NADO Annual Report 2022_2023

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NADO 2022-23

annual report

NADO Annual Report 2022-23



contents reports President’s Report.........................................................................................4 - 5 Chief Executive Officer’s Report.................................................................6 - 7 Treasurer’s Report.........................................................................................8 - 9 Governance Board............................................................................................10 Disability Advisory Board................................................................................ 11 Service Delivery Report........................................................................... 12 - 13 Human Resources Report...................................................................... 14 - 15 Accommodation Report......................................................................... 16 - 17 Community Programs Report............................................................... 18 - 19 Support Coordination Report.........................................................................20 Plan Management Report.............................................................................. 21 Marketing Report...................................................................................... 22 - 23 Community Engagement and Sponsorship Report.......................... 24 - 25 Quality Assurance and Compliance Report................................................ 26 Sensory Store Report...................................................................................... 27 Share My Ability................................................................................................ 28 Celebrating Excellence at Share My Ability................................................. 29

programs and stories NADO Wins Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award.................................. 32 Disability Advisory Board................................................................................ 32 Changing Lives through Connected Communities................................... 33 NADO Sponsors Inspirational Para Athlete – Oscar Stubbs................... 34 Achieving Sweet Goals.................................................................................... 34 All Stars All Abilities Dance Program............................................................ 35 A Successful Transition from the Family Home to Supported Independent Living...................................... 36 Building Skills and Achieving Goals.............................................................. 37

financials Extract Financial Report......................................................................... 41 - 43

community Friends of NADO............................................................................................... 46 Friends of NADO Caring for Carers............................................................... 47 Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day........................................................ 48 - 51 Spotlight on our Partnerships................................................................ 52 - 53 Sensory Santa................................................................................................... 54


NADO Annual Report 2022-23




president's REPORT Percy Madon President

“We must be treated as equals and communication is the way we can bring this about” - Louis Braille

L-R: Samuel Arnold, Anil Puri, Percy Madon, Susan Rochester, Denise Heath (CEO) and Vanessa Griffin. Absent: Ray Dyer

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

The NDIS has a lot to be proud of, for it has changed the lives of many over the last few years. I am optimistic that the scheme will continue to evolve and touch the lives of participants who most deserve it while becoming efficient in preventing wastage and misuse. This past year has seen NADO continue to evolve, mature and become more relevant to our participants. I believe our strategic decision to form a Disability Advisory Board has been a crucial step in creating a better future for the people we serve. This Advisory Board while in its infancy is already delivering meaningful insights that will make the service we provide better for our participants. We continue to invest in our community through “Share My Ability” and it was particularly encouraging to be recognised in the “Most Outstanding New Business” category in the local Penrith Business Awards.

Our CEO Denise Heath and the extended Executive team continue to lead the organisation through change to ensure we continue to deliver a high-quality product to our participants. As a Board we are very thankful for their commitment and their ability to serve our community through a constant period of change. I would also like to acknowledge and thank my fellow board members Ray Dyer, Anil Puri, Susan Rochester, Vanessa Griffin and Sam Arnold for their continued investment in NADO. Let me close by quoting Jimmy Dean “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination”.



chief executive officer's REPORT Denise Heath Chief Executive Officer

I am honoured to present my report for the 2022-2023 year for Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation (NADO), a year that has been marked by growth, impactful initiatives, and a steadfast commitment to our new vision of Changing Lives through Connected Communities.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


As we reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, we are proud to have made significant strides in several key areas: •

We have expanded our programs and services to reach more individuals with disabilities than ever before. Our efforts in supporting the Nepean Blue Mountains community has touched the lives of more than 650 individuals and their families, providing them with crucial resources, support, and opportunities for personal growth.

We have forged strong partnerships with local businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and other nonprofit organisations. These collaborations have enabled us to share expertise and create a more holistic support system for our participants.

We have focused on the professional development of our staff, supporting training and education in courses such as Certificate IV in Disabilities, Case Management, Leadership and Mental Health. We are proud of our workforce and feel we have nurtured an empowered and cohesive team culture resulting in a Best Workplace Award for 3 years running.

A personal highlight has been the formation of the Disability Advisory Board, working directly with a group of people who have lived experience of disability or are carers of a person with disability, dealing with important topics that affect the lives of our participants. Their perspectives are insightful and invaluable, deepening our commitment to the people we support. The financial stability of NADO remains a top priority as we continue to be part of an evolving

and diversified sector, that now includes many new choices for participants of the NDIS from sole traders and family businesses to large corporates such as insurance companies. We are pleased to report that through careful financial management and generous community support we have met our organisational goals as well as supporting our fledgling community outlet, Share My Ability. Our total revenue for the year was $21,650,261. As we move forward, we are energized by the opportunities that lie ahead. Our strategic plan for the coming year focuses on: •

Investing in our people to position them for the future

Enhancing our service quality and responsiveness

Ensuring financial sustainability and,

Building our systems for scale and impact

None of our achievements would have been possible without the dedication of our staff, the support of our volunteers, the generosity of our donors, and the resilience of the individuals and families we serve.

Your commitment to NADO fuels our determination to make a lasting impact. The job of implementing the strategic goals and day to day business of NADO falls squarely on my executive team, and the work they and their teams do. A huge thank you to Brooke Wilkie, Mark Heinz, Julia Tierney, Ellen McFarlane, Deborah Ferreira and Linda Wilson for the dedication they show to their roles and the organisation. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts and commitment of the Board of NADO to the organisation and the support they have given to me to help me succeed in my role. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation's mission and vision in the 2022-2023 year. Together, we have transformed lives and moved our community toward a more inclusive future.

8 NADO experienced another good result during the year with continued growth in income, being 13.5% higher than FY2022. Total Income was $21,650,261 for FY2023, with a healthy surplus of $1,097,932 (up from $942,541 in FY2022).

treasurer's REPORT Anil Puri Treasurer

It is pleasing to see NADO continue to grow over the past 12 months and support more people in our local Nepean Blue Mountains community. The last few years have been challenging because of COVID, but we saw less COVIDrelated impacts this year on our financial results, and also on our participants and team. Many of our services that had been impacted by COVID over past years have bounced back and are now operating normally again and are performing even better than before COVID. This is a testament to our fantastic team who have worked hard to rebuild services through their enthusiasm and energy, and also for their dedication to our participants and carers during some difficult times. However, even though we are happy to see the back of COVID, NADO is operating in a highly competitive and challenging environment, with more competition from a range of large and small registered and unregistered providers. We have seen this especially in our accommodation service area as new competitors enter the market seeking to focus on services that they perceive to be profitable and in demand. However, NADO is well positioned to remain competitive in this environment. We have a strong balance sheet that allows us to continue to invest in services and innovations that will help us to stand out from the crowd, and that will continue to allow us to provide quality services and outcomes for our clients. And, in addition to our financial strength, the inclusive and professional culture that has been

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

built and our ability to attract high quality team members will help us to continue to provide a standout service to our clients and the broader community.

and harmonious management and leadership team that is committed to our organisational values and high service standards, and we look positively towards the year ahead.

In terms of our split of revenue between our range of services, it is good to see that our nonaccommodation service areas such as the Day Programs, Clinical Services and our Share My Ability centre grew to around 45% of NADO’s total revenue, after dropping down to less than 30% of revenue in the previous year due to COVID impacts. This provides a more balanced split of income with no over-reliance on any one service area. The Board, together with the management team, will continue to keep an eye on market trends and look for strategic opportunities that fit into the organisations purpose and values. We are also ever vigilant of keeping an eye on costs, managing our cash and operations well, and of building an efficient and productive organisation. I note that our employee expenses grew considerably during the year, and slightly quicker than our growth in revenue. This is being monitored and a greater emphasis on roster management has seen an improvement in recent months. Importantly, this is being achieved without impacting our resourcing and service quality. On the flip side, we had some improvements in non-labour expenses which saw an overall improvement in our profit margins, increasing slightly to 5.1% from 4.9% in the previous year. Despite the competitive environment and the ongoing challenges of managing a growing and dynamic organisation, the solid surplus for the year, and the growth in our asset base and cash reserves, positions NADO well for future sustainable growth while continuing to focus on meeting the high expectations of our clients and our team. We have a very capable


NADO had a pleasing result with a total operating income of $21,650,261 and a surplus of $1,097,932. I am very proud of my team for the dedication and hard work they give to NADO and the support that they give to me. I would sincerely like to thank Andrew Cleary - Property and Fleet Manager, Bhaumika Patel Finance Officer, Brigitte Sirocic Bookkeeper, Lisa Devery Accounts Officer and Paulina Wilson - Finance Officer.

