Africa Agriculture Insight Jan-Feb 2021

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Africa’s Own Agriculture Journal January - February 2021 > Issue 6 . Vol #3









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Africa’s Own Agriculture Journal January - February 2021 > Issue 6 . Vol #3

Editor’s Note



It seems like yesterday when I wished you all a happy fes ve season and prosperous New Year. It's


funny how me flies and within weeks of our last edi on we are now in the year 2021. A new year, with great expecta ons, with great prospects, for the agriculture enterprise. On this note I would like to welcome you to our first edi on of the year and remind you our valued readers that it is



you who make us what we are, a great publica on. We cherish your readership. ! F RI CA AGRI CUL T URE I NS I GHT




The year 2021 started on a tremendous note too good for every farmer to take advantage of. The

Cover: Perry Of Oakley

year stated with rains which have con nued from last year. At the same me they have been a few

dry spells during this me. And the early crops are showing signs of maturity. The cyclone which was forecasted to hit southern Africa did so in January causing destruc on to infrastructure and crops in parts of Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Some places in South Africa however experienced floods which displaced people and destroyed homes and bridges. However the cyclone was not what

Editor Goodwill Sibanda

it was predicted to be, as it turned into a storm as it came inland from the Indian Ocean. This brought along heavy rains into the affected areas. This brought relief both to commercial and communal farmers. Pastures are green and livestock are doing very well. The only problems farmers can face are water and ck borne diseases which can be easily controlled if farmers keep a close eye

Writer Kennedy Chamu

on their animals. Dipping and spraying are ideal for the control of cks while dosing is good for de worming and other ailments. Let us always remember that well looked a er animals earn good prices on the market bring smiles to the farmers. Since grass and other green ma er from the fields is in abundance I will advise farmers out there to make silage for the winter and dry months. This will supplement whatever stock feeds which may be procured for the animals during this me. As prudent farmers I am sure that storage for water harves ng is in place so that the commodity is in supply a er the rainy season. Animals should not walk long distances to drink water as this reduces their weight and quality. Crops in most areas are doing very well. The tradi onal maize crop is flourishing in most areas because of the rains. They are some places were crops are turning yellow due to shortage of fer lisers a problem mostly in the communal lands. In most areas the early planted crop is doing very well and nearing maturity stage, a sign of a good harvest. Some countries in the region have already

Sales Keith Jackson Lenox Chirimuta Cleopas Moyo Amanda Dube Gerald Black

declared that they will surpass their projected harvest es mates and are expec ng a surplus. This is good news to the region as food security is assured. Like last year the Covid 19 pandemic is s ll prevalent and causing havoc to economies worldwide. I am happy to note that governments within the region have declared agriculture an essen al service such as health and security. As a result all those in this sector are not affected when it comes to produc on. Some countries imposed lockdowns from December and are s ll under the same. This is all in an effort to try and control the second wave of the corona virus from spreading. This me governments were cognisant of the role played by the Agro Industry and exempted it from some of

Design and Layout Peter Johnson Accounts Sharon Moyo

the restric ons imposed on all sectors. Unlike last year where farmers saw their produce rot as they could not get it to market, this me they are free to do so. As I conclude Covid 19 is here to stay and as people we should adopt to the new ways of working

Subscrip on Thatho Ndlovu Subscrip

brought about by this menace. Though vaccines have been developed to counter the virus it will be some me before everyone is vaccinated. Un l this is done we are s ll exposed to this dreadful virus. Let us be considerate and be our brother's keepers by masking up, sani sing and social distancing and prac cing good hygiene. Un l our next edi on enjoy your reading. Best regards Goodwill Sibanda

General Call: +27 84 744 4593 +27 79 499 2268

Disclaimer: All material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not be reproduced or adapted without writen permission from the publisher: - Africa Agriculture Insight welcomes material submi ed for publica on but retains the right to edit copy. The views expressed in the publica on are not considered those of the publisher, which accepts no liability of any nature arising out of or in connec on with the contents of this magazine. While every effort has been taken in compiling this publica on, the publisher does not give warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of its content. The publisher and the editor cannot accept responsibility for any loss inconvenience & damage that may occur there from.


Contents 06 08 10 16 22 24 26

Mobile Grinding, Rolling and Mixing Plants Buschhoff TOURMIX 02

AQUADAM Flood Control And Barriers

Futureco Bioscience invests in biocontrol solutions in Africa

EMT –Fertiliser Blender and Bagging projects established in Africa

Moisture Monitoring During Grain Storage by Ergson GmbH

Perry Opens New Ofce & Training Facility In Uganda

Identifying And Tracking Animals Using Rd Tags


Farming- Solutions

Mobile Grinding, Rolling and Mixing Plants Buschhoff TOURMIX 02

Mode of Opera on and Economic Use Mobile grinding, rolling and mixing plants are mobile concentrated-feed plants. They produce mixed feed from self-produced grain and components for pigs, sheep, ruminants and poultry. With these plants the lessor can offer his clients the possibility to use their grain in the most effec ve way – as animal feed. Mixed feed of any structure and fineness

can be produced. The hammer mill is sucking the grinding stock; its grinding output amounts, it depends on type, as many as 25 tons per hour. 72 hard-metals hammers serve to reach a uniform quality of the finished material. The rolling output is similar to the hammer mill. Different types of grains, such as peas and beans, can be crushed without problems.


