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In Los Angeles




The world’s only combined heart and kidney specialist doctor


ISSN 2059-1675

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M.D, R.M.A, M.B.CH.B, F.A.C.P, F.A.S.N, F.A.S.D.I.N, F.A.S.N.C, F.A.C.C, F.S.C.A.I.

AY LIVE! In Manchester,

United Kingdom


All the best places to practice your swing


-Dr Dapo Odumeru

MyGreen Gene Magazine


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About MyGreen Gene


COVER More than extra mile with Dr. Olurotimi Badero Bisola T Babalola

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Tee Morgan’s Fitness Adventures

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MyGreen Gene Publication March, 2016. Published by MyGreen Gene in Manchester, United Kingdom. MyGreen Gene (Print) ISSN 2059-1667 MyGreen Gene (Online) ISSN 2059-1675

All right reserved. Production in whole or part is strictly prohibited without written permission. The publisher(s) cannot accept responsibility for errors in adverts or articles. MyGreen Gene has endeavours to ensure that information is correct at the time of printing. Opinions expressed in MyGreen Gene are not necessarily that of the publisher(s). MyGreen Gene magazine always strive for complete accuracy in order to meet the satisfaction of our readers, however in the heat of meeting deadlines mistakes can sometimes slip in. We are always happy to receive your comments and feedbacks.


THE RED IN OUR GREEN BLOODDr. Dapo Odumeru Flip it over Bedroom Makeover Victor Akunna Fixing A broken Adult Elizabeth Akinteye


Paving the way for us Layo Remy Olowu




EDITORIAL TEAM Editor-In-Chief/Adewumi Adisa/EDITOR/Adetola Kayode CONTRIBUTING WRITERS/Layo Olowu/ Bisola T Babalola/ Banke Adaghe/ Kemi Obisesan/Deji Mc Word/ Dr. Kenneth Egbas/ Dr. Dapo Odumeru/ Oluwole Ajayi/ Itoro Effiong-Bright/Ehinomen Oboh/ Pauline Pali Limen/ Dolapo Thompson/Oladamola Babalola/ Elizabeth Akinteye/ Victor Akunna/ Ore Babalola. Graphics/Cover/Typesetting/ Adewumi Adisa

THE SERA 2015 Dr. Kenneth Egbas

THE FUTURE IS HERE Oladamola Babalola


Photography: Dayo Awe

Golf in Nigeria Deji Mc Word


Responsibility and Excuses Banke Adaghe



IBOM SOUP Itoro Effiong-Bright




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MyGreen Gene Magazine


Editor in chief: Adewumi Adisa

MyPRIDE MyGENE I welcome you to the 2nd edition of My Green Gene Magazine, in this edition, we have loads of amazing features! I bet you will be motivated to do more after going through this edition. I had planned to write an epistle for this column until, one of us Miss Ore Zanetta Babalola sent me this spoken words that really captured the essence of My Pride, please enjoy In a foreign land Far far away from home they find themselves Some with mother, brother Father, Sisters left behind All alone But with their beings they toil their feet ever pacing their hands ever labouring their minds ever thinking Thinking of that next move Because failure is not in their vocabulary Mediocrity is not a companion And success is not an option, it’s a must

Night and day Making a home away from home Learning different cultures Understanding different languages Speaking in different accents Adapting, but Not conforming Fitting in, but Standing out

Sweating and striving Changing impossible to I’m possible in foreign lands making their mother land proud Never forgetting where they came from Whose sons and daughters they are

Making a mark, Spicing up not just one, but all spheres of the society Arts, business, education, family, government, media, religion

--The likes of Sade Adu, Asa, Chinwetalu Ejiofor, David Oyelowo Chuka Ummuna, Ken Olisa, Agu Irukwu, Rotimi Bademo Victor Oladokun, Adewale Agbaje, Ahmed Adamu John Boyega --To name but a few Irrespective of place, they continue to shine Regardless of race, they make their mark Not minding all they face, they set the standards Rising beyond the norm Leading the way Showing how it’s truly done Some say it’s their relentlessness Others say their drive Some say it’s their upbringing Others say their culture Some say its luck Others say fate

But unknown to them, it goes way beyond that Way past that It’s more than something that can be learnt or taught More than something that can be acquired, or attained No, this is inherited It’s rooted deep in the blood Deep in the cells Right down to the DNA Deep deep deep down Yes! There! In the genes Right down to just one gene Just one gene that makes all the difference Just one gene gotten right from birth Just one gene that’s never recessive One gene that speaks louder than the rest That affects the mind Shapes the thoughts Influences the perspective One Gene, makes all the difference MyGreen Gene!

Miss Ore Zanetta Babalola

Please continue to support this vision by donating generously and placing your adverts in our publications. Thank you! Adewumi ADISA (Visioner)

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GENE is a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristics of the offspring. In this case the GREEN GENE can be defined as the “National Unit of Heredity transferred from a Nigerian Parent to their offspring and is held to determine some characteristics shown by the offspring”. Celebrating the GREEN GENE is only morally right especially when they are doing public worth strides in the diaspora.

MyGreen Gene brand is a motivational heritage platform for Nigerians home and abroad. It is to reveal and showcase the Nigerian heritage that somehow misses the media’s attention because of the constant negative reports on Nigeria. Now is the time for Nigerians at home and in diaspora to promote themselves. My Green Gene aims to motivate and celebrate role models of Nigerian heritage and by this more people will be proud of their core. A burden on why Nigerians are printed or portrayed negatively in the media, therefore promoting who we are is really up to us in the words of the founder and brain behind the “I see

this platform becoming so big that its get same attention like The Grammys, Ebony magazine, The Oscars and other big brand out there” (Mr Adewumi Adisa).

And so the 17th of May 2015, in the city of Manchester United Kingdom, this project was birthed, beginning with the Brand Launch and the unveiling of the first project under the brand - My Green Gene Magazine (Print & Online).

What makes the My Green Gene project different from other projects out there is the fact that it concentrates on encouraging Nigerians at home and in Diaspora especially those whose names have never being mentioned in the media. Other projects under the green Gene brand will include The G+ Recognition Awards , Shades of Green (a networking Platform),The Green Gene Carnival, and a host of other projects in the pipe line.

This is the way forward now as the wind of change blows in Nigeria. I see a time when 2hours or more is dedicated daily on CNN to promote positive strides about people of Nigeria Heritage , i believe with you and i united our dream will be achieve. Thank you

MyGreen Gene Magazine


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Extra Mile

An Interview of Olurotimi J. Badero

M.D, R.M.A, M.B.Ch.B, F.A.C.P, F.A.S.N, F.A.S.D.I.N, F.A.S.N.C, F.A.C.C, F.S.C.A.I. by Bisola T. Babalola

It was indeed an honour working with the Editor-in-Chief of My Green Gene, Mr Adewumi Adisa, on providing a comprehensive interview of the renowned Dr. Olurotimi Badero. Through the course of this journey, I came to the conclusion that Dr. Badero represents an epitome of what it means to fulfil the curiosities of one’s destiny without looking back or being content with any position less than best. Many people want to do great things, but as time passes and we realise the rigour involved in fulfilling our dreams, we begin to cut down on the dream by simply leaving our curiosities to the hope that someone else will fulfil it or to the justification that it is simply impossible to fulfil. The distinguishing factor with Dr. Badero is the fact that he was always willing to go beyond ‘the extra mile’ and was focused on becoming the best of himself in spite of the odds. Hence, at the young age of 43, Dr Badero has distinguished himself as the world’s only combined heart and kidney specialist doctor. This interview with Dr. Badero sends a strong message of what it means to live one’s life fully by maximising every opportunity and exploring one’s interests diligently. This is clearly all that MyGreenGene stands for.


ou are a Board-Certified Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Interventional Nephrologist, Internist, Nuclear cardiologist and Interventional Cardiologist. These qualifications have been acquired through several years of education, even after your first degree at the University of Ife, Nigeria. Most people would reach the pinnacle of contentment with one or two of the qualifications you have now come to possess. What was the major driving force that underpinned your decision to extend this far in professionalism? A: That’s a good question. I grew up in a middle class family where my parents placed a lot of value on education. My late dad, an erudite figure, had to pioneer his way to success by studying on his own and taking professional exams that eventually got him into corporate Nigeria in the early 50’s. My mother was one of the pioneering female Nigerian bankers. So I understood quite early the value of not just education but continued education.

I believe you cannot possess inheritance by ignorance but you can possess ignorance by inheritance. If people around you don’t inculcate in you the value of knowledge, because of their own lack of knowledge, you might have a perpetuating cycle of abysmal knowledge deficits. This early values coupled with a competitive edge I developed earlier on in my elementary school life set the stage for my professional journey. I would also like to say that none of this would have happened without the special grace that only God himself makes available and I never take that for granted. I went through a series of challenges in my professional career mostly opposition interestingly at every stage but I learnt fairly quickly, albeit painfully, to look at every opposition as a moment defining challenge. My siblings attended public schools and did well but my dad wanted me to attend a private school, St Mary’s private school. This was met with firm opposition, as there were no

available slots for me to enrol as told by the headmistress at the time. But by divine intervention, one of the Irish nuns who also ran the catholic school would show up in my dad’s office looking to buy a car (My dad worked at SCOA motors at the time). She had a seamless experience after which she gave my dad her business card. When my dad found out she worked at the same school, he quickly seized the opportunity to inform her of his desire to enrol me. She asked him to bring me the next day. On arrival, still in my street clothes, there was a fierce argument between the headmistress and the Irish nun as the headmistress wouldn’t enrol me. My dad was later told to go to work and leave me behind. By the time he returned, I was already in uniform. I would later skip 4th grade at the same school due to my academic performance. On completion, I took the common entrance examination to get into high school and was admitted at Kings College Lagos but when it was time to MyGreen Gene Magazine


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resume, my name had been replaced. This enraged my dad and the case eventually got to the desk of the permanent secretary of education. As a resolution, I was offered F.G.C Odogbolu, which by the way had already been in session by the time I arrived. The principal at the time initially refused to enrol me stating it would be difficult for me to adjust mid session. Eventually I was enrolled and I would go on to represent the school and the state with 3 other students in a Nationwide Science Competition and placed first in the country. These few instances chronicle my challenges, which further strengthened my resolve to persevere. I try not to envelope myself in a climate of disbelief because I believe competitive greatness is being at your best when your best is needed.


urrently, many Nigerians all over the world highlight racism and racial marginalisation as major factors that have dwarfed their career progression. As a Nigerian who has studied, worked and broken records in the United States -having even secured a place at Yale University to earn two-specialty qualifications- what is your response to the question of racial marginalisation? Did you experience such on your journey? If yes, how did you overcome? A: I was taught early in life the ethos of absolute equality amongst children and people in general. So my rhythm of existence has always been captured in my culture and cultural values quite understandably. I have always had a strong sense of self and an awareness of self worth, which has helped in my disposition towards challenging situations of potential racial marginalization.

harder to break the barriers and be acknowledged for who you are.

