

such developments might mean for Britain’s

national settings and long histories.

history effectively for a popular audience.

trade and financial sectors if Brexit signaled a 4

The Brexit vote was close enough for faculty

concern. The nature of these movements and their “regulatory regimes” were addressed by visiting scholars Frank Wolff and Roberta Ricucci.

FLASH PANELS Brexit: Now What?


Jeffrey Bergstrand, Andrew Gould, Emilia Justyna Powell, Sebastian Rosato, and A. James McAdams

British Consul General, Chicago

Right-Wing Populism in Europe

Northumbria University

Paolo Carozza, Michel Hockx, Olivier Morel, Lucia Manzi, and A. James McAdams


Bilkent University

VISITING SPEAKERS Thomas J. Albrecht Geoff Eley

University of Michigan Bernhard Fischer

Goethe and Schiller Archive, Weimar Allan Hepburn

McGill University Ross King

Ryszard Legutko

Jagiellonian University George Liber

University of Alabama-Birmingham Roberta Ricucci

University of Turin Magda Romanska

Yale School of Drama and Emerson College Charles Townshend

Professor Emeritus of International History, Keele University Frank Wolff

University of Osnabrück

Historian and Author


THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION The Keeley Vatican Lecture with Bishop Borys Gudziak Bishop Borys Gudziak, President of the

and Byzantine Cultural History from

Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) and

Harvard University in 1992. He then moved

an eparch of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic

to Ukraine, where he was ordained in 1998.

Church, presented the Keeley Vatican Lecture

In addition to founding a new Institute of

in November.

Church History, he helped to revive the Lviv

Speaking about “Ukraine, Democratic Revolution, and the Challenges of a Catholic University,” Gudziak described the history of demonstrations in Kiev’s Maidan square in 2014. Observing that protestors came from every corner of Ukrainian society, Gudziak showed scores of eyewitness photographs and explained who the protestors were, what they wanted, and how they suffered in the protests.

university status, constant growth, and continuing success. In 2013, Benedict XVI elevated Gudziak to the Paris Eparchy of Saint Volodymyr the Great, the territorial diocese for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. He remains the president of UCU.

One of his young faculty members, a historian,

The Keeley Vatican Lecture was

lost his life on the Maidan. By protesting,

established through the generosity of

ministering, consoling, and speaking

Terrence R. Keeley ’81 to bring distinguished

courageously, the young protestors whom he

representatives from the Vatican to explore

described, including his own students, played

questions involving Notre Dame’s Catholic

a leading role in what has come to be called “a


revolution of dignity.”

Visit nanovic.nd.edu/vatican to view the

Gudziak has long been a leader in the world

video of this lecture as well as a complete

of Catholic higher education. After studying in Rome, Gudziak earned a Ph.D. in Slavic


Theological Academy and steer it toward

archive of the series.

Bishop Borys has presented Ukrainian citizens with a vivid image of how to live with integrity and honor in a country still struggling with the vestiges of communism. He has exhibited extraordinary leadership. A. James McAdams, Director

Bishop Borys Gudziak walking with students after Mass in the Log Chapel





Lucien Steil (Architecture)

JoAnn DellaNeva (French)

Vittorio Montemaggi (Romance Languages and Literatures)

Bridging architecture, psychology, and

Students in “The Life and Times of Henry

In Fischer Hall (London) for the fall

law, this team-taught course included a fall

VIII” traveled to London during fall break

semester, Montemaggi and his students

break experience of “the best, most efficient,

to bring their course readings to life. Filling

focused on the relationship between Judaism

and most humane detention facilities of

their time “non-stop with all things Tudor,”

and Christianity as seen through the literary

the world.” Students spoke with German

students visited Hampton Court Palace as

lens of the Bible, Shakespeare, and Italian

officials in charge of prison and probation

well as Lambeth Palace, Westminster Abbey,

author Primo Levi. Three weekend trips

policies and juvenile detention centers. In

the Tower of London with its historic graffiti,

during the semester took students to Rome,

Berlin, Neustrelitz, and Potsdam, they were

the London Charterhouse, Tyburn Convent,

Venice, and Auschwitz — all settings deeply

exposed to design elements that informed

Hever Castle, Portsmouth, and Windsor

linked to the course’s readings.

their proposals to the DePaul Academy and

Castle, where Henry VIII lies buried.

and Anré Venter (Psychology)

Juvenile Justice Center in South Bend.

