Taylorsville Journal | February 2022

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February 2022 | Vol. 9 Iss. 14




t was a harrowing morning for 12-year-old Taylorsville resident Lucas Mann last fall when he spotted a man hiding in a window well at his family’s home on Quailbrook Circle (near 4800 South 2100 West). Many saw the extensive news coverage of the incident. The suspect was accused of firing a gun at police moments before Lucas spotted him. Shortly after fleeing the window well – where it appeared he was trying to break into the home – the suspect shot and killed himself. While, thankfully, sensational crime cases like this are few in Taylorsville, the city’s Public Safety Committee has decided 2022 is the year they want to redouble their efforts to assist residents in being more safe and secure. “We are focused this year on building back up our (citizen) neighborhood watch program in Taylorsville,” said Public Safety Committee Chairman Tony Henderson. “The city has a goal this year to address crime more proactively by engaging with residents about crime prevention. Right now, only a handful of active neighborhood watch groups are being effective. In 2022, we want to help the city grow that number.” An eighth-grade math teacher at West Hills Middle School, Henderson has served on the Taylorsville Public Safety Committee, literally, since “day one.” He was a founding member of the committee back in 1996, before the city was officially incorporated. This is his third stint as committee chairman. Unlike, say, the Cultural Diversity Committee or the Historic Preservation Committee, the Taylorsville Public Safety Committee does not have citizens banging down the door to join them. Some might say the quiet, workhorse committee doesn’t have VirTra police safety training helps to teach officers how to make split second, life-and-death law enforcement decisions. (facebook.com/virtrasystems) Continued page 5

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Kearns basketball

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Taylorsville wins region cross country championship By Greg James | g.james@mycityjournals.com


aylorsville captured a cross country region championship and placed well at the state finals. “This year was great,” Warriors cross country head coach Guy Mackay said. “We accomplished some things that had not been done here in 17 years. It was 2004 the last time T’Ville won a region championship. Then to make it out of the first round of state was even sweeter.” The season kicked off Sept. 1 with the Region 2 pre-race at Roy High School. The Warriors boys’ team placed fourth overall behind Cyprus, Roy and West. The results were just the beginning of what turned out to be a successful season. Sophomore Noah Tucker and junior Jaydale Hansen finished seventh and eighth at the pre-region race, top finishers for the boys’ team. Sophomore Reagan Vanderlinden finished seventh for the girls. As the race season continued they ran in the Timpanogas Invitational, Park City Invitational, Pre-state and the Royal Run. The girls’ team took home a fourth-place region finish. Vanderlinden finished sixth overall. Michaela Medico, Emma Buhler, Shaelyn Openshaw and Grace Seaman participated and finished well for the team. The boys won their first region title in 17 years. “These kids are great. Not only did they run well, but they are great ambassadors for the school,” Mackay said. Freshman Cole Jameson finished second overall in Region 2. His teammates, Preston Gledhill and Noah Tucker, placed third and fourth. The rest of the boys’ team was not far behind them. Jaydale Hansen, Ethan Tucker, Jacob Wright, and Kai Makowski all finished in the top 25. Jameson has become an accomplished runner. He finished second in his age group

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Taylorsville runners Preston Gledhill, Noah Tucker, Ethan Tucker, Cole Jameson, Jacob Wright, Joseph White and Jaydale Hansen celebrate their region championship. (Photo courtesy of Teren Jameson)

at the AAU cross country nationals held in Tallahassee, Florida, last winter. At the state meet held Oct. 27, Taylorsville finished 17th in the boys’ division. Vanderlinden was the only girl to compete. “Next year I return all but two members of the team. There is definitely some excitement for next season. We would like

to build on the successes of this year,” Mackay said. Cross country running is a fall sport, usually for grades 7-12. Teams of five or more runners race together at the same time against the other teams. The top five finishers from each team are used for scoring. The runners’ finishing places are to-




The Taylorsville City Journal is a monthly publication distributed directly to residents via the USPS as well as locations throughout Taylorsville. For information about distribution please email brad.c@thecityjournals.com or call our offices. Rack locations are also available on our website. The views and opinions expressed in display advertisements do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by Loyal Perch Media or the City Journals. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the owner. © 2019 Loyal Perch Media, Inc.

Page 4 | February 2022




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taled and the team with the lowest score wins. The racecourses often take place in public parks. Last season the race was run at the regional athletic complex in Rose Park. It has been held for several years at Sugar House Park. l

Ty Gorton Amanda Luker Stacy Bronson Anna Pro




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Continued from front page a lot of “pizzazz.” But that seems to suit the soft-spoken Henderson just fine. “We have about six active committee members,” Henderson added. “We meet at city hall on the first Thursday of each month. People are welcome to join us. We’ve decided to refocus on the neighborhood watch program this year, to help people become more active in protecting their homes.” Taylorsville City Police Chief Brady Cottam supports the goal, provided citizens keep in mind they should never take the law into their own hands. “The neighborhood watch program should be a strong goal for the Public Safety Committee, because that is where the rubber meets the road,” Chief Cottam said. “The city police department benefits from the program. The more eyes and ears there are watching for criminal activity, the better. Of course, we don’t want citizens approaching or engaging suspects. But if they notify us of suspicious activity, that is a big help.” When the weather warms in a couple of months, Henderson’s committee plans to reach out to neighborhood groups one-on-one. “We plan to organize several outdoor meetings in different neighborhoods this spring, to talk with people about what is involved in organizing neighborhood watch groups,” Henderson explained. “We can provide them with some training. I would guess, right now, there are only three to six active neighborhood watch groups in Taylorsville. I’m not sure how many members each group has.” Henderson says there’s a pretty consistent pattern for the birth and death of neighborhood watch programs. First, incidents occur in a neighborhood, riling residents up to become active. After they do, crime decreases or arrests are made. Once things “quiet down,” neighborhood watch groups quite often disappear. “These meetings (this spring) are really an exploration, to determine whether we can help create and maintain more neighborhood watch groups over a longer period of time,” he added. While growing the neighborhood watch program is their primary goal for 2022, the Public Safety Committee closed out 2021 with one of its most interesting and intense activities ever. For the committee’s early December meeting, they invited several Taylorsville elected officials to join them on a field trip. “We took a field trip to a site in Murray, operated by the Utah Attorney General’s Office, that provides intense, immersive police training,” Henderson said. “About a dozen of us went. The training shows scenarios of armed criminals. When you step into the training area, you are surrounded by life-size videos showing dangerous suspects and situations. As trainees, we are supposed to try to de-escalate the situation. If we can’t, we have laser guns to ‘shoot’ the suspects.” The creator of the training, called “VirTra,” is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona.

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Interactive VirTra police safety training is popular among Utah law enforcement agencies. (facebook.com/virtrasystems)

“VirTra helps prepare law enforcement officers for real-life incidents through stateof-the-art simulators and surreal scenarios,” the company explains on its website (virtra. com). “Upon stepping into the simulator, officers are immersed in de-escalation, judgmental use of force and other scenarios that build skills which translate to the field. VirTra’s mission is to save and improve lives worldwide, through realistic and highly-effective virtual reality and simulator technology.” Cottam, who attended the field trip, describes VirTra as “a video game on steroids.” “I am a police training instructor, so I have seen VirTra training hundreds of times,” Cottam explained. “It is good train- VirTra police training is interactive, with trainees “shooting” lasers guns. (facebook.com/virtrasystems) ing. I believe most of my officers have had it. I plan to put all of them through it again Anna Barbieri added. “What is shocking is “I love for our civilian society to do this year or next. I have to admit, I was how quickly things can escalate. I gained this training because they learn how difficult chuckling a bit as we took (civilians) into an appreciation for what remarkable police split-second decisions can be,” Cottam conthe training. I told everyone at the start of officers we have.” cluded. “I don’t want to be overly-dramatic. the class, ‘you will not be able to sleep toBarbieri wasn’t quite as “green” as sev- Our officers don’t face these situations evnight.’ The word traumatic comes to mind.” eral of the other citizen trainees. A few years ery day. But they always have to be ready to “I had a (VirTra training simulator) ago she and Public Safety Committee mem- make extremely difficult decisions.” scenario where I was going into a dark ber Lynette Wendel went through a 12-week Henderson described the night as movie theater after a gunman and it was citizen police academy together where they “probably the most interesting and intense really intense,” Taylorsville Mayor Kristie were exposed to this type of training. Wen- field trip our committee has ever participatOverson said. “It was valuable to me, to del was also there this time around. ed in.” learn what our police officers face when “It’s not fun and games; it’s shock and The next Taylorsville Public Safemaking split-second decisions. Wow, it was awe,” Wendel said. “You can’t really feel ty Committee meeting will be Thursday very scary.” empathy for someone until you have walked night, Feb. 3, at city hall. Anyone interested “It’s amazing training; (in my simula- in their shoes. The simulator gave us a taste in learning more, or joining the committee, tor scenario) I had someone six feet away of the challenges our police officers face. It should contact Chairman Tony Henderson at from me with a knife,” City Councilwoman was intense.” tonysown@msn.com or 801-898-7201. l

February 2022 | Page 5

Parents in Granite District urged to monitor students’ social media amid recent threats By Heather Lawrence | h.lawrence@mycityjournals.com With the widespread use of smartphones among teens and preteens, the district is finding a number of apps being used for cyberbullying, sexting and accessing pornography. While many of these apps can be used for wholesome purposes, we strongly recommend that all parents be proactive in monitoring smartphone use. New apps with questionable content or features are being developed all the time. Becoming familiar with the types of apps are on you child’s device will help build trust and keep unwanted content out of their hands.

A parent’s guide to apps

MESSAGING APPS There are several apps that act as f ree alternatives to text messages sent over regular phone and data plans. These apps are typically seen on iPods and tablets, but are also common on smartphones. A few of these messaging platforms are popular networks for sexting because users feel a greater sense of privacy than typical phone text messaging services.


APPS FOR HIDING THINGS Many applications exist for the sole purpose of hiding things f rom plain view. In many cases these apps allow users to hide photos, messages, and even other apps the user may want to keep secret. Some of these apps have deceptive names or icons (Calculator%). Other apps provide platforms where users can post anonymously.


SOCIAL APPS Social media and other interactive apps are commonplace among all smartphone users. However, many of these networks contain adult material not far removed f rom popular content. Others are notorious for cyberbullying, and many allow private messaging and photo sharing between strangers. It’s important to know how your child uses these apps




Apps for sharing photos and videos have always been popular among teens. Many of these apps do not have content filters, and privacy settings are sometimes nonexistent. Live streaming apps are also popular among teens. These platforms allow users to connect via live video feed. Oversharing and chatting with strangers are common issues.

Dating apps typically allow users to create profiles complete with personal information and photos and browse other user profiles. It is possible for users to create anonymous or misleading profiles. Private messaging features help users arrange to meet in person. Some applications have specifically been designed to match users for casual sexual encounters.










