Social Impact Learnings while
Core Value Statement........3 Letter from our MD............4 Social Value Pillars............5 Inclusive employment........6 Sam’s Story.................7 Environmental....................8
Core Values Statement Our team has a passion for making a positive impact on our environment, community and our clients by maintaining high quality spaces where people want to live and work, we become a valuable asset in helping our community to thrive. Our goal is to provide the best possible methodology, products and service, whilst contributing to the communities as an inclusive employer and using sustainable working methods and products to create happy, healthy places.
Note from our MD As the UK looks to return to some normality and the world continues to tackle the virus, 2020 proved to be a difficult year for a vast amount of people. With the emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness we are more reliant on the cleaning industry to keep us safe as possible. Here at Nanogreen 2020 / 2021 has showed us our strength as a business. Being proactive to the demands of the pandemic we have also been able to be reactive to meet serious demands and emergency calls to deal with Covid sanitising and deep cleaning. Our team expanded during the pandemic to enable us to assist our clients with their needs. We have also been able to continue our work with our most vulnerable in our community, being able to offer furthest from employment opportunities to get back into the workplace, along with our continued drive towards a greener world. As our journey continues throughout 2021 our aim is to continue our growth and seek new opportunities. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank our staff for all the hard work and commitment they have shown through these difficult times, for their continued support in our ambitious mission to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.
Craig Duff Managing Director
Social Value Pillars
Our greatest company strength is our actionable and demonstratable change in our social work. Our attitude to inclusivity in the workforce connects communities, open opportunities and give new meaning to the lives of those furthest from employment.
We work closely and collaboratively with trusted partners in our communities such as the Richmond Fellowship and Building Bridges, to offer employment opportunities. We have always worked to engage and support our staff to have a positive impact on our environmental footprint of our business this includes our most recent commitment to reduce our carbon footprint by 10% in 2021. In 2018 we started tracking the positive impacts our employment policies were having within our communities. In the following pages we’ve outlined the results of the actions we have taken and how this has impacted our communities.
Inclusive Employment £267,420 is the total Social impact Value of Nanogreen in 2020
£154,278 The amount of money that has been redirected back to the NHS through relief of Anxiety, Depression or Addiction due to job security
1 in 5 Employees were homeless, recovering from addiction, or returning to work after mental illness
We are proud to report with confidence our commitment to supporting employment within our community; ensuring inclusivity and opportunity regardless of history, experience, or financial standing. We committed to 1 in 5 of our employees being employed from the category of "furthest from employment" or disadvantaged backgrounds. In 2020 we accomplished this thanks to our partners at Building Bridges and the Richmond Fellowship. Having put in place a social impact calculator in 2019, we have consistently measured our impact and we are pleased to see that in 2020, job security has a direct financial equivalence for the NHS and social services of £154,000 which is an increase of 20% from 2019. During the pandemic, we have been able to secure further work protecting 100% of our employee's jobs and creating further opportunities for employment.
Working with Richmond Fellowship “In January 2020 I was admitted to hospital due to my Bipolar. With this & the Covid pandemic, things have been tough but by June I was able to start thinking of work again and understand myself better. My CPN worker spoke about the Richmond Fellowship IPS service and I was eager to do it and soon met my IPS Employment Specialist where we job searched & applied for part-time Permitted Work together. I had ideas of working in retail, theatres, and school support roles, all sorts. I was doing so well that I no longer needed the support from the CMHT Health Team and was discharged accordingly knowing I had continued support from the Richmond Fellowship IPS service. With the support of my IPS Employment Specialist, I reviewed the pros & cons of sharing my personal circumstances with an employer during job search stages and I decided to give my permission for her to disclose my circumstances to potential employers. My employment specialist fed back details of her employee engagement activities with me in mind, and I was introduced to Nanogreen Cleaning as a potential supportive employer that can help me in my return to paid employment. We updated the CV for this firm, and we all met up for an informal interview at the IPS community office where I met Craig Duff & Chris. This cleaning business is much more than a simple cleaning firm; their core values are very inclusive & community-spirited in that they help those the furthest away from employment into work while adhering to being eco-friendly and sustainable. They were so down to earth and made me feel very comfortable showing they understood a lot about mental health, and we had an open conversation about why I was out of work, the barriers I face and my reasons for wanting to work with them. They were good at answering my questions and were happy to offer me a lift to work as an introduction to the cleaning site. They agreed to a paid Work Trial which went very well, and I now work for them on a part-time basis working on my own cleaning warehouse offices. I was looking for a purpose and structure to my week but with a very supportive employer and I am so pleased to have found that with Nanogreen and for continued In-Work support from Richmond Fellowship IPS service.” Sam – Cleaning Operative
Environmental Nearly 100% of our commercial cleaning products are environmentally friendly and biodegradable
In 2020 we further reduced our single plastic waste by 40%
CO2 offset 6.87 tons
At Nanogreen, we have always worked to manage and reduce the negative impacts our business has on our environment. 2020 was an exciting year for us in this space. We changed the supplier of our cleaning products which means we have further replaced chemical cleaners with enzyme and biological cleaning properties; this leaves us with 10% of our cleaning products using traditional chemical-based properties due to necessity. Our single-use plastic was further reduced by 40% due to more ethical sourcing i.e. Sustainable Sugar Cane Plastic, 5litre cleaning products now reduced to 1-litre products lasting 4 times as long due to better product management. At Nanogreen we have started planting trees to offset the carbon that happens as part of our business model. We have pledged in 2021 to further reduce our carbon impact by 10% We have offset 6.87 tons of CO2 which is 11.64% of our CO2 usage in 2020
Nano Green Cleaning Limited Registered no. 09111812 Registered Office Unit 5 Pagoda, Westmead Industrial Estate, Swindon SN5 7UN Telephone 01793 700277