This course was the first time I have felt so completely and truly immersed in the subject matter, and that has helped me to learn and to understand history in a new and very exciting way. Lia Rocchino, ’19 (Tudor History and Literature) 8

EXPLORING ASYLUM IN AUSTRIA Clemens Sedmak and Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee (Keough School of Global Affairs) During spring break, students traveled to Salzburg, Seekirchen, and Bad Ischl in upper Austria to immerse themselves in the issues and practices related both to European migration and Catholic social teaching. When the students returned to Notre Dame, they developed policy proposals which were communicated to government officials and social work professionals in Austria.



Qingyuan Jiang

Megan Leigh Welton

Erica Machulak

J.J. Wright

Jiang is challenging the

Was the power of Europe’s

Scholarly culture in late medieval

A musicologist and Grammy

historiography of modern English

queens understood in the

England was restricted to those

award-winning composer, Wright

literature by focusing on what he

same terms as that of its kings?

fluent in Latin, so the extent to

spent the year in Rome examining

calls “extraordinarily plentiful”

Welton shows that some current

which common people could be

the music of Giovanni Anerio

modernist writing about sacred

historiographical concepts, such

exposed to new ideas in books

(d. 1630) in the Chiesa Nuova, the

spaces. His dissertation, “Living

as “agency,” are anachronistic.

from around the world was limited.

very church where Anerio worked.

the Hierophany,” shows how and

A comparative study of tenth-

And yet, Arabic and Aristotelian

There, Wright wrote his final

why writers like Lawrence, Joyce,

century Europe shows instead that

ideas did find a way into popular

composition toward the doctor of

Forster, and Beckett imagined and

queenly power was understood as

literature during this period.

musical arts degree: an oratorio

represented such spaces. Jiang thus

“virtuous action, or virtus,” which

Machulak traces the circulation

that took Anerio’s madrigals as

brings religion into the study of

medieval Europeans expected

of such sources outside scholarly

a model but set the words in a

literary modernism.

from kings and queens alike.

circles and shows how they

new harmonic language. The

stimulated broader conversations

performance of Wright’s final piece

about what counted as authority

in the Chiesa Nuova was sponsored

and knowledge.

by Notre Dame and the Pontificio

Ph.D. in Literature

Ph.D. in Medieval Studies

Qingyuan Jiang and Megan Leigh Welton received Paul G. Tobin Dissertation Fellowships while Erica Machulak and J.J. Wright were awarded Dominica and Frank Annese Fellowships in Graduate Studies.


Ph.D. in English

DMA in Sacred Music

Istituto di Musica Sacra.

PHILOSOPHY, POETRY, AND THE COMMON GOOD Graduate Student Conferences Organized entirely by graduate

philosophy in poetry. Organized

institutions. Organized by

students with staff and financial

by John Izzo (M.A. candidate,

Mark Hoipkemier and Robert

support, graduate conferences

Classics), the conference

Wyllie (Ph.D. candidates in

have been a powerful means of

included keynote addresses by

Political Science), the conference

professionalizing young scholars

Elizabeth Asmis (University

featured keynote addresses by

and connecting them to an

of Chicago), David O’Connor

Alasdair MacIntyre (Notre Dame),

international network of future

(Notre Dame), and Richard Janko

Jean-Luc Marion (University


(University of Michigan).

of Chicago and the Sorbonne),



October 7-8, 2016

March 26-28, 2017

With the Department of

The Institute sponsored a

Classics, the Workshop in

multi-disciplinary conference

Ancient Philosophy, and the

devoted to specific conceptions

Program of Liberal Studies, the

of the common good and feasible

Institute was the lead sponsor

applications of them. Participants

of a conference exploring the

came from the University of

relationship between philosophy

Oxford, Yale University, the

and poetry from the Pre-Socratics

University of Aberdeen, Duke

to Boethius. Participants examined

University, Indiana University,

a range of uses, abuses, doctrines,

Heiligenkreuz Abbey in Austria,

purposes, and implementations

Notre Dame, and many other

of poetry in philosophy and

domestic and international

Jean Porter (Notre Dame), and Emilie Tardivel-Schick (Institut Catholique de Paris). The Institute also contributed to symposia and workshops that included students in European studies: The Quest for Consonance: Theology and the Natural Sciences; Reenchanting the Literary Imagination; Cityscapes in Transformation in Italian Literature and Cinema; and the Vagantes Conference on Medieval Studies.


