PGME Dental Newsletter - August 2022

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Dental CPD Foundation Dental A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 | I S S U E 9 Hello PGME (Post Graduate Medical Education) - our new name! Dental CPD course list for 2022/23 Technical Skills Lab at NNUHhands on dental resources for CPD and DFT courses. Dental Foundation Training at PGME interview with Training Programme Director Suzanne Plummer. Dental CPD Survey Contact/follow us This issue:

NEW NAME We are excited to announce the launch of our new organisational name: PGME (Postgraduate Medical Education) at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (previously NANIME). Here at PGME we aim to aspire to the highest standards of clinical practice and professional excellence by providing courses and activities for Dentists and Doctors at every level. We offer an annual programme of Dental CPD for both Dentists and Dental Care Professionals, providing hands-on courses on site and virtual online training. Alongside Dental CPD courses, we deliver Dental Foundation Training annually for Norfolk and Waveney. We hope to welcome you to a course soon! Sophie Hudson Deputy Operational Manager Medical Education Neil Redpath Technical Skills Lab Manager Chris Bligh Technical Skills Lab Manager Tori Hill Medical Education Administrator MEET THE TEAM

DENTAL CPD 2022/23 Dementia, Mental Capacity and Safeguarding, 13 September 2022, 09.00-14.00 (Online Learning) Minor Oral Surgery, 29 September 2022, 09.00-17.00 (hands-on at NNUH) - FULLY BOOKED (new Oral Surgery Date below) Oral Surgery, 3 March 2023, 09.0017.00 (hands-on at NNUH) - new course! Dental Leadership Training, 8 & 9 March 2023, 09.00-17.00 (at NNUH) Paediatric Dentistry, dates/times TBC (hands-on at NNUH) - to register an interest email: Further course details are available at the end of the newsletter.

TECHNICAL SKILLS LAB The facility to use Animal tissue for surgical courses 12 KAVO phantom heads and 1 instructor KAVO phantom head A multi-screen interactive AV system Dental microscope Dental camera A Visualiser to enable the demonstration of a procedure via the AV system Loupes Dental lights Plus a wide range of consumables available The Technical Skills Lab (TSL) at NNUH is a specialised clinical teaching resource where hands-on Dental CPD courses take place. The TSL is managed by two members of staff (Neil Redpath and Chris Bligh) who provide hands on assistance prior and during courses for speakers and delegates. There are a comprehensive range of instruments and consumables available in the TSL including: skills lab

Dental Foundation Training Programme Director - Norfolk and Waveney Partner at John G Plummers and Associates Dental Surgeons. PGCert in Education and Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Leadership and Executive Management. Member of the Norfolk LDC Creator of the Happy Smiles Club promoting Oral Health awareness in parents and children.

Hands on practical sessions are run at the Technical Skills Laboratory at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and include: oral surgery, endodontics, composites, amalgam, removable prosthodontics, paedodontics and endodontics. Virtual study days are run in small groups and develop essential tools for a GDP : NHS rules and regulations, medico legal topics, health and safety, dental emergencies, pain and anxiety, audit and public health.

The foundation dentists (FDs) gain a huge amount of clinical experience working 5 days a week in primary care NHS dental practices. They also attend 25 study days covering all aspects of the dental foundation training curriculum. These will aim to not only improve clinical abilities acquired at university but introduce new techniques. There are also study days designed to improve leadership and management skills essential for primary care.


Dental Foundation Training is thriving in Norfolk and Waveney. This September we welcome another 13 recently qualified dentists to the area. These young dentists work in approved training practices that have been selected not only for their great facilities and customer service but have been identified as supportive and nurturing environments.

The aim of the program is to plot the pathway from “safe beginner” to “independent practitioner”. Progress is recorded on an online e-portfolio and assessed at the end of the year by an external review panel. Most of the FDs remain in primary care, with a few taking dental core training positions (DCTs). All FDs appreciate the support and guidance they are given by their host practices and HEE as they make the difficult transition from dental student to dental professional. My role as a the TPD for Norfolk and Waveney is to design the study day program and support the training practices and foundation dentists in their journey through the foundation year. Foundation training is very rewarding. More information on the foundational dental program in the East of England can be found on:

DENTAL FOUNDATION TRAINING The foundation dentists benefit from several peer review exercises. At key points during the year the FDs present one of three clinical cases each with an increasing complexity. They also complete a practice based clinical audit and submit four reflective writing pieces on aspects of general practice (infection control, radiology, medical emergencies and clinical communication).

BOOK YOUR PLACE: -mental-capacity-and-safeguarding DENTAL CPD 2022/23



BOOK YOUR PLACE: -leadership-training DENTAL CPD 2022/23

ContactUs: Email: Phone: 01603 286884 (ext 2884) Visit: For further course information or general enquires: Twitter: @nnuhNANIME Instagram: nanime nnuh FollowUs: Keep up to date with courses by following our social media: DentalCPDSurvey We would love to hear your feedback on the type of CPD courses you'd like to see on offer at NNUH. We want to ensure the topics we provide meet your CPD requirements and/or practice needs. We kindly ask that you complete our quick Google forms survey to help us ensure we meet your CPD needs. To complete the survey, follow the link below: COMPLETE SURVEY

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