2015 04 nam matters

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Affiliated to The Institute of Advanced Motorists

Awarded for contributions to Road Safety

‘NAM MATTERS’ The ewsletter of orthamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists Group 7226 (Registered Charity No. 1107148)


April 2015



The E-newsletter of Northamptonshire Advanced motorcyclists group

www.nammc.org.uk Editor: - Dave Harrop - sec@nammc.org.uk


This time: -


Front Page


Contents Page - this one


Chairman’s Page - Thoughts of Chairman Geoff


Sec’s Notices - 2015 Renewal subscriptions are due next month


a) Recent Test Passes b) Need a mid-week observe?


Events Notice Board - what’s coming soon


Sunday Weekly Ride Destinations


Humour (?)


Bike for sale - Yamaha FJR 1300

10. & 11.

Fred’s Indian adventure


Application form to join NAM/IAM for advanced rider training


More stories of a humorous nature


A) IPSGA and all thatA.


10 top tips to passing your advanced test


Meet the newest members


NAM Contacts page

B) Clay Pigeon Shoot—book now



The Thoughts of Chairman Geoff

(This month they are the thoughts of Secretary Dave as Geoff is going through a busy, busy time at the moment.) However, you will all be pleased to know that he is fit and active again and back in the saddle. Last month he also gave some useful tips about what not to carry on your person in the event of an unexpected encounter with the tarmac—mainly any sharp objects!

Talking of which, recently there have been some legislative changes in the motoring world relating to what a driver/rider does need to carry as we progress to electronic rather than paper versions of documents. This means that our Observers can no longer perform the usual document checks with new Associates prior to providing an assessment or taster session. So IAM has come up with a major operational change as from the end of March 2015. All new purchasers of IAM courses will be given a declaration form to sign when they purchase. A tear-off portion can be retained as proof of signing. Our Observers will be given these forms to use from now on. Our Chairman also suggests that we ought to ask all current members in training to also sign one. This would be useful as our group practice is to vary individuals assigned and we will then know that everyone has made a declaration and is legal to ride. One will be needed for taking the test and other assessments anyway. Significantly, if anyone refuses to sign a declaration we are not obliged to take them out. If you have any questions or require more information members can contact IAM Support on 0300 303 1134 or support@iam.org.uk. Otherwise, it’s business as usual and we expect to become busier now as the weather continues to improve, existing members dust off the cobwebs and rejoin and new ones join us. As the season progresses we hope also to expand the social, extended ride and other events available in our official calendar so get into the habit of logging on to our website to find out what’s new. Keep safe & upright,

Dave H


Our website- www.nammc.org.uk with link to Members’ Forum and IAM. Notice to Members - 2015/16 Subscriptions As mentioned last month, all renewal subscriptions become due on or before 1st May 2015*. The actual cost is mentioned on the last page of the newsletter and will vary slightly depending on the payment method chosen. So, if you haven’t done it yetA.. To renew via PayPal, simply log on to the website above, select ‘Renew membership’ and follow the instructions. insert your member number as 4 digits e.g. 0123. (If not known, use 0000) Forms for other types of payment - by cash, cheque or by bank standing order—can also be downloaded from the website and given/posted to our Treasurer who will inform me of the details so I can update the records. *The only exceptions to this are for the few members (Associate or Full) who joined or transferred in since December 2014. Their membership will be carried forward to 30th April 2016.* Whichever method you choose, payment must be received by the above date for you to continue training/riding with the Group. (Your original ‘IAM Skill for Life’ payment only covered both the first year’s subs for NAM (or part of a year if joined after 1st May*), and the IAM - New Associates please note.) NB. 1) Your IAM membership is a separate matter. The IAM will remind you when it is due; this will be on the anniversary of your joining them. Both memberships need to be current at all times to ensure that you are eligible to ride and covered by the Group’s Public Liability Insurance when engaged in the Group’s official activities. 2) If you pay on-line direct using PayPal, you will not need to complete any other renewal form as I will be informed direct by PayPal when this has been received for each member using this method. At the end of this month I will contact anyone who has not renewed, to check their intentions before cancelling their membership. (I don’t want to have to do this!)

Group Secretary


(it’s like a Car Boot Sale only smaller)

This month:Yamaha FJR 1300 for sale—see page 9 for full details Ed.

Got som e looking fo thing to sell? r someth in know of a good s g, or ervice provided by a 3rd party Then sha re it here ? .


