The Idaho Enterprise/Caribou County | May 16, 2024

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Skateboard Clinic Scheduled for June; Funds sought to upgrade park

During the most recent City Council meeting, local skater Pirmin Engeler spoke to the council requesting permission to host a skateboard clinic at the park facility, and raising the issue of pursuing funds to revitalize and improve the skate park area of the city park. Working with Debbie Dumont from the Cariboo Development Council and local skater EJ (Epifanio Junior) Lopez, Engeler has has located some promising sources of potential funding for the project, but nothing has been officially set in motion yet.

The current skatepark facility has been in place for nearly two and a half decades, and is definitely showing its age. The equipment is prefabricated metal for the most part, and has became either dangerous or less usable than when it was first installed. Skateboarding, and riding scooters in the park are still popular, and many local athletes and kids would like to see the facilities improved.

The skate park started like many around the state during the same period, during the 90s and early 2000s. According to Egeley, “Us 90’s babies were born in a good run of popularity for skateboarding and my group of friends and I came to love everything about it. Our parents saw this was something we were going to stick with and brought us down to City Hall to a council meeting to ask for skatepark.”

“Skaters are these kinds of artists that can re-imagine a space in regards to how they can use it with a skateboard, so there are always places we can skate, even in Caribou County. For the most part, however, skating in Caribou County is like a lot of things we have to do as a smaller community, we outsource it to the larger communities around us that have a larger money pool for recreation facilities. I think that it’s a continuing problem because a lot of the youth are discouraged when they have to work with the spots they can skateboard in their city, which are not only far and few between, but can also be on a busi -

Debbie Dumont, the Egeleys, and EJ Lopez stand in the skatepark, which is in need of upgrading and repairs. A skateboard clinic is scheduled in June to support the effort.

ness or individual’s private property. There was always going to be a better skatepark in Pocatello, Idaho Falls, or Boise, but smaller communities like ours needed to provide something engaging for those kids that don’t get to make it out that far on a regular basis, like us when we were getting started, and that’s still valid today.”

As Egeley finds himself returning to the City Council years later for the same reason but in the parents’ role this time, he relates “At the same meeting, it was brought up that a lot of homes in the city had address numbers that were not up to code, they were supposed to be so big so firefighters and first responders could see the numbers clearly. So, we stood up immediately and that was one of the things we did as like the first grassroots fundraiser for the skatepark, we sold address numbers door to door. I think for a youngster back then, it was pretty tedious. We would get into long winded conversations with people much older than us. I kind of expect and enjoy now that I’m older, and

The pre-fabricated steel fixtures at the park have held up over the years, but are close to the end of their useful life. EJ Lopez uses one of the park's ramps for a vertical.

trying to gather an idea of our community’s history, but back then it was like we wanted to be in and out and back on our skateboards. I’m not sure what the total raised from that part of the fundraising was, I’m sure it was pretty insignificant.”

The effort to create the space for skating was truly widespread, and involved the dedicated efforts of a lot of local skaters, their parents, other extreme athletes, and civic organizations. “I’ll probably forget some names of people that helped us, but a few I remember are Matt Chapin, Tom Ozburn, Jeff Ozburn, Brock Tingey, Jeff Pearson, Don-Michael McCollough, Trent Hunzeker, Sam Mathis, Michael Frankos, Nathan Bollar, Jesse Erickson, and Keith Rasmussen. It’s weird saying those names now because a few of them have passed away, and a few would never be mentioned in the same sentence now. Tom, and Don-Michael have trees planted at the skatepark in their memory, and Michael has a bench there in his memory,” Egeley says.

“Of course, all of the parents were giving funds and pushing for it too. The Mud Racers that included the Erickson and Mason families was an organization I remember making a big donation. It would be cool to find some more numbers on who donated and the original warranty information on the ramps and everything even though it’s long past, but supposedly that info is somewhere in an old paperwork mess at the city building.”

Jason Wiley, Councilmen Randy Prescott and Tony Varilone from the city were involved and supportive as well, according to Debbie Dumont.

The equipment at the park is prefabricated steel. It’s one of the main options for parks that can’t raise a lot of money due to its durability


Primary Election Next Tuesday

After a primary season that seems much longer than it has actually been, voters will head to their polling locations next week to cast their ballots in a number of state and local elections.

Sample ballots for voters from Bancroft, Grace, Soda Springs, Freedom, and Wayan are included in this edition

of the paper for voters to examine before they enter the polls, as well as a list of polling precinct locations and the wording of the supplemental levy included on this year’s ballots. Because the election is a primary election, not all parties are represented by candidates for all positions, though all posi-

tions will be voted on during the general election in November. Questions about the election can be directed to the Caribou County Clerk’s office, at (208) 547-4324. Find the sample ballots and Election notices inside the paper.

Daring armed prison break in France kills two (CNN)French authorities launched a manhunt on Tuesday after gunmen ambushed a prison convoy in Normandy to break out an inmate, killing two guards and wounding three others. The violent incident, extremely rare for that part of northern France, took place as the vehicle was transporting a prisoner from court to a nearby prison, according to French Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti said. A manhunt is underway to find suspects who carried out the prison break and the inmate, a 30-year-old who had been convicted of burglary and is being investigated for a kidnapping related to death, according to the French national prosecutor in charge of organized crime, which has already opened an investigation into the incident. CNN is not naming the inmate at this time.

Average hourly wages for Idaho workers rose 8.3% last year, statewide average $26.75 Wages grew 7% — or $1.67 — on average across Idaho’s population centers from 2022 to 2023. Idaho’s capital city saw the highest growth. The Boise metropolitan area wages grew 10.3%, the Idaho Department of Labor announced. Wage growth varied across other Idaho population centers — from as high as 8.7% for the Logan, Utah, metropolitan area that includes some small eastern Idaho counties, to as low as 0.2% in Idaho Falls. Pocatello saw 8.1% growth, Twin Falls saw 7.3%. Since so many residents of southeast Idaho communities work in other areas, the averages are potentially somewhat misleading. As you can see from the data, Idaho Falls stayed essentially static, while Pocatello and Logan saw large growth.

Move to oust Speaker Johnson fails

Efforts by a small group of U.S. House Republicans to remove Speaker Mike Johnson from his leadership role failed Wednesday night, ending weeks of infighting about whether the Louisianan should remain the head of that chamber. Republican lawmakers joined by Democrats voted 359-43 to table, or set aside, the so-called motion to vacate. Reps. Mike Simpson and Russ Fulcher, voted in favor of tabling the motion.

Democratic Caucus to be held at Enders

Although a majority of Caribou County voters may have already voted in the GOP presidential caucus held earlier in the spring, the state’s Democratic national nominating event will take place at Enders on May 23 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Although there is not a great deal of suspense in the contest, the following candidates have qualified to appear on the ballot: Biden, David Olscamp, Jason Palmer, Armando Perez-Serrato, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson.

American Legion Flag Ceremony

The Grace American Legion will be presenting a Military Flag ceremony at the Grace Cemetery on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th, 2024. This is to honor veterans. Meet near the American flag. They will begin at 11:00 am. Everyone is invited to attend.

Caribou County, Idaho May 16, 2024 | Vol. 1 No. 15 $1.50 INSIDE NEWS IN BRIEF Sample Ballots Pg. 9-10 Soda Springs & Bancroft Graduates Pg. 11-13 Sports Pg. 14-16 SSH & TMS Concert Pg. 2 Obituaries Pg. 4 Real Estate Series Pg. 5

SSHS and TMS Concert “Warms your Heart”

The Final music concert of the season for Soda Springs High School and Tigert Middle School, “Once Upon a Snowy Spring,” was held at the Soda Springs High School auditorium last week under the direction of Kimberly Mumford (Choir, Band, Drama) and Debbie Hansen (Strings). The concert, which lasted a bit over an hour, brought together all of the various musical programs under one roof, and ended with a combined musical send off. Many of the participants in the concert will be attending the Independence Day parade in Washington, D.C. later in the summer.

The music represented a number of different styles and selections, from pop song arrangements like Leonard Cohens’ “Hallelujah” and Elvis’ “I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” to film performance numbers like “Campfire Song Number” from Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief” to folk numbers like “Russian Sailor’s Dance” and even modern classical numbers like John Williams’ “America—The Dream Goes on”. The performance also represented a range of skill and

experience levels, with beginning students performing at the end of the first year with an instrument to seniors soon to graudate sharing the same stage for the group numbers that finished out the night.

The concert involved the play of the “Can We Go Outside?” Choir from Tigert Middle School grades 5-8, the “No Strings Attached Orchestra” grades 5 and 6, the “Do We Need Our Instruments Today?” Band grades 5 and 6, the “Goodbye to Middle School Orchestra grades 7 and 8, the “Most Unlikely Bunch of Campers” Musical Theatre Class, the “Senior String Stars” SSHS String Ensemble, the POPZZZ “We are in Everything Choir”, The “Can’t Wait to Graduate” High School Band” and the Soda Springs “Synergy” Band grades 7 through 12.

The chance to see a combination of choir, orchestra, and band group performances was wonderful, as was the chance to see the talent on display from the students who had spent a long year practicing for the moment.


MAY 21, 2024


C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 2 Paid by the Committee to Elect Mark Harris, Cheryl Harris, Treasurer
Protect Private Property Rights
Idaho’s Water
Quality Education For Our Kids
Reduce Regulations
All the participants joined together at the end of the show for a rousing "If we only have love" Kimberly Mumford directs the choir band and drama classes. The Musical Theatre Class performed a humorous song from Percy Jackson. Debbie Hansen is the director of the orchestras represented in the concert. The Popzzz Choir featured a solo by Samantha Dickhaut. The bands included both the beginners and the most advanced throughout the night.

and relative cheapness. Even so, most pieces are damaged and some are unusable from the years of snow removal and moving them around without proper rigging. “Every little transition that makes wheels roll smoothly on and off of the equipment has been worn down. Some of these pieces can be kept if we get the funds and possibly volunteers for some steel work,” Egeley says. “Most of the original asphalt has held up really well, but there was a lower quality addition done at some point, so a portion of the park is like skating on chip seal. There›s also a lot of debris that ends up in the useable area from the trees as well as gravel washing onto the park.”

As far as what Egeley and EJ Lopez would like to see for the park, he says, “We want to get all the equipment back to working and safe, make sure the entire surface area of the skatepark is usable, and some kind of curbing installed to help with the gravel debris. If we plan it right, the curbing could help with the debris and be a skateable obstacle. In addition, there are beginner features we are missing that any good skatepark should have like a mini-ramp (a small halfpipe), manual pads, and boxes.”

According to Egeley, “when I’m there and school is out, I see 8–16-year-olds come through on bikes, scooters, and skateboards in a group of two or three every couple of hours. Occasionally a family of 4 or more will stop by for their kids to roll around. They are limited to utilizing two or maybe three pieces of the equipment that are still in okay shape.

Most times they will engage and be asking how long we’ve been skating and how nice it would be to get a better skatepark.”

While there are a number of impressive concrete parks around the region, the cost for such facilities is enormous. That might be out of reach, but Egeley would like to make sure that some opportunities are in place for local skaters in whatever form it can be secured. “Mainly I want to see a quality skatepark busy with kids having fun. I know the research that says time spent skating is emotionally regulating, a pro-social activity, and an activity that develops resilience. The youth don’t have to keep all that in mind, they just have to enjoy doing it. It would be an amazing bonus if we can interest some of those kids to dive a little deeper into what skate

boarding has to offer. Back when I was a kid, we all just wanted to be the professional, but now there’s a world more opportunities involving extreme sports other than just being that Street League or that Olympic athlete. There are even organizations granting college scholarships for skaters now.”

Egeley points out that a new skate park would help revitalize and improve the downtown area in a way that the current facility does not. “I want our skatepark to be able to add to the aesthetic we have going with our park and our main street instead of looking kind of dilapidated out in the midst of where we celebrate so much as a community. I’m proud of what we do with our parks here, the skatepark is just an area that needs attention now.”

