Natural Awakenings Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex DEC 2023 Issue

Page 17

Floods Linked to Heart and Lung Disease


Juergen Faelchle/

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Using Artificial Intelligence

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 6 million Americans and their families are living with Alzheimer’s disease. To determine if a person has the disease and rule out other possible causes of cognitive disfunction, doctors use several methods and tools, such as memory and problem-solving tests, biomarker tests and brain scans. Companies and scientists are engaged in harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve diagnosis. Here are three examples. RetiSpec, a Toronto-based medical imaging company, claims to have developed an AI algorithm for its eye scanner that can detect signs of Alzheimer’s 20 years before symptoms develop, as well as Parkinson’s, vascular dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). California-based NeuroVision Imaging uses its AI-enhanced retinal imaging system to look for the buildup of certain proteins or blood vessels with a twisted shape, which are both associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Rui Chang, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, built an AI model to identify genetic triggers linked to Alzheimer’s, which would otherwise potentially take a decade to identify. His model will be tested in a clinical trial led by PATH Biotech, an AI-powered medical solutions company founded by Chang.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, floods are the most common natural disasters in the United States. They account for 44 percent of natural disasters worldwide, with 1.81 billion people directly threatened by severe flooding. Global warming and the resulting rise in sea levels and extreme weather events are expected to make the problem worse. An Australian-led study examined deaths associated with floods across 34 countries over a 10-year period. Researchers found that after a flood, the risk of dying increased by 2.6 percent from cardiovascular disease and 4.9 percent from respiratory diseases. The increased mortality risks persisted for up to 50 days for cardiovascular deaths and 60 days for respiratory deaths after the disaster. The researchers called on governments to monitor and protect citizens from the health impacts of flooding for weeks, not just days, after the event.

Cold Medicine Found Not to Work

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel voted unanimously that oral phenylephrine was not effective in unblocking sinuses and clearing stuffy noses. The drug has been in use for nearly a century and is an ingredient in more than 200 over-the-counter decongestants. Drug stores have begun removing these products from the shelves. The decision by the FDA was the result of decades of research and an unwavering commitment by two University of Florida pharmacists to remove decongestants from the market that contained an ingredient that was no better than a placebo. December 2023


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Articles inside

community resource guide

pages 42-46

Health and Longevity Support for Pets: The Gift for Life Peptides

pages 37-41

Working Together for Change

page 36


page 35

Donating is Recycling

page 35

Clothing Donation Tips UNDERSTANDING WHERE

pages 34-35

Holiday Parties for Every Diet

pages 30-33

New Biohacking Center Makes Traditional Gyms Obsolete

page 29

Taking Charge of the Fitness Journey

page 27


pages 24-26

From Cancer Survivor to Wellness Advocate: Dominique Robinson's Journey Unveils the Healing Power of Natural Therapies

page 23

Winter Pest Control

page 22

Getting Creative to Battle Global Warming

page 21

Oldest Wooden Structure

page 20

Baby-Talking Dolphins

page 20

Essential Keys to Healthy Lungs

pages 18-19

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Using Artificial Intelligence

page 17

Hitting the Snooze Button Red Light Therapy to Reduce Glucose Levels

page 16

Thank you to our Community Sponsors

pages 6-15
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