10 Common Causes of Rollover Accidents

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10 Common Causes of Rollover Accidents Driving can be fun, but it’s also serious business. When drivers get behind the wheel, they need to understand that driving is a complex interaction between other motorists and vehicles, the weather, and road conditions. No matter how spectacular their driving skills, they are only as good as the drivers around them. In other words, while driving in congested traffic around less-than-stellar drivers, the chance of getting into an accident increases dramatically. If you get in a rollover accident, contact a Los Angeles car accident lawyer for advice. Approximately one-percent of car crashes result in a rollover, but they account for nearly one-third of all accident-related fatalities. Car crash rollovers can be terrifying experiences, but understanding their causes can help reduce the chance of being in a rollover accident. Following are ten common causes of rollover accidents. •

Riding Distracted Driving – There are many ways for drivers to lose focus. Turning to talk with passengers, reaching for objects inside the vehicle, using a cell-phone or eating while driving, talking with children or playing with pets, adjusting mirrors or seats, and daydreaming are several ways to get into an accident.

Aggressive Driving – Speeding and other reckless behavior can make driving unsafe. The faster you go, the less time you have to react, and the more centrifugal force placed on your car and body. When you hit the brakes hard and turn the wheel during an emergency, the car wants to keep moving in one direction while your tires are trying to steer you in another. The forces exerted during the maneuver can easily cause a vehicle rollover. If an aggressive driver injured you, call a car accident attorney Los Angeles.

Multi-Vehicle Crashes – Although most rollovers involve a single car, some accident rollovers involve two or more vehicles. If one vehicle T-Bones (hit on the side) another vehicle at high speed, the likelihood of a rollover increases dramatically.

Higher Center of Gravity – Vehicles that sit higher off the ground and have a relatively narrow wheel-base have a higher center of gravity (top-heavy) and tip over easier than vehicles that sit closer to the ground. Trucks, Minivans, and SUV’s are particularly prone to rollovers, especially when turning corners or hit on the side.

Driving While Tired or Impaired – Drivers who have consumed alcohol or drugs or who didn’t get enough rest tend to make more mistakes while driving. They generally don’t react quickly, if at all. Alert drivers can ascertain whether to steer around an obstacle in the road. In contrast, an intoxicated or tired driver may not make the correct driving decision, hit the obstruction, causing a rollover, and driving under the influence or driving while tired are two leading causes of rollovers.

Driving Poorly Maintained Vehicles – Improperly maintained vehicles can cause loss-of-control. Worn, improperly inflated, or old vehicle tires, damaged steering linkages, overused brakes, and bent axles may cause vehicle skids and rollovers. Always have a reputable person maintain your car.

Vehicle Tripping – There are two categories of rollovers, tripped and untripped. When a vehicle hits an object such as a guardrail, or a hole, it can “trip” and roll the car. An untripped rollover occurs when someone drives a car too fast and turns the wheels too quickly. The tires grab the pavement during the turn and the vehicle rolls.

Road Hazards – Poorly maintained roads and obstructions can cause rollovers. Drivers who don’t see potholes or sudden road construction signs and workers may suddenly steer their vehicles to avoid an accident, lose control, and roll their cars. If injured due to a road hazard, call a Car Accident Lawyer Los Angeles CA for help.

Country Roads – Traveling on country roads can be hazardous even for alert drivers. Unlike city roads and highways, country roads sometimes have frequent sharp turns, are not always kept clean of debris, and the speed-limits change without much notice. Some country roads are undivided highways with no guardrails to prevent vehicles from running off the pavement. As drivers know, once a vehicle leaves the road, the likelihood of a rollover increases dramatically.

Stay Calm During Emergencies and Know Your Surroundings– Many accidents occur because of driver’s panic. Imagine driving on the interstate at 70mph when a tire comes off the car in front of you. You can brake just enough to slow down and steer around the tire, or you can swerve hard, possibly causing a severe accident. To be safe, drivers should maintain awareness of their surroundings and keep a safe distance from other vehicles.

How To Minimize Your Chances of a Rollover To help avoid rollovers, you should use common sense while driving. Get plenty of rest, don’t use drugs or alcohol, maintain your vehicle, pay attention to the road, and operate your car at safe speeds given the road conditions. Also, stay off the less-traveled country roads and don’t overcompensate when trying to avoid hazards such as road debris or disabled vehicles.

Are You Injured In a Rollover Accident? Rollover accidents often cause more personal injury damage than other types of accidents. Spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, and severe cuts and bruises are commonplace in rollover accidents. Many rollover accident victims have to endure comprehensive and costly medical care and rehabilitation before they see improvement. If injured in a rollover accident, contact a Los Angeles car accident lawyer for advice. Don’t waste precious time. Call M&Y Personal Injuries Lawyers at (323) 746-4921 for a free consultation.

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