October 2019 - BiZ

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Recognition of Tim Thompson Tennessee Economic Development Council Lifetime Member Award See page 2

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Economic Development Council recognizes Thompson Recognition of Tim Thompson for the Tennessee Economic Development Council Lifetime Member Award – Sept. 26, 2019 In 1992, Tim Thompson came to Economic and Community Developement. He was managing the Governor McWherter’s Office in Knoxville when it was announced that he would be coming over to ECD. We were used to political appointments coming and going, but Tim showed us right away that he wasn’t just interested in a position, he wanted to make an impact. He poured his heart into the job and quickly earned the respect of the communities and people he worked with. Now, we know that recruitment was very different back then. We didn’t have websites, gps, online maps, site information, or other data at our fingertips. When companies were looking for locations, they made a phone call and put their trust in the hands of economic developers. So, before Wikipedia and Google Maps, there was Tim Thompson. He has

a mind for retaining facts that is amazing. If you ask him the score of a UT game back in 1972, he can tell you that plus who made the big plays and what the weather was like. We know that Tim is a big Vols fan. And, you know about General Neyland’s 10 maxims. So, in keeping with that theme, I’ve boiled down three maxims of Tim Thompson that I want to share with you. Maxim 1. If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t exist. A key to Tim’s success was that he

knew his product. He knew every industrial site and building in the 18 county region and the community data that went with them. He knew the partners in every county and made sure that information was kept up to date. He would often tell communities “if it’s not on the list, it doesn’t exist.” Maxim 2: If you’re not early, you’re late. Tim also knew his region. We didn’t have google maps to map out a prospect visit, but Tim knew how to get everywhere and how long it would take because he’d driven it all. If there was road construction, a fogged in airport, or some other delay, Logistics Tim would instantly recalculate the route, and keep it all on schedule. He could take a prospect to 6 or 8 counties in a day, and he would be sure that the visit stayed on schedule. And, if at the end of the day he could fit in one more site or building, he would do it. Maxim 3: Give others the recognition. We all know that economic developers don’t create the jobs and investment, but they lay the framework for companies to take that risk. Tim

built trust with companies that he had their interests at heart. He also built trust with communities - no one could accuse him of playing favorites. He has a special interest in helping the most distressed areas, and he’s told me he is most proud of some of those company locations. He would go the extra mile to make prospects feel comfortable with the area, including once diverting a site visit of Japanese prospects to take their picture with a camel that they spied randomly in a field in Scott County. Through all of these accomplishments, Tim was never one to take the credit – and he always made sure that others were recognized. During his 27 year career at the Tennessee Department of Economic & Community Development and The Anderson County Economic Development Association, Tim has been involved in over 100 projects that created 18,000 jobs and three and a half billion in investment. — Beth Phillips Institute for Public Service University of Tennessee

State awards Threestar Grants to 59 Tennessee counties NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Bob Rolfe announced today the 59 counties that will receive ThreeStar grants. In total, TNECD is awarding $2.4 million in funding to Tennessee communities through this round of the ThreeStar grant program. The grants will be used for a variety of local community development initiatives, including education, workforce development, health, entrepreneurship and economic development programs, among others that are prioritized by the communities.

“These 59 ThreeStar grants will help counties all across Tennessee invest in vital community development initiatives,” Lee said. “I’m eager to see these programs strengthen the quality of life, access to workforce training programs, and economic opportunities for our residents in rural Tennessee.” “The ThreeStar grant program has

a proven track record of success, and I’m pleased to announce this year’s grant recipients,” Rolfe said. “TNECD is proud to assist communities that are committed to improving their workforce readiness and quality of life with these types of innovative local programs.” ThreeStar promotes economic and community prosperity through collaboration to positively impact every Tennessean. For the third time in the past four years, all 95 Tennessee counties gained ThreeStar certification. To be eligible for ThreeStar grants, each county must meet all ThreeStar certification requirements, develop an

asset-based strategic plan and design a program to implement a goal from its strategic plan. The 59 counties were selected out of 78 applications.


