Herriman Journal | February 2022

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February 2022 | Vol. 32 Iss. 02


HERRIMAN LOCAL HEADED TO THE WINTER OLYMPICS By Justin Adams | justin.a@thecityjournals.com


or the second time in six months, a Herriman native is headed to the Olympic games. What’s even more amazing is the journey she’s taken to get there. Growing up in Herriman, Kaysha Love was a talented and passionate gymnast. She competed just up the road at Olympus Gymnastics in South Jordan. Eventually though, the sport began to take a toll on her. She was putting in 30 hours a week. She didn’t have much of a social life. Injuries began to mount. So as she entered high school, she made the decision to pivot to track and field. It turned out to be a great decision. In just her second race, she broke a state record. “That’s when I realized that track could pay for my school,” she said. Love would go on to win state titles in the 100 and 200 meter races… as a freshman. Her 100-meter record still stands to this day. Love is quick to credit her track and field coach for her success. “I had a fantastic track and field coach. He was one of the best high school coaches in Utah,” she said. Her high school success led to a scholarship offer from UNLV, where she competed until graduating last year. During Love’s junior year, her coach began working with a runner who also competed in the skeleton race. He began doing some research into what it takes to compete in the skeleton and bobsled competitions. “He came to me and said it could be a successful sport for me after college,” Love said. “You need to be fast, powerful and explosive.” At first, she was a little apprehensive. “I had to remind him, I’m from Utah but I left Utah to get away from the winter and the cold and now you want me to do a winter sport?” But, perhaps remembering all the good that had come from her making a jump from gymnastics to track as a high schooler, she decided to give it a go. In October of 2020, she was invited to a rookie mini-camp hosted by the Herriman native Kaysha Love (left) is going to the Olympics to compete in the two-woman bobsled event. This winter she comUSA bobsled team at Lake Placid, New York. The event provided a handful peted in the annual World Cup competition in Europe, during which she and her teammate Kaillie Humphries (right) took first Continued page 5

place in one of the races. (Photo courtesy of Viesturs Lacis | IBSF)

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Page 2 | February 2022

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February 2022| Page 3

Community members hope to Be The Match By Jet Burnham | j.burnham@mycityjournals.com


s a freshman, Hagan Walker received support and advice—on eating, weight-lifting, football and life—from Jason Kupiec, a highly involved parent at Summit Academy High School, whose son played on the football team with Walker. “He was always joking with me and all my friends,” said Walker, who is now a senior. “And he was a good mentor when he was around for the football season. He always had a smile on his face, and he was always looking for ways to help me.” So when Kupiec was diagnosed with stage four lymphoma cancer last fall, and Walker learned he could possibly help save his mentor’s life, he didn’t hesitate. He registered for the Be The Match national bone marrow transplant registry. Kupiec, who became the sports announcer and athletic staff member at SAHS, is doing well with his current treatments. But if he ever requires a bone marrow transplant, Walker hopes he would be a match. He would also be glad to help anyone else he matches with. “My thought process was, if I can just do this one simple thing that will help a good friend of mine, then I think I would do it for almost anybody,” Walker said. “It was something simple that I can do that can potentially save somebody's life. It was a no-brainer.” That’s the message that members of SAHS’s HOSA Future Health Professionals chapter hope to promote. As part of the national HOSA annual service project, they are registering as many people as possible for the national bone marrow registry to increase the probability that someone needing a transplant can find a donor. “70% of individuals will not have a match within their family and so they'll need to find a match somewhere else,” SAHS HOSA adviser Dr. Jay Marshall said. The HOSA members promote their campaign at school sporting events and activities, assisting adults aged 18-44 to register to be a

Journals T H E

Swabbing and registration will be offered at Summit Academy High during these home games: • Feb. 3 Girls Basketball vs Juan Diego • Feb. 9 Boys Basketball vs Juan Diego • March 24 Girls Softball vs Judge Memorial •March 28 Boys Baseball vs American Leadership Academy Walk-in swabs or private swabbing events for businesses, schools or churches can be requested at kelly. jones@summitacademyschools.org.

Hagan Walker provides a cheek swab to register as a donor on the national bone marrow transplant registry, in hopes of potentially saving a life. (Photo courtesy of Kelly Jones.)

QR code to donate to the Be the Match program.

potential donor. SAHS HOSA adviser Kelly Jones said registering is a simple process. “You just swab your cheek, and then you send it back in an envelope,” she said. “So it's a simple process to get on the registry. And we can do it right there. It takes maybe five minutes.” Jones said their chapter has registered 70 people so far, the highest amount of all the Utah chapters, when she checked in Decem-

ber. They were also in fifth place nationally for fundraising totals at that time. Jones said students are invested in the campaign because they hope someone in the community could be Kupiec’s match if a transplant becomes necessary for his treatment plan. “They know somebody who's going through this that it can potentially affect,” she said. “I think that's been the biggest thing to get more of their involvement and to get them excited about a service project.” Kupiec has been central to the campaign. He shared his story at the kick-off assembly and gives regular updates on his condition. One of the first swabbing events held was promoted with the tagline “Q-tip For Kupiec.” Kupiec said he has been glad to help bring attention to the Be The Match registry, knowing that their personal connection to him has been what has inspired many to get swabbed and registered. But he also is touched that so many students and community members are willing to be a donor for anyone who needs




The Herriman Journal is a monthly publication distributed directly to residents via the USPS as well as locations throughout Herriman City. For information about distribution please email brad.c@thecityjournals.com or call our offices. Rack locations are also available on our website. The views and opinions expressed in display advertisements do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by Loyal Perch Media or the City Journals. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the owner. © 2019 Loyal Perch Media, Inc.

Page 4 | February 2022




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“I told them, even if they weren't able to save me with bone marrow, because maybe I wouldn't need it, or there was nobody that was a match, that they were still stepping up for somebody that they might not even know, that they might be able to make a difference for in their lives,” he said. Nationally, there are over 12,000 people currently waiting to find a match for a bone marrow transplant. “We're hopefully going to be able to save somebody's life,” Jones said. “If not his, somebody else's.” The students will continue to campaign throughout the school year to register as many people as possible. Marshall said just one out of 220 individuals that register will actually end up being a match for someone. He said there is a need for more volunteers of different ethnicities, whose match pools—and therefore their chances of finding a match—are significantly smaller. l