LEADING A GLOBAL CULTURE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE AT CERN The Nanovic Forum with Rolf-Dieter Heuer This year, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, director-general of CERN from

projects at CERN with graduate students in physics. He also met with

2009-15 and the current president of the German Physical Society,

young artists such as Justin Trupiano, an MFA candidate who created

joined the Nanovic Forum at Notre Dame to discuss the innovative

an image of the cosmic microwave background mapped onto a sphere

culture of cutting-edge science.

and presented it to Dr. Heuer as the Institute’s official gift.

During his tenure at CERN, Heuer supervised the start-up of the Large

During his visit, Dr. Heuer met university officials, spoke at length

Hadron Collider experiments that led its global team of scientists to

with faculty in the High Energy Elementary Particle Physics group,

confirm the existence of the Higgs boson in 2013. Experimental proof

and toured Notre Dame’s Center for Nano Science and Technology,

of the boson’s existence provided crucial support for the Standard Model

its Energy Center, and three nuclear accelerators in Nieuwland Hall.

theory of fundamental forces in the known universe.

He was pleased to learn that Notre Dame is home to the oldest

Behind the scenes, Heuer persuaded world governments and institutions to support a unique global culture of research at CERN. It was Heuer who inaugurated Arts@CERN, a program to promote dialogue between artists and physicists and thereby cultivate fresh thinking and creativity.

United States and was particularly impressed by the extensive hands-on experience students have with the equipment, which he thought would bode well for the global culture of science in the future.

Notre Dame Professor Michael Hildreth (Physics), a key collaborator

The Nanovic Institute established the Nanovic Forum through the

with the Institute, noted that Heuer’s directorship was marked not only

generosity of Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic. The Forum’s goal is

by spectacular scientific discoveries but, “equally important, a new era of

to deepen Notre Dame’s rich tradition of connections to Europe by

engagement between science, the arts, and humanities.”

bringing prominent figures to campus in a wide range of fields to

Sharing what Heuer describes as “a deep-seated conviction that art and science form two aspects of a single culture,” the Institute invited Heuer


continuously-operating nuclear accelerator lab at any university in the

explore, discuss, and debate the most pressing questions about Europe today.

to Notre Dame to present a public lecture in Jordan Hall, engage young

More information on this visit and a video of past Forum lectures is

scholars in the history and philosophy of science, and discuss current

available at nanovic.nd.edu/forum.


LITERARY FORM AFTER DICTATORSHIP The 2016 Laura Shannon Prize The 2016 Laura Shannon Prize in Contemporary European Studies was awarded to Birth Certificate: The Story of Danilo Kiš, by Mark Thompson. Published by Cornell University Press, Thompson’s work is an eloquent and innovative biography of a major writer whose remarkable writings are just beginning to be translated into English. The jury’s praise for both Kiš and Thompson was effusive: Impressive, eccentric, at times controversial, Danilo Kiš (1935-1989) belonged to many cultures and traditions and is best-known for his playfulness with literary form. What is remarkable about Thompson’s biography is how skillfully it relates literary significance to shifts in the history of central Europe while being a formal tour de force itself, combining journal fragments, photographs, and interviews with Thompson’s own beautifully-written prose. Mark Thompson currently holds a position as Reader in

Carrying a cash prize of $10,000, the Laura Shannon Prize is awarded

Modern History at the University of East Anglia (U.K.). His

annually to the author of the best book in European studies that

career has included various positions in the United Nations,

transcends a focus on any one country, state, or people to stimulate new

civil society organizations, and journalism. At Notre Dame,

ways of thinking about contemporary Europe as a whole.

Thompson delivered a live-streamed public lecture entitled “Socrates in Bosnia,” shared meals with undergraduate and graduate students in History, and engaged Nanovic faculty fellows in a variety of settings. 14

Author Mark Thompson with his wife Dr. Sanja Thompson and Director A. James McAdams

For more information and an archive of past lectures, please visit nanovic.nd.edu/prize.


McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy Emeritus University of Notre Dame

John Hare

Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology Yale Divinity School

Anne Lake Prescott

Helen Goodhart Altschul Professor of English Emerita Columbia University

Ingrid Rowland

Professor of Architecture University of Notre Dame

Roger Scruton

Philosopher Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, D.C.

