Mystik way magazine 41

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Magical Tools, Mary Magdalen, The Veil of Elegies, colors and their Meanings, inspired writing, Astrology, herbs, Recipes and more...



Welcome to issue fourtyone


Opening the Way


Midsummer Solstice


Project Avalon


Back to the future healing


The Vale of Elegies

12 Mary Magdalen as the Warrior Queen

Magical Tools- the Shield | 15


Magical Tools - The Shield


The Shamanic State of Ecstasy


Sign of the month - Gemini

22 Inspired writing - Experiment and find yourself 24

Colors and their meanings

26 The Magic of Plants and Herbs Dandelion 28

Recipes from a Kitchen Witch


Grounding and Centering


What are Angels?

The Vale of Elegies | 10 If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation to help us with our running costs.

Cover artwork: Simi

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EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | DESIGN Simone Schreck ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEBSITE Simone Schreck CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Bradley McKenzie, Jennette Stevensen, Rachel Patterson, Kate Bowman, Kristin Unkelbach

Welcome to issue forty one The times they are a changing as the iconic song from the sixties states. More & more people are starting to question who and what they are, why they are here & for what purpose, at long last realizing there must be much more to life than mere survival. Which leads me to the point I am making, new members are being added daily to the Mystik Way group and page. So at last we are heading closer to a new spiritual era & the times they are a changing. Having imparted that good news, it is time to enjoy the summer here in the northern hemisphere, carrying those plans made in the dark winter months & of course in the southern hemisphere time to rest and enjoy the fruits of your labour from summer past. Wherever you live enjoy each day and your quest on the spiritual path being blessed & blessing everyone and everything along the way.

Many Blessings to all. MystikMaster This month’s cover is a celebration of our very first magazine some four years ago. Painted by Simi our graphic artist & the clever one. 3

Opening the Way

Invocation/Banishing/protection Stand in the centre of your ritual space facing east & with either Athame or Wand cast a circle of light upon the floor/ground around you loudly affirming, “ this space & time is mine and mine alone “ This I command, therefore it must be so. Air. Face east & proclaim I face the east in reverence I command the element of Air to surround and fill my being with clarity of thought and speech. Let the early morning sun rise through the mists of time brining clarity. Fire. face south & proclaim I face the south in reverence I command the element of Fire to surround and fill me with a renewed burning passion of life itself. Let the mighty power of the midday sun shine fully upon me bringing power.

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Water. Face west & proclaim I face the west in reverence to the power of water, I command that power surround & fill me with love light and serenity. May the silver light of the full moon and the calm waters balance my emotions. Earth. Face north & proclaim I face north in reverence to the power of earth, I command that power surround and fill me with abundance of all earthly things, health wealth & security. Let the power of the dark moon draw to the surface the hidden depths within me. As I have spoken so it will be….

When closing, draw the circle of light around you thanking the powers & elements. Affirm nothing & no one may enter that sacred space.



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Midsummer Solstice 21st June Also known by the name of Litha. & of course those in the southern hemisphere will be celebrating Midwinter. A time for joyous celebrations, the Sun is at its most powerful & the land is green with the crops growing their bounty. The countryside has burst into full swing, there will be abundance for everyone. The Celtic Moon month symbolises the mighty Oak tree, strength power wisdom and long life. Decorate your Altar with Oak leaves, yellow candles symbolising the Sun, add many bright flowers and burn heavy incense such as sage & sandlewood, light a fire, invite your friends to join you & spend the evening feasting with fine wine and food, sing, laugh, dance & make merry whilst remembering to be thankful to Mother Nature & the Universe for such wonderful gifts, revel in the full power of the Sun. There are many different versions of Solstice rituals and celebrations and whichever you choose or whether you decide to join a commercial one enjoy every moment, I will be in my favourite place Kingley Vale a thousand year old Yew tree forest for the night and of course the Mystik Way group with myself will hold a ritual party with homemade wine and a feast.

Blessings to all in both hemispheres on your celebrations. MystikMaster





s we head now into the warmer summer months the grape vine is really flourishing as also is the new gooseberry bush, both hopefully will yield a decent amount of wine. The blackberry bush is as usual growing and flowering with great gusto & over the last few years produced many gallons of fantastic wine. As we had quite a mild winter the herbs also are going great style, the Sage and the Rosemary especially which is pleasing as I made smudge sticks with a combination of both last season creating a truly magikal aroma, a real natural woodland incense. This year I have some Golden Oregano growing & intend to experiment with it as a smudge stick.

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To refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Vegetable Mystikal Haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Music & Mantra… to be true to the ways of the Old Path.

By the time you read this I will have collected & begun fermentation of the first few gallons of Elderflower wine, one of my favourites as not only has it a great taste but a wonderful aroma. I cab not begin to explain to you the amount of pleasure I derive from this project, grounding and healing plus the joy of working hand in hand with Mother Earth, If you have some space, however small it may be give it a try as the rewards are invaluable.

Many Blessings… MystikMaster

Bach to the future Healing I am trying an experiment in healing if anyone would like to join in. It is about sending light & healing backwards into the past, by sending it back a decade at a time to heal past hurts that may have long been forgotten. So no need to dwell on the events that you know of, just send the light asking that it may heal all hidden hurts...if you are shown any all well and good just see them as healed. We can also apply this to others when sending mother earth and the animal kingdom Give it a try and let me know how you get on.