As part of a plan to raise some awareness of the needs of the park, as well as provide instruction to those who may want to jump into skating or work on their skills, a clinic will be held on June 28th and 29th with 2-hour sessions at the city park. The morning sessions will be at 10:30-12:30 and afternoon sessions are from 1:30 to 3:30. The cost is $20 for the first session and $10 for each one after that. Students can sign up for as many sessions as they want. Any proceeds will go directly toward upgrading the skatepark.

Egeley explains that “We have to require helmets, knee and elbow pads are highly recommended. We have some extra equipment, so if the student only has a skateboard, or has some equipment but doesn’t have a skateboard, we can accommodate a few of them if they indicate that on their sign-up sheet. To sign up for the camp, people can use the QR code on our flyer that will be posted around town and there will be a link posted on our facebook page.”

As far as what people can do to help support the park, Egeley says, “If you know someone who is getting into skateboarding, let them or their parents know about the camp. We want to be able to reach other extreme sports that use the park, so if you are or know a person that could coach scooter or bmx for future clinics, contact us. We want to plan sessions with local veterans, youth groups, recovery programs,

out to their employer about donating and consider donating themselves. Giving funds will fulfil the donation incentives regarding their taxes. Right now, you can send in a donation to Carriboo Development Foundation or CDF at PO BOX 892

Soda Springs, Id 83276, Tax ID: 31-1702551. We will be adding a way to donate through a venmo or other service in the future. People can look us up on facebook, Soda Springs Skateboard Association, for updates and to contact us.”

Grace American Legion Auxiliary names Girls State Delegates

The Grace American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring two high school junior students to attend Girls State in Nampa this June. These girls will spend one week learning about American government and politics. They will be involved in party platforms, legislature, passing bills, and running for a state official. Along with that they will be making new friends and good times.

Ellie Robbins is the daughter of Guy and Nickole Robbins of Grace. Ellie is the president of the Grace FFA Chapter, and loves animals and being outside. She loves being with friends and family. Ellie plans on attending college after graduation and having a family later. She looks forward to meeting new people at Girls State and traveling across Idaho.

Kate Williams is the daughter of Bryan and Mandy Williams of Ban -

croft. Kate is involved as a leader in her young women’s group, youth choir director and is a stake Family History consultant. Her interests include music performance and composition, choir, volleyball, track, Spanish, business marketing, art, dancing, and mock trial. She is currently enrolled in college courses through BYUI. She plans to get her associate degree and then serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Following that, she plans to go into a music program and continue her education eventually starting her own business and raising a family. Kate was recently crowned “Distinguished Young Woman”. Kate is looking forward to Girls State to learn about how the government works at a deeper level. She would love to meet other junior girls that have similar interests and goals.

C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 3
continued from page 1
Kate Williams Ellie Robbins EJ Lopez on one of the parks ramps. While still functional, the equipment is in need of a serious overhaul.
(208) 390-6085 pirmin engeler@outlook com SKATE CAMP SKATE CAMP Beginner Camps June 28-29
hr Sessions (AM & PM)
for 1st session
session Local coaches are providing basic skateboard skills camps to benefit future renovations to the skatepark Scan to Sign-up! Loner Equipment
Pirmin and his daughter use the park often, and he'd like to make it a nicer place for kids in the area to practice and spend time.

Margaret N. Stoor

April 24, 1949 – May 7, 2024

Margaret N. Stoor, 91 passed away Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Margaret was born in Alexander, Idaho, a daughter of William Lee and Marvel Nelson. She was raised and educated in Soda Springs, Idaho.

She married Farrell Stoor April 24, 1949 at her parents house in Soda Springs. They made their home in Wayan, Idaho, where they had a ranch and worked together until 1972. They moved to Soda springs where Farrell worked at Monsanto until he retired.

She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where she was active in Relief Society, Young Women, Primary Chori Director, and whatever job they would give her. When Larry stated school she worked at the hospital, Thirkall school with the special ed department, drove bus, Dans grocery store and video USA.

She loved being outdoors, mowing lawns, working in the yard, painting, and drawing.

Shei is survived by her five children: Bradley (Brenda) Stoor of St. Anthony, Margo (Dee) Johnson of Blackfoot, Cindy (Mark) Ozburn of Soda Springs, David (Lynda) Stoor of Gallatin Missouri, Larry (Angela)


In last week’s edition of the paper, the article on the County Event Center in Grace stated that the Grace Fire Department would also be using the building. This is not correct. Space in the facility will rather be used by County Fire and EMS. The Enterprise regrets the error.



Thursday, May 16

Friday, May 17

Saturday, May 18

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (PG-13)

A young chimp named Noa, who must reconcile with the relationship of humans and apes while saving his tribe from the evil king Proximus Caesar

Thursday, Friday & Saturday

6:00 p.m. and 8:45 p.m.

Saturday Matinee

2:00 p.m. (All seats $5)

Wednesday, May 22

6:00 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. (All seats $5) 208-547-3282

Stoor of Snoqualmie, Washington. 26 grandchildren, 66 great grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one sister, two brothers, son-in-law, granddaughter, and grandson.

Funeral serviced will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the Hooper Church 261 E Hooper Ave. Soda Springs, Idaho 83276. Friends may call at the Hooper Church on Thursday prior to the services from 11:30 to 12:30. Burial will follow after the service at Fairview Cemetery.

Michael Edgar Harris

April 24, 1949 – May 7, 2024

Micheal Edgar Harris 64, from Pocatello, ID passed away peacefully on May 7, 2024 at Karcher Estates in Nampa, ID. Mike was born on July 22, 1959, in Long Beach, CA to the late Bill and Carol Harris from Soda Springs, ID and Pocatello, ID. Mike is survived by sister, Sheli Stumpp, Elko, NV and brother, Scott Harris of Nampa, ID.

Mike was in a motorcycle accident just before turning 19 years old. He was a paraplegic after the accident and he endured for 45 years living independently in Twin Falls, Idaho Falls and Pocatello, ID.

He enrolled in College of Southern Idaho where he graduated from the small engine mechanic program in the early 1980’s.

There weren’t many people in Pocatello that didn’t know Mike. He lived there for over 25 years. He was always friendly to everyone he met. People would always go out of their way to say “Hey, Mike how’s it going?”

He loved the beach as a teenager. He would ride for miles with his surfboard trailer hooked up to his bicycle and surf all day at Huntington Beach, CA. These were some of his fondest memories. His request is to be cremated and

Caribou Archery Shoot

Over the weekend, members of the Caribou County Field Archers took to Kelly Park for the 3D Archery Shoot. The annual event gives members a chance to practice their skills on a series of 3D targets set up along the trail. The weekend weather was excellent, as a number of individuals and families made their way down to the park for a shoot.

The Bennett family, Matt, Jeanette, Kyler, Ryder, and Kayson, were one of the many families that took to the 3D archery trail shoot over the weekend.

returned to the ocean by his brother and sister. There will not be any services held but the family just asks that you send some good wishes for peace for Mike.

Mike was a strong fighter, but he is now sailing on a journey to shores that we cannot see. We know that he is free from pain and is floating peacefully in the crystal-clear turquoise waters of his dreams. Just keep swimming…

“Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon at the end of the ocean."

Caribou County Commission 5/13

The Board of County Commissioners met for a regular meeting on May 13. Commissioner Bryce Somsen was absent.

Kevin McClain

The question of whether the county was okay with companies plowing roads on their own during the winter was raised. It was decided that Doug Wood should draft a statement to the effect that any snow plowing that resulting in damage to county property would be the responsibility of the entities who plowed it.

The adoption of Village Road was discussed. Culverts, drainage, and other things needed to be finished before the road was up to needed specifications. It was stated that the county would need to put a lot of work into the

Spring Cleanup

May 30th - June 7th

City of Bancroft

A Dumpster will be available FREE of Charge Dumpster Location: 114 E. Center St. (City Shop) Tires can be stacked neatly on the atbed at the city shop 114 E. Center (City Shop)


County Landfill FREE dump days are June 3rd-8th Paint, Chemicals, Asbestos, and other harmful materials will not be accepted

road were they to adopt it. The adoption process would need to be initiated. The road is presently a private road, and documentation would need to be completed asking for the county to adopt it.

The Blackfoot River road is in the process of being examined by engineers.

5 trucks are coming up or have passed the mileage for overhead. The exhaust valves require specialty tools.

A total cost for all the trucks to be maintained to their recommended states was quoted at $913.88 for the next 160K miles. One of the graders has an operator sensor that is no longer functioning, making it inoperable until the sensor is replaced. $2,919 will be needed in order to fix the issue.

One of the county’s snow plows was

reported to have a number two injector failure. A quote to replace the injectors was $7,500 from Kenworth. $2,500 for a setup to correct for the side to side issue with the plow. Whether the truck would justify the cost to fix was discussed. The truck in question is an International.

Eric Hobson

The EMPG Grant and the Homeland Security Preparedness grant has been decreased for next year, as a result of legislative changes affecting the allocation of the funds.

The seismic plan from the state is covered by a grant. The state created a plan last year, but it was determined to have numerous errors. The commission left the decision of whethcontinued to page 7


The cost for a standard obituary: $89 500 words with one color photo

The cost for an ultimate obituary: $159 501 words plus and 2 color photos * additional photos $25 each

To submit an obituary: email: Mail or drop o at the The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 205, Malad Idaho 83252 100 E. 90 S., Malad, Idaho 208-766-4773

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 4
Margaret N. Stoor
Caribou County's Newspaper Since 2024
Michael Edgar Harris
The Idaho



May 16 – Thursday

Catholic Daily Mass (6:30pm)


BB State @ Pocatello

SB State @ Orofino

Track State @ Middleton

Thirkill Leadership Day

High School Preschool

May 17 – Friday

Caribou County Senior Dinner

Bridge @ The Senior Center

Catholic Daily Mass (9am)


BB State @ Pocatello

SB State @ Orofino

Track State @ Middleton

PTO Spring Carnival & Craft Fair

May 18 – Saturday


BB State @ Pocatello

SB State @ Orofino

Track State @ Middleton

PTO Spring Craft Fair

May 19 – Sunday

Presbyterian Services

Caribou Bible Church Services

Catholic Mass (8:30am)

Open Arms Church Services

LDS Services

May 20 – Monday

Catholic Daily Mass (9am)

May 21 – Tuesday

GSSCDC Final Exams

Senior Lock In

Kindergarten Graduation (9am)

May 22 – Wednesday

Caribou County Senior Dinner

Pinochle @ The Senior Center

Catholic Daily Mass (9am)

Children Story Time @ Library

10:30am or 11:30am


Final Exams

Senior Sneak Last Day of School

May 23 – Thursday Catholic Daily Mass (6:30pm)


Class of 24’ Graduation!


May 16 – Thursday

8th Grade Field Trip

May 17 – Friday

Track State @ Middleton

May 18 – Saturday

May 19 – Sunday LDS Services

May 20 – Monday

Preschool Story Hour @ Library


Kindergarten Walking Field Trip

2nd Grade Field Trip

6th Field Trip

Social Dance Review

May 21 – Tuesday

JH Football Camp (5:30pm)

Kindergarten Field Day

May 22 – Wednesday

Field Day

Kindergarten Field Trip

Odd Finals

JH Football Camp

May 23 – Thursday

Last Day of School for Elementary Senior Sneak Even Finals


May 16 – Thursday

Kindergarten Graduation (6pm)

May 17 – Friday

Track State @ Middleton

May 18 – Saturday Track State @ Middleton

May 19 – Sunday LDS Services

May 20 – Monday

Cowboys in Action @ Chesterfield (9am)

3rd-5th Grade Swim @ Lava Education Foundation Meeting (4pm)

May 21 – Tuesday

HS Trip to Downata Hot Springs Awards Assembly (6pm)

May 22 – Wednesday

MS Awards Assembly ES Field Day Class of 24’ Graduation!


