The Idaho Enterprise | June 13, 2024

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Enterprise The Idaho

Time to think about Wildfires

As summer begins in earnest, the topic of emergency preparedness is on minds of many in administrative and public safety roles throughout the state and country. While last year’s weather was relatively mild as fair as averages go, and somewhat calm as far as fire seasons go, those factors actually work together to put this year on everyone’s radar for potential danger.

Recently, the national and state weather services have issued forecasts for the area which predict hot, dry summer conditions over the course of much of the summer. As a result of fewer burned acres and more precipitation last year, the on-ground supply of vegetation is higher than usual. Combined with expected high temperatures and winds, the conditions are ripe for large, quickly spreading fires across the state and region.

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) met last week in Oneida County to discuss the outlook for the upcoming fire season, as well as other issues related to emergency preparedness. Members of the city council, county commission, emergency response teams, Southeastern Idaho Public Health District, Idaho Power, the Radio Amateur Club of Oneida

Neighbors, and others were in attendance.

Commissioner Brian Jeppsen opened the meeting by raising the potential for forming a local CERT program. CERT stands for “Community Emergency Response Team,” and is a national readiness program whereby members receive training to care for themselves and their families before moving outward into the community to provide emergency response. The more people that are enrolled and trained in the program, the greater the effectiveness of the efforts, as securing individual families reduces the overall needs for the response system.

“These teams step in from the moment a disaster happens, until the EMS shows up, then they pass information on to them when they get there,” Jeppsen stated.

Office of Emergency Management Area Filed Officer Darren Letzring noted that many of the potential grants for Oneida county are for CERT-related activities.

Letzring reported that snow had been dealt with effectively this winter, which was good. Oct 10 was announced at the tentative date for a multi-state earthquake exercise, involving Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho.

He also reported on the potentially available assistance grants for wildfire mediation and response, covering initial fire response costs. In order to apply for the grant, assessors and others will need to help explain the value of the homes that are potentially at risk, how much the roads and other infrastructure are worth, and what the county and city’s preparatory steps toward fire mitigation are.

Matt Stucki, regional customer relations manager for Idaho Power, spoke to the LEPC as part of its mission to talk to everyone in their service area about Public Safety Shut Off possibilities. Idaho Power Service itself has around 630,000 customers, from Salmon to Oregon to Arbon Valley. Arbon represents the southwestern edge of the company’s service area, and includes a number of Oneida County residents. The residents were being informed that Idaho Power was rolling out a Public Safety Power Shutoff contingency plan in the case of anticipated weather events. That might aggravate wildfires.

Following last year’s wildfires in Hawaii, which were determined to have been at least partly caused by downed power lines resulting from high winds, many U.S. utility companies are employing an abundance of caution to prevent such incidents in the contiguous United States.

“We’re just seeing more fires,” Stucki stated. “From our perspective, we want to make sure we are keeping our communities safe, and we’re really trying to make sure our lines don’t start a fire.” The core mitigation activities that Idaho Power plans to pursue include increased inspections, enhanced vegetation management, distribution hardening—a new fuse which doesn’t create an arc when it blows, things like lightning arresters, etc.—transmission hardening, segmentation of the transmission lines, SCADA controls, and situational


Security Council adopts cease fire resolution

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution proposed by the United States for a permanent ceasefire and release of the hostages in Gaza. The motion was adopted with 14 votes in favor and one abstention by Russia. The United States ambassador to the United Nations is urging Hamas to accept the latest ceasefire proposal and hostage deal after the UN Security Council voted overwhelmingly on Monday to support it. The American representative, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said Israel has agreed to the deal and "the fighting could stop today if Hamas would do the same.” The US ambassador outlined the framework of the deal that is divided into three phases and initially includes a ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages and the exchange of Palestinian prisoners. Ultimately the deal would also implement a permanent end to hostilities and full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, the effective distribution of aid as well as a major multiyear reconstruction in the strip. Thomas-Greenfield said the US will guarantee Israel follows through with its obligations while Egypt and Qatar will do the same with Hamas. The ambassador also said the deal "rejects any geographical changes" in Gaza and reiterates the commitment to a two-state solution.

Teton Pass closed after massive mudslide in Talbot Canyon

After the “catastrophic failure” of Wyoming Highway 22 on one of the West’s most highly used mountain passes, officials are providing guidance for navigating around the Teton Pass in the upcoming months. A mudslide at the top of Talbot Canyon at milepost 15 caused a section of the Teton Pass to cave completely Friday morning. Crews are determining the extent of the damage and working on a repair plan. The pass had been closed just one day before due to a large crack in the road caused by a landslide near a separate milepost, 12.8. People in Teton County, Wyoming expect the economic impact of the pass damage to be substantial. Jackson itself is still accessible, it will just take a bit longer. The closure only impacts driving between Jackson, Wyoming, and Teton County, Idaho. If traveling from the west, drive through Swan Valley and Snake River Canyon and enter Jackson from Hoback, Wyoming. From Idaho Falls, this takes about 2 hours. From Island Park, a route through the national parks takes about 2 hours and 55 minutes.

Costco customer assured hot dog price won’t change

Costco’s new chief financial officer reassured customers that the price of the $1.50 hot dog combo will not change anytime soon, new Costco CFO Gary Millerchip said on an earnings call with analysts Thursday. With Costco’s leadership change — and other longtime deals ending at other companies as a result of inflation some had speculated about the future of Costco’s $1.50 hot dog, which has remained the same since 1985. If Costco’s hot dog deal kept pace with inflation, it would be three times as expensive today — nearly $4.50. But Costco’s $1.50 combo is a strategic decision, known as a loss-leader: The company is willing to lose money selling the hot dogs at that price as long as it helps Costco draw in and retain customers.

Oneida County's News Since 1879 Malad City, Idaho June 13, 2024 |Vol. 144 No. 23 $1.50 Looking Back Pg. 7 Father's Day Pg. 9 Sports Pg. 12 Welsh Festival Pg. 2 Guest Editorial: Cleats! Pg. 3 Puzzles Pg. 6
Plan to attend the Welsh Festival June 28-30. Inside this edition you will find the Welcome to Malad/Welsh Festival booklet with detailed schedule information.
The most recent large fire in Oneida County occurred near the summit in 2022, and threatened a number of residences and structures. Matt Stucki from Idaho Power discusses fire prevention strategies at last week's emergency planning meeting.

Church building near hospital demolished

The building that once served as a local meeting house for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was demolished on Thursday, June 6, to make way for a parking lot or other projects for the Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital. The Hospital purchased the building a few years ago from an out-of-town owner.

The Reorganized Church (often called the Josephite Church locally) began in 1866 when members of that church under the direction of Joseph Smith, III (son of Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) visited Malad and converted several prominent families. The church building was built in the early 1900s even

though most of the members of the Reorganized Church had left the area in the 1870s, mostly to go to Montana or Missouri.

The church was used for worship services, weddings, and funerals until the early 1950s, after which the church as an organization ended in Malad. Most of the members joined Malad’s Presbyterian Church. The building has been vacant for over 70 years and has changed owners several times with no care taken to preserve it or protect it from the weather, vandalism, and animals.

The Oneida Pioneer Museum’s Historic Marker project will place a marker at the location of this once important building in Malad’s history.

The Welsh Festival Bard

Presiding over the 2024 Malad Valley Welsh Festival will be Blaine Scott, the 2023 Bard of the Welsh Festival. Blaine grew up in Pleasantview and now lives in Layton, Utah. Blaine’s mother, Patsy, was a well-known local poet; the Patsy Price Scott Poetry Prize is awarded in her honor at the Welsh Festival. Blaine helped compile his mother’s extensive collection of poems about growing up in Oneida County into a book. Blaine’s winning poem was about traveling in Wales and learning about his Welsh roots.

Blaine will preside over this year’s Festival while sitting in the official Malad Valley Bard’s Chair. He will preside at the Opening Ceremonies at 9:15 on both Friday, June 28, and Saturday, June 29. After the Bard is led in by the Knight of the Festival at the Opening Ceremony, the Malad Valley Men’s Welsh Chorus will welcome everyone to the Festival with Malad’s rendition of “We’ll Keep a Welcome in the Valley” and the Welsh National Anthem. Lucie Thomas Washburn will introduce the theme of this year’s Festival: Dragons.

As Bard, Blaine will crown the top youth winner for each grade at the conclusion of the Youth Poetry Reading/Competition. Over 100 youth poet semi-finalists have been invited

to read or recite their original poems at the Festival on Friday, June 28, at 1:00.

Blaine will relinquish the Bard’s Chair to the 2024 Bard of Welsh Festival at the Finale program on Saturday, June 29, at 2:30. A new event at this Festival will be the Bard’s Circle, comprised of all past Festival Bards. They have all been invited to read a short poem related to the Dragon theme. All adults who have submitted poems for competition are invited to come to read or recite their poems at the Festival prior to the naming of the 2024 Bard of the Welsh Festival and the winner of the Patsy Price Scott Prize.

Everyone is invited to the 2024 Malad Valley Welsh Festival, whether you are Welsh or not! Admission to the Festival is free although some events charge a small fee. For the entire schedule, see www.welshfestival. com.

The 18th annual Malad Valley Welsh Festival is partially funded by the Idaho Humanities Council, Idaho Commission on the Arts, the Bistline Foundation, the Idaho Blue Cross Foundation, the Malad Valley Welsh Society, and many businesses, individuals, and organizations in Oneida County.

History at the Welsh Festival

One of the main purposes of the Malad Valley Welsh Festival is to preserve and celebrate the stories of the pioneers who settled Malad Valley. Beginning in the 1850s, Henry Peck and his sons Fred and Charlie began coming to the Malad Valley to cut wild hay for the freighters traveling from northern Utah to the silver and gold mines of Montana. The official founding date for Malad City is 1864 with the settling of other communities in Oneida County following soon afterward.

One of the most popular activities at the Welsh Festival always is the wagon rides along historic routes in Malad. Beginning in Malad City Park, authentic wagons drawn by pickups provided by Hess Pumice will travel along North Main Street and Bannock Street, the first roads through Malad. Once known as the Montana Road or the Gold Road, North Main was one of the first areas settled by Henry Peck and his sons. Bannock Street was a cutoff of the Oregon Trail that headed west toward Oregon. Guides will point out sites of interest as the wagons travel along these historic streets. The Malad High School Academic Team will place signs with information about homes and businesses from the earliest plat map available, dating to 1910 when Malad was just a village because it did not have large enough population to qualify as a city.

