Creative Talents - NFT Magazine

Page 20

Guest writter: Tino Belasco


NFT Creative Talents

Bitcoin Pizza Day On May 22, 2022 I attended an event in San Fran-

As I approached the club I noticed several people

cisco, CA celebrating Bitcoin Pizza day.

out in front enjoying the beautiful San Francisco

For those who don't already know, May 22 marked

weather, and music coming from inside the venue.

the 12 year anniversary of the first retail transac-

With the understanding that there would be free

tion involving Bitcoin. 2 pizzas for the low low price

pizza at this event, I forewent eating lunch, and was

of 10,000 BTC, (an estimated $296,000,000 pizza at

consequently famished.

present) purchased by Laszio Hanyecz. Sadly, and to my surprise, there was not even one A San Francisco pizzeria, Sunset Squares Pizza

slice of pizza, which I found odd considering the

hosted a global event in collaboration with PizzaDAO

title of the event was Bitcoin Pizza Day, hosted by an

at Temple nightclub in San Francisco. This event

NFT Pizza joint, and they presented free pizza as one

happened globally, (Vancouver, Chicago, Buenos

of the perks of attendance.

Aires, LA, Seoul, London, SF, and more.) The event was branded to have free pizza, an NFT exhibit, and DJs. I was thrilled to experience an IRL event celebrating crypto and NFTs, and to support other local NFT projects. As I approached my parking spot, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and anticipation for what I was about to experience.


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