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Start planning for holiday parties now By G. CHAMBERS WILLIAMS III chambers@mycouriernews.com

It’s already October, which means party time is not far away. The holidays are coming fast, so if you’re planning your annual holiday party bash, either for family and friends or for your workplace, it’s time to get started with your planning, the experts say. Whether you’re planning to feed 25 or 250 (or more), you’ll want to decide soon how you’re going to do that, which can range from picking up a variety of party trays at the supermarket to hiring a professional caterer to help you navigate through the event. Caterers serving Clinton and the surrounding areas are numerous, and their experience, capabilities, and, most importantly, their menus can vary widely. The choices they offer are numerous as well, including not just the foods, but also the level of service – from preparing food you can pick up from them yourself, or doing a complete catering job on your preferred site for you, says Sheri Hartzog, owner of Sassy Pants Sweets & Treats in Oak Ridge. “Some people want us to come set up and serve, while others are happy to have us prepare the food and let them take it from there,” Hartzog said. “Some want to have just finger foods and desserts, while others might want to serve full meals.” The recent trend in Hartzog’s business has been for more of the “small bites” dishes such as small quiches and mini cupcakes, which she says is more cost-effective. “Most people will eat four or five small bites, what we call finger foods,” she said. “That can cost as little as $10 a person, and you can have a bigger variety. Others might want to serve a full meal, which usually means “chicken

John Daugherty, operating partner at Coal Creek Smokehouse and Catering in Rocky Top, prepares a pulled-pork barbecue plate at the restaurant. The facility has catered events as large as 500 guests.

or beef, a vegetable, a starch, and a salad,” she said. “We can do that for as little as $10 a person, or more, depending on the menu. But you can take the same $10 and get a smallbites spread with a bigger variety.” Caterers prefer as much advanced notice as possible, especially during the holidays when they can get booked to capacity very quickly, they say. “For us, we ask for at least a week,” Hartzog said. “We like even more time for a larger event,

perhaps two to three weeks.” Darlene Hamock, who runs Hamock’s Perkadeli & Catering in Clinton, said she has already begun booking for Thanksgiving, and most of October was already booked when the month began. “For the holidays, we like to have two to three weeks’ notice, but even more that that if possible,” Hamock said. “Once we’re booked up, we won’t be able to take any more orders.” She said her business is mostly

full meals now, where not too long ago the small bites and finger foods, including desserts, were more popular. “We do have menus for both,” she said. Her prices typically range from $15 to $20 per person, with the higher prices including complete on-site service, including plates and tableware. “I like for people to make their own menus, so we’re pretty flexible,” CATERING continued on page 4




Elena Weaver, general manager of Coal Creek Smokehouse and Catering of Rocky Top, moves a tray of fresh baked potatoes in the restaurant’s kitchen. Next to the potatoes is a pan of fresh-baked cornbread.

Proud to be a Member


Hamock said. “But that does take more notice. We also have casseroles to go.” Hamock regularly caters events ranging from 75 to 350 people, but has also done all-day events for 1,000 or more, such as car-dealership grand openings and similar jobs. She also does a lot of catering for local industrial plants, some of which require her to provide food for three different shifts over a single workday. Her best advice for those who want to have a holiday party: “Plan ahead, don’t wait until the last minute.” Hartzog’s menu at Sassy Pants is heavy on baked goods, including cakes, pies and cookies, and she said plenty of notice is crucial for anything that must be baked. “There is only so much oven space,” she explained. Pies are the favorites of her catering customers around Thanksgiving, and December is when people want cookies, she said.

OCTOBER 2019 “We call December our ‘cookie palooza.’ I’ve done as many as 100 cookie platters for a single event, with each platter containing three dozen cookies.” At Coal Creek Smokehouse in Rocky Top, catering has become big business, said general manager Elena Weaver. The restaurant has catered events of up to 500 people, service full meals of barbecued pork or chicken, side dishes and desserts. Coal Creek’s prices start at $10 a person, and usually involve serving the meals buffet style, Weaver said. “We have gone up to $25 a head when there were special menus ordered,” she said. She likes to have at least a week’s notice for a catering job, and even longer for a large party. But she said Coal Creek has turned an order around in just 24 hours. “If it’s not too big a job, I usually can make it happen with only two days’ notice,” she said. “There’s not much we would say no to. We’ve even done all-vegetarian meals. We’ll do what people want; it doesn’t even



Here are some do’s and don’ts from the catering professionals:

have to be something on our menu.” Coal Creek regularly caters small or large parties, brunches, lunches, dinners and even some Chamber of commerce breakfasts, Weaver said. But, she added: “It’s a good idea to book early for the holidays.” As for serving alcoholic beverages at parties, there are lots of choices in how to handle that, Sassy Pants’ owner Hartzog said. “You can buy beer and wine yourself and have that on hand for your guests, or you can hire a licensed bartender or one of the companies that does on-site adult beverages,” she said. “If you’re going to have alcohol in a large setting, it’s necessary to have someone checking IDs and cutting people off if they’re overdoing it. For that reason, it’s good to hire a pro. “My best advice is that you don’t have to have alcohol to have a good time,” Hartzog said. “But if you’re serving wine, make the wine complement the food, not be just a way to drink alcohol.”