Mark Heinz

Chief Financial Officer The year ending June 2023 has been a busy year with everchanging challenges. Throughout the year the Finance Team met all deadlines and reporting requirements.

I would also like to thank the Executive Team and Denise for their support throughout the year as well as our Treasurer Anil Puri for his continued support. I am sure that NADO will continue to be an outstanding disability organisation well into the future.


governance BOARD

Percy Madon GAICD President

Vanessa Griffin Vice President

Ray Dyer Secretary

Percy Madon commenced on the Board of NADO in 2013 and specialises in business leadership and management. Percy has worked with multinationals including SAP, IBM, PWC and E&Y and holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). He brings commercial experience and a passion for supporting people with disabilities. Percy’s commercial experience assists NADO’s transformation into a market-driven model under the NDIS.

Vanessa Griffin commenced on the Board of NADO in 2019. Vanessa practised as a Registered Building Surveyor for over 20 years prior to specialising in the field of access. Vanessa has a passion and interest to ensure that the built environment is accessible and inclusive for all to enjoy. Vanessa is a registered Access Consultant with AACA and also accredited to deliver NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation. Vanessa is a parent to a child with a genetic disability.

Ray Dyer commenced on the Board of NADO in 2010 and was President from 2014 to 2018. Ray has been a long-time NADO supporter, bringing a well-rounded background of relevant professional experience in human resources, management, worker's compensation and training together with a personal interest in supporting people with disabilities to be included as valued members of our community.

Anil Puri Treasurer

Samuel Arnold PhD, MAPS, GAICD Director

Susan Rochester Director

Anil Puri commenced on the Board of NADO in 2014 and specialises in business development, financial management, organisational systems and team development. He is a trained accountant with a Masters of Management and has many years of experience working in corporate businesses and with small and medium enterprises. Anil is passionate about helping NADO and its people to continue to adapt and grow in a changing environment.

Dr Samuel Arnold commenced on the Board of NADO in 2017. He is a registered psychologist and works as a lecturer in the School of Psychology, Western Sydney University. He is a committee member and past convenor of the Australian Psychological Society Psychology of Intellectual Disability and Autism Interest Group. Sam is passionate about the empowerment of people with disability to pursue a contributing life.

Susan Rochester commenced on the Board of NADO in 2022. Susan has a Masters in Human Resource Management and has run a HR consulting and coaching practice since 1998. As a parent of an adult living with a disability, Susan is motivated to apply her business and personal experience to helping NADO achieve its Vision.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


disability advisory BOARD

Marie Butler-Cole

Anthony Mulholland

Simon Jaeger

Marie is supported by the NDIS and has been a carer and enduring guardian for an adult with psychosocial, developmental and physical disabilities. Marie works in the technology sector but continues to provide advocacy and other relevant support to people with psychosocial and developmental disabilities as well as contributing to major reforms in mental health through submissions, articles and public hearings.

Anthony is supported by the NDIS. He is actively involved in advocating for people with disability through his role as a member of the Penrith Council Disability Access Committee, and through his membership of the Council for Intellectual Disability, Anthony contributes to committees and focus groups that support people with intellectual disability in a range of capacities. He is also a keen lobbyist to Government on transport matters.

Simon is supported by the NDIS. He is a strong advocate for people with disability, drawing on his personal experiences in dealing with the NDIS, Government agencies and service providers. Simon has assisted with research assignments for people with disabilities through organisations such as Roses in the Ocean, NDIA (Participant First) and other private research companies.

Kath Attree

Natalie Jackson

Kath is an advocate and carer for her sister, a participant of the NDIS. Kath recognises the positive impacts the NDIS has had for her sister, but also the challenges for participants, their families and service providers as partners in the service delivery journey. Kath is a former MBA Director and Post Graduate Business Course Director and has worked in a research capacity in the NDIS sector to service providers.

Natalie is a parent of an adolescent with autism who also has sensory issues and severe anxiety. She brings an understanding of the advocacy needs experienced by families within NDIS, the education system as well as within the community. Natalie is the Head of Consumer Delivery at News Corp Australia and is a volunteer with the Autism Community Network.


service delivery REPORT Brooke Wilkie

General Manager - Operations

Our positive succession plan has played a vital role in our organisation's growth and success this year. By investing in leadership development through tertiary courses, succession planning, and knowledge transfer through acting roles, we have created a robust framework for effective leadership transitions. We remain committed to nurturing our employees, developing future leaders, and ensuring a bright and promising future for our organisation. We are excited to be able to implement the new role of Rostering Coordinator with Jessica Spiteri successful in her application, ensuring appropriate staffing levels across all programs. With an ever-increasing workforce and the complex scheduling requirements needed to ensure appropriate participant ratios, we believe this role will improve efficiencies and staff productivity. Share My Ability (SMA) hosted its 1st Birthday this year, with Milissa Barnett joining the team as Coordinator of SMA and Children’s Services. Milissa comes to NADO with a wealth of knowledge and experience having worked in

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

her vulnerabilities and loneliness, which in turn meant she was giving all her money away to strangers. Beth didn’t have the skills to cook her own meals, manage her money or the consistency of taking her medication. Her home supports broke down further when her father became ill and was not able to care for her. Along with her Support Coordinator, an application was made to review her plan for SIL accommodation. Whilst waiting for her plan to be reviewed, Beth was supported at our St Marys Short Term Accommodation home.

children’s services in previous roles. There are several programs that have been in the planning stages this year, including our RISE Program, aimed at supporting school leavers, who have high support needs and Connect & Create, an intergenerational program which will commence in October 2023 bringing children and older people together to support healthy aging. This year NADO has assisted 7 participants successfully transition into NADO managed Supported Independent Living (SIL) accommodation during the reporting period. I was personally involved in a team effort to ensure Beth* was supported in her journey to living independently from her family in a SIL group home. Beth has been a valued participant with NADO for over 10 years, accessing recreation programs and taking occasional breaks from home in our shortterm accommodation cottage. Beth had been living with her dad, but still remains in contact with all family members. Beth was alone at home a lot due to her dad’s work schedule, but she was preyed upon by others because of

The review returned with the funding needed to support her in a group home. During this time, Vanessa Vella-Adams, Accommodation Manager, worked on a suitable home and matched her with another similarly aged resident. Since moving, Beth is now working 4 days a week at a new workplace (previously 1 day), cooks meals for all her housemates twice a week, and with staff support budgets each week and now has savings. I am proud to say she is living a healthy and fulfilling life. This is only one story from this year however there were many more. It shows our team’s dedication to empowering individuals with disabilities and enabling them to live independently, but with more guidance and safety. I would like to thank our Accommodation Manager, Vanessa Vella-Adams for her exceptional leadership and remarkable ability to manage our SIL houses efficiently. Vanessa’s tireless efforts in ensuring a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment for the participants we support has been invaluable. To our Community Programs Manager Brendan Oldman, I express appreciation for his work in managing Share My Ability as part of his portfolio this year. Brendan also took the reins and managed all


the enquiries for our communitybased services, providing information and transition options that have helped people to engage in meaningful activities and build strong community connections. My sincerest thanks to our Team Leader and Support Coordinator, Sharon Morrison for her leadership and guidance to our support coordination team. Sharon’s ability to inspire and mentor her team members has resulted in exceptional service delivery, with a focus on personalised care, individual empowerment, and collaboration with various stakeholders. Vanessa Santucci has excelled in her work, providing a high degree of customer service to our Plan Management and Sensory Store customers, as well as being the go-to person for our Client Management System. The Sensory Store had its most successful year to date and this is a testament to her dedication and hard work. Our Plan Management service has grown with a new system in place, but overall, the care and time given to the customers is what our success comes down to. As I reflect on the achievements of the past year, I am excited about the future and the opportunities that lie ahead. With the continued dedication and passion of our team, I am confident that we will strive to reach new heights as we continue to provide exceptional support, care, and empowerment to the people we support.