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A tip sheet created by GSD after online threats in December will help parents monitor their students’ social media. (Granite School District)

Page 6 | February 2022


hreats posted on social media disrupted schools across Utah and other states in December. A vague threat went viral about something planned at “GHS” on Dec. 17. In Granite District, a Matheson Jr. High student was taken into custody “in connection with a threat” on Dec. 16. “We’re seeing posts and reshares of content across the state. It’s inundating us this morning. The police have been all over it. These [online threats] are very difficult to track,” said GSD spokesperson Ben Horsley on Dec. 16. The threats were shared via TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram. They caused a “major disruption” to the school day. The district responded with a letter to parents and increased police presence on some campuses. Horsley said that parents, not schools, are responsible to monitor or restrict students’ social media accounts. “There are 62,000 students in our district. We have no way of monitoring social media accounts for all of them. That responsibility falls to the parents,” Horsley said. The letter from GSD urged parents to be proactive in learning what social media their kids use. "As soon as you are able, please check your student’s smartphone device for any of

the following social media platforms: Snapchat, Instagram or TikTok," the GSD letter to parents stated. The letter continued, “Tell your children that threatening posts should not be shared, but instead reported immediately to a trusted adult.” Thankfully, nothing came of the Dec. 17 threat. Horsley said it was vague and lacked credibility, but he reiterated that GSD takes any threat seriously. Threats can always be reported anonymously on the SafeUT app or by calling the Granite Police Department at 801-481-7122. Students who make threats “for fun” or “as a joke” can face serious consequences. Criminal charges include a felony charge of making a terrorist threat, and school and district level discipline also apply. Those consequences and the possibility of real violence are reminders that parents need to know what their kids are doing online. Technology can be hard to keep up with, but GSD said not knowing how to monitor a child’s account can’t be an excuse. Horsley said parents may have to restrict students’ access until they educate themselves. “The frustrating thing is parents who don’t understand the technology, but are allowing their kids access to it, are calling on the school to monitor their kids’ social media accounts. If parents don’t have the ability to monitor a child’s social media, please remove or restrict their access,” Horsley said. Legally, minors must be at least 13 years old to create social media accounts. Snapchat’s Terms of Service state, “No one under 13 is allowed to create an account or use the Services. If you are under 18, you may only use the Services with the proper consent of your parent or legal guardian.” Other platforms have similar rules which are agreed to when you click “accept.” If your child has created a social media account without your consent, there are ways to delete it if you choose to. If your kids are on a family media or phone plan with you, research how you can monitor their activity. Paid parental control software like Qustodio, Bark and Net Nanny are also available. In the case of December’s threat, Granger High principal David Dunn told parents to look for specific usernames. “We are looking for a user account on [Snapchat, TikTok or Instagram] that goes by evil eye, serenity or yelizaveta. If you identify any of those user handles, please contact Granite police at any time,” Dunn said. Even without specific usernames, parents and guardians should be generally aware. The tip sheet from GSD “Knowing What’s on Your Child’s Smartphone” will give parents an introduction on what to look for. Any threat, bullying, or inappropriate social media use should be reported. l

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February 2022 | Page 7

District’s new Mobile Gradebook app helps parents monitor student’s progress By Bill Hardesty | b.hardesty@mycityjournals.com


ranite School District (GSD) recently expanded its tools for parents to engage in their child’s educational progress by releasing the Mobile Gradebook app. The Mobile Gradebook is available for iOS or Android devices. “We want to make monitoring your student simple and easy. This mobile access gives student grades and other progress at the touch of a mobile phone anywhere you have data access,” Ben Horsley, chief of staff for GSD, said.

Features in Gradebook “The No. 1 factor in student success is parental involvement. Students whose parents have the ability to monitor and support their students have a better chance at success. This tool helps provide mobile access to critical information regarding a student’s educational progress,” Horsley said. The mobile-friendly Gradebook is an extension of the Gradebook available on the parent portal on the district’s website. “You can instantly see your children’s grades. You can see if that means missing assignments. You don’t have to wait until the end of the term to find out what the report card looks like,” Meredith Harker, a third-grade teacher at Calvin Smith Elementary said. “If there’s a problem, you can get it taken care of earlier rather than later. It lets you have conversations with your kids about their progress

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Parents can now watch their child’s educational progress with a tap of a mobile app. (Photo from Unsplash.com)

in school. It helps you be more involved as a parent in your child’s education.” Parents have access to crucial information on either platform. • Attendance: Parents can view their child’s attendance and tardy record in detail or summary form showing total numbers for each class. • Assignments: Parents can see non-Proficiency Based Learning (P.B.L.) course assign-

ments. They can see when assignments are due and which assignments are missing. A current course grade is also displayed. • Course request: If available, students can request courses for the following year. • E-mail notification settings: Parents can manage daily or weekly notifications. The daily notification shows attendance for that day. The weekly notification supplies a weekly attendance/tardy summary and the current class grade. • Progress reports: While not a requirement at all schools, parents can see their student’s mid-quarter progress reports. • Report cards: Parents see all final grades for each quarter. Parents can also see the overall G.P.A. and C.P.A. for each quarter. This means no more making Fs into Bs like in the olden days. • Skills: This is for elementary students. Students are given a 1-4 citizenship type grade. • Standards (P.B.L. courses): Parents can see the current grade and the standards and assessments their child has completed, and the proficiency score. • Student schedule: Parents can see the upcoming schedule for the week or for the entire year. • Testing: Parents can see D.I.B.E.L.S. and A.C.T scores. • Transcripts: For grades seven to12, parents can see all courses, grades, and credits

earned in real time. The Mobile Gradebook app is not available at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. It is only available as a download from the district website. Detailed download and installation instructions are available on the GSD website. Other apps for parents The Gradebook is part of a suite of other portal apps for parents. • The Student Center app provides testing results on statewide standardized tests and historical student data. • The PayPAMS app is a secure online school payment system for such items as school meals. • The PickATime app allows parents to schedule parent-teacher conferences. • The Contact Card app allows parents to update phone numbers and email addresses. • The Add a Student app allows parents to link their children under their account. • The Back to School Online Registration allows parents to complete student registration online. • The Canvas app is a learning management system used by some teachers. If used, students complete assignments, quizzes, etc., online. In turn, parents can see their child’s Canvas account. l

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Guaranteed not to clog for as long as you own your home, or we will clean your gutters for free! February 2022 | Page 9

Wellness Bus helps get residents on the road to better health By Darrell Kirby | d.kirby@mycityjournals.com


f West Valley City residents have a goal in 2022 to improve their health, they need to get on the bus. It’s the Wellness Bus, the University of Utah Health’s mobile clinic where people can get free health screenings, nutrition counseling, and lifestyle coaching and education to help them live a healthier life. The Wellness Bus is parked each Monday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Redwood Recreation Center, 3060 S. Lester St. (3100 South just east of Redwood Road). Times and locations can change, so it is recommended people view

their schedule on Facebook (Utahwellnessbus) or Twitter (@UtahWellnessBus). Step inside and community health workers will measure blood pressure, heart rate, glucose (blood sugar) level, cholesterol, and body mass index, a ratio of weight to height. The information gathered can also help determine if a person is more susceptible to (or already has) diabetes or other conditions, according to Nancy Ortiz, Mobile Health program manager at the University of Utah Health. “We’re just there to help them make lifestyle changes,” she added. Any additional health history offered by

The University of Utah Health’s Wellness Bus is at the Redwood Recreation Center in West Valley City every Monday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to offer free health screenings and information. (Darrell Kirby/City Journals)

clients can help community health workers and registered dietitians on the bus determine if there are deeper issues that need to be addressed at traditional medical facilities. “We don’t have medical providers on the bus,” Ortiz said. “We like to say that we identify (potential problems).” Clients who don’t have adequate financial means can be referred to free and lowcost clinics for further diagnosis and treatment from doctors and other medical professionals, she added. Most people who visit the Wellness Bus don’t have insurance and it’s not required. Inside the bus on a Monday morning in January sat Maria Hernandez, a retired nurse from Venezuela. She has worked on the Wellness Bus since its inception. “I love to work with the community helping them in the area of prevention,” she said. “Diabetes is a big problem if people don’t take care of it. This is the reason that we are here.” Pacific Islanders are especially vulnerable to diabetes. Statistics from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that Pacific Islanders are 2.5 times more likely to be diabetic than the non-Hispanic white population. More than 3% of West Valley City’s population is Pacific Islander, according to the 2020 Census. A world map inside the Wellness Bus is dotted with pins showing the native countries of the clients who have visited the clinic on wheels. “It’s really interesting to talk to people who came from different countries,” said Vika Havili, who has helped with health screenings on the bus since April 2021. The Wellness Bus began rolling in 2018 in part with a $5 million donation the previous year from the Larry H. and Gail Miller Family Foundation, which supports organizations and programs that provide health, wellness and other resources to improve the lives of individuals and families. Larry Miller died in 2009 of complications from diabetes. That’s one of the major conditions that the Wellness Bus helps people address through education and directing them

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to resources for treatment. In fact, the bus is a key part of an initiative called “Driving Out Diabetes.” Besides West Valley City, the Wellness Bus makes weekly visits to Kearns, South Salt Lake and Glendale. “We go there because they have high rates of diabetes,” Ortiz said. Hernandez encourages people in West Valley City to visit the Wellness Bus to get on the road toward a healthier life. “This is my passion,” the 75-year-old said. “Giving service, helping everybody.” For more information, visit wellnessbus. org. In addition to the Wellness Bus, the Redwood Recreation Center will host a free weekly nutrition education program, Journey to Health, starting in March. Text 385-226-5131 to register. l

Pins on a world map inside the University of Utah Health’s Wellness Bus indicate the native countries of people who have visited the mobile clinic. (Darrell Kirby/City Journals)

Taylorsville City Journal

Setting up chairs at the basketball game is only part of the responsibilities of the school’s AD. (Greg James/ City Journals)

State bill proposed to help athletic directors’ continued education By Greg James | g.james@mycityjournals.com


wenty minutes before the West Jordan High School basketball game, Carlson Boudreaux is checking to make sure the referees are set in the locker room so the game can start on time. His team has the court set up with chairs, music and cheerleader entertainment. Over the past decade, the job of being the school’s athletic director has changed. They now oversee more than just game setup. Certification of athletic directors enhances administrators’ ability to better serve the school and community. “Twenty years ago being an AD (athletic director) was mainly game-day operations,” Copper Hills AD Ben Morley said. “Making sure officials show up, the scorer table is set up, ensuring the halftime performance and scheduling the busses. Now that is the easiest part of the job.” Current responsibilities of school athletic administrators include much more than pregame jobs. “The essential components of being an athletic director is managing the coaches, keeping them in compliance. Related to that is keeping the athletes in compliance also,” Morley said. All of these extra responsibilities have been added to their job description, but with no additional compensation or certification required by the school. The coaches they supervise need more certification than they do. Most athletic administrators, on their own, have achieved the extra certification with no extra compensation. State Bill 67, sponsored by Sen. Michael K. McKell, proposes a supplement for the school AD to encourage the training they can achieve. “I could not be more in favor of certification,” Morley said. “The recognition and validation of this job is supremely important. Becoming an athletic director encompasses several duties. Coaches and player eligibility are a big part of their jobs. “Coaches, assistants, and players take up

