4 minute read

The Tea Terrace


In the heart of Las Vegas, there is a quaint little tea room that transports you to the English countryside with every sip of tea. The Tea Terrace is a charming, woman-owned establishment that offers afternoon tea, a British tradition that has been enjoyed for centuries.

But what makes this place unique is not just the delicious scones and perfectly brewed tea, but the empowering story of how it came to be.

Inga Parunyan, an inspiring woman with an exquisite taste in teas, opened her doors in the summer of 2020, amidst the chaos of the pandemic. While many businesses were closing down, The Tea Terrace was born out of the determination and passion of its owner. Inga had always dreamt of opening a tea room, a place where people could gather, connect, and enjoy a cup of tea. But she never thought she would be doing it in the middle of a pandemic.

Like many others, Inga was faced with uncertainty and fear. But she saw an opportunity to create something beautiful amidst the chaos. Inga and her daughter Valeria spent months researching and planning, perfecting every detail to create the perfect tea room experience. From the dainty tea sets to the delicate floral arrangements, every aspect of The Tea Terrace is carefully thought out to provide an authentic British tea experience.

The Tea Terrace’s signature offering is the afternoon tea, a beloved British tradition that dates back to the 1800s. It is a meal that is taken between lunch and dinner and consists of a selection of tea, sandwiches, scones, and cakes. The Tea Terrace’s version of this tradition is a feast for the senses. They offer a large selec- tion of exclusive teas that are brewed to perfection, and the sandwiches are made with the freshest ingredients. But the star of the show is the scones. They are freshly baked, warm, and served with clotted cream and homemade jam. The scones are a true testament to the skill and dedication of the tea room’s bakers.

The Tea Terrace is more than just a place to indulge in tea and scones. It is a space that celebrates women empowerment. Inga’s vision for the tea room was not only to create a beautiful space, but also to provide opportunities for women. She wanted to create a space where women could gather, connect, and support each other. And she has done just that.

The Tea Terrace’s commitment to women empowerment extends beyond its walls. They source their tea and other ingredients from local, women-owned businesses. Inga believes in supporting women-owned businesses and creating a community of strong, empowered women.

As you sit in the tea room, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the gentle chatter of women, you can’t help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort. The Tea Terrace offers group reservations for all sorts of celebrations; from Bridal Showers to Baby Showers and everything in between.

In a time when the world feels uncertain and chaotic, The Tea Terrace offers a glimpse of hope and beauty. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, we can create something beautiful. Inga’s story is a testament to the power of determination and passion. She took a leap of faith, and now she has created a space that not only brings joy to others but also empowers women. The Tea Terrace is a beacon of hope and a reminder that when women come together, they can create magic. MV

6830 S Rainbow Blvd Ste. 140 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.931.0562

success MEAN TO YOU?

o you remember that magical feeling when you were a little kid that you just knew you were going to be successful? Then, as you grow up, you realize what you thought would be success isn’t all sunshine and rainbows?

Meet Amber Fuhriman, an immigration and criminal defense attorney in Las Vegas and the founder of Success Development

Like most of us, she had BIG dreams as a kid. As a first generational college student from a small town in Idaho, she was no stranger to grief and loss at a young age. After the sudden loss of her father when she was 17, Amber overcame significant personal challenges to build a career as a successful attorney.

Despite all her professional success, Amber hit the wall that many career professionals know all too well. Her inner child, who wanted nothing more than to be successful, felt like such a failure. Where was the fulfillment and happiness the money and achievements were supposed to bring? When did all the hard work pay off? When did the pain, grief, and heartache she had been trying to outrun go away? How could someone with such success on the outside, feel so

To answer these questions, Amber stared to learn more about how our minds work. She dug into the science behind the impact of our experiences and generational beliefs to our view of the world and our perception of our success within it. Most importantly, she started to find herself again. Amber the person - not just the lawyer.

Amber realized that her own anxieties and fears were created from not defining HER idea of success. If a person doesn’t know what success means to them, how could they possibly achieve it? Without a clear individual definition of success, a person’s accomplishments lead a life of ambiguous short term goal setting instead of the life of impact and legacy most of us strive to achieve.

Over the past five years, Amber has become a certified trainer of NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP) and gained accolades in the business world, not just the legal world. She was featured on the cover of SHIFT Advanced Life Design Magazine, spoken on national stages in both the legal world and the business one, and has run several highly rated events in Las Vegas.

Amber founded Success Development Solutions in 2019 to help business owners, entrepreneurs and service-based professionals find the success their careers have failed to bring. Through individual and group coaching, mastermind and live events, speaking, and NLP Training, she helps her clients find a work-life harmony and build a professional life that supports their personal one. MV

You can learn more about Amber, her coaching opportunities, listen to her podcast or simply connect with another Las Vegas local business owner at www.SuccessDevelopmentSolutions.com.