Thiru Thiru Thuru Thuru

Page 57

56. Th e c am er a s ho w s th a t t he r o om d o or i s o p en a n d a w om an is sl e e p i n g o n t h e be d , n e x t t o a b ab y . S a r al a q u i e tl y g o e s in s id e , t a k es t he b ab y wi t h ou t t h e m o t he r ' s k n ow l e dg e an d hurries away. Arjun and Archana are confused. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? DEVA (CONT'D) «ó¾ hospital'Ä... þó¾ incident'ìÌ ¦ÃñÎ ¿¡û ÓýÉ¡Ê, ¾¡ý §À¨Ã Divya'ýÛ ¦º¡øÄ¢, nurse'¬ join Àñ½¢Â¢Õ측... ºÁÂõ À¡òÐ «ó¾ ÌÆó¨¾Â kidnap Àñ½¢ðÎ abscond ¬Â¢ð¼¡...

They are SHOCKED . In the video, they see the mot her and father pan ick ing an d sea rch ing d esp era tel y f or th e b aby , alo ng wit h other hospital staff. DEVA (CONT'D) «ó¾ ÌÆ󨾧¡¼ «ôÀ¡ ¦Àâ businessman... þÐ ¿¼ó¾Ðì¸ôÒÈõ ¡§Ã¡ phone Àñ½¢ ´Õ ¦Àâ amount'³ ransom'¬ §¸ðÎ Õ측í¸... þÅí¸Ùõ §¸ð¼ À½ò¨¾ ÌÎ òÐðÎ ÌÆó¨¾Â ±ôÀʧ¡ Á£ðÎ Õ측í¸... ¿¡Ö ÅÕ„Á¡ §À¡Ä£Š ¡¨ÃÔõ ÒÊì¸Ä... §¸ð¼¡ ºÃ¢Â¡É leads ²Ðõ ¸¢¨¼ì¸ÄýÛ ¦º¡øÈ¡í¸... ±É즸ýɧÁ¡ hospital §ÀÕ ¦¸ðÎ ô §À¡Â¢¼ìܼ¡ÐýÛ À½ò¨¾ì ÌÎ òÐ ±í¸ ¬Ùí¸¨Ç§Â «Ó츢ð¼¡í¸ýÛ §¾¡ÏÐ... ¦º¡øÈÐ째 ±ÉìÌ §¸ÅÄÁ¡Â¢ÕìÌ... ARCHANA «ôÀ þó¾ì ÌÆó¨¾... DEVA ¸ñÊôÀ¡ «Å§Ç¡¼¾¡ þÕ측Ð.... ±í§¸Â¢Õ󧾡 ¾¢ÕÊðÎ ¾¡ý ÅóÐÕ측...

Arjun and Archana look at each other and then at baby Sona... They have a kidnapped baby in their hands...


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