Senior Voice Recital, Juliette Frediere 04/25/24

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Thursday, April 25, 2024 7:30 pm

Recital Hall

Monica Adams, piano SENIOR VOICE RECITAL
Juliette Frédière, soprano

APRIL 25, 2024, 7:30 PM

Padre, germani, addio! from Idomeneo, K. 366 (1781)

Wolfgang Amadè Mozart (1756–1791)

Sechs Lieder, op. 13 (1844)

Der Mond kommt still gegangen

Mein Stern, WoO (1846)

Zwölf Gedichte aus “Liebesfrühling,” op. 37 (1841)

Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen

Fiançailles pour rire, FP. 101 (1939)

Violon Fleurs

Pantomime, L. 47/31 (1882; 1883)

Five Millay Songs (1960)

For You There Is No Song

Eight Songs (1979)

Sweet Suffolk Owl

I Carry Your Heart (1960)


Clara Schumann (1819–1896)

Francis Poulenc (1899–1963)

Claude Debussy (1862–1918)

H. Leslie Adams (b. 1932)

Richard Hundley (1931–2018)

John Duke (1899–1984)

APRIL 25, 2024, 7:30 PM

Much More from The Fantasticks (1960)

This Time the Dream’s on Me from Blues in the Night (1941)

Night and Day from Gay Divorce (1932)

Nice Work If You Can Get It from A Damsel in Distress (1937)

Cabaret Songs, vol. 2 (1985)

Toothbrush Time


I Can Cook Too from On the Town

I’m Breaking Down from Falsettos (1992)

Harvey Schmidt (1929–2018)

Harold Arlen (1905–1986)

Cole Porter (1891–1964)

George Gershwin (1898–1937)

William Bolcom (b. 1938)

Leonard Bernstein (1918–1990)

William Finn (b. 1952)


This recital is presented as a degree requirement for a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance.

Juliette Frédière is a fourth-year vocal performance major studying with Robin Fisher and coaching with Eric Dudley at University of the Pacific. She has also studied with Virginia Kelsey, Burr C. Philips, and Daniel Bishop. Frédière will continue to work toward a multifaceted performance career as she pursues a graduate degree in musical theater, as music has already taken her to the hallowed stages of Carnegie Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall, and the Sydney Opera House.

Mozart: Padre, germani, addio!

Padre, germani, addio!

Voi foste, io vi perdei.

Grecia, cagion tu sei.

E un greco adoreró?

D'ingrata al sangue mio

So che la colpa avrei;

Ma quel sembiante, oh Dei! Odiare ancor non so.

—Giambattista Varesco

Schumann: Der Mond kommt still gegangen

Der Mond kommt still gegangen

Mit seinem gold’nen Schein.

Da schläft in holdem Prangen

Die müde Erde ein.

Und auf den Lüften schwanken

Aus manchem treuen Sinn

Viel tausend Liebesgedanken

Über die Schläfer hin.

Und drunten im Tale, da funkeln

Die Fenster von Liebchens Haus;

Ich aber blicke im Dunklen

Still in die Welt hinaus.

Emanuel Geibel

Father, brothers, farewell!

Father, brothers, farewell!

You are no more; I have lost you. Greece, you are the cause; and shall I now love a Greek?

I know that I am guilty of abandoning my kin; but I cannot bring myself, o gods, to hate that face.


The moon rises silently

The moon rises silently

With its golden glow.

The weary earth then falls asleep

In beauty and splendor.

Many thousand loving thoughts

From many faithful minds

Sway on the breezes

Over those who slumber.

And down in the valley

The windows of my beloved’s house sparkle; But I silently look out Into the world in the dark.

trans. Richard Stokes


Schumann: Mein Stern

O du mein Stern, Schau dich so gern, Wenn still im Meere die Sonne sinket, Dein gold’nes Auge so tröstend winket

In meiner Nacht!

O du mein Stern, Aus weiter Fern’, Bist du ein Bote mit Liebesgrüßen, Laß deine Strahlen mich durstig küssen In banger Nacht.

O du mein Stern, Verweile gern, Und lächelnd führ’ auf des Lichts Gefieder Der Träume Engel dem Freunde wieder In seine Nacht.

—Amalie Fredericke Serre

My Star

O you my star, I love to observe you, When the sun slips quietly into the sea, And your golden gaze beckons so consolingly In my night!

O you my star, From afar

You bring me tidings of love, Let me passionately kiss your rays In fearful night.

O you my star, Linger gladly, And smilingly on the wings of light Escort once more the angel of dreams to your friend In his night.

