O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1901

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{the <Branb 1J)ospita~


of the (§)rber of tbc

of St. 30bll of 3crnsalcll1 in lBnglanb.

--===---"- - - -



1901. ---



~be ~ranb

]prior\? of tbe


of tbe

tboBpitaI of $t. 30hn of 3erusaIenl in J8ngIanb.

Ji.onbolt : PRI TED BY CHARLE 12





IIOUGHTOX STIlEE"j' ,1o;J "1'1'l.t\.X V ~

19 0





'\'" • \..




Report of the Chapter-General, includinO' (among other items) Report of Promotion , Admissions, and Awards. Report of Librarian. Report of the Almoner's Departlnent. Report of the Receiver-General with attached Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account to 30th September, 1901. P_'l.RT


Report of the ommittee of the Bl'iti h Ophthalmic Hospital Jerusalem. PART


Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order, viz.:(a) of the Central Executive Committee of the 't. John Ambulance Association, and (b) of the Chief Comlnissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Co?'rected to 11I cwch 1st, 1902.

m:be Qtbapter.

( As rega1"Cls this and the opposite page.)

'[be C3ranb {prior}? of the @rber of Uhe 1bospttal of St. John of Jerusalem in lEnglan~.

CI t, consists of the Knights of Justice and 'nb-Prelates, de jLlre J' the Executive The l ap :~lected Members of Coullcil; the followiug Officers; t l16

®(ffcfating QtfJaplaims, The Sub· Dean of the OllAPIW:i ROYAL,

The Rev. Sir BOItRADAILll: SAVORY, Baronet, M ..A., AND

.$ooereigIt 3!'leab anb Watron of tfJe ®tber. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. QIitanb Wrior. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. "sub-:uJrior. Vacant. ~aiIiff


of Eglc.


Prelate-His Grace the Archbishop of YOUK. Chancell07'-The Right Han. Earl EGEllTuX OF TATTON. Sec7'eta7y-General-Colonel Sir HEllBEUT JEKYLL, E. C. M. G., R. E. R eceive7'-Gene7'al-EDwIN FRESHFIELD, Esq., LL. D. Almoner-Th e Rev. Canon D UCKWOltTH, D.D. R egistra?'- Lieu t . -Colonel GOULD H UNTElt- WESTON, F. S. A. Genealogist -The Rev. ,\Y. K. R. BEDFolm, M. A. D inctol'-Gcneml of Oeremonies-Sir ALBlUtT ,\Y. ,\VOODS, R.C. E., K.C.1\I.G. (Garter). Di7'ect07' of the Ambulance Depctrtment-The Right Han. Viscount KNUTSFOIlD,G.C.M.G. L ibm7'ic£n-Lieut-Colonel RICHARD HOLBEClJE. Secnta7'y-Colonel Sir HEllBERT C. P EIlltOTT, Baronet. Ohai7'lnctn of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jeru~alemThe Hight Hall. Earl EGERTON OF TA'l'TON. Chief Sec7'etct?'y of the A mbuZctnce Department-Colonel Sir HEltBEllT C. PERnon, Baronet.

Executioc ®Cffcer$.

Assistctnt Director oj the A mbltlance DepartmentThe :llIost Han. the MAnQUE '8 OF BUEADALBAKE, K.G. AssistCtnt Lib1'a1'icin-EDWrX H . FHESHFIELD, Esq., M . .A. Assistant SecJ'eta?'y-LoCKHART STOCKWELL, ESfl. ACC01tntcmt-- -WILLIAJlI R. EDWAP.DS, Esq., A.C.A. H on . Sec7'eta?'y of the B7'itish Opht7zctZlI"Lic Hospital, Jcnlsalc1nR. GOFTON-SALMOND, Esq. Assistant H on. Secnta1'y ( f07' Scotland) of the Bn'tish Ophthalmic H ospitctl, Je7'71salemA. A. GORDON, Esq.

m::be QtounCtl. The Council consists of the Sub-Prior, as President c,,;-ojjicio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Members . Sir JOHN FURLEY. Colonel J. C. DALTON, B.A. The Right R on. Lord MOSTYN . Sir J. N. DICK, R.C.B., R.N. Colonel C. W. BOWDLER. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D.

'\YILLIAM COLLINGllIDGE, Esq., M.D. Major-Ceneral Sir OWEN T. BunNE, G.O.I.E., ILC.S.L Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, Baronet. Th e Right Han. Viscount HAMPDEN, G.O.M.G. T he ~lost Ron. '1'he M.arquess of BI-tEADALBANE, K.G.

:In epte~elttatioe 1ltnfgfJt$

Sir VINCENT KENNETl'-BAJUtINGTON, .!\I.A., LL.M. ROBERT BRUDENELL CAltTElt, Esq., F .R. C.S. Major-General ASTLEY TE1UcY. Colonel Sir E. T. TrrAUKEltA Y, K. C. 13., F. (It. , R. E. Sir ARTHUlt J . R. TUNDELL, C.1\1.G.


Exccutioe ®fficet$.





Sir RICilAltD DOUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, KC. V.O., nl.D. Colonel C. M. ROYDS, M. P. EU1>IUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.C.S. EnwIN H .\NSON :FHE8HFIELD, Esq., 1\l.A. The Most Han. the 1\LUtQUE.'S OF J UltTllA:lll'TON.

The following are the Knights of Justice: H.R.ll. The Duke ofC,DIBlllDGR, R.G. H.R.H. Prince OHRISTIAN OF CIILESWIGHOLSTEIN, R.G., G.O.B. H.R.H. Prince OrrAI'.LES OF DEN:lIARK,G. C. B. H.ll. Prince ALBERT OF SOIILESWIGHOLSTEIi'<, G.C.B. H.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G.C.V.O . H.S.H. Priuce FRA"UIS OF 'rECK, KC.V.O., D.S.O. Captain H.S.H. Prince LoUls OF BA'L"I'E",,BERG, G.O.B., R.N. The Right Han. Lord LEIGll. Lieut.-Col. TREI'E""E"" JAMES HOLLAXD, C. B. Maj or Sir JOSEPH WALL!. O'BltYEX HO_\ltE, Baronet. CHARLES PEMBERTON CARTEll, Esq. Sir JOHN FURLEY (H07Wf'a)'Y BailUl). Lieut. -Col. GOULDH U""TElt- WESToN(Honom1'y C01n1nnnder). The Right Han. Lord TA""MOr..E, G.C.1\1 G. FRANCIS ROBERT D_\vIEs, Esq. Sir BROOK RAY, Baronet. Sir THOMAS NORTH DICK-LAUDER, Baronet. Major Sir ARCHIB.\LD LAi)IB, Baronet. Geueral Sir H ENltY CIURLE:-:l BAR TSTON DAUBENEY, G. C. B. (Hono?'Cwy Oommancle1') Oolonel Sir HE P.BERT C. PERllOTT, Baronet. The Right Han. Earl FEIlUERH. RUPERT CARADOO FRANCIS DALL_'-S, Esq. GEORGE PALMER, Esq. Colonel JAMES GILDEA, C. V.O., C. B. HENRY JOH LOFTUS, Esq Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right Hall. Lord AJlIHElliS'l' OF H"'-CKNEY. Lieut.-General Sir CHARLES "\YARltEN, G.C.M.G., R.O.B., R.E. T

Colonel J A:lIE.· CECIL D ALTON, R.A. Lt. -Colouel A. YLMEH. GOULD HUN1'Elt- -YVES rON, D . . 0., R.E. The Right Hall. Earl EGEP:roN OF TATTOi'<. Colol!el The Right Hall. Lord WILLIAM CECIL, 1\1. V . O. EDwm FltE:-:llIFIELD, ES!l, LL. D. His Grace The Duke of FIFE, IT. T. The Hight Han. Lord Br.A:-:l:-:lEY, K. O. 13. The Right Han. Viscount TE:llPLE1'OWN. The Right Han. Earl Ai)IHEIUiT. The Right Han. Lord HENi'<IKEn. 'rhe Right HOB. Viecount RNUT. FOlm, G.C.M.G. (Hono1'Ctry Commander) R. 1\L\CLE,\N ~L-\..cLEAX, ESll' Ar:l'lIUlt FltANCr. GIm. H_\:lI LEVESO"" GOWEll, Esq. Lieut.-Col. l!. A. HEYG.\TE L.UIBEIlT. olono1 CH.\ltLE.' , YYNDILUI MUnllAY, M.P. The Hight Han. the Earl of RA""FURLY, (~.C.1\I.G.

Tlte Right Hon. Lord ~ _\XDHUnST, G.C.I.E. ir HE""RY ARTHUR BLAKE, G.C.M.G. Captain ~A'l'HANIEL GEOIWF. PHILIPS. The Right Hall. the Earl of lllE_\TH. A. ElnruND FIL\SErt, Esq. The Right lIon. Lord 1\10 'TYN. C010nel CH.\ltLE:-:l HusTEH. The Most Han. the MAIlQUE::; OF BltEAD_'-LIlANE, K. G. His Grace the DUKE OF Por.TLAND, K. G., G.C.Y.O. Field-Marshal the Right Han. the EARL ROB~nTS, K.G., lJ.(c., etc., etc.

The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lor<1 Bishop of ELY. The Lord Bishop of SAUSBURY.

The Bishop of GIBRALTAR.

The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :-

U:be <Sran~ lPrior\? of tbe ~r~er of tbe All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Offir.e Orders whatever should be cro sed "Lo TDON A D 1.




1boBpitaI of St. 30bn of 3eru5aIenl in



Foundations, Oblations, and reillittances for the Aln10ner's Departlllent, and general funds of the O rder, should be nlade payable to the" Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalem in England," crossed as above.



3· R emittances for the Ambulance Department should be made payable to the" St. John Ambulance Association,)) crossed as above. 4· Remittances for the J erusalen1 Hospital should be made payable to the "British Ophthalmic Hospital, J erusalem," crossed as above. Bankers' Orders forwarded on application. (By order), EDWI



19 0


By the ever to 1e lamented death of Her l\Iost Gracious j\lajesty Queen Victoria, rccorded in the la t report, Hi l\1ajesty King Eel ward YI1 becmlle the ~'overeign Head and Patron of the Order. Thc tcrm in "w hich the I ing referred to the severa,nce of hi ' conn ction "w ith the Order as Grand Prior are so complimentary that it i ' de 'ira1le to place on record a communication adclres. cd by 'ir Frnnci Knolly to the ecretary, Sir Herbert Perrott, in relation ther to. l\I.\.RLBOHOUGH HoesE, P~\'LL MALL, ~ '.\Y. Febrnc&ry 25th, 1901. DEAR SIR HERBERT, I am commanded by the King to acquaint you, for the information of the hapter, that he finds he is unable to retain the post of :frand Prior of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. In making thi announcement, B is Majesty desires me to expre s his very great regret to you that circumstances oblige him to sever hi long and clo 'e connection with a body who have effected so much good, and who have given such practical a sistance in alleviating suffering, in various. parts of the world. Yours very truly, (Sign cl) FRANCI' KXOLLYS.


.In accordance with the ·wishes of His :l\1ajesty, His Royal HIghness the Duke of Corn\\'all and York, K.G., Sub-Prior of the Order, wa elected Grand Prior at a meeting of the ChapterGeneral held on February 26th la t, the election being confirmed in accordance with the requirenlent of the Royal Oharter of Incorporation at a hapter held on the Eve of St. John the Bapti t Day. Consequent on hi accession to the Throne His lIfaj esty, although remaining Patron of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, . Jerusalem, an offic.e he has held for many years past, deemed It nece ary to reSlD'n the po t of President of the Ambulance Department.. Hi 1ajesty was pleased to become its Patron, and has been succeeded in the office of Pre ident by H,R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York, K.G.


THE ORDER OF THE HOSPITAL OF ST. J OH~ OF J ERU,'ALKM I~ EN"GLAXD has the plea ure to report the following promotions in, and admissions to the Order during the past year. Amongst the former will be noticed the appointment of Sir John Furley as Honorary Bailiff, and of Viscount Knutsford as Honorary Commander, in recognition of distinguished services on behalf of the sick and wounded during the South African War, the former as Chief Commissioner of the Central British Red Cross Committee, and the latter as Director and Chairman of the Ambulance Department of the Order. A large number of the newly-admitted Inembers have been specially nominated by His Majesty the King for services in the furtherance of organisations having the same object. Some of the admissions were also in recognition of services connected with the Hospital Ships, P)'incess of Wa,les, and ]'laine. As H onoTCwy Bc&il~ff Sir John Furley (from Knight of Justice). As H ono?Y&1"Y 0011?,1nancle1'. Viscount Knutsford, G.o.M.G. (from Knight of Justice). As Knights of J rnstice. Lord Mostyn (from Knight of Grace). Colonel Oharles Hunter (from Knight of Grace). OF

The Marquess of Brea,dalbane, K.G. (from Knight of Gracc). The Duke of Portland, K. 1., G.C.V.O. (from Knight ot Grace). Field-~larshal Earl Roberts, K.G., V.C. (frOID Knight of Grace).

As LCLclies of J rnstice. Lady Furley (from Lady of Grace). Viscountess Knut ford (fr0111 Lady of Grace). The Honourable Florence :Jlargaret Tyssen An1herst, (from Lady of Grace). The Honourable 1\1argar t ~Iitforcl Tys en Amherst, (from Lady of Grace). As Knights of G /'o ce. Hamilton Gatliff, E q. (from E quire). Colonel ir H erbert Jekyll, Y.C.l\I.G., R.E. Sir Frederick Treves, K. .V.O., .. , F.R.C.S. Alfred DowninO" Fripp, Esq., c.Y.O., C.B., F.R.C. John J..1awrence Langman, E q Alfred 1\10 'ely, Esq., C.~I.G. Major ,Villil1l11 Grant ~1acpherson, R.A.M.C. Lieut.- 010ne1 George terling Ryerson, :i\I.D., A. M.S. of anacla (from Esquire). The HonouraLle 'il' Ebenezer J ohu, Justice Buchunan. Lieut. - General 'ir F. ,V. E. Fol'restier ,Vallier, G. .~I. ., K. j.B. Charles DiLdin, E 'q. Maj or-Genend the I-Ionourable Herbert Francis Eaton. James John Mal' h Esq. , M.D. Colonel Gerald 'toyell. Colonel Borclrigge North orth, C.B. (fr0111 E quire). The HOll. ' ir John Alexanuer ockburn, K.o.M.G., :M.D. (from Hon. As ociate). John Brown, E 'q., L.R.. P., L.R.C .. , IreI. (frOID Hon. Associate ). Colonel Arthur 10ntagu Brookfield, LP. The Earl of andwich. The Right Honourable John Lloyd ,Vharton, P.o., :M.P. f



H onOTaJ'Y· James John Van Alen, Esq. A s L ar.iie of G1'CtCe. Ciceley Mary, Lady Charle Cavendi h-Bentinck. Annie Emily, 1\11' . Hanbury ,Villiam . Jane 1)arling, 1\1rs. Leather-Culley. Georgiana Elizabeth, Counte Howe. Oli,ia, Lady Henry Cayendi h-B ntinck. Jennie 1\11' . Georoe COl'll,yalli -,Ye t, c.r. Agne ,~Ii Eeyser. Georgiana Eli abeth, Counte of Dudley. Carine AO'ne ,Yiscounte Parker. Yiolet Lady Edward Cecil. Lady arah Isabel Augu ta ,Vil ·on. Beatrice Con tance, Lady Che ham. Joceline, .Mrs. Bagot. Henrietta,:JIi 'Yedgwooc1. Agne Fanny, :J1r . Temple. The Honourable Agnes Mary, :J1rs. Goldmann. HonoTClTY· Jennie Goodell, 1\1rs. A. A. Blow. l\1ary Frances, :J1rs. Ronald . l\lademoi elle Henriette de Labro se. As E sqz&i?'es. Henry Claude Blake, Esq. (Athlone Pur ·ui,ant). Gerard Bonham Carter, Esq. J ohn Fairbairn, Esq. Alfred Scott Scott-Gatty, Esq. (York Herald). Captain Hyla Napier Holden (Indiol,n taft· Corps). ,Villiam Rea Edwards, E q. A.C.A. (Accountant of the Order). Oli,er ,Villiams, Esq. As H onora1'y SeTving BrotheTs. Alfred Robert Rundell. Lawrence 'Vhittaker. Captain John Herbert Rivers, R.A.11. C. Lieutenant Henry Evered H aymes, R.A.l\IC. Captain J oseph :McArdle, R.A.1\f.C.

A Hono1'CLTY Serving SisteTs. s

Isabella, 'Miss Gordon. Elizabeth, 1\1iss 'trickbnd. Caroline 'harlotLe, Miss ainbridge. Catherine, Miss Nicolson. Jane Uharlotte, Miss 'hild. Christina, Mis.' Couch. Sophia, l\lis.· ,~ewell. ,. .. • Sophie 'athermo, Lady CTlfford. l\Iary Loui -'a, :JIiss Dmnon. Edith, Miss Atkin ·on. Si tel' 't.. Lan tri (Mi ·s :Mary Carroll). As Honol'(l1'Y A8, ·oci((te.'l. . Rev. Canon ,Villiam Hmg-Brown, LL.D. Rev. 'eptimns Pennington. Franci Augnstns Brook " E q., M.D. Ca par Lmll'ie, E 'q., L.R. .P, Alfred Earlalll .J ohn 'on, E q, Mnjor Anthony Hickma~l :Jlor;rlln, . ',0., R.A.:JI.C. Fanny J nlia, Mr.. ~unnlllg. Ludivio' ... .,. emnrmn, Esq. Clara :JI ay syn, :Jli 'had wic]-. J allle . Dayic1 Hedc1erwick, Esq. Depu y ~ 'ur a' oll-G81~eral Henry Cay;e y, C.M.G. Donald Jam ' Iackmto 'h, E q., :JIB. Henry E 1,Yard Clark, Esq., ,:Jl . +., :JI.R. Sir l\Iitchell ilIitchell-ThOlU 'on, Baronet. Frofe ' or 'ir ,Yillimn Turner, Y.C.B., .:'II.B., LL.D~ Robert Paton, E q. Nora Henri ttn., Counte ' RoberL, .1. Lady Aileen Robert. Lady Ad, Edwina uLewart Roberts. :Major Robert J mne illcCormack, R.A.M. George'toker, E q., C.:JIC+., l\I.R.C.P., Irel. Sir Alfred ooper. Marion, Lady ooper. George Alfred Everitt Murray, Esq., M.B., F.R.C.S. Kanthleen Elizabeth 1\1ar)" Mrs. MUlTl1Y· Percy Roycroft Lowe, E q.

12 Lieut.-Colonel Alymer :Uartin Crofts, e.l.R" I.M.S Surgeon Lieut.~Colonel Henry Frank Hensll1an, C:M.G. Surgeon-CaptaIn Thomas Henry Gordon Kelly M D F.R.e.S., 1\1:.1\1. .0. ' '., Colonel John Louis Hubert Neilson. Lieut.-Colonel James Lyons Biggar. ,Villi am F. Savage, Esq. Archie Lawrence Langman, Esq. Henry Darville Brook, Esq. F.R.e.S., L.R.C.P. The Han. Ethel Kate, l\Ir . \Yedgwood. Sarah, l\Iiss 1\1acnaughten. Kate Sydney, l\1rs. Sandeman. Major James Meek, R.A.l\l.G John l\Iaclean Carvell, Esq., l\1.R.e.S. The Order has to lament the loss by death of the following Members and Associates :-

Knights of Ju ·tice.-General Sir George ,ViI lis, G.C.B., on 29th Nov., 1900. Sir Francis G. l\1. Boileau, Baronet, on 2nd Dec., 1900. L ady

of Justice.-H.I.l\l. Victoria Empress Dowager Frederick of Germany and Queen of Prussia, Princess Royal of Great Britain and Ireland, on 5th August, 1901.

Ghaplain.-Rev. C. J. :i\Iartyn, :Jl.A., on 9th Jan., 1901. Knights of GJ'Cwe.-Warwick Hastings Ryland, Esq., on 21st Nov., 1900. John George Swan, Esq., on 23rd Dec., 1900. Sir John l\Iaclure, Baronet, M.P., on 2 th Jan., 1901. Sir Andrew Fairbairn, on 31st ~Iay, 1901. Sir RayIton Dixon, on 28th July, 1901. General Sir Arthur Lyon]3 reman tIe, G.c.l\I.G.) C.B., on 25th Sept., 1901.

13 Surgeon-General vVilliam George :ranley, C.B., lJ.([;., on Nicholas 18th Nov., 1901. 'ir ,Villi am MacCormac, Baronet, R.C.B., I .C.V.O., on 3rd Dec., 1901. Esq'1,lJi?"e.-CapLain John Burgess, R.N., on 26th Nov., 1901. Lc~cly of G?'Gwe.-Mrs. , 'andford, on 1st June, 1901.

Hono1'a1'y As ocicdes.-l\'[iss Roberts, on 7th April, 1901. Sir John J affray, Baronet, on 4th Jan, 1901. rigadier-General irHenry,Yilmot, Baronet, K.C.B., lJ.Qt., on 7th April, 1901. Dr. A. H. Jones, on 11th Feb., 1901. The Han. . E. Henniker-Major, on 2nd l\Iarch, IDOl. l\Ir. elwin Izod, on 9th Dec., 1901. General Sir George ,Yillis wa admitted a i\lember of the Order in 1 87, as President of the Port mouth Centre, in recognition of services La tLe Ambulance Departlnent, and for many years served also on the Uouncil of the 0 rdcr. The Rev. e. J. Martyn W:1S :111 energetic member of the Order, and held office :1t one time as oftiei:1tinO' Ch:1plain. ~Ir. J. G. Swan, ir J. 1Iacll1re, ir Raylton Dixon, and Sir Andrew Fairbairn h:1d rendered very can picuous service to the St. John Ambulance Association in connection with their respective Centres in the province, :1nd the last nanled was for many years an active Inember of the Council, always taking the keenest and rna t pr:1ctical interest in the affa,irs of the Order. Surgeon-Generall\Ianley was the til' t Superintendent of the Ambulance Dep:1rtlllent, to which he rendered very valuable service, especially in connection with the N euss-11anley Ambulance litter, and a generous sum was contributed by him to the fund to promote the improvement of vehicles for the removal of the sick and injured.



Sir Willianl MacCormac held at the time of his death office :as Medical Officer in Chief of the t. John Ambulance Brigade a.nd as a selected member of the Chapter. His life-long service~ on behalf of the ick and injured in war are too well known to need recapitulating here. ir John J afii'ay and Brio-adier- eneral ~ir Henr'y \Vilmot were enrolled Honorary Associates for services to the Ambulance Department in the Edland Counties, and the death of Dr. A. H. .J ones williono- be deplored at Northampton, where owing to his zeal and devoted energy one of the best Centres ever formed by the St. John Ambulance A ociation continues to exist .and Houri h. The sympathy of the members will be extended to Confrere Lord Henniker on the death of his eldest son, the Hon. A. E. Hennik81<\1ajor, formerly Assi tant ecretary, whose loss is much deplored by those with whom he was brought into contact, both officially and in private life. His :llaje ty the King, while holding the office of Grand Prior, nominated as Captain ir Alfred J ephson's uccessor in the 'office of ecretary-General, Colonel ir Herbert Jekyll, K.C.M.G., R.E. It is gratifying to the Chapter to have the assistance of a member whose public services are so 'well kno'wn, and have been lately further recognised by his promotion in the Order of ,S t. Michael and t. George. It may here be mentioned that the hapter ha decided to 'erect, with the penni, sion of the Rector, the Rev. T. \Y. 'Vood, one of the Chaplains, a memorial on the South wall of 'to John's Church, Clerkenwell, to the lllemory of the members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade who have unfortunately died during the South African Campaign. Drawings for the memorial have been sublnitted to, and approved by, H.:;)I. The King, who has been graciously pleased to sanction the propo ed inscription and to command that it should be therein stated that it is -erected by himself, as Sovereign Head and Patron, as well as by H.R.H. The Grand Prior, and the Chapter. His lajesty has been graciously pleased to express his admiration at the design, the execution of which has been entrusted to Messrs. Powell and Sons, the firm whose nameissowell known in connection with the decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral. It is a source of

. to th e Chapter to be able in this manner to fexpress . f ctlOn " h -satIS a se 0 f the e d ep loss sustained by the death 0 t hose . . Its sen f h B "gade who have so noLly laid down t 81r bel'S 0 t e rIc . f II roem h 'opriate preservation of th81r names or a and t e appl ( . . . h d b 1· Ives, . at the C7WJ.f' l''WU of the Order WIll It IS ope . e some tIme . t their relatives whose sorrow at th81r bereavensolatlOn 0 " 1 b b h co . so f ullv shared not only by the Chapter, ut y t e IS ment woe h 1 0 f t he members of the Order. J


· are the awards for the Jvear ,given for acts of The fo II OWlllC• • 0- life on land allantry ill s •a v m , and with the exceptlOn . d blof gCorpora ( 1 1\"Illlcah}T 1st Batt. Royal Irish ;Regiment, unavOl a by " , h H were made at Marlboroug absent, th e pI'e entations " . I H'ouse, h Y His Majesty the King, acting on behalf of ~IS Roya I?, ness . f n T al (~ranc1 Prior absent In the ColonIes, on the Prillce 0 n ( e , , the 17th of July, 1901. . 'uftolk (B?'onze Meclal :MI, s H ELE~. PRITT'"~ , retino-ham 0' . . aWCLTGZ ecl) . FOI' rrreat (. o'allantr)' and presence of mInd dIsplayed . o-e retinO'ham on the 3rd Auo-ust, 1900, In a Lod at H ope b " h I 1\1 • • courageous eIlde "\TOllr to rescue a rnan named C ar r es • •ann, fOll1 g"l 'es 'lt the bottom of a "ell, for t) who was o'Verconle Ly U eight feet deep. The men at the top h~vino- refused to go down, :Jliss Pritty clambered through th~ frame· work, and got into the bucket, alld was let down. • ~e re.ached the man, O'ave him bralldy, and att lllptec.l to re:TIve hIm, bu t ~s there was no second rope available, ' he wa obllO'ed to lea'Ve hIm. . LASCE-CORPORAL TIIO~U.S ~IUL C~\'IIY, (l ·t Batt. Royal I1'1sh Regiment, 12, Barrack " treet, "\Yaterford (BTonze illeclal CLwanlecl). For very courao-eous conduct and presence of mind displayed in re cuing :Jlrs. Eliza Hean~e, of B~llyporeen, Co. Tipperary, at toWS 1'0 ' ino-, Tramore Rallway LIne, ~n ,the 3rd June, 1900. :Mrs. Hearne wa apparently attemp~lng to commit suicide tlms renderin o' her rescue all the lllore dIfficult, when Corporal' Mulcahy running down an adjoining field, and jumping on to the rails ,natched the woman therefrom a a train was rushing up. . . ADAM \\.T ATSO)l', Railway COllstable, 30, VIC ton a treet, Lurgan (Bro'r&ze 111eclal aWCl/I'decl). For great gallantry and L





16 presence of l11ind displayed at Lurgan Railway Station, on the 30th July, 1900, in re cuing .1\1rs. l\I:1Cm',tne~ at a level crossing. The woman wa under the Influence of dnnk, and had crossed from the down to the up platform. She was observed to be on the line and the down express rushing on her. '-N atson rushed before the engine, seized the woman, and dragged her over across the rail when the train was only about three yards distant. So close was the shave that ,Vatson was grazed by the engine, and he and the woman were thrown down botween it and the gate clo ing the level crossing f1'0111 the road. BEXJ lDII~ FRAXCIS, Sheffield (B?'onze .111eclal CI/wcwcled). For very conspicuous conduct displayed at the Victoria Vinegar Brewery, heffield, on the th N oV81nber, 1900, in a plucky attempt to re cue a boy named Aldhmll, and a man named ,Vookey, who had been set to clean a large vinegar vat, and had been overcome by the fumes of carbonic acid gas. The employes and police ambulcl,nce not having effected a rescue, Francis volunteered to descend the vat, and by means of a rope was lowered to the bottow, a di tance of 19 ft. He succeeded in reachin o' ,"'{ookey, but as he proceeded to put a rope round the body became uncon cious, was pulled up, and remained in this state for one-and-a-half hours, after which he rendered assistance to the Fire Brigade staff in getting the bodies out. P. C. TRollu, ' HENRY HIXES, Ipswich (Bronze .llieclul aWCinled). For courageous conduct in endeavouring to stop a runaway horse and cab at Ipswich, on the 9th February, 1901. The horse shied at the corner of St. John's Road, and bolted, jerking the driver from his box. Hines, who was off duty, recognising the great danger; as the horse was making for a crowded thoroughfare, made a dash for the reins, and in checking the pace the wheels of the cab skidded and a shaft struck him on the left shoulder, causing a very severe bruise. Still clutching the reins, he was dragged along almost under the horse's feet and sustained a severe blow on his head. His gallant efforts undoubtedly proved the means of saving life, and he was for some time afterwards only able to do light duty, owing to his injuries. HARRY LUSH, Horse Driver, Southampton; JOHN GRIST, Ganger, Southampton; WILLIAM MOODY, Labourer, Southampton; ALBERT EDWARD J OR J ADAMS, Horse Driver, Southampton;

17 "[I'I'H Bricldtl,)Ter Southampton. (Oertificates of THOMAS Sl Y , ' . I d '?'(led) :B 01' very courageous conduct dlSP aye C HonOl);r a w v • J 1 , . . . 'l)oration vVharf Southampton, on the Gth · u y, at t 1le vOl ( ' , .


B the removal of a conncctmg pIpe from a sewer sludge y W1 'e sludg'e and caruonlC 1. ' . . aCl'd gas were a d ml'tt e(1 0 reserVOll, se t o . . 1b . h ber 13 ft. below the fioor, In whlCh three a ourers, 111 to a c am .' C I 11 ' . 'V 'on , and ,V llhmn . n usse werc• H. Ga11 c mg, ' . \Villiam c . 0"1S and sludo'c overpowered these men. J mnes \lork ·mg.. rThe be < b . . . d Shopland, J o11n Grist, Thomas ~ 'Jnltll., and \VllhaIn Moo y .llilme d'la tely r'an forward and descende(llnto the chmnber to the e rescue, bu t were thelnselve' overcome by the .deadly gas. . Harry Lush and A. E. J. Admns then descended mto the pIt 'th ropes and succeeded in drawing out thc e nlen, as well as ~. vVilliamson and \V. 1. :L\Iussell, and the bodies of H. Godding


and J. Shopland. . , ROBERT COOK, Horsek eper, 252, HIO'h treet, Phun ·teacl (Gett~ficcde uf Hunolw awu,TClecl). For vel'y~courageous conduct displayed at Bostall ill, Plum ·te~cl, 011 the Dtl~ June, 1900. An ambulance wagon, while desccndmg a steep hIll, ran o~ to the horse, owino' to thc ur ak.inO' of the br ech111 0 ' trap. 1he horse ran a·way, tIle dri\Ter losin a ' control of it. Robert Cook c.aught the runl:l,w~l,y by the hcad and was chao'o'cd along hangmO' to it until he stopped the animal, which fell and threw ook on the ground. Had he Decn shaken off he would ~aye been l:un oyer by the alllbulanee carriao'e, which \Yf\. at the tIme conveymg a nurse with a diphtheria patient. . FREDERICK JORX \VATKIX.', Printer, ,Valtham ·to\\' ( lel't~fi­ ccde of' HonOtw (lwci/'ded). For very courageous conduct displayed at Farringdon 'treet Station, Metropolitan Railway, on the 24th December " 1900 in rescuing. two drunken men who had . fallen from the platform on to the metals, an overdue traul being momentarily expected. The two wen had a finn g~'asp of each other. ,Vatl~ins, however, wrenched them apart, seIzed one, lifted him up to the platform, and then went for the other, but in doing so slipped and fell. He, however, . spran.g up, grasped the other l11an, a.nd succeeded in c1raggmg h1m to a place of safety. ,V atkins himself was pulled up ~n an exhausted condition , havinO' received inJ'lU'ies to both hIS legs b just as the train came in, and was for some time an outpatient at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 2


On the cLIne occa.sion the service medal awarded for conspicuous seryices to the Ambulance Department was also presented to:",\VILLIAM HEXRY MORGAN, Honorary Associate of the Order Chief uperintendent of the Metropolitan Corps, St: John Ambulance Brigade. RICHARD BURDETT-SELLER ', .M .R.nS., Honorary Associate of the Order, Chief Surgeon Rochdale Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. MARSHALL HOPPER, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order , Chief Superintendent of the Hull Corps, St. John Ambulance Brig-ade. u .1\1rs. PRI CILLA LA VERACK, Honorary Serving Sister of the Order, Hull Nursing Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Mrs. MARY JANE HARE, First Nursing Officer, Hull Nursing Divi ion, St. John Ambulance Brigade. RICHARD SLATER, Private, Hull Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 'CHARLE HE~RY lILBURN, M.D., Esquire of the Order, Deputy-Commissioner No. VI. District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 'GEORGE THOMPSON, M.D., Honorary Associate of the Order, District Chief Surgeon No. IV. District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. BE:\TJAlIIIN SELLARS, First Officer, Oldham Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Full reports of the Committees of the Ambulance Department .and of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem will be found in the Appendix. The special vellum vote of thanks instituted as an acknowledgment of conspicuous services to the Ambulance Department by Local Executive Officers and others, has been awarded to:Dr. Horace Swete (W Ol"Cester). Blanche, Mrs. Edwin Hunter (Gosport, Alverstoke, and Farebam Centre). Mr. James William Mortimore (Gosport, Alverstoke, and Fareham Centre).

19 Mr. WI'll'laill H . Noble (Mersey Mission to eamen, Liverpool). L d Tuson (Portsmouth). a YR ecel'ver'General have been The ' reI)orts. that the accounts 1 d d't d by Me. srs. Price, \Vaterhouse and COlupany, an duly au 1 e c1 EXI)enc1itnre Accounts and Balance- heet are the Income an attached. . . f th Almoner's Depa.rtment is being maIntaIned The wor k 0 e . d f' 1 't 1 an 1 other letter. have been reCeIve rom severa h and os pI a S lOb 'mem bers, 111 . cluc1in t>o' ir Dyce Duckworth, Mr. amue s orn, Mrs Pitt-Draffen, and Ir."\Y ync1hl1l11 ~'Itur.ay. Tile Chapter is indebted to those ladles of the Order who have k' dl contributed to the fund commenced five years ago to s~ lFor \he nurse' rOOlll in St. John's Parish, the Order ~ro­ ~iling the salary of the nurse, and would at, t~e sa~e tIme for the valuable co-operatlOn gIven by express 1'ts obliO'ation 0' "\"T • L' a Lady of Grace, 1\11' '. Charles Moore \ v atson, In ac ~ng as honorary secretary. ThrouO'h Mrs. "'\Vatson's energ? the following amounts have been handed over to Confrere the Rev. T. vv. Wood :1st year, 24th June, 1 96 -24th June, 1 97, £40. 1 98, £42. 1 97 ,. 2nd " " " " 1899, £70. 1 9~ " 3rd " " " " 1900, £60. 4th 1 99 " " " 1901, £73. 1900 " 5th " G






During the absence of Nurse Green in South Africa a temporary nurse was employed, bn t a pe~'manent nurse has r~~ently been appointed on the recommendatlOl1 of Her R~yal HJghne~s Princess Christian, and her services have been found to be In every way sati factory. The Librarian reports that the following presentations to the Library have to be recorded. Photogrc~ph of St. John's Gate; C1'ypt, c~nd Ch/L~rch. Presented by Mr. H. \V. Fincham. Photog?"aphs of St. John's Church, J.1Ialta. Presented by :Mr. W. G. Barnes. Photographs of the Grand PriO?'y c~t A ?·les (P1'ovence). Presented by Maj or A. C. Yate.



Fi1'St A icl to the I nj1.wecl (Dr. Bernard).

Presented by Dl',

M. G. Foster. ~ife of Lie1.&i.-Colonel J . Hc~nghton. Presented by the Author 1\laJor A. C. Yate. ' A'Inb7.Llance Catechi 'In. Presented by Dr. \Vm. Roxbur -1 TI (X 7 • g 1. .


:n&TCf~ of St. J oh'n (Olukrmwell) with Teganl to 'i'ecent


Presented by 1\11'. E. \r. Hudson.

F7YfJ'I7wcl Pict7.we of St. J ohn's Ch7.&'I"ch, lJl alta. the Genealogi t.

Presented b Y Presented by the Almoner.

St. J ohn the AlmsgiveT. .Lll eclic(fJl- :1uTg ical ExpeTiences of the SO'/.dh A/J'ican ~ .

Pre ented by Lieut.-Oolonel RyeI' on, 1\I.D. WI. F i'l' t A icl .11Ian7.&al in Gugcwati. Presented by Dr. Dha "b . c 11J1 a1 :l\lehta.

The I[ night of the White 01'0 . Pre ented by 1\11'. Lockhart Stockwel1.

Thirty copies of an A nthern, the" Beatitudes." Oolonel BowdleI'.

Presented b Y

Photogl"aphs f'l'o'l?1 the Hi tm'yofthe OJ'cle?" anel of Little illapleteac~ Chl&TCh. Pre ented by Surgeon-Oaptain Brook, M.D. lV~neteen. Vols. c, ~Totes .aneZ QL&e?'ie. "; Pan~phlets an(t List of Wo?"ks of ~wn College L~b?'~~1'Y, Pre ented by the Genealogist. P'roceechngs of the Soc7.ety of A ntiquarie~. Presented by Mr. A. A. Gordon.

The ~ T?ny and the P,'es. Presented by Major A. 0, Yate. Hosp~tallers of St. J ohn, Prlle, ti ne, Rhodes, aneZ; '.illalta. Presented by 1\1aj or G. Lambert. R epo1't of the Co?n?nittee of t1le Po?'tlaneZ Ho :pitcd. Presented by Major-General the H on. H . Eaton. Case for P rints. Presented by 1\1r, H . VV. Fincham, TnfJnsactions of the Abe?yleen Congress. Presented by Surgeon-l\Iajor Hutton. P ort'I'C&it of C& Chaplain of the Onle'l'. Presented by Katharine, Lady Lechmere. - -

Designs fo'l' CfJ new H all at St. J ohn's Gate. Presented by Lord Amherst of Hack.ney.

Solelierrs' aneZ SailoTs' Fa?T~ilies Associatiun Annual RepoTt. Presented by Oolonel Gildea, O.V.O., O.B. A nnual Report lJ!Ietropolitc~n Asylurns Boarel (12 'Uols.)

Two }'fajolicc~ jars f'l"o?n the I nfir?'lu~?·y of the Knights of St. John CfJt },Ialtcc Preseni.ed by Inspector-General Sir Henry Norbury, K,Q.B., M.D., R.N.

Report of the TVol'/.; of the EclinbL&rgh nncl East of ScoiloInel South Af?'ican 110 ~)ital, etc. Pre ented by Mr. A. A. Gordon. 01'gcmisation of VolnnlflTV i11edical A id in TVa)", in A 1~, tria, Fmnce, and Ge?''Inanv· Presented by Major W. G. Macpherson, M.B" R.A.M.Q. Photographs of the P l'ecept01'J) at TOTphichen. Presented by Major A. C. Yate. VisitcfJtion of Englund ond lVale8 ('Uols. aneZ 9). Presented by Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott, Baronet. Sanitation ancl JleCllth. Presented by til' Major-General R. O. Hart, V.C" K.O.B, A Di1'(Jct01'Y of Eclinbu.?·gh. Presented by 1\fr. A. A. Gordon.

Ccdalogue of the Pnblic LibrClrJ), .11Iolta, and a .Lllan1.wl f01' the Genealogi, t, TopogTapher, etc. Presented by the Genealogist. In conclusion, the 1hapter- *eneral would expres its satisfa,ction at the continued exten 'ion and cleyelopment of its various branches of usefulness, and trust· that the appreciation of its labours 0 graeiou 'ly cOllununicatecl by its Illustrious Sovereign H ead and Patron will prove an incentive to all the members of the Order to .. pare no effort to 1naintftin in their fullest integrity it best andnlOst noble traditions.


wrallb U)riorr of tbe ~l'bel' lJYCOlllE A1YD EXPENDITURE ~

-------------------EXPENDITURE. Central Administrationalarie Rent, rate anLl taxes Printing, stationery and general expenses, llleluding re toration of pictures Accountants' charge for preparation amI audit of accouuts In ignia and lliplomas-loss on upply of these pecial donation to the Restoration Fund of the Church of Eagle . . . . Ambulance DepartmentInstpuction and sale of StOl'esLecturer' & Examiners' fee & expense' Spet;ial honorarium nUll travelling expen e of Organizing Commissioner Salarie Printing, tationel'Y and general expensc Ca.rriage and freight Expense of Organizing COl11l1li~sioner in India Invalid Tpansport CorpsExpell. es ofrem0yal of patients, indutling hoI' e-hire, and travelling, and inciden tals . alaries P rinting, tationel'Y and general expen es Repairs, depreciation and rene\vals of carriage. and appliancc St. John Ambulance BrigadePublic duty and maintenance of tatioll' Salary of Brigade Cbief uperintcnc1ent Travelling expenses Printing, stationery and general expen es Uniforms

£4 6 5 0 533 15 4 532

4 6

126 45

0 0 7 'J


0 0



--I rCOME.

t "1 AdroinistrationCen reo . Members' oblatlOns . Foundations . Interest on investments

£907 2 6 748 0 0 629 17 10 /






Ambulance Dep artment-



0 4

Instruction and sale of stores-

3597 18

£4407 l;':>


Gross profit



Donations and annual subscriptions

1431 903 14. 22, 16

9 4

Receipts from (letachel: clas. ~s and centres in re 'peet of 111 tructlOn . 4.



612 13 5, 6 4 1·)0) 1'/') J


sale of stores .











Invalid Transport CorpsFees for removal of patients

5 11


1 :L3



l 'n





., 6 -






/ 14.41

-1 10

223 16 270 0 0


"27 :2:2 4li." 16 3


262 16 10 1jOO 11 139 14


Expenses at Jerusalem, including salary of Superintendent and Assistant, "'ages, housekeeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of fnrniture and fittings, anu petty expen:es includiuf!; special outlay as per contra Buildin g Fund-Amount pel' contra tran. ferred to pecial Funds

113 6 10 10

c ~:i22

British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemExpenses at Louuon Office, including printing, stationery, clerical assistance, ad vertisi ng, petty expenses and rent

16 9

166 12 1


2 4


0 0

62 J 0 fi4 :3


o 13


British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemDonations and annual sull cript iollS Dividends (Lechmere Enuowment Fund) . Paynlcnts by patients Extraordinary-Gift to Building Fund Special Fund -Amoun t transferred from spccia I fl1nds to meet special expenditure on a(lditiol1 to premises included in expenses at J eru alem per contra

1053 19 11 -1116 2 16 0 1000 0 0

5 10


/ 2339 14 5

Almoner's DepartmentSubscriptions Offertory, St..John'. Day

2163 17


12 16 3 1





117 6 To Balance carried to Balance Sheet

30th SEPTEll!IBER,

AGOO jOf,;::-----


1773 12 1

SpeCial competitions

Almoner 's Department Nurse's salary Diets Bandages, &c.



5 4


4 2

£15.866 13 11 £15 ,86613 11

U:be <Brant> ]prior\? of tl)e ~l'ber Of tn gplral of $t. 30bn 0 f 3cruea I enl tn '..c "" ~ng I anv. BALANCE SlJEET








To Sundry Creditors

£2009 16

" Special FundsLechmere Endmnnent Fund British Ophthalmic Ho pital Building }i'uml

£1 74] 365 6 1000 0


6 6 0

32-10 5 0

By CashAt BankGeneral Account Hospital Acconnt Deposit Account " Hospital Building Accollnt In hand (Hospital)

, Capital AccountAs per last account Commutation of oulations received during year . urplu of In come over Expenditure for ycar ended 30th eptembel', 1901, as per In come and Expenditure Account






Investments (at Cost)£513 Us. 9el. 2:~ p. c. Consols '720 Share o[ no eath in t. John 's Gate Company, LimiLcd Loan to St. John's Gate 0111 pa11y, Limited £1764 6s. 5el. India 3 p. c. tock £2077 13s. d. Bank of England tock .


3:33 9 19

£3584 12 11 Ii 13 0 5000 0 0 750 0 0 15 9 8





7100 2-100 1 62 7000

0 0









- - - 3:i5fi3

Lec.:hmel'e Endowment Fund£1467 9s. 3d. India 3~ p. c. tock

:3 10


" Sundry debtors Ie ·




Freehold PropertyAt J erusalem as at 30th ept., 1900 1 41 15 Add Expenditure during th e year to date 261 12

2334 12


219 1


3 4 2103 1010

7 4

7 4

- - - - 3113 11 1

" Fixtures and fittings in London, and at JerusalemAt J erusalem In England

313 110

0 0 0 0

423 0 73 11

0 5

£40 ,803 5


" Buildings in course of erection



-!!i95 ]0


In England



0 0 4 3 0 0

" Insignia, diplomas, medals and dies on hand




" Carriages, horses, ambulance stores and appliances on hand, and in use



5 6

We have examineu the Balance h eet antI In come and Expenditure Account with the books and vouchers of the Grunu Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusal em in England, and we hereby certify the same to be correct. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 4th Mm'eh, 1902.






14 tic-

Report of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital.

VfE' " OF T I IE II OSPIT1\ L AT JEl'US l\ LK,\ r. Frolll a p"oto,~ raP/' r('(clIl/y (nkl'll by A. Jiarloll-]\-mt, Esq.




<Branb lPrior\2 of tbe <l)rber of tbe

1bospttal of St. 30bn of 3erusalem in JEnglanb.






SE PTE l\1 BE R,






lbospttal, 3erusalenl,


\rbe <i3ranb lPrion? of the ®rb er of the 1bospitaI of St. Jobn of J erusa lem In JEngla nb. Watton. HIS MAJESTY KING ED'" ARD VII., K.G. (SOVc1'cz"gn Hcad and Patron of thc Orde1' J.

Ql:ommittrc. ([bainnrrn. THE RIGHT HON. THE EAnL }i~GEH.TON OF TA'l'TON.

"B"icc-Qtf]a irman.


R. BRUDENELL OARTEn, E Q., F.R.O.Ie. (Hon. Consulting Slwgeonj.


1bo5pitaI, 3erusalenl,



n: IJe (I;nlllb lPriorl? of tbe Orber of tbe 1bospita l of St. 3-01)11 of 3-erusalem in JEnglanb.


~ pbtbal1ni c




D. D.




\VAT ON, R.K, O.nLG.


'.1., O.~I.G.






0.1. E. M.D.


members of Qi:ommittcc.

OOLONEL SIR HERBERT JEKYLL, R. E., K. O. M. G. (Secretct?'v-Geneml of the 01'de?'). EDWIN FRESHFIELD, ESQ., LL.D. (Receive1'-Geneml of the 01·eleTj. THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT KNUTSFORD, G . O.1\LG.