At the Malad Valley Welsh Festival, displays of family trees, census records, and other artifacts will be on display in the 2nd Ward Church (next to Malad City Park). Two new families will be featured this year: Gomer Hughes and David Jenkins. (See accompanying list for other families in this year’s displays.) You may find some long-lost cousins!

Whether or not you have been to Wales, “A Walk Through Wales” photographic exhibit will highlight some of the beautiful scenery, historic castles and churches, and famous sheep and other animals that make Wales a delightful place to visit. This display of the land of so many ancestors of Malad Valley

pioneers brings their history to life.

The Heritage Games, organized by the Malad Middle School MathCounts Team, will feature activities that pioneer children may have played as they crossed the Plains. Come to the Festival to try stick pulling, races, and walking on stilts.

This year’s Welsh Festival is on Friday and Saturday, June 28-29, with a Fireside on Sunday evening. Come to the Welsh Festival and learn about the pioneer history of Malad Valley. There will be something for everyone – whether or not you are Welsh!

The displays and other events of the Festival are partially funded by grants from the Idaho Humanities Council, the Idaho Commission on the Arts, the Bistline Foundation, and the Idaho Blue Cross Foundation.

List of families featured in family history displays:

Benjamin Nephi Adams

William Clark

Daniel Daniels

Thomas Daniels

Richard Jenkins Davis

Winnifred Lloyd Roberts Evans

Benjamin D. Evans

Edward Davis Evans

Edward Jones Evans

William Thomas Griffiths

Gomer Hughes (new)

David Jenkins (new)

James Evans Jones

Morgan T. Jones

Richard Thomas Jones

William Hughes Jones

Thomas Parry

Daniel Evans Price

John Price

John Evan Price

Thomas William Richards

Benjamin Thomas

William Thomas


William Howell Thomas

Daniel Tovey

John Jones Williams

William W. Williams

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 2
The old church building was located across the street from the hospital. While historically interesting, the structure's lack of care had made it dangerous and uninhabitable. Wagon rides of historical locations are offered to visitors during the Festival.
Hands of Hope Home Health and Hospice now helping serve patients of Oneida County and surrounding areas. Provides care to individuals of all ages. Medicare/Medicaid certified. Hands of Hope Home Health and Hospice Also offering OT, ST and PT in all four counties Give us a call at 208-760-3091
Blaine Scott, 2023's Bard, will be replaced by a new poet this summer.

Guest Editorial

Last Thursday the pickleball courts were full and lots of people were having a great time. In fact, several of those participating were from out of town. Scott Ray and the Recreation Board have worked hard to organize leagues and get people involved. Our community has a great facility at the end of Bush Avenue that is being used and brings people together.

However, Court 3 has been damaged. Someone has been on the court

with metal cleats and left gouges all over and then in a couple of spots the top surface has been scraped away, leaving a deep divot in the court. This is particularly upsetting because the damage was done by people who are athletes and should understand something of the cost involved in providing quality fields and courts for our community to use. We want everyone to use and take care of the courts. Literally, thousands of dollars were raised to make the courts a reality. Now, we need to take care of


continued from page 1

awareness tools.

Wildfire risk modeling by Idaho Power includes looking at the location of power lines, fuel type and moisture content, historic weather conditions, location of structures. The Arbon area was deemed to be a moderate risk.

When conditions warrant high alert, Employee and contractor notification will occur, Fire Prevention practices will be employed, some work may stop, and the system will be set to more sensitive state.

In the last resort, the line itself we be powered down in order to prevent to the potential for a largescale fire event. This would only occur when high temperatures, Low humidity, high winds, dry vegetation were all at very high levels for an extended time. When the event is scheduled, everyone affected by the event will be contacted through calls, emails, texts. If you only have a landline on your account, you likely won’t be contacted.

Notification will happen several times leading up to a planned event, from 1-2 days out to right before it occurs. Updates will then be provided during the event and after the event has occurred. One of the main outcomes is that people who are in the impacted area need to be aware, and potentially have an alternate energy supply. For the last three years, there has not been one of these events. But, since weather is unpredictable, Idaho Power just wants people to be ready.

It is important to point out that while Idaho Power made this specific presentation to the County, Rocky Mountain Power was stated to have similar procedures and programs in place, and the same cautions and information applies equally to RMP customers.

Customers are advised to update contact info with power company, learn how to manually operate powered devices such as doors, gates, etc., plan for unique events such as

what we have so they can be used for years. We are asking:

1. Parents, please read this article to your families and talk to them about personal responsibility within a community and the need to wear soft soled shoes on the pickleball courts. That means shoes only…no wheels of any kind. Then, ask your kids to pass the word along to all of their friends.

2. Coaches, especially any coaches of our youth who wear cleats, please read this to your team and talk with

them. If you have time, go over to Court 3 and let them feel the area where the surface has been damaged. The blue top surface has been scraped down to the green and you can feel the indention. We believe education is the best way to protect our facilities. We also believe the people of Oneida County care. It’s a Good Life when we help those who don’t get it, to get it.

medical emergencies and livestock watering, and gather an outage kit.

For safety, customers are advised to not use candles, use LED lights. During the outage, turn off machinery or equipment, though it is helpful to keep one light on in order to know when power is restored. After the power is restored, turn things back on after 10 minutes to prevent and overload. Make sure that generators meet code, and don’t use a “suicide cord” (a double male-ended power cord). Make sure the generator is ventilated and grounded.

Kevin Smith, Meteorologist, spoke about the Fire Season outlook, which he called “pretty good so far.” Smith reported that the reservoirs are all either full, near full, or overfull. Drought conditions are mostly in Custer and Lemhi counties. A ridge of high pressure is expected over the next days, which is likely to keep things dry.

For the summer, there is a mostly dry forecast with a chance of rain.

Smith thinks it looks like an “early monsoon push” over the next week. Temps are likely to be above normal. It may be a little wetter soon, but still below average for the fire season. Season following drought years tend to be the biggest fire years. “We are in a period when the big wildfire years happen. A lot of fuel is built up after the last two years. The general consensus is that this may be a big year for fire activity, “Smith said. The official outlook has southeastern Idaho, western Oregon, northern Utah, southern cal, and northern Washington right now on “Fire weather watch, ” which might change to “Red Flag Warning” soon.

Residents of the area can check for weather updates, and sign up for notification with the National Weather Service. 208-233-0834 is the number to call for weather related questions.

The Oneida Education Foundation wishes to thank all those who donated to the 80 OEF-sponsored scholarships awarded to 32 graduating seniors of the Malad High School Class of 2024:


Ashlee Alder

Jordan L. Atkinson

Chase Beecher

Nathan Briggs

David K. Crowther

Robert Dorius

Troy Estep

Governor John V. and Lola D. Evans

Lucille Evans

Kelly, Shane, and Bart Fuhriman/Rula

Thomas Robert Green

Kambrie Horsley

Lauri Sue Evans Hubbard

Dr. Garth James

Paul M. Jones

Deanna Zivkovic Kleinart

Alice H. and Wendell Landon

Dianne Bowen Pett

Tammy Thorpe Price

Bryce M. Robbins

William H. and Cecelia D. Rutter

Randy Skidmore

Boyd and Edith Jones Thomas

Gerald P. and Helen H. Thomas

H. Ward and Helen R. Thomas

Samuel “Old Mont” Thomas

Donald S. and Marjorie May Vaughan

Robert W. Waldron

James “Maverick” Ward

Gerald E. Williams

Mary E (Mae) and John M. Williams

Calvin Willie

Timothy R. Willie

C M C M June 13, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 3 PIZZA PARTY THUR JUN 20 89 N MAIN ST 11:30 AM 2 PM We're hosting our annual celebration to show our valued customers our appreciation. Stop by our office in Malad anytime between 11:30 AM - 2 PM, Thursday, June 20th, for a fresh slice of Pizza Stop pizza and delicious Frozen Cow ice cream. We hope to see you there! A slice of appreciation
Caldwell/Brent Bowen CSS Farms FFA Alumni J. Marvin Hess Hess Pumice Products Ireland Bank Terry and Marsha Jones Malad City Malad Gun Club
High School Booster Club Malad High School Class
High School Class of 1971 Malad High School Class of 1973 Malad Kwik Stop/KJs/Parkland Nell J. Redfield Memorial Hospital Oneida County Ambulance Stotz Equipment of Tremonton Thomas Market Ruth Zivkovic
Mark and Irene Alder Gene and Kay
Some of the marks left recently by cleats in the pickleball court. Residents are reminded that repairs of the surface are costly, and care should be taken by those using the court to wear proper shoes.

Kyle & Kendall Mills Wedding

Jason and Tara Hill are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Kendall, to Kyle Mills, son of Scott and Pamela Mills.

Kyle and Kendall are both graduates of Malad High School. Kendall is attending Idaho State University where she will complete her nursing degree. She is currently working as an LPN at both Nell J Redfield Memorial Hospital and Portneuf Medical Center.

Kyle attended Idaho State University where he graduated with a degree in Diesel Mechanics and Diesel Electric. He is currently running his family's farm in Bancroft, Idaho where they will be residing. They will be married on June 21,

War on Weeds—weeds are everybody’s problem


Dyer's woad

Dyer’s woad (Isatis tinctoria) is a biennial or short-lived perennial that is native to Europe. It was originally introduced into the U.S. as a source for making blue dye and for medicinal purposes. It invades rights-ofway, rangelands, pastures, cropland, and other disturbed sites. Its presence reduces forage and crop production. It has become a widespread problem especially in southeast Idaho.

Dyer’s woad seedlings can establish in the spring or the fall. Seedlings that establish in the fall overwinter as rosettes and then bolt in the spring. Seedlings that establish in the spring will remain in the rosette stage until the following spring. After bolting dyer’s woad can grow up to 4 ft. tall. Its leaves are lance shaped, 1-7 inches long, bluish green in color, with a whitish midvein and slightly wavey margins. It has distinct yellow, flat topped, clusters of flowers. Each flower has 4 petals. Seeds are housed inside brown-black oblong pods, each pod contains a single seed. A single plant can produce 85–500 seeds in a single year. Seeds can be transported easily on animals, clothing, and

equipment. Dyer’s woad has a taproot that can be up to 1½ feet long. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Options:

• Prevention— Learn to identify this plant. Clean equipment after leaving an infested area. Do not transport unknown plant material.

• Mechanical— Hand digging individual plants can be an effective method of control. Spring tillage and mowing prior to the production of seed can also be effective forms of control.

• Cultural— Establish a healthy stand of beneficial plants that will compete with Dyer’s Woad.