Nobody did more to prove that Europe’s twentiethcentury experiments in fiction can take the measure of its experiments in totalitarianism, without curbing the liberties of the one or blurring the crimes of the other. Mark Thompson

nanovic.nd.edu/prize 15

RELIGION, GEOGRAPHY, MOVEMENT, REVOLUTION, INTEGRATION Research Themes for a Changing World RELIGION & SECULARISM Emilia Justyna Powell (Political Science) received funding to study the relationship between Islamic and European Union law in

economic, ethnic, and religious

construction of ‘bioarchitecture’ in

range of Austrian organizations.

lines in England. Adrian Reimers

Cesenatico, Italy.

Sedmak’s research was combined

(Philosophy) received funding


with his supervision of a group of

in support of his new book project on religion and society in contemporary Poland.

Anton Juan (Theatre) received funding to support his

Notre Dame students interested in the same topic (see page 9).



collaboration with former visiting Max Kade Professor

the University of Copenhagen

David Mayernik (Architecture)

Katie Jarvis (History) received

Frank Wolff (University of

Centre for International Courts.

has been writing a new monograph

grant support to complete archival

Osnabrück) on the migration

Dennis Doordan (Architecture

entitled Patterns of Integration:

research in Paris that forms the

regime currently in place in

Diverse Politics and Unified

and Design) spent part of the

basis of her book, Politics in the

Germany and across Europe.

Design in the Northern European

summer in the U.K., conducting

Marketplace: Work, Gender, and

Maurizio Albahari (Anthropology)

research toward his new book, The

Baroque City with the Institute’s

Citizenship in Revolutionary France.

traveled to Wolfsburg, Germany,

Saint Dominic’s Press 1916-1936:

support. His research will also

Jarvis focuses on places like the

to investigate how different

A Catholic Contribution to English

become part of a Handbook

Dames des Halles as microcosms

communities of migrants viewed

Modern Culture. Mark Doerries

of the Baroque, forthcoming

of political and cultural forces

each other. Clemens Sedmak

(Sacred Music) explored how

from Oxford University Press.

at work in French society.

(Keough School) received funding

the cathedrals of Leeds and

Margaret Meserve (History)

Lucien Steil (Architecture) traveled

to investigate the situation of

Westminster cultivate the highest

received funding in support of her

with Institute support to study

asylum seekers across Austria with

level of cooperative musical

project on how popes, their curial

the latest political and regulatory

a view toward making specific

literacy among children across

staffs, and humanists in their orbit

environment governing the

policy recommendations to a

used the new medium of print

Denmark, where she interviewed scholars and professionals at

(ca. 1470) to advance their goals.




Semion Lyandres (History) received funding in support


of his collaboration with Pavel Tribunskii at Moscow’s

The fifth Academic Symposium on International Marketing Ethics and Corporate

Research Library and Archive for the Study of Russia

Social Responsibility was held at Notre Dame on April 2-4, 2017. It was organized by

Abroad. Lyandres and his collaborator are in the process

faculty fellow Patrick E. Murphy (Marketing). Thirty-three participants from Croatia,

of completing their book project on the history of Russia’s

France, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, and the U.K. gave presentations over seven

February 1917 Revolution. The project comes out of

sessions. The collegial atmosphere, quality of presentations and discussions as well as

close examination of a massive collection of unpublished

the networking of like-minded researchers were hallmarks of the event, funding for

interviews currently housed in Special Collections at Notre

which was supplemented by the Mendoza College of Business.


Following great presentations from different perspectives inspired me and opened my mind to some of the themes that are under-explored in my own country. The event was also a great place to meet amazing people and remarkable scientists from different prestigious universities, and also to share some thoughts and common problems with the participants from other post-communist countries like Poland and Ukraine. Jasna Ćurković Nimac (Catholic University of Croatia) Participant, Marketing Ethics and Corporate Responsibility 17

A WORLD CULTURE OF SCHOLARSHIP Sponsored Symposia and Workshops Organized by faculty fellow Romana Huk (English) in Fischer

