The LINK | January 2020

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for finals

THE LINK The LINK is a publication of NACURH, Incorporated created to educate and inform students, administrators, alumni, and partners on happenings within and beyond the corporation. Special Thanks To The Central Atlantic Affiliate The Great Lakes Affiliate The Intermountain Affiliate The Midwest Affiliate The North East Affiliate The Pacific Affiliate The South Atlantic Affiliate The Southwest Affiliate The NACURH Corporate Office The NACURH Annual Conference Staff The NACURH Executive Committee On Campus Marketing





Mallory Gibson, NACURH Associate for Administration



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Learn more about NACURH’s LEAD Program

The conference for future Student Affairs Professionals


How the Great Lakes offers the opportunity to host retreats


CONNECT NACURH, INC. | NRHH @NACURH NACURH As an organization, NACURH empowers, motivates, and equips residence hall leaders by providing them with skills and resources in order for them to excel and positively impact their campus communities.


A note on different experiences while participating in NACURH

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PROGRAMMING FOR YOUR COMMUNITY A step-by-step guide to host a successful campus program


A personal journey through identifying “whys” in leadership


We had a Great Expedition at NACURH 2019 at Louisiana State University! Relive some memories, and start thinking about NACURH 2020, Leadership Takes Flight at the University of Dayton!

HOT TOPIC: ACCESSIBILITY ACCESSIBILITY: As NACURH embraces its status as a virtual corporation, how do we make sure the resources we release are accessible? Here are three takes on accessibility within NACURH

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INCREASING ACCESSIBILITY WITH SCREEN READERS The importance of digital accessibility in a digital corporation


How the Pacific Affiliate is taking strides toward accessibility and universal design



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A real-life approach to using Leoncini’s model to set your team up for success

THE NCC IN ME A member of NACURH Leadership takes it back to the beginning





An update on the state of ART in NACURH

The importance of service & recognition

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Understanding how decisions are best made in different situations

WE. ARE. FAMILY. A narrative of the family found within RHA and NRHH


How a student can leave an impression on an advisor

HOT TOPIC: IMPOSTOR SYNDROME IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: A psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud

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TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS! How to Beat the Impostor Experience


Identity in Leadership and how

BELIEVING IN YOURSELF Overcoming Impostor Syndrome

NRHM 2019 A quick recap, and a way to share your programs

FROM VISION TO LIFTOFF Bidding to host a conference, from the current Annual Conference Chair




When you think of NACURH, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it educational sessions? Representative chats? For most people, the answer is simple, and inclusive of all other NACURH experiences: conferences. Whether it's at a regional conference or at the NACURH Annual Conference, most of our members unite around that shared experience. The memories we make at NACURH last a lifetime, but my favorite way to keep them fresh is the annual NACURH wrap-up video. Since 2015, NACURH alumnus Josh Coppenbarger has worked with NACURH as a videographer, capturing moments from annual conferences on film and creating our wrap-up video. Traditionally, the song put with the wrap-up video informs and inspires the following year’s affiliation campaign. The song “Someone to You” by BANNERS backed the NACURH 2019 wrap-up video, leading to the creation of this year’s “The Somebody Campaign.” The Somebody Campaign seeks to engage all of NACURH digitally to affirm that each member is "somebody to NACURH.” After releasing a call to NACURH Leadership for materials to create the Somebody Campaign, I was expecting engagement (mostly because I volun-told them to help), but I wasn’t expecting the level of commitment and passion for the project that I found. All it takes is a quick look at the Be Somebody page ( to see the effort that members of NACURH Leadership put into this campaign. I was blown away by how invested this organization’s student leaders were, and how much they began to identify with the campaign. THE LINK | 6

It seems everywhere I turn, there is someone asking to continue the “Somebody” theme - from NACURH Leadership t-shirts to the NRHM Resource Guide, this campaign has taken off across NACURH. This sparked the idea to harken back to the song when establishing a theme for this edition of The LINK. “I believe that you can lead the way” is a lyric that leads into the chorus of “Someone to You.” This lyric is aligned with NACURH’s mission of creating student leadership opportunities and sharing new ways to empower, motivate and equip our members. A good leader believes in and supports others, sharing success and amplifying voices. I released this theme to NACURH, and NACURH did not disappoint. With over twenty pieces of writing by student leaders and professionals from across NACURH, the December 2019 edition of The LINK is packed with experiences, shout-outs, and research supporting group development. As you read, think about the ways you lead the way on campus, in your region, and more. Then ask yourself, “How am I believing in others?” Share your experiences with #LeadTheWay and #NACURH, and remember you’re here because someone along the way believed in you. Links Love,

Mallory Gibson NACURH Associate for Administration



BY NICK VELLA, NCO COORDINATING OFFICER FOR RESOURCES & DEVELOPMENT Hello NACURH! For everyone who has not heard of the LEAD Program or wants to know more about it, here’s your chance! LEAD stands for Leadership, Education, and Development, and it is a program specializing in all those areas. LEAD operates using three sets of tasks called Links, and each Link gets increasingly more complex as you move from one to three. Through answering the questions for each Link, students can reflect on themselves, their experiences, and their accomplishments while also furthering themselves as writers, communicators, and leaders in their community. Furthermore, this program is overseen by the NACURH Corporate Office – specifically the Coordinating Officer for Resources and Development, who is always ready to assist you in your journey with LEAD. Each Link increases in difficulty as you progress, though they each also have their own broad themes. Link One is focused on education with

an emphasis on academic development. Link Two addresses empowerment and how one can empower others through leadership skills and community initiatives. Finally, Link Three involves the various overarching aspects of engagement. LEAD Links ask students to reflect upon the experiences they have had and the roles they have undertaken in their community, from leadership positions one has held to events attended focusing on social identity – all of which allow one to reflect and demonstrate how they or something they’ve seen has made an impact on the lives of others. After completion of a Link, a participant will receive a certificate, and after completion of all three Links, participants will receive the certificates plus a LEAD pin! The LEAD Program is an extraordinary initiative that lets students build upon themselves in many ways, making them stronger leaders in their community. Begin your path of leadership with LEAD today!




STARS College is a three-day conference hosted through ACUHO-I. This experience provides undergraduate students who are interested in learning about student affairs as a career with a variety of important information. Everything from graduate school applications and search processes, to differences in student affairs in different countries, to the history and current trends in student affairs and housing are all discussed with participants. I had the pleasure of attending STARS college this past summer and it was a wonderful experience. I went to the conference not knowing if student affairs was what I wanted to do as a career, and not only left with the assurance that this is the field that I wanted to go into but also numerous connections that not only help me now but in the future as well. I was able to explore numerous different aspects of student affairs to give me a better understanding of the wide-reaching scope that is student affairs, and was introduced to new interests that I knew existed.