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a lion’s share of my time,” Morley said. “There is a reason that colleges have compliance officers. That is all they handle.” At Copper Hills, the athletic department oversees more than 100 coaches and volunteers. “We have 26 varsity programs. Football alone has 12 assistant coaches. Each of those coaches needs to pass coaching fundamentals, CPR training, background checks, concussion training, and child abuse training. One of the difficulties is that many of our coaches are paraprofessionals (they do not work at the school). Many think they are just helping out the team, but they still need to pass these courses,” Morley said. In the last two years, high schools have added cheerleading, girls wrestling, and lacrosse to their varsity programs. In the near future boys volleyball could be added. In the US nearly 11 million students participate in after-school activities. “The CAA (certified athletic administrator) would be eligible for a salary supplement,” current Granite School District Athletic Director Chris Shipman said. “In our eight high schools, we have several that already qualify for the stipend.” Additional training can help the student-athletes stay safe from future sports problems. “Name, image, and likeness are coming. A famous athlete that wanted to make money can if they don’t use school resources,” Morley said. “The dark side is that it will make high school recruiting a bigger thing. One more carrot a good team can dangle in front of an athlete.” Jordan School District recently hired an athletic director to oversee its district programs. “I think districts are waking up to the importance of the job. I teach one class but am a full-time athletic director. Our athletic staff is dedicated to the program,” Morley said. “It is the world we live in and we should learn how to manage it.”l

February 2022 | Page 11

Learn about notable Utah African Americans for Black History Month By Karmel Harper | k.harper@mycityjournals.com


ntil the November 2020 elections, slavery in Utah was still legal as punishment for a convicted crime. According to Article 1, Section 21, in Utah's state Constitution, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within this State." However, on Nov. 3, 2020, Amendment C, which bans slavery in all forms, passed with 81% of the vote. Utah House Rep. Sandra Collins, who sponsored Amendment C, said, “Our constitution serves as a basis for all of our laws and policies. We need to be clearer about what prison is for and what prison is not. The notion of ‘slavery or involuntary servitude’ should not be imposed on people merely because they are convicted of a crime. By passing this measure, we will assert that slavery is not a Utah value.” Although slavery in Utah was not widespread, some Utah pioneers held African-American slaves until 1862, when Congress abolished slavery in all of its territories. Brigham Young sent three African-American men as part of an advance party in 1847 to clear brush, trees, and rocks to make a road for pioneer wagons. These men were Green Flake, Hark Lay, and Oscar Crosby. Their names appear on a plaque on the Brigham Young Mon-

ument in downtown Salt Lake City with the inscription: “Green Flake, Hark Lay, and Oscar Crosby, Colored Servants.” Kristine Murdock, a historian, and administrator for Our Kaysville Story Facebook page, said, “After Green Flake and his wife Martha Crosby (also a slave) were freed, they settled in the Salt Lake Valley. They were members of the LDS Church and very loved in the community. They are buried in the Union Cemetery Cottonwood Heights, Utah.” However, some Utah slaves’ stories were tragic. 1n 1858, when he was only 3 years old, Gobo Fango of the Xhosa tribe in South Africa was given to white property owners Henry and Ruth Talbot after famine afflicted the Xhosa. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Talbots set sail from South Africa to Boston in 1861, where they would join the gathering of saints in Salt Lake City. The Talbots smuggled Fango aboard in a wrapped carpet, but Fango was reported to have provided entertainment and helped take care of the sheep on-board once the ship set sail. After traveling west to Utah, the Talbots eventually settled in Kaysville. According to an article by the University of Utah’s Marriott Library, Fango’s feet froze one year

when the Talbots allegedly forced him to herd animals in bare feet. When someone suggested that one of his feet required amputation, he said he ‘would rather have part of a foot than none at all.’ It seems that part of his heel was removed, but that doctors did not amputate his foot at the ankle. Years later, a woman reported that Fango would place wool in his boot so that his foot would fit into it and he could walk. He left the Talbots and worked as a laborer for the Mary Ann Whitesides Hunter family, who lived in Grantsville, Utah, roughly between 1870 and 1880. He was listed as a “servant” (likely employed as such) in the 1880 U.S. Census living in Grantsville. Fango settled in the Goose Creek valley of Idaho territory by the 1880s and worked as a sheepherder. However, tensions between sheepherders and cattlemen in the area led to Fango’s murder by cattleman Frank Bedke, who was acquitted. Fango, who was described as generous with a cheerful disposition, dictated his final will and testament before succumbing to his gunshot wounds. He bequeathed half of his estate ($500) to the Salt Lake Temple Construction Fund. Nearly 45 years after his death, Talbot and Hunter’s family members could not find evidence of Fango’s membership in the church and thus performed his baptism by proxy in the Salt Lake Temple on Sept. 20, 1930. The U of U article said, “Because Fango was a Black African, he could not be ordained

to the priesthood posthumously, which would have made it possible for him to receive other LDS liturgies by proxy. As Louisa Hale wrote to a historian seeking information on Fango in 1934, ‘a Negro cannot hold the priesthood. So [performing his posthumous baptism] was all we could do for him. I, of course, feel that he is more worthy than many that do hold it.’” As February is Black History Month, we honor the stories of African Americans who have shaped this country and state. Notable African American Utahns include Mignon Barker Richmond (1897-1984), who was the first African American woman to graduate from a Utah college and was a human and civil rights activist, and Anna Belle Weakley-Mattson (1922-2008), an astute businesswoman who was a significant force to Ogden’s growing Black community in the 1900s. Daybreak’s Club for Diversity & Inclusion places staked signs around Oquirrh Lake in South Jordan to honor Black History Month, displaying photographs and the history of notable African Americans. Visitors can enjoy the sights and sounds of the lake while learning more about these exceptional individuals. Vanessa Janak said, “I think knowledge is power. And I think when we as a community can take even small opportunities to lean in and learn about people who aren’t just like us, it helps us become closer, appreciate others and their differences, and foster a greater sense of purpose and belonging. For everyone.” l

A member of the Daybreak Diversity & Inclusion club places a sign at Oquirrh Lake for Black History Month. You can visit the lake in February to read about notable African Americans. (Photo courtesy Vanessa Janak)

Page 12 | February 2022

Taylorsville City Journal

Multi-million-dollar state grant to help fund infrastructure improvements needed for planned apartment complex By Carl Fauver | c.fauver@mycityjournals.com


t’s been nine months since the Taylorsville City Council unanimously approved a zoning change, clearing the way for construction of the largest apartment complex in the city’s 25-year history. But so far, no swinging wrecking balls or busy bulldozers have been spotted on the 16.49-acre site southwest of Bangerter Highway and 5400 South. In fact, the only real change to come so far has been the massive project’s name. Initially, Salt Lake-based Thackeray Company, L.C. had branded its planned 647 apartment units – and at least 10,000 square feet of retail space – “West Point.” Now they’re calling it “Volta.” But while dirt has not yet begun to fly, a lot of behind-the-scenes work is being completed to allow the physical changes to get underway later this year. Most of that preliminary effort is up to the developer. But Taylorsville City has millions of dollars’ worth of work to get done, too. “For starters, we have to upgrade sewer lines along 5400 South and on 3200 West and 3600 West from 8” lines to 16” or 20” lines, to serve all the new residents (who will move into the completed Volta complex),” said Taylorsville Economic & Community Development Director Wayne Harper. “We expect sewer and water line improvements to cost about $3.5 million to $4 million. But with how high construction costs have gone over the past year, it could go as high as $5 million. That’s why this state grant is so important.” That grant is $2.5 million the state has pledged to the city. It’s the largest state grant award Taylorsville City has ever received. Harper started in his city position nearly 10 years ago, in March 2012. In that decade on the job, he’s never seen anything like it. “The largest state grants I can recall the city receiving were more like $10,000 to $50,000,” he explained. “So, this is a huge grant.” In addition to his work for the city, Harper also represents Taylorsville as a state senator (Republican, District 6). As a Utah lawmaker, he’s well aware of how the state came up with the grant funding and what the requirements were for applying to receive part of it. “During the last state legislative session, lawmakers set aside $85 million for infrastructure upgrades, mostly for sewer and water projects,” Harper explained. “Then they set aside another $35 million, with that grant money requiring matching funding from applicants. For the grant funding (Taylorsville City) is receiving, we had to demonstrate to the state we have matching money available.” Harper added that $2.5 million was the most money any applicant could receive. As of mid-January, only four of those $2.5 million grants had been awarded by the State. The grant funding is not expected to actually land in Taylorsville City coffers for a cou-

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A grocery store, strip mall shops and a Kmart – nearly all long vacant, at 5400 South and Bangerter Highway – are to be razed this year, to make room for 647 apartments. (Carl Fauver/City Journals)

ple of months. But City Engineer Ben White says that delay won’t be an issue, because there are still many project details to iron out. “It’s still premature to talk about a (construction) timeline,” White said. “For the water and sewer line improvements, we don’t yet have a contractor or even a design. The developer has not even submitted building permit requests yet.” Everyone involved believes construction on the massive project will begin sometime this spring or summer. For years, the dilapidated site has been home to vacant structures, including former Albertsons and Kmart stores. At least one of the adjacent strip mall stores does remain occupied and open for business. But it is surrounded by boarded up storefronts and weeds growing through cracks in the parking lot asphalt. Harper says the local water utility will also pay a portion of the sewer and water line upgrade. “The Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District will fund part of the infrastructure improvements; but right now, we aren’t sure what portion that will be,” he added. “They will collect impact fees from new residents who move into the apartments to cover their costs.” Mayor Kristie Overson is pleased with the way “Team Taylorsville” (city employees) went after the state grant funding. “Whenever there is (potential grant funding) money out there, we go after whatever we can get,” Overson said. “We are very good at scouting out opportunities. We were thrilled to be awarded the state money.” Harper says this pool of state money available for community grants is partially due to all of the federal COVID-19 funding Utah has received. But there are other reasons it’s there, too. “Our state has a great economy now – our best economic conditions since 2005 to 2007, before the Great Recession,” he said. “You

