Coronation XXIII Gala Souvenir Program

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The Imperial Court of Toronto

With Their Most Imperial and Sovereign Majesties

Emperor XXII Hunter James and Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles proudly present

CORONATION XXIII A Gala Benefit Supporting The Toronto People With AIDS Foundation Food Programs & The 519 Church Street Community Centre Capital Fund

Saturday, October 10, 2009 Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom 525 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada Program Design & Production

CORE Design Services


Contents Message from The Chair of the Executive Committee Message from Mayor David Miller Message from Councillor Kyle Rae Message from Rev. Dr. Brent Hawkes Message from The 519 Church Street Community Centre Message from the People With AIDS Foundation Message from Co-Chair Jonathon Carole, itravel2000

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Message from Co-Chair Nina Flowers


Message from Nicole the Great, Queen Mother of the Americas


Message from Mz. Rhonda, Spiritual Advisor to Nicole the Great


Message from Mr. ted northe, Empress of Canada


Message from The Chair of The College of Monarchs


Message from Emperor XXII Hunter James


Message from Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles Message from Imperial Crown Prince Mick Petitpas Message from Imperial Crown Princess Ms. Charo Batista Executive Committee of The Imperial Court Of Toronto 2008 / 2009 The Trilliums 2009/10 & Queen Mum/King Father to Reign XXII Canadian & American ―Halfs‖ Aspirants to the Throne Double Decade Honours Decade Honours Silent Auction CORONATION XXIII—Heaven on Earth—The Programme SET ONE SET TWO SET THREE SET FOUR SET FIVE Portraits of The Imperial Court Of Toronto The College of Monarchs The Monarchs of The Imperial Court Of Toronto The Membership of The Imperial Court Of Toronto Gallery - Coronation XXII Calendar of Events 2008 - 2009 Gallery - In-Town Events Gallery - Out-of-Town Events In Memoriam

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Congratulations from The Imperial Kitchen HMISM Emperor XXII, Hunter James & HMISM Empress XXII, Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles Proud Sponsor of The Imperial Court of Toronto

CafĂŠ California 538 Church Street 416-960-6161 www.dinet,to/cafecalifornia


Message from the Chair of the Executive Committee On behalf of The Executive Committee of The Imperial Court of Toronto and Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, Emperor XXII Hunter James and Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany LouiseCharles, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome to The City of Toronto and the Heaven On Earth Coronation Ball. This year, Their Majesties have chosen Toronto PWA Foundation Food Programs and The 519 Community Center Capital Fund, as their Charities of Choice. These two deserving organization will be the beneficiaries of funds raised this year by The Court. Historically, during hard times, those most in need are first forgotten. The Imperial Court of Toronto did not forget. We put forth an aggressive fundraising agenda locally and toward the Corporate Establishment. Thankfully each produced. This is our breakthrough Corporate Year. We welcome aboard as Corporate Sponsors Labbat , Polar Ice, Proud FM, Bank of Montreal and welcome back platinum Sponsor, i-travel 2000. Her Majesty took the lead on this project and deserves credit for much of the success. Our People‘s Empress was really our Corporate Empress in Beautiful disguise. Between Corporate and Community Fundraising, we have raised record funds to turn over to Our Charities. Congratulations to The Membership, The Performers, The Volunteers and The Supporters and of course, The Monarchs. Great job! This is our twenty-third Coronation. Tonight, Empress III, Dawn Valley Parkway will perform her Double Decade Honour Walk. My eyes adore her. Time can be a great healer. We can be cruel and critical in this game we play, but in the end all is forgiven when we come together and unite to take care of Our Community. Empress XVIII and XIX Madame continued her generous support, raising over $3000 and Maria Del Monte once again donated her considerable talent. Special thanks to Emperor Hunter James for putting himself out there and spreading the news that TICOT was working for the Community. What Makes an Empress Memorable? I was told she must have ―The Wow Factor,‖ plus Eloquence, Integrity, Confidence, Intelligence, and a unique Stage Presence. Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles, you have them all. On behalf of The Imperial Court of Toronto and myself, thank you for sharing a year of your life with us! Enjoy the evening. May you enjoy old friends and make new relationships that will last for a lifetime. HIH Prince of the Realm, Mr. George Pratt










Message From Empress Nicole The Great | Queen Mother Of The Americas Message from the Queen Mother of the Americas May I wish each and every one of you my best regards and good wishes for a grand and momentous evening at the 23rd Annual Coronation of The Imperial Court of Toronto. I especially like your theme this year: “Heaven on Earth” as it fits well with the Renaissance Era of the International Court System, as we bring rebirth to our Kingdoms while we celebrate our diverse histories. I am most humbly sorry that I am not able to join you this evening as my political responsibilities are overwhelming with The March on Washington, the same day as your Coronation. Try as I might – I just cannot be in two places at once! The March on Washington is something that I strongly believe in, support and have given my time and energy whole-heartedly. No more can we stand by the sidelines and ―think‖ and ―speak‖ and ―argue‖ but rather now is the time that we must ―act‖ and ―do‖ and ―demand‖. No more half measures; no more promises; now is the time for action. We demand the dignity and equality that our brothers and sisters so readily enjoy in the great Nation of Canada. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers this weekend, as I extend my warmest congratulations to your Monarchs, TMISM Emperor XXII Hunter James and Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles. You have both achieved a successful reign – you are a testament to the Toronto Court and to the integrity and longevity of the International Court System. Your charities, The Toronto PWA Foundation Food Programs ( Food For Life) and The 519 Church Street Community Center Capital Fund, are most fortunate to have had such dedicated monarchs to raise funds and awareness for their causes. With longevity comes history, and I so happy to see you celebrating those who have come before us. Congratulations to those celebrating Decade Walks: TMISM Emperor XIII Bob Toane and Empress XIII Ellie Vador and Double Decade, TMISM Emperor III Chas and Empress Dawn Valley Parkway! I especially want to thank Dawn Valley, who served as my Heir for the early part of my reign – your contribution to the Council was most important – and I am grateful for having the opportunity to get to know you. Please know that your efforts were appreciated! I would once again like to take this opportunity to extend a hand of friendship to mr. ted northe, Empress of Canada. I extend my heartfelt wishes to you, my dear friend. May God Bless and grant you many more years of serving the community you love so much – the great Nation of Canada! Long live the Monarchy! Long live José! Empress Nicole the Great Queen Mother of the Americas Canada * Mexico * U.S.A. City Commissioner, City of San Diego National Board Member, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)


Message from Mz. Rhonda | Spiritual Advisor to Nicole The Great


Message From Mr. ted northe | Empress of Canada



Message From Chair of The College of Monarchs Greetings and Salutations to all Monarchs and visiting Dignitaries. On Behalf of the College of Monarchs Council, I extend a warm welcome to Toronto, and to Coronation XXIII. As Chair of the College of Monarchs Council, I have been truly blessed to be able to work alongside with H.I.M. Empress II Veronica Blake as Vice Chair, and H.I.M Emperor XX Dave Beauchamp as Secretary. Further to the above the members of the College of Monarchs Council have contributed endlessly to the successes of the Council. Congratulations are extended to the membership of The Imperial Court of Toronto, The Executive and Our Monarchs TMISM Emperor XXII Hunter James, and Empress XXII Miss Tiffany-Louise Charles. The dedication and steadfastness of our Monarchs has brought us to the culmination of the year and this celebration of a Reign’s commitment and achievement. As with every reign, the road is not always the golden road one imagines, during a period of adjustment and familiarization, it takes people of character and stamina and true altruistic conviction to overcome tribulations that at first seem to be insurmountable, however with clear leadership and determination, all things now seem effortless and the Charities of Choice; PWA Food For Life and the 519 Church Street Community Centre may now benefit the reward of this reign’s determination. The future of the Court System depends and relies on the ability to move forward, accept change and direct our energies enabling our philosophies to reach further, without the compromise of our histories and traditions. Division of self due to outcome of events only hinders the collective effort of our Courts’ and their respective members. The College of Monarchs wishes to Congratulate our anniversary Monarchs; Celebrating Their Decade Anniversaries are H.I.M. Emperor VI &XIII Bob Toane and H.I.M. Empress XIII Ellie Vader. Celebrating Her Double Decade Anniversary, H.I.M. Empress III Dawn Valley Parkway. I take this opportunity to extend to Their Majesties a sincere and heartfelt thank you for your contributions to the successes of The Imperial Court of Toronto. Congratulations and best of luck to both candidates whom wish to continue to serve our community as Empress XXIII, the road you choose is not an easy one, but an honourable one, allowing you to grow & learn as you serve the Empire that is The Imperial Court of Toronto. We are here to assist you in your journey. In Service to the Crown and Community, HIM The Golden Winged Sapphire Lion Emperor, Emperor XVI XVIII XIX of The Imperial Court of Toronto Nelson Jeronimo Chair, College of Monarchs Council