THE VALE OF ELEGIES by James Middleditch

Introduction – My Vale One of the never-ending, unfolding joys of regular meditation is the discovery of brand new places on the inner landscape of the psyche. How and why they emerge into consciousness, from wherever they have formlessly been waiting, is a delightful mystery to me. I believe they form for us when they are needed, answering a kind of subconscious call that we have been issuing without realising.

One of my most recent and vivid discoveries is the Vale of Elegies, a place where we can safely return and revisit our geographic and physical pasts. Perhaps this has been triggered by an impending move of house, the first in a long while, and a need to reflect on what I’ve had and what I want in the future.

I believe that with the right medium, such as this 10 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Magazine, such spiritual, intangible locations can be shared for exploration by others in their own meditations. As always with such places, it is only a concept, and will appear differently to each individual. Whatever your Vale of Elegies ends up looking like, perhaps it will answer a call for you as it did for me.

What is the Vale? Realisation of the look of the Vale came gradually. I was outside, in a lush and vegetative natural environment, thick with old trees and vines. It was valley-like, with higher, more open spaces on either side. But peering into the undergrowth revealed a surprise; there was one of my old bedrooms, tucked away amid the plants. The roof and two of the walls were missing, so I could see right inside, at furniture, objects and decorations exactly as they had been. The inside had not been damaged by exposure to the

outside, but it melded with the outside at its edges, as carpet became moss, walls became trunks, and sunlight played in the leaves above it all.

Walking further through the Vale revealed the concept behind this place more fully; there was another old bedroom, this time from my early childhood, tiny and filled with toys and books just as it was, similarly emerging from the natural growth. Further on and another one, and elsewhere a living room shared by my family, and later a much loved kitchen from my University days. Peering deep into a darker, more cavernous space, was a place I lived but didn’t like – obscured unless I chose to get closer. Further on again, a piece of an old workplace I loved, and past a flowing stream, the window of the shop I first meditated in, it’s name painted in bold, prophetic letters, spelling ‘VISIONS’.

The name of this place came to me then, whispered on the breezes that float across our collective psyches, our shared spiritual landscape – the Vale of Elegies. Elegies because these are ways in which we remember, poetic forms that meld memory and beauty, to allow us to embrace the nostalgia and melancholy of the past. Vale because of the natural expanse, filled with hidden places both elevated and deep, and coincidentally because in Latin, vale means farewell – an appropriate place then, to be reunited with places we have said goodbye to.

What is the Vale for? Managing the past, and the weight of our memories and experiences, is a constant endeavour in life. One of the dangers of memory, and indeed meditation, is that it can fill our vision with the past, at the expense of the present and the future. We can turn our head firmly in the backwards direction and allow emotions we once felt to drown us all over again. I think this is why the Vale of Elegies presents us with a version of the past that reminds us that that’s exactly where it is. This is not about stepping in to a total emersion of a memory, but about looking at a memory in a distanced way, with those missing

walls and ceilings and the encroachment of growth forcing us to remember that time has passed, and these places have gone from the physical world. They are perhaps occupied by others now, all but the smallest of traces of us gone from them, even though they remain untouched in our memory. Time has passed, we too have changed and we occupy new spaces ourselves, and we must recognise that when we see these once familiar places again in the Vale. It is a liminal space, an ‘in-between’ place, on the threshold of past and present, indoors and outdoors, familiar and strange, reality and imagination.

This reveals the purpose. The past is important. Nostalgia and melancholy are beautiful. But these things are fragile, and can trip so easily into something darker and sadder. The beauty is in the fragility, in the perfect balance of the liminality.

Conclusion – Your Vale So, what will your Vale look like, if you choose to visit or if you find yourself there in meditation as I did? Which rooms would you like to revisit, and where in the Vale will you find them? Are there any you would like to spend longer in than others, and are there some you are happy to leave hidden, untouched, in the depths? Are there some places that need forgiveness, for others or ourselves while you were there? Can some kind of healing or release there help you in your present? What other shared spaces might you see? What lessons did you learn in these places, which you may want or need to be reminded of? Who were you when you were there, and do you need some of that past self back? My own journey through these questions has only just started, and will be the project of many meditations to come. I hope your own journey through the Vale of Elegies, should you take it, is as profound and beautiful as I feel mine will be. Photos – The outdoor London theatre production ‘Babel’ from 2012 experimented with putting the indoors outdoors, and many festivals such as Latitude include art trails through woods using domestic objects in natural settings.




n the last few decades, since the publication of ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’, the hidden teachings of the Heretical Christian Church regarding Mary Magdalen have been made available to a much wider readership. Rather than the fallen prostitute who washed Jesus’s feet with her tears, and who has been carefully slandered and written out of the Gospels and the Leadership of the Early Church, we now have a presentation of Mary Magdalen as Jesus’s closest disciple, a leader of the early church and the possibility of an intimate relationship between Jesus, and his closest disciple, with a possibility of an offspring of their union. This presents a completely different picture of the nature of Mary Magdalen and Jesus, and emphasizes the human nature of Jesus, who was the earthly vehicle through which the Divine Presence of God expressed itself in the form of the Holy Spirit. This was the image most likely understood by his contemporaries, and it was only many years later that the church declared him the Only Son of God, a unique Divine Being on earth.