Challenging a similar nation-centered narrowness, another workshop,

Hall (London), scholars from Notre Dame and the University of

“Theatre and Politics in the Early Modern Age,” focused on the

Cambridge discussed ongoing research related to the articulation of

spread of theatrical culture across early modern Europe and explored

divine grace. At the Rome Global Gateway, the Institute sponsored

how politics, art, diplomacy, and espionage were intertwined in

a conference entitled “Primacy of Relationship and the Challenge of

ways that shaped identities across imperial and national borders. The

the Migrant,” which featured Archbishop Silvano Maria Tomasi,

international group of scholars was organized by Francesco Cotticelli,

Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of Migrants

Professor of Theatre Studies at Università degli Studi della Campania

and Itinerant Peoples. Organized by Peter Casarella (Theology),

‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ and Distinguished Visiting Italian Fulbright Scholar

the conference was co-sponsored by the Kellogg Institute for

at Notre Dame, and was co-sponsored by Italian Studies at Notre

International Studies. Also in Rome, the Institute supported

Dame and the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre. An

discussions in the philosophy of ecology at “Metaphysical Aspects

additional round table “On the History of the French Revolution,”

of Nature: Thomistic and Contemporary Perspectives,” a conference

led by faculty fellow Katie Jarvis (History), included participants

with the Pontifical University of Santa Croce.

from American universities who discussed the latest questions and

A faculty workshop, “Citizens and the State in Authoritarian

methods in the historiography of the French Revolution.

Regimes,” focused on the challenge of authoritarianism in China

In early summer, a workshop on “Music and the Middlebrow”

and Russia. Since much of the scholarship in this area has examined

organized by faculty fellow Christopher Chowrimootoo (Program of

each regime in isolation, the workshop brought scholars together

Liberal Studies) was held in Fischer Hall (London) to examine how

to compare how both regimes define their publics and engage their

the category of “middlebrow” in literary studies challenges similar

citizens in the public sphere. Organized by Karrie Koesel (Political

distinctions held by musicologists.

Science), the workshop was co-sponsored with the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, the Liu Institute for Asia and Asian Studies, and the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts.

A conference on “Early Modern British and Irish Catholicism” was also held in London and jointly hosted by Durham University and Notre Dame. This year, the focus of the meeting was on religious orders and British and Irish Catholicism. The group was organized by


2-4 JULY 2017



An international and interdisciplinary colloquium in memory of anthropologist Professor Sir Jack Goody jointly convened by the University of Notre Dame with St John’s College, University of Cambridge.

Nanovic Fellow Karrie Koesel addresses “Citizens and the State in Authoritarian Regimes”

John McNeill, R. Bin Wong, Aziz Al-Azmeh, and Ian Morris at “Eurocentrism: Retrospect and Prospects” in London.

faculty fellows Brad Gregory (History), Susannah Monta (English),

eurocentrism, heard views from both east and west, evaluated critics

and James Kelly (University of Durham). In July, the Institute also

and their critiques, and came to a deeper appreciation of Goody’s

provided conference support to “Slave Narratives in British and

work. They then paused to question whether a consensus about

French America, 1700-1848,” organized by Sophie White (Africana

eurocentrism had been reached and proceeded to consider new areas


of debate, including whether a new consensus about ‘big’ and ‘deep’


history could be realized. The symposium was split between meetings

Convened by faculty fellow Felipe Fernández-Armesto (History) and St John’s College at the University of Cambridge, an international group of global historians reassessed the idea and practice of eurocentrism in the writing of world history. Held in memory of anthropologist Sir Jack Goody, whose scholarship did much

in London and Cambridge, and featured a special luncheon and exhibit at the Athenaeum, Pall Mall, London. Supported in part by the Henkels Lecture Series in the College of Arts & Letters, the conference was a rousing success. Proceedings are expected to be published in The Journal of Global History.

to stimulate scholarly interest outside the eurocentric lens, the

For more information about this colloquium and its participants, see

group considered the origins, ascent, and institutionalization of



BEYOND THE AGE OF SCREENS Bridging Cultures in Film, Music, and Theatre When students put down their mobile phones,

The Institute’s annual film selections were

Paloma, a stage play she has produced in

take a plunge into a living culture, and

vivifying in the same way, bringing viewers into

partnership with veteran director Alan Freeman

participate in the process of cultivating that

sympathy with the trauma of the Holocaust

(Occidental College). The story dramatizes the

culture, at least two things tend to happen.

and the interior mysteries of post-war Poland.

relationship between a Catholic woman and a

The series also explored the social dislocations

Muslim man, and follows how a young Jewish

of eastern Germany before and after the

attorney becomes involved in their troubles.

Berlin Wall with filmmaker Ellin Hare. With

In October, García-Romero and Freeman

Michael Carroll ’68, the campus was exposed

staged a reading of the play with professional

to the quiet, determined heroism of orphanage

actors in the Philbin Studio Theatre before

caregivers in Romania after the Ceauşescu

an audience of over seventy members of the

dictatorship. Students in history also watched

Notre Dame community, including graduate

an extraordinarily accurate and tragic rendering

and undergraduate students. The project was

of rural Russia during the Stalinist era by

undertaken in partnership with the Kroc

filmmaker Andrei Smirnov.