Message from Emperor XXII Hunter James Greetings Honoured Guests and Courtiers, As an average gay boy in the ―big city‖ in the 80‘s, I was heavily involved and working within the Fashion and Art communities. It was not necessarily the norm to get involved locally at the grassroots level and try to make positive change in people‘s lives. Seeing my doctor for some minor health issues, I was told that I had just passed through a serious illness and although I could NOT carry it again, I would have to stay home from work for a few weeks as I would be going through some very challenging times while my body recovered. Among other things, I become jaundiced and suffered a great deal of debilitating pain for those few weeks. Since I was no longer out and about at the ―right‖ parties or clubs, almost all those whom I saw as friends and acquaintances seemed to quickly turn away. The rumours flew. Boy, did they fly. Being the early days of HIV and AIDS in Toronto, it seemed to be the general tone that most of the stories took, with little regard for the truth, was that I was HIV positive and at Death‘s Door. Although I wasn‘t HIV positive, I still felt a great amount of betrayal, pain and abandonment. It made me wonder how much worse that could be if you knew you were actually very sick and you felt recovery was unlikely. (Remember, this is the early days!) As soon as I was healthy and back on my feet, I went to Casey House and arranged a meeting with Jim Wakeford. Determined to be a part of the solution and help build our community, I joined the earliest of Casey House‘s fundraising teams and my career in Community Activism began. I have worked with many organizations over the years as I found my skill sets changing and becoming more effective in different ways. Whether it is Health issues, Pride organizations or issues of Diversity, Poverty or Housing, I have always found a way to help to the best of my ability and be able to make a difference. I can say I am proud of the time and effort that I have put into my own community and the larger communities of Ontario and Canada. While I was aware of the Court from its early days, I was only involved peripherally as a corporate sponsor of events and Candidates. While we did have a great time when we would buy a table for Pink Trillium events, coronations or just a good show, it never crossed my mind that I would some day be applying for and becoming Emperor. It was not until I met Morgan James that I became involved with the International Court System in a very direct way. I had no idea that my life would be changed so much. She made me drink the Kool-Aid and I haven‘t looked back. Here in Toronto, as we are moving toward Reign 23, I find myself in a wonderful position as Emperor. I know that as a group we have done some very important building of TICOT‘s profile and professional reputation over the last few year and that we, as an organization, must not drop the ball now. We must continue on course with Monarchs (and Executives) with professional attitudes and abilities. If we continue to build the faith and trust of our community and make every effort to ensure that the organization builds bridges to be as inclusive and welcoming as possible, we can only continue to make great strides. It is a time to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before and continue to build while never forgetting that the Membership and Community at large is the greatest strength we have. We must provide a fun and encouraging environment for inclusion, participation and growth. Our organization includes many different people. Some who like to perform and we should be nurturing that; bringing in newer performers and facilitating growth and providing mentorship for them. There are people who want to be a part of TICOT but may not want the spotlight and they have great skills and enthusiasm.


We need these people just as much. We need to learn to appreciate the people who want to sell tickets, or sit at the door, help with marketing or do the hundreds of other thankless tasks that are needed. Some have backgrounds in corporate, community or other work or just want to assist in any way needed. All members should be respected as equal partners working towards the same goal. I want to thank you ALL for your contributions to this Reign, no matter how small. It has not gone unnoticed. I believe that there is work to still be done within our organization. I do not believe in change for change‘s sake and we must make every effort to ensure that the history and lineage of TICOT is respected in any endeavor we take on. The opportunity to represent TICOT, the larger Toronto community and the International Court System is a responsibility that I do and will continue to take seriously. With such great work done in the past it can only take one wrong step to do damage that can take years to overcome. I believe we must always be careful to make sure ego is not the reason for someone wanting to reign or join our organization. A Monarch must serve and not simply expect to be served. We must also ensure that any potential Monarch has not only put time into the Community but into TICOT. We must ensure we support those who are willing to do the work needed to continue our success and keep TICOT growing in a positive, professional and community serving way. I appreciate the opportunity to be able to be a continuation of a history and lineage of excellence in community building and service. Thank you to The Imperial Court of Toronto for allowing me to serve this year as Emperor. Thank you to everyone who gave me a family name, title or award this year. I would list them all but this letter is long enough! Thank you for taking the time to let me know that I mean something to each of you. For those of you that I do not mention by name, it is nothing personal and probably has more to do with my blonde roots than anything else! Jose, The Widow Norton: As your only illegitimate Love Child, I hope that I have done you proud this year and always. Nicole the Great: Thank you for your vision, your encouragement and your guidance. I have enjoyed our chats. ted northe – Thank you as well for your hard work, dedication and service to this game that we play.

Chicago – (my first Out of Town Walk as the reigning Emperor) Alexandra: I knew you were trouble the first time we met. You don‘t suffer fools lightly. No wonder we get along so well! Dallas – Devon: we need to visit more often. Don‘t tell my wife some of the trouble we‘ve gotten into! Colorado Springs – Miguel: do I look like my Coronation flyers? Massachusetts – Justen: there‘s still time to get some more time credits.

The jewelers are open for business! Noah: flowers never looked so good or so gay. Adam: I thought my love of bling was bad; you set the bar at a whole new level! Verna: Love you – you do scare me a bit still…lol! Tim: always so sweet. Amanda: always a treat and fellow Bling addict. Corvette: My newest wife – you are a GLAMAZON - hugs! Paris: you made my trip, every time I saw you – Black Party next year? Everything goes with basic black! Thank you for everything! St. Catharines – Claudia, Claudia, Claudia. Sausages? You are on stage NOW Miss Silva…lol! Chrissy: I know its St. Cath'A'rines. Katana: you really are something Nikki Newman has nothing on you. Rhonda: Rhondaramma, Rhondariffic… Brenda, C.J., Davie, D.B.,


Deanna, Duane, Heaven Leigh, Helium, Jonathon, Kevin, Michael, Macy, Montanna, Shae D., Shada, Thomas and Vinessa: thanks for the love and respect even when I was just one of the ‗boys from Kitchener‘. Los Angeles – Vi: Fifth Element will never be the same. Las Vegas – Nikita LaFemme: Pop Your Booty! Halifax – Joseph: you are crazy and I love you for it. Connecticut – JP: my brother from another (darker) mother. I‘d need a whole book just for you. Spice: when are you going home this time? Meat pops? A glazed donut perhaps? Nick: good job, just keep it going! Damiana: a rainbow character. Bob & Kevin: trouble, trouble, trouble! Brandy: girl, you make me laugh! Thanks for taking care of Morgan for me when we left her in CT. Elektra: Refrigerator Perry in sequins! John H: I enjoy our talks and wish there were more of them. Long Beach – Nikki: I do not have enough space for you either in this book. I am so blessed with you in my life. Harmony & Krystoffer: crazy and so wonderful! Jackie: Rest stops anyone? Made you laugh! Beverly: that gun in your purse still scares me! The Church Ladies: blessings to you. Vancouver – Mike: my Gastown brother – or should I call you Daddy? Hope you know what you mean to me. Iona: Luv ya and I am taking you up on the ‗mandress‘ offer! Darshun: we‘ll talk…later…lol! Chad: thank you! New York – Rob: Woof! Charlene: at least I‘m not the only klutz in the room! Craig Hollywood: you‘ve always treated me well from day one thank you! B: you are one of my faves! Jack: Yet another Chosen Family member that the game has brought into my life. Again, there are not enough words. My life is enriched with you as part of it. Miss Sadie: my favourite wake up call, after my wife that is! Farrah: congrats, you‘ll be great. Tedi: Bear Hugs. Juan: you are just … wow! Cherry: you are a wild chica!! I‘m almost scared to have you in my city! Panzi: just one more email…I swear! Anne Tique: We agree on so many, many things! I like that. Tony M: You keep the party going. Mother: thanks for the love. Gabriel: my Big Apple Brother. Damian: I still think about that duet at the Victory Party. Coco, Fantasia, Gefil, Lita, Robyn, Steven, Sybil, Swana, David & Tony, Tim : thank you all for the support, advise and friendship over the years. Providence – Gabriel: my American half for a good reason – thank you for everything for so many years. Vi’Let: Vodka never looked so good. Savannah: I know you‘re plumb crazy but I loves ya! Belle: A delight, before, during and after our Reigns. Diana: Bold and Beautiful! Bebe & LaDiva: Class, elegance and sophistication. Vienna – keep bringing your own flavour to this game! Please! Austen: Big Boys rule! Calgary – Michael Myte: Some people think that I‘m crazy with a camera. They must not know you! You are my Canadian half for a very good reason. Dion: still not sure how you made me a Boink, but I am proud to be one. Carly: Simply Amazing! Kevin: we came a long way baby! Marina: don‘t start something now…lol! Bianca: My Bodyguard any day! Joey: you know that coat should be mine! Phoenix – Jennifer, Steve, Michael, Julie, and Justice: AZ was more of an influence than you know. Buffalo - Coco: You and Morgan on a microphone are a dangerous combo. You are everything that I think an Empress should be. Your city is very lucky! Toy & Luis: another dangerous combo. I wanna go to Target! Thank you for the honour of being your half – but CC as a shooter ‗REALLY‘?? Cybil: one of my favourite queens EVER. Aretha: Kabuki Drag anyone? And yes, you are right Bacon is a Condiment, not a side dish. Chris H: Those were some wild trips we took! Kentucky – Nicole Diamond, Daddy Wayne, Eve: a delight and a treat! Nebraska – Michelle: I‘m not sure how I feel about your mother having Morgan and Hunter spayed and neutered! Teegan: Taco Pizza is the BEST! Holly Day: I still swear you had your face on in that cab! Madeline, Thomas, Misty: hugs and kisses to you. Winnipeg – Cub Scout Ray: It is an honour to be your half and I have one word for you – TEQUILA! Seriously, our chats meant a lot. Jesse: I‘ll have Ray back by Wednesday. Bryanna: Wild, crazy and full of life! Watch the skirt… and we do have ‗Ruffs‘ here in TO too… lol! Jiminey: Always be yourself – you helped teach me that one. Georgio: a man and his bionic chicken… LOL! Thanks for the years. Carlos: What can I say, you were there for my first Coronation and you are still here – a true friend and I know we will be long after this Reign is a memory – thank you. Iowa – Bubbles: New York will forever stick in my memory! Hamilton – Alexia: Gone but never, ever forgotten. You were the first person on the circuit to talk to me, to accept me, to teach me and to even adopt me as one of your children (Daddy must have been a GI on leave! Forty dollars!). Sadly, you will never know how many lives you