When it comes to the connections that are made between the participants, we were able to connect with our small groups as well as garner connections with faculty. When it came to the faculty connections, not only did they provide us with guidance, but they gave a behind-thescenes look into the world of student affairs. This experience is one that I would recommend to any student who is considering the field of student affairs, for the connections and for the vast information provided to all participants.



ALLOWING INSTITUTIONS TO HOST RETREATS BY ZACHARY SMITH, GLACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR NRHH Regional conferences are one of the main ways that individuals are able to experience what NACURH and each region has to offer, and hosting a conference is an incredibly unique experience that student leaders and their institutions are able to have. However, many student leaders find themselves thinking that they and their institution would be unable to host due to the size of their institution. To support institutions in this way, several regions across NACURH have developed opportunities for institutions to host small, but incredibly important conferences – Regional Board of Directors retreats. The RBD of each region will have several retreats throughout the year, from planning for the next large conference to

transitioning in the new RBD, which can mean several different opportunities for schools to host them. Hosting a regional conference is often seen as a way for an institution to support the region, but can be very daunting in its scale. Regions that provide this opportunity for smaller schools give them a space to support and give back to the region, without needing the infrastructure or planning of a regional conference. Institutions at NACURH all have different abilities when it comes to hosting a conference, and when there is student leadership driving a desire to host, providing an opportunity for a smaller scale can help to develop student leaders at campuses that would otherwise be unable to get that opportunity.



BY ROBBY FARENHOLTZ, MACURH COORDINATING OFFICER FOR RHA DEVELOPMENT Many of my close friends on my campus, my Regional Board, and around NACURH, all serve as student staff members. For those that are hoping to go into student affairs as a career, that usually plays a role in why they want to, and that experience will serve them well. I got involved with student affairs as a member of my RHA’s General body and gained student leadership experience through positions in RHA, NRHH, and now MACURH and NACURH. Being on this alternate path lead me to struggle a lot with imposter syndrome when I was deciding to bid for my Regional Board position, and even more so when I was deciding to change my career

track to student affairs. I did not think I was qualified for either of these things, simply because I had never been an RA or anything like that. It is hard to look at unpaid student leadership as legitimate experience in a job field, but that is exactly what it is. In fact, not being a student staff member, the very thing that I perceived as a gap in my resume, may very well make me stand out as a candidate for a job or a graduate school program. I am not trying to say that there is anything wrong with being a student staff member or that path into student affairs, but I do want to make it very clear that it is not the only path. THE LINK | 9


PROGRAMMING FOR YOUR COMMUNITY TIPS, TRICKS, AND WHAT TO REMEMBER BY ANGELICA MONREAL, SWACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR NRHH Programming can be tough, especially when you are just getting to know the students you are programming for. You want to make something that you will enjoy creating, but you do not want to lose the attention of the residents. In this article, I will discuss things you need to make sure you think about when creating a program, during the program itself, and what you need to do after the program is over. When you program for an audience, you first must know their interests. If you plan a program that had a good budget and had a lot of people helping out, this may be futile if your audience is not interested. Even though it may take a bit of effort, getting to know what residents like will go a long way. If you are a Resident Assistant, the easiest way to do this is through one on ones. If you are part of an organization, speaking to Resident Assistants, asking about what has been done in the past, and creating assessments will help in figuring out what type of programs are good for your community. Something that a freshman wants may not be what a community of upperclassmen want. Once you have gotten to know your community, find ideas that will match their interests. These ideas can be found through Pinterest, the OTM database, or even looking up online what institutions have done in the past. Even using programs that your institution has done before for your community is okay, so long as you can find a twist for it. Location is another important factor when creating a program. If it is at a location your residents would not want to walk to, chances are that they will not THE LINK | 10

go. Make it accessible to your community, and somewhere that is easy for them to walk to. Make sure to have a backup location in case the place you have decided on is no longer accessible. Marketing is a big piece in creating your program, and having people attend it. If no one knows about it, then your amazing program will not have anyone in attendance. The most common way to get word of your program out is through flyers. Making a creative flyer can pique a resident’s interest, and placing them in creative ways around your community can catch their attention. For example, if you place your flyer upside down around your halls, someone may take a second longer to look at it, since it is not conventional to see a flyer upside down. Once you have laid out your plans for your program, the next thing to look at is the program itself. On the day of your program, make sure you are interactive, and that you are showing excitement for what you created. No matter how many residents ended up coming, you must feel proud for giving those residents an opportunity to mingle in their community, and for making something that left a smile on their face. After the program is done, make sure to do an assessment. If there were things you felt could have been better, write it down. Maybe things did not go exactly how you planned; you can write what things you could have changed that will improve the program. Ultimately, make sure you do assessment so that you can create a better experience for your community.


FINDING YOUR WHY BY JEZIEL DE JESUS VEGA, MACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR NRHH I began my leadership journey in my freshman year of college. I was a representative in the Association of Residence Halls (ARH). During my freshman year, I had never heard of MACURH or NACURH, but then I made a decision that has shaped my whole collegiate and leadership career — I became NRHH president. Once I became president, I had no idea what to do at conferences, until I went to my first NACURH conference and I fell in love. The energy all the delegates had was amazing and so contagious. My first boardroom experience was overwhelming. It was “amend this” and “amend that” and so much “point of order!”. I wanted to make the best of it and stuck it out, despite feeling overwhelmed. My year as the NRHH president for my chapter had its ups and downs, but the one of the best memories is attending my first Regional Leadership Conference and going to my first boardroom.

I felt at home when I stepped in that conference. I felt a sense of Family (it’s a standard). I then met one of the first people to really guide me through my leadership journey, and that was my ADNRHH at the time, Kris Yambao. Kris spoke with such passion that it made you fall in love with NRHH. During one of our boardrooms, Kris said something that to this day sticks with me: “What is your why?” When I heard those words, I was taken aback and started thinking to myself, “what IS my why?”. I thought my why was simple and that it

would guide my presidency — to put my institution on the map and have them known in the region. I worked tirelessly that year to attend as many NACURH and MACURH things as I could and I was able to get my institution’s name out there… but I didn’t feel accomplished. My why was not enough — it wasn’t the REAL why. I got reelected and I took some time to reflect to try to figure out my real why. That is when I met Rick Cazzato Jr. as he was bidding for ADNRHH. Seeing his enthusiasm and love for NRHH was contagious. His chats were the best and he made me want to keep going back for more. Those chats again gave me the sense of family. When I saw Rick advocate for NRHH and for his representatives, I figured out my why — to help other people in NRHH. I aim to help people with their questions and needs. To help facilitate those hard, but necessary conversations. My why was to share my love for NRHH and spark that same love in other people. To inspire them to reach their potential as leaders and continue to grow. When I realized my why, I completely changed how I ran my chapter. I began sharing more resources for involvement and leadership development such as the LEAD program. I dedicated time in meetings to be able to have leadership development exercises and facilitate those conversations of “Where are we in our chapter? What can we do for our chapter? How can we improve?”. Throughout this journey, both of my ADNRHHs were always by my side challenging me, inspiring me, never letting me forget my why. I share this story with you because I want you to be able to look deep into yourself, as a leader or not, reflect and think about the reason you are where you are at in your journey. What motivates you? What makes you do what you do? What is your why? THE LINK | 11