The Relationship” with Your Realtor: Two Major Changes All Agents Must Implement in August

A Continuation of the Series Covering the Recent NAR Lawsuit Settlements

Alana Burns - Broker / Owner of Guardian Realty

In last week’s article we discussed one of the changes Realtors will legally be required to implement as a result of the NAR lawsuit settlements; no longer are buyers’ agent’s commission offerings allowed to be posted for other agents to see in any multiple listing service (MLS) in any way. Sellers can still offer payment to buyers’ agents but making those commission offerings viewable by Realtors on these professional platforms is no longer allowed.

Instead, these commission offerings will likely be posted on brokerage websites and will be communicated one-on-one between Realtors when they are calling one another to schedule showings to see properties.

Members of the public may not experience the impact of these changes directly at first, but it will add some additional steps to the buying process for the agents who represent buyers. It’s the compounding effect of this change coupled with the second required change in practice where the added complexity rears its head.

The second big change Realtors will have to implement is the requirement that agents must have buyers sign an exclusive contract known as the “Buyer’s Representation Agreement” with them prior to providing buyers with any services. This means that before an agent is ever able to show you a home you have to sign a contract with them.

Gone are the days of calling a Realtor and asking them to schedule showings for you before you’ve “determined the relationship” with them by discussing your finances, your buying power, your level of preparedness to purchase, your ability to pay the agent or terms you are willing to include in eventual offers that will cover their commission charge, homes you want to include in your home search (which may include limiting criteria such as “only

show me homes where the seller is willing to pay the buyer agent’s commission).

That’s a pretty high level of disclosure to make with someone you’re not SURE you want to do business with, exclusively, don’t you think? So, my advice for buyers is this: do your homework. Research area Realtors. Interview several of them to see who you really want to work with, someone who will bring value, experience, time, effort, attention, and customer service to you during your buying process. Someone you want to commit to over the duration of your home search, not just use for the day because a house just hit the market and you really want to see it. Also, using area Realtors to “open doors” for buyers who plan to eventually use a relative or friend on another side of the state once they find a home they want to purchase won’t really be possible either. That change isn’t one I’m complaining about as a Realtor though. The standard has been raised for both Realtors and the public and this has the potential to benefit everyone if we let it.

The duration of these exclusive contracts can vary in length, but really, are you looking for someone to work for you today to see one home or are you looking for someone who is willing to prioritize you as a client until you’ve found the home you want to buy? Someone who will actually bring you value… Don’t just call the first agent who is able to unlock a door for you anymore, this choice of who you want to work with (exclusively, after signing a contract with them) should be an educated and intentional one. Both industry practice changes are set to take effect on August 17, 2024. Tune in next week to find out what the new streamlined process for buying a home may be, when and how to interview a Realtor, and how to avoid pitfalls during your next buying experience.

C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 5 BUSINESS DIRECTORY All Your Well Drilling Needs “Our Water is Well Made” P.O. Box 489 • Soda Springs • 208-547-2222 Pumps repaired or replaced Complete Water Systems Pumps, Accessories, Installation Water Softeners and Conditioners FREE Estimates 30 Day Billing Available RHETT PRICE, AGENT Call me today for a free, no obligation quote. Your Insurance Professional in Caribou County • AUTO • HOME • LIFE (208) 547-3315 240 S. Main St. Soda Springs, ID 83276 Remodeling or New Construction Danfordʻs Construction Roofing • Tree Triming New Windows Siding • Bobcat Work Demolition of Old Structures 208-547-3613 Dan Smith 208-540-0832 We Haul It All! Small • Medium • Large 24 Hour Service Call Shelly Williams • 208-766-4773 Enterprise The Idaho Caribou County's Newspaper Since 2024 Business Directory per$50month Advertise here! Lott Builders Specializing in Overhead Doors Soda Springs, ID 208-547-3882 Other ser vices we provide: Insulation, Windows, Roofing, Concrete Serving & Selling The Freshest Food Dine-in or call for curbside pickup! 4 N. Main St., Grace, ID 208-425-9110 Tuesday – Friday 11am to 8pm Saturday – 11am to 4pm ClosedSundayandMonday


1866 U.S. Congress authorizes the nickel 5 cent piece (replaces silver half-dime)

1876 Pharmacist Charles E. Hires presents "Hires Root Beer" at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

1881 World's first electric tram enters service in Lichterfelder (near Berlin)

1884 Italian inventor Angelo Moriondo receives patent for first espresso machine

1939 U.S. food stamps are first issued in Rochester, New York

1965 The Campbell Soup Company introduces SpaghettiOs under its Franco-American brand

1975 Junko Tabei from Japan becomes first woman to reach summit of Mt. Everest

1986 "Top Gun", directed by Tony Scott and starring Tom Cruise premieres

1991 Queen Elizabeth ll becomes first British monarch to address U.S. congress

1993 Farmer Sugeng finds 1.2-million-year-old Pithecanthropus lX skull

2013 Human stem cells are successfully cloned

2020 118-year-old American department store JC Penney files for bankruptcy



Monday, May 20


Lunches served with Milk

Chicken Nuggets, Chips, Fruit, Veggies

Tuesday, May 21

Chili Cheese Fries, Fruit, Veggies

Wednesday, May 22

Pizza, Breadstick, Fruit, Veggies


Milk and Choice of Bar Each Day

Monday, May 20

Pizza Kits or Soft Shell Taco, Green Beans, Fresh Fruit

Tuesday, May 21

Hamburgers, Baked Beans, Peaches

Wednesday, May 22

Chicken Chili Crispito, Roasted Baby Carrots, Fresh Fruit


Lunches served with Milk

Monday, May 20

Cook’s Choice, Food Choice –Veggies or Fruit

Tuesday, May 21

Cook’s Choice, Food Choice –Veggies or Fruit


Every meal served with Juice/Milk/ Coffee

May 17 - Birthday Dinner, Lasagna, Green Salad, Juice, Breadsticks, Birthday Cake & Ice Cream (Served In-House Only)

May 22 - Beef Pot Roast & Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Fruit Cocktail, Dilly Bread, Pistachio Cake


Wednesday, May 22

Hamburger or Hot Dog, Food Choice – Baked Beans, Potato Salad, or Fruit

Thursday, May 23

Pizza, Food Choice – Veggies or Fruit


Lloyd Rasmussen, May 4

Kelly Chapin, May 6

Linda Arnold, May 7

Johnny McCuddy, May 7

Maxine Smith, May 8

Vania Smith, May 14

Dagmar Beasley, May 20

MiShaelia Beckstead, May 22

Dana Moore, May 23

Judy Bassett, May 24

Jan Nielsen, May 24

Darryl Dixon, May 24

Lani Sant, May 26

Mads Christensen, May 28

Cammy Parsons, May 29

Teri Olsen, May 29

Cindy Cartwright, May 31

Ed Troseth, May 31

Linda Rasmussen, May 31

If you would like to add yourself, your kids, loved one, friend or family member to our weekly birthday list, contact Sherrie at 208-766-4773 or email

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 6


5 Years ago, 2019

Caribou County DYW for 2018 Ragan Yamauchi organized the Little Miss Caribou portion of the 2019 DYW program, and took the stage to officially pass the torch to the newly named DYW Becca Lau. Hayley Naef was awarded the Be Your Best Self Award; as well as the Spirit of Distinguished Young Women, which was selected by the participants. The Fitness awards were given to Kayci Younger of Grace, and Becca Lau of Soda Springs. The Self-Expression Awards were given to Susanna Cooper of Chesterfield, and Becca Lau. The Talent Awards were given to Katelyn Anderson of Grace, and Abigail Clegg of Soda Springs. Scholastic Awards were given to Becca Lau, and Katelyn Anderson. The Interview Awards were given to Laramie Smith of Soda Springs and Kayci Younger. The First Runner-up was Hayley Neff, and Becca Lau was named to DYW, sponsored by the Lions Club and other community supporters.

The Caribou Field Archers requested two weekends for this year’s annual outdoor archery shoot at Kelly Park. The club has been in existence since the 1960s, and the target shooting exercise typically draws large numbers of archers, including a number of families who choose to spend the day together outdoors.

Carl Toupin of MR&E asked to have his contract renewed for garbage service in the city for another five years. Toupin was in the seventh year of a 10 year contract, and sought an extension to match the normal business plan for the company of seven years between contract renewals. The time span allows for the purchase of new trucks, equipment, and containers, while spacing the loans needed to underwrite the equipment replacements to be adequately spaced. The council agreed to the extension, taking the contract to 2024.

Northwest Farm Credit Services in Preston donated $1,000 to Grace High School for the purchase of new equipment for the concession stands. The Rural Community Grant Program is designed to help aid the development of infrastructure in rural communities and allow them to work toward financial prosperity. The concessions are used by various student organiaitons to raise money during the year.

Two students from Soda Springs High School participated in the Idaho State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Abigail Clegg, a Junior at SSHS, played a French horn solo. Nicole Fryar, also a Junior at SSHS, received a Superior at the District V Festival and a first in Mezzo Soprano. She competed with 21 other Mezzo Sopranos from across the state. Both students have leadership roles in the high school band and choir.

Andrew Lillywhite of Soda Springs was recently admitted as attorneys to the Idaho State Bar Association, following his seven year membership in the Utah Bar Association.

20 Years Ago, 2004

Over 100 people met in Preston to discuss Bear River water and aquifer management, according to State Pro Tem Robert Geddes, chair of the Natural Resources Legislative Interim Committee for the Bear River Working Group. Surface water users were reported to be concerned about well drilling and the effect of wells on river flows. Director of IDWR Karl Dreher provided background on changed in irrigation methods over the years, and the effect that deep wells have on the aquifer. It was stated that in 1950 the discharge at Thousand Springs at Hagerman was 6,800 cfs had declined to 5,200 cfs at present. This has led to a potentially urgent water issue.

The Living Center at Caribou Memorial Hospital needs several volunteer drivers with CDL licenses to take

residents on short trips around the area in the county’s bus on an ongoing basis. The new small bus, which was obtained through a grant for the same purpose, allowed for residents to be driven around accompanied by Living center staff. The Living Center is further looking for volunteers to share their hobbies or perform activities with the Living Center residents. The Living Center has a piano and a organ, as well as a sound system. Small groups who are seeking service activities, such as the boy and girl scouts,, church and civic groups, and others are also encouraged to contact the Center if they are interested.

Governor Dirk Kempthorne declared a drought emergency in Caribou County, The declaration bring the total to four of counties in the state that have been so named by the governor. The latest snowpack report found that the Bear River Basin was only at 47 percent of normal, and the inflows into Bear Lake were projected to be down 7 percent from average. The Bear Lake was found to be drawn down to near-historic levels not seen since the 1930s.

The Soda Springs Fire Department requested burnable furniture for a controlled house burn, in an odd public request. Couches, chairs, bedsets, and anything burnable were sought. The items help to make the training fire more realistic for the firefighters who will be practicing combating domestic fire situations.

Declining enrollments and the resulting budget impacts were being felt throughout the county’s school districts. It was related that the Soda Springs School District has enrolled 1,300 students in 1985, but only 934 at the beginning of 2004. 2.5 teaching positions were being eliminated, though Board Chairman Jim Smith stressed that it would not necessarily mean that two or more teachers would lose their jobs. Creative schedule arrangement and position filling might

Caribou County Commission 5/13

continued from page 4

er to move forward with a new plan to Hobson.

Hobson reported that the Weather Service predicted another hot, dry year, which would result in a busy fire season.

