Living dfree®: Vol 3. April 2018

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VOL. 3 E-MAGAZINE, April 2018 Edition












9. Tameka Davis is an Army Veteran, a Single Mother and a BDC Winner!

A combination of luck and a good support system led Tameka Davis to dfree®.

25. Lynnette Khalfani-Cox: Vigilant Warrior Against Debt Stay on top of your finances by getting advice from The Money Coach®.

33. Close-Knit God’s Gurls Talk Music, Ministry and Money When these millennials get together, there’s no stopping the laughter, music and love for God.

43 14. Black Women Entrepreneurs


Discover information on where to find grants and other money for your business.

22. Billionaires Brunch

16. Money Talk

LIFE 6. Make Time for a 31-Day Makeover

Listen to advice from Prudential’s Shirley Ann Robertson.

17. Money Tools & Tips

Are you ready to live your fullest life? It could start with planning, saving money and making sound investments.


Change your life and your outlook by April, one day at a time.


25. The Money Coach® Lynnette Khalfani-Cox Is In!

9. Meet the Billion Dollar Challenge Rewards Grand Prize Winner

18. Get Ahead Financially: Start with End in Mind

29. One Black Year Author Maggie Anderson Calls for Action

12. Life Tools & Tips

Don’t let those golden retirement years turn to rust. Plan now for the lifestyle you want and the legacy you need.


20. Wealth Tools & Tips


The black middle class can create 1 million new jobs in America by just supporting black businesses a little more, says Maggie Anderson.


22 31. Take a Stand for International Women’s Day

43. Prudential Cultural Insights

From the UN to your local group, women’s empowerment is stronger than ever.

Style Expert Tai Beauchamp talks about risk taking, entrepreneurship and shaping your future.

INSPIRATION 33. God’s Gurls Are on a Mission! 37. MLK Envisioned Economically Empowered Communities The dfree® Financial Freedom Movement helps fulfill MLK’s dream.

NEST EGG 41. Live a Richer Life by Planning for Death

OUR PEOPLE 45. Keeping it Relevant: dfree® at FBCLG dfree® Co-Leaders Joy Smith and Deacon Tony Brooks are on God’s journey.

49. FINAL WORD with Sheri Riley Sheri Riley says find peace first and wealth will come.


Lynnette Khalfani-Cox was once deep in debt but now she appears on national TV as The Money Coach®.

Prioritize having life insurance, a will and other essentials.





MAKEOVER by DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.


Whenever I experience something positive, I always try to share it with others. The challenge for me is that I know so many people that it can be difficult to figure out just how to do that. A few years ago, I had the marvelous experience of leading hundreds of people through a 31-day process of self-discovery and personal improvement. This year I have made some decisions

about my own life that require a similar 31day personal journey. The benefits that I have derived and the feedback I received from the first experience drives me now. That does not mean that I want you to simply watch me walk. I have created some personal goals and have set my sights on some new levels of personal success that are a bit scary. But I want to share my process with you and help you do exactly the same thing for yourself. Trust me, it will be worth it. To begin this process, I have updated some content that I shared a while ago and I will disseminate it as widely as I can. I have been

The third and final step is this -- be prepared

blessed to accomplish more than I had ever

for life changing decisions. It can be hard to

imagined. But I have not died yet -- which

upgrade our lives and to become the people

means there are still new levels for me to at-

we always dreamt of becoming. But it is not

tain. And the same is true about you. I invite

impossible. So, let’s get started on Day #1.

you to become a part of this 31-day journey --

As you’re taking your 31-Day journey, send

featured again on for the month

me a note on twitter @dbsoaries or post on

of March -- and transform your own life! You

dfree® social media, #31DAY, #LIVEDFREE,

can subscribe to receive the daily message

#INTHEBLACK, #NOLIMIT. It’s never too late


to walk with me - spread the word - get your

Why pay for some high paid consultant or

friends to hang out with you - and let’s make

attend some costly seminar to understand

the remainder of 2018 better than the year that

and pursue your options? Take advantage of

we have already had. Start your 31-Day Make-

FREE information that can help you change

over now by going to, scroll to the

the outcomes in your life. The first step is to

bottom of the page and start with Day #1 Now

pick a 31-Day time block for daily participa-

or Never.

tion in the blog. The second step is to begin thinking about who you want to be on April 1, 2018. This strategy will help you get there. LIVING



Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.





& A BDC WINNER! Being a solider in the U.S. Army was one of the greatest challenges that Tameka Davis of Fairfield, California faced in life. Her battles with debt proved equally challenging. But after being randomly selected as the Grand Prize

discovering dfree®

winner of the 2017 Billion Dollar Challenge

Tameka learned about the dfree® Financial

(BDC) Rewards sweepstakes, Tameka said she

Freedom Movement, which launched the BDC,

feels more than blessed, and well on her way

shortly before attending its first West Coast

to financial freedom.

Regional Conerence in March 2017. Serving as

“I won the Grand Prize? Praise God! In Je-

an intern for the New Dawn Vallejo community

sus’ name, I claim it!” was Tameka’s immedi-

redevelopment corporation while working on

ate reaction to learning the news that she won

her bachelor’s degree, Tameka’s boss, Norma

the $5,000. She said she’ll use the money to

Thigpen, sent her to the conference to learn all

establish an emergency fund for her family

she could about dfree®. Accustomed to work-

– something she wasn’t able to do this same

ing on projects to help children and victims

time last year.

of domestic violence, Tameka said she wasn’t LIVING


sure she was the right choice but was excit-

Baptist Church in Fairfield.

ed to learn about something new. “I was blown

“The day I walked into that church, I believe that,

away. I didn’t even know such a program existed,”

God used the dfree® program to wake me up and

Tameka said. “I was in so much debt. My debt to

let me see my blessings,” Tameka said. “I had so

income ratio was ridiculous.”

much debt and so much hurt on top of that debt.

Much of her debt resulted from a “terrible divorce” in 2012. After, Tameka ended up moving

Looking at the numbers, I was so focused on the loss I couldn’t look at what I could gain.”

herself and five young children (now ages 6 to 15) from her home state of Kentucky to California, so

taking the financial freedom journey

the eldest ones could be closer to their father. She

Soaking up as much of the conference as she

said she made the mistake of subletting her home

could, Tameka said she was particularly empow-

to “friends” while she took on a new rental burden

ered by a workshop led by dfree® Executive Direc-

in her new state. Later, she found out the friends

tor Tamika Stembridge. While she gathered ma-

failed to pay the mortgage and, eventually, the bank

terial for her boss, she purchased the Say Yes To

foreclosed on her Kentucky home. By 2013, facing

No Debt: 12 Steps to Financial Freedom book and

homelessness, she had to declare bankruptcy.

workbook for herself. Soon after, she followed the

She said she didn’t know what she was going to

books’ guidance.

do until a woman at church, Carrie Rasheed, ap-

“I had a hard time tracking receipts,” Tameka

proached her and told her that God told her to give

said, noting that you don’t have to be a perfect par-

her a place to stay. For the next five months, Tame-

ticipant to benefit from dfree®. “dfree® made me

ka stayed in one room sleeping on a futon while her

aware of my spending habits. It helped me free up

children slept on a shared bed.

some money I didn’t realize I had coming in.”

