A Simple Herbal Pharmacy for Seasonal Influenza and the Common Cold

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A Simple Herbal Home Pharmacy for Seasonal Influenza and the Common Cold At the Blue Heron Academy with Gregory T. Lawton, D.N., D.C., D.Ac.

About Your Presenter Dr. Gregory T. Lawton founded the Blue Heron Academy of Healing Arts and Sciences in 1980 as a free school for women in transition who were victims of domestic violence, rape, and incest. Chiropractor – Licensed in Michigan Acupuncturist – Certified in Idaho Naturopath – Idaho/Kentucky Naprapath – Licensed in Illinois Master Herbalist Since 1974 Member of Baha’i Faith Since 1970 9th Degree Black Belt Kosho Ryu Kenpo Jujitsu

Nationally board certified in Chiropractic, Radiology, Acupuncture (Diplomate), Manual Therapy and Physical Therapy.

Gregory T. Lawton, D.N., D.C., D.Ac. Former Vice President of Ancillary Services Corporation, a Physical Therapy and Hospital Management Company. Former Vice President of Human Resource Associates, a Psychotherapy Treatment and Neuro-Psych Testing Center. Author of over 100 health education publications and the Life Wellness Program. Worked with dozens of hospitals and Fortune 500 corporations including Baptist Medical Centers, Harper Grace, General Motors, Mobil Oil, and Proctor and Gamble on employee health maintenance and outpatient programming. 50 years of teaching experience Over forty years of clinical practice

Blue Heron Academy For over forty years, a holistic approach to health care

First a word or two about holistic health care‌

Holistic Health Care is:


Holistic Health Care

Holistic Health Care is more like farming than, medicine.

Holistic Health Care Four Central Principles:

1. 2.

Humans are composed of 3 realities; mind, body and spirit.


Science and religion are one and come from the same source.


All knowledge comes from a single source, the Divine “mind” or essence.

Like spiritual knowledge the origin of scientific knowledge is from the “Divine Mind”.

Holistic Health Care •Holistic health care places primary importance on the prevention of disease and individual responsibility to maintain health through healthy lifestyle choices.

Holistic Health Care The foundations of health are built upon: Mental Health and Emotional balance Spirituality Diet and nutrition Exercise and work Relaxation, play, creativity

Before we talk about our herbal pharmacy let’s consider some general dietary recommendations for respiratory health.

Breathe Easy for Life • The following general recommendations are taken from

my hospital pulmonary rehabilitation program which was created in the mid 1980’s.

Breathe Easy for Life First what to avoid Dairy products, because the hormones and proteins in dairy products thicken mucous and make it sticky. Alcohol, because it increases inflammation, dehydrates cells, and increases the risk of cancer. All tobacco products, especially cigarettes because they cause lung, mouth, throat, esophageal, and stomach cancer. Secondhand smoke, because smoke is bad no matter how it gets into your lungs. Refined foods, especially carbohydrates and fats like white flour, sugar, and margarine.

Breathe Easy for Life Go to ISSUU.com/muyblue and download (free) and read my book on inflammation and aging.

Breathe Easy for Life Next what to eat In my booklet entitled, “The Role of Inflammation in Aging and Disease” you will find many more recommendations regarding what to eat and what to avoid, but in addition: Develop a primarily plant-based diet for yourself consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Consume good essential fats and oils from sources like sunflower and flax seeds. Eat foods that are high in beneficial antioxidant foods such as kale, oranges, all berries, green beans, spinach, carrots, cranberries, pea pods, to list but a few…. Use spices such as ginger, turmeric, and garlic (these are my top three), as well as, onion, cayenne and chilli pepper, once again to list but a few.

Breathe Easy for Life Next what to drinkIn my booklet entitled, “The Role of Inflammation in Aging and Disease� you will find many more recommendations regarding what to drink and what to avoid, but in addition: Drink more water and high-water content vegetable and low sugar fruit juices like carrot and pomegranate. Drink green tea and the herbal medicinal teas recommended in this presentation.