(Di1'ectOI' cmel Chcti1'7nctn, A mbglctnce DepCt1·tment of the O,·dc,'j. OOLONEL SIR HERBERT O. Pl<:RROTT, BART. (Secl'etcw!J of the 01·de1'j.

.surgeon to tbe ~ospitaI at Sl'erusalem. W. E. OANT, ESQ., .M.D., F.R.O.S.



-Secretat!!. GOFTON-SALlIIOND, ESQ., 72, Oheapside, London, ~ssistant ~onora:tl! .secretat!! fat ~ cot lantl. A. A.



HE London Committee, charged with the administration of the British Ophthahnic Ho pital at J eru al8111, have again the satisfaction of being able to report that its usefulne s is continuous and increa inD'. Dr. Jelly, who had been selected by the Committee as an assistant to Dr. Cant during the busy period of the previous year, was re-appointed for that now under con ideration, and returned to his duties in June with the advantages of experience of the conditions to be encountered, an 1 of son1e knowledge of the language of the people from among whom the patients are chiefly derived. Dr. Cant reports for the year 1900-01 thn.t the statistics of the work of the hospital, 'which are regularly kept, again show an increase in all their detail ; an increase which has been steadily progressive, and which, if compared with the figures of a few years ago, will be seen to be very consider!1ble. The accommodation for in-patients has for some time been stationary' but the appointment of the assi tant surgeon, which during the la t three years has greatly increased the power of dealing with out-patients, has led to a corresponding increase in their number, and has caused the attenda,nce to rise from aboll t 12,000, at which it stood before this assistance was afforded, to nearly 23,000 in the year; thus showing that the demands upon the hospital could not previously be fully met. This fact had constantly been only too apparent at the hospital itself




Coates Gardens, Edinburgh.

~a:nIters. London and Westminster Bank) Limiteu, Lothbnry, KC.



where great numbers of applicants w re compulsorily excluded during the annual epidemic of de tructive ophthalmia,. As stated on former occasions, the pel' on excluded 'were largely dwellers in the country district around J el'usalell1, "who were unable to reach the hospital in time to secure admission. By the aid of the assi tant surgeon, this difficulty has now been uccessfully encountered ' but it is not unlikely again to become prominent when the increa ed pOliTer Lo deal with applicants again occasions an increase in their numbers and an extension of the area from which they are derived. The amount of work actually accompli hed has for several years been teadily progressive, and the buildino's of the hospital have, by succe sive additions, been dou bled in their extent; but the ward accommodation has only afforded rOOlli for twenty in-pat.ients, although it has beon manifest for a long time past that the amount of eye-disease in the oountry, and actually eekinbo' relief at the hospital, was such that at lea t 100 beds could be constantly and advantageously ocoupied. The generous gift of £1,000 for enlarg81nent of the building, mentioned in the last report, has permitted the commencement of work which will place the hospital upon a widely extended basis, and will allow the number of beds to be inoreased to forty as soon as the alterations have been completed. It has been shown that the appointment of an assistant surgeon was immediately followed by a great increase in the number of out-patients Teceived and treated; and there oan be no doubt that the enlargement of the wards will inorease the number of in-patients in a similar manner, and with a far greater degree of benefit to sufferers than the mere figures will disclose. N umbers of persons will be admitted and cured who at present cannot fail to suffer seriously from the combined efiects of long journeys and of imperfect nursing at home. It was a condition attached to the gift of £1 ,000 that on the opening of the new wards there should be a second surgeon as a -permanent officer of the institution, insteau of an assistant -engaged only for the busiest half of the year; and it is manifest that this alteration, and the increase in the number of beds, will Tender it r.ecessary to place the whole establishment on a more ·extended ::)cale than heretofore. European workers will be


imperatively requ~red in tho nursing department; . and the general cost of ~allltenance and Inanagement must be Increased in a correspondmg degree. Even on the Jnoderate scale of past years, the contributions to the hospital have not covered the expenses; and for the year now under consideration the deficit, which has to be supplied from the o'eneral funds of the Order, has amounted to £175 17s. The Committee earnestly appeal, alike to the Order and to the general public, for such support as may enable this great work of charity and beneficence to be continued on a scale COIlllllen urate with the needs of the population to whose necessities it administers. The hospital annually rescues 1aro'e nUlll bel'S of people in and around Jerusalem from actual or impending blindness; and it is, practically, the only one to which they can apply. Not the least part of its good work is in furni 'hing a common ground on which the Chri tian, the Jew, and the Mahomedan meet upon equal terms, and learn to entertain sentiments of goodwill and mutual respect for one another. On this aspect of the case the Committee have llluch plea ure in O'iy in 0' publicity to the following letter, which ha been written to Lheir Chairman by the Right Rev. Dr. Blyth, Anglican Bi hop in .Jerusalem :_

(( J EHD 'ALE:.\I, " fepte?7"I-be7' 2 th, 1901.

"I am glad that the Order of 't . .J ohn ha been able to give great prominence to the Ophthalmic Ho I ital, of which you are Chairman. Tt is doing excellent work, and it is known and trusted throughout the country, and eYen to 1Ioab and the trans-J ordan country. "Dr. Cant's name is one of 110te here. He performed an operation for cataract on me last year quite painles ly and quite successfully. I lllUst have resigned otherwi e, but I can now see forty miles of distance and read (( diamond type." I heard of him in England a one of the fir t 111en of the day, to whom anything might. have been open at home. I only got the same attention that he gave to an old bedridden woman who was his pa~i~nt before me. He is in every way a good man, but very retmng. "The work of the Hospital is sometimes spoken against because

it is not directly nlissionary. But it is known far and wide as the work of charity and philanthropy by lllen who do the work for the sake of Chri t. It is neither mixed up with proselytism (as our mi ions have been much) nor "w ith politics (a' foreio·u institution are), but it has done a tine work in breaking do~u prejudice, and it i real and thorouo-h. The n8lv building will be a great advantao·e. " I t is well that the ancient Order should have its Hospital here, acce ible to all, and free. It ha greatly subdued the worst form of eye di ease, a people now under tand that their sight can be aved if they go in time. "(Sio-ned) G. , V. BLYTH, , Bi. hop in Je?'lu~ale?n." The abo-ve letter has been submitted to Hi, Maje ty the King, the Supreme Head and Patron of the Order and to Hi Royal H ighness the Prince of , Vale , the Grand Prior: and both His :Majestyand His Royal Highness have been gracioll ly pleased to express their intere t in the good work of the Hospital, a.nd their satisfaction at receiving such a report. The Committee trust that these feelings will be generally entertained; and that they will lead to such an increase of pecuniary support as lllay allow the benefits of the institution to be rendered commensurate with the oftentimes dire necessities of those for "who e relief it has been esta1lished.


For year ending Michaelmas, 1901. ,'UJ\li\lARY. In.Patients admitted. Out-Patient!'l-New Oases . Total AtLel1lhmce " Operations . Amesthetics adlllinistcl'cli

734 6.148 23; 163 1,400


IN-PATIENTS. Disea es of Lid and ConjunctivaFatty Tumour of Lid. nlaliCfnant Ulcer of LuI Sal'cgma of Conjunctiva . Traumatic deformity of Lid . Ectropion froUl Con.iunctiml clisea 'c " Cica tricial con traction . Tri~'hiasi. with Organic COlljunctiYal disease Di eases or COl'l1caTrichiai with Conjunctival and Corneal eli. case . uperficial Keratiti with Organic Conjunctival di ease Trachomatou growth on Cornea. . . Pterygium. . Perforated lecr of COl'llea Leucoma and icatrix . Adherent Leucoma alld Cicatrix Staphyloma and taphylomatoll Cicatrix Diseases of IrisPo terior Syncchia Diseases of LensSenile Cataract Juvenile Cataract Traumatic Cataract . . Secondary Cataractous Mem b1'a11e Discases of GlobeAcute Glaucoma Chronic " Secondary " . . General Staphyloma A nteriOl Disorganised Globe .

1 1 1

1 3 4

96 396

8 1

7 6 1 124:

16 2

35 2 4:

3 3 :2 12


OPERATIONS. On Lachrymal Apparatu . . Division of Canaliculus . Operation for Lachrymal Obstruction On Llds and ConjunctivaPlastic operation for traumatic deformity of Lill " " Cica tricial Ectropioll .


7 1




De. mmTCS, operation for ditto 1 Wbarton Joncs' fOl'ditto 1 Operation by Pedicle Flaps for diLto 2 Skin Grafting for ditto . . . I De 'Wecker's opcration for Ectropion of Lowcr Lid 3 Blepharopln ty 2 Can thotomy . 4 Excision of Epithelioma of lid 1 Operation for Trichi2 i of Upper Lid after llell~ll's met'hod, ex'tend cd. . (,)31 Ditto ditto with Canthopla ty ]37 Opern-tion for 'l'richia i of Lower Litl aftcr nellen . 16 Remoyal of Granulomatol1 growth from Palpebral Conjunctiva 1 " "HypertJ ophied growth from ditto . . 1 Removal of Fatty Tumour from ocnc:ath o('uln.r Conjunctiva . 1 Operation on Ocnlar Conjunctiva for 'l'rachomatol; growth on Cornea I Tl'ansplan tation Operation for Pterygiulll 10 Rctraction Operation for ditto 1 On Cornea, Selerotic, and lrisParacentesis in Ulcer, Pl'olap. e, Staphylomatous Cicatrix, o' e. 3:! Excision of Prolap ed Iri. in Ulcer <! Iridectomy for Artificial Pupil 120 " Adherent Cicatrix and tatlhyloma. :23 " " Glaucoma, acutc " chronic . 4 " " " secondary 20 " " On Lens- " Extraction of harrl Cataract. 37 Linear extraction of oft Cataract 6 Ree.lling Cataract for olution . . 7 Discission of econdary Cataractous Membrane 1 Extraction of ditto. . . . 1 On MusclesT enotomy for StrabiSlllu. 4 Capsular Ach-ancement for ditto il On GlobeAbscission with Conjnl1ctiYal flap and nturc 9 Excision ·1

To tal 1400

OUT-PATIENTS. D iseases of Lachrymal ApparatusI nflammation of Lachrymal 'ac O bstruction of Lachrymal Duct D iseases of Lids and ConjunctivaInflammation of Lid Hordeolum CEdema of Lid Epithelioma of Lid Herpes of Lid :Meibomian Cyst Epithelioma of Lid . Malignant Ulcer of Lici. Entropion, Spasmodic "Cicatricial . " from Conj nncti val Diseasc Ecchymosis of Conjunctiva . .



Dermoid Cyst of di tto . Malianant TUl110ur of dItto N rev~s of ditto . . . 1 • • • • • • ""'uco - Pnrulent Acu t e ~n. . . . and Purulent ConJunctlvlbs Ohronic COllj UJlctl VltlS . Blepharitis. . .... Phlyctenular ConJunctIvltls . pterygium Pinguecula . Symblepharon. . Atrophy of COllJ unct~va . , '. . . Ohronic Organic COJlJ:lllc,tlV~tiS a~ld Tr~cho~1a Trichiasis with Chromc COllJunctIval Disease Diseases of Cornea. Trichiasis with uperficml h.erabbs . .'.,. : . Oraanic Conjullctival Di~cn,se and I uperfiClal h..erabbs Tr~chomatolls Growth 011 Cornea Phlyctenula~' ~~en). titis '. Acute Keratitis wlth Ophthalmla Ulcer of Oornea . Perforated Ulccr of Comea Nebula . . Cicatrix of Comea and Leucoma Adherent Cicatrix and Leucoma Staphyloma of Comea . Diseases of Iris and Ciliary proce1>sesKel'ato-Iritis . Iritis . P05terior 'ynechi, > Coloboma of Iris Pia tic IriLlo-Uyc1itis llppurati\'e Cyc~iti. . . Diseases of Lens and Yltrcous BodySenile Cataract J \l vcn ile " Posterior Pt,lar Cataract Anterior Capsular Cataract Trauma tie Cataract econdary Cataractous iII em brane . Aphakia aftcr Extrartioll of Cataract Dislocation or Len' . Opacities in \'itreOll::l RlBlllol'rhage into Yitreou~ Disease of Choroi I amI RctinaChoroiditis . Cen tl'fI I Ch oroit! i tis Choroiclo-Retini tis Retinitis Hremol'l'hage into Retina Detached Retina Retinitis Pigmentosa Anresthesia of Retina N euro-Retiniti Diseases of Optic N erveOptic Neuritis Atrophy of Optic Nerve Am blyopia Amaurosis. . . Diseases of Ocnlar .l crves and MusclesFacial Paralysis Paresis of Ocular Muscles Ophthalmoplcgia extCl'lla total T



1 1 1 6 7

261 78

87 31 1 1

64 709 296 690 1029 1 1

66 124. 157 103

HO 72'2 116





13 -1


1 1 1 ~,









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J--I r:-...:> lvJ--I t'..:> - I G()


= co I....::>


J--I J---I CI.:I


of tbe ll)ospttal of St. ;Jobn of ;Jerusalen\ in


" "


JEnglan~. (!t,\,:.







By " "

£349 7 6 To Donations, per Summary Collected in Scotland, per Mr. Gordon 98 17 11 52 11 0 Jerusalem, per Dr. Cant H, 0 0 Sir J. "Holder, Bart. (one-seven th) Collected in response to Special Appeal after deducting ex232 19 7 penses (£77 lOs. 11J.~


'-'>--' ""






A nnual Subscriptions

Dividends (Lechmere Endowment Fund) Payments by Patients ExtJ'ftOrdinary: Gift from J. 1\1. for nuilding Fund Amount transferred from Special Funds to meet Special Expenditure on addition to premises, as per contra . Balance being Deficit

" " "

£749 16 278 13


0 0 £]028 9 0 48 11 6 2 16 0



" "




" "




Printing and Stationery (London and Jerusalem) Postage and Petty Expenses Clerical Assistance Rent EXPENSES IN JEfiUSALEM-

Salaries (Drs. Cant and Jelly) Housekeeping Wagp,s Repairs (including special outlay as per contra) Drugs, Instruments, and General Expenses • Travelling Expenses Maintenance of Furniture aULI Fittings


623 16 6 161 9 10 120 15 4 92 8 8 58 0 1 91 3 2 25 8 9


1173 1000




0 0


0 9 27 15 5 40 10 0 15 15 0 £141

" Hnr,DlNG Fl' Nll, Amonnt per contra transferred.

58 10 17fi 17




,Ve have examined the above Incomc and Expcnditme Account fol' the year ending 30th September, 1901, with the books and vourlH;rs in LOl1Llon, and with tht! l'etm n8 received from Jernsalem, and certify the same to be correct. This account forms part of the General Income nIHl Expenditl1l'e Account of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalcm and is incorporated therein. (Signed) PRICE, W ATERIIOUflE & Co. 3, FREDERICK'S PLAUE, OLD JEWRY, E.C. 20th Jan1~ary, 1902.

15 An'twal


Carr-Dyer, Mrs. . Carrington & 00., Messrs. Car t er, R . Brndenell, Esq., F.R.C. '.



1bospttaI, J erusalem,


\rbe (PranD ]priol'2 of tbe ~rDer of tbe 1bospitaI of St. 3-olm

of 3-erusalem in EnglanD. List of Subscl'iptions and Donations received from 1st Oc tobep, 1900, to 30th Sep tembep, 1901.

A nl/~l(tl S1l0SC r i pi ions

Acland, H. Dyke, E q. A. O. S. Albright, 1\Ii s O. Alexander, ~lrs. Amh erst, The Earl Amll erst of Hackney, The Lord Anderson, J . .A., E q. Anonymous Anonymous Barker, Major J . B . Barry, ir F. Tress, Bart. Bartholome\'" O. '\T., E q. Beck, Rtv. E. J. Bedford: The Duches of B erners, C. H., Esq. Bevan, F. A., Esq. Biddlllph,G. H., Esq. Blake, 1\1rs. Bles, .A . S. F., Esg. Bower, Oaptain J. 'V. K ott Bras y, The Lord, E:. O. B. Brinton, John, Esq. Burgoyne, Burbidges and Co , Messr... Burna, .Jlaj.-Gen . Sir Oll'en '1'., G. C.I.E., KO.S . I. Burne, Th e Lady Agnes BUl'lles, Mrs. Bustros, Madame de Bythesea, Urs. Campbell, l1rs. H erbert Oapel, F. 0 ., Esq.

£ s. d. 0 fj 0


£ s. d. 10




1 5 0 o 10

0 0 0


1 1


1 2 1 1

2 1 1




1 0


0 0

0 0 0

1 1 0 5 0 0



5 2

5 2

0 0 0

2 2

2 2

0 0

o 10


0 5 0 4 1 2 2 1

4 1 2 0 0 6 0 2 0 o 10 5 Pi

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 5 0


Can fi eld, 1\Iiss • Esq., M.D. Chaplin, T. Childs, Dr. Chubb, Lady Clark, J., Esq. Clarke, :Mrs. Cook, F . H., Esq., C.I.E. Corbett, J., :;\I.P. . . . Cotton, Chas., Esch F.R.C.P., M.R.O. Coulcher, :Miss Cruickshank, [lIiss Dalton, Oolonel J. 0., R.11.. Dalton, ~Ir . J . O. Dalton, Miss Dick-Lauder, ,'i}' J. N., Barl. Darville, 1\11". Douglas, :JIrs. toc1dart Draffen, Mr:. Pitt. Dring, ~lrs. Duckworth, ir Dyce, 1. D. Euerton of Tatton, The Earl 0 Elliston, Lient. -001. G. S. Ellis, ilIiss 1\. ill. Ely, Th e Right Hev. the Lord Bishop of. E. S. B. Evelegh, ~Ii's E. A. Fairbairll, ir A. Fairbairn, Lady Flne, W. D., Esq. Fletcher Lutwic1ge, ~Iajor U. R. Forbes, N. Hay, ~sq., F.R.C. . Edill. Fraser, A. E., Esq. Fremantle, Sir A. S . Furley, Sir John Furley, Lady FurIey, Lady (proceecis of Realling ociety) Gascoigne, F. C. T., Esq. Gibraltar, The Right Re\,. the Bishop of . Gregory, H. E., E (1. Gribble, )Iis Harrison, Gen. Sir R. Harrel, W. V., Esq. Hemming, Mrs. 'IV. Heygate Lambert, Lieut. -001. F. A.

£ s. 1 0 2 2



0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 5 10 10 2 2 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 :2 0 :2 fi

0 0 0 0 0



1 1 1 1

1 1 1

2 1 1 1 1

1 S 1 2

5 2 0

1 1

0 1 0

o ]0


£ s. cl-










a 0

0 5

0 0

.'i0 50

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 ;)0 10

0 0 0 0


:, 1 1 3 2 1

1 3 0 1

0 0 0 0 0







4 2 1 0

'2 1 5

0 0 0 0 0 0






0 0


17 Ann1W~

Annual Subsct iptions.

Hoffnnng, S., Esq Hooper, J. H. E q. Hubbanl, The Hon. Alice Hunter, Colone; C. Hunter, Mrs. Hutton, Surgeon· Major G. A . Ingram, The Han. Mrs. Ueynell Jack all, G. H., EsCJ.. J ephson, Lady Ray, Sir Brook Bart. Rirk, Mi s Rnoop, Baroll J. Rnut ford, 'l'he Vi count, G.C.M.G. Landor, Miss Lechmere, Katharine, Lady Lechmere, A . H., E q. Leigh, The Lord Lewi , ir 'W illiam, Bart .. Lightfoot, lIIiss Lloyd, lIliss C. Lloyd, Mrs. H. LowTY, General R 'Y., C.B. Lumley, L. C., E q. McClausland, .A. C., E q . lIIercers, The ,yol'shipflll Company of N e\ybul'll, :Mis E. illiddleton, Lady Broke illilburn, Dr. C. H. Mills, H. E q. illocatta, F. D., Esq. lIIonk, Miss J. R. ilIostyn, The Lord ilIurray, Colonel C. Wyndham, lII.P. Newton, Major J. W. l\Iarsdin, RA. Kinnis, Inspector·General B., M.D., R.N. Korth, Colonel, B.N. Ottley, Colonel R E., C.I.E. Palmer, George, Esq. Penfold, The lIIisses PelTins, C. 'Y. Dyson, Esq. Perrott, Colonel Sir H. C., Bart. Philips, Captain N. G. Philips, Captain J. Powell, lIIiss J. «Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem ' J Priestly, Lady Randell, Mrs. E.

£ s.


1 1

0 0

1 1

5 0 0 0 0


o 10 5

Donations. £ s. ct. 1 1 0

0 0


2 2 0

1 5 2

1 5 0

0 0 0





0 2 1

0 0 0


5 0

o 10 2 1


o 10


1 2 I 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 I 1


5 0 10

0 0

0 0

0 0 0

2 0 5 5 0 0

3 3


2 I 2

2 1 2

0 0 0 0 0


0 I

0 0

10 10 :2 2

0 0


o 10


1 5

0 0

0 1

0 0





0 0 0 0

1 2 1 2





Sloan, R., Esq. Smart, F. G., ESI]. Smith, Mrs. 3. p, Smyth, Colonel . Squance, T. Coke, M.D. St. George, Captain B.1. St. Levan, The Lord Stone, Mrs. . . Talbot de Mabapicle, Lady TlU'llip, J. R, Esq, Han • ir n., G.C . . 1. Temp1e. TI Ie Rl'(,ht 0 Temple, Colonel R C . . Thackeray, Colonel ir E., RE., h .. C.ilLG., I.C . .

0 0 G 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 o 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0










0 0


o 10 1



1 1

Thorne, Dr. Bez1ey Thorne, Mrs. E. nL Topping, Miss Vanghan Morgan, Alderman 'Wakley, Thomas, E q., F.B.C, '.



0 0



0 0

0 0

o £34.9



1 0 o 10 0 1 1 0



3 1

Walters, Uiss • ' •. REG C :U.G., h ... C.B. . ., . .

" Clta" ,Van'en, Lt .' Gen. II ,', . , Watson, Colonel C. nL, RE., C.M.G. Watson, 1\1rs. Williams, Mrs. Yate, The Hon. Colonel O. E., C . . I.,O.M.G. Yate, 1\1ajor A. C. Yate, 1\1rs.

:2 0 1

L ess 2 years ' a bl a t·lOllS, 1),'11',1 ' to the HOSI)ital account in errol' .


0 0 0

0 1 1 0 2 ~ 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1




£27' 13

o 10 1 1

£ s. d. 4

£2,,2 13

5 0 0 1 0

Sale Mrs. . B t ' Rev Sir Bonadn.ile, al'. Savory, S. B. S. · . • • Seeley, Sir Oharlcs, Bart Shaw Miss A . · . • , Re,r Canon 'reign month Shore, . . I'· SlUC all, The Ven. Archdeacon

'Walton, :llIajor H. E. 13. ,Yard, J. Langfield, Esc1· .

5 0 0 1

e1 Alms Box, pel' Lady Katharine Rhydd Oour t C11 ap . Lechm ere Robinson , ~~. L., ESll· Royds, Oolonel, M. P.



20 0 5


S1tbscripli n ns. £ S. (1 .


0 £34.9

7 6




Donations received at Jerusalem, p er Dr. Ca nt. A Lady . Blyth, Bi hop Bmman, A. Esq. Cook's Staff, Messrs. Crawhall, The Mis es Fitzjohn, Mi s Hm;pital Mouey Box Keightley, Mrs. Offertory, t. J ohu's Day hoemaker Fund \\T eston, II'. Wheeler, P. d'Erf, Esq., Jr.

£ s. el. 1 4 0 16 0 0 3 3 0 o 10 0 10 10 0 o 16 0 13 10 0 2 0 0 2 18 0 o 10 0 1 0 0 o 10 0

£52 11




Collected in Response to Sp ecial App eal.

H.I.M. The Emperor of Germany Ander on, J . Macyicar, E q. Auonymoils Beauchamp, R. H., Esq. Bentinck, Lady Henry . Bischoffsheim, H. L . , Esq. Brmnl, Augustus, Esq. Capel, C., Esq. . Cassel, Miss l'll. E. Charles, Mrs. J. F. Chatfield, Admiral Childers, Miss D. ~L Cubitt, Mrs. Ellen Ebblewhite, Ernest A. , Esq. Emberton, L. G., E q. E vans, 1\1rs. Elizabeth Fillitpr, F ., Esq . Finch, Robert, Esq. Forbes, Miss K. Stewart Foose. 1\1iss F. S. Fox, Rev. W. H. Fox, 1I1ajor Chaley From Two Friends Grenside, Mrs. W. C. Hall, Rev. J . E. Ham bleton, Viscolln tess Hill, Charles, Esq . . H ood, T he Hon. Mrs. Grosvenor



0 0 15 0 1 10 1

5 1 ]0 1 Ii 5 15 0



1 1 2 0 1 0 5 5 o 10 0 2 1 1 ] 5 0 1 1 0 5 2 2 1 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 o 10 o 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Jackson, E. 'VY. , Esq. Joicey, Miss Eva . Keppel, Admiral Sir Henry Laing, Sir James Langenbach, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Samuel Lister, Lord Morley, Ho\\'ard; E sq. l\'1orrison, 0., Esq. Nestle, Henri, Esq. Portland, The Duke of Ralli, Lucas E., Esq. Ree, Isidor, E g. Rothschild, Mes rs. Selicrman, Isaac, Esq. 0 Somerset, Mrs. F. Stockall, M . A ., Esq. TwemIow, O. A., Esq. Twist, :\liss F . ,Yo Van Lawn, H., Esq. Wilkinson, Messrs. \17. A. and N. Wolfe, James 'Y., Esq. 'Wood, Miss Ellen Wood, Miss Fanny Yoales, Freuerick, Esq.

5 2

2 5 5 10 25 5 1 25 10 2

0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 10 0 0 10 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 5L 0 5 0 0 5 o 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 5 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 ~ 2 0 5 0 0 ---£310 10 6 77 10 11

L ess expenses of collection

£:232 19 7 ----

List of Subscription s a n d Donations receiv ed b y A . A. Gordon, Esq., Assista n t Hon orary S ecretary (for S cotla nd. ) Frollt 1st No vcIItbu, 1900, to Septcm,be1' 30th, 1901. A nnurl.l S!~bscriplions.

£ s. " A Friend" . Aytonu, James, Esq. Beveridge, Henry, ES(h of Pitreavie Boyce, H. H., Esq., C.B. , per Col. J. A. Man tnal't. O.B., C. M.G. Boyd, William, Esq., F. K .E., per Col. J. A. Man Stuart,

0 0 1

5 2 0


o 10

Bruce, Mrs. A. L . . Bnllough, William, Esq. , pel' Col. J . A. Man


Stuart, C. B. , C. 1. G.






6 0

O.B., C. i\I. G. Brown, Professor A. Crum, M.D., D.Se.











0 0





Annual S1i bSCl'ipt ions.

Burnett, Mrs. Callender, .:'Ill's. tanley Campbell, ?lIr.. Cathcart, John F., E q. Clark, ir John Forbes, Bart., of Tillypronie, pCI' Col. J. A. ~Ian tnart, C.B., C.M.G. Colquhoun, ' ir Ja111e', Bart. Crombie, Theodore, Esq., per Col. J. A. ]\Iall tl1art, C. B., C. M.G. Darien Pres, Edinburgh . Darling, Mrs.. tormonth Davies, ?lIr·. (:Jlorrat) Davi, Colonel John, A.D.C., per Col. J. A. 1\lan tuart, C.B., C. M.G. Dugdale, 1Ifr. tratford, 11cr Col. J. A. ]\Ian tuart, C.B., C.M.G. . Farquhar on, Robert, Esq., of Finzean, pel' '01. J . A . Man 'tuart: C.B., C.1\1.G. Farquhar, Admiral i:- Arthl1l', K.C. B., per Col. J. A. :Jhn tuart, C. B . , C.G. M. . Ferguson, Profes or John, LL. D. . . . Finlay, J. Hope, E g., per Col. J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.:J1.G. Foster, Mrs. J. E. . Geikie, Sir Archibald, F.R. Gordon, :JIr. [tncl ?lIrs. A. A. Gordon, 1111'S. W. E. Hey\,"oou, :J1rs. " Hutchi on, Jame~ T., Esq., of Moreland, per Col.' J. A. :Jlan, tllart, C.B., C.1\1.G.. . Innes, Colonel, of Learney, C.V.O., per Col.J. A. :Jlall , tuart, ·C. B., C.M. G. Laidlay, 1\lrs. Langhorne, J ohu, ES(l' Langlands, Miss E . Lumsden, Henry, E q . , per Col. .J. A. ?lla II ,-' t Ilart, C.B . , C.lII.G. Lyall, l\Ir~I. Lyon, 1\1rs .. Macfarlane, -Wal tel', Esq., J. P. . Uacgillivl'ay, William, ES(h per Mrs. Burnett ?llackenzie. ~liss . Man, E . H., E C1-. pel' Col. J. ~. Uan', tuart' C.B.: C.lII.G. . . . '. Marshall, Major R. S., per Col. J. A. Man Stuart C. B., C. 1\1. G. . ' :Martin White, J., Esq., of Balruddery .Maxwell, Miss 1\1. . . . Macquibban, Sug. Lt.-Col., 1\LD per Col. J . A . Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.G.



1 1 0 0 !J 0 0 f) 0 1 0 0




0 o 10 1 1

0 0 0



0 0


2 0


1 6


2 0

1 0 0

o 10

0 0


o 10


1 10 1 0 o 10

6 0




1 0

6 1 1


0 o 10 1 0

0 0 0 0


6 0

o 10

o 10 0 1 1


5 0 0 10



0 0 0 0 0

o 10 0 5

O. M.G. Mitchell-ThomsoJl, Ludy, 1"~1' Col. .r. A. Man Stuart, C.B., C.M.<:. ~loody-Stual-L, The ReI". l~cllll('llt. Moray, Anna, OouJltess of Muir, Principal ,'il' ,\Villialll, K.U.~.I., LL.D. MlUray, J., Esch P('I' ('01. .J. A. 1\lan Stuart, O. n., C.1\1.C. Newton, 1\1rs. D. C!ray Oliver-Riddell, A., ~})Ij.,


£ s. d. 440

110 100 100 100 200 o 10 0

o 10

100 fi 0 100



0 026 110

or Craigluclt 11'Lrl

Pullal', Sir Robed Readmau, James I) .. l~'irl' l{ohcrts, Alex. F., I~sq. Roberts, T. J. S., Esq. Rose-Innes, ~1rs. (E<lin\)llJ'glt) Hmith, Major-General K DU,I'icj"oll Smith, nIl'S. (Ec1illlllll'gh) Stuart, OoloneJ.T. A. Man, C.B., '. I'. I. U. Sluart, 1\1rs. Mall, Scott, Mrs. Erskillc Templctoll, ,J. S., I~srl' Thomson, Juhn, Esq., M.D., F.H.. C. P.K . Tonic, R. Jamcsoll, Esq. Tra "ers, Mrs. Tu I'Il bull , Ul's. Usher, l~obcrt, Esq. Walkcr, l\liss (Eclinh1ll'gh) Winstanlcy, l\liss Wingate, Mrs. (Edinburgh) Wingate The late 1\1rs. (Glasgow) YOllnger, William, I~sq .. or Ravell. wood.

10 :3


Total recei\'crl hy A. A. C:onlolJ, Esq ., and J'cnlittecl to B.. Gofton-SalmolHl, ES<1' Add iucludecl III li~t to 30th September, 1900, but not l'ccei \'c<l un til after that date


2 0 o 10 0 100 1 0 0 o 10 0 o 10 6

050 110

100 200 1 0 0

o 1

o :2

2 2 1

5 0 5 2 :2

0 0 fj

0 0

1 2

0 2

0 0




0 0


0 0









£6 £9

0 0



£59 13

2 2 0

1 0

,\le Vi tie, Robert, E::lCl' )iillar, Ed lI'arcl, Escl" of Rossie ~{iller, Al ee. W. EsC[. Millrr, Mrs. RolJCl't Afillel', Miss Miller, Miss E. 1' .. Milne, Mrs. Milne, J. D., Esq., pCI' Col. .J. A. 1\1an Stuart, C.B.,


s. d.



17 11

Form of Bequest. I give and bequea.th unto the Trca 11rer for the t.i III e oeinO'b of

I I I.

the Institution known by the name of TH E 8n ITIS" ()PIITI-I " •"\I' JJlfl C' HOSPITAL,


belonging to t.he (;r<"l.1l(l Priory of the

Report of the Central Executive Committee Order of the Hospital of

~t .. f o11n

of .J erllt.,nlem in Englanel, the

:mm of ... ................................ [free of (lntyJ toward

accomplishing the Chn,l'itable


be appliecl

de igns of t.he said

Institution. X.H.-Land and :JIoney secured on La,nel can nuw be given to charita.ble uses under the condition. enacted by the (( Charitable 1 '>('~ Act 1891, 54 & 55 Vic. c. n."

of the St. John Am bulance Association, being the Ambulance Department of the Order.


$t. 50hn Bmbulance Bssociation BEING TIlE AMBULANOE



'[be (Branb lPrior\2 of tbe ~rber of tbe 1boapitaI of $t. 30bn of 3eru5alenl in 18nglanbc_............




....................................... -................

.. --_.....


................ -....-...........


(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order).


(Grand Prior of the Order ).













Corrected toTMarch 1st, 1902.

( As regards thi.) page).

$t. 30bn tllltbulance tlssociation,



Page The Central Executive Committee of the t. John Ambulance Ass()ciation ...





(Grand Prior of the Order.)


Qi:entt!:11 Erccutibc Q:;ommittcc.


Report-Invalid Transport Corps Report-Stores Department ...


Statement of Receipts and Expenditnre


Consisting cxclusively of MClllbcl'. allll As. oeiates of the Order.

IBimtot of tbe '2lmbulance J]cpartment anb <&bairman of (£ommittcc. The Right HOll. Viscount KNUTI:lFOJlD, G.C.1\1.G. ~ssistaltt

Al>PENDIX A. Subscriptions and Donations to Head Office September, 1901


HonorUl:Y Life Members


Examining Staff

.. .


Subscription Form .. .


Form of Testamentary Bequest





Report of St. John Ambulance Brigade.



J]eptlt!! ;'bairman.

Life Members

Local Reports

J]imtor anb Uleput!) Qi::f:Jairman.

The l\Iost HOll. the l\Inl'CIUeSS of

from October, 1900, to

Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Country and Foreign Centres


(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order ). l:J r rsib en t.

The Chapter of the Order of St. J 01111 ("'ith Ilames of Members of Coullcil and Executive Officers) Report-General .,.


lrbe (l;ranb jprior}? of the G\)rber of tbe 'lbospitaI of 51. Jobn of Jerusalem in J6nglanb.


Sir Vl~C;E~T KENNETT-BAHItI~C;TO;\, nT. A., LL.nT. Sir JOHN FURLEY (Life Mcmucl' CHlUSTOPIIElt CHILD " ESfh M.D. Honoris CCll6sti). CHAltLE. J. TltDIBLE, Esq., L.R.C.P. Colonel J. C. DALTOS, R.A. Colonel ()LE~IE~T MOLYNEUX ROYDs, The Right Hon. Lonl HltA,'::;E¥, K. C. B. ::\1. r. Lieut.-Col. F. A. HEYGA'l'E LA~[!3El!T . ED~lU.·D O\\,E~, E (I .. F.R.C.S. The Rev. T. W. ,\'00 D. The Righ t lIoll. LC)l:d CLAUD :Major·General ASTLEY TEItny. H.uIfLTox. Colonel Sir E. T. THAUKEllAY, EDWIN HAN,'OX FUESHFIELD, Esq., KC.B., 13.CC., H. E. M.A. Sir JAMES N. DIGK, K.C.B., R.N. Lient.-Colollcl RrCliAlm HOLBECllE. ColonelC. W. BOWDLElt. MajorA. C. YAl'E. ,VALTEP,ROWLEY, ESCh liLLC.E. it' EDW.\!t[) L. O·~LALLEY. W. COLLINGRIDGE, ESfh .JLD. Coloml GEOllGE H. O'MALLEY Liellt.-GeneralR. W. LOWIlY, C.B. la.teR.A.) Inspector-General BELGRAVE NI~mIs, Deputy-In p.-Gen. M. COATEI:l, R.N llI.D., R. J. urgeon-Major G. A. HUTTON. 8Ul·g.-Gen. J. JAME. OX, C. B., M.D. J. ASTLEY BLOXA~I, Esq., F .R.C. 8ul'geon-Majol'-General JOHN By COLE JOIlS F. WOOD~, Esq., M.D. READJ1;, C.B. Er-o !ficio recmbers 0 f <Committee. ,Colonel Sir HJ1;RBERT JEKYLL, K.C.M.G., R.E. (Secretal'y-General of the Order) . EDWIN Flm.SIlFIELD, Esq" LL.D. (Receiver-GeneJ'al oj the Ol'de1·.) The RIght HOIl. Earl EGERTON OF TA'l'TOS (OhcLiJ'?nan,


<Chief Srmtar!}.

British Ophthalmic HospilcLl).

Colonel SIl' HEunEr:L' C. PEItROTT, Bart. (Secreta?'y of the Ordc1'j. ~ccountant lllt'll ~torcftrr.llrr.

WILLIAM R. EDWAItDs, Esq. , A.C.A. (Act.:ountantofthe Orde1). ~cab




m:ue Qrbapter.

Co?'rected to lIJaTch 1 t, 1902. ( As ?'egarcls this and the oppo ite page.)

"{tbe C3ranb {prior}? of tbe @rber of Ube 1f,ospital of St. Jobn of Jernsalem in JEnglanb. .5obcrciglt




:lSaiIiff of EgIt. HI









Prclette-His Grace the Archbishop of '{olUe Chancellor-The Right Hon. Earl EGEltT0X OF TATTuN. SeC?'etetry-Geneml-Colonel ir HEHBEI:T JEKYJ,L, K. C. nL G., R. E. Receive1'-Geneml-EDWIN FIlE.'HFIELD, Esq., LL. D. Almoner-The Rev. Callon DUCKWOltTlI, D.D . Registmi'-Lient.-Colollel GOULll HUNTE1L-WESTON, F . . A. Genealogist-The Rcv. 'Y. K. R BlmFolw, 111. A. Di1'ector-Geneml of Ceremonies- ir ALBRJtT W. 'YOODS, KO. n., 1\. O.1\1. G. (Garter). DirectOi' of the Ambulctnce Department-The Right lIoll. Viscollnt KKUT. FORD,G.C.~r.G, Lib'i'm'ian- Lieut-Colonel RICHARD HOLDECllE. SeC?'etm'y-Colonel "ir HELlBEnT C. PEltJtOTT, Baronet. Ohctil'll!etn of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, JerZGsalelnThe Hight Hon. Earl EGEnTON OF TATTON, Chief Sec?'ela?'y of tllC Ambulance Df!part1nel~t-Colonel ir HERBEl1TC. PEllllOTT, Baronet.




Assistant Director oj the Alnbnlcmce ]}epctrtmclltThe )lost HOll. the 1\IAllQUESS OJ;' BHEADALBANE, K.G, Assistctnt Librarictn-EDwIx H . F ltE:>HF IELD, ES(l., :J1. A. Assistcmt Sec1'etllJ'y-LoCKlIAl1T TOCK WELL, ES1l' Acconntant·-'VILLIAM R. EDWAltDS, ES1h A.O.A. Hon. Sec1'ctcwV of the British OphthalilLic Hospital, JCl'llsc6le?nR GOFTON-SALilIOND, Esq. Assistant Hon. SecJ'etm'y (fo?' Scotland) of the British Ophthalmic HospitC6l, JeruscliemA. A. GOltDON, Esrl'

m:be Qrottnctl. T he Coullcil consists of the Sub-Prior, as Presiuent e;:r>ojJicio, the Execllti,'e Officers, and the following

Selected Membe rs. Sir J ORN FURLEY. Colonel J. C. DALTON, R. A. T he Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Sir J . N . DICK, R.C . B. , RN. Colonel C. W . BOWDLEH. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTII, M.D.

The Sub-Dean of the CUAPELS ROYAL,


anlJ Wairon of tne ®rlJct.


OJ t· consists of the Knights of Justice and Sub-Prelates, de j1trej the Executive The l aP :~lected Members of Council; the following Officers; t11e ®fficiating ([;napla in~,

,VILLIAM COLLINGllIDGE, ES(h M.D. Major-Ceneral Sir OWEN T. Bur.NE, G.O.I.E., 1\.C.S.1. Sir GEORGE HA YTER CIIUBB, Baronet. The Right Hon. Viscount HAMPDEN, G.O.M.G. The Most lIon. The Marquess of Bl:E.l.DALDANE, R.G.

The Rev. Sir BOJtJtADAIL11: 'AVOItY, Baronet, M.A., AN])

~£p re~entatibe 1\t1tigni~ 0 [

NNETT-BARRINGTON, M.A., Sir VINOENT KE LL.M. B,OBERT BnuDENELL CAlt'fElt, Esq., F.RC.S. Major-General ,\STLEY TEJtIw. Colonel Sir E. T. THACKERAY, ICC.B., };T. (1;., R. E. .sir ART Hun J. R. TREND ELL, C.M. G.


ir RWHAltD DOUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, ICU, V.O., nLD. Colonel C. M. ROYD:>, M.P. EOillUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.O.S. EDWIN HANSON FltESHFIELD, Esq. , M.A. The Most 11on . the MAJtQt:ESS OF N ORTlI A~ll'TON .

The followin g a re the Knigh ts of Justice: iH.R. H, The Duke of CAilIBl1.lDf;lF., K. G. R.R.H. Prince Omu. TIAN OF SCIILESWIGHOLSTEIN, KG., G.C.B. H.R.H. Prince OnARLE.· OF DENilIARK, G. C. B. H.R. Prince ALBEnT OF , CULESWIGHOLSTEIN, G.C.B. R. S.H. The Duke of TECK, G. C. V.O. R. S.H. Prince FnANUIs OF TECK, E..C.V.O., D.S.O. Captain H.S. H. Prince Lou J S OF BATIE~BERG, G.O.B., R. . The Right Hon. Lord LEIGH. Lieut. -Col. TnE VENEX J Aj\IE' HOLLAN]), C. B. Major Sir JOSEPH WALLIR O'BltYEN Ho \llE, Baronet. CHARLES PEMBEnTON CARTEll, Esq. Sir J OJIN FURLEY (Honoi·(t1·y Bail~tl). Lieut. -Col. GouLDH UNTElt- W ID'oToN(IIono1'Cl1'y C01n'lnande?·). The Right Hon . Lord STAN~LOnE, G.C. I G. FRANOIS ROBERT DAVIES, Esq. Sir BROOK KAY, Baronet. Sir THOMAS NORTH DICK-LAumm, Barollet. Major Sir ARCIIIBALD LAMB, Baronet. General Sir HENEY Cu \RLEH B \JtKSTO DAUBENEY, G.C.B. (Hono?'CtryCom,lIwnde1') Oolonel Sir HEItBERT C. PEnr..o,],T, Baronet. The Right Hon. Earl FEItllEHfi. RUPERT CARADOC FRANCIS DALL.\.s, ES(l' GEORGE PALMER, Esq. Colonel JAMES GILDEA, C.V.O., C.B . HENRY JOHN LOFTU.', Esq Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWE:>. The Right Hon . Lorel AJllIIETIfi'l' OF HACKNEY. Lieut.-General Sir CUAR1JEH ,VARltEN, G.C.1\1.G., KC.B., R.E.

Colonel J AilLEH CECIL DALTON, RA. Lt.-OoloJJel A,YLj\lEIt GOULD HUNTEH.-\VESTON, D. '.0., R.E. The Right Hon. Earl EGEP.TON OF TATTON. ColO1!el Tbe Right Hon. Lord WILLIAM OEUIL, M. V.O . EDWIN FJtE:>lIFIELD, Esq, LL. D. His Grace The Duke of FIFE, R. T. The Hight Hon. Lord BHA.·SEY, K. C. B. The Right Hon. Yiscount TRj\IPLETOWN . The Right Hon. Earl Aj\[HERST. The Right Hon . Lord HENNIKER. The Right Hon. Viscount KXUT:>FORD, G. '.ilLG. (Hono?'(()'y Com,1)utncler) R. M.\cLE.\N MACLE,\.N, Esq. AItTIIUlt FIUKCIS GUE H Dr LEVESON GOWEll, Esq. Lieut.-Col. F. A. HEYG_\TE LA}IBEnT. Colonel Cn \TI.LES ,VYKDHA~I nIURltAY, M.P. The Hight Hon. the Earl of K\NFURLY, ( ;,(;.111. G. The Right Hon. Lord ...\NDHDTIST, G.C. I.E. ir HEXRY ARTHUR BLAKE, G.C.nLG. Ca.ptain -'- ATlIANIEL GROIlGE PHILIPf-;. The Right Hon. the Earl of lllK\'TH. A. ED~IUND FIUSER, E 'q. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Co1011e1 CU.UtLEs Ht:);TEH. The 1\1o·t ]Jon. the ilLuu)l-E"'" OF BmUDALllANE, KG. IIis Graee the DUKE OF POI:TL.\ND, K.G., G.'.Y.O. Fieltl-illarshal the Right Hon. the E.\llL H.ODI~I:Tf-;, K.G., 1).([., etc., etc.

The following al'e the Sub-Pr ela tes: The Loru Bishop of ELY. The Lord Bishop of SALISBURY,

The Bi~hop ofGIDHAL'J'AR.


Full information ag to the work of the St. J o h n Am 1:>ulance Association , and its Branches, can be obtained on apPlicati; to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London E , C., by whom copies of printed pApers will be supplied in rea sonable numbers without charge. on Reference Numbers or L e t ters as follow being quoted.

R eference.

Formation of Oentres

Pamphlet -.!-.J B IUOT

Formation of Classe. in connexion with Centres

Pamph.g 1901

Formation of Detached Ola.s es

Pamph. ~

Arm and other Badges .

Paper 74.

Invalid Transport Corps (Head-qnal'ters)

Paper A.

St. J obn's House, Worcester (for practical instruction in District Nursing, &c.).

Paper 73.

Chelsea Infirmary, London, S.W., for practical experience in Hospital Nursing, &c.

Paper 73a.

Syllabus of Instruction-J uniol' Course

Paper T~~o

First Aid Course Home Nursing Course

Paper T ~ ~T Paper _2~ 1 UOl

Hygiene Cour. e

Paper 85.

Oottage N tusing











Regulations for tbe cond uct of Examinations


Medallion and Re-examination Reo'ulations

Paper T~r

Pocket Certificates

Paper 56.


T 8 ~u

General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade .

Ref. Let.

Explanatory Instructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Di visions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade

Pamph. B¥

Origin and Development of the St. John Ambulance Association

Pamph. ~,

The Police and First Aid

Pamph. i


.Price I:ists of all articles sold by the Stores Department, w.lth partlculars and estimates for Horse Ambulance Oarriages, LItters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained.