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Continued from front page of athletes with an introduction to the sport, and a chance to prove their potential with a competition. Love took first place in that competition. “The coaches were pretty excited about my potential in the sport,” she recalled. However, Love was still in the midst of her senior season at UNLV at that point. She returned and raced track from January to June of last year. After a two week break, she went back to Lake Placid where she competed for, and won, a spot on the US national team. That punched a ticket to Europe, where for the past couple months Love and her teammates have competed in the Bobsleigh World Cup. It was Love’s first time traveling outside the country. “The culture difference was incredible to see a different part of the world. The way Europeans live life was just fascinating and incredible,” she said. It was also an extremely successful trip for Love and Team USA. In Altenberg, Germany, Love and her teammate Kaillie Humphries took first place. In other races, Love was paired with Elana Meyers Taylor, who ended up winning the gold medal based on her cumulative scores throughout the competition. In the two-person bobsled competition, one person is in charge of’ “driving” the sled. They’re referred to as a pilot. The second person, seated in back, is called the “brakesman.” With Love being so new to the sport,

she falls into the second category. Most of the pilots have been competing for years. About 90% of them started out as brakesmen though, before eventually jumping into the pilot’s seat; something that Love hopes to do herself someday. “That’s something I’m very interested in,” she said. “I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t give it a try.” Given her track record of stepping out of her comfort zone to try new things, that wouldn’t come as any surprise. Love found out that she had officially made the US Olympic team the second week of January, just weeks before the competition was set to begin in Beijing ,China. She found out on a Zoom call while sitting in a hotel room. “It was incredible. It was a very surreal feeling. I just burst into tears,” she said. Love said she’s excited to see yet another part of the world, as well as to represent her country on the biggest stage in sports. The two-woman bobsled event is scheduled to take place on Feb. 18-20. With strong pilots like Humphries and Meyers Taylor, there’s a good chance that Love could end up on the podium. (The team hasn’t yet decided which brakesman will be paired with which pilot). No matter who she’s paired with or how she does, Love knows her family and friends from Herriman will be proudly cheering her on from a watch party at their home. l

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February 2022| Page 5



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www. LarkinCares .com February 2022| Page 7

Miss Herriman wants to promote physical and mental health in 2022 By Justin Adams | justin.a@thecityjournals.com


ast fall, longtime Herriman resident Paige Welsh was crowned Miss Herriman. After serving as an attendant to the previous two Miss Herrimans, she’s ready to take center stage in 2022. A resident since her family moved here when she was four years old, Welsh grew up to be a very talented dancer. She attended Pioneer High School for the Arts and danced with Odyssey Dance Theater. However, her dancing career was disrupted in 2019 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. What followed was an intense period of depression, one which inspired her to become an advocate for mental health awareness. “I want to remind people that it’s OK to not be OK. It’s OK to bring up these topics,” she said. “It can be scary and overwhelming, but our physical and mental health are the most important things. I really think we as a community need to be more open-minded about these things.” The opportunity to promote a cause important to oneself is actually what attracted Welsh to the Miss America program in the first place. Growing up, she had “preconceived notions” of what pageants are all about. But that all changed when she was invited by one of her dance students to attend a local pageant. She was struck by the pageant winner’s speech about her social impact initiative. “Hearing them be so passionate, and thinking

about what I was passionate about, I realized that I have a message,” Welsh said. That led her to compete in the Miss Herriman competition the last two years, winning the title of first attendant. Her time spent accompanying Miss Herriman to various events and activities during that time has given her valuable experience that has allowed her to hit the ground running. “It was a great learning experience,” she said. “I got to do a lot of cool things alongside Miss Herriman. I built relationships with city council members, with residents. Those relationships will help me achieve the goals I have for this year.” In addition to planning events to promote mental health awareness, Welsh is also looking forward to participating in the various community events that take place within the city over the course of the year. The first of which will be a Daddy-Daughter dance for Valentine’s Day, which is scheduled to take place on Feb. 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. To keep up with Miss Herriman over the course of the year, you can follow her on Facebook or Instagram. l Paige Welsh (center) was crowned Miss Herriman for 2022, after serving for two years as first attendant. (Photo courtesy of Miss Herriman Scholarship Competition)



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Page 8 | February 2022

Herriman City Journal

Donating time: Virtual school’s twist on charity season By Jet Burnham | j.burnham@mycityjournals.com


ocal high schools had successful charity seasons. Bingham High School students raised $75,852 for Project Strong. Copper Hills High School students raised $87,513 for Make-A-Wish Utah and to provide Christmas for local families. Herriman High School students raised $145,496 for the Nixon Strong Foundation. Mountain Ridge High School students raised $79,148 (with an additional $25,000 from a private donor) for Angel’s Hands Foundation. Providence Hall High School students donated items to provide Christmas for 15 families. REAL Salt Lake Academy High School students donated 380 wishlist items to Primary Children’s Hospital. Riverton High School students raised $194,000 for the Single Parent Project. Summit Academy High School students raised over $8,000 for the Leukemia Research Foundation. West Jordan High School students raised $35,085 for Ethan’s Super Angels. And Kings Peak Virtual High students provided 639.5 hours of service. As part of the Jordan District Virtual Academy, Kings Peak couldn’t hold fundraiser activities like other high schools because students don’t come to the school building. So administrators came up with a service hours drive as an alternative to charity fundraising. “We just wanted to encourage service during the month of December,” Principal Ammon Wiemers said. “We didn't

want to commit to any one charity. Instead, we wanted to track the number of hours that students were doing, rather than a dollar amount.” Wiemers said the school leadership wanted the students to give of themselves and they felt that the gift of their time was valuable. “We wanted it to be meaningful to the students, and so we didn't want to limit it, so anything that they felt was service, that they did for other people, we counted it,” Wiemers said. “We encouraged them to find some way to help somebody and they found a lot of different ways to do it.” Students reported service hours for volunteering at homeless shelters, shoveling neighbors’ driveways, tutoring other students, cleaning up trash and donating toys. One student and their family spent eight hours volunteering at a soup kitchen. “I felt that the service hours was a fun way to really get involved and help people in my community,” freshman Adynn Jones-Wahlquist said. She clocked 25 hours of service, including offering free babysitting and knitting eighteen hats for the homeless. A school counselor provided materials to Adynn and others to knit hats for the homeless shelter. Adynn said staff members supported students, suggesting service ideas and encouraging them to include their friends and family members. “It made me feel really connected to my school doing service hours,” Adynn said. “It felt good.” The 250 enrolled students reported 639.5 hours of service during the month of December. Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary and Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School were invited to participate, and the combined

Service hours were performed by Kings Peak High students throughout the month of December. (Photo courtesy of Ammon Wiemers.)

service hours students from all three schools performed totaled 1,153 hours. Wiemers said this month of service will be an annual tradition that will help unify the student body. An environment of positive energy and caring about community is part of the culture the school leadership hopes to create at Kings Peak High. “It's important for us to give back to the community; it's just a good thing to do,” Wiemers said. “And we think that students benefit by serving other people. It's a value that we want to encourage.” l

