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Audra Hamernik, a renowned leader in the affordable housing industry and President and CEO of Nevada HAND, was honored as the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce’s Executive of the Year in 2022. In a Q&A session, we had the privilege of discussing affordable housing, and the impactful work of Nevada HAND within the community.

Q: In one word, what does affordable housing mean to you?

In one word, affordable housing means “stability.” It provides individuals and families with a secure foundation, offering stability in their housing situation, finances, and overall well-being. Affordable housing creates opportunities for individuals to thrive, build roots, and contribute to their communities.

Q: What is the state of affordable housing in Nevada?

Nevada is grappling with a significant affordable housing crisis, marked by a shortage of over 84,000 units for extremely lowincome renters. With more than half of renter householders in Nevada (52%) allocating over one-third of their income towards rent, affordable housing has become unattainable for many. While Nevada HAND has developed over 5,000 affordable units, the gap between supply and demand for affordable housing continues to grow.

Q: How can the Southern Nevada community support Nevada HAND?

We invite you to make a meaningful impact by supporting our mission through a financial donation. Your generous contribution directly benefits those who require assistance, enabling us to build stronger communities where everyone has access to a safe and affordable home. Together, we can create lasting change through the power of affordable housing.

Q: Nevada HAND

has reached a significant milestone, celebrating 30 years of dedicated service to the Southern Nevada community. What are some of the highlights from your rich history and what is the vision moving forward?

Over the past three decades, Nevada HAND has achieved significant milestones in Southern Nevada, including the development of over 5,000 high-quality affordable housing units while providing comprehensive support through our Resident Services Program. As we look ahead, our vision is to expand our impact, address the escalating demand for affordable housing, and foster a strong sense of community through resident engagement and strategic partnerships. Our unwavering dedication to improving lives through affordable housing solutions drives us to ensure that Nevada remains a place where everyone can access safe and affordable homes.

Nevada HAND is turning 30!

Celebrate with us at our 90s-themed block party on October 5th.

Scan and purchase tickets today: