Manage Arthritis Pain with Medical Cannabis

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Manage Arthritis Pain Manage Arthritis Pain with Medical Cannabis with Medical Cannabis

What is Arthritis ?

Arthritis is a term used to describe a number of different joint diseases The symptoms of arthritis are broadly the same; swelling, pain, stiffness of the joints, and decreased range of motion For people with particularly severe cases of arthritis, the disease can also cause extreme tiredness and weight loss

Is Medical Cannabis Legal in UK?

Arthritis sufferers have often spent years trying to find relief from chronic pain with little success The 2018 legalisation of medical cannabis in UK opened up a new possible way of helping to treat pain Since then, many patients have used medical cannabis for arthritis to manage their painful symptoms

How does Medical Cannabis Work?

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edical cannabis is grown & cultivated under rict, regulated conditions, & is free from armful contaminants Cannabinoids in this ant work by interacting with the ndocannabinoid system, a complex and omprehensive signalling system that regulates cognitive function, inflammation, blood pressure, and digestion

Medical Cannabis & Arthritis


edical cannabis for arthritis can help manage hese painful symptoms The cannabinoid THC, particular, is commonly used to help treat europathic pain and inflammation Our highlyualified and compassionate specialists will be vailable to discuss possible treatment options nd decide whether medical cannabis for arthritis will be of benefit to you

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