touched while you were with us or the legacy that you left behind. B.M.F. Purse, anyone? Zelda: your heart is as big as your heels – thank you. Rob: I still think of you as my little (yeah, yeah, I know I‘ve heard, not so little) brother, thanks for listening. Wally and Nikki: It will be a great year. John, Kevin, Robin, Robert, Krystopher, Mercedes, Monro, Stella, Tatyanna, Tig and Tracey (gone but never forgotten): thanks for the years of lessons and love. London – If it wasn‘t for London, I wouldn‘t have Morgan. Your loss was my fantastic gain. Rhoda: I bought stocks in Elizabeth Grant this year. Keep shopping. Victoria: Keep at it Girlfriend. Spencer: thank you for your support of both Morgan and myself this year and always. Ashley, Bonnie, Dante, Dominique, Elliott, David, Judy, Suzanne, Tom, Mama Acorn and Nancy: thank you all! Cincinnati - Priscilla: you are a treasure - I adore you. Jay: I am sorry I could not be there for your stepdown. Bobby: thanks for the talks. Tamika and Scott: you will ROCK! Edmonton – (my last Out of Town Walk as the reigning Emperor). Those ruby slippers nearly killed me! Bob Toane: COME HOME! I miss you. Marni: you are an inspiration and have been a good anchor for me this year. Pictoria and Gloria: keep the good times going! Glitter and be gay! Big Daddy and Ivanna: Keep the magic going! Alaska – my one regret this year was not making it up there for Coronation. Scott: thank you for all the support, even if you didn‘t know you were giving it (a first, I‘m sure…lol). Mary Bess: a woman whose heart is as big as her, um, smiles. You amaze me!

Toronto: This is perhaps the hardest portion to write; Toronto will always be my City, my Court, and my

Home. Every member is appreciated for what they have contributed this year, no matter how great or small the contribution. To those of you who stood up for what you thought was right, worked towards the betterment of the organization and our communities and played this game with honour, grace and dignity: I salute you and thank you for the privilege of representing you, our Court and the City of Toronto as Emperor XXII. Good luck to the candidates this year. Tiffany: What a year with you on my arm. I really do hope the Reign was everything you wanted it to be. I will never forget the smile on your face (or your flip flops…LOL!) while we rode down Yonge Street in the Pride Parade – even the rain couldn‘t dampen your spirits. Empress XXII will long be remembered; you have made your mark with style and dignity. Charo: thank you for your contribution this year. The Executive: George, Kelvin, Tom, Ray, Mick and David: thank you for stepping forward to serve the Membership. To the Female Line including but not limited to Alexis, Anastasia, Carlotta, Diet Pepsi, Dolly, Ellie Mae, Farrah N’Hyte, Fontaine, Jas, Joanne (Doris), Kathy, Linda Louise, Mama G, Sabrina, Sadie, Sissy and Thelma: it‘s the ―queens‖ that are the primary face of this organization. Without you donating your time and energy, we are lost. Thank you for all the hours you‘ve put in! To my Male Line including but not limited to Barry, Clint, Colin, Corey, Dallas, DJ Oscar, Dwayne, Jack, Jacques, Jason, Jim Lepore, Kevin, Maynard, Red Pussycat, Rick, Rob, Robb, Ron, Steve, Shawn, Tony and Ward: thank you for letting the community know that the boys can play the game just as well as the girls! The College: Thanks for the advice and knowing you were always there – do I get to work on the Protocol Manual now? Café California: Tish, Vince, Richard, Angie and all the staff. You always treat me better than royalty – you treat me like family! The Black Eagle: it‘s like Vegas; what happens at the Eagle stays at the Eagle. Out on the Street: I‘ve gotten some very interesting ―toys‖ from you this year! Spearhead, MLT, TORN, Bears by Nature and all of the members of the Leather/Fetish Communities: I‘m glad we spent some time renewing old friendships, making new ones and working together for the greater good! Proud FM: Jonathon, Deb and Patrick - 7:30 am never looked so good! PWA and the 519 - thanks for support and letting us play with you this year. Play: George: thank you for hosting us and all the work your staff does for the community. Darren: you do still have the Hottie Bartender thing all tied up! Kenny: every ticket helped our charities and thanks for putting up with the headaches. DJ Oscar and DJ Nighthawk: couldn‘t do it without you guys! Woody’s, Gladaman’s Den, Zelda’s, Zipperz/Cellblock, Priape, and The Barn: Thank you for


supporting me this year. It‘s been fun! Savannah and Tony: it always makes me laugh when people talk about us like they know the score. Are we fighting this week? Road trip? Clint: I look at you and remember what fun I had when I started. Never lose that! Sherry: Jellybeans? You too? Nikki L: thank-you for the support and all the calls. Zoe: How many more years before you can run for Empress? The “other” Chris H: I couldn‘t ask for a better ―father‖ figure. Plum: we may not see you too often but what a mark you have made! Chris C: Thank goodness for Facebook. It allowed me to reconnect with you. You have always been a gift in my life. Just remember me when you‘re all famous! Madam and Nelson: Thank you for having me as your ICP and, Nelson, you were right. Candice: you have been a pillar of strength for me this year. You are truly a gift to this group. THANK YOU! When I needed you, you were there without question, for both Court and personal times. Eve D’Monkey: I think those queens are just jealous because you get to wear good jewelry AND you know all your words! Bitsie: Sounding board, traveling companion, internationally renowned jewelry artisan – oh, if the walls could talk. Bunny: thank you! Whirled Peas! Andrew K: thank you for coming back to the fold. Dusty: A true and shining star. You are another pillar of the Reign and are a force to be reckoned with. Now, let‘s talk about those purple shoes. Mick: My Imperial Crown Prince, my right hand, yet another pillar of the Reign for me. So much would not have happened without you this year. I am happy that you said ―Yes‖ last year. I am very proud to call you friend. Your husband can have you back now! You are also now demerit free! We can be proud of what we accomplished together. Mr. Barrowman & Miss Menzel: When Grandma Moore introduced you into our lives a week before campaign last year, I thought the old lady had lost it. Now I know her Gypsy powers were in full force. She knew that Mommy and Daddy would need you both during this Reign. Daddy loves you. Morgan: I think everyone I have ever met knows how much you mean to me. I don‘t know if I could have continued this Reign without you. You had to share me with so many people this year, including my Harem, and never complained (much! lol). Thank you for not only staying involved with the Court but playing the game so well. Without a doubt, I am the Emperor that I am because of you and everything that you‘ve taught me. Your class, dedication and spirit bring so much to the ICS. You have always been an Empress in my eyes and heart. Jay: I know I'm who I am today, because I knew you... Today, Tomorrow and Always you are the one. I love you. In service to Court, Crown and Community, I remain His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Multimedia Inked and Pierced Lycan Emperor Illegitimate Lovechild to Jose 1, The Widow Norton Member of Her Majesties Parliament Representing Toronto Emperor 19 1/2 of Buffalo Emperor 10 1/2 or Winnipeg and all Manitoba Member of the Order of the Golden Winged Sapphire Lion Hair Apparent #4 to the House of Wookiee Emperor 22 of Toronto The Darling Hunter James Zen Boink Diamond Mae Golightly Flowers Lett Crawford Peters Snow Coldwater Feinstein Toronto Holmgren St.James Vanderbilt LeBlanc