$t. john Blnbtllance Bssociation. REPORT



HE CENTRA.L EXECUTIVE CO~DlITTEE has the honoul' to submit the following report for the information of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and the Chapter of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erllsnlem in England. It is gratifying to record that His l\fajesty the King, having found it necessary to resign the office of President on his accession to the Throne, has graciously consented to become the Patron of the St. ,John Ambulance Association, and His Royal Highness the Prince of "\Vales has succeeded His Majesty in the office of Presi(len t. The most important featul'e of the work of the Ambulance Department during the year has been the continued valuable services rendered by t.he detachments of the St. John Ambulance Bl'ign,(le on duty in 'outh AfTica. The fullest details aboll t these services will be found in the report ot the Chief Commissioner which is appended, and it is not less satisfactory to call attention to the progress made with the formation of the Bearer COIn panie for service nnder the Mobilisation Scheme for HOlne Defence referred to in last yeal"s report, and of the similar steps being taken wi th the approval of the Lords of the Admil'alty for affording assistance to the Roycl,l Navy on the same lines in time of war. The Committee has agajn to express its deep regret at the further increase in the number of deaths among the members of the Brigade on service with the Hospitals in South Afi'ica, and wishes to place again on record its deepest sympathy with the families of those who ha;ve so nobly laid down their lives in the performance of such a hum~Lne and patriotic dut.y.



The final heats of the annual inter railway competition for th silver challenge hield presente~ by the. Order were held las: ~lay at the Portman R:0oms, the Judges bemg Mr. James Cantlie, F.R.e.S., l\l.B., and LIeut.-Colonel C. J. Trimble ' L.R" C" P WIO 1 . awarded the shIeld to the North-Eastern Railway; the other teams being place~ in the following orde:' :-Mersey Railway; GreR.t-N orthern Rmlway; Great-Eastern RaIlway, and the South~astern and C~latham .Railway. On the same day the competitlOn for the BrIgade prIzes, the Dewar Shield and the Symons Eccles Cup, also took place at the Portlnan Rooms, the judaes beinO' Deputy-Commi ioner ,"\T. Vernon, l\l.R. e.8., and Honorar~ Surgeon Heaton C. HOIyard, F.R.C . ., the East Ham Division (Metropolitan Corps) was awarded the Dewar Challenge Shield and the ,Vellingborough Corps wa a"warded the Symons Eccle~ Cl~P, .the th~r~,. fourth a~d ~fth places being ta.ken by the BrIerfield DIvlSlOn, the Sheffield Corps, and the Chichester Di.vision respectively. At the conclusion of the competition the pnzes were presented by the jIarchioness of Breadalbane the wife of the Assi tant Director and Deputy Chairman of' the St. John Ambulance Association. The best thanks are due and have been offered to the judge, both in tbe final heats and in the group competitions in the proyinces, for their valuable serVIces. Iany meetings for the presentation of certificates and medallions, and also to welcome the return of llleIl1 bel's of the St. John Ambulance Brigade who haye been on ser,ice in South Africa, have been held during the past twelvemonths. Amongst those who have Inade the presentations, or have taken a prominent part in the proceedings, have been Her Royal Highness Princess Christian at ,Vindsor; the Chancellor of the Order, Earl Egerton of Tatton, at Stockport; the Director and Chairman, Viscount Knutsforcl, at the London Docks; His Excellency the Governor, Lord Henniker, in the Isle of Man: Sir Vincent Kennett-Barrington in Oxfordshire; Field :Marshal Earl Roberts at ,Velbeck and Dinaley; Lady Betty Balfour at W oking ; Earl Spencer and the l\farquess of Northampton at Northampton; the Lord Bishop of the Diocese at Bristol; Lord Provost Hunter at Dundee; the Duchess of Portland at Welbeck; the Earl of Lonsdale at vVhitehaven; Mr. Winston

Churchill at Oldham; and the :M ayor. and :Mayoress. at Accrington. In addition to num.erous ot~er Important m~etillgs those held at Ipswich, Ketterlll?, Belfast, Derby, LeIcester, ld Nelson deserve special mentlOn. At the last nalned an ~~augural meeting was held for the dedication to ambulance work of a handsome hall specially erected for this purpose at a cost of some £2,000, the doors of the re. pective sections allotted to the work of the Brigade and of the Association being formally opened by. the Chief Uomlnissioner, Colonel Bo\yc.ller, and by the Chief Secr tary, Colonel 'ir Herbert Perrott, the former also unveiling a memorial which had been erected to the memory of a member of the local clivi lOn who died of enteric feyer while on service in South Africa. The excellent example set by the town of Nelson in this direction is worthy of all commendation, and will, it is hoped, be followed in many other localities, as it is obvioLls that if 1'acilitie ' are afforded for the better furtherance of ambulance work Ly the provision of suitable accolllmodation, it cannot fCl.il to lead to greater exten 'ion and intere t in this desirable branch of puulic instruction. At Liverpool, where there are six fully equipped police horse ambulances, 1,6 0 constables hold certiticates, and 1,1.,bG hold medallions, and 3,9 5 persons were as 'i tecl in cases of accident or sudden illnes during the year. At a meeting held in the Manche tel' Town Hall the Lord Mayor pre 'ented 267 llwdallion and certificates gttined by the members of the local police force, and the chairman of the "\Vatch COlllmittee pointed out that :2 ) melllber ' of the force held certificate, aud thi.lt c1urin u the In t fi,e vyear 10,570 persons had been taken to the Infirmaryand irnilar in titutions, or to their homes by the police and that 52 liyes had been saved. In the report i ued by the Chief of Police for the City of Birmingham, it was stated that the actual trength of the force in December, 1900, ,,'as 700. Of the e 650 had pa ed the first examination for certificate, 320 had obtained ,oucher and 259 medallions. No Ie s t.riking was the actual number of cases in which their kno\dedge was turned to account. During the year no fewer than 910 cases received aid, including 66.J. wounds, 77 fractures, 105 fits,21 burns and scalds, 10 dislocations and i1 case of hanging, in luany in tance the members being

. II

10 complilllented by doctors Iyho had charge of their subsequent treatment, \\'hile pecial award had been made in some instances by the ,Vntch COlllmittee. No fewer than 447 members of the Leed police for e hold St. John Alnbulance Association certificate~, and l-.tcb pos ess the Association's Inedallion. The l?rize~ in titu~e:l by ome of the leading Railway Compmlles 111 recognltlOn of cases where first aid has been rendered hFl.ve again been Fl.warded in a large number of instances, and the Directors of the leading companies have continued to show their interest by presiding or attendino' variou meeting. Amono'st these have been the annual dinne~' of the Head-quarter Staff of the London and South- \"r estern Rail'\'ay Company, attended by Lord talbridge, Chairman of the London and ~ orth-,Vestern Railway COlllpany, the presentation of certificates to the Midland Railway employes by Sir Henry ,Viggin, Baronet., Chairman of the ,Vays and ,Yorks Committee, a meeting at Furne s for the formation of a Railway Centre, the Hight Honourable Sir J. T. Hibbert, K.GB., Chairman, presiding, and another at ,Varwick Castle for a district ambulance competition in connection with the London and :N orth-,Vestern Railw'ay Company, the teams being hospitably entertained by the Earl and Countess of 'Varwick. Some statistics as to the loss of life and the number of accidents occurrinbo' on the Rail way sy terns will be found in the report of the Organizing Commissioner. The extension of ambulance work in the British possessions beyond the Seas, especially in Au,tralia and ~ ew Zealand, continues to flourish with unabated vigour. It is gratifying that efforts are now being made to push the formation of Corps and Division~ of the Brig'ade in accordance with the latest reo'ubtions v b ' and a great stimulus to this movement has been given by the favourable terms in which the 1filitary Authurities speak of the services rendered by members of the Association who were on duty on the occasion of the visit of T.R.H. Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York to the various towns in the Colonies, especially at Sydney. Surgeon-ilIajor G. A. Hutton, the Organizing Commissioner, forwards the following report :(( It is gratifying to be able to report that whilst the fLttention of the

" country has been larg ly. taken up ~lUl'ing the past year by the, 'outh " African ,Val', and atLentlOJ? to the SIck ~tlld wounded caused thereby, " ret it h1:t8, in no wa.y, ll1tcrf~recl WIth ambulance and first aId "~vork in ci\Tillif~ c"Lt hOUle. l\S.llll>~st y~ar~, I have tl:ayelled 80me "thousandH of 11111es [LS Orgamzll1 o ' UomnusfllOner, and VISIted all the ., leading inciufltries of the country. . . " In the l'[Lilwc"Ly-worlcl our work has not only been well-mamtamec1, "but continues to incre~se and extencl. On the 2,0th December 1 I "attended and g[Lve the mcwgural c"Ldclress, [Lt c"L jIeetmg at Bal'l'ow-m" Furness, for the esta.bl~shm nt of .a Uent\c of the Nt. John i?-mbulance "Association for the .B urneSH H1:~llway Uompetny.. The Ihgh~ Hon. "Sir John Hibbert, D puty Chan'metu of the Hallway OCCUpl d the "chair and the room was crowded by l'<"Lilway mploy68 from the whole " of th~ system, th~ Uom~)Ctny pro:riding speeial tl'~im; for the n~~n from "the country fltatlOns, from WhIt haven and Carnfol'th. I 11' John " Hibbert said, 'it ge"Lye him great pI a.,' nre a,nd inteceflt to have the " , honour of presiding at ~;ueh a jIeeting as theirs, and he was glad to ., 'see , uch [L lctl'O"c number of employe.' of the Furne " Ua.ilwcty " 'Compctny. He contended that eyery policeman, on entering the " 'force houlcl go through 1:1, COUl'se of ambuhnce in, truction. Rail" , way 'men ough~ also to have similar instl·uct.ion, and in fact every " , great industry m .the country ought to have I~H own cl~sfles, flO that " , their workmen nught be able to rend l' firflt ald. He felt , ure that " 'if the FUl'IleSS Hail Wety employes fLttended the ambulance classes " 'they would llli"Lke themsel \-es vel'y mueh more able and u 'eful '" jIembers of the ('ompany.' " The BOctl'd of Tntcle l'epol·t OIl 1'Cl.il way [Lccidell ts during the pa~ t "year states, thctt 1 ;l ,)O per,'oIls W 1'e killed, and 7,:3.'):3 injured in the "working of mil wa.y::> dUl'in o ' the yeal'. In addition to the,'e, the " Companies haye reported 75 persons kill d, and 12,219 injUl'ed from "accidents that oceul'l'ecl on their premises but were not connected "with the mo\-ement of railwCl,y vehides. The totetl number of personal "accident' reported to the Bom'cl during twelve months were 1,323 "killed, and 19,.,)7~ injmed. Of the Hel'Vant,· of l1ailway Companies "and contractonl .,)G WeL' killed, and -:I:,.,)-!3 were injured during the "year. There are about ,"):3-:1:,000 men mploy d on or about the rail" ways and the yectl"fl fLeciclent ' work out to a proportion of on in 9-:1:0 " killed, and one in 11 inj u red. In Olle l' sp et the yea.l"~ expcrience "was exceptionctl. Fog and ,'now contributed to 'well the totfLl of "ca'3ualtie~. The queHtion of proyiding Home impl'oYecl ,'y, tem of fog "signalling, especiall)T the proyi,'i.on of some meeh[Lnica.1 or electrical " aj)pliance for the protection of the lin " during the interval which in " the ca e of sudden fog" must often ebpse before the fog signalmen " anive i."Lt thei.r posts, iH und r the (~onsidemtion of th raib\'ay com"ganies. The interesting report, iSflU cl ctnnuctlly by jIr. G. I'. Gibb, , General :JIanctgcr of the X orth Eastern Hail"'ay, ,' tates that first aid " was rendered on their ';pltem for the year a~ foilow ' :I


Di,·trict. Darlington Hartlcpool Hull Leeds ~ew(;astlc ... York

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12 " The report ~lso . tat~s that i~ ha . b .en sle~ided to award ,1 Rpecial " bronz~ medallIOn bec1l'1llg the III cnptIOn li 01' Meritorious First Aid ;' ~ ernce,' to jJe.mbel·.' ?f the ~entr~l who by Pl'O~11pt.action, have been lllstr~lln.ental elth l' ll~ scWl~1~. hf , or contnbutmg towc1l'ds th " allenatIOn of th \lffenng., of ll1~ured persons. ,Vhen it i. considered , what large urn ralb-ay compame. ,1l'e ccdled upon yearly to furnish "a compen ation for accidents -: th h1test yearly retUl'n al110untino' 't "the colo sal un~?f £700,000,.lt shows the neces8ityof keepingO u ~ " a ~horoughly e~Clent first md and c11l1bulance . elTice by all th~ " rail w'ay com pcLllle. . " Turning now from railway.· to that other grea,t industry which ha ;' ah,-ays, from. the perilou natur. .of t.he work, ~ en att~nded with " numerous accIdents-the o-reat J1llmng llldust~'y-it 'will be found that " the.total pumber of persons employed a~ mllle. and qUc1rl'ics in the , Umted I\.lngdo~11 alld the I.l~ of .:'Iran l~ 90. ,~12, of ,vhom 814,517 " -were employ~d_ III Ot' a,bout mllles, and ~.3, t 9,) III or about qua,rries. Of the l--! Dll per. on. employed at mllles, 644,242 worked below "ground, and 170275 above ground. Thi. i. an increase on the "number employed in the former year, due entirely to more men " employed at coal I?~nes. "~e find that in the past year there were "1,123 eparate fatahtIe. .causI!1g ~he 10. s of 1,177 live ', Although the "los appears larger, yet III thl deep, dark, and perilou employment :' on,ly foUl' liyes were sacri~ced for every .mil1ion OF tons of the mineral , ra1 ed to the Ul'f~ce, wllld~ IS. a CO!1. Iden1.~le 11l1pro'-~ment on the ,,10. o~ 19 .on the lIke quantIty III 180], Sl~owlllg that Wl.'e regulation, . clentlfic Improvements, extended educatIOn, c1:1.l'eful inspection and " ambulance and first aid in. truction, all combined, have done illl{ch to :: bring about this improvement. But .it i. ~ot in the accidents that " proye fatal we. have so mu~h to deal WIth, as m the far more numerous ,non-fatal accIdents, runmJ?-g up ~o many thousand.' in the year, and "here our ambulance m1:ltrllctIOn has pro\-ed, :ince its establish:, ment ? velT useful. The popul~l' in~aO'inC1tion iR ca,ptin1ted by the dramatIc con equences of explosIOn. ' m underground workin o' and :: their cause and product, fire and cho~{ damp. I t ~s generally ~:~umed that these are the most deadly enemIes of the collIer. Thi. howeyer :: is far from th.e cal'3~. The in. idious, un.'uspected collapse of' the roof.' "of ,the workmgs IS tl~e true jJolech, a,nd though the fa,talities and aCCldent are u. uall.y smgle, or to t"To 01' three men they are of more " daily occurrence, and their accumulation giye a dire' totai at the end of " the tweh-emonth. In the last year the deaths hom thi C<1.use were :: 509, w!1el:ea . , explo. ion. ~hether cau,~ed ~y du, t or fire-damp, clain.1ed only 40 vlCtnTIS, jJr. Le ~ eve Fo tel' mlns l'epol't to the Home Office :: believ~ that before m~ny years ha,~e passed the death-rate must b~ matenally I·educed. HIS confidence IS bC1sed on the adoption by the :: trade, without pressure of any legi, lativ. kin~l being put UP?l~ th.em, " ~f the re~en~ Hom.e Office re~ommendatIOns m l·ega.rd to t1ll1bermg. • ystematlC tunbenng has reduced the incidence of . uch falls abroad " in a marked degree, and there is now to Le systematic timbering in " this country, These numerou.' accidents hom fa.lls of roof, oc~ulTing :: as t?ey d? fo~' the most l?ar~ si.ngly, ~how the great importance of every collIer bemg mstructed m Flr.'t AId' under the. 't, John Ambulance ' " Association. " ". As. far as the reports of the Inspectors of jJines in the various dlstncts are concerned, ambulance instruction appear:;; to be well :: re?o~!lised by all in author~ty .. Mr. R. D. Rain, the Inspector for Dlstnct No.4, Durham, says m hIS l'e ort-' The Ambulance arrano-e'" men t s are as a ru1e k ept m . good or er. A considerable number 0 of


" , officials a,nd oth?l's have gone through the COUl:SO ?f fir~t. aiel to. the " ,. 'ured and often prove of very gnat seJ'VI~e III glYlllg skilled " , ~~~i 'ta~ce when ~l.n accident has, taken plcwe. Aid snch a~ ~hi"l " , scientifically apphed, 1:1.S w 11 as sa~lllg a o'~'eat amo.unt of sutIenng, '" may often be the mec~llsyf ~hortelllng the tune reqUlred for recov~ry, " , or eyen saving a 111<l.n S hfe 111 case of beLel h~pmol'l'hage, 01' any ~el'lou ' " 'injury. I wish the ~U::;tOlll. W~1S mOl'e general am<;mg th~ collIers of " , tlie district. •'eventl colhenes ha,ve been prOVIded WIth whe leel " 'ambulance of th~ ll:o::;t modet'n type, therehy causing t~1e minimum " 'of . uffering to lllJurecl per.·ons 011 the W~1.y to theIr homes 01' " , hospitals.' T ' • • " jIr. J. L. Hedley, the Inspectol' for ~ o. ;1 Dlstnct, ~ ewcc1.stle, whIch " al;o embmces the mines and qualTi~s of UumberlH,~cl, says ~n l'eference " to the latter 'The work of promotmg ambuh1nce mstructIOn amongst " , the emplo/es, a~ mines m~cl qual'1'i~,,; in Uumberhmd, is being con" , tinued with prmsewOl-thy mc1u:-:;try. " As electricity is now being used so bl'gely at mine ', and in the "various industl'ie,; of the country, th e remecl? for accidents from ",;hocks cannot be too widely known to all ~1.l11bulcmce men and clas ·e." of in tructioll in first aiel. jIr. .l'..l·thul' H. f:)toke.', the Inspector of " :JIine' for X o. 8 District- jIiclland, at page 19 of his intere 'ting " report al~L:des to this .a~~iclent as f(!llo\\,::;- ' In ca. es of 'hock and " , insensibIlIty from l'eCelVl1lg <1,n electnc ~UlTent through the hody, it " , should be unclerHtoo(l tlmt the p 1'SOll may not nece,> 'arily be dead " , even although his breathin o ' be su::;pencled, but death will soon tak~ " 'place unless th ~1(;tiOll of the heart and lungs is re\Tived without " , delay in a similar manner to a 1)erson apparently drowned, where " 'breathing is ::;u"lpendecl, and who would die if means were not " 'adopted c1.t once to re.· tore c1nimation. The l' medy in both case ' is " 'the . ame, ,-iz., al'tific:ial re.'piration, and a:::; electricity is now bein o' " 'largely u.·ed in mines, and shocks are occa.. ionally received, I think " 'it necessary to c1:1Ution ollicials e1nel others that in ca e of beino' " , called to a person c1.plmrently clea.d throuo'h receiving an electri~ " , . hock, they should at 011e <l.])ply the in::;tructions given for artificial " , re piratioll, (l,nd this should b' mol' widely knowll to all ambula,nce :: ; ~en and cla.-s .', f.ol· while ,;uc:h per~olls howe b~en taught the ::;ystem 111 ca'e ' of ClrO\\lllllO' I do not find It taught WIth re.' pect to rf'. u ci" , tation after '1.n eledric sho(;k. The in:-:;tnlc:tiOll for the re .. toration of " 'bl'eathin~ must be followed, and energetically per.'e\Terecl ill for at " , least an llour, 01' until a m clical man an·i \-e:-:; to take clml'ge of the " , ca. e. Ther is no nece,"ity to 1'e1110" the man from the mine for " , such delay l1my be fMal, and w b81'e\-er the accident may o~cur " , either down the mine 01' on the 'm'face, the injured man should b~ " , at once placed in 11 eh'y place, and artificial resriimtion resorted to.' " These instructions cannot be too widely known in all our mining "and industrial districts, and ::;pecial mention should be made a8 " to the treatment of such ca es by all lectul' I" and in ·tructol'S in " , fir t aid.' " I.continu to hem' good report of the HoI' '(; ~\..mhulance • 'en-ice in "vanous pm-ts of the country. In the Isle of ,Yio'ht the ambulance " has been out 20 times during the year, c1.ud it1:l con;'fort and u 'efulne. ' "were much aPPl'ecicl.tccl. At Y Ol'k, the Hor.'e Ambulanee which is :: worked by the Fir~ Brigc1.de, unclel' the Corporation, was Ol;t 21 time.', o' 14 , and/ the : remainin and travelled "1 . 80 nules- 7 case .. wel'e accidents, ) W 1e1'e p~1.tlents wer removed from their home ' or brouo'ht back from . 1 01' nur 'm .o' . . , uffering 0 "" tl . 1e c?un t y. 110splta, ll1stltution::; from no)/mfectlOus dIsease.', 01' to have opemtion.' performed. ~\..t 'Yellingborough T



l-:l! the. amb~lance has been u. e~ 47 time.,. tra,~ellinS" 212 mil~.,. At HalIfax, It has been ~l ed 260 tI~llel:>, travellmg ,00 Iml.el:>-120 tUlles f01" accident, and 140 tllne for I:>lck remoya.ls. At Bu·kenhea.d where the HoI' 'e Ambulance is worked by th Fil Brigade under thc Corpomtion, there were 4G5 cedl.', and the di tance tra'-elled 1 35:3 mile ,?ccupy~ng ;H~~ hours, a,nd th~ report . t~ltes, 'Thi.' 'lenric~ ifl c, C still ll1creasmg OWlllg to the publIc l'ccogmsmg the aelntnta.o·e of l' obtail:ing the el:,-ic.e' of ~he HoI' e .t'I..ll;bulance Cl,nd the men who 11ayc " been III tructed 111 first md undel' the I-lt. .J ohn Ambulance .As.'ociation " 'when accidents occur.' The. e different" lll~tces. may be taken a~ ~c typical exan~ple. of the ~or ~ Ambulance Rernce m Im'ge and 'mallet' town, and III country chstncts, stu.deled all over the kino'dom, al'C "number of HoI' e ..\1ll bulance', dOll1g a gTectt ctlllOunt of humane " work in the remo'-a.l of the sick etHd injured, and this work ha Leen mainly due to the in.'tnlmentality of the fit. John Ambulance "~ ociation during.the pa t 23 Y H,r.. ; l.S the late eminent. 'Ul'geoll, " • 11' J arne Paget, .'aId ett an ~l.lllbulance Confel'euce at the International c, Health Exhibition in 18 4- the work wa.' not one-half, 1101' yet onetenth accomplished \\' here an ambulance wa:-:; e.'tabli.'h ed e\-e11 in that " e great city, \yhil.'t they did not exist ill place" ten, fifteen Ot' " e hundreds of miles ofr He would yentur then to Ul'ge Oll all' the " e duty of helping in eyery way they could in the extension of'this e important work of fir ,t help to the I:>ick and wounded.' " The Police Force ha. also engaged my attention during the year " and in a recent letter from Captain the Hon. C. G. Legae one of c, the In. pector ' under the Home Office, he .'tatel:> 'I am ,-e ry' glad to , 'bear te timony to the grea.t adyantage to the efiiciency of the Pro, " e yincial Poli<.:e, 'w hich accrues from ,0 many member. of the different " , force ' being trained to render 'fir ,t aid' of the. -' t. John Ambulance " e As ociation. I rarely in pect a force in my Dish-iet without hearin a c, , good ~-ork done by it.s member, w,hen the nece. sit Jr for such help :e : has an en. T~le percent?Lge of. ~rmned con. tables is well kept-up, and I am connnced that III addItIOn to the actual ca. c:-:; dealt with " e on the part of the police being able to render such aid, and that they e 'are at once looked to for it when requil'ed, tend. very m~tterially to n. , e friendly feeling between them and the public, which is no . mall " , advantage to all.' " Colonel :JIoor. om, the Chief Con table for Lanca.,hire reports that " out of a . trength of 1,674 men, they ha'-e 1,372 holding the certificate " of • 'to John Ambulance Association, and e"erY opportunity is taken " for keeping up the work of in'truction. ce I haye also attended. ome succes. fulmeetings, wher competitiol1fl " have been held. One in the historic ca::;tle at \Yanyick, where nearly " 100 London and Xorth-\Vestern Railway men were hospitably enter" tained by the Countess of \Varwick, after an interel:>ting and closely " contested competition, lasting nearly the whole day. I also attended " other competitions, and acted as judge at Reading and Glouce 'ter. ce As USUR.I the :JIercantile ~Iarine has demanded my attention. I " attended the ~l.nnual :JIeeting and Prize Disb'ibution, on board the "training ship '''-ellesley,' on the River Tyne, last Augu t. The ":JIeeting was pre:-;ided o,'e1' by Earl Grey, who spoke in high "terms of ambulance and first aid in. truction to the boys of our " training shi ps. ce As in past years, I have endeavoured to enlist the sympathy and " support of all classes in the country in our ambulance work, and to " carry it out, and extend it to every part of the Kingdom, and in doing .ee so, I haye pointed out everywhere, that nothing binds heart to heart .. " " , " ,








. t ea'eh otller n being a bI e t 0' aSSIS . when sufferin oa from sick"more th.a. ' " ness or lllJ ury.

Thanks to the appointn~ent o~ Major A. C. Yate as ~.ono,~'ary .. COIDtnisSlOner for 111(11 a, there has been a con lderable ora-a11lZ llla. ' . h -:\If" • U b lt and exten ion of work In t at country. Ill.aJor dyevelopmeolbli~ed by the stn,te of his hen.lth to return to England ate was b . l ' th ' in May, and. submitted the followmg report ater m e year :"It ., ssential first to explain the eonditiol1f; uncleI' which I wa>; " ble ~~ ~lo what I did, from the loth FebruCl,ry to 9th :JIay, ~9~1. " a., 1 I wa' in very pOOL' health, ctnd s conclly ~ hacl no c~efimte " ~11 ,y, Properly speetkillg I 'houl~l ha:\'e been. d.omg duty WIth my "c ~ :i:~nt all the time I wal:> occupIecl III orgamz.ll1g the ~vor~. of our IAeoSOCla . t'10 n. Al'de(l , however , .by the rel)L'esentatlOns JC . 1 wlllch h "T'"\ l.'countf " Knutsfol'd had made to Lord George Hamil ton, anc to t. e \ ~ceroy .0 "I dia (Lord Curzon of K rUe 'ton), I was etble, on my alTl\~c11 111 Indla, " t n btain from Army H eetd-qual'ter:s temporary s(tnctl~)ll . to my " 0 dO 'takino' the oraaniztttion of the work of our A 'oelatIon. At ~hle :~me til~e, with bthe approval of the :Viceroy, ~nd of the ':\Iilitary " De Jartment of the Government of lndut, I applIed p~r onaH):'" to. be "pla1ced on . Jeci,11 duty,' for a:mbulctllce work: .TIns applIcatIOn "c ems to have 1)ec;ome the playthmg. of sundry DIstnct and Command "Head-quarter Oltices in the PunJab' but, a matter.' turned out 'C tl . , did not matter mU<.:h. By hook 01' by crook I was able to "c~~'~'Y on the work of oI'gc~nization to the th :J~ay, the. ~ay " before I sailed from Bombay for En&lt~nd. I had aftel all achle,.eel cc my pUl'pO. e, viz. to ~ow the :seeel. If, III sundry quarters, I met WIth " obstacle' I was abl to o\'e1'eome or circumvent them, anel generapy " speakina' both from the offic;ial world and from the ~l'e .. , 1 met WIth ." the most'cordial and thorough sUPIort. Of t!l~ IndlGt~ Pyes ', I may "say that no single ol:ga,n, whether under Bntmh 01' :::\ab'-e control, "showed itself otherWl 'e than favourable ; ~tnd I also noterl that the " Lancet exprel:>sed itself convinced that India offered a fine field for the " work of our A sociation. " I left England on the 2Gth of January, and on the YOiyage ~:)Ut wr?t~ "the rouo'h draft of my pctll1phlet on '~l.ml ulan<.:e "ork 111 InelIa, " which w~'t. ultinmt ly published at akuttia on the l.jth .:JIarc~l. "Landino' in Bomba.y on the lOth of February, I lost no tIme III "seekinab an intel'vie~y with H.E. the 80\'e1'nor, Lord Northcote. I 'c had tl~e plea.'ure of xplainil~g my Yi~ws both to Lord etnd La~y "Northcote. On the 1.')th, h etvll1g obtamecl 10 days lea'~e,.r left for " Oalcutta. H.E. the Viceroy did me the honour of recelnng me on "the 20th and assured me of hi approval <tnd upport. On the "following day I call d on Generals ~Iaitla.nd and. 'ir Edmund Elle.' , "and obtained through the latter, from Bombay Command Head" quarter., leave up to the ;3rel of April. I at first hoped that the special duty' question would be settled before .that date, but ,vheI~ " I saw that . uch could not be the ca e, I applIed for two month .. " leave in extension without pay and obtained it conditionally. . " As soon as I had settled about my leave, I turned my attentIOn to " arousing public interest at Calcutta in the work entru ted to me. In "doin a this I received the mo. t valuable assi tance from Colonel :: ~e!ldley, the In pector-General of Civil Hospitals in Be~g~l. . A~ a . Flrst Aid' class was actually going on at the Young ?lIen s ChnstIan





16 ,( A sociation, I.at fir t .enterta:in d the idea that tha~ might be made " the medium.of (1, publIc n!eetmg. 1 cn.!l d ul;on. the B.lShop of l:alcutta ( and a~ked hun .to be 0 bnd a ' to tn,ke the Ch,tu·. Hm Lordship, how(( eyer, WCli'; not 111 good he1c1lth (he ~ul,d to t,tk~ lectye to EUl'ope soon (( aftel'\n1.l·d~), and wa una,ble to pre. Ide. A~ cu'cumsbtnces proved a :Jleetin o' at the Y.jI.<';.A. ,'-ould not h,1'-C met the ca~c. It was as w~I\ , therefore that it fell through. "Baying a c rtained that I could not ha,Ye an intenie\y with the (( Lieut.-Cio,-enl01· .of B.engal, 8ir .J ~hll 'iYooclbul'l1, until the 5th of "jIarch, I detel'll1lned 111 the meantul1c, to nm u 1). to Da,]jiling, and " endett,-our to start a cenhe the1·e. , In tbe meantllne 1 \\'01.5 in com" m~nicat~on ,yith COIOl~el HalTey:Kelly "a~ :Jladras,. ,tnd with .'ome fnendi:> 111 Bombay, WIth the obJe ,t of 1l1auguratll1g our work at " tho e place~, as soon a ' Thad complet d whcl,t lay before me in " Calcu tta. I al ' 0 '\Tote to my brothel', the Chief Liommil'l 'ioner of " Baluchi .. tan, to the l)rin1.te , 'ecretal'Y to H.Il. the Uaikwar of Baroda, , and to one 01' two other. from ,,"hom I had reason to exppct SUPpOl't. , A, regard.' Darjiling I may ~a.r brietly that both hom the heacb of the " Ciyil ;'en-ice, ~l.nny, Church, and jledical Profes.'ion, I receiv d Yery " ati factory as .. m'ance .. of aPPl'oYal and :-;ul)port: but, up-to-date , I haye not heard of anything being done there. This is the mor~ urpri, ing, in that t,,·? ~entl~men ~,~- holl1 I met there. had done good (( elTice for the .A, socIatlOn 111 ea 1'her year.', both III ]:.nglancl and " Australia. "It had from t1le first been m)- idea that uut' 8tores Depa,l'tment " mwt be in Bombay, and toward. the end of ] ~99 I had inten-ie"-ed "jIajor Hildebrand, of the Army and Xay)' C.f-1., Ltd., on the subject. " Howeyer, the kindly intere.' t she'"n by ~il' ~eymoul' King, and the , knowledge that jIe ' TH. Ha.l·old King andCufi'e had been }Jl'ime moyel'S " in the formation of the fil'~t Bombay Centl'e, (;on \-iut;ec1 11) that 'I"e " hould be fortunate if :Jle,'sr . Kino' King & Cu., of Bombay would " con. ent to take charge of our ~ tores. jh. Cuffe yelT kindly consented "to do thi~ free of all charge, except out-of-pocket ' expeme... He "also con, ented to allow his firm to be Banke1's and Treasurers "of the A " ociettion in Born bay; and, acting unclel' his ach'ice, I " obtained the same fayour from jle.'sl· ·. King, Hamilton & Co., in " Calcutta, and jIessrs. Arbuthnot & Co., in jIadmi-J. , 'um what later the " Alliance Bank of . 'imla notified to me that they " 'ould undertake a " similar duty at , 'imla, Darjiling, and whereYel' they had branches. " At Quetta, the Punjab Dank became Banker:-; and 'l't'ea:-;Ul'el's. (( I returned frOUl Darjiling to Calcutta on th J11Ol'ning of jlal'ch 3th, "and that afternoon, accompanied by <,;010nel H nelley, called upon "His Honour 8ir John 'Yoodburn. Fi11a11y :-)ir J uhn Yel)' kinclly" seeing how fully occupied hi .. time wai-J- coni-Jented to preside at a " public meeting to be held at the Town Hall of Calcutta at ;) p,m. on " the 18th of , 'eptember. " The great point no\\' ,\-as to make that meeting a success. I had " already been in communication with numbel's of persons and insti, tutions in Calcutta. From the 6th to the 17th I can only de cribe "my life a. one of ince .. 'ant interviewing and writing both private " letters and article. fOl' the Pre, s, hom 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. cbily. And here " let me acknowledge my obligations to jIr. Hensman of the Pioneel', "jIr. Bennett of the T£?nes of inclia, jIr. Beauchamp of the ..Jladms " J£ail, :Jh. , 'aunders of the Englt'dwwn, and all other editors who ~aye "me a helping hand-and that to right gooc1 purpose. It stands to " rea 'on that I could not possibly succeed without the support of the " medical authorities in India. • 'urgeons-General Taylor, Harvey, and

17 "S ncer were all f,tvourably disposed <1nrl helpful. To :Jhjol' K~LY, " tlpesuI'o~eon to the UOl1unallder-in-Uhief, J ,1,111 indebted for the trouble ' b to make me (w .t~tI ., . 1 1'" (, he1etook t WIt 1 ~1\ com f 01' t 11 bI e? tl'~t l c le1', " m~ d t 0 " Oolonel Fernmd for selld1l1g up a 1'\ .C.O. from Jhans.1 WI~h 1-1 f-ipeCImen " of his litter. , 'pace, however, must pl'~clu(l ' my gOll1g ll;ttO tuo much "detail. Sufiice it to sa:x- tlmt the me tmg on ~he 18th of :JI~l'ch was "attended by represenhttI"es from ,tIl 01' mos.t of the. classes, J:.uropean "and 1\atiYe, whi(;h I h~tcl en(! <1yoUl'e~l. to-,lllt~rei-J~ m the work?~ our " Association. A~ spe1;l,kcl's, Ue~leml SI~' E(h~'111 Collien, the jhhtary "Member of Council, a,nd .JustIces AJ11lJ' ~l.h n,ncl CJ;ul'uda~~ Ban~rJ1 " supported Sir .T ohn 'Y?odbml1. Among those presen~ wel'~.' IJ' Patnck "Playfair the MahamJah of Durbhungha, jlaham.1ah Bu' J otendro "Tao'ore 'the Head of the Xaviel' College, and many other leading "E~~'op~ans ttnd X atiyes. T~ n~.e, tlle n~ost lil1lpl'esl';i\'e words , poken on " that occasion 'were those of :-)u' Ed Wll1 (;o11en, W ben he etssul'ed the " audience that both the Viceroy, the lomm<1nclel'-in-Chief, and General " , 'il' Edmund Elles (the :JIilit,uy jIember of Council cle'5ignate), were " intere 'ted in, a,nd prep,tl' d to support, the " 'ork of the , 'to .T ohn "Ambulance ~l..'ilociation in India. I had been able to form a good " and infiuential committee, with ,'il' .T. ,Yoodbunl a" president, but had "failed in obtaining an honorary .'ecJ'ctm'y. However, PI'f). tem., "Dr. T. ]( Pear.'e, lotn Honorary Life jlember of the Ai:>'5ociation, " consented to conduct the dutie1-5 of hOl1ol'al'Y .'ecl'etal'.r. How well he "has done so i.. known to th (;entraJ Ex cutiye Cummittee. He has " now been succeeded al'l bonorary .ecl' t<tl'y by jh. jIason. I need not "attempt here to del';cl'ib the work done 1)), the Calcutta Centre since "the 1 th of jlarch. That the lal(;utt;.1, Centre will it. elf report; and " judging by the lett 1':-; which I haye from time tu time recei \'eel from "br. Pear. e, the report .'hould. be :-;ati i:>fact Ol';r. Before I left Calcutta "I called on seyeral of the leadmg trad 'men etHel urged them to form " not only "First Aid " cla,s~e:-;, but al. ·o Divisions of the Brigade. At " 9 p.m. on the 1 th j[arch I delivered at the Y.jr.<.;.~l.. rooms a lecture, " illustrated by lantern-Rlides, on the" Hi.'tol'Y of OUI' Order." I am glarl " to say that after the lectul' ten young men, who had qualified under "Dr. Ju ,tice' .. tuition in "Fir.'t Aid" came forward and a O '1'eed to form " a Di yision of th I 't. J ohn Ambulance Brigade. "About the lOth of jIarch 1 recei ' -eel (1, telegram from lolonel "HalTey-Kelly to Sel,y that H.E. Lord ~\I..lnpthill had yelT kindly "consented to pre:-;ide at (1, public ill eting in the banqueting-hall of " Government Hou.'e o1t jladl'a~ on the 2:31'cl of jlarch. I accordin?'l:r left " Calcutta early on the 20tl1 by themail-tmin.andl.eachedjIactl.it. on " the morning of the 22nd. I called on Hi" Exc llency on the same da v "an d. arranged w Ilat was to be dOll at the meeting. , I al " 0 called on, " the Surgeon-Geneml, the Gen ral i.Ianager of the :JIadl'a Railway, "and one or two others whom I ,'P t;ially wi.'hed to interest in our "work. As the Uaikwar of Baroda had illyit d me to yisit hi,' , 'tate " any time befor the:2 th of jIarch and as I was mlXiou' to see our :: work started in the Baroda. 'tate, I was ob1io'ed to cut my ,i it to Madras short. Howe"er, thank' hugely to the efi'olts made by <.;olonel "Harv~y-Kelly, and to the practical interet which Lord Ampthill "took 111 the matter, the meeting in the banqueting-hall wa well :: attended, and a very strong cOlTImitt e, under the pre idency of the ,,?oYernor, WetS. formed. The two principal rail way, ha,ing their " l~~;quarters 111 jladm." a,t once took teps to get cIa ses in ~ Fir t "AId started. In the opmlOn of Surgeon-General Taylor the l'mlways " present ?ne o~ the best fields in Indir. for our work, and I most fully agree WIth hIm, a' my pamphlet on "Ambulance ' York in India" B

]8 how'. I a,ttach e, pecial importa,l1<': to the forma,tiOl1 of a O"ood "Ambulance sy'tem on th railways of the ~or!.h-'Yest Frontier. I am "hopeful that the.man~tge:nent <?f the ~Ol"th-" e t • 'tate Ihilway may ( be in trllmentalll1 bnngll1g tIll' about. I met the General l\IctnaO'el' II at Quetb:t in _"qJrilla, t, and he expr S 'ed him 'elf willing to do what he , could to forward our work. (( Leaying :J[ctdra on the 25th of :JIarch! I tnwelled "'1via Bombay and II reached Ba,roda on the 27th. After <.:alhng on the Gaikwar I had at 'hi reque t an intelTiew with two of th X atiye medical men in the II enice of hi tate. I eX1Jlained to t!lem Yery fully my view, and I II also. ub eq,uently hl'l.~lded to the Ualkwar a memoranclu;nl ~t<tting in II detall the hnes on w h1(;h I thought tb "w ork of the As oClatIOn might II be carried out in H.H.'s 'tate. Finally, on the night of the ;31.'t of II March, I gaye an addre ~ in the Durbar Hall, at " w hich the Gaikwar , and the :JIahantll:i, a!ld the Re ident were, among other "J)resent: II I wa ' now begll1111ng to feel Yery unw lJ . but I looke to a VI it to , the cooler climate of Quetta a a mean. of recruiting. I arrived at (( Quetta on 6th April. Finding I did not improYe, I called in medical 'ad,ice and was told I ouo-ht to go hOllle at once. Application was (( accordingly made for a :JIedical Board to report on my Ctl,,'e. jIeal1II while, with the assi, tance of my brother Colonel U. E. Yate, the Chief , Commis ioner, and of Genel'Gtl •'ir Heginald Hart, commanding the II Di trict, a meeting was held at the Resid ncy, the proceedings of which , were duly notified to • t . J 01111' Gate at the time. A representative committee wa formed, with Colonel Yate as pre, ident, and Captain (( Creagh a. hon. secretary. In the formation of Local Committees, my , principle wa to ha'-e every cla ,if po,' ible, repre 'ented on it, to wit, all depart men t of the Go,-ernmen tal .' eryice, the Vol un teers and (( Railway, the .. ative communitie ,notably the Hindu, :J[ahommedan , (( and Par'ee . I look upon Quetta a. an ideal place for the formation (( of a first-rate Ambulance Centre. If we eyer do have a hard-fought " campaign on the frontier, it is at Quetta that a very large body of ~ troop will be concentrated, and where an important Base Ho, pital II mu. t be e tablished. Only those who know what railway travelling is (( in the hot weather between Quetta and the Indus Valley can conceive « how important it is that the ~orth-Western Railway should have in , readine s a well-trained ambulance corp, and well-equipped ambulance "carriage. with electl'ic lights and fan,'. Indeed, such c1:Ll'l'iages are (( needed on all Indian railway. " I left Quetta, for Bombay, at the end of April, and as the tell.mer <C on which I had ,ecUl'ed a passage did not ,ail from Bombay till the <C 9th :JIay, I hoped to utili e the week that I had to , pend there in " establi. hing the Bombay or ,Vestern India Centre. I had from the " first been in correspondence with friends there on the subject, and " during the few days I spent there in February, I had had the pleasUl'e " of explaining my scheme to Lord and Lady N orthcote, and to Colonel " Croly, R.A.:JLC., H.E. the Governor's •'urgeon, and I had also seen « :JIajor Quicke, who had just concluded a First Aid CIa s for the « Ladies of the ~ ational Indian A 'sociation. On my ani val in Bombay, " I heard both from Colonel Croly, and from :JIr. Bennett, the Editor "of the Tim,es of India, that Lord X orthcote proposed to visit « Bombay in July, and that he would then be happy to do anything in " his power to aid the work of our Association. I wa. fOl·tunate at once "to secure the services of Captain Pritchard (22nd jIadras Infantry) "and Mr. George Lund, as Joint Honoral'y •'ecretaries, and ~Ir. " Sheppard, the Uommissioner k indly consented to preside at a Meetmg « to be held in the :JIunicipal Council-room, at noon, on the 8th of May. C(


19 '" I vas not able to do 01' Hay llluch owiJlg to the state of my l1ealth, but " th~ Meeting WetS ctttended by r~pl'esent~LtiyeH f]'~m mOHt of the c.lcpart"ments and classes whom 1 d HIred to lll.tel'Cst In the. work, VIZ., the "jIedical Professi~n, ELu'opean~ and. ~ U.tl veH, the PolIce, Y oit:llteel's, "H.ailways Factones, &c. A UOJ111mtiee was th n anel there formed. " I gather from the reports thctt have since appeal' d in the Times of " India notably tha,t of the :Jleeting called on the Dth of .July, to meet "H.E. 'Lord orthcote, th~l,t the ,y~sterll InclicL. Cen tl'e h~Ls now been " established on a syst matlc etnd satIHfacto l'Y baSIS. "However the report ' that will b l'eGeivecl in due COUl'~e from the "five Centr~s now e::;tabliHhed, viz., Ualcutta" :JIadl'<:t~, BombeLY, Quetta "and Baroda, will be the be~t proof of wh~tt th Hl' Uentres have been " able to do in 1901. One of the medica.! men H,t Baroda, Dr. Danjibhai "jIehta has done very useful work in translating • 'hephel'd's and "Cosgr~ve's :JIamml.::; ill~O Ch~j(wa,ti. 'V~Hl.t. we must ~aye ere long " are similar translatIOn,' ~nto C rJu and IImch, ur Bengah, and perhaps " a.lso into some jIadras duLled. "I am disposed to think that one of the ectd y steps that ::,houlc1 be "taken with a yi w to consolidatin o ' anel C lltralizing the organiz1:Ltion " the fo~ndationH of whiGh haye been laid, is the eHtablilunent of th~ " Head Centre 1:Lt • 'imla. 1£ it is to sUGceed, it should be done with the "open and acbye support of H.J~. t~le Viceroy. It appeal's to 111e that "the Indian Branch of the .As~OCln,tlOn l11u.'t b pl'epcl.l'ed to utilise it.. "resources, independently of the H ead-quarters H,t • 't. John',' (late. " In fact it is only on th under'tandin o ' that it is so that the Viceroy " a.nd the Uoyernmellt of Inelia could b xp cted to yiew the scheme "favourably. The ~t . .John _'..mbulauce .'..s 'o<.;iation :-;hould I think be "placed on a similH.l' footing to the oro'anization commonly kn~\Yn "alj the' Lady Duiferin Fund '-with head-quarter ofticer::; a.t ) 'imla "and branches in e,'ery proyince and di~tl'i(;t of the Indian Penin,'ul~ " and in Burma. Time and pel','ev 1'<tn<.;e only Cetn enable our work " to attain that developm nt for which Indict unquestionably ~tfford ;; i'cope . . The highe,'t etnd b .'~ authorities in that countl")' have recogmsed thett the re ·uIt.' of It ma.y b mo~t helpful a,nd beneficial " both in time of peeLC and ill time of Wal'. ' " The maintenanc of a H ead-Centre f01" India, at •'imla. pl'e'lents two "difficulties, \'iz., the provision uf ,'utiicient funds, and of' a competent " establishment. Ther is, ho,,, \' 1', no rea.'on to 'uppo,'e that the e "difficulties cannot be oy rcome; and it will be my aim to do what " lies in my power to ovenome them, as \\" 11 as to -timulate intere t in ~'and zeal for our work throughout India, wh n I return to that " country." P.S.-:- il~ce the. abo \'e R('pO l~ was written (in eptember or Odober, 1901), commlUllcatlOns wInch I Itaye l'ecelyud by almost el'e ry mail coutinue to ]11'0\1e that our work grows and spr~'ads. apace.. Dr. J l~ke.' of the C,hurch Missionary ociety, has completed a tnll: latlO.1l lllto Hllldu -tam 01 ltephcl'cl s Manual. It 1m not yet been pl?oted. A !irs~ ald d,as was shutecl at ~illc1~ allel attended by oyer 100 N.,C. O. saud men of the ,omerset L. I. A Jlphl:<l tlOll has been l'eceind from Snnagal' to start ela~:;es or for111 H Celltre ther~. Under the anspices of Lt,-Col. ~heal'er" R.A .M.C. , severnl classes 1l.1ve been held at Simla. The work of :lmbnlance lnst~'uctlO,n has ,been comlllenced on some or 10 of the principal raihmys of ~dla .. 'I heyea~' s work at OalcLlt~a was. crowned by a publi c meetillg 111 the Town all.l O JannalY, 190:2, over whlch 11' Johu WooLlbnl'll ]1resiueu. He 011 that o~c~slOn presented 200 certificates to sllcce sfnl stndents of til' t aid and llul'sina. iil~teell classes of instl'uctioll were held in Calcutta ill 1901 two beilla fgr 1 ~d olllllledans. 'i'he work is progres ing at Baroda several clas;es hayill O" been there for the Gaikwar's subjects, amOllO"st othel's'for the pa.lace attelldants the pO lele and the trool)s. These classes maLIe ~lse of Dr. Mehta's Gujarati translahons vf t Ie ManUals,


20 A nm\' official text book ha been written by Mr. James Cantlie, F.R.e.S. , ~I.B., by reque t of the Committee and has been adopted a the recogni ed manual for first itid classes. This book, which ha been drawn up in accordance 'w ith the revised fir t aid yllabu, ha now taken the place of the well-known work by Surgeon-Major P. hepherd, which had reached its 735th thou and edition, but '''hich, havin o· been written upwards of 23 }TearS ago had become, although occasionally revised, somewhat ont of date and was therefore scarcely up to the requirements of educational bodies, such as the Board of Education, Technical Instruction Conunittee of the ounty Councils and of School Boards, ,yhich have adopted mnbulance work as part of their curriculum for public instruction. Conspicuous services in the furtherance of ambulance '\\'ork have been recognised by His :i \fajesty the King, on the recommendation of H.R.H. the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General, by the enTolment as Honorary A ociates of:- lugeon-Captain T. W. Gordon Kelly, M.D., M.1\1. . ., Colonel John Louis Hubert Neilson, Henry Darville Brook, Esq., F.R.C.. , and J. Maclean Carvell, Esq., M:.R.C.S., and pecial Vellum Votes of Thanks have also been conferred upon Dr. Horace Swete, Mr '. Edwin Hunter, II'. J. ,V. Mortimore,1\1r. 'V. H. Noble and Lady Tuson. During the year Service Medals haye been awarded to :Chief Superintendent ,VILLIAl\l HEN"RY MORGAX, Chief Surgeon RICHARD BURDETT ~ ELLER. , Esq., M.R.C.S., Chief Superintendent :MAR HALL HOPPER, Lady Superintendent 1\1rs. PRI. CILLA LAYERACK, Fi.Tst N ursina o Officer irs. MARY JANE HARE, Private RICHARD SLATER, Deputy Commissioner CHARLES HENRY ~IrLBUH T, Esq., M.B., District Chief Surgeon GEORGE THOMSON, Esq., M.D., . First Officer BENJAl\lI~ SELLARS, Chief SUTO"eon \VlLLIAl\l HE~RY IRVIN SELLERS, Esq., M.B., 5 Honorary Surgeon ARCHIBALD ALEXA~DER GEORGE DICKEY, Esq., n1.D., Chief Superintendent JOHN PERRY, ""Private JOHN GEORGE STEYEN OX,

21 Private ALBERT EDWARD GORDO~ Cox, Private TH01\IAS DANIEL HIGGINI::l, al1(1 Superintendent CLEl\IE ~ T HEATHCOTE. TRANSPORT CORPs.-The work shows a very . fac t or'y increase The total removals luade number 1,059, c . . . , satls being 106 in advance of the pr.evlOus year, \~hen 953 ~atlCnts were mo ved . The horses 'carna2' < '. es and apphances are In good working order and condition. A large number ~f c.ases h~ve been removed at reduced rates, the number of apphcatlOns bemg in advance of previolls years. ~Iany cas.es have also been removed gratuitously. The horses and carnag~s h.ave also b~en used, as far as the Transport ervice will permIt, In connectlOn with the principal public duties undertaken by the No. 1. District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Sixty-four country removals were made, amongst the more important being London to Aberdeen, TOl'quay, Lowestoft, Bourn8111outh (3 times) Netley to New Brompton, Folkestone to Southalllpt~n, ana Portscatho, Cornwall, to 'Vorcester. :M any removals for long distances by road have also been carried out. INVA.LID

THE DU~CAN l\IE1I10IU.\.L TA.TIOx.-Owing to the Strand improvements and the con equent curtailment of the space available in the churchyard of 'to Clement Danes,it bas been found necessary to remove the Duncan Memorial Station, where during the year 56 cases had been treated, Inaking a total of 805 cases since the Station wa opened. By the kindnes of the Directors of the London and India Docks COJnpany, a site has been secured for the Station in the 'Ve t India Dock, where owing to the number of accidents there can be little doubt the utility of the Station will continue to be amply denlOnstrated. Members of No. 1. District, St, John Ambulance Brigade, have taken the night duty at thi. tation while in the trand [l,S hitherto. THE ST. P A.UL'S AnIBUL.:\.XCE STA.TIo~.-During the past twelve months 415 per ons hay been treated, many having to be conveyed to hospital; this Inakes a grand total of 3,313 c[l,ses since the Station was opened. Besides the permanent attendant


22 on duty during the week, the Inembers of No. 1. District St John Ambubnce Brigade continue to do duty at the tatio~ o~ Sunday, from 2.30 to p.m., n.nd al 0 on rnany occn.sions who special en-ice are held in the n.thedral. n The i sue of certificn.tes for the past ses ion has been:Fir t aid, male ... female ,, N ur ing, male ... female " Hygiene

20,417 7,316 1,130 4,471 10

making a grand total to date of 536,042. 71573 medallions ha\e been is ued to [ichaelma , 1901. The Store issues for the yen.r hn,ve been as follo '\\,s :5 Ambulance Oarriages. 50 "Ashford" Litter nuder·carriages (improved pattern). 330 Ambulance tretchers (" F!~1'ley" improved pattern). 138 Ditto " " "with Telescopic Handles. 1 Ditto " " "Military. 11 Ditto " " "Police. 65 Oanvas Covers for Litters. 30 Spare Oanvas Bed for Stretchcrs. 4 0 Sets of large Diagrams (for Lecturer's use). 430 Sets of Splints 264 Elastic Tourniquets. 106 Ambulance Hampers. 100 Oase Report Books. 14,065 Plain Triangular Bandages. 41,889 Illustrated Triangnlar Bandages (after Esmarch). 23,4 3 Roller Bandages. 5,512 Pocket" Aides ~remoire" in linen-lined envelopes. 20,009 Small Anatomical Diagrams. 163 Electrotypes. 23,089 Arm BaLlges. 3, 041 Specimen Examination Papers. 3,911 Dr. Hey's Poison Oards. 110 Havresacs. ~26 Bandage Roller Machines. 95 Stationery (lJoxes of).