NACURH 2019 AWARD RECIPIENTS FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE AWARD Sarah Tuttle | University of Colorado Boulder NCC OF THE YEAR AWARD Alexis Tammi | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill OUTSTANDING ADVOCACY INITIATIVE AWARD Columbia University NRHH OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Cameron Amos | University of Northern Iowa RHA PRESIDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Amada Reyes | Loyola Marymount University NRHH PRESIDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Sammy Garrett | Truman State University BUILDING BLOCK RHA OF THE YEAR AWARD Creighton University SCHOOL OF THE YEAR AWARD University of Akron STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Amber Glisson | Arizona State University - Downtown VALERIE AVERILL ADVISOR OF THE YEAR AWARD Catherine LaRoche | Arizona State University - Tempe NRHH BUILDING BLOCK CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

2019 NRHH DIAMOND AWARDS Ella Featherstone | Arizona State University - Tempe Larry Hill | University of Arkansas Lindsey Lillehaugen | University of North Dakota Sammy Garrett | Truman State University Saul Roman | University of Arizona NRHH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT Julia Blando | University of Wisconsin - Whitewater DANIEL OCAMPO ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Angelica Alvarez | Humboldt State University Reena Murphy | Miami University Emily Gentry | Texas Woman’s University STARS COLLEGE HONORARIUMS Allison Brown | University of Idaho Annemarie Thomas | Miami University Ashlyn Straka | University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Ayanna Phillips | Kansas State University Devin Andersen | Eastern Illinois University Grayson McKeown | University of Colorado Boulder Mallory Warrix | Colorado State University GOLD PIN RECIPIENTS Megan Jimmerson | Loyola University of Chicago Jen O’Brien | Arizona State University - Downtown Alice Dahlka | Oakland University Gabrielle Buist | University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Rick Mikulis | University of Maryland Cassie Govert | Indiana University Bloomington Laura Hrickova | Louisiana State University Josh Coppenbarger | NACURH Videographer

NACURH SERVICE AWARD Megan Jimmerson | NACURH Chairperson



INCREASING ACCESS SCREENREADER TECHNOLOGY IN NACURH BY CHLOE O’SULLIVAN, SAACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR NRHH ensuring screen reader accessibility, we are able to take one step closer to a universally designed layout and include more individuals than we were able to before. Screen readers verbalize everything on a digital screen. From reading where your mouse is located, to describing the type of document opened, to individual text, screen readers provide the ability for digital screens to become accessible for all individuals.

The rise of technology provides the opportunity to create digital resources that are more accessible than ever before. As NACURH grows and reaches more individuals, it is critical that we also provide every opportunity to ensure we are accessible for all different types of people, disabilities and abilities. Creating a universally designed space - accessible to all individuals, regardless of ability - at conferences can be extremely difficult, as members of NACURH do not control the structure of buildings and campus layouts; however, by taking small measures, like


Universal design assists everyone in opening society, not just the individuals with disabilities. For screen readers, it can often be assumed that they are used by individuals with visual disabilities; however, they can assist individuals for a variety of reasons that we typically do not even realize. From learning disabilities, to concussions and English language learners, screen readers assist more people than we may initially think. As some of these reasons are for individuals with invisible disabilities, we may not even register the number of individuals that take advantage of resources like screen readers, underscoring the importance of designing accessible resources. Almost all computers have a built-in screen reader. From Voice Over on Apple, to Narrator on PCs, screen readers can be found and utilized on all computers. By taking simple steps listed in the tips and tricks section, you can create accessible resources for all members of your campus, region and NACURH.


ACCESSING THE AFFILIATES A WORK IN PROGRESS BY LILLIE ROSE, PACURH COORDINATING OFFICER FOR COMMUNICATIONS & TECHNOLOGY The National Association of College and University Residence Halls and its eight affiliated regions have become primarily online organizations. Representatives from institutions are able to exchange ideas and information throughout the year, something that was traditionally only done at conferences decades prior. In 1964, NACURH had merely twenty-six member schools; in 2017, that number was over 400. This has enabled NACURH to be deemed one of the largest student-led organizations in the world. In 1997, NACURH established its online presence, allowing more more leadership opportunities; with more opportunities comes more individuals that are able interact NACURH. There are chats to attend, articles to read, resources to digest. Yet, there are still numerous factors that can prevent people from being able to adequately access and interact with NACURH resources as their peers do. The Pacific Affiliate has begun to account for the changing demographics and accessibility needs of its representatives. At the 2018 PACURH Regional Leadership Conference at the University of California Los Angeles, MM 19-05 and MM 19-07 (linked below) were proposed two revolutionary pieces of legislation that would further PACURH’s core values of diversity and inclusion. MM 19-07 required “ all videos produced by the PACURH region shall contain subtitles when possible and appropriate” as well as encouraging all videos at PACURH conferences to be closed captioned. Integrating this resource has made PACURH more accessible

to hard of hearing folks. MM 19-05 introduced the idea of requiring institutions and candidates to submit a copy of their bid in black, sans-serif font on a white background. This piece is intended purpose was to aid color-blind and dyslexic folks in the bid review process. MM 19-05 was not passed at RLC; but fortunately, it was not out of a lack of appreciation or need for this resource. During its Q&A and discussion portion, numerous representatives, all with varying degrees of familial, professional, and personal experiences, highlighted areas of concern and expressed ideas that the authors of the piece did not consider. They withdrew it for further examination and workshop. At the 2019 PACURH Regional Business Conference at Southern Oregon University, the Regional Board encouraged people to submit a copy of their bid as the concept of the piece intended. Multiple individuals and institutions did so, proving that this resource is reasonable, implementable, and helpful to representatives and institutions alike. The Pacific Affiliate’s MM 19-05 and MM 19-07 were merely steps on that path of universal accessibility. In order to achieve that, the Pacific as a region must continually consistently assess and increase access for its members. The Pacific, and NACURH at large, must listen to the ideas and experiences of their respective regions, making sure that everyone has the chance to thrive.




Add subtitles to your videos. Free captioning apps include: i.

Clips (iOS)

ii. MixCaptions (iOS and Android) iii. AutoCap (Android) iv. Live Caption (some Androids) 2.

Use descriptive captions and/or alternative text to identify everything in an image i.

Utilize alternative text options for screen readers


Consider legibility when writing and making graphics i.