This artist rendering shows some of the planned Volta apartments. (thackeraycompany.com/multi-family/ volta-taylorsville)

look at our two percent unemployment rate. It’s great. It’s been an unusual year or two.” Since there is still no firm date on when Volta construction will even begin, it’s anyone’s guess as to when part of it will actually be completed and accepting renters. But once it is habitable, Thackeray Company brass are confident people will want to live there. “Volta is a one-of-a-kind urban multi-family and retail development,” the company explains on its website “Residents will enjoy sweeping views of the Wasatch Mountains and Oquirrh Range from the comfort of their modern and conveniently located apartment. Not only will Volta be a contemporary and modestly-priced residence, but it will feature unmatched amenities with gyms, pools, coworking spaces, dog parks, walking paths and access to retail and restaurants.” When the city council approved the zoning change required for the Volta project last spring, Thackeray explained the 647 apartment

units and 10,000 square feet of commercial space would be surrounded by nearly a thousand parking stalls, some on two levels. “This is going to be such a significant upgrade to that area,” City Planner Mark McGrath said at the time. “This property will be second-to-none in Taylorsville in terms of appearance and walkability. We also hope this project will lead to higher quality (residential and retail) projects going in along 5400 South, west of this property.” Part of the city’s new water and sewer line construction is scheduled to continue west on 5400 South, beyond the Volta acreage, specifically to accommodate anticipated growth in that area. But as for the many questions neighboring residents have – starting with “When will you screw up my commute with all your construction?” – city officials still don’t have any firm answers. l

February 2022 | Page 13

Taylorsville graduate building her artistic cookie business one icing stroke at a time By Carl Fauver | c.fauver@mycityjournals.com


rowing up in Taylorsville, Caitlin Heckenliable loved to cook – and particularly bake cookies – with her mom, dad and two sisters. She also had a grandfather who was a professional chef. “Cooking was a whole family thing, especially baking cookies and eclairs,” Heckenliable said. “It was a lot of fun and a great way for us to be together. It’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.” More recently, the 2010 Taylorsville High School graduate and mother of two sons (Ian, 6, and Owen, 4) has turned that love for baking into a fledgling Taylorsville business: One Heck of a Treat (oneheckofatreat.com). “I specialize in custom-decorated sugar cookies,” Caitlin explained. “The first cookies I ever made professionally were for my sister’s baby shower in 2016. They were horrendous. But friends and family did start asking me to make more for them. I would say I ‘dabbled’ in it until 2019. Now I’m working to grow it into a successful home-based business.” One of Caitlin’s sisters came up with the business name, One Heck of a Treat. “It’s a play off my (Heckenliable) name,” she said. “Both my sisters have been a major help on the business side – helping me come up with finance plans and other things.” Caitlin, her husband Taylor and their boys live in West Valley City. Eventually that will be the location of their home-based business, after construction of a second, “work” kitchen is completed in their basement. But for now, Heckenliable bakes out of her mom’s larger Taylorsville kitchen. And she’s often booked out a month or two in advance. “I try to make six to eight dozen cookies per week,” Caitlin explained. “The most I have done is 13 dozen in a week. It gets more hectic closer to the holidays. And a dozen cookies can take me a week if the frosting artwork is particularly detailed.” Heckenliable also makes cakes, macaroons, cupcakes and other confections through her business. But 80% or more of her time is spent on cookies. “I took a generic art class in high school – and a watercolor class in college – but I would not call myself an artist,” Heckenliable said. “I have just always had a very creative side. I love the challenge of decorating cookies with people’s faces or silhouettes. I’ve also made cookies to look like wrestlers, recreated a (record) album cover and decorated cookies to look like my sister’s dog.” Caitlin’s high school sweetheart – now husband of eight years – Taylor, is the family’s primary breadwinner now, working as a diesel mechanic. But he’s confident his wife’s passion will continue growing into a valuable second income for the family. “I am absolutely proud of her,” Taylor said. “She has taken her business from nothing to something so fast. Her ultimate goal is to have a storefront. I think she is well on her way.” About a year ago, a casting agent for the

Page 14 | February 2022

The wife of a University of Utah assistant football coach ordered these cookies from Caitlin, as the Utes spent last season honoring two of their recently deceased players. (Caitlin Heckenliable)

Food Network program “Christmas Cookie Challenge” reached out to Caitlin about appearing on their show after viewing her artistic treats on social media. A couple of months later – after she made some “tryout” confections for them – Heckenliable was on a plane bound for Knoxville, Tennessee. “The studio paid for my flight and hotel room for four nights,” she said. “The other competitors from my show, three other women and one man, were from Arizona, New Orleans, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Massachusetts. I had not met any of them before we all competed on the show. Most of us became fast friends, with so much in common, and have stayed in touch.” For the record, Caitlin did not win the show’s $10,000 grand prize. But, nonetheless, she describes the experience as “life-changing.” “I have had so many people visit my website and reach out to me since I was on the show,” Heckenliable added. “They’ve asked me to ship cookies across the country. My business is not set up to do that. But I know the exposure on the show was good.” Early next month (March 2-5), Caitlin will reunite with some of her fellow “Christmas Cookie Challenge” contestants to attend CookieCon (yes, it’s a thing) in Reno, Nevada. After that, depending on how her business grows, you might find a “One Heck of a Treat” booth at a Salt Lake Valley farmers’ market this summer. The Heckenliables are also considering registering a vehicle with the Food Truck League of Utah. “I wouldn’t cook or decorate cookies from the truck,” Caitlin explained. “But we would have pre-made cookies and other goodies for people to purchase as a dessert after eating dinner from one of the other trucks.” Heckenliable has no idea just how successful her cookie business will become. But for now – as a stay-at-home mom with two young sons – she considers “One Heck of a Treat” to be one heck of a good job. l

Custom decorated sugar cookies are Caitlin Heckenliable’s specialty. (Caitlin Heckenliable)

Caitlin Heckenliable appeared on the Food Network’s “Christmas Cookie Challenge” baking competition show last fall. (Courtesy of Caitlin Heckenliable)

Taylorsville City Journal

City of Taylorsville Newsletter


February 2022

2600 West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400


City Leaders and State Legislators Working Together on Several Issues

Dear Friends and Neighbors, I’ve said it before and it’s true: All I need to do is look at the youth in our community to know how bright the future is for Taylorsville. Their care about others, desire to learn and do more, and determination to make the Mayor Kristie S. Overson world a better place inspires me every time I am with them. This past month, I had the great opportunity to accompany members of the Youth Council to the Utah League of Cities & Towns Local Elected Officials Day at the Utah State Capitol. Along with Council Members Anna Barbieri, Ernest Burgess and Meredith Harker, we met with state legislators, as well as Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson, toured the Capitol and learned about the legislative process. This day is a yearly tradition for our Youth Council and is such an excellent opportunity for them (See more on Page 5 of this section). By serving on the Youth Council, our young men and women are empowered to become involved in civic opportunities and carry out service. They work as a force for good in our community. The three most important skills our youth learn from serving on our Youth Council are: 1. Process of government. 2. Leadership. 3. Service. This is knowledge they will take with them and use throughout their lives. It also is so much fun to be around the kids. They keep me young! I love the interaction and the connections I make with them and their families. I enjoy seeing them honing their leadership skills. In addition to the Youth Council, students Emma Powers and Brandon Sorensen also serve as Taylorsville Youth Ambassadors. The Youth Ambassadors are seniors who have spent at least a year on the Youth Council and must organize and complete their own service project. I must give a particular shoutout to Emma, who made a remarkable impact with her service project this year. Not only did she work to collect warm clothing for the homeless through several holiday drives she organized, but she also secured matching grants. The owners of The Crossroads of Taylorsville shopping center worked with the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake to make a $5,000 donation, and then this monetary gift qualified for a matching grant of equal value by another donor. I love each of our Youth Council members. They have such a heart for service, for which I am most grateful. I am so proud of them and all they do for our community.

Taylorsville leaders have identified several priorities and are tracking a number of issues before the Legislature this year. Among them are funding to fire departments, workers compensation coverage for volunteers and various transportation projects. “We are so lucky,” said Mayor Kristie Overson. “Our elected representatives are remarkably responsive, and their dedication to meeting the needs of our Taylorsville community and residents is unmatched.” Mayor Overson and city staff met with legislators representing Taylorsville at a Jan.

–Mayor Kristie S. Overson

WHAT’S INSIDE – FEBRUARY 2022 Frequently Called Numbers, Page 2 Council Corner, Page 3 Getting to Know TVPD, Page 4 Heritage Remembrances, Page 7 Environment, Page 8

Left to right: Mayor Kristie Overson joins legislators Jim Dunnigan, Karen Mayne, Wayne Harper and Mark Wheatley at a luncheon at City Hall.

6 luncheon at City Hall prior to the start of the 2022 General Session of the 64th Utah Legislature on Jan. 18. In attendance were Reps. Jim Dunnigan and Karen Kwan and Sens. Wayne Harper and Karen Mayne, as well as Rep. Mark Wheatley, whose district will include a portion of Taylorsville following the next General Election, due to redistricting. This year’s 45-day session will run until midnight on March 4. Taylorsville’s legislators want citizens to know that they are working hard to represent the city and its residents and are focused on furthering Taylorsville’s interests and goals. City leaders remain in constant contact with representatives, to ensure the community’s needs are met. Representing Taylorsville are: Rep. Dunnigan, House District 39. Rep. Dunnigan was a member of the Taylorsville/Bennion Community Council before helping to organize Taylorsville as a city and then serving on its inaugural City Council. He also is chairman of the city’s Taylorsville Dayzz and owns an insurance firm. To contact Rep. Dunnigan, call 801-840-1800 or email jdunnigan@le.utah.gov. Rep. Kwan, House District 34. Rep. Kwan was elected to the




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Emergency ...................................................................................................911 Police Department ............................................................... 801-840-4000 Poison Control Center .................................................... 1-800-222-1222 Animal Control Shelter ....................................................... 801-965-5800 Animal Control After House Dispatch ........................... 801-840-4000 Building Inspection ............................................................. 801-955-2030 Chamber West (Chamber of Commerce) ...................... 801-977-8755 Fire Department ................................................................... 801-743-7200 Gang Tip Line ......................................................................... 385-468-9768 Garbage/Recycle/GreenWaste Pick-up ........................ 385-468-6325 (Wasatch Front Waste & Recycling) Granite School District........................................................ 385-646-5000 Health Department ............................................................. 385-468-4100 Highway Conditions (from cell phone) .............................................511 Park Reservations ................................................................. 385-468-7275 Public Works (Salt Lake County) ....................................... 385-468-6101 Dominion Energy ................................................................. 800-323-5517 Rocky Mountain Power ...................................................... 888-221-7070 Salt Lake County Recycling/Landfill .............................. 801-974-6920 Taylorsville Bennion Improvement District................. 801-968-9081 Taylorsville Food Pantry ..................................................... 801-815-0003 Taylorsville Senior Center .................................................. 385-468-3370 Taylorsville Code Enforcement ........................................ 801-955-2013 Taylorsville Justice Court ................................................... 801-963-0268 Taylorsville Library ............................................................... 801-943-4636 Taylorsville Recreation Center ......................................... 385-468-1732 Swimming Pool (Memorial Day to Labor Day) ........... 801-967-5006 Taylorsville-Bennion Heritage Center ........................... 801-281-0631 UDOT Region 2 ...................................................................... 801-975-4900 Utah Transit Authority (UTA)............................................. 801-743-3882

City of Taylorsville Newsletter We Can All Help with Snow Removal With winter now here, snow removal is an important part of keeping our city going and everyone safe. We can all help out and do our part. Snow removal is also outlined in the city’s ordinances. They include: 14.32.100: SNOW REMOVAL; REQUIRED: It is unlawful for the owner, occupant, lessor or agent of property abutting on a paved sidewalk to fail to remove or cause to be removed from such paved sidewalk and any existing curb ramp all hail, snow or sleet falling thereon, within twenty four (24) hours after the hail, snow or sleet has ceased falling. 14.32.110: SNOW REMOVAL; CLOGGING GUTTER PROHIBITED: It is unlawful for any person removing snow from a sidewalk or curb ramp to deposit snow, dirt or other material in a gutter so as to clog the same, or prevent the free flow of water therein. 14.20.105: PLACING SNOW UPON HIGHWAY PROHIBITED: It is unlawful for any person removing snow, ice or other material from a sidewalk or driveway to place or deposit said snow, ice or other material upon any city road or highway in such a manner as to interfere with the proper use of the same or so as to obstruct travel or to endanger property or persons upon the same. 11.20.080: PARKING PROHIBITED WHEN: It is unlawful for any person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle or trailer to park or knowingly allow to be parked any vehicle or trailer on any street or highway: A. After any snow and/or ice accumulation, until after the street or highway is cleared of snow and/or ice. Thank you for keeping these codes in mind and stay safe this winter!