BOOKS. 3,420 Oantlie's "First Aid to the Injured." 53,392 Shepherd's" First Aid to the Injured ." 13,692 Oosgrave's "Hints and Helps for Home Nursing and Hygiene.' >

2 782 Martin's" Questions and Answers upon Ambulance Work." , 794 Martin's" Questions an dA nswers upon N ursmg. . " 132 Pye's "Elementary Bandaging and Surgical dressing." 139 Esmarch's "First Aid to the Injured" (translated by H.R.H. Princess Ohristian). 764 Sykes' " Home Hygiene."

also sundries too varied to classify. In conclusion, Viscount Knutsford and the Central Executi ve Committee again desire to offer their most grateful thanks to the Committees and Executive Officials of Centres and Branches for their continued valuable co-operation, which has enabled the Ambulance Depn.rtment to carryon with increasing development its efforts for the relief of suffering humanity.



Income and Expendit . Account {VI d cZ 30th September, 1901. In /Year en e ~~~~-----------------------

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1t7e



By Instruct ion a nd Sale of Stor esLecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses Special honorarium


alari es .



Donations and annual subscriptions 200



Carriage and fl'eigh t



Expen e of Organizing Commissioner in Indi,t

respect of instruction

9 4







4 95 19


5 £6-1 3



Invalid Transport Corps-



Invalid Transport Corps.-

Expenses of re1110yal of patients, including hoI' e

Printing, stationery and general expen es

£4.197 15

. t from Detache(1 Classes alld Centres in Recelp s


903 14



Gross profit 011 salc of storcs


Printing, stationery and general expenses

hire, travelling and incidentals


To Instruction and Sale of Stor es-

ira yelling expenses

of Organizing Commissioner



Fees for removal of patients 612 13








122 18


1 23



Repairs, depreciation, and rene,Yals of carriages and appliances



1 23


9 9 I

St. John Ambulance BrigadePublic duty and maintenance of stations

223 16


Brigade Chief uperintendent's salary •




Travelling expenses




Printing, stationer,)' and general expenses

465 16



262 16 10



/ 1500 11 4

Special Competitions Balance


139 14


(being surplus or: the year)


1863 14 1

£11,386 10 10

£11 ,386 10 10 vVe have exam~ned the books and vouchers of the Ambulance Department of the Grand Priory Inco~e and Expendlture Account for the year ended 30th September 1901 is correct. This Account


3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 4th March, 1902.



of the Order of the H ospital of St John of Jerusalem in Encrland and certify that the above fo'Ims part of the General I ncome • and Expenditure Account 0 ' . t d of the Order, an d·IS ll1corpora e (SIGNED )





st. Jobn


Bnlblllance Bssociation SUBSCRIBERS, 1900 -1 90 1.

(Received at Central Office only, and not inclurling tho e recei\ed by Local Honorary ecretaries of Centres).

A Doncttion of FiL'e Pounds Clnd lIpu'((i'ds constitutes a Life Jlernber. An Annual Snbsc1'iption of Fh'c Shillings and upw((i'ds constitutes an Annual Uem~e1', An A teri k CO) ignifies all Annual £1 o o Alexander, nIl' . o 5 o .. Anning, Miss :JI. o 5 0 .. Baker, 1111'. G. "Bath, Dowager Marchione' of 2 2 0 "Battersea Battn., Rochester o 10 6 Regt. C. L. B. o 5 o .. Benecke, ~1iss A. :JI. 5 () o Beville, Mr. F. W. .. Blackmore, l\Ess F. J. o 5 0 .. Bradford, ~Ii E. A. 050 .. Bruce, Mis~ o 10 0 * Capel, llIr. Frank C. 5 fi 0 "Carr-Dyer, :JIrs. o 5 0 .. Ceely, Miss 050 .. Coates, Deputy Inspector General Matthew, It-X. 1 1 0 .. Davies, Miss o 5 0 * Davies, :Miss Charlotte () 5 0 .. Dixon, Miss W. A. o 5 0 Durham College of Science 110 .. Edden, Mrs. 050 Ellis, Miss A. M. o 5 0 .. Evelegb, Mi s 050 .. Farrar, Dr. R. A. 050

ub crilJCl'.

£5 0 0 Fir t Fruits (J. A. H.) FieetwooLl Co-operati\'e 110 oC'iety 500 '"' Frank, Dr. Philip. 110 Godsal, ~Iajor P. T. 110 * Gonloll, ~Ir. A. A. o 10 0 Green horne, ~Iis 050 Haryey -Kelly, Col. 050 .. Haig-Brown, ~h '. .. Hoare, ilIajor ir O'Bryen, 100 Bart. o 5 0 .. Holdaway, :JIr. E. H. o 7 6 * Homer, Hev. H. 10 0 0 Hospital Saturday Fund o 10 0 .. Ho te, Mr . O. H .. 5 0 0 Hun~!R', Col. C. 500 Hunter, 1\11' . (of Plus Clich) o 10 6 .. "In lemoriam" J. H. P. o 5 0 .. Kay, ir Brook, Bart. 050 .. Laird, ~Ii s Alice :JL 1 0 0 '" Leach, ~Ir. C. C .. o 5 0 .. Lowry, General R. '\\., c. B. .. Lt.-Col. lcKalty, C.B., R.A.;o,r.C.



28 * MamIe, Miss Emily "' Ma,xlVell, Mr. J. M. * Mewburn, Miss E. * ~Iorgan, Mrs. A. Hickman K elson, Miss Anna M. H. North, Lt.-Col. B. N . ,C.B. * Poppeln'ell, Major H. F. W ebb * Pri(;e, Miss N. Pupils, London Sch. Board Richardson, Mr. J. ,V. * Rogers, Mr. T. ,V. . D. R. . D . ;I- Simpson, nil's. J . PER

£0 1 0 10 0 5

5 1 5 0 5

0 0 0 0 0 0


1 0 1 1 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 15 0 0 o 10 0

* Draffen,



1 2 2

~Irs. ·W. Pitt Fowler, Mrs. * Fraser) Mr. A. E •• * Hatchard, Mrs.





Singlcton, Mrs. E. £10 0 • Iatcr, Mr. ,V. A. 0 5 * Snow, MI'. R. L. 0 5 * tncklalHI, :JIr. A. W. 0 5 Taylor, MI'. J. o 10 * Taylor, :nIl'. J. A., :\£.13 . 0 5 * Terry, Major-Gencral Astley 0 5 * Thackcray, Col. Sir E. T.,

5 0 1 0 2 0 0 0


Thol11psoll, Miss L. A. * TOllCh, Mr. J. E. Yigers, Mr. R. * Wal tel's, )Ii s "' Wight"'ick, Mrs. WESTMINSTER

1 3

1 0 0 0

10 10

0 0

0 0 0 0 0

1 1 2 2

0 0

* Priestley, Lady * , till well , :'[rs.

1 1 2 0


0 0


Tibshelf Wellington ( ew Zealand) .

o 11


5 5 0


DONATIONS PER BRANCHES. Addlestone Allerton College Andover Barnes Belize Bredbury and Romily Burgess Hill 'Cirencester Coleby

o 15 3 0 0 8 2 4 0 14 0 5 0 7 0 6 0 5

6 0 0 0

3 0 0 0 0

Devymoch and. 'enny Bridge Dufl'town Gateshead Man field IV oodhouse Rickmansworth Swansea Uckfield ,Veutworth . W est Dulwich

2 2 0

o 10 5 o 10 0 7 o 10 1 3 1 0 1 15 0

0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0

DONATIONS TOWARDS MAINTENANCE OF STATIONS. Anderson, Miss Early Closing Association Hn l:'dressers' Athletic and Cycling Club



o 10

0 0

o 12


Lawrence, RE:v. J. R. London Exhibitions, Ltd. Moffat, Iiss Royal Agricultural Society

St. 50bn Bmbulance Bssociation .. LIFE MEMBERS. NOTE.-The Life AIembe1's attached to Oent1'es Me not incluclecl in List. HER 1\1AJESTY THE QUEEN OF SWEDEN AND

5 5 o 10 1 5 1 1 5 0


* Loveless, Mr. ,V. K. * Ma.ior, Mr. H. G. T.

DONATIONS PER Bognor Lymington Norwood

'D. Qt.

0 0 0 0 6 0 0

o 10 0 10 10 0 0 5 0 50 0 0




Dalton, Colonel J. C., P., A. A.R. DauheJlcy, General Sir H. C. B., G.C.B . Adair, Miss H. M. Amh erst of Hackney, the Rt. Hon. Lonl Dawes, 1\Ir. B. M. Dixon, Lady Anglesey, Marquess of Dixon, 1\11'. ,Yaynman Argyll, The Very Rev. the Dean of Drafrell, 1\1rs. W. Pitt Barton, 1\1rs. Alfred Elswick Works Accident and CompenBarton, Mrs. Hope sation l! llnd Baker, Mrs. F. B. Fcrraho 'chi, 1\1rs. Beddington, Mrs. Figgill " 1\Ir. James Bedford, Her Grace the Duchess of First FJ'Uits (per J. A. H.) Beville, I1Ir. F. 'I'. Frallk, Dr. Philip Bolm, Mr. G., C.E. Franks, Mr. Chas. W. BolckOlr, Mr. C. F. H. Freshfield, 1\Ir. Edwin, LL.D., F. ·. A. Brakspear, Mr. H. Hayward Furley, 1\11'. F. W. Branston, Mrs. J. G. Gooch, 1\11'. C. F. Breadalbane, the Marq uc s of, K. G. Goldsworthy, Major-Gcneral 'Y. T ., M. p, Breaclalbane, The 1\1n.rchioness or Gordon, 1\Ir. A. A. Britten, Oaptain R. F , R.N. Gregory, 1\Ir. Herbert E. Bruce, Miss Christina M. A. Hare, Mr. . H. Bustros, Madame de Burne, i\Irs. Esthcr . HalTisOll, Dr. C. Byron, Ir. J. L. Hatcharcl, 1\1rs. Frank Campbell, Hev. OlaucI Heap, Ir. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Hugh Heap, 1\Ir. Ralph, junr. Capel, Mr. Frank C. Hills-Jolmes, General Sir J., ~. 1'., G.c .n. Cattell, Dr. G. Trew Ho pital Saturday Fund Chichester, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of. Hunter, 001. C. Clarke, Lieut.-Col. A., M.D., ll.A.M.C. Huntcr, 1\1rs., of Plus Coeh. Clive, the Lady Mary "Vind or Javal, 1\11'. P. Cremieu Coates, Deputy Inspector-General1\1.,R.N. Jervoi e, 1\11'. S. Clarke Cotton, 1\11'. Charles J ervoise, 1\Ii s S. G. Clarke Cresswell, 001. Pearson R. hay, ir Brook, Bart. Crompton Oo-operative Provident Soc., Lt. KembaU, General Sir Arnold B., K. c. n., Crookshanlc Pasha, H. E. Harry 1., K. C. ' . I. F.R. C.S. Leigh, the Rt. Hon. Lord Dallas, Mr. Rupert C. F. Len ey, Miss Darwin, Dr. Geo. H., "[.D., F.R.C.P. Longstaff, 1\-1r. Ll. \\'. Dawson, Lieut. -Col. 1\1rs. Luby

;30 ancton, Mr. Philip harp, Mr. ,Villiam ~lcConltlOdale & Co., LtJ., .Me srs. icvcking, it' E. II., F.S.A. inglctoll, Thlr . E. :Jlcl';:cllnr, 1111'. O. D. 'kcniLt, 1\li 's . E. MacLean, ~lr Robcrt :JIacLean Madan, Rcv. Canon tcet, 1\11'. G. Carrick, F.l~.c.s. ~lalden, Dr. F. J. "tirlillg, illr. John ~lax,\'ell, M1'. J. W " ",ccting, 1l1i 's E. Mitchell, 1\11'. A. Taylor, llrgeon-1\lajor, l\l. ]1. litchell, Mr. J obn '1'0111 kin, 1\11'. Alfrcd Stwill Morgan, Mrs. A. Hiekl11an Turncll, nr. P., Lieut. -Col. E. NCH, 1111'S. E"cl'Unl . Yachcr, 1\lr. l<'ranci , F.R.C.s. Ne,,·toll, :JIajor J. W. N. \\'<tcldy, 11'. lI. Elhrard, lILll.C.S. Tinni" In 'pcctol'-Gcncral B., H.X. \\~alkcr, Mr . North, Lt.-Col. B. M.,e.D. WC 'tOll, Licut.-Col. Gould Hllllter-,F.s.A. "'ugcnt, 1\1rs. Arthur ,Ycton, lllr·. Gould IIuntcrOgil vie, Capt. C. 1\1. William:;, Colonel R. Orele, :Jli E. M. Wilman, Mr. harlc:; Pcrrott, 1\11'. E. E. Whithal'll, 1\11'. 13. 111. Phillips, 1\11'. A. Wightwiek, l\lrs. Pl'ie tley, Lady WOOllCOlllllc, Dr. Robert Lloyu, LL.D. Reyhcr, Dr. Carl ( t. Petersburg) F.I.lnst., }'.S.H.,lIL n.LA. Rivington, 1\11'. C. R. Wyl1l1hum, Major G. C. Robert, Field l\lar hal the Rt. Hon. Earl, 1'ano\\", Mrs. KG., ]J.<C., 'c.: &c. Yatc, Major A. C. Rodgett, illr . Richal'll B. Yate, Mrs. A. C. Ro ,Gencral Sir J., G.C.D. 1'llte, Lt.-CuI. O. E., c.s.I., C.~J.G. .D.R. .D.


Luca , 1\11'. F. L. McClurc, Lally

HONORAltY LIFE ME IBERS · .Ccog" ;tion oif clistill(ll~ishc£l sct'I:iccs i/~ JMthcl'ing the objects oj (Eleeled ~n? <, U thc Associati/)/~.) '00

O. E., )1. It. U. H., Mr. [" H. C.l'.1. Abro,]ULlll, Mr. A. A., L.lt.() . .·.J. \.dam Mr. Basil J., 1I1.D., & C. lIf. 1 , . ) (Victo na . Adams, Mr. H., 1I1.lt. C. 1'., L.]f.1'. S. ,



Aspinwall,1\lr. J. F., ;I[.lL.C.S., L.lt.C.l'., LOJlu. Atkin 011, 1\11'. E., lI1.1t.C.~., L.H.A. Atkinson, !Ill'. F. E., L.ll.C.l'., Loud. M.n.U.~.

Atkinson, Mr. Rohcl't, M.n.C.H., L.H.A. Atkinson, lIlr. Thomas n., M.D., M.l~.C.H., L.:-:.A.

J lIf.ll. C.1I1., Etlin., T,. , .A. Ale al 11S,."jlr." , Audland, Mr. \\T. E, ;l1.lt.C .. ·., Adams, Mr. Matthew A., }'.l~.U . H 1 Aitchison, Mr. Roderick, M.Il. & CIL.U., ],.lU ·.l'., Loue. Melb. Austin, ~lr. John J, ;ILl)., ~I.l'.ll., }lX.I. Aitken, Mr. J. n., lIt.ll., C.II!., Euin. Avcrill, 1I1r. Charles, :ll.D.,Dnrh.,lIf.ll., B.S. Alderton, Mr. II. C., lIULU.S., Bl1ge, nil'. Ohl1s ., ;I['D. , ~lelh., ;11.]3., n.:>, (Victoria). L.lt.O.I'.L. Aldridge, Mr. ~. Elliott, IIl.n.: '.lI1., Bagnell, ~lr.W. II.,L.H.L·.l'.E., ELli.ll.,L.M. L.I\.C . . , Edlll. Haildon, ?Ill'. F. J., lIf.D., C.lII., Edlll. Alexander, Mr. . R., lIf.D. Baillic, 1\11'. Peter, ;lLD. Allan, Mr. O. M., 111. _\., Aber., M.D., E{lin. Bain, Mr. ,Vi1liam, ~1.D., Durh. Allan, MI'. Wm., 1Il.D., U.lIL., Gilt. Baldwin, Mr. F. B. J.,lIf.R.C.H , L.s. \. Allin, Lt.-Ool. W. B., ;lLD., It-A.M.C. 13allb'ill, 1\11'. T. A., B .A. , Dub., :'>l.D., Ambler, Ir. J. Richardson, ~I.U.c:.s., :'>I.B. , L.n. C·.S .I• 1 L.Il-C.I'., LOlle. Ball, 1\11'. JOllll A., M.D., lI1.R.C.S. Anderson, Mr. C. M., lII. ]>. 1.1Jall k ' ,11\[\' . G ., L.•. I' "v .I'. E' L•11. C• S• •, Anderson, :Mr. Georgc, I.D. Ihreiay, 1\lr. 'Ym. Bowie, I,.H.C.I'., Anderson. 111'. G. E. C., )[.1>., Lonu., !Il.ll., • " E" .l· I..i •. C ••• ,



(Oape 1'OW~1). Barclay, 1\11'. i\I.. L.U.C.l'., L.R.C.S. Anderson, Mr. J. \\ ., M.A., .las., lILll. Barlow Mr. Arthur E., ;lLD., C.M. Ander on Mr. R. \\T., IILlt.C.H., L.n.c.l'., ' A '/ 1anL1) . Barr' l\11'. T • • , ;l1.lt . .. ... , L. n.C.l'., d' (N ow £Jell L on. Andel' 011, Mr. '\'111. Stirling, IIl . D., 010. '., Lonu. M.n., C.IIl. Barrow,1\lr.G.A., lILU.U.:>., L.R.C.l'., Lond. Andrew, Mr. l!. 'Y., IIl.It.C.S., L.ll.C.I'. Barter, 1\11'. 'Y., M.D., R.U.L, :'>LClI.ill.A.O. Andrews, Mr. S., lILll.C.S. Bates, lr. J. Curling, ~Ln.C .. , L. R.C. P., Androw, llh. \\'illiam , 1I1.D. Lond. Allgus, Mr. IIemy, IIl.D., Aber., 111.13., .111. BaudlOp, 1\11'. 'Yo F., L.n.c.s. & P.E. Ansou, Mr. GeOl·goE., M.D., D.C., Camb. Beardmore, II'. G. Ru scll, L.U.C.I'., Apthorp, 1llr. F. 'Y., 1I1.lLC.H., Lond., 1I1.H.C. '. L.lt.U.I'. Bcaslcv, :Mr. James G., L.I1.C.P., Edin., Arlidge, MI'. Jolin F., L.U.C.S., L.ll.C.P.E. L.}o'.1' .. , Ola . Betttoll, Mr. Frank, 1I1.D., n.s. Armstrong, Mr. JosephF., M.D. Brux. Amolu, MI'. E. Charles, M.ll., Dmh., Bcattie, l\lr. Henry, junr., :lLR.C. '., L.~.SC., F.R.C.s., M.lt.C.I'. ldLC.l'., LOl1u. AnhUl', MI'. Daviu, M.D., Glas. M.ll., Beattie, Ml'. Robert, M.D., lILILC.:>. O.M., D.l'.lI., Camb. Beaumont, Ml'. Edgar, lILU.C.:>., L.R.C.I'. B.S.



32 Honorary Life Members.

Beckel', Mr. J . E. A. G., M.B., C.M., Edin., Bri,tow, Mr. , ,{. 1\1., M.lt.C.S., L.R.C .P., Lond. L.lt.C.l'. , Edin. Beddoes, 1\11'. T. Pugh, B.A., Camb., ?>1.D., Bristo\\"e, 1\11'. Herbert C., M.ll., Lond., Cautab. M.R.C.f'. Bell, 1\11'. C. " ~. J.; lI1. ll.C... . Brittin, 1\11'. F. G. M., M.D. Rell, Mr. J. " T., D.?>!., M.S. Brogden,1\Il'. J .E. , L.n.C.I'., L.H.c.s.,Edin. Bell, 1\Ir. ' '{m., :lI.ILC.S., L.. A. Brook,1\Ir. H . Darvil1e, ?>1. 1:.c.s., Bennett,Mr.H .G. Heuder, LB.,C.M. , Ec1ill. n.p.ll . Bennett, Mr. Wm. E., L.Re.p.,L.RC . . ,E. Broomhead, Mr. Cha.,.; M.D., Aber., M.B " Ben on, 1\Ir. A. H ., M.B, F . R.C.~.I. C.:OI. Bere ford, Ir. R, :OI.n.c.s., L.S.A . Broughton !Ill'. H . '1'., lILn.C'.s. Beresford, Surg. Lt. Col., R de In PoeI', Brown, 1\Ir. A. Teuny on, lII.B., C.M., Aber. :O LD. Brown, 1111'. F. Gordon, lIL11.C.::;., L . ~L Bernay , Mr. H. L., :01.n.c.f:., L.S.A. Brown, 1\11'. G. A., lILn.C .•. , L.S.A. Bertrand, :JIr. E. de Lantour, :ll.n . l' . ~. Broml, .nIl'. J ., M.D. Bro\\'n, l\Ir. J., L.1LC'.};.I., L.lt.C.P.I. Beyan, M1'. Tom ,V., lI1.1:'C.S., 1.]1.C.1'., Lond. Brown, :nIr. J. ilL, J.<' . ll.C . S. Bibbings, Mr. J . R, lII.B., C.lIf. BrO\\l1, 1\11'. W. P ., L.1t.C.l'., Edin. Bigg, 1\11'. G. R. herman, M.Il .C.S., L.n.C.~. Erlin. F.n .C.s ., Edin. Browllc, 11'. G.H.,L.n.c.l'.,Eclin.,L.M. Bingham, Mr. John J ., M.D.: St. Anu. Browne, 1\11'. Andrew, L. R.C.l'., Edin., Binnie, Mr. Alex. B., M.D. & eH.B., Melb. L.?I. Bird, Mr. Henry, :lr.n.c.s., L.R.e.l'., BrO\\'ne, ilIr. H . Langley, F. H. c.s., Edin., Lond. L.n.C .l'., Edin. Bird, M1'. ' Y., :lL B., C. M. Browne, Mr. Robert, lILl)., Dub., F. l~.C . S.I. Birt, nIl'. Geo., :11.£., Lond., M.R.C.:--. Brownfield, :nIr. H. M. lI1. J{. C.S., Blackburn, 1.11'. J ., :OLR.C.S. L.lL C. P., Edin. Blair, Mr. Hobert, :lLD., Edin., lII.n., C.lII. Bruce, Mr. Hobert, :OLll.C.f'., D.P.H. BloomfielLl, Mr. G., L.R.C.P. Bruutin, M1'. James D., ]\f.B . , l'.lIL, Edin. Bloxam, Mr. J . Astley, F.R.C.S. Brunton, Mr. John, lI1.B., ClI.B., Glas. Blumer, Ir. P ., F.R.C.S. , Eelin . Buchanan, 1\[1'. Peter, 111. B., C. M., Glas. Blythman, Mr. C. S., M.R.C.S., Buchanan, Mr. 'Walter, lII.R.C.. , L.S.A. M.B. , C.:l1. Buck, Mr. Cbas. ''{m., lILll.C.·. Bolger, Ml'. P . T ., L.n .c.s., Irel., L.K.Q.C.p. Buist, 1\Ir. R. C., liLA., St. And., B. A., Bollington,Mr.J.D., L.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P.E. Cantab., M.D., Edin. Bull, Mr. ,Villiam H ., F.n .C.S., Edin., Bolton, Mr. R L., L.R. C.P. E. , L.R.C .S. Bone, Mr. D. J . M., M.B., C. M., Edin . L. ll.C.p., Lond . Buncle, 1111'. A., ::I!.B., C.lIf., Edin . Boodle, Mr. George A. , lILR.C.S., L.S.A., Lond . Burges, Mr. R E., :lLD., lILCH., B.A. Boor, Mr ., 1II.D. R.U. I. Bower, 1111'. , V. G., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Burgess, Mr. ' Ym.M.,lII.n.c.s., L.S.A. Bowman,1I1r. R, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Burnett, Mr. E . J ., F.R.C.S. Bradbury, Jr. John, lIf.R.C.S. Burton, 1\11'. S. n ., F.R.C.S., M.B. Braelbmy, Mr. J . B., L.S.A. Butler, 1I1r. J . Kerr, lIf.D. Brauley, Mr. David, M.D. R.U.I., Mcb. Buxton, Mr. Edward, M.D. , St. And, Brayton, Mr. J. G., L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S. "1. R. C.P., Edin. Brayton, 1111'. Tbos., L.n .c.p. Eel., L. R.C.S. , Byrne, Mr. P. Jas., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S Edin. Edin ., L.F.P.S. , Glas.


Cable, J\Ir. John, L.H.. C.P., Euin., L.lI!., Clements, ~lr. R N ., L.1t.G.P., Edin . Honorary L.]'.P.S., Glas. Close, .Ml'. J., M.H. Life o If lVIr SM., M. H.. C.S. Closs, 1111'. J. 0., M.D., Ediu ., 1\1. B. , C.M. Members. al~nl'l J\Ir. 'Will'iam, M.A.l-t.U.I., M. U. Coillstl'eam, }lr. A. R., M.D., EJiu., M.B., a II e' , "1' J 1\1 A Aber. F.1CC.S. "'u' G.M., F.lt . G.~ . , .ti. lll. Can tl le, ~' 1. ., 1 . • , , 'd ew,~'"II'. George A M.lt.C.:;.E., L.S.A. Coleman, :Jlr. \\T . '\'., i\LR.C..·. Car ', . Carletou, Mr. John Sha,,', L.R.C.. ·.I., CollIe, 1\1r. H.. J., M.D. , Aber., l'vl.B., C. M . Colliuette, M1'. Fral1k de Beauchamp, L.ll.C.P.I. ~I.lt.L'.:;.K, L.1t.G.P. Carroll, 1\11'. Joseph, :l1.ll., c . 1\I., D.P.II. MI'. F . W ., M. B. , G.i\I. , Collinson, Oarse, MI'. David B., :OLD. M.H.V.:;. Carter, Mr. F. H ., M.D., F.lt-G.:;. Connor, !Ill'. Samuel, :11 D., H.. U. l. , M.D ., Carvell, Mr. J ohu 11acleall: M.lt. G.:; . , Gil . B. , Melb. L.S.A., Lond. Coombs, Mr. Carey, M.D., Lonu. Cassau, Mr. Theouore, 1I1.1t. G. s. Cooper, illr. H. Spencer, 1\1.lt.C.S., L.1t.U.l'., Cauuter, Mr. R . L., :Of. D., Unix . Lond. Chadwick, Mr. C. M., M.A., Oxon, :Ol.D. Cornwall, 1\11'. W. C., B.A. , Dub. , L.R.C.p., Chaffers, Mr. Euwd., F.Il. C.:;. Eelin . Challinor, Mr. S. jlc ~lillan, M.lt.U.S., Eng., L.l-t.C.l'., Lond. Cosgrave, M1'. E. McDowel, A.H., M.D., Dub . Chapman, lilT. J . M., M. B. Chapple, Ml'. '.V. A., M.D., LILB. (K.Z.), COlll'tney, iiII'. G. B., M.A. , Camb., M.D. , M. H. U.~., D.P.H. (1.) . D.l'. 11. Charletill'orth, illr. H., M.l{.G .... Coutts, :Jlr. J. A., :l1.D., Aber., :'II.B., C.M. Chall'uer, Mr. Alfreu, :ll.lL c.:; . L. l:t.U. l'., Co\\'ch~r, :Jl1'. E. l{olal1u, L.R.U.p.·, Lond . L.lt.L.:; Cheese\\'right, Mr.J.F., lI1.l{.G.~ . ()ox, 1\11'. A., :11. B. Chestnutt, ~Il'. John, B. A., L.ll.C.S., Cox\\'ell, 1.11'. Charle::; .F . :OLD., Call1b . L.ILC.l'., Edil1. Uraig, Mr. Ja., i\1.R.e.s., :l1.B. , U.M. Childe, nIl'. C. P., F. rt. C. s. Ura.u, 1\11'. Alexauuer, M.B., U.M., Abel'. Child. , MI'. Ohri8topher, M.A., M.D . Crall, :Jlr. George, :'>l.u . , Aber., i\1.B., C.1I1 . Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.R. U.l>. Crau, Mr. JalUes, i\I.13., C.1\1. Clark, Ml'. A. F. C., :l1.B. , c.1\1., A.ber. Uraster, :Jlr. K K, L.ll.C.p. , L.R.G.:;., Clark, nIl'. Geo., M. B., U. ~l. ELliu . Clark, 111r. 1\1. R, L.lL G.!'., Edin . Crease, Mr. J. Rouert::;on, F. R.. C. '. , Clarke, Mr. Albert E., :l1.lt. V. S., Eelill.


L.::;.A., ?>LB., Lond. Clarke, 1111'. E. ,Vearne, H.se. , Euill., M.D., :l1.J.l., C. /I1. Clarke, Mr. 'l'homati F., :ll.lt. U.S., d L.:;.A. , L 011. Clarke, Ml'. ' Y., M. D. Clarke, 1111'. W. J., :01.H.U.:;., L.S.A. Clay tOll, i\lr. A. J ., L.lt.U.l'., Euill., L.R.C.S., Edin. Ulayton, 1111'. J . S., 1\1.D., Eclill. Clayton, 1111'. William 1:., 111. D. , 13rux . Clayton, MI'. William1l1aYllc, i\1.L.L. Miu ., L.n.c.s., IreI. Clegg, Ml'. Rieharu, i\1. B., U.:l1., L. H. G. !' .

Cretipi, MI'. Alfred J . H. , lI1. R.C.l'. I., lI1.l{.S.C. C {' H l'essey, 1"I , r. v . " L.H..C.!'., i\1. H. C.S. J Crew, Mr. 110. , j\I.R.(;.S. , L.R. C.p., Lond. Croc k1'1', 1\11'. J ., i\1.H.C.I:i. , L.S. A. C k ' 1 ' 1 ..:J roc -er, l' 1'.~, ea\llllOre, i\LR.G.::;.,L.R.C.!'., Loud. Urouker, Mr. J . Meaelll' .re, I. It. C.S., L.R.C.l'., Louu . Cropley, Mr. H emy, F.R.C. . , D.P.H. Cross, 1\11'. A. J., M.B., C.:l1., Edin . Crossfield, Mr. A. K, L.R.C.P., L.R,G.S., E d~ll.


34 Orossland, Mr. 'Yo H. Dixon, 11'. J. F., M.n.c.s. Oro\yther, ~Ir. .l£ruest Eo, L.R.C.l'., Dobson, Mr. A., M.R.C.l'i., L. R.C.p. L.lLC. S., Edin. Lond. Orump, ilIr. T. G., B.A., (Camu .) L. R.C.P., Dodd, MI'. P. \ 'emon, ;'II.A., ;\I.D., 7II.R.C.s., :I!. B., B. C. L. n. C.l'., Lond. OuU'e, urgcon,Geucral O. McDonogh, C. B. DOlllville, II'. E. J., L.ll.C.p., Lond., Oulhane, ilIr. F. J. F., ;\1.1t. C.S. ;'ILlL C... Darling, :;Ur. Stevellson, :lLD. Donglas,l\1l'.Claude, F.ll.C.ti. , JJ.H.C.l'. Davidson, Mr. A., ;\J . 1> .. F.H.C.l'. Dove, Mr. Augustus O. ' M.D. , Durh . ) '113 H. 'J Dayidson: .Mr. 'l'homas A., L.1L C.!'. J 1.1:. C. S. B ... Da·,ries, iIII'. Oharles D., M.ll.C.:., L.S.A. Downes, 111'. 'Y., ;\1.B., n.cll., ll.A.O. Davies, :JIr. Da\'id L1. , ;\I.B., Glas., IlX.l. L.ll.C.P., Edin. Drage: ill!. LO\'e11, ;\LA., Oxon., M.D., Davies, :JIr. E., M.D. ;\LIl., B.Cll. Davies, ~Ir. Hugh E., L.R.C.l'., LonJ., Drinkwater, :JIr. H., :lLD., Edill., :>I.B., :lLn.C... C.M., .\Llt.C ... Davies: Mr. H. E., L.ll.C.p., Lond. Dryden, :Jlr. Ja·. Hunter, L.ll.C.P., Davies, ~lr. idney, J3 .. \., Oxon., :lLD. IJ.JLC.:-., Edin. Davies, Mr. 'Vm., .\1.1LC.... Dryland, Mr. J. ,L, ;)I.H.C.S., L.;'IJ. Davis, Mr. Arthur R, .\['u.C.s., L.b.A. lJuugcon , Mr. J. Hepbul'll, L.R.C.P., Davy, :JIr. John, F. R.C.S. L.Jt.C.S., Ediu. Dawson, :JIr. 0., L.R.C.l'., \I.l~.G.S. Duggall, .LIlI'. l\lotherwell, ;\1.1t.u.s., Da\\'son, lIlr. :F. E., L.1t.C.P., Edin ., L.Jl.l.l'., EJin. M. l{.C.S. Duke, 'ul'geolh\lajor \L A. Deamer, ilIr. G. E., L.ILC.l'., L.R.U.S., DUllcall, :Jh. ,YillialU, L.ll.C.p., Edin., Edin. L.J~. c.:;., Eelin. DUlIklcy, lilt. W. ,,' ., J:".J{.c.P., Edin., Deane, Ur. John H., L. ILC.S., Edin. Denne, Mr. T. V. de, L. R.C.l'., ELlin., F.H.IJ.;;. .\I.R. C.i::i. Dunlop, Mr. 'hulLlam H., :lLV., :lI.CH. D ennison, Mr. T. .,)[, R.C.S ., L.R.G.P., 11.l:.I. Lond. Dunn, nIl'. D. '., t-I.D. De Renzi, :JIr. A. C., .\I.Il.C .. . , L.S.A. Dumo, :Jlr. John, ;\-1.D. D'Evelyn, :JIr. A. McXeill, B.A.,Dub.,)1.D. Dumo, illr. Le~lie, '\I.B. Dennish·:Jleares, Mr. A. L., ",LIt.C.b., DurJant,:Jlr.T A.,)1.lt.c.s., L.R.C.p.,Lond. Dyer, illr. Helll'y G., M.D., Dmh., L.R.C.l'., LOllU. Devis, .?Ill'. H. F., L.ll.G.p., M.R.C.S. L.lt.C.1'., Edill., )!.l~.C.:'. Dickenson, illr. A. lTewton, 1I1 .D. Eades, :JII'. ' . 0., L.ILC.l'., L.Il.G.b., Edin. Dickenson, 1\11'. J. J ., :ll.l~ . G . S . Eagar, Mr. R, '\1.V. Dickey,hlr.A.A.G., iII .D., It.D.I., L. lt.C.S.r. Eccles, :Jh. A. Symons, )1.B., C.M, AueL, Dickson, llIr. G. Cecil, )1.D., Euin. :'I-1.1l.<:.b. Dickson, Mr. John Dllnbar, .\I.v . , ll. u.I., Eccles, iiII'. IV. 'oltau, )!.R.U.S., L.S.A. .\1. CR. Eden, .:'Ill'. P.., l\J.JJ. Dickson, :JIr. G.\r.,)I.A.,EdilJ.: .'I.B. , C . .\I. Eddowelo, ,'nrg.-C2_pt. A., M.V., EJin., Dilloll, :JIr. L. Gerald. -'I. JJ., J~.l'. J .. \1. GR., \1. g.: C. \1. L. M. Ed\ranl., ~ll. B . .E. J., .\J.D., g,lin., " ..\1. Dilt0n, :Jlr. T. J., L.J~.c:.~.lJ'el.L.Jt.c . J·.hel. Ed \\'al'll5 , ~lr. J. IIaJlllJlertoll ,~I.A.,CaJ1d). Dimmock, ~lr. A. F., :II. lJ., Dudt., :'1. B. 1\1.11. Divine, Mr. John, l\I.B., C.M., Was. Elder, Mr. W., L.H..U.P. & 1:>., Edill., L.)1.


And., Flavell, Rev. Thoma Honorary Fleetwood, Mr. T. F., F.R.C .. ,lre1. Life ~ember8. Brux., Fleming, Mr. A. J . , M.D., RX.I., ;\\.CR. :\1 Fleming, 111. H. H., )LD. , Dub. L L.R .C. P. , .. , Fletcher, Fleet· 'UTgeo~ W. Bainbrigge, Elliott, Mr. Wm. Hamilton, ;\I.D. A Camb. )Lr...C.S., R.~., l\!.R.C .. ·., Edm . 'Ison 11'Ir • E • H ., :II • • •, , Ell L.~.c.P., L.S.A. Forbe, hlr. Hay, F.R.C. '., Edin., Elli ton, :JIr. G. S., M. R.C .. , L. ·.A. L.R.C.P.L. Erobleton,Mr.D. 0., l\!.D., Durh., M.R.C.S. Forsyth, Mr. Robt., .\I.D.,Glas., .\I.B., C.M. Erobling, The Hon. ,Yo H., L. R.C.P. Fort, Mr. Thos., M.ll.C .. , L.R.C.P., Land., L.F.P ... , Glas. Edill. Ettles, Mr. W. J. McCulloch, 1.D., Aher., Fothergill, Mr. J. R, M.D., ,'to And., M.B., C.,M . L.R.C .. , Edin. Evans, Mr. A. H., M.R.C ... , L. . A. Fox, l'Ir. Jno.Raymond, M.B.,:Jlelb. Evan, Mr. C. J., M.R.C .. , L.)L Fox, .Mr. M. J., L.R. C.P., L.R.C .. , Edin. Evans, ~Ir. E., )l.A., )1.B., B.C., D.P.H. Franki h, :JIr. J. D., M.D., t. And. Evan, Mr. E. B., )I.n.c.s., L.R.C.P., )I.R.C . . Edin. Fran ki h, :JIr. Thomas, l\1.D., C. .\1., B...C. Evall , Mr. John, M.D. Frank, :JIr. Kendal, A.B" Durh., l\1.D. Evans, Mr. 0. O. P., M.D., Durh., B.S. Fra er, ?Ill'. J. J., )I.R.C. ~ . Evans, Mr. W. G., F.R.C. 'J L.R.C.P. Fra er, Ur. John T., M.R.C .. , Edin. EYershed, Mr. Arthur R Field, .\J.R.C.. , Fra er, :JIr. \Ym. D uncan, ?>1.B., C.)1., Camb. d L.R.C.P., L on. Ewart, ~Ir. O. Theodore, ~I. D., Aber., Freer, nrgeon·:Jlajor E. Luke )I.B., C.)I. Frypr, )11'. John, '\I.R.C. ~. , L.. A. Ewart, )11'. J ., M.D. Fryer, ~lr. 'Y~1. Jf., L.R.C.P ., Edin., . k ~I ·n· L.r..L. ., Edl1l. Falrban -, .lJ r. ll., )I.R.C .. , L.. ,A. F 11 'I F '\T'" . 1 I 'I T B tl Ed' n erton, ...' r. . ll., M.D., Durh., )['B., Fan'c OUg1,.lJ r . . n er, L.n.c.p., m., B.S.

Ellerton, Mr. John, l\!. D., t. L.R. C. p., Lond., lILR.C.S . Ellerton, :Mr. J. F. H., M.D.,

L.R.C. '., Edin. Fulton, :J1r. G. O. H., C. M., Gla , Falkner, Mr. H. G., )I.R.C . . , L.R.C.P.~. Furber, ~1r. George H., ~1.R.C .. Farmer, Mr. ., M.R.C. '., L.R.C.P., EJm., FlU'ley, ir John D.P.H. Fylff', illr. 'Ym. R.,)I.D.,B.C.,)I.A.,Cantab. Farquhal"on, :JIr.D.P.:JIaclaren,)I.B.,C·.\1. Ga bb ,..) 'I'1. 0 . B a k er, "Re LUCP Farrar, llIr. R.An trnther,.\I.,A.,Oxon.,)I.D. E. 1 • • .R • • • ,

..ll • • • • ,


Gabb, Mr. J. E., )I.n.c."" L.R.r.p., L. . A Edin. Faw itt, :JIr. Tho ., )[,n.c.~., L.ll.C.P. Gaffney, ilIr. O. Burke, F. R.C . S., 1rel. Fenoul~et, lIIr. E. 0., L.n.c.p., L.R.C . .. , Gandy, ~Ir. 'Y., .\J.R.C. 'J L.. ,A. Edm., L. .\f. Gane, nil'. Edward P. ., M.R.C.S., Fenton, lIIr. Mark Anthony, )I.D. L.R.C.p., Lond. Fenwick, Percival 0., )!. B., GTal'd ner, 11 'I r. H . N . , M.B., r ..... 'I (Gl a ). :-I.R.C. Mr. . Farrer, :Jlr.