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February 2022| Page 9

Learn about notable Utah African Americans for Black History Month By Karmel Harper | k.harper@mycityjournals.com


ntil the November 2020 elections, slavery in Utah was still legal as punishment for a convicted crime. According to Article 1, Section 21, in Utah's state Constitution, "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within this State." However, on Nov. 3, 2020, Amendment C, which bans slavery in all forms, passed with 81% of the vote. Utah House Rep. Sandra Collins, who sponsored Amendment C, said, “Our constitution serves as a basis for all of our laws and policies. We need to be clearer about what prison is for and what prison is not. The notion of ‘slavery or involuntary servitude’ should not be imposed on people merely because they are convicted of a crime. By passing this measure, we will assert that slavery is not a Utah value.” Although slavery in Utah was not widespread, some Utah pioneers held African-American slaves until 1862, when Congress abolished slavery in all of its territories. Brigham Young sent three African-American men as part of an advance party in 1847 to clear brush, trees, and rocks to make a road for pioneer wagons. These men were Green Flake, Hark Lay, and Oscar Crosby. Their names appear on a plaque on the Brigham Young Mon-

ument in downtown Salt Lake City with the inscription: “Green Flake, Hark Lay, and Oscar Crosby, Colored Servants.” Kristine Murdock, a historian, and administrator for Our Kaysville Story Facebook page, said, “After Green Flake and his wife Martha Crosby (also a slave) were freed, they settled in the Salt Lake Valley. They were members of the LDS Church and very loved in the community. They are buried in the Union Cemetery Cottonwood Heights, Utah.” However, some Utah slaves’ stories were tragic. 1n 1858, when he was only 3 years old, Gobo Fango of the Xhosa tribe in South Africa was given to white property owners Henry and Ruth Talbot after famine afflicted the Xhosa. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Talbots set sail from South Africa to Boston in 1861, where they would join the gathering of saints in Salt Lake City. The Talbots smuggled Fango aboard in a wrapped carpet, but Fango was reported to have provided entertainment and helped take care of the sheep on-board once the ship set sail. After traveling west to Utah, the Talbots eventually settled in Kaysville. According to an article by the University of Utah’s Marriott Library, Fango’s feet froze one year when the

Talbots allegedly forced him to herd animals in bare feet. When someone suggested that one of his feet required amputation, he said he ‘would rather have part of a foot than none at all.’ It seems that part of his heel was removed, but that doctors did not amputate his foot at the ankle. Years later, a woman reported that Fango would place wool in his boot so that his foot would fit into it and he could walk. He left the Talbots and worked as a laborer for the Mary Ann Whitesides Hunter family, who lived in Grantsville, Utah, roughly between 1870 and 1880. He was listed as a “servant” (likely employed as such) in the 1880 U.S. Census living in Grantsville. Fango settled in the Goose Creek valley of Idaho territory by the 1880s and worked as a sheepherder. However, tensions between sheepherders and cattlemen in the area led to Fango’s murder by cattleman Frank Bedke, who was acquitted. Fango, who was described as generous with a cheerful disposition, dictated his final will and testament before succumbing to his gunshot wounds. He bequeathed half of his estate ($500) to the Salt Lake Temple Construction Fund. Nearly 45 years after his death, Talbot and Hunter’s family members could not find evidence of Fango’s membership in the church and thus performed his baptism by proxy in the Salt Lake Temple on Sept. 20, 1930. The U of U article said, “Because Fango was a Black African, he could not be ordained

to the priesthood posthumously, which would have made it possible for him to receive other LDS liturgies by proxy. As Louisa Hale wrote to a historian seeking information on Fango in 1934, ‘a Negro cannot hold the priesthood. So [performing his posthumous baptism] was all we could do for him. I, of course, feel that he is more worthy than many that do hold it.’” As February is Black History Month, we honor the stories of African Americans who have shaped this country and state. Notable African American Utahns include Mignon Barker Richmond (1897-1984), who was the first African American woman to graduate from a Utah college and was a human and civil rights activist, and Anna Belle Weakley-Mattson (1922-2008), an astute businesswoman who was a significant force to Ogden’s growing Black community in the 1900s. Daybreak’s Club for Diversity & Inclusion places staked signs around Oquirrh Lake in South Jordan to honor Black History Month, displaying photographs and the history of notable African Americans. Visitors can enjoy the sights and sounds of the lake while learning more about these exceptional individuals. Vanessa Janak said, “I think knowledge is power. And I think when we as a community can take even small opportunities to lean in and learn about people who aren’t just like us, it helps us become closer, appreciate others and their differences, and foster a greater sense of purpose and belonging. For everyone.” l

A member of the Daybreak Diversity & Inclusion club places a sign at Oquirrh Lake for Black History Month. You can visit the lake in February to read about notable African Americans. (Photo courtesy Vanessa Janak)

Page 10 | February 2022

Herriman City Journal

Students experiment with interest-based projects at North Star Academy By Jet Burnham | j.burnham@mycityjournals.com


o keep students invested in an assignment that spans four months, they need to have a personal connection to it, said seventh grade science teacher Monette McKinnell. “In order for our learners to develop intrinsic motivation, they need to see that it relates to them and that they relate to it and the only way to do that is to get them to do science with what they're interested in,” she said. Beginning in September, North Star Academy seventh-graders began brainstorming lists of their interests and problems they want to solve. Then they researched topics, wrote a research paper and began to formulate solutions. From there, they created a way to test their theory and developed a science fair project and presentation. The result was a variety of science fair projects that the students were invested in. Nery Hamon had been hearing about gel polish online and was curious if it was better than standard nail polish. For her project, she compared several products for their quality of polish, dry time, ease of use, and safety. Antonia Quigley based her project on her love of cooking; she tested yeast alternatives. “I’ve only ever had yeast bread before so it was a good experience for me,” she said. Blakley Perry bakes cookies nearly every week, using her grandma’s cookie recipe. For her project, she made the recipe with six different types of flours and rated them on how fluffy, light and chewy they turned out. Through the experimentation, she discovered that she likes the results produced by almond flour and plans to try it in other recipes. One student tested for the ideal tire pressure on moun-

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tain bikes, another for which material is best for baseballs. Caden Herrscher, who plays competition soccer, prepared various tests to determine the ideal inflation pressure for soccer balls. “I’ve loved soccer since I was a little kid, and this just seemed really interesting because I always inflate my ball to too high a psi or too low psi and I just wanted to find the best,” he said. When tested for bounce, distance and dribbling, he found the ideal pressure to be 11.5 psi. Some projects explored the effects of music or video games on physical or emotional health. Others designed their projects around their pets or their personal habits. Research was a time-consuming part of the project. However, because learning to write a research paper is part of the language arts standards for seventh grade, students had support from both science and language arts teachers. Shaylie Slagowski collected a lot of research on types of foam used in bike helmets for her research paper, which helped her narrow her science project to the two most common to run through durability testing. She said it was fun to have the help of her family members as she dropped and smashed helmets. McKinnell was pleased with the students’ projects. At the science fair, they showed how they had learned to verbalize ideas and exhibit visual and written versions of their work. She was glad to see their enthusiasm and hoped it helped her students identify the relevance of science and its connection to their daily activities. “One of the challenges we have in science is helping

Seventh-graders at Northstar Academy proudly display their science fair projects which were based on topics of personal interest. (Photo courtesy of Jamie VanLeuven.)

our learners find the relevance and what we're learning at school to their real life,” she said. “That disconnect often inhibits their learning and their growth. If we can help them to develop the sense of science is part of their world and the world around them, then it'll help open them up to see things differently, to be able to look at the world they live in and wonder ‘what if?’ and to recognize that they can make change in the world that they live in.” l

