Natural Awakenings Dallas Metroplex Edition Magazine

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feel good • live simply • laugh more


URBAN Gardening Takes Root

Fitness Myths Debunked

11 Vital Truths

plex Metro rs Farme llout t Pu e k r a M Guide

Eating Healthy in the City

Dallas’ Urban Acres Local Organic Market

New Life For Recyclables

How Every Day Refuse Gets Reused

MARCH 2013 | Dallas Metroplex Edition |


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Living     

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be b e air a i r aware awa r e Saving water saves electricity, which helps prevent air pollution. Be Air Aware with Air North Texas by conserving water throughout March. You can easily save water by taking shorter showers, turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, repairing leaks and more. Be sure to focus on saving water on Air Pollution Watch days so we can breathe cleaner air.

air northtexas

Visit to learn more and commit to clean air strategies.

natural awakenings

March 2013


letterfrompublisher Noth-


contact us Publisher/Editor Bernice Butler National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Editors Linda Sechrist Martin Miron Writers John D. Ivanko Lisa Kivirist Linda Bassett Avery Mack Robert Rabin Shawn Messonnier Design & Production Stephen Blancett Kim Cerne Citlalli Castellon Debi Terry JJ Johnson Distribution: Mark Stager Rick Clark Franchise Sales John Voell II, 239-530-1377 P.O. Box 140614 • Irving, TX 75014 Phone: 972-992-8815 Fax: 972-478-0339 Corrections & Clarifications

Natural Awakenings Dallas is committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact the Publisher, Bernice Butler at 972.992.8815 or email Please indicate whether you’re responding to content online or in the magazine © 2011 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $20 (for 12 issues) to the above address.

Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soy- based ink.


ing is impossible, the

ood—a favorite subject—headlines this month’s issue. I particularly like’s definition: any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc. This looks beyond what we eat or drink and opens windows of thought regarding our manual for life, the Bible. Matthew 4:4 advises that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Thus, what we feed our mind, how we think and feel, the words we use, what we read and listen to and most of all, what we believe, affects every aspect of our life energy, growth and experience. Just as the quality of the bread we eat counts, what we feed our consciousness each day makes a difference in our well-being. It’s vital that all inputs are of high quality, whole, natural, organic and free of toxic substances. Both kinds of nourishment require sustained practice; together, they work to bring about our best self to be able to care for our self, others and our Earthly home. In Lisa Marshall’s “The Better Brain Diet,” she indicates some of the specific foods required for brain to operate at maximum efficiency. In recent years, I have personally discovered how tweaking my diet has enabled improved memory, clarity and focus. I have also confirmed that it is equally important to learn how to quiet the mind; for me, the best way has proved to be through daily Bible study. In Robert Rabbin’s essay, “The Healing Power of Silence,” we are reminded that the gift of silence helps purify being. As we ingest both good food and “food for thought,” we start to be more mindful about everything, including the way we treat ourselves and others and how we care for our planet and everything on it. We shift from being, “It’s about me,” to “It’s all about we,” which has infinite manifestations, including everything from practicing recycling to building up enjoyably sustainable communities for the greater good. “Urban Gardening Takes Root,” by the husband-and-wife team of John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist, is particularly relevant for DFW Metroplex residents. More and more rooftops, vacant lots and public green places are becoming viable growing plots for city dwellers. I love to see the creative uses of such spots, which come about when people get serious about eating healthy and really want their greens. Which approach to gardening in small spaces works best for your family? Our own Metroplex arguably serves as a Texas “breadbasket” in that we are surrounded by an abundance of working farms, dairies and cattle ranches. Anyone that chooses not to grow their own whole, natural and organic foods has easy access to them in every North Texas community; locate those nearest you in this issue’s annual Farmers’ Markets Guide. It is our publishing team’s fondest desire that after reading this issue, you will feel encouraged and moved to actively make more healthy choices concerning all that goes into your mind, body and Serving the Dallas Metro plex and environment… thus truly experiencing North Texas Commun ities, including that green living is healthy and healthy North Dallas, Highland Park, living is green. University Park, Presto n Blessed be,

Hollow, Richardson, Coppell, Irving , Colleyville, Cedar Hill, Lewisville, Ca rrollton, Addison, Southlake and Farmers Branch

Bernice Butler, Publisher

Dallas Metroplex | •

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natural awakenings

March 2013


contents 12

14 32

8 12 14 17 24 26 28 29 30 32 35 38

newsbriefs healthbriefs globalbriefs businessspotlight fitbody greenliving consciouseating inspiration naturalpet calendarofevents ongoingevents community resourceguide

Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

17 EAtiNg hEAlthY iN thE citY


Dallas’ Urban Acres Local Market Store

18 urbAN gArDENiNg tAkES root

Feeding Ourselves Well by John D. Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist

22 DFW FArmEr’S

mArkEt Pull-out


24 FitNESS mYthS DEbuNkED

11 Vital Truths by Lynda Bassett

26 rEcYcliNg advertising & submissions hoW to ADvErtiSE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 972-992-8815 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDitoriAl SubmiSSioNS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. cAlENDAr SubmiSSioNS Email Calendar Events to: or fax to 972-478-0339. Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month. rEgioNAl mArkEtS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


Dallas Metroplex


What Happens after the Blue Bin is Emptied

by Avery Mack

28 thE bEttEr brAiN DiEt


Eat Right To Stay Sharp by Lisa Marshall

29 thE hEAliNg

PoWEr oF SilENcE

by Robert Rabbin

30 holiStic iS bESt Natural Care for a Sick Pet by Dr. Shawn Messonnier


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March 2013


newsbriefs Ozone Season Begins in Dallas


he 2013 ozone season begins March 1 and ends October 31. An ozone season is a period of time in which ground-level ozone, the primary type of air pollution in the North Texas region, typically reaches its highest concentrations as nitrogen oxides mix with volatile organic compounds in intense sunlight, often exceeding the National Ambient Air Quality Standard. High concentrations of ozone can cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, headaches, nausea, eye and throat irritation and lung damage. People that suffer from lung diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma and colds have even more trouble breathing when the air is polluted. Be Air Aware, Air North Texas’ public outreach campaign, offers guidance to individuals, governments and business on strategies to reduce ozone-causing pollution. One strategy is to avoid idling vehicles. Instead of going through drive-through lanes, park and go inside. Visit for Air North Texas tips and the importance of implementing them on Air Pollution Watch days.

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DART’s new fares give you new ways to ride and save. 214.979.1111


Dallas Metroplex

Bambooee Reusable Towels Eliminate Waste


ambooee perforated towels provide a certified organic, reusable alternative to conventional paper towels. Made of Earth-friendly, biodegradable, organic bamboo, they hang on a standard paper towel dispenser. Unlike trees, the world’s fastest-growing plant, bamboo, requires no fertilizers, pesticides or insecticides. It is harvested using sustainable and green practices that allow the bamboo to continue to grow. Bambooee can be machine washed and reused 25 times or more; so one roll replaces 60 rolls of the average paper towel. That reduces waste, as well as the carbon footprint humans leave behind. The product is stronger, more durable and more absorbent than traditional paper towels. Bambooee, available at retailers nationawide and online at, debuted at this year’s Expo West in March and won the Best of the West award. See ad on page 11.

Commuters Allowing Extra Time for Urgent Trips


s traffic congestion continues to worsen, the time required for a given trip becomes more unpredictable, and researchers now have a way to measure that degree of unreliability, introduced for the first time as part of the annual Urban Mobility Report (UMR), published by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). The Planning Time Index (PTI), a measure of travel reliability, illustrates the amount of extra time needed to arrive on time for higher priority events, such as an airline departure, just-in-time shipments, medical appointments or especially important social commitments. “We all understand that trips take longer in rush hour, but for really important appointments, we have to allow increasingly more time to ensure an on-time arrival,” says Bill Eisele, a TTI researcher and report co-author. “This unreliable travel is costly for commuters and truck drivers moving goods.” Researchers say that the most effective way to address traffic congestion is a multifaceted approach, relying on more efficient traffic management and public transportation in addition to new construction. Travel options such as flexible work hours and telecommuting should also be part of the mix.

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AirCheckTexas Taking Vehicle Replacement Applications

Prostate, Kidney


irCheckTexas Drive a Clean Machine, a program that has helped thousands of motorists purchase newer, more fuel-efficient vehicles, is accepting applications for replacement assistance vouchers worth as much as $600 in the North Texas area. Residents with vehicles that are more than 10 years old or have failed the emissions portion of the state inspection in the past 30 days may apply if they meet income criteria and certain vehicle requirements. Details are available at During the three months the replacement component of the program was open in 2012, more than 900 vouchers were used. Since the program began in 2002, 28,504 vehicles have been replaced, while 27,134 have been repaired. AirCheckTexas has helped the area move closer to compliance with federal ozone standards. Assistance is open to vehicle owners in nine Dallas-Fort Worth area counties (Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall and Tarrant). Assistance through this application-based program is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

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Zero Waste Workshop and Seminar with Gary Liss



he Dallas Clean Economy Series will present a free No More Garbage: Zero Waste workshop, with Gary Liss, from 4 to 7 p.m., April 4, at at Cedar Valley Community College. An additional one-day intensive training session will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., April 5. System Designer Gary Liss has trained in the Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) started by Gunter Pauli and works with communities to develop zero waste strategies. Author of The Blue Economy, Pauli aims to stimulate entrepreneurship and setting up new and higher standards of sustainability.

5917 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX

Leslie Duong BS Biology Licensed Herbalist & Health Nutrionist

Gary Liss

Cost for the intensive is $250. Discounts and work trades are available. For more information or to register, call 469-554-9202 or 818-913-2877 or visit

GrEEN TEA & VITAmINs HErBs natural awakenings

March 2013


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Americans Getting Serious About Going Green

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new study, 2012 Energy Habits, Awareness & Perceptions, prepared for: the Swanson Russell & Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) by Harris Interactive, provides detailed findings about consumer attitudes toward purchasing environmentally friendly products. Researchers found that eight in 10 Americans indicated that at least one or more factors prevent them from buying the products. Fifty-two percent cited cost, saying that the item(s)were too expensive compared to traditional purchases. Respondents 35 to 44 years old were more likely to give this reason than those ages 55 and up, as were households with more people. College graduates also cited cost more than others. Roughly one-third of Americans indicated they couldn’t conveniently find environmentally friendly products to buy. Americans 55 and up were significantly more likely than 18-to-34-year-olds to indicate that inability. About one-fourth of Americans did not purchase environmentally friendly products because other products have a better reputation. Perceived reputation versus other products is a stronger factor among males than females, and is cited less frequently among the 65-plus age group than in any other segment. Fifty-five-to-64-year-olds are more likely than 18-to-34-year-olds to cite their family and friends not purchasing environmentally friendly products as a reason not to do so. Nearly two in 10 Americans indicate that none of these factors have impeded them from purchasing more environmentally friendly products—only 2 percent indicated that they didn’t know. For more information and to read the complete study, visit

2013 Green Source DFW Environmental Leadership Awards


he Memnosyne Institute will present the second annual Green Source DFW Environmental Leadership Awards at a reception from 5 to 7 p.m., March 19. Awards between $250 and $500 will be given in five categories: Grass Roots NonProfit Group or Organization, Volunteer, Entrepreneur, Environmental Non-Profit Professional and Business/Corporate Environmental Professional. Executive Director Phillip Collins says, “Green Source DFW’s Environmental Leadership Awards program is in line with our vision and mission at Memnosyne. It brings people together from diverse economic and environmental areas to create a community of collaborations, opportunities and understanding.” Tax-deductible tickets are $25 for the reception and $100 for the supporter level. For location and reservations, visit For more information, call 214-425-4899 or email


Dallas Metroplex

New DART Buses Yield Savings and Environmental Benefits


ART’s new fleet of smoother-riding, cleaner-running buses is replacing their mix of diesel and liquefied natural gas buses at a rate of five per week, with full implementation planned by 2015. The 459 buses are running exclusively on compressed natural gas, which will cut the agency’s annual fuel costs by nearly two-thirds and significantly limit harmful emissions. The new, 40-foot buses have a new low floor design for easier entry, larger windows for increased visibility, a wider aisle that allows greater flexibility with wheelchairs and mobility devices, interior cameras for safety and LED interior monitors in the front and rear for displaying visual images, including next stop, rider alerts, passenger information and stop requests. For more information, visit

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natural awakenings

March 2013


healthbriefs Battle of the Bulge


WhY WE might NEED morE vitAmiN c


esearchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, a leading global authority on the role of vitamin C in optimum health, forward compelling evidence that the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin C should be raised to 200 milligrams per day for U.S. adults, up from its current levels of 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. The RDA of vitamin C is less than half of what it should be, scientists argue, because medical experts insist on evaluating this natural, but critical, nutrient in the same way they do for pharmaceutical drugs, and consequently reach faulty conclusions. The researchers base their recommendations on studies showing that higher levels of vitamin C could help reduce chronic health problems including heart disease, stroke and cancer, as well as underlying causal issues such as high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, poor immune response and atherosclerosis. Even at the current low RDA, U.S. and Canadian studies have found that a quarter to a third of the total population is marginally deficient in vitamin C and up to a fifth of those in such groups as students, smokers and older adults are severely deficient in it.


ccording to the American Heart Association, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese today, nearly triple the rate in 1963. A new report by the Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation advises that if adult obesity rates continue on their current trajectories, by 2030, 13 states could have rates above 60 percent; 39 states above 50 percent; and all 50 states above 44 percent. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity, based on research at 10 universities, points to the use of hormones in factory meat production as a major reason for this trend. Pesticides are another culprit; the average American is exposed to 10 to 13 different types each day via food, beverages and drinking water, and nine of the 10 most commonly used are endocrine disrupters linked to weight gain. Genetically modified U.S. food crops are also sprayed heavily with biocides. Findings presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science linked bisphenol A (BPA)—an industrial chemical contained in plastic soda, drinking and baby bottles—with abnormal estrogen function. To win the battle of the bulge, Americans need to eat balanced diets and exercise regularly, but additional steps can further help: choose organic, grass-fed meat instead of corn-fed; use glass instead of plastic containers for beverages and food storage; avoid canned food unless the label states BPA-free; and consume yogurt daily or take a high-quality probiotic to help restore healthy intestinal flora.