'\I.R.C ... ,

1\r" J • I ., L.R.C.P., Ed·In., Fergu on, .i.UJ.·. L.R.C.S., Edin. Finlay, Lt.-Ool., L.ll.C.P.I., c.:-r., R.A.:lI.C. Fi her, Mr. Theodore, .\1.D., l\1.B. Fi her, Mr. Tho ., l\I.R.C .. , L.. ,A. Fitzgerald, Mr. O. Egerton, )LD. Fitzhenry, 1\11'. George \Y., )LR.C ... , L . . A., Lond.

Gardner, :JIr. H . Willoughby, )I.D . Gardner, lU'geon R. H., )I.B., A.M.D. Garrard, )Ir. ,Yo A., '\I.R.C . . Tarrett, Mr. C. Dudley, .\I.R . C.P. Gar on, Ul'. J. Hill Ro , ?II B., c.)1., D.P.H., Oamb. Gal' tang, nIl'. E. :Jr., )1.D., t. And. , L.l!.C.P .. Edin. D

36 Gascoigne, :ilIr. ,V. E., L. R.C.S. Greenwood,1I1r. C. D., M.R.C.S. Gentles, Mr. T. L., L.R.C.P., Lond., Greenwood, Mr. O. S., M.R.O.S. Greves, "JIr. E. H. M.D. , Edin ., ~I L.F.P .. , Gla . • . . ' !\ .B., C.M. Gettlllgs, Mr. John S., L.R. C.S., Edlll.,L.M. Gnffin, Ir. J., M.D. Gibb, 1\11'. W., L.R.C.p.E., L.R.C.S. Griffin, }'I1'. 1., :M.lLC.S., L.S.A. Gibbon, Mr. F. W., L.R.C.p., Edin., Griffiths, M1'. A. V., l\[.R.C.S., L.S.A. Griffiths, 1\11'. Francis , ]I[" B , C.ll. ~r L.M., L.n.c.S. Gibbs, Mr. A. N. Godby,M.R.C .. ,L.R. C.l'., Griffiths, Mr. John S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.l'. Lond. Lond. ' Mr. O. P., L.R.C.p., Edil1. Griffiths, Mr. P.' Rhys M.B. , B.. S , L on. d Gibson, . . GIbson, Mr. J. H., M.R.C.S. Gnmbley, 11'. R. H., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Gilbertson, Mr. James Henry, ]1[. R. C. s., Gripper, Mr. W alter, ~L A., Cantab. L.R. c.p., Lond. M.R.C.S., EOin., M.B., D.P.H. ' ~~dea, Colonel James, c .v.o., C.B. Grogono, },II'. ,Yo A., M.n.c.s., L.R.C.l'. Giles, :nrr. P. Broome, F.R.C.S., Edin., Euin. L.R.C.l'., Edin. Grove, Mr. W. R., B.A., Camb M B Be 'll I ., . 0, . " l>I.R.C.S. G1 on, ~ r. G. Gore, M.D., Glas., M.B., Guthrie, MI'. J. ' M.D. , Glas. , "lIf . B 0, C, "J..U . . C.M., F.R.C.S., Edin. G~mlette, Mr.J.D.,]I[.R.C .. ,L.R.C.P., Lond. Gutteridge, 1\11'. Wilkills (Tasmania). GIrdler, Mr. G. T., L.R.C.p., L.R.C.s.,Edin. Gwynn, Mr. Ohas. H. , lII.D. , Edin 0'. M B'J Glen, Mr. John, M.D. C.M. Goddard, MI'. C. E., M.D. Had,Yen, Mr. ,V. R., M.D., St. And. Godfrey, ~il·. A. E., III. R. C. S. M. R. C. S. Godwin, Smgeon-Major C. R. Y. Hall, Lt.·Ool. Lees, R.A.M.C., M.R.C.S. Goodman, 1\11'. Th omas H., M.R.C.S., Hall, Ir. T. Gibson H., L.R.C.S., Irel., L.R.C.P., Irel. ( ew Zealand). L.S.A. Gord~n, Mr. W. A., M.B., c .III., Edin. Hall, 1'.Ir. 'Ym., M.D., Brux., F.R.C.S., GoudIe, Mr. H., III.B., C.M., Edin. Edin. Goulder, Mr. F. S., II1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Halliday, Mr. F., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond. Halliday, Mr. J. W., III.R.C.S. Gomley, Sm·g.-Lt.-Col. S., M.D., Glas., Halliwell, Mr. R. N., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. F.R.C.S. Halliwell, Mr. T. Oates, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Graham, MI'. Arthm R., M.A., C.III., Lond. Camb., M.B. Hallows, Mr. H. Pinnington, M .D., Edin. Graham, Mr. G. R. M., L.R.C.p.I., L.M. Hamilton, Oolonel Hans B. H. Graham. Mr. G. 'Y., II1.R.C.S., L.RC.p. Hammerton, Mr. J., M.D. Gramshaw, Mr. F. S., M.D., St. And. Hamm~nd, 1'.11'. Wm., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Granger, Mr. R. F., L.R.C.P. & S., Edin. Edlll., L.l'rI. Grant, Ur.Dundas .IIi. A. , Edl' n.,.,~f .D. ,IIL13' Hampton, },II'. A. G., 1II.D. . H ancock, 1'.11'. H. Ruskm, M.R.C.S. Grant, Mr. G., M.B., C.M. Grant Mr. N. McKa~ ~[D ~I S (0 t " ) Hann, Mr. H. F., L.R.C.P., Edin., , . . J' J.> • • , n ano • M.R.C.S. Grant, Mr. OgIlVIe, M. B., C. M., Edin. Gra M: Al Hannah, Mr. W. T., M.B., u.~r., D.P.H. y, 1'. ex., M.B., C.~L, Glas. Ha'd' 1'.1 R Green hlr Will' T I Ie, r. ., M.B., C.lII. , . lam., M.R.C.S. H d' 1\1'. W Greenhal h M' A ar mg, n.u:. ., M. B. g, 1. ., III.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hargreaves , Mr . M . R'Ippax, M.D., Gl as., M. B., CR. B. ~L B. Greenhough, Mr. V. J., B.A., Camb., M.B., Harris, Mr. J. B., 1II.D. H ar1'1s, . 1\of' G C.III. n·.Lr. W . T ., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (P oru~ reenwood, Mr A., M.R.C.S. Elizabeth). i

37 Holtom, My. C., M.R.C.S. Honora.ry Life Holthouse, Mr. T. L e Gay, M.R.C.S. Members. Honman, Mr. A., ~LR.C.S. Hopkins, Mr. Thos., M.B., CR.B., B.A. Horne, Mr. Geo., M.B., CH.B. (Victoria). Horne, 111'. J. Fletcher, M.D., St. And. Horne, Mr. T., ~I.D. Rosain, Mrs. Harriett M. M., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.R., Edin. Hosier, Mr. O. H. S., F.R.C.S, Irei. Hossack, Mr. J. F., F.P•. C..·., Edin. B.S. Howard, 1\11'. Heaton C., M.R.C.S. Haynes, Mr. Stanley L., 1II.D., Edin., Howard, nIr. JDS., 1f.R.C.S. Howaru, 1111'. J., L.K.Q.C.P. )LR.C.S. Heald, Mr. G H. , M.R. C.S. Howard 1111'. Jas. F . , frLD. Hearn, Mr. E. L e Fanu, M.B., Melb. Howell, 1111'. R. E., M.B., c.~1., Edin. Heathcote, Mr. B. A., M.B., C.;',L, Abel'. Howden, Mr. I. D. Clark, aLD. Hebblethwaite, Mr. H., IILR.C.S. Howlett, 1111'. Edwin, F.R.C.S. Hedley, 1111'. John, M.D. Hoyland, Mr. S. Stenton, M.D. Hellier, Mr. J. B., M.D., ~LB . , HUlIson, Mr., M.D. )LR.C.S. HudsOll, 1111'. H. E., 1LR.C.S. Hepburn, Mr. ,V. A., M.D., t. And., Hughe, Mr. D. Arthur, M.R.C.S., F.F.P.S., Was. L.n.C.p., Lond. Hetley, Mr. Henry, M.D., M.n., Hughes, Mr. H. G., L.R.C.P., Edin. ~I.R.S. C ., Edin. Hughe ', 1111'. H. L., F.R. C.P., Edin. Hewetson,1I1r. Richard, lILR.C... Hughes, "JIr. H. Le\vis, L.R.C. ,L.R.C.p., Hewat, 1111'. ilL, j\LB., C.M. (Cape Town). Edin., L.~L Hey, MI'. C. E. Milnes, liLA., Oamb., Hughes, iiII'. H. M., ~LB., lILR.C.S. M.R.C.8., L.R.C.P., Lond. Hunt, Mr. Robert, ~I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Heygate, Mr. F. ., ~[.l'.C .. , L.S.A. Lond. Bickley, 1111'. A. Iackenzie, j\I.R.C.S., Hunter, ?III'. E., L.n.c.p.E., L.lII. L.R.C.P., Lond. Hunter, Mr. 'Y. L., M.D., D.p.H. Hicks, iIII'. R., ~LR.U.S. Hu 'band, 1111'. J. C., ~I.D., ~LR.C.S., Higgins, Mr. Charles H., M.D. L.R.C.P., Edin. Hillaby, Mr. A., L.ll.C.P., Lonu., 1LR.C. Hutchinson, Mr. F. Blade, ~I.I:..c.s., Hindle, Mr. James , L.R. C.P., Ed'In., EJill ., L. l'•.. C I '., E lIn. l' L.n.C.s., Edin. Hutchison, 1111'. F. . '1'., M.B., B. CR., B.A. Hislop, Mr. W., M.B., M.R.C.S. levers, 1111'. Eyre, ;',I.D., Dub. Hodges, Illina\yorth 1111' •C• R ., III . R'"• • S• Lond1\Ir. W., ~['R.C.S., L.R.C.P., b , \Ranis· Liston, Mr. Llewellyn, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Lond. Harrison, :Mr. A W., ~LD., Brux., M.R.C.S., L.H.C.P. Harrison, 1\11'. E., j\LA., Oamb., M.D. Harrison, llJF. T. H. H., lIT.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Harrison, Mr. Vi. A., M.D. Hartley, Mr. R. N., M.B., M.lt.O.S. Harvey, Mr. A., M.B., M.P•. C. S. Hatton , Mr. G. Stokes, M.D., Durh., lILB.,

Hodains ~I' "{1T It . "{'I:T o ,J.'III'1. J11 a'Iel 11 . ,j\[.D" ,B.s. " Hofl'ma n, Hoga Mr A1. ,V. 11 ., M.B., C.lIf. ( . Afnca) . HoaOg'IIIr.' R' H" L.l{.C.P., L.R.C.S., EdlD. Holden ~fr G 0'

.,;',I. B.,

~[ It


HR'" ,~ . eo. . ., ~LA., Camb., M.D. Holman, Mr. R., LR.C... Holmes 1\1' W R . C.n;. 1. • eld, III.D., Aber., M.B.:

Inne ,Deputy- urgeon-GeneralC. A., M.D. ~I DaVId . ,Vood, ~LD., Glas. .1 r. I ng l'IS, 'I H 'I 1\ r. .1,., ~LB. ,M.S. (New Zealand). Ireland, 1111'. Charles J., ~r.R.C.S., L.A.S.


I rVlll, . 111 r. J . H ., lILR.C .. , L.R.C.P., Irei. Irvin a 1111' J [D b'



Jackson, Mr. E., 11. R. C. S. Jackson, 1111'. E. S., III.B., C.lII., Edin.

Holt, 1\~r. R. C., L.R.C.P., Edin., F.R.C.S., Jackson, Depnty-Surgeon-Gelleral Edm. Robert W., C. B.


38 James, Mr. F. P. R., L.R.C.P., Edin. Kolly, .Mr. R. V~ndeleur, F.R.C.s., Edill.~ James, Ml'. P., L.U.C.S. L.R. C.P., Edin. Jannie, Mr. R. 'iV., M.A., M.B., C.M., Edin. Kennedy, Mr. J. W. (New South Wales). Jarvis, nil'. J. H. E., M.n.c.s., L.n.c.p. Kennedy, Mr. 'V., F.n.c.s., Irel. (New Zealand.) Ker, Mr. H ., F.n.c.S. Jay, Ml'. Frederiok Fitzherbert, M.D. Kerans, Mr.T. G., L.H.C ... I.,M.R.C.P.,Irel. Jeffcoat, 1111'. F. H., B.A., M.B. (New Zeal). Kerr, Mr. James, M.D., M.A., Oantab. Jenkins, Mr. J. J., L.R.C.S., L.n.c.p., Kerr, 1I1r. "\Vm . J., M.D., CR.B. Edin. Key, Mr. D. T. , M.H.C.S. Jennings, Mr. E., M.H.C.S., Eng., L.H.C.P. Keys, Mr. O. 'iV. Moore, 1I!.D., A.M.D. (New Zealand). Kilcanolie, 1111'., lIf.n.C.S.E. Johnson, nil'. John, lII.D. (Victoria). KilgarriIr, Mr. 1\1. J., F.R.C .. , Ire1. Johnson, nil'. Samuel, M.D. KilkeJly, Lieut.-Oolonel, lII.D., R.A.M.C. Johnson, nil'. Thomas, M.n.C.S., L.R.C.P. King, 1111'. F. Truby, lII.B., C.M., Edin. Johnston, Mr. John, M.D., Edin. King, 1\Ir.R. T. L.R.C.s.,L.n.s.C.,Irel.,L.M. Jones, 1\11'. A. Lloyd, D.P.R., Oantab., Kingcombe, 1\Ir. A. P., lI1.R.C.S., L.S.A. M.R.C.S.E. Kingsbury, :Mr. Edward, J.D., B.,A..,Dub. Jones, Mr. Benjamin, M.D., Durh. Kingsbury, Mr. G., lII.D. Jones, 1111'. D., lII.B., lI1.S., M.n. c .s. Kinnear, 1\11'. 'iV., lII.B., C.M., Edin. Jones, Mr. D. Davies, lII.B., c.lII., Edin. Kmsey-:Morgan, 1\11'. A., M.D., Durh. Jones, Mr. D. lIf., M.D., Edin. Kneale, 1.1r. J. 0., L.R.C.P., Edin. Jones, Mr. Francis G., M.B., C.lIL L.n.C. '., Edin. Jones, }I,'[r. G. 0., 1II.D. Knight, Mr. A. 0., lI1.R.C.S., L.S.A. Jones, Mr. H erbert, D.P.R., Oam., L.R.C.S., Knight, Mr. 'T:N. H., L.R.C.P., & s., Edin. Irel. Knight, 1\Ir. W. J. R., IILD., R.U.l. Jones, 1111'. H. D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.s.,Edin. Knott, nil'. Oharles, M.R.C.P., Edill" Jones, Mr. Hugh, lIf.B., C.M., Glas., D.P.R. lII.R.C ... Jones, Mr. H. Gladstone, L S.A., Lond. Knott, :Mr. 'iYm., 1II.D., Edin. Jones, Mr. Joseph, :lI.B., CR.B., Vi ctoria, Knowles, 1\Ir. H., :lI.D., Durh. L.S.A. Knyvett, 1111'. H. Ferrel'S, L.R.C.P., Edin. , Jones, Mr. J. Amallt, lI1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.lII. Lond. Lachlan,11l'. Geo. F., M.B., B.. . Jones, nil'. Rees Rowland, lILR.C.S., Laing. Mr. JamesT., :ILK, C.M., Edin. L.P•. C.P. & L.M., Edin. Lamb, nil'. 'iV. H., M.H.C . . , M.B. Jones, l'.fr. Richard , L.RC.P., lILl{.C.. . Lambert, 111'. F. S., lILH.C.S., L.R.G.P" Jones, :Ml'. Robert L., lILH.C.S. Lond. Jones, l'.fr. Rowland, M.H.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lansdown, ir. R. G. Poole, M.D., Durh. Jones, :Mr. R. Relson, lIf.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., LantoUl', Mr. H. A. de, M.R.C.S. Lond. Latimer, Mr. H. A. , M.D., Durh. Jones, Mr. T. R eginald, lI1.R.C.S. Laurie, Mr. Caspar R. , M.D., Buffalo, Jones, Mr. W. 1.1akeig, M.D., Durb. M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A. Jones, Mr. Richard, M.D. Laurie, Mr. R., III. D., Edin. Jones, 1.11'. YVest Lavery, Mr. J. A. , L.R.C.P., Edin. Johnson, Mr. Samuel, M.D. Lavies, 1111'. Harry, lILR.C.S. Joseph, :Mr. Alan, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.p.,Edin. L eary, Ml'. Edward G., M.D. Joynson, Mr. Geo. T.,L.F.P.s.,Glas.,L.s.A. L eash, Mr. J. T., lI1.B. Jumeaux, Mr. Benjamin, M.R.C.S., Le Oronier, Mr. Hardwick, L.R.G.P., L.R.C.P., Edin. Lond., M.R.C.S. Kei~h, Mr. Al exander Ewing, M.B. L ee, Ml'. B. J., L.S.A., Lond.

39 Honorary nicJanet, Mr. F. M., M.B., 0 .M., Glas. Life McKenzie, Dr. A., M.D. k . 1111' D J Members. ' M A drew 1Il D Edin. Mac onzlO, .m.l'. uncan ., M.D. Legat, r. n , .., . .r E MackenZIe, lvl.1'. ruest, M.D. Leitch, 111r. 'mn. C., L.F.P. S. , Glas' . . . 11' .. A 'lIT M R.C.S. Edm. 1\IackenzIe, Mr. F.Wallace,M.B.,c.M.,Edm. Lemarc1laD d , 1\:u. . IV. " , , . Lond MackenZIe, Mr. Jas., M.D. L.R.C.P., . . Ed' D• , Edin. MackenzlO, 1\11'. John, L.R.C.P., m. Lennox, 1\1 r. Davl'd , III l • • . ~~ R TlT hvtoek 1I[ D R U I MackenzlO, Mr. YV. S., T"R.C.P., L.R.C.S., LeslIe, 'LI'. • IV J ' f . •, • •• • · 1h, • l'.". C• S• tee, .Mr. Edwtn, S A. Lees Mr. W., III. R.C.S. , L ...

Lewis, Mr. r. H., IlL R. C. S. Lilley, Mr. J. H., M.D. Lillies, Mr. H erbert, lILR.C.S. Lister, Mr. Thomas D., M.D., Lond. Little, 1\IT. J., IILD.

Edm. Mackie, Mr. John, M.D. Mackinlay, 1\11'. James R., lI1.R.C.S. McKisack, Mr. H. J., lILD. MacKnight, nil'. Chas. C., ~LB., CR .lIf.

Littlewood, 1\11'. Harry, F.n. c.' . D., Abel' • J: 1.' E . J ., 1I[ l . LI oy d 1\1 Lock, '1\11'. John G., :II. A., Camb.,

Glas. McLaren, 1v1r. J. T., ~LB., L.n.C.p. L R.C.P., J\IcLean, 1\11'. C. J. Russell, ~~.D., Edin. Maclean, 111'. E. J., IILB., Edm. M.R.C.. Maclin, 1\11'. Thomas T., lILD., Glas. Lodge,1\1r. P. G., I..M., L.S.A. MacLeod, 1\11'. R. A., M.D. (N ew Zealand). Lodwidge, :Mr. 'Ym. C., M. n. c. s., McMauns, 111'. L. Strong, III. D. L. R. C. P., Lond. McNah, :Mr. A. A., ~LB., c .~I., Glas. Loe, Mr. J. S., M.R.C.S., L.S.A . McNalty, Lt.-Col. Geo. \Y., C.B., ~LD., Long, 111' W. J., lII.B. t. Anel., R.A.~I. C. Lord, 1\11'. Saml. T. , L.n.C.p., Lond., Mer aught, 1\11'. Grace, ~L D. )f.R.C.S. l\IcXoal, :llIr. Jame , ~I.R.C.S., L.R. C.P. J: r. H enry, B.A . , III r •B • , Dur'll • Love, 1\1 Lovely, :Mr. C. N ewton, M.D., Durh. 1\Iacneilage, Ml'. D., L.n.C.p., Edin., Low, 1\11'. A. Bruce, M.D., Euin. L.F.P .. . , Glas. MacNiuder, 1\11'. James, :lLB., C.)1. , Edin. Lowson, ~I r. G., M. B., C.lIL, Gl as. Lynam, Mr. R. G., M.R.C .. . , M .. \.., :lLB. McAdam, 1\11'. Robt., M.D. McAdam, Mr. Robert Loui (Victoria) McAlister-Hewlings, 1\11'. W. F., lILB., c.}[. (N.Z.). 1\1cAldowie, Mr. Alex. 1\1., III. D. McCandlish, 1\11'. John G., L.R.C.p.,Edin., L.R.C.S., Glas. McCarthy, 1\11'. Justin McC., M.D. Macartney, Mr. R., L.R.C.P., Edin. Macaulay, :Mr. D. J., M.D., Bl'ux., ' L.R.C.S., Ed m., L.R.C.P., Ed'm. ~ C 11 b 11{ J h 1\LC u ag , .ll r. 0 n, L. R. C• S., I l' el • 1\IcDonald, Mr. Geo. Bruce, lII.D. Macdonald, Mr. James, M.B., C.)L, Edin. Mr. Finlay, F.R.C.S.E., McDougall, L.R.C.P.E. McGachen, 1\11'. F. W. D., L.S.A., L.F.r.S., Glas. Macgregor, Mr. Geo. Robt., M.D. McGregor, 1\Ir. J., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

l\1addever, Mr. John C., ~['D. Main, Mr. John H., L.R.C.P., Lond. 1\1alcolm, Ml'. Chas., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Malpas, Mr. J., 1ILR.C .. , L.R.C.P., Lond. Mauley, M1'. H., 1I1..L, Oamb., C.M., B.C. 1\Iann, 1\11'. Chas. F. Grant, B.M., M.S. Manners, 111'. Wm. Hy., M.B., C.M., Glas. Manning, 1\11'. Leslie S., ~I.B., C,M., Abel'. Mantle, Mr. Alfred, M.D., Dmh. Marriott, Mr. C. W., M.D., St. And. Marriott, 1\11'. O. D., M.n., Glas. Marsh, Mr. F., F.R.C.S. Marsh, 1\11'. J. J., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Marshall, Mr. G., L.R.C.P. 1\1arshall, 1\11'. J. J. de Zoucbe, L.R.C.S., 1re1., L.A.H., Dub., L.M. Martin, 1I1r. C. 1., M.D. Martin , 1'.1r. Albert, M.D.

40 :M:artin, .!\Ir. J., M.D., t. And. Moss, Mr. W. J. A., 1>I.B. Martin, Ur. J. ~I. H., M.D., Viet. Moxham, lUI'. U. C., M.R.C.S. Martin, 1111'. J. 'V. , M.D. Mugliston, Ur. G. T. W., M.D., Abel'. Martin, Mr. S. E., M.D. Uugliston, U1'. T. C., M.R. C.s. Masser, Mr. H. C. P., L.R.C.P.E., Munro, Mr. F., M.B., C.M., Glas. :\!.R.C. . Ul1l'doch, Mr. Jas . . L.R.C.P., Edin. Matthews, Mr. C. E., M.D., Oxon. Mmphy, Mr. 'V., M.B., c.III., Edin. Matthews, Ur. Valentine, M.R.C.S., Murray, Mr. C. F. K., M.D. L.S.A. Murray, Mr. James A. J., B.M., M.s.,Edin. May, M1'. Thomas F. Murray,Mr. John Gawler,L.R.c.P. , L.H.C.S., Maynard, ~Ir. J. Clarkson, M.R.C.S. Edin. Mears, Mr. F. C., M.D., Durh. :M:urray-Aynsley, Mr. J. H., M.R.C.S., Mehta, Dr., Dhaujibhai. L.R.C. P. (New Zealand). Melville, Mr. S., M.D. :M:yers, Mr. 'V. 'Y., ~LB., C .~1., Glas. Melvin, Mr. James, :\LB., & C.M. Nairn, Mr. D.M., L.R.C.P., Edin., L.ll.C. '., Mercer, Mr. 'V., M. D. Edin. Merryweather, Mr. James, M.R.C.S., Nankivell, Mr. Herbert, M.D. L.S.A. Nason, Mr. E. Noel, B.A., Camb.,M.D.,&c. Metcalfe, Mr. William, L.S.A. Neethling, Mr.J. H., M.B., C.M. (S.Africa). Mickle, Mr. Adam F. G., :\LD., Abel'. Nevins, Mr. Arthur E., F.R.C.S., Edin. B.JlL, :\1.S. Newby, nIl'. Chas. H., L.R.C.P., Lond., F.l{.C.f3 . Middlemiss, Mr. G., M.D., Durh. Milburn, Mr. C. H., lILB., M. " Durh. :rewman, Mr. William , M.D . Newsham, Mr. Franci ,~r.R. C .. ·. Mill, Mr. Geo. S., nLD., Edin. Miller, Mr. James, M.B., C.M. , Edin. :Xicholls. 1111'. H., M.B., lI!.R.C.S. Milligan, Mr. R. A., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Nichol on, Brigade-Smgeon Lt.-Col. E., Mills, Mr. R. J., :\!.B., C.III., Abel'. A.M .. lIrills, Mr. Wilton, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Nicholson, Mr. J. 'Williams, l\[.H.C. Mills-Roberts, Mr. E. A., M.B.M.S. Nickson, Mr. Augnstus, B.A., M.B. Milne, Mr. Alex. C., L.R.C.S. & P., Edin. Nicol, Mr. James, M.D. Moberley, Mr. S. C. H., lILR.C.S. Nightingale, ~lr. John, M.B., C.III., Edin. Modlin, MI'. 1. Gibson, M.D. Nixon, M1'. T. S., I.R.C.8. Molteno, Mr. V. G., B.A., M.B., B.C., Noble, Mr. Sam!. Clarke, M.ll.C.S., Eng., (Cape Town.) L.. A. Molyneux, Mr. H., M.R.C.S. Nockolds, ~1r. tephen, L.R.C.P.E., Monckton, 1111'. David Henry, F.R.C.S. E. L.R.C.S. Montague, Mr. A. J. H., M.D. Norman, Mr. A. S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. lIJooney, 1111'. Alex. P., B.A. (Hons.), M.D. (Hons.) R.U.r. ~orman, Surgeon Burford Moore, Mr. C. A., M.D. orman, Mr. J. E., lIf.n., 1II.R.C.S'. :M:oore, :Mr. H. Cecil, M.R.C.S. Norman, Mr. J. 'V., :lLD. l\Ioore,Mr. HenryO.,lII.B. ,Dublin (Victoria) Norris, 1I1r. 'Vm. Perrin, :M.B., OH.B., Moore, Surgeon-Lt.-Col. Sandford, M.B. Melb. A B E d 'lll. 1I100rhouse, .Mi. B. M., M.B., C.M., Edin. N or th co t e, 111 II r . .l1.. ., M.D., Morris, Mr. F. H., :lLD. Nuttall , 111 T E E d 'lll. 1.' r. . ., ~I.B., C.M., MQrrison, Mr. William, M.D. (Victoria) . O'Connell, Smgeon D. V., M.D. Mortlock, Mr. R. H., M.B., C.M., Edin. Od e11 , 111 1" 1'. W., F.R.C.S., M.A., L.~ ..A. Morton, Mr. C. A., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 0'1 ' II"1 1'. J . H ., L.ll.C.S., Ed'1I1. gl Vle, Lond. 0 kell, MI'. George, M.I:.C'.l'., T..fl .. \ .

41 Oldham, Mr. Hugh F., M.A., Dub., M.D. Pearcy, Mr. P. A., M.B., C.M., Edin. Honorary Life Oliphant, )11'. Bruce, )LD., Edin. Pearse, Mr. T. F., M.?, Brux., Members. Oliver, MI'. Chas. Pye, M.D., Lond. F.R.C.S., M.P•. C. P., Lond. Oliver, Mr. F. H., L.R.C.P., Lond. Pe~ley, Mr. T. F.: M.D., Brux. O'Moore, Mr. Henry, M.B., Dub. Pell"~e, Mr. FranCls, M.D., Dub. O'Hielly, Mr. Geo. J., L.R.C.S.I., M.R.C.l'.I. PerCIval, fro Geo. H., M.B., Lond., Ord, MI'. Frederic Wm., L.R.C.P., lre1. M.R.S. C. O'Riordan, Mr. F, M.D. Pestell, Mr. Jas. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Ormrod, Mr. Fray, L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S., Peters,~r.James, L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S. Edin. Edm. Orton, Mr. E. W., L.R.C.P., Edin., L. M. Petter, Mr. Walter, M.B., a.M., Edin. Orton, MI'. John M.R.C.S. Phelps, Mr. Philip, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Osborn, Mr. S., F.R. C.S. Edin. Osburne, Mr. C. A. P., L.R.C.P., Edin., Phillips, Mr. C. H., :\1.D., Durh. F.R.C.S., Edin. Phillips, 11'. G. A., M.H.O . ~., L.S.A. Ovenden, Mr. W. H., ~LD. Philp, Mr. Wm., M.B., C.M., Edin. Owen, Mr. J. H., L.R.C.P., Edin. Picrs, II'. C. E., M.B. (Cape Town). Owen, MI'. R. F., M.1I. Pike, Mr. W. Royston, M.R.C.S. Ozanne, Mr. F. N., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Pilcher, Mr. 'V. J., F.R.C.S., Edin. Lond. Pilgrim, Mr. E. G., M.D., Edin. Page, Mr. David, M.D. Pim, Mr. F. E. de Beeho, L.R.C.S., lre1. Palin, MI'. H. Venables, M.B., C.M., Edin. Pinck, Mr. C. H., M.B., C.:\1., Glas. Palmer, Mr. C. Spencer, L.R.C.P., Lond., Pinkerton, Mr. James, M.D., R.U.T. ~LR. C.S. Pinnock, Mr. R. D., M.D., Glas. Palmer, Mr. F. Craddock, :1[, D., Brux. Pithie, Mr. A. Drimmie, L. F.. C. 0., Edin. Palmer, Mr. Jas. C., M.B., L.R.C.S., Euin. Plant, Mr., :\1.D. Park, Mr. J.R. S., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Platt, Mr. 'Yo H., L.R.C.I". Parker, Mr. G., ~!.A., M.D. Plomley,Mr. John F., M.D., Brux. Parkes, Mr. L. C., ~LD., Lond. Pochin, Mr. F. L., M.B., C.~l. , Edin. Parkes, Mr. W. H., M.B., M.. , EUln. Pole, l'lfr. Alcxander, M.D., St. And. Parkinson, Mr. Chas. Jos., 1>LB., Lond., Pollard MI'. Geo. H., M.D., Edin. M.P'.O.S. (Viet.). Pollen, Mr. Henry, :\LD., Dub. Parnell, Mr. G. C., :lLR.C.S., L.S.A. Poole, ~lr. A. H., L.R.C.P ., L.R.C.S., Ediu. Parsons, Mr. Francis Henry, :\LD., C.M., Poole, MI'. 8. W., M.D., Aber. Glas. Pooley, Mr. E. Burdett, L.R.C.S., Irel., Parson, Mr. Harry C., ~LR.C.S., L.R. C. P., L.R.C. P., Edin. Lond. Pope, Mr. Chus., L.R.C.S.E. Pope, Mr. Frank M., B.A., Camb., M.B., Partridge, Mr. T., :M.D. Paterson, Mr. C. E., :lLU. M.R.C.P. Pope, Major W. 'V., It.A.M.C. Patrick, Mr. S. A., M.R.C.S. Patterson, ~Ir. G. H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Potter, M1'. HalTy,M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.p.,Edin. Lond. Potter, II'. H. Percy, M.D., Durb., Patterson, nIl'. G. de Joncourt, B.A., Dub., F.R.C.S. M.B., ~l.R . C.S. Powell, Mr. TJ. L.,:lI R. C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Panl, Mr. F. T., F.R.C.S., L. R.C.P., Lond. Pratt, 1111'. J. Dallas, M.A., Dub., M.D. Payne, MI'. Henry, M.D., Edin. Pratt, Mr. Reginald, M.D., Lond. Peach, IIIr.C. 'Y. , :lLB., M.S., Edin. Prendergast, Mr. 'V.D ' wling, M.D., M.A.O. Pearcey , M1'. J • J • "llT . II"I 1'. Z ec h annn, . Han dl ess, L.R.C.S p l'entlCe, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., Eclin. Price, Mr. E. O. M.D, Edin.

43 . Honora.ry I Life

: Members.

Price, .Mr. A. E., L.S.A., L.:'II.R. C.P., I 1'e1. Prichard, Mr. R ~ , ;lI,R. C.S. Pritchard, M r. J. J. G., M.R.C.S. Pritchett, Mr. Henry, ;lr.R.C.S. Prout, MI'. William T., B.M., M.. . Prosser, Mr. Philip B. Proudlove, Mr. Edwd. , ;lI.B., C.1L Pullon, Mr. G. S., M.D., Edin. Purchas, Mr. A. 0., 1I.R.C.S., M.B., C.M. Purvis, Mr. J. P., )I.R.C.S., L.SA. Quick, 11'. Frank, M.R.C.S. Radford, Mr. Wm. M.R.C.~., LR.C.P., Lond. Ramsden, 1\11'. Herbert, ;lI.D. , Lond. Rands, Mr. St. J. 0., ;lI.R.C.S. Rangoon, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of, lILD. Rattray, MI'. J. M., lILB. Raw, Mr. 'V. E. St. :JL, L.R.C.P.,lII.R.C.S. Rawlings, Mr. James, M.R.C.S., L. S.A. Rayner, MI'. Edwin, B.A., Lond., ;ll.D. Redman, Mr. 'V. K, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Lond. ~[Ed f. war d D .,::'1. R. C. S., R ees, L.R.C.P., Lond. Reid, Mr. D . Boswell, M. R.C.S. ~I.r . Dill l can J . , 111 . B. R el'd,.n

Robertson, MI'. Robt. , M.R.C.S. Robinson, Mr. A. H., M.D. Robinson, 1\11'. A. Hepworth, lI[,B. , C.M., Edin. Robinson, Mr. Ernest L., 1I.R.C.s., L.R.C.P., Lond. Robinson, M1'. G., LR.C.S., L.S.A. Robinson, Mr. H. S., M.R.C.S. Robinson, Surgeon·Major Mark Robinson, Mr. R. B., lIl.D. Roche, 1\1l'. T. F., L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.s., Etlin. Rodley, 1\11'. John, M. R.C.l;. Rogers, 1\1r. Bertram M., B.A., Oxon., M.D. Roper, Mr. Herbert J., lILR.C .. ,L.R.C.P., LOlld. Rorie, Mr. D., M.B., C.lII., Edin. Roulston, Mr. William, M.D., M.CR.,

Reid, Mr. T. Whitehead, lII.D.,St.And. Renton, Mr. G., M.D. Rhode, Mr. Thomas, M.D. Rhys, Mr. \V. L., L.R.C.l'., Lond. M.R.C.S.

Rumboll, Mr. ydney, L.RC.P., F.R.C.S. Rusk, :Mr. John, ;l1.B., B.CH. Russell, Ir. John, liLA., M.B., C.lIl. Rutherford, Mr. R L., M.D., R.U.I. Ruttle, Mr. Robert, L.lI!., L. '.

Rice, Mr. ",V. R, B. A., Dub . , M.D. Rich, Mr. A.. 0 . , M. R.C.S. Richards, Ml'. J. T ., B.SC., Edin.,lILB.,C.lII. Riddell, Mr . .T . S~ott,)1.A.,Aber.,;lI.B.,C.lII. R~dley, Mr. J. W., L.P•. C.P. .

Ryan, Mr. \V. H., 1II.R.C.P., Ire1. St. George, ::\11'. George, M.D. St. Ledger, Mr. R A., M.B., C.;l1., Edin. SaIl, Mr. E. W. H., lILR.C.S. Salm~teib.Mr. Harry R., M.B., CH.B.,

Rlgby, Mr. Walter 0., ;l1.B. , CR.B., VlCt. ' d ' R Ig . en, 1\fr. Bnan, M.R.C.S., L.S. A. Rlllgwood, Mr. John, L.n.c.I;.I., L.R.C.P.I. .r J R obb ,~'J..r . . B . K., l\LA., Abel'. , M.D. R b t M' A .th . o er s, 1. I Ul, F.R.C.S. Roberts, Mr. E. E., 1II.R., )['s. Roberts, :nrr. Hugh Jones, lII.R.C.S., L. S. A. Roberts, Mr. R. Lawton, M.D . , Lond. Roberts, Mr. Reg. J . , ;'.:LA., M.B., B.C. Roberts.Dudley, Mr. F . J., lII.R.C.S L.S.A. Robertson, Mr. E., )LD.

S d ~I 01 an ers, 1.\ r. las., M.R.C.S., lIl.B. S alluerS,1.u.l'. .l ~of' E uwaru ·1 .1 A ., lILR.C.S. S ~I P J ansome, 1.\ r. . ., lI1.R.C.S. S I ~I G J cant ebury, 1.\ r. eo. ., L. ET. L. MID., R.C.P., (Vidoria). Scatliff, Mr. P. M., lILlt.C.S. Scatterty, Mr. ",Villiam, LA., Aber., :M.D. Schlesinger, Mr., M. R.C.S. (Victoria). Scholefield, .Mr. G. E., lILD., Edin. Scott, Mr. A. \V., ~L1LC.S. Scott} Mr. W. Tocher, M.A., M.B., C.M. Seccombe, 1\1r. O. W., l'II.R.C.S. , L.n.C.p., Lond.


]\1. A. 0., R U. I.

Round,1\1r. John 0., M.R.C ... , L.R.C.P., Lond. Rowe, Mr. Joseph H., M.B., C.lII. Aber. Rowe, Mr. Thomas mith, lIl .D., Edin. Ruddock, 1\11'. 'V. J., lILB., M.R.C.S. Ruel, Mr. P., L.RC.P., M.R.C.S. Rumboll, Mr. O. F., M.D., Dnrb.

Selby, Mr. Edlllnnd W., M.D. panton, MI'. \V. Dllllnett, F.Il.C.>;. Honorary fill' R Bnrdett, M.ll.C.". Spence, 1\[1'. Wm. Ja. . , L. lU·.P., Edin., Life . , . Se11 erS," . . Members. Sellers, Mr. W. H. 1., M.B., (,.1\1., Edl11. . L.R.C.K.~ ELlln. M'r Edward M.lt.C.S., L.n.C.l'., Spl11k, 1111'. E. \V., ;I!'])., B.S., Lond. , Seraean t , 1.11. • bLond. Spong, 1\11'. Hal'l'Y, B.A. (Oxon) L.. ·.A. Sharman,Mr.E.W.,LR. C.p. ,I"r•. c.s.,Edin. Spriggs, Mr. E. Ivens, M.D., Lond. Shaw, Mr. Jas. , lICB., C.M., Edi~. Sproat, Mr. James H., lILB., lILR.U.S. Sproulle, Mr. A. E., M.R.C.S. Shaw Mr. T. S., M.B., C.M., Edlll. Sheaf, Mr. C. A. Ernest, M.R.C.P., Edin. Sproulle, Mr. 'r. ",V., L.R.C.S.I., L.K.Q.C.P. Shearer, Mr. T. Pitcairn, L.H.C.P., L.ll.C.S., Sqnance, Mr. T. Ooke, M.D., Dnnclm. Edin. Sqnire, Mr. J. E., M.D., Lond. Shelly, Mr. O. K, M.D., Oamh. . Stack, Mr. E. 0., L.R.C.P.I., 1,.M., F. r •. c.s., Shepherd, Mr. '1'hos. W., L.ll. C.S., Edll1. IreI. Shives, Mr. John, ;lLD., Abel'. Stalker, Mr. A. M., M.A., Edin., M.D. Shone, Surgeon.Major 'Yo J., ;'.LR.C.S. Stamford, Mr. Wm. Ackrill, lII.RC.S. Shuttleworth, Mr. G. E., B.A., Lond., M.D. Steele, Mr.W. K., M.lLC.S., L.R.C. P., Lond. Siddall, Mr. J. B. M.D., Abel'. Steet, Mr. George Oarrick, F.R.C.S. Simon, Mr. M. F., M.D., St. Aud. Stelfox, Mr. J. B., l\LR.C.S., Eng., L.S.A. Stenhouse, Mr. W. M., M.D. (New Zealand) Simpson, Mr. J. Herbert, M.D., AbcI'. Simpson, Mr. James H., M.D. Stephen, Mr. ",V. A., liLA., lII.B. , C.M. Simpson, Mr. ,V. S., M.R.C.S., M. R.C. P., Stewart, 11'. F . Mc B., L.R.C.S. Edin. Stewart, Mr. U. A., lILB., M.A. Sinclair, Mr. A. lacGregor, lILB., Aber. Stirling, 1\11'. D. H., )LD., Edin. Skae, Mr. Francis D. A., lII. D. Stirling, :nrr. Robert, M. D. Skelding, Mr. Henry, 1I1.B., B.C., B.A. Stockwell, Mr. F., )I.D. Skinner, Mr. D., M.B., CH.M., Abel'. Stoker, 1\11'. G., M.D. (Victoria). Stoney, Mr. Percy B., 1II.R.S.C., L.R.C.P. Sloman, Mr. H., L.R.C.P., Lond., l\loR.S.C. Edin. Sloman, Mr. S. G., junr., L.R.C.P. Lond., Stothard, Mr. James, ;lI.R.C.S., L.S.A. M.R.C .S. Strctton, Mr. J. Lionel, )LR.C .. ,L.R.C.p., Smelton, Mr. O. W., ~r.n.G. '., L.R.C.P. Lond. Smith, :fi'Ir. Edwin O. M., lICIt.C.S. Stratton, Mr. amuel, lII.R.C.S. L.R.C.S.I., Strong, Ur. R. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.>; •• Smith, Mr. G. rJack~oll, L.R.C.l'., Irel. Edin., L.lII. Stroyan, Mr. F., 1II.R.C.~; ., L.R.C.P., Smith, .nIr. H. Hammond, l\LR.C ... , L. R.C. P., Lond. Lond. Smith, Mr. M. Lomax, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Stuart, Mr. J. A.Erskine,L.R .c.1'.,L.R.C.S. , (New Zealand). Edin. Smith, Mr. R. Bradshaw, L.R.C.S., Ire1., Summcrs, Mr. John R., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., Edin. L.R.C.P. Smith, Mr. R. Sinclair, F.RC.P.E., Sutherland, Mr. Ohas. J . , M.D. Sutherland, Mr. J. A ., lILE., C.M., Edin. L.R.C.S., Edin. Smith, Mr. Sm1.Parsons,L. R.C.P., L. R.C.S.T. Sutton, Mr. H. G., 1II.D. Smith, Mr. Strafford, M.D. Swann, Mr. A., M.D. Smith, Mr. T. Hanson, !\I.D., DUl'h. Swete, Mr. Horace, M.D., t. And. , Smith, Mr. W. J., L.R.C.P., L. R.C.S., Edin. ~LR . S.C. Sonth, Mr. F. W. B., M.R. C.S. Symes, Mr. E. ",Vest, M.D., Edin . Southwell, Mr. O. E., L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Tamplin, Mr. Ohas. H ., lII.R.C.S. Edin.



Tate, :Mr. Samuol, M.D. Vance, Mr. 'Y.J., L.R.C.P., Edi!l., L.Ra.s. IreI. Taylor, Mr. James, M.D. Taylor, Mr. James, lII.B., B.CH. Vassalli, Mr. Jerome S., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.s., Edin. Taylor, 1\1r. Jas., F.R.C.S.E. Taylor, Mr. S. Hamilton, IILD. Vernon, Ml'. A. H eygate, F. R.a .... , L.n.c.p., Lond. Taylor, :Mr. Thomas, M.R.C .. E. Taylor, :Mr. Tom R., M.D. Vernon, Mr. ,V., lII.n. c.f:l., L.R.C.l'., Edil;. T eare, Mr. John, III.B., CR. B. Vincent, Mr. H. B., III.R.C.S. ~empleman, :Mr. Chas., lII.D., BJill. Viret, Mr. B. P., i\LB., Lond., L.R.C.P., Thomas, Mr. John, lILR.C.S. Lond. Thomas, :M1'. ,V. , M.D. Thomson, :Mr. Barclay, (Victoria). Vores, :Mr. Arthur, lII.R.C .. ·. Thomson, Mi s E. C., 1II.B., C.M., Edin ,Vacher, M;. Frank, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. L.R. C.S., L.R.C.P. ,\Yach er, Mr. ., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Thomso!l, 1\11'. Geo., lIf.D., Abel'. ,Vaddy, Ir. H. E., L.R.C.P., M.R. C.S. Thomson, :Mr. G., lII.B., C.M., Edin. ,Vade, Mr. A. Breedoll, M.B., C.lIL, Edin ~ Thomson, ilIr. James, :II. D. M. R. c.'., L. ' . A. Thomson, :Mr. J. R. Menzie, III.B., CH.B., '\Vakelam, Mr. Edgar, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.s., . :Melb. (Victoria). Edin. Thomson, :Mr. M. B., lILB., ET. CH.lII 'Vale, 1111'. Geo., D.P.H. (Camb.), lII.R.C.S., Thomson, Sir ,Yilliam, M.D. L.I~.C.P., Lond. Thornton, 1\Ir. Bertram, lII.R.C.S.,L.R. C.l'., ,Valdo, 'Ir. Fred J., lII.D., Camb., M.B. Lond. • ,Yalker, 11[:'. A. 'Y. H., M.D., Brux., Thursfield, Mr. T. "T., M.D. L.H.C.P., Lond. Tillstone, Mr. H. Rogers, :lL D. ,Yalker, :lIIr. Bernard, lII. R. C. '., L... A. Tinley, Mr. T., :lLD., Durh. ·Walker, Mr. Cyril H., B.A., Camb., Topping, ;,11'. J. P., lIl.D., Glas. F.R.C.S. Townsend, .1I1r. F. E., M.D., lII.CH., R.U.I. ,Yalker, Mr. J. Pixton, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Trimble, :Mr. C. J., D.P.H., L.R.C.P.E. Lond. Trott, Mr. Dudley C., lIf.B., F.R.C.S. Trotter, Ir. Leslio B.,1\[. D., Edin.

,Valker, :M1'. John ,V., 1I1.R.C.S.,L.R.C.l'., Lond.