#WriteYourHashtagsLikeThis instead of #WRITINGYOURHASHTAGSLIKETH IS or #writingthemlikethis (this is called “camel case”)

ii. Be mindful color contrasts, such as red and green, and their readability iii. Avoid excessive emojis and bolded, underlined, or italicized words & phrases

a. Twitter: navigate to settings > display and sound > accessibility > turn on compose image descriptions b. Instagram: on the posting screen > advanced settings > write alt text c. Facebook: click Photo/Video > select the media > edit photo > Alt Text > override generated alt text ii. Check: if you cannot highlight text in the image, write out the words in the caption, as a screen reader cannot process it (hint: many Canva images cannot be read if they are not saved as a .pdf)








DEFEATING DYSFUNCTION USING LENCIONI’S MODEL TO SET YOUR TEAM UP FOR SUCCESS BY TIMMY MILLER, CAACURH REGIONAL DIRECTOR Success is hard work. Being a leader is not just a series of simple tricks or backdoor methods, but a constant assessment of your team and their dynamics. This centers around some core principles: trust, conflict management, commitment, accountability, and assessing results. The difficult part is correctly gauging where your team is at, which principle might be a factor, and using tangible team-building tactics to overcome the issues that arise. That’s where the Lencioni model comes in. This pyramid lays out these principles in terms of what can go wrong: the absence of trust leads to a fear of conflict, and a fear of conflict leads to a lack of commitment, and so on. While his research provides theoretical methods to overcome this, what I hope to do is share some of my own best practices so that you can ground this model in tangible and livable experiences.

Level One: Trust While this one seems simple, it can be very difficult to establish on a team. My recommendation is to do this as early as possible, and to use it as a fundamental basis for your team not just as your position entails, but for the individuals each of you are. To establish trust, I’ve facilitated a “Challenge by Choice” sharing exercise, where I asked members of the team to answer a series of questions about themselves. This started off easy, with “what is your favorite ice cream flavor,” but gradually got more personal, like “tell us about a time you felt validated or seen” and “tell us about a time you think you failed.” The idea was to allow a mutual space of vulnerability, where we could share intimate parts of ourselves that would not normally come up. While this is a large group activity, it can be very daunting! Don’t be afraid to also encourage time outside of the meeting space to hang out and become friendly; you’re more likely to trust each other when you have moved past the awkward first meeting.

THE NCO HAS MOVED Level Two: Conflict For this exercise, I found it helpful to let individuals self-assess their own conflictmanagement style per the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict model. There are many different self-


NACURH & BEYOND assessments available online that you can print out, but my favorite involves animals! (Link at the end) I followed this up with a discussion of the model, each of the five components, and how they play an integral part in how we function. It’s also important to discuss that, while collaborating is great, sometimes it is necessary to be more competitive, or even avoid a situation. We followed this up by setting expectations around conflict with each other so we had established boundaries, which allowed us to follow-through with them during the year..

Level Three: Commitment Commitment naturally follows from a basis of trust and healthy conflict, but sometimes it can also be helpful to frame commitment in a more concrete way. One of my favorite exercises that I participated in was one that required people to commit in an unconventional way. The game was simple: we split up into two teams, could use any items that we had with us, and had to create the longest connected string within a time limit. We could use cords, shoelaces, and even ourselves, but we had to keep everything connected. It was great because it required us to delegate and trust

each other, but also to deal with mini-conflicts quickly. On top of that, the string would only be as long as each of us was willing to commit our items and ourselves to it, which was a great discussion starter for the importance of team buy-in to reaching goals. Level Four: Accountability Accountability is hard, and often requires you to follow-up with your team members individually. I always recommend setting up regular 1:1 meetings to track progress, develop individual goals, and be present with them beyond just group meetings. I also recommend grounding their goals not just within their position, but in some kind of personal/professional development; often times our positions in RHA/ NRHH/NACURH are volunteer, so encourage people to be a little selfish in getting something out of this. Another great way is to set expectations as a group: set some time to talk about how you want to communicate, work together, handle conflict, etc.. Putting things down in writing means that you can reference them if someone is not pulling their weight, but you can also adjust them if they no longer work for your team. Level Five: Results This one seems obvious, but it can be hard to do it without setting a framework to measure that success. For this, SMART Goals are a triedand-true method, as they ensure you hit all of the major components you need for assessment. The trick is to be consistent: link every goal back to this model, and don’t be afraid to bring your team back to the vision every so often. Though you may not make every goal, it allows the THE LINK | 19

NACURH & BEYOND team to critically assess what went well, what did not, and how to improve in the future.

Final Thoughts While these are the ways I have used the Lencioni model, this is by no means an exhaustive list. Don’t be afraid to try new things with your team, or to explore different applications of the model. My final recommendation is to share the theory that you base your approach off of after doing each exercise and discussing. By letting people live the experience first, they associate that with the theoretical understanding, which helps them to develop a well-rounded knowledge (even if it’s as simple as knowing that trust is the foundation of a good team). I hope that this peek into the Lencioni model and my experiences is able to help you and your team reach your goals. I encourage you to explore this model with your own research, and develop best practices that help you and your team to defeat the five dysfunctions. References and Resources (Five Dysfunctions) (Conflict Management) (Conflict Management Handout) (SMART Goals)



THE NCC IN ME BY BREANNA MCGHEE, CAACURH COORDINATING OFFICER FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT When accepting the position of NCC-IT for the Indiana University of Pennsylvania a few years ago, I had no idea how much of my job consisted of saying things like “I believe that you could lead the way”- Banners. In training, I learned that understanding business would be key and that logistically having a delegation registered for conference was the other big portion of my responsibilities. While both of these things were important to my position, they didn’t define my role. I learned quickly that while business is important, you will have no meaningful business if you have no people. My focus shifted from working solely on the business aspects of NACURH to the development of myself as a leader. When it came time to prepare for the Regional Leadership Conference, my focus shifted yet again to developing others as leaders. I had to recruit and train a delegation of 10 quickly so that they could be as equipped as possible to gain the most they possibly could out of the conference experience. Through my delegation I learned what being an NCC was really about.

me, sent them information about literally any zoom chat that was happening that they could go to, did case studies with them, and submitted 6 bids to a conference with them which was the most my institution had ever submitted at one conference. What I learned from my first delegation truly changed my whole outlook on leadership. It defines my “why” in what I do. After coming home from that conference my delegates grew to chair RHA events at my institution, become elected as RHA and NRHH president, become our institutional NRHH representative, serve on both the NRHH and RHA executive boards, and so much more. I saw their passion and simply gave them the resources I had access to. They took those resources and ran. They grew as leaders and as people.