A grant for the All-Hazard Mitigation Update has resulted in two bids. Hobson felt that both contractors were high quality, and both have experience in Idaho. $35K for EM, Integrated Solutions for $34.7K. Funds come out of grants. EZ EM plan was considered to have advantages in conciseness, experience with Idaho, and timeline.

The commission approved $35K to EZ EM for the All-Hazard Mitigation Plan update, paid out of Hazard Mitigation Program Fund.

Hobson presented a quick overview on a church group who wants to work with county on Family Emergency Preparedness Guide.

The ambulance response times were reported to be roughly the same as they have been. The goal is to never be more than 10 minutes from call to being on scene. At present, the average is 13 minutes. The EMS is continually working on improving the times. Staffing is low at present, which affects times.

Weed Control

During weed burning, a creosote railroad tie caught fire, and was extinguished with several fire extinguishers, and 1000 gallons of water. No damage was reported, other than a tire on a trailer.

A new hire for the department was reported.

The program for the enforcement of the addresses has not yet been made available to the weed shop.

A printer for the weed shop has been arranged for, and the enforcement program will be loaded onto it for the department.


Taxes on two mobile homes were cancelled, as they were physically no longer in the county. The parcel numbers were canceled for $234 and $442. Nellie Askew Ag protection bill. Farm Bureau asked for a bill to set up a zone for people to voluntarily place land into Ag zones. A board to manage these

transfers will need to be established. It was determined that the commissionesr needed to examine the language of the bill in order to clarify how it would affect the county. “Agricultural Reserves” are the designations for the land zoned through this process.

Attorney Wood asked about whether there was a template ordinance. Askew replied that there was not, though some examples of similar bills were presented during meetings on the subject. The bill was also seen as being primarily relevant to Ada county, though it was required by legislation to establish a board to allow for the management of the law in every county.

Public Hearing

A public hearing on the subject of a zone amendment was opened. A residence on 690 Hwy 30 requested a zone change from Community Commercial 2 from Ag 1. PZ recommended approval based on all utilities being installed before residency. It was found to be in accord with Comprehensive Plan, etc, though fire codes and standards are still in need of vaerifying compliance. The Applicant is working with ITD. He explained that he was trying to clean the property up and provide additional units for the county. Various departments have been worked with.

Alan Skinner mentioned the city’s concerns about the bridge which leads to the area, which it was clarified needs to follow fire and EMS specifications.

The commission motioned to approve the rezone at 690 US HWY 30 in Impact Zone from Ag1 to C 2. (Community/Commercial) contingent on recs from PZ. Passed. Public Hearing closed.

Public Hearing for Adoption of Natural Resource Management Plan— Resolution 2024-03

A public hearing on the Natural Resource Management Plan guiding document was held.

The plan has been developed over a period of time by Askew, Hobson, and others. Comments from the Commissioners have been factored into the final plan.

Attorney Wood felt it was legally sound.

A motion to adopt the resolution was approved. The document runs 39 pages with many further pages of appendices.

be able to prevent that. Several members of SSHS High School BPA were recognized for qualifying to the national convention. Jen Barker, accepted awards for the chapter for Community Action, and Member Recruitment. Andrea Krall received a scholarship award, and Krall, Barker, and Kelsie Stoor, Amanda Martinsen, Erica Wollin, Jeni Torgesen, Brittany Brown, Katie Hansen, Chase Johnson, Anna Krall, Ryan Gentry, and Calie Johnson all received high ranks at state.

30 Years Ago, 1994 Information Superhighway Workshops were held at a number of locations across the area recently to help rural communities learn to utilize and prepare for the oncoming “superhighway” of information promised by the adoption of high speed telephone lines for electronically based computer communication. The workshops were funded by the US West Foundation as part of a national communications initiative involving government agencies, industry stakeholders, and interested citizens. It was noted that the internet would provide means for business and information transactions to be handled at faster speeds than present, and affect almost every aspect of modern life in the upcoming years.

Author Ellen Carney, a new member of the Idaho Press Women, took first place in the state’s non-fiction history book division with her entry “The Oregon Trail: Ruts, Rogues, and Reminiscences”. The 320-page book contains a 70 page section which is a guide to the trail today and covers groups who came West, such as women, Oregon settlers, ‘49ers, Mormons, and African Americans. Carney is a longtime Caribou County resident and Caribou County Sun correspondent, who has authored four other books.

Public Health

The budget proposal for SEIPH was presented to the commissioners. The budget runs from July to June. A hearing will be held at the Pocatello office. Statute requires Chairman to attend, or proxy. Maggie Mann was designated as proxy.

Changes from several years ago eliminated the indigent fund, and made some other changes which place the burden on county.

Biggest revenue source is grants and contracts, mostly through Fed grants and subgrants to SEIPH. Around 50%. 25.2% is from services, and county for 24.8%. Funds from opioid settlement is 1.5%.

Funding formula is set in ID code. 70% on population, 30% on assessed market value. Census data shows a pop of 7,219 people, or 4% of district total. Assessed market value is 8.3%. The total is $123,496, or 5.2% of county total. There was a significant jump in the assessed market value. Oneida had biggest jump in pop change, while Caribou had smallest. Caldwell had 2.5% value and pop growth. Lewiston had smallest—778 people. 25,691 people added to state.

District 4 had a decrease of valuation. Bonneville had biggest increase in valuation.

COVID funds are essentially completely used, and so various programs which had been supported by those funds or needs which had resulted from it are no longer part of the overall budget.

A number of positions will not be renewed as a result.

An increase in demand for private pay for vaccinations, mostly for travel, has jumped in terms of demand, which increases operating costs.

As a result of the increased assessed value of county properties, the cost to the county will be an increase over last year.

A new WIC coordinator for the county is in the process of being hired.

Aaron Cook

Assessor Cook spoke to the commissioners about values across the county. Cook indicated that the values have stayed strong, and potentially plateaued. A big change occurred last year due to five year re-eval. Grace and

Bancroft will take a bigger jump this year, as they catch up to market value. 16% value change was noted this year. Last year the change was 26%, and the year before, 30%. Ag values have stayed about the same. Bancroft was well behind in valuation—recent sales have demonstrated that it is catching up.

The City of Soda have actually paid less or not much more tax over the last few years.

Justin Hatch

Hatch spoke to the commissioners about a new computer for Lisa Barfuss at the Extension Office. Two options were quoted at $1069 and $1379. Hatch recommended the newer model. A motion to approve the purchase up to $1400 was passed.

Jill Stoor

Stoor spoke to the commissioners about the naming of candidates for the coroner position. She clarified that the board was potentially required to receive the names in an open meeting, which would require a special session. The item is on the agenda for the 28th. Because the coroner was removed in the middle of a pay period, a pro-rated amount was needed.

A service agreement with Adobe for $3,399 was signed.

Quotes from Safety Supply and Sign Company was received by Aly Shwulst for the new sign numbers needed throughout the county. The quote, for $1246 was approved.

MOU from Justin concerning Substance Use Disorder programs was in need of being signed. Community based alternative services and SUD program. Approved. Idaho Association of Clerks and Commissioners Convention is coming up. The convention is in IF, and Bryce will be attending. June 4 and 6. Tour of INL in the afternoon.

Stoor had a number of budget questions for the commissioners, including those related to comp time and vacation time. Which hours accrue to overtime and how comp time is calculated will be affected. It was determined that no kind of bonus should be extended to elected officials.

C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 7


During my years in the Idaho Senate, I’ve worked closely with Mark Harris as he has represented southeast Idaho in the Idaho Legislature. Mark’s straightforward, genuine approach, integrity, and common sense have made him a true leader and an incredible asset to his constituents. Mark is well-versed in the issues facing Idaho. He has voted to deliver historic tax relief to Idahoans struggling under the inflation of the Biden economy. He is a champion in defending Idaho’s water resources. He leads out in protecting Idaho’s agriculture economy.


Record of Decision Available for North Maybe Mine, Open Pit and South Maybe Canyon Mine, Open Pits

The U.S. Forest Service announces the availability of the Record of Decisions (RODs) for the North Maybe Mine (NMM), Open Pit and South Maybe Canyon Mine (SMCM), Open Pits located in Caribou County, Idaho. Future land use for NMM Open Pit and SMCM Open Pits will be unrestricted because risk assessments document no risks to human health and the environment.

Copies of the RODs are available at: Soda Springs Ranger District 410 East Hooper Ave. Soda Springs, ID 83276-1496 (208) 547-4356 or On the Forest’s website at:

Perhaps his greatest strength as a member of the Idaho Senate is Mark’s unwavering, conservative dedication to protecting and upholding our Constitutional rights. He stands strong in calling for the securing of our national border, fighting for our Second Amendment rights, and stopping the ‘woke’ agenda in Idaho.

It’s hard to imagine a better voice for District 35, and I urge your support of Mark Harris in the Republican primary election on May 21, 2024.

Kelly Arthur Anthon Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/ fseprd1174888.pdf And Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/ fseprd1174889.pdf

The Administrative Record file for the site, which includes the RODs plus all documents that formed the basis for the Forest Service’s No Action Decision, are available for public review at the location listed above.

For more information regarding the site, please contact: Brian Deeken

Remedial Project Manager U.S. Forest Service 4350 Cliffs Drive Pocatello, ID 83204

Phone: (208)236-7516

Fax: (208)236-7555


War on Weeds—weeds are everybody’s problem

THE ISSUE: Orange Hawkweed Orange Hawkweed (Hieracium auantiacum) is a perennial weed native to Europe. It was originally introduced to the U.S. as an ornamental, its bright orange-red flowers probably made it irresistible to some horticulturists. It has proved to be a dangerous weed because of its ability to spread by seed, stolons, and rhizomes. This weed invades meadows, pastures, and roadsides across the country.

Orange hawkweed forms a basal rosette of oblong shaped leaves, a single leafless stem extends out of the rosette. Clusters of rosettes are often formed as stolons and rhizomes spread. Stems are usually about 12 inches tall, are covered in small hairs, and ooze milky latex when severed. Each stem bares a cluster of bright orange-red flowers. Flowers are typically ½ - ¾ inch in diameter, the petals are square and notched. A single flower can produce 12-30 seeds, seeds can remain viable for approximately 7 years. Seeds are easily dispersed by wind and water. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Options:

• Prevention— Learn to iden -

tify this plant. Always plant clean seed, this weed is sometimes a contaminate in wildflower seed packets!

• Mechanical— Tillage or digging is not recommended. Broken rhizomes and stolons will resprout, causing the infestation to worsen. Mowing is not effective, as it encourages this weed to produce rhizomes and stolons.

• Cultural— Establish a stand of desirable plants to compete with Orange Hawkweed.

• Chemical— Non-selective herbicides are not generally recommended for the control of this weed unless desirable species are planted to compete with Orange Hawkweed. Apply selective herbicides prior to flowering and in the fall before the first frost. For specific information on appropriate herbicide active ingredients visit weed and then search “Hawkweed, Orange”. Justin Hatch, University of Idaho Extension Agriculture Educator in Caribou and Bear Lake Counties. 208-547-3205

Dear Caribou County Voters,

A mailer was recently circulated within Caribou County that claimed that “The Idaho Republican Party cannot endorse” one of our candidates for legislature in district 35. This was misleading. The mailing claims to be published by District 35 and paid for by the Bonneville County Republican Committee. This is not the first time something similar has happened. This was not authorized by District 35. Caribou County Republicans do not believe that it is correct for a county committee to “put their thumb on the scale” and choose which Republican candidate should win in


A prominent feature in Idaho’s Republican headquarters is the party’s “Hall of Fame.” It is a wall covered with dark walnut-looking commemorative plaques featuring hundreds of small brass nameplates.

On each plate is engraved a name recognized by the Party as having advanced Republican governing philosophy: lower taxes, more personal responsibility, and freedom from overreaching government regulation.

If you listen to this year’s Primary Election debate, that Hall of Fame is a fraud. Those names are mostly “RINOs” (Republicans-in-name-only), turncoats to “true” Republican principles -- especially the names on the wall the longest.