February 2022| Page 11

More Bangerter overpass projects coming By Justin Adams | justin.a@thecityjournals.com


esidents of the southwest part of the valley are surely eager to see the construction projects along Bangerter Highway at 12600 South and 10600 South near their completion. But don’t hold your breath, because the Utah Department of Transportation is setting its sights on two more intersections in this corner of the valley: 13400 South and 9800 South. The projects are part of a broader effort by UDOT to upgrade Bangerter Highway by replacing intersections with overpasses and on- and off-ramps. Without the need to stop at traffic lights along the highway, drivers along Bangerter Highway are already saving an average of eight minutes on their commutes (and that’s even before the completion of the 12600 South and 10600 South interchanges). Of course, the benefits of upgrading to these freeway-style interchanges come after a year of construction-related headaches. The projects generally necessitate the closing of east-west traffic along the road in question, causing drivers to take detours and alternate routes. The Journals also reported last year how the project at 12600 South impacted local businesses. One coffee shop on the west side of Bangerter lost about half of its business as a result of the construction project. Another potential impact for local businesses is needing to relocate. A Texas Roadhouse, for example, previously located near the 12600 South intersection had to move to a new location in South Jordan because it fell within the right-of-way for the project. While the 13400 South project mostly consists of ‘partial acquisitions,’ of neighboring property, the project at 9800 South projects multiple businesses and even some residential properties having to be relocated. According to the State Environmental Study for 9800 South, the project would require the purchase of 10 residential properties, as well as the acquisition of three business buildings, which would result in a total of 11 businesses having to relocate. All those businesses are located to the northwest of the current intersection.

On Jan. 26, UDOT was scheduled to hold a public hearing for the project at Elk Ridge Middle School, as well as an online meeting the following day (both after the Journals’ press deadline). If Facebook comments are any indication of public sentiment, many South Jordan residents aren’t convinced that the project is necessary, or worth the cost of relocating businesses and homes. On a post by South Jordan City informing residents of the public hearing, many people voiced the opinion that it might be better to simply close the 9800 South intersection to east-west traffic permanently rather than build a freeway-style interchange. Interested parties can also submit an online comment to UDOT by visiting the project’s web page at udot.utah.gov/bangerter9800south. Comments can also be submitted for the 13400 South project at udot.utah.gov/ bangerter13400south. The public hearing for the 13400 South project was held on Jan. 19 at South Hills Middle School. For that project, UDOT is considering three different options. One would have Bangerter pass under 13400 South, similar to the interchange at 11400 South. That would require a significant amount of underground utilities to be rerouted, which would increase the total cost for the project by $22 million. Another option would be to have Bangerter pass over 13400 South, similar to the interchanges for Redwood Road or 9000 S. That would be the cheapest option, with a price tag of $99 million. The third option is a hybrid between the two, in which 13400 South would be lowered so Bangerter could pass over it. This is the design that the new 12600 South interchange utilizes. In any case, residents will have a little bit of a break before they have to deal with detours once again. According to UDOT project manager Brian Allen, construction isn’t expected to begin until 2023. Similar to the projects for 12600 South and 10600 South, construction could last nine to 12 months. l

The intersections of 9800 South and 13400 South (pictured here) are the next in line to be upgraded to freeway-style interchanges. (Justin Adams/City Journals)

Page 12 | February 2022

Herriman City Journal

High school boys ‘rose’ to the occasion By Jet Burnham | j.burnham@mycityjournals.com


ocal high school boys are asking for help from the community to ensure that every girl gets a rose on Valentine’s Day. Donations are being accepted on the gofundme page Valentines Day roses for EVERY girl at HHS to purchase enough roses to pass out to all the girls at school on Feb. 14. The tradition began in 2018 at Herriman High School and has spread to both Riverton and Mountain Ridge High Schools. HHS juniors Leland Johnson and Noah Jenkins are spearheading the project this year. Leland is the younger brother of Bobby Johnson who began the tradition in 2018. Bobby coordinated his teammates on the cross country team and Leland has coordinated his teammates on the swim team, but any boys who are willing to help fundraise or dethorn and hand out the roses are invited to help. RHS cross country coach Chase Englestead is impressed that the boys organize the project without any help from staff members. “I think it's cool that they take the initiative without being compelled to do it—I think that's an amazing attribute,” he said. Englestead said providing this service to their classmates not only makes the boys feel good, it has also strengthened their relationships with each other.

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“It's a thing that they do together as a team and it was something that, last year, Herriman’s team and our team shared, which was pretty cool,” he said. “There's a better camaraderie between those two groups because they shared in something like that.” Boys from HHS and RHS combine fundraising efforts and then split the roses. The boys ask friends and family members to contribute to the fund. Last year, they even reached out to professional runner Craig Engles over social media and he donated $5. “We just reached out to him and he was totally down, which is cool,” RHS junior Jake Seegmiller said. The boys hand out roses at every school entrance on the morning of Feb. 14 and then continue to pass them out in classrooms and hallways throughout the day. RHS junior Tyler McDougal said it took most of the day last year but the boys were committed to make sure every girl received a rose. “We had some people roaming the halls to make sure that everyone gets found,” he said. “I remember finding this one girl who was just looking down while she was walking, just doing her thing.” Her surprised and excited reaction when he offered her a rose made his day.

Boys hand out roses to all their female classmates Feb. 14, 2020. (Photo courtesy of JSD.)

“It made me feel really happy,” he said. “It was just really fun to do something for someone that's not an opportunity that you just do all the time—you can't just buy a million flowers and hand them out, so this is just awesome.” Leland said the purpose of the project is to reach the girl who really needs a boost to her day. “The goal was to make not every girl in Herriman [high school] to feel special, but to make at least one girl feel special,” he said.

“And if you do it to everyone, then at least one of them is going to feel special.” Last year, the project spread into the community. After the boys had handed roses out at HHS and RHS, there were still some left over. “We had so many roses left over and we're like, ‘whoa, what do we do with all these?’ and so we just kept going,” Tyler said. A group of boys headed to a shopping center and gave roses to women there. l

February 2022| Page 13

Beyond love at first swipe By Karmel Harper | k.harper@gmail.com


ince the emergence of the internet, dating has never been the same. Before 1995, when Match.com, the first online dating platform, was launched, singles met each other via mutual set-ups, at work or school, social events, or random meets at the local club, bar, grocery store, or other venues where two people were lucky enough to be at the same place, at the same time. As texting wasn’t mainstream until the late 1990s, singles actually had to call each

Page 14 | February 2022

other to connect and plan dates. Waiting a few days between contact was typical and even expected. In 1997, Nokia introduced the first phone with a built-in keyboard. According to Paige Roosien, who wrote a June 2015 SignalVine article, text messaging took off at the start of the millennium once people could text friends on different networks. Roosien said, “By 2002, more than 250 billion SMS messages were sent worldwide. By 2007, the number of texts sent each month surpassed the number

of phone calls. Eventually, text messaging was officially the preferred way of communicating with friends and family.” For busy professionals serious about finding their perfect partner, hiring a professional matchmaker can be effective. Though the term may evoke images of Yente from “Fiddler on the Roof” with its associated catchy tune, modern professional matchmakers are devoted to learning how and why relationships form, grow, and last. They work closely with their clients to discover their true qualities and build deep, working relationships to find them their most compatible matches. They also work as coaches to empower their clients with confidence and authenticity they can present on dates. Herriman resident Mia McKinney is a professional matchmaker who successfully coaches clients to master first dates and empowers them to approach a second date.“My job is to vet prospective matches for my clients, so they don’t have to waste their time doing that. My clients are primarily professionals and executives who don’t have the time to text all day or go on endless first dates,” McKinney said. McKinney said one of the biggest mistakes people make on first dates is looking too far ahead to see if their date will make a good spouse, parent, or long-term com-