Watching the growth of that delegation from the beginning of the fall semester to the end of the spring semester changed my life more than anything I’ve ever seen. Not only did my outlook on leadership shift but my career plan shifted. Getting to be a witness to so much growth was absolutely amazing. It lead me into education as LEADERSHIP EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT Through their ever growing passions, I saw what a career choice. It lead me to thePROGRAM position I hold my tenure as NCC was really going to be about. today. They wanted to present programs, do all the Yes, the NCC holds the vote and organizes cheers, make up institutional cheers, meet conference logistics, but this position is so much people from all over the region, and someday more. Being an NCC made me the leader and move into positions where they could work person that I am today. Because I was a National within the midst of CAACURH. Early on I knew Communications Coordinator for NACURH Inc., that they wanted nothing more than to be a part I got to when I said “I believe that you could of NACURH. From that day forward I did lead the way.” -Banners. practically anything and everything I could do to support them. I took them to zoom chats with THE LINK | 21



BY JEN O’BRIEN, NACURH NRHH ADVISOR While Advisor Resource Training, or the ART Program had been used on a regional level several years previously, ART became officially recognized in 2012 by NACURH as a beneficial resource and training for Advisors of NACURH. During this period, ART shifted in how it was tracked and formally supported by NACURH. In the following years ART went through a structural change where decisions were made to ensure the curriculum was consistent across NACURH and the development of new ART sessions (ART History). In recent years, an ART Strategic Plan was created for the future of ART to further align with the goals and values of NACURH. Parts of this Strategic Plan include a deeper look into the ART Structure, ART Content, ART Staff & Support, and ART Culture. The ART Structure section of the Strategic Plan looks further into the Assessment of ART Levels, Member Database, Conference Best Practices, and ART Marketing Plan. The ART Content section of the section of the Strategic Plan looks further into Adult Learning Theory, Environment of Learning, Update Content of Sessions, and Representation in ART. The ART Staff & Support section of the Strategic Plan looks further into the definition of the Role of ART Coordinator, Define Regional Responsibilities, Redefine ART Standards Committee, and Support ART Presenters. The final section of the ART Strategic plan is the ART Culture. This section has the following areas of assessment: Purpose of ART pin, Redefine ART, create partnerships with Professional


Organizations, Create ART Virtual Sessions, and Create a history book for ART (thank you to Alice Dahlka from GLACURH). Additionally, this past year, the development of an ART Database was started (thank you to Adam Bernot from SAACURH). This database will be used to track individual ART Sessions and experiences for Advisors so they know what they have or have not completed yet. Additionally, it tracks who is “presenter eligible.” Also held this past year was ARTs first townhall (thank you to Russell Jones from PACURH and Brian Rock from SWACURH). This townhall provided ART updates to Advisors at NACURH and sought feedback on Advisor needs from the ART Committee. ART is a resource of NACURH which connects and supports Advisors across our Regions. Thank you for those who have participated in ART, sat on the ART Standards Committee (past and present), and to institutions who support Advisors’ further development to better support their students. If you have questions, feedback or want to learn more about ART please contact Brian Rock, ART Coordinator at or Jen O’Brien, NACURH NRHH Advisor at



PROMOTING A CULTURE OF RECOGNITION & SERVICE BY DEVIN ANDERSEN, GLACURH CO FOR RECOGNITION & SERVICE AND SAMMY GARRETT, MACURH CO FOR RECOGNITION & SERVICE Recognition and Service are the core values of NRHH, and while the members of NACURH and NRHH do a great job at promoting these values within our organizations, it's important to take a step back and look at why we value what we value. In this article, Sammy Garrett, the MACURH CO for Recognition and Service, and Devin Andersen, the GLACURH CO for Recognition and Service, illustrate their experiences with recognition and service and ask a few other individuals about their experiences and what the values mean to them. Rather than attempt to solve a problem or answer a question, this article aims to start an open dialog about our values and how to promote a culture of recognition and service both inside and outside NRHH and NACURH.

“Thinking back to the beginning of my leadership journey, the values of recognition and service have sparked my interest in student leadership THE LINK | 24

and kept me invested over the years. In August of 2016, I attended my first Residence Hall Association meeting housed in my residence hall, and I immediately felt at home. The RHA President at the time talked to me individually and made me feel supported and valued. I also made an immediate connection with the NRHH President of my campus and became further invested in these organizations, having no idea what the next four years would hold. Since then, I have been on the RHA Executive Board, served as the NRHH Chapter President, served on an RBC Conference Staff, and now serve as the MACURH Coordinating Officer for Recognition and Service. Throughout my experience, I have felt completely at home because of the connections I have made and the community of recognition and service that creates an overall positive environment. Not only have I grown and been given the opportunity to thrive in the realm of NACURH, but these values and experiences have taught me to utilize these values and create these spaces in my everyday life. Knowing the impact of recognizing someone for their work, I strive to make others feel valued and appreciated. Something as small as a handwritten note of encouragement can go a long way! With service at the forefront of my actions, I aim to help others in my life and act as a resource in times of need. Moving forward, I plan to pursue a career within Student Affairs, and hope to create positive environments centered around recognizing and serving one another." -Sammy Garrett, MACURH Coordinating Officer for Recognition and Service

NACURH & BEYOND “As an RA and a member of the exec board for RHA I’m always working around campus to try and make my campus a better place. I’m always trying to volunteer in areas that need help and even encourage my residents and general body members to join me to make a difference.” -Katilynn Ried, National Communications Coordinator, Southeast Missouri State University *** “As a first year student, my Resident Assistant (RA) wrote an amazing OTM about me. I was shocked! I had no idea how much my leadership, fellowship, and inclusion was affecting the community around me. To my surprise, it won on the NACURH level!” I once spoke to a close friend of mine regarding recognition. I asked her “why is recognition so important anyway?” What she said has stuck with me ever since: “Recognizing others for their hard work and dedication gives thanks to those who are almost never thanked. And while recognition isn’t why we do what we do, it is the cherry on top that inspires and empowers us to keep going.” Since then, I have been obsessed with providing recognition to everyone. Everyone deserves to be affirmed of their hard work and dedication. Everyone deserves to get a pat on the back for the blood, sweat, and tears they pour into their work. That’s what inspired me to join NRHH, and that’s what inspired me to run for the position of the Coordinating Officer for Recognition and Service for GLACURH. While recognition and service are the values of NRHH and are clearly demonstrated in the NACURH ecosystem, I believe that a culture of recognition and service can be executed across not only NRHH and NACURH, but also RHA and residence halls across the nation.