I have learnt not to look at the challenges but the possibilities. A few people might express racial bias based on their perception of who you are but thankfully that’s not the perception of the majority and certainly in my opinion, not the perception of the institution to a large extent.

I remember, an instance where a patient at one of the hospitals I was training at then, refused to see me. The consultant in charge as well as the hospital heard of it, admonished the patient and he was made to apologise. They reaffirmed their commitment to diversity and aversion for marginalization. That was refreshing to see. I enjoyed my time at Emory and SUNY Downstate as well. I had a good experience at the Yale program at Bridgeport also. I felt it was an inclusive environment and they opened their doors to me. I was appreciative of the opportunity to train and learn. That for me is what I focussed on during my career and I tried not to be given to pious or meaningless sentiments. I certainly believe, according to Professor Wole Soyinka, that the decisive elimination of apartheid in 1994 must nerve us to pursue our own belief that peaceful coexistence in the world demands that while the upholders of any creed are free to adopt their own existential absolutes, the right of others to do the same is

ultimately rendered implicit.

The creed of knowledge and exchange of ideas, one should uphold as an absolute in itself in any societal construct.


our skills are not limited to medicine as you are also the Assistant Pastor of Vine Chapel Church. Religion has been posed by many as one of the major factors hindering Nigeria’s progress as the Giant of Africa. For you however, your religion as a Christian has been a catalyst rather than a parasite to your career. Kindly provide us with some insight into your personal experience and your response to those who highlight religion as a factor that impedes Nigeria’s progress. A: I grew up in an atmosphere of political contestation fragmented by a dominant military disposition where staid political discussions were had everywhere. In my opinion this, as well as the corrupt disposition that has plagued the Nigerian existence are the dominant force that have hindered the Nigerian institutional progress. The military hegemonic oligarchy, which was once a dominant political construct in Nigeria, is now fading into the dust of history and hopefully we can continue to make progress as a country. According to Wole Soyinka, we as a nation need to discourage the ideology that often times seek to expand its frontiers of accumulation, which with a history of unconscionable criminal appropriation to the detriment

I believe as a medical immigrant, one goes through a series of challenges. Adapting to the general culture is one thing, the climate is another and then the culture of medicine is also a potential challenge. This is because the practice of medicine in the U.S is evidenced based with technology and innovation at the forefront. The field is quite competitive with several other candidates from other countries and American graduates as well. Many times during my training, particularly my fellowships, I was the only African American in the program. You inevitably have to work

MyGreen Gene Magazine


of the poor masses ultimately offers no prospect for them

I do not think religion is responsible for the lack of progress in Nigeria. Let’s introspect for a minute; there is value to religion and certainly more value to spirituality as these are different dispositions. As a life form, you cannot grow if you are not planted and you cannot be planted if you are not connected. Connection produces activity and vice versa. Religion is a term that describes the way people practice that connection. Ultimately spirituality is the form of connection to God through Christ. One can be religious without being spiritual. I tend to focus more on spirituality, which I think is a continuous process.

Personally I have found learning about God, reading his word and trying to apply those words in my daily life (which obviously is not without challenge) one of the keys to success. God gives good and perfect gifts and along the journey of life you will find many instances God has lifted you out of situations and won the battle that seemingly was insurmountable. To be great you need God’s grace and with his grace, wisdom and favour become available. 10 MyGreen Gene Magazine

To define greatness you need to stand out but to redefine greatness you need to stand apart. Everyone that stands apart goes through a pit experience. Joseph had one. David and Daniel also had theirs too. These are great men in the bible. The good thing with the pit experience is that ultimately it’s a time God comes to your rescue. So you meet God and an experience with God is always transformational taking you to the next level. At a young age, you are the only

doctor in the US to hold specialist qualifications in cardiology and nephrology. We would assume that you have made certain sacrifices in order to maximise time and maintain focus to this extent. Please give us some insight into the pains that underpin the glory you have now attained. A: First of all, the glory goes to God whose grace is always sufficient.

He directed my path, gave me favour and strength to go through the process. It was not smooth sailing but he made it bittersweet at the end of the day. There were people along my path that contributed to my journey and I remain thankful to them. My family has been supportive, particularly one of my brothers, who has been supportive from the beginning sharing his experience and knowledge and always ready to help in more ways than one. My mentor Moro Salifu, has been a wonderful friend, as well as a mentor and he was the one that actually challenged me to combine both specialties.

I’m also thankful to my teachers right from elementary to post graduate level who have guided my path, given of themselves and invested their knowledge in me.

These are the people that have made the process worthwhile. When you think of the sacrifices people make because they believe in you, it makes you work harder and make your own sacrifices.

I believe you don’t pay for success but pay a price for success. I definitely made some sacrifices of my own, in terms of time devoted to my training and career, putting in the extra effort and studying. I had to be extra focussed and stay the course to silence critics that didn’t feel I would complete the process because it had never been done before. You get to the point where you realise those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind at all.


e understand that you are already in touch with several institutions in Nigeria, such as the University of Ife, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital as well as some other medical institutions. What plans, if any, are underway to enable the transfer of your knowledge and skills to Nigeria?

A: Yes I have met with some of these academic institutions as well as other Health Care institutions and there are processes being put in place as we speak for me to be part of their faculty, which will ensure a continuous transfer of knowledge and skills.

I believe in giving back to Nigeria and I will be involved in training medical students, resident doctors, consultants as well as faculty and hopefully help in bridging the gap that exists between the medical training in Nigeria and in the developed countries. I have been approached by some hospitals as well to help in performing some of these life saving cardiac and peripheral vascular procedures as well as nephology procedures relating to dialysis access care for kidney failure and heart disease patients. I plan to do this on an on-going basis. I have been involved in medical missions since 2011 and taking Nigeria to the next level in health care delivery and medical innovation is a commitment I have now humbly embraced wholeheartedly.


e believe that being Nigerian is a phenomenal attribute. Have there been any points within your success journey where you can highlight the attribute

of being Nigerian as one of the factors that facilitated the realisation of your dreams? A: I am proud to be a Nigerian. Nigerians are resilient people. We appreciate the value of education and we never give up even in extreme conditions. I am sure there is a Nigerian in every corner of the world today. I think Nigerians have a strong sense of identity and are raised from a young age to believe in one’s ability as well as in the future. I find that Nigerians are always looking into the future. If you ask any Nigerian on the street that is going through a tough time during a tough economy, their answer is always “things will be better”. One publication some years ago list Nigerians as some of the happiest people in the world despite the fact that most Nigerians live below poverty level as defined by the world health organisation (WHO). This is a testament to our resilience. It is not uncommon in the U.S to find a Nigerian attending school during the day and working 2-3 jobs at the same time. And most of the time his income is sent home to take care of his family back in Nigeria. Personally, I think one of the things that helped me was the experience of growing up in an environment where nothing is handed to you. An environment where the margin of error is very slim, where you have to improvise and basically compete to obtain an education. Coming to the U.S and facing those kinds of challenges, wasn’t exactly unchartered territory. They were just similar challenges in a different land.


hat advice do you have for Nigerians (most especially the youths) all over the world, who are aspiring to achieve their dreams as you have? A: First of all acknowledge God in all your ways and lean not on your own understanding and he will definitely direct your path (Proverbs 3:6) You need direction as go through challenges because there will be challenges. It’s a mark of potential greatness.

To be extra-ordinary, you need something extra that you cannot will on your own. That extra comes

Bisola T. Babalola

from God. You need to do what you feel and feel what you do. When you face obstacles and question your own ability, remember what you have achieved and let that fuel your desire to succeed. Don’t let people or situations define your ability. You should define your own ability. Anytime you ask yourself who am I going up against? Look in the mirror, that’s the person you are always going up against. You are your own challenge and at the same time your own supporter. Create your own standards and live up to them. Between a dream and a reality is a journey. Between a plant and a product is a process. Face the journey, embrace the challenge and enjoy the process, because in that process you will discover yourself and your passion!


t is clear that Dr. Badero has been moved by a genuine desire to do his work with excellence hence his educational pursuits to have a real understanding of the complexities involved. This natural engagement with his field has yielded exceptional results, which many, who have possibly had the same opportunities as he had, are yet to attain. Furthermore, his acknowledgement of God as the primary source of excellence in all endeavours depicts the enviable trait of humility and reverence that seems to be losing its place in the world today. Dr Badero’s success story leads me to the conclusion that success demands a price to be paid and those who are focused enough to pay the price will eventually lead the pack, regardless of race or background.