The gospels written decades after his life on earth do not state whether Jesus was married or unmarried. It was expected in the Jewish faith of the times, that a Rabbi should be married as part of his ministry. The gospels recall that Jesus had brothers, and it was only later that the official church declared his Mother Mary a Virgin, to overcome the problem of sex as original sin! It is possible that this doctrine of sex as sin, resulted in the true nature of Jesus and his relationship with Mary Magdalen being suppressed, and not included in the four Main Gospels. Other gospels of the early church, like the Gospel of Thomas, and the Gospel of Mary Magdalen, paint a completely different picture of Jesus as a more normal human being, with extraordinary divine powers. 12 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

Mary Magdalen was the first disciple to see the Risen Spirit Form of Jesus in the Garden near the Tomb, and it is well known that it is the power of love which draws the spirit-form back to earth, to prove their survival to a special loved one. Later Jesus showed himself in his risen-form to the other disciples, but the New Testament and church tradition plays down the significance of Mary Magdalen’s testimony.

During his life, Jesus publically taught the multitude Spiritual Wisdom as described in the gospels, but in secret he taught the hidden Ancient Wisdom to his close circle of disciples. The Gnostic Gospels record that these close disciples included women, and that they better understood these Secret Teachings than the male disciples. The key figure in this dialogue was Mary Magdalen, with whom the Master shared his most secret teachings, regarding spirituality and magical practice (eg. healing miracles, walking on water and calming the storm etc)

It is well known that the path of Spiritual


Enlightenment is by the powers of the female spiritual principle. The dove which John the Baptist saw descending on Jesus at his Baptism, when he became the Christed One, is not only a symbol of the Holy Spirit (the female part of the Trinity), but had been for many ages a symbol of the Power of the Goddess in the Ancient Religions.

Description of Picture

I have portrayed Mary Magdalen as a Warrior Queen, holding a Shield and a Spear. She is clothed in a Cloak with a Medieval Headdress, emblazoned with an M for Mary Magdalen. Her undergarment is white, and her cloak is the traditional rose-red of Medieval Art, with a deep blue lining. These three The relationship of Jesus with Mary Magdalen colours represent the three phases of the Goddess – could have been central to the unfoldment of Jesus’s Maid, Mother and Crone. spirituality, not only physically but magically, as Great Enlightenment can result from working spiritually with a magical partner. Her Shield depicts the Dove of the Holy Spirit and symbol of the Goddess, and like the shield of the Empress in the Tarot, it also shows the symbol To those who have been brought up in for Venus, the Goddess of Love and Sensuality. In Traditional Christianity, this may seem a great her left hand, she holds a Lance topped with a Clear sacrilege, but a more human appreciation of Jesus as Quartz Crystal, which is enhanced with two Entwined the vehicle for the Divine Love and Enlightenment Snakes and a pair of Wings, to form the Caduceus, as portrayed in the Gnostic Gospels, could be a route the symbol of Spiritual Enlightenment achieved by back to a new Christian understanding for many who raising the female sexual power of the Kundalini. have rejected Traditional Christianity. The Teachings of Jesus can be seen as a complete presentation of the Spiritual Wisdom portrayed throughout the ages, and Above her head is the Marian Symbol of the ultimate potential of the Divine Spirit contained in the synthesis of male and female powers (Fire and all of us. Water) in Sexual Union. This union is also depicted on her cloak by the Red Cross, shown between the powers of the Sun and Moon. On the tree flowers a Tradition has it that after the Crucifixion, red and white Rose, depicting Matter (Physical Love) when Mary Magdalen wept at the base of the Cross, and Spirit (Spiritual Love). This is a symbol of the she was looked after by Joseph of Arimathea, and Great Rite of Spiritual Sexual Union. These symbols smuggled out of Palestine to Egypt, to the spiritual have been taken from Medieval Art, and bear hidden centre of Alexandria, on her journey with a daughter witness to the Legend of Mary Magdalen. to Southern France. For me, the picture is a depiction of the Power Recently I have read a number of books on of the Goddess in human physical form, and a symbol Mary Magdalen, including ‘The Woman with the of the return of the Feminine Principle, which has for Alabaster Jar’ by Margaret Starbird, which portrays so long been lost in Traditional Christianity. the personal search of the author for the truth of the hidden story of Mary Magdalen.

In celebration of this phase of my spiritual journey, I have painted a picture of Mary Magdalen to hang over my altar, based on this tradition, and its depiction in Medieval Art.


MAGICAL TOOLS – THE SHIELD By Warlockway A Witch or Magician collects his Magical Tools (Weapons) to symbolize the different Elements, so that they can then be used in Magical Ritual. These tools, used in Magic, represent the Four Elements of the Material World – Earth, Air, Fire and Water and the 5th element of Ether (Spirit).


he Shield is one of the tools associated with the element of Earth and the practical, physical world. The symbol of the element of Earth is the Pentangle, usually a circular Disc of mental, wood or wax, inscribed with symbols, including the Pentagram – the symbol of Humanity in the physical world. I have painted a design for the Creation of a Shield, which I will use as the baseboard on my Altar instead of a cloth, as my shield represents the Physical World within which Magic is performed. It includes a representation of the Five Elements, and these are related to the Four Points of the Compass – North, East, South and West.

