Why Should You File a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident?

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Why Should You File a Personal Injury Claim After an Accident? It is never a good time to have an accident. People live busy lives and work hard to support their families. When an accident occurs, it disrupts life’s normal flow and the income people count on earning. Accident victims often have medical bills that their health insurance refuses to cover, cannot work full-time, their bills go unpaid, and their health suffers. Yet, many people feel uncomfortable about filing personal injury claims. Perhaps they know the person responsible for their injuries and don’t want any hard feelings or animosity. Maybe they have enough health insurance, sick time, and savings to handle the financial loss for a few months. But accident victims often suffer more than financial hardship. They can also suffer long term emotional and physical pain, loss of self-esteem, loss of their job, and even bankruptcy. That’s why it is critical to contact a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer after a car accident. If you suffered injuries in a car accident, you should consider filing a personal injury claim. Consider the following reasons why you should talk with an LA Personal Injury Lawyer to file a personal injury claim.

Why Do People Pay Car Insurance Premiums? When you pay your car insurance bill, do you think about why you are paying it? We pay car insurance premiums to cover our car damage and compensate others when we hurt them or damage their property. If insurance companies take your money, and you don’t insist that they pay for personal injury and property damage claims, they are taking your money and giving nothing in return.

Accountability Is Necessary When drivers injure someone or cause damage to their property, they are responsible for the consequences. If their negligence caused someone else to suffer, it’s fair that they are held accountable for their actions. Car insurance helps responsible drivers pay for their driving mistakes.

Don’t Be Responsible For Another Person’s Negligence Suppose someone else is responsible for an accident, and you have medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and property damage. Should you be financially or legally liable? Should you pay for their mistakes out of your pocket? Of course not. Don’t hold yourself accountable for someone else’s negligence.

The Insurance Company Settlement Offer Is Unfair Insurance companies are in business to make money for their stockholders. They accomplish that by charging policyholders as much as possible and paying as little as possible for insurance claims. When someone is injured, insurance companies try to deny claims or minimize how much they pay. When an insurance company fails to negotiate fairly and pay you what your claim is worth, it’s time to call a LA personal injury lawyer for help.

Your Health Is Important When injured in a car accident, you must obtain appropriate medical care. Health insurance policies rarely cover the cost of our health care needs, especially ones that result from car accidents. Car accident victims often need specialized long-term medical care. To guarantee that you receive the care required and have legal representation, you must contact a Los Angeles personal injury law firm to file a personal injury lawsuit.

If You Cannot Work, Who Will Support Your Family? If you are injured in a car accident and cannot work, who will take care of your family? Can your family afford to pay the bills and take care of you? They could file for public assistance but may not receive it unless they first sell and deplete most of your assets, such as your home, bank account balances, and retirement savings. Even then, government assistance is barely enough to survive.

Instead, you could hire a Los Angeles personal injury law firm to handle your claim. The money you receive from a personal injury lawsuit can help your family take care of you, pay the bills, and help you get back on your feet.

Los Angeles Personal Injury lawyers As a law firm that handles many personal injury claims each day, we know that hiring a lawyer can weigh heavily on you. If injured due to someone else’s negligence, you owe it to yourself and your family to contact an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury law firm for advice.

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