-Olivia Mangual, NRHH Representative, Kansas State University *** “Recognition is empowering to those who give it and receive it. The work student leaders put into their events and organizations should not go unnoticed. The simplest forms of recognition can give others the motivation, determination, and persistence to keep doing what they do” -Ethan Meudt, Resident Director - Leadership, Arkansas Tech University

- Devin Andersen, GLACURH Coordinating Officer for Recognition and Service THE LINK | 25

NACURH & BEYOND “Service has always been a part of my life from a young age, from girl scouts to dedicating my time to service now in organizations like NRHH. Service, to me, means giving your all to help someone with something. Service is a selfless act and looks for nothing in return. Living a life full of service means living a life full of happiness and fulfillment. I honestly could not imagine my life without service.” -Téa Wheat, Western Illinois University “Recognition means acknowledging the hard work of dedicated individuals that work behind the scenes to keep the show on the road.” -Conor Van Santen, MACURH Coordinating Officer for NCCs As seen from these quotes and personal narratives, recognition and service are not only values to be held highly within the realm of NRHH and residence hall leadership, but can


make a huge impact in other areas of life as well. Think about a time when someone has told you that you did a good job on something you really cared about. You probably wanted to try to achieve the same level of success again, right? Recognizing someone else can boost performance and increase overall morale in any given situation. On the same hand, serving others is a great way to get to know others and appreciate the ways in which we can all grow from one another’s experiences and perspectives. In short, recognition and service benefit everyone; from OTM nominators and nominees, to NRHH Chapters and those who have been served, from the first semester freshman all the way to graduating seniors, giving of ourselves to others through recognition and service promotes a culture of altruism, caring, respect, and empathy.


THE FIVE LEVELS OF DECISION MAKING BY JAMIE LLOYD, IACURH REGIONAL ADVISOR Life is full of decisions. Every day decisions are made about what to wear or eat, or how to prioritize tasks and relationships. A lot of time and energy goes into the decision itself, but not always in communicating clearly who will make the decision or how the decision will be communicated, which sometimes can lead to frustration by those who are most impacted by the decision. As leaders, what can be done to manage decision making? In a 2010 article, Patrick Sanaghan EdD., considered five levels of decision making and how teams or organizations can use this concept to help define roles, be more transparent, and be clear about expectations before a decision is ever made. Each level defines who the decision is made by and how/when it will be communicated to the rest of the team. Who the leader is may be specific to the organization, the task, or the situation so it’s important to consider the roles that exist in your organization. Level One Decisions: The leader communicates up front that the decision is theirs to make. No discussion or input is needed. • Used in situations when immediate action is needed Level Two Decisions: The leader gathers input from select individuals but the decision is still theirs to make. • Can help provide information that covers blindspots Level Three Decisions: The leader gathers input from multiple sources, has discussions or dialogue about the issue, but the leader makes the final decision. • Expert or a subcommittee who can provide recommendations to the leader

Level Four Decisions: The leader becomes a part of the group and the group makes the decision. • May include formal voting or consensus building. Level Five Decisions: The leader delegates the decision to a group or team with criteria or other constraints. • The leader is not a part of the decision making process. What makes a leader choose one level over another? Factors may include the urgency or time required to make the decision, the leaders trust in the team to provide input, the leaders own insecurities about the impact the decision may have, or any number of things. Once the level of decision has been identified the next step is to ensure that this is communicated to those involved. This is where most leaders fall into the decision making trap. They’ve decided how they are going to make the decision but forget to tell anyone. To mitigate this the leader must inform the group how the decision will be made (and why) before it is actually made. This practice builds trust and clarifies with team members what role they play in a decision before it has even occurred. So the next time you are making a decision, take a step back and decide how the decision is being made and then communicate that to the team or constituents. A leader needs all five levels to be effective, so practice using each level and communicating effectively about the decision making process.




College is where you find your life-long friends, become yourself, and find your way. As a senior at the University of North Dakota (UND), I have found all of these through ResLife. At the organization fair my freshman year, there was a super enthusiastic -and somewhat loud -- guy who called me over to his booth: Association of Residence Halls(ARH)/ National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH). This guy, who later become a close friend and mentor, got me super excited about Hall Government, ARH, and NRHH. By the end of the year, I would be involved in all three organizations. I joined ARH as a hall representative and was able to join the Programming Committee. Here, I was able to help plan and execute events for the oncampus community. I brought the skills I learned there to my Hall Government. Soon, the highlights of my weeks were attending meetings and events based around ResLife. In November 2016, I had the honor of being inducted into the Mark Hudson Chapter of NRHH. My ResLife experience was taken to another level, and I couldn’t ask for more. My first year, I would say I was not a confident leader. I second guessed my opinions and did not think I had value to add. It was through my involvement in these organizations that I began to gain confidence and participate more. Our Chapter of NRHH called committees “families” at the time, and that is what we became. I became more and more comfortable in what I was doing and saying. Sophomore year I became the ARH Administrative Director. My favorite thing all year was watching young leaders grow, which I always stated. However, I really needed to grow myself. I thought I knew everything there was about being a leader; however, looking back now, I cringe at my actions. I was stubborn and wouldn’t compromise even on THE LINK | 28

the smallest of things like how the agenda was created. As bigger tasks came up, this became more of a problem. It wasn’t until my advisor sat me down and, whether she knows it or not, helped me go through one of the biggest changes in my life. After that conversation, I went from an Executive Board Member to a leader in my organization. Finally, I began to set my priorities differently. I began to collaborate more with my Executive Team and gave more autonomy to the Marketing Committee, of which I was chair. At the same time, I joined the Executive Team of another organization and used these lessons to be a better team member there. My ResLife family never once judged me for my growing pains. Junior year I moved off-campus and, wow, that was a change. I went from always having my community around me to only seeing them at NRHH meetings and at events. Since I didn't have the same interaction with the campus community as others, I worked to show my chapter how offcampus members can still contribute to the organization by joining MACURH committees, participating heavily in meeting and campus initiatives, as well as leading strategic planning sessions for our chapter. Growth could be seen here as I lead conversations, rather than dominating it. It is because of my growth, hard work, and dedication, I was nominated for and awarded the Diamond Award at NACURH 2019. Throughout all of my changes, ResLife organizations - especially NRHH - were there supporting me, giving me constructive feedback while allowing me to continue being myself. No matter what, NRHH has treated me like family, because we are family.


THE IMPACT STUDENTS HAVE ON ADVISORS WHAT I LEARNED FROM ONE OF MY STUDENTS BY MARY GALLIVAN, NACURH ADVISOR I’m going to let you in on a secret. I really don’t like going to weddings. I’ve probably been to at least 75 weddings in my life. Two years after college I went to 9 weddings in 4 months. My dislike with attending weddings isn’t that I don’t want to support my friends or family getting married - I love them all, I truly do. My issue with weddings is that I often find them taxing. Having the same conversations with people I haven’t seen since the last wedding we were at together over and over again is just tiring. Also, I don’t have any rhythm, so dancing for me is out. So this past June when I received the invitation to a former student I advised, I will admit that I did hesitate in responding. I didn’t hesitate for long though - just long enough for my boss to give me the time away because the wedding was opening weekend at the University at Buffalo (UB). The thing is, I knew I couldn’t say no to this person. Allie Goldstein was a student I advised at UB, and is one of my favorite former students. I met Allie when she was a sophomore student at UB, many moons ago. During her time at UB, Allie was involved in RHA as her hall’s senator and as the UB NCC. I was also lucky enough to serve as her campus advisor the two years Allie served on the NEACURH RBD, first as ADAF then as Director. When Allie left UB for Graduate School in San Diego, she continued her NACURH involvement as NACURH Chair.