“I had to try and keep them quiet. I would have to

For example, before dfree® she would randomly

get them up at 5 in the morning to get them ready

give her kids money for allowance and not really

for school,” Tameka said. “It was very, very hard.”

monitor how they were spending it. She realized

Because she had steady income from her military service, since 2014, Tameka rented and then

that not only was she wasting money but she was teaching her kids to do the same.

tried to buy a new home but always was rejected

“It’s a great loss if we don’t invest in our youth

due to the bankruptcy and her debt to income ra-

and prepare them. Financial literacy should be part

tio. Then she was sent on a mission to gather data

of the curriculum in school,” Tameka said. “I want to

about dfree® to help her boss set up a training pro-

leave a legacy for my children.”

gram. The conference was held at Mount Calvary


Following the dfree® principles and strategy gave

her the confidence to do things like negotiate with

prize money to help pay off more debt and estab-

her creditors and think again about buying a house.

lish the emergency fund for her family. “This is the

She also received support from a team of friends in-

beginning of a new life for me and my children,” she

cluding Preston and Kimberly Jackson and Yvonne

said, with gratitude.

Morgan. Tameka said her credit score improved at

Ultimately, Tameka wants to open her own

least 100 points and she eliminated thousands of

non-profit – a center for youth enrichment that pro-

dollars in debt before closing on her new home in

vides a gathering and learning space where young

September 2017. She managed to do it while pur-

people, among other things, can join the financial

suing a bachelor’s degree in human services, which

freedom movement.

she received from the University of Phoenix in May 2017.

In addition to the top prize, some nine other prizes ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 will be awarded to random winners from entries from states that

prayer and a plan

include California, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylva-

“I prayed and prayed and asked God to order my

nia and Texas. Founder and BDC Creator DeForest

steps and touch the people’s hearts who were mak-

B. Soaries, Jr. said he was pleased that so many of

ing decisions,” about her financial future, Tameka

the winners have changed their lives as part of the

said. “It changed my perspective entirely.”

financial freedom movement.

When asked to offer advice to others who may

“People across the nation are benefiting from

be reluctant or afraid to join the dfree® Financial

the dfree® belief that if we manage our lives well

Freedom Movement, Tameka said: “Taking the first

then we will use money strategically to reach our

step to gain more knowledge is the best thing you

life goals,” Soaries said. “We’re not teaching money

can do. If you don’t understand what overwhelming

management. This is a journey. It is a process and

debt can do to your future, you won’t take steps to

it begins by the way we think about ourselves, the

change it.”

way we think about our money and the way we plan

She said she didn’t realize how much money she actually had and what she could do with it to better

for our future.” Hear more from Tameka in this In The Black podcast (

utilize it until she started reading the books. “The dfree® program has helped me to realize that I am not alone in my debt challenges and it is possible to be debt free, with perseverance, determination and discipline.”

It’s a great loss if we don’t invest in our youth and prepare them.

By no means rich, Tameka said she’ll use the


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PREPARE YOUR OWN MEALS INSTEAD OF EATING OUT. Only eat out when you have included special occasions or motivational rewards in your budget.


CUT BACK ON IN-HOME ENTERTAINING or switch to pot-luck events where everyone contributes.


CUT BACK ON OR LIMIT HIGH-COST ENTERTAINMENT. Take advantage of free or low-cost entertainment provided by your city, county and state including parks, museums and concerts.


MAKEOVER PARTICIPATE in the dfree® 31-Day Makeover . Join at



TOOLS & TIPS If you’ve been tracking your

If you’ve been extravagant in

expenses, you should be aware of

achieving your current lifestyle,

how much money you’re spend-

it’s time to cut back and make a

ing on entertainment. Even if you

commitment to finding alternative

haven’t started tracking yet (start

sources of happiness. Taking a date

today!), you can probably estimate

to the movies can be fun but you’ll

how much of your budget goes to

interact much more on a date if

items such as eating out, going to

you have a picnic or walk through a

the movies, hosting parties, buying

museum. Remember, you can’t buy

gifts, paying for premium cable, etc.

quality time!

We all want to relax and enjoy life but many of life’s most enjoyable moments are free.


IT IS TIME TO REWARD YOUR LOYALTY AND DEDICATION! The Loyalty Program certifies member churches, organizations and friends of dfreeÂŽ as official graduates of the 12-week program and acknowledges their loyalty and continued dedication to the Financial Freedom Movement by providing benefits and tools for long-term success. For more information call 1-844-MY-DFREE


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While the fastest-growing group of entrepre-

neurs to showcase products and services that

neurs are African American women (see data

have a measurable impact on the lives of wom-

chart), finding investors is often problematic.

en and families, have the potential for commer-

Starting a business is one thing; getting access

cialization and fill a need in the marketplace.

to the capital needed to market and grow your

Members of the The National Association

business over time is quite another story. From

for the Self-Employed can apply for up to

initial seed money to working capital to keep

$4,000 Growth Grants. Small business grants

operations afloat, access to capital remains a

are useful for financing a particular need such

major barrier to many minority-owned firms.

as computers, part-time help, marketing mate-

While women entrepreneurs are often short-

rials, website creation and more.

changed when it comes to getting grants, is a central storehouse for infor-

loans and angel investments. But there are

mation on 1,000+ grant programs and provides

plenty of avenues available if you look in the

access to approximately $500 billion in annu-

right places.

al awards. It does not provide personal finan-

The Minority Business Development Agen-

cial assistance. Workspace enables

cy of the U.S. Department of Commerce as-

you and your colleagues to fill out webforms

sists minorities and women in establishing and

and apply together to create a workspace for

growing their businesses. Learn about grants

an open funding opportunity to begin.

available nationwide and access links to state

For those of you looking for angel investors,

agencies that work with women-owned busi-

you may stand the best chance of attracting

nesses for funding opportunities.

venture capital if you work with female-owned

InnovateHER is The SBA Office of Women’s

or African-American partners. For instance:

Business Ownership’s program that provides

37 Angels, a community of women inves-

grants and opportunities for U.S. entrepre-

tors, invests $50,000 to $150,000 as a net-



new channels of support, target potential in-

The Pipeline Angels create capital for wom-

vestors there or market your fundraising ef-

en and non-binary femme social entrepre-

forts to share with friends, family, colleagues

neurs. Its members serve as the friends and

and customers.

family round for entrepreneurs who may not already have support at that critical stage.