According to heated rhetoric, the more often a name appears in the Hall of Fame, the more likely that person is a traitor to the one and only “true Republican platform.”

And no, that isn’t the National Platform approved by Donald Trump in 2016 or 2020. It’s the one drafted by a few dozen activists in Twin Falls in 2022. That platform demands legislative districts be drawn by politicians, declares women who were never pregnant may still commit “murder by abortion,” and abandons any enforcement of drug laws.

Most State Party platforms are two to three pages long, designed to be read as “good reasons to vote the Party’s ticket.” Idaho’s most recent platform is sixteen pages using a small font, single-spaced. And it was not written by the veterans of the Party’s Hall of Fame.

Rather, it was produced by followers of the website “PrecinctStrategy. com,” a useful tool that explains how political party leadership is chosen. The website is “old hat” to most Hallof-Famers, teaching grassroots organizing principles true for decades. But this website opens with the worrisome greeting: “We’re taking over the Republican Party.”

Supporting such a “takeover” are the likes of North Idaho’s Vincent James Foxx, a white supremacist who expounds on how vulnerable local party control can be to populist sloganism. “There is nothing they can do about it,” he says referring to the GOP Hall-

the primary election. We support all Republicans and let you, the voter, make your own choices. However, we respect the right of Bonneville County to operate as it wishes within Bonneville County. Caribou County would not presume to be so bold as to overstep into another county, especially with no communication.

This flyer does not speak for Caribou County, District 35 nor the Idaho Republican Party. We urge you vote in this primary election for the candidate that you see fit.

Sincerely, The Caribou County Republican Central Committee


Foxx suggests usurping party control in “remote pockets of the country” solely for the purpose of “amassing power until it’s time to unify.” “Unify to do what?” is the question.

A popular answer comes from American First Media editor Alex Witoslawski, an individual flagged by the Anti-Defamation League for involvement in the now-defunct white supremacist group Identity Evropa. Witoslawski writes about the virtues of “entryism:”

“Entryism - why we should focus on infiltrating mainstream conservative politics and how you can take steps to do so with minimal time commitment and without outing yourself . . . As true dissidents, entryism is our best option for enacting change in the real world. The ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville showed the dangers of openly organizing in ‘meatspace’ (a.k.a. the real world).”

It should surprise no one when Hallof-Famers stepped up this year to say, “Hey . . . that’s not the party to which we donated our lives!” Many have chosen this year to run to do the same local party volunteering that they did decades ago.

To the followers of Dorothy Moon, champion of the “we must amass power until we unite” crowd, these Hall-of-Famers are a serious threat.

This is why her principle handler, Kootenai County’s GOP Central Committee Czar, Brent Regan, and his minions, have started referring to these challengers (who, in Coeur d’Alene, include a former Republican Lieutenant Governor and a past GOP State Vice-Chair) as Democrats, lobbyists, pawns of the establishment, “backed by George Soros.”

The Anti-Defamation League notes that “using the name of Hungarian Jewish Billionaire George Soros” purely to conjure fear when there is zero evidence of involvement, is, itself, antisemitic.

When the goal is avoiding “outing yourself,” using antisemitism to keep your hold on power is clearly an act of desperation. You can take that desperation as a good sign that the Idaho GOP may be on its way back.

Trent Clark, Soda Springs

e Idaho Enterprise - Caribou County Edition P.O. Box 331 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 (U.S.P.S. -- 090-560) ISSN: 2997-1004

The Idaho Enterprise - Caribou County Edition is published weekly at 76 South Main Street, Ste. 207, Soda Springs, Idaho. Postmaster, please mail address corrections to: The Idaho Enterprise, P.O. Box 331, Soda Springs, Idaho 83276. Entered as “periodicals” at the Soda Springs, Idaho Post Office.

Subscription rates are strictly in advance -- $55.00 per year delivered in Caribou County, and $67.00 per year delivered outside of Caribou County within the United States. The Idaho Enterprise reserves the right to refuse publication of any or all materials. Brandon

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 8
Hall Editor Phone: 208-766-2419 Bryan Dean Scott Publisher Phone: 208-766-2419 Shelly Williams Advertising Phone: 208-766-2419
Photo courtesy of Becca MacDonald, Sault Collage,





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho and the Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Joint School District No. 148, Caribou, Franklin and Bannock Counties, State of Idaho, adopted on March 20, 2024 a Supplemental Levy Election will be held on May 21, 2024, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of voting upon the following question and proposition of authorizing a levy: The Board of Trustees of Joint School District No. 148, Caribou, Franklin and Bannock Counties, State of Idaho, is seeking authorization to levy a Supplemental Levy for the following purposes and approximate amount of levy funds to be allocated to each use:

Purpose: Salaries and Benefits for Staff

Amount: $252,500

Purpose: Curriculum and Classroom/Technology Supplies

Amount: $90,000

Purpose: Maintenance and Transportation Amount: $157,000

Total Amount: $500,000/year

The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the following locations:

Gem Valley Performing Arts Center

704 South Main Grace, ID 83241

For Caribou County residents

An elector must be a registered voter who has resided in this state and in this school district at least thirty (30) days preceding the election.

The question submitted will be:

QUESTION: Shall the Board of Trustees of Joint School District No. 148, Caribou, Franklin and Bannock Counties, State of Idaho, be authorized and empowered to levy a Supplemental Levy in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) per year for two (2) years, commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2027, for the purposes stated above; all as provided in the Resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees on March 20, 2024?

The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $187 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.

Said election will be conducted pursuant to Title 34, Idaho Code.

To be published May10 & May 15, 2024 in the Idaho State Journal.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Soda Springs Jt. School District #150 Caribou, Bear Lake, Bonneville Counties, Idaho, adopted on February 28, 2024 that a supplemental levy election will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in the Soda Springs Jt. School District #150 Caribou, Bear Lake, Bonneville Counties, Idaho, for the purpose of voting upon the question and proposition of authorizing a levy in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Dollars ($993,000), for one (1) year to be allocated to Teacher and Staff salaries and benefits, a School Resource Officer and all lawful expenses of maintaining and operating the schools of the District in the amount of $993,000 commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. Currently, the District collects

a supplemental levy authorized in the amount of $698,000 that costs the taxpayer $52.59 per $100.000 of taxable assessed value which will expire when the proposed levy goes into effect. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $75.01 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.

The polls will be open from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. at the following locations:

Tigert Middle School

250 E. 2nd S. Soda Springs, ID

Caribou County Courthouse

159 S. Main Soda Springs, ID For Wayan & Freedom precinct residents – same day registration

An elector must be a registered voter who has resided in this state and in this school district at least thirty (30) days preceding the election.

The question submitted will be:

QUESTION: Shall the Board of Trustees of the Soda Springs Jt. School District #150 Caribou, Bear Lake, Bonneville Counties, Idaho, be authorized to levy a supplemental levy, as permitted by law in Section 33-802(3), Idaho Code, in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Dollars ($993,000) for one (1) year to be allocated to Teacher and Staff salaries and benefits, a School Resource Office and all lawful expenses of maintaining and operating the schools of the District in the amount of $993,000 commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 as provided in the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Soda Springs Jt. School District # 150 adopted on February 28, 2024?

Currently the District collects a supplemental levy authorized in the amount of $698,000 that costs the taxpayer $52.59 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value which will expire when the proposed levy goes into effect. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $75.01 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions.

Said election will be conducted pursuant to Title 34 Idaho Code.

To be published May 10 & May 15, 2024 in the Idaho State Journal.


In accordance with Section 34-602 of the election laws of the State of Idaho, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a PRIMARY ELECTION will be held for State and Local Candidates. The polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Said PRIMARY ELECTION WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024. Ballot measures will appear only on the ballots of voters within their respective district boundaries. Electors must have resided in their respective districts at least thirty (30) days preceding the Election. Residents not registered may register at the polls on Election Day with a picture ID. All absentee voting will be handled through the Clerk’s Office at the County Courthouse, Room 202, 159 S. Main St., Soda Springs between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. through May 17, 2024. Polling Places are as follows:

Soda Springs Precincts #1, 2, 3, & 4

Tigert Middle School Gym 250 E 3rd S. Soda Springs, ID 83276

Grace Precinct #1 & 2

Gem Valley Performing Arts Center 704 S. Main Grace, ID 83241

Bancroft Precinct Lions Club Building 165 S. Main Bancroft, Id 83217

Wayan and Freedom (Mail-Out Precincts) Caribou County Courthouse

159 S. Main

Soda Springs, ID 83276

Precinct Committeemen vary by precincts:

Bancroft - Jim McCulloch Rep.

Freedom- Sharon Meals Rep.

Grace 1 - Cindy R. Cronquist


Grace 2 - Jackie Barthlome


Soda 1 - Nancy R. Smith Dem.

Soda 2 - Rodger Sorensen


Soda 3 - Colleen M. Price Rep.

Soda 4 - Paige Messerly Dem.

Soda 4 - Eric Hobson Rep.

Wayan - Georganne Benson Rep.

The above election will be conducted pursuant to Title 34 Idaho Code. Handicap accessibility information available at the Clerk’s Office phone (208)547-4324 ext. 4.

To be published May 10 & May 15, 2024 in the Idaho State Journal.

C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 9
Sample Ballot P eci ct Ba ft May 21, 2024 MAY 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO Libe taria P ty Ballot Page 1 of 1 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, request a new ballot from an election worker CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES OFFICES UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) Todd Corsetti NONPARTISAN BALLOT JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TO SUCCEED: J dge G. Richard Bevan 6 year term (Vote for One) G. Richard Bevan JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge David W. Gratton 6 year term (Vote for One) David W. Gratton APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: J dge Jessica Marie Lorello 6 year term (Vote for One) Jessica Marie Lorello 95194
Sample Ballot Vote Both Sides of the Ballot Precinct Freedom May 21, 2024 MAY 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO Constitutional Par ty Ballot Page 1 of 2 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, request a new ballot from an election worker CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES OFFICES UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) Idaho Law - Carta Sierra Pro-Life (A person formerly known as Marvin Richardson) NONPARTISAN BALLOT JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TO SUCCEED: Judge G. Richard Bevan 6 year term (Vote for One) G. Richard Bevan JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge David W. Gratton 6 year term (Vote for One) David W. Gratton APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge Jessica Marie Lorello 6 year term (Vote for One) Jessica Marie Lorello 95194 Sample Ballot Vote Both Sides of the Ballot Precinct Grace 1 May 21, 2024 MAY 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO Republican Party Ballot Page 1 of 2 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, request a new ballot from an election worker. CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES OFFICES UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) Sean Higgins Scott Cleveland Mike Simpson CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFICES LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE SENATOR (Vote for One) Mark Harris Doug Toomer LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE REPRESENTATIVE, POSITION A (Vote for One) Kevin Andrus LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE REPRESENTATIVE, POSITION B (Vote for One) Joshua Wheeler Brett C. Skidmore CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES COUNTY COMMISSIONER FIRST DISTRICT 2 year term (Vote for One) Marty McCullough COUNTY COMMISSIONER THIRD DISTRICT 4 year term (Vote for One) Kim Spencer Mark Mathews COUNTY SHERIFF (Vote for One) Eric Bates Adam Mabey COUNTY CORONER 2 year term (Vote for One) Nita Weber Casey Batterton COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY (Vote for One) S.Doug Wood CANDIDATES FOR PARTY OFFICES PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN (Vote for One) Cindy R. Cronquist 95194

Ballot measures may or may not appear on the ballot, depending on your residency.

City Council Soda Springs May 1

A regular meeting of the Soda Springs City Council was held on May 1. Tom Smith introduced as the new city attorney for civil matters. Doug Wood has been hired as the prosecutor for the city. A profile and introduction of Smith was prined in last week’s newspaper. Chief of Police Scott Shaw reported that on one of his deputies had passed Post training and dept is one closer to fully staffed.