• Give the caterers plenty of time. • Be prepared to pay a deposit of as much as half-down. • Have some flexibility. • Be realistic about how much you want to spend. “Some people have Pinterest expectations without that type of budget,” Hartzog said. “Life is not Pinterest.”

Darlene Hamock, owner of Hamock’s Peradeli & Catering of Clinton, prepares a crowd-favorite chicken salad croissant at her business as her granddaughter Macie Richardson, 8, looks on.

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Third graders visit Farm Day

On September 19th, 3rd graders from all around Anderson County attended Farm Day. Students learned about different aspects of farming from local organizations and volunteers. Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine introduced the students to Veterinary Science, Local 4-H students taught the 3rd graders about nutrition, the FFA students of Anderson County taught about cattle farming, Anderson County Sheriff’s Office showed students how Animals could be trained, TWRA Agent Lankford showed

Nikki Swisher teaches 3rd grade at Norris Elementary.

students different examples of furs, local farmers showed students tractors and many different animals commonly farmed in TN, and the highlight of every student’s day was the ice cream provided by Mayfield Dairy Farms. Huge thank you to Farm Bureau

Insurance Anderson-Clinton Agency for providing the students with a hay ride around the fair grounds. Students from both Lake City Elementary and Norwood Elementary School also had the opportunity to speak with Lt. Governor Randy McNally and State

Representative John Ragan about what they liked about school and what they would change about the school year. To quote one student, “I think we should go fewer days every year and start school in September and not August.” All of his class mates agreed.

From left, Phillip Warfield with ACCTC, Jason Langford of TWRA and Amanda Massengill with ACCTC helped organize the Farm Day events.

9th and 10th grade students tour Ray Varner Ford facility Ray Varner Ford hosted a tour Sept 11th for CHS 9th & 10th graders from ACCTC’s introductory level automotive class. The purpose of the tour was to learn about the variety of local careers associated with the

automotive industry. 22 students participated with their teacher David Wood. Students enjoyed meeting staff members who are former ACCTC students & getting an upclose look at the shops & equipment at the

dealership. The trip was followed up with a Lunch & Learn seminar on how students should prepare for college programs & work based learning opportunities in their junior & senior years with a presentation by

ACCTC assistant principal Nathan Wade. Local businesses interested in hosting student groups should contact CHS GEAR UP coordinator Hoppy Merryman at 865-963-8467 to arrange events.





Mrs. Jenna Sharp Receives East TN Principal of the Year Each year, the Tennessee State Department recognizes outstanding principals through the Principal of the Year process. Recently, Commissioner Penny Schwinn announced the regional finalists. Mrs. Jenna Sharp, principal of Clinton Elementary School, has officially been named the Principal of the Year for the East TN Region. “Strong leadership is vital to the success of our students,” Schwinn said. “I’ve traveled the state and have seen first-hand how leaders positively impact our students on a daily basis. These are the people who go above and beyond for our kids and educators. It is my pleasure to recognize and celebrate these dedicated leaders who support education across the state.” The Tennessee Principal of the Year award is given annually to a school leader for outstanding service in education and exceptional leadership that drives overall improvements in his or her school. To qualify, candidates must have a minimum of three years’ experience as a principal and a minimum of five years’ experience in Tennessee public schools. In addition, all nominees must have a proven track record of exceptional gains in student learning. Jenna Sharp is one of 9 finalists across the state who will compete for the 2020 Tennessee Principal of the Year. The winner will be announced at the annual LEAD Conference in Nashville in November. Director Kelly Johnson stated, “We could not be prouder of Jenna and the leadership that she has provided to our district. Her passion for public education and her servant leadership is foundational to the success of Clinton Elementary

United Way Partners with CCS: PowerUP!