Trotter, Ir. ,V. 0., lII.R.C.S. ,Valker, 1\Ir. Samuel, III.R.C. S., L.M. Tunstall, Mr. A. C. , III.D., EJin., lILB.,C.]\[. ·Wallace. :Mr. R. S., L.F.P.S., Glas., L.S.A. Turner, :Mr. A. :M., lII.R.C.S . (Sydney) Wallis, :Mr. Fred ilL, lII.R.C ... , L.S.A. Turner, Staff-Surgoon Emata '\Valpole-Simmons, Mr. E., M.D., Durh. Turner, nlr. H. Gunton, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. ,Valsh, II'. David, M.D., Rdin. Turner, Dep.-Inspec. General Robert, R.K . ,VarJ, Mr. J. P.S.,lII.R.C .. ,L.R.C.p.,Lollll. Turner, Mr. Thomas, F.R.C.S. ,Yard, :Mr. 1. A., F. n.c.s., Ire1. Turner, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D. ,Vard, 1111'. l'IIartindale, M.D., C.M., Ab er. Twiss, Major G. E., R.A.M.C. ,Varren, Mr. Wm., L. ET. L. Mid., K.Q. C.l'. Tyrrell, :Mr. ,Yal ter, lII.R. C.S. Ire1. 'i'yson, ~fr. William Joseph, M.D., DurIl. UndeEl'hl~ll, Mr. F. T., F. R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P., (In. Underhill, :Mr. J. E., l\1.D. llppleby, Mr. J.G.,L .R.C.p.,Erlin.,L.R.C.S. (Port Elizabeth). Usher, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D., R.U.I., B.CH. Valentine, Mr. William, I..It-C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S.

Warwick, Mr. C. Steele, M.D. ,Yarwick, :Mr. F. J., M.B, Can tab. '\Vaters, Mr. John

~u C·1I1·"I


., lII.D.,


as., ?>f.n,

J L Ed' Haters, 1.1 r. . ., M.B., C.lIL, m. s ,Yatson, Ml'. A. A., lILR·9· . Watson, Mr. C. S., lI1.D., Edin.,~,\LB., C.M. ,Yatson, M1'. J. C., M.D.

W t n Mr Wm., M.R.C.S.

Williamson, Mr. J. D., M.D. Honorary Wilks, Mr. Geo., lII.B., M.C., M.R.C.S. Life W'll' Members. 1 IS, M r. G . 0 wen, L.R.C.P. Lond. 1\1- Herbert M.D. EJin., Wilshaw, 1\11'. \V. Grosvenor, M.D., B.A. Watthews, I. " . M W G L 1 WIlloughby, r. . ., M.D., Oll(., M.B., C.lII. W. F ., III .R.C. S. , L. S.A. D.P.H., Camb. Watts "1 11 r. . C Ed' , [ Al ,M B C M. Glas. WIlson, Mr. A. .,1I.D., m., M.B., C.M. Wauah 1\ r. exl., .. , . , . . o , J H F M R C SIr. C P Lond. ,VIlson, Mr. A. Manus, M.D., Durh., M.n., Way , 1\'11'. . . ., . . . . . , B.S. Wayland, Mr. A., IILB. W vel' Mr. W. G., M.R.C.S., L.H.O.P., Wilson, Mr. J. C., L.It.C.P., L.r.. C.S., Edill. ea Lon'd ., JJ.S .A. ,\Vilson, Mr. J. Scott, l\f.D., Glas., M.D. M R C S L Web, . C.;'>1., D.l'.H., Camb. b 1\1r. H y. ., . . . . Webb, 1\11'. J. Ramsay, lIT.B., ClI.B.,MEL1~. 'V~lton, Mr. J. P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Webb Mr. Thos. L., IILR.C.S., L.R.C.P., WImberley, Mr. COlll'ad C. , M.D. Wing1·ave.:il1l'.V.H.Wyatt,M.R.C.S.,L .. . A. ~ • L'OIlC1. Webb 1\11'. Will., M.D., F.R.C. '. ,Vithers, Mr. Percy, lII.B., B.S.,IILR.C.S. Webs;el', Mr. Ridley M., lILR.C.S.,L.R.C.P., Wolfendale, Mr. Geo. A., L.R.C.P.,L.R.C.S., EJin. Edin., L.D.S. Wedmore, 1\11'. E., i\LR.C.S. "Wood, Mr. John, M.D. Weekes,1\I1'. Francis H., F.R.C.S. Wood, 1\11'. J. C., L. R. C.P. West,Mr.LionelF.,aLR.C.l:l.,L.R. G.p.,Lond. \Vood, Ml'. ,V. A., III.D., B.S. West 1\1r. R. 1\[., i\I. R. C.. , L. R. C.l'., Lond. ,Voodcock, Mr. A. E., L. R. C. P., L. R. C. s., West~n, Mr. S. T. Darby, M.P'.C.S. Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas. Wheeler, Mr. William Ireland, lII.D. Woodcock, :Jlr. H. de Carle, lII.R.C.H., White, Mr. E. A., lII.D., Abel'. L.R.C.P., Euin., L.F.P.S., Glas. White, Mr. R. ,V., L.R.C.P. ,Voodhouse, Mr. E. R., i\I.B., B.S., Durh. White, Mr. William, M.D. ,Voods, Mr. J. F., M.D. White, Mr. W. H., 1I1.B. Woods, ~lr. John H., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. White, Mr. R. R., III.H.C.f>. ,\Yoods, Inspector-General H. C., c.y.o. White, 1\11'. Nenam F., lII.l{.C.S., L.ll.C.P. M.D., R.N. Whitehead, Mr. A., lII.B., C.M., Abel'. 'Voolley, 1\11'. Talbot, lILR.C,S. Whitham, :Thlr. Robert, ?>1.B. Abel'. "Tray, 1\Ir. G. Bury, i\I.R.C.S., L.S.A. Whitiey, l\Ir. F. G. H., M.:r..C.... Wrench, Mr. E. M., F.R.C s. Whitwell,i\Ir . .A.H.,L.R.r.s.,L.R. C.l>. Edin. Wright, 11'. J. C., ?>I.A., i\1.B., B.C., Cantab. Whyte, 1\11'. J. :JIackio, i\LA., Edin., i\I.B. Wilkinson, :JIr. Auburn, lII.D., Dmh., ,Vykesmith, Mr. ,V., F.R.C.S., Edin., M.B., B.S . L.ll.C.P., Edin. Wilkinson, 1\Ir. A. Mr:Kenzie, M.B, (Vic.)Yolland, Mr. J. H., :nLH.C.S., L.S.A., Wilkiuson, Mr. Jamos B., M.D., Edill. Loncl. Wilkinson, Ml'. J. C., lILH.C.S., L.R.C.P., Young, Mr. A .. F.R. C.S. Lond. Young, Mr. C., lII.D. Will, Mr. Wm. J., i\I.B., C.M. Young, Mr. I ereclith, M.D., Edin., M.B., Williams,1\1r. E., L.l~ . C.P ., LOll., ?>Lll. C'.S., '.111., D.P.H. Williams, Mr. Neville, ?>LA., Cantab, lII.B. Young, ~Ir. ,Yilliam, i\LD., C.lII., Edin. Williams, 1\lr. R. ]\forris, M.B., C.?>1. Yule, Ir. R. 1., M.D., Aber., lILB., C.lIf. a so , M·' W J., M.ILO.R., lII.B., 1. • Watson,


•••• ,


EXAMINING STAFF. Exa.miners Abbott, 1111'. C. E.,


Al exander, Mr. G. Paton, )I.D. Allard, Mr. J. H., ?[.D. Allen, Mr. T. W. J., )1.R.C.S. Altham, Mr. Jam es, lII.B. Anderson, 1'111'. J. \ Vallace, 11. D. Ander on. Mr. Robert, )I.Jl. Appleby, 1IIr. F. H. , ::ILR.C.S . Applebe, 11'. E. A. , L. R.C.P., Edin., L .)1.

Bone, 1111'. Douglas Boor, Mr. Leonard, :lLR.C.S., (New Zealand) Bowhay, Mr. A., :lLR. C.• Bradley, Mr. David, :I[.D. Braithwaite, Mr. Harrison, M.D. Branch, 1\Ir. W. J., 1Il.D. (West Indies). Brand, Mr. A. T., )I.D. Branthwaite, 1111'. Harrison, F .R. C.S. Bremner, 1\[1'. A. ill., L. R . C. P., Ediu. Brook, fr. H. Darville, L.R.C.P., Lond.

Archer, Mr. E. D., M.D. (Adelaide). Amison. Mr. W. D., M. D . )l.R.C . S. Ash, Lieut. -Col. R. Vacy, R.A.M . C. Brooks, Ir. E. A, 1Il.R.C.S. Ash, :r.rr. T. Linnington, L.R. C. P . , Edin., Broomfield, Mr., )LD. :lLR. C.S. Broughton, Mr., M.R.C.S. Atkinson, Mr. Edward, M.R.C.S, Edin. Brown, Mr. A. T ennyson, 1Il.D. Audland, 1\1r. W. E., ?1.R. C.S., Edin., Brown, Mr. F . Gordon, I1I.R.C. S. L.R. C. P . Brown, Mr. J., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.I. Awdry nfr. "IV. R., )I.B., Durh., :\1.R. C.S. Brown,1I1r. S. Mewburn, 1Il.D. Bain, Mr. D. B., M.D Browne, Mr. Robert, )f.D. Baldwin, itIr. F. B. Judge, )I.R. C.S., L. S.A. Brownfield, Mr. H. M., M.R.C.S. Ball, Mr. C. B., 111. D. Bruce, 1.11'. Robert, M. R. c.~ . Bangay, Mr. Richard, M.D. Bruce, Mr. William, )I.D. Barling, Mr. A. S., )I.R.C.S. Brummitt, Mr. R, )I.D. (Adelaide). Barnard, Mr. J. H., lI1.D . (Paris) Buchanan, itIr. J., )I.D. Bames, Mr. Edgar; M. D . Buist, Mr. R C., 1Il.R. C.S. Barrs, Mr. A. G., M.D. Bull, nrgeon-Major W. H., L.R.C.P. Barter, Mr. W. , )1.D. Bullock, Mr. C., ?I.R.C . . , L. R.C.P . Bauchop, Mr. James, )LB . , C.)1. Burman, Mr. F. J., ?1.R.C.S. Beattie, itIr. R , )LD . Burnett, itIr. J . R , )LD. Beatson, itIr. George, ?I. D. Bmtoll, :Mr. S. H., )I.R. C. S. Beddoes, it11'. T. P., )I.B. Byles, :Mr. J. B., )I.R.C.S . , L. R.C.P., Lond. Bennett, Mr. "IV. H., L. n . c .p., Irel. Byrne, :Mr. L. , F.R.C.S.I. Bennett, Mr. C. H. W., L.R.C.P. , Cable, Mr. John, L.R. C.P. )1. H.. C. s. Calrow, :M1'. Thomas, M. R. C. s. Benson, Mr. A. H., ?I.D . Calwell, :M1'. Wm., ?LD. Bentham, Mr. A. 0., ?1.R.C.S. Campbell, :M1'. P., M.B. Berkeley, Mr., M. D. Cantlie, Mr. James, F . R . C. Berry, Air. 'V. , F.R.C.S . Cardew, Mr. G. A., )1.R.C.S., L.S.A. Bevan, itIr. R, L. R.C.P.I., D . P . H . Carey , Mr. Basil, )LD. Bigg, Mr. G. Sherman, IILlt. C.S., F . R . C. S. Carey, 1\~I r. F . E . ,)L u. (G uernsey ) Carleton, 111'. J. S., L.R.C . S.I. Black, MI'. L. P., lII.B., L.n. c .S. Blackburn, 1Ir. J., l\I.R. C.S. C I r. Th omas, :lLD . arr,' 11 Blair, Mr. R, lILD . Cartwright, Mr. E . H., 1Il. D . Bloxam, Mr. J. Astley, F.R.C.S. Carve II , 1\~I r. J . .11 ~I . , lI1.R. C S.

Dickey, Mr. A. A. G., 11[, D. Exa.miners, Oassan, Mr. T., M. R.C.S. Dickin, Mr. E. P., L.U.C.P. 'd' MI' .F' R ., M. A., 111. D. OaSSI I, Dickson, Mr. Cecil, 1ILB. Cattell, Mr. G. Trew, M.l>. Dickson, Mr. G. W., M . B. Ohadwick, Mr. A., lILD. ()hadwick, !lIr. C. M., 1>[, A., ?\[. D. Dingwall, Mr. A., M. B. Ohalmers, Mr. George, 1>LB. Dobson, Mr. A., M.H. C.S ., L . R.C.P. Ohapman, Mr., ::ILD. (New Zealand) Domville, Mr. E. J., L.P•. C. P. Oharlesworth, Lieut.-Col. H., R.A . M.C Donald, Mr. W., M.B: ~II' J L R.C P . Ed.jn., L.R.v.S . Donaldson, Surg.-MaJor (Bermuda) ., 01les t uu tt , i l • . , ' Ohilds, Mr. Christopher, 1>[.D. Douglas, Lt.-Col. O. M., F.Qt., n.A.lILC. Olark, Mr. Andrew, F.R.C.S. Downes, Mr. E., 1>LD. Olark, Mr. A. F. C., ::1[, B.. C.lI[' Dr~go, Mr. Lov ell, 1>[, A., 1>[, D Clark, Mr. F. "IV., M.R. C. S., L.P-.C.P. Dnnkwater, Mr. H., 1>1.D. Clark, Mr. G., lILB., C.M. Dryden, Mr. J. Hunter, M.D . Olarke, Mr. W. Bruce, F.Il-C.S. Dnff, Mr. J., M.D, Coates, Deputy I nspector-General 1.1., Duke, Lt.-Col. A. W., R.A.M.C. 1ILD . , F.R.C.f;., R.K. Dunbar, Mr. Eliza W ., )['D. Oollie, Mr. Robert J. , M.D. Duncan, 11'. A. James, M.D. Oollier, Lieut. -Col. H. C., R .A.M. C. Duncan, Mr. R. B., M.D. Oollingridge, Mr. W., ::I['D . Duncan, 1.11'. 'Villiam, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Oollings, Mr. C. d'A., 1I['B. (Guernsey) Edin Oolquhoun, Mr. D., ::II.D.' (r ew Zealand) Duncan, Mr. 'V., M.B. Oonnor, Mr., )I.D. Dunkley, Mr. \V. 'Y., F . R.C.P., Edin. Oonnor, M1'. W. G. , L.R .C .P., Irel. Durno, Mr. J., ::I[.D. Oook, Mr. Alexander, M. B. Dutch, Mr. Henry, )['D. Oooper, Mr. G. White, M.R.C.P. Dyer, Mr. H. Geary, )[.D. Oooper, Mr. H. S., :lLR.C . . , L.R.C.P. Eades, iiII'. Samuel Oliver, L . R . C.P., ' Edin. Oorbin, Mr. T. W.,)L D. (Sonth Australia) Eagar, M1'. Robert, )['D. Cosgrave, Mr. E. McDowel, M.D. Eakins, M1'. J. 'Y., ::ILD . Ooutts, Mr. J. A., 11[.1). Eavims, 11'. J. \V., ::II.D. Oran. Mr. George, :II. D. EJginton, Mr. R. \Y., 1>LD. Orease, ~Ir. J . Robertsoll, F.n.C.. . Edlin, M1'. E. H olberton, F . R.C.S . , Edill. Orespi, Mr. A. J. H., ?['R.C.P., Trel., Edwards, Mr. J. Hammerton, M.D. M.ll.C.S. Ellaby, !iss C. (Paris), )I. D. Cressy, Mr. G. J., L.R.C.P., 11'01. Ellerton, 1IIr. J. F. H., ::ILD. Cromie, Mr. John, L.ILC.P. & s. EUerton, Mr. John )I. D. Crookshank Pasha, His Excellency, Elliott, Mr. B. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C . S. , l re1. Elliston, Mr. G. S., M.R.C. S. (Egypt) Cruickshank, M1'. B., M.D. Evans, Mr. A., M.A. , )LB., B.CB. Ouffe, Surgeon General C. Me. D., c. B. Evans, Mr. Alfred, M. B., M,A. Oureton, nIr. E., M.R.C.P. Evans, fr. D. G., M. D. Cuthbert, Mr. W. 'Yood, M.R.C.S. Evans, 1.11'. E., M.D. Dan'Ie,I l\~I r.A. D Evans. fr. Edward Beynon, M.D. . , 1>['B., F.n.C. Darwent, Mr. R H., L.R.C.P. Evans, 1.11'. F. '';'{. , M.D . Darwin, Mr. G. H., 1>[, D. Evatt. Lt.-Col. G. J. H., R.A.M.C. (Hong Kong) Davies, Mr. D. Ll, ]\1. B., L. R. C. S.. U' F . S ., F.R. C.S. D C,ve, 111 .11 r. avy, Mr. R., F.R. C.P. F' I h ~I r., 'I D anc oug , .11 .., .• Dawson, Mr. T. Moore, L.R. C.P., M . R•.. C S , F alTar, l.l ~I r. R ...tl., A M.D., M.A. ( 0 XOll.) Demetriadi, Mr. L. , F.R. C. S. F enou111e, t ~I C. , L.R.C.P., Ed'Ill. l ' 1'. E~. L.R.C . . • De Nyssen, Mr. P. J., L.R.C.P.

4<) Gwynn, Mr. Charle , ~1.D. Hall, Lt.-Col. Lee, R.A.M.C. Fitzsimon , :tl11'. J. B., )1.D. Hall Mr. William, ~I. D. Fleming, MI'. A. J., )1. D. Halley, )11'. G., )1.D. Footner, :tlIr..J. B., F.R.C. ' . Halliwell, 11'. R .,)L R. C. Forbes, Mr. N. Hay, F.Il.C.S., Edin. Hallow, iiII'. H. P., )1.D. For yth, Mr. R, )1. D. Hamilton, :tlIr. A. A., 11[. D. (Adelaide) Fo tel', ~Ir. H enry, ~I.R.C .. Frankish, Mr., :lLD. (New Zealand) Hamilton, Mr. J. A. G., "LD. (Kapunda outh Au t1'ali.a) Frank, Mr. K., ~I. D. ( . Africa) Hamilton, nIl'. J. P., ~I.D., (Kapunda) Frank J Mr. R, )1. D. Hamilton, :tlIr. . :l1.D. Freer, )11'. E. L .. ~L R. C. . Fryer, ~Ir. John, :II. R. C. Hamm011l1, :Mr. 'Y" L. n.c.r. ,Edin.,l[' R.C,S. Handfield-Jone , :Mr. O. R., "tR.C.S., F Ul'ne 11, urgeon-General E. (Oanne ) L.R.C.r. Fyffe, Deputy nrgeon-General, l[, D. Hannah,1\1r. \Y. T., :lI.B., C.M. Gallard, )Ir. J. R, L , ._'-. Harley. )Ir. R. \Y., F.R.C.P. Galletly, iiII'. ,'~. G., ~I B. Harper, )11'. H. 0., )1. D. Galpin, ~1r. Bichal'll, :M.R.C .. , L . . A. H[,rper, Mr. J. R., )['R.C .. , L.n.c.p. Garrett, Mr. C. D., )LR.C. Harper, Mr. J. 'V. , :II. R.C .. Garson, Mr. J. G., )LD. Harris, Major F. 'Y. , R.A.M.C. Garton, M1'. ,V., )L D. Hani , :tlIr. John, )1.D. (New outh Wale) Gentle, Jlr. T. L., L.R.C.P. HaITi, )Ir. . 0., )1. D. Gibb, JIr. William, L.R.a.p., Edill. Gibbon, J11'. F. W., L.R.C .. & L.R.C.P., HalTi on, M1'. D., F.R.C .. HeU'ri on, II'. H. Leeds, B.A. (Oamb,), Edin. Gibson, Mr. E. Y., )[.D. )1.n.c .. Gilbert on, :ill1'. J. H., L.R.C.P., :ll.R.C. Harvey, Mr. AlfreLl, ~r.B., )I.R.C.S. Giles, Brigade- urgeon P. B., :ilLR.C.S. Harvey, ilIr. Eldon (Bermuda) Gimlette, J11'. Thos. E., )LD. Have1l, :tllr. O. G., )['R.C .. Godfrey, II'. A. 0., :lLB. (Jersey) Hawke, Mrs. Ooghill, L.n.c.p., )I.R.C.S, Goodman, 1\Ir. Godfrey, L.R.C.P. Hayle, Mr. T. H., )I.B. Gorham, Mr. James John, ::U.D. Helm, JIr. R Dunda , )1.D. Grant, JIr. J. E. R., :M.R.C.S. Hemler on, Mr. J. H., )I.D. (Adelaide) Grant, :tlIr. Ogihie, )1.B. Hepburn, JIr. ,Yo A., )1.D. Gray, liI1'. A., )I.B. Hey, I1Ir. illilne., :lLA., :M.R.C .. , L.R,C.P, Gray, Jlr. 'Y .. )I.B., c.)!. Hillaby, )11'. A., L.R.C.P. Greathead, llI1'. J. B., :M.B., c.:ll., )I.R.C.S. Hillnell, )Ir. J. ., B.A. , Oamb., )1.D. (South Africa) Hodge, iiII'. William, )['R.C .. Greenll'"ood, :tllr. Alfred, :lLD. Hoffman, Mr. A. H., L.RC.P.E. Greig, :Major F. J., R .A.~L C . Hogg, 1.1r. Walter D., )LD. (Pari) Greener, Mr. 111. H., :lI.B. Holden, II'. J. ., :l1.D. Grenfell, :Mr. ,Yo F., M.R.C.S. Hoou, ilIr., )I.D. Grier, Major H., R.A.)L C. Hopkin, )11'. T., )LD. Griffin, ~fr. Innes, ~Ln.c.s., L.. A. HO\yanl, ::'III'. A. D., )LD. Griffith, Profe sorT. ""Yardrop, ~LD. Howard, :tlIr. Heaton 0., :ll.R.C. 'J L.R.C.P. Griffiths, JIr. John, :II. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Howe, nIl'. E. R, L.R.C. '. Griffiths, .nIr. P. Rhy , ~L R.C.. . HOlI'"ie, JIr. Alexander, :lLD. Grimbley, II'. R H., )LR.C.S. Huu on, l\Ir. H. E., )1.D. Groom, JIr. Harry, )I.R.C.S. Hughes, Mr. Hugh Lewis, L.R,C,S. Gwillim, Ur. R. D. H., L.R.C.P., )I.R.C.S. Hunt, :ilIr. R., :M.R.C.S.

'Examiners, Fielden, :Ur. amI.,

~r. D,

109 Huuter, 111'. E. J., L.R.C.P., Edi.n. Ling, JIr. ~1. E., :l1.R.C. Examiners Hurry :Mr. J. B., )I.D. Little,,'ooc1, )11'. H .. F.R.C.S. Hutchinson, 111'. J., )LD. Littlewood, :JIr. J. 0., :lr.R.C.S. HuttOll, Snrgeon-ilfajor G. A. LiYing'tone, Dr. T. H., )LB. l'Jnso lJ , 111'. Welby, :lLB., C.M. Lloytl, ::'III'. E. J., )['D. Innes, nrgeon-General ir John E.er Lloyd, ill1'. Jordan, F.R. C.S. R.C.B., F.R.C .. (Florence, Italy) Locke, )11'. George, L.R. C.P., Edin., Irving, Mr., :lLD. ( "ew Zealand) )I.R.C'.H. JacKson )11'. Allan, :II. D. Long, :JIr. Fred, :II. R. C. S. J,lcksOll, JIr. 0., L.R.C. P., EdiIJ. Lonaine, Mr. R B., :lI.B., c.)[. Jack Oll, :\11'. E. ., ;lLB., c.)[. Lo\'eles, ~Ir. 'YaltaI' K., L.R.C.P., Edin. JacKson, ir R. \Y., C.B., F.R.C.S ., Ire1. Low, JIr. Ohal'le , )LB. (New Zealand) Jalland, 11r. W. Hamilton, F.Il.C.S. Lowe, :'IIr. G. )1., :l1.D. Jenning, ilIr. Wm. :tlL, }I.R.C. Lowe, :JIr. ,V. G., )LD. Jepson, ;)11'. E., )1.D. LOW_Oll, :'Ill'. George, )I.B. Jones, )11'. E,'an, ::ILD. )Iacartney, JIr. R, L.R.C.P., Edin. Jones, ;)11'. D. D., :lLB., )I. :JIacgilvray, )11'. \\T. J. H., L.R.C.P., Edin. Jones, 111'. Herbert, L.R.C .. , Ire1. :JIaCkllY, :'Ill'. 1. D., )['B. Jane, :\11'. Hugh, )LB. :JIacKay, Mr. \\.1\1., :ll.B. Jones, Mr. J. Amallt, L.R.C.P. JIackenzie, M1'. Thoma, ::If.A., M.D. Jone, ,\11'. John R., L.l!.C.P. :JIackie, ~lr. John, ::ILB. Jones, )Ir. O. 0., ::II.B., L.R.C.P. )Iacknes ,)11'. G., :l1.D. Jane, JIr. T. 0 .. L.n.C.p., )I.R.C.S. :JIaclean, )11'. Ewen J., ~I.D. Jone, )11'. W. Black, :lLD. :'IIacLeod, JIr. )1. D., L.R.C .. , Edin. Jone, nIl'. W. Makeig, )[.R.C.... ::'IIacpherson, :'III' . ..i., :lLD. (Cape Town) Jordnn, )Ir. F. 'Y., )f.D. :;Uacrobin, Lieut.-Col. Kelly,1Ir.R.Yandeleur, F.R.C .. ( ydney). JIahon, Mr. G . .cl... D., )1.D. Kelly,Oaptain T. Gordon, H. _\.)1. c. (M),)f. D. ~Ialcolm, Mr. E., )['D. :Key, Surgeon O. 'Y., )f.D. ~Iallil1 , )Iajor, n.A.)LC. Kilkelly, Lieut.-Oolonel O. R., C.)LG., )Ianley, Mr. J. H. H.,I ::ILA. (Oantab, ), )1. B., )I. n. C. • R.A.M.C. :'IIanl1, )11'. 'Y. .,:M. R. C. s. Kinahan, Brigade. urgeoll J. :Jlanllel'S, iiII'. \\Y. H., )I.B. King, JIr., W. H., )[.D. )larier, Cha .. G. D., L.R.C.S., Ire1. Kinnear, )Ir. 'Ym., )f.B. )Iarch, ::'III'. H. .,)[. D. Knaggs, JIr. R. Lawforu, )1. D. :JIarkhal11, ~Ir. W., :lLD. (Adelaide) Knoll'"le , Mr. F. J., )1.R.C. )Ia1' h, )b'. J. H., :I['R.C.S., L.R. C.P. Knox, :'IIr. O. F., )1. D. Lapage, )Ir. 0., )I.n. ~lar 11, ::'IIr.Jamc J., L.n.c.p.,L.R. C. ' ., Edin. Latimer, JIr. H . .cl..., :lLR.Co'" ::ILD. Luurie, :\11'. Ca parR., )['R.C.S., L.R.C.P. )Ia1'sha11, ::'III'. J. J. de Zour.he, L.R.a.s., Law all, J11'. Geo., ::II. D. Ire1., L._\..H. Dub. Lawton, Jrr. H. A., :II. D. )Ianin, .Mr. E. F., )LB. Leahy, :\11'. A .. :lI.R C.. )Ial'tin, 1111'. J., F.R.C .. Lediard, :\11'. H. A., )LD. )Ial'till, ::'Ill'. J. 'Y., )I.D. Lee, :\Ir. J .. ::II. R. Co' . :Jla -ie, )11'. T., ~1.B. Lee, 1\11'. William, )f. R. C. )Iatthe\\'" JIr. . P .. )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Le lie, JIl'. D. 11., )I.D. )In.rthews, 1111'. T. G., )LD. Leslie, Mr. R. W·., )L D. ilIatthews, 1\11'. Yalentine, :iII. R. C.S. Lennox, ilIr. David, )1. D. JIaynarn., 1111'. J. 0., :M.R.C .. , )I.R.C.P.

50 Examiners McCarthy, Mr. Ju tin McOullum, M.R.C ••

McDonald, Mr. J., M.A., M.D. McDonald, Mr. J., M.A., 1I1.B., C.M. McDougall, Mr. R., ~I.n. McEwan, 1\11'. D., ::.[. n. McEwan, Mr. W. C., l\I.B. McFarland, Brigade-Smgeon F. E. McKellar, Mr. A. 0., M.D. McNalty, Lieut.-Col. G., C.B., M.D., R.A.M.C.

Meal' , Mr. F. C., ::'I.B., ~I.R.C.S. Melville, Mr. ., lIf.n.C.S., L.R.C.P. Messiter, Mr. M. A., ~LR.C.S. Metcalfe, ill r. R., ::'f. D. Middlemiss, Mr. G., ::'f.D. Milbmn, Mr. O. H., )I.B. Miller, Mr. J. ,V., )Ln. Milligan, Mr. R. A., III.D. Milne, Mr. Robert, lII.B. Modlin, 111'. J. Gibson, ~I.D., L.S.A. Moffat, Rev. Dr., )I. D. Molloy, iiII'. G. ., )I.n. Montagu, Mr. A. J. H., lILD. Moore, Mr. F. F., )I.D. Moore, Mr. H. C., ~LR.C . . Moore, II'. Milner, ::'LD. Moore, Hon. Brigade-Smgeon Sandford Morgan, Mr. E. W., lILD. (N. S. Wales) Morgan, 1'lIr. H. M., M.R.C.S. Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn, ::'LD. Morgan, Mr. ,V. L., III.A., LR.C. '. Morris, Mr. S. G., ::'1. D. Morris, Mr. T. H., "LB. Morris, Capt. ,V. A., ~LB .• R .A.M. C. Mortimer, 11'. T. D. E., III.D. Mossop, Mr. A. G., )I.R.C.S., D.P.H. Moynihan, Mr. B. G. A., F.R.C.S., M.B. Myles, Major, .ILUILC. Nance, Mr. H. C., ::'I.D. Neild, Mr. J. E. ::'LD. (Melbourne) Neilson, Mr. R. J., ::'I.D. Nelson, II'. Stanley, M.D . Newby, Mr. C. H., F.R.C . ~. Newman, Mr. ,V., )LD. Newsham, Mr. F., M.R.C .... Newton, Mr. R. Clark, lILR.C.S. Nicholson, Brigade-Surgeon E. Norton, Mr. A. 'r., C.B., F.R.C.S. N orton, Mr. G. Everitt, M. R. C. S.

Ny sen, 1111' P.p. de, M.D. Oakley, Mr., lII.D. Odell, 1\11'. W., F.R.C.S., M.D. O'Farrell, Mr. Charles, L.H.C.J>., l .. R.C.S. , Irel. Oldham, Mr. H. F., M.D. Oliver, Mr. C. Pye, 1I1.D. born, Mr. Samuel, F. H.C. Owen, Mr. E., F.It.C . . Owen, 11'. O. B. P., M.D. Packer, M1'. W. H .. M.D. Page, Mr. H. 'Y., ::.r.D. Page, 11'. H. ,V., F.H.C .•. Parry, Mr. L. A., )I.D. Partridge, Mr. S., lILB. Partridge, Mr. T., III.R.C.S. Pater 'on, Mr., M.D. Patter on, Mr. G. de J., L.n.c.p., lILn.C.S. Pearsoll, Mr. C. Y., lIl.D. PelldleburYI M1'. J. T., lILR.C.S. Pennell, Mr. H., ~f.D. Perry, Mr. C. M., )LIt.C.S. L.R.C.P. Peters, Mr. A. J. A., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Phillips, 1'llr. C. H., lILR.C . . Picker gill, .:'tIl'. E. P., ~I.R.C.S., L.RC.P., Edin. Pilgrim, II'. E. G., lILB., C.M. Pim, Mr. F. de Bech, L.R.C.l'.!. Pisani, Professor (Malta) Pochin, Mr. F. L., ::'LB. Pooley, Mr. E. B., L.R.C.S. Pooley, Mr. R. C. Ma 'on, J.P., L.R.C.S., Ire I. Pope, Mr. F. M., lII.D. Porter, M1'. A. E., ::'LB., B.C. Potter, Mr. H. Percy, F.R.C.S. Poulton, Mr. B., )I.D. (Adelaide) Prance, M1'. G. H., lI1.D. Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, M.ll. Price, Mr. Arthur, lII.n.c.s. Purves, II'. A. Scott, M.D. Ransoll, Mr. ,V. E., lII.R.C.S. Ratcliff-Gaylard, Mr. J., M.D. Ra\\'n ley, Major G. T., It.A.M.C. Ray\yood, Mr. J. R. I., M.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P. Reed, .1\11'. Cash, lIf. D. Reid, Mr. Douglas A., M.D. Reid, Mr. Duncan J., M.B. Reid, Mr. Edgar, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P.


51 Reid, Mr. T. W., M.D. Resignol, Mr. A. Le, lILD. ReynoldS, Mr. R. Rhys, MI'. W. L., lII.H.C.S. Rice, Mr. W. Richardson, 1If. D. Riddell, Mr. J. Scott, III.A., lILB. Rigden, Mr. Brian, LR.C .... Riley, Mr. J. W., L.R.C.P. Robb, Ml'. James B. K., lII. D. Roberts, Mr. ArLhnr, M.D. Roherts, Ml'. Griffiths J., L,R.C.P., Edin. Roberts, 1\11'. H. Jones, lILR.C.S. Roberts, Mr. Lawton, lILD. Roberts-Dudley, .Mr. F. J., lILR.C.S., L. S.A.

Roberts, Mr. R. 1., "LB. Robinson, lr. A. Henry, M. D. Robinson, Mr. A. Hepworth, lIL]t. C. s. Robinson, Mr. E. L., M.D. (Guernsey) Robinson, Mr. H. S., lII.F.. C.S. RobinsOll, Mr. ,V., III.D. Roper, Mr. H. J., lILR.C.S. H,osignal, Mr. A. Le, )1. D. Ross, Mr. Macleod, F.R.C . . Round, Mr. John Cormyall, lII.R.C.S. Russell, Mr. John, M.D. Rutherford, l\Ir. Henry, M.D. Ruttle, 11'1r. R., M.D. St. Leger, :Mr. R. A., lII. B., C.M. Savory, Mr. H., M.A., lILB.B.C. Scales, Mr. 1\1., L. R. C•. , Ire1. Scatliff, Mr. P. M., III.R.C .•. Scofield, .Mr. Harold, lIL B. Scott, Mr. R. J. H., M.D. Scott, 1111'. "YV. T., lILB. Selby, Mr. E. W., III.D. Sellers, :Mr. R. Burdett, lIL R. O. s. Shaw, Mr. James, lIr.D. Shaw, Mr. John, M.D. Shelley, Mr. P. W. G., M.D. Shelly, Mr. C. E., M.D. Shepperd, Mr. H., ::'f. D. Shives, Mr. J., M.D. Rhone, Mr. W. J., lILn.C. ' . Shuttleworth, Mr. G. E., M.D. Siddall, M1'. J. B., M.D. Simmonds, Mr. H. M., M.R.C.S. Simmons, Mr. E. W., III. D. Simpson, Mr. IV. S., III. R. C. S.

Sinclair, Mr. Robert, M. D. Examiners, Skae, Mr. Francis, lIL n. Skipworth, Mr. H., 111. n. C.S., T.. ll. c.p. Irel. Sleman, Capt. R. R., L.S.A. Smeddle, Mr. R. W., lILB. Smith, M1'. C., M.R.C.S. Smith, Mr. C. J., lILR.C.S. Smith, .1\11'. G., )[.D. Smith, Mr. H., lII. D. Smith, Mr. H. Hammond, lILR.C.~. Smith, Mr. J. W., lILB. Smith, Ir. Montgomery, )f.D. Smith, nIl'. R. S., L.P•. C.P., Eclin. Smith, Professor ,V. R., )[ . J). Snell, nIl'. Syuney H., lII. D. Soutar, Mr. C. H., i\LB. (Australia). Spencer, nIl'. IV. Henry. ::'I.D. pronlle, Mr. J. \Y., L.R.C.P., Ire1., L.R. C.S., Ec1in. Sqnance, l\Ir. T. Coke, lII. D. Squire, :t.Ir. J. E., ::'I.D. Stalker, Mr. A . .1\1.. )1. D. tanton, 1\11', L.n.c. p. teuman, 1\11'. H., L.R.C.I'. teel, Mr. ,V. D., M.D. Steele, ::\Iajor W. H., R.A.)LC. Steet, 1111'. G. Carrick, F.R.C.R. Stewart, II'. Duncan, :\I.D. Stirling, Mr. D. H., M.D. Stoker, 1111'. George, C.)LG., _'LD. Stoker, Mr. ,V. Thorn ley, c. i\1 G., lIL D. Stotharc1, 1\11'. James, lILR.C . . Stretton, Mr. J. Lionel, i\I.:B.C.S. StulTid~e, Mr. P. F., L.R.C.P., Edin. Sturrock, Mr. J, F., lII.B.. C.lII. Sutherland, Mr. J. A., 1II. B. Sutton, Mr. A. 1.,)L D. Swann, Mr. A., M.R.C.R. wayne, Mr. F. G., M.D. winhoe, Mr. G. R., ::'I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Symes, lib:. E. ,Vest, M. D. Tayler, M1'. F. '1'., lILn.C •. Taylor, Mr. L. A., l\LR.C . . Taylor, Mr. S. Robinson, LD., F.R.C.S. Taylor, 1lI1'. Tom R., M.D. Taylor, Surgeon- Lieut.-Col. William, M,D. Templeman, MI'. Charles, lILB. Tetley, Mr. F. HaITi on, L.R.c.r., Edin. Thomas, Mr. A. Garrod, M.D. E

CI) ~ CI) CI)



-.::. Q



Examiners. T homas, Mr .,

(N ew Zealand) W ard, Mr. M. 0., :\f. n. T homas, Mr. D. E . , M . D. , Vaters, Mr. J . H., :\I. D . T homa, Mr. n.D ., L.R.C. H., L. R. a. r . , Edin . , Vatel's, Mr. J. L., M.ll. Thoma, Mr. , V. K, L. U. C. P. , Edin., , Vatsoll, Ir. John, M.ll. L.R.C. . , Vatts, Mr. , V. F . , M.H.C.R. T hompson, Mr. K 0 ., M. D. , Veaver, 11'. 'V. G., :\1. H.C .... Thomp on, Mr. J . Henry, ThR.C. P. , h eI. , Vebb, Mr. J . K, :\Ln. Thomp on, Mr. J. Hilton, M.B., M. S. , Vebb, Major ' V. , Vilfl'ed, M.D., LM.S. Thom on, Miss Emily 0., M.B.C.lIL, Edin. , Vemyss, Mr., M.D. Thomson, Sir W . (late), P. R. c.s., Trel. Wheelcr, Ml'. 'V. J. JlI.D. Thomson, Mr. G., lILB. , Vhitby, Mit; L .. L.R. C.I'., Edin. Tholmon, Mr. Geo ., ::II.D. White, h . O. H., 1I£.1:.C.:->. T hornhill, Brigade-Surgeon M. (Guernsey) White, Mr. Henry, :\f.IJ . Thnr field, Mr. T . W.: :\I.D. Whiteheau, nInjor H. lL,F.R.c.f.i.,n.A .M.C. Told, ~Ir . Oharles, ::ILR. C.S . Whyte, Mr. J. Mackie, ::ILD. TodLl-White. 1111'. A. T., ::II.R.C.S. , L.U. C.P. Wild, ::\11'. H . . , ::ILR.C.". Toll, ~Ir. J . T . , ::II.R.C.R., L.R. C. P. , Vilkillsol1, Mr. J. 13., ::11.]). Tomlinson, Brigade-Surgeon K, 111. D. Williams, Mr., ::II. R. c.~. Treharne, Mr. J. L. , lII.R.C.S. ,l{illiams, Mr. K R. T rimble, Mr. O. J., L.RC.P . ,Yilliams, 1111'. J., ~I.n . T ritton, Mr. W . P ., ::II. R. C. S. ( J atal) Williams, Mr. J. D., ~L ]J . Trott, ~Ir. Dudley, ::If.D. (Bermuda) ,Villiums, ~lr. :T., ::ILJLC.R. Tunstall, Mr. A. 0., ::II. D. ,Yilliams, urgeon-~Iajor ( ydllCY) Tlll'ner, Surgeon-Major Willoughby, ~Ir . W. G., ::11.]) . T urner, Dep. -Inspr. -Gen. Robert, R.N. ,Vilton, Mr. J . P., ::IJ.lt.C.S. 'rurner, Mr. IV. , :\I.D. (Gibraltar) 'Wilson, Mr. J., ::II.D. Tuxford, ~Ir. R., ::ILn.C.S., L.R.C.r. , Vil 'on, nIl'. J. Scott, ::Ir.n. Tyrrell, Mr. ,Valter, M.R.C .S. , Yin(;kworth, Mr. ,Yo B., ::Il.R.C.S. Tyson, Mr. ,V. J ., ::ILD . (Umzinto) , Vingate- 'aul, Mr. 'V., lIr.n .c.s., L.S.A. Yeitch, fr . W. G. , L. R.C. P. , Edin. , Vinslow, Mr. L. S. Forbe ', lILR.C.l'. Vernon, Ml'. A. Heygate, F.R. C.S. Wooel, Mr. A . T . , ::I1.D. Yernon, Mr. W., lII.R.C.S., L. R.C. P., Edin. , Yoods, 1\11'. J. H., L.JLC.S.I. Yines, Mr. O. S. , ::ILR.C.S. , L.R.C. P, ,Voods, I llspec.-General II . 0., c.v.o. , 'Wade, .i'llI'. A . B ., M.D. :lLD. , H._T. ,'Tade, ~Ir . O. H., L.R.C.P., ::Il.R.C.S. Wooels, 1\11'. J. Ji'., :lI.1[.C .... , L.S.A. , Yaldo, 1\11'. F . J . , :lLD. , Voodward, Surgeon-General G.P. :lL, :lLD. Walker, Ur. J ames, M.R.C.S. F.R.C.S. (Sydney) W allace, 1IIr. T homas, ::ILD. Woollett, 1111'. S. ' Y., :lLD. W allis, lIIr. K D ., :lLD. Wright, Mr. O. F . , ::ILD. , iValpole-Simmons, Mr. E ., lI1.D. Wright, 1111'. J . Orossley, ::ltD. Ward, Mr. J. L. ' Y. , ::ILD. Wykesmith, Mr. Walter, F. il.C.e. , Yard, Mr. J . P. ., M. ll.C.S. Young, :nIl'. M. , M.D. Ward, nIl'. 1., :lLD . Yule, 1\11'. Robert 1'1. , lILD Ward, Mr. 1II. A ., F.R.C.S :\1. D.







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j-ohn Bmbulance

METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS AND COUNTRY CENTRES. following is a N ominal R oll of the Towns and Districts where (( Centres" have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association was establish ed in 1877. The ~ames and ad.dre .ses of the Local Executivp. Officers can be obtaIned on applIcatIOJl to the Chief Secretary, St. J ohn' Gate, Clerkenwell, L ondon , E. C. THE


gIve and bequeath to the

Central Executive

Committee for the time being of the St. John Ambulance Association the sum of £

-------------------------------Metropolitan Centre.

to be applied, at

the discretion of the

Central Executive

Oommittee of the said Association, towards the philanthropic objects of such Association, and I direct that the said sum shall be paid, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my

No.1 District (Kensington, outh Kensington, Brompton, and N otting Hill, &c.) No.2 District (Oity and Port of London, inclnding Bloomsbury, and East London) No.3 District (St. J ames's, Whitehall, :May fair, Hyde Park, S. W .) No. 4 District (Belgravia and Ohelsea) No.6 District (Hammersmith, Ohi5wick and Fulham)

personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.

No. 7 District (North-East London, Olapton, etc. , now iucluded in No. II. District) No.8 District (Putney, , Vanusworth anu neighbonrhoou ) No.9 District (Kilburn, antI North-yVest London , etc. ) No. 10 District (Brixton, Kennington, Balham, Streatham, Olapham and neighbourhood) No. 11 District (Southwark and neighbourhood)


No. 12 District (Harlesden). Polytechnic Centre (309, Regent treet)

" »

" " "

" " " " :l


Hospital Saturday Fund Centre (54, Gray's In'll Road) . Willesden Green and Crick18wood Centre Aberdare Centre



" " "



1 80

1879 1878 1 90 18 0 1 ]

1 81





1 96

1 95

L95 1, 96 },



56 Accrington Centre Aldershot Centre


Aldershot Camp Alfreton Centre AmbleEide tWestmoreland) Centre Ashford (Kent) Centre Asbton-under-Lyne Centre Atherstone Centre Aylesbury Centre Babbington Centre Backworth Colliery Centre Banbury Centre Bangor Centre Barnsley Centre Barrow-ill-Furness Centre Basingstoke Centre Bath Centre Battle (Sussex) Centre Bearpark Colliery Centre Bedford Centre Beighton Centre Belfast Centre Belgravian Centre Berwick-upon-Tweed Centre Bexbill Centre Bingley Centre Birchwood (Colliery) Centre Birkbeck Centre Birkdale (Lancashire ) Centre Birkenhead Centre Birmingham Centre Birmingham Centre (Erdington Branch) Blackburn Centre Blackheath Centre Blackpool Centre •

Formed 1884 "

1 90


1 95

: I








" "

1885 1883




1 84










1 82 1900

" "

" " "

" " "

" " " "

" " "

" " "

1 81

1880 1880 1881 1885 1898 1881

1883 1883

1878 1901 1882 1888

1880 1880

1805 1878 1882

Blackwell Colliery Centre

Formed 1882

Blandford Centre


Bognor Centre

" " "

Bolton and District Centre Bournemouth Centre Bradford Centre Bridport Centre

" "

Brierfield Centre


Brighouse Centre -


Brighton and Hove Centre


Bristol and Clifton Centre


Brownhills Centre -

" "

Burnley (Lancashire ) Centre Burton-on-Trent Centre Buxton Centre Cambrian Railways Centre Canterbury Centre Cardiff Cen tre Cardiff Railway Company Centre




" "


1880 1885 1893 18 0 1887 1 83 1 95

18 3 1 90

18 0 13 3 18 3 1 79

9 1 98

1 78 1 89



Carlisle Centre Carshalton Centre Castle Eden Centre Chard Centre


" "


Charlton Centre Chatham and District Centre Cheltenham Centre Chester Centre Chesterfield Centre Chislehurst Centre Clay Cross Centre . Oleator District Centre Cleator Moor Centre Colchester Centre CaIne Centre Cork Centre _

1882 1




1 2


" " " "


" " " " "

1 92

18,,0 1


1 7 18 ~ 8

1 78 1



1879 lE90

18 3

58 coventry Centre Coventry Centre (Bedworth Branch) .

59 Formed 1882

Gosport, Alverstoke, and Fareham Centre

Funned 1809



Granby Centre





Cranbrook Centre -


J 895

Gravesend Centre Grea t Eastern Railway Centre

Croydon Centre



Coventry Branch (Wyken Branch) Cumberland Mines and



1 99 96




] 879

Great Sou th er n and Western Railway of Ireland Centre Grea t Western Railway Centre


Greenwich Centre

Darlaston Centre



Darlington Centre


Grimsby Centre


Guernsey Centre


Halifax Centre


Handsworth Centre



Harrogate Centre -



Hartlepool Centre .



Hastings and St. Leonard's Centre



Havant Centre

" " " "


]8 5

Hawkeshead Centre



18 4

Heavy Woollen District Centre


" I,


Hebden Bridge Centre


1 83

Hereford Centre




Hertford Centre

" " ,.


Heywood (Manchester) Centre

" "


Holyhead Centre



Huddersfield Centre



Hull Centre .