MyGreen Gene Magazine


In Summary Olurotimi J Badero MD, R.M.A, M.B.Ch.B, F.A.C.P, F.A.S.N, F.A.S.D.I.N, F.A.S.N.C, F.A.C.C, F.S.C.A.I

Dr Olurotimi John Badero was born in Lagos, Nigeria to Late Chief Eliab Olufemi and Mrs Stella Taiwo Badero . His primary education was at St Mary’s Private School in Lagos, where he skipped 4th grade due to his academic excellence completing primary education in five years. He received his secondary school education at Federal Government College Odogbolu, Ogun State graduating with 8 distinctions in his senior secondary school certificate examination. The previous year, he won the best overall student in Nigeria in a national science quiz competition along with 3 other students- Adekunle Shittu, Adebowale Ademola and Ogugua Okonkwo.

He received his medical education at Obafemi Awolowo University, College of Health Sciences Ile-Ife after which he relocated to the US for post-graduate training. He completed 3 years of Internal Medicine Residency training at State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn NY. Following which he then completed a 2-year Fellowship training in Nephrology & Hypertension at Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta Georgia. He returned to SUNY Downstate Medical Brooklyn to complete another

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3-year fellowship training in Cardiovascular Medicine/Cardiology Following a distinguished Cardiology Fellowship, he gained admission into the prestigious Yale University School of Medicine at Bridgeport, where he completed with distinction, Fellowships in; Invasive & Interventional Cardiology as well as Peripheral Vascular Interventions. He was awarded a certificate of achievement for exemplary performance that year.

Dr Badero later returned to SUNY-Downstate Medical Center for another year of Fellowship training in Interventional Nephrology/Endovascular medicine & Dialysis Access intervention. In all he completed an unprecedented 10 years of continuous post graduate medical training and he is currently a Specialist Consultant in: 1) Internal medicine 2) Nephrology & Hypertension 3) Interventional Nephrology & Endovascular Access 4) Cardiovascular Medicine 5) Nuclear Cardiology 6) Invasive & Interventional Cardiology 7) Peripheral Vascular Intervention. Dr Badero is board certified in six different specialties and is currently the only fully trained and board certified cardio-nephrologist (combined kidney and heart specialist) in the world today. He recently received a recognition by financial development magazine in Nigeria for this achievement. Dr Badero performed the first trans-radial cardiac catheterization

and coronary angioplasty at CMMC Hospital Mississippi. He is a recipient of many awards including: -Association of black cardiologists scholarship award for best cardiology fellow in the U.S. -2014 Mississippi Healthcare Heroes -One of Jackson, Mississippi’s Best Surgeons. -Distinguished Physician Award as the First and Only combined heart and kidney specialist in the world. Dr Badero has authored many peer-reviewed journals and he is currently on the editorial board of the International Journal of Nephrology & Reno-vascular Disease. He is a 1) Fellow of the American college of physicians 2) Fellow of the American society of Nephrology 3) Fellow of the American Society of Diagnostic & Interventional Nephrology 4) Fellow of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology 5) Fellow of the American College of Cardiology 6) Fellow of the Society for cardiac angiography & Interventions.

Dr Badero is currently the executive Director of Cardiac Renal & Vascular Associates in Jackson Mississippi. He is on the global advisory panel of therapeutic experts on thrombosis and Artherosclerosis, Merck Pharmaceuticals U.S.A Outside of medicine, he is the assistant pastor of Vine chapel Church In Mississippi.

MyGreen Gene Magazine


GO “ 14 MyGreen Gene Magazine

For a country with a population of about 200m and land mass size of the Niger area; less than 50 playable golf courses don’t quite cut it. The golfing hub of Florida boasts of more than 1000 championship standard courses.


Deji McWord


ndeed royal and ancienthistory pervades the air when golf is mentioned both across the globe and in Nigeria, in that it was one of the few leisure activities imperial masters cart along to wherever they so chose to ply their trade of colonialization. The Kano Golf course hole 3 tee box where Prince Edward observed salute dais in 1927, the lost-but-found trophy presented to Angus Butler who founded Rayfield Golf Club, Jos, in 1913 and the trophy presented at the 1913 West African Golf Tournament held on Sapele Athletic Club golf course which was founded in the 18s grandstand the historic status of the game in Nigeria. Still underexplored, though, the game has grown in what can be referred to as leaps and bounds, with feats, especially with recent world class golfing facilities springing up, as older ones undergo upgrade. Ibom Le Meridien Hotel & Golf Resort was, a few years back, rated the best in West Africa- by Golf Digest magazine. That was before the southwest golfing nirvana, Smokin Hills Golf Resort, was planted in Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State. The debate remains ongoing as to which of the two aforementioned merit the diadem of the best of the pack.

The debate remains ongoing as to which of the two aforementioned merit the diadem of the best of the pack.

For a country with a population of about 200m and land mass size of the Niger area; less than 50 playable golf courses don’t quite cut it. The golfing hub of Florida boasts of more than 1000 championship standard courses. Amateur golf seem to be booming with increase in membership and a handful of tournaments that enjoy

Deji Ajomale-McWord is tv/radio golf Analyst, golf blogger, consultant and the Author of ‘Golf For The Marketplace’, ‘Imported From The Putting Green: 8 Great Life/Biz Lessons’ & ‘The Atlas of Nigerian Golf Courses’. He’s the CEO of McWord Premium Games, a firm that Runs as publicist, talent manager, Event manager and strategist for Golf, polo, squash, horse race and tennis. sponsorship. This can hardly be said of the pro arm of the game, which is plagued by a number of issuesproviding answers as to why and wherefore Nigeria has no worthy representation on the international golfing stage- not even on the continent.

Junior golf has been in the last decade the only opium of hope. A handful of kids and teenagers have flown the green-white-green on the wings of their juvenile and promising swing, largely doing the country proud. Hope remains clung to Anita Uwadia, Georgia Oboh, Tokunbo Pedro, Usire Egbakhume etc. following through the professional cabana of the game.

You can connect with Deji McWord on Facebook & @mcwordgolf on Instagram & @DejiMcWord on twitter

MyGreen Gene Magazine


THE SERAS 2015: Night Of Glitz, Glamour And Corporate Responsibility And Sustainability At The Nigeria CSR Awards 2015.

“It has been nine long years of consistently hosting The SERAs- Nigeria’s CSR awards. From 2007 when the awards began to date, we have registered 527 applications from 92 organizations (82 of them would rate amongst Nigeria’s largest 100) from 13 different sectors of the Nigerian economy. Our journeys tracking and assessing the impacts of organizations in Nigeria has taken us to over 210 communities situated across all the geo-political zones that make

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up Nigeria. Just as roses do have thorns, our successes have also been met with matching challenges. But the good news is – in pursuit of the set goal of making organizations operating in Nigeria Corporate social responsibility and sustainability compliant, we have made massive progress”, said President of the Nigeria CSR Awards- The SERAs, Mr. Ken Egbas in his welcome address heralding this year’s edition of Nigeria’s biggest and most glamorous corporate event.

Mr. Ken Egbas

It was a speech that set the tone for the rest of the evening and riveted attention on the theme for the 2015 edition of The SERAs: “Building partnerships for a sustainable future— business leadership as a catalyst for development”.

This year’s CSR awards held on November 20, 2015 at the Shell Hall of the Muson Center in Onikan, Lagos. The SERAs (which is an acronym for the Social Enterprise Report and Awards), celebrates corporate organizations doing business in Nigeria who give back to the communities from where they mine huge profits. It was the ninth edition of the awards this year and the focus revolved around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations.

“The SDGs are about making life a lot more meaningful for our people and I’m glad that corporate Nigeria and all the

dignitaries present in the room today are in agreement on this score. Nigeria can actually beat poverty like China has successfully done. We have no reason to be poor”, said former Minister of Education and erstwhile President of the World Bank (for Africa), Mrs. Obiageli Ezekwesili in her keynote address.

This year’s event featured 51 entries, but only 22 organizations scaled through the minimum criteria required to participate in Season 9 of the SERAs. “We wanted to do it well and do it differently”, said Ms. Lola Ogundepo, Project Manager of CSR Nigeria; organizers of the annual CSR awards, as camera lights flicked and cocktail glasses clinked on the red carpet. “The CSR awards have come this far because it always brings the crème-dela-crème and captains of industry in one place. What we did manage to achieve this year was to ensure that 22 finalists emerged after a rigorous screening

process. Once that was achieved, we flew in experts in sustainable corporate giving from all over the world to serve on the jury panel. The jury decided on the winners after a painstaking 12-hour long process and here we are”, Ms. Ogundepo added. According to Ogundepo, the SERAs team consists of a verification component which traverses the length and breadth of the country to have a first-hand feel of the plethora of CSR projects participating organizations cite in their entry documents.

“Perhaps that is what stands us apart”, said Ogundepo, with a smile. “The fact that once we receive the entries from the biggest brands in the country, we hit the road and the airspace with our camera crew to glean these projects ourselves and pass on all this documentation to aid the jury arrive at winners in the various categories, has ensured that The SERAs has retained its credibility for a decade and counting. It is what makes us tick”, MyGreen Gene Magazine


(Media category), Most Improved Company in CSR for 2015, Most voted company online and the Overall winner of the 2015 SERAs, among others.

Africa’s richest man and one of the world’s most influential personalities, Alhaji Aliko Dangote received the CSR man of the year award, Senator Ben Murray Bruce was honored with the Sustainability Champion award and Cross River State Governor Ben Ayade received the Sustainability Champion award as well for his laudable work in the environment and climate sectors.

Mr. Oluseun Onigbinde of BudgIT received the statuette for the SERAs 2015 prize for innovation for bringing public accountability and transparency to the frontburner with regards to the country’s budgets across all tiers; using his

Ogundepo added moments before guests were ushered into the event room to be feted with fine music, good food and an ambience that screamed comfort and classy decoration from miles away. Winners at this year’s SERAs emerged from some of the following categories: Best Company in Environmental Sustainability, Best Company in Poverty Reduction, Best Company in Health intervention, Best Company in support for Agriculture, Best Company in Partnership for development, Best Company in Education, Best Company in Youth Focus, Best Company in Supply Chain, Best Company in support for SMEs, Best Company in CSR Reporting 18 MyGreen Gene Magazine

tech-savvy application.

