Receivership Services Corporation

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We are equipped with all the essential skills to Assume Control of the Troubled Asset


Short term management solutions - Take control of the property and asset management. We make crucial managerial decisions to preserve and increase asset value. Our services include an initial evaluation of assets for receivership with a detailed written proposal and service bid.

Operational services - Responsibilities include managing and safeguarding assets, maintaining relationships lenders and lessees, budgeting, implementing control systems, monitoring cash flow, ensuring supply continuity resolving tax issues, negotiating disputes, handling insurance claims, and recovering deposits from utilities.

“Steve’s team was tasked with assembling a takeover strategy to secure and manage 2,500 apartment units at six different locations in Wichita. The property records, including rent rolls, leases, and vendor records were not made available to Steve’s team. Within 72 hours of notification, the Receivership Services Team had people at each location to meet with the apartment employees and interact with tenants. Steve’s team effectively had control of the six locations within 48 hours of receiving the assignment.”

“We called on Receivership Corporation Services to assume management of a hotel that was in loan default. This property was in a small northern Oklahoma town. His hotel management team took control of the property and operated it successfully until we sold the property. His responsibility also included interacting with the brand franchisor in keeping the flag in place during this time.”

“A key strength of Steve’s ability is to quickly analyze a situation and determine a best course of action. His commercial real estate background allows him to recognize unique traits of a property and its locational features to determine how to build a strategy to maximize value. I have called on him many times to assist with analyzing a property situation and determining a path to maximizing the property’s value.”

Real Time updating on property status - Regular progress and monthly reports are submitted to the c involved parties. A final report and accounting are presented for approval upon the conclusion of the receivership. 316.847.4901

Working with our Team, You Receive:

Short Term Asset Plan

Relationships with Lenders

Market Data Analysis to Support

Your Lease/Sale

Immediate Response

Separate Bank Account

Administration/Business Support

(Accounting, Human Resources, Payroll) STEVEN J MARTENS CCIM, SIOR •

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