Tips To Help Disciplining Your Preschooler

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Tips Disc T i p li n o H e lp ing Y ou r Pres choo ler

es m o c en it h w e gg l u r t s s to


nd e t n e t on g ts of n m e a r a s of p ld i i t h s c e b r . the thei s r n y e e l l e v d v d ď ś E g. ecti r to i f n f e i t e h t n e g par ning in in i l f l p o p i i c k c s s s i di g ta n ts , d i t n a e r r t a fr u s y p n d a n a m ild: ng i h c m l r ď ś For e u yo rw h e e n v i l o p t i os d is c p l the m e h s to p i t g e n tin r a p a fe w e r a in g w o l l ď ś Fo 2

Know your child’s triggers  There are certain misbehaviors of your child that can be prevented, as long as you are able to anticipate what actions of things can spark those behaviors in your child.  This way parents can create a plan in advance – such as remove the tangible temptations.  For example, the teacher at the day care centers in Dubai suggests, if your little one is constantly playing with the toilet papers and is dragging the roll around the house, then you might try asking them to avoid such behavior.  If their misbehaviors still persist, then the best option would be moving that toilet paper to higher shelves where your child wouldn’t be able to reach.


Practice Prevention  There are some kids who tend to act out whenever they feel hungry, too tired, or frustrated.  If your toddler is happier and feels more energetic in the mornings, and he/she tends to feel grumpy and too tired after lunch time, then you can try scheduling your market trip or doctor’s visit with your child, when they are at their best.  Prepare your child for the new experiences that they would have, and try explaining them how you would be expecting them to behave.


Be consistent  Kids who are between the ages of 2 and three years work hard to try to understand how their own behaviors impact those around them.  Therefore, you must be consistent with the way you react to your kid’s behaviors.  If you let your child play with the ball inside the house one day, and then some other day you ask them not to play with the ball inside the house, then you would be simply confusing them with those mixed signals.  There’s no set timetable and schedule for how many incidents and reprimands it would be required before your child finally stops certain misbehaviors, suggests a teacher at day care in Dubai.  However, if you’re consistent with how you react, they would most probably learn their lessons after a point of time.


Don’t get too emotional  It’s tough to always stay calm – especially when your child starts playing with your pet’s tail or when they start refusing to brush their teeth or take a bath.  But if the parent starts getting overly emotional each and every time, starts screaming in anger, then the message that they would be trying to convey would be mostly lost and the situation would only escalate.  When your child is flooded with your negative mood and emotions, then they would notice the emotions only and would not be able to hear what you are trying to convey or express.  This is why it is so important for parents to have patience and avoid getting too emotional in front of their child.


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