Message from Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles “There’s nothing that can’t be done if we raise our voice as one.” Good evening Honored Guests, Fellow Courtiers, Friends and Family. Welcome to Coronation XXIII ―Heaven on Earth‖ and to the culmination of Reign XXII. I am honored that you have chosen to join us in this celebration. There are many people that have touched me this year. People that have been angels took my hand and guided me. People that have been anchors kept me humble and grounded. People that were beacons of light showed me the way. You all know who you are and please forgive me if I fail to mention you personally. St. Catharine’s – Macy thank you for standing beside Your Empress and for the fun times. Rhonda you always knew where a Timmy‘s is thank you. Thomas a true Emperor. Michael thank you for the pictures and tags on facebook. Claudia your kind words of wisdom helped thank you. Deanna best of luck to you girl. Davie you will make your Kingdom proud one day as its Emperor. Katana my sister – I thank the Heavens that you were sent to me and for having you beside me this year. It has been fun, scary, and just ridiculous at times; however we made it and did it our way. I love you. QUO Moment!! London – Elliott a kind warm hear. Dante always made me laugh. Mama Acorn fun times. Victoria thank you for your kindness and honesty. Nancy talking to you is like talking to my mum. Thank you for that. Suzanne & Martin I wish you both the success you and your court deserve. Halifax – Nate your soft kindness and long chats kept me sane. Thank you for walking beside me in PRIDE 2009 and not complaining about the rain. For real for real. Nina I am so lucky to have met you and shared our similarities in life. It takes an Arab to know what another Arab is going through. Salaam Habebi. Lee take good care of my sister, your Empress. Boycub thank you for your friendship and your texts that kept me smiling. Boom Boom my sister – I always saw you on the circuit and thought that we would never get along and I thank god that we finally got the chance to travel and spend time together. You have been such a true supporter of me and I love you for that. You have a special place in my heart so get comfy sister!! Vancouver – Steve it was a pleasure being at your step up and to have gotten to know you. Jaylene you have been an inspiration to me since your step up. Thank you. Mike you are a true gentleman and your Empress is blessed to have you on her side. Iona I wish we had more time together this year. Take care of your Emperor. Calgary – Conrad thank you for the chats and your support. Dyna thank you for showing me how to be an Empress and still have fun. Mz Rhonda your prayers have been answered. Fred thank you for the honor at your step down. I had a great time dancing for you and all of Calgary. Joey what a delight being around you and reigning with you. Thank you. Bianca a vision of fun. Take care of your Emperor. Michael I thank you for all the fun times, the walks, the pictures, and most of all your friendship and unconditional love. Buffalo – Luis you bring a smile to my heart. Vicky it was such an honor to have met you and spent time with you at your home. Christopher you know how to have fun and I thank you for that. Vanity you did it your way and it was great. Paul take care of your Empress. CoCo I wish you all the best in your year and thank you for your performance this evening.


New York – Gabriel your wisdom and kindness is appreciated. Tony thank you for your friendship. Fantasia

your sense of humor and smile are dynamic. Gefil I love your creativity and it is an inspiration. Charlene thank you for stepping up and being my American Half Empress. Winnipeg – Electra thank you for your chats. Sabrina it was such fun getting to know you and to spend time with you. I look forward to seeing more of you soon. Jiminy what an Emperor. Thank you for taking care of my sister Breyanna. Gloria & Pictoria Ladies thank you for bringing color and creativity to our court system. Your help with Toronto‘s Pride was memorable. Breyanna my sister – thank you for such a fun year. Your zest for life is contagious. I know that your heart is and will always be in the right place. Polar Bear Shot??? Surrey – Elektra thank you for the fun times in Calgary and Edmonton. I wish you good health and happiness. Wolfgang thank you for keeping the pictures coming. It was great reigning with you. Hamilton – Robin love your passion. Dazzling Denise & Joe thank you for your kind support and for the fun times in Halifax. Adam great chatting with you on facebook. Wally & Nikki I wish you the best of luck in your year. Krystopher your talks have been fun and informative. Robert thank you for sharing your Birthday with us today. Monro you always knew how to make a fellow Empress feel like royalty. Thank you for being my friend and sister. Edmonton – Leah Way thank you for standing by me and for a great time driving around Halifax. Dee Luv love you babe. Sundance thank you for taking care of my sister Marni. Big Daddy Pump & Ivanna I wish you the best of luck with your reign. Marni my sister – NYC would never be the same again without you there. Thank you for sharing your family with me and for your inspiration. Now let‘s eat!!! Regina – Roxy it was fun spending time with you in Edmonton. Bruce thank you for your kindness and friendship. Avaughna it was such a pleasure to have met you. I thank you for appreciating me for what I bring and for your continued support. I salute you and hope that all young Empress‘s have someone in their life like you. Rhode Island – Vi‘let I admire your energy. Savannah thank you for the great times and laughs in Hamilton. Gabriel thank you for being true and for being supportive of me. Toronto – Tom thank you for always being there to listen. Madame you are such an inspiration. Thank you for all that you do for our Community. Lynda Louise thank you for believing in me. David you have always been there and I thank you for that. Fontaine great doing shows with you. Ron & Kevin thank you both for all the laughs. Nelson you have been very patient. Barry those were very fun and informative car rides. Maria thank you. Mychol your creativity always amazes me. Thank you for your hard work this year. Sabrina keep your head up. Jody we will do brunch soon I promise. Ward thank you for your loyalty. Mick you have been great. Dusty great work. Corey I will cherish our friendship. Candice thank you for taking control of situations and for a great opening number. Thelma & Morgan Good Luck Ladies.


Team TLC – Drucilla, Jim, Michelle, Veronica, Maynard, George, Kenny, Adrian, Trish, Frida, Diet – Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and supporting me. Your efforts are the reason why we are here today. Your determination to make a positive change in our Community is evident tonight. I stand proud with you all by my side. It has been a true pleasure and honor to have served with you all this year. Thank you. Charo – Thank you for being my Imperial Crown Princess. I know that sometimes life takes over and takes us away from our fantasies. I know that you have been there for me when I needed you even when you were not feeling well. I thank you for introducing me to The Imperial Court of Toronto. If it was not for you I would not have been involved and now reigned in Toronto. I truly wish you all the happiness and good health in the world. God bless you and your family. I love you. Hunter – Your passion to have our male line front and center was successful. Thank you for a rather interesting reign. Let‘s sit back and watch someone else do it. To my family – I thank you for loving me and for being there when I needed to laugh, cry, or just scream. I love you all. I Remain, Her Most Imperial & Sovereign Majesty The Diamond Jewelled People‘s Empress Empress XXII of The Imperial Court of Toronto Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles

―Mike & Ike‖ The Original Fruits



Message from The Imperial Crown Prince | HIH Mick Petitpas Vanderbilt CBT Good Evening and welcome to Toronto and Coronation XXIII: The Heaven on Earth Ball. I hope that you all have a great time in our fair city and check out some of the sights we have to offer. This year has been an incredible journey for me. Although I did not travel as much as I would have liked to, I did manage to get around and not only meet some wonderful new people but rekindle some old friendships. I attended my first out of town coronation this year, lo and behold it was Buffalo who popped that cherry. What a way to start!! Chris & Vanity: Your hospitality was graciously appreciated I had a wonderful time at your ball and in your city. Toy (we‘ll always have, Coco, Luis (I will pronounce your name correctly someday; the French in me is tough to get out) I am glad to have finally met my facebook friends and you truly are as wonderful as I thought and look forward to a long friendship. Hamilton was the second ball for me and another great evening, Krystopher & Monroe: I was thrilled to be at your ball and had a great time. Robert: always as gracious as ever. John: nice to see you again and I hope your happy here in Toronto. To all my old buds and new friends I‘ve made thorough my years in the court, always nice to see you and it was a blast partying with you on your own turf for a change. London: What can I say? You are all great people. I‘m so sorry I had to miss your ball but circumstances required me to stay home that weekend, I was there in spirit though and congratulations on a job well done. Tom and Suzanne: I look forward to a great year with both of you! I have also had the pleasure of getting to know a few of the Monarchs, past, present and future from the other courts. Spice, Boycub Joey, Gabriel, Marni Gras, Nikki, Amanda-Lynn, and so many more: You all have shown me the path to success…. And now for my Home Court! Hunter: I was proud to have been chosen as your Imperial Crown Prince and honoured to have stood by your side all year! We have accomplished a lot and even more so a friendship that will last through the ages, I have learned a lot from you as to what it takes to make an Emperor and will carry this year in my heart. Tiffany; You carried yourself with grace all year and I was proud to be on your arm whenever the opportunity arose. Charo: thank you for a wonderful year and I hope all goes well for you in the future. Morgan: from the first shot of Tequila to the last, I have had a blast. Thank you for all you have done not only for me but for the Community. Your tireless effort is what keeps us strong. My Mistress Dusty: I miss our early morning conversations but have had the pleasure of your friendship through the year and thank you for being there for me when I needed you. You are a truly special girl and know that one day you will make an Empress full of Grace, Style and F.U.N.! To my buddies, Corey, Colin (I have to pass it on now), Jason, Shaun, Rob, Carlotta: you were a lot of fun to hang with and I will treasure the friendship we have made, Clint and Sadie: a couple of our newest members, you‘ve raised the bar, Outstanding! My BBF Barry: thanks for just listening when I needed to rant and for just being there. Candice: You rock girl! Thanks for everything you‘ve done this year - you truly are the hardest working drag queen in captivity!! If I‘ve not mentioned you by name, it just means I‘ve run out of room. Your


contributions are none the less as important and know that I consider all of you dear friends. I also have to thank everyone who works behind the scenes, without them it would be impossible to accomplish what we do each year, from the barstaff to the set up crew and DJ‘s THANK YOU!! George: Thank you for opening up your bar to us once again rain or shine you are fabulous! Woody’s, Café California, Zelda’s, Gladaman’s Den: thank you for everything you‘ve done for us, your contributions to our efforts are much appreciated and never forgotten. To the Executive: it was a pleasure working with you this year, through it all we did accomplish a lot. Our Corporate Sponsors: itravel2000, BMO Financial Group, Polar Ice, Labatt‘s, Proud FM 103.9 Your contributions are what make everything go so smoothly, Thank you from all of us! Finally to my life partner, Steve Roseland. You have been my rock through this reign, have stood beside me no matter what and have supported me in anything I‘ve done without judgment or prejudice and for that I have to say thank you! In one month we will be celebrating not only our 26th year together but our first wedding anniversary and I have never loved you as much as I do now. You will always be the brightest star in the heavens.

I remain in service now and always H.M.I.H. The Black Diamond Double Dragon ICP Imperial Crown Prince to Reign XXII Mick Petitpas Vanderbilt, CBT Mr. Charity International VI, 2009




Message from The Imperial Crown Princess | HIH Charo Batista Welcome Honored Guests, I would like to welcome everyone to the great diverse city of Toronto and for joining us as we complete the 22nd reign of TICOT and enter the 23rd. This year I‘ve had an amazing opportunity to be a part of TICOT. Due to the fight I‘ve had this year with Cancer, unfortunately I was unable to attend all events and wasn‘t always there when needed to stand by my Empress Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles. To everyone that has worked hard and I mean HARD this year for a successful 22nd reign: Job well done! Ron Gullis: Thanks for your love and support, and for reminding me never to give up. Michelle DuBarry: Thank you for your sweet love and support. Diet Pepsi: Thank you for all your time and devotion this year. Dusty Balfour: Girl work it! Thank you for always being you, and all that you‘ve done for us. Carlotta Carlisle: Girl... Thank you for being there and for always wearing bigger hair than me. Maria Del Monte: Thank you for your endearing words and concern. Lynda L D & Jim Lepore: Thank you for your love and being there this year. Maynard Olson: Thank you for being my friend, and for your generosity and support to TICOT. Chantal Cartier: Thank you for all your kind words that kept me strong. Tom Ivison: Thank you for all of our talks, and for always believing in me. Thelma DuBarry: For all your hard work I thank you. I wish you much success tonight. To Play on Church and all staff, Thank you for giving us a place we can call home. Without you, this reign would never have been so successful. Marco & Luis: What can I say about you guys? You both have been by my side and held my hand as I walked through hard times. Your love has taught me perseverance and strength. Love you both. To my partner and soulmate Nuno: Once again you have shown me that love concours all. Thanks for keeping me focused. You have taught me to always push harder even though I was weak. You never let me forget to always except the very best and to always believe in myself. Because of you I‘ve learned to respect and cherish life, with out you I don‘t think I would be here. Know that I will always love you and will never forget what you and your family have done for me. To my Mom and Family: Thank you for walking down this road with me. I appreciate your acceptance and belief in me. Love you all. And now a moment to thank my Empress Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles. It has been a privilege to be a part of your reign and to stand by your side. I have tremendous respect for you and for that I bow before you tonight. We both know that this year has not been a smooth road but your strength has shown me the way. I apologize for not being able to always be there for you and my community, but you always understood and reminded me that health comes first. Thank you for always believing in me and never turning your back even


though pressure was there to do so. I look up to you for showing me that no matter what, dreams can come true. Look at you... here you are stepping down tonight after a great year, with all of your hard work and accomplishments you have definitely raised the bar for all Empresses to come. I wish you all the best from here on out. I thank you and solute you, your Majesty. To all my fans and friends that I have not mentioned, know that you are not forgotten. Thank you for always being there. Love you always. We stand united before you this evening to celebrate Heaven On Earth. Always and forever, Her Imperial Highness The Fire Diamond Lioness of Strength Imperial Crown Princess XXII Ms. Charo Batista


Executive Committee 2008 - 2009

Back row, left to right: Jason Moore, Minister of Protocol George Pratt, Chair David Beauchamp, College of Monarchs Representative Mick Petitpas, Social Convenor Front row, left to right: Tom Williamson, Treasurer Ahmed Nayfeh, Empress XXII Craig Hunter, Emperor XXII Kelvin Landolt, Vice-Chair Not shown: Ray Hayhurst, Secretary Art Tomlin, College of Monarchs Representative Steve Roseland, Ball Coordinator



Mr Trillium 2009/2010 Robert Jeyes

Queen Mum to Reign XXII Savannah Georgia

Miss Trillium 2009/2010 Sabrina Perez

King Father to Reign XXII Tony Ballarino

Emperor 22 ½ (Canadian) HMISM Emperor XXXII of Calgary Michael Wolf-Would Myte

HISM Empress IV of St. Catharines Ms. Claudia Silva

Emperor 22 ½ (American) HIM Emperor XV of Providence Gabriel

Empress 22 ½ (American) HMISM Empress XXII of New York Ms. Charlene Chivoe

Empress 22 ½ (Canadian)


Aspirants to the Throne


Morgan James


Double Decade Honour | Dawn Valley Parkway Empress III


His Late Imperial Majesty Chas Parkway Emperor III

Decade Honour | Bob Toane Emperor XIII

Decade Honour | Ellie Vader Empress XIII


Silent Auction From The Imperial Court of Toronto, welcome to Coronation XXIII. It is my honour to bring you this year's Heaven on Earth Silent Auction. We have more than 50 pieces from Designer Clothing to Art and of course jewelry, all of which you may find interesting and hopefully useful. Our silent Auction is located just across from the ballroom adjacent from the large greeting area. We have a good number of donations this year from both our Members and the Community. We look forward to this being another successful Silent Auction. There will be a bidding sheet, which will have an opening bid already in place. If you are interested in an item please fill in the appropriate spaces for your bid. All bidding will end at 10:30 p.m. You may pay by Cash, Visa or Master Card! We will have our volunteers from The People With Aids Foundation and The 519 stationed outside the Ballroom with the items for you to purchase when the bidding is completed at 10:30 p.m. We will announce shortly after 10 the Silent Auction closing, and at that time please check to see if your bidding was successful. All items must be picked up by the end of the Ball. Thanks to all those who donated and assisted, helping to make this a successful Silent Auction and Coronation XXIII a special Event. We also have had a number of contributors who have chosen to donate anonymously.