Name has changed for privacy reasons *


human resources REPORT Julia Tierney

Human Resources Manager

Another year gone, with some special stories to share. A key focus for FY23 was to grow our workforce along with retaining our people. We can comfortably say, our workforce has grown by 7.9% with a natural attrition of 1%. When a workforce grows, it is important that we have the right people in the right jobs but not only that, we need to ensure our position foundation is strong to support the growth therefore we have introduced a Rostering Coordinator position into the organisation structure along with introducing new positions scheduled for FY24.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

Our growth was supported in a tight labour market through our usual pipelines as well as the introduction of an Employee Referral Program. Additionally, we partnered with Apprenticeship Careers Australia. Both programs assisted with delivering great candidates to NADO. We continued with our commitment to professional development, providing employees the opportunity to step up into acting positions along with external training courses such as Cert IV Leadership and, Cert IV Disabilities, Statement of Attainment in Mental Health, Respect at Work training for our leaders and much more. On average, we have educated 60% of our workforce with 16% of employees provided the opportunity and experience into acting leadership positions. We continued our activities of community engagement by participating in the Careers Expos, TAFE Expos as well as attending the Inspiring the Future of Australia, shaping the future of young people in Australia program. This has provided a great opportunity to enhance the knowledge of our NADO brand, while also building awareness to students

around career and development opportunities NADO offers. This is seen as a complimentary element to our recruitment plan. We are grateful this year to have received the Voice Project, Best Workplace Award. This prestigious award recognises best workplaces who have excellent management practices and a highly engaged workforce. NADO employees report exceptional levels of engagement and satisfaction. NADO exceeded the Voice Projects two criteria: averaging at least 80% staff satisfaction, and at least 10% above the industry benchmark. Only businesses with exemplary scores meet these criteria. Organisations only need to meet one in order to be named a best workplace, but NADO has achieved both with an average score of 84.33% and 10.86% above the industry benchmark. Our organisation is therefore identified as an exceptional place to work. Congratulations to the team at NADO on receiving such a prestigious award. Every year, our employees vote for who should receive the Employee of the Year Award based on the


quarterly Employee of Excellence Award recipients. In August 2022, Mose Feilo, Disability Support Worker received the Employee of the Year FY22 Award. Congratulations to all the nominee’s; Vanessa VellaAdams, Vinny Erol, Kylie Loadsman and Mose Feilo. We would like to thank Reozone who has sponsored the Employee of the Year Award again this year. This ongoing support enables us to continuously recognise our people. We welcomed Christine Werner to the role of Receptionist after Ann Schmitz elected to change from this position after 10 years to join the HR team, who together with Gillian Venturoso are the engine room of supporting NADO’s employees. I cannot thank you enough for the professionalism, engaging and supportive nature you all demonstrate each and every day and the positive impact you have on us all. Before I close off, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank each and every employee in NADO. Their continued support and the commitment to their position, is what makes NADO a great place to work. We value each and every one of you.


accommodation REPORT Vanessa Vella-Adams Accommodation Manager

NADO's Supported Independent Living (SIL) continues to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities. Our focus is on ensuring that each person we support experiences a personalised approach, with goals aimed at fostering independence and that each person is provided a shared living experience, personal growth, and nurturing the development of new skills.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

properties, where she found an immediate sense of belonging. With the closure of one door and as Cheryl transited into her new home, the stage saw her set for a fresh beginning. July 2022 saw the opening of a new ladies home, with Beverly and Samantha eagerly settling in and awaiting a third housemate. However, Samantha's path led her elsewhere, demonstrating that this home wasn't the right fit for her. Within a few weeks Hayley was introduced to Beverly and, much like Cheryl, knew she had found her place to call home.

NADO currently has 39 participants residing in 14 different SIL /Short Term Accommodation (STA) houses situated within the St Mary’s/ Penrith/Blue Mountains region. Our dedication to expand our SIL houses while maintaining a high standard of care remains our priority. SIL is made possible through funding from participants' NDIS plans. This funding allows people with disabilities to explore suitable housing options and embrace a more independent lifestyle as adults. In August 2022, a chapter closed for one of our SIL properties. Cheryl and Hayley, long-term housemates, embarked on a new journey seeking change. Both ladies, along with their families, expressed their desire to continue receiving NADO's SIL support. However, they were in search of something different. Hayley was looking for more independence with others who share similar likes and interests. Cheryl, too, was eager for change and with more people who shared her love for being out in the community and her love for the Op shops. The pieces fell into place. Cheryl's visit to another one of our

With Beverly and Hayley now housemates, NADO's dedicated staff worked diligently to facilitate bonding and create a nurturing environment. In March 2023, Shahani joined their household, bringing her vibrant energy and charismatic personality. Notably in early 2023, the arrival of Team Leader Janelle Butfield marked a significant turning point. Janelle and her team have wholeheartedly supported Beverly, Hayley, and Shahani in their journeys and ensuring that all three ladies continue to work towards their goals, personal growth and continue to develop new skills. Short Term Accommodation provides individuals with disabilities, respite from their daily routines and a chance to experience a caring, safe, and supportive environment. This opportunity allows them to explore new activities, connect with new friends, and create lasting memories. During their stay, participants engage in daily living activities, social activities that foster growth and enjoyment. Medium term accommodation (MTA) serves as a vital support system for those seeking a suitable long-term Supported Independent Living (SIL) placement. Over the past year, St Mary’s and Winmalee


medium term accommodations have been stepping stones for participants towards their desire for SIL accommodation. Short and Medium Term accommodation holds immeasurable value for people with disabilities and their families, offering respite, growth, and exploration. As we look ahead to the next 12 months, we are excited to continue providing services and support to our participants and their families. In appreciation of all the Accommodation Team Leaders and Coordinators, thank you for all that you do. Your unwavering commitment to each participant, staff member and your continued support to each other, myself included has ensured that we continue to provide quality supports together as a team. I would like to thank the Accommodation Team Leaders: Victor Santos, Michelle Edwards, Joshua Banayad, Janelle Butfield, Deepak Saxena, Danielle Privett, Karen Daly, Tina Carroll, Lydia Ho, Brian Anderson, Dannielle Merritt, Krystal McGauley, Sally Hill, Zane Blake, Adama Koroma, Courtney Vitek and Amanda Kumar. I would also like to thank the Accommodation Coordinators: Kylie Loadsman, Aga Rogoz, Donna Newton, Yusdi Maksum, Jeremy Voorn and Limcy Sunil. Lastly, to our dedicated support staff thank you - without you the services and supports we provide just would not be possible. Working towards participant’s goals, providing a safe and supportive environment, and ensuring that each participant is the centre of supports for a better quality of life, thank you again.


community programs REPORT Brendan Oldman Community Programs Manager

An exciting twelve months indeed. Over the past year, our Community Programs have grown, evolved and continues to offer competitive, and quality services to our community. We took some huge steps in working on quality improvement, and honing in our focus on providing personcentered active support to those whom access our services. Our Sensory Activity Centre - Share My Ability, became a part of the Community Programs umbrella this year. We said farewell to our Coordinator Jessica Spiteri, who has taken on an exciting new role in NADO, and we welcomed our new Coordinator Milissa Barnett as Coordinator for Children’s Services and Share My Ability, who brings a wealth of experience working with children and families. We have some exciting community programs coming up which will be run exclusively out of Share My Ability, we look forward to sharing these with you soon. Our Children’s program continued to grow, with more individual supports taking place, and our school holiday program continuing to be a hit amongst families. This allowed us to employ a part-time Team Leader. Kurt Tucsok joined the team and