• Chemical— 2,4-D LV ester, aminocyclopyrachlor + chlorsulfuron (Perspective), chrlorsulfuron (Telar), imazapic (Plateau), metsulfuron (Escort and others) are herbicide active ingredients that can effectively control Dyer’s Woad. Always read and follow herbicide label directions! Justin Hatch, University of Idaho Extension Agriculture Educator in Caribou and Bear Lake Counties. 208-547-3205

During the 2024 assessment drive the Assessor’s office found that some ag land values needed to be increased based on a five (5) year average. Calculations were made to correct the assessments to meet the state mandated ratios. After assessments were sent to property owners it was brought to our attention that the formula used for non-irrigated land was incorrect. The formula has been corrected and new assessments will be sent out to all non-irrigated land owners showing the correct assessed value. Assessments for all other properties are correct. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience as corrections are made.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 4
ONLINE AUCTION Farm Tools • Barn Wood • Compressor • Rainbirds • Vices • RR Ties • Trusses • Hay Tarps and More! 760 S. 100 W. MALAD, IDAHO 83252 ONLINE BIDDING NOW OPEN AT Lynn Livingston 801-710-3461 AUCTION BIDDING CLOSES ON JUNE 13 AT 6:00 P.M.
Photo courtesy of Steve Dewey, Utah State University,
Victory Baptist Church Streaming Live Sermons on our Facebook Page @11 am Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 448 South Main, Malad 208‑766‑4288 BINGO Friday June 14 7:00 p.m. BRING POTLUCK SNACKS FOR SHARING Legion Building
Crest Lane
2024 and invite you to celebrate with them at a
in their honor from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at
located on the Malad
“Celebrating Our Heritage” 18th Annual Malad Valley Welsh Festival June 28 - 30, 2024 There will be something for everyone -whether or not you are Welsh! ~ For more information, contact Malad City Hall (208-766-4010) or see VISIT A MODEL OF THE USS IDAHO the Navy's newest nuclear submarine. On display at Malad City Park on Friday, June 28, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. FREE ADMISSION GARAGE
15, 2024
W 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

Grandparents Only

Not recommended for parents or

Boy, did I learn something this week and it is as baffling to me now as the Beatles were to my parents in the 60s. Here’s the deal, you only wash Buckle jeans occasionally and when you do you turn them inside-out, you use cold water, detergent with no brightening agents, and you never dry them in the dryer. Needless to say, I was in trouble. I did get one thing right, I used cold water. This revelation came as an absolute bolt out of the blue to me. Let me tell you why….

These jeans have prefabricated holes in several spots. Holes that are frayed. Holes that are well, holes. There is no hem, only a frayed edge. From my perspective they look really worn out. Well, my perspective is totally wrong according to the girls whose laundry I still occasionally do. After this little blip though my laundry days could be over. My first mistake was assuming the jeans were dirty. They were on the floor, in the bathroom, and had been worn. Up until this incident everything that has been worn has been de -


Hunter Atkinson, June 14

Greg Perry, June 14

Kent Smith, June 14

Farrell Atkinson, June 15

Dallas Degn, June 15

Dixie Glover, June 15

Dillon Hess, June 15

Lance Leavitt, June 15

Noah Hubbard, June 16

Marva Couch, June 16

Debbie Horsley, June 16

Jaime Peterson, June 16

Trevor Thomas, June 16

Britney Baker, June 17

Wendi Blaisdell, June 17

Carrie Edwards, June 17


fined as dirty. No one informed me the rules had changed until Elle got her jeans out of the dryer and there were a few more frayed strings than before. It was indeed a very sad day.

Well, while they were examining the damage, Hadley “searched up” the proper care for Buckle jeans to share with me and I quote… “Keep your destroyed and distressed jeans looking new by…”. That is an oxymoron… keep your destroyed and distressed jeans looking new! It goes on to recommend applying clear fingernail polish to the backside of the hole around the edges to keep your strings intact. According to the grandkids keeping your strings intact is vital. Well, you get the picture. My only consolation was they are both still wearing their jeans.

So, Life is Good when your strings are intact and you know the difference between clean and dirty clothes, and don’t for one minute think that is obvious. It is not. Sort of like when Dad didn’t think “ya, ya, ya” was music. It’s all generational.


1774 Rhode Island becomes the first colony to prohibit importation of slaves

1777 Leonard Norcross patents a submarine diving suit

1837 First Mormon missionaries to British Isles leave Kirkland, Ohio

1866 U.S. House of representatives passes 14th Amendment (Civil Rights)

1920 U.S. Post Office says children cannot be sent by parcel post (after various instances)

1922 Longest recorded attack of hiccups begins: Charlie Osborne gets hiccups and continues for 68 years, dies 11 months after it stops

1925 Charles Jenkins demonstrates the transmission of synchronized pictures and sound (early television)

1994 A jury in Anchorage, Alaska,

blames recklessness by Exxon and Captain Joseph Hazelwood for the Exxon Valdez disaster, allowing victims of the oil spill to seek $15 billion in damages

1997 Jurors in Oklahoma City bombing trial sentence Timothy VcVeigh to death

2019 Archaeologists announce Scottish crannogs (fortified settlements on artificial islands in lochs) far older than first thought, radiocarbon dated to 3640-3360 BC, older than Stonehenge

2022 A Google engineer claims one if its AI systems, Lamba, might have a sentient mind, causing the company to place him on leave.

2022 World's largest freshwater fish, a stingray 3.98m x 2.2m caught in the Mekong river, Cambodia (tagged and released)

SUMMER Food Time

Grab & Go! No Dining In!!

Lucinda Sweeten, June 17

Addie Brower, June 17

Elda Laine Allen, June 18

Ilean Corbridge, June 18

Dallan Nalder, June 18

Zane Stokes, June 18

Mesa Dawn Paskett, June 19

Cody Richardson, June 19

Sherrie Thomas, June 19

Emily Christiansen, June 20

Lorna Perry, June 20

Heather Daniels Ekstrom, June 20

Josh Deschamps, June 20

Darin Hess, June 20

Robert Williams, June 20

Tom C. Williams, June 20


MAIELI’S THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE – Neck or Whiplash Issues or for just a great massage. Call Maieli Murray (626) 337 - 0772 (152)


ALANON - We are only a phone call away. For information on meetings, call 208-220-5295 or 208-251-9808. (1-52)

Curlew Senior Citizens’ Menu

Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee

June 18 - Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Oranges, WG Roll, Dessert

June 20 - Sweet & Sour Chicken, Fried Rice, Oranges, Breadstick, Dessert


AA/NA MEETINGS, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Call: Rick M. 208-7663584; Gary B. 435-230-3734; Jack H. 208-830-7371; or Kirk S. 208241-2297; or AA Hotline 208-2351444. (1-52)

Malad Senior Citizens’ Menu

Every meal served with Juice/ Milk/Coffee

June 14 - Fish Sandwiches, Coleslaw, Fresh Fruit, Dessert

June 19 - Sweet & Sour Chicken on Rice, Peas and Carrots, Pears, Dessert

e Idaho Enterprise P.O Box 205 Malad City, Idaho 83252-0205 (U.S.P.S. -- 255-800)

The Idaho Enterprise is published weekly at 100 East 90 South, Malad City, Idaho. Postmaster, please mail address corrections to: The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 205, Malad City, Idaho 83252-0205.

Entered as “periodicals” at the Malad City, Idaho Post Office. Subscription rates are strictly in advance -- $55.00 per year delivered in Oneida County, and $67.00 per year delivered outside of Oneida County within the United States.

The Idaho Enterprise reserves the right to refuse publication of any or all materials.

Phone: 208-766-2419

Phone: 208-766-2419

Phone: 208-766-2419

Children Must be Present. No Parent Pick Up.

Breakfast Monday, June 17 – Cereal, Peaches, Juice/Milk Tuesday, June 18 – Benefit Bar, Pears, Juice/Milk Wednesday, June 19 - Super Slice (Sweet Bread), Applesauce, Juice/Milk Thursday, June 20 – Cinnamon Swirl, Fruit Cocktail. Juice/Milk

Lunch Monday, June 17 – PBJ, Chex Mix/ Cheese Stick, Applesauce, Carrot Sticks, Milk Tuesday, June 18 – Corndog, Chips/ Cheese Stix, Cool Tropics Slush, Celery Sticks, Milk Wednesday, June 19 – Turkey & Cheese Lunchable, Chex Mix/ Cheese Stick, Apple Crisps, Cucumber Slices, Milk Thursday, June 20 – Cheese Stuffwich, Chips/Cheese Stick, Grapes, Broccoli, Milk



Wyatt Rusty Allen, Malad, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50 Diego C Gurierrez, New Castle, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50 IDAHO STATE POLICE

James Michael Barres, Wasilla, driving without privileges, $150.00, costs $172.50; fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50

Heather Rebecca Fuchs, Perry, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50

Austin Dean Hanson, Bountiful, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50 Yassin Luma, Salt Lake City, speeding (16 mph or over), $98.50, costs $56.50; fail to register vehicle annually, $10.50, costs $56.50

Austin Cliff Myers, Pocatello, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50

Shardenae A Pyper, Boise, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50

thru Friday 208.904.3614

150 S. Main St. #16 Malad, ID 83252 Find

Carolyn. Ross, Phoenix, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50

Phillip Ward Turner, Tooele, speeding, $33.50, costs $56.50


Diego Clemente-Felix, Smithfield, fish without a license (not salmon steelhead, sturgeon or bull trout), $26.00, costs $165.00 – Agency: IDF&G

DIABETES EDUCATION SUPPORT GROUP No classes in June or July. Classes will resume in August.

Second half property taxes are due on or before Tuesday, June 20, 2024. If taxes are delinquent, a late charge and interest will accrue, reverting back to January 1, 2024. You can now leave your payment in the drop box outside the Courthouse by the East Entrance.

C M C M June 13, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 5
Dr. Stephen Sutton Dr. Robert Perkins Dr. Josh Wray Open Monday
us on Facebook @Oneida Family Dental!