Design by Cyprian

Emperor XXII Hunter James

I Travel 2000 - Maynard Olson

Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles

Ricky Doucette Photography

Empress II Veronica Blake

Silent Auction Professionals

Empress IX XIV & XVII Candice

The 519

HIH Prince Colin Lamont

The Toronto People With AIDS Foundation

HIH Prince Mr Trillium 2009 Robert Jeyes

Thorin & Company - Tim Szlyk

HIH Princess of the Realm Morgan James

Wayne Clark Design

ICP XXI Farra N Hyte

Emperor XX Dave Beauchamp

Sissy Top DuBarry, Ultima

We wish all of you a Grand Evening at Coronation XXII in Toronto. In Service, Imperial Grandson to The Queen Mother of the Americas, Nicole the Great Dowager Emperor to Reign XXI, HIM Emperor XX of Toronto Dave Beauchamp CBT



Set One Greeting From the Executive Chair, George Pratt Introduction of Masters of Ceremony Presentation Of Colours & National Anthems Imperial Court Of Toronto Opening Number Invocation: The Reverend Brent Hawkes Introduction Of TMISM Emperor & Empress XXII Court Walks A to Z Introduction of Guests to the Dais Command Performance #1 Citizen of the Year Award Command Performance #2 Command Performance #3 Excuse the Dais Decade Honour Walk: HIM Emperor VI & XIII Bob Toane Decade Walk: H.I.M. Empress XIII Ellie Vader Presentation of Candidate: Thelma Intermission


Set Two Introduction of Masters of Ceremony Introduction of TMISM Emperor & Empress XXII Court Walk: Imperial Court of Toronto Introduction of Guests to the Dais Command Performance 4 Command Performance 5 Presentation of Charity Cheques Court Command Excuse Dais Double Decade Walk: HIM Empress III Dawn Valley Parkway Presentation of Candidate: Morgan James Intermission


Set Three Introduction of Master of Ceremony Introduction of TMISM Emperor & Empress XXII Introduction of Guests to the Dais Command Performance 6 Command Performance 7 Dowager Walk: HIM Empress XXI Bitsie Vanderbilt Court Command Emperor & Empress Presentation Proclamations and Ultima Titles Excuse Dais Intermission


Set Four Introduction of Master of Ceremony Final Walk of HMIH Imperial Crown Prince to Reign XXII, Mick Petitpas Final Walk of HMISM Emperor XXII Hunter James Final Walk of HMISM Empress XXII Ms Tiffany Louise-Charles

Set Five Introduction of Master of Ceremony Introduction of Executive Chair and Auditor Introduction of College Of Monarchs Introduction of Heirs Crowning of Reign XXIII Monarchs


College of Monarchs

1987 Empress I Appointed Carlos Misseri

1987-88 Emperor I Sergio

1987-88 Empress I Elect Lauren Michaels

1988-89 Emperor II Jeep

1988-89 Empress II Veronica Blake

1989-90 Emperor III Chas Parkway

1989-90 Empress III Dawn Valley Parkway

1990-91 Emperor IV Andrew Kennedy

1990-91 Empress IV Ryan Waters

College of Monarchs

1991-92 Emperor V Daddy Paul

1991-92 Empress V Sophie De Lee

1992-93 Emperor VI Bob Toane

1992-93 Empress VI Michelle DuBarry

1993-94 Emperor VII Art Tomlin

1993-94 Empress VII Mr. JJ Murray

1994-95 Emperor VIII Andre Heasman

1994-95 Empress VIII Dusty

1995-96 Emperor IX Peter Sutton

College of Monarchs


1995-96 Empress IX Candice

1996-97 Empress X Scarlett

1997-98 Empress XI Rose

1998-99 Empress XII Chantal Cartier

1999-00 Empress XIII Ellie Vader

2000-01 Emperor XIV Chris Holmgren

2001-02 Empress XV Bitch Diva

2001-02 Emperor XV Tom Ivison

2002-03 Empress XVI Plum Vicious

College of Monarchs

2002-03 Emperor XVI Nelson Jeronimo

2004-05 Empress XVIII Madame

2006-07 Empress XX Nikki Leblanc

2007-08 Empress XXI Bitsie Vanderbilt

2006-07 Emperor XX Dave Beauchamp


HMISM Emperor XXII Hunter James 62

HMISM Empress XXII Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles 63

Member Gallery The Imperial Court Of Toronto wishes to thank David Hawe for contributing his professional eye and excellent technical skills to the portrait session produced in Reign XXI. The Court also wishes to thank those Members who made themselves available for these sessions. We look forward to growing our Membership Gallery in the years ahead.

Mick Petitpas Vanderbilt CBT HMIH Imperial Crown Prince

Farra N Hyte HMIH Imperial Crown Princess Reign XXI


Charo Batista HMIH Imperial Crown Princess

Ron Gullis HMIH Imperial Crown Prince Reign XXI

Barrymore Vanderbilt HIH Imperial Crown Prince Reign XX

Lynda Louise DuBarry HIH Imperial Crown Princess Reign XX Princess Imperial III Ultima

Sherry Sylvain DuBarry HIH Imperial Crown Princess Reign XIX

Mister Bunny LeBlanc HIH Imperial Crown Princess Reign XVI

Dallas Norman Vanderbilt HIH Imperial Crown Prince to Reign XI Imperial Prince Consort to Empress XXI

Sissy Top DuBarry HIH Princess of Gowns and Treasure Chests Ultima

Diet Pepsi HIH Princess of Butterflies Ultima

George Pratt HIH Prince of the Realm Brother for Life to Emperor XXII

Morgan James HIH Princess of the Realm Consort for Life to Emperor XXII

Dusty Balfour HIH Chatelaine Reign XXII

Savannah Georgia HIH Princess Royale Queen Mum Reign XXII



Tony Ballarino HIH Prince Royale King Father Reign XXII

Thelma DuBarry HIH Princess Royale Purveyor of Spreadsheets

Maynard Olson HRH Prince Royale Purveyor of the Emperor‘s Flights of Fancy

Carlotta Carlisle HRH Princess Royale Miss Trillium 2008/2009

Robb Harper CBT HIH Prince Royale of the East

Drucilla HIH Princess Royale Lady-In-Waiting to Empress XXII

Alexis Van Cartier HIH Princess

Dwayne Shaw HIH Prince

Jim Lepore HIH Prince

Jody Zacrizia HIH Prince Red Pussy Cat

Paul Willis HIH Prince

Richard Durk Gallant HIH Prince

Rick Kazca Vanderbilt HIH Prince

Robert Jeyes HIH Prince Mr. Trillium 2009 /2010

Mychol Scully HIH Prince Purveyor of Images & Imagination

Eve D‘Monkey Imperial Daughter to Emperor XXII

Fuzz E Bear Imperial Son to Emperor XXII

Kevin Levere HRH Prince


Rob Wolvin HRH Prince Urban Cowboy

Sabrina Perez Her Royal Highness Marchioness Miss Trillium 2009/2010

Trevor McLain HRH Marquis

Gilles Berthelot HRH Marquis

Courtiers Ward Xamin

His Grace Lord

Henry Oki

His Grace Lord

Shawn DiVirgilio

His Grace Count

Rick Simonato

His Grace Count

Dolly Jones

Her Grace Countess

Sadie Saville

Her Grace Countess

Justin Easton

His Grace Count

Stephen Thorson

His Grace Viscount

Karl Blindheim

His Grace Viscount

Jym Morton

His Grace Viscount

Jim Wigmore

His Grace Viscount

Royal House Nuno Abreau Jack Pearce (MLT BB08) Harvey Malinsky Christopher Jones Darren Hansford Don Potts Clint Lyckher Arturo Stephanie Stevens Anna Phylactic Anastacia Starr Alina Montenegro Adrian Davies Gilles Berthelot Veronique DeHoe Tyson Sexton Romano Trevor McLain Stew Granger Sasha Montenegro Sal Buccellato Sabrina Perez Robert Van Maurik Stephen Weiss Mr Eddie Barnett Peter Dillon (MLT 2009) Miranda Mimosa Zoe Kohler Rob Wolvin (The Urban Cowboy)