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

has since become a full-time Team Leader. We are working on some new opportunities with the community to hopefully kick off in the next financial year. Our Day Programs have grown exponentially, with our Riverside team having the capacity to bring on a second Team Leader. We welcomed Adrian Leonardo to the Team Leader ranks this year. Adrian has been a support worker with us since 2020, and joins Cherry Silverio as Team Leader(s) at Riverside. Tina Khalifeh remains our Coordinator for Riverside, and continues to work hard on building our staff’s skills, and creating exciting programs for new and existing participants. Our St Marys and Penrith Central Day Programs have seen some steady growth, with Carey Tidyman Coordinating both centres. Carey continues to work hard with her Team Leaders Harmony Lebens and Rehana Buksh on building our existing programs. With a strong focus on skill development and active support at both centres, there has been some awesome programs, like Bike Zone kicking back into swing. This has increased the popularity of our centre, and will hopefully see more people take up an interest in joining our program. Up in the Mountains, our Lawson and Katoomba programs have remained a mainstay for our participants accessing the services. Suzanne Giordano continues to provide excellent programs to our participants and has recently seen an uptake on referrals to our Lawson site. We said farewell to our Team Leader Julie Jardine at Lawson, and welcomed new Team Leader Sasha Duane, who moved into the role permanently after acting in the role for a period of time. Celeste Bucknall continues to lead the team at our Katoomba site as Team Leader. There have been some real success stories for some of our participants in the mountains, as Suzanne and the team continue to work with

individuals on life skills, building on strengths of our participants to improve their quality of life. NADO Social Club has remained a hit for our participants. Some exciting partnerships have been built, and this has allowed us to have new activities added to our schedules. One of those activities has been open water sailing at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. This has been run twice now, and is an absolute hit with participants. Rebecca Smale remains at the helm of the program, and is focusing on building our quality systems to create easier access to bookings, and attendance on the program. We’ve had some changes in the Team Leadership of the program after Janelle Butfield moved onto another exciting opportunity within NADO. Everyone has brought their own unique style, and presence to the program which has allowed us to create fun, safe and exciting activities for people. Our Adult Flexi-groups have continued through the year, and have maintained a steady participant base. We were also happy to welcome acting Team Leader Paris Ruwhiu. Team You once again continues to be a popular choice for individuals wanting more tailored support. Meg Hayes, Jackie Long and Anabelle Wells have continued to work hard on supporting our staff to build participant’s capacity through promoting active support principles, and focusing on achieving goals. The program has remained steady throughout the year, and continues to receive high interest when people are looking for individualised support and programming. The year has also seen Community Programs promote professional development by playing host to Support Workers to take up opportunities in acting Team Leader roles. With there being a focus of growing staff from within, we’ve had the pleasure of staff members Chris Muzzati, Zane


Blake, Paris Ruwhiu, Lucia Fathallah Sleiman, Joshua Banayad, Sasha Duane, Payton Butfield and Adrian Leonardo stepping up into Team Leader positions throughout the year. Adrian, Sasha, Zane and Joshua have all taken up full-time positions throughout NADO as Team Leaders. We’ve also had the pleasure of people acting in Coordinator roles for us throughout the year, with Kurt Tucsok, Lydia Ho, Janelle Butfield and Zane Blake all having opportunities to do so. We had a full year without government imposed lockdowns. It wasn’t without its challenges however, with multiple staff, participants and families requiring time off from time to time to isolate in order to protect each other from COVID, and the various other respiratory illnesses that made their way back into the community. All programs, however, were able to continue operating, with attendance increasing and new participants joining our programs throughout the year. In summary, NADO operated like a well-oiled machine throughout the year, with our Executive, Management, Leadership, Administration and Support Staff all doing their part to support our participants to a high-quality standard. An extremely honorable mention to all of our amazing support workers, to whom without, we would not have such a wonderful community reputation, and high levels of staff satisfaction. There is excitement on the horizon, with our Coordinators, Team Leaders and Support Workers looking for new and innovative ways to deliver quality support to our existing and new participants. With a few new initiatives kicking off in the new financial year, I can’t wait to see how we further evolve our Community Programs.


support coordination REPORT

Sharon Morrison

Support Coordination, Team Leader

As we reflect on the past year 2022-2023 achievements and challenges, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the remarkable work that each member of the NADO Support Coordination team has contributed. Their dedication and commitment have played a pivotal role in ensuring our participants receive the support they deserve, and I want to take a moment to acknowledge their outstanding efforts.

Over the course of the past year, our team has witnessed a significant increase in referrals, a testament to the trust that our participants and their families place in us. I am pleased to announce that we are now operating at full capacity, a reflection of the tremendous impact we have had on the lives of those we serve. This achievement has paved the way for further growth, and I am thrilled to share that we will soon be welcoming a new team member. This expansion will undoubtedly enable us to extend our reach and continue making a difference in the lives of even more individuals. Navigating the ever-changing landscape of the NDIS has undoubtedly presented us with challenges, but I am inspired by the way our Support Coordination team has not only risen to the occasion but also excelled. In the face of funding cuts affecting our participants, their dedication to advocating for the rights and well-being of our participants has resulted in commendable outcomes, particularly through the Administrative Appeals process. The team’s unwavering commitment to their participant’s best interests

truly exemplifies the core values that underpin our organisation. It is essential to recognise that the journey of support coordination isn't solely about overcoming hurdles; it is about facilitating the achievement of dreams and goals with our participants that we support. It warms my heart to hear of the successes our team have had helping our participants attain, whether those goals are disability-related or involve broader community engagement. The impact is immeasurable and deeply meaningful. In celebrating our team's successes, I also want to take a moment to celebrate the personal milestones that shape us outside of work. This year, we had the privilege of witnessing Bianca Hearnden embrace joy on two fronts – her marriage, and the birth of her beautiful baby girl. These moments remind us of the multifaceted nature of life and the importance of cherishing both our professional and personal achievements. I would also like to welcome Lydia Ho to our team. Lydia is acting in Bianca's role while Bianca is on maternity leave.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


plan management REPORT As we look ahead to the coming year, I am filled with anticipation for what we will collectively achieve. Our participants continue to inspire us with their determination, and I have every confidence that, with the support of this remarkable team, they will surpass even more milestones. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each member of the Support Coordination team – Bianca Hearnden, Jess Burnic, Alex Stevens, Riana Stevens, Marlin (Spencer) Nau and Lydia Ho. Your dedication, compassion, and unrelenting commitment to our participants are the driving force behind our success. Together, let us continue to create a positive impact and empower those we support to achieve their dreams. Here's to a year filled with growth, achievements, and an unwavering commitment to making a difference.

in relation to their NDIS funding summaries which are also visible on our comprehensive monthly statements. With Plan Management numbers increasing we have a new addition to our team with a returning staff member Paulina Wilson. Paulina brings to the team years of accounts experience and assists with the volume of invoices we process each day; Paulina is a great asset to our team.

Vanessa Santucci Plan Management Coordinator

This last financial year has been a busy year for Plan Management with our team now servicing 174 plan management participants. The plan management department have been hard at work with our new software platform Careview Advantage now in full swing. We have many participants, their families and their support coordinators now accessing the platform via desktop or mobile app and feedback suggests that our service users are impressed with the ease of viewing and transparency the platform displays

We have exciting times ahead for 2023 – 2024 in the plan management space with a plan of rebranding and expansion, however, we will still continue to give clarity, peace of mind and complete transparency at the heart of our service. Stay tuned! Lastly, I’d like to thank our team, Bhaumika, Lisa and Paulina for their continued hard work, without this, we wouldn’t be delivering the high level of services with attention to detail that our participants have come to trust.


marketing REPORT Deborah Ferreira Marketing Manager

As the NDIS approaches it’s 10-year milestone the program continues to expand beyond its projected growth. As of 31 March 2023, there are 592,059 NDIS participants with the population peaking between the ages of 5 and 7. As at Q3 FY22/23 there are 177,277 NSW participants, with 10,408 (6%) living within the Nepean Blue Mountain region. As NADO continues its vertical growth and expansion of service offerings across the organisation, the role of Marketing has been strategically supporting these initiatives with the focus aimed primarily on success. Not just a registered NDIS provider that offers over 7 different service offerings to NDIS participants, additional subsets of NADO include the Sensory Store, now in its fifth year of progression and Share My Ability – a Sensory Activity Centre which celebrated its first birthday in February 2023. A highlight this year for Share My Ability was winning the Most Outstanding New Business at the Penrith City Local Business Awards. This award reinforces our dedication to putting our customers

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

first and providing inclusive environments and opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. We were also successful in attaining the NSW Stronger Communities Grant, which will enable the purchase of new equipment for Share My Ability and will include two large interactive touchscreens that offer educational play-based games and a full-size jungle themed Activity Wall due for completion by October 2023. For the Sensory Store, we saw another year of growth and achieved our sales target. Our product range is now at 337 in total and continues to grow in order to keep up with new technology and trends that help to support people with sensory requirements. The Sensory Store showed comparable growth from the previous financial year with an increase in sales by 31% and the competitive landscape continues to increase. It was another big year of events where we attended the Sydney and Nepean Disability Expos, held respectively in August 2022 and March 2023. Events such as these provide us a great opportunity to meet and connect with prospective

clients, strengthen ties with external providers and strengthen our brand name into the broader community. Marketing provides advertising, video, graphic and print collateral to not just these two major events, but also to our regular fundraising, internal and external events. It was also exciting to be a part of the Adobe filming campaign “Spending time on things that matter” which showcased one of our latest software additions to NADO, Adobe Acrobat Sign. We had staff and participants involved in this project which came to online fruition in May 2023. The new vision statement of NADO “Changing Lives through Connected Communities” and revised values “Respect, Teamwork and Inclusion” have now been cemented within NADO and will continue to be implemented across all vocal, print and digital touch points. Our annual photoshoot once again provided us a new set of beautiful imagery that provides visual insight and showcases our wonderful staff and participants.