C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 6 Malad Business Professionals ET KUSTOM SALES Dealer - Dreams Carports Carports • Sheds • Barns • AUTO GLASS • Windshield & Glass Replacement Window Chip Repairs 65 Bannock St. • Malad • 766-4515 • Window Regulators & Motors • Door Handles Most Replacement Parts Serving Our Community Since 1935 45 West 100 North • Malad City, ID Phone: 208-766-4733 Hours: Mon-Fri 8-6 • Saturday 8-5 Closed Sunday Shop Online at our new website HESS Lumber & Home Center KANINE KORNER DOG GROOMING and Boarding “Big or Small, We Groom ‘em All” Emily Jo Christiansen 553 North 400 West (208) 406-4204 CUSTOM TIMBER FRAMES • PERGOLAS • PAVILIONS • TREE HOUSES • LIVE EDGE TABLES + SLABS 801-336-8690 “If a job’s worth doing, It’s worth doing right!” Follow us on @ BCTIMBERS Specializing in • Equine • Auto Home • Commercial • Trucking • Rodeo Licensed in ID, UT, and WY Call or Text 208-766-6205 Josh Paskett Licensed Agent Utah and Idaho 208-766-3152 Malad City, Idaho Natalie Paskett Licensed Agent Idaho 208-339-0557 Malad City, Idaho FLINDERS Realty & Exchange, Inc. Selling Quality Real Estate to Quality Buyers Working Ranches • Fishing Properties • Residential Ag Properties • Building Lots Listing and Selling Utah, Idaho’s Finest Properties FERREEELECTRIC.COM Follow us on Facebook and instagram @ferreeelectric Sam Ferree Owner/Master Electrician Licensed and Insured 801-703-4799 Email: Salt Creek Realty 208-643-4200 Marie Robbins - Broker - 208-760-0156 Shelly Williams – Sales Agent 208-220 -1454 215 E 50 S. #4, Malad City, ID 83252 Advertise here! Call Shelly Williams at The Idaho Enterprise 208-766-4773 Open Mon. - Fri 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. THE COPY CENTER At The Idaho Enterprise 208-766-4773 100 E. 90 S. Malad


5 YEARS AGO (2019)

Steve Cottle noticed a need and used his talents to make a beautiful display shelf for the Oneida Pioneer Museum. Steve is very aware of the needs of the local museum because his wife, Fay, was a long-tine docent and director; and she is still very involved with the museum – still attending meetings of the board and helping whenever and wherever she can.

On May 15, 2019, an open, public FFA Alumni membership meeting was held. Lance Zollinger, member of Idaho FFA Alumni & Supporters Council, explained the needs, benefits, and requirements of an Alumni group.

Malad's American Legion Baseball team fought hard to earn the second-place trophy at a recent tournament in Idaho Falls. Playing in the tournament were Trever Howe, Tyler Wilson, Hunter Atkinson, Isaiah Finlayson, Brayden Deschamps, Traven Ward, Dillon Halsam, Grady Combs, John Evans, Tanner Olsen, and Coaches Russell Wilson and Garen Atkinson.

Participating in the local Pinewood Derby are Krey Keetch, Cale Briggs, Bronson Smith, David Leckie, Jace Nalder, Braun Nalder, D.J. Crowther, Parker Price, Carter Smith, Bently Jones, William Whipple, Haden Cluff, Greyson Thomas, Breckon Price, Mason Eliason Trenton Carter, Wade Clark and Carter Daniels.

It is a tradition for the senior class at Malad High School to do a last service – whitewashing the "M"! It's fun to see the old tradition brought back!" During their last weeks at school, the seniors enjoyed the trek to the "M" and a trip to the Utah State Capitol.

10 YEARS AGO (2014)

The Malad Area Chamber of Commerce is naming Gene Caldwell as the “Honored Veteran” for the Malad 4th of July Parade this year. Normally each year, Gene nominates a veteran from the American Legion Ernest W. Jones Post #65 for the honor, but this year he was out-voted!

Although we are relatively young as far as our other existence is concerned – 1864 – 2014 – what a rich heritage we have living in the “Old West”. Oneida County residents will have the opportunity to celebrate their rich heritage on Thursday July 3, 4 and 5 when they commemorate the Sesquicentennial, 150 years from the time the Malad Valley and Malad City was first settled.

Trasen Jones claimed the bull riding title in the Rocky Mountain Division for the intercollegiate Rodeo. Over the course of the season, he accumulated 785 points in the bull-riding category.

The NJR Memorial Hospital bowling team from Malad was in first place for a week at the Reno US Bowling Congress Women’s Championships. Pictured in The Idaho Enterprise are Melanie Bowcutt, Tami Williams, Julie Green and Cindy Gibbs.

The “M” on the mountain above Malad recently had a facelift. The Malad High Student Council for the 2013 – 2014 school year spent Monday, May 19, making the “M” look white and bright again.

15 YEARS AGO (2009)

The Oneida County Commissioners voted against approving Sunday liquor by the drink sales in Oneida County. All three elected officials were in agreement on the issue.

Three students from Stone Elementary made the 100 Point Club in Accelerated reading. Rhienna Trower-Monson, Hannah Bird and Traslen

Hill were recognized in the awards assembly on the last day of school for this accomplishment by their teacher Apral Ipsen.

Qualifying for the National Wrangler Division Rodeo Finals are three Malad Middle School students, Saige Smith, Braxton Eliason and Kiely Davis.

At the Softball Clinic hosted by the Malad High School Softball Team, several players earned awards. They included: Kadee Christiansen, Varcy Neal, Natalie Jensen, Taya Thorpe, Katie DeLong, Hunter Hubbard, Renzee Sorenson, Kyley Thorpe, Natalie Felter, Katie Weaver, Cina Blaisdell and Anna Oja.

20 YEARS AGO (2004)

Governor Dirk Kempthorne has declared drought emergencies in Oneida, Bingham and Jefferson counties.

The Oneida County Library was presented with the Friends of Education Award, presented by the Oneida Education Association (OEA). It was accepted by Head Librarian Kay Caldwell and her staff, Kathy Kent, Peggy Schwartz and Emily Stevens.

Daryl Peterson is a new patrol deputy with the Oneida County Sheriff’s Department. He took the oath of office last month.

Brayden Eliason, son of Ken and Kristy Eliason, Holbrook, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

Three members of the Kent and Helen Scott family received their degrees from Colorado State University.

Tom Scott graduated with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Kelly Scott earned his Master’s Degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering with an emphasis in Water Management. Both brothers graduated from Utah State University with their Bachelor’s Degrees before pursing their higher educational degrees in Colorado. Also graduating from Colorado State was Heidi Scott, Kelly’s wife. She earned her Master’s Degree in English. 30 YEARS AGO (1994)

Some unwanted visitors are wearing their welcome out in Samaria and points west.

Mormon crickets by the millions marched their way into the small rural community over the Memorial Day weekend, and those whom they visited were anything more than pleased.

Employees of Queen Bee Flying Service, of Rexburg, and Rob McChessney, APHIS, fill the tank of the small plane with about 2,000 pounds of poisoned bait to help combat the crickets.

Joyce Mizrahi, owner/manager of Malad’s new bed and breakfast, was well pleased with the support she received at her Open House.

The bed and breakfast inn has four rooms. One has a private bath and the other three share two baths.

Graduating from the University of Phoenix, Utah Campus, were two men from Malad.

Receiving a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Management was C. Randall Willie.

Receiving a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration was Stanley Dee Isaacson.

New members of the 1994-95 Seminary Council were announced as follows: President Michael Sperry, Vice President Brett Mills, Secretary Donna Rice, Historian Quinette Smith, Senior Representatives Jason Ward and LaRane Jensen, Junior Representatives Casey Winward and Rochelle Panting, Sophomore Representatives

Jared Robbins and Shelli Nalder, and Freshmen Representatives are Jacob Jeppsen and JaRon Crowther.

The 8th District High School rodeo finals were held in Montpelier, with eight from Malad qualifying for the State competition in Filer. Bert Timothy, Blake Tubbs, Ryker Jones, Riley Jones, Mindi Smith, Kelli Williams, Krystal Jacaway and Jodi Williams will be competing. Mindi Smith was named All Around Cow Girl for the second year in a row.

40 YEARS AGO (1984)

When Ron Eliason goes to the State High School Rodeo in Filer, he will be using skills he has learned over the years from his father, Don.

Ron recently earned second place honors in calf roping at the Fourth District High School Rodeo meet at Blackfoot.

Wendell Smith will defend his title in the Larry Jones Memorial Malad City Open Golf Tournament set for Saturday.

Michael Charles Colton received his degree from Utah State University at Logan. He was among the honor students Cum Laude who were especially mentioned and applauded for their quality of performance in academic work which enabled them to graduate with distinction.

Ned Thomas has been named to the dean’s list of the School of Management for Winter Semester at Brigham Young University.

Trophy winners during the Idaho Junior Rodeo Association rodeo held at Bancroft, were the following: Mindi Smith placed first in pole bending and second in barrel racing; Coby Jones placed first in breakaway calf roping; and Debbie Terry placed second in pole bending.

50 YEARS AGO (1974)

Lucille Thomas graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Utah State University. She was also the recipient of a gold “A” pin, which is presented to students who have received “A” grades for three consecutive quarters.

Danny Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bland Williams graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor’s Degree.

Four Malad High School Junior girls, Debbie Daniels, Jill Ward, Tammy Christoffersen and Debbie Goddard, are among those attending Idaho Girls State activities this week at the College of Idaho, Caldwell.

Eight MHS Junior boys who attended American Legion Boys State at Boise State College returned Saturday. Kirk Corbridge was elected senator; Mike Ward, Doug John, Tim Thomas and Scott Alder, representatives; Arne Jones, supreme court justice; Rik Villegas, artist on the newspaper; and Arch Williams, to a city government post.

Three Oneida County girls will compete in the district Dairy Miss Pageant at the McCammon LDS Ward Chapel. They are Sheree Stayner, Oneida Dairy Miss; Kathy Thomas and Rebecca McDaniel, attendants.

Hospital Corpsman Third Class Eric Madsen and Mrs. Madsen arrived from Camp Pendleton, California to spend a 30-day leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Reed Madsen. At the expiration of his leave he will report for 13 months duty in Okinawa.

60 YEARS AGO (1964)

Linda Laws, Miss Malad City of 1964, will compete in the Miss Idaho Pageant at Boise. Linda, who has just completed her freshman year at Utah State University with scholastic honors, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Laws.

Malad L.D.S. Seminary officers who will serve during the 1964-65 term are the following: Mark Grover, president; Donald Ashton, first counselor; Sandy Bowen, second counselor; Jackie Price, historian, and Diane Williams, secretary. These students are currently planning next year’s Seminary activities.

Myron P. Sorensen was re-elected as a trustee of the Oneida School Board.

Thiokol Chemical Corporation has received a $46 million Air Force contract for continued production of Minutemen Stage 1 Rocket Engines.

Darl Gleed, a professional Scouter, has been advanced to Boy Scout executive and assigned to The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, at Fairbanks, Alaska.

Prior to his new assignment, Mr. Gleed served as Field Executive at Yreka, California and for the past four years as District Executive at Seattle, Washington.

70 YEARS AGO (1954)

Lt. Dale Daniels who has been stationed at the Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colorado, arrived home to spend a 30-day leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell O. Daniels, At the expiration of his leave, he will report at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey prior to leaving for England. Golden Ward and Lois Vaughan presented an instrumental number on the American Legion’s Memorial Day program at the Malad cemetery.