“It was a category we decided to add to the awards this year as a way of encouraging innovators who may not have the big budgets of the big companies, but who are affecting lives positively from their own little corners of the planet; because innovation is what drives good CSR implementation at stakeholder level”, said Ndira Kartallozi, head of the 2015 SERAs jury panel who flew all the way from the United Kingdom to oversee the jury sitting. Some other big winners of the night included Exxon Mobil which won in the overall winner category as the most socially responsible company for 2015; Lafarge which was the 2nd Runner Up and

Etisalat which was the 1st Runner Up.

Others were BATN which won in the best company in support for Agriculture category, Sahara Energy which won in the partnerships for development category, Nigerian Breweries which won in the best company in Labour Practices category, Samsung which scooped the award for the best company in Youth Focus and Total Nigeria which won the e-voting contest to emerge the most socially responsible company in the online category. Elsewhere, Protection Plus won the SME Company of the Year category and First Bank scooped the best company in support of SME award.

One of Nigeria’s finest voices, Ms. Yinka Davies, serenaded the audience of CEOs and top level cadre managers with a soul stirring performance; while talented flutist and pianist, Eddie Izycs brought the entire room to its feet with a performance that would linger in the memory for a while yet.

at a time.

“We’ll continue to raise the bar”, said Mr. Egbas while sipping on a glass of cocktail with Lagos going to sleep in the foreground. “Next year, The SERAs would be a decade old and we are bringing business leaders from all over the world to Nigeria to mark the epoch with us. Next year would be even bigger that what has been experienced this year. For us, our biggest success story is that we have instituted a behavioral change in Nigeria’s boardrooms--one big event

“And working alongside corporate Nigeria to drive home the message that doing business also means doing good, I can say we are only going to get better and bigger from this point on”, added Mr. Egbas with most of the CEOS of blue-chip companies making a bee-line towards him to offer their words of encouragement and support.

Business for good…The SERAs payoff line boomed from Radio, Billboard and TV commercials across Nigeria’s business capital, hours preceding the event. And trust us, that’s a good and reassuring thing to hear in the age of responsibility.

THE FUTURE IS HERE The Super Eaglets of Nigeria reign supreme yet again by successfully defending the U17 World Cup title in Chile. Winning in an all African final against Mali, which is a win for the whole of Africa. Congratulations to Mali for going as far as they have ever gone. This victory solidifies Nigeria as the most successful national team at this level with 5 trophies (85, 93, 07, 13 and 2015).

rom the very first whistle in Chile it was clear EMMANUEL AMUNIKE and his boys meant business. In the first match against the USA, the Super Eaglets grew with confidence with every pass of the ball. It took until the 2nd half for a 100% comfort level to kick in. CHUKWUDI AGOR and VICTOR OSIMHEN produced two somewhat lucky goals to wrap up a good performance. It could have been more with the team finishing with 6 shots on target. Its never a good idea to insult your host but in the 2nd match-up the Super Eaglets dumped 5 goals in Chiles net winning 5-1. This would be followed by the team’s only loss in the tournament, losing to Croatia. A humbling loss that was necessary to build the character of champions. Nothing screams “I AM A CHAMPION” more than bouncing back from a difficult defeat. The team was out played, out matched, out coached and they made costly mistakes. By the way, the first goal by Croatia was as a result of a build up and assist by MORO,

by Oladamola Babalola

the Croatia captain. His razzle dazzle over the ball as he sent the Nigerian defender left and right dribbling him to submission before delivering a low cross back across the goal post for JOSIP BREKALO to finish it, was a move JAY JAY OKOCHA would have been proud of. Especially as NIKOLA MORO wore number 10.

Credit to Head Coach AMUNIKE and his staff for keeping the players up beat and focused. EMMANUEL AMUNIKE knows a thing or two about bouncing back from a tough situation from his playing days. He was on the team that beat Brazil in the Semi Finals of Atlanta 96. He would later score the winner in the Gold Medal match in the 90th minute against Argentina. Let me push pause on the past and bring it back to now. Losing to Croatia was just a heck up as Nigeria blew past Australia 6-0 and then its next two South American opponents Brazil and Mexico 3-0 and 4-2 respectively. Nigeria beats Mali 2-0 in the final to retain the crown. MyGreen Gene Magazine


On a side note, there were two players with Nigerian descent playing for other teams during the tournament. IKE UGBO playing for England and MATTHEW OLOSUNDE playing for USA. This is just based on the eye-name test. IKE UGBO plays for the Chelsea youth team and shows promise as a striker. MATTHEW OLOSUNDE plays for New York Red Bulls Academy in the USA and was once rumoured to be a player of interest for Manchester United.

The success of the U17 team once again shows how much potential the most populated nation in Africa has but nevertheless, it also shines a light on one major problem with football in Nigeria. Its what I like to call ‘MISTRANSITION’ of talent. This is a made up word but the point being made here is the talent pool from U17 is not developing through the ranks to the senior team. And a direct relationship can be made to why Nigeria still has not gotten to the top of the mountain in football yet. After winning the Nations Cup in 1994, introducing ourselves to the world in USA 94 and winning Gold in Atlanta 96 the world of football expected Nigeria to be the front runner in the race for the first African team to lift the World Cup and so far we have not been close enough. A few ups and a lot of downs have happened to the Super Eagles in recent times:

Nigeria in Korea/Japan 2002 not progressing from the group and finishing with 1 point and one goal. Not qualifying for Germany 2006 World Cup

Finishing with only one point yet again in South Africa 2010. I am not going to tag Brazil 2014 as a down moment because the team actually qualified out of the group stage. The Super Eagles won the Nations Cup in 2013 in South Africa but Followed that up with not even qualifying for the tournament in 2015.

On a more positive note, we have seen a proper transition of talent in Nigerian football and seen how good it can get. I am referring to the teams that went to USA 94 and Atlanta 96. In the 93 U17 World Cup in China Nigeria won the U17 tournament with the likes of Kanu Nwankwo, Wilson Oruma and Celestine Babayaro. Three players who would be instrumental in Nigeria’s Atlanta 96 20 MyGreen Gene Magazine

In spite of the inspirational and encouraging title to this article I am going to ask, here at the end, IS THE FUTURE REALLY HERE?

menace for defenders all over the world. These two alone should be enough to give SUNDAY OLISEH, the present head coach of the Super Eagles and future Head Coaches (taking into account how volatile the position is) selection headaches.

Gold medal victory that we still celebrate today. Victor Ikpeba was in the 1989 Scotland U17 World Cup where Nigeria lost to the eventual champions Saudi Arabia in the quarter finals. In recent times though, a few notable players have been able to get themselves to the senior team like OBI MIKEL who played in Finland 2003. Korea 2007 has brought to light UCHE OKAFOR RABIU IBRAHIM and MUSTAPHA IBRAHIM, just to name a few. The 2013 and 2015 edition once again has showered the Super Eagles with a lot of talent. Especially VICTOR OSIMHEN aand KELECHI NWAKALI. VICTOR looks like a world class striker already with the frame of a DIDER DROGBA. If he continues to develop he will be a

One thing that is going to possibly endanger the chemistry of the cohesiveness of a team that is allowed to grow together is injecting new “FLASH PLAYERS”. These are players that shine and show flashes that make coaches call them up only to not perform or gel with the team. I am not against using up all your resources available to you. If there is a dual citizen player that is eligible to play for Nigeria then by all means try him out. But if you chop half of your plate of jollof rice, you never finish that one oh, you go pack another 10 spoons full join put on top the half wey remain how you know say the half wey remain before no go belle full you? I am laughing at myself for even trying to write Pidgin English.

In spite of the inspirational and encouraging title to this article I am going to ask, here at the end, IS THE FUTURE REALLY HERE?

MyGreen Gene Magazine


THE RED IN OUR GREEN GENE The one thing common to us Nigerians, no matter what tribe we come from, is the Red in our Green Gene. Our Blood, a gift which gives us life but can also be used to save the life of another. There is no doubt that among the countless scientific advances taking place over the past century, the life-sustaining role of blood has been commonly accepted as an integral facet of health care delivery. Blood transfusion has been identified as one of the eight key life saving functions that should be available in healthcare facilities.

Dr Odumeru with his donated blood

While there has been an effort to improve blood transfusion in Nigeria, there is still a need for more skilled professionals to manage the countries blood transfusion. A major constraint to an efficient and sustainable blood management system is the lack of sufficient equipment and the mobilising of Nigerians towards embracing a blood donating culture. This usually results to shortage of blood and unnecessary deaths. In order to address some of these issues Blood for Life Foundation, a non government organisation was established in 2010 to raise awareness of the need for more Black blood donors and support blood transfusion in Africa through donations and maintenance of medical equipment and training. Over the years Blood for Life, with the support of NHS Blood and Transplant (UK), have donated

22 MyGreen Gene Magazine

mobile unit

vital equipment, on a number of occasions, to Nigeria to support blood transfusion. One such donation was a blood mobile unit to Safe Blood for Nigeria (SFBN). Dr Ikusemoro (President SBFN) stated that the donation of the unit and other equipment “have allowed SBFN to do some significant work in sanitizing the blood banking service in Edo state Nigeria�.

In the UK we face a similar challenge as in Nigeria. It is engaging the African community to embrace the culture of blood donation. The statistics shows that Black Africans only account for 0.2% of all Active Donors registered in England and Wales.

Donated Mobile unit raises blood donation awareness in Edo State

The African communities are being urged to step-forward as the next generation of blood donors in a drive to boost life-saving supplies. It is important that more new donors from the African communities do step forward to reflect the changing population in the UK. In addition, conditions such as Sickle Cell Disease (inherited genetic condition) are more prevalent within the African communities. Patients with these conditions often require regular blood transfusions and directly benefit from receiving blood from

donors with a similar ethnic background.