Citizen Input

Crosswalks/Pedestrian crossings Councilmemeber Paul Gritton mentioned that a citizen has voiced concern about bike to school week. They had seen a girl try to cross 2nd south and nearly be struck by a car that didn’t yield. Gritton himself observed the intersection, and saw two people cross the intersection where a vehicle failed to yield. The Crosswalk is still not painted, and Gritton requested that the state is asked to paint the crosswalk and potentially enforce the intersection. Chief Shaw mentioned that he had received the same complaints.

Another issue was reported on 300 south and 100 east, involving kids riding through stop signs with cars coming. Intersections near the middle schools are also noted to be problematic. The state will have to replace/refit the walk when they do the highway project.

Debbie Dumont asked about the possibility of volunteer crossing guards. Flags were mentioned as another option. Chief Shaw said it was mentioned to be around $500K to outift the crosswalk with a flag and light system. Grants were discussed.

Gritton suggested using prisoners to paint crosswalks.

The City has a painting machine, and can paint it, but the highway is technically the state’s jurisdiction, and it was expressed that “the city should not run in to save the state of Idaho.” It was agreed that something needs to be done.

Debbie—Skate Park

A local group who wants to do improvements on the park was represented by Pirmin Engeler. Engeler referenced an article from the Caribou County Sun from the early 2000s about the building of the orginal skatepark. “I believe the city should set aside funds to upgrade skate parks and hold skate

camps this summer. It’s imp for the Parks to rep. the community and attract people. There are great health benefits. 8-14 years old are the main users, but also older folks. Those kids will be there having a meeting and they’ll ask questions, and they’ll say they wished they had better facilities. The older generation is certainly hoping to stand as role-models and rep those kids.” Pirmin believed that it could bring people in to at least spend money at the eateries. Health benefits, as well as mental illness, recovery, etc. have been served by extreme sports space. Some youth that benefit more from some Extreme Sports programs than traditional ones, and they are the ones who need it the most.

He further stated that Skateboarding was the third most common interest for HS, third most used rec facilities by hours, provided good cardiovascular health, reduced disease, and was a pro-social activities, which was more accessible and less expensive than many sports.

Camp would be a two day clinic at the end of June. Beginner skills camp. Mostly needed permission from the city. Will have paperwork. They would like to charge $20 for the session. June 28 and 29. Clinic permission granted. Service Missionaries

Mitch Hart reported that he had worked with Tom Smith to close gaps on service missionaries volunteers to help city wherever they can be used. Liability is one issue, as is workman’s comp. The State Insurance Fund recommended maintaining a log or roster so that there is a record of who was working when and where, but it was believed that they should be covered under existing policy. Smith recommended language about indemnification. He thinks the agreement should be fine-tuned, but will take a minute. Justin Hansen and others asked whether they could use volunteers for any service projects. It was conveyed that there are some restrictions on what and how they can do.

Ledge Creek Prop May 2 at 3:00. FYI—city will be closing on property transfer with Nutrien/NuWest as the culmination of a 30 year effort. 600 acres are being donated to the city, with 200 in a conservation easement. The land was acquired as a mitigation against wetlands impacts, which

required a donation with an endowment to a land steward org, which the city volunteered for. The City intends to eventually link the citywide trail system down to Ledge Creek property and expand winter and summer activities, as it is a natural nexus of access to Bear river. Nu West will give $150K along with land. The City will eventually transition to doing maintenance on the land. Nutrien will be involved in how it is developed. The city will take over May 2. This comes with significant water rights.

Ledge Creek Grants

A grant to develop trail is under discussion to improve walkway, plant trees, etc. This might be done with the county. This is tied up with the “disadvantaged area” concern that had hindered it earlier. Water rights for the new land are 3. 3.8 cfs between the three.

Main Street Project

Director Skinner spoke about the Main Street project bids. 7 people picked up packages. 2 bids were turned in. Insurance, licensing, bid policy, etc. Eval showed an 11% difference in bids. A+ was the low bidder. The project is planned to begin in July after the parade. The number for the water/ sewer hookups was not available at the meeting last week. The cost was estimated at around $3,000 a year per business for three years. Ryan Carpenter recused himself from voting on the bid, as he works with them. The bid was accepted.

Impact Area Application Review

A draft letter for PZ Impact Zone was presented defined by the city and county was submitted and approved.

4th of July

The route for the parade was discussed. Parade will follow the established route. Construction should not interfere with parade route before the parade. President HArt recommended that the route should be kept as it has been in the past, due to the potential for confusion.

Proposed Council Time Change

Councilman Gritton proposed a change to council meeting times. People had mentioned to him that the time was problematic for attendance. Most other meetings start at 6 or 7, making Soda Springs the

earliest in the area. A change to the time requires an ordinance. Gritton proposed a motion to pursue changing the time to 6.

Mitch Hart openly opposed the change on the basis of tradition and the fact that it only occurs twice a month, and there were scheduling reasons for keeping the meetings to five o’clock. Gritton stated that people get off at 5 and can’t make it to the meetings on time. He stated that it would be worth changing the time to get more people.

City Clerk Andrea Haderlie stated that it would make for a very long day. Rescheduling the front office would require a lot of shuffling. Councilman Worthington’s schedule might be a problem, as a result of school district commitments.

President Mitch Hart believes that all the excuses have been mitigated through televising it, and didn’t see the disruption as warranted.

Mayor Robinson recommended tabling it until after budget season, when the meetings will run much longer.

Hart made the point that the later it starts the longer it lasts.

Ultimately, Gritton motioned to table the motion until after budget season.

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 10
Sample Ballot Vote Both Sides of the Ballot Precinct Soda 1 May 21, 2024 MAY 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO Democratic Party Ballot Page 1 of 2 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, request a new ballot from an election worker CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES OFFICES UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE SECOND DISTRICT (Vote for One) David Roth CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFICES LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE SENATOR (Vote for One) Chris Riley LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE REPRESENTATIVE, POSITION A (Vote for One) Joseph Messerly LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT # 35 STATE REPRESENTATIVE, POSITION B (Vote for One) Maggie Shaw CANDIDATES FOR PARTY OFFICES PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN (Vote for One) Nancy R. Smith NONPARTISAN BALLOT JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TO SUCCEED: Judge G. Richard Bevan 6 year term (Vote for One) G. Richard Bevan JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge David W. Gratton 6 year term (Vote for One) David W. Gratton APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge Jessica Marie Lorello 6 year term (Vote for One) Jessica Marie Lorello 95194 Sample Ballot Precinct Wayan May 21, 2024 MAY 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CARIBOU COUNTY, IDAHO Nonpartisan Party Ballot Page 1 of 1 Please use a black or blue ink pen to mark your ballot. To vote for your choice in each contest, completely fill in the box next to your choice. If you make a mistake, request a new ballot from an election worker. JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TO SUCCEED: Judge G. Richard Bevan 6 year term (Vote for One) G.Richard Bevan JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge David W. Gratton 6 year term (Vote for One) David W. Gratton APPELLATE COURT JUDGE TO SUCCEED: Judge Jessica Marie Lorello 6 year term (Vote for One) Jessica Marie Lorello BALLOT MEASURES Soda Springs Jt. School District No. 150 SUPPLEMENTAL LEVY ELECTION SODA SPRINGS JT. SCHOOL DISTRICT #150 CARIBOU, BEAR LAKE, BONNEVILLE COUNTIES, STATE OF IDAHO The Board of Trustees of Soda Springs Jt. School District #150 Caribou, Bear Lake, Bonneville Counties, Idaho, is seeking authorization to levy a Supplemental Levy for the following purposes in the amount of $993,000.00 to be allocated for Teacher and Staff salaries, and benefits, a School Resource Officer and all lawful expenses of maintaining and operating the schools of the District for a total amount of $993,000.00 for one year. QUESTION: Shall the Board of Trustees of the Soda Springs Jt. School District #150 Caribou, Bear Lake, Bonneville Counties, Idaho, be authorized to levy a supplemental levy, as permitted by law in Section 33-802(3), Idaho Code, in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety -Three Thousand Dollars ($993,000), for one (1)
year commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025 as provided in the resolution of the Board of Trustees of Soda Springs School District #150 adopted on February 28, 2024? Currently, the District collects a supplemental levy authorized in the amount of $698,000 that costs the taxpayer $52.59 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, which will expire when the proposed levy goes into effect. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed levy is a tax of $75.01 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions. IN FAVOR OF authorizing the Supplemental Levy in the amount of $993,000 for one (1) year.
AGAINST authorizing the Supplemental Levy in the amount of $993,000 for one (1) year.
items for THE IDAHO EN
to submit

Soda Springs High School

soda springs High School Class of 2024

Aiden Adkins

Teig Atwood

Benjamin Beutler

Angel Bowen

Tucker Bowen

Alyssa Camp

Cierra Capell

Reese Carpenter

Trinity Cheirrett

Aspen Christensen

Daniel Dockstader

Destiny Dursteler

Charles Fryar

Chloe Garbett

Jinettie Garbett

Albree Griffiths

Abigail Hansen

Quinten Hansen

McKayla Hardy

Kolton Harwood

Jessica Housley

Elizabeth Hunsaker

Tayson Inskeep

Avery Johnson

Shayne Kemp

Brooklyn Kempe

Hayden Koller

Robert Lee

Mark Liechty

Whitney Lind

Jacob Mayne

Hudson Moore

Travis Mottishaw

Hunter Nelson

Nhi Nguyen

Kinley Ozburn

Oakley Peck

McKaylie Petterborg

Kylee Rasmussen

Alin Roberge

Isabella Shelton

Macee Simmons

Analise Smith

Kaiden Smith

Emily Squires

Trey Stephens

Caleb Thompson

Ryker Tingey

Elise Wellard

James Workman

Kaeden Young

Best Wishes to Our Graduates From These Community Leaders & Businesses

Lallatin Food Town

Your Hometown Grocer

Congratulations Graduates!

39 W. 2nd S. • 208-547-3177

~ City of Soda Springs Office

Mayor and Council

Best Wishes to Class of 2024 9 West 2nd South • 208-547-2600

~ Gritton’s Sporting Goods, Embroidery Motorsports and More! 40 E. Hooper Ave. • 208-221-1224

~ Mountain States Insurance

For All Your Insurance Needs

Best Wishes to the Class of 24’ 30 E. 2nd S. • 208-547-2141

~ Soda Sip Soda, Coffee & Sweets

Congratulations Class of 24’ 210 S 3rd W. • 208-909-5114

~ Flying S Title & Escrow

Congratulations Graduates!

241 S. Main St. #1 • 208-547-4321


Congratulations Class of 2024 Wishing You Nothing but the Best!

~ Reid’s Plumbing & Heating Locally Owned & Operated 180 S. 3rd E. • 208-547-4466

~ Caribou Medical Center & Clinics

Best Wishes Graduates 300 S. 3rd W. • 208-547-3341

~ Farm Bureau Insurance

Congratulations Class of 2024 170 S. 2nd E. • 208-547-3315

~ City of Bancroft Office Mayor and Council

Best Wishes on Your Next Adventure Class of 2024 95 S. Main • 208-648-7648

~ Helena Agri Would Like to Congratulate The Class of 2024

Best Wishes to You All

Scoular Co. - Bancroft

Congratulations Graduates! 125 2nd E. Ave • 208-648-7741

~ Highland Milling - Bancroft Oat and Grain Processing 161 W. 2nd N. • 208-648-0954

~ Itafos

Congratulations Class of 2024 Best of Luck in Your Future!