Moving into the next financial year Marketing will be focusing on sustaining a strong marketing plan around all subsets of the organisation. Some of the future projects will include: •

Developing our Plan Management Service

Extending our SIL and STA advertising

Evolving our marketing channels to be more accessible

Extending into new channels for the Sensory Store

Supporting all new initiatives for Share My Ability

It certainly will be a very busy, but ultimately exciting year ahead for NADO.


community engagement and sponsorship REPORT Linda Wilson

Community Engagement and Sponsorship Manager

2023 I celebrated 10 years with NADO and what a journey that has been so far. Looking back on how my role has grown and developed, and the working relationships I have built with our business partners makes me extremely proud. It’s amazing to think each year we can say “this is our biggest year to date” and 2022/23 is no different. Not only did we have an amazing year raising funds and receiving grants, but we also had numerous occasions where we promoted NADO, along with the Sensory Store and Share My Ability giving us the opportunity to bring awareness about what we do to the public. Things are back to normal for meetings and events, which then provided us with an extremely busy year, with our annual events and meetings we attend and/or hold over a 12-month period in full swing it is great to finally be getting our lives back to normal, interacting and mingling with our peers and colleagues. Some of the meetings/events we attended included; the Sydney Disability Expo where we had the opportunity to promote the Sensory Store and introduce Share My Ability. For the first time since COVID, we were able to hold our Annual Staff

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


two new events; Friends of NADO Caring for Carers event and Sensory Santa as well as equipment for Share My Ability. Penrith City Council and CarersNSW also kindly supported our Friends of NADO Caring for Carers event last October. We also thank our Friends of NADO business partners for their ongoing support, Reozone for sponsoring our Employee of the Year award, Penrith Panthers Fishing Club for once again being their charity of choice for their FishFest Competition donation, and Acuity Project Management for a new vehicle.

Conference with just under 200 employees. The St Marys Spring Festival – although the skys opened up, there was still an amazing turnout and a great way to promote our brands to the local community. Our Annual Leadership Conference was well received with Samantha D’Angelo and Michael Ekert from Kinetik Global facilitating an informative session on Communication, and Oscar Stubbs a Para Athlete who NADO proudly sponsored at the 2022 Commonwealth Games at Birmingham, finishing off the afternoon with his inspirating story. We welcomed our 2022/23 Board at the Annual General Meeting, and the Nepean Disability Expo saw over 2000 visitors attend over the two days and kept our staff busy promoting NADO and the Sensory Store, as well as hosting a KidsZone area showcasing Share My Ability. Our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day was once again a SELL-OUT event. Our HR team attended the Greater Western Sydney Careers Market speaking to students about career opportunities within the disability sector and finally as an opportunity to give back in supporting Cancer Council – Biggest Morning Tea at Share My Ability.

Things didn’t stop there with a number of new mini expo’s towards the end of the financial year, again giving us the opportunity to connect with the wider community and letting families know how we can support them and/or their loved ones. We introduced two new initiatives, Friends of NADO Caring for Carers event and Sensory Santa which I’m pleased to say both will now be annual events going forward. Finally, earlier this year we celebrated our 1st Birthday for Share My Ability. We also had time to squeeze in a 2-day video shoot for a new corporate video which was a lot of fun with staff and participants. 2022/23 saw us attend/host 19 events over the past 12 months, with 15 events already in the pipeline for 2023/24. Being a not-for-profit, support from our business community is paramount to enable us to be front and centre to keep our resources and equipment for our participants up to date and introduce new events and initiatives to give back to our community. We would like to say thank you to St Marys Rugby League Club who kindly supported a number of initiatives this year including our

I’m thrilled to say that we raised over $122,000 including the abovementioned grants, which was an impressive $42,000 over our goal of $80,000. A huge thank you to everyone who helped us achieve this result. I would like to thank the staff who have helped at various events over the past 12 months. When attending in particular the Sydney and Nepean Disability Expo’s and our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day, they are a lot of fun, however, they can be long busy days with staff constantly on their feet. Sydney and Nepean Disability Expo’s: Tina Khalifeh, Sharon Morrison, Bianca Hearnden, Brendan Oldman, Yusdi Maksum, Vanessa VellaAdams, Anabelle Wells, Vanessa Santucci, Spencer Nau, Kurt Tuscok, Zane Blake and Brooke Wilkie. Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day: Deepak Saxena, Anabelle Wells, Andrew Clearly, Zane Blake and participants Anthony Currall and Cameron Cook. A special thank you to Denise Heath for your support leading up to the event and on the day, and to Vanessa Santucci, you have helped out since day one of this event with early hour starts to be ready for everyone’s arrival. 2023/24 is starting off as 2022/23 ended in full swing, we have a lot of exciting things happening and look forward to sharing them with you next year.


quality assurance and compliance REPORT As part of policy reviews, a clearer description of incident investigation steps was added to the incidents policy and supported with a suite of templates for use in different levels of investigation. Our participant focus has guided the language used in documentation, including the renaming of our Abuse and Neglect policy to Participant Safeguarding.

Ellen McFarlane Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager

Our focus for the year included policy reviews and capacity building quality process skills across the teams who were kept busy reviewing 36 policies which incorporated new business, legislative compliance, processes and increased focus on personcentred practices. These were all supported by robust updating of some 75 forms. Leadership members increased their quality documentation skills in incident report writing, policy and form edits and electronic signatures.

Following the risk health check process completed in May 2022, we developed a comprehensive Risk Management Framework and Clinical Governance Framework to support whole-of-business approaches to these pillars of service delivery. Direct participant support measures were addressed in the new Quality of Life Framework for supporting people with disabilities in group home settings. NADO uses an online portal for online training and policies, and this year saw an expansion of the portal’s functionalities with the addition of supplementary Library documents all staff access.

We continue to appreciate the value of the electronic signature software Adobe Sign, and its capacity to enable participants to sign and activate their service agreements quickly. A number of participants and staff had a “15 seconds of fame” moment when Adobe Sign produced a worldwide release video showcasing the value-add of this product for NADO. Once again, it has been another busy year and staff across NADO have been very supportive of building robust quality systems that support safe and effect service delivery to our participants. My retirement plan has come around more quickly than I had anticipated, with this being my final report for NADO. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with the NADO team.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


sensory store REPORT The Sensory Store is built on the concept of providing customers a range of educational, tactile, interactive, therapeutic and support products that stimulate the senses to enhance customer engagement for people of all ages and abilities. It’s been another big year for the Sensory Store now that modern day life has returned to a sense of normality.

August 2022 and March of 2023 saw us back in full action at the Sydney and Nepean Disability Expos. Events such as these provide us with a great opportunity to meet and connect with prospective customers, strengthen ties with external providers, generate sales opportunities and strengthen our brand name into the broader community. As a lead generation activity, we also ran competitions at each of these expos with the giveaway of a Sensory Prize Pack, which our Winners were thrilled to receive. A new connection made this financial year was with SDN Children’s Services, in which we were invited to attend their Autism Acceptance Month Morning Tea event. We met with their wonderful staff and families and had the opportunity to talk everything sensory. Digital marketing including social media, eMarketing and SEO all play a major part in the growth of the Sensory Store. New features including connecting Woocommerce to Google Listings have all provided extended opportunities for the business to grow. The Sensory Store has shown comparable growth from the

previous financial year with an increase in sales by 31%. The profit of the store entailed 20% of the overall sales, which is a great outcome and exceeded the sales targets for that year. As an average figure, online sales account for around 74%, in-store sales at our St Marys centre 22% and Share My Ability growing steadily at 4%. The future plans for the Sensory Store include: • Continue to expand its product range (currently 337) • Strengthen its online presence to reach a broader audience • Explore partnerships for sensory-related events and opportunities • Refresh the design and functionality of the website • Extend eMarketing and social media advertising In summary, the Sensory Store has successfully created a unique and engaging sensory store concept that resonates with its target audience. By continuously evolving and innovating its multisensory approach, the store is well-positioned for future growth and success in the competitive retail landscape.