EVENTS FEBRUARY 2022 Feb. 2 & 16 – 6:30 p.m.

City Council Meeting @ City Hall and online. Watch a live-stream of the meeting on the city’s website, www.taylorsvilleut.gov

Feb. 5 – 9:30 a.m. to noon

Auditions for A Broadway Musical Review @ City Hall. See Page 6.

Feb. 8 – 7 p.m. & Feb. 22 – 6 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting @ City Hall.

Feb. 21 – All day

President’s Day, City Offices closed.

March 4 – 7:30 p.m.

Taylorsville-SLCC Strings Concert @ Bennion Jr. High School. Tickets are $5, purchased at the door. Find our calendar of events every month on the city’s website, where you can also submit your own events for possible publication. Go to www.taylorsvilleut.gov Also, a standing event every Thursday, from 2 to 4 p.m., at City Hall is the “Mayor is In.” During this time, Mayor Kristie Overson has open office hours to meet with residents about any issue on their minds. Drop by and meet with the Mayor. All are welcome.

Postponed to

July 11th to 16th

Mid-Valley Performing Arts Center

7:30 pm

Tickets $10

February 2022

2600 West Taylorsville Boulevard • 801-963-5400 |


COUNCIL CORNER Lifelong Taylorsville Resident Joins Council as Our Newest Member By Council Member Bob Knudsen As the newest member of Team Taylorsville, I was asked to give a quick introduction. For a greater introduction, please review the article written by Carl Fauver about me in the December 2021 issue of the City Journal. Except for two years spent serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in British Columbia, Canada, I have lived in Taylorsville my entire life, in three different homes 0.4 miles between the furthest two by the “taxicab distance” or approximately 1,200 feet according to the “way the crow flies.” I am a father of three boys, ages 9, 6 and 4, and have been married to my sweetheart, Susan, for 10 years. I have been working for the University of Utah for the past 15 years, and I am grateful for this opportunity to serve Taylorsville City, the place I call home. Former District 5 Council Member Dan Armstrong told me that he was going to step down from the City Council, and he encouraged me to run to take his seat. I was honored to have him consider me a good fit for his spot, so after consideration about what this could mean for our family, my wife, Susan, and I decided that I should run — especially with the blessing of our oldest son who told me that he would be thrilled to share his dad with Taylorsville.

During my campaign, I was asked about what my biggest agenda items were for the city and what I hoped to accomplish. My immediate goal would be to make sure I provide another balanced voice to the Council so we can continue with the great progress that has been made. Having observed Council meetings for the prior year to assuming office, I can confidently say that I have seen a good, respectful City Council working with Mayor Kristie Overson for the city’s best interest, especially during times when not all have agreed on every issue. Knowing the challenges faced, particularly as everyone had to make drastic changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am even more impressed by the leadership. With the great momentum that we have, I would like to ensure that we can continue forward while fairly considering all items. I would also like to thank all those who participated by casting votes in the Primary and General Elections for me and fellow candidates Larry Johnson and Paul Schulte, both good men whom I consider friends. We are blessed to be in this country where we are able to participate in elections. If you would like to contact me, I would be happy to talk to you, and I will do my best to be available as quickly as possible (estimated within one business day, seeing as I am retaining my full-time employment with

City Council Elects New Leadership

LEFT TO RIGHT: Bob Knudsen (District 5), Curt Cochran (District 2), Anna Barbieri, Chair (District 3), Meredith Harker, Vice Chair (District 4) and Ernest Burgess (District 1)

the University of Utah, in addition to the work with our City Council). Thank you, all, for the support you have shown me during this time, and I am grateful to all those in the city staff and Council who have welcomed me so warmly to Team Taylorsville; I could not ask for a better group to be able to work with. I am thrilled to be able to serve this wonderful city of ours for the next four years!

City Council Members, Mayor are Sworn In

City Council Members Anna Barbieri and Meredith Harker have been elected by their colleagues to serve as the council's respective Chair and Vice Chair. Both were selected to serve in the leadership positions during the Jan. 5 City Council meeting. Chair Barbieri, who previously served as a Planning Commissioner, said she has always had a love for Utah and working in a community setting. Barbieri is a small business owner. Vice Chair Harker, who is a teacher at Calvin Smith Elementary School, also expressed her commitment to continuing to make Taylorsville the best city to be. She is a lifelong Taylorsville resident. Barbieri represents District 3, while Harker represents District 4. “We extend our congratulations and want to thank them for their service,” said Mayor Kristie Overson. “Both already represent Taylorsville so well, and they each care a great deal about our community. We look forward to continuing to work with them in these new roles.” Anna Barbieri

Meredith Harker City Council Members Anna Barbieri, Meredith Harker and Bob Knudsen, as well as Mayor Kristie Overson, were sworn in Jan. 5 following their elections in November. Mayor Overson and Council Member Harker were both re-elected, while Council Member Barbieri was elected following a mid-term appointment and Council Member Knudsen was voted in to serve his first term, representing District 5. To reach your elected representative, go to taylorsvilleut.gov/government/elected-officials.


City of Taylorsville Newsletter

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TVPD Celebrates Fifth-Grade Holiday Card Design Winners Get to know the new TVPD. Check this space each month for articles highlighting the units and employees that make up the Taylorsville City Police Department. Congratulations to our two 2021 Taylorsville fifth-grade holiday card design winners — Nevaeh Teo of Acradia Elementary (Mrs. Hunsaker’s class) and Ezekiel Cryer of Fox Hills Elementary (Mrs. Kambouris’ class). It has been a long tradition of the Taylorsville Police Department to solicit help from local fifth-graders to design our official holiday card. In addition to having their drawings featured on the card, the winners will be taken to lunch by Mayor Kristie Overson, Chief Brady Cottam and Dets. Kyle Andrew and Daniel Christensen, who act as liaisons with our local elementary schools. The goal of this program is simply to provide positive experiences between our law enforcement officers and local fifth-grade and elementary school-age students. More than 250 entries were submitted to our holiday card contest this year. As the winners, Ezekiel and Nevaeh, along with their families, attended the Jan. 5 City Council meeting where they were introduced to the council and administration. It was a full house as many of our elected officials were also sworn in that night. Ezekiel and Nevaeh did not shy at the opportunity; they stood before a packed house and were presented as the card winners. Nevaeh’s mom describes her as a blessing to their family and someone who is always kind and willing to help. Nevaeh enjoys P.E. and social studies classes, playing board games and volleyball. Ezekiel is described as fun and outgoing. He loves math, video games, sports and music. Both Ezekiel and Nevaeh, of course, also love drawing. We thank both students, as well as all the fifth-graders who participated. We are also grateful to all educators in the community — their great examples — and recognize the role each plays in shaping our future generations.

TVPD Employee of the Month Please join us in congratulating Records Manager Donny Gasu as our TVPD Employee of the Month. Gasu is a member of our civilian staff and has over 10 years’ experience working in Law Enforcement. Gasu has worked for both Unified Police Department and Taylorsville Police Department. He has also worked directly for the City of Taylorsville as emergency planning manager. In total, he has served the citizens of Taylorsville for more than 12 years. Gasu has served in various capacities, which include evidence technician, emergency planning manager and records manager. Gasu always has a positive attitude and is willing to tackle any challenge or task that is assigned to him. It is this positive attitude that prompted Chief

Brady Cottam to nominate Gasu as Employee of the Month. Chief Cottam described Gasu’s positive attitude as contagious and called his work ethic and willingness to learn as unmatched. As TVPD continues to evolve and implement innovative ideas, Gasu was tasked with creating a new statistical tracking method for the department. This data will be presented at City Council meetings to our local elected, city and police administration officials on a regular basis. Gasu was able to create this while also staying on top of his regularly assigned duties. This newly designed statistical presentation method will help our city leaders determine how to best allocate resources within TVPD and Taylorsville City. We appreciate Gasu’s dedication to the citizens of Taylorsville and Team Taylorsville. We thank him for his service!

February 2022

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Youth Council Participates in Day at Legislature The Taylorsville Youth Council spent the day at the Legislature this past month. They joined Mayor Kristie Overson, Council Members Anna Barbieri, Ernest Burgess and Meredith Harker, and Youth Council Advisor Kris Heineman for the Utah League of Cities & Towns Local Elected Officials Day at the Utah State Capitol. It is a yearly tradition for the Youth Council to attend the day, which provides an excellent opportunity for the youth to talk to legislators and see first-hand how the process works. “It was a really fun day for the kids, and it was interesting to see their perspectives,” said Mayor Overson. “Our youth handled themselves very well. They were well-spoken and articulate, and we want to thank them for representing Taylorsville so well.” In addition to touring the Capitol Jan. 19, the Youth Council met with legislators, as well as Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson. They listened to a floor session, learned about the process to design a new state flag, were invited to lunch and took a tour of the building. It was all part of the council mission to provide opportunities for young people to learn about and participate in local government.