Advanced Motorcycle Test Passes Guys & Gals, the easiest way we will get to know if you’ve passed is if you tell us!

(No new passes to report this time but we have had few new members join us and the weather is improving to enable associates to resume training)

(On becoming a fully qualified member NAM lapel badges are presented at the first opportunity—usually on a Sunday morning)

Mid-Week Observes For those members who have difficulty attending regularly on Sundays there are a number of Observers who are available to conduct these during the week, by appointment, to suit work schedules etc. The Secretary can arrange these if required. Normally, this would be in daylight hours, Monday to Saturday - allow for 2/3 hours duration.

Observers please note any such appointments must be advised to the Group Secretary or our Associates’ Sec. BEFORE the ride. This is to ensure that both parties are protected by IAM Group insurance which otherwise is only automatically in force on official published ride-outs and events. So let me know if you make any direct arrangements to observe.

Please also note that on reaching the required Test standard, in your Observer’s opinion, a mock test with a ‘Senior’ prior to applying for a Test date with IAM is advisable. This is to confirm the necessary standard has been reached and to avoid the expense of a re-test if there is any doubt remaining. This might have to be on a Sunday. Group Sec



otice Board Imminent Events in 2014/15 There will be additional events posted both here in the newsletter and on the website as the season progresses. Please check the NAM diary regularly and if you want to suggest an event, GO FOR IT! Your committee will be more than happy to assist in the planning if it’s felt to be something for all the Group to do. Foreign & other organised trips may be restricted to full members so please ask for more details. Most of the following events (also see the Diary on our website) have been scheduled and more are planned, Details are in the website Diary or will be given nearer the time. If you can’t find what you want, ask us:-

NAM’s organised events are shown in green— 19th April - Pillion Training Day incl. pre-ride Classroom Presentation 24th April -Fish & Chip Friday - a social evening ride to Brackley 26th April - Skilled Rider (Slow manoeuvring session) 2nd May - Extended Ride to Staffordshire 9th May -Gaydon Skills Day 14-17th May - French Connection Rally 15th May - Fish & Chip Friday -a social evening ride to Oundle 23rd May—Clay Pigeon Shoot—Newport Pagnell (see page 14 for details & booking —urgent) 21st June - BSB Snetterton 28th June - Ride to Bovington Tank Museum, Dorset 5th July - Extended Ride to Derbyshire Peak District



SUNDAY RIDE-OUT DESTINATIONS We now meet at The Obelisk Centre, Obelisk Rise, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 8UE (there’s a map on our website if you need it)

REMEMBERAOur ride-outs leave at 9.30 am - so arrive by 9.15am latest 1st Sunday - Melton Mowbray Tennis Courts (right at first ‘T’ junction in MM) Bad weather venue - Wetherspoons (ride past TC’s and park at Bus Station, you can’t miss it! The pub is opposite - but don’t park outside it. Tel. 01664 485310 2nd Sunday- The Harbour Café at Grafham Water (nr. West Perry ) Tel. 01480 811432 3rd Sunday- The Gate Hangs High, Hook Norton (On the Whichford road from Bloxham.) Tel. 01608 737387 4th Sunday- Jordan’s Mill, Holme Mills, Langford Road, Broom, Nr Biggleswade Bedfordshire, SG18 9JY (our most recent addition) Tel: 01767 603940 5th Sunday- When there is one - venue to be decided on the day. Details of other biker-friendly destinations in these general areas are always welcome contact Sec or anyone on Committee. Extended rides usually also start at the same time and place. These are usually limited to Full members and approved Associates. Places to distant events should be booked with the organiser well before you arrive as this is useful to assess interest and may be needed to organise suitable facilities for the number going. Don’t be disappointed, check the Events regularly on website: www.nammc.org.uk for latest details. If not sure whether you are eligible -ask! Remember POWDER & come suitably dressed for riding and with a full tank of petrol.

Notice to Members Nick Ward, our friendly mobile tyre specialist and fitter, previously advertised on this page, has now given up this business and the service is no longer available to us. In the past few years Nick has provided useful advice and service to NAM and on the members behalf I wish him well for the future. The ad. space is now taken over by Motorvation who say they will give a trade discount to our members on MOT testing. I’ve just arranged this for NAM so make yourself known when you book one. Group Secretary

<<<<<<<NJW Motorcycle Tyres Please note that Nick Ward is closing down his mobile business from this month and will no longer be able to offer this service to our members.