share my ability An exciting and eventful year indeed. In November of 2022, seeing the alignment of Children’s Services and Share My Ability, we created a more cohesive structure with the merger of the coordinator’s roles. Jessica Spiteri spent some time in the combined Coordinator role, before moving on to an exciting new role as Rostering Coordinator. In June 2023, we welcomed our new Coordinator Milissa Barnett as Coordinator for Children’s Services and Share My Ability, who brings a wealth of experience working with children and families. We also welcomed a new Diversional Therapist, Laura O’Brien to our team, commencing in March 2023 after we said farewell to Kelly Sibbald, Diversional Therapist who

was instrumental in helping us set up the Share My Ability centre. Laura continues to provide more services to children and adults, as the benefits of Diversional Therapy become more well known. We had the pleasure of hosting our first birthday celebrations in February, with an amazing turnout from some of our regular visitors, and members of the community. We had a free barbeque, face painting, slushies and other fun activities. We were able to reflect on what had been an eventful year, and the learnings from running such a new and innovative facility. The learnings have allowed us to use the space more effectively, work on new and exciting programs and continue to build on the positive momentum being gained

from the first twelve months. School Holiday Programs continue to be popular amongst families, with fun and exciting activities taking place during the holiday periods. Things such as science experiments, slime making, snow globe making, creating unique tie dye shirts, making rocket ships and other engaging activities. Our birthday parties have also been a popular choice for families, with people opting to use the space for exclusive themed parties. We have continued to build on our Allied Health services through Share My Ability, with Dr Jessica Siegle providing counselling services and Innovate Rehab continuing to offer physiotherapy sessions to their clients from the centre. With the second year of the centre well and truly in full swing, we are excited to be capturing the essence of what the space can truly give. We have some exciting programs commencing in the new financial year, and the opportunity to bring some extra activities and resources into the centre. We are truly excited to see what these new ideas bring, and looking forward to their positive outcomes for our community.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE AT SHARE MY ABILITY In August 2022, NADO Management nominated its newly built Sensory Activity Centre, Share My Ability as a contender in the annual Penrith City Local Business Awards. These awards are well recognised and respected across the Western Sydney community. This award recognises local businesses that have demonstrated outstanding performance, exceptional customer service, and a commitment to continuous improvement. In its first year of business, Share My Ability became a finalist in the Most Outstanding New Business category, and at the formal presentation night which was held on Tuesday 25 October, the team were thrilled to successfully take out this award. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing top-notch services to our local community. Winning the Most Outstanding New Business Award was a proud moment for our entire team. This award reinforces our dedication to putting our customers first and

providing inclusive environments and opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has supported us along this journey. Our customers, business partners, supporters and employees have all played a crucial role in our success. Since it’s opening in February 2022, the new centre has provided a safe and supported environment for people of all abilities to interact, engage, learn and have fun. It has implemented new programs including school holiday activities, creative and active programs, special events, charity fundraisers and unique Sensory Santa photo opportunities. Another achievement throughout the year was an upgrade of our

Zen Zone area. This sensory room is a magical, peaceful place that enhances feelings of calmness, relaxation and tranquillity. We’d like to send out a big thanks to our sponsors and supporters from the Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day that funded this amazing project and Dr Bliss Cavanagh from Creative Sensory Spaces for designing and developing this space. Receiving the Award for the Most Outstanding New Business is not just an accolade; it's a testament to our dedication to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing our journey to success. Thank you to all of our connections for being a part of our success, and here's to many more achievements together!


NADO Annual Report 2022-23

program and stories



NADO Wins Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award May saw us the proud winners of the Voice Project’s Best Workplace Award for 2023! This award recognises organisations who have achieved exceptional levels of employee engagement and satisfaction.

NADO CEO, Denise Heath said “We are thrilled to have won this award, it is a testament to the professionalism of our organisation and to the systems we have put in place to help support our workforce. We pride ourselves on delivering quality services because we believe our staff are key to the participant experience”. The Voice Project is an independent company that developed a survey process to gather information from its employees to help organisations and leadership

teams drive employee engagement and organisation performance. Alex Kashian, Senior Consultant from the Voice Project wrote “Your employees report exceptional levels of engagement and satisfaction. In your most recent employee survey, NADO exceeded our two criteria: averaging at least 80% staff satisfaction, and at least 10% above the industry benchmark. Only clients with exemplary scores meet these criteria. Organisations only need to meet one in order to be named a best workplace, but NADO has achieved both with an average score of 84.33% and 10.86% above the industry benchmark. Your organisation is therefore identified as an exceptional place to work. Congratulations again for this amazing achievement”. As award winners for the Employer of Choice 2021 and the Great Place to Work 2022, this award continues to build on our reputation of supporting and engaging a diverse and expanding workforce.

Disability Advisory Board Ensuring people with disability, including those with intellectual disability, in the decisions and governance of our organisation was an important goal to achieve for the NADO Board. The Directors understood that significant changes would need to be made to the way the current Board meetings ran, the documentation and pace at which decisions were made to ensure a person with an intellectual disability could contribute effectively. The formation of a Disability Advisory Board was seen to provide an appropriate stepping stone for both people with disability to learn about working on a Board and for the current Board to begin to adapt to more inclusive processes.

The charter of the Disability Advisory Board ensures that the majority of its members have a disability and that at least one position must be filled by a person with an intellectual disability. The purpose of the group is to contribute ideas, solutions and wisdom to improve the quality of service that NADO provides to its customers. Therefore, it was not essential that applicants be recipients of NADO services but be able to have the experience to know how to improve services for people with disability. At the first meeting, the group were tasked with finding solutions to the under-reporting of complaints and the potential non-reporting of abuse or neglect as raised in the proceedings of the Disability Royal Commission with much larger organisations. Members revealed their own sometimes painful and

frustrating experiences with feeling unheard, discounted or disbelieved when raising issues about their or their loved one’s experiences with service providers. They followed through with four key recommendations for NADO’s Board to consider to ensure people with disability have a voice, which were all endorsed. These included the appointment of a Client Liaison Officer, improved feedback processes, website access upgrades and staff training. Their voice to NADO’s Board is critically important to the Governance of NADO, bringing lived experience and awareness of the issues affecting the lives of people with disability. The NADO Board have shown their leadership in this sector, demonstrating that better decisions are made with the inclusion of people with disability.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


Changing Lives through Connected Communities Brian's Story When Brian first commenced with NADO he was observed by staff to be withdrawn and quiet in character. He preferred to be alone in his room in the space of his own company, only venturing out when required for meals or to go to work. Brian rarely spoke to staff members or other participants, including his house mates. He did not get involved in activities or any social opportunities that the home presented. After only a short while though, Victor, a Team Leader who worked within the group home learnt more about Brian, including his likes and dislikes and what goals he would like to pursue to enable him to live the life he wanted.

Once this was established it didn’t take long to see some changes occurring in Brian’s life. He took interest in his appearance; he started eating healthily and he decided to join a gym. Gradually the social component of Brian’s life also improved, and he became actively engaged in the household environment.

Brian has come leaps and bounds, and is now also employed at Endeavour Industries, where he recently achieved the Employee of the Month award. Brian has connected back with the community from both a social and interpersonal perspective. He continues to be positive while thriving and achieving his goals.

an opportunity for people of all abilities to feel the exhilaration and experience of sailing in a safe and controlled environment.

open water experience. This small change in Lisa’s life has meant so much to her and the support of connecting with communities provides such positive outcomes for our Participants.

Lisa's Story Tina Khalifeh, Day Program Coordinator for our Riverside location continually reaches out to local communities that may offer our Participants new opportunities and experiences. One of those organisations is called “Sailability” – which is a not-forprofit organisation that provides

Lisa, who has a love of water, started participating in this program and absolutely loves it! Her disability is no longer a barrier to the full enjoyment of enjoying the


NADO Sponsors Inspirational Para Athlete – Oscar Stubbs The 2022 Commonwealth Games offered the unique opportunity for NADO to contribute to a local Para Athlete’s journey of personal growth and achievement. As the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham approached, our Board suggested we sponsor a Para Athlete in their journey. 22-year-old Oscar Stubbs was born with optic neuropathy and congenital sensory nystagmus, which is an eye disorder that disturbs a person’s optic sensor and leaves them with limited tunnel vision. A Multi-Sport Para Athlete, Oscar commenced swimming at an early age and has played many sports over the years including football, cricket, athletics and tennis.