The finished product can be added by admixtures, such as crushed soy, mineral feed and the like. The components are dosed by weight and carefully mixed in the feed mixer. Even soy oil can be added to the mix. The mixer's capacity is up to 7 tons of feed. The finished mixed feed is discharged via a swivel screw or a pneuma c discharge system into silos or other appropriate storage facili es. The conveying capacity is

Mobile Grinding, Rolling and Mixing Plants Buschhoff TOURMIX 02

36 to 60 tons per hour. In many cases, shredding or crushing as outside service is more economic for the farmer than the use of an own sta onary plant. With mobile concentrated-feed plants the lessors dispose of robust plants which are on the latest technical state. The high capacity and the problem-free opera on of mobile concentrated-feed plants guarantee safe yields, as evidenced by efficiency quota ons. The plant can be run 12 months per year; annual outputs of more than 10,000 tons are possible.

Some Technical Details The plant is driven by a Mercedes Benz turbocharged Diesel engine of 260 kW (354 h.p.) with high torque. Magne c separators prevent metallic parts from ge ng into mill or crusher. The hammer mill with its 72 hard-metalhammers ensures high grinding output and long life me. The desired finished material fineness is obtained by use different punched-plates or wire-mesh screens.

The op onal crusher includes two massive cast steel rollers. For the purpose of saving the surface, one of the rollers is hydraulically prestressed and allows springing apart for foreign objects passing through the rollers. By changing the hydraulic roller prestressing it is also possible to modify the crushing quality. From the operator's panel the crushing gap can easily be modified for different stocks and structures to be crushed. Hence, there are no problems even when crushing maize, peas and beans. The roller is overload-protected. The rotary piston blower ensures uniform and high conveying capacity. It is standardequipped with safety valves on both suc on and compression sides. An automa c dust separator serves for effec ve separa on and dust-free waste air. The mixer is suspended in a weighing appliance. The weight of the mixer content is permanently indicated. The mixing stock can be checked through a sampling nozzle. Appliances for suc on and propor oning of soy oil are op onal. A hydraulic l ng mechanism simplifies admixture feeding.

Bulk components not to be shredded or crushed can be sucked and conveyed directly into the weigh mixer. The weigh mixer is discharged either by the pneuma c discharge system or the 6.0 m long swivel discharge screw. It can be li ed or lowered from the operator's cabin, too. The en re plant is controlled by the operator from his cabin; it includes all opera ng and control elements, such as indicators of speed, working hours, oil pressure, cooling water temperature, tank content, as well as manometers for suc on, compression and hydraulic oil pressures. The cabin is of ergonomic design, weatherproof, lockable and protected against dirtying on mo on. The conveying hoses of 90 or 100 mm diameter.are arranged on large trays, providing good accessibility. Spotlights are available to illuminate the working place. Their robustness and reliability have proved for more than 50 years. Mobile grinding, rolling and mixing plants or mobile grinding and mixing plants (without roller) can be supplied as second-hand plants, too.


Farming- Solutions


Water plays a very pivotal place in agriculture

unwanted water outside. The tapped water

as they are easy to erect and trap water

and needs to be conserved for future use.

can be used for agriculture and other uses.

which is then pumped into storage tanks.

However floods can damage homes, fields and

AquaDam can be used as full closed water

effect on property is diverted and stored for

damage to infrastructure. Crops could be

perimeter of an above ground temporary

good use. The small erected dams can be

destroyed and fields eroded. Unsuspected

water solu on ideal for the provision of

rainstorms and water leaks can happen in a flash water for agricultural purpose The AquaDam

used as water reservoirs for future use. AquaDams are very easy to use and can be

hence it is ideal to keep flood barriers at home. is a temporary water- filled barrier which can

removed within a very short space of me

Water leaks may cause water tanks and

unlike sandbags which tend to assume a

control and divert water. It consists of two

reservoirs to loose water at a rate which cannot flexible water ght inner tubes, side by side,

permanent structure. The equipment can be

be manageable flooding everything in its way.

