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Manifestation is a powerful force that can shape our lives and lead us to success and inner peace. Few understand this as deeply as Melissa Acob, known affectionately as Coach Mel, a Business Mindset and Energy Coach who has dedicated her life to helping others unlock their true potential.

Melissa’s journey to coaching began as a personal quest for answers during the 2020 pandemic lockdown. Immersing herself in mindset, energy, and manifestation programs, she discovered the importance of addressing the wounds of her inner child to manifest success and inner peace. Motivated by the possibility that others might be silently struggling with past trauma, she enrolled in a Master Life Coaching program and launched her business as a Master Life Coach.

Coach Mel’s coaching style is deeply influenced by her own experience in reprogramming her own mindset for success. After leaving her 6-figure corporate job of 23 years and diving into her business full-time, she faced a sudden halt in the opportunities that had initially motivated her decision. Doubts crept in as she questioned if she could build a successful business with limited savings. Taking a leap of faith, she invested $9,700 in a 90-day business program and set clear intentions to create a high-ticket program, clarify her niche, master lead generation, and make her investment back. Just three days before the program ended, she signed new clients amounting to $10,000 in revenue. This experience propelled her to give her business her all, leading to ongoing prosperity and unexpected opportunities.

Today, Coach Mel enjoys being a full-time Business Mindset and Energy Coach with a mission is to empower business owners and their team of employees to reprogram their mindsets and find both success and inner peace. Through her one-on-one coaching sessions, she witnesses remarkable transformations as individuals and teams overcome mindset blocks and achieve their goals. Her approach is grounded in the understanding that manifestation is not limited to specific moments but is constantly at work. Our thoughts, emotions, actions, and self-talk all contribute to the energy we attract and the experiences we encounter.

When working with Mel, clients can expect a transformative journey. It begins with a Free Strategy Zoom call, where deep connections are formed, and goals are explored. For those who are ready to level up their business, Coach Mel offers 3 customized programs. These programs, which offer one-on-one as well as team coaching, goes beyond simple business coaching, incorporating personal development and empowering clients to overcome limiting beliefs. With a tailored action plan and Coach Mel as their dedicated accountability partner, clients gain the tools and guidance needed to achieve their goals.

While manifestation often remains a mysterious concept, Coach Mel brings clarity and practicality to the process. Through her unique blend of mindset coaching, energy work, and personal development, she empowers individuals to tap into their true potential, manifest success, and find lasting inner peace. If you’re ready to transform your life and reach your goals, Coach Mel is the guiding light you’ve been searching for. MV