His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis Her Royal Highness Marchioness Her Royal Highness Marchioness Her Royal Highness Marchioness Her Royal Highness Marchioness His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis Purveyor of the Empress's Boyz Her Royal Highness Marchioness His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Marquis Her Royal Highness Marchioness His Royal Highness Marquis Her Royal Highness Marchioness Miss Trillium 2009/2010 His Royal Highness Marquis His Royal Highness Prince His Royal Highness Princess His Royal Highness Prince Pack Brother to Emperor 22 Her Royal Highness Princess Her Royal Highness Princess Granddaughter to Emperor 22 His Royal Highness Prince Pack Brother to Emperor 22 Purveyor of the Empress's Lounge

Michelle Ross

Her Royal Highness Princess Supreme Sister to Emperor 22 Sister to Empress 22

Lennard Burke

His Royal Highness Prince Equerry to Empress 22 Her Royal Highness Princess His Royal Highness Prince His Royal Highness Prince Her Royal Highness Princess Miss Dot 2009

Lauren Lovelace DuBarry Kevin Levere Jerry White Joanne Amos Frank Godfrey

His Royal Highness Prince Consort To Emperor Twenty

Imperial House Fuzz E Bear

Imperial Mascot to Emperor 22

Eve D'Monkey

Imperial Daughter to Emperor 22

Mychol Scully

His Imperial Highness Prince Purveyor of Images and Imagination to Emperor 22 Nephew to Empress 22

Trish De Wolf

Her Imperial Highness Princess Sister to Empress 22

Robert Jeyes

His Imperial Highness Prince Pack Pup to Emperor 22 Mr Trillium 2009/2010

Robert Gallagher

His Imperial Highness Prince

Richard Kasza Vanderbilt

His Imperial Highness Prince Pack Brother to Emperor 22

Richard Durk Gallant

His Imperial Highness Prince

Paul Willis

His Imperial Highness Prince

Patti Williamson

Her Imperial Highness Princess

The Red Pussycat

His Imperial Highness Prince

Jim Lepore

His Imperial Highness Prince Brother to Empress 22

Jacques Demers

His Imperial Highness Prince Brother in law to Emperor 22

Glen Denholm

His Imperial Highness Prince

David Civin

Her Imperial Highness Princess Niece to Empress 22 and Cousin to Emperor 22

Corey Breau (Mr Leather Firkin)

His Imperial Highness, Prince Piano Playing Pack Brother to Emperor 22

Dwayne Shaw

His Imperial Highness Prince Equerry To Emperor 22 Nephew to Empress 22

Claude Audette

His Imperial Highness Prince Equerry to Empress 22

Alexis Van Cartier

Her Imperial Highness Princess

Jack Deluca

His Imperial Highness Prince Pimp Daddy to Emperor 22

Evelyn Vanderbilt

Her Imperial Highness Princess Purveyor of Vintage Fabulosity to Emperor 22

Kenny Clark

His Imperial Highness Imperial Prince Martial Arts Pack Brother to Emperor 22

Drucilla DuBarry

Her Imperial Highness Princess Royale Lady in Waiting to Empress 22

Robb Harper

His Imperial Highness Imperial Prince Royale Of The East

Carlotta Carlisle

Her Imperial Highness Princess Royale Miss Trillium 2008 / 2009 Imperial Daughter to the 22nd House

Jason Dickson Vanderbilt

His Imperial Highness Prince Royale Mister Trillium 2008/2009 Imperial Son To Emperor 22

Maynard Olson

His Imperial Highness Prince Royale Purveyor to the Emperor's 'Flights of Fancy' and Brother to Empress 22

Thelma DuBarry

Her Imperial Highness Princess Royale Purveyor of Spreadsheets and Sister to Empress 22

Tony Ballarino

His Imperial Highness Prince Royale King Father to Reign 22 B.F.B.H. Brother To Emperor 22 Brother to Empress 22

Savannah Georgia

Her Imperial Highness Princess Royale Queen Mum to Reign 22 Sister To Emperor 22 Sister to Empress 22

Colin Lamont

His Imperial Highness Chancellor To Reign 22 Brother to Emperor 22 Brother to Empress 22 Mr Dot 2009

Dusty Balfour

Her Imperial Highness Chatelaine To Reign 22 Mistress To The Imperial Crown Prince Sister To Emperor 22 Sister To Empress 22

Teran Blake

Sister to Empress 22

Morgan James

Her Imperial Highness Princess Of The Realm Consort For Life To Emperor 22

George Pratt

His Imperial Highness Prince Of The Realm Brother for Life to Empress 22

Diet Pepsi

Keeper of the Emperor's Glue Gun Princess of Butterflies Ultima

Karl Blindheim

Grad Duchess Charlene, Keeper of Dreams Ultima

Daddy John Burch

Keeper of the Emperor's Sling Leather Daddy to All Leather Boys Ultima

Steve Roseland

His Imperial Highness Imperial Prince of the Silver Dollar Lounge Ultima Brother to Emperor 22

Sissy Top

Sister to Emperor 22 Keeper of the Empress' Gowns Princess of Gowns and Treasure Chests Ultima

Dallas Vanderbilt

Keeper of the Emperor's Sanity Imperial Crown Prince 11 Prince Consort to Empress 21

Christopher Evans

Keeper of the Emperor's Flogger Imperial Crown Prince 14 Prince of Dedication, Duty and Dungeons Ultima

Bunny LeBlanc

Keeper of the Emperor's Platinum Secret Imperial Crown Princess 16 Mother In Law to Emperor 22

Maria Del Monte

Keeper of the Imperial Pineapples Imperial Crown Princess 18 Princess of Pineapples Ultima

Sherry Sylvain DuBarry

Keeper of the Golden Gas Pedal and Jellybean Sister to Emperor 22 Imperial Crown Princess 19

Lynda Louise DuBarry

Keeper of the Empress' Vision Imperial Crown Princess 20

Barrymore Vanderbilt

Keeper of the Emperor's Kegs Imperial Crown Prince 20 Brother to Empress 22

Farra N Hyte

Keeper of the Emperor's Sequins and Showgirls Imperial Crown Princess 21 Sister to Empress 22

Ron Gullis

Keeper of the 22nd House's Leather with a Touch of Lace Imperial Crown Prince 21 Brother to Empress 22

Charo Batista

Her Most Imperial Highness The Fire Diamond Lioness of Strength Imperial Crown Princess to Reign 22

Mick Petitpas Vanderbilt CBT

His Most Imperial Highness The Black Diamond Double Dragon Imperial Crown Prince to Reign 22

Empress 22 of Toronto Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles

Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Diamond Jewelled People's Empress, Empress 22 of Toronto Ms. Tiffany Louise-Charles

Emperor 22 of Toronto Hunter James

His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Multimedia Inked and Pierced Lycan Emperor Illegitimate Love Child To Jose 1, The Widow Norton Member of Her Majesty‘s Parliament Representing Toronto Emperor 22 of Toronto Emperor 19 1/2 of Buffalo Emperor 10 1/2 of Winnipeg and all Manitoba Hair Apparent #4 to the House of Wookiee Hunter James

Past Imperial Crown Princes & Princesses Greg

Imperial Crown Prince to Founding Court


Imperial Crown Princess to Founding Court

Richard Denny

Imperial Crown Prince I

Veronica Blake*

Imperial Crown Princess I

Andrew Kennedy*

Imperial Crown Prince II

Dawn Blake*

Imperial Crown Princess II

Daddy Paul*

Imperial Crown Prince III

Morgan Holliday

Imperial Crown Princess III

Peter Sutton*

Imperial Crown Prince IV


Imperial Crown Princess IV

Andre Heaseman*

Imperial Crown Prince V


Imperial Crown Princess V

Art Tomlin*

Imperial Crown Prince VI

Sandra K

Imperial Crown Princess VI

Karl Blindheim

Imperial Crown Prince VII

Mr Danny Love

Imperial Crown Princess VII

David Wilson

Imperial Crown Prince VIII

Sandra K

Imperial Crown Princess VIII

Don Gilroy

Imperial Crown Prince IX

Chris Edwards

Imperial Crown Princess IX

Hardy Pothoff

Imperial Crown Prince X

Robin Loren

Imperial Crown Princess X

Dallas Norman Vanderbilt

Imperial Crown Prince XI

Chantal Cartier*

Imperial Crown Princess XI

David Wilson De Lee

Imperial Crown Prince XII

Chris Holmgren

Imperial Crown Prince XIII

Bitch Diva*

Imperial Crown Princess XIII

Christopher Evans

Imperial Crown Prince XIV

Bitch Diva*

Imperial Crown Princess XIV

Maitland Smith

Imperial Crown Prince XV

Plum Vicious*

Imperial Crown Princess XV

Just James Jeronimo

Imperial Crown Prince XVI

Bunny LeBlanc

Imperial Crown Princess XVI

David Beauchamp*

Imperial Crown Prince XVII


Imperial Crown Princess XVII

Maria Del Monte*

Imperial Crown Princess XVIII

Hunter James*

Imperial Crown Prince XVIII

Sherry Sylvain DuBarry

Imperial Crown Princess XIX

David Beauchamp*

Imperial Crown Prince XIX

Nikki LeBlanc*

Imperial Crown Princess XIX

Charo Batista

Imperial Crown Princess XIX

Barrymore Vanderbilt

Imperial Crown Prince XX

Lynda Louise DuBarry

Imperial Crown Princess XX

Ron Gullis

Imperial Crown Prince XXI

Farra N Hyte

Imperial Crown Princess XXI

* denotes later elected as Monarch

Ultimas David Wilson Daddy John Burch Christopher Evans Linda Louise DuBarry Diet Pepsi Sissy Top DuBarry Steve Roseland Maria Del Monte