The element of Earth, positioned in the North, is associated with Midnight and Mid-winter, and is the direction from which Wisdom traditionally enters the Circle. In Wicca, circles are often cast starting with the North and Earth, as a reflection of the Great Goddess and the importance of Wisdom and Life in the Physical World. The element of Earth is associated with our physical life and nature in general. It relates to our work, finances, physical health and well-being.



Explanation of my design for a Magical Shield

Spirit and Matter, into a balanced unity. The Rose is the centre of the rosy-cross formed by the rose flowering on the equal-armed cross of the four elements of the material world. The stem of the rose is formed by a representation of the Magician’s Wand, representing the element of Fire, and the male powers in creation, and is shown embracing the power of the Tor, which stands proud over the landscape. The life-force is channeled into the Rose by the Wand and Tor, and this force enables the Rose to flower with all it’s splendor (Spiritual Enlightenment).

The Shield is depicted as a Circle, representing Spirit and the holistic nature of Creation, and its shape relates to the need for balance and harmony in our lives. The Square, the symbol of the Physical World, is depicted on the Shield as the four Cardinal Points of the Compass, with North at the top, followed clock-wise by East, South and West. Each of these directions is depicted by scenes taken from the Spiritual Sites found in the Somerset town of Glastonbury, which has long been a Above the Rose is shown the Chalice of centre of spirituality. the Holy Grail, hidden in Chalice Hill, which In the North, representing Earth, is a represents the sensitive, healing, psychic picture of Chalice Hill, which in the landscape powers of the Goddess.

is associated with the pregnant belly of the The Circle of the Rose (Spirit) is Goddess, and is rumoured to be the hiding surmounted by a Square, depicted in the place of the Cup of the Holy Grail. Golden Dawn colours of the Elements. This is In the East is a picture of the Runes of known as ‘Squaring the Circle’, where Spirit Glastonbury Abbey, which was a key centre is brought down to Earth to be expressed in for Celtic spirituality, and represents the the physical world. The Shield itself is a Circle element of Air, and the use of the intellect to surrounding the Square of the Elements. This provide spiritual learning, and to celebrate the is called ‘Encircling the Square’, and shows the holistic nature of creation. power of spiritual enlightenment. In the South is a picture of Glastonbury Tor, which is a focus for the town, and represents the assertive energy of the Goddess, born from nature, and represents the element of Fire, providing enthusiasm, power and commitment to the struggle for the establishment of spiritual values. In the West is a picture of Chalice Well, and whereas the Tor represents the assertive energy of Mother Earth, the Well and the Water it contains is a reflection of the receptive and compassionate healing nature of the Goddess, expressed in the landscape. In the centre of the picture is a Rose, symbolizing the element of Ether (Spirit), with the Hexagram at its centre. The Hexagram balances the power of male and female, and

My Shield reminds me of the ‘Spiritual Flowering of the Rose on the Cross of Matter’, which is the secret of Rosicrucianism, and reminds me of the power of nature and the elements, as seen in the landscape of Glastonbury. The picture of my Shield can also act as a Mandala for reflection and meditation, bringing Spiritual Enlightenment. It is in this spirit that I offer it to you, as a Visual Depiction of the Inner Teachings of Western Spirituality.


The Shamanic State



ince the beginning of time Mystics and Shamans have used a variety of techniques in order toventure forth into the spirit world. One of the truest and purest forms of raising one’s energy and getting the ego and mind out of the way is to drum, sing, dance or shake until the state of Shamanic ecstasy is reached. “The fire in the head” as our/my Celtic ancestors would say. Now when moving into the spirit world the Shamanic practitioner does so with a clearer channel for the energy to move through, she has become the hollow bamboo, the conduit for which spirit can now move freely, unaided. It is only from this place that spirit can move through. Where this gets really interesting is that we know Shamans have consumed psychedelic plants to access the spirit world for eons and this was how my path started, however we also know that some of the most influential and effective practitioners in the world today rely solely on their drum and rattle. “One does not need the physical plant material to receive the healing benefits of the Plant spirit, the most fruitful results arise from the deepest relationship between the human and the spirit which resides outside of time and space” My role as a Shamanic practitioner is to mediate this realm so that a purer relationship can be built anchored in true respect, honour and love for the divine being that is the beautiful plant spirit, upper world deity, lower world power animal and for the client. Of cause the physical effects of the plant are noticeable but it is the enlightened thought process of knowing that one’s relationship with the plant is what is creating the healing within your body and not the physical plant material being consumed. Many principles stemming from Tibetan Shamanism like detachment and impermanence begin to arise as one can become dependent on the plant material to reach the Shamanic state of ecstasy unless meditation, ritual or shamanic journeying with the drum are practiced. Of cause there are