Institute for International Peace Studies and the

First, students find the experience thrilling. Second, they become aware of the importance of details that escape their preconceptions and exist apart from their preferences. Intimacy with such details invites students to move out of their comfort zones, notions, and habits of perception. In the new playing field, so to speak, they develop and integrate skills that are ‘cultural’ in the best sense of the word. This year, students of Spanish literary culture, led by the irrepressible Anton Juan (Theatre) and Tatiana Botero (Spanish), participated in a literary-musical collaboration between renowned flamenco artist Jorge Pardo (Spain) and the Juanito Pascual Trio (USA). Students learned to count flamenco rhythms and to understand


By creating these kinds of experiences, the

Department of Film, Television, and Theatre.

Institute seeks to cultivate new generations of students whose intimacy with unique cultures will make it impossible for them to feel unrelated to them or oblivious to their disappearance into a monoculture.

its characteristic gestures, and then participate


in an impromptu live performance of works by

Faculty fellow Anne García-Romero (Theatre)

Gabriel García Lorca accompanied by Pardo,

has received sustained Institute support for

Pascual, and their superb bandmates.

the researching, writing, and rehearsing of

The disappearance of a culture can be just as serious, or even more serious, than the disappearance of a species of plant or animal. Pope Francis Laudato Si, §145

Ellin Hare (top) and Michael Carroll ’68 (middle) engage film audiences Students of Anton Juan and Tatiana Botero perform with Jorge Pardo and the Juanito Pascual Trio

FINDING A PLACE IN THE WORLD The Lasting, Transformative Impact of Undergraduate Research Underscoring its continuing commitment to

early: Smith was one of two recipients of a travel

Dame. So when Cornelius McGrath ’17, a

students, the Institute welcomed Chris Stump

and research grant for first-year students in

recipient of multiple Institute grants, published

as student coordinator. Chris has brought a

2015. This summer, her award-winning proposal

the results of his interviews with European

Master’s level background in liberal studies,

took her to Berlin to study Nazi policies toward

entrepreneurs in the FT in May, people around

an undergraduate degree in mathematics, and

the weak, elderly, and disabled, and the reaction

the world took notice. Starting his research

extensive international travel experience to the

to these policies by the wider community at that

path at Nanovic in 2015, McGrath credits the

role. Her energy has been infectious. Chris


Institute’s support as a critical component of his

shared, “It has been a joy to meet students preparing to work in Europe. They bring

The J. Robert Wegs Prize, named after the


founding director of the Institute, was awarded


to Maria Camila Rolón Montaño ’17, a finance

In addition to underwriting multiple internships

major. Montaño received the award for the

in Dublin and Rome, the Institute supported

best capstone essay in the Minor in European

This year, the rewards of excellence have been

three internships in Paris with a long-time

Studies, writing a political history of the Front

numerous. The R. Stephen and Ruth Barrett

friend, retired Colonel Peter Herrly (U.S.

National in France. She was advised by faculty

Family Grant for the Best Undergraduate

Army). Connor Bagwell ’17, a double major in

fellow Thomas Kselman (History).

Finance and Physics, worked with Col. Herrly

overflowing enthusiasm for their topics and a willingness to work hard to achieve their academic and professional goals.”

Summer Research Proposal was awarded to Kelly Smith ’18 for her proposal to conduct archival research in Berlin. Her research started

Placing an op-ed in The Financial Times of London would be a coup for any scholar or think tank, let alone an undergraduate at Notre

on multiple projects related to international security. Moira Hamilton ’17 assisted him on a creative project with Blue Line Films. Alexandra Fedynsky ’17, a triple major in Anthropology, French, and Spanish, worked with Col. Herrly to organize a professional development conference for a global group of international security professionals.