If these financing routes prove to be unsuccessful, don’t give up! Many entrepreneurs

In honor of Women’s History Month,start we their salute the heroines —own savings businesses with their viding opportunity for all, investing and in innovaloans from and friends. trendsetters, trailblazers game or changers —family committed to But before tive approaches to socialthe change and support youfemale tap into those resources, you may want to rewriting African American narrative. Women Donors Network focuses on pro-

movements through its Emergent Fund.

speak to a Financial Professional to help you

with a well-thought-out strategy. Click http:// Prudential is here to help you achieve your aspirations with market-ready products. to reand goals for long-term financial wellness. Dreamit works with early stage start-ups

You can also try business crowdfunding sites

quest to speak with a Prudential Financial Pro-

such as Fundable, which is an online platform

fessional in your area. He or she will contact

information, please visit us at to share For yourmore company’s story and value propyou. #PruEmpowers osition. To increase your visibility and identify Sponsored by Your Partners at Prudential dfree® and Financial Freedomare Movement™ the Corporate Community dfree™ and Financial Freedom Movement™ trademarksare of trademarks the CorporateofCommunity Connections, Connections, Inc., which is not affiliated with The Prudential Insurance Company of America Inc., which is not affiliated with The Prudential Insurance Company of America or its affiliates, or its affiliates, Newark, NJ. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial Newark, NJ. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition, content, liabilities and contractual obligations. condition, content, liabilities and contractual obligations. 0315570-00001-00



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View this short video ( watch?v=xONksYENX1k& to hear Prudential’s ShirleyAnn Robertson give advice on saving money. “Every month, you know first Sunday we do communion? Every month, I come home and I commune with my finances,” Robertson says, “That’s my trigger to remember, ‘After church, ShirleyAnn, go home and go through all my expenses.’” Robertson also warns us not to hide our mail and to open our bills.



REVIEW YOUR CREDIT REPORT TO GET A BETTER SENSE OF YOUR OVERALL DEBT AND YOUR PAYMENT HABITS. Your credit score will be higher when you have good habits. Do this, at minimum, annually.


REVIEW INCOMES SOURCES. If you don’t have a bank to help track income and savings, open an account at a local bank or credit union.


The first quarter of the year is a great time to dust off your budget and determine what adjustments


CREATE LIFE GOALS THAT WILL HELP you prioritize and create financial goals.

need to be made so that the rest of the year can be a success. Did you stick to your budget in 2017? Do you want to save more money in 2018?


Remember, your budget is a working tool that shouldn’t stay locked in a computer file or app. Every time you

Exercises in dfree® Lifestyle by DeForest B. Soaries, Jr.

need to make a decision involving

Example: Write down when you began to allow debt to influence or control you. Be as specific as possible. Do you think your choices were related to examples set by your parents or others? Example: Think about the barriers or obstacles in your life that are keeping you financially strangled and in debt. Write them down in a list. Start thinking about how you might overcome these challenges.

you will make an informed decision.

money, consult your budget so that

Now is the time to determine if you need a side hustle to splurge at Christmas, or to payoff the extra bills you accumulated from last Christmas. Don’t carry over excess baggage from last year! Keep your budget fit and healthy in 2018.


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Before I started talking about financial freedom to members of First Baptist Church of

track – all for something that could have been resolved with $20.

Lincoln Gardens, so many were struggling be-

For many of us, the trouble begins with

cause of debt. I remember one woman whose

something unavoidable – divorce, a death in

trouble started with a parking ticket that was

the family, a disease or job loss. Which is why

less than $20.

now is the right time to strategize and plan so

Because she did not pay the ticket, a war-

that you can stay on track, even if and when

rant was issued for her arrest and her driver’s

disaster strikes. You have to stay focused and

license and car registration were suspended.

take care of financial details seen and unseen.

One day, she was stopped by police, her car

How would you feel about yourself if you not

was towed and she was given a new summons

only became financially free but you actually

to appear in court. By the time this comedy of

started accumulating wealth? Accept that this

errors completely unfolded, along with a few

will become your reality and anticipate how to

more infractions of the motor vehicle laws, this

maintain focus, so that you won’t backslide.

woman had no car, no license and no transportation to get to her job.

By now, you should be using the money you’ve saved from paying off smaller debts to

Not surprising she then lost her job and her

regularly paydown larger debts. If you’ve re-

apartment, and ended up homeless. It took us

sisted the temptation to return to old habits or

more than five years to help her get back on

celebrate with a splurge purchase, soon you’ll


be ready to invest in yourself and your future.

it. Because it does – no one else is going to

Believe me, I know how difficult it is to resist

take care of you the way you take care of you.

those temptations. As you experience better

Most experts recommend that you should

health in your finances you may feel that go-

assume needing at least 80 percent of your

ing off budget every now and then won’t hurt,

current income to live on when you retire. If

especially if you’re better off financially than

you plan well, retirement is best thought of as

most of your friends and family.

a season when you have more choices of how

Even when you seem determined to stay

to spend your time because you have the se-

in your new mindset, today’s advertising has

curity of enough money to live on comfortably.

been designed to undermine your savings ef-

Yet in the past decade the number of bank-

forts. Advertising went from marketing func-

ruptcies declared by people 65 and older in-

tion to marketing feelings. The temptation is

creased by more than 150 percent! If you don’t

powerful unless we’re equipped economically

plan well, you may never be able to retire.

and emotionally. One of the best weapons is

So, how do you start now in order to have

to imagine your end years – retirement – and

a successful retirement? First, create a retire-

plan now to create the type of retirement you

ment fund to which you contribute monthly.