many other methods to alter one’s state of consciousness, I am merely trying to show the evolutionary journey of my own path. I have been blessed and honoured to work with mother ayahuasca in Peru and within the ceremonies I felt some of the most beautiful, powerful and deep emotions of my life and it was deeply transformative for my soul. However I also know of those who have come to me looking for help after these psychedelic experiences. From my integrated, initiated Shamanic perspective this is because the space was not held and contained and other unwanted energies were able to be present. If the veil is torn open instead of being slowly prized open all sorts of energies can come through, this is why already being in strong relationship with one’s power animals for guidance is important and a solid, well nurtured root chakra for stability is imperative for grounding. If an experienced and initiated Shaman is present they can conduct soul retrieval, extraction and many other pieces of healing work while the ceremony is taking place. Again this is only because the Shaman is able to hold and contain the space for the client to venture forth into the Shamanic world of ecstasy in safety. My experience in Peru was exactly this as all sacred steps were taken in respect to mother ayahuasca, plant baths, dieta, intensive powering up with power animals etc. In my next article I will talk more about soul retrieval from my lineage of core Shamanism. In my experience when I conduct soul retrieval for a client they often mention that it feels like a part of themselves that had been lost for a long time has now come back.

e of Ecstasy

y Bradley McKenzie

Bradley McKenzie



GEMINI (21st MAY – 20th JUNE)


emini is the Third Sign of the Zodiac, and is associated with the Young Child, full of questions about the nature of the world, who is interested in everything around them. It is an Assertive, Mutable Air Sign, and Geminis are full of ideas and questions, and use their mind to explore the nature of others. The Symbol of Gemini is the Twins, and Geminis can have dual personalities, unconcerned about the contradictions in their attitudes. They have enquiring minds and are good learners, and can be eloquent in their use of words. They make good salespersons, politicians and teachers where they can exercise their communication skills. They are inquisitive, versatile, articulate, witty and friendly, but can also be impatient, inconsistent, contradictory and restless. Gemini is associated with the Third House of Communication and Education, and they need to find an explanation for everything. The Planet ruling the Third House is Mercury (the Messenger


of the Gods) and they can be good communicators, learn well and use their mind to explore life. Geminis will find it easy to relate to the other Air Signs – Libra and Aquarius, who also enjoy using their minds to understand others and the meaning of life. They will however be challenged by those of their opposite sign Sagittarius, who are philosophical, deep thinking and concerned about world-wide issues, rather than the sometimes superficial and parochial attitude of Gemini. As the Twin of the Zodiac, they thrive in partnerships and friendships, and need someone to share their ideas with. They are the chatterbox of the Zodiac, and like a butterfly can flit from one things to the next, always having a say about anything, and are good company at parties. They love meeting people and are keen to find out more about their lives.

their continuous talking can sometimes prevent others from expressing their point of view. They are good with words, and as the sale person of the Zodiac, are good at presenting ideas and can sell goods to anyone who shows a passing interest. They make good politicians, able to sell a political point of view. They are however at times inconsistent, and will change their minds at a flick of a switch, to some more attractive idea. They can find fulfillment on the stage and in the media and the literary world. They are good team members and are successful in business where their many original ideas are invaluable. They are at their best amongst people, where they can make many friends, and have the opportunity to chat enthusiastically about others and the complexity of their lives and the everyday issues of daily living. The KEYWORD for GEMINI is VARIETY.

Like Librans, Geminis can see both sides of a situation. They are good socially and their chatter can be entertaining, but 21

As a Spiritualist medium, I channel inspired writings dictated to me from the world of spirit, usually in the form of Spiritual Guidance. I hope that you find this one a helpful you!

Experiment - and find your True Self All of your life is an experiment, a chance to discover new abilities or things. A baby and a child learn constantly, always experiencing new things about its physical body and its surroundings. Throughout life a human being will also discover new skills through trying to do something, and will learn what comes naturally to them and what requires more effort and perseverance. Without experimentation no-one would learn anything. Even as you reach older years, new skills have to be learnt to cope with less mobility and an aging body.

We come from the spirit realms to encourage you to experiment – to practice thinking of yourself as a spiritual being rather than just a physical one. Sit quietly and centre yourself on your inner being and allow thoughts of the physical limitations to drop away from you. A spark of the divine light is within each of you. Concentrate on that and focus on seeing that light become brighter and brighter. Let it fill your being. Once you have achieved this – you may want to share love with others, see beauty in all things and accept your physical life as a blessing.

Thus, we encourage you to always be open to new experiences. You will find that there are usually others around you to support and guide you, to give you confidence and encouragement. Trust them, experiment, and expand your knowledge and experience. Many of you on earth too easily resist things that you have not done before, but we encourage you to be bold, and trust. You may discover something which really enhances your life.

Trust that those in the spirit realms draw close to you as you send your love and thoughts to them. Ask them for guidance and support as you open yourself up to new experiences, and thus you will have the potential to expand and become your True Self. Blessings to you!


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINK Every evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS” The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing. Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth. We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls. This is our mission….our work. Blessings MystikMaster. 23

Colors and Their Meanings by Kristin Unkelbach - the author of The Leprechauns and The Cauldron


olors surround us in our daily lives; unfortunately everyone does not understand what they mean or how intensely they affect us. The use of color in your spiritual practice is a wonderful tool to have. Colors can be used alone or mixed together energetically to match the outcome of what we want. We can use this as a tool, whether we are getting dressed in the morning, doing candle magic, or choosing an herb. Some colors will be harder to work with only because we are individuals that is what makes us all unique. This could be because one color might not be good for your physical body. Or the color might represent an area of your life that is complete. You might even hate the color you need in your life most. Only you will know which colors will work for you and which ones will not. When you are doing energy or spell work, keep in mind that all colors do affect you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Aqua Represents: all ‘Magical Minds”. Is the color of metaphysics. It is a wonderful color to use for bringing in a state of peacefulness and profound self-reflection. It is the color for healing, creativity, and cooling down tempers.