Chris Stump


Cornelius McGrath

Thomas Kselman, Maria Camila Rolón Montaño, Joyce Wegs, and Alison Wegs Abner

NATIONAL AWARDS Notre Dame students are no strangers to national awards for research and teaching. A growing percentage of those receiving national awards previously received Nanovic grants for research, internships, or language acquisition. Rhodes Scholar Alexis Doyle Doyle received a travel and research grant for her proposal, Is Patient-Centered Care Lost in Socialized Medicine?, in England and Spain during spring break 2016. Boren Scholarship in Arab and Peace Studies Theresa Rinaldo U.S.-U.K. Fulbright Commission

(Clockwise) Alexis Doyle, Kelly Smith, and Connor Bagwell with General Milley

Summer Institute Benjamin Fouch and Jacqueline Wilson U.S. Fulbright Program Sara Abdel-Rahim, Daniel Barabasi, Luke Donahue, Stephen Long, Matthew O’Neill, Madeline Hahn, Grace Maginn, Peter Stankiewicz, and Dolores Varga

STUDENT GRANTS This year, the Institute received 241 student grant proposals and funded 172 awards (71%) to twenty-six countries.

Under Colonel Herrly’s direction, I had privileged access to more world leaders than any junior in college would normally be allowed and owe an exceptional amount to him for my development as a cadet and as a citizen. Connor Bagwell ’17

HOPE FOR NEW GENERATIONS The History of Education in Central and Eastern Europe On May 12-13, 2017, scholars, students, government officials, and

Ivo Banac and Dijana Vican; the Institute’s advisory board member,

distinguished guests of the Catholic University Partnership (CUP)

Peter Šťastný, who is a past member of the European Parliament;

gathered in Zagreb to discuss “Hope in the Future: The Experiences

younger European faculty from related disciplines; and former

of Youth Under Communism, the Transition to Democracy, and the

visiting scholars to the Institute.


The benefit of this conference is better networking for all of us from Catholic universities, which will be conducive to greater cooperation in the fields of education, science, and research.

Held at the Catholic University of Croatia and generously hosted by its rector and staff, the two-day conference featured a series of reflections on what it has been like for young Europeans to be educated during different political regimes in central Europe. Participants included Dr. Vyacheslav Bryukhovetskyy, a leading figure in Ukraine’s post-communist history; advisors from Croatia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Science and Education; rectors from universities in Zagreb, Zadar, Lviv, and the new Catholic University of Georgia in Tbilisi; senior scholars such as


Reverend Dr. Željko Tanjić Rector, Catholic University of Croatia The conference was widely covered by Croatian television. The video, program, and a full list of participants and their institutions can be found at nanovic.nd.edu/zagreb.



In July, the Institute expanded its support of Catholic higher education

the Mendoza College of Business in strategic planning, organizational

in Europe by sponsoring a week-long Catholic Leadership Institute for

evaluation, change management, philanthropy, and other issues. Notre

administrators from Catholic universities in post-communist Croatia,

Dame leaders including Reverend William M. Lies, C.S.C., Vice

Georgia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. The program, which

President for Mission Engagement and Church Affairs; Christine Maziar,

the Institute hopes to continue, is designed to provide practical skills to

Vice President and Senior Associate Provost; and Mark Roche, former

academics who have assumed leadership and administrative roles in their

dean of the College of Arts and Letters, provided advice and engaged in


discussions. In addition, a past chair of the Nanovic Institute’s advisory

From sixty-seven highly-competitive applications from its partner universities, the Institute accepted seventeen rectors, deans, and other rising leaders. Participants received a week of intensive training from 26

board, Steve Barrett, moderated the week’s events and wove the lessons into practical action. Participants departed campus with action plans, a renewed network of contacts, and refreshed energy after a week of reflection on their roles.

VISITING SCHOLARS Carolyn Woo, former dean of the Mendoza College of Business, addresses the Leadership Institute. Priests from Croatia, Poland, and Slovakia celebrated Mass daily in McGlinn Hall.

Enriching the Next Generation of Scholars Since 2002, the Nanovic Institute has brought the brightest young faculty from its university partners in Europe for extended research during the academic year and short research leaves during the summer. These experiences have been transformative as these young scholars publish their way toward positions of academic leadership in their home institutions. This year, the Institute hosted eight scholars: Marcela Andoková

Comenius University of Bratislava, Slovakia

Vera Benczik

Core Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Piotr Bolibok

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

The program engaged us all in looking for similarities among differences, empowered us to see behind the obvious, and equipped us with tools to make things happen. Magdalena Charzyńska-Wójcik Dean of the Faculty of Humanities The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Francesco Cotticelli

Distinguished Visiting Italian Fulbright Scholar from Università degli Studi della Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’

Ivan Koniar

Catholic University of Ružomberok, Slovakia

Károly Pintér

Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary

Oleh Yaskiv

Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine A full list of the Institute’s visiting scholars can be found at nanovic.nd.edu/scholars.