Next, have a specific goal – an actual dollar

Have you ever imagined what you’d like to

How would you feel about yourself accumulating wealth? do in your retirement? Many people have fanciful notions of retiring after they win the lottery or put in enough years at a caring company. Sadly, these options are not reality for most of us. You must

amount – that you have set as your retirement target. Finally, imagine what you want your later years in life to look like and take the necessary steps now to begin making it happen. There will be plenty of things that pop up in 2018 to distract you from your goals. If you haven’t yet, you need to form a support group of people who can help keep you focused on investing in yourself and your future. There’s no reason to take this difficult journey alone. If you don’t have anyone with whom to connect, your local church may be a good place to start or find other participants in the financial freedom movement at

plan for the future as if your life depends upon


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GROWTH TOOLS & TIPS Changes to the tax code will

companies, that have tax cal-

affect your 2018 filings, but

culators, which allow you to

how? It’s best to plan now so

plug in your numbers so you

you can adjust your spending

can get a good sense of how

where needed. Because some

the new laws will affect you.

of the changes affect tax deFind tax bill calculators at:

taxes, two people earning the


same income living in different

states will be affected differ-

The New York Times:


including those by tax service

The Washington Post:



& use tools in the my bdc dashboard If you’re like many Americans you

ductions for state and local

There are several websites,

join bdc

MAKE POWER CHANGES by choosing areas where you can cut back to pay off debt faster.

are drowning in personal debt, looking for a way out. The Billion Dollar Challenge (BDC) is a dfree® interactive web tool that makes it easy for people to change their lifestyles, use reliable budgeting techniques and get rid of debt as part of a journey toward financial freedom The BDC’s goal is to educate, inspire and enable participants to collectively pay down $1 billion in consumer debt by 2020. The chal-

2 3


LEARN ABOUT THE NEW TAX CODE, particularly deductions. You may not be claiming money to which you are entitled or you may be paying too much in taxes by doing things such as not claiming the right number of exemptions.


lenge is a free, national economic campaign made up of participants that are part of the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement as well as participants who sign up through the BDC website. BDC also provides support, through groups and rewards. join the challenge with a friend:

TAKE THE BILLION DOLLAR CHALLENGE The dfree® Mission: Pay Down a Billion Dollars in Debt Sign up individually or as part of a group at Win prizes!



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STRESSES LIFE INSURANCE, 401K & SAVING MONEY Some 50 young professionals recently met

and the Urban League of Union County Young

over brunch in Roselle, New Jersey to learn

Professionals (ULUCYP), featured Phroogal

what they should be doing now to become

Founder and Author Jason Vitug, ULUCYP’s

billionaires in the near future. By print time,

Orane Williams and dfree® Executive Director

more than 103 others had viewed a short vid-

Tamika Stembridge. Vitug, author of You Only

eo ( of the event’s Q&A

Live Once: the Roadmap to Financial Wellness

session to get a glimpse of the best ways to

and a Purposeful Life, quickly got the crowds

invest and save money.

attention by handing out shares of stock to

The Billionaire’s Brunch, sponsored by dfree® 22 | LIVING

participants who asked meaningful questions.

Vitug said many people are afraid to take

lives they could imagine. “Financial freedom

the plunge and make investments but when he

is just a piece of freedom in life,” she said. “I

asked how many people present had savings

want everyone to experience the freedom that

accounts, almost all raised their hands.

comes with your financially free life and your

“When you’re saving money, you’ve actually


dipped your toes into investing,” he said, assuring those attending that a key factor is to start small and grow. He had similar advice about investing what you can now and then growing later when it comes to 401ks at work, particularly since many companies match your investment. “If you’re company has a 401k, make sure you are participating otherwise it is leaving money on the table,” Vitug said. When asked about life insurance, Stembridge urged everyone to buy it as soon as possible, noting that younger and healthier people are charged cheaper premiums. While young people may not like to think about dy-

dfree ® Young Money Team Members Chloe Adams, Chanah McKenzie and Dayna Enalls featured with Phroogal Founder and Author, Jason Vitug.

ing, both Vitug and Williams shared stories of young friends who had passed away – one, without insurance because he was in between jobs and it didn’t carry over and, another who had insurance but hadn’t added a new child to it so someone else received the benefit. Stembridge opened the event by challenging the audience to live the “biggest, boldest”

Stay connected to for information on new dfree® Young Money Experience programming in 2018.


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Building Billionaires all 2018.

dfreeÂŽ Young Money is a movement designed to awaken and educate youth and young adults ages 12-27 on the importance of incorporating financial freedom as a daily lifestyle. Our goal is to reach youth and young adults where they are, through mediums and with messaging that is age - and interest - appropriate in order to authentically jumpstart their journey to Financial Freedom. 24 | LIVING

Make Money. Keep Money. Invest Money.

Join the Movement.

Visit MYDFREE.ORG for more information.



The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom,

Money Coach Lynnette Khalfani-Cox gets

she writes: “Excessive debt is an unnecessary

asked is how to improve one’s credit score.

weight that, left unchecked, just gets harder

While inquirers may be hoping for a quick fix,

and harder to bear. Debt holds you back from

establishing and maintaining good credit re-

living the life you want to live and doing the

quires thoughtful action, or as Lynnette likes

things you truly want to do. Debt destroys

to call it, a game plan.

your confidence in yourself and your ability to

“It’s incumbent upon us to learn how to

make smart financial choices.” The book of-

manage credit and debt wisely,” she said. In

fers a 30-day plan to jumpstart your financial

her New York Times bestseller, Zero Debt:



Debt holds you back from living the life you want to live. from debt to debt-free

website,, media ap-

Even though Lynnette was once a finan-

pearances and workshops including dfree®

cial journalist and is now debt free, she had to

conferences. She said she openly shares the

climb her way out of $100,000 in credit card

nasty details of her debt so that others won’t

debt – much of which she created while in col-

be ashamed of their financial mistakes.

lege. She faced a car repossession, charge-

“I also want you to know that you’re not

offs, collection accounts, late payments and

alone in your debt woes, and that no matter

low credit scores before taking three years to

how bad it seems, there is always a way out,”

“make it to the other side.” Once there, her life-

she writes. “I also reveal my story because I

style changes have kept her debt free for more

want you to take an honest look at your own

than a decade.

spending patterns.”

Now, she shares her success and practi-

Lynnette says her experience has shown

cal financial tips with thousands through her

that most debtors fall into one of two catego-


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ries: those who overspend and are poor mon-

also available for free if you’re a victim, in-

ey mangers or those who have suffered from

cluding adding a credit alert and/or a credit

one or more of the “Dreaded Ds:” downsizing,

freeze to your report (see https://askthemon-

divorce, death in the family of the main bread-

winner or disease. In any case, it’s possible to


turn things around but Lynnette calls for active vigilance.

“Monitor your bank and credit statements. Make sure there are no charges you haven’t

“Who’s going to care more about your fi-

authorized,” Lynnette told USA Today. “Active-

nancial and your credit health and your overall

ly monitor your credit all of the time, month

economic picture than you do? Nobody,” she

after month on all three credit bureaus.”

recently said during a USA Today interview regarding the 2017 Equifax data breach.