Achieving Sweet Goals As a Disability Service provider our staff love nothing better than seeing our participants have a passion for something and then turn this passion into a business. Caroline has always loved baking and she got this love from her grandmother. Caroline learnt from her grandmother, and they would spend hours baking together.

Not letting his disability hold him back, Oscar has achieved a number of multiple state and national records. He is also committed to inspiring young athletes with disability to try new sports and challenge themselves. Oscar competed in the Men’s 50m S13 Freestyle at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

“The past few years have been stalled by COVID restrictions, but as the world has opened up, I have been so lucky to have some opportunities to play the sports that I love and hopefully show other athletes with a disability that our opportunities truly are endless. I recently received my Australian Dolphin pin and am honoured to receive pin #P321. I cannot thank NADO enough for your kindness and also the platform to promote disability sports. I feel so lucky to have had the opportunities I have had and am hopeful that other people like me can see that living with a disability does not mean you can’t achieve great things.” quoted Oscar Stubbs.

As an adult, Caroline wanted to take her love for baking further and with the help of her support worker Carren Maris, she completed her 4 Module Cake Decorating Course. After completing her course approximately four years ago Caroline decided that she wanted to continue her journey and start her own business and Caroline’s all Creations was established. Caroline started to make and sell not only cupcakes, cakes and cookies, but she also made soaps and candles. She enjoyed taking orders for special occasions such as Valentines Day, Mother's Day and Father’s Day. Starting her own business has helped her learn about being organised, food handling and time management skills. Caroline continued to perfect her art and really enjoyed making

“Our sponsorship of Oscar is aimed at showcasing the positivity and possibilities of people with disability in sports. It’s about promoting healthy activities, developing aspirational goals, and building strong communities.” stated Denise Heath, NADO CEO. Oscar has since attended our Annual Leadership Conference and our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day where he was able to share his inspirational story with us. Congratulations Oscar on your achievements to date. We know you have a number of things in the pipeline for 2023/24 and we wish you all the very best on your journey. Keep being you and inspiring others.

special cakes and found she had a real talent. Her next personal challenge was to bake wedding cakes and enter them into competitions. Other than some support in filling out paperwork and dropping off at the venue, Caroline achieves these amazing creations by herself. Caroline enters her cakes in the Penrith Show and is very proud on being announced as Winner on numerous occasions over the years. Congratulations Caroline on your achievements. Although Caroline is not actively working her business at the moment, she still enjoys entering her creations into the Penrith Show to showcase her amazing work. Caroline is also achieving other goals where she recently moved house with her husband and works at McDonalds.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


All Stars All Abilities Dance Program I would like to share with you the incredible journey of our 'All Stars All Abilities' dance program and to express our unwavering commitment to creating a successful and inclusive dance experience for participants of all backgrounds and abilities.

Our aim was to build an inclusive and fun dance program offering all of our participants the opportunity to express themselves through the art of dance. Through careful planning and continuous dedication, Rhonda from All Star Dance and Entertainment and the NADO staff have worked tirelessly to create an environment that embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging for all participants. The program is not just about physical well-being, although that is undoubtedly a positive outcome of our program. It is also about building self-confidence, forging social connections, and promoting acceptance among our participants. The impact of our All Stars All Abilities Dance program has been nothing short of transformative. Participants have discovered newfound confidence in themselves, made lasting friendships, and experienced the joy of self-expression through dance.

Families and caregivers have seen remarkable changes in their loved ones, as they gain independence and a sense of purpose. This was shown at our mid-year dance concert, held within one of our day program centres, with family, carers and friends all invited to see our newfound stars perform. In conclusion, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all who have supported our All Stars All Abilities Dance program. Together, we are breaking down barriers, nurturing potential, and creating a more inclusive and accepting community. We look forward to showing off our incredible skills when we step out onto the big stage at the end of year.


A successful transition from the family home to supported independent living Anthony’s journey to living a more independent life began when his elderly father, regrettably, could no longer provide the necessary supports he needed within the family home. In light of this situation, Anthony embarked on a new chapter of his life, which NADO has been closely involved in facilitating and monitoring collaboratively as a team.

The first significant step in this transition was finding suitable short-term accommodation for Anthony while awaiting approval from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for Supported Independent Living (SIL). With the support from the team at NADO and his brother and sisterin-law, Anthony commenced his transition into one of NADO’s short-term accommodation houses located in Winmalee. Throughout this stay Anthony was supported to start building on his daily living skills in preparation to move into his new SIL home. We are pleased to report that in October 2022, Anthony received the long-awaited approval from NDIS, marking the beginning of his journey towards greater independence. One of the most heartening moments in this journey was when Anthony had the opportunity to go shopping for his new bedroom furniture. The sheer excitement radiating from him as he handpicked his new bedroom suite and linen was truly contagious. It was evident that he had been eagerly awaiting this moment, and his enthusiasm warmed the hearts of everyone involved.

In the weeks leading up to his move, Anthony's anticipation reached new heights. Every day, he would ask anyone who crossed his path about his new bed and sheets and if they knew when he would be moving into his new home. This anticipation was a testament to his resilience and determination to embrace his new beginning. Finally, the long-awaited day arrived when Anthony moved into his new home, sharing the space with his new housemates. It brings us great joy to inform you that Anthony's transition has been nothing short of remarkable. He settled in effortlessly and has demonstrated progress in his independent living skills over the past seven months. We look forward to watching the progress and success of Anthony's journey in supported independent living.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


Building Skills and Achieving Goals Early 2023, Lexi and Clarisa expressed interest in wanting to do voluntary work and said that they were specifically interested in volunteering at the Springwood Lunch Rooms as a Community Restaurant Assistant. With the help of Lawson team member Jason Marlin, together they approached Blue Mountains Food Service and completed their expression of interest form. After three months on the waiting list, we received an email informing Lexi and Clarisa that they have a vacancy. Both ladies were overjoyed to hear the news.

Upon learning the news, they both eagerly took up the challenge of applying for a Police Check and worked diligently to ensure they had all the correct documentation to get this done. After completing the appropriate processes before commencing, Lexi and Clarisa commenced their first shift in June and they thoroughly enjoyed their first day. Since commencing, they have received great feedback from Chef Sandra, saying the ladies are showing great progress and finding their feet quickly. Throughout this process, Jason Marlin continues to do an excellent job supporting Lexi and Clarisa in this venture. Since commencing at The Springwood Lunch Rooms, both Lexi and Clarisa are gaining new skills required in the hospitality sector, such as safe food handling, hygiene and communication skills.

Lexi “I enjoy it because of all the nice people. I like trying to remember how to set the tables. I practice at home. I like how I get to do this with my friend Clarisa”. Clarisa “ I like working. I like serving and talking to the nice people. The best thing is when I serve the food to them, I like that they smile at me”. In conclusion, Lexi and Clarisa’s voluntary work offers an opportunity to showcase their abilities along with community presence. This highlights the underpinning principles of NADO’s vision – Changing Lives through Connected Communities.


NADO Annual Report 2022-23




financial REPORT

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Limited ABN: 83 188 045 596



















Communication and IT Expenses



Depreciation Expenses



Other Administrative Expenses











INCOME Sales Revenue Profit/(Loss) from Sale of Asset Miscellaneous Income TOTAL INCOME

LESS: EXPENSES Employee Expenses

Other Comprehensive Income:


42 Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Limited ABN: 83 188 045 596




Accounts and Other receivables






Other Assets



















Employee Benefits



Other Provisions





Other Provisions



Other Bank Loan














Accumulated Funds Prior Year



Surplus for the Year






TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NON-CURRENT Property, Plant and Equipment Other Financial Asset

LIABILITIES CURRENT Trade Creditors and Other Payables Other Bank Loan


Employee Benefits


NADO Annual Report 2022-23


Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation Limited ABN: 83 188 045 596



Funding from Commonwealth and State



Funding from others





Donations and Fundraising



Interest received







Right of use asset amortisation



Purchase of property, plant and equipment



Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities



Payment of Loan



Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities





Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of financial year



Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year




Payments for supplies and employees

Net cash provided by operating activities

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment


Net increase in cash held


NADO Annual Report 2022-23




Friends of NADO Friends of NADO have continued to be an important source of income to help with funds when needed for various program and initiates. We are fortunate to have 11 Friends of NADO Business partners and we welcomed Acuity Project Management to our supporters before Christmas.