Online dating reigns as the No. 1 method singles use to find their significant other. (Photo courtesy of Canva.)

panion. “The primary goal of a first date,” McKinney said, “is to see if you would like to meet for a second date.” The ease and instant communication of texting has propelled online dating as the No. 1 method for people to meet their significant others. According to Statista. com, the most popular dating apps as of April 2021 based on the monthly number of downloads are: 1) Tinder - 1.1 million 2) Bumble - 564,000 3) Hinge - 393,000 4) Badoo - 207,000 5) Match - 125,000 6) OkCupid - 109,000 7) eHarmony - 67,000 8) Coffee Meets Bagel - 39,000 9) happn - 34,000 A 2019 study conducted by theknot. com surveyed over 10,000 recently married or engaged couples and found that 22% of them met online, with 30% of the spouses meeting on Tinder. Another 14% found success on OkCupid, and 13% met their matches on Bumble. But if swiping right, sending “winks,” or texting a kissy-face emoji to get someone’s attention is not your thing, do not despair. The study revealed that 19% of couples met through mutual friends, 17% met at school, and 13% met at work. And 11% met at a social setting like a bar, concert, or party. While McKinney’s matchmaking services are offered through a firm that does not service Utah, she is available to locals as a professional Date Coach to assist with online profile creations or improvements and one-on-one date coaching. You can contact her at hello@miamckinneycoaching.com. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, ‘tis the season for Cupid’s arrow to fly. Whether it’s online, through mutual friends, at work or school, or with the help of a professional matchmaker, there are many ways for that arrow to strike. l

Herriman City Journal

Use a smartwatch to monitor your health during American Heart Month By Karmel Harper | k.harper@mycityjournals.com


ebruary is American Heart Month, a time to focus on our cardiovascular health. While paper and chocolate hearts abound, February also raises awareness for the health of our beating hearts, the life-sustaining organ that pumps oxygen throughout our bodies. Herriman resident Paula Nielson-Williams is the recreation manager and 29-year veteran of Salt Lake Community College’s Exercise Science department. “Exercise is good for heart health,” Nielson-Williams said. “American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes a day of moderate-vigorous exercise or an hour a day of moderate exercise. So get out walking, lift some weights, or play with your kids.” According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and is responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths. WHO said, “Since 2000, the largest increase in deaths has been from this disease, rising by more than 2 million to 8.9 million deaths in 2019.” (Source: www. who.int). While heart disease has typically afflicted older adults, heart attacks have increased in younger people under the age of 40, with a steady rise in patients between 20 - 30 years old. The Cardio Metabolic Institute said, “It was rare for anyone younger than 40 to have a heart attack. Now 1 in 5 heart attack patients are younger than 40 years of age. Here’s another troubling fact to highlight the problem: Having a heart attack in your 20s or early 30s is more common. Between the years 2000-2016, the heart attack rate increased by 2% every year in this young age group.” Reasons for this steady rise among younger people are increasing risk factors affecting this age group such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity, smoking and vaping, and substance abuse. While lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and avoiding substance abuse can significantly mitigate heart disease risk factors, regular exercise is a very effective method for combating heart disease. Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D, said, “Aerobic exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health. Although flexibility doesn’t contribute directly to heart health, it’s nevertheless important because it provides a good foundation for performing aerobic and strength exercises more effectively.” For aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, measuring one’s heart rate is standard to ensure one works out within the prescribed heart rate zones for optimal benefits. Heart rate training zones are a percentage of your maximum heart rate or heartbeats per minute. With the emergence of smartwatches and other devices, people can monitor their heart rate in real-time and

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67-year old Nancy Webster from Riverton uses her smartwatch to monitor her water aerobics workouts where she typically burns over 600 calories. (Karmel Harper/City Journals)

adjust their exercise intensity. These devices incorporate personal biometrics such as age, gender and weight and calculate individualized heart rate training zones. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, a 25-year-old’s maximum heart rate is 195 heartbeats (bpm) per minute (220-25=195), and a 65-year-old’s maximum heart rate is 155 bpm. From this calculation, heart rate zones are established (see photo). The number of zones can vary based on the device’s monitoring system, but a popular standard is five zones: 1.The warm-up or Healthy Heart zone is 50% - 60% of your max heart rate (Mhr). 2.The fat burn or Weight Management zone is 50% - 70% of your Mhr. 3.The cardio or Aerobic zone is 70% 80% of your Mhr. 4.The intense or Anaerobic zone is 80% 90% of your Mhr. 5.The maximum or Red Line zone is 90% - 100% of your Mhr. However, this simple equation, which only uses the single metric of age, does not consider whether the individual is a seasoned triathlete or an unconditioned sedentary desk worker. Doctors typically advise those with heart conditions on their heart rate zone ceilings. As exercising in Zone 5 or higher puts significant strain on your heart, more fit individuals can reach this level for short bouts. Therefore, monitoring heart rate over time during exercise bouts to see improvement trends is practical. Even if you don’t exercise regularly, those with heart conditions can use a smartwatch to monitor their heart throughout the day. Kaysville’s Scot Vore said, “I use my smartwatch to monitor my steps and my heart for Afib.” l

February 2022| Page 15

Herriman runners represent at nationals by Catherine Garrett | c.garrett@mycityjournals.com


nstoppable. That’s been the theme for the Race Cats programs the past two seasons, based on the Bethany Hamilton documentary of the same title. Race Cats Herriman/South Jordan coach Caisa Brown said her favorite line from that show is when the young surfer – who had her arm severed by a shark – said, “I don’t need easy. I just need possible.” The Race Cats Elite team from Draper learned a little bit more about that concept when they took 39 runners to the USATF National Junior Olympics in Paris, Kentucky recently. And, amid freezing temperatures, tornado warnings, hailstorms, 40-mile-anhour wind, the Utah contingent proved ‘unstoppable.’ The 11-12 year-old girls team won the national championship Dec. 11 while Herriman’s Bethany Mittelstaedt was among nine runners earning All-American status – she came in eighth in the 8-and-under race. “I trained all year, even when I didn’t want to go,” Bethany said. “I knew it would prepare me and help me and it ended up being cold, windy, rainy and muddy and I knew I could push through that.” Adam Moody, of Herriman, crossed the line in the sixth spot for the 11-12 year-old team – finishing in 105th place – which ended up breaking a three-way tie to put his squad into third place. “This proves that every single athlete and point matters in this sport, not just the runners that win the race,” said Race Cats Elite coach Michele Brinkerhoff. “Coach Michele told me, ‘We needed you and you did it!’, said Adam. “I just tried to stay close to my teammate and held on to him. It really showed me that every runner matters.” Herriman’s Brooklyn Tarr was also part of the 13-14 girls team who placed seventh at nationals. “We couldn’t sleep the night before with all the sirens going off for tornado warnings, but we did all we could to reach our goals even with the delays and crazy weather,” Brooklyn said. “Every single athlete finished the race, even though some had severe trauma and anxiety from the natural disasters. We are so proud of them. They travel from all over to compete and train together, sacrificing so much to be part of something special. And they are so special and deserve to be recognized for it,” Brinkerhoff said. Brown’s Herriman/South Jordan Race Cats team attended AAU Nationals in Charlotte, North Carolina in early December and came back with some hardware of their own. Herriman’s Mya DeMille placed 17th in the 8-year-old division while her sister, Ava, took 18th in the 6-year-old race. They both earned All-American honors in their first trip to nationals. Autumn Wardle, of Herriman, also received All-American recognition with a 25th-