Drinks Tied to Tooth Trouble


hen replacing lost fluids during or after a workout, consider how beverage choices can affect the health of teeth. A recent study published in General Dentistry, the journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, found that increased consumption of sports and energy drinks is causing irreversible damage to teeth, especially among adolescents. A reported 30 to 50 percent of U.S. teens regularly imbibe energy drinks, and as many as 62 percent down at least one sports drink a day. “Young adults consume these drinks assuming that they will improve their sports performance and energy levels and that they are ‘better’ than soda,” says Associate Professor Poonam Jain, lead author of the study, who serves as director of community and preventive dentistry at the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine. “Most of these patients are shocked to learn that the drinks are essentially bathing their teeth with acid.” In testing the effect of acidity levels on samples of human tooth enamel immersed in 13 sports and nine energy beverages, researchers found that damage to enamel was evident after only five days of exposure. Moreover, energy drinks were twice as harmful as sports drinks. “These drinks erode or thin out the enamel of the teeth, leaving them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity,” says Jain.

Dallas Metroplex |

Dining App for Special-Needs Diets


oodCare’s new EveryoneEat! Android and iPhone app allows anyone to make informed meal decisions at 180,000 restaurant locations nationwide, based on their nutrition needs and meal preferences. Users enter their basic information such as age, gender, height, weight and activity level, plus any chronic health conditions and special dietary restrictions, at Instant analysis enables them to search for dishes at restaurants by type of cuisine or restaurant name. “People need to easily answer the basic question: ‘Does this dish meet my dietary guidelines?’ and if not, “What’s off and by how much?’” says CEO Ken Marshall. According to the U.S. government’s Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, which monitors the use and cost of health care and insurance coverage, nearly half of Americans today are living with a nutrition-related chronic disease. The National Restaurant Association estimates that Americans order 47 percent of all of their meals from restaurants.

Yogurt Hinders Hypertension


ating yogurt could reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to new research presented at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. During their 15-year study, researchers followed more than 2,000 volunteers that did not initially have high blood pressure and reported on their yogurt consumption at three intervals. Participants that routinely consumed at least one six-ounce cup of low-fat yogurt every three days were 31 percent less likely to develop hypertension.

Bad Fats Are Brain-Busters


ew research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School, has found that consumption of “bad” saturated fats may be associated with a decline in cognitive function and memory in older women. The research team analyzed the BWH Women’s Health Study, focusing on four years of data from a subset of 6,000 women older than 65. Those that consumed the highest amounts of saturated fat, like that found in red meat and butter, exhibited worse overall cognition and memory than peers that ate the lowest amounts. Women that consumed mainly monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, demonstrated better patterns of cognitive scores over time.

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March 2013


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Better Cafeterias

School Lunches Improving Nationwide The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) 2012 School Lunch Report Card found that public school districts in Florida, Maryland, Tennessee and Nebraska rose above federal guidelines for serving healthy school lunches, with some in Georgia and Missouri also receiving good marks. But most schools nationwide can improve. PCRM dietitians analyzed elementary school meals at 22 districts participating in the National School Lunch Program. The average grade is now a B (84.4) compared with the national C+ average (78.7) in 2008. Schools delivering poor grades still offer chicken-fried steak fingers, breaded catfish, pork nuggets and other high-cholesterol menu items. To read the complete report, visit

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Dallas Metroplex

Windy Woes

Solving Wind Power’s Hidden Pollution Problem The U.S. Department of Energy reports that although wind power accounts for just over 4 percent of domestic electrical generation, it comprises a third of all new electric capacity. Even with the freedom from coal or oil that wind power creates, a major component of the generating devices, the turbine blades, has its own carbon footprint that needs examining. Some of the blades are as long as a football field, and the metal, fiberglass or carbon composites must be mined, refined, manufactured and transported, all consuming energy and creating materials that are difficult to recycle when they reach the end of their usefulness and are replaced. Christopher Niezrecki, a member of the University of Massachusetts-Lowell Wind Energy Research Group, estimates the United States will have as many as 170,000 wind turbines by 2030, creating more than 34,000 discarded blades each year. The next generation of blade material may come from natural cellulose fibers and bio-based plastics derived from soybean, linseed and other vegetable oils, instead of oil-based polymers. A $1.9 million National Science Foundation grant is funding the research. Source:

Superior Soil

Organic Farming Sustains Earth’s Richness Famed as the happiest country on Earth, the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan is now aiming to become 100 percent organic, phasing out artificial chemicals in farming in the next 10 years. Agence France-Presse reports that Bhutan currently sends rare mushrooms to Japan, vegetables to up-market hotels in Thailand, its highly prized apples to India and red rice to the United States. Jurmi Dorji, of southern Bhutan’s 103-member Daga Shingdrey Pshogpa farmers’ association, says their members are in favor of the policy. “More than a decade ago, people realized that the chemicals were not good for farming,” he says. “I cannot say everyone has stopped using chemicals, but almost 90 percent have.” An international metastudy published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science that analyzed 74 studies on soils in fields under organic or conventional farming practices has found that over time, the carbon content in the organic fields significantly increased. For farmers everywhere, that means organic agriculture results in a richer, more productive soil, with plenty of humus, which is conducive to higher yields. Peter Melchett, policy director at Britain’s Organic Soil Association, says a primary benefit of a country becoming 100 percent organic is an assurance of quality to consumers that creates both an international reputation and associated market advantage.

Food Feelings

Restaurant Ambiance Affects Diners’ Appetites The mood in a restaurant can help diners enjoy their meals more and eat less, according to study results published in the journal Psychological Reports. After transforming part of a fast food Hardee’s restaurant in Illinois with milder music and lighting, researchers found that customers ate 18 percent fewer calories than diners in an unmodified seating area. Brian Wansink, Ph.D., a professor of marketing and consumer behavior at Cornell University, in New York, explains, “It didn’t change what people ordered, but what it did do was lead them to eat less and made them more satisfied and happier.” Wansink, author of Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, asks, “If softer music and softer lighting seem to get people to eat less in a fast food situation, why not try the same thing at home?”

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natural awakenings

March 2013


Sustainability Summit Doing the right things for people, planet and profit. Featuring keynote speaker: Joel Salatin Farmer, lecturer & author. Featured in “Omnivore’s Dilemna” and “Food Inc.”

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Dallas Metroplex


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Eating Healthy in the City


erhaps only serendipity could empower friends seeking the good stuff on the back roads of North Texas in a Volkswagen Rabbit to evolve into one of North Texas’ preeminent destinations for local, fresh organic foods. Started in 2009, the homegrown phenomenon called Urban Acres, brainchild of owner and founder Steven Bailey, has become a friend and resource to Texas farm families, local agriculture and local artisans. Urban Acres was initially created as a co-op-style produce system, with pickup locations all over Dallas to provide the community with the very best local and organic foods in a convenient way at convenient locations. Their initial operations were organized around volunteers and farm stands, but with a passionate commitment to knowing where all the food they deal with comes from, the operation has grown to thousands of members. Farm stand locations can now be found in West Richardson, Addison, Arlington, Uptown, Southlake, Park Cities, McKinney, Lake Highlands, Lakewood, Frisco and Fort Worth. Today, Urban Acres operates a market store at 1801B North Davis Street, in North Oak Cliff, which allows small farmers and local artisans to share their gifts with the community. It also serves as a co-op-style produce pickup location and regional clearinghouse for food that’s authentically wholesome, healthy, organic, natural

Specializing In:

and local. Many of the items sold at the market store cannot be found anywhere else locally. Anyone can shop there, but to purchase co-op-style produce and receive exclusive access to certain local produce items, individuals must join the membership of Urban Acres, which stands at more than 1,200. Bailey explains that Urban Acres currently maintains relationships with more than 50 local farmers and artisans, but in North Texas it sometimes difficult to get a consistent variety of organic produce, saying, “To insure their commitment to providing a variety fresh, healthy and organic to DFW, Urban Acres searches the country to find and connect with qualified suppliers to fill in the gaps. In order to get things like broccoli, avocados and Pink Lady apples, we have to reach out to states like California, Florida and Colorado.” Sometime this spring, Urban Acres Market hopes to move into the old gas station next to Mama Connie’s Diner, on the corner of Beckley and Greenbriar. Bailey and the Urban Acres team is also planning a unique gourmet benefit dinner to coincide with the visit of Joel Salatin, featured in The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food, Inc., to the Dallas County Community College Sustainability Summit, March 28. For more information call 469-2482270 or visit

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natural awakenings

March 2013


Feeding Ourselves Well

Urban Gardening Takes Root

of these gardens are in urban or suburban areas. “We’re seeing a new crop of farmers that defy stereotypes,” observes David Tracey, owner of EcoUrbanist environmental design in Vancouver, Canada, and author of Urban Agriculture. “Some are office workers leaving unsatisfying jobs, techie types learning the trade in universities and back-to-the-land folks that happen to live in cities. Others are activists taking on the industrial farm system, folks adopting trends or entrepreneurs that see opportunities in the rising prices of quality food and the proximity of millions of customers.”

Opportunities and Pitfalls

by John D. ivanko and lisa kivirist


n just one-twelfth of an acre, including lots of paths and a compost heap, our family grows the vast majority of the fresh vegetables we need, plus a decent chunk of our fruits and berries,” says Erica Strauss. “It’s not a huge garden, but we still feel nearly overwhelmed with the harvest in late August.” Her family of four tends a diversity of edibles on their urban lot in a suburb of Seattle, Washington. Word has spread because Strauss writes about her experiences via Northwest Edible Life, a blog about food growing, cooking and urban homesteading. “Every kid on the block has picked an Asian pear off my espalier and munched on raw green beans,” she notes. “Even picky eaters seem pretty interested when they can pick tasty treats right from the tree or vine.” We don’t need to live in a rural area or on a farm to grow our own food. By the close of World War II, nearly 40 percent of all fruits and vegetables supplying Americans stateside were grown in victory gardens in the communities in which they were consumed. Today, these small plots are often 18

termed kitchen gardens, comprising parts of household lawns, schoolyards, balconies, patios and rooftops. Fresh taste and the security of local food supplies in case of manmade or natural upheavals are drawing more people to gardening.

Garden Cities

“Urbanization, a major demographic trend, has implications for how we grow and consume food,” observes Roger Doiron, founder of Kitchen Gardeners International. “If we agree that feeding more people fresh, local foods is a priority, we’re going to need to landscape and, in many cases, retrofit urban and suburban areas for increased food production.” Millions of Americans now participate in growing mainstay foods. According to a 2009 study by the National Gardening Association, 31 percent of all U.S. households grew food for their families in 2008, and more have since the economic downturn. Bruce Butterfield, the association’s research director, estimates that nearly 70 percent

Dallas Metroplex |

Urban gardening has unexpected advantages in its use of organic waste like coffee grounds from a local coffee house and rainwater from area rooftops. Converting lawns at schools, churches and empty city lots into community gardens fosters community connections, improves access to affordable nutritious foods and creates employment opportunities. A widespread challenge to the trend is dealing with the quality of urban soil and testing for possible toxins. Often, urban soil must be improved using compost and other nutrients before plants can prosper. A nearby irrigation source is also required. “One potential problem for urban gardeners may be the community reaction to an edible landscape,” admits Strauss. “In some cities, edible gardens in the front yard or even the common parking strip are celebrated and even officially encouraged. But in communities where lawn is still king and city codes regarding vegetation are vague and open to interpretation, one complaint from an anonymous neighbor can become an exhausting political and legal fight.”

