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Green Effort Campaign

Diyanah Binti Ismail Fashion department ( T1 Longchamp ) Attend for

Adopting a green lifestyle encourages everyone around you to consider environmental issues. We wouldn't have difficulties like global warming or deforestation if everyone followed a green lifestyle. But how? and what is it? Here i'll shared some of my daily and what i've done to be eco friendly person.

As we know, transportation is one of the world’s largest sources of globalwarming pollution. Public transit instead of driving. You’ll cut down on air pollution and help Reduce emissions that are contributing to the climate crisis. The best part is i can save my money instead.


Here is totebag that i used everyday to keep my prayer wear. I chose this material bacause it is Reusable bags and tougher and more resilient than single use plastics, meaning they last longer. This also means there is a lower number needing to be disposed of, which reduces the amount that end up in landfill or in our oceans, also reducing the harm to marine life or animals caused by them.

100% Cotton


This is when i chose Recycle theme on my fashion project

When clothes end up in landfills they create greenhouse gases, its helps diminish the forces that contribute to climate change. Reuse and recycle the fabric in old clothes means less resources, both monetary and environmental, are wasted in growing fiber for new ones.

Different color and material from fabric waste

Designing my own streetwear pant by using wasted material at home

Manilla Card Alluminium Foil Box

Global attitudes towards sustainability are changing slowly but surely. The following sustainable behaviors have all seen an increase since 2021 untill 2023.

Recycle Regularly

Avoid Harmful Product

Single Use Plastic

Buy Organic Products

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To conclute this sharing, Here some Eco-friendly i did as person in my daily. Theres many things we can do for save our planet. From kid, teenagers, adult also baby boomers. Better environment, Better tomorrow.

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