~ Ireland Bank

Best Wishes to the Class of 2024 98 W. 2nd S. • 208-547-2191

~ The Idaho Enterprise Serving Caribou County Since 2024

Best of Luck Class of 2024 208-766-4773

~ JR Inn

You Did It! Congratulations 179 W. 2nd S. • 208-547-3366

C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 11

We Salute the soda springs High School Graduating Class of 2024

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 12
Aiden Adkins Teig Atwood Benjamin Beutler Angel Bowen Tucker Bowen Alyssa Camp Cierra Capell Reese Carpenter Trinity Cheirrett Aspen Christensen Daniel Dockstader Destiny Dursteler Charles Fryar Chloe Garbett Jinettie Garbett Albree Griffiths Abigail Hansen Quinten Hansen McKayla Hardy Kolton Harwood Jessica Housley Elizabeth Hunsaker Tayson Inskeep Avery Johnson Shayne Kemp Brooklyn Kempe Hayden Koller Robert Lee Mark Liechty Whitney Lind Jacob Mayne Hudson Moore Travis Mottishaw Hunter Nelson Nhi Nguyen Kinley Ozburn Oakley Peck McKaylie Petterborg Kylee Rasmussen
"You're off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way." DR. SEUSS, "OH, THE PLACES YOU'LL GO!"
Alin Roberge Isabella Shelton Macee Simmons

School Graduating Class of 2024

District 8 High School Rodeo, Grace Idaho

















5. CORTA, HAYDEN 8.240


7. LOSEE, GERTIE 8.710




11. HAMILTON, LYDIA 11.300


13. WINWARD, JACEE 12.040





3. SOLOMON, MYLEE 21.891

4. CORTA, HAYDEN 21.923

5. SEARS, SIERRA 22.048

6. PHELPS, HAILEY 22.162


8. MENDENHALL, HANNA 22.425 9. COOLEY, SAGE 22.479






14. NIELD, PAYZLI 25.783 15. SNYDER, LEXIE 25.850






19. REAM, HAILEY JO 28.313

20. LOSEE, GERTIE 32.992

21. BROWN, BROOKLYN 33.671





2. ROMRELL, CADE 6.140







4. KERR, RYDER (HD) & KERR, CASE (HL) 14.520














1. CUTLER, WYATT 15.670

2. SMITH, DUKE 18.460

3. ERICKSON, COLE 23.180

4. KERR, CASE 24.310









Saturday, May 11





C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 13 C M C M
Journey Gunter Mayson Jenkins Helber Langrus Evan O’Brien Jack Perry Alyson Reed Samantha Yost
We Salute the North Gem High
Analise Smith Kaiden Smith Emily Squires Trey Stephens Caleb Thompson Ryker Tingey Elise Wellard James Workman Kaeden Young Journey Gunter Mayson Jenkins Helber Langrus Evan O’Brien Jack Perry Alyson Reed
Congratulations! Grace High School Class of 2024 Seniors will be published in next week's edition - May 23, 2024. Friday, May 10 BAREBACK RIDING 1. REEDER, LINCOLN 68.0 BARREL RACING 1. CORTA, HAYDEN 18.497 2. LESEBERG, KAYLEE 18.534 3. PHELPS, HAILEY 18.625 4. SOLOMON, MYLEE 18.702 5. LOSEE, GERTIE 18.720 6. REAM, HAILEY JO 18.898 7. COVOLO, MCKINLEE 18.941 8. HUNTINGTON, KENDRA 19.069 9. WINWARD, JACEE 19.230 10. TALBOT, TESSLY 19.795 11. COOLEY, SAGE 19.940 12. BROWN, BROOKLYN 20.031 13. LEAVITT, CHAISLEE 20.078 14. SNYDER, LEXIE 20.437 15. BROWN, OAKLEY 20.514 16. JOHNSON, KODEE 20.764 17. JACKSON, GRACIE 21.082 18. HUNTINGTON, MAKINSY 21.520 19. STEADMAN, PRESLEIGH 23.467 20. MENDENHALL, HANNA 23.676 21. BAXTER, RYLEE 26.837 22. CALDWELL, MCKENNA 29.652
Samantha Yost

District 8 High School Rodeo, Grace Idaho

3. COOLEY, SAGE 4.250




7. SOLOMON, MYLEE 13.050




9. REAM, HAILEY JO 18.759

10. BROWN, BROOKLYN 18.834


12. LOSEE, GERTIE 19.393 13. SNYDER, LEXIE 19.521


15. TALBOT, TESSLY 19.811



18. BROWN, OAKLEY 20.883

19. COOLEY, SAGE 21.138

20. BAXTER, RYLEE 23.834

21. JOHNSON, KODEE 26.040

























3. LOSEE, GERTIE 8.240







7. CRANE, OAKLEY 9.810



12. CORTA, HAYDEN 13.580

13. PHELPS, HAILEY 14.130




2. PHELPS, HAILEY 21.601

3. SOLOMON, MYLEE 21.773

4. CORTA, HAYDEN 21.848

5. COOLEY, SAGE 22.103


7. REAM, HAILEY JO 22.152



10. LOSEE, GERTIE 23.062

11. NIELD, PAYZLI 24.732

12. JOHNSON, KODEE 26.478




16. SNYDER, LEXIE 33.267










1. ROMRELL, CADE 5.730






2. KERR, RYDER (HD) & KERR, CASE (HL) 7.83






A Look At The Links: District Drama

If you have been following our A Look At The Links series then you would know that last Wednesday the 5th District golf tournament took place. You would also know that the Grace boys and girls teams were heavily favored to win the district titles. Coach Jorgensen and Coach Christensen have been around long enough to know that you don’t count your chickens before they hatch. In last week’s Team of The Week article, Coach Christensen alluded to just that fact. As the district tournament was winding down the Grace boys had lived up to the expectations and led the competition, with Jamison Smith coming in as the top overall individual golfer. Aberdeen finished in second place as the other district team to qualify for state. The Cardinal men finished in fifth place with Ryker Tingey and Preston Ozburn leading the way.

The drama came in the girl’s tournament. With the girl’s teams finishing up, it appeared that the Grace girls had indeed sealed the victory as their team score came in at an impressive 390. However, as scores were being posted there began to be some rumblings of a potential mistake by one

of the Grace girls on her scorecard, deeming her score ineligible and disqualifying her from the tournament. Indeed that is what happened, as the Grizzlies’ lone senior golfer Madison Edwards made an unintentional error on her scorecard. With Edwards being disqualified, the Grizzlies had to rely on freshman Ava Christensen to make up the difference. Meanwhile, the Lady Cardinals of Soda Springs, who had been led once again by their own senior Oakley Peck, had finished up in second place behind the Grizzlies prior to the disqualification. The Cardinals also relied on a pair of underclassmen, Tara Vedder and Jasta Stoor, to at the very least hold that second place spot which would advance them to the state tournament. As the scores were retallied the Soda and Grace faithful were on the edge of their seats. Soda, waiting to see if they would overtake the Grizzlies and Grace, also waited to see if they would finish holding first or possibly falling to third and being out of state contention. When the results finally came in the Lady Cardinals found themselves in first place and claimed the district title. The Lady Grizzlies, though disappointed in losing the top spot, were able to breathe a sigh of relief as they finished in second place

and still stay alive to compete at state.

With the team scores decided, there was still one matter of business to take care of. Kamryn Mansfield and Karlie Christensen, both from Grace, had finished tied for first place individually. The two teammates would have to face each other in a playoff to determine the individual district champion. After the first hole playoff, the girls remained tied and moved to the second hole. Both girls had great drives off of the tee, but Mansfield’s ball landed just in the rough. A few shots later Mansfield was forced to take a drop, and Christensen stayed clean onto the green, eventually putting her way to the individual championship. When it was all said and done in Preston, three of the four local teams had punched their ticket to state with the Grizzlies capturing both individual district titles. The boys and girls teams from Grace as well as the Lady











2. KERR, RYDER 12.480

3. MERRITT, BODRIE 14.030 4. ERICKSON, COLE 18.720 5. POWELL, TEGANN 22.650





C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 14
Cardinals competed for state titles at Circling Raven Golf Club in Worley on Monday and Tuesday earlier this week. Check next week’s A Look At The Links for a full rundown of the state meet.
Grace Boys Grace Girls SS Boys SS Girls Jamison Smith 78 Karlie Christensen 85 Ryker Tingey 94 Oakley Peck 87 Tate Williams 83 Kamryn Mansfield 85 Preston Ozburn 94 Cierra Capell 101 Koby Rindlisbaker 86 Shaston Lloyd 105 Barrett Hobbs 98 Tara Vedder 103 Easton Lloyd 94 Madison Edwards 115 Gage Peck 105
115 Keathan Edwards 95 Ava Christensen 133 Chase
win district title
Jasta Stoor
Waylon Lowe
Lady Cardinals capture district golf title Grace boys golf team
Jamison Smith and Karlie Christensen capture individual district championships for Grace

Cardinals Go Down Swinging at Districts

Jody Reeves

Cardinals Baseball District tournament play took place last week for both the Cardinal softball and baseball teams. The boys baseball team opened up the tournament against a team they split with in the regular season the Bear Lake Bears. These evenly matched teams duked it out through the first inning and through the top of the second. Going into the bottom of the second, the score was tied at 1-1. The score remained at one run a piece as the Cardinals got two quick outs on the Bears. From there, the Bears went on a scoring frenzy and ended the inning with five additional runs, taking a 6-1 lead. The Cardinals scored a single run in each of the next two innings but never got any closer. Soda dropped the opening game of the tournament by a score of 3-7. After Bear Lake faced off against Malad, the Cardinals once again faced the Bears this time in an elimination game. With the season matchup now at 2-1 in favor of the Bears, the Cardinals looked to even the score. Once again in the early going the game stayed close. Entering the second inning the Bears held a slim

1-0 lead. In the top of the inning the Cardinals got a small burst of runs and took their first lead at 3-1. The Cardinals added one more run in the top of the third but then gave up three runs in the bottom of the inning, sending the game to the fourth inning tied at four runs a piece. Soda regained the lead briefly in the fourth scoring one run, but once again they gave up three runs to the Bears in the same inning and trailed 5-7. The Cards closed the gap to just a single run two more times in the game, but the Bears single run in the sixth inning was enough to eliminate the Cardinals from state tournament play. The Cardinals go down 7-8 to end their season. Soda Springs will graduate some great senior leadership but still have a wealth of young talent to build on for next season.

Lady Cardinals Softball

The Lady Cardinal softball team also started their tournament play against a solid Bear Lake squad. The Cardinals were unable to get a win over the Bears in the regular season, and things wouldn’t change much in the opening round of districts. The Cardinals looked good early in this game and took a 6-3

lead into the bottom of the second inning. The Bears came roaring back at that point, scoring eight runs in the inning and eventually running away with the game. The Lady Cards lost game one of the tournament by the score of 6-16. This set the Cardinals up against the bottom ranked team in the district, West Side. The Cardinals had very little trouble in the regular season beating the Pirates and looked to do so again in this elimination game. This game was a back and forth affair with several lead changes throughout. The game stayed close through the top of the fifth where the Cardinals were trailing 6-5. In the bottom of that same inning Soda had a flurry of scoring and ended the inning with a little breathing room at 11-6. The Cards added one more run and took home the victory 12-6. On the other side of the bracket, Malad took on Bear Lake, setting up yet another matchup with the Bears for the Cardinals. The loser would be eliminated and the winner would play for the district title. Bear Lake held a slim lead through the first three innings. In the top of the fourth, however, the Cardinals came alive. Several big hits combined with some su -

Grace Boys Win Districts

The Grace boys and girls track and field teams traveled to Idaho Falls last week to participate in the district championships at Thunder Ridge High School. During the duration of the meet, the Grizzly athletes were involved in a variety of dramatic ups and downs. The meet took place over a two day period. Day one of the meet featured the majority of the field events along with the 3200 meter race and the medley relay races. In the field events, the Grizzlies saw a range of success as several athletes would set PR’s with a few qualifying for the state meet. The boys team had Carson Reeves PR in the shot put, Jack Eddins in the high jump, and Kaylum Balczewski in the triple jump. Additionally, Jonah Wilkerson set a PR and qualified for state in the triple jump along with teammate Jack Eddins who did the same. In the running events, on day one Brock Johnson was the lone state qualifier for the boys as he placed third in the 3200 meter race. The Lady Grizzlies also set some PR’s and qualified some athletes for state. Setting PR’s were Alexis Bitton in the discus and Skyla Cloud in the triple jump. The lone state qualifier in field events on day one was Bella Eddins who placed third in the high jump. The girls also qualified some runners on day one. Lilly Gilbert kicked things off with setting a season record and placing third in the 3200 meter race. In the final event of the day, the sprint medley relay the Lady Grizzlies came into the race ranked second behind the favorite Rockland by a full three seconds. The Grizzlies then took on the challenge of the top ranked Bulldogs. The race was tight throughout, with Rockland having the lead through

most of the final 400 meters. With just about 50 meters left Brooklyn Porter hit another gear and snatched the victory for Grace away from top seeded Rockland.