Some blood types, such as B positive are more common in the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, while some rare types are only found within these communities. This is very important as people from the same ethnic backgrounds often share the same blood types. It is blood from the community, for the community. If you are interested in becoming a community champion for blood donation, please email: or tel. 07958 744660. If you are interested in knowing more about blood donation please visit or call 0300 123 23 23.

Dr Odumeru receives an appreciation award from thre KIWANIS - Jamaica

Dr Dapo Odumeru Deputy Director Blood for Life Programme

Dr Odumeru obtained his PhD in Pharmacology from University College Dublin, Ireland. He is the Founder of award winning NGO - Blood for Life Foundation UK. He has worked on various projects in partnership with government agencies, institutions and non government organisations in Africa and Caribbean. MyGreen Gene Magazine


How “Tee” Morgan a mum-of-four’s battle to get into shape led to an incredible multiple marathon world record


uedon “Tee” Omatsola Morgan (Nigeria) recently earned a Guinness World Records title for the Fastest time to run a half marathon on each continent (female), completing seven races in a mind-blowing time of 10 days, 23 hr, 37 min and 8 sec. At 42 years old, Morgan finished (in order) the Carlton Classic Half Marathon (Australia), Abu Dhabi Striders Half Marathon (Asia), Torcy International

I was one of those kids that always had excuses at school. I disliked athletics. Prior to getting married, I was a slim woman with an average weight of 63 kg. However, with each child came an addition to my weight and by January 2008, I stared regretfully at my 121 kg/ Size 26 (UK) frame! Over the years, I had developed an unhealthy lifestyle and relationship with food. This seriously affected my health and I lived with

Half Marathon (Europe), The Carthage Race Half Marathon (Africa), Lincoln’s Birthday Half Marathon (North America), Southern Cross Half Marathon (South America), and Penguin Half Marathon (Antarctica). Last week we confirmed that Tuedon had a set an all-new record for the Fastest time to complete a half marathon on each continent and the North Pole (female) with 62 days 12 hr 58 min 49 sec. An accountant by profession and mother to four boys currently living in Qatar, Morgan began her recordbreaking journey with a desire to change her unhealthy lifestyle. Guinness World Records caught up with Morgan to ask her about her achievements. “I went from an unfit 121 kg to the Guinness World Record” she explains, and says she hopes her amazing story will inspire others. When did you first find out that you had an aptitude for running?

constant pain in my legs due to the weight I had gained. This picture [above] was taken in January 2008. I stood in front of the mirror … I knew I had to change my life. It reminds me where I used to be and when I have days I struggle, it also reminds me how far I have come. I decided then that it was time to make a change. Joining a gym was my first positive decision. I started walking on the treadmill and as soon as I could run a 5 k on the treadmill, I went outdoors and started running on the road. I am very proud to say that I have since completed 44 full marathons in 34 countries, plus two Ultra marathon 50 km. What motivated you to attempt this record? When I was a child, my parents bought every copy of the Guinness World Records that was published. I remember saying to myself that one day that will be me. But as I got older and started fighting with my weight, I felt my dreams

24 MyGreen Gene Magazine

were far-fetched. That was until I met Ziyad Rahim (Pakistan) who is now a multiple Guinness World Records title for his marathon running - this record was his idea. Tell us a bit about your training regime and how you prepared for the record attempt Training for a marathon is like taking on a second full time job. First of all I live in the Middle East where temperatures in the summer could be close to 50 degrees Celsius. And my terrain is really flat. So flying to Antarctica where you have temperatures of -22 degrees calculus or the North Pole of -42 degrees Celsius is different to say the least. I run 10 km, five days a week. I cross train a lot and do core work. I don’t run very fast as that isn’t one of my goals, but I put in the work. Honestly, I had no special training for this attempt. What was the most challenging part of

your record attempt? The most challenging part of this attempt was not getting enough sleep. We finished a race and flew over to the next race. I was so tired and extremely hungry. But the worst came when flying from New York City to South America as the airlines ran out of water. By the time we landed in South America we had two hours to check in to the hotel and get ready for the race again. My feet were twice their normal size and I was worried my shoes wouldn’t fit. The North Pole Marathon is no easy feat as it is not run on land: it essentially run on frozen water. What did it feel like to find out you had achieved a Guinness World Records title? I got a notification on my phone and I was asked to log on to my page. My hands were shaking and I felt tears down my cheeks. This record means so much to me. My heath was really deteriorating and the doctors continuously told me I had to change my lifestyle. All I wanted was to lose weight but the more I pushed myself the more I wanted. Running the Seven continents twice and becoming the first Nigerian to run all Seven Continents and the North Pole to top it up with a GWR means so much. I am Officially Amazing! Others may be inspired by your story to attempt a record for themselves. What advice would you give them?

I took on this challenge to make ordinary people believe that anything in life is possible. It’s better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all. The potential for greatness lives within each of us. Just be the best version of yourself. Are you planning to improve on the record, or perhaps attempt another title? I fully intend to run hundreds marathons in lots of countries and continue to meet new people and inspire them. I know I want more Guinness World Records titles. I want to attempt a record in cycling: Fastest journey from Land’s End to John-O’-Groats by bicycle (female) and one day Fastest circumnavigation by bicycle (female). That will require a lot of commitment and focus but am mentally preparing myself. When she runs each marathon, Morgan raises funds for the National Black Marathoners Association – an organisation which encourages black youth to pursue track and field activities and awards scholarships to college students. She is also the co-founder of a group called Women Encouraging Women to live healthily. Culled from

MyGreen Gene Magazine


F lip It Over

Bedroom Makeover!


ex is one word that changes things, bring it into a conversation and it would raise the intensity; a fact that advertisers understand and are quick to leverage on to promote even the most absurd product. It is a topic that is often talked about, yet understood by a few, abused by many and shrouded in secrecy and taboos, making it incredibly daunting to dissipate accurate information to inquisitive minds. Little wonder many girls become ladies and then married women, knowing so much but a few correct things about sex in marriage. Many are seen as ‘objects’, designed to give pleasure to husbands. Why not? It is a ‘privilege’ to be wanted.

Others move to the other extreme of using it as a weapon. A weapon to punish their husbands and bring them to their knees or as a tool for ‘negotiation’ to get their husbands to do what they want. Unbeknownst to them, within the context of marriage, both spouses have 100% access to each other as regards sexual frequency. Sex is powerful, the highest form of intimacy between a man and his wife, a wonderful tool for bonding beyond the terrestrial into the celestial as its involves the knitting of two souls, two lovebirds. As a married woman, you cannot enjoy sex with your husband without breaking some mental limitations, some of your ‘rules’ and the ones that were handed over to you by your culture. One of such limitations is that wives should not initiate sex, it’s not feminine. Hello awesome woman, you are married. More so, contrary to what most ladies believe, most husbands want their wives to initiate sex more than they do. A random sample of opinions confirms thus: “It makes me feel wanted, I like being pursued too you know, lol” - K.O. “For me, it adds some spice to the whole experience” - A.A. 26 MyGreen Gene Magazine

“It bridges the gap between us, strengthening our intimacy. It makes me want to come home earlier because I don’t know what could be popping *smiles*”. C.J.

Of course, every marriage is different, but a little surprise would help to boost romance and marital sex.

Spice things up, change your lingerie, the bed sheets, the curtains, the theme in your bedroom. Take charge! Check out our Audio book “Bedroom Makeover Plus” for some more clues.

Victor Akunna is one of the leading voices on marital romance; a writer of many published articles. He runs many social media platforms where he coaches and counsels singles and couples on building successful relationships and marital romance. He partners with his wife, Chidi, in running “Romance Masterclass” – a

coaching programme and “Lite the FIRE” workshop – a couples’ romance makeover intervention. Together, they write “Connected Hearts” – a leading daily devotional on spicing up marital romance and strengthening families. They also oversee the operations of Foundation for Family Affairs – a charity focused on strengthening families around the globe. He can be reached on BB Pin 73E8821E

Twitter @FamilyAffairs

For immediate release Contact:

Elizabeth Akinteye

Fixing a Broken Adult? Never! Ten Things I Must Know Released


anicking over raising children? Worried about how you would raise them up in this present age when kids are getting familiarised with unruly and immoral behaviours? Is it your goal to raise a younger generation with the right moral values and principles that will enable them to stand out from the crowd, giving you peace of mind as they grow up? Elizabeth Akinteye answers these questions. She had the same concerns and worries, and these led to her release of her first book, TEN THINGS I MUST KNOW: BIBLE STORIES, on 5th December 2015, to teach young minds to follow the right way, the godly path. (96pgs. £7.99)

Raising children is a big task; demanding and challenging but when the right things are got right at the onset, it’s an everlasting peace of mind and joy.

There are moral values the society expects good parents to instil in their children like having respect for others, being truthful and honest etc. All these are good as they guide children to have the right manners. However, teaching them moral values is not sufficient if it is not entrenched with some lessons or practical examples which will open their eyes to the consequences of some actions. While books that tell real life experiences of real people hardly exist (not speaking of moral fables or thoughtabout stories but real examples), bible lessons stand as a tool that can be adopted to teach the right way to behave and live. TEN THINGS I MUST KNOW: BIBLE STORIES is a well written, beautifully illustrated book about some bible characters and events that occurred in the bible. The book is structured around the Ten Commandments God gave to

Moses, using stories to create a clear picture and detailed understanding of what each commandment means, and to provide examples of what can result in obeying and disobeying the commandments as it happened to the characters.