A recently-constructed C.A.A. installation near Malad plus 5,000 feet of paved runway at the Malad air field were important factors in the saving of 35 lives when a C-46 airplane made an emergency landing here after trouble developed in one of the draft’s twin engines.

The army-charted plane, en-route from Fort Knox, Kentucky to Fort Lewis, Washington, carried 30 U.S. Servicemen and a crew of five.

The plane developed engine trouble west of Bear Lake, flying at 11,000 feet and began to lose altitude. Not wishing to risk a landing on the short, dirt runway at Preston, the pilot contacted the Malad Civil Aeronautics Authority and landed here.

80 YEARS AGO (1944)

More than 5,200,000 men of the U.S. armed forces are now on duty abroad or at sea and by the end of the year the total is expected to exceed 7,000,000. Total strength of the armed forces is now approximately 11,000,000.

Army Air Force Training Center, Miami Beach, Florida – Lt. Dale L. Harrison, having successfully completed his course at the Air Force Officer candidate school at Miami Beach, Florida, has received his commission as 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force of the Army of the United States. His duties will be to direct vital administrative and supply operations of the army air forces in theaters of operations all over the world.

C M C M June 13, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 7
30 YEARS AGO (1994) NEW SEMINARY OFFICERS for the 1994-95 school year are pictured from left to right. they are: (front) Quinette Smith, historian; Brett Mills, vice president; Michael Sperry, president; and Donna Rice, secretary. (Rear) Jacob Jeppsen and JaRon Crowther, freshmen representatives; Shelli Nalder and Jared Robbins, sophomore representatives; Rochelle Panting and Casey Winward, junior representatives; and Jason Ward and LaRane Jensen, senior representatives. 50 YEARS AGO (1974) Lori Harrison, left front, holds the team trophy won by Malad High School Rodeo Club at the Idaho 4th District High School Rodeo at McCammon last week. Steve Edwards sits on the saddle he received as best "All-Around Cowboy" at the meet. Others pictured are Sherry Blaisdell and Danece Daniels, front row: Scott Alder, left, back row, David Williams, David Daniels, Steve Jones and Benny Jones. Also competing were Kirk Corbridge, Kelly Wakley and Tim Scott.


On Thursday, the 12th day of September, 2024, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. of said day at Northern Title Co. of Idaho, 20 N. Main, Suite 8, Malad City, in the County of Oneida, State of Idaho, Ryan M. Fawcett, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Oneida, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to wit:

Commencing at a point 8 rods North of the Southwest Corner of Lot 5, Block 8, of the Townsite of Malad City, Idaho, as the same appears upon the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder of Oneida County; thence running East 10 rods, thence North 4 rods, thence West 10 rods, thence South 4 rods to the point of beginning, situate in Section 21, Township 14 South, Range 36 East, Boise Meridian, Oneida County, Idaho (T 964) (RP0026700)

The Successor Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60 113, Idaho Code, the Successor Trustee has been informed that the street address of 280 North 200 West, Malad City, Idaho, is sometimes associated with said real property.

Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by ANVIL D OYLER, an Unmarried Man, and DAVID E GRINDLE, an Unmarried Man, Grantor, to Ryan M. Fawcett, Successor Trustee, for the benefit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., recorded October 22, 2020, as Instrument No. 160272, Mortgage records of Oneida County, Idaho; and assigned to the IDAHO HOUSING AND FINANCE ASSOCIATION by Assignment of Deed of Trust recorded on March 25, 2024, as Instrument No. 165804, Mortgage records of Oneida County, Idaho. THE ABOVE GRANTOR IS NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 45 1506 (4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION.

Said sale is a public auction for which the bid price must be paid immediately upon close of bidding by certified funds in the form of cashier's checks, certified checks, or valid money orders only. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason whatsoever, the successful bidder's exclusive and sole remedy shall be the return of actual monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.

The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay when due, monthly installment payments under the Deed of Trust Note dated October 19, 2020 in the amount of $1,521.00 each, for the months of September, 2023 through April, 2024, inclusive. All delinquent payments are now due, plus accumulated late charges, plus all escrow advances, plus any costs or expenses associated with this foreclosure. The accrued interest is at the rate of 3.75% per annum from August 1, 2023, and the Beneficiary elects to sell or cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. The principal balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $190,764.55, plus accrued interest at the rate of 3.75% per annum from August 1, 2023.

DATED This 14th day of May, 2024.


a Member of the Idaho State Bar, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE

Publishing: 5/23/2024, 5/30/2024, 6/6/2024, 6/13/2024

#5618 5 23 30 6 6 13 24 T4


On Thursday, the 12th day of September, 2024, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. of said day at Northern Title Co. of Idaho, 20 N. Main, Ste. #8, Malad City, in the County of Oneida, State of Idaho, Ryan M. Fawcett, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Oneida, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to‑wit:

A parcel of land located in Block 27 of the Malad City Townsite, Section 22, Township 14 South, Range 36 East, Boise Meridian, Oneida County, Idaho and further described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 22, from which the West quarter corner of Section 22 bears South 00° 04' 31" East 2641.94 feet; Thence South 00° 04' 31" East 1104.53 feet along the West line of said Section 22; Thence North 89° 55' 29" East 116.05 feet to a point on the West line of said Block 27, said point is also the Northwest corner of the parcel of land owned by Corey D. and D. Mia Crompton whose parcel is described in Instrument # 149569 in the official records of Oneida County, the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 83° 38' 36” East 199.72 feet along the North line of said Crompton parcel to a found 5/8" rebar with cap; Thence North 01° 54' 05" East 76.52 feet to a 5/8" rebar with cap labeled, "A.A. Hudson, PLS 13173", set on the South line of the parcel owned by Michael Wells whose parcel is described in Instrument #'s 150859 and 150860 in the official records of Oneida County; Thence North 84 ° 20' 17” West 45.13 feet along said South line to a found 5/8" rebar with cap set at the Southeast corner of the parcel owned by Cinniman B. Schwartz whose parcel is described in Instrument # 143865 in the official records of Oneida County; Thence along the South boundary of said Schwartz parcel the following 3 courses:

Thence North 84° 10' 35” West

71.01 feet to a found 5/8" rebar with cap;

Thence North 85° 49’ 28" West 42.40 feet to a found 5/8" rebar with cap;

Thence North 86° 37' 00" West

42.02 feet to a found 5/8" rebar with cap set on the East line of said Block 27;

Thence South 00° 59' 49" West 71.60 feet along said East line to the True Point of Beginning. The Successor Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above‑referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60‑113, Idaho Code, the Successor Trustee has been informed that the street address of 518 N 100 W, Malad City, Idaho, is sometimes associated with said real property.

Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by JEFFREY G HILDEBRAND, a Single Man, Grantor, to Ryan M. Fawcett, Successor Trustee, for the benefit and security of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., recorded May 7, 2021, as Instrument No. 161353, Mortgage records of Oneida County, Idaho; and assigned to the IDAHO HOUSING AND FINANCE ASSOCIATION by Assignment of Deed of Trust recorded on February 27, 2024,


Said sale is a public auction for which the bid price must be paid immediately upon close of bidding by certified funds in the form of cashier’s checks, certified checks, or valid money orders only. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason whatsoever, the successful bidder’s exclusive and sole remedy shall be the return of actual monies paid to the Successor Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse.

The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay when due, monthly installment payments under the Deed of Trust Note dated May 5, 2021, in the amount of $1,153.00 each, for the months of June, 2023 through March, 2024, inclusive. All delinquent payments are now due, plus accumulated late charges, plus all escrow advances, plus any costs or expenses associated with this foreclosure. The accrued interest is at the rate of 3.75% per annum from May 1, 2023, and the Beneficiary elects to sell or cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. The principal balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $165,649.84, plus accrued interest at the rate of 3.75% per annum from May 1, 2023.

DATED This 14th day of May, 2024. RYAN M. FAWCETT, a Member of the Idaho State Bar, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE

Publishing: 5/23/2024, 5/30/2024, 6/6/2024, 6/13/2024


In the matter of the Estate of: BETTY B. JONES, Deceased.

Case No. CV36-24-0056


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TERRELL JAY JONES and ARNE ALON JONES have been appointed copersonal representatives of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court.

DATED this 14th day of May, 2024.


By: /s/ Nathan R. Palmer

Attorney for Personal Representative

P. O. Box 1391 Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391

Telephone: (208) 232-6101


1. Applicant: Micael & Rosemary Wells PO Box 1480 Boulder, Ut 84716

2. Location of the Subject Property: Street Address: Subject Property does not have an assigned street address. It is parcel number RP0045500. The easement used to access the property is located at 430 North Main Street.


3.Summary of Proposal: Applicant requests a variance to use an easement as a driveway which may be contrary to the requirements or provisions of Malad City ordinances.

WHEREFORE, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 6:00 pm before the Malad Planning and Zoning Commission at

59 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho, to hear, review, discuss, deliberate upon, and take public comment upon the application for the variance described above.

ALSO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 6:00 pm before the Malad City Council, 59 Bannock Street, Malad, Idaho to hear, review, discuss, deliberate upon, and take public comment upon the application for the variance described above.

All interested residents of Malad City are invited to attend either or both hearings and present written or oral testimony in favor of or in opposition to the application for a variance as described above. Materials and information related to the application for a variance can be reviewed at Malad City Hall during normal office hours.

DATED this 28th day of May, 2024.

JOAN W. HAWKINS Mayor, Malad City, Idaho ATTEST:

SUSAN J. WITTMAN, City Clerk, Malad City, Idaho #5621-6-6-13-24-T2

Oneida County is accepting Sealed Bids for Propane Delivery

Contract Dates: July 1, 2024 –June 30, 2025

The Oneida County Commissioners are soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified vendors to provide propane delivery for the Oneida County Government. The requirements are to keep identified tanks full for the 12 month period of the contract. Last year’s usage was around 24,000 gallons.

All sealed bids must include:

• Company contact information

• The flat-rate per gallon given for the full 12 month period.

• The bid must be signed by a responsible and authorized person for the bidding party.

• Sealed bid envelopes should be clearly marked with the Bidder’s Name & “20242025 FLAT-RATE PROPANE DELIVERY”.

All bids must be received in the Oneida County Clerk’s Office, 10 Court Street, Malad, Idaho 83252 by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 21, 2024. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids presented in any other format will not be accepted (one flat-rate per gallon for the specified period).