Taylorsville GIS Planner Honored for Redistricting Efforts Taylorsville GIS Planner Karyn Kerdolff was honored before the City Council this past month for her invaluable volunteer efforts assisting the Utah Independent Redistricting Commission. Last May, the commission put out a call throughout the Wasatch Front for volunteers to assist with mapping. Kerdolff was among those who stepped forward, volunteering her time and efforts to run the GIS (geographic information system) software. “What was really nice,” said Utah Independent Redistricting Commissioner Jeff Baker, “was that she didn’t just drive the software, she did much more than that; she would engage with us.” Throughout the process, Kerdolff offered advice and direction on the mapping process, Baker noted. During a time where the commission staff was taxed heavily with various different administrative duties in addition to GIS planning, “volunteers such as Karyn literally made the difference between the commission failing and the commission succeeding,” he said. “And we did succeed in our work.” Kerdolff was awarded a plaque recognizing her “service and dedication to the people of Utah and the 2021 Utah Independent Redistricting Commission. Your effort and sacrifice helped create opportunities for all Utahns to have a voice in the redistricting process.” Mayor Kristie Overson said the commendation is well deserved. “Karyn is an invaluable part of Team Taylorsville,” she said. “Not only do we depend on her work, which is impeccable, but we are so grateful to have her as a friend. Her cheery and helpful nature brings sunshine to City Hall.” The Utah Independent Redistricting Commission was created in 2018 through the passage of Utah Proposition 4. It was composed of seven commissioners – appointed by both Democratic and Republican party leaders – with the chair appointed by the governor. Their job was to recommend maps of congressional, state Senate, state House and state school board districts for final consideration by the Legislature.

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City of Taylorsville Newsletter

STATE LEGISLATORS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 House in 2016. She is an associate professor of psychology at Salt Lake Community College, where she was named a Distinguished Faculty Lecturer. To contact Rep. Kwan, call 385-249-0683 or kkwan@le.utah.gov. Sen. Wayne Harper, District 6. Sen. Harper is a long-time resident of Taylorsville, where he works as the city’s Economic Development Director. Sen. Harper was first elected to the Legislature as a member of the House of Representatives. To contact Sen. Harper, call 801-566-5466 or email wharper@le.utah.gov. Sen. Karen Mayne, District 5. Sen. Mayne is the Minority Leader in the Utah State Senate. She is retired after working as a para-educator with the Granite School District. To contact Sen. Mayne, call 801-232-6648 or email kmayne@le.utah.gov. “We enjoy such a good relationship with each,” Mayor Overson said. “Our legislators are attentive and responsive. I have full confidence in them and their abilities.” Efforts and potential bills discussed at the city luncheon with legislators included: • Increasing the level of up-front funding to local fire departments that provide support to outof- state agencies (such as the extensive fires that occurred in California). • Allowing for workers compensation coverage for volunteer workers (they are currently not covered). • Clarifying who pays for criminal evidence retention costs. • Defining standards of classification for condemned housing. • Various transportation projects (4700 South, Redwood Road BRT, bridge repairs). In addition to the legislative luncheon, Mayor Overson and members of the Taylorsville Youth Council participated in the Utah League of Cities & Towns (ULCT) Local Elected Officials Day on Jan. 19. It is a yearly tradition for the Youth Council to attend the day, which provides an excellent opportunity for the youth to talk to legislators and see first-hand how the process works. (See pictures on Page 5). Mayor Overson also plans to attend the ULCT Legislative Policy Committee meeting, held every Monday (except President’s Day) at noon in Room 210 of the Senate Building on the Capitol campus.

Taylorsville Community Gardens The Taylorsville Community Garden at the Heritage Museum will open Saturday, Feb. 26, at 10 a.m. for spring planting. Cost is $25.



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February 2022

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Taylorsville Bennion Heritage




4743 S. Plymouth View Drive

Grab Lunch, Visit with Friends at the Senior Center The Taylorsville Senior Center, 4743 S. Plymouth View Drive, offers lunch daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Just get a ticket at the front desk, and view the menu, as well as a program schedule, online at www.slco.org/taylorsville-senior-center Remember becoming a member is free and it allows you access to the Taylorsville Senior Center and all the other county Senior Centers. Come in and see Daisy to fill out an intake form to get an access card.

Don’t Miss These Library Events The Taylorsville Library has planned several programs during the month of February. You’ll want to mark your calendar for these events: HOGWARTS INTERACTIVE ADVENTURE Wednesday, Feb. 2 to Saturday, Feb. 5 Celebrate Harry Potter book night and the 25th anniversary of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" with an interactive, magical journey through the library.

The Taylorsville-Bennion Heritage Center museum has a small library to house precious history, albums and events, obituaries, etc. With this article, we want to feature three covers from this library. We hope it might entice you to come visit and see for yourself how hard the Taylorsville Historic Preservation Committee tries to preserve history for our community. The museum library contains shelves of various history books and memories galore. Winter hours are: Tuesday mornings, 9 to 1 p.m., Wednesday evenings, 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. In 1990, Life magazine featured a classic moment from World War II with a sailor and his girlfriend in a happy embrace. In 1959, the Lennon Sisters were singing in style at Christmastime. The third photo with this article shows an album that showcases a Taylorsville Ward Reunion in 2004 held in the old Assembly Hall. These are just a few samples of what you can see at our library. We hope to see you soon!

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VIRTUAL ADULT LECTURE — The Incredible Life and Legacy of Harriet Tubman Tuesday, Feb. 8, 7 p.m. Ranger Angela Crenshaw will highlight the life of Harriet Tubman, the most famous conductor of the Underground Railroad. Crenshaw was the assistant manager of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park and Visitor Center for more than four years in beautiful and historic Church Creek, Md. She is currently the area manager at Gunpowder Falls State Park, the largest park in Maryland. Join in this virtual journey and learn about Tubman’s early years spent in Dorchester County, Md. You’ll also hear about Tubman’s skills as an outdoorswoman, her time conducting freedom-seekers on the Underground Railroad and her later years spent as a suffragette. Discover the importance of faith, family, community and the landscape involving this amazing woman. Crenshaw began working at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources in 2008, removing abandoned boats and debris for Boating Services. She became a Maryland Park Ranger in 2013 and was promoted up the ranks through her time at Elk Neck and Gunpowder Falls State Parks. She received her master’s degree in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Delaware. You must register for this event to receive the link to the WebEx virtual lecture: thecountylibrary.org/LectureSeries VIRTUAL ADULT LECTURE American Eagles - The Rise of U.S. Military Aviation in World War Monday, Feb. 28, 7 p.m. Historian Narayan Sengupta will discuss the origins of the United States Air Force and its earliest fighter pilots, including Eugene Bullard, Eddie Rickenbacker and Quentin Roosevelt. Quentin was Theodore Roosevelt's youngest son and the only member of a U.S. pesident’s family to be killed in combat. Before his death, Quentin Roosevelt stayed at the home of Sengupta’s great-grandmother in France, home to the 1st Pursuit Group – America’s first fighter squadrons. Sengupta comes from a family of combat veterans and historians. He grew up attending airshows, visiting battlefields and reading history. He is trilingual and loves to travel with his family. He worked at IBM, Coca-Cola, Hewlett Packard and Alltel before starting NFI (www.nfiweb.com), a business intelligence and database firm in Atlanta, Ga. Narayan has a BA in history from Emory University and MBA from Georgia State. He has written five books on air combat, tanks and POWs. You must register for this event to receive the link to the WebEx virtual lecture: thecountylibrary.org/LectureSeries LIBRARY CLOSURE Monday, Feb. 21, all day Happy Presidents' Day

February 2022 | Page 21


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City of Taylorsville Newsletter Fixing Service Lines Often Starts with ‘Who owns it?’

FEBRUARY UPDATES Subscription Green Waste Program The Weekly Green Waste Collection Program will resume beginning Thursday, March 17, for Taylorsville residents. Taylorsville currently has 1,298 out of the 9,478 district-wide subscribers. Residents can sign up and help divert green waste from the landfill. The waste is processed into mulch, which can then be purchased for use from the Salt Lake Valley and Trans-Jordan landfills. There is a onetime start-up fee of $60 to pay for the can and at $126 per year, a green waste can is less expensive than an additional black garbage can at $204 per year. For more information on this program, please visit the WFWRD website at wasatchfrontwaste.org/green-waste-can-rental.

A question often asked when a water service line is leaking or if there is a blockage in a sewer lateral is: “Whose responsibility is it?” A water service line is a pipe that conveys water from a large water main to the home. The homeowner and the TaylorsvilleBennion Improvement District have responsibilities for portions of the water service line. The district owns and maintains the water service line from the water main, which is normally located in the road or park strip, into the meter box that services the home. The homeowner is responsible for maintaining and repairing the water service line after it leaves the meter box. A sewer lateral is a pipe that takes wastewater away from the home. The homeowner owns, maintains, repairs and replaces the sewer lateral and connection to the sewer main as needed. The district maintains the sewer main that receives the wastewater from the homeowners’ sewer lateral. For financial protection, it is recommended that homeowners contact their homeowners’ insurance company or consider third-party insurance for coverage on water and sewer laterals.

Broken/Damaged Cans If your garbage or recycle can is broken or damaged, due to normal wear-and-tear, please call the WFWRD office at 385-468-6325. They will come and repair or replace your cans as part of your fees for services. You can also complete an online service order request at wasatchfrontwaste. org/report-a-problem-or-request-service.


If you have any questions, please contact Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District by calling 801-968-9081 or visiting www.tbid.org. Follow TBID on Facebook and Twitter.


The recycling markets continue to improve and it’s important to take the time to familiarize yourself with items that are recyclable. To help out, WFWRD has recycling guides that can be found on their website. They also sent them out with first-quarter billing statements last year. By reducing contamination and keeping plastic bags out of recycling, the district can continue to keep costs low for residents. Remember, when in doubt, throw it out! Page 22 | February 2022

Taylorsville City Journal

What’s your legacy?

