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The Modern Vegan (TMV), a drool worthy vegan restaurant near the Las Vegas Strip has taken the culinary world by storm. TMV is owned by the dynamic and passionate Gia Schultz, who is rapidly becoming known as the Vegan Queen. With a mission to redefine plant-based eating, Gia is determined to prove that going vegan doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor.

Gia’s journey to veganism was a personal one. Growing up in a traditional Greek-Canadian household, meat was a staple in her family’s diet. However, about eight years ago, she experienced a transformative spiritual awakening that led her to adopt a vegan lifestyle. “I made myself vegan,” she explains. “Back then, I didn’t even know what vegan was. I had no vegan influencers that I looked up to or friends or family members that were vegan. I educated myself through documentaries and research on the pharmaceutical industry and animal agriculture. Once I learned the truth, I knew I had to make a change.”

While making the choice to become vegan is a different journey for everyone, Gia shares a few tips of her own, sharing, “Start small with the easy stuff,” she advises. “Switch out cow milk for oat, almond, or soy milk. Opt for the veggie burger at your favorite burger joint. Swap out eggs in your baking. Sometimes, little choices like this can go a long way.” She emphasizes taking baby steps, and how these small changes can make a big difference. The Vegan Queen also shares her go-to plant-based meal is a comforting pasta dish, suggesting you sauté some veggies, add your vegan protein of choice, and pair it with a sauce of your preference. The key is generous seasoning and not overthinking the process.

This lifestyle ultimately led Gia to raise her child as a vegan from the very beginning. She highlights that her son’s diet has contributed to his overall well-being, noting that he was never a fussy baby, which she concluded was most likely due to the absence of dairy. Gia strives to instill compassion and a balanced approach to food in her son. She adds, “What’s beautiful about our lifestyle is that we vegans are very creative when it comes to our food. His mac and cheese sauce is made out of cauliflower and carrots.” She also emphasizes the importance of allowing him to make his own decisions about veganism as he grows older, providing ism approachable and enjoyable is key to encouraging more people to embrace the lifestyle. Customers not only savor a delightful array of dishes but also get a glimpse of the positive impact a plantbased diet can have on their health and the environment.

Not compromising on flavor means going above and beyond and that is something that Gia is not shy about. One of the highlights of TMV is its creative and delicious menu items that never cease to amaze. What’s even more amazing is everything served at TMV is based on food that Gia used to make at home, which she stresses that you can do too! She adds, “See something you want to recreate? Just google the vegan recipe for it! You will find tons.”

New things are happening at The Modern Vegan! The restaurant is gearing up to unveil a thrilling new menu, featuring mouthwatering additions such as the Truffle Dinosaur Pasta and the PB Bomb burger. Moreover, the recent sale of TMV’s first franchise in Royal Oaks, Michigan, signals the beginning of a nationwide expansion. Gia’s vision of bringing The Modern Vegan’s extraordinary vegan comfort food to every major city is well on its way to becoming a reality. With the Vegan Queen leading the charge, the future of plant-based cuisine has never looked more exciting! MV

The Modern Vegan

700 E Naples Dr #111

