This is Little Falls

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This is Little Falls /


Little falls becoming hub for microbrewing A microbrewery or craft brewery is one that produces small amounts of beer, is independently owned, and focuses on quality, flavor and brewing technique.

The rumors about a microbrewery

February of 2016 and that he started

“In our seasonal area, which is about

starting in Little Falls were floating

working on the brewery eight months

2,200 square feet, we had ample

around for months, but until you ac-

before he had even done that. “Every-

seating even during the COVID situ-

tually walk into the facility that was

one who knows me knows that I lay

ation. We have an 18-foot bar and

renovated by Mike George at 56 W

awake at night thinking about things.

because we’re doing table service

Mill St, you can’t really picture it. And

I have a drive and a passion and love

with everyone, I think we can handle

when you do, it will blow you away.

for just doing stuff. I put a lot of that

things in here. As long as people don’t

passion into this.”

mind a little cold weather, we’ll keep

After four long years of hard work,

it open as long as we can. We even

Rock Valley Brewing Company at

The building is about 5,000 square

have a little temporary heat in here,”

56 West Mill Street in Canal Place is

feet of space for brewing, serving,

said George.

officially open and for owner Mike

and eating, and is a massive space for

George, he says he’s both relieved

brewing in Little Falls. “We have two

He said that when you come to the

and excited. “We have an awesome

dining or seating areas, then we have

brewery, he feels that the seasonal

team that we’ve assembled here. My

our actual brewing facility. It consists

area is going to be the real attraction.

manager Carolyn has done a fantas-

of everything involved in the process

tic job and really taken the lead with

– our mash tun, our boiling kettle,

When the weather turns bad though,


our cooling capabilities and a sepa-

they have a smaller seating area that

rate room for our fermentation tanks,

has an L-shaped bar, with plenty of

He said that he came back to his

and lastly our own walk-in cooler and

seating. “The look of that room ties in

family’s business (George Lumber) in

storage,” he stated.

with what you see over here. We tried

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