Ilkeston Centre



Ipswich Centre


Isle of Man Centre


Isle of Purbeck Centre


Isle of Wight Centre


Jarrow Centre


Jersey Centre


Keighley Centre


Kendal Centre


Keswick Centre


Kettering Centre

Dalton-in-Furness Centre


Deeside Centre Derby Centre Dover Centre

" "

Dublin Centre Dudley Centre Dukinfield Centre Dumfries N.B. Centre Dundee Centre Durham Centre Eastbourne Centre East Grinstead Centre Ebbw Vale Centre Eckington Centre Edmonton Centre Eton College Centre Exeter Centre


Farnham Centre


Faversham Centre


Festiniog Centre


Fleetwood Centre


Folkestone Centre


Forest of Dean Centre


Furness Railway Centre Frome Centre Gloucester Centre Gloucestershire County Council

" " " "





1 96

" " "

1882 1881 18 2

" "

1 1


1 95 1 1


1 80 6 ].

81 3


1 0 1

" " "

" "


1882 18 7 1


1 8 1 1

0 5

" " " "



5 I e: ]




0 1 84 1 93


60 Xidderminster Centre

Formed 1881

Kiveton Park Colliery Centre Lancashire and neighbouring Counties Federa,tion P .S.A. Societies Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Centre Lancaster Centre


Leamington (Warwickshire ) Centre Leeds Centre Leicester Centre


Lilleshall Collieries Centre Donnington Branch (Lilleshall Collieries Centre) Lincoln Centre Liverpool Centre Llanberis Centre Llandudno Centre London and North-Western Railway London and South-Western Railway Loughborough Centre Louth (Lincolnshire) Centre Lymington Centre Lytham Centre Maidstone Centre Malvern Centre Manchester Centre Margate Centre Marlow Centre Melksham Centre Merthyr-Tydvil Centre Mexborough Centre

Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee

Monmouth Centre




Mountain Ash Centre




Nelson Centre


1 81

Newark-on-Trent Centre




Newcastle-upon-Tyne Centre


18i 8

North Bucks Centre



North Shields Centre


North Wales Collieries Centre -


18 3

Ffrwd Colliery Branch, N. Wales Colliery Centre


1 81

Northampton Centre

" .,


North Bierley Centre




North-Eastern R a ilway Centre




Northfieet Centre -



Norwich Centre


1 3

Norwood and Sydenham Centre



Nottingham Centre



Nuneaton Centre


1 83


Oldham Centre




Oldhill Centre


Ormskirk Centre


Otley Centre



Oundle Centre



Oxford Centre


Oxford Military College Centre


Padiham Centre

1 90


Park gate Centre

L 85


Penrhyn Quarries Centre

1 89


Pershore Centre



Perth Centre

1 90

Peterborough Centre





" " " " "


" " "



" "


Middlesbrough and Cleveland Centre (including Stockton Branch)


1 98


Marske-by-the-Sea Centre

18 8

Milton Centre


Lewes Centre Lichfield Centre



Millom Centre

Pilsley Centre




Plymouth Centre


Polesworth Centre

1 84








1 88


]8 3





1889 1 95 93 86 1 92

1 84


1 91 18 6




95 1 79 79


8 2


1 93

" " "



], 2 3


62 Polmont, N.B., Centre Polytechnic Centre Pontypool and District Centre Portsmouth Centre Portsmouth Centre (Gosport, Forton, and Alvel'stoke Division) Port Talbot Centre Potteries Centre Preston Centre


Reigate Centre Richmond (Surrey) Centre Riddings Colliery Centre Ripley Centre

Ross (Herefordshire) Centre Royal Military College (Sandhurst) Centre Rugeley Centre St. Anne ' s-on-Sea Centre St. Helens (Lancashire) Centre St. Mary Cray (Kent) Centre Saddleworth Centre Sandgate Centre -

Seaton Carew Centre Sevenoaks Centre Sheerness Centre


Sheffield Centre Shetland Centre Shipley Centre Shoeburyness Centre Shrewsbury Centre



Smethwick Centre -


southampton Centre


Southam Centre





southport Centre



South Shields Centre

1 9

Sowerby Bridge Centre

" "

1 81

Stafford Centre




Stalybridge Centre



Staveley Centre stourbridge Centre

" " " "

1 91

Streatham Centre


18 6

Sunderland Centre


Surbiton Centre


1 0

Sutton Coldfield Centre


Swansea C6ntre

" "

1 83

Swinton Centre



Sydenham Centr e .


Tamworth Centre .

" "


Taunton Centre


Tibshelf Centre

" " " "



" " :'


Rye Centre -

Slough Centre



Rotherham Centre

18 3


1 82


" "

" "

" " "

" ,. "



1 83




Skipton-in-Craven Centre



Rochdale Centre

FOI'll1eu 1



Reading Centre


Sittingbourne and Milton Centre



Ramsgate Centre

Sandwich Centre

Fonnell 1884


Stockport Centre

Tonbridge Centre .


Tunbridge Wells Centre -


Twickenham Centre


Ulverston Centre


Uttoxeter Centre

1 2

Wakefield Centre .


Waltham Abbey Centre -


Warrington Centre


Waterford Centre .



Wath-upon-Dearne Centre



Wednesbury Centre


" "

" " "



o 1


18 S ~


1 91 1 7 18 6 18 9 1




1 91 1








18 1






7 1


1 79 1 81

1 91 1


18 6 1 79 1 81 1881 1886 18 7


64 Wellingborough Oontre -

Formed 1888

Wellington (Salop) Oentre West Hartlepool Oentre 'Welwyn Oentre West Bromwich Oentre Weston-Super-Mare Oentre ~eymouth

Willington Quay and Wallsend Oentre Wimbledon Oentre Wimborne Oentre . Windsor Oentre Winsford Oentre Wirksworth Oentre Wolverhampton Oentre Wolverton Oentre Wombwell Oentre Woodford Oentre Woolwich Oentre Worcester Oentre . Workington Oentre Worthing Oentre York Oentre·

Graham's Town Oentre


18 0

Halifax (Nova Scotia) Centre

" "

i8 4

Hong Kong Centre Kimberley and De Beers (South Africa) Centre

" "

King William's Town Oentre East London Branch

" "

18 9




Malta Centre


18 0

Port Elizabeth Centre

" " " " "

18 1

Singapore (Straits Settlements) Centre

18 8

Vancouver (British Columbia) Centre


" " "

" " "

" " "


Borneo (Sandakan) Oentre Oanadian Oentre Oape Town Oentre Ceylon Oentre

" "

1 79

18 0

1 84 1 95

1 5 18 0

Brisbane Centre Sydney, N. S. Wales, Centre Tasmania [(Launceston) Centre-


" "



1895 1891 1889

" "

West Australian Centre -


1892 1884 1


18 5 1885 189 1 1882 188 9 18 6 1 90

Iv 4

99 1 90





1 92

(NEW ZEALAND.) New Zealand, Auckland Centre

" " " " "


" "


" Formed 1883

" "

Victoria Centre



" "

Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler)





Adelaide, South Australia, Centre (Branches-Port

18 5 1 4

Queen's Town Branch



It 82

British Dominions Beyond the Seas. Bermuda Oentre

" "

" "


Whitchurch (Salop) Centre

Wigan Oentre


" "


Whitehaven Centre



Weybridge Oentre

F orm ed.

Gibraltar Centre


" " "

" "

Christchurch Centre Dunedin Centre Invercargill Centre Nelson Centre


New Plymouth Wellington Centre

" " " " "

" "

1 92

18u5 1891 18 5

1 99

1 5

West Indies Centre. Nassau (Bahamas) Branch St. Kitt's (Leeward Islands) Branch Trinidad (Port of Spain) Branch

" "






188 3



Ca p e Colony (Cape Town) Cen tre . British Bechuanaland (Vryburg)

Formed 1894

East London


Graham' s Town Heidelberg Kimberley Malmesbury Masern Matabeleland (Buluwayo ) Mossell Bay . Orange River Colony (Bloemfontein) Oudtshoorn Paarl . Riversdale Robertson Stellenbosch Transvaal (Johannesburg)





" " " " "




" "














1893 1894 1894


lobn Bmbulance Bssociation.




( ](ens i ngton, etc.)

1 94 Formell 1 7 .

India. Bangalore (Madras) Centre Baroda Centre


" " "

Bombay Centre Calcutta Centre Madras Centre


Quetta Centre


18 5 1901 1 83 1901 1901 1901

Foreign Centres. Argentine Centre Formosa Centre Jerusalem Centre Paris Centr e Riviera Cannes Centre

" " " "


1897 18 9 1885 1 89


L ifc Jl cmllcl'S.

Miss Braby Mrs. Hargreaves Brown Miss Burnett Miss Craven Mrs. B. L. Cohen Colonel J. C. Dalton, R.A. Miss Duncombe Admiral Sir E. G. Fan hawe, G.O.D. Lady Fowler Miss A. St. John Gray Colonel James Gildea, c. v. 0., C. B. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Peterborongh

Mrs. F. ,V. Harris Miss Humphrey 1'111". Lean Lady Mon tagu Mi s B. Louisa Parker Mi 's Mary L. Parker Mrs. treatfeild The Dowager Lady Trelawny Lady Trevelyan Miss ,Veld Miss Wilson Hon. Henrietta Windsor-Clive· 1\'[1's. Anthony Wingfield.


(City and PO'rt of London). Formed 1880. PresIdent.

General H.R.H. the D uke of Connaught and Strathearn,

R . G. F


68 Lifc lUcmlJer s. The Corporation of the City of London Colonel C. Wyndham Murray, M. P. The Cutlers' Company Col~mel Aubone G. Fife The Fi hmongers' Company Major-General Bl-yan Milman, C.B. The Go]d llliths' Company Messrs. J. and R. Morley T he Grocers' Company M1'. Joh~ Morley The H aberdashers' Company Dr. Edwm Fresh~eld, LL.D., F.S. A. T he Mercers' Company Mr. Ernest L. Ohve The Merchant Taylors' Compa ny Mr. Edward Howley Palmer 'T he Skinners' Company Messrs. Pres.cott and Co. (Bankers) T he Surrey Commercial Docks Company Mr. ex-Sheriff Water low Ml'. Edward L. Barnard Mr. Ed\\:ard Webb (British and .1\11'. Conrad Bergman . ForeIgn -:iVharf) The Baroness Burdett-Coutts MIss Ford (HIghgate).

lIouor:\l'y Secre tary .

Mr. Wells Eames, Birkbeck I nstitute. Life ll iember s. ~fiss

Ecc} es iUe tUc al St a tl .

Mr. Valentine Mat~hews Mr. J. Ed ward Sqmre, M. D.


(St. James's, TVhitehall, Mayfair, Hyde Pa1'k, P(Lddington, Bayswater, Nolting Hill, Regent's Park, Regent St1'eet, Oxford Street, etc.)

Miss M. B. Hawthorne.

Mr. F. W. Alington

Mr. James Cantlie, F.R.C.S. Mr. Roberts.

Statement of R eceipts cmd Expenclitw'e, ] 900-1901. Receipts. £2 11

By Balance . " Subscription, Mr. G. T. Bidunlph

Formed 1880. President. H. R. H . Princess Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg.





£:3 11



E xpendit1tre. To Contribution to Central Fund " Bala.nce .

£1 1 2 10

0 2

£3 11


G. T. BIDDULPH, P1'esident & T1'eas. C. J . LA~lBE EAMES, Han. Sec1·etary.

Life lUewber . •

"M archioness of Bath L ady E. Browne l\'fr. Peter Brotherhood Mr. W. L. Burdett-Coutts Mr. P. L. Chiosso Mr. W . Coates Sir Frederick F. L. Cook Countess Cowper Col. Aubone G. Fife Countess Granville Mr. L. Vernon Harcourt Mrs. Quintin Hogg 'Countess of Ilchester Mr. James Jackson Mr. :K Kelso Col. E. H. Kennard Miss Kingsmill

Marchioness of Lansdowne Her Grace the Duchess of Leeds Miss Francis Martin ~liss A. ~1iles MI'. Samuel Morley Col. C. Wyndham Murray, M. P. Mrs. C. Wyndham Murray Lord Reay Miss A. de Rothschild Mrs. Leopold Salmons Mr. Albert Sanrleman Mr. Fleetwood Sandeman Mr. A. L. Savory Countess of Sefton Mr. H . J . T ritton Mr. Clarence Watson Mr. Cuthbert Wills.


(Kilbw'n and North- TVest London.) Formed 1881.

H . R. H. Princess LouiBe, Duchess of Argy 11. (.'hah·lIlun.

Lieut.-General R . W . Lowry, C.B. lIonol'al'Y


The Misses Platt, 8, ·Weech Road, W . Hampstead, N . W .

( Cha1'ing Cross, Stmnd, Chance?'y L ane, etc.) Formed 1878. PresIdent and Trea surer. Mr . George Tomnay Biddulph.

CC l'c t:U'ics and Tl'CnSlll·cr s .

~I e dl cal

Mr. T. Morton, M.D. Mr. Hardwicke. Mr. Macevoy. Mr. C. W. Allen,


nIl'. N orwoocl Brown . Mr. Roger Smith. 1\11'. A. Ferguson. Mr. Macdonald Brown, M.D.



Honorary Scct·cta..

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the year .there have been ten classes, seven in first aid and three i nursing. We note with pleasure that the schools in tho neighbourhood are beO'in~ ningto take an active interest in the work, and have acquitted themselves well. The Metropolitan Railway Service is always actively interested in the work, and it has been a matter of satisfaction to find that the numbers increase yearly. Statement o( R eceipts ar,d E xpenditu1'e (1'om Septembe1', 1900, to September, 1901. R eceipts. To Class F ees, Books and Ban£18 dages Examiners' F ees and " 5 Stores " Mi s Macmillan, for Classes 4 Subscription from Gen. LmYl'Y 0 : 10 Deposit at Bank



19 10 10 10 10 0

£39 11

9 0 6 0

Expendit1we. By Advertising £0 16 tamps 2 4 " Boy 1 8 "" Stationery and Printing. o 13 Travelling Expenses , 0 1 " Carrier 0 3 " Repairing Litter o 10 " Hir(1 of Room 1 1 " Lecturer's Fee 2 2 " tores and various expenses " (St. John's Gate) . 29 17 " Balance in Treasurer's hands o 13


0 2 4 5~

8 4 0 0 0

!lir. William H. ~forgan, 39, Alderbrook Road, Balham Hill, S. W. IUctUcnl Staff.

ANNUAL REPORT. THE work of the district continues to make satisfactory progress. The following classes have been held, viz., foul' first aid and one nursing for men, and six first aid and one nursing for women. The members of the medical staff and lecturers to the several classes are cordially thanked for their con Linued valuab1e services. Statement of Receipts and E xpenditure (a?' the year e?uling 30th Septembe?', 1901. E:cpendit~t1-e . Receil'ts. To Balance from 1900 . £19 19 6 By Examiner's Fees and Stores £29 2 5 Class Fees and Sale of "Postages, Stationery, and 2 12 7 " Stores 4 0 13 7 Petties 28 18 1 " Balance


£60 13


No . of Women

No.orMen who have


who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a COUl'se of instruction. instruCLlon. 1st Aid. Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.







No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 407 I 229 I 269 130 SI NC~ 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 22 I 101 I 53 I 62


\\'ho have completed a cour e of instruction.

who have received Certificates.

INo. of Certificated who have I Pupils received :Medallions.

who have received Certificates.

.tcour eof instrnction. l st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.

I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing. 1st Aid I ~ursing.






No. of Women

No. of Men



SINCE FORMATION OF CENTIlE. I 839 I 242 I 647 SI 'CE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 31 91 I 17 I 57






Formed 1884. Pre hlcnt.

Alderman Thomas ' Vhittuker.


(Balham, Battersea, B1'ixton, Clapham, Kennington, Lctmbeth, Tooting, and neighbmlrhood.) President. H.R.H. the Princess Frederica Baroness von Pawel Rammingen.


The Roy. E. Greensill, Treasurc}'


M. A .

I[ou. Secl·etn}·y.

Mr. Joseph Ogden, 157, Whal1ey Road, Accrington. Office: Bridge Street, Accrington.

I Women.



Men .


I Women.






£60 13


, VILLIAM H. MORGAN, Han. Sec1'etary and T 1·easurer.

£39 11 1


Mr. L. S. :McManus, M.D.

Mr. J. Brown, L.R.a.S., L.R.C.P., 1re1.

Examined and found correct. CHARLES B, ALLEN, H an . AztClitol'. GWENDOLEN K. PLATT,"\ . NORA G. PLATT, fRan, Sec/'ctanes. iSSUE OF

au(l TrcaS1U'CI'.




"Llfc lUcmbcrs.

Mrs. Alderman Whittaker. Alderman Thos. Whittaker Miss Bessie Whittaker. Mr. O. J. Whittaker. Miss Grace Whittaker. .Mr. L. Whittaker. Miss Jennie Whittaker. .Mr. H. H. Bolton. Mr. F. Grafton. Mr. A. E. Ball, representing Howard and Bnllongh, Ltd. Mr. John Riley, r epre enting the Accrington and Ohurch Oo-operative Society, Ltd.


::'io. or Women

No. orMen

who have who have who have cOlllvleted a \vho have received rec 'ived course of completed Certificates. Certificates. instruction. a course or instruction . . 1st Aid. I Nursing. t .Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nurstng. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SrNCE FORMATION OF OENTH.E. 434 I 159 I 330 65 S1 CE 1ST OCTOBElt, 1900. 29 61 2-1 I 45

lUc(licnl Stuff.

Mr. Mr. .Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

J. S. Olayton, M.D. R. 01 egg, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. J. Oowie, M.B., C.III. M. J. Fox, L.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. T. Frankish, M.B., C.III. & B. C. William Geddie, M.D.

.Mr. A. Greenhalgh, III.R.C.S., Jo. R. C. P., Lond. .Mr. T. E. Nuttall, ~r.B., C.M. 111'. R. Rnttle, rhR.c.s., L.R.C.p. :Mr. H. Worsley, M. B. C. M.







No. of Certificaied J'upils who ha ve received Medallions. Mlm.

I Womell_









Ix submitting the seventeenth annual report of this Oentre the Oommittee have pleasure in statin g tbat the interest in tbe ambulance movement in this district continues to be '\\ell maintained. Eight classes have been held during the yea". In first aid 2 for men and 3 for women, and in nl1l'sing ~ for men and 1 for women 136 certificates being granted. A number of certificated persons bave also nndergon~ re-examination for vouchers and medallions. Olasses are now chiefly held in the drill room of the Accrington Oorps, St. J obn Ambulance Brigade, but one class in first aid for women was formed and conducted in connection witb tbe Olayton.leMoors Oo-oparative Society'S 'W omen's Guild. The cases attended to during the year by certificateu persons (not including members of the Ambulance Oorps, whose work is recorded separately) included fractures, wonnds, fits, etc., some of tbe cases beillC! o attested by medical gentlemen as having been extremely well treated. All the policemen in the district hold certificates or medallions.

Formed 1890. Presltlent.

111'. ,Yo T. Robertson. Chail·runn.

1111'. W. T. Robertson. 1I0ll01'/H'Y


Mr. A. J. Andrews.

_lssi"tllnt 1I01l0l'IU'Y Sccretary. Mr. W. A. King, Florence Cottage, Gordon Road.

Statement of Receipts a?td Expenditw'ej01' the yea?' ending Septembe1' 30th, 1901. Receipts. E xpenditun. To Amount refunded from Oorps Equipment Fund £16 14 9 ~ " Stores sold and Olass Fees 2 11 2 " Subscriptions & donations 152 8 8

£197 14


By Balance aue to Treasurer £13 " Honorarium, .Mr. Ham, for Oollecting . 5 " By ditto, Mr. Stroyan, 3 on account .100 " Grants to Oorps 52 " Stores and Olass Fees 3 " Ad vertising " Printing . . 6 " Postages, Oarriage of Parcels, and In cidental Expenses 3 " Balance in Bank 9 " Balance in hand 0

La4ly SCCl'ctal'1e.'"

17 10

0 0

0 0 18 9 9 6

7 0 0 4~ 0 0 19 2


J. OGDEN, Hono?'Cwy Sec?'eta?'y cmd T?·eaStt1'e1'. Vouchers examined and found correct, T. PILKINGTON,} Hon. A1ldito1's. JAMES DEAN, EDWARD GUEENsrLL, M.A., Chairman.


Miss Giles, 28, St. Michael' Road.

2 0

£197 14


Mr. O. 13udu, 73, Grosvenor Road.

Mi ·s H.eavell, ,Yellington treet.

J(C(lical Stuff.

. r. J . H . G'b 1 son, '[ r. Mr. O. E. Paterson, ;\L D.

l~[ '



• •• ,

L ,. C }' L •••


~Ir •


troyan, L.R.a.p.L., M.R.C.S.


TUE Oentre o.gain has had a usefnl year of work, first aid having been rendered, and many cases having been r emoved to the Altlershot Hospital, and elsewhere. ?he Hon. Secretary had the sati .. factioll of recei\'ilJg the following letter from 11'.". E. Forster, Deputy-Ooroner. The members engageu in the removal being Messrs. Cunningham, Shrimpton, and Budu. [OOpy.] "DEAR Mr. BUDD,-At an inquest helu by me to-day on the bouy of Harriett Barber who was so dreadfully burnt on the 2Jth, Dr. Ooben spoke of the able and , Q ' prompt way the ambulance corps (sic.) rell10ved the poor creatl1l'e from ueeD s Road to the HOB}lital in CllUl'ch Lane, and with so little rain to the deceaseu. I


74 was requested by the jury to write an~ thank y~ul' Oorps (sic.) for their kindly services, and for the able way they carned out thClr duty, and I need scarcely say I fully endorse the jlll'y view of your conduct, which shows the trouble you all must have taken to have become so efficient in your humalle work. Yours truly,

ASHFORD CENTRE. Formed 1878. J~rc ,' hlcllt.

(Signed) W. E. FOSTER."

April 26th, 1901. Some dissatisfaction haling been expressed with the conditions under which the Jitter and stretchers can be u,;ed, the Oommittee wish to a, ure the subscribers and public generally, that they wish them to be used in all cases of neccssity-but in the interest of sick and injured patient, they consider it advi,'able to procure the services of some one able to render first aid (a list of those qualified will be found at the Aldershot Institute, and other public places in the town), and considering the large number of persons in the town bolding first aid certificates, the Oommittee believe this can be done without loss of time in all case . The Oommittee has to deplore the death of Mrs, Clintou, who was one of the originators of ambulance classes in Aldershot. Statement of .Receipts ancl E:cpenclitlwe for the yea?· encling Septembe?· 30th, 1901. Receipts. E;cpenditwre. To Balance at Bank £39 4 11 By Examiners'Feesandclonation " III hands of Secretary 026 to Oentral Fund £6 3 6 " Annual Subscriptions " Materials for Classes, and Donations 11 2 6 Bandage, &c. 1 12 9 " Police Grant 1 15 0 " Medallion o 16 0 " Olass Fees 3 4 6 " Hire of Rooms 3 12 6 " ~ ale of Books, Banda" Prin ting, Advertising, ges, &c. 2 10 3 and Stationery, " Sale of Medallions o 2 0 " General Buller's Recep- 3 17 6 " Removal of Patient 050 tion Expen es . 2 18 6 " Due to Secretary (overpaid " Models for Classes, Treasurer) o 5 0 Postage, &c. 1 11 1 " Insurance o 3 0 " Balance at Bank 37 16 10

£58 11 October 14th, 1901.


ir .101m Furley, 'l'I'CU , lU·Cl·.


Mr. W. :F. B. Jemmett.

1\11', John Ureery.

Jlonol'Ul·y Sccrctary.

1\11'. H erbel't Burnage, North Street, Ashford. llc(lical S' afT.

Mr, J, Cooper Wilkinson, L.R.C.P. Lon., M.R.C.S. 1111'. George Wilks, M. B., M.lt. C. S. L,S,A.

M' C Atkinson, M.R.C.,'" L.R.C,P. M~: 'I\T. H, Ooke,}LR.C.P. Lon" M.lt.C.S. Mr. E. Colville, F.R,C. '. Mr. C, Vernon, ~LR,C.S., L.n.C.l'. Lon., D,p,H.Oumb. . M1'. C. A. Wickham, L.n.;.p. Edm., L.R,C,P" L.F.P.l:l. Glus .

Statement of Receipts ancl Expe1ulitw'e, 1900-190l. E;'_'1Jenclitttre. Receipts. £11 0 0 By Examiner's fees . 'To Balance . 3 1 0 , , tores Departm en t Subscriptions. . :JIedallion " Balance from Ambulance " Hire of Room for " Lecture 15 15 5 " Lectul'e:l's, 3 years 0 7 9 ale of Medallions " Entrance Fees Bag 4 12 6 " tamps . "Sale of Books and " Bandages 3 2 2 " Balance in Bank " Oash in hand 0 3 4 " Sale of Bauges .

£3 13 10 15 0 7

4 2 6

3 0 1 1 0 15 3 i3 4 8

0 0


£27 13



£27 13

£58 11 8


0 2

We have examined the above with Vouchers, and found the same correct. JOHX OREER'I:', Chairman. IY. F. }3, JE;\DfETT, Hon. Trcasnrer.

Audited and balance at Bankers found correct, E. IV. EAGLESTON. CLEMENT BUDD, Han. Secretary.




No, of Men


192 11


No, of Women

who have who have Who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 2~2


who have received Certi (lcates. 1st Aid.

SINCE FOR;\IATION OF CENTRE. 159 I 120 I 106 SINCE 1sT OCTOBER, 1900. 19 I 12 I 8

I Nursing. 59 6

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received MedallionR. Men.



I Women, 22 4

No. of Women

who have who have completed rec eived a course of Certificates. instruction. ,1st Aid, I NurSing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

who l1ave cOll1l'letpd a course of instruction. ~tAid.


who have received Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions .

I Nursing. ' 1st Aiel. I Nnrsing. Men.

I Women .


447 27



13 I

FOlt:'lfATION OF CENTRE. 102 I 123 1G8 SINCE 1ST OCTOBRR, 1900. I 13 I

68 12







Re-organized 1900.

No. of Women

No. of Men


Pl·es icl e llt.

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a COUl'se oC illstruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I ~urs i ng. 1st Aid. I Nursing. lst Aid. Nursing.

His 'YOI' hip the :JIayor, Councillor J. B. Pownall. Cbalrmau.

Trea s urer.

Councillor A . Park.

Councillor John Andre\\". 1I01l01'IU'Y Sec r e tary.

No, of Certificated Pupils who have received :Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SI~('g FOP.;',L\'TIO~ OF CE~TH.E.

Mr. Daniel Hall, Lynwood, 'mallshaw, Ashton-unuer· Lyn c. Lire

1 Sl~CE

:n e llll) e rs . ~Ir.

:.lIr. H . Payne.

I WOlJlen.






1.-1' OCToBEr., 1900. I 16 I




Jlcdi cal S laff.

}fr. }Ir. :.lIr. :'lIr. :.llr.

U r. )lr. 1111'. )11'.

Bleasdale. Bowman. Cheetham. Corns. }OIr. Craw ·haw.

Hilton. Hugh e , Junr. )Iann. Pearce. Talent.

BABBINGTON CENTRE. Formed 1878. l "r es ldc nt.


:Mr. Charles H.


the re-organization of thi. Centre a teady progress has heen made. The Committee regret that owing to non -oLservanre of keeping a record of cIa 'ses helli from the formation of the Centre in 1 9-1 up to the time of re-organization in 1900, the total number of men and women wh o have completed a course of in truction cannot be reported. For the pa t year seven cla .. :;es lJave heen helel, six men's first aid and one women's nursing. Amoogst the men' clas:es, one wa' in cOllnection with the L:T"ew :JIoss Colliery, anu another of the Borough Police Force. The COlO ' mittee have also been succe ful in fOrllling an ambulance and Ilursing Dll'i ion of t he St. John Ambulance Brigaue, anu in due eourse hope to haye the same fully equipped "ith the necessary materials for can'yin 011 the work for which it is intended. T he Committee are al 0 pleasecl to report that the Town Council have, during the pa3t year, procured a well-equipped am lJulance hor~e warron for the to\\"n, this tiJey feel will be the mean' of enhancing the yalu e of the ,\'ork, we at all titues endeavour to fulfil, viz., first aid to the injured. Statement oj Receipts and Ej)jdJ7Ulilui'e, 1900-1901. R eceipts. Ej:penditurc. To H onorary mem her con triBy Printing . £6 5 9 2 6 7! butions £7 ] 2 6 "Postage. . " Contributions per collect" illaterials, Books, Banda26 15 i~ ing books and cards . 20 4 1 ges, and stl'etl!her~ 9 16 0 " Sale of Books, banuages, " Hire of Hooms 1 10 7 and ~fedal1ioDs 24 16 1 ~ " )ledallions 1 3 0 " ALlYel'ti. ements 0 6 2 " Ca~lt in lJank 4 llt " Cash ill hand

- ---

£f12 12

£53 12

=== ~ Examined and found correct, ,V ALTBlt LEES HAlmy SnEAJtD JOH~ A~DP.EW, DA~IEL HALL,

}H.rm. Auditors. Treasurei'. Han. Secl·elary.

'eely, M. P. Tre n'lurer.


Mr. G. Fowler,


)11'. F. E.


Honornl'Y secretary (" 'om en' Cia ., e,» .

Mrs. G. Fowler, Basford Hall, Nottingham.


Jl (' di ~11

11r. D. M. Forbes, Mr. W. H. Hill,

Jlonornry ~lr.

eely . ecretnry .

J. T. ·W alter., BalJbington Collieries, Nottingham.


:Jfr. H. J . N eil on, :'>I.D . )11'. D. :J1. Taylor, 1I.D.

~I.D . D.




DURI~G the year several classes haye been held, at which 160 males and 30 females attended. The examination of the womeo's cIa .' wa~ held on Decem bel' 20th, 1900, and the men's clas es on }fay 14th and liJth, 1901, . 'urgeon-:JIajor Hutton being the examiner on all the occasion'. The clas 'es ba ye lJeen well attended, the members most attentive to the in tructions given them, and the ambulance movement is III a healthy and satisfactory condition.

Statcmcnt of F"cceipts ctild E,'7Jcndilui'tJ, 1900 to lQ01. Expenditu7'e. Receipts. To Sale of Books £0 ]6 o I By Book' o ]9 6 Bandages Bandages " " :J1edallions " :J1edallions 3 12 6 " Examiner' fee, and " "" Donation from the BahExecu ti\'e expenses bington Coal Co. 30 13 0 " Lecturers' fee "" Errand boy Com'eyance £36





£3 1~ 1 16 10 0

0 0 0

10 1 9 9 0 1

0 0 6







GEO. FOWLER, Chcdrman, FRA~K E. EELY, T1'easw'cr. J. T. 'Y_UTER' , Bon. Secreta1·Y.




b t thanks of the Centr.e are due to all those ladies and gentlemen who so The els tributed to the Oompetition Fund. Drs. Griffin and Beattie, assisted generOUS y con rs Day have abo-ain most ably instructed the classes, and b Mrs. Sau 1 and M " . . Y . terestecl in ambulance work is mdebted to them for theIr valuable everyone 111 services.


No. of Women

No. of DIen

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a comse of instruction. instruction. 1,t Aid. I Kursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NmRing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.






/1002 /


69 /

74 SINCE 1ST I 17


69 OCTOBER, 1900. I I 17


384 23





Statement of Receipts ancl Expenclitw'ejm' the yect?' ending Sept~f{~ber 30th, 1901. R eceipts. Expencl~t'Ltre. h ' Bank £15 10 9 By Hire of Rooms, &c. £2 1 9To C I ats ,ll1t on De]). ~sit 0 - 5 11 "Boys for Class practices 1 0 0 n eles S P" " Sale of Stores, &c. eI 9 6~ " tore~, nntmg, " Entrance Fees . 9 19 6 StatlOnel'Y, &c. . \ 2 14 01 " Do to Competitions 1 0 0 " Postage allel Post Carels 0 9 11 " Donati~ns 9 3 6 " Banbury Police Prize Money 9 0 0 " " " Oo-operan ve D. Sectiou Pri ze Money 2 10 0 " " do. 1. do. 2 0 0 " Towcester Police do. 1 0 0 " Heael-quarters charges 13 12 7 " Cash in Bank. . 4] 4 1 " Cash in Treasurer's hands 3 6] 0

Formed 1893.





SYD. J. MAWLE, T?·eclsw'e1·. D. PREHTON, Ron. Sec?·etary.

Rev. Oanon Porter.


)(Ollornry Sccl·ctnry .

ydney J . Mawle


Mr. D. Preston, 33, Marlborough Road, Banbury.

"So. of Women

No. of Men

:U c dical Stn fT. ~Ir .

Griffin .


C, F. PonJ'Ell, Chainnan.

Presidcnt l11ul (;hnu·JlHlll.



Mr. Beattie.

Mr. Critchley.


who have who 11ave who have completeu a received completed course of Certificates. a C\ourse of iustl'l1ction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I r\ursTng. 1st Airl. I Nursing.


who have received Cert.iflcate . 1st Aid.



No. of Certificated Pnpils who IHwe received Medallions. Men.

I Women


I N presenting the Ann ual Report of the progress of this Centre, it is pleasing to say it continues in a prosperous condition. D uring the past year four classes have beeu held, viz., two fo r nursing, and two for first aid. Fifty-one females entered ill the former, 38 sitting for examination, and all were successful. I n tbe latter 41 entered, 32 sitting for t he examination, and 27 satis fying the examiner. Seven men presented t hemsel ves for the first aid examination, and passed . During t he summer a competition in firs t aid to the injured took place in Neithrop H ouse Grounds. T wo classes were formed, viz., one open class, prizes £5, and £2 l Os. ; and one class restricteu to lUem bel's resiuing wi thin the Centre, or within ten miles of Banbury, prizes £4, £2, and £ 1. Four sections of five members each entered for the open class. The first prize was gained by the BanlJury Borough P olice Section, and the sccond prize by the Banbury Co-oper::ttive D Section. In the local class, the Banbury Borough Police Section again secured first prize, the Banbury Co-operative 1. Section, second prize, and the N orthamptonshire Police Section (Towcester Division), t he third prize. Dr. Ellerton, of Leamington, officiated as judge. T he best thanks of all connected with the compctition are due to Dr. Ellerton for the very able manner in wh ich he fulfi ll erl his duties.


158 INCE


238 1ST






148 1900.







BARROW-IN-FURNESS CENTRE. Formed 1880. Pl·CSi(lcnt.

Mr. Edward 'Yauham. Tl'ca SllI'Cl' nn(l Sccrctary .

Mr. Councillor Henry Cook. llOIlOl'al'Y SecrctarY.

Mr. Thomas Leary, 10, Keith Street, Barrow-in-Furness.

nc(l1cal Staff'.

Mr. Allan Rutherfo rd, M. B., C. M.,



80 ANNUAL REPORT. THE progress of the Centre is well marked. Commencing in 1880, it has graduall gained in public estimation. In the large manufacturing works of the town ve/ many workmen (hundreds annually) meet with bouily injury, and are instantlY attended to by ambulance men (fellow employe) with care and skill. Ambulanc~ men attend the matches of the Barrow Football Club, where they meet with a number of cases requiring prompt skilful first aid. The distribution of certificates and medallions is an annual public ceremon'y in the TowIl Hall, the Mayor and 1I1ayoress being pre ent; combined with the exhibition of ambulance exercises splinting, bandaging, artificial respiration, stretcher drill, etc., together with nUl'sin~ ,exercises by female members, bed-making, etc. Thele is a large public attendance and the demonstrations are received with frequent loud applause. Many members of tbe Centre exerted themselves in seeking subscriptions for the ambulance fuud for the sick and wounded of the South African war, and notwithstanding the number ;and variety of public projects in hand for relief purposes of a kindred nature , succeeded in raising nearly sixty pounds. The current year's course of lectures and classes recently conclude(l resulted in the granting of certificates to 33 men and 10 women pupils, ne'" beginners, and 3 women 'for home sick nursing. There are also eligible for re-examination 47 men anci '9 women first year's re-examiuation, and 15 men and 4 women second year's re-examination. The extensive Barrow Sbip-building and Armaments Construction Co., l'l1essrs. Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, have organized and financially maintain large classes of their workmen, who administer ambulance aid to numbers of their injured shopmates. The Furness Railway Co. have also formed a Railway centre, and commenced proceedings.

To " " "

Statellwnt oj R eceipts and ExpencZitlwe for the yea?' 1900-1901. Expendilu7·e. Receipts. Balance from last Acc. . o 16 5 RentofT0wn Hall and services 26 12 0 in arranging distribution Con tri butions Net proceeds of Cone.ert 14 17 5 of Certilicates, exhibition of practiSES, and pro010 Bank interest cessional Ambulance ex£2 alllples "Expenses for services at Football field, viz. ,attendance of ambulance men, lads carrying materials, other services, replenishing ambulance basket, to be recouped by Football Committee's contribution 6 "Printing and stationery, postage, &c. . . 10 "Head Office Fees for examinations and attendance on examiner . 6 " Rent of School Rooms for lectures and classes, one year 2 " Ad vts., a ttendan ts, caretakers, lads, &c. . 4 " Secs. office expenses, one year 6 "Balance. . . 3 £42

J)ece7nber 30lh, 1901.

6 10



No. of Women

No. of Men


who have who have r.ompleted a who have received course of completed Certifi ca tes. instruction. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Airl. I Nursill g. 1st Airl. I Nursing.



479 SIXCE 30TH 33


who have received Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

1st Aid. ! Nursing.

Men. I Women







1900. 10



BATH CENTRE. Formed 1900. J'1'c 1<1('nt.

Colonel C. 'Wyndham Murray,



General ir John :JIcQl1een, K.C.B. Tl·caSUl·el'.

Deputy Chairman.

111'. E. A. Bagshawe,



Colonel H. F. Clutterbl1ck, V.D.

)(01101'ary secretary (Women's Classes).

Miss M. Pedder. 1 11 ](onOl'ary Seeretary.

:Mr. F. ,prawson, 8, Broad

treet, Bath.

Life )Iember •

Mr. E. A. Bagshawe, 11


Mr. Chas. Coates, M.D.


10 10

lUe(Ucal Stair.

lIIr. G. E. Bloxam, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

12 7

M\'. W. Mc.D. Ellis, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., M.D., Brux.

Mr. J. M. Harper, :M.R.C.S. :Mr. A. S. \Voblmann, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

2 0


14 0 6 0 8 0

£42 6 10

Audited and found correct, W. BENSON } Auditors. A. W. PICKLES

IN presenting their Annual Report for the year ending September 30th, 1901, the Committee are glad to be able to report that 6 first aid, 1 nursing, and 1 junior first aid classes have been held during the year-140 pupils in all having taken a complete course of instruction.


82 The thanks of the Committee are due to the following gentlemen, members of tl medical staff, who haye kindly given lectures, viz. :.-Drs. "\Y. 1\1. D. Ellis (3), J. ~~~ Harper (2), and A. . Wohlmann (3), and they desIre to place on record their ap reciation of their services, as well as those of the Hon. Secretary (1\11'. F. Spraws~n) who has devoted considerable time and care to the work of the Centre. Tb' Committee also tender their thanks to the l\Iisses !II. Pedder and Farwell, and l\Ir. F. G. "\Yanvi.;k, for the assistance they have given in connection with some of the classes. On l\Iay 31st His W orship the l\1ayor of Bath presided at a meeting at the Guildhall, when the Deputy-Commis ionel' of No. II. Di hict, St. John Ambulance Brigade (W. Vernon, Esq.) distributed 40 certificates to the City Police. On July 15th, after a parade and inspection of the Bath City Di vision of the St. J obn Ambulance Brigade, Dr. J. Griffiths, the then Di trict Chief Superintendent, distri buted the certificates which had been gained by two fir t aid classes held in the spring; and on eptember 26th His \\ orship the l\Iayor distributed at the Technical chools the certificates gained in connection ,,-ith the evening continuation classes. The Committee desire to congratulate their latc chairman on his appointment as Bishop of Sheffield, and at the same time to express their regret at bis departlU'e. The Committee also note with pleasure that during the year, mainly owing to the kindness of their President and nIl'S. Wyndham-Murray, SlJl1le of the members of the City Division have been provided with uniform, and the nucleus of an efficient Division has been formed, some of whose members have rendered valuable service during the past twelve months. StatC17l,ent of Receipts and ExpenditlbTe for the yeaI' ending Septembe1', 1901. Rece7pts. Expenditu1'e. To Balance at Bank £14 13 0 By Hearl Office Account . £27 18 3 " Subscriptions 9 13 0 " Adverti ments, Priut" Fees from Classes 19 12 6 ing, etc. . 2 8 8 " Stores so.ld 11 9 0 " Expenses of Classes 8 18 3 1 14 0 "Medallions . " Medallions 1 14 0 " Repairs to Stretchers 060 " Secretary's Postage o 10 4 " Balance at Bank 9 13 0 " iu hand 5 13 0







£57 1 6 JOHN "\V. SHEFFIELD, Chairman. HUGH CLUTTERBUUK, Han. T1'eCtS1.~1·e1·. FREDK. SPRA W80N, Han . SeC?·eta1-Y.

Audited and found correct this 29th Oct., 1901, FREDK. W. PINCH, Accountant. I SSUE OF CERTIFWATES AND MEDALLIONS. No. of Men

No. of Women

who have who have who have completed received completed a a course of Certificates. course of instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nnrsing- 1st Aid. I Nursing.

67 67

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

No.of CertificaLtd Purils who have received 1IJ edallioDs. MeD . ~

I Women.


56 56
















Formed 1880.

Her Grace the Duchess of Bedford.

lIollornry Secretary alul TrcnSllrer.

Mrs. Alfred Paine, Wharfedale, Goldington Road.

Ltfc rtlcmbcrs.

The Duchess of Bedford Adeline, Duchess of Bedford

Sir Frederick H oward .



THE Oentre contiuues to make steady and satisfactory progress. In the borough classes have been held for women, 9 gaining meriallions, 16 first aid ano 11 nursing certificates, also an evening class for men, at which 13 were successfnl, including 7 members of the borough police, oncl of whom also gained the medallion. Eight of the Oounty police attendeu practice classes, and gained their medallions. All theie head-quarters have been cCluippec1 with a carrying sheet stretcher, new emergency book, and sets of splints and bandages. Both the Chief Constables for the county and borough police have l'eceivedgratifying mellical testimony of valuable first aid rendered by members of their forces . At the Iidland Railway Station a class of 41 employes was held, but owing to an outbreak of influenza only 24 entered for the examination, 20 gaining ftrst aid certificates, and 1 the medallion. I n the county at Steven ton 5 women and 5 men gained their medallions, and at Clapham, at the class for men and bl)Ys, 5 recei ved first aid certificates, and 12 received re-examination vouchers. The Committee desire to thank the local Technical Instruction Committee for its grant and the free usc of the lecture room, also their Lecturers, Mr. Harvey Goldsmith and Dr. Perl'am for their gratuitous COUl'se of lectures. The medallions and certificates will be prosented at a public mp.eting in r ovember, at which the Duke and Duchess of Bedford have promised to be present. The invalid appliances belonging to the Centre are in constant demand, especially the carrying street stretchers, which have been lent for the removal of patients for both long and short rail and carriage journeys. We regret to announce the resignation of the Rev. Paul Wyatt, who till 1895 was President, and since then Vice-President of the Centre.










;U('(li cal S' nff.

Statc')Jwnt of Rcccipts and E.-epcndit1t1'c /?'om Octo be?', 1900, to Octobc?', 1901. Mr. Calwcll, M.D. Lieutenant-Colonel McFarland,


Rcccipts. T o Annual Subscriptions and £2 15 Donation " Grant from Technical 5 0 I nstruction Committee 39 3 " Fees from Olas e . 11 " Sale of Stores 3 3 " Medallions

£61 9 1 12 Due to Treasurer £63


0 0 0 2 6


By Examiners' Fees and Expenses . £10 9 Lecturers' Fees " I ncidental expenses (St. 15 15 " John' Gate) 3 3 PostagE', Printing, and " Stationery . 6 6 Stores, Books, Bandage, etc. 10 15 " Hire and Expenses of " School-room for lectures, clas es, laundry and fire insurance 10 15 Medallions 3 3 " Boys as Models for " bandaging 214




6 11

0 6


2 3

JA?lm COOMB, Ghainnan. FRED. Jos. ELYN, ViCC-P1·csident. ELEANOR PAINE, H an. Sec?'ctrt1'y and Treasw·er. I S UE OF OERTIFICATE

who have comnlace.:!


who have received Certificates.

a coUrse of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.

405 67


who have completed a course of instruction.

who have received Cel'ti ficates.

I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.

1st Aid

SINCE FORMA nON OF OENTRE. 742 I 358 I 520 SINCF 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 21 I 16 ! 16

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received 111 edallions.

I Nursing.




Statement of Rcceipts emil E,)lJenclitu?'e, 1900. Receipts. EJ'lJenclitu?'C. £2 1 11 By Examiners' Fee, etc. 37 12 9 Incidental Expenses

To " " "

Class Fees Stores Meuallions Balance from 1900

1 7 014

" " " " "

I Women.

Balance 11


£17 ) 3 7 10 36 5 o 17 1 7 0 11

9 0 5 0 6 0

1 13


£65 18 2 15

1 2



tores Account Extra tores }Iec1allions Printing Account Expen es of Secretary and Treasurer for Carriage, Postage, etc.







No. of Men

Sir William Ewart, Bart. ChairnUlU.

Mr. Oharles E. Allan.

Honorary Secretaries. Mr. R. W. L eslie, M.D., St. Reliers, Stranlltown, Belfast, and Miss Black, Glen Ebor, Strandtown, Belfast.


tores in llan<1, £9. ,\V. Q. EWART, PJ'esicient. L. MAGOIYA. -, T,·caSU7'e?· . R. ,\V. LESLIE, H an. Sec1·eta?'y.

Formed 1886.

Mrs. Magowan.

6 1





TilE fifteenth Annual Report of the Belfast Oentre of St. John Ambnlance Association shows that 18 first aid classes were held, and were attended by 410 pupils, of whom 204 entered for examiuation; 132 obtained first aid certificates; 47 re-examination vouchers and 11 medallions; 4 nursing classes were attended by 67 pnpils, and 40 obtained ccrtificate5. These figures show a total of 22 classes attended by 477 pupils. A special examination was held at the Ohief Fire Station, when a prize presented hy the Superintendent of the Belfast Fire Brigade, was awarded to engineer W. J. Holywood. Two silver mellals presented by Dr. 'Williamson were competed for at Albert Bridge Hall, and were won by Iiss Jane Todd and Mr. Robert Smith . A new feature in ambulance work here was the instructing of men in "Home Nursing of the Sick," and 16 certificates were granted to members of those classes. The following gentlcmen very kindly gavc thcir services as lecturers: Drs. Beggs, Clarke, D. Evelyn, Dorman, English, Farrington, HOLlston, L eslie, Lynes, MacI ntosh, Ros , Rusk, Taylor, Thompson , and ·Williamson .