Although everyone should get their annual, free credit reports from the three bureaus (available from websites like www.annualcred-

stay vigilant about your finances and monitor their credit scores

That breach, along with others where hack-

( , Lynnette advises paying

ers stole vital information such as social secu-

the nominal fees or finding out how else you

rity numbers, has made more than half of all

may qualify for free reports so that you can

Americans victims of identity theft. Even if the

check your reports and scores more often.

hackers haven’t used the information yet, they always can. So, if you haven’t yet, one of the first things you need to do to protect yourself and your credit is to respond to the breach, Lynnette advises. Equifax, which joins Experian and Transunion

I also want you to know that you’re not alone in your debt woes.

as one of the three major U.S. credit bureaus, has set up a website with instructions for finding out if your data was compromised and what to do about it: Lynnette advises everyone, not just those compromised, to take advantage of the one-year free credit protection services. But she says there are other methods that are


She said she knows people are concerned when they have to pay monitoring fees, but most are worth it. She also said that many states offer protected groups free credit reports such as: people on government assistance; senior citizens; people age 16 or younger; members of the military; people who are victims of

identity theft; and, spouses and dependents



theft victims. Seven states even offer free credit freezes including: Colorado, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey,



North Carolina and South Carolina. Another

Lynnette Khalfani-Cox joins Dr. Oz to give advice to an audience member. Credit: The Dr. Oz Show.


ant tip related to the breach is

credit,” Lynnette said. “Of course, make sure

to file your taxes early in 2018, before crooks

they have good credit. Their good payment

have a chance to use your identity to try and

activity can help to boost your credit rating.”

steal your refund.

Ultimately, “there is a pathway to perfect credit” but you have to take it step by step and

countering the effects of ‘thin credit’ or no credit

learn more about your finances, Lynnette says. “Can you picture the day when all your

If you’re trying to rebuild or establish a cred-

credit card statements show zero balances?”

it profile, Lynnette says one of the best things

Lynnette asks. “It can and will happen, sooner

you can do is get a secured credit card, use

than you think, if you lay the groundwork for

it every month and pay the bills on time. A

your financial success.”

secured credit card is one where your limit is only as high as the cash deposit you put on account with a bank or credit card issuer in order to open a secured card. The great advantage is that the positive activity is reported to the credit bureaus. “You can also use a technique called piggy-backing, where you get added as an authorized user or co-signer on someone else’s


| 28



MAGGIE ANDERSON CALLS FOR ACTION Maggie Anderson wants you to “let

created in America if the black middle

down your bucket” (

class only increases its spending with

m7i) and do all you can to support black-

black-owned businesses from two per-

owned businesses – no excuses. She’s

cent to 10 percent of their total spending.

been called a racist, endured death

Author of One Black Year, Anderson and

threats and has protesters who follow her,

her family documented how a little sup-

all for trying to help “rescue the African

port can help black businesses when they

American community” while improving

lived for one year exclusively off business-

the American economy.

es and services provided by the African

“If you don’t even try, all of us fail,” An-

American community. Now, Anderson has

derson said during her keynote address

created to make it even

( in Newark for a

easier for you to find and support black-

dfree® King Day event on Jan. 16. “It’s not

owned businesses.

so hard...just do a little more.” She said one million new jobs will be


“Now how can our community be strong, how can we revitalize, as is our

theme tonight, if we don’t show the same

grocery chains in America while the num-

kind of economic solidarity and entrepre-

ber of black-owned grocery stores has

neurial excellence that the other racial

dwindled to single digits.

and ethnic groups and nationalities do?”

“The hard part of this work is making

Anderson posed. “How are we even going

sure our people participate,” Anderson

to call ourselves a community if we have

said, “to openly proclaim that support-

no economic control, no entrepreneurial

ing black businesses is right and neces-

fortitude or foundation? If our businesses

sary for our survival, and for our country’s

are not sound enough, strong enough and


supported enough to be passed on?”

If you don’t even try, all of us fail.

Learn more about Anderson and The Empowerment



ly/2E9Hr8U). The event was sponsored by: Urban League of Union County Young Professionals with dfree®, Rutgers Univer-

Anderson kicked off her speech by re-

sity’s The Center for Urban Entrepreneur-

minding the audience of Martin Luther

ship & Economic Development, the Urban

King, Jr.’s push to end economic injustice.

League of Essex County and ULEC Young

She quoted King as saying, “Philanthropy


is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” She also said that black-owned businesses funded the civil rights movement, including bailing King out of jail when needed. “We can’t celebrate black history without celebrating black businesses,” Anderson said. She later noted how the number of black-owned businesses in America has diminished while other ethnic groups are flourishing by comparison. For instance, she said, there are 48 Hispanic-owned

Author, Maggie Anderson, featured at a book signing with supporters.


| 30




The gender gap is widening, with it now predicted to take 217 years to achieve gender parity instead of the previously estimated 170 years, according to the World Economic Forum. Yet with efforts like #METOO, #TIMESUP and dfree®’s Women’s Empowerment, there’s no better time to #PressForProgress, as the 2018 theme of International Women’s Day, March 8. The focus on women continued throughout March, for Women’s History Month. What can you do to take a stand and join efforts without breaking the bank? Here are some ideas:


| 31

videos ( such as the UN’s Leave No One Behind ( or movies like Hidden Figures and discuss.


dvz), like nominating women for opportunities and questioning assumptions about women. > IF YOU’RE A WOMAN, take care of yourself > CONNECT TO WOMEN by becoming an active

mentor/mentee. > COMMEMORATE WOMEN who make a differ-

ence by doing so yourself. Decide how often you can volunteer, pick an organization, join and contribute regularly.

by meditating, starting a new exercise routine



or reading a woman-authored classic like Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. If you’re a man, take care of a woman you love by pampering her with foot and shoulder massages, home-cooked meals, etc. > INTERVIEW THE MATRIARCHS of your com-

> PLAN A WEEKLY ACTIVITY this month where

you and your family can learn more about women’s history, such as visiting museums or

munity, either on video or paper, and organize your results for the local historical society or library.

art galleries. > HOST A TRIVIA GAME NIGHT that focuses on > INVOLVE OTHERS by planning social me-

women or organize a neighborhood celebra-

dia posts that celebrate women and educate

tion of the women in your community.

about gender parity.

> IF YOU’RE A WOMAN, ask for a raise or review

the salaries of the women who report to you. If you’re a man who supervises women, do the same. > GIVE YOURSELF A RAISE by focusing on your

talents and what you do that you can turn into a business. > DETERMINE if you can double your savings

goals for the next 30 days. LIVING

| 32



MUSIC, MINISTRY AND MONEY Many people are shocked, then excited

You can be in the most horrible mood

when they witness Trunae Green and her

and if you listen to the right music it can

sister Trulyse Lands show up at a gig with

change your whole perspective,” said

their guitars.