contained within a woven safer sleeve. The

packed and stored if no longer required and

This then calls for flood barriers to be installed

inner tubes are filled with water. Giving form

especially for those homes below sea-level and to the AquaDam and crea ng a temporary

can be reused as long as it is not damaged. AquaDams have been used effec vely in

low lying areas which can quickly be overcome highly effec ve barrier. These can also be

diver ng water as a perimeter shield erected

by water. Sand bags are usually the go to

used as a series of small dams when joined

around homes in low laying areas. They can

method for flood protec on though they are

together. When the first pool is full water is

also be used in construc on when water

other more convenient products that require

released into the next pool forming small

less physical labor to aid against damaging water dams which can store huge amounts of

needs to be diverted from the construc on site providing a cheap and effec ve as of

flow. Water filled barriers specifically the coffer water. The barrier can be removed by

doing it. In short AquaDams are water

dams are the most effec ve. AquaDam easy

controlling water. In Southern Africa

releasing the trapped water or by using the

flood barriers can be installed within minutes on trapped water for other ac vi es. In

AquaDam South Africa are the specialists in

any surface. These act as a door dam, keeping

this field.

agriculture AquaDams have proved popular


Water which could have had a devasta ng

other water reservoir's which can lead to great storage units or can be used to form the

scan for web

AquaDam Flood Control and Barrier

Water Controlling Water®

The AquaDam is a temporary water-filled barrier which can control and divert water. It consists of two flexible water ght inner tubes, side by side, contained within a woven outer sleeve. The inner tubes are filled with water, giving form to the AquaDam, and crea ng a temporary, highly-effec ve water barrier.

Contact us today to find out more information or for a free quote on AquaDams for your flood control projects

Phone: +1 707-764-5099 Fax: +1 707-243-2541

California Headquarters 121 Main Street / P.O. Box 144 Sco a, California USA 95565

Farming- Solutions

Futureco Bioscience invests in biocontrol solutions in Africa

Agriculture is, and will remain for years to come,

needs. Addi onally, compliance with a number of

the main driver of economic development in

complex requirements covered by plant

already authorized in various countries on the

Africa. Hor cultural crops as corn, maize, wool,

protec on product legisla on makes this process

American con nent.

co on, tobacco, tea, coffee, sugar cane, nuts,

not available to all companies. Created in 2004

The ac ve substance of the bioinsec cide

seeds, grapes, orchards and cut flowers are

and based in Olèrdola (Barcelona), Futureco

NOFLY®, based on the entomopathogenic fungus

important sources of both cash and nutri on.

Bioscience is an agro-biotechnology company

Paecilomyces fumosoroseus strain FE 990, has

Insect pests and diseases, however, can reduce

dedicated to research and innova on in crop

been authorized in Europe in 2013 and registered,

yields by up to 80% and farmers o en resort to

protec on and nutri on products. Characterized

for the first me in Africa, in Kenya in 2014 (under

using chemical pes cide to mi gate the problem. Given the concerns posed by pes cides and their long term nega ve effects, already visible in the environment, the use of biological products is high on the list of near-term ac vi es iden fied in ac on plans both na onal and regional level in Africa. Moreover, while the Food and Agriculture Organiza on of the United Na ons (FAO) emphasizes the need of alterna ves to pes cides, the markets for African products exporta on, especially Europe, require compliance with strict maximum residue limit (MRL) standards, pushing African farmers to adopt clean solu ons. The issue to overcome remains the limited access to informa on and the products availability that, even for biological control products that are already present in the market, varies greatly between countries. The development of biocontrol products requires specific skills and competencies, con nuous innova on in technology and logis c and marke ng strategy focused on specific customer

since its crea on by an ecological and sustainable

the brand name PACYLOS®). Registered in

approach, and a focus on regenera ve

Morocco in 2018, it is in the registra on process in

agriculture, the company is dis nguished by its in

Senegal, Mali and Ivory Coast and it is already

house organiza on. Research, development and

approved for its use in several European

manufacture of its products happen en rely in its

countries, USA and La n America. The use of

own headquarters from which the products are

NOFLY® is recommended for the control of

marketed globally. Futureco Bioscience,

different species of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci,

following its goals of increasing its horizon and

Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Aleurodicus

promo ng a culture of sustainable and

dispersus, Lecanoideus floxisimus) and thrips

e nv i ro n m e n t- r e s p e c u l a g r i c u l t u r e , i s

(Frankliniella occidentalis). Nevertheless, several

determined to push forward the current market

field trials carried out in Kenya (2013), Ivory Coast

of their clean products (bioes mulants and

(2018) and Mali (2017-18) showed that NOFLY® is

biocontrol) in Africa.

able to control also aphids in beans, the co on

BESTCURE®, a biofungicide-biobactericide based

bollworm Helicoverpa armígera, the co on leaf

on a botanical extract of citrus species, was the

roller Haritalodes derogata, the sucking pest

first biopes cide of the company Futureco

Jacobiella fascialis and the spiny bollworm Earias

Bioscience marketed in Africa. Ini ally registered

sp. in co on.

in South Africa in 2012 for the control of grey

Avoiding the indiscriminate use of broad-

mold (Botry s cinerea) in vines, and black rot

spectrum insec cides that can wipe out pests'

