Should You Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident?

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Should You Contact a Lawyer After a Car Accident? Contacting a Lawyer After a Car Accident If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you may need to hire a lawyer to represent you. One thing is for certain though, should you need representation, you should consult with a skillful personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience in car accident injuries. Only an experienced personal injury car accident lawyer can decide whether your current and long-term injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering justify a lawsuit. A highly qualified car accident lawyer will know what questions to ask you. It is never too soon to contact a lawyer after a car accident. Practiced lawyers have extensive experience with cases like yours, and they can advise you of situations you might find yourself in.

When to Call a Lawyer •

When you suffer a significant injury, such as a broken bone, paralysis, head injury, or you have severe pain.

Death occurred due to the accident.

When the police report does not accurately describe the accident.

When fault for the accident cannot be easily established.

The accident involved more than one person.

The accident occurred in a school zone or construction zone.

You have low limits on your automobile liability policy.

You have no automobile insurance, or your insurance company says that you didn’t pay your insurance premiums.

Your insurance company gets their lawyer involved.

Other parties in the accident get their lawyers involved.

You think your insurance company may be acting in bad faith (not looking out for your best interests, possibly trying to deny or minimize what they pay out on your claim).

You need expert advice concerning your car insurance policy, need help to negotiate with your insurance company or the other parties, or you are unsure what your legal rights are.

You or the other individuals in the accident were injured, but you think the injuries are minor.

If you have been in a car accident, even if you think that you have not been injured, you should contact a personal injury car accident lawyer. This can be especially important because many people are injured but don’t realize it until too late. If you contact an attorney, he/she can also advise you what to do to protect your rights. At M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers, we take pride in helping our injured clients understand their legal rights. We have helped them earn more than 100 Million dollars in personal injury claim settlements. Just remember, it is never too soon to contact a lawyer about an accident, but if you wait very long, it may be too late. Please contact us now for a free consultation.

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