Feeding Community

Community gardens often transform vacant lots and other marginal land into green growing places. In Chicago, The Peterson Garden Project, an awardwinning nonprofit program, has been turning unsightly empty lots into raisedbeds in which residents learn to grow their own food since 2010. “Nationally, it’s been found that

having a community garden on unused land increases property values, decreases crime and promotes a sense of unity with neighbors and others,” explains LaManda Joy, president and founder of the project. “We work with property owners on the short-term use of their land to enhance the community in which they eventually plan to develop.” “Participating in a community garden serves up a lot of individual victories,” says Joy. “Improved health and nutrition, learning a new skill, teaching kids where food comes from, productive exercise, mental well-being, connecting with others and saving money—community gardens help make all of this possible.”

Being Prepared

“How many recalls have we seen because some food item has been contaminated and people have suffered or died as a result? I am concerned about the safety and security of our food supply,” says Wendy Brown, whose family tends a quarter-acre garden with raised and landscaped beds and containers wrapped around their home plus an onsite greenhouse in a beach resort suburb of Portland, Maine. “As a mother, it concerns me that I might feed my children something that will hurt them. High-fructose corn syrup, genetically engineered crops and BPA-lined cans are all making headlines. It just seems smarter to grow it myself; that way, we have more control over what our family is eating.” Brown is one of more than 3 million Americans that are following FEMA recommendations in preparing for any event that might disrupt food supplies. Her book, Surviving the Apocalypse in the Suburbs, shares everything her family has done to safeguard themselves, including growing produce, caring for animals and canning, freezing, drying, cold storage or fermenting foods for later use. “For me, it’s more about being prepared for the everyday things that are happening, like increases in food and fuel prices or a loss of family income,” Brown says. “If we’re growing at least some of our own food, I have a lot less to worry about when such things happen.” The family also keeps rabbits and

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natural awakenings

March 2013


ducks, plus egg-laying and meatproviding chickens that can total 40 animals in the summer at their “nanofarm”. These also supply natural fertilizer for the crops. Nearby beehives provide 20 pounds of honey each year. Because the foods they produce are solely for their personal use, the Browns are exempt from regulatory restrictions. “Our neighbors love what we’re doing,” says Brown, whose house is close enough they can chat across their front porches. “One says our initiative reminds him of growing up in Maine pretty much self-sufficient. The other tells friends and coworkers they aren’t worried if things really go bad because they have us as neighbors.”

Growing Green Thumbs

“With some effort, urban gardeners can grow great vegetables anyplace that affords enough light and warmth,” advises Strauss, who gardens primarily in raised beds in her front and back yards. “I garden on the scale I do because I love it. It’s

operations use them to grow income crops. The U.S. Department of Agriculture considers anyone that sells more than $1,000 of produce to neighbors or area restaurants a farmer, rather than a gardener, so regulations may apply. For renters, just a few tomato plants in a well-maintained container on a patio or deck can yield as much as 50 pounds of tomatoes by taking advantage of its microclimate, influenced by wind blocks, heated surfaces and reflected light from windows. Urban gardening is also thriving indoors in terrariums, window boxes and small greenhouses. Even partially lit rooms can support certain vegetables or herbs with grow lights. Aquaponic gardening, a closed-loop system that involves both fish and vegetables, expands the self-sufficient possibilities of a hydroponic system of growing plants fed by liquid nutrients.

both relaxing and challenging, and we eat well.” Urban gardening methods are as diverse as the growing conditions, space limitations and financial resources of the gardener. “Lasagna” gardening—layering newspaper or cardboard and other organic materials on top—can be effective in urban areas because it involves no digging or tilling. Just as with making compost, alternate between brown and green layers. Once the materials break down, add plants to the newly created growing bed. Urban dwellers with limited space may employ square-foot gardening, intensively growing plants in raised beds using a growing medium of vermiculite, peat moss and compost. This method can yield fewer weeds and is easier on the back. “It’s an easy concept to grasp for new gardeners,” remarks Joy. “We use it to both maximize output in a small area and ensure healthy, organic, contaminant-free soil.” Rooftop gardens are becoming more common as larger agricultural

Feeding Ourselves

With more than 80 percent of Americans currently living in urban and suburban areas, the questionable nutrition




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of many mass-produced foods, increasing pesticide and herbicide use by nonorganic farmers, greenhouse gas emissions from food transport and weather patterns altered by climate change, it’s past time to take back some control. Operating our own gardens and preparing our own meals turns us back into producers, not merely consumers. “For the most part, we’re just average suburbanites,” concludes Brown. “We just choose to have less lawn and more garden. A huge benefit is that we need less income because we’re buying less at the grocery store. Our goal is to semi-retire in our mid-50s—not because we’ve made a bunch of money, but because we’ve needed less money to live along the way.” John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist, co-authors of Farmstead Chef (FarmsteadChef. com), ECOpreneuring and Rural Renaissance, operate the award-winning Inn Serendipity Bed & Breakfast, in Browntown, WI. They grow 70 percent of their organic food; the cost savings helped them become mortgage-free in their mid-40s.

Local Foods Grow on Menus


any restaurants are seeking to lower ‘food miles’ and offer fresher, more local food,” reports Michael Oshman, founder and CEO of the Green Restaurant Association, which certifies sustainably operated restaurants. The 500-plus restaurants certified since 1990 include university, government and corporate cafeterias. The award-winning Uncommon Ground restaurant, in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood, maximizes the nation’s first certified organic rooftop farm using just 654 square feet of soil. Combined with its Wrigleyville restaurant’s “sidewalk farm”, client chefs receive 1,200 pounds of fresh produce each year, valued at

more than $5,600. Ingredients not grown onsite are sourced directly from regional farms, with their names often appearing on the menu. Community education is also part of the program. According to the “What’s Hot” National Restaurant Association nationwide survey of chefs, hyperlocal food sourcing, including rooftop farms, was the fifth-most-popular trend in 2011. Also in the top 10 were locally grown produce sourced from area farmers, farm-branded ingredients and sustainability. “Customers now have an opportunity to demand local and organic ingredients as much as possible,” concludes Oshman. More Americans than ever want to know the origin of what’s on their plate.

natural awakenings

March 2013



The Dallas Metroplex is surrounded by numerous high-quality working farms and ranches. As such Farmers Markets in North Texas are flourishing. Not only is there an abundance of locally and naturally grown produce, but also naturally grown meat and poultry and cheeses. Here is our annual sampling of some of what is available: Be sure to call ahead or check out the website before you go.


Every other Saturday starting March 24, 1 p.m. - 4p.m.. Produce from the restaurant’s farmer suppliers as well the Texas Honeybee Guild, chocolatier Katherine Clapner, Kessler Cookies, Texas Olive Ranch and others. Live entertainment. 634 W. Davis St., Dallas. 214-942-0451.


Opening April 14th, for Spring 2013, 8a.m. to 12 noon. Call 214-352-0031for dates and hours. Vendors include Holleman Farms pastured, non-certified organically raised chicken, In A Pickle, Farm Fresh Soaps & Culinary Creations, The Joy Farm Country Store, Cherokee Point Ranch, Texas Honeybee Guild, Warne Bee Farm, Stephanies Premium Bakery; 4515 W. Lovers Lane.


Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Local produce in season. 5409 Colleyville Blvd., Colleyville. 817-427-2333.


One of the area’s best community farmers markets, with farmers, pastured meats, eggs, cheese and chicken, gulf seafood, dairy, breads, baked goods, jams, jellies, salsas and more. Winter Market 2013 is second and fourth Saturdays, Jan., Feb., and March 8am to Noon, Every Saturday Starts April 7, 2013. 793 S. Coppell Rd. 972-304-7043.


Dallas Metroplex


Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. Select items delivered on Thurs. This is a Farmer-Rancher Network producer-only farmers market. 122 W 3rd St, Corsicana, TX. 903-229-7505.


Monday through Saturday, 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mom-and-pop retail stand that sells produce mostly from local farmers. 4200 Broadway, Garland. 972-240-8810.


Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A neighborhood natural-foods market that carries local produce in season as well as locally produced meats and pastured chicken year-round. 1026 S. Main St., Duncanville. 972-283-8851.


Daily, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. year-round. Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s days. Look for local farmers, mixed with a few dealers, in Shed No. 1 with cheese, eggs, sorbet, produce, pasteurized organic farm milk and more; most come on Saturday, but many are there Friday and Sunday, too. Shed No. 2 is filling up with food producers, including permanent vendors Pecan Lodge Catering (breakfast and lunch Thursday through Sunday), Old World Sausage (deli counter), and Ain’t No Mo Buttercakes, also regulars Wackym’s Kitchen, Texoma Winery and others. Koster Cattle Co. and Pastabilities, adjacent to the Dallas Farmers Market, are just north of Shed No. 1 (Fridays through Sundays). • 1010 S. Pearl Expressway, Dallas. 214-670-5880.


Market day, the first and third Saturdays of every month, 9 a.m. to noon, through December, weather permitting. Small organic and sustainable farmers market with eggs, breads, beef, pork and chicken, plus fruits and vegetables. For items such as meat and bread, it’s best to reserve ahead through the vendor. Regulars include Cherokee Point Ranch, Moss Gathers Farm and Amy’s Raw Chocolates. 4710 Pioneer Road, Balch Springs. 214-348-3336.


Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. or sellout, Starts May 5th. Local fruit, vegetables, pastured meats, eggs, honey, pasta and baked goods. Regulars include Truth Hill Farm and Sloans Creek Farm (pastured meats), Village Baking Co., Magnolia Seafood (gulf harvest), Little John’s Produce and others. 6048 Frisco Square Blvd. (across from City Hall), Frisco. 214-407-6665.


Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. year-round. Starts bringing in local produce with the season. 916 E. 15th St., Plano (east of Central Expressway). 972-516-4765.


Urban, family-run, pick-your-own (or they will pick for you). Saturday, 9 a.m. until picked out, Wednesday, 1 p.m. to picked out. Season starts with strawberries, will include tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, lettuces and more. Herb garden. Generally runs into July;

reopens in October with pumpkins and fall vegetables. 3010 S. Bowen, Arlington; 817-469-8704 (call to be sure weather hasn’t affected ripening).

Lane, Balch Springs. 972-286-2287.


Saturday, 8 a.m. to sellout, May 15 through Oct. 30. Local and regional produce, jams, jellies and breads. Wayne Ferguson Plaza, 151 W. Church St. (City Hall) at Main, Lewisville. 972-219-3401;

Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. starting March 31. Produce, breads, grass-fed meat and poultry. North Central Texas Farmers Markets Association (produce grown within a 150-mile radius) portion of the market starts June 3. Vendors include Country Store Bakery, Aduro Bean Micro-Roasters, Homemade Gourmet, B and G Gardens and others. Market Square, 120 W. Main St. (at NW Second Street), Grand Prairie. 972-237-8000. Gptx. org/FarmersMarket.


Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4p.m., April 1lth through October 19th. Part of North Central Texas Farmers Markets Association (produce grown within a 150-mile radius). 325 S. Main St. (behind the gazebo downtown), Grapevine. 940-872-5748.


Daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., May 15 through Aug. 15. Country store for the family orchards with peaches and other produce, baked goods, peach and strawberry ice cream, pies, preserved goods, hamburgers and more. 11939 County Road 309 (at State Highway 80), Terrell. 972-524-2028.


Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon at Chestnut Square. April 17th - October . Local produce (including organic), pastured meats, chicken, eggs, farm butter, salsas, breads and more. Regulars include Motley Farms, Rehoboth Ranch and Dominion Farms (pastured meats and poultry), and Sachse Farms. • Chestnut Square Historic Village, about three blocks south of the main square at McDonald and Anthony (park in the lot on McDonald); Adriatica, 6851 Virginia Parkway, McKinney. 972-562-8790.


Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon; Monday and Thursday, 5 to 8 p.m., starting around midMay. Suburban pick-your-own blackberry farm. Organic; cash only. 4608 Sheperd



Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, opens Saturdays May 5th - Oct. Local farmers, honey, dry seasoning mixes, baked goods, eggs, plants and herbs. More fruits and veggies as the season progresses. On the downtown square in the parking lot of the county courthouse at Goliad and Kaufman streets, Rockwall. 972-772-6400 or e-mail Downtown@


Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Nursery with indoor market stocked with seasonal fruits and vegetables from the Dallas Farmers Market. 3646 E. Rosemeade Parkway, Carrollton. 972-306-2899.


Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., May 21, to Oct.30 Local farmers (including organic) plus organic master gardeners, jams, jellies, sauces. One of the market’s most popular vendors is the Country Store, a Mennonite bakery in Grandview. Franklin Street between Rogers and College, south of the Ellis County Courthouse, Waxahachie. 972-937-7330, ext. 198.


Second and fourth Saturday of each month, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., March through Dec. The fourth Saturday is limited to farmers, growers and food producers. Vendors at the popular neighborhood market include Comeback Creek, Finley Farms, Kessler Cookies, Royal Pepper, JuHa Ranch, Homestead Land and Cattle Co., and others. Green Spot Market & Fuels, 702 N. Buckner Blvd. at Northcliff, Dallas; 214-319-7768;

natural awakenings

March 2013



five to 10 exercises into a burst-training workout routine,” which will burn calories and increase muscle mass, says Joe Vennare, co-founder of the Hybrid Athlete, a fitness website.