Breathe Easy for Life ….and another thing Read my booklet entitled, “Your Immune System and Seasonal Infectious Disease” you will find many more recommendations regarding what to eat and drink and what to avoid.

The use of essential and medicated oils

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments Essential and medicated oils and liniments, when used in the treatment of upper respiratory infections and conditions are generally applied directly to the upper chest region or, in the case of mild non-irritating products, on or around the sinuses and nasal area. Caution! Avoid direct contact with the eyes.

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments The most effective and highly regarded essential oils for upper respiratory therapy includes eucalyptus, peppermint, cinnamon, clove, and geranium.

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments

Olbas Oil is a herbally medicated oil, of Swiss origin, for congestion in the chest, sinuses, and nose, it is used for all upper respiratory conditions including asthma and also for muscle soreness via massage. It is made from a mixture of several different essential oils and has been marketed since before 1916.

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments The primary mechanism by which volatile essential oils such as menthol, camphor, or eucalyptol work on URI's is as expectorants that loosen mucous and make it less sticky therefore allowing it to be eliminated more effectively by your sinus, nasal and respiratory passages. Often these oils are anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, and pain relieving (anodynes).

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments Another medicated oil product that may be used in the treatment of upper respiratory infections and conditions is the Chinese medicated oil, Po Sum On. Po Sum On contains a combination of essential oils including Baikal Skullcap Root, Chinese Licorice Root, Cinnamon Oil, Dragon’s Blood Resin, Peppermint Oil and Tea Oil. It is primarily used for muscular soreness, aches, and pains but because it contains volatile essential oils it is also effective in treating respiratory infections and conditions.

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments Po Sum On may be used with steam as an inhalant. Whenever you are using medicated oils as inhalants only use them during the period they are needed to treat a respiratory infection or condition and then stop using it.

The Use of Essential and Medicated Oils and Liniments Will inhaling Olbas oil or other essential oils kill influenza, cold, and coronaviruses? Probably not reliably. There is some research that demonstrates that certain essential oils have potent anti-microbial properties, but that is when they are in contact with an organism for a specific period of time, far longer than the time an inhaled essential oil is in direct contact with a respiratory mucous membrane,

Hydro and Inhalation Therapy

Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is the use of various kinds of water, temperatures of water, and ways of spraying or administering water to the body. Hydrotherapy involves drinking various kinds or temperatures of water, applying water to the surface of the body or into body orifices.

Drinking Hot Water A very simple but very effective remedy for many conditions including chronic digestive problems and respiratory congestion is the drinking of hot water. Hot water would be water as hot as a person can tolerate and that does not scald or burn their mouth or throat. An 8 or 10 ounce glass or cup of water is consumed as quickly as can be tolerated. A warm sensation should be felt in the esophagus and stomach while consuming the liquid.

Drinking Hot Water The purpose of drinking hot water is to promote digestion, to loosen and eliminate mucous, and to serve as a diaphoretic (increase sweating). Considering that water is free (almost free) and works effectively to improve digestion and elimination it is a remarkable remedy. It is especially effective for chronic constipation when consumed the first thing in the morning after getting out of bed.

Drinking Hot Water “When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, ailments, fragrant fruits and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature.” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, The Baha’i Writings, Some Answered Questions, p. 257-259

Inhalation Therapy – Steam with Essential or Medicated Oils Boiling water to release steam and then the inhalation of the steam is a very old technique for the treatment of respiratory infections and conditions. The therapeutic use of water has been recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations. Egyptian royalty bathed with essential oils and flowers, while Romans had communal public baths for their citizens. Hippocrates prescribed bathing in spring water for illness. Other cultures noted for a long history of hydrotherapy include China and Japan with the use of hot tubs and natural hot springs.

Inhalation Therapy – Steam with Essential or Medicated Oils

Any of the essential or medicated oil blends cited in this presentation may be added to boiling water and the vapors that are released with the steam may be inhaled.

Herbal Medicine A Simple Herbal Home Pharmacy for Seasonal Influenza and the Common Cold

How Herbalists Treat the Common Cold or Flu There are many herbs that may be used to prevent or treat the common cold or influenza, these are just a few. 5 Common herbs used to treat the common cold and flu may include:

• Ginger Root, Cinnamon Twig, Licorice Root, Sage Leaf, and Mullein leaf.