Cougar junior Kapeli Smith has averaged 3.3 rebounds per game this season. (Photo courtesy of Kearns High historian)

Kearns starts season on track to defend its region title By Greg James | g.james@mycityjournals.com


he boys basketball team at Kearns High School knows defending its region title is going to be a difficult task. “Cyprus is going to be the favorite. We will need to play well to beat them,” Cougars head coach Dan Cosby said before the season began. If Kearns is not a favorite to repeat, then someone forgot to tell the team. The Cougars have started off strong this season. They are winners in 12 of their first 14 contests and at press time are undefeated in region play. It seems as though Kearns is ready to face its competition. “We still have everyone coming back and we are the defending region champs with high expectations,” Cosby said. Eight seniors are on the roster for the Cougars this year. Five of them are averaging double digits in points. Ivrson Lavizzo leads the team with 11.9, Gott Daw has 11.6, and Ryker Osborne 11.5. Osborne had never played in a varsity game before this season. “We felt we needed to get him (Osborne) some experience early this year,” Cosby said. The team has concentrated on playing tough defense. Their backcourt pressure causes turnovers and havoc for their opponents. “We really like to press and set the pace a little bit. We really want to get up and down the floor,” Cosby said. On Jan. 4 the Cougars faced Hunter High School. They jumped in front 14-7 after the first quarter. The lead came in part because of the pressure they applied to the Wolverines in

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the backcourt. Hunter seemed to begin to handle it and came back before halftime. By holding the Wolverines to only eight points in the fourth quarter the Cougars were able to pull out a 52-40 victory. “These are really good kids. Right now the team has a 3.4 grade point average. The players never give us much to worry about. We need the experience our upperclassmen have. We played a lot of close games last season. I think we will be a fun team to watch this year,” Cosby said Kearns competes in Region 2 of the UHSAA’s 6A division. At the press deadline, they were ranked eighth overall by the association’s RPI. “Roy is new to our region. Taylorsville and Cyprus will be the big two we have to face,” Cosby said. “Roy knocked us out on a last-second shot last year.” In the 6A quarterfinals last season, Roy jumped out to an eight-point lead and led at halftime by seven. Kearns cut into that lead in the third and trailed by only two heading into the fourth quarter. Roy’s last-second shot eliminated Kearns from the tournament. “Roy was a big team last year and they gave us all we could handle. We may have eyes for revenge,” Cosby said. Amare Ames and Javon Lee are also upperclassmen that contribute to this year’s team success. At 6-foot-4 Daw leads the team in rebounds, averaging 6.4 per game. Lavizzo has 4.4 assists per game and also leads the team in steals. l

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www. LarkinCares .com February 2022 | Page 23

James Brown brings resources to older adults through new multimedia project By Bill Hardesty | b.hardesty@mycityjournals.com


bout two years ago, James Brown, a Salt Lake Valley media personality for over 30 years, started a new venture. He and other board members formed the Living & Aging with Pride nonprofit organization. Like many older adults, Brown was hit with a rent increase two years ago. His rent went from $900 a month to $2,500 a month. He realized that he had to move. He reached out to his network and found a home at Sharon Gardens (3354 Sue Street). The Utah nonprofit Housing Corporation built the apartments. "I started thinking about my own discovery as I've gotten older. Things that I didn't quite understand. I got to go to Medicaid. I got to go to Medicare. I got to go there. I got to go. I've got to do all these things that I was not prepared to do," Brown said. "And I saw a lot of seniors disappointed and angry and upset, and I thought, you know, I want to talk about this since my background had been in television and radio." Brown began to make his vision come true. First, Living & Aging with Pride was created as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This allows the organization to receive donations. Later a multimedia initiative was added titled "Living and Aging with Pride," which will enable advertising and sponsorships on media products. The vision

“‘Living and Aging with Pride’ is a unique multimedia infotainment program which addresses the inevitability of aging and highlights the financial burdens that impact the aging communities' quality of life," according to their website, Livingwithpride.org. "It's more than just a television show or a media show. It is truly being developed to be a resource for older adults that they can rely upon. And not only locally, but on a national perspective," Brown said. The website's goal is to be a one-stop destination for information and discussion of issues concerning older adults. Brown feels that many informational websites push a product or an agenda. "What I've witnessed, rather, is that when you go to many of these sites, it's more about the donation aspect of it, you get that upfront, you don't get the how do I deal with this problem upfront?" Brown said. "Well, we're going to give you the solution to the problem. You know, we're going to prepare you before you get the problem. We're going to educate your children because they're wondering what they're going to do when mommy and daddy get 70 and 80 years old, and we're going to help guide them through." The vision is bold, and Brown has spent two years preparing for the release. He built a

podcast studio in a room at his apartment complex. He made partnerships with influencers. There is a four-person board of trustees and an 18-member advisory board. Brown even has a set designed for future video programming. "I'm about a month away from introducing to the world our first three episodes," Brown said. "From there, we will hopefully attract the necessary funding that will enable us to produce 13 to 26 television shows. Now, I say television only because that's one of the mechanisms for putting the message out, and we do know that seniors watch television." The podcasts and other information are available on their website. The backstory The name James Brown might sound familiar for those living in Utah. For 13 years, he wrote, produced and hosted a show called "New Horizons" on Channel 14 and Channel 7. The focus of the show was to explore diversity in Utah. His open conversation style made the show an award winner. He was also a featured reporter for Channel 4 for nine years. Before going to TV, he was on KALL radio. A guest on his talk show suggested he move to TV and arranged for his hire at Channel 4. Brown made sure his ethnicity was not an issue when he was hired. "I told the producer I wasn’t going to be the minority guy. The guy who covers every

It’s more than just a television show or a media show. It is truly being developed to be a resource for older adults that they can rely upon. And not only locally, but on a national perspective. James Brown event involving a Black or Hispanic individual," Brown said. "He asked me what kind of stories did I want to do. I told him I wanted to do good stories. Stories about people doing good things, and I got my wish." One notable Brown story is when he went undercover in the homeless community. For three days, he panhandled in front of a church. Brown said he made about $600 a day. "But it was such a humiliating experience. I thought, how do these people stand here and ask people for money. It's so demeaning, especially the looks you get," Brown said. Brown won a local Emmy for his story. l

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Page 24 | February 2022

James Brown sets up for his “Living and Aging with Pride” podcast. (Bill Hardesty/City Journals)

Taylorsville City Journal

Taylorsville day school quietly owned and operated by same family nearly a half century By Carl Fauver | c.fauver@mycityjournals.com


ne of the longest-established businesses in Taylorsville doesn’t have a flashing neon sign on Redwood Road. In fact, tucked in a quiet cul-de-sac just east of Redwood (near 6500 South), World of Wonder Day School’s only sign is the small one owner Becca Lucas props against the family mailbox outside their home. “We only put it out in September at the start of the school year,” Lucas said. “And we make sure all the kids’ names are on it.” A full 20 years before Taylorsville incorporated – the same fall (1976) when Jimmy Carter was elected President – Becca’s mom, Linda Lucas, opened what was then called “World of Wonder Preschool.” “Just a few months earlier (March 1976) we moved into this home and Becca was born,” Linda explained. “It was a busy time to start a preschool. But I had graduated from Utah State University in early childhood development, and had always wanted to run a preschool. So, I opened it – and we’ve never closed.” That kind of longevity has led to the Lucas’ – “Miss Linda” and “Miss Becca” to their students – being invited to a number of former students’ high school and college graduations, mission farewells and weddings. “I went to four (former students’) weddings just last year,” Becca added. “And I have two kids now whose mom I taught.” Technically, Becca is a third-generation part of the World of Wonder legacy. When Linda, opened the school in 1976, Becca was tended by Linda’s mom, “Miss Cookie.” “My mom didn’t actually work for the school, because she was busy tending Becca upstairs,” Miss Linda said. “But she was around the kids enough that they knew Miss Cookie.” The school officially changed names in the late 1990s – about the time Becca was taking over for Linda as the primary owner and operator – from World of Wonder Preschool to World of Wonder Day School. What’s the difference? “That just means we now have older kids, up to fifth grade, that we drive to and from school each day,” Becca explained. “Parents drop their kids as early as 6 a.m. I now have eight kids I get ready for school each morning.” In the midst of all the chaos, Becca also found time to raise her son Skyler, 27, who now has a master’s degree and is a success out on his own. Then she accepted another challenge in 2008 when she adopted her son Cole, 13, at birth. “I knew Cole’s birth mother and family through the preschool and knew they needed help,” Becca explained. “Because

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Taylorsville mother and daughter Linda and Becca Lucas (L-R) have been operating World of Wonder Day School for more than 45 years. But Linda’s great granddaughter, Ivie, has only been around for the last two. (Carl Fauver/City Journals)

of the circumstances of his birth, we knew he would probably have health issues. But it’s been more than I expected. He’s like having 50 kids, because of all of his medical issues. But somehow, I knew he was supposed to be mine. I’ve never regretted (adopting Cole) for a moment.” Becca prefers not to discuss her son’s medical issues in too much detail. She does say he has had on-going intestinal issues since he was a baby. He also had a severe bout with COVID-19 a year ago that landed him in the hospital for a couple of nights. And, at age 7, he had a tumor removed. “Cole has been to Primary Children’s Hospital so many times he has a whole team of doctors there who know him,” she explained. “They have told me many times he would likely be dead if I had not adopted him.” But Becca is also quick to point out, despite her son’s medical challenges, life is mostly good. “Cole is a straight A student in seventh grade at American Heritage of South Jordan,” she said. “He loves to sing and dance. He’s anxious to try out for the school’s prestigious Alliance Dance Team next year. He practices with them three days a week now.” According to their website (ameri-

canheritage-sj.org), American Heritage of South Jordan is “a traditional pre-kindergarten through 12th grade private school. (Their) vision is to provide every student with the values, knowledge and skills to become independent, lifelong learners – to make a positive contribution to society. (The school) exists to foster great minds and souls by immersing students in classic literature and history in order to help them be leaders in the modern world.” The school has 238 students – 17 in Cole’s seventh grade. Last December, the Alliance Dance Team was invited to participate in the Pearl Harbor Day 80th anniversary commemorative activities in Hawaii. Cole was accustomed to being in Hawaii during that time of year, though never on Oahu. So he and his mom were able to support the dance group he hopes to be a part of next year. “My brother owns property on Kauai and we have been making family trips out there over Thanksgiving since Cole was a baby,” Becca Lucas said. “But Oahu is too commercial for me. I had not been to that island for at least 20 years; and Cole had never been there. So this year he and I left the rest of the family in Kauai after Thanksgiving to attend the Pearl Harbor ceremonies.”

Kauai and Oahu are adjacent in the string of Hawaiian Islands, although they are more than 100 miles apart. “It was fun going to a different part of Hawaii and seeing different places,” Cole Lucas said. “I knew there had been an attack on Pearl Harbor – but I didn’t really understand who did it or why. Learning about Pearl Harbor was very educational. We also got to visit many other places (on Oahu). I loved watching the shows at Polynesian Cultural Center. The (interpretive performers) playing with fire was great.” “We ended up being in Hawaii 18 days (between the two islands),” Becca concluded. “I’m still not a big fan of Oahu. But this visit was great. Cole is a natural entertainer. Watching his schoolmates perform was great for him. And we were both happy to support (American Heritage of South Jordan) because it’s been such a good school for him.” AHSJ may be a great school – but it’s an infant compared to World of Wonder Day School. The traditional private school was founded in 2005 – nearly 30 years after Miss Linda threw open the doors on her Taylorsville preschool, with mom (Miss Cookie) and infant daughter (eventually Miss Becca) upstairs. l