—trans. Richard Stokes


Schumann: Er ist gekommen

Er ist gekommen

In Sturm und Regen, Ihm schlug beklommen

mein Herz entgegen.

Wie konnt’ ich ahnen, Dass seine Bahnen

Sich einen sollten meinen Wegen?

Er ist gekommen

In Sturm und Regen, Er hat genommen

Mein Herz verwegen.

Nahm er das meine?

Nahm ich das seine?

Die beiden kamen sich entgegen.

Er ist gekommen

In Sturm und Regen, Nun ist gekommen

Des Frühlings Segen.

Der Freund zieht weiter, Ich seh’ es heiter,

Denn er bleibt mein auf allen Wegen.

Friedrich Rückert

He Came

He came In storm and rain; My anxious heart

Beats against his in anticipation. How could I have known

That his path

Should unite itself with mine?

He came In storm and rain; Audaciously He took my heart. Did he take mine?

Did I take his?

Both were drawn to each other.

He came In storm and rain. Now spring’s blessing

Has come.

My friend journeys on, I watch with good cheer, For he shall be mine wherever he goes. trans. Richard Stokes


Poulenc: Violon

Couple amoureux aux accents méconnus

Le violon et son joueur me plaisent.

Ah! j'aime ces gémissements tendus

Sur la corde des malaises.

Aux accords sur les cordes des pendus

À l'heure où les Lois se taisent

Le coeur en forme de fraise

S'offre à l'amour comme un fruit inconnu.

Louise de Vilmorin


Amorous couple of unknown accents, the violin and his player please me. Ah! I love these taut moanings on the chord of malaises. To the chords [played] on the cords of the hanged, in the hour where the Law hushes, the heart, in the form of a strawberry offers itself to love like an unknown fruit. trans. Laura Claycomb

Poulenc: Fleurs

Fleurs promises, fleurs tenues dans tes bras,

Fleurs sorties des parenthèses d'un pas,

Qui t'apportait ces fleurs l'hiver Saupoudrées du sable des mers?

Sable de tes baisers, fleurs des amours fanées

Les beaux yeux sont de cendre et dans la cheminée

Un coeur en rubanné de plaintes Brûle avec ses images saintes.

Fleurs promises, etc.

Louise de Vilmorin


Flowers promised, flowers held in your arms, Flowers issued from the parenthesis of a step,

Who brought you these flowers in winter Powdered with the sand of the seas?

Sand of your kisses, flowers of withered loves, Beautiful eyes are ashen and in the chimney a heart beribboned in complaints burns with its sainted images.

Flowers promised, etc. trans. Laura Claycomb


Debussy: Pantomime

Pierrot qui n'a rien d'un Clitandre

Vide un flacon sans plus attendre, Et, pratique, entame un pâté.

Cassandre, au fond de l'avenue, Verse une larme méconnue

Sur son neveu déshérité.

Ce faquin d'Arlequin combine

L'enlèvement de Colombine Et pirouette quatre fois.

Colombine rêve, surprise

De sentir un cœur dans la brise

Et d'entendre en son cœur des voix.

Debussy: For You There Is No Song

For you there is no song,


Pierrot, who is nothing like Clitandre, empties a bottle without ado, and, ever practical, cuts into a pâté.

Cassandre, at the end of the avenue, sheds a concealed tear for his disinherited nephew. That impertinent Harlequin schemes the kidnapping of Columbine and whirls around four times.

Columbine dreams, surprised at feeling a heart in the breeze and at hearing voices in her heart.

—trans. Laura Claycomb and Peter Grunberg

Only the shaking of the voice that meant to sing, The sound of the strong voice breaking.

Strange in my hand appears the pen, And yours broken

There are ink and tears on the page. Only the tears have spoken.


Hundley: Sweet Suffolk Owl

Sweet Suffolk Owl, so trimly dight With feathers like a lady bright, Thou singest alone, sitting by night,

Te whit, te whoo! Te whit, te whoo!

The note, that forth so freely rolls, With shrill command the mouse controls; And sings a dirge for dying souls,

Te whit, te whoo! Te whit, te whoo!

Duke: i carry your heart

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear

no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart



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Coming soon

April 27, 7:30 pm, Faye Spanos Concert Hall

University Symphony Orchestra and Pacific Choirs

Eric Dudley, Vu Nguyen, Darita Seth, conductors

April 29, 7:30 pm, Recital Hall

Varied Ensembles III Concert

April 30, 7:00 pm, Recital Hall

Pacific Composers: Spring Premieres

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