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Herriman’s Autumn Wardle won her third All-American honor, this time in the girls 10-yearold race at the AAU Nationals in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. (Photo courtesy Jason Wardle)

Herriman’s Ava Demille earned All-American honors in the 6-and-under division at the AAU Nationals meet in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. (Photo courtesy Desi Demille)

Herriman’s Brooklyn Tarr helped her 13-14 yearold team to a seventh-place finish at the USATF National Junior Olympics in Paris, Kentucky recently. (Photo courtesy Cindy Tarr)

Herriman’s Adam Moody helped his 11-12 yearold team to a third-place finish at the USATF National Junior Olympics in Paris, Kentucky recently. (Photo courtesy Rachel Moody)

place finish in the 10-year-old category. Also competing at nationals from Herriman was Kai Demille and Eli Wardle. Bethany Mittelstaedt, daughter of Joseph and Kristyn Mittelstaedt of Herriman, wanted to run just like her mom so she participated in a Bubble Run three years ago and won her first medal. Many more awards later and she is still feeling good and aiming for more medals. Adam Moody, son of Craig and Rachel Moody of Herriman, started with Race Cats more than five years and loves the relaxed feeling he gets when he’s running. His goals are to get to the Boston Marathon and run in college. Brooklyn Tarr, daughter of Brent and Cindy Tarr of Herriman, said she enjoys try-

ing to reach her running goals and is thrilled when she can accomplish them. Mya Demille, daughter of Lee and Desi Demille, learned to push hard at the end of her race where she was able to pass several runners and finish in the top 25 at nationals. Her younger sister, Ava said, “It’s hard to run a long time and keep my feet moving, but I love it.” Their brother, Eli, feels that running has taught him to be strong and keep on going without stopping and wants to work on his endurance more. Autumn Wardle, daughter of Jason and Erika Wardle of Herriman, a three-time All-American, continually thinks of her own mantra – ‘The faster you run, the sooner you’rs done’ – while she’s running to keep her motivated and moving. She is the young-

Herriman’s Bethany Mittelstaedt earned All-American honors at the USATF National Junior Olympics in Paris, Kentucky recently. (Photo courtesy Kristyn Mittelstaedt)

Herriman’s Mya Demille earned All-American honors in the 8-and-under race at the AAU Nationals meet in Charlotte, North Carolina recently. (Photo courtesy Desi Demille)

est in a running family which also includes Isaac and Alaina, who run for Heriman High. Brother Eli, has found his own enjoyment in the sport and feels that it’s not only “super relaxing,” but has also given him the strength to “never give up and do hard things.” “I hope that through Race Cats we can teach so many kids what they are capable of and how much is possible for them,” Brown said. “Whether they place at a national level meet or cross the finish line last at one of our local meets, they can be unstoppable by working hard, having fun and dreaming big in their own individual way.” l

Herriman City Journal

Mountain Ridge starts 2022 strong, enters tough region stretch Photos by Justin Adams Above: Senior guard Brantyn Van Dyke dribbles past a Hillcrest defender. The Sentinels finished their nonregion slate 10-3. Left: Jr Sia wrestles a rebound away from the opponent. Mountain Ridge would lose its opening two region games—a close one to crosstown rival Herriman 53-52 before losing to West Jordan 76-64.

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February 2022| Page 17

James Brown brings resources to older adults through new multimedia project By Bill Hardesty | b.hardesty@mycityjournals.com


James Brown sets up for his “Living and Aging with Pride” podcast. (Bill Hardesty/City Journals)

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Page 18 | February 2022

bout two years ago, James Brown, a Salt Lake Valley media personality for over 30 years, started a new venture. He and other board members formed the Living & Aging with Pride nonprofit organization. Like many older adults, Brown was hit with a rent increase two years ago. His rent went from $900 a month to $2,500 a month. He realized that he had to move. He reached out to his network and found a home at Sharon Gardens (3354 Sue Street). The Utah nonprofit Housing Corporation built the apartments. "I started thinking about my own discovery as I've gotten older. Things that I didn't quite understand. I got to go to Medicaid. I got to go to Medicare. I got to go there. I got to go. I've got to do all these things that I was not prepared to do," Brown said. "And I saw a lot of seniors disappointed and angry and upset, and I thought, you know, I want to talk about this since my background had been in television and radio." Brown began to make his vision come true. First, Living & Aging with Pride was created as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This allows the organization to receive donations. Later a multimedia initiative was added titled "Living and Aging with Pride," which will enable advertising and sponsorships on media products. The vision “‘Living and Aging with Pride’ is a unique multimedia infotainment program which addresses the inevitability of aging and highlights the financial burdens that impact the aging communities' quality of life," according to their website, Livingwithpride.org. "It's more than just a television show or a media show. It is truly being developed to be a resource for older adults that they can rely upon. And not only locally, but on a national perspective," Brown said. The website's goal is to be a one-stop destination for information and discussion of issues concerning older adults. Brown feels that many informational websites push a product or an agenda. "What I've witnessed, rather, is that when you go to many of these sites, it's more about the donation aspect of it, you get that upfront, you don't get the how do I deal with this problem upfront?" Brown said. "Well, we're going to give you the solution to the problem. You know, we're going to prepare you before you get the problem. We're going to educate your children because they're wondering what they're going to do when mommy and daddy get 70 and 80 years old, and we're going to help guide them through." The vision is bold, and Brown has spent two years preparing for the release. He built a podcast studio in a room at his apartment complex. He made partnerships with influencers. There is a four-person board of