(Xanthomonas camprestris) in tomatoes. More

natural enemies in Africa is possible, and should

crops and diseases (Xanthomonas arboricola in

be a priority: Futureco Bioscience products are

Prunus and Alternaria in tomato) were later

the natural way to do it.

included in its authoriza on. The product is


currently being registered in Morocco and is

Farming- Solutions

Anglo Agriparts

Anglo Agriparts is a family run, father & son business based in Hampshire, England. We specialise in replacement parts and accessories for a wide range of modern, classic and vintage tractors including: Ford New Holland, Massey Ferguson, John Deere, Case Interna onal Harvester, Fiat, Fordson, Ferguson and David Brown. The owner, and Father, Alastair McHarg, was an engineering appren ce at the age of 16. He has been involved in the Interna onal Tractor Parts business since 1972 and started his own company in 2001. This focused on OE business, supplying parts to original tractor manufacturers. In 2013, along with his son John McHarg, they launched Anglo Agriparts as our a ermarket sector of the business. We're proud of our OEM heritage, which has

allowed us to launch our a ermarket brand from our OEM supply base. As a supplier to two of the top global agricultural Original Equipment Manufacturers, Anglo knows quality. Due to the volume nature of OEM business, Anglo are able to nego ate the most compe ve pricing in order to give you guaranteed quality at the best prices. As me has moved on, so has our business. We have grown in sales, staff and warehousing. In August 2015 we moved to our new 10,000 sq . headquarters. Customers can speak with like minded enthusiasts, passionate about what they sell. We understand the business and understand your needs. We are always looking to expand our company and partnerships from around the world. “A company is nothing without it's


people”, and we can proudly say, we have built a strong knowledgeable team who understand the UK and export market and can provide a reliable, well established service. John has taken Anglo into the next genera on, commissioning an online retail site, developing new products, growing the warehouse and sales teams and developing trade accounts across the middle east and Africa. The family heritage remains strong with Alastair s ll greatly involved in the day to day running of the company. This year Anglo launched our Next Genera on Range, exclusively designed and developed for Anglo Agriparts. We are commi ed to con nually inves ng in product development and sourcing the best quality manufacturers from around the globe.

Farming- Solutions

Food Processing and packaging equipment for the African market

BMPE is the leading supplier of superior

· Nowicki - Meat Injectors, Ice Generators,

Skinning Machines

quality New and Refurbished Food

Separators, Cooking Pots, Tumblers, Crate

· Ice-Ups -Flake Ice Machines, Seawater Ice

Processing and packaging equipment to the

Washers, Grinders, Bowl Cu ers, Cookers,

Machines, Direct Cooling Ice Machines,

African market. Providing a professional


Fruit and Vegetable Vacuum Coolers

service to the Food Industry.

· Risco - meat processing machines and

Founded by Olaf Blömker and built on his experience of over 30 years in the industry. He has vast knowledge not just on

systems. · Stalam - Radio Frequency & Microwave Hea ng

· Colima c – Packaging Machinery · Reepack – Packaging Machinery · SuperVac - Vacuum Packing Machines · AWE – Food Processing Equipment

equipment but also deboning, meat

· Kolbe - Meat Processing Equipment

· Alco – Food Processing Equipment

processing, recipe formula on, packaging,

· Lorenzo Barroso – Clips, Loops, Clippers and

· Graeff - Professional cu ng technology

technological Informa on, produc on flow

Tiers, Spool Clips-

· Schiwa - Slicing Solu ons

and the legal understanding surrounding the

· Italian Pack – Packaging Machines

· Saccardo - Vacuum Packing Machines


· AVS Agric - Compact Aba oir & Meat

· PSS - Meat Processing Machinery

Impor ng machines for our clients across

Processing Solu ons

Africa, ensuring that they benefit from the

· Bastra - Smokers and Cookers

Services Offered:

highest quality at a compe

· Bizerba - Labelling, Weighing & Food

· Project planning

ve price. We

are proud to represent the following companies:

Processing Equipment · Nock - Ice flakers and Slicers, Derinders,

· Complete layout designs · Product Flow Management


Food Processing and packaging equipment for the African market

· Consulta on · Turn Key Solu ons · Product Development We also offer contracted Preventa ve Maintenance Service for the refurbishment of machines and have access to all significant brands of spares. This is a workable solu on to help preserve the mint condi on of your assets – especially if it is subjected to strenuous working condi ons on a daily basis. COVID 19 Before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, Crate washers have become one of the most sought a er hygiene equipment in the broader spectrum of all Food companies. Giving the producer the utmost hygiene standards required within the industry keeping their processes internal and external bacteria free. This standard has become a huge requirement in passing audits and keeping factories safe from listeriosis, salmonella etc. Nowicki has a wide range of washers to meet every hygiene requirement. The MP 300 is designed to wash all kinds of plas c containers, covers of containers giving op mal washing effects. It is available in a modular version (with possibility of extension of the ini al washing module and/ or the air blow-off module). · Water hea ng systems: electric, steam, electric-steam, gas, oil and hot water · Guiding mechanism for washed containers · Mechanical conveyor for containers transport with a speed regula on · Touch screen control panel · Closed water circula on system · Stainless steel centrifugal pump · Regula on and distribu on of rinsing water in terms of: intensity of rinsing, refreshing of tank water, · overflow system allowing water savings in the washer in case of temporary lack of a container in the tunnel · Chemical dosing In addi on to our washers we are also passionate about the benefits of RF Defros ng (Radio Frequency), its ability to safely and rapidly defrost meats, poultry and fish without compromising quality or hygiene.

Manufacturers are realising that there's

we represent many processing plants in the

nowhere to hide when it comes to food


safety, and a cri cal hazard point is

We believe in suppor ng our customers in

defros ng.

the same way that they support us. This

As the Market leader in packaging and food

ensures that BMPE is The Food System

processing equipment in Sub Sahara Africa

Technology Specialist.


+27 11 664 8212 h ps://

Farming- Solutions

EMT –Fertiliser Blender and Bagging projects established in Africa

EMT, a manufacturer of Fer liser Blending

tons per hour. The company is a local

The African market is constantly in need of

and Bagging Equipment, has been heavily

Ghanaian company that is directly selling

further development in its agricultural sector. Currently Rwanda, Burkina Faso,

involved in the development of the African

the fer liser to their local distributors.

fer lizer industry. The company, based in

Ghana has a strong presence of Fer lizer

Mali and Nigeria have projects running

the Netherlands, has a long list of

blenders with EMT equipment including

references, in total we have installed more

LDC – Chemico and Yara. Of which also

together with EMT. New developments in the area but also

than 460 projects in more than 70

Yara has recently expanded their facility

outside of Africa is the upcoming from

countries worldwide. The company has

coa ng for Urea and/or Blended fer lizers.

exported to more than 20 African countries

with machines of EMT. Analysing the African market as a whole

Almost all of EMT's blending equipment is

in the previous years, as can also be found

we can see Ethiopia as a big investor with

suited for liquid adding so that the

on the website. One of the most recent larger installa ons

EMT Blender and bagging lines on 4

impregna on of for example Urea, can be

on the con nent has been a Weighcont

different loca ons. In the Sub Saharan countries South Africa

alone coa ng units have been developed

Con nuous Blender Line with small bag

has the highest presence of companies

which are solely focussing on coa ng one

bagging lines. The company Glofert in

running with EMT equipment, but as

type of fer lizer, usually urea, with an

Ghana has invested in a machine line with

Botswana, Angola, Cameroon, Ivory Coast,

a capacity of 80 tons per hour. With its

Malawi, Nigeria, Togo, South Africa and

inhibitor. The years of experience in the fer lizer

machine installa on Glofert can

Zimbabwe. These local companies are

field have made EMT one of the largest

con nuously produce blends and bag the

running with blending and bagging

well known machinery producers in the

fer lizer through 2 bagging lines of each 40

equipment from the Dutch company.

world. Its combina on of blending lines

done in the same machine line. Also stand-

and bagging lines which are supplied and


EMT –Fer liser Blender and Bagging projects established in Africa

constructed by 1 Producer makes EMT a good partner for all types of customers. All machines are pre-assembled and tested in the EMT factory. The machines are all engineered to make them fit in to a container or truck/trailer. This is for easy transport to the customers. The installa on is done by the EMT Supervisor with help of the customer technicians. The whole machine set up is then a turn key set-up. With the different machines EMT is supplying all types of companies, from the local distributors to the mul na onal producers, can always find the right machine line which fits into their budget and capacity request. For contact see the EMT website or contact the local distributor of EMT equipment



Farming- Solutions

The Humane Slaughter Association – Providing Technical Advice And Support For Over A Century The Humane Slaughter Associa on works to improve the welfare of food animals during transport, marke ng, slaughter and killing for disease control and welfare reasons. It is a registered charity, based in the UK, but works all over the world through research, educa on, training and technical advances, to improve standards and bring prac cal and las ng improvements to the welfare of food animals across the globe. The charity has gained an interna onal reputa on for being a knowledgeable and prac cal organisa on, with a sound understanding of livestock and livestock handling. It provides educa on and training in the fields of transport, marke ng and slaughter in the UK and around the world. Significant improvements con nue to be achieved through working construc vely alongside agricultural, meat industry, veterinary and other welfare and professional organisa ons. Can we help you? The HSA provides: Educa on and Training – courses and lectures, run by licensed personnel who have both theore cal and prac cal knowledge of animal slaughter. These can be tailored to suit specific requirements and can be delivered at any suitable venue in the UK or abroad. As part of its educa on and training

projects through grants and awards.

