Internet and email policy nagle centre feb 2015

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Internet Usage and Policy Guidelines


Internet Usage and Policy Guidelines 1 Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this document is to detail and give guidance to all Nagle Centre staff on Internet usage and policies. This document is designed to help the employee to understand the companies expectations and to set reasonable limitations on Internet usage. It should also help the employee use the internet wisely. Use for personal reasons should be kept to an absolute minimum. 2 Scope 2.1 All employees of Nagle Centre Ltd. 3 Responsibilities 3.1 It is the responsibility of Nagle Centre Ltd, and all employees to adhere to this policy and procedure. 4 Procedures 4.1.1 The Nagle Centre Ltd, reserves the rights to record for every user each World Wide Web site visit, chat, newsgroup or email message, and each file transfer into and out of Nagle Centre Ltd internal networks. No employee should have any expectation of privacy as to his or her Internet usage. Nagle Centre Ltd managers will review Internet activity and analyse usage patterns, and they may choose to publicise this data to assure that company Internet resources are devoted to maintaining the highest levels of productivity. 4.1.2 The Nagle Centre Ltd reserve the right to inspect any and all files stored on the Nagle Centre network and for employees computers including external HDDs, CDs, DVDs and USB memory keys in order to assure compliance with policy. 4.1.3 Staff should use due care when using the Internet in relation to the sites visited and to any file downloads. Active content i.e. Java, Active X etc. should also be carefully monitored. 4.1.4 The display of any kind of sexually explicit image or document on any company system is strictly forbidden. In 2

addition, sexually explicit material may not be archived, stored, distributed, edited or recorded using the Nagle Centre Ltd network or computing resources. 4.1.5 The Nagle Centre Ltd uses independently supplied software and data to identify inappropriate or sexually explicit Internet sites. The Nagle Centre Ltd may block access from within its networks to all such sites that are known of. If the employee connects incidentally to a site that contains sexually explicit or offensive material, the employee must disconnect from that site immediately, regardless of whether that site had been previously deemed acceptable by any screening or rating program. 4.1.6 The Nagle Centre Ltd staff are strictly prohibited from using the Internet connection or email services to harass, libel, denigrate or damage in any fashion an individual or group internal or external to the company. Comments or idle chitchat about colleagues, or any other persons should not be made in emails. There have been several test cases in the courts where internal emails have been used in evidence in libel cases and the Nagle Centre Ltd would not want to be put in such a position. 4.1.7 No employee may use company facilities knowingly to download or distribute pirated software or data, music or films. 4.1.8 No employee may use the company’s Internet facilities to deliberately propagate any virus, worm, Trojan virus, spyware or code designed to cause harm or damage to computer or other equipment. 4.1.9 No employee may use the company’s Internet facilities knowingly to disable or overload any computer system or network, or to circumvent any system intended to protect the privacy or security or another user. 4.1.10 Each employee using the Internet facilities of The Nagle Centre Ltd shall identify himself or herself honestly, 3

accurately and completely (including one’s company affiliation and function where requested when participating in chats or newsgroups, or when setting up accounts on outside computer systems. 4.1.11 Only those staff or officials who are duly authorised to speak to the media, to analysists or in public gatherings on behalf of The Nagle Centre Ltd may speak/write in the name of The Nagle Centre Ltd to any newspaper or chat room. Other Nagle Centre Ltd staff may participate in newsgroups or chats in the course of business when relevant to their duties, but they do so as individuals speaking only for themselves. Where an individual participant is identified as an employee or agent of this company, Nagle Centre Ltd, they must refrain from the unauthorised endorsement or appearance of endorsement by Nagle Centre Ltd of any commercial product or service not sold or serviced by this company, its subsidiaries or its affiliates. Only those managers and company officials who are authorised to speak to the media, to analysists or in public gatherings on behalf of Nagle Centre Ltd may grant such authority to newsgroup or chat room participants. 4.1.12 Nagle Centre Ltd retains the copyright to any material posted to any forum, newsgroup, chat or World Wide Web page by any employee in the course of his or her duties. All staff are reminded that chats and newsgroups are public forums where it is inappropriate to reveal confidential company information, customer data, trade secrets, and any other material covered by existing company secrecy policies and procedures. It is possible for third parties to read emails during transit to their destinations. It is therefore undesirable to send emails containing information of a confidential nature relating to either Nagle Centre Ltd or our business. 4.1.13 Internet traffic to and from Nagle Centre Ltd will be subject to monitoring and filtering where appropriate. 4.1.14 All incoming mail to Nagle Centre Ltd network should come through Nagle Centre Ltd virus checker. 4

Incoming mail containing Word / Excel / Powerpoint or other attachment files should be saved to disk and the disk scanned immediately for viruses prior to opening the file. Similarly any disk that is brought into the Nagle Centre Ltd, whether by an employee or remitted by an individual must be scanned before being used to ensure that no viruses are brought into the place of employment. 4.1.15 Incoming traffic, including emails, from particular sites principally non -business may be delayed or deleted should it interfere with the processing of normal business traffic. 4.1.16 Unrestricted access to or from the Internet should only be given to hosts running NT or Unix operating systems in exceptional circumstances. Where this is required the machine will ideally be located outside Nagle Centre WAN but inside its internet firewall.


