My Property Review 55

Page 41




Will Be Sold at a Loss!

Family Inheritance Up For Grabs

7 Ê - Ê{£É{Ê À> `Ê*>À>`i

"" "" 21 and 23 Culbara St

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Tightly held within the family vault for over twenty years circumstances have necessitated the urgency to sell these two adjoining deep water blocks in Mooloolaba.

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1 + Pool



2 Canal Front

VIEW Saturday 12-12.45pm AUCTION On Site 19th September at 1pm INTERNET ID 105937365 WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500

VIEW By Appointment AUCTION On Site Sunday 27th September at 1pm INTERNET ID 105963083 ANN JELF 0413 335 541 DIANA STEWART 0411 442 114

Kawana Waters 5477 7500

Kawana Waters 5477 7500

Owner Will Sell Under Cost!



7 Ê - Ê{nÉ{Ê À> `Ê*>À>`i An amazing chance to secure a luxury apartment at a bargain price. This will be sold on auction day if not sold prior. UÊ7>ÌiÀÊÛ iÜà UÊ*iÌÊvÀ i ` ÞÊV « iÝ UÊÎÊL>Ì À à UÊ* Ê> `ÊÌi ÃÊV ÕÀÌ UÊ- `iÊLÞÊà `iÊ«>À } UÊÓÊL> V ià DON’T MISS THIS INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY



2 + Pool

VIEW Saturday 12-12.45pm AUCTION Saturday 19th September On Site at 2pm KERRY CROOK 0400 454 351 WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500

Kawana Waters 5477 7500

Spacious, Immaculate and Priced Right

Location, Location, Location!

7 Ê - ÊÎÓÉ£Ê Ài >`>Ê7>Þ

This family home situated in the sought after Kawana Lakes Precinct is a rare and exciting find. This house could be moved straight into or has the potential to be renovated.

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WURTULLA 3 Keel Court

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VIEW Saturday 1-1.45pm & Sunday 2-2.45pm PRICE $449,000 INTERNET ID 105897735 WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500

VIEW Saturday 10-10.45am PRICE Owners request all offers INTERNET ID 105952252 MELISSA PIKE 0410 942 186

Kawana Waters 5477 7500

Kawana Waters 5477 7500


we’ll look after you® My Property Review | September 4, 2009 41

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1/09/2009 12:31:12 PM

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