Myth 4: Too Late to Start Many people feel they are too old or out-of-shape to even begin to exercise, or are intimidated by the idea of stepping into a yoga studio or gym. “Stop wasting time reading diet books and use that time to go for a walk,” advises Exercise Physiologist Jason Karp, Ph.D., author of Running for Women and Running a Marathon for Dummies. “In other words, get moving any way you can.”


DEbuNkED 11 vitAl truthS by lynda bassett


he U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has concluded that more than a third of Americans today are overweight. Yet it also reports that at least 30 percent of us don’t exercise at all, perhaps partly due to persistent fitness myths.

Myth 1: Lack of Opportunity Even the busiest person can fit in some exercise by making simple changes in their daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do squats while watching television, deliver a message in person instead of via email, take a desk break to stretch or stand while talking on the phone. Even fidgeting is beneficial. The point is to be as active as possible during otherwise sedentary hours.

Myth 2: No Time The CDC recommends that each week, adults should exercise 150 minutes—the average duration of a movie—but not all at once. To make it easy, break it up into various exercise activities in daily, vigorous, 10-minute chunks.

Myth 3: Unaffordable Activities like walking, bicycling and even jumping rope can be done virtually anywhere, anytime. Individuals can create a basic home fitness center with a jump rope, set of dumbbells and not much more. Borrow an exercise video or DVD from the library or follow one of the many television fitness shows. “People can save thousands of dollars by combining 24

Dallas Metroplex

Myth 5: No Pain, No Gain Suffering isn’t required. In fact, feeling pain can indicate possible injury or burnout. Still, consult a doctor before beginning any exercise program. “Do not hurt yourself,” says Charla McMillian, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, attorney and president of FitBoot – Basic Training for Professionals, in San Francisco. “Rather, aim for a point of gentle discomfort,” she advises.

Myth 6: Must Break a Sweat Perspiring is related to the duration and intensity of the exercise, but some people just sweat more than others. “How much (or little) you sweat does not correlate with how many calories you are expending,” assures Jessica Matthews, an experienced registered yoga teacher and an exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise.

Myth 7: Dieting is Enough Women especially fall prey to the myth that they don’t need to exercise if they are a certain dress size. Even those at a healthy weight can be in greater danger of contracting disease and shortened lifespan than obese individuals that regularly participate in physical activity, according to a recent study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, in Bethesda, Maryland. Health experts recommend combining regular activity with consuming lean proteins, healthy fats, limited starches and no added sugars.

Myth 8: Stretch Before Exercising New research from the American Council on Exercise recommends stretching at the end of a workout. “It is safer and more effective to stretch muscles that are properly warmed and more pliable,” says Matthews, who also recommends beginning a workout with simple movements such

as arm circles and leg swings. She notes, “Stretching can help to improve posture and flexibility, plus reduce overall stress.”

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Myth 9: Crunches Cut Belly Fat

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There’s no such thing as spot reducing. While crunches strengthen abdominal muscles, they will not shrink your waistline, says Karp. Instead, try exercises such as squats, lunges and yoga plank holds or kettlebell repetitions to lose stubborn belly fat.

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Myth 10: Women Using Weights Get Bulky The truth is that most weightlifting women won’t end up with a big, bulky physique because they have less testosterone, are smaller in size and have less muscle tissue than men, advises Matthews. “Any kind of strength training will help improve bone density, increase muscle mass and decrease body fat in both men and women.”

Myth 11: Exercise is Hard Physical activity should be fun. It’s best to start simply, add a variety of physical activities and challenges and keep at it. Schedule time for exercise and treat it like any other daily appointment; don’t cancel it. Alexander Cortes, a nationally certified strength and conditioning coach with Ultimate Fighting Championship Gym, in Corona, California, concludes, “When health is a priority, exercise is the most important appointment you can keep.” Lynda Bassett is a freelance writer near Boston, MA. Connect at

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March 2013



rEcYcliNg rEFuSE What Happens after the Blue Bin is Emptied by Avery mack


ach blue recycle bin filled with plastic, aluminum, glass, paper and cardboard helps the environment, because it reduces landfill, takes less energy to repurpose materials than to make new ones and gently reminds us that thoughtful consumption is healthier for people and the planet. But what do all those recyclables turn into?

Repurposed Plastics

Plastic milk jugs turn into colorful playthings at Green Toys, of Mill Valley, California. Repurposing one pound of recycled milk jugs instead of making new plastic saves enough energy to run a computer for a month. All packaging is made from recycled content and printed with soy ink, so it can go into the blue bin again.’s online counter shows the number of containers recycled—more than 10 million to date. Fila Golf’s 26

Dallas Metroplex

Principal Designer Nancy Robitaille says, “Recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate), a core Fila cooling fabric, is used throughout our collection. Each fully recycled PET garment reuses about two-and-a-half 20-ounce plastic pop bottles.” Patagonia customers are encouraged to return their old coat when buying a new one. Coats in good condition are given to people in need; the PET fleece lining from retired coats is sent to ReFleece, in Somerville, Massachusetts, where it is cleaned and turned into recyclable protective cases for iPads, e-readers and cell phones.

Transforming Aluminum and Glass

In 2012, Do partnered with Alcoa to challenge teens to recycle aluminum cans. For every 50 cans collected during a two-month period, they

were awarded a chance to win a $5,000 scholarship. The sponsors note that recycling one can saves enough energy to light a 100watt bulb for 20 hours. The final total was 1,152,569 cans kept out of landfills. “Aluminum can be recycled an infinite number of times,” says Beth Schmitt, director of recycling programs for Alcoa, which has centers nationwide and cash-back programs for community fundraisers. “We remelt the collected cans, then roll out coils of new can sheets. This process can be repeated without any loss of strength—that’s why we call aluminum the ‘miracle metal.’ If every American recycled just one more can per week, we would remove 17 billion cans from landfills each year.” Wine bottles become designer drinking glasses at Rolf Glass, in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania. “Our designs give used bottles a second life,” says owner Rolf Poeting. Refresh Glass, of Phoenix, Arizona, salvages and preps the bottles. “Then, our glass cutting and diamond-wheel engraving technology transforms them into sophisticated Glacier Glass,” continues Poeting. “This seems to be a trend in many industries, to find additional uses for another company’s recycled products.”

Second Life for Paper

Purina’s Yesterday’s News and Second Nature litter for cats and dogs, respectively, is made from recycled paper and absorbs waste upward from the bottom of the litter box for easier cleaning. The unscented litter pellets are three times as absorbent as clay, nontoxic and nearly dust-free. Hedgehogs, mice, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs and reptiles also like Yesterday’s News for bedding. On average, 44 million pounds of paper are annually recycled for these products. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States

annually generates 11 million tons of asphalt shingle waste, mostly from re-roofing tear-offs and new installation scrap, comprising 8 percent of construction waste. Each recycled ton saves a barrel of oil. OFIC North America, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, creates its Ondura corrugated roofing from old newspapers or magazines and cardboard, made durable by infusing it with asphalt. It’s placed atop existing roofs, which means no discarded shingles. Each day, 40 to 50 tons of recycled paper goods find new life in Ondura products, available at most home improvement stores. Sound inside Buick Lacrosse and Verano vehicles is dampened via a ceiling material made partly from reused cardboard shipping boxes. Paint sludge from General Motors’ Lansing, Michigan, Grand River assembly plant becomes durable plastic shipping containers for Chevrolet Volt and Cruze engine components. Some 200 miles of absorbent polypropylene sleeves, used to soak up a recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, were converted into air deflectors for the Volt, preventing 212,500 pounds of waste from entering landfills.

Old Tires Transformed

The Rubber Manufacturers Association reports that Americans discard 300 million tires each year, each one having consumed about seven gallons of oil in its manufacture and poised to add to Earth’s landfills. Lehigh Technologies’ micronized rubber powder (MRP), made by freeze-drying discarded tires and pulverizing them into a fine powder, changes the equation. MRP is now used in many items, from new tires, roads and building materials to shoes. It feels good to place used items in the blue bin instead of the trash, knowing that more and more companies are helping to put these resources to good use. Connect with freelance writer Avery Mack at natural awakenings

March 2013




The Better Brain Diet Eat Right To Stay Sharp by lisa marshall


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ith 5.4 million Americans already living with Alzheimer’s disease, one in five suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and the 2012 failure of several targeted pharmaceutical drug trials, many brain health experts are now focusing on food as a critical defense against dementia. “Over the past several years, there have been many well-designed scientific studies that show you are what you eat improvwhen it comes to preserving and improv ing memory,” says Dr. Richard Isaacson, associate professor of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and author of The Alzheimer’s Diet. Diet In recent years, studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and Archives of Neurology have shown that people on a Mediterraneantype diet—high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fatty fish and low in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats—tend to fend off cognitive decline longer and be less prone to developing full-blown Alzheimer’s. Several small, but promising clinical trials further suggest that even people that have already begun to suffer memory loss may be able to slow or mildly reverse it via nutritional changes. Here’s how. Switch to slow-burning carbs: Mounting evidence indicates that the constant insulin spikes from eating refined carbohydrates like white bread or sugar-sweetened sodas can eventually impair the metabolization of sugar (similar to Type 2 diabetes), effecting blood vessel damage

and hastened aging. A high-carb diet has also been linked to increased levels of beta-amyloid, a fibrous plaque that harms brain cells. A 2012 Mayo Clinic study of 1,230 people ages 70 to 89 found that those that ate the most carbs had four times the risk of developing MCI than those that ate the least. Inversely, a small study by University of Cincinnati researchers found that when adults with MCI were placed on a low-carb diet for six weeks, their memory improved. Isaacson recommends switching to slow-burning, low-glycemic index carbohydrates, which keep blood sugars at bay. Substitute whole grains and vegetables for white rice, pastas and sugary fruits. Water down juices or forego them altogether. Choose fats wisely: Arizona neurologist Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, co-author of The Alzheimer’s Prevention Cookbook, points to numerous studies suggesting a link between saturated fat in butter, cooking oil, cheese and processed meats and increased risk of Alzheimer’s. “In animals, it seems to promote amyloid production in the brain,” he says. In contrast, those that eat more fatty fish such as herring, halibut and wild-caught salmon that are rich in the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid DHA, are at lower risk. Sabbagh notes that DHA, when it’s a steady part of the diet, plays a critical role in forming the protective “skin of the brain” known as the bilipid membrane, and may possibly offset production of plaque in the brain, thus slowing its progression during the

earliest stages of dementia. Aim for three weekly servings of fatty fish. Vegetarians can alternatively consider supplementing meals with 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams daily of DHA, says Isaacson. Eat more berries and kale: In general, antioxidant-rich fruits (especially berries) and vegetables are major preventers of oxidative stress—the cell-damaging process that occurs naturally in the brain as we age. One recent study published in the Annals of Neurology found that women eating high amounts of blueberries and strawberries were able to stave off cognitive decline 2.5 years longer than those that did not. Rich in antioxidant flavonoids, blueberries may even have what Sabbagh terms, “specific anti-Alzheimer’s and cell-saving properties.” Isaacson highlights the helpfulness of kale and green leafy vegetables, which are loaded with antioxidants and brain-boosting B vitamins. One recent University of Oxford study in the UK of 266 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment found that those taking a blend of vitamins B12, B6 and folate daily showed significantly less brain shrinkage over a two-year period than those that did not. Spice up: Sabbagh notes that India has some of the lowest worldwide rates of Alzheimer’s. One possible reason is the population’s love of curry. Curcumin, a compound found in the curry-flavoring spice turmeric, is another potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. He recommends sprinkling one teaspoon of curcumin on our food every day and cooking with antioxidant-rich cloves, oregano, thyme, rosemary and cinnamon. A 2011 Israeli study at Tel Aviv University found that plaque deposits dissolved and memory and learning behaviors improved in animals given a potent cinnamon extract. Begin a brain-healthy diet as early as possible. “Brain changes can start 25 years before the onset of dementia symptoms,” says Sabbagh. “It’s the end result of a long process, so don’t wait. Start your prevention plan today.” Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer outside of Boulder, CO. Connect at Lisa@


The Healing Power of Silence by robert rabbin


of our heart, where it breaks open to reveal another heart that knows how to meet life with open arms. Silence It was more than grace, an epiphany or a knows that thoughts about life are not life itself. If we touch life through mystical union; it was my soul’s homeSilence, life touches us back intimately coming, my heart’s overflowing love, my mind’s eternal peace. In Silence, I experi- and we become one with life itself. enced freedom, clarity and joy as my true Then the mystery, wonder, beauty and sanctity becomes our life. Everything self, felt my core identity and essential but wonderment falls nature as a unity-inanger, fear and love with all creation, When i return from away; violence disappear as and realized it is within this essence that we silence i am less than if they never existed. Knowing Silence learn to embody healwhen i entered: less is knowing our self ing in our world. and our world for the This Silence harried, fearful, first time. We only belongs to us all—it is who and what we anxious and egotisti- have to be still until that Silence comes are. Selfless silence knows only the present cal. Whatever the gift forth from within to iland embrace moment, this incredof silence is, it is one luminate us, serving as the ible instant of pure life when time stops and of lessening, purifying, teacher, teaching and path, redeeming and we breathe the high-altitude air we call love. softening. the “i” that restoring us in love. In this truth-filled Let us explore Silence returns is more loving moment, we enter our as a way of knowing and being, which we than the “i” who left. Self fully and deeply. We know our own know, which we are. beauty, power and Silence is within. ~ Rabbi Rami Shapiro magnificence. As the It is within our breath, embodiment of Silence, we are perfeclike music between thoughts, the light tion itself, a treasure that the world in our eyes. It is felt in the high arc of needs now. Right now the Universe birds, the rhythm of waves, the innoneeds each of us to be our true Self, excence of children, the heart’s deepest pressing the healing power of our heart, emotions that have no cause. It is seen in Silence. in small kindnesses, the stillness of nights and peaceful early mornings. It is present when beholding a loved one, As a lifelong mystic, Robert Rabbin is an innovative self-awareness teacher and joined in spirit. author of The 5 Principles of Authentic In Silence, we open to life and Living. Connect at life opens to us. It touches the center ne day I disappeared into Silence…

natural awakenings

March 2013


Are you working too hard to be healthy?