“With ease, the author translates the commandments into language that young children can understand with their young minds, giving hope, faith and encouragement to follow God’s ways. The stories are short enough to keep the interest of young children and the images are professional and impressive. The book is recommended for children between the ages of 6 and 12. This is a fun and entertaining way to teach The Ten Commandments to young children that will enrich their lives for their lifetime.” - Smitty, CBM Review

The Author, Elizabeth Akinteye is a Sunday school teacher at New Covenant Church Bolton, UK where she has taught children’s Sunday school for years. She’s a story teller who is passionate about teaching children the word of God. Her experience with children at the Sunday school coupled with her daily habit of telling her children bedtime stories have inspired her to write stories that are enjoyable for kids.

“This book is so timely cos it has the power to capture and re-direct the mind of the kids of this generation to the laws that really matters and it does it in such a SIMPLE manner with class & style. Train your child early with this book and say goodbye to fixing a broken adult forever. Perfect 5 Stars!” - Kingsley Omadide, Founder Kingzside Gospeltainment Teaching kids the right way and godly way while they are still young is the most important gift a parent could give his/ her children. The kids will live following this right way throughout their lifetime, and parents will never have to fix a broken adult. Do you have a grown-up who you want to retract from their present way to the right way? TEN THINGS I MUST KNOW: BIBLE STORIES has been confirmed to be an “evangelical tool”, which can be used to enlighten grown-ups about following the right path.

ISBN 978-1-78148-980-8-2

To place orders for the book, visit www. Available at Amazon UK, USA

Available at SOUTH AFRICA Available at NIGERIA MyGreen Gene Magazine


28 MyGreen Gene Magazine


My awareness of BREAST CANCER came in my teenage years when I lived back home with my parents in Kaduna, Nigeria. I was aware mum was unwell but i didn’t know to what extent as dad and mum where a bit secretive on the matter and so limited information was passed on regarding her illness. Soon afterwards mum had to undergo surgery and afterwards some radiotherapy treatment. She was well on her way to recovery afterwards but some four years after whilst I was back in England I received news of mum passing away. It was the most devastating news for me as I couldn’t understand why. I really had no idea and still not sure what led to her early passing. I cried so much and questioned God but received no

further explanation from God until much later on in my adult life. And so by the age of 21 I was so aware of ‘BREAST CANCER’ and this prompted me to regularly self examine and through this, God revealed the enemy to me.

Matthew 24:43

«If the owner of the house knew the time when the thief would come, you can be sure that he would stay awake and not let the thief break into his house.» This bible verse brings me down to where my heart is. ‘EARLY DETECTION ‘ saves lifes. When God nudges you to check your twins He means well, you may not be prepared for what is to come but be

rest assured God will see you through. #IamATrophyOfGodsGrace. And so with time it became all to clear why God didn’t give me much anwers initially after mum passed. And although it hurt a great deal back then but I got to understand that she had paved the way for me and many others to ‘self examine’ our twins and that was how I found the lump in the right breast. Initally I panicked not because it was the 2nd lump but more because it was the first in a new softie. Firstly let me say that not every lump in the breast is cancerous however the danger is in ‘NOT KNOWING’ because we fail to self examine ourselves or seek further medical attention. Although there is no known fact of the causes of cancer, however it is known MyGreen Gene Magazine


that some breast cancer are linked to genetics, age and oestrogen receptors (where hormones or other proteins can attach to and stimulate the growth of cancer.) The preventive steps to take is to eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle too.

My own journey began in 2010 when I was diagnosed with DCIS (Ductual Carcinma in-siutee) pre- cancerous cells in the milk ducts. As shocked as I was and questioning God again with my ‘whys’, I was more thankful to God for ‘EARLY DETECTION’. I have read and heard of many cases of women who die untimely because they did not seek further medical attention after an ‘EARLY DETECTION.

This brings me to the main issue for us on raising the awareness of the benefits of ‘ Early detection’. First we need to have an understanding of how CANCER ‘ behaves. From my own research and experience, ‘CANCER’ is when abnormal cells divide in an uncontrolled way and begin to grow. All cancer begins in a cell and our bodies are made up of more than a hundred million cells (100,000,000,000,000). And so because everyone of us have cells it means we are all cable of having cancerous cells but not limited because that woman is cursed or a witch and further more breast cancer also affects men. So it makes logical sense that we are aware of ‘CANCER’ and we play our own part to spot iy earlier enough and to act on it.

to her breast, she should not have to worry about what others may say to her face or behind her why? Because it is her life and her main focus at that point in time is to stay healthy.

Another factor is ‘FAITH’. You are probably wondering where does faith and early detection cross path. Well i have heard of many cases where women seek prayers from the pastoraite of her church after finding a lump. Although there is nothing wrong in doing this as I did also, however what i find baffling is when her pastor prays for her, feeds her with a lot of healing scriptures again this is beneficial for her healing, but then the pastor tells her she is healed by God and at no point encourages her to seek further medical attention. No doubt our God is a healer and I can testify to this however when we fail to use wisdom and knowledge then

30 MyGreen Gene Magazine

It is no crime to know your body well, after all its your body. know the shape and size of your twins this is so when any changes occur you are quick to spot it. Here are some changes to look out for but be aware that one or two of these signs don’t necessarily mean cancer but if concerned you must seek medical attention.

1) Lump or thickening in an area of the breast. 2) A change in the size, shape or feel of the breast. 3) Dimpling of the skin

4) A change in the shape of your nipple, particularly if it turns in, sinks into the breast, or has an irregular shape 4) A blood stained discharge from the nipple. 5) A rash on a nipple or surrounding area.

6) A swelling or lump in your armpit 7) Pain to your breast.

Although there is no definite facts on what causes cancer however there are Preventive Tips we can take.

1) Don’t use tobacco. Using any type of tobacco puts you on a collision course with cancer 2) Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active. 3) Eat a balanced healthy diet.

There are many factors i believe stand in our way of ‘Early detection’ however I will cover two main factors. The first is ‘FEAR’. Naturally humans battle with fear of the unknown and struggle with change. This affects women In developing countries where stigma and discrimination are factors that severely hampers a womans decision and ability to seek medical advice when she finds a lump in her breast. The challenge we face is that majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer often do not survive because the breast lump was either found too late or found early but left to grow on fear coupled with the addition of a poor health care system and the ability to pay for treatments. Often times women struggle to “come out” publicly about their breast cancer for fear of being abandoned, ridiculed or even branded a witch. Every woman has the right to seek medical attention immediately after she spots any changes

seeking help when you spot changes.

SOME HEALTHY FOODS TO EAT it becomes a problem really. Seeking medical attention does not show you lack faith in God if anything it shows you trust Him enough to work through the people in the medical field to bring glory to His name. I for one I see God working through the doctors but in all I do still i commit the doctors to the hands of God because it is extremely important to my healing. In fact i would encourage churches to make it a point of duty to pray regularly for doctors if it’s not done already. God moves on our faith and healing can come in many ways no doubt but do not fail to use the full provisions of the Lord which includes seeking medical advice. It simply means play your part in know your body and

GREENS: Spinach, kale, cabbage, broccoli, carrot, tomatoes , avocado FRUITS: oranges, lime, lemon, strawberries, red grapes,

PROTEIN: Salmon, makerel Fish, chicken , a little red meat

CARBOHIDRATES: wheat, whole grain rice, pasta, bread.

Do not be afraid of knowing but rather be afraid of Not knowing and finally without God It’s impossible to stay on top of things, so commit your ways to him (Proverbs 3:5) and live a stress free life another key to living a healthy life.


MyGreen Gene Magazine


Banke Ada





esponsibility is the state of being accountable for something, the ability to choose how you respond to a situation or circumstance. Your action is a product of your conscious choice, which has gone through a deliberate thinking. Successful people do not blame circumstance or situation but choose based on their values to take advantage of it to their benefits. If you want to be free then you need to take responsibility. Great people are responsible people. Success does not happen until you take responsibility so also is failing to succeed. Whether you succeed or fail in life it is your responsibility. To become a great achiever or performer in your career, successful in relationships, marriage, and being wealthy you must accept 100 per cent responsibility.

Your success is not dependent on your background but who you are and your choices, which is pertinent to your values. People who become great and successful do not make excuses or blame others, circumstance or situations for their failures, they take responsibility. In a research conducted on some successful organisations, it was realised that the top 3% acted as if they owned the organisation by taking ownership for its success and failure by using the words “we” or “our”. When you take personal responsibility for your success and that of the your organisation, ideas begin to flow to you leading to your promotion as you become a solution provider. When you fail and take responsibility it helps you to fail forward by learning 32 MyGreen Gene Magazine

how not to do it next time and thereby provides you with how to do it right to achieve success. That you failed to achieve something does not make YOU a failure but it is just an event that failed, and you can retrace your steps to do it the right way to achieve the success you so desired by taking responsibility. Failure is not an end in itself but a process of learning how to do things better, success is not final neither a destination but a journey. Excuses is the opposite of responsibility, when people does not want to be responsible they pass the buck to others by making excuses. I heard a story of someone looking for job in an organisation, where he is a member and was called for a telephone interview by someone he knows so well from the same organisation, without prior notice. And just because he could recognise the voice of the person and answered the call in a friendly manner as he did not realise it was an interview call, he was disqualified from being interviewed for the job by the manager. When he asked why he was not interviewed he was told because he recognised the voice of the interviewer. I can deduce from this story that people can make up any excuse for what they do not want to do or unable to do, and these excuses can be sometimes ridiculous. Hence we call them lame excuses. The manager in this case could have just taken responsibility and do something different about it. The difference between a perpetual failure and success is responsibility. “When a winner makes a mistake, he says, “I was wrong”. But when a loser makes a mistake

he says, “it was not my fault”. Then he goes ahead to blame someone else” – Sam Adeyemi. John Mason said, “most people will learn from their mistakes, if they were not so busy defending them”. Not taking responsibility for your mistakes may seem the smooth road to take at the moment but the end turns into a trap of failure. A fool makes excuses while the wise takes responsibility. Responsibility taking is as a result of choice making and your choice determines your destiny. What is your excuse for not passing your exam? What is your excuse for not starting that business? What is your excuse for not finishing that project? What is your excuse for not going to school or having a vocational training? Whatever your excuse, it is not good enough. “People who make excuses end up serving the ones that take responsibility for their actions and inactions” – Banke Adaghe. Even if you fail at something over and over, it is still not enough reason to stop trying, as successful people do not give up they fail but keep trying until they succeed, because failure is not final and success is never ending. Thomas Edison failed nine hundred and ninety-nine times learning how not to do it next time until he finally succeeded. Every great person has failed at something before but did not let their failure become their limitation or destination; they decided to keep on trying until they succeeded. The gold miners do not reach the gold in one dig they keep digging until they reach a gusher, so also you must not give up midway in the pursuit of success and purpose. We all fall down but get up as there is no accolade in staying down, but getting up and pressing on gets you the trophy.


decision determines your destiny, and the decision you make today is the reality of your tomorrow. You must decide your career, family, health, financial, relationship, and spiritual goals. “There is power in a madeup mind. The spiritual, mental and material resources God has positioned around our lives seem to respond to our decisions. Life seems eager to aid us once our minds are made up” – Sam Adeyemi. Success is a matter of choices.