It’s more than just a television show or a media show. It is truly being developed to be a resource for older adults that they can rely upon. And not only locally, but on a national perspective. James Brown

trustees and an 18-member advisory board. Brown even has a set designed for future video programming. "I'm about a month away from introducing to the world our first three episodes," Brown said. "From there, we will hopefully attract the necessary funding that will enable us to produce 13 to 26 television shows. Now, I say television only because that's one of the mechanisms for putting the message out, and we do know that seniors watch television." The podcasts and other information are available on their website. The backstory The name James Brown might sound familiar for those living in Utah. For 13 years, he wrote, produced and hosted a show called "New Horizons" on Channel 14 and Channel 7. The focus of the show was to explore diversity in Utah. His open conversation style made the show an award winner. He was also a featured reporter for Channel 4 for nine years. Before going to TV, he was on KALL radio. A guest on his talk show suggested he move to TV and arranged for his hire at Channel 4. Brown made sure his ethnicity was not an issue when he was hired. "I told the producer I wasn’t going to be the minority guy. The guy who covers every event involving a Black or Hispanic individual," Brown said. "He asked me what kind of stories did I want to do. I told him I wanted to do good stories. Stories about people doing good things, and I got my wish." One notable Brown story is when he went undercover in the homeless community. For three days, he panhandled in front of a church. Brown said he made about $600 a day. "But it was such a humiliating experience. I thought, how do these people stand here and ask people for money. It's so demeaning, especially the looks you get," Brown said. Brown won a local Emmy for his story. l

Herriman City Journal

Want cleaner air? Get rid of that old wood-burning stove By Justin Adams | justin.a@thecityjournals.com


lean air has become an increasingly important issue for Utahns. It impacts the state’s collective health, its environment, even its economy. There are many different methods by which Utah can work towards cleaner air—both on the individual and institution level—and one of those is by getting rid of old wood-burning stoves. Thom Carter, energy advisor to Gov. Spencer Cox wrote about the danger of these stoves in a guest post on the Department of Environmental Quality’s website. “Wood-burning stoves are a significant source of air pollution—pollution that negatively impacts individuals’ personal health and the environment,” he wrote. “Particles that make up the smoke and soot from wood-burning stoves can cause breathing difficulties and sometimes permanent lung damage for those who inhale the smoke. Especially during the cold winter months, smoke from wood-burning stoves gets trapped with other air pollutants resulting in health-threatening inversions. In fact, wood-burning stoves can cause a mini-inversion within neighborhoods.” To help people get rid of their old

wood-burning stoves, the DEQ has created an assistance program that incentivizes homeowners to upgrade to cleaner heating devices. Applicants can receive anywhere from $500 to $3,800 to help pay for the cost of making the change. There are a few qualifications for homeowners wanting to take advantage of the program. For example, the stove must be actively used for a “significant amount of home heating” in order to qualify. (So you can’t use the program to get rid of that stove in the basement that’s only gathered dust for the last 20 years.) The program also can’t be used for remodeling work or on rental or commercial properties. To learn more about the program and see if your home qualifies, you can visit stoves.utah.gov. l

A new program from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality is urging Utahns to upgrade from their old wood-burning stoves. (Stock photo)

Google Fiber comes to Riverton By Michael J. Jewkes | m.jewkes@mycityjournals.com

By 2023, Google Fiber will be available to everyone in the city,” Mayor Trent Staggs said in an interview following his second swearing in as mayor of Riverton City. Introducing broadband infrastructure to the city has been one of the flagship accomplishments of Mayor Trent Staggs’ first term as mayor. Lobbying for an agreement with Google to construct fiber optic cables in the city will bring new revenue to the city and continue the mayor and city council’s pattern of lowering expenses and raising revenue for Riverton. “Two percent of revenue from Google Fiber goes to the city,” Staggs said regarding the new project. The $1.2 million project will not only raise revenue, but will also avoid dipping into the city budget. Adding broadband is listed as appropriate uses of funds for recipients of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program, an economic recovery package that appropriates $350 billion in federal funds to state and local governments, according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The SLFRF is a part of President Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that was signed into law in March of 2021. In Riverton City Council’s final meet-

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ing of 2021, the resolution to approve an agreement with Google Fiber and the city of Riverton was brought before the council. Although it was never discussed in the council meeting, President Biden’s relief package is set to fund the broadband project in Riverton this year. Staggs has expressed dissimilarity with many decisions of the Biden administration. From tax policy to mask mandates, the newly re-elected mayor has been openly against the president on almost every issue. This has not been the case, however, with the administration’s recent federal economic relief and infrastructure packages. Riverton stands to benefit greatly from both COVID-19 relief packages as well as the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. The city isn’t the only one who stands to gain from these economic packages. Vivakor, a clean energy company for which Staggs serves on the board of directors, is expected by economists to grow greatly in revenue because of the new infrastructure bill. The city of Riverton is also set to grow in revenue by not only receiving 2% of income from the broadband project, but also avoiding the heavy upfront costs by using funds entirely from the American Rescue

Since being sworn into office in 2018, Mayor Staggs has vowed to make broadband a priority of his administration. (Brook Bowen/Riverton City)

Plan. Jacob Brace from Google Fiber Utah, was optimistic about quick completion of the project, saying “the process is six to eight months,” and “construction would begin in quarter three and four with the complete build out in 2023.” Upon request from Councilmember Sheldon Stewart to begin

construction in areas of the city with worse connection, Brace responded positively. Brace says he aims to work with staff to “address areas of the city that may be struggling with connection.” The resolution to approve the construction of Google Fiber throughout the city was passed by the Riverton City Council, 4-0. l

February 2022| Page 19

Cottonwood High School hosts national coaches clinic in February By Brian Shaw | b.shaw@mycityjournals.com


or the fourth year since he’s been at Cottonwood High, head football coach Casey Miller is set to host some of the top football coaches from around the country at the 2022 Utah Coaches Clinic Feb. 18-19. But this year is bound to be a bit different. One of those coaches slated to appear is offensive guru Noel Mazzone. “We are hoping this year we will make a jump with the guys we are flying in and the fact we got shut down for a year because of Covid,” Miller said. Known to many as the “Quarterback Whisperer,” Mazzone learned under such notable coaches as Dennis Erickson at Oregon State and Ed Orgeron in the 2000s before working at Arizona State again under Erickson, and at UCLA, Texas A&M and Arizona as an offensive coordinator through the 2010s. Mazzone has also developed NFL quarterback legends like Philip Rivers and Chad Pennington among others, and is currently an offensive analyst at UConn. But like many in the football coaching profession, Mazzone worked his way up the coaching tree, starting out as a graduate assistant in the early 1980s at the school at which he played—the University of New Mexico. Miller said Mazzone wants to share some of his knowledge that he’s acquired over the decades with the coaches who are planning to attend the two-day clinic—as do the other guest speakers slated to appear this year. At press time they include Taylor High School (Texas) head coach, athletic director and read-option guru Brandon Houston (see more at CoachHuey.com), longtime defensive coordinator Ty Gower and Beaumont High School (Califor-

nia) head coach Jeff Steinberg. For Miller, bringing such coaching expertise to the foot of the Wasatch Mountains for a coaches camp is a necessary step in the evolution of the state’s high school football coaches. “We have improved the format of it a lot [over the past four years]. It is becoming more high school based, less college based, and we have grown slowly to where we have over 100 now,” said Miller, who started this clinic eight years ago when he was the head coach at Hillcrest High. Having a coaches clinic at Cottonwood also means that Utah’s best and brightest don’t always have to travel too far to get the best and latest coaching tips and can stay closer to home, added Miller. “My coaches can learn good football from nationally recognized coaches,” Miller said. “We don't have to pay to go/stay in a casino resort at the other places, and it allows them to network with other coaches in state.” Starting Friday, Feb. 18 at 4:30 p.m. at Cottonwood, coaches will listen to several of the afore-mentioned guest speakers before meeting at a nearby restaurant later that evening for a coaches dinner. Coaches will return to Cottonwood High the morning of Saturday, Feb. 19 to participate in breakout sessions before the final guest speaker addresses the group from 2 to 3:15 p.m. Breakfast and a catered lunch will be included with Saturday’s early sessions, said Miller. After the final guest speaker on Saturday the coaches will go back to breakout sessions for the remainder of that afternoon and part of the evening, Miller said. Saturday’s