Holistic is Best Natural Care for a Sick Pet


Spinal Alignment without cracking

by Dr. Shawn messonnier


he best course of action for any pet that appears to be sick is to see a holistic vet early, before a disease can progress or before the pet has been made even more ill by improper conventional treatment.

Downsides of Conventional Treatment

TESTIMONIALS – After 4 cortisone shots and 2 rhizotomy procedures, my neck and back pain still interrupted my life daily. After one alignment at Synergy Balance, the neck and back pain disappeared along with my foot insoles used to help with heel pain! – Patricia – Just minutes after one “seemingly simple” adjustment, my neck was 90% better and I was able to move it with full rotation! – Barbara – “I wish I would have made the appointment sooner, it’s amazing how much I learned during the visit. I feel better than I have in a very long time. I no longer wake up with a severe migraine headaches and actually feel energized when I wake up, lasting throughout the day.– Shifteh”


Many sick pets brought to a holistic vet’s office may not have been formally diagnosed, even if they’ve been receiving medical treatment by a conventional doctor for weeks or months. In most cases, the standard blanket prescriptions of antibiotics and corticosteroids—regardless of the cause of illness—have failed to produce positive results. Worse, such drugs carry side effects that can make the pet even sicker; indiscriminate use of antibiotics, for example, has led to antibiotic resistance in bacteria, making it harder to treat serious infections when antibiotics are the only viable treatment option. So by the time the holistic doctor sees them, the condition of these pets may have worsened. The good news is that with precise diagnosis of the underlying issues, most sickly pets can be treated with good success. Because a holistic approach to

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healthcare relies on individual factors, the exact treatment will vary according to the patient and situation. A cookiecutter treatment will not be very helpful.

Holistic Nutrition Therapy Helps

Owners can take several steps to provide relief for a suffering pet right away while awaiting the results of proper diagnostic tests. In my practice, three vet-supervised nutrition therapies have been shown to be effective in stabilizing a sick pet for the 24 to 48 hours needed to return test results before the appropriate treatment can be initiated. Ask the attending veterinarian for other safe, comforting measures he or she likes to recommend. First, most sick pets benefit from receiving fluid therapy (intravenous or subcutaneous) in a veterinary hospital. The fluids rehydrate and help detoxify the pet by causing increased urination that flushes out cellular toxins. Second, injectable vitamins C and B complex added to the fluids often have a temporary pick-me-up effect, reducing lethargy and improving appetite. Third, using supplements selected to restore homeostasis also helps make the pet feel better and encourages healthy eating. I like to use a natural immunity support I developed called Healthy

Chi, which contains amino acids, potassium, green tea, ginseng, gotu kola and the herb astragalus. Homeopathic combinations also can be useful; I’ve developed a natural remedy combining gallium, colchicum, hydrastis, anthraquinone and glyoxal.

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Case Studies Exemplify Success

Two recent cases illustrate the benefit of an informed holistic approach. Gus, a 7-year-old male standard poodle, had a history of inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal cancer. He did well immediately following cancer surgery, but then became lethargic and showed a disinterest in food. So, we conducted a fecal analysis and complete blood profile. While awaiting test results, I prescribed the recommended nutrition therapies, along with a special diet. The next morning, the owner reported that Gus was feeling and acting much better, including showing more interest in eating. His owner was pleased with this rapid response and relieved to avoid unnecessary medication. A young Persian cat arrived in our office with a chronic herpes virus infection. Percy’s owner made an appointment because the feline had a congested nose and wasn’t eating as much as normal. Natural treatment for the herpes virus began with the amino acid lysine and the herb echinacea, both also helpful in preventing cold and flu. Supportive care for the general malaise and lack of appetite relied on the same recommended nutrition therapies and again resulted in overnight improvements in the pet’s attitude and appetite; the nasal congestion left during the following week. While antibiotics and corticosteroids can be helpful in properly diagnosed cases, using natural therapies can provide quick relief without the harmful side effects often seen from the use of conventional medications. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the award-winning author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. Visit

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March 2013


calendarofevents All calendar events for the April issue must be received by march 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.


Compost Happens – 9:30-10:30am. Learn the basics of backyard and vermi-composting to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfill. Free. Central Market, 5750 Lovers Ln, Dallas. Register, Central Market info desk or city of Dallas: 214-670-4475.

Beginning Tai Chi – 9:30-11am. Learn the 108 moves of Taoist Tai Chi. $25/seniors, $30/students, $40/adults. Central Congregational Church, 5600 Royal Ln, Dallas. 214-762-1661. Dallas.Tx.Us.

Solar Power: Photosynthesis for Your Home – 1011am. Green Mountain Energy, who donated BRIT’s rooftop solar panels, will provide an educational overview of solar energy applications for the home. Free. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 1700 University Dr, Fort Worth. Pre-registration required:

Vigorous Veggies – 10:30-11:30am. Organic gardening expert from Lady Bug Natural Brand Products in Austin will cover how to improve the quality and quantity of produce harvested from your vegetable garden. Class repeated at Grapevine location at 1 pm. Free. Marshall Grain, 2224 East Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth. Rainwater Harvesting Class – 10:30am-12pm. Topics covered include: benefits and uses of rainwater, methods of harvesting, rain storage options, optimizing use of rainwater. Free. Cozby Library, 177 North Heartz Rd, Coppell.

Raptors on the Mound – 2-3pm. Eric Neupert, executive director at the Black Land Prairie Raptor Center, will present several hawks, owls and falcons that make Flower Mound their home. Event hosted by the Flower Mound Foundation. Free. Flower Mound Public Library, 3030 Broadmoor Ln, Flower Mound. 972-874-6165.

Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and The Farm Midwives – 7pm. Charity film screening. Proceeds go to Okalahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center. $10. Parker University- Standard Process Center, 2500 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas. 469-767-2604. WMullins@


Trail Run at Eagle Mt Park – 8:30am-12pm. 5-mile run and 2-mile hike on trails in state park on Eagle Mt Lake, followed by a pancake breakfast. Benefits Streams and Valleys, Inc. $20-$30. Eagle Mt Park,


Dallas Metroplex

11601 Morris Dido Newark Rd, Fort Worth.

The Well – 10:30-11:30am. A contemporary worship experience featuring a visually engaging high-tech sensory experience to articulate the gospel. $10 love offering. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. Trout Lily Walk – 1-3pm. Master naturalist Jim Varnum leads this annual walk at the 160-acre prairie preserve. Free. Tandy Hills Natural Area, 3400 View St, Fort Worth.


Beginning Tai Chi – 9:30-11am. Learn the 108 moves of Taoist Tai Chi. $25/seniors, $30/students, $40/adults. Central Congregational Church, 5600 Royal Ln, Dallas. 214-762-1661. Dallas.Tx.Us. Wilderness Navigation Part 1 – 6:30-8:45pm. The Dallas Sierra Club hosts this two-part class covering the fundamentals of finding your way in the wilderness. Topics include map reading, using GPS and compasses and what to do if you get lost. Part 2 is March 7. $20/nonmembers, $15/members. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. Bill Greer: 972-247-0446. Concordia Choir – 7pm. Dr. René Clausen, composer of a Grammy-winning choral CD, will conduct his 72-member a cappella choir. $20/adults, $10/ students. $30/premium seating. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. 218299-4886. Adventure Yoga – 7-8pm. Soul Motivation Yoga Studio offers class tailored to enhance outdoor activities. Free. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas.

THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Wilderness Navigation Part 2 – 6:30-8:45pm. The Dallas Sierra Club hosts this two-part class covering the fundamentals of finding your way in the wilderness. Topics include map reading, using GPS and compasses and what to do if you get lost. Part 1 is March 5. $20/nonmembers, $15/members. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. Bill Greer: 972-247-0446.

SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Bird and Nature Walks – 7:30am-1pm. Guided bird and nature walks. Bring binoculars. $2 plus $5 admission fee. Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville. Registration requested: 972-219-3930 or LisaCole@UNT. edu. Bird Walk – 8-9:30am. Prairie & Timbers Audubon Society conducts this guided bird walk thru the Heard Sanctuary. The walk, which lasts 1.5 hours, begins promptly. Free with regular admission: $11/adults, $8/ children. Heard Museum, 1 Nature Place, McKinney. Spring Yard Smart Seminar – 8:30am-2pm. Semiannual seminar featuring experts from the Texas

AgriLife Extension Service, designed to provide effective, beneficial ways to use water wisely in the landscape. Free. Fort Worth Botanic Garden, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd., Lecture Hall, Fort Worth. Knob Hill Trail Day Hike – 9:30am-12pm. The Dallas Sierra Club hosts this 6-mile hike on the packed dirt trail along Denton Creek. Bring water and a snack. No pets. Free. Flower Mound. See website or call Mark Adams for directions: 972-658-1281. Vegetable Gardening Seminar – 10am-12pm. Randy Johnson, former director of the Texas Discovery Gardens, will cover everything from preparing the soil, starting with seeds or transplants, fertilization, disease control and pest control. Free. Ron’s Organics,1820 S. Beltline Rd, Mesquite. 972-329-4769. Organic Products Tour – 10:30-11:30am. Earthwise Lawn and Landscape rep will showcase latest products and practices available to organic gardeners. Class repeated at Grapevine location at 1 pm. Free. Marshall Grain, 2224 East Lancaster Ave, Fort Worth.

Bike Maintenance Basics – 2-3:30pm. Introductory class on how to take care of a bicycle. Free. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. 972-490-5989.


The Well – 10:30-11:30am. A contemporary worship experience featuring a visually engaging high-tech sensory experience to articulate the gospel. $10 love offering. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano.


Dallas Sierra Club Meeting – 7-8:30pm. Screening of the film Mother, Caring for Seven Billion about human population growth. Gayle Loeffler, member of the National Sierra Club’s Global Population and Environment Committee, will also give a presentation of the United Nations Conference on Population, Health and Environment, held in Ethiopia. Free. REI Dallas, 4515 Lyndon B Johnson Frwy, Dallas. 972-699-1687.


Advanced Backpacking Class – 6:30-8:45pm. Class will cover advanced backpacking tips and skills, including winter camping, fly-drive planning, equipment, bear barrel packing and week-plus long trekking. $20/nonmembers, $15/members. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. Bill Greer: 972-247-0446. Minimalist Running Basics – 7-8:30pm. Learn the basics of minimalist running. Free. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. 972-490-5989.


Compost Happens – 9:30-10:30am. Learn the basics

of backyard and vermi-composting to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfill. Free. Central Market, 10720 Preston Rd, Dallas. Register, Central Market info desk or city of Dallas: 214-670-4475.

Star Party – 6-10:30pm. Join the Noble Planetarium staff and the Fort Worth Astronomical Society for monthly star viewing held in front of the museum on Gendy St. Plenty of telescopes and astronomy buffs on hand. Free. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, 1600 Gendy St, Fort Worth.


The Well – 10:30-11:30am. A contemporary worship experience featuring a visually engaging high-tech sensory experience to articulate the gospel. $10 love offering. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano.


Green Source DFW Environmental Awards – 5-7pm. DFW environmental publication hosts award ceremony for outstanding volunteers, nonprofits, business leaders and entrepreneurs in the North Texas green community. $25. Details and registration:


The Well – 10:30-11:30am. A contemporary worship experience featuring a visually engaging high-tech sensory experience to articulate the gospel. $10 love offering. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano. Annual Sierra Club Azalea Day Hike – 2-4pm. Leisurely walk through Turtle Creek and Flippen Park. Meet at the shopping strip on the 4200 block Oak Lawn, just north of Wycliff, in Highland Park. Austin Brouns: 214-528-3812.