01604 765007

Many of our members, including myself, have used this facility in the past and will miss the convenience of it. We wish Nick well for the future. Ed.

info@motorvation-ltd.co.uk www.motorvation-ltd.co.uk



(or something to offend everyone) A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to Britain so that they can see their own doctor. Due to the current economic crisis, Greece is cancelling all production of humus and Taramasalata. It's a double dip recession. A dwarf goes to a very good but very busy doctor and asks "I know you are busy but do you treat dwarves?" The doctor replies "Yes, but you will have to be a little patient". 6 Pakistanis died in Bradford this morning. It was not a terrorist attack, a bunk bed collapsed.. The police are blaming AL IKEA . My mate just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to hoover the house. Turns out


she was a Slovak Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I'll have to let her in. I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper. To be honest I only intended to rough him up a bit. Two women called at my door and asked what bread I ate. When I said white, they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes. I think they were those Hovis Witnesses. Seven wheelchair athletes have been banned from the Paralympics after they tested positive for WD40. In the first few days of the Olympics, Eastern Europeans took gold, silver, bronze, some copper but mostly lead. Two Indian junkies accidentally snorted curry powder instead of cocaine. Both in hospital...... One's in a korma....... The other's got a dodgy tikka! A teenage boy asks his granny, 'Have you seen my pills, they were labelled LSD?' Granny replies, bugger the pills, have you seen the dragons in the kitchen?! A woman standing nude in front of a mirror says to her husband: 'I look horrible, I feel fat and ugly, pay me a compliment.' He replies, 'Your eyesight is perfect.' An elderly couple are in church. About halfway through the service, the wife leans over and says to her husband, 'I just let out a silent fart; what do you think I should do?' He replies, 'Put a new battery in your hearing aid. Sailing results are in: USA took gold, GB took silver and Somalia took a middle aged couple from Weymouth . A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has been discovered in Egypt .Archaeologists believe it may be Pharaoh Rocher. ************************** 8


BIKE FOR SALE (A reluctant sale by Paul MacGregor. I’ve seen it, it’s a good one and recommend a quick response if you want to buy it)



Rajastan, Northern India - a motorcycle adventure by member Fred Stanyer. “After getting talking to a Mr Peter Rowe at the Brackley Bike Fest last August, and listening to his chat about organising a trip to India, I put myself down to go on condition that he could get a few more persons to go with us. A few months later I received an email confirmed that the tour was on. The getting to Delhi was down to me: organising flights, visa etc. Arriving at New Delhi airport to be picked up and taken by car to Alwar, where the bikes were kept, was an eye opener - the noise, traffic, smells - I could go on;. The bikes were 2 year old 500cc Enfield Bullets, but no faster than the 350cc one I used on a previous trip. In fact the 350 cc had a lot of charm so I bought one! (see pic above) ,<<<a colourful party get together for the tour) After lunch and a small rest we had the opportunity to take the bikes out to a charity run school for children on the fringe of society. While there we realised how much we had compared to them, for example - washing in a pond because there was no running water. The ride really was just an introduction to the roads and conditions we have to expect for the rest of the trip. That night we spent in Dhadikar Fort which had everything we wanted except wi-fi.( tough eh!?) Early next day we headed for the Sabiska Wildlife Reserve looking for tigers. They were supposed to have quite a few but all I saw was other lesser wildlife and was happy to get back on the bike, plus it was cooler riding than sitting in a Land Rover. Getting to the reserve we had a salt flat and fantastic sand trails to traverse, I did not fall off but it got a bit scary at times, We stayed at another fantastic palace/hotel,that night. O.m.g. how the British must have lived when in control of India, those must have been the days! Heading for Pushkar, the holy city with its holy lake and every other bloodly thing holy, was fun as the crowds in all the villages were enjoying throwing coloured powder over anyone they could reach - but it did wash off after a while. (see pic at top above—Fred’s already washed his off) We spent a rest day in Pushkar. No rest really as the place is big and noisy but worth spending time in. One day was not really enough. The Hotel that night was a 200 yr old Haleli. Very interesting place but you can get lost if your name is Fred, which was very lucky for me as a young 21yr old girl gave me a personal tour of the palace which is normally closed to the public owing to the value of the goods in storage (pic below—Fred goes walkabout) Following on from Pushkar we got off the beaten track going through small towns which were not on a map or sat-nav!!! Through pot holes and mud was the only way to proceed, but all of a sudden you are confronted by another beautiful palace which is to be ours for the night. As the trip was fast coming to an end we headed back towards Delhi for the last days. While there we went to KAROL BARG where Guy Martin (on his TV programme) went. There were so many Royal Enfields for sale or hire there and persons working on them, i.e stripping gearboxes on the roadside ready in hours for the next person to take out or buy. It makes our main agents and their booking system look bad!. 10


