Mistakes to Avoid in a California Personal Injury Case

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Mistakes to Avoid in a California Personal Injury Case We are all human and make plenty of mistakes. But, making the wrong mistakes can prevent you from receiving the compensation you deserve. In contrast, other errors can prevent you from receiving any payment at all for your injuries. But all hope isn’t lost. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, follow the guidelines listed below, and contact a Los Angeles personal injury attorney for help.

Delaying Medical Treatment In essence, as soon as you are injured in an accident, your personal injury claim begins. Everything you say and do will decide how your case is handled by the negligent person’s insurance company and your LA personal injury lawyer. If you delay medical treatment after an accident, you may make your injuries worse. If you require medical attention, you should seek a medical doctor’s advice and care, no matter how minor your injuries. If your injuries are severe, ongoing medical care may be necessary. Always keep detailed records of your medical care and related expenses. Those records may be used to substantiate your injuries and help the best personal injury attorney Los Angeles win your case.

Ignoring Doctors’ Advice Ignoring your doctors’ advice can hurt you in more ways than one. First, your body may not heal properly, causing long-term pain and rehabilitation. Be sure to attend all doctor, physical therapy, and mental health appointments, including specialist referrals, and take all prescribed medications. Second, it may harm your personal injury case. Insurance companies blame people for their poor health, saying they complicated their injuries by not following their doctors’ advice.

Continuing To Use Social Media We live in a time when people’s lives are open books. People post to social media accounts without thinking about the consequences. Social media posts usually contain personal information that can even be viewed by total strangers. Everything you, family, friends, or casual acquaintances post can harm you. Online pictures, videos, and written statements can quickly sabotage your personal injury claim. It is best to leave social media accounts untouched until you settle your personal injury claim. Don’t delete them, don’t comment or post pictures or videos to them, and ask family and friends not to mention you in their accounts.

Discussing Your Case With Others It feels natural talking about your accident with family, friends, and acquaintances, but it can be a huge mistake. Never discuss your case with anyone but your LA personal injury lawyer. Why, because other people may be called upon to talk about what you told them. Although it may appear innocuous, the things you said can be easily misinterpreted. Remember, the negligent person’s insurance company does not have your best interests in mind. Their goal is to pay you little or nothing for your injuries.

Accepting the Early Offers Insurance company lawyers are experienced in settling personal injury claims quickly, and less than the claims are worth. They know that injured people worry about having money to buy food, pay medical bills, rent, and being able to go back to work. Insurance company lawyers prey on our inexperience and ignorance. We don’t know the law, and we don’t know our rights. Suppose an insurance company representative convinces you to settle early and you sign a release form. Once they have your signed release form in their hands, it’s too late for a personal injury lawyer to help you. Settling a claim and signing an insurance company release eliminates your right to sue them for your injuries. But insurance companies fear personal injury lawyers. LA personal injury lawyers can obtain larger settlements for their clients than they could get on their own. Never accept any early settlement offers without first consulting with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney.

Representing Yourself

Personal injury law is a complicated field of study. Lawyers spend many years of research and practice to master their craft. Individuals who attempt to negotiate with insurance company attornies on their own are fighting a losing battle, much like walking into a lion’s den and expecting to leave unhurt. After suffering a personal injury, you want the best personal injury attorney Los Angeles on your side. Experienced personal injury attorneys know how to win cases. They gather evidence, prove negligence, a duty of care, breach of duty, and present the facts to the insurance company. Even though most personal injury cases never go before a judge and jury, they even prepare for trial.

Failing To Provide An Accurate Medical History When revealing medical history, it is essential to disclose all pre-existing conditions and disabilities. Insurance companies use lies or failure to disclose medical information against you, which may jeopardize your personal injury claim. Always be honest when reporting injuries. If you don’t know the answer to any of their questions, say that you don’t recall. Don’t worry; your Los Angeles personal injury attorney will be there to help.

Filing After The Statute of Limitation Expires The California Statute of Limitations allows injured parties two years (there are exceptions) from the accident date to file a personal injury claim. But that time can pass quickly and unexpectedly when you’ve been injured, out of work, and unable to pay your bills. The best course of action is to contact an LA personal injury lawyer shortly after your injury. Your personal injury lawyer can gather all of the accident evidence, talk with witnesses, and prepare your case while you get much-needed medical care. Call (877) 771-8175 for a Free Consultation

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