Inner City Outings Volunteer Orientation – 6pm. Volunteers provide opportunities for underserved kids to explore the outdoors. These mostly weekend activities include visits to local nature centers and state parks. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. Preregistration required: Liz Wheelan, 214-368-2306.

Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club Meeting – 7-8:30pm. John Davis, Wildlife Diversity Program Director for the Texas Parks and Wildlife, will speak on the diversity of wildlife in Texas and the major challenges of the near future. Free. Fort Worth Botanic Garden Center, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd, Azalea Room, Fort Worth.

Vaccines: Questions all Parents Should Answer – 12pm. Health talk. Free. Parker University, 2500 Walnut Hill Ln, Room South 214, Dallas. 469-7672604. Vegetarian Cooking Class – 7-8pm. Gourmet vegetarian cooking classes with Master Chef Manjuali Devi. $25 includes dinner. Kalachqandji’s, 5430 Gurley Ave, Dallas. 214-662-6889.

Kayaking Basics – 7-8:30pm. Learn about equipment, apparel, trip planning. Free. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. 972-490-5989.


Nature’s Eggstravaganza – 12-3pm. Ages 3-9 are invited to hunt for eggs in the forest, learn about our egg-laying friends and create a wacky spring bonnet. $15. Bob Jones Nature Center 355 E. Bob Jones Rd, Southlake.


New Parents Art Tour – 10:30-11:45am. Explore the Amon Carter museum during an adult tour for parents, grandparents and other caregivers with little ones – two years old and younger – in tow. Free. Amon Carter Museum of American Art, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth. 817-738-1933. For helpful instructions:


Family Egg Hunt – 10am-12:30pm. Annual egg hunting featuring 5,000 eggs, bounce house, face painting, crafts. $5/child; $20 max/per family. St Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano. 972-380-8001.



DCCCD Sustainability Summit – 8am-3pm. Choose from among five tracks of sessions: Healthy Living, Urban Agriculture, Resource and Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities and Green Careers and Jobs. Keynote speaker: Joel Salatin, a third-generation



Sharing the Past through Art – 10:30-11:45am. Designed for adults with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, during this program, participants discuss artists, themes and exhibitions and use artworks to connect to past experiences. Free. Amon Carter Museum of American Art, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth. 817-738-1933. For helpful instructions: Visitors@

Hiking Basics – 7-8:30pm. Learn how what to bring, safety precautions and where to go. Free. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas. 972-490-5989.

Butterfly 101 – 9:30-10:30am. Taught by Texas Discovery Gardens educators. Learn about metamorphosis through story and crafts. Free. Central Market, 10720 Preston Rd, Dallas.


Detoxing with Living Clay – 7-8pm. Learn how clay may help detoxify the body and help with everything from bug bites to skin firming. Free. Natural Health Shop, 400 N Coit Rd, Ste 1902, Richardson. 972664-1990.

alternative farmer whose family’s farm has been featured in national media. Exhibitors will also be on hand to share their green products and services. Free. Mountain View College, 4849 W. Illinois Ave, Dallas. Maria Boccalandro: 214-860-8564.

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HELP WANTED ADVERTISING SALES CONSuLTANT – Natural Awakenings Dallas Metroplex edition is hiring a part-time advertising sales representative. Experience in print or other media sales is preferred. Applicant must have interest in healthy living and must be self-starter. Job is commission-based with high incentive-based payouts and offers flexible schedule. Benefits

The Well – 10:30-11:30am. A contemporary worship experience featuring a visually engaging high-tech sensory experience to articulate the gospel. $10 love offering. St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 5801 W Plano Pkwy, Plano.

include meeting interesting people doing innovative work in the green, healthy and sustainable living fields. Please email resume to Publisher@ and sate Ad Sales Consultant in the subject line.

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natural awakenings

March 2013


savethedate Soul without Shame/Byron Brown – Diamond Approach Teaching Houston 3/22-24/2013. The judge, superego, inner critic shapes & limits our daily life. Learn to recognize & confront what keeps self-judgment in place. $230 if register < 2/5. Call (214)-660-4278 www.diamondgulfcoast. com, New Spiritual Group Forming - May, 2013. Gulf Coast Diamond Approach announces a new group. The Diamond Approach®, is an Inner Work path aligned with the western tradition & developed in response to the needs of people in modern western society. To learn more-call 214660-4278 Diamond Approach/Conscious Love DVD series - Join us for an evening of learning and community around the spiritual teaching of A.H. Almaas and Cynthia Bourgeault, an Episcopalian Priest. Conscious Love 3/19 & 4/16 at 8367 Santa Clara Drive, 7:00 PM. Info: call Annette at 214-6604278 or visit Confront the Inner Critic! - Houston 3/22-24/2013. Soul without Shame–First time offered in Texas! Byron Brown teaches you to recognize & confront the judge, superego, inner critic that shapes & limits your daily life. $230 if register < 2/5. Call (214)-660-4278 www.diamondgulfcoast. com,

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instructors. Modifications for all body types and ages. $12 suggested donation. Dynamic Yoga 4 Love Studio, 558 Bluebird Ln, Red Oak.

ongoingcalendar All calendar events for the April issue must be received by march 10th and adhere to our guidelines. Email for guidelines and to submit entries.

daily Energy Blast – Exhibit tells the dynamic story of energy and alternative energy resources in North Texas, the Barnett Shale, and the innovative pioneers who continue to make energy a leading industry in the region. Ages 11 & up. Included in $14/adult, $10/ child admission. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, 1600 Gendy St, Ft Worth. 817-255-9300.

Live Animals of the World: A Conservation Exhibit – Museum houses 12 types of non-native animals, encouraging visitors to take a proactive role in conserving wild spaces. $9/adults, $6/children 3-12 & seniors, free/members & children ages 2 & under. Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, 1 Nature Pl, McKinney. 972-562-5566. The IMAX Experience: Ft Worth – Showtimes online. Features include Flight of the Butterflies and Tornado Alley. $7/adults, $6/children 2-12 & seniors. Ft Worth Museum of Science & History, Omni Theater, 1600 Gendy St, Ft Worth. 817-2559300.

Happy Hour at Bar Alto – 5-7pm, weekdays. Take $1 off selections of wine by the glass. Sit back at the bar or in the cafe and relax while you eat a bite or take it with you while you make your shopping selections. Whole Foods Market, 4100 Lomo Alto Dr, Highland Park. 214-520-7993. WholeFoodsMarket. com/Stores/HighlandPark.

minded people for meditation, chanting, an inspirational talk, readings from the Bible and Bhagavad Gita, and the uplifting Festival of Light. 9-9:45am, Meditation and Purification; 10-11:15am, Service. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126. Dynamic Meditation – 10-11am. One of the active meditations compiled by Osho. Breath, jump, scream and shout, let it all go, then be in the bliss of silence and stillness; finish with dance of celebration and “be” different. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214-521-6157. Krafty Kids – 12pm. Seasonal crafts each week. Dallas Public Library, Bookmarks Branch, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas. 214-671-1381. NorthPark@

Family Events – 1-3:30pm. Discover a new artmaking activity each month. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N Harwood, Dallas. 214-922-1200. Kundalini yoga – 5-6:30pm. Includes chakra sounds and breathing techniques. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214-521-6157.

yoga – 6:15-7:15pm, Tues & Thurs; 12-1pm, Wed & Fri. Drop-in Hatha Yoga Postures classes are offered four times per week. Experience dynamic relaxation through practice of the postures. Suitable for all levels of fitness. $10. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126.

sunday Sunday Service/Meditation and Purification – 9-11:15am. Spend a Sunday morning with like-

Laughing yoga – 7-8pm. Healthy and playful experience that helps the body to move easily, freely, and genuinely laugh. Free, donations accepted. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214-521-6157.

Cosmic Dance – 7:30-9pm. Dance and disappear into deep stillness. Take your energy to a new height, be a child, reactivate your senses. Donation $5. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Dr, Dallas. 214521-6157. Sufi/Zen Poetry – 8pm. Readings from the esoteric masters at the Community Table. All dimensions welcome. Free. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Dr, Dallas. 214-521-6157.

tuesday Zumba – 9-9:30am. Latin dance inspired exercise in a fun 30-min class. $5. Curves, 11909 Preston Rd, Ste 1486, Dallas. 213-866-0399.

Aquacise – 9:30am. Low impact water aerobics for all levels. Participants must be members of the Coppell Senior and Community Center. Free. Aquatic Center & Recreation Center, 234 E Pkwy, Coppell. Lynn Dorn: 972-462-5136.

Zen Lemon – 6-7pm. Yoga class for all levels. Bring a towel and water. Free. Lululemon-Galleria, 13350 Dallas Pkwy, 3080, Dallas. 972-385-2316. Lululemon. com/Dallas/DallasGalleria. Awakening Heart Meditation – 5-7pm. Interfaith mindfulness meditation, music and message based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing and friends. Childcare provided. Donation accepted. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972-432-7871.

Top Ten Wine Selections – 5-7pm, weekdays; 126pm, weekends. Wine tastings and, as always, you can pick up your favorite cheese pairings from a amazing selection of delicious cheeses from around the world. Whole Foods Market, 4100 Lomo Alto Dr, Highland Park. 214-520-7993.

Meditation Class – 6:45-7:45pm. 1st & 3rd Mon. Clear the mind to gain clarity of personal goals and improve health. $5. Institute for Total Wellness, 1700 Commerce St, Ste 1400, Dallas. RSVP: 214-717-6300.

monday Dance Exercise Class – 9:15-10:15am. Mon-Thurs. Easy-to-follow routines featuring Jacki Sorensen’s creative choreography and a variety of music and artists. Start anytime. 3-wk sample: $25. Cimmaron Park Rec Center in Valley Ranch, 201 Red River Tl, Irving. 972-281-3075. Additional locations: Gentle yoga – 5-5:45pm. Learn a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support will be offered. Wear fitness shoes with good support. Free. Coppell Senior Center, 345 W Bethel Rd, Coppell. 972-462-5136.

Community Acupuncture – 6:30-7:45pm. Auricular (ear point) acupuncture is provided in group setting for relaxation, reduction of cravings and cleansing. $20/advance, $25/at door. White Rock Holistic Wellness Center, 718 N Buckner Blvd, Ste 416-103, Dallas. Jade: 214-642-0002. Walz.Jennifer@gmail. com. PuBlic Knowledge – 7pm. 1st Tues. Adult gathering celebrating brains and brew, featuring science, history, and guests from diverse fields, presented at a local bar or restaurant. Location: 817-255-9300.

COH Donation yoga Class – 7-8pm. Yoga flow class for all levels. Bring own yoga mat. Free. Donations accepted benefit local missions. Community of Hope UMC, 1800 E Debbie Ln, Mansfield. 817453-2328. Guided Meditation Class: Beginner Friendly – 7-9pm. Facilitated by Brother ChiSing. For beginners and more advanced practitioners who want to supplement their silent practice with guided meditations. Each month has a theme. $10-$25

Hot yoga Community Class – 5:45-6:45pm. A combination of energetic vinyasa flow, power yoga and balance poses. Students focus on twists, holding asanas and strengthening the core muscles. Handson adjustments, enhancements and assists from the

natural awakenings

March 2013


donation. Limited to 12. Dallas Meditation Center, 727 S Floyd Rd, Richardson. 972-432-7871.

ing the river. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 S Loop 12, Dallas. 214-398-8722.

Group Meditation – 7:30-8:30pm. Meditate with like-minded friends to access inner peace, calmness and joy. Free. Ananda Dallas Meditation & Yoga Center, 4901 Keller Springs Rd, Ste 103, Addison. 972-248-9126.

Tarrant County Greenweavers – 11:30am12:30pm. 3rd Thurs. Networking for professionals and companies who are green-minded, eco-friendly or wishing to become more so. $1. Prudential Worldwide Realtors, 1727 Keller Pkwy, Keller. Meetup. com/DFW-Tarrant-County-Greenweavers.


Gentle yoga – 5-5:45pm. Learn a complete series of seated and standing yoga poses. Chair support will be offered. Wear fitness shoes with good support. Free. Coppell Senior Center, 345 W Bethel Rd, Coppell. 972-462-5136.

Gong/Sound Meditation – 7:30-8:30pm. 1st & 3rd Tues. Gong and drum provide energetic and sonic backdrop to group meditation. Cosmic Cafe, 2912 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas. 214-521-6157.

Country and Western Dance Lessons – 7:30-9pm. 3-week, 2-step series, then 3-week waltz series. Sandunga Dance Studio, 2155 Marsh Ln, Carrollton. Info, cost: 972-418-1600.