#5623 6 6 13 24 T2


NOTICE is hereby given that an application for a variance has been filed with the Clerk of the City of Malad. The application has been made pursuant to Idaho Code and Malad City Ordinance #474 on the basis that the applicant’s proposal may be contrary to the Malad City Ordinance(s). The applicant’s name, summary, and location of the proposal are as follows:


4:00 P.M.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 8 NOTICES
#5619 5 23 30 6 6 13 24 T4
Open Mon. - Fri • 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The COPY CENTER At The Idaho Enterprise 208-766-4773 100 E. 90 S. Malad

Rex Robbins

Our dad is one of a kind. He was born in Malad and raised in Stone, ID, where he grew up learning the value of hard work and service to his community. He was born the 13th of 15 children to Ruth and Merlin Robbins. Dad spent his mornings milking cows and his days bucking hay, moving water, and playing outdoors with his siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews.

Dad has always had a deep love for his family and pride in his roots in the Curlew Valley. This interest in his heritage has motivated him to research the stories of his ancestors and instilled in him a love for history, specifically the history of the surrounding area. His love for history and gaining knowledge is something that has rubbed off on all of us kids. Dad has taught us that learning could be fun and that there is a lesson to be learned in nearly everything.

Growing up, dad witnessed his mother’s deep love for the Savior, and it got him curious in gaining his own relationship with God. After graduating high school dad felt a pull to serve a mission. He saw how the mission positively impacted the lives of other young men he knew, and he knew that if he dedicated himself, he could also experience that same positive impact. Dad really strengthened his testimony while on

his mission and has spent his life post mission centered and built upon Jesus Christ and His gospel. In our own ways, each of us kids have gained our own love for the example Jesus set for us on how to live and love others because we watched our dad do it first.

A few months after returning home dad become reacquainted with Sarah Carter at the Gold and Green Ball. Dad says the Ball changed everything, not only had Sarah caught his attention, she’d begun to capture his heart. Mom and Dad were married November 3, 1977 in the Idaho Falls Temple. Dad has always put the needs of his sweetheart first and shown us how to truly love our partners.

Mom and dad started their family quickly and within the first few years of marriage they brought their three oldest kids into the world. Jared, Bryce, and Stacey, who sure kept them on their toes. They were glad when they moved to Holbrook because grandma, May Carter, helped with tending the kids and dad helped grandma with work on her house and garden. He loved spending time with her and often tells us “She was an amazing woman and always made me feel like I was one of her own.” Dad consistently taught us by example how to honor the elderly and to cherish

Robbins Family Back(L-R) Lucy, Stacey, Kevin, Julie, Ashton, Paige, Rylee, Devin, Rex, Sarah, Jared, Nicole, Gage, Brady; Front(-R) Gunner, Hunter, Reynold, Lily, Daxton, Camden, Carter.

the lessons we can learn from them.

Mom and dad went on to later add Brady, Devin, and Paige to their growing family. Dad feels his crowning glory has always been his kids and grandkids, because of this dad always has made family time his highest priority. He’s shown us how much he loves us in all the family road trips, camping trips, hikes, game nights, and the projects he’s involved us with.

Dad’s love knows no bounds and we each have experienced from him just what unconditional love truly means. Dad has always been a very loyal friend and confidant and has exemplified to us how to look out for others and put their needs before our own. Dad’s happy demeanor and positive outlook has helped him cultivate a love for everyone he meets and has him always ready to make a new friend.

Our dad is quite the storyteller and jokester, these being two endearing traits that helped him connect with the youth he mentored while serving as an LDS Bishop and Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America. Some of his favorite stories involve trips on the Salmon River, Camp Little Lemhi, and 75-mile hikes into the Wind Rivers. Growing up we spent many hours around a family campfire listening to his stories and jokes. We developed a love for the out-of-doors, hiking, camping, fishing, and learned at a young age our responsibility to care for our environment.

Dad has always had a knack for mentorship. In 2004, he was awarded the Silver Beaver award which is designated for those who provide years of dedicated service to their community, self-sacrifice, and have made a positive impact on the youth they lead. At the ceremony the announcer said this about dad, "Young men respect him as their leader, consider him their friend and recognize his genuine love and concern for them… Rex always labors to include all boys, focusing on those who are less active in the unit and going

the extra mile by making personal phone calls and offering to pick them up.”

While we were growing up dad did his best to show up for us and support us in our interests. He wanted us to be involved in any of the activities we found interest in, so he worked full time and ran a contracting business on the side. Dad sacrificed time and money so that we could each pursue our curiosities and have experiences to learn important life lessons. One way dad supported our interests was by volunteering to coach our little league teams. Whether it was basketball, soccer, or baseball he wanted to be involved in our lives. Dad has always loved the sport wrestling. For a time, he helped coach the high school wrestling team and later spent years running the Malad Jr Dragon wrestling team. Dad has continuously shown us through his actions just how much he loves us and wants us to succeed, and we saw firsthand how he extended those same wishes for the kids he coached.

If you know our dad, you know he always has a song in his heart and a skip in his step. He is continually happy; it's not very often that he isn’t whistling a tune or singing the words to his version of a song. The best part of bedtime as kids was dad singing us to sleep, his love for music spread to each of us and so did his positive outlook on life.

Dad would say his greatest accomplishment in life is his family. He LOVES being a grandpa more than anything. When Stacey’s triplets were born, dad could often be heard telling them “I am the luckiest grandpa in the world!” He’s the proud grandpa of 10 boys and 6 girls. We love our dad so much and have learned innumerable life lessons from him. It feels impossible to put in words just how special he is. He taught us the value of hard work and the mindset of “if it’s worth doing, its worth doing right”. He also taught us to persevere especially when times get tough. Another one of

his famous lines is “your word is your bond”. Dad lives by these principals and has been a shining example to all of us. There's so much more we want to say about how wonderful our dad is, but we will end by saying, we love you more than we could ever express. You’ve taught us how to serve others, and

how to have a sense of humor. You’ve instilled strong morals in each of us, and most of all you’ve taught us how to love others by showing us how. You will forever be our hero and favorite friend. Happy Father’s Day, dad! You’re the best dad ever.

June 13, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 9
Rex's Senior Picture Robbins Family. Back (L-R) Jared, Sarah, Rex, Bryce; Front (L-R) Brady, Paige, Devin, Stacey Rex Coaching Little League with Mark Evans, Brady, Sarah, Bryce and Jared. Rex & Sarah with granddaughters Julie and Lucy on their backs. Sarah & Rex with the granddog Dove.

Malad Stake Conference Report

The Malad Stake held their Semi-Annual Stake Conference which included three sessions on Saturday, June 8th and Sunday June 9th. By invitation, various members of the stake attended the opening leadership session which was led by Area Authority Elder David Frischkencht.

President David R Jensen, President of the Malad Stake, opened the Saturday afternoon adult session. He began with thoughts of “daily spiritual experiences,” a directive given by President Russle M Nelson from his April 2022 General Conference address, “Spiritual Momentum.” “Many of us think we only need to worship once a week, on the Sabbath,” President Jensen began, “but President Nelson has invited us to experience worshiping on a daily basis. I would ask you, what are the things you can do to make this happen in your life and in your home?”

As there are many ways to worship on a daily basis, President Jensen shared a few particular examples that all members could employee, including listening to or playing the sacred hymns often, kneeling in fervent prayer daily, frequently taking time for scripture study, weekly partaking of the sacrament, and constantly finding time for temple worship.

Expounding on temple worship, President Jensen encouraged all members to have a “current and active temple recommend.” He advised that not only should temple goers be sure that their recommend is not expired but that it is something that is being used as often as possible. Sharing personal experiences, President Jensen promised that temple worship will bring peace and rest and that it is a place where members can feel Heavenly Father’s great love for them.

Sister Kristy Elison, currently serving as the young women’s president of the Holbrook Ward, was asked to speak on how she was helping prepare her youth to make temple covenants. She shared that her first step was to teach by example as she has made and kept her sacred temple covenants. Then as a leader she is helping them to attend the temple as they do proxy baptisms for the dead. Other things she suggests that leaders and parents can do to help prepare youth to attend the temple are to have a picture of the temple in each home, go to church every Sunday, attend weekday activities, teach them to love as Christ did, and to recognize the Spirit.

Following Sister Eliason was Brother Tyrell Neal from the 4th Ward Bishopric, who spoke helping the young men and young women to prepare to attend the temple and then serve full-time missions. He said, “We have a sacred responsibility to help our families and young men and women to prepare for temple covenants and to serve as missionaries.” He shared seven ways to do so, including setting a strong example, fostering a love for the scriptures, creating a spirit of prayer, encouraging service, attending the temple, fostering communication and praying for the children.

Sister ShaNae Blaisdell shared her recent temple endowment and sealing experience. She began by saying, “I don’t have the words to tell you how amazing and joyous I felt that day having our children in the temple and knowing that our family is an eternal family. Being sealed in the temple was a goal they had since they were married, and

while it took time, they recognized the blessing of a loving Heavenly Father. She shared that while there were times that it seemed easy to accomplish and others that seemed extremely hard, but always she felt loved and guided along their path to the temple. “I felt so much happiness and relief as I was finally able to take the steps and make those covenants with our Heavenly Father.”

First Counselor of the Malad Stake Presidency, President Jason Sperry, shared that his address was in response to a prompting he had had to speak about those loved ones that are struggling with their faith and their testimony. His hopes were that he could provide some counsel for many that are experiencing this.

He first pointed out that rather than calling such an experience a “faith crisis” he would consider it a faith journey. “Because we have questions,” he said, “we do not necessarily have a crisis. We all have questions of all kinds. We are on a journey. And if we face it with faith first, come to the Savior first, over time these things will be resolved.” Using the example from Mark chapter 5, he suggested that members with questions or problems, to find a solution within the power of Jesus Christ.

Sharing a series of principles, he taught to first seek answers to gospel questions, by going to reputable, researched, faith filled true sources. Secondly, he taught, to allow questions about the gospel to increase rather than decrease your faith. Finally, he shared to seek answers to gospel questions with faith and a sincere desire to believe.

In the event that a loved one steps away from the church and the gospel, President Sperry encouraged members to continue to share your love with them. But just because they might have stumbled on their faith journey, others don’t have to too. He concluded by saying, “Go forward with faith. Hold on to the ground you have already won. There is nothing that says you have to give up your faith because you have questions. Reach out to touch the Savior as often as you can and He will heal you as he has healed me.”

The concluding speaker of the evening session was the presiding authority Elder Frischkencht. Elder Frischknecht posed a question to those attending, asking, “How has the Lord manifested Himself to you in His holy house?” First sharing among themselves and then with the group as a whole, the members attending gave personal experiences that they had known in the temple.