• Additional herbs might include Anise seed, Thyme leaf, and Elderberry.

How Herbalists Treat the Common Cold or Flu In the interest of simplicity and effectiveness all the herbal recommendations made in this presentation utilize a water infusion of the herbs suggested, or a simple cup of tea. Of course, if you have allergies to any of the herbs recommended in this presentation do not use that herb. If you are taking prescription medications for the treatment of a condition you will need to check with the prescribing physician for any contraindications to using herbal medicines.

How Herbalists Treat the Common Cold or Flu You may add honey to any of the herbal infusions suggested in this presentation. If you use honey, only use raw unfiltered, and unpasteurized honey.

Herbal Medicine The person utilizing herbal medicines as a therapeutic adjunct to clinical treatment needs to know that the herbal medications that they are using are safe and effective.

Herbal Medicine

• Herbal medicine has been used by mankind for at least

12,000 years, or to the beginning of recorded history. There are several different approaches to the practice of herbal medicine, but the Blue Heron Academy uses an evidence-based approach.

Herbal Medicine There is no rational medical or scientific reason to conclude that phytomedicines are inferior to synthetically developed pharmaceuticals.

• • • •

Allopathic (MD) uses of Herbal Medicine Shikimic acid - the main ingredient of Tamiflu was extracted from Star Anise seed. Shikimic acid has also been found in spruce, pine and fir trees. Aspirin originally derived from willow, birch and poplar tree bark. Foxglove – digitalis …and the list goes on.

How Herbalists Treat the Common Cold or Flu • Rest

• Stress Reduction

• Good Diet and Nutrition • Avoid Bad Habits

• Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and vaping

Herbal Medicine

• Plant medicines are complicated substances that contain numerous chemicals that have both unique individual biochemical properties, as well as, synergistic and combination properties.

Herbal Medicine • Organic – to be organized – herbalists believe that the

organized harmonious relationship of various chemical substances in a plant produce a synergistic effect that is greater than the sum of the individual herbs.

Ginger Zingiber officinale

Ginger - Zingiber Officinale Research shows that ginger may help to prevent seasonal infections like the common cold and to treat the symptoms of a cold or the flu.

• Prevent colds • Prevent or soothe a sore throat • Reduce congestion • Reduce inflammation

Ginger - Zingiber Officinale • Research indicates that nine compounds found in ginger

binds to human serotonin receptors, which may explain ginger's extensive effects on the GI tract and suggesting a mechanism for its effects on anxiety. Ginger has been found to be more effective than placebo in multiple studies for treating nausea caused by seasickness, morning sickness and chemotherapy.

Ginger - Zingiber Officinale

• Ginger compounds are active against a form of

diarrhea which is the leading cause of infant death in developing countries. Zingerone is likely to be the active constituent against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin-induced diarrhea

Ginger - Zingiber Officinale • In laboratory animals, the gingerols increase the motility

of the gastrointestinal tract and have analgesic, sedative, antipyretic and antibacterial properties. Ginger oil has been shown to prevent skin cancer in mice and a study at the University of Michigan demonstrated that gingerols can kill ovarian cancer cells. The chemo-preventive potentials of -gingerol present a promising future alternative to expensive and toxic therapeutic agents.

Ginger - Zingiber Officinale • Using ginger – you can cook with, add it to a salad, use it

in throat lozenges, or make a cup of tea from it. The choice is yours. If you are taking it because you have the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, drink 3 cups of ginger tea per day.

Cinnamon – Cinnamomum Verum

Cinnamon – Cinnamomum Verum • Cinnamon is known to have anti-microbial properties

including being anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.

Cinnamon – Cinnamomum Verum • •

Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juice. ...found that a solution made with cinnamon oil killed a number of common and hospital-acquired infections, like streptococcus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.