Trunae, who serves as music director, lead

“They are petite women and people

guitar, background singer and writer. “As

think they’re little girls, yet they are gift-

it relates to music and ministry, we desire

ed and talented women,” said their aunt,

for our music to be life changing, to bring

Pastor Shon Brooks-Kidd, another mem-

inspiration to people, to bring them to

ber of God’s Gurls, also known as GG.

know God.”

“The looks on people’s faces -- when they plug up their instruments and start playing -- it’s always the best response!”

music in their veins

Born in the Atlanta-based Family Life

And once they’ve gotten your atten-

Missionary Baptist Church 10 years ago,

tion, God’s Gurls wants your commitment.

God’s Gurls presents a mix of contempo-

“Music puts people in a different place.

rary Christian gospel, traditional gospel,


jazz, R&B, and rap. Currently, the five-mem-

pel. It’s our prayer that when people hear

bers are rounded out by Shakiera Brooks

our music and our lyrics they’ll be led to

and Consuelo “Connie” Brown, prime lead

Christ. They’ll say, ‘I want to know that God;

singer. As they describe themselves: “God’s

I can have a relationship with that kind of

Gurls is a group of beautiful, saved, edu-


cated women who play and sing music as

God’s Gurls first album, released in 2012,

a band to glorify God.” They also run their

is being updated and re-released early in

own label, TruFaith Music LLC, and are

2018. The music is available on Amazon,

managed by the sisters’ parents, Bishop


Alfred T. Lands and Assistant Pastor Rose-

B0 09 NYUI24/ref=dm _ws _ sp_ ps _ dp),

mary Lands.


Their story is a family story of genera-


bum/gods-gurls/id567901230), and their

tions of pastors and singers, so several of


God’s Gurls grew up singing, dancing, play-


ing instruments and otherwise expressing

Trunae’s favorite song from the album

themselves through praise music. Shaki-

is one she wrote, Psalm 40, just after her

era, who is from New Jersey but joined the

Darien Brooks, a vocalist, who is cousin

We use our music as a tool to minister and to get people to open up.

to Trunae and Trulyse and Shon’s nephew.

grandfather’s passing. It’s about turning to

The family affair keeps the women laughing

God, trusting his plan and having patience.

group after moving to Georgia to attend Spelman College, is now married to Rev.

and humble. “Music can be life changing. That’s why there are so many different genres of mu-

“God spoke to me and told me to turn to Psalm 40 and the melody and everything just came,” she said.

sic,” said Pastor Shon, who sings lead and

For Trulyse, who sings lead and back-

background vocals. “Depending on what

ground vocals and plays bass guitar and

mood you’re in, you have to be careful to

drums, picking one favorite song is next to

what you listen to. If you’re blue and listen


to blues, you can become even sadder. If

“All of them are favorites, each for a dif-

you’re angry and listen to heavy metal, you

ferent reason,” Trulyse said. “I guess I relate

can become angrier. It’s why we sing gos-

best to the song entitled Sunday that en-


| 34


courages friends to get to know Jesus for

Shakiera added that too often women

real and stop playing! To see what He’s all

tear each other down while God’s Gurls

about. The ones that encourage people to

wants them to build each other up. The

come to church and be a warrior. You may

commitment includes a few serious yet

not understand yet but if you start speak-

achievable promises to: have a relationship

ing to Christ, you will.”

with Christ; maintain abstinence until marriage; be a true friend; value education; share success, and respect one’s self and others.

music and money

Aside from growing their ministry, God’s Gurls said they want to learn as much about the business side of the music in their souls

music industry as possible – especially

God’s Gurls has given themselves a chal-

since they occupy a space where those

lenge to use their ministry to recruit one

who request the group can’t always

million women to also become God’s Gurls.

meet their financial obligations.

They want women to become active in

“If your heart is right, we don’t mind

their spirits so they can live happier lives

being a blessing even if you can’t fully

and do more for themselves, their families

meet the financial obligations,” Trunae

and their communities.

said, noting that there is a practical need to

“We have a phenomenal campaign as

understand money and compensation. “We

part of our ministry. We talk to women

want to put out our very best. We want to

about living a lifestyle to glorify God,” Shak-

have the best production and best tour. We

iera said. “We want one million girls and

want our stuff to be 5-star and that just

women to join with us and take a stand in

can’t happen without money. Money is re-

being women of God. Often times, we have

ally a tool to further your goals. You also

people who say they are Christian but are

need resources to put work back into the

not committed to the lifestyle. We are en-

community and to be helpful to the com-

couraging women and helping them know


you really can live a life committed to God.”


Trunae said that her mother often talks

said. “If we’re only living check to check or robbing Peter to pay Paul, there’s not a lot of room for discussion because they are barely making it. We convince people there is a way. We use about being “free” in her ministry and that the concepts found in the dfree® Financial Freedom Movement align well with the goals of God’s Gurls. It’s helping them get a better handle on the music industry and their personal finances. Shakiera noted that even though moving to Atlanta for college was a positive experience, the student loan debt that she now

We talk to women about living a lifestyle to glorify God. has is not. She said that, had she been in-

our music as a tool to minister and to get people to open up. Many people are afraid. They’ve been hurt and taken advantage of, so they need to know there is safety in Jesus.” One of the top needs in her community, for instance, is for black families to buy life insurance. “People are afraid to talk about life insurance because they are afraid to die,” Pastor Shon said. “We make them feel comfortable and that they are loved, and with God and family there is always a way to make it work.”

troduced to dfree earlier, she would have

With their own work and that of their

made different decisions about college.

other signed artists, including Rev. Darien

But, now that she and her husband are

Brooks and rapper Brandon “B-Lat” La-

planning for their children’s futures, they’re

timore, God’s Gurls sees great expansion

using dfree® as a guide to become more

over the next 10 years.



“God has given us this gift to go out and

Pastor Shon said she’s also brought the

bring to others,” Trulyse said. “We’re bless-

dfree® concepts back to Milwaulkee, Wis-

ed and we want to be a blessing to others.”

consin where she lives.

To become one of the million God’s Gurls,

“Often African Americans don’t like to

fill out the form on the GG website (https://

discuss money because they don’t feel they

have any. They don’t feel they are wealthy,

gg). Follow God’s Gurls on Facebook, Twit-

so it’s not worth discussing,” Pastor Shon

ter and Instagram @GodsGurls.


| 36

“Now our struggle is for genuine equality, which means economic equality.� - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at a 1968 rally of Memphis sanitation workers. 37 | LIVING

with skillful and effective slogans.”

ago, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was

Harsh words, yes, but intended to en-

provoking America once again by demand-

courage us to have “a tough mind and a

ing economic justice. Although Dr. King ad-

tender heart,” as was the name of that

vocated for economic empowerment for

sermon. Dr. King’s principles are echoed

all, he openly called for specific support of

throughout the dfree® Financial Freedom

black businesses and the black community.

