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I have always believed that “to whom much is given, much is expected.” When one survives a civil war physically unscathed and is then blessed to land on the city on the Hill, going on to live the American dream, it is easy to conclude that giving back is the least one can do.

Iwas gratified by the health advancements brought to the world by some of Alta’s Investments (the Venture Capital firm I co-founded in 1996), and I really enjoyed serving on nonprofit boards, but something was still missing. I didn’t know what it was until Governor Sisolak locked us down in Q1 2020. At the time, not much was known about this novel virus that seemed to be decimating people (Italy, Iran, etc.), and an excess of caution was tolerated. However, as the pandemic developed, by the fall of 2020, it became apparent that NV executive and public health leadership were extreme in their response and unable or unwilling to tailor their response to the needs of their constituents. Leadership means stepping out of one’s comfort zone, researching crises independently, taking action, and communicating with one’s constituency. As Governor Sisolak blindly followed California’s example and remained uncommunicative about why our government was shuttering small businesses, closing down houses of worship, and imposing Emergency Powers, I decided it was time to step into the arena.

I knew the odds were stacked against me, and that it would be an expensive and exhausting endeavor. But the COVID crisis also revealed that our State was drifting away from its core values even further than what was obvious. Nevadans of all stripes are hardworking, rule-following optimists and success seekers who deserved better than the worst schools, escalating crime, high unemployment, and other discomforts of daily life in today’s America.

The political consensus in mid-2021 was that Governor Sisolak was unpopular, and the State was more than open to new leadership. I decided to launch a platform founded on a positive message and highlight the glaring issues in Nevada’s overall lack of governance. My success as a venture capitalist relied on my keen ability to recognize good companies led by talented and intelligent people. The governance of a company is critical to its success. The last hurdle was financing a statewide primary. Races are expensive in general, and this particular race was looking particularly costly, with a dozen candidates eventually running. Though I wasn’t deterred from using my own money, I have never been comfortable running fools’ errands or tilting at windmills, so I prayed.

I decided to run in May of 2021 and announced in the summer. The experience was bittersweet. I met Nevadans in every county, from the fireman in Elko to the nurse in Laughlin and everywhere

By: Guy Nohra Venture Capitalist Candidate for Governor 2022

in between. People of all races, creeds, and political orientations. My life was enriched by the people I met, and I was humbled by the support I received from small donors (dozens and dozens). I like to think I contributed to the tone and substance of the race. At the end of the day, I’m reminded of a quote from a pastor to whom I confided my reasoning. I said, “I am here to fight for the people, but I am not sure I can win.” His answer was, “If you are meant to win, you will, but sometimes you just need to stand.” I stood. MV by targeting Non-Partisan Voters in Competitive Races

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Ron Quince (Ron Q) has become a man on a mission. The 40-year Las Vegas businessman, and father of two young daughters realized a few months ago that building a future for them should include a foundation of giving to the families in need around him. Quince, an accountant and entrepreneur, believes that his Filipino upbringing helped to shape a desire for giving.

“We have always taken care of each other in the Filipino community, but reaching farther out has brought me great joy,” says Quince. “I have worked very hard in my professional and family life. I also have a desire to help shape the world that my girls will grow up in,” and adds, “Seeing the results of giving to others in Southern Nevada has changed the way I look at my family, my profession, and the world around me.”

Ron Quince’s first stop was at The City Impact Center, a community center with one of the largest food banks in Las Vegas. He was able to make last Thanksgiving Day a truly special one by providing whole turkeys with all the trimmings to hundreds of Las Vegas families.

Vic Caruso, the Executive Director of City Impact Center, knows that Thanksgiving is one of the most important days to meet the needs of families in the center of the Las Vegas Valley. “We had a lot of concern that the families in our area would not be able to afford a Thanksgiving dinner,” says Caruso, “but we were blessed to have Ron Quince, a great member of the community, step up and deliver thousands of dollars’ worth of turkeys to our foodbank. Plus, he stayed all day and handed them out. Nobody ever does that!”

In addition, he was involved in giving out snacks to elementary school kids at Arturo Cambeiro Elementary school in North Las Vegas. He has a passion for working tirelessly to support our troops and works with the USO to send our troops various packages during the holidays, as well as working with Troops with Paws, an organization that provides veterans with support dogs.

Immigrating to the United States from the Philippines when he was only 5 years old, Ron Q touts himself as the true personification of the American Dream. He believes he can make help make changes and help forge policies that will make our economy work again and allow young people to live that same American Dream. He is a tax expert by Trade, and built a very successful accounting firm and therefore, has the financial expertise to do so. This is one of the reasons he will be running for office. He is currently completing his master’s degree in Emergency and Crisis Management.

He also believes that as a minority, he is the new face of the Republican Party. He wants to show the world that the Republican party is a party of diversity; a party of the people.

When asked about his political platform, Ron Q believes that climate change and abortion are issues that need to be discussed. On climate change Ron states, “I am not a climate change denier. I am a climate change realist. Of course, as a father, I am concerned for my children and my children’s children. We all want a world with clean energy and less carbon emissions. It is certainly our goal. But it is not realistic to support an all-electric world at present.” He goes on to say that we do not have the infrastructure or power grid to support going fully electric, and that the impact on Americans would be dramatic. “We would face frequent blackouts, brownouts, power outages, rising fuel costs, that would do more harm,” explains Ron. “Let’s help the environment with a process that works, not ‘woke’ wishful thinking. Let’s build a path to a better environment but continue to service our country with available resources while we work on these solutions.”

Regarding abortion, interestingly enough, Ron takes issue with his own party, but holds strong to his Catholic values as a way to navigate the troubled waters, which is the abortion rights issue. “Republicans failed to properly address this issue after Roe vs Wade was overturned,” submits Ron Q. “To be clear, as a Catholic, I am personally not in favor of abortion. However, as a father of two girls, I support women’s rights to have options, certainly in cases of rape, incest and the health of the mother.” Ron views the prospect of abortion up to the time of birth as unacceptable, but also believes that this is not just a women’s rights issue or something that women should be tasked with alone. “I also believe in accountability,” he says. “Men need to step up, and no one should use abortion as birth control. I support women, but I support babies as well. This is a conversation we must have.”

Ron Q believes that the job of a public servant is to represent the values and views of their constituents. Everyone keeps talking, but Ron wants you to know that he is listening.