Dallas Greendrinks – 2nd Wed. Meet for happy hour with other eco-conscious people. No cover, buy own drinks. Location TBD. DallasGreendrinks@

Line Dancing – Thru Feb 21. 10:45am. Learn this very basic easy dance step. Space is limited. Sign up in advance. Free. Coppell Senior Center, 345 W Bethel Rd, Coppell. 972-462-5136. FDerita@

Baby Bounce Basics – 12:30-1pm. Activities for moms/caregivers and infants up to 24 months old with interactive music, nursery rhymes and stories. Dallas Public Library, Bookmarks Branch, 8687 N Central Exp, Ste, Dallas. 214-671-1381.

Read and Learn – 10:30-11:30am. Features musicians, storytellers and puppets performing for newborns to 6 yr olds. Reading activity is followed by a guest performer. Dallas Public Library, Bookmarks Branch, 8687 N Ctrl Expy, Dallas. 214-671-1381.

Chair Massage –3-6 pm. Sign up for an appointment in advance or walk in. 10-minute minimum. $1/minute. Coppell Senior Center, 345 W Bethel Rd, Coppell. 972-462-5136.

thursday Audubon Center Third Thursday – 9am-9pm. Free admission 3rd Thurs each month. Guided hikes throughout the day; riverbend picnic site overlook-

CPR Training – 6-8pm. American Heart Training Center with over 125 highly trained instructors. Texas CPR Training, 4013 Carrizo, Plano. 214-7706872. Health Orientation Class – 6:15pm. Class on the benefits of proper spinal alignment for good health and preventing sickness. Free. Aspire Health Clinic, 10440 N Ctrl Expy, Ste 124, Dallas. 214-234-0000.

Natural Awakenings’


Celebrate the possibilities of sustained healthy living on a flourishing Earth.

For more information about advertising and how you can participate, call 972-992-8815 Dallas Metroplex

Chill Yoga 101 – 6:45-7:45pm. No heat vinyasa flow, come and chill. Yoga is significant to everyone in a personal and unique way. To breathe, feel and let go for a moment, is the beauty of Yoga. Beginners, post-natal, all levels welcome. $12 suggested donation. Dynamic Yoga 4 Love Studio, 558 Bluebird Ln, Red Oak. Vegetarian Cooking Class – 7-9pm. Gourmet Indian vegetarian cooking with master chef Manjuali Devi. $25. Kalachandji’s Community Hall, 5430 Gurlay Ave, Dallas. 214-662-6889. Danny@

Chanting Hu – 7:30pm. 2nd Thurs. Try chanting HU and find out how 20 min can change your life. HU means happiness, balance, harmony, peace and the loss of fear. It has been used by many different spiritual groups including Eckankar as a sacred name for God. Lotus Yoga, 6337 Prospect Ave, Dallas. 214-425-5343.




Dallas Organic Garden Club – 6:30pm. 4th Thurs. Monthly meeting. REI, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas.

Aquacise – 10:15am. Low impact water aerobics for all levels. Participants must be members of the Coppell Senior and Community Center. Free. Aquatic Center & Recreation Center, 234 E Pkwy, Coppell. Lynn Dorn: 972-462-5136. MoMe yoga – 10:30am. Mother-child yoga and nursery rhymes, specifically for moms of infants and toddlers. Bring a mat. Dallas Public Library, Bookmarks Branch, 8687 N Ctrl Expy, Dallas. 214671-1381. Health Orientation Class – 12:30pm. See Thurs listing. Aspire Health Clinic, 10440 N Ctrl Expy,

Ste 124, Dallas. 214-234-0000. Chair Massage –3-6 pm. Sign up for an appointment in advance or walk in. 10-minute minimum. $1/minute. Coppell Senior Center, 345 W Bethel Rd, Coppell. 972-462-5136.

urban yoga Charity Class – 4:30-6pm. Karma flow class with all proceeds going to a local cause and/or charity. Urban Yoga, 1706 8th Ave, Ft Worth. 817-908-FLOW. ‘Til Midnight at the Nasher – 6pm-12am. 3rd Fri. All ages. Outdoor evening series featuring local bands and movies, alfresco dining, gallery tours and more. $10/adults, $7/seniors, $5/students, free/12 & under, members. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St, Dallas. 214-242-5100.

saturday Coppell Farmers’ Winter Market – Jan-Mar. 8am-12pm. 2nd & 4th Sat. Seasonal produce for the North Texas area, natural meats and eggs, seafood, organic dairy products, honey, teas, breads, mixes, flowers, plants, and more. Coppell Farmers’ Market, Corner of Bethel & S Coppell rds, Coppell. CFM@ Shoreline Spruceup – 9am. 2nd Sat. Help keep White Rock Lake clean. Enjoy the company, visit with friends, paddle some kayaks, receive thanks form other lake users and collect lots of trash. Meet in the parking lot of Jackson Point on the west side of the park. Jackson Point, 4200 W Lawther Dr, Dallas. 214-669-1663. Om in the Park – 9-10am. Yoga classes for all levels. Bring a towel and water. Free. Lululemon Athletica – Northpark, 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas. 214-234-0305.

Friday Night Bike Ride – 7-9pm. Twelve-mile social bicycle ride around White Rock Lake with 5 stops to keep the group together. All skill levels welcome. Helmets required and lights/water recommended. Post-ride eats at Jake’s. New Dallas Bike Works Parking Lot, 4875 W Lawther Dr, Dallas.

Target First Saturdays – 10am-2pm. 1st Sat. Family activities including art scavenger hunts, family tours, yoga, story time and live performances. Free. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St, Dallas. 214242-5100.

Family Events – 1-3:30pm. Discover a new artmaking activity each month. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N Harwood, Dallas. 214-922-1200. Family Bird Watching – 2-4pm. 1st Sat. Beginners and families with children ages 5-13. Learn basic skills in outdoor fun like camping, birding, nature journaling and more. $20/adult, $10/child. Trinity River Audubon Center, 6500 S Loop 12, Dallas. 214-398-8722. Animals on the Air – 3-4pm. Live radio show explores the world of wild animals and domestic pets. Q&A on taking care of pets. Listener contests to win prizes. Hosted by Sean Greene, deputy director of the Dallas Zoo and Dr Nancy Turner, veterinarian from the Bent Tree Animal Hospital. Station KSKY 660 AM.

Garden as though you will live forever. ~William Kent

natural awakenings

March 2013


communityresourceguide connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. to find out how you can be included in the community resource guide email to request our media kit.


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tExAS toYotA oF grAPEviNE

EcoFriENDS PESt coNtrol

801 State Hwy 114 East, Grapevine 877-858-0831 Toyota of Grapevine is currently offering a $500 Military Rebate and a $1,000 College Graduate Rebate. See website for additional information and requirements. Experience peace of mind with every new Toyota with TOYOTACARE. Toyota is devoted to safety and dependability, and proper vehicle maintenance to both. That’s why we’re including a complimentary worry=free maintenance plan and roadside assistance with the purchase or lease of every new Toyota. For 2 years or 25,000 miles, whichever comes first, you and your new vehicle will be covered. It’s complimentary peace of mind, and we’re the first full-line brand to offer anything like it. See ad on page 5.

800-351-9542 We have been programmed to believe that the “smell” of clean comes from highly advertised commercial cleaners. Don’t be deceived! The smell is really highly toxic fumes disguised with fragrances which creates dangerous levels of indoor air pollution! If your family suffers from asthma, allergies or illnesses, reclaim their wellbeing TODAY. Give them the gift of clean air. Try our SafeHaven Healthy Home Residential Cleaning Services or the exclusive SafeHaven AllNatural Cleaning product line we use. Order online, by email or by phone. We only exist to provide you true green cleaning options because “We Care About the Air You Breathe. Servicing all of DFW.

grEEN PESt coNtrol P.O. Box 671281,Dallas TPCL #13982 972-484-7287 EcoFriendsPestControl

Chemicalfree pest control that works. Protect your family, pets, home and environment with our customized treatments using botanical products. Rid your home and environment of roaches, rodents, mosquitoes, fleas, termites and ants an have the kind of environment Mother Nature wants you to have. We treat your home like we treat our hom and your satisfaction is guaranteed. Call 972-484-7287 for a free consultation and estimate.

hErbAl mEDiciNE Ac hErbS AND vitAmiNS

FAir trADE giFtS AND crAFtS From thE ENDS oF thE EArth

835 W. Davis, Dallas, TX 214-942-1030 From the Ends of the Earth is a FAIR TRADE WORLD IMPORTS store located in the exciting new Oak Cliff Arts District. We carry a large variety of items from around the world, and can’t wait to meet you when you stop in to shop. Our offerings include clothing and accessories, home décor, writing tablets and pens, music and instruments, and handmade cards. To see a sampling of our offerings go to

Leslie Duong 5917 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 214-887-8325 AC Herbs and Vitamins specialLeslie Duong is a licensed Herbalist, BS Biology, and Health Nutritionist, with 14 years of experience in Chinese Natural Herbs, Leslie will sit down with you to conduct a private and personal evaluation of your health. You can assured that her many years of experience will start to help you feel better in no time. She can help with Prostate, Cancer, Hepatitis A,B,C, Detoxing, Cholesterol, Fertility, Impotency, Lupus, Thyroid, Menopause, Diabetes, Depression, Drug Detox, Skin Problems, Sexually Transmitted Disease, and Weight Loss. Free Consultation Available. Call to schedule you appointment. See ad on page 9.

natural awakenings

March 2013


holiStic DENtiStrY ProviDENcE holiStic DENtAl cArE


Keith Clark, LMT 11311 North Central Expressway, Suite 211, Dallas, TX 214- 315-2959

Dr. Latonia Smith 2701 Osler, Suite 10, Grand Prairie 972-641-2400 A different kind of dentistry where the focus is on health not disease. Our goal is to provide dentistry that enhances your overall health and improves the quality of your life. Have the smile you have always wanted with straight, white teeth. We use Invisalign instead of metal brackets and offer other services using simple and effective methods that are less invasive. We offer the most bio-compatible treatments available. Call 972-641-2400 to schedule your initial consultation. See ad on page 25.

Keith Clark is a licensed massage therapist in private practice utilizing many massage modalities during sessions to promote the importance of body maintenance. Whether you need a massage to relax and reduce stress, to recharge your fatigued muscles, or to assist in alleviating chronic pain, you’ll find the style of massage, you need here. Massage can help address a number of health issues including: Low-back pain, Improve range of motion, Ease medication dependence, Enhance immunity by stimulating the body’s natural defense system, Exercise and stretch muscles, Help athletes prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts, Improve the condition of the skin, Increase joint flexibility and lessen depression and anxiety. Call or go online for an appointment. REVIVIFY.



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C=32 M=0 Y=80 K=0

Dr. AlEx bEkkEr

6500 Mockingbird Ln, Suite 115, Dallas 214-821-3133 Dr. Bekker is a physician specializing in homeopathy, which is a medicinal therapy which uses natural substances that stimulate the person’s own vitality to overcome illness, and restore health. Some of the conditions treated are Childhood Illness, Autism, Asthma, Allergies, Auto-Immune Disorders, Anxiety, Depression and many other conditions. The result of homeopathic treatment is the permanent cure of the individual and the restoration of health.

mASSAgE ADvANcED crANioSAcrAl thErAPiSt & rEiki mAStEr

Sandy Hanne, LMT 1131 Rockingham, Suite 126, Richardson 469-438-8634 This deeply pleasant, profoundly relaxing technique sets you free in body and mind by releasing the tissues throughout your system that bind you down, tapping your body’s inner wisdom and reducing interference. Addressing musculoskeletal, neurological, head and other dysfunctions, it often helps when nothing else has worked, including for profound emotional release. Extensively trained by founder Dr. John Upledger.

Subscribe to Natural Awakenings Dallas Metroplex free digital magazine and be entered into a monthly Healthy Dining Gift Certificate drawing! Go to and look for our online magazine sign-up.


Dallas Metroplex

Dr. kArEN ASburY, mD iNtEgrAtivE mEDiciNE Dr. Karen Asbury, MD 2313 LaVida Place, Plano 972- 867-7790

The practice of Dr. Asbury is on the cutting-edge of Integrative Medicine. We specialize in a combination of Internal Medicine and Alternative Care, using the best of both. We believe the body is a wonderfully functioning system that was designed to be self healing, if given what it needs. Are you tired of drugs and conventional medicine? Do you want to address the cause of disease and not just the symptoms? Do you want natural solutions to chronic diseases? Dr. Asbury provides all aspects of adult care including full preventive evaluations and comprehensive treatment of chronic diseases. Call 972-867-7790 for an appointment or a free Consult. See ad on page 17.

kotSANiS iNStitutE

Constantine A. Kotsanis, MD 2260 Pool Road, Grapevine, TX 817-756-1896

Dr. Constantine A. Kotsanis is an unconventional medical doctor who travels the globe in search of answers to today’s health problems. His approach is to blend modern conventional medicine with the time-tested wisdom of older disciplines, creating unique treatments for each person. Having taken the time to become a certified nutritionist himself, Dr. Kotsanis believes the foundation of any treatment is proper nutrition. He applies this belief to treating conditions ranging from autism spectrum to chronic diseases including cancer and diabetes. Come Have Lunch with the Family - The public is invited to our FREE monthly Lunch & Learns. It’s a great way to meet the staff and doctor while learning more about health. We provide a gluten-free recipe from the Kotsanis Institute’s own cookbook “Food for Thought” (available on Each month is a different topic. Find the schedule on our website www. See ad on page 2.

moviNg AND StorAgE SolutioNS PurEbox DFW moviNg & StorAgE mAtEriAlS

Norm Forbes 337-353-796 PureBox provides eco-friendly, easy to use moving boxes for residential, commercial & special event needs. Rent our reusable boxes instead of buying cardboard and we will deliver to your home or office. PureBoxes are lightweight, stackable, nest-able and perfectly designed to keep your belongings organized and secure. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your next move faster, cheaper, greener & less stressful. Stop wasting your time & money on Earth-polluting cardboard. See ad on page 15.

