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Q. How do you put aside your fleshly pleasures? Or do you? ZT: It's hard to put aside my fleshly desires but I have been successful in doing it so far. A way I put aside my fleshly desires is one the fear of The Lord. Fearing God and what his punishment could be by pursuing my evil desires is scary enough to not go through with them. Also, once I play with the door of fleshly desires it gives the enemy so much leeway into my life, and that's not something I want to give the enemy. Another thing I do is just cry out to God for help. Everyone gets lonely, everyone has those moments of weakness when they want to hold someone or be held but those are the times when God wants you most. It sounds crazy but I know a couple times I felt lonely during the late hours of the night. I asked God to hold me since I couldn't hold a woman and those were some of the best sleeps I ever had. JC: BC:!Someone has got to be stronger than one another, and honestly I am not that person lol. Keeping your desires a secret never works. You must express your feelings so that both of you can pray together for strength in that weakness as soon as it comes onto you JP: I put my fleshly pleasures by staying prayed up, and if I even feel temptation coming I start praying for strength to overcome that

Q. Do you think it’s wise to date without God’s approval?

ZT: I don't think it's wise to do anything without Gods approval, especially bringing someone that is close to one’s heart and emotions. Sometimes we get so lonely we become impatient with God and jump into something that the enemy meant for evil. It's hard sometimes to wait on The Lord, but I remember that Gods timing is perfect. If I wait on The Lord, he will bless me with what he has made just for me. JC: BC:!NO! God will never tell you something wrong, and the only confirmation you need is if they aren't into God as you are or at least trying to grow with Christ JP: No it is never wise to date without God's approval because the relationship will not flourish without God being the head.

Q. Would you rather date someone in the church, or would you rather date someone in the world? ZT: Now I have a rule that I don't mess with any women in my Church it kind of distracts me from why I'm at Church. Now I don't believe in dating a woman in the world because they are in the world. Honestly I believe I haven't started a relationship with anyone in my Church because I have not been led to. I think it's more likely for a man of God to meet a woman of God in Church rather than in the world. JC: BC: My flesh would choose the world, but I know for my own good a lady in the church is best for me as long as I know she puts God before me and everything else. JP: I would rather date someone who is in church seeking God as I am so that we can be on one accord in Spirit!

Q. What’s your idea of a perfect date? ZT: My idea of a perfect date depends on the woman I'm dating and what she and I can both enjoy. I really can't say what I would do, but I would hope after the date is all said and done we are both going home thanking God for bringing one another in our lives. JC: BC: JP: My idea of a perfect date is just spending time together, nothing that requires a lot of money. 36

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