In day two of the meet, the Grizzlies fed off of the momentum of the win by the Grace girls the evening before. The field events wrapped up first before the running began. The boys qualified Jonah Wilkerson in the long jump with a PR. Jack Eddins also PRed in the long jump while Carter Kimball set a PR in the pole vault and Bryant Jensen set a season record in the pole vault. The girls did not add any state qualifiers in field events, but Skyla Cloud PRed and set a new school record in the pole vault.

As the running finals kicked off, both the boys and the girls teams saw a number of athletes qualify for state. The boys had great success in the sprints. Braden Kimball and Trevor Mathews will make it to state in the 100 meter race and Kimball will also compete in the 200 meters. Every sprinter for the boys team that competed in the preliminaries or the finals set a PR in one of their races totaling seven different athletes. Adrian Mejia did very well in the mid distance races, qualifying in the 400, 800, and 1600 meters. The hurdle races were another area of success for the Grizzlies as Landon Moss, Jonah Wilkerson, and Parker Yost all qualified for state with several teammates also setting PR’s.

And finally, the Grace men dominated the short sprint relays winning both the 4x100 and 4x200 races. The Lady Grizzlies also had a successful day, with several girls earning PR’s. Brooklyn Porter would qualify in her mid distance races the 800 and 1600 meters. Bella Eddins, Kallie Stoddard, and Tayler Yost all

perb base running put Soda up 12-7 entering the bottom of the inning. That score held until the bottom of the fifth, where the Bears took their turn at going on a run and grabbed the lead back at 15-12. With innings running out for the Cardinals, they needed some big plays in a hurry. That is what they got from #1 Davis when she boomed a three run homer in the sixth to tie the game at 15. Camp added another run for the Cards in the seventh, and solid defense held the Bears scoreless during their last at bat. The Cardinals won round two 16-15. Things did not go so well against Malad in the championship game as the Cardinals got blown out by a very good Dragon team 0-15. With the loss, Soda had to face Declo to keep their season alive in a playin game. Unfortunately, that game would not go the Cardinal’s way either and they saw their season come to an abrupt end. The four seniors that the Lady Cards lose to graduation will be missed, but the rest of the girls will come back next season hungry to prove themselves worthy of making the state tournament.

qualified in one of the hurdle races. The girls had to settle for second place in the 4x200 and 4x400 relays, but their 4x400 time proved good enough to qualify that team for a wildcard berth to state.

With the meet winding down, the PA announcer listed the team scores before the final event of the meet. The Grace boys trailed Butte County by a mere 1 ½ points for the district title. With just five teams entered in the event, the Grizzlies needed to place two spots higher than Butte to claim the district title. Neither team was favored in the event, with the top two competitors being Rockland and Challis, making it a battle for third. The fifth team involved in the event was the North Gem Cowboys, Grace’s


Braden Kimball: 2nd 100 meters

11.57PR, 2nd 200 meters 23.62

Trevor Mathews: 3rd 100 meters 11.65PR

Adrian Mejia: 3rd 400 meters

53.56, 3rd 800 meters 2:04.85, 3rd 1600 meters 4:56.20

Brock Johnson: 3rd 3200 meters 10:48.93

Landon Moss: 2nd 110m hurdles 17.02

Jonah Wilkerson: 2nd 300 hurdles 42.38PR, 2nd long jump 19’3.75PR, 2nd triple jump

40’7PR Parker Yost: 3rd 300 hurdles 44.11PR Jack Eddins: 1st triple jump 40’8.75PR

Bryant Jensen, Braden Kimball, Trevor Mathews, Carson Welch: 1st 4x100 45.35

Landon Moss, Braden Kimball, Trevor Mathews, Carson Welch: 1st 4x200 1:33.93

neighbor in Caribou County. The Grizzlies knew they would need to place third and cheer their county rivals on to fourth place. The Grace team did their job finishing in third place. With the final two teams still on the track every Grace fan was now a North Gem fan yelling for the Cowboys to beat out the Pirates. Fortune would smile on the Grizzlies as that is how it would finish with North Gem sealing the victory for Grace and earning the Grizzlies the team title by just ½ a point. The Grizzlies would celebrate and take a victory lap with their newly awarded trophy. A full list of state qualifiers are listed below. Those qualifiers will compete this Friday and Saturday in Middleton at the state meet.


Brooklyn Porter: 2nd 800 meters

2:29.46PR, 2nd 1600 meters


Lilly Gilbert: 3rd 3200 meters


Bella Eddins: 3rd 100m hurdles 17.64, 3rd high jump 4’6

Kallie Stoddard: 2nd 300 hurdles 49.50

Tayler Yost: 3rd 300 hurdles 50.55

Jeanaelie Shaffer, Kallie Stoddard, Brooklyn Porter, Tayler Yost: 2nd 4x400 4:23.57

Jeanaelie Shaffer, Kallie Stoddard, Brooklyn Porter, Tayler Yost: 1st SMR 1:58.69

C M C M May 16, 2024 Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County 15
Grizzlies boys track and field team win district championship The Grace boys take a victory lap with their trophy in tow

Lady Cardinals Win Districts

The Soda Springs boys and girls track and field teams participated in the 5th district championships held at Bear Lake high school last week. With the temperatures in the low 30’s on Wednesday at the scheduled start time, the team coaches all agreed to delay the meet in hopes of warmer weather. With several events scheduled for the two day meet, the athletes were eventually forced to brave the frigid temperatures so as to not overload the Thursday schedule.

The meet got started with several field events. Despite the cold temps, the Cardinals had several athletes qualify for state with some even setting new season or career records. The only running finals scheduled for day one were the sprint medley


Jinettie Garbett: 1st 100 meters

12.56, 1st 200 meters 25.97, 1st 400 meters 57.00 SR

Aspen Christensen: 3rd 100 meters 13.12

Brooklyn Kempe: 2nd 200 meters


Ellie Wood: 3rd 800 meters

2:25.80 PR, 3rd 1600 meters


Lizzie Beutler: 2nd 1600 meters 5:48.89, 1st 3200 meters


India Galloway: 2nd 3200 meters

12:36.32 SR

Cate Walker: 3rd 100m hurdles 17.81

Izzy Shelton: 1st shot put 39’10.5 PR, 3rd discus 96’8.5

Rosie Harris: 1st pole vault 8’6, 2nd high jump 4’8

Genevieve Fullmer: 2nd pole vault 8’6 PR

Madilyn Kempe: 2nd long jump 15’1

Brooklyn Kempe, Macee Simmons, Madilyn Kempe, Aspen Christensen: 1st 4x100 50.38 Brooklyn Kempe, Macee Simmons, Rebekah Evans, Jinettie Garbett: 1st 4x400 4:12.22

relays and the 3200 meter race. The lone Cardinal boy, freshman Landon Moldenhauer, participating in those races qualified for state taking third in the 3200 meter race. The girls placed first and second in the 3200, with Lizzie Beutler and India Galloway. The girls medley relay came up a little short coming in second place forcing them to wait to see if they can claim a wildcard spot at state.

The boys team went on to add six more athletes to the automatic state qualifier list. The team ended up in last place in the team scoring due in large part to the lack of number of athletes. With just eleven boys shown on the roster having seven qualify is a very respectable percentage.

Number of athletes is not an issue for the girls team which is loaded with talent in both the running and


Caleb Thompson: 3rd 400 meters 53.03

Landon Moldenhauer: 3rd 3200 meters 11:15.81

Degan Stoor: 1st 110m hurdles 15.41, 2nd 300m hurdles 39.33 PR

Zayden Garbett: 3rd 300m hurdles 42.82 PR Cole Garbett: 3rd discus 129’7 Cooper Thompson: 3rd high jump 6’2

Dre Lloyd: 2nd Pole Vault 9’6


Layla Torman: 300m hurdles Rebekah Evans: 400 meters, 800 meters

Girls Medley Relay

Girls 4x200 Relay

Boys 4x400 Relay

field events. Jinettie Garbett swept the sprints and earned a season record in the 400 meter sprint in the process. Garbett will be joined at state by Brooklyn Kempe and Aspen Christensen in sprints. Ellie Wood will compete in the 1600 meters at state, joining the above-mentioned Beutler and Galloway in the distance races. In the field events Izzy Shelton set yet another school record in the shot put claiming first place and also qualifying in the discus. Rosie Harris placed first in the pole vault followed in second by Genevieve Fullmer, who set a new PR in the event. Rosie also qualified in the high jump and Madilyn Kempe is headed to state in the long jump. In addition to all of the individual events the girls team also had teams in every relay. In those races the girls earned second place

in the aforementioned medley relay as well as the 4x200. In the 4x100 and 4x400 meter relays the Lady Cardinals would earn district championships. Even with the second place finish in the 4x200 race the Cardinals time of 1:47.78 to the top team Aberdeen’s time of 1:47.72 gives the Cards a real chance of earning a wildcard in that race. In the end with several strong performances the Lady Cardinals came out on top as a team outscoring the second place team by over fifty points and earning yet another district title.

All state qualifiers will compete at the state meet taking place at Middleton High School on Friday and Saturday. A complete list of state qualifiers are listed below.

Cowboys Finish The Season With A Flurry Of PR’s

TheThe North Gem track and field teams made the trip to Thunder Ridge High School in Idaho Fall Thursday and Friday to take part in the district championships. While no Cowboys will qualify for state this year you can’t say the season finale was a disappointment. The biggest accomplishment in track and field is to finish the season with a PR. If you can finish the season with your very best performance that is something any Cowboy would be proud to hang their hat on. With only two seniors on the team North Gem is set up to continue to build on those season ending performances as they look to the future. A list of athletes that set PR’s is posted to the right.

Cowboy Men

Isaac Yost: 100 meters 12.67 PR, 200 meters 27.16 PR

Alex Curtis: 400 meters 58.74 PR

Haydn Frandsen: 400 meters 58.77 PR, 800 meters 2:23.74 PR

Rusten Hatch: 300m hurdles 49.94 PR Helber Langrus: shot put 32’11.75 PR

Evan O’Brien: discus 112’11.5 PR

Hyrum Barnes: discus 95’6.5 PR

Cowboy Women

Kaylin Jenkins: 100 meters 15.64

PR, 200 meters 24.84 PR

Sadie Daniels: 200 meters 30.88

Mariah O’Brien: 200 meters 33.90

Indyana Hatch: 400 meters 1:10.68

C M C M Idaho Enterprise|Caribou County May 16, 2024 16
Rosie Harris leaps to a second place finish in the high jump A number of PRs were set by the Cowboys, including Rusten Hatch's 49.94 in 300m hurdles Izzy Shelton sets yet another school record in the shot put Lady Cardinals win 2A 5th district title Jody Reeves

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