Things That California Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know

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Things That California Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know California requires drivers to either carry automobile insurance that meets or exceeds minimum limits of liability or other coverage equal to that amount. In exchange, automobile insurance companies are supposed to help drivers who suffer injuries or property damage accidentally. But the truth is that although insurance companies fill a need for California insurance, they are in business to make money for their investors and aren’t always willing to pay what they should. Insurance company adjusters work for the insurance company, not the policyholders. They do not have your best interests in mind and are not required to disclose the sneaky tactics used to settle personal injury claims. Insurance companies employ the following tactics and more.

You Have Rights After Being Injured After an accident injury, you should seek medical care to document your injuries. You should see one or more doctors and contact a Los Angeles personal injury attorney for advice. Insurance company lawyers know if you don’t receive timely medical care and don’t hire a lawyer, you may not have a valid lawsuit. Contact an experienced car accident attorney Los Angeles before it is too late.

Insurance Companies Are Not Your Friends If you have ever spoken with an insurance adjuster, you know they seem pleasant, courteous, and helpful. But behind the scenes, they aren’t the friendly people they pretend to be. They receive a salary to be nice

on the surface, deceptive and make money for the insurance company. They receive job promotions and incentives when they settle claims for less than they are worth. Never respond directly to an adjuster who asks you questions about the accident, your injuries, or your medical history. Instead, tell them to contact your Los Angeles personal injury lawyer directly. It would be best if you always were careful when talking with any insurance company accident representative. If in an accident, contact a Los Angeles personal injury attorney first.

Insurance Company Attornies And Adjusters Are Skillful Negotiators Trained insurance company attornies and adjusters are skillful and deceptive negotiators. They will tell you things that are not true with the ultimate goal of paying little or nothing for your personal injury claim. One tactic they use is to lie and say that you shouldn’t hire a lawyer. Why, because the lawyer will take a large portion of your settlement, and you will end up with less than if you settled directly with the insurance company. Another tactic is to give you 24 hours to settle your insurance company claim or receive nothing.

Insurance Companies Pay Doctors To Support The Company Narrative Insurance company doctors work for insurance companies. They fabricate and distort information to benefit the companies that pay them. If a doctor does not say what the insurance company wants them to say, the insurance company will not hire them. Insurance companies hire doctors to find preexisting medical conditions from medical records; they want you to supply. Then they will claim that the cause of your medical problems is your pre-existing medical condition(s), not the car accident. They also conduct “Adverse Medical” exams to question your accident-related injuries. The exam is an independent medical exam conducted by insurance company doctors. Never submit to an insurance company Adverse medical exam without first checking with your Los Angeles personal injury attorney.

You Should Have A Followup Medical Exam After The Adverse Exam It would be best if you always got a follow-up medical exam after getting an adverse exam. The follow-up exam will indicate what injuries you have and help prove the accident caused those injuries. Talk with your Los Angeles personal injury attorney, who can schedule a follow-up medical exam to assess your injuries and recommend a proper course of action.

Insurance Company Lobbyists Influence Lawmakers The Insurance companies hire lobbyists and pay lawmakers to pass laws that benefit the insurance companies—the new laws limit individual rights to sue those who are negligent. When lawmakers limit people’s rights to fair compensation, we all lose.

You Can Fight Insurance Companies For Unethical Practices When insurance companies sign contracts with their policyholders, they agree to fair and ethical practices. That includes paying in good-faith for the negligent actions of their policyholders. Insurance companies often don’t act in good-faith until someone hires an attorney. If injured through someone else’s negligence, you can call an experienced car accident attorney Los Angeles for help.

You May Have A Case If You Were Partly Negligent Insurance companies don’t want injured parties to know that they can file a claim and lawsuit if they were partly to blame for an accident. California has a pure comparative negligence system of recovery that allows plaintiffs to recover damages if they were partially negligent for an accident, even if their negligence percentage exceeds the defendants.

You May Have A Case If You Were Partly Negligent It isn’t always clear who caused a car accident, but an experienced Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can hire investigators to determine responsibility. Car accident insurance companies don’t want you to know that personal injury lawyers can help you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Insurance companies know that when an injured person hires a lawyer, it will cost the insurance company more. Great personal injury lawyers build strong cases and win lawsuits. If you or someone you know has been in a severe car accident, give M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers a call. (323) 746-4921

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