I’ve been asked many times why I like advising students and student organizations. My response is always the same: watching students grow as people, become confident in themselves, and accomplish their goals. And while I like to think I have something to do with this growth, I’m usually just someone who is a little piece of the puzzle. As an advisor, there are times when you meet students and you just know that person is special and is going to make a difference. I immediately knew that Allie was one of these students. In the time that I advised Allie and after, I was always in awe of her innate ability to make those around her feel welcomed, connected and valued. Allie would often have (in her words) some “crazy” ideas in meetings or conversations. But what always impressed me the most is that the determination that Allie has meant that no matter how crazy the idea is, I knew that it would be implemented successfully.


HOT TOPIC: IMPOSTOR SYNDROME The kindness, empathy, creativity and relentlessness that Allie possesses are traits that I admire and try to emulate when working with students. I often use my experiences advising Allie when working with students as examples for perseverance, resilience, and goal setting. These are things that Allie has taught me - that with the right mindset, anything is possible.

It’s been my great joy to see Allie go from a strong student leader to an even stronger educator in the field I am passionate about. But most importantly, she became a friend and someone I hold in the highest regard.


BY ADAM COSHAL, NEACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Before diving into this article, I encourage you to reflect on the following question: “Have you doubted your position as a leader and/or any of your achievements outside of a leadership role?” I became aware of the phrase “Imposter Syndrome” only recently. In an interview process for a professional staff position on my campus, the candidate gave a presentation on the topic, and he shook my world with his spot-on attacks to my undisclosed fears and concerns. With just one presentation, he unintentionally yet completely called me out, detailing my most secret thoughts to everyone else in the audience. Though, others felt the same way as me. “Everyone experiences ‘Imposter Syndrome,’ but this does not mean you, or your work, are invalid,” he said. Since then, I have continued to look into the topic, finding my interest grow with each article read, with every YouTube video watched. One particular YouTube video, “What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it?” from the “TED-Ed” channel, unpacks the


mystery that is Imposter Syndrome (check it out: v=ZQUxL4Jm1Lo). Using cute and quirky cartoons, the narrator, Elizabeth Cox, portrays the internal struggle with feelings of fraudulence through the lives of intellectual icons Maya Angelou and Albert Einstein. Both geniuses succeeded beyond most in their fields during their respective times, but both dealt with selfdoubt and undermined their own achievements. As the video notes, “syndrome” downplays the significance of this struggle, making it seem medicalized, chaining it to “depression, anxiety, and self-esteem.” This issue applies to people of all social identities and all around the globe, which is why I personally refer to it as the “Imposter Experience.” Being a student leader comes with the challenges familiar to many of us - balancing that workload with academics, hosting successful educational sessions, programs, and meetings, and more, but for me, I struggle with combating the constant doubt plaguing my mind: the “it’s all for nothing, no one cares, it’s

HOT TOPIC: IMPOSTOR SYNDROME Thirsty Thursday,” the “oh, sis, they’re clocking those nails, that hair, and the way you’re organizing this meeting,” and especially the “ma’am, you know that there are so many more qualified people for this position, why’d you snatch this spot?” These demons viciously attacked my mind as I created and submitted my bid for the Coordinating Officer for Campus Programming and Advocacy position on NEACURH’s Regional Board of Directors, right after our 2019 Spring Leadership Conference. They remained with me throughout my transition into the role during the months of April and May. At NACURH 2019, I finally had the chance to talk about my doubts with so many people, with my advisor, my delegates, my host institution’s Executive Board, among other delegates in NACURH. Turns out, talking about issues works wonders! Though I still experience feelings of fraudulence, I know

that consulting with my support networks helps to relieve the stress that comes with those feelings. As I serve NEACURH as the Associate Director for Administration and Finance now, I still find myself battling these harsh, imaginary critics, but the beautiful humans on the RBD with me really serve as support networks and they help me deflate when my concern bubble gets too big! Moral of the story? Imposter experiences invade and attack many minds, even minds as powerful as student leaders. Imposter experiences seem valid, but they come from internalized feelings of unworthiness - not cute! To resolve, talk about your feelings! We love talking about feelings! At the end of the day, know that you are loved and appreciated, that your efforts and work matter, and that you’re somebody that can lead the way, even in the face of Imposter Experience.


Leadership takes all forms. As student leaders, we know how not every leader that crosses our organizations will look or lead the same way. We become accepting of this and invite everyone to sit at the same table and be heard. I grew up in a single parent household where my mom raised my older sister and I with unconditional love and the reminder that we need to work twice as hard as our friends to get where we want to go. No one can deny us of our hard work, and it's our right to do whatever possible to meet our goals.

My mom immigrated from Leon Guanajuato, Mexico at age 11 with her mom and four brothers to pursue a life in the states and join my grandfather who had been working in the fields in Central California. My sister, cousins, and I were the first in our families to be born in the United States and we grew up in my grandparent’s kitchen where spanish flew around, food was nonstop, and immediate family also included your aunts and uncles. With my dad out of the picture, I inherited my four uncles and grandfather who would push my sister and I to chase after our dreams, no matter the cost. THE LINK | 31

HOT TOPIC: IMPOSTOR SYNDROME Being first generation Mexican American has driven me to not take opportunities for granted and to always remember that my accomplishments are a product of the perseverance my grandparents had to leave their home so their children and future grandchildren could have a better chance. It is a privilege and an honor to represent them as I go into my senior year of undergraduate studies and begin graduate applications. Their determination is what drives me to make sure other leaders know my name. All of this has shaped me into the leader I am today. When I enter NACURH leadership chats, sit on the NACURH NRHH Board, or chair PACURH NRHH boardroom, I carry my family history like a badge of honor.

without its challenges, though. I would be dishonest if I said that I’ve always felt like I’ve belonged in leadership. As I walk into meetings, pitch ideas, lead programs, I have a voice in my head telling me that I don’t belong there. I don’t look like other leaders. They don’t understand where I’m coming from. You’re just here because they needed more diversity. You didn’t actually deserve this position. As I looked up the definition for Imposter Syndrome, I’m met with this fancy overview from the Harvard Business Review, “Imposter syndrome can be defined as a collection of feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evident success.” Even as I read this, I felt intimidated by the use of elevated language. Should I be using fancy language like that? Am I being too friendly when I talk? Does that make people not take me seriously? Imposter Syndrome can have a tight hold on student leaders who come from minority or underrepresented groups, leaving us feeling like we don’t deserve our successes. I am here to tell you something that is 100%, undeniably true: you deserve every opportunity that comes your way. We are so used to being thankful for the chance to succeed that we don’t take the time to acknowledge and celebrate that we DESERVE success. No matter our background, we deserve to sit tall at our seat at the table. We deserve to be leaders. I want to hear all of your thoughts, ideas, and opinions because they matter. You matter.