Encouraging the members to take increased time for temple worship, Elder Frischkencht gave four ways to do so. First by simply going more often. Next, members can attend the temple longer with each visit. Thirdly, he suggested for members to invite someone else to go with them that wouldn’t have otherwise. And lastly, think of someone who can’t currently go to the temple and help them return to the temple. “During different stages of our life, our temple plan will be different. But we need to have a temple plan.”

Elder Frischknecht ended by bearing testimony to the incredible blessing that will come as members strive to increase their time in the temple. He testified that those that attend the temple will more fully become one with God as they attend the temple and make and keep sacred covenants.

Sunday morning, the members gathered for the final session of the Stake

Conference. Following stake business and a musical number by women of the Malad Stake, President Jensen gave the opening remarks. He reminded the members attending of the commission all followers of Jesus Christ have been given to love one another. “Most of us profess to love God. The challenge I have observed is oftentimes loving our neighbor,” President Jensen said. He continued, “Brothers and sisters, if we are obedient to the commandment to love our neighbors, there will be no disputations, contentions, nor hatred between us. We will not speak ill of one another, but will treat each other with kindness and respect, realizing that each one of us is a child of God. Love should have no boundaries... Life is about the connections we make with one another and the kindness we extend. It is not about how much we have but how we treat others, especially when we think they have nothing to offer us.”

Several members throughout the Stake were invited to speak on their favorite line of the hymn, I know that My Redeemer Lives. Sister Holgate of the Second Ward chose the line, “He lives my kind, wise Heavenly Friend.” She recalled how her testimony and relationship with her Savior developed over the years until she truly came to know and trust Him.

Brother Isaac Bird from the Holbrook Primary spoke of his favorite phrase, “He lives to bless me with his love.” Brother Bird has recognized God’s love in his life as he has witnessed a number of miracles. He also sees God’s love in the gift of his eternal family.

Recent graduate and member of the Fourth Ward, Sister Addler Garrett expounded upon her favorite line, “He lives to guide me with his eye,” explaining that she felt that those words meant that there was always someone that had her back. In her life, she has learned that with His perspective, Heavenly Father will guide her, especially when she doesn’t know what choice she should make.

Brother Del Williams shared an experience he had as he served in the Air Force as a pilot. Despite being in the midst of extremely intense and dangerous circumstances, he knew he could

rely on the Lord to help him carry out his missions and bring him safely there, much like his favorite line of I Know that My Redeemer Lives- “He lives to bring me safely there.”

Following the singing of I Know that My Redeemer Lives by the congregation for the intermediate hymn, Sister Lisa Wright of the St. John Ward spoke of how her family study of the Book of Mormon has helped them develop their testimonies of Jesus Christ and stay on the covenant path. She started by illustrating how imperfect and messy her family scripture study can be with six kids that come and go with waning focus and many distractions. She said, “We wondered, why do we continue to have these sort of dysfunctional family scripture studies?” Answering her own question she admitted, “It's because we want to have the Savior’s influence in our lives and in our children’s lives... Even if your scripture study is messy like mine is, by opening the Book of Mormon, you are inviting the Savior into your and into your life.”

Elder Frischknecht was once again the final speaker of the morning session. Before taking to the pulpit, he invited his wife to bear her testimony. Teaching from the Book of Mormon, he taught of covenants with the Lord, that as His followers receive Him, He in turn will receive them. Further teaching this principle, he used the story of Alma and Amulek as they were among the Zoramites. They, like many others, pointed out what they considered to be the problem that kept them from worshiping the Lord.

After reading the solution the ancient missionaries gave to the Zoramites problem, Elder Frichknecht said, “The problem always is, where are we in relation to the Savior? Whatever we think is the problem, the real issue is, do we know Jesus Christ and who is to each of us personally?”

He concluded by teaching that as Jesus Christ is made the center of our focus instead of our problems, doubts and questions, all things begin to fall into place. “Everything will take their place in the context of truth, in the context of revelation, in the context of Heavenly Father’s plan and in the context of Jesus Christ.”

Club Report from Wooly Wranglers Club

On May 29, 2024 the Wooley Wranglers Sheep Club held their first meeting at the Sweeten’s house. We had 17 members attend.

We set our goals, our summer schedule, and selected our club officers. They are

Thatcher Sweeten: President

Brecken Price: Vice President Cassidy Schrenk: Secretary

We are excited to kick off the summer with some Wooley Wrangler fun!!!On June 3, 2024, the Wooley Wranglers Sheep Club held their second meeting at the Schrenk’s house and at Macoy Luke’s barn, out in Samaria. The people that attended are Aleah,


Alyssa, and Alivia Seamon, Brecken and Payson Price, Samantha, Cassidy, and Austin Schrenk, Jaxton and Aubry Price, Thatcher and Riggins Sweeten, Macoy Luke, Brittyn Venable, Cache Maroney, and George Ferree.

We had four demonstrations given by Samantha, Cassidy, Austin, and Macoy. Samantha showed us how to properly trim a lamb’s hoof.

Cassidy talked about breeds of sheep and what they are mainly used for.

Austin showed us how to properly wash a lamb.

And Macoy talked to us about balancing lambs feed if it is overweight and if it is underweight.

We also learned that bovine is cows and that ovine is sheep!!

Sara Rosalie Colton

April 14, 1933 - June 9, 2024

Sara Rosalie Colton, 91, of Malad, Idaho, passed away peacefully at home on June 9th, surrounded by family. Born April 14, 1933, to Pearl and Lawrence B. Wade, she married Eugene L. Colton in 1951, raising seven children together. Preceded in death by her husband in 2020, she was the last surviving member of her birth family of twelve children. Rosalie is survived by her children, Michael (Christee), Linda (Steve) Arbuckle, David (Celeste), Mark (Sandra), Kathleen (David) Cordon, Lon (Benita). Karen and a myriad of descendants. She leaves behind a legacy of love, faith, and devotion to her family and community. Services to be held at the Horsley Funeral Home in Malad on June 19, 2024. Visitation from 10-11a.m., funeral service at 11:30 a.m., interment immediately

following the service at the Malad Cemetery.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 10 Enterprise The Idaho Oneida County's News Since 1879 The cost for a standard obituary: $89 500 words with one color photo The cost for an ultimate obituary: $159 501 words plus and 2 color photos * additional photos $25 each To submit an obituary: email: Mail or drop o at the The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 205, Malad Idaho 83252 100 E. 90 S., Malad, Idaho 208-766-4773
Sara Rosalie Colton

Redefining Retirement in Ranching

After decades of work, most adults look forward to the golden retirement years as a time of adventure, fun, relaxing and simply time spent doing whatever they want to do. But there are a fair few that look at retirement with just the opposite perspective. They see it as the end of the road, their final act and something to avoid. I don't know if there are statistics on these bunch of folks, but I’d bet money that most of them are farmers and ranchers.

Seeing an old rancher running equipment, working cattle or even saddling up his horse is not an uncommon sight. But the novel concept of someone at such an advanced age working such physically demanding and occasionally dangerous work brings with it unsolicited opinions and advice of what is the appropriate time to retire.

The truth is, farmers and ranchers are a breed of people that just might not know how to retire.

As odd as it sounds, their life of hard work isn’t always work to them. Sure it pays the bills, brings on countless aches and pains, and is constantly going awry like ordinary jobs do. But these sort of people thrive on hard work, overcoming problems and pushing their tired bodies just one more minute. In fact, most of them claim that the minute they quit working, they just as well die because their life will be

over anyway. In a study done by Purdue University, researchers found several interesting, yet unsurprising facts about retiring ranchers. The average of a rancher has gone up to 58. The average age of a farmer or rancher transitioning into retirement is 75 years old. Of those ranchers retiring, only 37% actually want to retire, with 63% feeling forced or unready to retire. In addition, farmers and ranchers are more likely to be financially prepared for retirement than they are emotionally or mentally. In essence, aging producers are finding it difficult to step away from their operations, largely because their hearts and minds aren’t ready to say goodbye.

At the heart of the matter is a single question- why can’t farmers and ranchers let go?

For most, though, the answer lies in the fact that their work is less of a job and more of a way of life that they just can’t walk away from. Their daily living is so intertwined with the goings on of the ranch work, it is nearly impossible to see where one ends and the other begins. They step foot out their front door and the work day begins, literally living on the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

They usually don’t have extra hobbies or weekend activities because their days are already filled with that sort of fun. They ride 4 wheelers on the mountain sides checking water, ride horses across

the range moving cattle, and work in equipment that their inner boy still squeals with delight at. They don’t have to escape to the countryside from their stuffy office because that already is their office. Their work allows them to work with their hands, use their mind, solve problems, and do anything but the same mundane work or and over. Through their work they travel the country, become involved in community affairs, but also live a humbling life of faith.

Let’s be honest, who would ever want to walk away from that?

In the agriculture industry, there needs to be a sort of mind shift of what retirement is for an old farmer or rancher in multiple ways, principally that retiring from work doesn’t mean that they still can’t be involved in their operations.

Often in their minds retirement means that they can no longer do the work, they aren’t wanted or needed, which is why they cling on to their work with a vice-like grip. Their identity is so wrapped up in being the boss, the decision maker, the head honcho, the chief, and so on. It becomes a bittersweet day when even the bills don’t come in their name anymore. However, many facets of the business side of their operation will go down far smoother if they begin turning things over to the next generation earlier, rather than later.

But what if they could see that their retirement meant passing on

a legacy? What if they saw their passing on the reins as a fulfillment of all their days teaching, mentoring and training up the next generations? And that they weren’t only successful in preparing them and bringing them up, but that they also get to see the dividends of that life long investment?

Farming and ranching is full of seasons. Seasons of planting, seasons of growing, and then seasons of harvesting. In ranch life, that final season of harvesting seems to be one that is difficult to move into and enjoy because old timers just don’t know when or how to do it. While, there truly is so much to be proud of when they look back to what they accomplished in their growing season on their operations, the true depth of their accomplishment will come when they see the work they have done in raising up the next generations to continue their legacy. So maybe it's time we rethink retirement for farmers and ranchers and identify it less as them walking away from their life's work, but more about them passing on their heritage. I don’t claim in any way to have all the answers or any, really. But from where I sit I can see a number of great men that are afraid of what it means to take a step back. I only wish I could help them see and take pride in a job well done before it can unravel because they were unwilling to finally turn things over.

First Session of swimming lessons for the 2024 season

Maggie Willie

The LeGrande AquaPlunge wrapped up its first session of swimming lessons for the 2024 summer season on Thursday, June 13. Each session runs for two weeks with sessions beginning on the hour from 8-11 a.m.