Managing Director, Adam Currall reached out to NADO and expressed interest in supporting us and asked how best to do this. Adam explained that his brother Anthony was a long time participant of NADO and appreciated the support we have given him over the many years and wanted to give back. Adam soon signed up as a Friend of NADO as one of the ways Acuity has now started to support us.

Last year we mentioned we were introducing a new annual event – Friends of NADO Caring for Carers event. Money raised through the Friends of NADO initiative helped to give back to our community during National Carers week in October. Without the support of our business community, events like this would not be possible. We would like to thank our Friends of NADO Business Partners for their ongoing support.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23


Friends of NADO Caring for Carers As part of National Carers week in October last year, NADO held its first Friends of NADO Caring for Carers event at St Marys Rugby League Club on Thursday 20 October. 2022 saw us help celebrate 30 years of National Carers Week with the theme of 'Millions of Reasons to Care'. National Carers Week recognises, celebrates and raises awareness of the incredible contributions made by the millions of Australians around the country caring for their family members and/or friends.

Carers represent a diverse range of cultures, ages, experiences and responsibilities, but all of them balance caring responsibilities with other responsibilities like work, study and their physical and mental health. With the help of our Friends of NADO Business Partners funds and grants received from St Marys Rugby League Club, Penrith City Council and Carers NSW, we were able to put on this fun filled event. Starting off with a welcome drink upon arrival, followed by a delicious 2 course meal, attendees then spent the rest of their time in stitches with laughter as the amazing Brendan Mon Tanner enthralled his audience with his magic to the max and comedy show. The afternoon finished off with lucky door prizes kindly donated by ABCOE and Raffle prizes. Thank you to Susan Rochester, NADO Director who spoke briefly about her lived experience as a carer for her daughter. We thank everyone who attended, and we hope you will come back for our 2023 event.

Thank you so much for the wonderful day. The event truly made a difference to my life, it made me feel wonderful and spoilt. It is the first catered event that I have ever attended. I attended the event alone and met wonderful ladies, I have not stopped talking about it. Thank you again, you all are exceptional people. I am so grateful that you will keep me in the loop for other events. - Louise

Thank you Linda - was such a great day. Once again you created a beautiful day out. - Tracey

Haven’t seen my son laugh for many years as he did that day, we enjoyed it, was a great day. - Michelle


Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day On Friday 20 April we celebrated 5 years since our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day commenced back in 2018.

At this event we acknowledged our Founding Sponsors: Elite Sand & Soil – our supporting partner, Evergreen Turf, Reozone, ABCOE, Gallagher, Mack Trucks and Allotrac who have been with us since the beginning, and we are thrilled that more businesses keep returning each year after their first time. It is wonderful to see the same faces each year and we welcome the new businesses who join us – it’s exciting to see our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day family grow. This year we held our event at Lynwood Golf and Country Club which was again a sell-out with additional sponsorships being taken up, showcasing 27 sponsors and 36 teams in total taking us to full capacity on the day.

Proudly sponsored by:

The sun was shining and the hype to get out on the course was evident by all. Our goal was to raise $60,000 and we surpassed this with flying colours. Money raised on the day will go towards the fit out for our new group home located in Colyton.

The money raised on the day and on previous years takes us to approximately $264,000 raised since 2018. We had the pleasure of welcoming Oscar Stubbs, Para Athlete who not only played on the day but shared his inspirational journey on representing Australia in multiple sports including swimming and cricket as well as Tom Berry, Champion Jockey who shared his stories and career highlights. Thank you to Troy Kennedy for MCing again this year – keeping our day on track and bringing the energy to a great Auction outcome. Finally, a huge shout out to Jason, Zach, Tom and the team from Elite Sand & Soil. Our event wouldn’t be the success that it is without your ongoing support. It is always a joy working on this event each year with you.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23



NADO Annual Report 2022-23



Spotlight on our Partnerships Building long term partnerships is key for any organisation, not just not-for-profit’s. At NADO, we have been fortunate to be the recipient of ongoing donations from several organisations/groups over the years, as well as recently being introduced to another.

Penrith Panthers Fishing Club (PPFC) was established in 1952 and is the oldest continuous fishing club in the Western Sydney Area, a feat made possible by the strong support of their parent club Penrith Panthers Rugby League Club and is proudly one of Penrith Panthers Rugby League Club's longest standing sub-clubs. 2023 saw PPFC host their 39th FishFest competition inviting the public to participate with a range of cash and prizes available. This is PPFC’s way of giving back to the local fishing community and to their parent club, while highlighting and encouraging the sport of fishing in the local area. Over the years FishFest has seen many of NADO participants get involved in the competition with member boats and fishing gear being utilised to provide a memorable fishing experience for people who might not otherwise get the opportunity to experience a fun day out on a boat.

Daniel McCartney, Secretary said “Around a decade ago, the PPFC committee wanted to give something further back to the local community, and it was decided that we would work with a local charity to donate a share of each entry fee collected. A member of the committee at the time had some involvement / connection with NADO and it was determined they would make a great partner to work with. PPFC is very proud of our association with NADO and hopes it can continue well into the future”. We would like to thank Daniel and the PPFC Committee for their continued support over the years and we are pleased to say that to date PPFC has kindly donated over $2200 which has gone towards much needed resources for our various programs.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23

Reozone supply a huge range of steel reinforcement supplies including reinforcing bar, reo mesh, waffle pods, jointing, formwork and much more! Reozone have been an ongoing supporter of NADO since our introduction back in 2014 when Aaron, John and their team first became a Friend of NADO business partner. Since then Reozone has sponsored our Touch Football team’s endeavour to compete in various interstate tournaments, has donated towards a staff thank you and appreciation dinner, has been a major sponsor since 2018 at our Friends of NADO Charity Golf Day and kindly organises auction items which in turn generates at times thousands of dollars at each event and since 2020 has kindly sponsored our Employee Quarterly and Employee of the Year Award.

Reozone has been a huge advocate in recognising our staff and acknowledges the work NADO does within our community and has happily agreed to continue to sponsor this Award until 2025. We thank Aaron, John and the team at Reozone for their ongoing support over the years and we look forward to continuing our relationship.


Acuity PM exist to inspire a new standard of excellence across the project management industry by consistently choosing courage over comfort. Established in 2019 by a dedicated group of project management experts, they deliver project management experiences so remarkable that their clients forget what ordinary looks like. In September 2022, Managing Director Adam Currall reached out to NADO offering his support. Adam’s brother Anthony has been a member of NADO for over 30 years, and he has seen the support Anthony has received and the positive benefits this provides. Acuity PM soon became a Friend of NADO business partner and Adam and his team kindly offered to purchase a Hyundai Staria for one of our group homes. Donations such as these help to enrich and empower our participants in every way possible. We would like to say thank you to Acuity PM for reaching out to us and for your support and kind donations. We look forward to a long-lasting partnership for further years to come.


Sensory Santa There are times in your career that will stay with you forever. As the Community Engagement and Sponsorship Manager, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 December 2022 was most definitely a highlight for my career.

With the support of St Marys Rugby League Club who kindly funded this event through ClubGrants and our Friends of NADO, we held our first Sensory Santa event.

Families left with smiles on their faces and reindeer food on hand with special instructions to leave the food out for Santa’s reindeers on Christmas Eve.

For some children visiting Santa can be quite overwhelming. We held photo sessions in a quiet and calm environment at Share My Ability, where children could take their time to settle and engage with Santa at their own pace. We were able to witness some heartfelt moments.

If the children didn’t feel comfortable sitting next to Santa, we were still able to capture some beautiful memories with Santa in the background. Each session was catered to the needs of the children and their families.

Some families thought they would never get the opportunity to get family photos with Santa due to their child and sometimes children not being able to attend shopping centres with the noise, lights and crowds. We ensured every child and/or family didn’t feel rushed with 15-minute individual sessions. This allowed the children to not only have a photo with Santa, but also engage with him and learn about some of the North Pole’s secrets.

A huge shout out to Santa (Santa to the Max) and his helper Miss Janette for taking the time out of their busy schedule leading up to Christmas Day to spend time with our families. We are excited to say this will be an annual event going forward and we look forward to welcoming everyone for our 2023 event.

NADO Annual Report 2022-23



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