Values: You must decide your personal values (such as integrity, compassion, excellent customer service and accountability). Your values are formed by standards you truly believe in, and this in turn forms your character and attitude, and your attitude

determines your altitude.

Character: Charisma, talent, skill, anointing will lift you up but character will make you stay. It takes quality character to sustain achievement and success in life. Take responsibility for your character.

Knowledge: Knowledge is power as it is commonly said. God says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. You need knowledge in every area of endeavour you wish to succeed, so seek knowledge, as it is very important in helping your decision. And what you do not know may be killing you. However it is what you do with what you know that makes success happen. In the quest for knowledge action is paramount, and your action is your responsibility.

Set and achieve goals: successful people set and achieve goals. They set realistic goals that are achievable, believable and concrete. Brian Tracy said, “the number one reason for business and executive failure is the inability to achieve the sales, growth and profitability for which the leader is responsible”. Be responsible for achieving your goals and if you did not achieve it first time, note that it’s an event that failed not you, for there is a huge difference between failure as an event and as a person. You are not a failure until you accept in your heart that you are a failure. A real successful person takes responsibility for his actions and inactions. He finds excuses for others but never makes one for himself.

YOU WILL SUCCEED. I want to use this opportunity to seek your support in giving hope to another hopeless child in Nigeria, Africa and other nations of the world where children lack access to quality education. You can do this either by giving financially to or sponsor a child in school through Initiative for Youth Educational Empowerment (IYEE). You can visit the website for more information: or email contactus@ You can also contact us at Dynamic Resource Solutions Ltd for diverse administration, manpower training and development services because your success is our asset. Our website is or email: to be continued…

Banke Adaghe (Associate Member CIPD). 07587151377 MyGreen Gene Magazine


34 MyGreen Gene Magazine

MyGreen Gene Magazine


THE LAUNCH “My Green Gene� was launched in May of 2015. This event was a success as it doubled as the launch of the maiden edition of the Green Gene magazine. With more than 400 people in attendance, The Excellency Suite in Bolton, United Kingdom came alive. A documentary featuring the event was televised on BEN TV a few Weeks later. BEN TV has an average audience of 20000 viewers per day. This documentary showed twice on the weekend. Among attendees where notable men and women of the Nigerian and African origin in the diaspora including the past Mayor of Lambeth, the former Minister of Youth and culture, The chairman of BEN TV, the Mayor of Bolton, Para Olympic medallist Tony Grifin, the Senior Pastor of one of the largest African run church in Manchester among others. The event was hosted by Ace comedian SACO and Oyinbo Princess with Nikki Tall (Germany) headlining the list of artist performers.

The last event was supported by a number of organisations with no one company as a sole sponsor. We look forward to having a key sponsor who, through negotiations, can be exclusive and have all rights for advertisements and press features. Depending on the area of specialisation of the sponsor company, they will be allowed and encouraged to display/promote products from the company. This might also include services.

36 MyGreen Gene Magazine

MyGreen Gene Magazine


“Beyond cooking and delivering pots of soups, my aim is to teach people how to prepare over 200 Nigerian dishes” – Itoro Effiong-Bright, Culture Ambassador and CEO, IBOMSOUPS

BITTER LEAF SOUP Bitter leaf soup is not new to the Nigerian kitchen; it’s been enjoyed by households across the nation for several generations. It is true that different local tribes tend to prepare the soup differently. In the end, the basic ingredient is bitter leaf, an ingredient from which the soup derives its name. Don’t let the name discourage you, this is one soup you will thoroughly enjoy if you know how to prepare it. Many find the process of washing the bitter taste off quite strenuous, and as a result, they rarely consume it but you can actually turn that to your advantage. Rather than throw away the bitter water from the washing process, sieve and drink it. Yes, drink it. It is medicinal. That’s like killing two appetites with one meal, right? (Smile). Let’s look at one preparation method: RECIPE FOR BITTER LEAF SOUP

• 1.5litres thoroughly washed bitter leaves • 2litres of shredded water leaves

• 1 big spoon of crayfish (blended) • 1 teaspoon chili pepper (dried blended pepper) • 1 bulb of onions

• 4 cubes of seasoning

• Meat, pomo, dry fish and stockfish (the quantity you desire) 38 MyGreen Gene Magazine

PROCEDURE Wash meat and put in a clean pot, add chopped onions, ½ teaspoon of chili pepper, 2 cubes of seasoning and a pinch of salt to taste. Cover pot and steam on medium heat for 15 minutes.

Add already cut pomo, stock fish and dry fish. Also add 1 glass cup of water and cook for another 5 minutes and set pot aside. Place a dry pot on the fire, add palm oil. Allow to heat for 1 minute, add you properly washed and shredded water leaves (try to squeeze out the slimy water before adding the water leaves). Stir and cover for 3 minutes. Add your meat stock with very minimal or no

water in it. Stir again and cover for 3 minutes. Add ½ teaspoon chili pepper, a pinch of salt, 2 cubes of seasoning and blended crayfish. Cover pot and allow to cook for 2 minutes, add washed bitter leaves and stir. Cover and cook for another 5 minutes. Your Bitter Leaf Soup is ready, ENJOY YOUR MEAL!

Note: Bitter leaf soup requires more water than Edikang Ikong CONTACT IBOMSOUPS:

WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: Facebook/ibomsoups TWITTER: @ibomsoups INSTAGRAM: ibomsoups

MyGreen Gene Magazine


M By Kemi Obisesan


MyGreen Gene: Let’s meet you?

My name is Peter Efezokhae, My friends call me Lentini. I am From Edo State in Nigeria, but I was born in Lagos State. I attend primary school and high school in Lagos and I went to college in Ibadan and in California. MyGreen Gene: When did you venture into fashion?

I have always been fashion conscious dating back in high school. You have to always look good and wear the designer shirts if you wanted to be with the cool kids and also a hit with the girls back then. That instilled the always look good attitude in me and then i dabbled more and more into the fashion world MyGreen Gene: How will you defined your fashion sense?

I will say my fashion sense is Subtle and sexy. I am magnetic and full of life; I love to laugh and seem to enchant everyone I meet. MyGreen Gene: Let’s talk about your outfit Ankara feast? Gladly

MyGreen Gene: How did it all come about? Well, I have always been an event organizer growing up in Lagos Nigeria. When i came to California, I continued organizing parties in the Bay Area. 40 MyGreen Gene Magazine

You are right that it is the biggest event in LA now, because 8 out of 10 award ceremonies are held in Los Angeles, California, and it involves a lot of quality production. All we are doing with Ankara Festival Los Angeles is to look at what this various events produce and then produce an African Festival that can match that or even better these other events because African Culture is very vibrant and unique. MyGreen Gene: How far do you intend to take Ankara Fest to?

I wanted to do something different that was also cultural because i had not seen anything like it been done or done well outside of the motherland. MyGreen Gene: What gave you the idea?

Because I know it is one of the biggest events in LA? I will actually say it’s the biggest cultural event in the United States. There are so many Africans in diaspora and I felt there was a need for a festival that will bring several diverse African cultures under one roof and showcase them to the rest of the world.

We plan to take Ankara Festival Los Angeles (AFLA) around the world via major cities in the US, Canada and then Major African cities in Africa. You are actually witnessing an African cultural Olympic gradually take form in Los Angeles MyGreen Gene: What is next in line for you in the fashion world, because knowing you……You are a moving train?

Laughs…. I am gradually dabbling into the modeling world for fun. I love taking great pictures and putting on cloths that agree with my body form. MyGreen Gene: Last but not least, who are your fashion icons?

I really do not have a particular fashion icon. I get my inspiration from any man that dresses really well.

MyGreen Gene Magazine



GALLERY Promoting modern & contemporary African art worldwide

Chuck Gallery the first private African art gallery in the Northwest of England opens. This winter, Chuck Gallery makes its debut in Manchester, renowned for being steeped in arts, culture, innovation, and diversity. Chuck Gallery is an independent art space, dedicated to showcasing contemporary African art as well as promoting both established and emerging African artists. The inaugural exhibition titled Exuberance, Forms and the Notion of Self by Fidel Oyiogu, ran from the 23rd of January till the 13th of February 2016.