Fred’s adventure continued5555..>>>

In summary the total mileage was only 1200 kms but considering the condition of the roads and the mad, mad drivers on them, to do 100 kms a day in the high temperatures, the mileage covered was about right. The Hotels were, barring staying in an eco-lodge for one night, more than expected; first class in everyway. The downside was getting to India and the long waits at London Heathrow owing to security checks.� Fred

(I offer my thanks to Fred for taking the trouble to write this article. Despite not having Richard Young to keep an eye on him this time, he survived and even enjoyed the experience! The lengths some members will go to avoid our worst winter weather is amazing! Ed)

Signs of the times?



Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists Group Secretary PO Box 7124 Wellingborough Northants NN8 9BA Tel 08700 427648 Email: sec@nammc.org.uk

An open invitation to website viewers/ non-members wishing to improve their riding skills You can join on-line or direct with IAM or you can come and see us at any of NAM’s Sunday meets as shown in this newsletter and available to view, and find us, on: www.nammc.org.uk If you prefer, you can complete this form and bring it with you and have a free riding assessment one-to-one with an IAM qualified Observer. Afterwards you can sign up for The Skill for Life programme. A ‘How to be a Better Rider’ handbook and a copy of the Highway Code is included. There is no obligation on your part, but you will be doing yourself a big favour. An invitation to existing members of NAM/IAM Do you have a biking buddy who you think would benefit from improving his/her riding skills? Please download a copy and send it to them. I would also recommend that you copy one or two for your future use. Simply email/post a copy to me and I’ll register it with IAM. Group Sec. 12

13 Life’s like this in Essex?

Five blokes in an Audi Quattro arrived at the ferry checkpoint in Harwich, Essex. Tracey, in her brand new uniform, stops them and tells them: "I can't let you on the ferry. It is illegal to have 5 people in a Quattro. Quattro means four. One of you will have to get out and stay behind." “Quattro is just the name of the car," the driver replies disbelievingly. "Look at the papers: this car is designed to carry five persons." "You cannot pull that one on me. This is Tracey you're talking to here," she replies with a smile. "Quattro means four. You have five people in your car and you are therefore breaking the law. So I can't let you onto the ferry. It's more than my job's worth to let you all on." The driver is now very cross and replies angrily, "I've had enough of you. Call your supervisor over. I want to speak to someone with more intelligence!" "Sorry," responds Tracey, "but Sharon is busy with those two blokes in the Fiat Uno." !!! *************************

Meanwhile, at the other end of our islandA. Prince Charles is visiting an Edinburgh hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness and greets one. The patient replies: “Fair fa your honest sonsie face, Great Chieftain o the pudding race. Aboon them a ye take yer place, Painch, tripe or thairm. As langs my airm.” HRH is confused, so he just smiles and moves on to the next patient. The patient responds: “Some hae meat an canna eat, and some wad eat that want it. But we hae meat an we can eat, so let the Lord be thankit.” Even more confused, the Prince moves on to the next patient, who immediately begins to chant: “Wee sleekit, cowerin, timorous beasty, O the panic in thy breasty. Thou needna start awa sae hastie, wi bickering brattle.” Now seriously troubled, Charles turns to the accompanying doctor and asks, “Is this a psychiatric ward?” “No, “ replies the doctor, “This is the serious Burns Unit” ******************************* And from across the PondC A blind man wanders into an all girl biker bar by mistake. He feels his way to a bar stool and orders a Jack Daniels. After sitting there for awhile, he yells to the bartender - "Hey, you wanna to hear a dumb blonde joke?" The whole bar immediately falls absolutely silent. In a very deep husky voice, the woman next to him says "Before you tell that joke cowboy, I think it is only fair given that you are blind, that you should know five things" :1) The bartender is a blonde woman with baseball bat. 2) The bouncer is a muscular blonde woman and she is 6 ft 2. 3) I am a blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4) The woman next to me is also a blonde and is a national weight lifter. 5) The lady next on your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. "Now think very seriously, cowboy... do you still wanna to tell that blonde joke?" The old guy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters "No, not if I have to explain it five times......" 13