Cottonwood High will host some of the top football coaches from around the country at the 2022 Utah Coaches Clinic Feb. 18-19. (Pixabay)

session will allow the coaches attending to share notes and tips on how they can improve their programs and build this coaching fraternity. To close out the two-day clinic, there will be a dinner social Saturday night at a site to be determined along with door prizes. At just $75 per person it’s quite a bargain as well— something Miller hopes will capture the interest of all the football coaches out there. To sign up visit coltswebstore. graniteschools.org. l

State bill proposed to help athletic directors’ continued education


wenty minutes before the West Jordan High School basketball game, Carlson Boudreaux is checking to make sure the referees are set in the locker room so the game can start on time. His team has the court set up with chairs, music and cheerleader entertainment. Over the past decade, the job of being the school’s athletic director has changed. They now oversee more than just game setup. Certification of athletic directors enhances administrators’ ability to better serve the school and community. “Twenty years ago being an AD (athletic director) was mainly game-day operations,” Copper Hills AD Ben Morley said. “Making sure officials show up, the scorer table is set up, ensuring the halftime performance and scheduling the busses. Now that is the easiest part of the job.” Current responsibilities of school athletic administrators include much more than pregame jobs. “The essential components of being an athletic director is managing the coaches, keeping them in compliance. Related to that is keeping the athletes in compliance also,” Morley said. All of these extra responsibilities have been added to their job description, but with no additional compensation or certification required by the school. The coaches they supervise need more certification than they do. Most athletic administrators, on their own, have achieved the extra certification with no extra compensation. State Bill 67, sponsored by Sen. Michael K. McKell, proposes a supplement for the school AD to encourage the training they can achieve. “I could not be more in favor of certification,” Morley said. “The recognition and validation of this job is supremely import-

Page 20 | February 2022

By Greg James | g.james@mycityjournals.com ant.Becoming an athletic director encompasses several duties. Coaches and player eligibility are a big part of their jobs. “Coaches, assistants, and players take up a lion’s share of my time,” Morley said. “There is a reason that colleges have compliance officers. That is all they handle.” At Copper Hills, the athletic department oversees more than 100 coaches and volunteers. “We have 26 varsity programs. Football alone has 12 assistant coaches. Each of those coaches needs to pass coaching fundamentals, CPR training, background checks, concussion training, and child abuse training. One of the difficulties is that many of our coaches are paraprofessionals (they do not work at the school). Many think they are just helping out the team, but they still need to pass these courses,” Morley said. In the last two years, high schools have added cheerleading, girls wrestling, and lacrosse to their varsity programs. In the near future boys volleyball could be added. In the US nearly 11 million students participate in after-school activities. “The CAA (certified athletic administrator) would be eligible for a salary supplement,” current Granite School District Athletic Director Chris Shipman said. “In our eight high schools, we have several that already qualify for the stipend.” Additional training can help the student-athletes stay safe from future sports problems. “Name, image, and likeness are coming. A famous athlete that wanted to make money can if they don’t use school resources,” Morley said. “The dark side is that it will make high school recruiting a bigger thing. One more carrot a good team can dangle in front of an athlete.” Jordan School District recently hired an athletic director to

Setting up chairs at the basketball game is only part of the responsibilities of the school’s AD. (Greg James/City Journals)

oversee its district programs. “I think districts are waking up to the importance of the job. I teach one class but am a full-time athletic director. Our athletic staff is dedicated to the program,” Morley said. “It is the world we live in and we should learn how to manage it.”l

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February 2022| Page 21

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Sometimes it is rocket science


hree things could doom our country: domestic terrorism, Olivia Rodrigo and the rejection of science. The first two are obvious, but rejecting science? When did scientists become the bad guys? As more people deny mainstream science, I think about the good, old Russian pseudoscientist Trofim Lysenko. (You can call him Tro.) He and Joseph Stalin were BFFs after Tro convinced Stalin he could “educate” crops to grow using his “law of the life of species” theory which included planting seeds close together and soaking plants in freezing water. Stalin embraced this nonsense and seven million Russians died from starvation when the country ran out of food, because Tro (you can call him The Idiot) convinced Stalin that science-based agricultural practices were garbage. There’s lots of science I don’t understand, like quantum mechanics, curved spacetime and string theory, which proves kittens will play with a ball of yarn indefinitely. But I don’t have to understand science because, and here’s a key point, I am not a scientist. I’m saying this louder for those in the back: science shouldn’t be a partisan issue. But here we are. Anti-science is on the rise and people (i.e., non-scientists) are putting their own batty (often dangerous) theories


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out in the universe, much like Tro the Idiot. More than 2,000 years ago, Aristotle decided our planet was a sphere, not a flat disc flung through space in a game of Frisbee golf played by Greek gods. But people didn’t believe him. Some flat-folk still don’t believe him. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for his theory of the cosmos which included the heretical idea that the earth revolved around the sun. Before his death he proclaimed, “Perhaps you who pronounce my sentence are in greater fear than I who receive it.” And that’s what it boils down to: fear. A campaign of distrust based on fear slowly erodes faith in scientists and any theory they present. We all know the government is run by rabid lizards in human suits, but scientists have saved our bacon for centuries. In 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner used gunk from a cowpox sore to inoculate a child against smallpox and gave the world its first hope to combat the terrible illness. When he wasn’t performing in “Hamilton,” President Thomas Jefferson strongly recommended smallpox vaccinations to eradicate the disease. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine in 1955, becoming a national hero. When vaccines for measles, whoop-



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ing cough, rabies, and tetanus were introduced, they were welcomed as miracles. Researchers first identified human coronavirus in 1965 and studied diseases like SARS and MERS before COVID-19 jumped up like a maniacal Jack-in-thebox. The COVID vaccine was based on years of research, not months of blindly pouring pretty colors into test tubes. And what about climate change? For decades, researchers told us fossil fuels contribute to an increase of greenhouse gases, which sounds like a great sustainable energy source, but actually traps heat and warms the planet. What did we do to those silly goose scientists? We ripped out their livers and made foie gras. Now we have higher temperatures, severe storms, drought, flooding, Oliva Rodrigo and wildfires because, just like when Aristotle and Bruno walked the (much cooler) earth, people can’t wrap their minds around reality. With little or no science knowledge, deniers continue the assault, and the world is paying the price. What evidence would change their minds? Why do they believe conspiracy theories over proven results? I guess you can guide someone to wisdom, but you can’t make them think.



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February 2022| Page 23

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