systems for handling, transport or killing of

ini a ves, the charity also produces up-to-

Independent advice to governments, other

livestock. We welcome opportuni es to

date technical and educa onal publica ons

welfare organisa ons and the food industry.

observe and assess the opera on of new or

on all aspects of animal handling, transport,

As an independent organisa on, the charity

modified technologies or systems used in the

slaughter and killing in a range of formats and

is beholden to neither poli cal nor trade nor

handling, transport or killing of farmed food

languages, many of which are available to

emo onal pressures and is thus able to play


download, free of charge, from our website.

an unbiased role in promo ng the humane

Please see our website for

These guidance and technical notes have

treatment of livestock.

more informa on on our work and to view

been taken up widely by the industry and

Visits to markets and slaughterhouses to

and access the publica ons available. If you

have been found to be very helpful for

recommend and advise on improvements,

require advice on a par cular ma er or

training and promo on of humane opera on

where necessary. The HSA is o en

would like to discuss something relevant to

prac ces.

approached for advice on animal welfare

your facility, please email the HSA in the first

Funding for essen al research and other

aspects of the opera on of equipment or

instance at


Farming- Solutions

IEEE Expert Lightning Protection Consulting and Grounding Design The world's best and most cri cal exper se

PCS towers, radio and TV transmission

for the proper implementa on of IEEE


power line to a grounded structure will

Standard 1692; which is a trea se for

Ground Poten al Rise (GPR) isola on and

cause the ground in the vicinity to rise in

mul -purpose communica ons and high-

lightning protec on and grounding

voltage to dangerously high levels, which

voltage installa ons. We have found from

consul ng and design for military

can electrocute personnel standing on the

forty one (41) years of experience, and

communica on sites, high-rise buildings,

ground in the area and damage or destroy

structure or a high-voltage flashover from a

special exper se, that it's far too easy to

swimming pools, police and fire sta ons.

electronic equipment connected to

"get it wrong" in cookie-cu er applica ons

Ground Poten al Rise (GPR) isola on and


of the tried-and-true requirements of

lightning protec on and grounding

This site was created because Ground

Standard 1692, leaving expensive

consul ng and design for railroad

Poten al Rise (GPR), caused either by

equipment vulnerable to costly damage

communica on sites and railroad switching

lightning strike or high-voltage electrical

and weeks off line for extensive repair.

facili es as well as for every other kind of

system power faul ng to ground, causes

The most important aspect in the

building, site and facility.

unnecessary damage to manufacturing and

applica on of IEEE Standard 1692 is that

We provide no products, only consul ng,

storage facili es with cri cal stores -

the final protec on package design has to

design, and recommenda ons for the best

including explosive muni ons, flight

be perfectly correct in every aspect to

lightning protec on and grounding

opera ons equipment, communica ons

provide failure-proof protec on. One small

installa ons for substa ons, electronic

towers and antennas, communica ons

error in proper applica on can make a

circuit boards, equipment components,

equipment, and cri cal electronic

protec on design package totally useless.

power plants, high-voltage corridors, and

equipment as well as pu ng cri cal

Ground Poten al Rise (GPR) isola on and

broadband services for school systems.

lightning protec on and grounding consul ng and design for substa ons, power plants and high-voltage corridors.

communica on links and opera ons and maintenance personnel at risk.

GPR = A Ground Poten al Rise = A Ground Voltage Spike

Prac cing what you learn here will allow your company or organiza on to cut costs,

Ground Poten al Rise (GPR) isola on and

remain opera onal even under severe

lightning protec on and grounding

lightning condi ons and may save your life

consul ng and design for 911 PSAP sites,

A lightning strike to any grounded

or the life of a coworker.


Farming- Solutions

Moisture Monitoring During Grain Storage by Ergson GmbH Grain is a staple food of the world's popula on. The demand for grain is increasing steadily due to the growing world popula on. Providing people with high quality food is a strategic and important issue for a country. It plays a significant role in the growth and future of our popula on. Grain is nutri ous and low in water which makes it suitable for storage. However, during storage there is a high risk of quality losses. It is es mated that up to a third of the grain harvested is lost before consump on and sales. A er harvest, grain con nues to ripen. Moisture and thermal energy is released while the grain is stored in a closed container. This encourages the growth of mold fungus and insects. The two indicators temperature and humidity influence each other with regard to the shelf life and quality maintenance of grain. Warm and humid condi ons during storage promote early germina on, outgrowth and infesta on of mold and microorganisms. An increase in microorganisms means that the grain spoils rapidly. Fungi are a big problem because they produce toxins. In order to enable a long-term storage without quality losses, the grain must be kept in an ideal state. Monitoring physical quan es in the silo is of great importance in order to make an exact statement about the condi on of the grain and to introduced preven ve measures at the right me. Maintaining a certain humidity content inside the storage bin is important to prevent ro ng and fungal a acks. When a moisture development is recognized early, moisture-reducing measures such as drying, cooling and aera ng can be ini ated to protect the grain quality. Sensor monitoring systems for grain silos