February 2022 | Page 25

Beyond love at first swipe By Karmel Harper | k.harper@gmail.com


ince the emergence of the internet, dating has never been the same. Before 1995, when Match.com, the first online dating platform, was launched, singles met each other via mutual set-ups, at work or school, social events, or random meets at the local club, bar, grocery store, or other venues where two people were lucky enough to be at the same place, at the same time. As texting wasn’t mainstream until the late 1990s, early 2000s singles actually had to call each other to connect and plan dates. Waiting a few days between contact was typical and even expected. In 1997, Nokia introduced the first phone with a built-in keyboard. According to Paige Roosien, who wrote a June 2015 SignalVine article, text messaging took off at the start of the millennium once people could text friends on different networks. Roosien said, “By 2002, more than 250 billion SMS messages were sent worldwide. By 2007, the number of texts sent each month surpassed the number of phone calls. Eventually, text messaging was officially the preferred way of communicating with friends and family.” For busy professionals serious about finding their perfect partner, hiring a pro-

fessional matchmaker can be effective. Though the term may evoke images of Yente from “Fiddler on the Roof” with its associated catchy tune, modern professional matchmakers are devoted to learning how and why relationships form, grow, and last. They work closely with their clients to discover their true qualities and build deep, working relationships to find them their most compatible matches. They also work as coaches to empower their clients with confidence and authenticity they can present on dates. Local Mia McKinney is a professional matchmaker who successfully coaches clients to master first dates and empowers them to approach a second date.“My job is to vet prospective matches for my clients, so they don’t have to waste their time doing that. My clients are primarily professionals and executives who don’t have the time to text all day or go on endless first dates,” McKinney said. McKinney said one of the biggest mistakes people make on first dates is looking too far ahead to see if their date will make a good spouse, parent, or long-term companion. “The primary goal of a first date,” McKinney said, “is to see if you would like

to meet for a second date.” The ease and instant communication of texting has propelled online dating as the No. 1 method for people to meet their significant others. According to Statista. com, the most popular dating apps as of April 2021 based on the monthly number of downloads are: 1) Tinder - 1.1 million 2) Bumble - 564,000 3) Hinge - 393,000 4) Badoo - 207,000 5) Match - 125,000 6) OkCupid - 109,000 7) eHarmony - 67,000 8) Coffee Meets Bagel - 39,000 9) happn - 34,000 A 2019 study conducted by theknot. com surveyed over 10,000 recently married or engaged couples and found that 22% of them met online, with 30% of the spouses meeting on Tinder. Another 14% found success on OkCupid, and 13% met their matches on Bumble. But if swiping right, sending “winks,” or texting a kissy-face emoji to get someone’s attention is not your thing, do not despair. The study revealed that 19% of couples met through mutual friends, 17% met at school, and 13% met at work. And

Online dating reigns as the No. 1 method singles use to find their significant other. (Photo courtesy of Canva.)

11% met at a social setting like a bar, concert, or party. While McKinney’s matchmaking services are offered through a firm that does not service Utah, she is available to locals as a professional Date Coach to assist with online profile creations or improvements and one-on-one date coaching. You can contact her at hello@miamckinneycoaching.com. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, ‘tis the season for Cupid’s arrow to fly. Whether it’s online, through mutual friends, at work or school, or with the help of a professional matchmaker, there are many ways for that arrow to strike. l

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Page 26 | February 2022

Taylorsville City Journal

Want cleaner air? Get rid of that old wood-burning stove By Justin Adams | justin.a@thecityjournals.com


lean air has become an increasingly important issue for Utahns. It impacts the state’s collective health, its environment, even its economy. There are many different methods by which Utah can work towards cleaner air—both on the individual and institution level—and one of those is by getting rid of old wood-burning stoves. Thom Carter, energy advisor to Gov. Spencer Cox wrote about the danger of these stoves in a guest post on the Department of Environmental Quality’s website. “Wood-burning stoves are a significant source of air pollution—pollution that negatively impacts individuals’ personal health and the environment,” he wrote. “Particles that make up the smoke and soot from wood-burning stoves can cause breathing difficulties and sometimes permanent lung damage for those who inhale the smoke. Especially during the cold winter months, smoke from wood-burning stoves gets trapped with other air pollutants resulting in health-threatening inversions. In fact, wood-burning stoves can cause a mini-inversion within neighborhoods.” To help people get rid of their old

wood-burning stoves, the DEQ has created an assistance program that incentivizes homeowners to upgrade to cleaner heating devices. Applicants can receive anywhere from $500 to $3,800 to help pay for the cost of making the change. There are a few qualifications for homeowners wanting to take advantage of the program. For example, the stove must be actively used for a “significant amount of home heating” in order to qualify. (So you can’t use the program to get rid of that stove in the basement that’s only gathered dust for the last 20 years.) The program also can’t be used for remodeling work or on rental or commercial properties. To learn more about the program and see if your home qualifies, you can visit stoves.utah.gov. l

A new program from the Utah Department of Enironmental Quality is looking to help people get rid of their old wood-bruning stove.

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February 2022 | Page 27

Running family brings home national honors By Catherine Garrett | c.garrett@mycityjournals.com


nstoppable. That was the theme for the Race Cats Elite team from Draper that took 39 runners to the USATF National Junior Olympics in Paris, Kentucky recently. And, amid freezing temperatures, tornado warnings, hailstorms, 40-mile-per-hour wind, the Utah contingent proved to be just that. Taylorsville’s Lily Jameson was part of the 11 and 12-year-old girls team that brought home a national championship Dec. 11. “We were pulled off the starting line and were soaking wet,” Lily said. “Thirty minutes later, we were back and just had to go with it. It was really slippery and hard to get your footing. But it was sure fun to win.” Also on the championship team were Maya Bybee, Adria Favero, Hadley Flach, Tatum Flach and Teagan Harris – who earned All-American status – along with Tyana Lake. “This did not come easy to them. These girls travel from all over the state of Utah to practice with our team in Draper,” Race Cats head coach Michele Brinkerhoff said. “They practice three to four days a week together and travel from Park City, Salt Lake, Sandy, Taylorsville and Utah County. Some of them even choose to homeschool just so they can run on this team.”

Lily’s older brother Cole, a freshman at Taylorsville High School, finished seventh in the 13 and14-year-old division, earning All-American recognition at this year’s race, his fourth such honor. Their younger brother, Myles – a third grader at Vista Elementary – helped his eight-and-under team to a fifthplace finish with the fastest race he had run the entire season, coming in 28th. “We dealt with a messy course and the aftermath of the weather and the younger groups already having raced,” Cole Jameson said. “I just tried to not slip.” Myles said, “Nationals was really cool, but it was really muddy.” The 11 and 12-year-old boys team took third place with the 13 and 14-year-old girls team placing seventh. Kenneth Briggs, Bethany Mittelstaedt and David Webb also finished their events as All-Americans. “Every single athlete finished the race, even though some had severe trauma and anxiety from the natural disasters. We are so proud of them. They travel from all over to compete and train together, sacrificing so much to be part of something special. And they are so special and deserve to be recognized for it,” Brinkerhoff said. Lily, Cole and Myles Jameson, children of Teren and Emily Jameson of Taylorsville, have running in their blood. Teren was a

two-time All-American at the University of Utah and Emily (Nay) was a key member of the 1997 national championship team at BYU, earning All-American honors three years during her time in Provo. Cole has been making his own name in the running world and as he entered the high school ranks this past fall, he battled back from a stress fracture to take second in the Region 2 championships. His finish helped Taylorsville High to the team title. “Cole was more excited to be part of the region championship team than for his own finish personally,” Emily Jameson said. “He’s been able to really see how the team is more important and that what you do helps others.” He was the second freshman finisher in the 6A state race, placing 53rd overall, and also took second in the freshman race at the East Bay Region Championship – competing against runners from 12 states – Dec. 4, before he headed to nationals. “Cole dialed in on what he wanted to do,” Teren Jameson said. “It has to come

from the individuals themselves and he had decided himself. It’s fun to see that.” Lily, a sixth grader at Eisenhower Junior High, said she wants to get better and faster with running so she can achieve personal bests. Ultimately, she wants to be an All-American. Myles enjoyed his first plane ride on his trip to nationals and is excited to keep pushing himself with running. “I knew it would be good for me to run and now I just try to think, ‘I can keep going,’ to motivate myself,” he said. Emily Jameson grew up in Montana and ran largely on her own, so her kids are getting a much different experience in their running journeys. “I have loved watching my kids be part of a family of runners,” she said. “They work hard and push each other to compete and the relationships are amazing.” Teren Jameson, who also helps coach Race Cats, said, “It’s been great for my kids to be able to see that hard work pays off and that improvement encourages them to keep on trying.” l

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Page 28 | February 2022

Taylorsville’s Cole Jameson earned his fourth All-American honor with a seventh place finish at the USATF National Junior Olympics recently. (Photo courtesy Teren Jameson)

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February 2022 | Page 29

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Page 30 | February 2022


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Taylorsville City Journal

Sometimes it is rocket science


hree things could doom our country: domestic terrorism, Olivia Rodrigo and the rejection of science. The first two are obvious, but rejecting science? When did scientists become the bad guys? As more people deny mainstream science, I think about the good, old Russian pseudoscientist Trofim Lysenko. (You can call him Tro.) He and Joseph Stalin were BFFs after Tro convinced Stalin he could “educate” crops to grow using his “law of the life of species” theory which included planting seeds close together and soaking plants in freezing water. Stalin embraced this nonsense and seven million Russians died from starvation when the country ran out of food, because Tro (you can call him The Idiot) convinced Stalin that science-based agricultural practices were garbage. There’s lots of science I don’t understand, like quantum mechanics, curved spacetime and string theory, which proves kittens will play with a ball of yarn indefinitely. But I don’t have to understand science because, and here’s a key point, I am not a scientist. I’m saying this louder for those in the back: science shouldn’t be a partisan issue. But here we are. Anti-science is on the rise and people (i.e., non-scientists) are putting their own batty (often dangerous) theories


Laughter AND






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out in the universe, much like Tro the Idiot. More than 2,000 years ago, Aristotle decided our planet was a sphere, not a flat disc flung through space in a game of Frisbee golf played by Greek gods. But people didn’t believe him. Some flat-folk still don’t believe him. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for his theory of the cosmos which included the heretical idea that the earth revolved around the sun. Before his death he proclaimed, “Perhaps you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it.” And that’s what it boils down to: fear. A campaign of distrust based on fear slowly erodes faith in scientists and any theory they present. We all know the government is run by rabid lizards in human suits, but scientists have saved our bacon for centuries. In 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner used gunk from a cowpox sore to inoculate a child against smallpox and gave the world its first hope to combat the terrible illness. When he wasn’t performing in “Hamilton,” President Thomas Jefferson strongly recommended smallpox vaccinations to eradicate the disease. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1955, becoming a national hero. When vaccines for measles, whoop-


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ing cough, rabies, and tetanus were introduced, they were welcomed as miracles. Researchers first identified human coronavirus in 1965 and studied diseases like SARS and MERS before COVID-19 jumped up like a maniacal Jack-in-thebox. The COVID vaccine was based on years of research, not months of blindly pouring pretty colors into test tubes. And what about climate change? For decades, researchers told us fossil fuels contribute to an increase of greenhouse gases, which sounds like a great sustainable energy source, but actually traps heat and warms the planet. What did we do to those silly goose scientists? We ripped out their livers and made foie gras. Now we have higher temperatures, severe storms, drought, flooding, Oliva Rodrigo and wildfires because, just like when Aristotle and Bruno walked the (much cooler) earth, people can’t wrap their minds around reality. With little or no science knowledge, deniers continue the assault, and the world is paying the price. What evidence would change their minds? Why do they believe conspiracy theories over proven results? I guess you can guide someone to wisdom, but you can’t make them think.




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