Movement, which teaches people how to

Dr. King was one of the most dedicat-

live better lives while practicing economic

ed preachers, prolific writers and eloquent

discipline. Biblically-based, wholistic in its

speakers America has ever produced. Yet,

approach and particularly focused on black

to this day, so many Americans know so lit-

communities, dfree® builds upon the legacy

tle about him that the Dodge team thought

of the civil rights movement.

it appropriate, on Super Bowl Sunday, to

In honor of Dr. King’s birthday, dfree®

use Dr. King’s words to try and sell cars. If

Founder DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., and dfree®

that team had finished listening to the very


same speech they used, they might have

both participated in important events that

heard Dr. King lambasting advertisers for

remind us of Dr. King’s continued relevance

trying to convince people their lives would

and of how much work is left to be done.




be better just by driving the right car. And

“One of the challenges of today is that

Dr. King didn’t just decide that day that

we’re surrounded by such silliness, such

marketing techniques designed to get peo-

frivolity,” Soaries says in an In The Black

ple to part with their hard-earned money


were wrong. This is what he said in 1959:

tainment drives so much of our culture and



“This prevalent tendency to lean toward

entertaining personalities are the cultural

soft mindedness is found in man’s unbeliev-

icons of this time in history. It almost dis-

able gullibility. Take our attitude toward ad-

tracts us from doing, thinking and saying

vertisements. We can be so easily lead to

things that are serious.

purchase a product because a television or

Martin Luther King encouraged us, and

radio advertisement pronounces it better

challenged us, and motivated us to live

than any other. Advertisers have long since

lives of purpose.”

learned that most people are soft minded, and they capitalize on this susceptibility


Shortly before his death, some 50 years

Soaries also participated in a very special King Day event (


| 38

that witnessed the likes of NFL Hall of Fam-

songs, when I was in nursery school, and

er Deion Sanders, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz,

I didn’t know why we were doing it then,

Rapper and dfree® Advocate Dee-1, Hip

but as you think about where we are today,

Hop Legend Brad Scarface Jordan, Olym-

I’m really thankful for having that experi-

pian and Protestor John Carlos, Hip Hop

ence because there has been this spirit of

Artist Rico Love, and Ex-Drug Kingpins the

freedom that’s traveled with me since the

Feurtado Brothers -- all under the same

early days,” Stembridge says in the digital

roof. Hosted by The Urban Specialists,


Soaries said he was excited by the group’s action and purpose.

April 4, 2018 marks the 50th Anniversary of Dr. King’s death. What will you do to con-

“Our people don’t look the same, our

tinue his legacy, to create economic justice

people don’t dress the same, but our peo-

and to live debt free? Share with dfree® at:

ple have a responsibility to pass on to fu-


ture generations a legacy of prosperity,


of power and of freedom,” Soaries says in this event video. “And now tonight, on the birthday of America’s great prophet, Dr. King, we have seen a coming together, from Brooklyn to Baton Rouge, of young men and women who have decided to make this country the America that Dr. King begged America to be.” Participating in MLK Day events across the country, the dfree® team also launched a partnership with BET by unveiling a new MLK Inspires Me Today video that features Stembridge and stars Mike Epps, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Michael Blackson, Jasmin Brown, Remy Ma, Tank, 50 Cent, Taraji P. Henson, Jussie Smollett, Jeff Johnson and Chloe X Halle. “Since I was a child, we sang freedom


| 39

We salute all of our (s)heroes and encourage you to make a difference by joining the Financial Freedom Movement. to learn how visit LIVING

| 40


LIVE A RICHER LIFE BY PLANNING FOR DEATH by DeForest B. Soaries, Jr. Many of the stresses we have in life we

dressed, my brother called me and said,

bring upon ourselves – not by what we do

“Daddy’s gone.” I thought he meant that he

but often by what we fail to do. We fail to

had been moved to a different room, but

consider the possibility that life will take a

what my brother was informing me was

turn we hadn’t anticipated. We fail to rec-

that my dad had died.

ognize that we’re more likely to have a dis-

In the process of doing this minor proce-

ability before we turn 65 than to die before

dure, of course, they gave him anesthesia.

age 65.

The anesthesia was stronger than it should

I have a personal experience that’s an ex-

have been and, as a result, it induced a

ception to that rule. When my dad was 47

heart attack and, at 47, my dad died. My

years-old he was admitted to the hospital

mother was 44. We had a sister who was

for minor tests. My dad was a school teach-

8 years-old. My brother was four years

er full-time and a minister part-time. When

younger than me. And it was just the shock

he went to the hospital, they basically had

of my life.

to do what today would require putting a

However, a week before my father died,

tube down your nose to look inside. But,

he took me to the bank, opened his safe

back in that day, they would literally cut

deposit box and he showed me all of his

you open to look inside, and they did that.

important papers. After 42 years of hav-

They cut my dad open. They looked in-

ing lost my dad, I miss him every day. But, I

side. They were trying to see if he had pol-

also think about the fact that I’m grateful to

yps in his colon. After the procedure, I went

have had a dad who had insurance so that

to the hospital to see him. He was in a pri-

my mother was not left destitute and home-

vate room and he was fine. The test went

less; a dad who had insurance on his bills

fine, and I went back to my house. I told him

– the mortgage on our house was literally

I’d stop by to see him the next morning on

paid because my dad had insurance on the

my way to the airport. I had to go to Chica-

mortgage. Although I miss him personally

go. The next morning, while I was getting

and emotionally, at least I have the comfort


of knowing that my dad had prepared for

be incapacitated, without proper planning

the future in a way that many people don’t.

having been made.

Insurance helps people get past grief.

Now that you’re focused, not only do you

Insurance helps families get over bumps.

need life insurance, you need: health insur-

Insurance protects people from being dev-

ance, short- and long-term disability insur-

astated completely when they lose a loved

ance, a health directive or a living will, auto

one. Also, the reality is that, insurance is

and home insurance, power of attorney and

one of the best strategies we can employ to

a will. It sounds like a lot, but an insurance

close the wealth gap between our children

premium is always cheaper than a medical

and other children.

bill. Estate planners report that as many

So many of us believe we can’t afford

as 70 percent of Americans each year die

insurance. Life insurance is not optional; it

without having a will in place. Let’s change

should be mandatory. And the sooner you

those statistics.

buy life insurance, the cheaper it is. Talk to a trusted and licensed life insurance professional to figure out what will work for you. Any insurance professional worth his or her salt will not charge you for this conversation. It doesn’t make sense to go through all of the strategies and steps I’ve suggested to save money, to earn money, to invest in assets – only to come to the end of your life and have all of the money go to sources which you don’t approve! Or to have all of your money eaten up by bills that you don’t have to pay, or to have all of your money go to a nursing home because you didn’t have long-term care insurance. So, protect yourself and eliminate stress before it comes.