Jenna Sharp, Principal of the Year.

School. We know that leadership is key in creating a culture of high expectations and teacher collective efficacy. She keeps students at the center of her decision making and seeks out the potential in both staff members and students. She is welldeserving of this recognition, and we look forward to her progressing in the process.”

Clinton City Schools will begin using the PowerUp Your School Fitness and Learning Program thanks to the United Way of Anderson County. Schools receiving the program include Clinton Elementary, North Clinton Elementary and South Clinton Elementary. “We’re excited to provide this opportunity for Clinton City School students. It aligns with both the education and health focus of United Way and engages students in learning in a fun, active way,” said Naomi Asher, Executive Director of United Way of Anderson County. PowerUp Your School is an evidence-based physical activity program aligned with academic standards. Students build upon reading and math skills through exercises, activities, and games. “The mission of Coordinated School Health is to improve student health outcomes as well as support the connection between good health practices, academic achievement, and lifetime wellness. We choose to implement programs, like PowerUp Your School, that provide an opportunity to get students moving and reinforce what they are learning in the classroom,” said Laura Roberts, School Health Coordinator.

“We’re grateful for this partnership with United Way and their support of Clinton City students.” The three elementary schools will offer the PowerUp Your School program before school as a way to energize students and prepare for the school day. As a result of participating in the exercises and games, students will be more focused and engaged when they enter the classroom. The exercises and games will help get students ready for the school day. The PowerUp Your School program is now in ten school systems across Tennessee, Texas, and Georgia.





Football team visited Tennessee Wesleyan.


Makerspaces at Work Libraries are taking on a new look across Clinton City Schools! While literacy remains the focal point, students are also using some of the library space to create, innovate, and problem solve using a variety of materials. Technology and library classes are collaborating at Clinton Elementary School to provide students a unique STEAM learning experience. For instance, Mrs. Massengill, CES librarian, read a book to second grade students about going to the moon. Mrs. Burton, technology instructor, then assisted students with inventing an item that they could take with them to the moon if they were able to go. Students were required to use information they learned in the book in their creation. First, they designed their invention on paper. Then they had to build a replicate of their invention using Legos. Student engagement was at an all-time high!

Adults walking in the room could see and hear collaborative talk, critical thinking, creative plans, and active hands. One student commented that this activity allowed her to think in ways she wasn’t able to think in the regular classroom. She stated that she learned that it is much easier to put thoughts down on paper than it is to build them with materials. Several students went back and revised their plans on paper once they saw flaws in their plans building with the Legos. This is the intention of makerspaces. We must allow students to become flexible thinkers who are not afraid to take risks and try new things. There is power in failing and revising a plan to make it better. Starting this process at a young age is essential. We are only exploring the tip of what Makerspaces can do! We can’t wait to watch it grow among our Clinton City Schools!

Gilgamesh Comes to North Clinton Elementary

The Volleyball team made a college visit to tour Carson Newman.

CHS Athletics made a huge statement about priorities on Friday the 13th as Volleyball & football made college visits in route to their respective games. “This was a great day for our kids”, commented Athletic Director Brad Collette, “it shows them there is more for


them after high school”. Volleyball toured CARSON NEWMAN in the early morning & Football made a stop at Tennessee Wesleyan in the afternoon. “It’s about finding your future”, says GEAR UP Site Coordinator Hoppy Merryman who arranged the tours.

Sixth grade students produced a live production of The Epic of Gilgamesh at North Clinton Elementary. They traded in their identity as a student for a character in this ancient Mesopotamian mythological story. The play was written by Ms. Jyl Smithson, sixth grade teacher at North Clinton. She was inspired to write this play as an extension of her social studies standards and to give students the opportunity to experience acting on a stage in front of an audience. Students took their role seriously and became integrated into the characters in which they were representing. The play included

some moments of humor, sadness, and conflict. Audience members were amazed at the quality in the props and acting ability of the students. Watch out, Clarence Brown Theater! There are some up and coming actors and actresses coming your way soon from NCES!