Usage Guidelines

4.2.1Internet Explorer is Nagle Centre Ltd’s standard browser and Nagle Centre Ltd would strongly prefer all employees to use it and install updates as prompted to do so from time to time . 4.2.2 Any ERIHC Ltd Staff with internet access may only download software with direct business use, and must arrange to have such software properly licensed and registered. Downloaded software must be used only under the terms of its license. 4.2.3 Nagle Centre staff should not use employee’s access to damage or interfere with any other party on the internet. This includes any form of damage i.e. hacking, junk mail etc. Please remember inappropriate humour or language can be offensive and should be avoided or signalled in the text. 4.2.4 Nagle Centre Ltd staff should not play games against opponents over the Internet.


4.2.5 Nagle Centre Ltd staff may not use company Internet facilities to download images or videos unless there is an explicit business-related use for the material. Video tends to be extremely large and the capacity of the Internet is limited and this can seriously effect response. 4.2.6 Nagle Centre Ltd staff should not upload any software licensed to Nagle Centre Ltd or data owned or licensed by Nagle Centre without explicit authorisation from the manager responsible for the software or data. 4.2.7 User IDs and passwords help maintain individual accountability for Internet resource usage. Any employee who obtains a password or ID for an Internet resource must keep that password confidential. Nagle Centre Ltd policy prohibits the sharing of user IDs or passwords obtained for access to internet sites. 4.2.8 All Nagle Centre Ltd staff should schedule communicationsintensive operations such as large file transfers, video downloads, mass emailing for off-peak times. Peak is 9:00AM to 5:30PM. Video and audio streaming and downloading technologies represent significant data traffic that can cause local network congestion. Video and audio downloading should be avoided unless there is a valid business reason for doing so. 4.2.9 If using a mailing list please ensure the people or company, the employee is to receive this information. Do not engage in mass junk mailing. 4.2.10 Any file that is downloaded must be scanned for viruses before it is run or assessed 4.2.11 Files containing sensitive company data that are transferred in any way across the Internet must be encrypted. 4.2.12 The company Nagle Centre Ltd has installed a variety of firewalls and other security systems to assure the safety and security of the company’s networks. Employees must not 6

attempt to disable, defeat or circumvent any company security facility. 4.2.13 Computers that use their own modems to create independent data connections sidestep Nagle Centre Ltd network security mechanisms. An attacker may use an individual computer’s private connection to damage internal systems. That is why any computer used for independent dial-up or leased-line connections to any outside computer or network must be physically isolated from company’s internal networks. 4.2.14 Only those Internet services and functions with documented business purposes for Nagle Centre Ltd will be enabled at the internet firewall. 4.2.15 The use of active content from the Internet should be carefully monitored. Active content allows for executable code to be downloaded to the browser and automatically executed on the employees’ Computer/PC. The problem with this is that it is not known what this code is going to do and instances have been recorded where hard disks have been wiped, Computer/PC’s have crashed and virus infiltrate employee’s Computer/PC. 4.2.16 All customer details / information is confidential and shall remain the property of Nagle Centre Ltd. All employees who access to this information must keep it private and confidential under all circumstances. 4.2.17 External Data Storage e.g. External HardDrives, USB Keys, DVDs, CD’s etc. – all external data must be scanned prior to use on Nagle Centre Ltd equipment. Employees are not permitted to install any unknown / external data on the live network without prior consent of Nagle Centre Ltd Management. Employees should not remove data on USB, External HDD, CD, DVD or by e-mail for use outside the company.


Telephone Calls and Personal Emails

The telephones are primarily for Nagle Centre use and as such the number and duration of personal telephone calls should be kept to an absolute minimum. The over use of personal mobile phones (call and text is to be avoided during working times. Where applicable, the use of email and the Internet is provided for Nagle Centre Ltd purposes and the number and duration of email and Internet usage should be kept to an absolute minimum. Anyone who is abusing these services will be subject to disciplinary procedures.


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