Cinnamon – Cinnamomum Verum • •

Using cinnamon powder – you can cook with, bake with it, use it in throat lozenges, or make a cup of tea from it. The choice is yours. If you are taking it because you have the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, drink 3 cups of cinnamon twig tea per day. Recipe – combine cinnamon twig with ginger root and honey. Use this combination as a warm or hot drink 3 times per day. You may also combine cinnamon twig powder with ginger root and lemon juice.

Licorice Root - Glycyrrhiza Glabra

Licorice Root - Glycyrrhiza Glabra According to studies, glycyrrhizin has anti-inflammatory activity, is a smooth muscle relaxant, and it hydrates mucous making it less sticky. Licorice root has also potent antioxidants. Flavonoids in licorice root have been shown to kill Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that causes most ulcers and stomach inflammation.

Licorice Root - Glycyrrhiza Glabra

• Using licorice root – make a cup of tea from it.

The choice is yours. If you are taking it because you have the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, drink 3 cups of licorice root tea per day. • Recipe – combine licorice root with ginger root and honey. Use this combination as a warm or hot drink 3 times per day.

Herbal Medicine Licorice Root and Glycyrrhizin – Gly-cyr"rhi-zin:


Warning! Licorice Root may raise your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure do not use licorice root as a single herb. If you are using a formula that contains licorice root as a major ingredient you need to regularly monitor your blood pressure. If you use licorice as a single herb for any reason you need to monitor your blood pressure.

Sage Leaf Salvia Officinalis

Sage Leaf - Salvia Officinalis • •

Sage is a carminative, diaphoretic, antiseptic, and astringent and it is known as the mouth and throat plant. It is used for sore throats and cough. It is also used for sinus congestion. Sage should not be used when pregnant or breast feeding. For colds and flu, sage kills the viruses and bacteria responsible for our respiratory infections, relieves a cough and sore throats, and because sage has astringent properties, it’s excellent for treating post-nasal drip, a runny nose or sinus congestion. Sage can be used alone as a tea, or as a gargle to sooth a sore throat.

Sage Leaf - Salvia Officinalis • The major phytochemicals in flowers, leaves, and stem of

Salvia officinalis are well identified. A wide range of constituents include alkaloids, carbohydrate, fatty acids, glycosidic derivatives (e.g., cardiac glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, saponins), phenolic compounds (e.g., coumarins, flavonoids, tannins), poly acetylenes, steroids, terpenes/terpenoids (e.g., monoterpenoids, diterpenoids, triterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids), and waxes are found in Salvia officinalis.

Sage Leaf - Salvia Officinalis

• Using sage leaf – make a cup of

tea from it. If you are taking it because you have the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, drink 3 cups of sage leaf tea per day. You may add honey.

Mullein Leaf Verbascum Thapsus

Mullein Leaf - Verbascum Thapsus • Mullein is the name for any of the over three hundred

species of the genus Verbascum, which are large biennial or perennial herbs native to northern temperate regions, especially eastern Eurasia.

• Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) grows up to seven feet tall and has a single stem with large, thick, velvety leaves and pale-yellow, slightly irregular flowers. This is the type that you will most commonly find in health food stores.

Mullein Leaf - Verbascum Thapsus • Leaves from mullein are helpful with lung congestion and mucus production. It appears to work by dilating capillaries and therefore increasing circulation and as a smooth muscle antispasmodic. This helps relieve mucous statis and respiratory congestion making it an interesting adjunctive remedy to people with respiratory conditions, COPD, bronchitis, asthma and more. It is welldocumented to have calming effects on asthma and dry coughs.

Mullein - Verbascum Thapsus

• Using mullien – make a cup of tea

from it. If you are taking it because you have the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, drink 3 cups of mullein leaf tea per day. You may add honey.


Resources The herbs cited in this presentation may be acquired at your local health food store or on Amazon. The following organizations provide educational materials on herbal medicine.

• • •

American Botanical Council http://abc.herbalgram.org/ Herb Research Foundation http://www.herbs.org/ American Herbalist Guild http://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/

The end A Simple Herbal Home Pharmacy for Seasonal Influenza and the Common Cold At the Blue Heron Academy with Gregory T. Lawton, D.N., D.C., D.Ac.

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