Blue Represents: the element of Water. It is the color that deals with emotions, love, peace, healing and protection. Blue is the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and the celestial regions. It is also associated with the throat chakra and the natural sciences. It is used to bring a feeling of harmony. Blue is the color of expansion, intuition, artistic inspiration, judgment, and legalities. Light blue is used for healing work on humans. Green Represents: the element of Earth. It is the color of vegetation or nature. Green influences fertility, prosperity, hope, joy, delight, growth and change are aspects of every color green. Forest green is connected to specifically


with fertility, the body, courage, classical music or wilderness sounds. This color green is used to heal animals, plants, and the Earth. Ivy green represents emotional aspects of humans such as grief music, negative introspection and retrospective. It also influences quiet music or silence. Grass green aids in the healing process. Green can be used for the heart chakra if you are comfortable with it. Yellow Represents: the element of Air. It is the color of divination. It is associated with mental work, meditation, will, intellect, and communication. Yellow is the color of friendship, goodness and faith. It is the color used for your solar plexus chakra. Golden yellow is the color of charm, trust, summer, and bright sounds like a child’s laugh. It also influences upbeat music. Pastel yellow is associated with psychic abilities. Yellow is a great color to use to improve one’s balance, self-esteem, charisma, strength of will, vitality, motivation and effectiveness.

Orange Represents: performance art and stage magicians. Orange influences pride, courage, heroism, attraction, kinship, and prosperity (as in good harvest). Orange influences warmth, friendship, abundance, spirit, principles, theory, and alertness. Orange is the color of truth and dishonesty. It is also the color used for your sacral chakra.

Red Represents: the element of Fire. It is the color of Alchemy, the magical art of science and transformation. Red is associated with healing work on people and animals when using the element of Fire. Red represents physical passion and is the color of power. It is associated with command. It is the color used for the root chakra. It is the color of inspiration, vitality, pride, anger, all strong emotions, purification (element of Fire), aggressive music and lightning storms. Red is

color to warn others of danger. Pink Represents: relationships with one’s family. It is the color of love, intimacy, and romance not lust. It influences compassion, self-love, immaturity and truth. This color is also used for the heart chakra. Brown Represents: the color of mastering the magic used in working with all of animals we see on this planet. It is the color of your earth star chakra which is located between your feet. Brown represents stability, a sense of security, balance, and grounding. It influences common sense, discrimination, finding the lost and new growth. Violet Represents: Spirit or Source, etheric realms, higher esoteric learning, ancient wisdom and the deeper mysteries of the cosmos. Violet is associated with power, wealth and good fortune. It is the color of spiritual growth. It is believed to be the color of royalty, judgment, industry, and religious thought. It influences spirit contact, purification, balanced humility, and dream activity. It is the color used for the third eye chakra. White Represents: Ceremonial magic. This color is used for all types of ceremonies and rituals. It influences purity, friendship, infancy, Spirit, increase, birth and creation. Crystal white is the color sincerity, divinity, transformation, and focused singular sounds (bell or gong ringing). It is also used in all forms of blessings.

Grey Represents: knowledge, lore and wisdom. Grey is particularly associated with Wizardry as it neither black nor white. It encompasses all colors while being none of them. It influences initiation, the hidden revealed and creative imagination. Black Represents: the night and foreboding. It influences fortitude and consistency because

of the need to ‘make it through the darkness’. Black is the color that represents protection and banishing, which makes it ideal to use for magical tools. It banishes bad habits and can turn negative energy into positive energy if used properly. This color is also used when making drastic life changes and examining one’s past lives. Copper Represents: plants, fertility and growth.

Silver Represents: intuition, Mother energies, and the tides of change. Gold Represents: wealth, prosperity, enthusiasm, and coming into one’s power. Planetary Influences and Day That Represent the Colors Sunday (Sun): gold, yellow, yellow-orange, neon shades of orange and yellow, and hot pink.

Monday (Moon): white, silver, and pale blue.

Tuesday (Mars): red, black, scarlet and orange. Wednesday (Mercury): purple and orange. Thursday (Jupiter): purple, royal blue, and green. Friday (Venus): pink, aqua, and copper.

Saturday (Saturn): black and deep purple. By Kristin Unkelbach author of The Leprechauns and The Cauldron.

