How I Made My Ex Come Back to Me

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How I Made My Ex Come Back to Me By Nancy Newton It was a year ago that my ex-girlfriend walked out of my life. We had been arguing mostly over petty issues and I guess she had had enough. She said she needed time to think things through and wanted to remain just friends. Although I could see it coming, it still came as a shock to me. For the first day or two, I was so numbed I didn’t know what to feel. Then the reality set in, then the loneliness, then the regret. In my desperation, I tried to contact her again but each time we spoke over the phone, her voice seemed so distant and aloof. She kept reminding me that we were just friends. Each time I brought up the matter of ‘us’, she would just cut me off or change the subject. It was like that for an entire week. That was when a buddy of mine gave me some sound advice. No, he did not tell me to ditch my ex and look for someone new, neither did he tell me to manipulate her or give her an ultimatum to come back to me. He told me to go along with her wishes to break up. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked. I couldn’t see how that would bring her back to me. But my buddy explained the rationale behind the move. It was important to let her have her own way so that I had time to make changes and still keep the friendship. So I called my ex-girlfriend and told her I agreed that we should break up. That was the hardest thing in my life for me to do.

Click Here How I Made My Ex Come Back to Me So for the next month, my buddy and I talked about my relationship with my ex. I had to face my own faults squarely in the face and make some changes. I put some specific actions into practice consistently to remove some bad habits and replace them with good ones. At the same time, my buddy and I did some socializing to help me enlarge my circle of friends. This really helped prevent me from wallowing in self-pity over the break up. I even changed my way of dressing and got a new hairstyle. It was only after more than a month that I tried contacting my ex again. I looked for a time when she would be most receptive then I called to ask her out for a casual occasion. My intention was to make it a happy occasion to remember. We went for a dog show that happened to be on (she has this thing for Huskies) one weekend. It worked. She liked my new look, we had fun and that was what counted. Over the next 2 months, we started to meet up more frequently. But I did not bring up the past until I was certain that she had gotten over the emotional turmoil. I also wanted to show her how I had changed. When the time was right, I talked to her about the past. My buddy taught me how to speak correctly by reflecting her emotions back to her, empathizing with her and above all, taking responsibility for my wrong words and actions. When I did that, I could see that she softened up.

It took another 5 months or so before I brought up the subject about resuming our relationship. She laid down some ground rules and I said, “Sure thing!� In the end, we both got what we wanted. She got a new man and I got my ex-girlfriend back. Learn more about getting back together, get your ex wife back, winning back your ex

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