End of free RAC breakdown cover with Skill for Life course promotion (for bikes too) With effect from 31st March, the offer of 12 months free RAC roadside and recovery breakdown cover has ceased to be given with each Skill for Life course sold. IAM will continue to honour any vouchers issued before that date for the remainder of the year as members activate them. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _

NAM’s Clay Pigeon Shoot— Saturday 23rd May 2015 (Near Moulsoe (just off M1 at J14) This event has been in our calendar for a while and Organiser, Nigel Dennis says “There are still a few places left to have the unique opportunity to shoot clay pigeons at our shooting grounds with historic black powder guns. There will be free tea, coffee, bacon butties and cakes for all. For a bit of informal rivalry we have medals for gold, silver & bronze (nothing to do with ROSPA!!)” If you have already booked with Nigel can you please confirm to him and also if you would like to take part. You can see him on Sunday at our usual meet. Places are limited to about 20 so don’t delay if you want to have a go. Nigel will explain what’s involved. His contact details: - 07786 913891 or email him:- nigdnn@sky.com

Riding plans are a key element of the IPSGA system. How you assess what’s going on around you, and how you act on that information is pivotal in taking your riding to the next level. So rememberCcheck out the next page tooCCCCC..>>>

Skillful riders anticipate in order to make their riding plan more effective




1 Be prompt and timely, take the initiative This is your decision and your course. You will be the main beneficiary of this learning experience and we’d appreciate it if you keep us on our toes – be prompt, chase us if we are not providing enough information and tell us if there is anything else we can do for you. We’re here solely to help you achieve success.

6 Practice You won’t be able to change and develop your road skills without putting in considerable practice time. The benefit will be from the changes that your passengers or fellow riders notice and comment on – try it and see! 7 Engage with your local IAM group Your local IAM group receive great satisfaction every time one of their members passes the advanced test. As volunteers they all give their time willingly so that you can pass the test – make sure you make good use of their skills and knowledge.

2 Read the book ‘How to be a Better Rider’ contains all the information you will need to know in a simple, clear style with plenty of photos and diagrams. Invaluable bedtime reading! 3 Ask questions, get advice, request demonstrations People learn in different ways so please ask as many questions as you need to, speak to fellow associates, visit forums and request to see advanced skills demonstrated. Your group is here to help you pass the advanced test in whichever way suits you best.

8 Set a ‘test ready’ target date Possibly our most important tip is to set a ‘test ready’ target date with your group as soon as possible. This gives you a set date to work towards. Your group will help plan your development to reach ‘test ready’ status – stick to the plan!

4Don’t switch on and off Advanced road skills need to become embedded as your normal everyday behaviours. You cannot switch between advanced skills and your ‘everyday driving or riding’ behaviours.

9 Don’t drift away It’s only natural that the early enthusiasm and commitment wears off a little as ‘real life’ takes over. Please try to stay focused and make the effort to attend your observed sessions regularly. Our groups love nothing more than to nag lagging Associates!

5 Tell us if you need any help or support We provide our time to coach and help you to pass the advanced test. If we are not meeting your expectations or there is something we are not doing for you then please let us know – speak to your group or call Customer Support on 020 8996 9600 customercare@iam.org.uk We can only put things right if we know about them.

10 Enjoy the experience We saved the best until last. You’ll find that you will enjoy and have great fun developing advanced road skills with us. If you love the experience then please tell your family and friends about it – the majority of our new members come via word of mouth and we’d like that to continue. Enjoy

(The above advice is extracted from IAM top tips which is available to download or view on the IAM website Ed) 15


New Members Page This is designed to make new members feel at home and more quickly enable existing members to recognise them and say ‘hello’. Members are asked to book in with Associates’ Secretary, Blair Willis, whose task it is, on a Sunday morning, to record those wanting an observe and to link them up with an Observer appropriate for their stage of training. In addition we have given him an Assistant—Lall Singh! Lall is now our official Meeter & Greeter on Sundays but is also ready to take a pic or two and obtain a short riding history to publish in our future newsletters! Get ready for a tap on the shoulder! Ed Copy provided by Lall:Welcoming new members:-