Karl Blindheim


His Imperial Highness - Prince Imperial One - David Wilson De Lee Parkway CBT His Imperial Highness - Leather Daddy To All Leather Boys - John Burch His Imperial Highness – Prince Of Dedication, Duty, And Dungeons – Ultima – Mister Christopher Evans Her Imperial Highness – Princess Imperial III – Ultima – Linda Louise DuBarry Her Imperial Highness – Princess Of Butterflies – Ultima – Diet Pepsi Her Imperial Highness – Princess Of Gowns And Treasure Chests – Ultima – Sissy Top DuBarry Brother to Emperor Keeper of the Imperial Pineapples Imperial Crown Princess 18 Princess of Pineapples – Ultima – Maria Del Monte Grand Duchess Charlene, Keeper of Dreams – Ultima – Karl Blindheim

Past Monarchs

Lauren Michaels

Her Imperial Majesty – Empress I Elect Of All Ontario – Lauren Michaels

Veronica Blake

Her Imperial Majesty – The Widowed Golden Emerald Executive Empress - Empress II Of All Ontario – Veronica Blake

Dawn Valley Parkway

Her Imperial Majesty – Heir Apparent To Queen Mother Of The Americas Empress Nicole The Great – The Amethyst Angel Of Love Empress – Empress III Of All Ontario – Dawn Valley Parkway

Andrew Kennedy Sophie De Lee

His Imperial Majesty – The Urban Cowboy – Emperor IV Of All Ontario – Andrew Kennedy Her Imperial Majesty – The Absolute Golden Topaz Empress – A Five Crown Empress - Empress V Of All Ontario – Sophie De Lee

Michelle Dubarry

Her Imperial Majesty – The Absolute Queen Mother Empress – Matriarch Of The Imperial Court Of Toronto – Empress VI Of Toronto – Michelle DuBarry

Art Tomlin

His Imperial Majesty – The Diamond And Denim Double D Emperor – Emperor VI Of Toronto – Art Tomlin

Mister J.J. Murray

Her Imperial Majesty – The Ravishing Radiant Red Ruby Black Orchid Two Bit Empress – Empress VII Of Toronto – Mister J. J. Murray

Andre Heasman

His Imperial Majesty – The Torch Light Crash Test Dummy Emperor – Emperor VIII Of Toronto – Andre Heasman

Scarlett Fever

Her Imperial Majesty – The Showgirl Goddess Of Fire – The Perfect Ten – X Files Empress – Empress X Of Toronto – Scarlett Fever


Her Imperial Majesty – The Crimson Rose Of Love And Sunshine Empress – Empress XI Of Toronto – Rose Zen

Chantal Cartier

Her Imperial Majesty – The Golden Copper Flamed Mane Attraction Empress – Empress XII Of Toronto – Chantal Cartier

Bob Toane

His Imperial Majesty – The Wild Mustang Common Bar Trash Emperor – Emperor VI And XIII Of Toronto – Bob Toane A.K.A. Thelma Toronto

Ellie Vader

Her Imperial Majesty – The Purple Beauty Of Her Own Design – Y II K – Y Not Empress – Empress XIII Of Toronto – Ellie Vader

Chris Holmgren

His Imperial Majesty – The Never Say Never Again Leather Phoenix Emperor – Emperor XIV Of Toronto – Chris Holmgren – Master Of Revels

Bitch Diva

Her Imperial Majesty – The Silver Swallow Charmed Sorceress Empress – Empress XV Of Toronto – Bitch Diva

Plum Vicious

Her Imperial Majesty – The Delicious And Nutricious Crystal Eyed Pucci Peacock Protector Of Feathers, Flare And Fancy – Etherial Erte Empress – Empress XVI Of Toronto – Plum Vicious

Tom Ivison

His Imperial Majesty – The Silver Tongued Golden Gryphon Rainbow Koala Bear Emperor – Emperor XV And XVII Of Toronto – Tom Ivison Parkway C.B.T.


Her Imperial Majesty – The Triple Crowned Ivory Elephant Empress That Won’t Take Anything Home Unless The Trunk Is Up – Empress IX, XIV And XVII Of Toronto – Candice – Lord High Chamberlain

Nelson Jeronimo

His Imperial Majesty – The Golden Winged Sapphire Lion Emperor – Emperor XVI, XVIII And XIX Of Toronto – Nelson Jeronimo


Her Imperial Majesty – Jose Honours 2008 - Empress Of Loyalty, Integrity And Charity – Empress XVIII And XIX Of Toronto – Madame

Mr. David Beauchamp

His Imperial Majesty – Grandson Of Queen Mother Of The Americas Nicole The Great – The Leather Amethyst Dragonfly Emperor – The Triple F Emperor Of Fun / Fundraising And Family – Emperor XX Of Toronto – Mister David Beauchamp C.B.T.

Nikki Leblanc

Her Imperial Majesty – Granddaughter Of Queen Mother Of The Americas Nicole The Great – The Opulent Ethereal Jade Hummingbird – Resplendent In Gems Of Change / Integrity And Decadence – The Platinum Bone China And Emerald Anniversary Empress – Empress XX Of Toronto – Nikki Leblanc

Bitsie Vanderbilt

Her Imperial Soverign Majesty – The “New Look” Maple Leaf Empress – Empress XXI of Toronto – Bitsie Vanderbilt





Calendar of Events 2008 | 2009 OCTOBER 2008 | Victory Brunch | Tough Drag | Chicago Coronation | Halloween NOVEMBER | Investiture I | Victory Unity Party | St. Catharines Coronation | Boston Coronation | Mr. Leatherman Toronto | Halloween DECEMBER | Steve Roseland‘s Home For The Holidays | The Trilliums Steal Christmas | White Christmas JANUARY 2009 | Night Of A Thousand Stars | Trilliums Ceilidh | Hooker & Hustler Of The Year FEBRUARY | Connecticut Coronation | Empress Madam Annual Love Fest | Mardi Gras MARCH | Kiss Me I‘m Irish | Mr. Lean Mean and Green | Vancouver Coronation | New York Coronation APRIL | Winter State Dinner | Investiture II | Calgary Coronation | Rhode Island Coronation MAY | Community Pub Crawl | King Father Queen Mother Stepdown & Appointments | Trilliums Step Down | Mr. & Miss Trillium Pageant | Viva Las Vegas | Buffalo Coronation JUNE | Zelda‘s Patio Shows | Kentucky Coronation | Chas Parkway Salute To Pride | XTRA Pride Party | 519 Pride Party | Toronto Pride Parade JULY | Zelda‘s Patio Shows | Nightbirds | Leather & Emeralds | A Bouquet of Mums | Broadway Bears | King Father Queen Mother Jewels and Boys | Winnipeg Coronation AUGUST | Zelda‘s Patio Shows | Mr & Miss Dot Pageant | The Golden Girls Review | ICP Mick‘s 3rd Annual Redneck Trailer Trash Birthday | Flashback | Leather & Emeralds | Hamilton Coronation | London Coronation | Edmonton Coronation SEPTEMBER | Zelda‘s Patio Shows | Under The Big Top | Cincinatti Coronation | Campaign Kick Off | Campaign Closing | The Golden Girls | Regina Coronation OCTOBER | Trilliums Celebrate Thanksgiving | College Of Monarchs Fundraiser | Magical Makeover | State Dinner | In Town Show | Out Of Town Show | The Heaven On Earth Ball
















New York



Rhode Island





In Memoriam "Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We shall remember them."

Doug Bryan His Imperial Highness Imperial Prince Royale Of The East



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