NAturoPAth WEll NAturAl hEAlth

Dr. Marinette Paredes 4230 Avondale Ave, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 214-520-8108 Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine. Encouraging individuals to participate in optimizing their well-being. Services include acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, homeopathy, nutritional counseling and wellness counseling. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 214-520-8108. Be Well.

NEuroFEEDbAck DAllAS brAiN chANgErS

Dr Stephanie Golder & Mindy Fritz 10000 North Central Expressway #400, Dallas, TX 214-642-3976 Specializing in the reduction or elimination of disorders, including anxiety, depression, migraine, ADD (AD/HD), behavioral disorders, learning disability, and many others, utilizing neurofeedback and Christian counseling. Our goal is to help our clients achieve improved physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Neurofeedback is a proven, effective treatment that is non-invasive and does not involve medication. Call 214-642-3976 for a consultation.

Tell ‘em you saw it in



NutritioN liviNg WEll hEAlth AND WEllNESS cENtEr

Betty Murray, CN, HHC, Ryt 14330 Midway Rd, Suite 121, Dallas, TX 972-930-0260 Betty Murray, CN, HHC, RYT is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor. Betty has a knack for making the science of nutrition easy to understand and implement. Betty specializes in metabolic and digestive disorders and weight loss resistance. A master of the bio-chemistry of the body, Betty teaches clients how to utilize nutritional interventions to improve their health. Call 972-9300260 today to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation to see if nutrition counseling is right for you.

NAturAl hEAlth ShoP

400 North Coit Rd, Suite 1902, Richardson 972-664-1990 Everyday low prices on over 9,000 health and wellness products Natural and supplements. We specialize in special orders. Groceries, suppleHealth ments, sports nutrition, beauty special needs nutrition, Shop products, massage, detox. Located at the intersection of Coit and Roundrock. Open 7 days a week. See ad on page 25.

orgANic FooDS tExAS DAilY hArvESt Fisher Lane, Yantis, TX 903-335-1758

We are a Certified Organic Farm producing milk, cheese, yogurt, beef, pork, eggs and produce in East Texas. Our products area available in many stores in the Metroplex and in Austin, and we are now offering Neighborhood Delivery and a CSA. Please call or see our website at to sign up for Neighborhood Delivery.

thrEE hAPPY coWS

CR 45, Earth, TX 214-908-2569 Providing other families with clean and great tasting dairy products made from our sustainable, organic certified, West Texas native grass pastures of contented, happy, and humanely treated cows is the mission of Three Happy Cows. Our products are free of any added hormones, antibiotics, toxic chemical pesticides or herbicides. Due to the nature of the nutritional diet of our cows, our products have a wonderful fresh taste and maintains their flavor. Three Happy Cows products can be found at Central Market, Natural Grocers, Rosemeade Market, Cupboard, and Local Yocal.

PEt cArE

orgANic FurNiturE

thE ANimAl Doctor

orgANic bEDroomS iNc.

877-604-8208 ext. 702 Organic mattresses – safe, allergy-free, temperaturecontrolled sleeping system. Experience your best night’s sleep ever with revolutionary composition of lavender, swiss herbs, hi-tech materials. Our Swiss made Aven02 mattresses are 40% more durable than most existing products on the market. Organic Bedroom Inc is exclusive US retail distributor of Aven02 organic mattresses. Call for appointment. Get 2 coupon offers for November purchase.

orgANic hAir cArE glitZ orgANic SAloN

5207 Bonita, Dallas 972-587-7835 Certified Organic Salon located in Uptown Dallas in the Knox-Henderson District. Glitz is Dallas’ premiere certified vegan Salon, using animal-cruelty-free products that have none of the toxic chemicals found in most professional color lines. Offering a full suite of organic products and services, our services include Hair Cuts, Hair Color, Hair Straightening and Real Hair Extensions. Glitz salon is unique and personable and provides a warm and welcoming environment in a beautifully renovated house in one of the Dallas’ hippest new neighborhoods. Stop by today and see what the buzz is about for yourself. Walk-ins accepted. See ad on page 13.

outDoor lightiNg AlFrESco liviNg, llc

Jon & Laura Petersen Anna, TX 972-924-2722 Alfresco Living designs and installs outdoor improvements that make your outdoor rooms nicer. We take the time to design your Landscape Lighting to fit your lifestyle. Water Features, Mosquito Misting, Cool Fogging, Rain Water Harvesting and Christmas Lighting to take your outdoor living environment to the next level of pure enjoyment and a place where you can relax and enjoy the sound of a waterfall in a mosquito free evening while your landscape lights highlight the focal points of your yard.

Dr. Nancy Bozeman 621 N. Little School Rd, Kennedale 817-572-2400 As an alternative medicine specialist, Dr. Nancy Bozeman emphasizes your pet’s entire well-being by taking a holistic approach to veterinary medicine. Offering a full range of conventional and complementary modalities including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Laser Therapy, NAET, Nutrition Counseling and we offer Vaccination titers. Come visit our comfortable, pet-friendly, homey office environment. See ad on page 31.

The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. ~ Deepak Chopra


Eric Pratt, Owner 1920 Abrams Pkwy #387, Dallas, TX 214-732-4721 We are professional Pet Lovers and we promise to treat your pet like precious members of the family they are. We provide pet services to owners who are not only away from home on vacation but also away from home because of a long day at work. We pride ourselves in giving each pet special attention according to their breed, character and age. Contact us for full information and pricing based on your pet’s needs.

loNE StAr Dog DoorS

Dallas, TX 214-810-1785 Energy efficient, attractive and durable Dog Doors professionally installed. Let your dogs and cats live large with the freedom they deserve by getting a professionally installed Wall pet door in any type of wall, Door dog door, Screen pet door, Dog door right in the glass, or Pet door panel insert for a sliding glass patio door. Don’t be trapped into thinking that your dog door must be installed in a door. With Lone Star Dog Doors you will benefit from our many years of remodeling experience plus we use Hale Pet Door products, representing the highest quality in the industry. Call 214-810-1785 today so we can install “Your Pet’s Doorway to Living Large” in the Dallas area.

natural awakenings

March 2013



rEAl EStAtE SErvicES grEEN homE rESiDENtiAl

Stephanie Ebbesen-Stuer 214-563-5769 Green Home Residential is the first green residential real estate brokerage in North Texas to specializing in healthy, sustainable high performing real estate. Return on your green home investment can show up in increased energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality and health, decrease in waste, and reduced water consumption, among other things. Get the professionals at Green home Residential to find the shade of green that fits our real estate needs. We will customize services based on your requests and show you how to take advantage of government programs and incentives. Green living is healthy and healthy living is green. Call us for a complimentary consultation.


1701 N. Greenville Ave. # 1112 Richardson, TX 972-231-4800 Lock in your electricity rate for 30 years. Reduce, offset, or even eliminate your skyrocketing utility bills! We offer unmatched expertise, superior products, design and installation services, educational seminars and much, much more. Call Clean Energy Systems today, and let us help you discover the joy in energy independence. Serving Dallas, Denton and Collin Counties since 2008. State licensed Electrical Contractor TX # 29240


Nance Woods 330 Market St, Baird, TX Stress? Illness? Injury? Biofeedback could be the answer. Distance sessions available. Quantum Zen also offers Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Nance is a highly sought after Reiki Master/ Teacher. Trying to sell your house but it just won’t sell? Keep getting an “unfriendly” feeling around your property? Property clearing is available. Quantum Zen is a holistic wellness center specializing in stress management located west of the metroplex on Interstate 20.

thErmogrAPhY thErmogrAPhY cENtEr oF DAllAS

coNcorD DAllAS church

6808 Pastor Bailey Dr, Dallas 214-331-8522 Church that Grows people. Services are Sundays at 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am, 12:45am, and online at Streamingfaith. com. Mid-week service is Wednesdays at 7:00pm. Reverend Bryan L. Carter, Senior Pastor.

YArD AND gArDEN rohDE’S NurSErY & NAturE StorE

WEight loSS


FAt burNiNg coFFEE & tEA

Jon & Christi Hurley 615-653-5228 Drink coffee and burn fat. Join thousands of other coffee and tea drinkers who have lost those unwanted pounds. Try the Bfit challenge today! Call Christi at 615653-5228 and get ready for a fitter, healthier you! See ad on page 31.

Learn how to list your services in the Community Resource Guide.

972-992-8815 Dallas Metroplex

Jennifer Trejo, Naturopath 3345 Western Center Blvd, Suite 140 Ft Worth, TX 817-847-0900 Services include: BioSET, which locates and corrects imbalances in the body through detoxification, enzyme therapy, homeopathy, nutrition and lifestyle recommendations; breast thermography which can detect cancer forming up to 8 years before other detection devices, with no radiation exposure or compression; saliva hormone testing and correction using homeopathic hormones; thyroid testing and balancing; metabolism testing; weight loss; IonCleanse foot Detox and oxygen steam sauna. See ad on page 14.

1651 Wall Street, Garland 972- 864-1934 Rohde’s helps you get and maintain beautiful Yards and Gardens in a chemical-free environment. We know organics better than anyone else. Organic yards and gardens require less water, have fewer insects and diseases and result in better health for you, your family and the environment. We will give you the guidance you need either in our store or at your home. Products and services include Landscaping and maintenance, natural fertilizer, natural insect control, unique garden gift items, pet food for dogs and cats, and a large selection of native and drought-tolerant plants. Call the experts today at 972-864-1934. See ad on page 27.

Want to reach readers who are health and wellness focused?


AbuNDANt liFE WEllNESS AND thErmogrAPhY cENtEr

Dr. Genie Fields 5220 Spring Valley Rd, Suite 405 Dallas, Tx 214-352-8758 Offering full body Regulation Thermography, including the breast. It can detect abnormalities in the very earliest of stages, many times finding the underlying causes of disease. Regulation Thermography looks at the entire body’s BEHAVIOR after being stressed giving a ‘living dynamic view.’ Consultations, further evaluation and follow up care are offered as well. See ad on page 11.

See ad on page 20 .



DYNAmic YogA & FitNESS StuDio bY YogA 4 lovE Lisa Ware 558 Bluebird Ln, Red Oak, TX 469-437-1334

Dynamic Yoga and Fitness Studio by Yoga 4 Love was born from a long and fruitful yoga practice and whirlwind of a yoga teaching career from the owner and founder Lisa Ware, Registered Yoga Teacher. She and her Dynamic Team Staff along with her husband and co owner Richard Ware, decided that Red Oak was ready for something totally fresh and new. Most of our yoga classes are HOT yoga, and if you have yet to experience this wonderful practice you are in for a treat. Certified instructors will motivate you and help you set your sights high to achieve your goals, both in and out of the studio. We are Mind, Body Spirit based to nurture the whole you. We are not a gym. We are unique studio where you can commune with like- minded individuals.

Subscribe to the Natural Awakenings Dallas Metroplex FREE digital magazine and be entered into a monthly Healthy Dining Gift Certificate drawing! Go to and look for our online magazine sign-up.

Healthy Dining

in the Metroplex —8— METROPLEX LOCATIONS

1. Preston 214-360-7569 6100 Luther Ln, Dallas 75225 2. Royal 214-613-2841 5960 Royal Ln, Dallas 75230 3.SMU 214-520-6878 6403 Hillcrest, Dallas 75205 4. Lemmon 214-780-0602 4015 Lemmon Ave, Dallas 75219

5. Flowermound 972-899-3548 2550 Crosstimbers Rd, Flowermound 75028 6. Frisco 214-436-4410 3580 Preston Rd, Suite 107, Frisco 75034 7. Southlake 214-436-4410 2600 E. Southlake Blvd, #160, Southlake 76092 8. Mockingbird & Greenville 214-515-9113 5706 E. Mockingbird Ln, Highland Park 75205



Addison • 5100 Belt Line • 972-503-7326 Dallas • Quadrangle • 2800 Routh St. • 214-954-0486

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