THE BIG MOVE From the Brownson Annex to Nanovic Hall On July 24, 2017, the Nanovic Institute moved to its new home in Nanovic Hall. Located prominently on Notre Dame Avenue, Nanovic Hall is at the heart of the university’s new center for the study and practice of global affairs. With a front door that opens onto a spectacular central atrium, the Institute occupies an ideal position, alongside other institutes, departments, and the Keough School of Global Affairs, from which to make significant contributions to the international life of the university. In 1855, Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., designed Brownson Hall to keep pace with the university’s national ambitions. To locals, Brownson Hall and its Annex were known as “the French Quarter,” which housed an incongruous variety of units from the university over the years. Its courtyard contains a large, recentlyunearthed cache of Bordeaux-style wine bottles and glass mineral water bottles from Luxembourg. The Institute has enjoyed its participation in the colorful history of this oldest part of Notre Dame’s campus, but the time has arrived for it

The Nanovic Institute has been housed in the Annex (inside, to the right of the gate) since 2002.

to enter a new phase of history and development. Now, located on the first floor of Nanovic Hall, the Institute has significantly

In the future, Brownson Annex will house the Institute

expanded its previous space. In place of a small lounge, it now has a versatile

for Educational Initiatives under the leadership of

commons room; the administrative suite has room for program growth; and a

Rev. Timothy R. Scully, C.S.C. The future of Nanovic

well-integrated scholars suite more than doubles the number of available offices

Hall, with its own flagship institute on the first floor, will

for visiting European scholars. Best of all, the Institute now has its own dedicated

forever be associated with the vision, generosity, and faith of

and state-of-the-art seminar room that can seat up to sixty people and be divided

Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic.

so that it can be shared with other units in the Keough School.


Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic with Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., at the ground-breaking ceremony

Members of the Nanovic Institute staff served coffee and donuts to tradesmen as the building progressed

The Nanovic Institute in Nanovic Hall





A. James McAdams

Tobias Boes

Roger Alford

William M. Scholl Professor of International Affairs

German Julia Douthwaite

Law School and Keough School of Global Affairs



Alexander Beihammer

Jane Heiden

Chair Dominica Annese

Margot Fassler


Sacred Music and Theology

Leonardo Francalanci

Barry McCrea

Catalan and Spanish


Perin Gurel

Pierpaolo Polzonetti

American Studies

Susan Hatfield

Liberal Studies

Katie Jarvis

James J. Hummer

Emilia Justyna Powell


Anne Hurst Nanovic

Political Science

Alexander Jech

Terrence R. Keeley

Robin Rhodes


Art History

Daniel Johnson

R. Stephen Barrett, Jr.

Paul L. Mahoney

Alison Rice

Hesburgh Libraries


John Liberatore

Rob Nanovic


Adrian Reimers

Robert Nanovic

Anthony Monta

Patrick Moran Elizabeth Nanovic

Susan Nanovic Flannery Sean M. Reilly Peter Šťastný

Associate Director

Philosophy Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee

Manager of Operations

Keough School of Global Affairs and Kellogg Institute

Monica Caro Sharon Konopka

Elyse Speaks

Laura Shannon

Business Associate

Art History

Paul Tobin

Jennifer Lechtanski

Warren von Eschenbach

Kristine Nugent

Communications Specialist

Recent Alumni Representative

Chris Stump

Notre Dame International and Philosophy

Student Coordinator Melanie Webb

Events Program Manager



PHOTOGRAPHY John Cairns London

Matt Cashore

University of Notre Dame

Barbara Johnston

University of Notre Dame

Peter Ringenberg South Bend

Steve Toepp

Midwest Photographics

Fellows, staff, students, and visiting scholars Nanovic Institute

Mstyslav Chernov

Wikimedia CC-SA-2.0

Luca Sartoni

Flickr CC-SA-3.0

FRONT COVER Notre Dame students from the College of Arts and Letters seminar “The Life and Times of Henry VIII” visit Hampton Court Palace with Nanovic Fellow JoAnn DellaNeva. In the inner court, the students sit on a re-created Tudor wine fountain with wooden statues based on the 16th-century painting “The Field of the Cloth of Gold.”

BACK COVER Details of the mosaic in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milan, Italy.

University of Notre Dame 1060 Nanovic Hall Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-7000 574-631-5253 nanovic@nd.edu

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