You can also contact Kristin on her FaceBook page: php?id=100005610945698&fref=ts 25


The Magik of Plants


s and Herbs

by Jennette Stevenson

n o i l e d n a


Taraxacum officinale, (tell the time wet the bed,cankerwart) You know it’s the beginning of spring when these little golden yellow flowers start appearing. You will find them in cracks in the pavement,garden and fields. As a child we all probably have memories of sitting in the garden or at school blowing the soft seedy fluff and watching them fly into the air with such innocence and magic yet as we grew older use a lawnmower to be rid of them as soon as they appear. BUT WAIT. We know different of this wonderful gem in the garden. For thousands of years our ancestors relied on this flower for so many uses especially in medicine so here are a few things you can use this wonderful flower for. DANDELION TEA IS GOOD FOR DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS, DIABETES WHEN BLOOD SUGAR IS LOW AND GENERAL FATIGUE. A TINCTURE OF DANDELION CAN HELP: IBS MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS COLDS BRONCHITIS URINE INFECTION LIVER So this is just a few uses it sheds this flower into so many different shades for me now. Try it make it have fun doing it use it. There is also the majikal uses too but hey thats another story, have fun. In the next issue I will give the recipe for the Tincture and Tea. (PLEASE NOTE DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT OR SUSPECT YOU ARE. CAN INTERACT WITH ANTIBIOTICS ON LITHIUM WATER PILLS. Jennette Stevenson



Recipes from a Kitchen W

by Rachel Patterson and Tracey

Maple Syrup Cake 225g (8oz) butter, softened 225g (8oz) light muscovado sugar 4 large eggs 100ml (3 ½ fl oz) maple syrup 350g (12 oz) self raising flour 2 level teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat the oven to 160C/Gas 3. Lightly grease a deep 8 inch cake tin and line the base with baking parchment. Put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix well until evenly blended. Spoon the mixture into the cake tin and level the surface. Bake for 1-1 ½ hours until well risen, golden and springy to the touch. Allow to cool slightly then turn the cake out onto a wire rack and leave to cool completely.


I like to serve this as it is but you could mix some icing sugar with water and drizzle over the top to create icing or serve the cake warm with custard.


y Roberts

Some topping ideas: The picture shows one I made with a plain chocolate base topped with chopped marshmallows, pieces of fudge and white chocolate chips then drizzled with milk chocolate. Crush up mini chocolate eggs. Chopped nuts and dried fruit also work well. Any kind of boiled sweet chopped up and sprinkled on top is good (albeit very crunchy). Small pieces of fudge brownie would be fabulous. Any kind of chocolate sweets or bars chopped up.

Chocolate Bark I have been experimenting with chocolate bark having seen it all over the place lately and it is easy peasy chocolate squeezy and can be adapted with all sorts of flavours. Basically you start with a base of chocolate, it can be dark, milk or white or even all of them swirled together then you just chuck whatever you want on top...pop in the fridge to set then chop up and eat.

Shredded coconut, Candied citrus peel, The ideas are limitless! Rachel Patterson

To start with you will need a tray lined with baking parchment. Take your base chocolate (no weights here because you can make as much or as little as you like, but try with a 200g bar) and melt it either carefully in the microwave or in a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Pour the melted chocolate over the baking parchment spreading it into an even layer, it doesn’t need to be perfectly square. Immediately sprinkle your toppings over the melted chocolate giving them a little press so that they sit into the chocolate base. I like to drizzle some more melted chocolate over the top and then pop in the fridge to set. Peel off the baking parchment, chop or break into pieces.


Grounding and Centering

By Kristin Unkelbach author of The Leprechuans and The Cauldron


n important part of your spiritual growth is grounding. Grounding yourself throughout the day will help you to feel balanced in your life. In order to maintain this one must let go of the fear and doubt they have inside of themselves. A person needs to feed their spiritual belief constantly so that they can continue to grow on all levels and grounding is a key aspect in this. Centering also deals with maintaining balance in your spiritual life. All kinds of situations in life can keep a person in a state where they feel out of balance or off centered. This outside influence can come from people, your environment, or by psychic information that floods your subconscious mind. For people who are coming into their psychic gifts can find this type of stimuli very overwhelming. It does not matter which of these processes you do first, however, they should be done together. These techniques should be used together whenever you feel: -

Meditating (before and after)


Any type of ritual (before and after)

Any type of energy or spell work (before and after) 30 | MYSTIK WAY MAGAZINE

When you are feeling angry, anxious, or dealing with negative emotions. Each morning as part of your daily routine. Some people do this up to four times a daily.

To Ground

Exercise 1: Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Close your eyes and visualize your feet turning into tree roots. Your legs, torso, neck, and head become the trunk of the tree. Finally, your arms and hands become the tree branches. Bring up the energy from the Earth into your body through your roots. Feel the security and stability that the Earth’s energy provides.

Exercise 2: Visualize yourself as a tree exactly as you did in the first exercise. Hold your arms

up above your head and spread your fingers out. Just like you felt your roots going into the Earth, really stretch your branches towards the Sky. First, bring the energy up from the Earth and then send the energy out through your fingers. Then pull energy in through your branches down from the Sky and pull it through your body. After doing this you are going to push that energy back into the Earth. Next pull energy up through your roots from the Earth and shot that energy out through your branches. You can do this exchange several times and in the end you will feel very grounded.

Exercise 3: Breathe and relax first as in the previous exercises. Now open your crown chakra, which is located at the top of your head, bring as much light as you can into it. Flood your body with white light and push out any negativity through your feet. Make sure that you turn anything negative that you push out of your body into positive energy by placing golden mesh nets underneath your feet. Remember to pick up your net as you cannot leave these lying around. This is a very quick way to ground after one has practiced the other exercises. As a side note, grounding and centering does fall into the protection category. Keeping yourself grounded and centered will help you to stay fairly clean from all types of negative influences.