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Fast Pace Urgent Care

350 S. Charles G. Seivers Blvd. Clinton, TN 37716 http://https://www.fastpaceurgentcare.com

Herron-Connell Insurance Group 665 A Emory Valley Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830 865-483-8483 http://www.herronconnell.com

CUB – Silver

Malone Staffing Solutions

520 J.D. Yarnell Industrial Parkway Clinton, TN 37716 615-763-5198 http://www.malonesolutions.com

Parkmed Urgent Care

115 B S. Illinois Ave. Oak Ridge, TN 37830 865-483-4040 http://parkmedurgentcare.com


Lindsey Wilson College — Bronze

111 Acuff Lane, Clinton Corner of NAGAF Road and Highway 61


Call to be placed on our waiting list

Southern Bank of Tennessee — Bronze

THANK YOU FOR YOUR RENEWAL! Anderson County Community Action Anderson County Democratic Party Anderson County Election Commission Anderson Crossing Pharmacy AT&T Tennessee Diversicare of Oak Ridge Farrar Lynch Insurance Agency, LLC Fox & Farley, Attorneys at law Gondolier Italian Restaurant Granny’s Attic Johnson & Co. General Store Momentum Broadcasting Myers Family Dentistry Oak Ridge Heritage & Preservation Association Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee RE/MAX Tri-Star Shoney’s of Knoxville, Inc. – Clinton Shoney’s of Knoxville, Inc. – Oak Ridge Summit View of Rocky Top SunTrust Bank Tennessee Orthopedic Clinics, P.C. Trademark Advertising LLC. US Cellular

Individual Membership Michael Vudragovich





Dr Tim Parrott of Anderson County Schools was joined by the staff of ACCTC Early Head Start and members of the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, September 26 for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony of the newly opened ACCTC Early Head Start location at 140 Maverick Circle in Clinton.

Southern Bank of Tennessee president, Sam Short, is joined by the staff of the bank and members of the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce for the ribbon-cutting on Friday, October 4 to commemorate the unveil the bank’s new name. Southern Bank in Clinton was formerly known as The Community Bank of East Tennessee.

Shabby Remakes owner Teresa Crabtree along with family, friends and fellow Chamber members celebrated her ribbon cutting on Wednesday, September 25 at the new Market Street location in downtown Clinton.

Faith Promise - Anderson campus pastor Robbie DeJarnette is joined by pastors and staff of Faith Promise Church and members of the Anderson County Chamber of Commerce for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, September 20. Faith Promise opened its new location at 1115 N Charles Sevier Boulevard at the beginning of September.

Fall Antique Festival Starts Friday Friday, October 11th: Kick-Off Party 6-10:00 pm

Enjoy the Fall Festival’s Kick-Off Party by visiting the shops of Historic Downtown Clinton, • Tennessee for extended hours. Enjoy multiple food vendors thoughout the Festival and take in some live entertainment with music by The Real McCoy’s.

Saturday, October 12th: The 19th Annual Clinch River Fall Antique Festival

• 8:00 am: Over 100 antique vendor and artisans will be set up until 5:00 pm! • 9:00 am: Enjoy a blast from the past with antique cars located on Main Street. 11:00 am: Ready to enjoy a cold one? The Beer Garden officially opens for the day. • Participants must be 21+ and have valid U.S. ID to enter. • 5:00 pm: The 19th Annual Clinch River Fall Festival comes to an end!

Friday, Oct. 11 6 to 10 pm Saturday, O ct. 1 9am - 5pm 2






Thursday, October 10, 11- 12:30 p.m.

Community Partners

Fast Pace Urgent Care

Ribbon Cut at 12 noon 350 S. Charles G. Seivers Blvd, Clinton 865-290-2313


Clinch River Fall Antique Festival Kick-Off Party Friday, October 11, 6 – 9 p.m. Historic Downtown Clinton 865-457-2559

19th Annual Clinch River Fall Antique Festival Saturday, October 12, 9 – 5 p.m. Historic Downtown Clinton 865-457-2559

RIBBON CUTTING Monday, October 14, 3 – 4:30 p.m.

Tennessee Valley Coalition for the Homeless Ribbon Cut at 5:00 pm 130 N. Main St., Suite 1, Clinton

NETWORKING COFFEE Tuesday, October 15, 8 – 9:30 a.m. In Collaboration with Rocky Top Chamber

Holiday Inn Express & Suites 111 Hillvale Rd., Clinton

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


BUILDING DEDICATION Thursday, October 24, 9 – 10 a.m.

ASAP of Anderson

131 S. Charles G. Seivers Blvd. Clinton 865-457-3007


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