___________________________________________________________________________________ Miles Odell Though Miles was keen to get a bike when he was young, his mother would hear nothing of it, but somehow he managed to wangle ownership of one in his 20s and tried to keep it hidden. She burst into tears on seeing it. 30 years later, she is still worried knowing that Miles now has 3 bikes, a Honda X11, a Tuono, and even a KLX450 to throw down the green lanes, Though Miles has not been doing a lot of riding lately, he recently joined us at NAM and started his advanced training, and expects to do some 5000 fun miles per year and hopes to convince his wife ( who has not been on the back of a bike for some 30 years) to go touring in France, but with may be a better bike. When one gets to that point in life we sometimes splash out on a toy knowing it might be the last fling, so Miles has his eye set on a brand new BMW K1300, with some 160BHP. We are glad he started advanced training with the NAM, his wife will be glad too as well as his now 91 year old mother!

—————————————————————————————————————————— Richard Lockwood Many years ago, Richard passed his bike test at 16 on a Honda CB 250, the envy of most young bikers in those days. There was no formal training then, the survival of the fittest (or luckiest??) was the rule; no wonder Richard spent his later life as a Health and Safety Executive! Throughout the years a number of bikes has passed through his hands, and in the past he did some touring in Europe. Now doing about 2000 miles per year riding locally with friends. Recently retired, he is hoping to do more road miles on his current Suzuki 650 twin. Also he has in the garage a KTM 200 two-stroke to blow off steam green-lane-ing with his friends, including Miles Odell, who joined just before him. However, his first aim is improving his skills and safety on the bike. Richard, who lives in Crick just outside Northampton, joined about a month ago, and has already had a couple of informal and enjoyable observed rides and looking forward to more.



AM Committee Members 2014/2015 Chairman

Geoff Russell


Tel. 07802 165544

Group Secretary David Harrop sec@nammc.org.uk (Official Group Address:- PO Box 7124 Wellingborough, NN8 9BA, Tel. 08700 427648) Treasurer

John Durrant


Tel. 07779 656208

Newsletter Editor

David Harrop

as for Secretary above - or

Tel. 07791 192688

Associates’ Secretary Blair Willis


Tel. 07771 798278

Events Co-ordinator


Tel. 07903 810475

Group Liaison Officer Dave Jay


Tel. 07427 408386

Publicity Officer


Tel. 07729 945594


Tel. 07946 008950

Tom Palacio

Paul Fowler

Forum Administrator: Chris Capewell,

Also: Mark Curtis, Mandy & Nigel Dennis, Judy Fowler, David Linnitt, Jim Payne, Graeme Stroud. ______ Group Observers National Observers:

Andrew Beckett, Mark Curtis, Richard Debell, John Durrant, Geoff Russell, Karl Williams.

Qualified Observers: Chris Capewell, Paul Fowler, Penny Ganser, Dave Harrop, Dave Jay, Darran Johnson, David Linnitt, John Martin, Tom Palacio, Jim Payne, Mike Whitbread, Dave Wilkinson. Observers in Training:

Dave Craddock, Steve Dawks, Mandy Dennis, Mike Howgego, Geoff Keats, Tina Nightingale, Graeme Stroud. . Website (Fount of all biker knowledge): - www.nammc.org.uk Associates’ Observed Ride Contribution- £8 per ride - give it to your Observer NAM Group/IAM Membership & Subscription Rates (see below )

Group memberships run from 1st May to end of April, or part of the calendar year, and ALL expire on the last day of April. (See below). IAM renewal is separate and renewable on the anniversary of your enrolment - you will be asked for it direct by IAM when due. The first year’s Associate membership of NAM is by means of the IAM’s Skill for Life package. The cost is - £149. This fee also includes, ‘How To Be A Better Rider‘ handbook, a new Highway Code book, prepayment of the IAM Test fee and the first year’s Associate membership of the IAM. Full membership of both NAM and IAM is triggered by a successful Test. Rates:- Single /Renewal £18 (£15 if paid by BACS/Standing Order) Joint /Renewal £27 (£24) (Payment can also easily be made via our website using PayPal at £16 Single or £25 double.) (Please tick the Gift Aid check box on the renewal form to enable the Group to reclaim tax you have paid)

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor, Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists or the Institute of Advanced Motorists unless so stated DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 Members are advised that name and address details are held on a computer database. These details are not divulged to anyone other than fellow members. Members not wishing their details to be held in this way should advise the Secretary, in writing, or the Group may breach the requirements of the Act


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