What Do Day Care Centers Need to Know About Your Child?

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What Do Day Care Centers Need to Know About Your Child?

• If you have already finalized a day care center for your child, then you must be prepared to provide the center some important information during admission. • This information will help staff members take good care of your kid and reassure parents that their child is in safe hands.

General info about you • Most day care centers would start with having an informal chat with the parent during the first meeting. • The center might want to know details about the family, as to where the family lives along with professional details.

Child’s age

• Day





sections and batches for the various age groups. • This helps a lot to offer children a more age-specific and structured day care program.

• Due to this very reason, the center may want to know the age of your child. • Some centers and kids nursery in Dubai might even want to know the milestones that your child has so far achieved. • However, many day care centers tend to cater to only specific age-groups.

• Some accept babies who are as young as only 3 months while some centers prefer admitting babies who are at least six months. • And then there are day care centers that accepts kids above the age of 2 years only.

Is your kid potty-trained

• Often day care centers only take in kids who are potty trained or kids who are at least able to indicate that they need to use toilet. • Parents might be asked to provide more details regarding your kid’s routine.

• One may have heard about caregivers punishing or even hitting kids if there’s any accident or if the kid isn’t potty-trained yet. • You should speak to the day care authorities regarding this. • And if their ideas aren’t similar to yours then you should look for another day or play school in Dubai.

Your kid’s medical history

• Most day care centers will enquire about





illnesses that your child might have. • They need to be aware of this in order to be able to take specialized care of your child and pay extra attention to his/her needs and requirements.

Your kid’s diet and feeding habits

• Day care centers will want to be made aware about whether or not your kid is exclusively breastfed, weaned, or on formula. • A lot of day care centers would only take in kids who are weaned.

• If your child is being still breastfed and you want to your expressed milk with your kid, you would be required to first check with the day care center if they would be willing to handle the request.

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