There were approximately 200 swimmers participating in the first session of lessons this season, including several swimmers from out of town.

Safety Topics that are taught to each participant are: swim with a buddy; be cool, follow the rules; look before you leap; think so you don’t sink; reach or throw, don’t go; don’t just pack it, wear your jacket; too much sun is no fun; in your house or in your yard, watch for water, be on guard; wave, tide, or ride, follow the guide.

Swimmers participating in Level One - Intro to Water Skills were:

Heidi Firth, June Walker, Charlotte Werk, Lulu Mott, Zoey Hayes, Adam Hayes, Blaize Eliason, Daniel Ward, Brielle Ward, Afton Wansgard, Mackenzee Maloy, Nellie Tubbs, Kallida Tubbs, Samuel Cox, Lovell Winward, Jett Thorpe, Oakley Cutler, Jordyn Wright, Trey Rounds, Autumn Hansen, Rosie Lake, Courtney Price, Mason Ihler, Makai Probst, Janelle Probst, Evelynn Hess, Hudson Hess, Max Baer, Marlo Baer, Nicolas Waldron, Drisco Thomas, Emmett Williams, Vera Reel, and River Velasquez.

Level Two - Fundamental Aquatic Skills swimmers were: Genisis Helmandollar, Maisy Firth, Zac Hayes, Nyles Mott, Deggan Helmandollar, Karissa Nimer, Graham Rounds, Hannah Cox, Annabelle Winward, Trinity Hodgkin, Mikayla Thorpe, James Cox, Tristan Hodgkin, Noah Albertson, Adilyn Richardson, Ada Firth, Conner Winward, Lucy Lake, Colt Eliason, Briggs Hanks, Sas-

ka Hackmeister, Lucas Deschamps, Tansi Eliason, Kesslen Williams, Will Deschamps, Kalista Winward, Malea Hansen, Weston Hansen, Jackson Hannum, Aiden Ostrom, Kollyns Beutler, Navy Beutler, Declan Williams, Haizen Winn, Raylee Daniels, Brig Daniels, Zayn Toraya, Rhett Velasco, and Raylin Patterson. The swimmers that worked at Level Three - Stroke Development were: Wynn Werk, Ellie Waldron, Wesley Asay, Nora Walker, Lafe Huckaby, Willis Arnout, Phobe Firth, Alec Thorpe, Cody Wansgard, Eli Beck, Claire Wright, Zach Palmer, Olivia Briscoe, Kaycee Maloy, Aiden Webber, Aiden Ostrom, Paisley Firth, Mason Chabris, Colson Price, Bubba Williams, Dax Beutler, Prezli Ball, Whitney Roe, Lyla Reel, and Tucker Velasco.

Level Four - Stroke Improvement swimmers were: Halen Kimberling, Madelyn Gonzelaz, Dempsey Firth, Crissy Arnout, Elle Evanson,

Greyson Rounds, Paisley Vanbebber, Jaxon Maloy, Kallie Nimer, Aiden Chabris, Maggie Schow, Elijah Napier, Braylin Bastian, Maylee Hanks, Keira Ostrom, Paxton Price, Annika Smith, Piper Reel, Grace Toraya, and Easton Tripp.

Swimmers participating in Level Five - Stroke Refinement were: Hadley Evanson, Kayman Nimer, Stallim Williams, Devin Ball, Sawyer Beutler, and Kennedy Hannum.

Level Six - Lifeguard Readiness swimmers were: Makenzi Tripp and Payton Willson. The next session of swimming lessons started Monday, June 17. There are a lot of activities happening at the pool this summer including mom and tots, water aerobics, and lap swimming. There are also private lessons available. For more information, contact LeGrande AquaPlunge.


Stephie Briggs! Stephie Briggs!

Ken Williams is proud of his granddaughter Stephie Briggs for graduating from Brigham Young University- Provo on April 25th 2024. Stephie graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is planning on furthering her education and getting her Master’s degree in Social Work.

C M C M June 13, 2024 The Idaho Enterprise 11

MMS students headed to 2024 Idaho Bowl

Most often, this limited space of The Idaho Enterprise is dedicated to the sports activities of the varsity teams. With so many great athletes participating in a number of sports with a full schedule of games, covering what happens on every field and every court just can’t happen. But once in a while there are momentous days, when it doesn’t matter what level the game is being played at, that will always be worth mentioning.

In just a few short weeks, six Malad middle school athletes will participate in the inaugural games of the 2024 Idaho Bowl. After years of success running the Oregon All-Star game for the very best middle school aged football players, Idaho Bowl Executive Director Laif Morrison put his energy towards giving Idaho youth the same opportunity.

After ironing out the details of the games, the official word was finally put out that the very best of Idaho’s 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams across the state, with no regard to team numbers or classification, would have the chance to play together in an ultimate matchup. With the date set for June 29th, nominations were opened in August of 2023 with thousands of clips, highlight videos and recommendations piling in.

Among them were a number of nominations from Malad’s own youth program. Many will recall the exciting year of big wins the various teams had, including the first ever Malad football championship win by the 6th grade

team as they competed in the Southeast Idaho Youth Football American Conference League. In attendance of those big wins were a number of scouts looking to invite young football stars to the first ever Idaho Bowl.

Sifting through the high volume of nominations, the committee selected nearly 250 players to fill the positions of the two opposing teams at each grade level. Of those selected six athletes were chosen from among Malad’s teams, including 6th graders Sawyer Beutler, Jett Miller and Weston Bates, 7th grader Riggin Montgomery, and 8th graders Mason Ball and River Taylor.

These young athletes have been given a once in a lifetime experience as they have been invited to the campus of Boise State University to play with and be coached by some truly great football players. They can expect to see college level coaches and athletes, NFL stars and legendary players. Leading up to the games, they will have five practices to work on the mechanics of the game, learn their plays and mesh together as a team.

The Malad youth coaches were proud and amazed that of the 75 schools with athletes being selected to play in the bowl game, that not one or even two of their players were chosen, but six! They said, “It is amazing to think of all the roster spots, six will be going to boys from our 2A school. They are about to have high level coaching in a high level experience that will help them grow immensely as players.”

Sawyer Beutler, playing in the 6th grade game as quarterback and linebacker has really only been playing football for just a couple of years. His keen athletic mind and high sports IQ have led him to become an indispensable player for Malad. His coaches shared that as he began to really understand the game, he could almost read the mind of his coaches, knowing just what the situation demanded on the field. They also pointed out what a great leader Beutler has become, keeping a calm and steady demeanor on the field to keep he and his team always focused on the play at hand.

Also playing in the Idaho Bowl 6th grade game will be Jett Miller, taking his position at center on the offensive line and at defensive end. His coaches explained that center was definitely not the position Miller was hoping to play. But when they asked him to step into that role, he readily agreed, putting his team's needs before his own wants. Not only were his coaches impressed with his team first attitude, but they recognized a consistency on the field that they would eventually lean on throughout their games. While his role might not have been the most flashy, he played a crucial part in their success.

Weston Bates will round out the Malad players competing in the 6th grade game, coming in to play at running back, wide receiver and defensive end. The Malad youth coaches saw in Bates a kind of grit and determination that can’t be taught in an athlete.

Game after game, play after play, Bates proved to be a different kind of beast on the field, never giving up until he succeeded with his objective.

Riggin Montgomery will play in the 7th grade game as quarterback, running back, defensive back, and linebacker. Montgomery isn’t just a great football player, but a well rounded athlete in several sports. Regardless of what he is playing, his immense skill and ability always prove him to be a top tier athlete and competitor. What is even better is that he comes to every practice and game coachable, ready to learn- a very rare trait in youth sports.

Mason Ball, playing in the 8th grade game will step on the field as center and linebacker. Ball has played four all for a number of years and has stood out as a leader in the field, a quality that will serve him well in the Idaho Bowl.

The final Malad football star to play in Boise will be River Taylor, also playing in the 8th grade game. Taylor’s positions will include playing tight end, offensive line, defensive line, and defensive end. If there is one descriptor his coaches would use for him, it would be hard hitter, in every sense of the term. He never pulls back, never lets up and plays coming at his opponent at full speed.

The future of Malad football is surely going to be bright with such rising stars on the roster. With continued experience and coaching, the sky's the limit with these young talented players.

Malad wins back to back Wyoming State Championships at Flaming Gorge

The tournament was June 1 on Flaming Gorge. There were nine different schools competing, and Malad won the WYOMING state championship, turning them into back to back state champions. This year the team will also be heading to Lake Chickamauga in Tennessee, and we are doing a fundraiser. We ask everyone to please help us support it.

During pre-fish at Flaming Gorge, we found that the fish were starting to come up shallow because it was time for the spawn. We landed on the right fish at the exactly right time, winning the tournament with 23.76 pounds--that’s almost 5 pounds per smallmouth!

The water temperature in the morning was 53° by the end of the day it was 61.

Winning this year was Ryelur Jensen and Holden Higley, and coming in fifth place for Malad high school as well were Tag Petersen and Braun Nalder. It was a very exciting tournament. The have boys practiced since January how to flip with Holden Higley. This was his first year to ever use a bait caster. He holds the school record for nine times in the tunafish can in 60 seconds. Holden was able to master this technique along with Ryelur, and they used it to end up winning the tournament. Here are the other schools that were involved.

Wyoming High School Tournament Team Weights:

We are going to Lake Chickamauga in Dayton Tennessee to Fish for the national championship, where the top 20 will win full rides scholarships to college. Please help support our local boys get a full ride scholarship on their trip to Tennessee.

We will raffle until July 20 and I am the contact. We will announce it live on my Facebook page on July 21. You do not have to be present to win. We need to raise 5,000 dollars to go. We are raffling two cornhole boards and bags. Tickets are 5 dollars each or 5 for 20. You can also donate to the Venmo Code @ Tim-Rawlings-07.

C M C M The Idaho Enterprise June 13, 2024 12
Tim Rawlings, Wyoming Bass Nation President
1 23.76 Malad Team 1 2. 18.55 Jackson Girls 3. 18.54 Mountain View 4. 18.20 Star Valley 5. 16.12 Malad Team 2 6. 16.00 Evanston 7. 14.28 Jackson Boys 8. 6.12 Lyman Flaming Gorge
Malad Team 1 4.96 Big Bass
The Malad Bass Fishing Team continues its winning ways at the Flaming Gorge tournament. Big Dog Tim Rawlings is always happy to brag about his team, and how proud of them he is. The Malad Team had an amazing tournament overall. A raffle to raise money features these Malad specific cornhole targets. The team is fundraising for a trip to Tennessee for a chance to win scholarships. It's always a good day to hit the lake, as they say.

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