We fail to consider the possibility that life will take a turn we hadn’t anticipated. We all know we’re going to die someday. Let’s protect our families and remove the extra stress. You not only want to leave your loved ones with a legacy of integrity, love and faith but you want to leave them financially secure enough to pursue their own dreams and adjust to life without you. Plan appropriately and you’ll also live a richer, more worry-free life knowing that you did everything you possibly could do to build a safety net for your loved ones.

Nothing is more stressful to a family than to lose a loved one, or to have a loved one


| 42

Style Expert Tai Beauchamp talks about risk taking, entrepreneurship and shaping your future. While growing up in New Jersey and attending Spelman College, Style Expert Tai Beauchamp didn’t know that she would one day run her own company. In fact, she calls herself an “accidental entrepreneur.” Having served as a beauty and fashion editor at some of the nation’s most prestigious publications, Beauchamp made the transition in 2006 when magazines were having “a difficult time.” In her first year, she learned major lessons – most involving finances. “At one point, I remember being afraid to talk about finances,” she says in a recent Prudential Cultural Insights video. Learn how she conquered her fears so she could “be intentional” in the video (http://bit. ly/2mUQLmY).



In honor of Women’s History Month, we salute the heroines — trendsetters, trailblazers and game changers — committed to rewriting the African American female narrative. Prudential is here to help you achieve your aspirations and goals for long-term financial wellness. For more information, please visit us at #PruEmpowers dfree™ and Financial Freedom Movement™ are trademarks of the Corporate Community Connections, Inc., which is not affiliated with The Prudential Insurance Company of America or its affiliates, Newark, NJ. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition, content, liabilities and contractual obligations. 0315570-00001-00


| 44



KEEPING IT RELEVANT: dfree® at FBCLG The hardest part of running a dfree® ministry, even at the church that started it all,

topics that are relevant today, such as identity theft, it helps create a buzz.”

may be getting people involved, agreed

Deacon Brooks and Smith plan on build-

First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens

ing upon their recent successes and also

(FBCLG) dfree® Ministry Co-Leaders Joy

agreed that the best part of advancing

Smith and Deacon Tony Brooks. Yet, re-

dfree® is helping people start life-changing

cently, the dynamic duo witnessed more


than 400 people show up for a dfree min®

istry tax seminar.

“If you have the mindset of budgeting and managing your finances and you do

“People wanted to learn about, stay on

so with a great deal of discipline then you

top of and prepare for the new tax reform

can weather many storms,” Deacon Brooks

laws,” said Smith, who joined dfree in 2016.

said. “But if you don’t have the mindset of

“As new topics come up and as we identify

financial freedom and you’re addicted to



| 46

spending and consuming and not owning

and concepts are based on the Bible and

then you can find yourself in constant fi-

the way in which God would have us live

nancial despair. It’s great to have an impact

as stewards of our finances” said Deacon

on people and help them become empow-

Brooks, who joined dfree® in 2012 and who

ered to the point where they realize they

leads many of the classes at FBCLG. “One

are able to change their situation regard-

of the first things we do within dfree® is to

less of what it is or how old they are. Once

get everyone to understand that it is about

they become enlightened they become

a change in attitude.”

empowered and you bring about change, one person at a time.”

Along with helping others, both Smith and Deacon Brooks have personally bene-

Founded in 2005 by FBCLG Senior Pastor

fited from becoming dfree®.

DeForest B. Soaries, Jr., dfree® is a financial

“When I joined the dfree® ministry, I was

freedom movement that addresses the cul-

actually unemployed,” Smith said. “It helped

tural, psychological and spiritual influences

me make smart decisions and helped me

on financial wellness and offers practical

make a real estate investment and become

strategies for achieving financial success.

a property owner. It helped me realize, no

As the only faith-based, wealth-building

matter where you are in your financial situ-

system specifically designed with the black

ation dfree® should be a part of it.”

community in mind, dfree® delivers access

Smith said soon after she joined she

to financial freedom. By 2010, dfree was

started making better financial decisions,

featured by CNN in a 90-minute docu-

such as buying a used car for cash instead

mentary, Almighty Debt (

of financing a new car. The different think-

FT6ey), an installment of the Black in Amer-

ing also encouraged her to plan long-term.

ica series, hosted by Soledad O’Brien (view

At FBCLG, there are usually at least a

a clip here,

dozen people involved in every dfree® class

Today, the dfree® movement is internation-

cycle and many offer compelling testimo-

al and has helped thousands of families and

nies during church service every fourth


Sunday. Sometimes people are hesitant to


“One thing that sets the dfree® move-

join because they think they’ll have to share

ment apart from other financial move-

personal information but Smith and Brooks

ments or financial literacy programs is that

emphasize that personal information is not

dfree is faith based, so all of the principles




“We let people know whatever is said in class stays in class. I stress that we should have a great deal of respect for anyone who does talk about their personal situation,” Deacon Brooks said. “Thus far, we’ve had no problems with gossip or rumors or anything of that nature.” And plenty of people are willing to share their testimonies because they want to help others. “I’m very passionate about this because I’ve had to deal with financial challenges throughout my life, whether it was due to a loss of a job or illness in the family,” Deacon Brooks said. “So, I realize the importance of having control over your financial situation. It’s very important to have financial freedom.” “I give my testimony and let people know that when I have difficult financial decisions to make it’s always wonderful to have a plan, but a plan backed by God is an awesome thing.,” Smith added. “There have been times I didn’t know what to do. As humans, we sometimes think we have to have the answers, but we don’t have all of the answers. That’s why it’s so important to take this journey with God. Your relationship to God makes it successful.”

Once they become enlightened they become empowered and you bring about change, one person at a time.


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Author of Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% of Your Time on 10% of Who You Are, Life Strategist Sheri Riley recently appeared on the dfreeÂŽ In the Black podcast ( to discuss attaining peace, living purposefully and how it all relates to financial freedom.

Riley, a former record label executive, helped introduce artists including TLC, Toni Braxton and Usher. Play a clip from the podcast -- on peace, clarity and courage -- here (


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