Remembering where I come from and who I represent encourages me to make bigger change, go out of my comfort zone, and be the person who gets stuff done. This doesn’t come THE LINK | 32

Diversity doesn’t just mean having a pretty picture to hang up in your RHA or NRHH office, it means truly inviting everyone to share their experiences. We all have our stories, I encourage you to read your story out loud so others like you see themselves as leaders too. We are all somebody.



OVERCOMING IMPOSTOR SYNDROME BY JEN GARCIA, IACURH ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR NRHH The only reason I did become the Intermountain’s ADNRHH and fought against imposter syndrome was because of comments from those around me. I only did so after acknowledging my feelings and being open about my experience. I was able to self-reflect thanks to the kind encouragement from my peers and those I look up to. The following situations in my life all hold something in common: Being hired as a Community Assistant, being appointed NRHH Chancellor at my host institution, and being elected AD-NRHH for the Intermountain Region. They all share someone believing that I was qualified and capable of leading the way. However, all of these experiences also share something else. Throughout these, I felt like a fraud. The Oxford Dictionary defines imposter syndrome as “The persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.” Those that experience this fear being outed as a “fraud.” In other words, they feel as if they are not competent enough for their achievements and successes, and feel like they are undeserving. When thinking of running for a regional position this feeling took over me. I nearly didn't run at all. I felt like all my hard work preparing for this position was not good enough. Even after my election when I was offered the position based off of a clear majority I was still hesitant to accept this role.

“One day I believe you will sit on the Regional Board of Directors”- Matt Denney, 2017-2018 IACURH AD-NRHH “I am so proud of you”- Becca Franssen, 2018-2019 IACURH COSN “The majority of people in that room voted for you based on their belief in your capabilities” -Jen O’ Brien, 2018-2019 IACURH NRHH Advisor When I feel insecure, I replay these comments in my mind, and know that I am capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of this position, that I am worthy of this responsibility, and that I am prepared for this role. I have also came to find that nearly every leader I have discussed this with has experienced the same or a similar thing. I have learned to remind those around me about their capabilities and impact; they too might be struggling with imposter syndrome. If you’re the one battling with it, know that you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. You are worthy of your role, you were elected or appointed because someone believed in you, and I am so proud of your leadership and accomplishments. THE LINK | 33



BY MALLORY GIBSON, NACURH ASSOCIATE FOR ADMINISTRATION NACURH Residence Hall Month, or NRHM, is an annual initiative dedicated to embracing the residential experience through four observed weeks with following focus areas: Advocacy | Nov. 3 - 9 Service | Nov. 10 - 16 Leadership | Nov. 17 - 23 Recognition | Nov. 24 - 30 This November, the NRHM Task Force came together to create a new and comprehensive NRHM resource (available at We want to hear from you! What programs did your campus put on for NRHM this year? For a chance to be featured in the next NRHM Programming Resource Guide, please fill out this form to share your programs with NACURH!




FROM VISION TO LIFTOFF BIDDING TO HOST A CONFERENCE BY JOSEPH MYERS, 2020 ANNUAL CONFERENCE CHAIR Inspiration can come from truly anywhere, and I happened to find mine while sitting with some friends on the patio of Postino Annex, a little Italian bistro on the campus of Arizona State University, Tempe. Leading up to that meal — a meal where I had the best sandwich of my life, by the way — I had experienced something completely new to me: a NACURH Annual Conference. There’s something so incredibly special about a NACURH conference, about being in a space where you can be nothing but your unapologetic true self. The energy of NACURH 2018 was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, and won’t soon forget. I knew then and there, as I started into the second half of that sandwich, that I wanted to bring this experience back on my own college campus. That was the moment that NACURH 2020: Leadership Takes Flight was born. Bidding to host a NACURH Annual Conference was one of the largest projects I’ve ever worked on, and I encourage anyone to do it. It’s a process where you learn more about yourself, others, and your institution than you would’ve from any other opportunity. For those starting down the bidding path, I offer these tips and advice: Putting Together Your Flight Crew One of the most fun — and arguably the most important — parts of bidding is putting together your team. These are the people that will share in this journey with you. Any team is only strong when there are a wide variety of voices present

at the table. When putting together your team, think outside the box: look for a diversity of majors, backgrounds, and perspectives. Look for those who live and breathe housing, and those who have no idea what NACURH stands for — and who proceed to misspell it for months to come. New perspectives bring new ideas to the table, so be intentional when building your team.

Create a Vision that is Unquestionably You My time at the University of Dayton has been some of the most transformative of my life, and having the opportunity to share this community with my NACURH family wasn’t one I could pass up! It’s always exciting when you get to share something you’re proud of with others, and a NACURH conference is one of the best ways to do it. When thinking about bidding, start by asking yourself what is special about my college/university? What is it that makes this place so special to me? From here, go on to


NACURH & BEYOND take those things and think about how you can integrate them within the rich history of NACURH. At the end of the day you should have a product that showcases your school, and is something you’re proud to share with your new closest 2,000+ friends.

Moving Forward, Moving Upward Innovation is the name of the game, and it all starts with asking questions. Why is the most empowering word in the dictionary, and it will help you to create a new experience for your guests, while building on the traditions of the past. Add socials. Change timelines. Create new events and traditions. Never be afraid to make a change, and to make the experience your own. Remember What Matters In the months leading up to the submission of your final bid, a lot can happen. You may have had teammates come and go, had plans go up in flames, or found out just how much some things in your preliminary budget actually cost. Through it all, keep thinking back to your why — what you’re doing it for. My goal was ultimately to give back to my institution, as I was just months away from my graduation. Never lose


sight of what you’re doing it all for, no matter what you may face. Enjoy Every Step Bidding to host a conference will lead to some of your greatest memories. I won’t soon forget the outlandish visioning sessions we had, or the late nights spent with friends trying to pull together a working budget, or the even later night spent practicing our bid presentation while at LSU in the spring. Enjoy every moment, because regardless of whether or not you are awarded the conference, you should be proud of what you did. If you’re sitting there eating a sandwich and thinking to yourself, “wow it would be fun to bid to host a NACURH conference,” you’re right, it’s an absolute blast. However, it is also one of the more challenging experiences you can get involved in - and still one of the most rewarding. If you build a strong team, make an experience that is uniquely yours, and if you enjoy every moment, you’ll soon find yourself at podium saying those famous words: “Hey NACURH!”



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