help to keep the grain healthy and in good quality condi on over long me periods. Our GrainManagement System is a con nuous temperature and humidity monitoring system. The monitoring system consists of sensor cables and devices measuring the condi ons inside the storage bin. Sensor cables are suspended from the silo roof and are distributed evenly within the storage bin. The cable solu on allows the temperature and humidity values to be measured at different heights of the stored grain bulk during the en re storage period. The sensor cables are protected by an outer protec on tube. They are built to various lengths to match the silo height. The spacing between the sensors may be a standard distance or customized to match the installa on. The sensors are polled individually for their data. A Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) operates as an interface converter to digital sensors and other analog or digital signals. It is a unique equipment ideal as a signal converter between site sensors and PC.


The measured data can be read from a local site control room or with a mobile device from anywhere via cloud. Our program informs you via computer, tablet or smartphone with alarms at the right me to protect your grain. Grain ro ng can thus be detected at an early stage. Pre-warning systems and informa on messages to the user offer great advantages in terms of economy, health and environmental protec on. Spoilage, breaking and shrinking of grains are avoided. The environment is protected with less waste, less use of chemicals and energy savings. Contamina on of the grain can be reduced or even avoided by predic ve monitoring.

Farming- Solutions

Desalina on Membranes

GrainSense – sales has started Affordable by individual farmers: GrainSense has a er years of development work and a long wai ng me of the first commercial version of their product, started sales and released the first batch of 30 grain quality measurement devices for the Swedish, Finnish and Bal c markets. GrainSense is the first grain quality measurement device that is affordable and field durable enough to be owned and used by farmers. The end-user interna onal sales price is 3.900 euro (tax 0%), including device, carry bag, measure cup, cap and 1 year warranty. A personal user account is needed for the use of the device; 250 euro/year (tax 0%), includes 4 grain species (ini ally available are wheat, barley, oats and rye, rapeseed will follow), updates and calibra ons, unlimited data storage and possibility to share the measurement results.

measurement. The GrainSense hand-held

It is at least 3 mes less expensive than

device measures the protein, moisture, oil

closest alterna ves.

and carbohydrate content of cereals and

It takes just 30 seconds to make a

other crops – i.e. key determinants of the

measurement, including sample loading.

harvest value and processing cost. The device

It is the only device that can be used before

is ba ery powered, requires only a few grains


and takes just seconds to make each

Anyone can use it without special training.

“A lot of effort has been put to finalize the

measurement. The service includes a mobile

It will include the most comprehensive

design, securing the infrastructure and

applica on with GPS posi oning and cloud

package of value-added so ware services

ramping up the produc on including an

connec on, which supports a suite of value-

providing ac onable insights instead of plain

intensive tes ng of the device, says

added services for improving produc vity


GrainSense CEO Edvard Krogius. We are very

and profitability.

It has a poten al payback me shorter than

Laboratory accuracy from field in seconds:

one harves ng season.

excited and pleased to deliver the first devices to our commi ed community of farmers, Edvard Krogius con nues.”

For the first me, farmers, seed producers and plant breeders will be able to rapidly measure the key parameters of their crops in

Big interest among the farming community:

the field (even before harves ng) and make

The GrainSense solu on has been developed

decisions that can significantly improve their

in close collabora on with individual farmers

produc vity and profitability. The device will

and farming organiza ons. The feedback from

also enable meat producers to control and

farmers has confirmed that currently there

adjust the protein content of feed in real

are no suitable tools available to support farm-level decision-making in order to

me, which can have a major impact on profitability.

manage and op mize the protein content of crops. Bringing the grain quality measurement prac ce to the farm level: GrainSense has developed the world's first truly hand-held device for grain quality

Sales through distributors: GrainSense distributor partner Berner Ltd has started the sales and introduced the device on the Swedish, Finnish and Bal c markets. “Wherever the GrainSense solu on has been introduced, we have seen excep onally strong interest in tes ng and pre-ordering, says Kalle Erkkola, Head of Division, Berner Ltd. We are as well very excited indeed to see this device in field use, con nues Kalle

The unique features of GrainSense are:


It is 5 mes smaller than closest alterna ves

For more info visit:

and ba ery-powered, and therefore

h p://

convenient to use in field condi ons.


Farming- Solutions

Perry Opens New Office & Training Facility In Uganda

Perry of Oakley Ltd., a Bri sh company with a

March 2021.

the theories behind post harvest technology.