To Center Centering yourself involves spreading your energy out as far as you can and then bringing it back into your body. You are literally allowing your energy to merge with the energy of the Universe. Exercise: Breathe and relax, close your eyes, then let go of the sounds and/or smells that might be a distraction for some people. With practice you will start to feel as if you are floating in a pool of refreshing water. Become aware of your solar plexus chakra, which is

located two inches above your belly button, and then visualize either a glowing sun or a ball of bright white light. Next send out all of your energy from this point like a sheet blowing in the wind. Let your energy wrap itself around you and then send it out as far as you can. When you are ready, pull it all back into your solar plexus chakra. This is centering yourself.

It is important to keep in mind that while these exercises benefit you there are other advantages. When a person practices grounding and centering it does open up a person’s psychic abilities more. By pulling energy from the Earth and Sky you can tap into what that energy feels like. The Earth energy will help a person to feel stable and help a person to feel how the Earth feels. It is the same experience with the Sky energy. More importantly, one is pulling energy from some of the oldest sources you can pull from. The Earth and Sky have a lot to teach us, their wisdom is unimaginably vast; all you have to do is practice, feel, and listen. The same principle applies to centering yourself. By merging your energy with the Universe there is a huge exchange here depending on your intent. A person can tap into the collective consciousness by doing this, this is just one example.

These exercises may seem simple and some may wonder why they are necessary, however, it is important to put these into practice as part of your spiritual life plan. These two tools are a very special part of everyone’s spiritual foundation so that we all can grow in a positive way. This will allow one to make sure their intentions are pure before one takes spiritual action. The best way to describe this is as a spiritual check and balance system. By Kristin Unkelbach author of The Leprechauns and The Cauldron.

You can also contact Kristin on her FaceBook page: php?id=100005610945698&fref=ts


What are Angels? by Kate Bowman


ngels come with unconditional love providing guidance and assistance towards our higher good while always honouring our free will. Angels to me are winged messengers. The word Angel is derived from the ancient greekangelos, meaning messenger. They act as a rainbow bridge between what is called heaven and earth serving as a channel between the higher the higher energies of the spirit world and the material physical world. I believe Angels are genderless beings of a vibration that is pure spirit and complete so they are androgynous. Each month I hope to show you the meanings of the different Angels, for there are many, and each one is unique in its abilities to perform different roles in healing and guidance. This month Iook at archangel Chamuel, the loving one, the pink ray, divines great love.

Archangel Chamuel’s name comes from the verb lenachem in Hebrew; which means comfort and compassion also our knowledge of the meaning as he who seeks God.

His twin is called charity and together they and their angels are bathed in pink layers and will help with matters of the heart. All things connected to love, compasion, mercy, creativity and forgiveness. His work also reflects his drawings on people who are seeking spirituality into closer relationships with the source or the divine - God.


Problems or concerns with racial tension, ethnic worries, archangel Chamuel will help sooth the worries and situation with love. Forces that can manifest as cruelty, hatred, addiction, depression and compulsive behaviour will also benefit from calling upon Chamuels fierce amour of love as well as his gentle softer tender love. I work very closely with Archangel Chamuel, he is my healing angel, when I do Angelic Reiki or anything connected to any type of healing work I will connect with her gentle yet powerful energies with fantastic results.

Archangel Chamuel will help with finding new friends, repairing damaged relationships and working with others. He is also good for helping you find things from a job to misplaced items or a parking space. He is great at helping to improve communication between people so call upon him if you would like a successful business meeting or if the children are arguing ask for his help.

The pink Angel light ray represents love and peace. This ray is part of metaphysical system of angel colours based upon the seven different light rays, blue - yellow - pink - white - green - red and purple. Some believe that the light waves for the seven colours vibrate at different electromagnetic energy frequencies in the universe, some believe that the colours are

just fun ways of symbolizing the different types of missions that the divine sends angels on to help people. It can help by thinking of angels who specialize in different types of work according to colours, you can then focus the intent easier. Chamuel is considered a powerful leader in the angelic hierarchy also known as the powers, on the list of the seven core archangels. The powers are angels who oversee protection and who would turn away anyone who would attempt to overtake the world.

With the feeling of butterflies in your stomach and a pleasant tingling in your body allow him to work through your energies to bring you peace and love. Spiritual associations with the pink ray of Archangel will open the heart chakra, located in the centre of the chest on the human body, to develop healing gifts. Crystal - Rose quartz Zodiac sign - Aries Ruler - Mars

Angle Blessings x Kate x

Kate Bowman - 33

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hi simi, can you add to the credits page at the

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The third in a series, by the author of the Divine Mother Speaks. Essential reading for those on the awakening spiritual pathway, communications with the higher conscious by Rashmi leads us to understand who, why and what we are, how to deal with situations that may occur along our quest for enlightenment.


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE


fter a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reasonable prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies… MystikMaster Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire. We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.


Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine! If you have enjoyed the journey, please consider a donation to help us with our running costs. A donation of only $1 or 1 Pound will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to provide and grow this platform for spiritual growth.

...Issue 42 will be out in July/ August 2015 37

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