Founder of Chuck Gallery, Chuckwudi Onwudiwe, an art dealer and collector of young African artists, who also founded Marvel Arts Ltd, an art-dealing firm based in Lagos, Nigeria commented: “Chuck Gallery is committed to championing the arts, particularly works by emerging and accomplished artists. The charge is to bring out the value and meaning to our appreciators and collectors through the entertainment and information value that art provides, as well as the refreshing sense derived from encountering art. Though the duty as agency between artists and audience is inundated with challenges, the gallery restates that as administrators and curators of art, our core responsibility is sustaining art appreciation” By organising world class events, exhibitions and gallery programmes, Chuck Gallery aims to constantly delight and engage with the public, whilst also stimulating increased interest in African art within Manchester and beyond. Ultimately, it hopes to create a thriving environment where art lovers and collectors seek out quality contemporary African art in the UK. 166 (Ground Floor) Plymouth Grove Road, Ardwick, Manchester M13 0AF

Hours: Open daily Monday – Friday: 11am - 6pm, Saturday: 12noon – 5pm, Sunday: 1pm – 5pm Entry: Free

Chukwudi Onwudiwe, Director (0)161 2228688 or +44(0)7414 744518 or email 42 MyGreen Gene Magazine


MyGreen Gene Magazine




Please contact Miss Kemi Obisesan or Adewumi ADISA MyGreen Gene 7 Rylance, Street , Manchester M11 3NP, United Kingdom +44 786 172 2652, +44 79 4026 6903

PUBLISHING TIME TABLE • Maiden edition out in May 2015 Subsequently • First quarter edition out in March 2016 with deadline for materials 20 February 2016 • Second quarter edition out in June 2016 with deadline for materials 20 May 2016 • Third quarter edition out in September 2016 with deadline for materials 20 August 2016 • Fourth quarter edition out in December 2016 with deadline for materials 20 November 2016


All adverts are prepaid, please make cheques or Bank Transfer payable to

Nigeria: Major Impressions GT Bank Account No: 0007743213 United Kingdom: Details on request


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MyGreen Gene Magazine is published by Charis Elias UK & Major Impressions NG 7 Rylance, Street , Manchester M11 3NP United Kingdom UK+44 794 026 6903, +44 786 172 2652 NIG: +234 +234 802 373 4426 Emails: Adverts & Distribution Nigeria: Ayo +234 817 960 0442 America: Peter +1 213 327 7149 South Africa: Soji +27 73 540 3203 Switzerland: Timi +41 79 101 6879 Australia: Funmi +61 42 300 3656 Canada: Nosa +1 780 904 9162 Germany: Lawumi +49 172 693 4863 UAE: Jimi +97 150 398 6525 website: Emails:


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Ankara-in-Diaspora Ankara-in-Diaspora concerns wearing Ankara outside Africa.

ANKARAMYGREENGENE To begin, this column, I start by saying the terms in which I engage and perceive Ankara as an individual may fall outside the terms that other Africans may seek to conceive it.



Ankara also referred to, as Abada or wax cloth, is African prints. They are factory-produced printed cloth that imitate handmade indigo dyed cloth like those in Adire Eleko clothes produced by Yoruba women in Abeokuta in South Western Nigeria. Ankara have bold patterns and sometimes many colours over the background. There are different types and Africans differentiate them by calling the African produced cheaper versions, fancy prints or Ankara and the imported ones, ‘original/real/genuine’ wax cloth or Abada. The later have slight misalignment in the colours and design and a distinctive crackle effect which Africans value and recognise as genuine. Producers also print identifying phrases and labels on the selvedge - edges of the cloth.

FIGURE 1: ANKARA WITH CRACKLES Each brand and type tells its own story.

Africans living in diaspora have their own stories.


For the reason that I am eliciting stories within my culture, it is necessary that I provide my personal background and thus my relationship to Ankara. My name is Ehinomen Oboh but people call me Ankara-in-diaspora. I am a researcher, curator of community engagement and a keen African textile enthusiast with genuine interest in representations of objects especially the interpretation and presentation of African textiles and indicators that allow for evaluating multi-layered interpretation of objects and their meanings.

As a Nigerian, by birth and culture, I have a connection to Ankara and I have had a lot to do with Ankara through my work in museums across the United Kingdom. Exposure to a new culture and lifestyle in diaspora has both enriched, hinder and encroached on

what I wear particularly my choices of Ankara. The way I use Ankara equates with a sense of personal interest especially in diaspora where various elements constrain the individual. Quoting Dr Erinma Bell, “Ankara mediate socially and culturally appropriate set of practices”.


My initiation to “Ankara-in-diaspora” was in 1983, in London and at a wedding. On that day, I noticed that many people combined Ankara with other fabrics. Some made summer dresses and trousers. From the nontraditional African styling, one could tell guest from Africa and those living in Britain apart. It was a very unusual way to use ‘Hollandaise’ wax even for the very rich back home and in the 1980s. It amply and clearly extends Ankara traditions. The individuals displayed their lifestyle and social positions yet had marked respect and connection to their African identity.

Queen Catherine rocks Ankara in Manchester — Photo by Author

A Titled Nigerian Chief, Yeye Toyin rocks Ankara in diaspora. Photo Courtesy IppMultimedia. Then, in 2005, I attended an African night held by the Nigerian Women’s Group Manchester in Hulme, Manchester. The event itself was very elaborate. The Ankara designs were eye

A Titled Nigerian Chief , Yeye Toyin rocks Ankara in diaspora.

My journey to Ankara-in-diaspora has been a dynamic on-going process and long time coming.While acknowledging that national boundary is not necessarily a determining factor in the creation of connections and continuity with homeland ideals. Upon migrating from one’s heritage culture, people adapt to accommodate both their ancestral and the host culture in the process of reconciling their identity needs and life style values with new experiences. Such modifications can manifest in a number of different domains, especially through cloth and clothing.

catching in their colours and patterns itself. The Ankara diaspora GLAM assemblage include the Ankara outfit, manicure and pedicure, accessories and gele construction, finished off with the perfect ‘face beat’ (makeup application). Some people used the same colours and patterns, some different patterns but same colour assemblage. Some people chose not to wear Ankara but kept to the green colour codes. It was clear that there were smaller cultural groupings (subcultures) linked to parent groups using Ankara to establish, reconnect and assert their identity. The stories voiced differ with strong expressions of reason for use far beyond the individual itself to that of social labelling and collective presence in new settlements. This has since posed and aroused my Ankara-indiaspora interest.

Contact: Name: Ehinomen Oboh, Address: MIRIAD, Manchester Metropolitan University. Email: ; Tell: 07891834506 Online: #AnkaraInDiaspora, Ankara-in-diaspora Facebook group page.

MyGreen Gene Magazine



black children. Immigrating to the UK for a better life should not only serve the parents, it must also bring about lasting advancement in the lives of their progeny and position them to take advantage of the opportunities in the UK. Education is the gateway to opportunity, and can guarantee upward social mobility.

cademic underachievement has become a major cause for concern within the State school system, with education reports stating specifically that black children are trailing behind other racial group in exam results, despite having the same talent and potential. Pupil underachievement is not only about a pupil not achieving the targets set by the school - which sometimes does not reflect the student’s full potential, it’s about a student not achieving to their full

My greatest pain as a first generation black immigrant parent and educator has been to witness first-hand the ”wasted potential” within education. In


ERADICATING THE EPIDEMIC OF ACADEMIC UNDERACHIEVEMENT AMONG BLACK CHILDREN potential. For instance, a GCSE student who has a grade 5 target and achieves it in tests, would have met the school target; nevertheless, this does not mean that grade 5 is the highest grade they can achieve. Parents should endeavour to understand the grading system in their children’s school, so as to monitor their progress. Statistics show that few black children attend top universities such as oxford or Cambridge. In fact in a recent BBC News article, Mr Cameron said it was “striking” that Oxford University’s 2014 intake of more than 2,500 people included only 27 black students. Whilst issues to do with unconscious bias might be apparent, so much lies within the power of a parent to break this cycle of pupil underachievement and halt this waste of potential.

The dilemma for many African parents is that being first generation migrants, they do not always fully understand the dynamics of the UK educational system and believe that best quality education is given in some of the State of the art school buildings. In the aforementioned BBC News article, Mr Cameron mentions poor schooling as a contributory factor to black pupil underachievement. A large proportion of black families live in the most deprived neighbourhoods where the quality of education given is not of the highest standard. Many parents are not available to support their children’s studies due to having to work hard to make ends meet, leaving their 48 MyGreen Gene Magazine

over 12 years’ experience in education, I have seen children of all abilities failing to achieve decent grades when they leave school; children not being able to study the course of their choice or being able to gain admission into the universities they had envisaged studying at – “aborted destinies”. The government recognises that active parental involvement can make a significant difference in pupil attainment, but has no clear guidelines in place to support parents on this journey.

children in the care of friends, nannies, or relatives. Although some parents have the will to support their children’s studies, they do not always know how to support them effectively.

Given the right home environment and strategic parental support, every child has the ability to succeed. Pupil’s academic achievement should not be determined by ethnic background, social status, postcode or the school a child attends. Extensive research has shown that children are best placed to succeed in school when parents are ACTIVELY involved in their studies. Effective and strategic parental involvement is key in turning around the negative perception surrounding the academic capacity of

My passion to break the cycle of pupil underachievement led me to write a book loaded with tried and tested strategies to help parents become actively involved in their children’s education, a holistic approach with practical hints and strategies for developing the potential of a child. I have implemented the strategies talked about in the book on my children, during mentoring of underachieving students and have taught thousands of parents who can attest to their success. My book ‘Surpass every expectation’ is a MUST read for any parent who is not satisfied with their children’s average academic achievement, and who is serious about investing every resource to see their children excel in school. The book is available on Amazon. I encourage parents to get involved in shaping their children’s future and not leave it at the mercy of the teachers and chance. • Pauline Limen

MyGreen Gene Magazine


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Odeiga House is a fully ful registered supplier with 3663 (the leading UK food distributor). Odeiga House has 2 other exotic flavours of Tansi Smoothie – the deliciously smooth Strawberry Smoothie and the exotic & luxurious Mango Smoothie.

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Celebrating the Nigerian Gene

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