73 year heritage in the design, manufacture

The aim of the facility is to provide hands on

David Perry said “Since my early visits to

and installa on of grain handling, drying and

training for customers' employees in the

Uganda and Sub Saharan Africa as a whole I

storage equipment, is pleased to announce

professional opera on of grain handling and

have been excited by the agricultural

the establishment of Perry East Africa Ltd,

storage facili es. It will also give the

prospects in these countries and we look

with registered offices in Kampala, Uganda.

opportunity for poten al customers to view

forward to not only being able to promote

This will complement its exis ng Africa office,

their products and even spend me with the

our products at the training facility but to

Perry Africa Ltd., registered in South Africa.

operators before they make purchasing

also enhance the overall post harvest

This is a clear indica on of the importance


knowledge in Uganda and East Africa as me

Perry of Oakley Ltd., through its interna onal

It is intended that the training will be without

goes on”.

subsidiary Perry Engineering Services Ltd.,

charge, as an indica on of Perry's

Perrys look forward to working with their

places on the ever-expanding African market.

commitment to enhance the post harvest

exis ng partners and customers as they grow

David Perry, the third-genera on owner and

knowledge base in Uganda and East Africa as

in East Africa.

Managing Director of Perry of Oakley Ltd., is

a whole, which means that as soon as a

pleased to announce that Perry East Africa

customer receives their Perry equipment

For further informa on please contact

will be opening a training facility in Uganda in

they are already experienced in its use and


Farming- Solutions

Biological Solutions Are Impacting Agriculture

Madumbi Sustainable Agriculture, KZN

cri cal role in mee ng this demand. The

and the need for biological products as

based market leaders in BioManagement

biocontrol market is growing globally at

resistance management partners.

and BioS mulant solu ons, aims to change

between 15 – 17% CAGR. The organic market

'There's a much higher level of acceptance

the way food is grown.

and the biocontrol market are o en

now than there was ten to fi een years ago.

This is the vision of Madumbi's founder and

incorrectly perceived to be the same,

Today's consumer is demanding residue-free,

CEO, Andre Fox. Andre is a visionary leader in

however it's important to note that the

nutrient-dense food to feed their families and

the agricultural industry, recognised for

organic market is not driving the rapid

be safe doing so.' – Andre Fox, Madumbi CEO

successfully pioneering and naviga ng the

growth of biocontrol. The organic market is

The use of biocontrol products is not

biological conversa on in an environment

growing at 11% CAGR and represents 10% of

expected to displace tradi onal crop

resistant to change.

the biocontrol market use1.

protec on products in the foreseeable

Today, there is no doubt that change is upon

There are many factors contribu ng to the

future1. However, the growth is an cipated by

us. Environmental issues are at the forefront

rapid growth within biocontrol with some of

the increased usage of biocontrol products

of every conversa on and the current Covid-

the main ones being:

within Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

19 pandemic is set to challenge every norm.


Consumer demand

systems – a combined program of biocontrol

Now, more than ever, healthy, sustainable


The unsustainable cost of

and tradi onal products, for the best cost-

developing tradi onal pes cides

food produc on is in the spotlight. Biora onal solu ons are expected to play a


benefit, yield produc on and sustainability

Development of pest resistance


Farming- Solutions

Identifying And Tracking Animals Using Rfid Tags

Animals move from one farm to another

largely used nowadays to track and record

animals. Our innova ve products meet all

and their movement cannot be controlled

animal informa on, where direct line-of-

or stored like any other product. The

sight is not prac cal. RFID Tags a ached to

applicable standards and regula ons. Omnia RFID tags come in various different

manual process of data entering about the

animals provide basic informa on about

sizes and can be incorporated into ear tags.

number of animal enters and exit from the

The tags can also be safely injected or

farm is me consuming resul ng in more

the animals. Omnia Technologies provides a full range

embedded in a ceramic bolus and

possibili es of errors. RFID Technology is

of specialized tags for use in managing

permanently placed into an animal's


Iden fying And Tracking Animals Using Rfid Tags

stomach. These tags help op mize produc vity and livestock produc on. For tracking pigeons, small size glass tags are embedded in pigeon rings. INJECTABLE GLASS TAGS: Our ICAR approved glass tags are designed for livestock iden fica on. Omnia glass tags come in various different sizes. The glass tags can be safely injected using a syringe and permanently placed into animal body. The units are enclosed in biocompa ble glass, making them harmless to animals inside the body. These tags help op mize produc vity and livestock produc on and also keep a record of an individual animal. These are most commonly used for animal iden fica on. EAR TAGS: Our ICAR approved animal ear tags for ca le and sheep are made with special TPU material and is over-moulded making it more robust and durable in outdoor environment. It can be reusable or temperproof depending on applica on. It is available with different chips and memory sizes including FDX and HDX animal modes, and can be made in custom

Injectable Glass Tags:

colours also. The male pin is a ached with female tag using an applicator.


CONTACT US: OMNIA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD. Sales & Marketing Office: 691, Udyog Vihar Phase V, Gurugram, Haryana-122016, INDIA Tel: +91-124-4203899, +91-1244101506 Fax: +91-124-4366410 Email:













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