No. of Men


0 0

Mr. R. W. L eslie, ;\I. D. l\I. D.


who have who have who have completed a com]Jleted received COUl' e of a COlu'se of Certi fica tes. iustruction. instruCLIon. 1st A.id. NurSing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.







who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE FORlIIATlOX OF CEX'l'llE. 16 I 1979 I 1113 I 1039 INCE 1:;'1' OCTOBEH, 1900. 16 0 I 33 :!6

509 2~

No. of Certificate Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

101 11

I Women. 120




Formed 1898. PrcSidcnt.

Formed 1882.

T he Right H on. Viscount Knutsford, G.C.l\I.G. lloUOl'nry Sccrc tnry.

Trcns lll'c r.

Lieut. -Colonel E. Tufnell, M. P. 46, Eaton Square.

Mr. H am ilton Gatliff.


Mr. Charles Hilton Seely,

Lifc lU cmbc l's.

Captain P hilips.

Mr. Hamilton Gatliff. JUcdlcnl Stuff.


IlOllOl'ar y Secr etary .

FIVE classes have been held this season. Two first aid for ladies, one nursing clasa for ladies, one nursing class for working girls, and one first aid class for men at Victoria Station. D r. :Marsh gave his services gratuitously to the working girls and the railway class. After paying all expcnses, the accounts show a credit balance of £43 13s. 8d.

£ 79

Expenditu?·e. By Dr. Marsh . £15 15 0 " Larner 3 19 4 " "tamps, etc. . 2 0 0 " "Morning Post" Advts. 3 3 0 " Abbot, hire of room, 119, Ebury Street . 3 0 6 " Head Office charges for Examiuers . 7 15 4 43 13 8 " Balance in hand .

6 10


6 10

Examined and compared with vouchers, and found correct, EDW ARD E . GUBBI~S, Clerk in Holy Orders. 23?'d August, 1901. EDWARD TUFNELL, Lieut.-Colonel, Hon. Sec. I SSUE OF CERTI FICATES AND No. of Men

SINCE 41 23


28 17


No. of Cerlificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

l\f en.

I Women





~l e lU bcr s .

:i lIr. Stuart C. Wardell.

Sir Charles Seely, Bart.

11'. Oswald Dykes Robson,

;\1. A.,

~1. B.,

Etlin .

ANNUAL REPORT. THE Centre still retains its vitality, and is ever extending its sphere of usefulness: in a district which affords ample scope for the furth er extension of first aid work. A men's class was held at the close of last year (1900), and at the examination in December twenty-four members presented themselves before Surgeon-Major Hutton, the Examiner,who afterwards complimented them upon the smartness and skill displayed in the treatment of va.rious supposcd injuries. During the present year three serious cases of injury have been treated by members of the Centre, each necessitating removal in the ambulance carriage to Chesterfield Hospital. A large number of minor accidents also have been successfully treated during the year. A new class for men is now being organized.


No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

1111'. John M. Davies, Birchwood Collieries, Alfreton.

Jl c di ca) S taff.

Statement oj Receipt!; and Expenditw'e, August, 1901.

• £46 16 10 32 10 0

Mr. J olm Merriman.

11'. 'Vm. Powiss.



Tl'ea sllJ.·Cl'.


:M1'. James Marsh, M,D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.

To In hand " Class Fees

M. P.

OF CExTnE. 127 I 1 3

SI 'OE 1ST OCTOBE:r.., 1900. 4.3 II 4.2 I 24

Statement oj Receipts and E xpenclitu?'e for the yea?' ending Septembe7' 30th, 1901. Ea.:penclitwre. Receipts. . £1 17 10 To Balance in hand, Oct. 1st, By Examination Expenses ] 900. . . £3 2 o 3 6 " Calico for Bandages 050 " Saleof Books and Bandages o 10 6 "School cleaning 143 " Subscriptions. . 5 0 o "Books and Bandages 066 " Copies of Annual Report 4 16 1 " Balance in hand

£8 13 79 30

2 2


£8 13


38 12

Examined and found correct, "VILLIA:iII POWISS, Ohairman. J OH MRRRIl\IAN, T reaslt1·e?·. JOHN M. DAYIES, H an. Secl·eta1·Y.

89 . . lesire to urge upon all employers of lahour the gTeat advantages oomonttee agalll l . . .,. , Tl l d : e from their lllen recelvmg tmtlon 111 ambulance work. 10


No. of Men

who have \I"ho have who have completed received completed a a COtll' e of Certificates. COUl"e of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nnrsin/Z. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nursing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

FOR:lL\ TWN OF CENTltE. i 60 INCE 1 T OCTOBER, 1900.

No.of Certificated Pupils whnhave received Medallions.

I Nursing. llIen., I Women.

















The Right H on . the Lord Leigh. lIollornry Sccretary.

Mr. John Henry Roger,

,hich won aIlS . , . h ". ome frOID vo 1111tary subscril)tions aaa111 shows a sltght decrease as compared WIt 1 0 lOC A' m centrally situated has been hhed for drill purposes for the use of 1 styear. 100 . .. 1 a . . 1 Oorps and the :ervices of a drill inspector have been reC]U1s1tlolle( the Bml1mg lam , . ' 1 - ) the members in perfect touch wIth the new drIll as ordered by t 1e . order t 0 l, eel d' 11 ll1 0 . 'orlOI' . The thanks of . the Centre are mo t graterully and cor Ia y Ohief 0111 IDISSI ' _ ical lectl1l'el's whose l11valuaule aId from year to year makes the due to t 1Ie rue d , A sociation the success it i .


I ncome aml E ,cpenditu?-e Acconnt fa?' the year ending 30th J~tne, 1901. OJ'. Dr.

Expencl't L 111·e. To Head-quarters for Examiners' Fees, aud Expense and ~ tore. . . £, I Printing, tationery, etc. fi Lectures, OOIlyeyanco of " :OIaterials, etc. . 0 Postaoaes anu I nciden tal 6 " Expenses . 15 Office Rent and Expen e 7 "" Repairs to ~,itters, &:c. Balallce belIloCf excc of " , .1 • lucome over .Expcnulturo 20 for the year.

I ncome.

0 3

0 0




£78 8 0 By Class Fees 51 7 5 ales Account ,. tore 4 18 0 u bscri ptions. . Hospital 'aturday Fund, " 5 0 0 hare of keleton and Diagrams, " Hire of 1 6 0 1 5 6 Intere ton Depo it Ac.

7 o o " o G

11 11


12 , Col111ore Row, Birmingham.



4 11

4 11

:Lifc Jlclllbcl's .

The Right Hon. the Lord L eigh 1\11'. George Cadburv Messrs. Chance Brothers Sir John O. Holder, Bart.

:nIl'. O. B. Lloyd , ir Richanl Tangye :Mr. John E . ,Yilsou , lU c {lica 1 Staff.

1\Ir. Mr. lUr. 1\1r. 1\Ir. 1\11'. 1\11'. lUr. Ur. 1\11'. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'.

E . O. Bark, M. R. C.S. J. H. Blakeney, L.R.C.P. T. A. Brown, ~I.B. Augustus Clay, M.R.C.S. W. Mundy Cox, L.R.C.P. W. Downing , L.R.C.P. J. F. Gummow, L. U.C.P. T. Barnard Gould, L.R.C.P. D. H olmes, M.B. A. T. Holdsworth, M.D. J. J. Hues, l\I.U.C.S. G. H. Hart, L.U. C.P. J. Coole Kneale, L. R. C. p. O. R. Lewis, ~I.B .

Mr. Mr. 1\Ir. Mr. Mr.


IIEET, 30th JU~'E, 1901 .

L1'abilities. Head-quarters for Examiners' Fees and Expen es and tore £ i


W. A. Loxton, F.R. C.s.,Ed.

H. F. Mackenzie, )LD.

F. Mar h, F.lt.C .. J. T. J. Morri ' on, F. R.C.S. James "eal, )I.R.C.S. }HI'. Thomas Kelson, M.D. Mr. H. O. Nichol, )LH.C.S. :nIl'. E. ,V. Par ev, M.D. Mr. O. ,V. Pow~ll, M.B. 1\11'. W. R. Reith, )l. D. 1\11'. . J. Roberts, L. R.C.P. Mr. F. W. Underhill, F.R.C.s.,E,]. Mr. E. B. Whitcombe, M.R.C.S. Mr. J. H. White, F.R.C.S. A.NNUAL REPORT.

I N presenting the twenty-first annual report and statement of accounts, your Committee re(;ord with pleasure the satisfactory progress the work of the Oentre continues to make. The income shows an excess of £:::0 lIs. lId. over the expenditure for the year. During the year twenty-three elasses-a larger number than for many years-have been held, bnt only two in connection with manufactories, and yom'

Total Liabilitie IncomcallllExpenuiture, viz.: Surplu, J nne 30th, 1900 £155 6 3 Add Exce s of Income over Expenditure for year ended 30th June, 1901 20 11 11



o o

-----175 1


£262 1


Assets. unciry D ebtors for Olass Fees, tore, etc. tock of tores on hand Lloyds' Bank, Current ac. . " Depo it ac. Ca h in hand

£47 6

2 9

(} 0


0 4

53 H 6 o 11 10

£262 1

I have examined the above Balance Sheet with the books and vouchers of th e Birmin aham Centre of the t. John Ambulance A ociation, and in my opinion it is proper]; drawn up so a to exhibit a true and correct view of the Centre's affair as shown by the books of the Centre, aud I hereby certify that all my requirement as Auditor have been complied with. AUTlllJR SllOUT (Ohartered Accountant), Hon. Auditor. December 27th, 1901.




cei'Ylts and Expenditul'e/rom October 1st, 1900, to September 30th, 190 1. Stcttem,Cnt 0 fB e '1' •

No. of Men

who have com pleted a cour 'e of instruction.

who have who have received completed Certifica tas. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. Il\ursing 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.

7305 267



No. of Women

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Cel'ti fl cates. 1st Aid I Nursing.


SINCE FOR rATIO OF CE TRE. 996 I 365 I 15 49


SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 99 I H I ?3


Receipts. . S 'ctary's hands £12 0 0 To Cashd 1l1 ,eCell'pts for goods " SUllrylec d a mel1ts by classes 32 1 78 an p.' y. 2 12 6 "subscnptlOllS. '

I Women.

£47 10



- - - -2

Octobe1' 4th, 1901. 24





who have who have who hal'e completed a received complet.ed course of Certi ficntes. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

Formed 1885.

[NCE 1501

The Right Hon. Visconnt Cranborne, M.P. Tl'ca


who have rereived Certi fkates . 1st Aid. I Nursing.








Ko.ofCertificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.


,'rX0E 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. ]7 20


I Women.








Honorary Sccl'c tary.

1\11'. James Haworth, 9, Exchange Street, Blackburn .

Formed 18 5.

Life U eulbel'S . I

9 2

J AS. HAWORTH, H on. Secretary.





£47 10


No. ot Men


EXl'encl~t7.tre .

By Head-quarters for goods, fees, &c. • £27 11 P t age, carna€$e.o " f "os parcels repall'1ng stretch~rs, &c. . . 9 11 " Cash in • ecrctary's hands 10 7

T he Right H on. Visco unt Cranborne, M.P.

I~r cs ld c nt.

Major-General O. H. :ricolls, R.A.

1111'. John Rutherford, hI.P.

Tre nsurcr un(l Uonorllry SccI·etary . U c dlcal Senff.

Mr . Mar manuke Bannister, M.R.C.S., io~:E/lL. R. C . P. , M. B. Mr. J ohn Barr, M. B. Mr. J ohn Bartoll, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. David Bradley, M.D. 1\11'. "'IV. P. Counsellor, M.D., M. R.C.S. :Mr . A. F. Crinan, L.R. C.P., L.1t.C.S., Ed ., L.F. P.S., Glas. Mr. Riley Cunli ffe, M.B. Mr . G. B. Elliott, L.R.G.P . Mil'. R obt. Hun t, M.R.C.S., L. R. C. P., Lon d. 1111'. E dgar R. Ivatts, ~LR.C. S . , L.R. C.P ., Lond.

Mr. J. "'IV. Lax, L. R. C.S. , L.R.C.P., L.F. P.S.G. Ur. John M. H . Martin, M. D. , F.R. C.S. Mr. A. A. P . Moffatt, 1II.P..C.S., L. It. C.P. Mr. K W. Munro, M.n., C.lIf. Mr. W. J. Nutter, ~I . B. Mr. Philip Pl'ebble, M 1:1., G. .r.r., Ed. Mr. James '1'. T . Ramsa.y, L.R.C.P., L. lL.C.S., Ed . Mr. J. H. A. Schade, M.lLC.S. Mr. W illiam F . Steele, M.B. Ur. James Wheatley, M.D., M.R.C.S.

:Mr. A. W.

trickland, 21, High Street, Bognor-on-Sea.



IXCE October, 1900, there have been 7 classes held under the Bognor Centre1 each male a.ud female first aid at lindon; 1 each male and female at Yapton ; 1 fint aid at Bognor, and 1 nursing. Dr. Conway Cooke lectured to the first aid men at Bognor; Dr. F . S. Tidcomuc the nursing at Bognor ; and Dr. A. B. Collins and his brother, J. B. Collins, the lindon and Yapton classes. T he lectures were well attended, but t he pupils do not go up for the examination as frtely as they should. A sqnad of railway men again competed for the Railway Cup (L. B. & Sout h Coast). Tb~ ambulance van has beeu out a number of timeR free t his year, which makes it heavy on the expenses of the Centre, aud it is hoped that the subscriptions, wh ich


92 ar.e very low this ~jme, may be increased in the forthcoming year, as the sum of £1 wIll baye to be raIsed for rubber tyres to the van wheels, it being found tl t 0 . IS . ra tl1er trymg ' t nOIse 0 'Illva l'd" 1 s III gomg any d'Istance. The Hon S . 1a t the. . eCle ary IS pleased to note that a lady has promised £1 alreally to start with. Th e B Secretary has organized a weekly practice for fishermen at the Parochial Roo ~bn. permission of the Vicar}, which he hopes they will attend. m y

Statement of Receipts and Receipts. To Balance at Bank . £4 5 Subscriptions 2 10 " Donation, per .Mis Ohadney 0 5 " Hire of Room ann Diagrams " from Oounty Council . 6 6 Exam. expenses ( t. Michae Is)2 4 " Medanion 1 13 n " Hire of Ambulance Van .:> 10 "" Fees from Olas es 3 17 tores from Olasses 7 1


E.l'pellditurc to Octobe1' 31st, 1901. 9 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 2

E,>:pC?ulihl?·e. By Annual Sub cription " Examination expenses Advertising . " .r ote paper (stampell) " Repairs to Van . " Hire of ROO1:n, &c. " Boys for CIa es " tamps, &c . " Repairs to tJ'etcher "" Whip socket Medallions " Stores for ursing Ola:>s " Hire of Horse for Van ,I Fees laid to Oounty " Counci . toros " Petty Ca h for Hon. See: " Balance in Bank.


1 4 o 15 0 7 1 18 3 0 0 6 0 7 0 2 0 2 1 13 0 5 3 14 2

0 6 \}

0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 0

1 15 0 7 \} 2 1 13 1 4 19


£31 12 11


t Manchester & County Bank, Ld., Bank of Bolton Branch.

~1r. Herbert Broadb en,

JlOJlOl'nl'Y SCCl' Cflll'Y·

Mr. James Briscoe, The Infirmary, Bolton. llctiical S tnff.

1'.11'. 'W alter Morris, LR.C.P. Mr. F. R. :M allett, 1\1. D. Mr. Harry A. Murphy, L.P•. C.P. 1'.11'. Charles :Maclie, M.D. Mr. J. E. Panton, M.D. :Mr. Grorge A. Patrick, L.R.C.P. urgeon Lieut. -Col. Rol>ert Patrick, 1'111'. James Robinson, lI1.D. 111'. J. Hilton Thompson, lII.D. 1'.11'. Joseph Thornley, lILD.

Mr. B. W. Beesley, ~1.D . ~I' Walter H. Brazll, lI[.D. J.ll. . B M' LeWIS rown, L. 1'C1) •. . . M~': Thomas Evans Flitcroft, I.. IL c.!'. SUl.O'eon-Major E. M. Garstallg M.bAlexander Glen-Park, M.Il., C.lII. M~': Horace Jefferies, 111. B., C. ~1. Mr. J. Johnston, M.D. Mr. Alfred Kershaw, 1\r.n.C.R. Mr. R. D. hlothersole, lI1.D.

lIl. D.

Statcnunt of ACCOltntS for the yea?' ended September 20th, 1901. Receipts.


To Examiner's Fr::es amI By Cnsh-Examinel"s Fees, &c. £8 12 Travelling Expcn5cs £ 12 0 " do. do. 43 15 do. do. 33 6 6 " " Stores 57 13 " Incidental Expenses 10 6 " " Medallions . 7 11 ',', Stores 57 13 5 -, 11 6 " Medallions

0 () 5 6-

£] 17 11 11

£117 11 11

£31 ]2 11

,Yo l\ICI10L. OX, P?'esiclent. O. H. NICOLLS (Major-General), President A. "\\T. TRIC'KLA::-W, Han. Sec. and Treas.' I SSUE Xo. of lIIen





Octo be?' 12th, 1901.


No. of Women

No. of Certificated who 11a\'e who have who have who have Pupils who haye cOllll-'letpd a completed received received recei\'ed COUI' e of a course of Certificates. Certificates . Medallion. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Airl. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Mell . I Women.





IXCE FOltMATIOX OF 314 I 9 Sr:~WE 1.T OCTonE!:, 46 I 21

CE:;\TRE. 1 26 1900. 1 35

62 6



3 5

No. of Men

Formed 1 93. I·l·csid c ut.

111'. William Nicholsoll.

Xo. of Women

who have who have who have completed a received completed conrse of a course of Certiflcates. in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I N llrsing. ht Aid.J;.,\nrsing.

1222 433


JAlIfE' BRI'COE, Han. SecTeta?'Y' Audited and found corrcct, \\':\f. KRRSHAW, } A ud ito?'s . J A)fES OAR~ON,





who have received Certificate.


1st Airt.

INCE FOn.MATIOX OF CENTIlE. 691 53 12 796 SIXCE 1ST OCTOBElt, 1900. 75 121 1 ! 76

I Nursing.


I Women.





BRADFORD CENTRE. Formed 1887. l·l·csid c nt.

The Mayor of Bradford (Mr.


No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

O. Lupton).






Chnh·lIIl111 .

.Mr. W. Arnold Evnm, lI1.D. JlollOl'nl'Y Sc cI·c tnl'Y.

Mr. J oseph Farndale, Chief Constaule, Brad ford. ~I c dl cnl


Mr. ,Val tel' Firth.

who have who have completed a who have received course of completed Certificates. instruction. a course of instruction . _ . c.' ~ 'd I Nursing. 1st Ald. I }; ursmg. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Al .


C. F. M. Althorpe, ~1.B. F . . Barber J . J . Bell P . M. O'Brien 1)11'. A . Browne JUl'. W . G. Burnie Mr. F . J. Butler Mr. J . Cm.wford, M.D . Mr. W . Denby, lIf.B. JUl'. }\L P . Dunsmore 11 1'. A . Gray, M.B. Mr. W . Handcock Mr. A. O. Hibbert Mr. R. Honeybourne, M.D. 1)11'. IV. Horrocks, M.B. 1)11'. J . Jackson, F.H .C.S. Mr. J . Kerr, M.D. Mr. P. H. Lister Mr. Percy G. L odge Mr. Sam. Lodge, JIll'., M.D. Mr. Robert Love Mr. Mr. Mr. M r.

No. of Women

No. of :Men

T l·cnSl11'Cl'.

Mr. J. H. McGee Mr. H. Meade Mr. J. Metcalfe, M.D. :'\Ir. W . l\litchell, M.B. 1\11'. G. A. Moorhead 1\11'. A. B . l\lunro .Mr. P. L O'Brien, M.D. Mr. G. H. Oliver Mr. W. J . Parkiuson 1111'. A. C. F. Rabagliati, M.D. :!\II'. H. Smith. 1\11'. Chas. Stuart, M. B. Mr. rl. IV. Taylor, M.n. 1\lr. Veale 1\11'. B. P. Viret, )Ln. 1\11'. C. C. E. Waddiugton 1\11'. J. H . Waddington 11'. Ben. IVade 1\11'. Hy. White, ~1.B. ~Ir. J. . Wright, M.B.


who have received Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

I Nursing. Men.

1st Aid.

I WOl1len.


3568 523


20 I 1680 I 351 I 1345 SINOE 1ST OCTOBER, 1890 . I 132 I 103

I 3091 I 1471








BRISTOL CENTRE. Formed 1889. Pres lfl e ut.

The Very Re,-. the Dean of Bristol. A NUAL REPORT. T HE Oommittee of the Bradford Centre of the t. John Ambulance Association have pleasure in reporting a most satisfactory increase in the number of successful ca.ndidates during the past ses ion. Classes have been held in connection with the T hackley T unnel Works; the l\Ianchester Unity of Oddfellows; l\1idland Railway (Locomotive and Goods Departments); Salem Chapel, Sticker Lane; Progressive Free Church, Barry Street; the Bradford City Police; and the Bradford School Board . The annual competition for the Challenge 'hields took place on Saturday, 13th JUly last, at the Charity Fete held in Lister Park, Dr. Peck, (Queensbury); and Dr. Watts, (Dewsbury) ; kindly officiated as judges. The senior competition was won by the Princeville squad, ancl the junior by the Marshfield Evening School. T he Committee desire to gratefully acknowledge the services rendered by its President, the Mayor (Mr. W . C. IL upton), tthe Chairman, nIl'. W . A. Evans, M.D., and all those who have assisted in various other ways.

Statement of Recei'J?ts ancl E..-rpenclitw·e, 1900-1901. Receipts. EX2Jenditure. T o Balance in bank. . £1 6 6 By Carriage of Stores . £0 16 5 " Cash in Secretary's hands ,: Stores Sold aud Class Fees . " Bank interest







5 10

5 1


" Postage, Telegrams, &c. " Secretary's expenses " Priu ting, Ad vt. and tationery . " I ncidental expenses " Annual Competition " Balance in bank . " Cash in Secretary's hands


1 16 8

o 17


3 15



0 8 1 11 6

53};; 8 11 13 l O! £74

Examined and foul1.1 correct,

,V. ARNOLD EYAC\'S, Chairman. Jo . FAHNDALE, Hon. Sec1·eta1·Y. 'VALTER FIl~TH, T7'Cosurer.

7 1

1I0110rnl'Y SeCl'c tnl·Y·


Mr. F. Richardson Cross,

:II. B.,

Mr. Reginald H. Chilton, lILR. C.S., ] 4, Cambridge Park.

F. R. U. S.

Trcns ure r.

Colouel W. H.

teele, )LD., !l.A.M. O.

Dl y i s i onnl SeCl'etnrlc .

Bristol West : l\liss 1\1. Saunders. Bristol North: l\liss Marion S. Linton,:lLD.

I Bri tol East:

Mr. W. Erskine. Bristol South: Mr. J. W. Taylor, M. R. C.S . , L.R. C.P.

lUe dlcal Stnff.

C. W. J . Brasher, 11. R. C.::5., L.lL C. P. J . Paul Bush, i\1.R.C.S., L.S.A., C.i\I.G. A. Carling, M.B., B. C. W. Danne, A.B., L R.C.S., L.R.C.P. G. Dobbyn, l\I.D., lIr.I~.C.S., L.ll .C.P. Theodore Fisher, M.D., lII.R. C.S. Mr. J . Fuller, F.R.C.i:l., :lI.R.c.p.,Irel. Mr. E. B. Garland, M.B., C.:l1. Mr. D. S. Gerrish, M.R.C.S., L.n.c.p. Mr. John S. Griffith, M.Il.C.b., L.R.C.P. Mr. Wm. Brendon Gubbin, M.D., C.lII. Mr. H. Elwin Harris, M.B. , F.IL C.S. Mr. A. Harvey, M . D. Mr. A. N . Heron, L. R. C. P. , I rel. Mr. J . J . S. Lucas, B.A., lILlt.C.S. , L.l1.C.P. Mr. P. W. McCrea, M.D. , E.CIL

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

M1'. J.C. l\lacWatters, M.H. C.S . ,L.R. C. P. 1\11'. F . E. Peake, M.R.C. S., L. n.c.p. 1)11'. H . L. Phelps, L.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P. Mr. B. M . H. Rogers, M . D., B. CR. 1\11'. F. H. Rose, i\I.R.U.S. , L.R. C.P. Mr. E. J . hepparLl, L.R.C.S., L.R.C .P. Mr. J . D. Staple, lII.ll.C.S., L.. A. 1\11'. J. O. ymes, M.D., M.R.C.S ., D.P.H. 1\11'. J. W . Taylor, M.R .C.S., L. R. C.P. 1\11'. E. C. ,Yilliams, B.A., M.B., B.C. 1\11'. E. H . , Yarner, M.D., C.M. M1'. W. K. ,Yills, M.B., B. C., lILR.C. S., L.RC.P. Mr. J. Young, ~LD . , C.11.


96 ANNUAL REPORT. 'T HE General Committee of the Bristol Branch of the St. John Ambulance Associa. tion regret to report a falling off in the number of classes held during the a t session-though the individual interest of the members of those classes is quit; s keen as ever. There have Leen (exclusive of the Evening Continuation Classes at t~S Board Schools) classes held as follows :-fir t aid for men, 8 classes with passes; first aid for women, 4 classfls with 57 passes; Nursing for WOlUen, 2 classes with 24 pa ses; Board chool-14- men and 41 women have passed in first aid, and 37 lUen and 43 women in nursing. Forty candidates have passed their first re-examina. tion, and 1 have taken medallions.



In the unavoidable absence of the Lord Mayor, the Rev. C. Jarman, Chairlllan of the Bristol School Board, took the chair at the annual distribution of medallions and certificates at the Y.i\I.C.A. Hall on July 11th. A vellum vote of thanks for special service rend ereu ,vas presented to Dr. J . O. Symes.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditzwej01' the yeaI' ending 29th Septembe1', 1901. To " " " " " "

R eceipts. ubscriptions and D ons. Fees First Aid CIa ses "Nursing" Books and Materials sold :Medallions :Miscellaneous . Balance, 29th Sept., 1900

£2 46 2 12 1 1 15 £82

17 4

2 5 19 7 10 9

0 0 0 11 3 6 4

E3..'penditu1'e. By Purchase of Material. . "Printing . . . "Rtationery and Postage. "Fees to L ecturers . " H aad-quarters for Exams. "Ditto Medallions "Miscellaneou~ . Balance in hand


£13 1 5 3 12 6 3 6 5 22 1 0

29 17 6 250 3 17 6 4 7 8

£82 9 0

F. R. CROS , Ghai1'1nan. 'V. H. TEELE, TreaSlt1·e,.. FRANK H. R OSE, Late Han. Secretary. ISSUE OF CERT IFICAT ES AND MEDALLIONS. No.ofMcn



] 29

Mr. A. L. Garnett, 1, Yorke St., Burnley.

Mr, A. Strange. Staff. ~1r.

J Burns, L.R.C.P. aa L . . A. J.• W . 01 eoo, F. E. Crossley, ~r. B.C" ~[B Mr. T. G. Crump, M.R. ""., " . . lIIr H A. Dixon, M.lt. C.S, · J. '~1 Ferauson, L.R.C. P. & S . 1\1' l' • 0 f. Mr. J. Gardner, M.B. , M' J Hodgson, L.R.O.P. &R. 1\f:': O. Holt, L.R.O.P., F.r-.C.S. 'f ' Mr. ~ f r.


who have received Certificates.

:Jlr. :Jlr. :Jlr. nil'. Mr. 1\11'.


ANNUAL REPORT. 'e continues to he satisfactory. Classes in both first aid and THE ,YOI'k 0 f tl1e Centt l I D ' .. ' . 11) h ve acrain beeu held at the hcad-quarters of the oca IVlSlOns ursina (four m a a I:> h Id B k 11 ,., J b A 1) lance Brigade. A male first aid class has also been e at an of the St. 0 n m u . . . l .. d 11a1e and f~l1lale classes at Holme. In addItIOn, classes fOl fema es III 1· Hall Oollery, au r . 1 S hIT ' . d .. hayc 1CC11 heM ~t ,V cst crate Congl.'egatIOna c 00. ""0 first aid an nUlsmg . 0 • B' d Th It f . t' h ve also 1)een hcld in connection WIth the nga e. e resu S 0 re·exanuna Ions a 11' h b . . t'lOU. s are that 113 certificates and 49 meua IOns ave the vanoUS examtua < • 1 een . dA b ulance hfU111lCl' has obtalDe. n am , . been presented for the serVIces of t Ie men n the tramways l'e-ConstrllctlOn. engage d O

St(ttement of Receipts cmel E ;cjJelUlitw'c from 1st October, ] 900, to 30th September, 1901. To " " "

Receipts. Balance in h auL! Stores ~fedallions

Examination expcllses Loan of Diagrams . "" SubscriptlOns

1st Aid. , NurSing.

SINOE FORMATION OF CENTHE. 22 I 2058 I 1123 I 988 SINOE 1ST OOTOBER, 1900. 68 I 110 I 70 I 74 I

~o .

of Certificated Pupils who have received lIIedallions. Uen.--, Women






EX)Jenditu1'e. £4 17


27 15 14 9 15 7 o 7 1 0

0 0 0 6 0


The Rt. Hon. Sir U. J. Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P., P.O.


tores. .

,,:Jl edal.hon~

., ExammatlOn expenses "Donation to Burnley Ambulance anu Nursiu g Divisions " Printing, &c. " Po tages, &c. " B:l,lance in hanu

£26 10 14 9 14 19





2 0 8 0

1 4

2 10 3 10

£ 63 15

£63 15


Examined and found correct, GEOaGE GILL, Auditor. . ALFltED STltANGE, Glut~)')ncm. A. L. n \.]{NETT, Hono?"a1'Y Sec1'ela1'y and T 1'easu1·e1..




No. of lIien



who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aid. '~(nrs·ing. 1st Aid. I ~Hrsing.

Formed 1883. PreSident.

T. H olt, ::Il.B., D.PI!. ~lcl{ay, M. B. J. Mackenzie, M.D. F. W . Marsden, L.R.O.P. & s . J. C. Pemberton, L.P•. O.P. & S. G. S. Pullon, M.D. A . M. Sinclair, M.B. R. M. Whitham, M . B .

Mr. C.

11 I.

No. of Women

who have who have who have compl eted a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. , Nursing. 1st Aid. , Nursiug. 1st Aid. I~ursillg .


JlonOl'llJ'Y Sccrcta1'Y and Tl'caSlu·cr.

ell a iJ.'Jl1 an.







who have receh'ed Certitlcates. 1st Aid. , Nursing.

SINCE FOIUIATION OF CENTRE. 706 I 353 I 608 17 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 17 43 I 30 I 38

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

I Wom en.









Statement of Accounts f01' the yea?' ending ...)'eptemuer 30th, 1901. Receipts. E,'Yp' enditu?'e. B1 s in hand at 1st By Honorarium to Hon. Sec., To a an~ct., 1900, viz.voted by tht' Committee, At tl Sheffield and RotherOct. 24th, 1900. . £5

BUXTON CENTRE. Formed] 89. rrcshl cnt.

H is Grace the Duke of Devonshire, t:halrruall.

K. o.

TI·ca surcr.

Mr. Joseph Taylor.

Mr. H. A. Hubbersty.

Honorary Sccr c tary.

1e Bank . £24 1 In lam hands of the Hon . S.ec. 4 Collected at Public 1Ileetlllg 1 " p. eds of Women's Classes lOce " Fees (less expenses) . 7 Books, Bandages, &c., sold 0 Proceeds oLMell's Classes "Fees. . 2 Books, Bandages, &c., sold 3 Subscriptions. 8 " Received ou account of "Medallions . . 2 Bank I nterest (less commis.) 0 "

0 18


12 5 7

0 2 6



0 6




1Sr. A. B . Chapman, Darwin Avenue, Buxton. £55 ill c,HcAl Staff.

Mr. J. Braithwaite, M.D. Mr . T. B uxton Flint, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

7th October, 1901. DURI '0 the year ending September 30tb, 1901, satisfactory work has been done oy the local Centre. The same number of classes as in the previous year bave been carried on under the able conduct of the newly-appointetl members of the medical staff-D r. Braithwaite undertaking the class for men; and Dr. T. Buxton Flint conducting those for women, both in first aid, and sick nursing. All the classes were well attended and resulted in full pass lists-though all the students din not present themselves as candidates for examination . In the first aid course for men, 14 candidates obtained certificates, and 11 passed a first re-examination, whilst 3 qualified for the medallion of the Association . In the first aid eourse for women, 24 ca.ndidates obtained certificates, and in the nursing course, 17 obtained certificates, whilst 8 qualified by final examination for the medallion. The financial position 0f the Centre is still satisfactory, though some of the usual subscriptions have not yet been received in time to be included in the financial statement for the year. The Centre is to be congratulated on the addition to the medical staff, and also on the establishment of an ambulance station under the D evonshire Estate Office, kindly lent by Mr. Drewry free of charge, for the accommodation of the several stretcbers of the Centre, and the convenience of the public. Two new stretchers have been presenter! to tbe Cent~e, contributions therefore being collected by the Boys Brigade, one of them being mounted on a special litter, and bearing an inscribed plate stating that it is a memorial to the late Sergeant Perkins, who was killed in the Transvaal vVar, and who was a former member of the Centre.

"B' 11 1) 1


0 t.lD,g






o 1 Local D!rectory . H0l10Eanllm-Town Hall 1\eeper . 0 7 " PEayme~tstt? CeCnltral Fund, ViZ.xamma IOn larges 6 19 Stores. 3 10 Medallions 3 10 "Balances ill hanel, viz. At 'heffield & Rotherbam Bank 25 8 10 I n hauels of Hon . Sec. 3 5 0 0

Examined anel found correct, A. SCHOFIl~LD, } rr A d't F. C. ;m TIf , .a01WTCt1·y ~t '/, 01·S. H. A. HUBBEIlf;TY, Chainnctn. J 0 'EPII TAYLOR, T1·easurer. ALBEIlT B. CHAPMAN, Han. Sec?'etary.

Mr. 'Y o T . Hannah, M.D.


5 "Prillting and Advertising 3 10 I) . t' A ll S· 0 "Salll]l!lg Jll )U auce. tatlOn 2 " n1lC nes expenses! ViZ, o 16 Postages and Notices

1 4. 11 11 6 10



1'10. of Men

No. of Certificated who have who have who have Pupils who have who have ('ompleted a received receiveLl received completed course of Certificates. Medallions. Certi fi ca tes. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. TKw·sing. 1st Aid . I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. I~CE





FOllMATION OF CE~TIlE . 244 1 3 II 154 rNCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 24 30 I 20








Mr. A. C. Humphreys-Owen,

!\I. P.

lIo J1ol'Ul'Y Secr c tary .

Mr. J. D. Andrew, General Mal1uger's Office, Oswestry. II


100 ~l c (lI c nl

S Cnff.

Mr. Vaughan Owen Mr. R. D . Thomas Mr. ·W. R ' "\Yilliams. II'. H. Griffiths.

Smg.- Lient. Col.R de laPoer Beresford, M.D. Sm·g.-Capt. J . R J. Raywood JUl'. D. A. Hughes :JIr. T . Bate

)(onorary SCCl·ctnry.


Lieut. -Col. Reeves, ielrose, L ondon Road, Canterbury.

Mr. F. W. Furley .

lle (licnl S tnff.

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the year ambulance work has been actively prosecuted in thi Centre, the classe mentioned in the last report havi.ng continued in active operation, the result being that 104 members have been examiued, of whom 41 have obtained first certificate, 22 re-examination certificates, and 21 medallions. A nelV and most encouraging feature ha been introduced by the presentation jointly by Mrs. O. S. Denuies, the ,,,ife of the General Manager, and Mr . Parry Jones, the wife of the solicitor to the Company, of a very h!l.nd orne Challenge hield. This was competed for on October 31 t, by teams from 0 westl'y (Works), Oswestry (Traffic), Newtown , Moat Lane, Llanidloe , and Portmadoc, anLl won by the Oswestry ("\Yorks) team. 11'. Mar hall Dngdale, a director of the Company, threw open his grounds at Llanfyllin for the occasion, and most generously entertained the officers of the Company and their wives,and the whole of the ambulance men on the line with their wives or lady friends. Surgeon-Major Edward Cureton, of hre\\'sbury, was the judge, anu expressed a very high opinion of the enthusia III "ith which ambulance work was being ca!Tied on among the staff of the Cambrian Railways. I


A J"D :r.IEDALLIO S. Xo. of Women

No. of Men

who have who have who have completed a completed received cour e of Certificates. a cow'seof in truction. instruction. l-t Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aifl. I Xlir~ing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who hllye received Medallions. Men.


271 SrXCE 1."1' OCTOBEH, 1900.





ANNUAL REPORT . THE annual meeting of the Committee was helel at 12 noon on .JIonday, Octobcr 21st, in the Upper Hall, East Bridge Ho pita!. The Treasurer presented the accounts, "'hich \rere passed, and showed a balance crcllit of £19 13s. 2d. The Secretary reports the stretchers, litters, and otllel' property of the Oentre to be in oaood order, and correct in quantity. A pecial "ote of thanks was accorued to Dr. Thos. Whitehead Reid and Mr. Brian Higden for their kinu and valuable services to the Association, and a1 0 to the ecretary and Treasurer for the energeti.c manner in which they have carried 011 the affairs of the A ociation during the past year, and a vote of thanks to the Chairman, p1'opo ed by His W ol'ship the Mayor of Canterbury, was carried unanimously, anu concluded the proceeuings.

I Women.


Receipts. To Annual ubscriptions and Donations £11 1 " Entrance Fees 12 " Sale of Stores 7 8 " Medallions 0 St. Augustine's OOllege : 0 12 " S.E. & Chatham Railway ~ 1 "

0 6 2 0 6 0

CANTERBURY CENTRE. Formed 1878. Pre. itlcnt.

The Marchioness Conyngb 9-m. Chairman.

Oaptain L ambert.

Mr. T. Whitehead Reid, :\LD. , St. And., F.R.c.p. ,Ed., L.It.C.P., L ond. , M.R.C. S. Mr. Brian Rigden, il1.H. C.S., L. S.A. Lond . Mr. George Rigden, :\L R. C. S. Ur. W. Pugin Thornton, M. R.C.S., L.S.A., Lond. Mr. F . ,Vacher, :\L!{'C. S. , L.S.A., Lond. :illr. 'idney ,Vacher, F.R. C.S.

Statement of Receipts and E;(pendit1l1'e ji'Oin Oct. 1st, 1900, to Sept. 30th, 1901.


Mr. H. A. Goga1'ty, B.A., ~f.D. Mr. J. Greas1ey, :.\f.R.C. S., L.:S.A., Lond. Mr. W. S. Kelley-Patterson, M.D., lILCH. , F.R,G.S. Mr. F. Pittock Mr. Z. Prentice, :\1. 1:.. C. s. Mr. H. O. Preston, L.ILC.P., Euin., )LR.C.S. Mr. James Reid, F. R. C. S.




Expenditw·e. By Balance due to the Treasurer, !tit Oct., 1900 " Examiners' Fees and Expenses and Head Office Charges. . " Purchase of Stores . " Printing, Advertising and tationery " Medallions . " Balance in hand, 30th September, IDOl



4 5 1 10

6 2

5 0

2 0




19 13 2 - --£31 0 2

Examined and found correct, THO . LA:.llBERT, Chai1'lnan. F . W . FURLEY, Tr·easttre,. . O. E . REEVE (Lieut. -Col.), H on. Sec?·etary.







o. of Women

:To. of Men

who have received Certificates.

who have who l1ave who have completed a received completed Certificates. course of a course of instruction . instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nursing.

1st Aid.

N o.of Certiflcatt d Pupils wbo hay received Medallions.

I Nursing. Men. I Women









266 1ST 14








158 1900. 12




No. of Women

No. of Men


who have who have who have completed a received course of completed Certificates. a course of instrnction. instruction. 1st Aiel. I Ntll'sing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




1st Aid.

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who baye received Medallions. Men.

I Women.






who have received Certificates.




1900. 1


l·l·c"itl Cllt.

Hi· PreSident.

Trcll urcr.


.Mr. E. A. Hart.

' ·ice·<-hairJU:lll.

The Dean of Chester.

illr. George A. Dickson .


II OllOl'ary SCCl'ct:U'y.

nIl', J. Dufl-',

Mr. W. L. Davies.

Supt. H erbert Evans, Oardiff Railway 00. 's Police. Ucdical Stafl'.


5, Abbey Street, Ohester.

lUCtlical Staff.

UOllorm'y Secretary.

Mr. Thomas Wallace,

thc Duke of ·Wc;;stminster.

(;11:"\ il'lllan.

Sir ,Villiam Thomas Lewis, Bart.

Mr. Jam es Hurman.


nIl'. Mann ~Ir. D. O. Sutton,

Mr. J . Giffen ~lr. G. Harrison Mr. W. Lees

:U. B.


A ANNUAL REPORT. FROM October, 1900, to October, 1901, first aid was rendered by members of this Oentre in 107 cases-viz., fractures 23, scalp wounds 10, the remainder being dislocations, severe cuts and sprains; 31 cases were conveyed on the ambulance carriage to the infirmary and h02pital ship, Hctmaclryad, the remainder being assisted to thcir homes, after first aid had been rendered. Every requisite for immediate use is kept in or about the docks or railway, the material being under the charge of Sergeant O. Price, the instructor. During the winter months practice is held once a fortnight in the ambulance room erected for that purpose. The Centre, which is a self-supporting one, consists of 116 members, who are in an efficient state, and take great pride in the noble work. Another class was formed in November, and is now undergoing a course of l ectures under the able tuition of Dr. Thomas Wallace, M.D.



THE local interest in ambulance "'ork c:mtinutes unabated . Several classes were carrieu on during the year, and these were attended by a considerable number of pupils. The nursing class held in the refectory by the kind permission of the Dean of Chester was largely attended. A considerable number of candidates entereu for the examinations, and a fair proportion of them obtained certificates. T he Mayor of Chester evinced his interest in thc \york by attending a public meeting, and giving away the prizes to the successful canuiuatt:'s. The ladies' nursing division carries on its work successfully. Ladies interested in the work of nursing are i.nvited to attend the monthly meetings of this eli vi 'ion held in the Town Hall on the last Friday of each month at 7.30 p . m. At the e meetings a lecture on nursing or the care of the health is given by a medical man, after \ybich practical work is taught. The annual competition for the Yerburgh medal and other prizes took place in the T own Hall. Miss Eva Clark gained the Yerburgh medal; Mr. J. ,V. Davies the second prize; Mr. J, Brennan and Mr. T. Large were equal for the third prize. Three prizes were given for stretcher drill.




Statement of Receipts and E.l:penditlt?·C fo?' the yea?' ending 30th Septembe?', 1901. Receipts. To Subscriptions . £7 2 " Received for Stores 6 11 for Medallions 1 14 " for Examination Fees 7 17 " for Prizes per Mr. " Milton 2 5

£25 10

Expenditu?·e. 0 0 6 6 0

By Balance due to Treasurer 30.9 .1900 . Paid for Medallions "" Postages and Carriage Advertising and Printinoo . " St. John Am bulance " Association Accounts " Prizes for Competition " Balance in band


£0 8 114 o 10 1 5

3 6 6 6

16 2 8 3 15 0 1 13 7

£25 10 0 JOHN L. DARBY, Ghai?'1nan. J . DUFF, Hon. SeC1'Cta?·Y. L. DAVIES, Tr,'eas~t?'c1'






11 1

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10

£21 10


No. of Women


210 27

Expendit~t?'e .

Receipts. November, 1900. To Balance in hand, 1 98,9\:1 . £'2 1 Lord Medway, 1900 1 ;: ~Ir. Appach, 1900 . 0 " Mr. Philpott, 1900 0 " 1111'. J. Neve, 1900 0 1I1iss Neve . "Payments Women's class. " ' Men's chss . 6 0 " Book; ~nd Bandages



SINCE 1ST OCTOBEfl, 1900. 11 ! 38 I 3,*





13 3




£21 10

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course oC instruction. II1struction. hL Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. I XUJ'sing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

No. of CertificateJ Pupils who ha \'e r eceived Medallions.

I Nursing.


F() IDL\TfOX OF CEXTRR. 30 54 101 I~('E 1:-;'1' OCTnnlm, 1900. :30 1 I 1










Formed 1882. Prestdent.


Lord Medway. T!'c a Slll'cr.

Formed 1 95.

IIOllOl'a r y SccI·ctal·Y.

Miss Bell.

Mr. T. B. Jobson, Brooksdell, Cranbrook.

I' r cs [(1 e ll t. Th e Right lIon. the Earl of L onsdal e.

lUcdi cal Staff.

Mr. Joyce.


Ko. of Women

No. of Men




£0 5 1 10 10 0 4 3 10 1 7 10 o 16 9 1 10 0 2 17 1




5 0 0 5

Jannary, 1901. By Bandages Dr. Shaw l2 sets lectures ) " .J.A.A., Fees " Books, &c. "" Ad vel'tisements, &c. Hire of Hall (lecture') " Balance in hand .

MEDWAY, PTesident. BEATRICl!: BELL, Tl'eaSll?·er. T. B. JOBSON, H on. Sec?'eta?'y.

No. 0 f Certifica ted who have who have who have who have Pupils who have completed a completed received received received course of a course of Certi fi cates. Certificates. JlIedallions. instruction . instruction. 1st Aid. Nursing, 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing . 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I WOHlen.


of Receipts (mel ExpenelitU1·e.



Id at Cranbrook for males and females on Tuesday, March 19th, 1901. A CLASS was h e . . bered 25 out of which 13 passed, and 1 rccelvcd medallIon; 10 were The former num , resent at the examination, owing to other engagements. The unable to b e'cdP30 out of which 14 passed, 1 recelVed . me d a11'lOn; 3 d'l lC not pass; latter nnm b e1 " 'd not attend The lecture r was Mr. Arthur Shaw, ~r.n. c .s. and L.R.C.P., the oth ers dl ' , . he examiner was Mr. N. Hay Forbes, 'Iunbndge Wclls. Lon don . T

t:hnit·III:1I1 .

Mr. John L. Hedlt>y.

TI· c a ~ IlI· C l·.

.Mr. George Scoular.



lOG Depu'y

( 'IJHjl'Jllcu.

:Mr. Willialll Leck.

lIo11orary Secrctary


Mr. A. D. Nicholson.

Dr. F. Cassidi, l\f. A., Trinity Terrace, D erby.

Miss U. Darby.

lIollorliry Secrcf Rry.

nIl'. William Leck, Cleator Moor, Cumberland .

.U c «li eal Stall'.

.1Ic(lical StatIo

Mr. H. . Byers. Mr. G. Calderwood. Mr. G. G. Harris.

Mr. J . 1. Lace. Mr. R. Routledge . Mr. R. Speirs . GAL REPORT .

A PERIOD of six: years ha' now clasped since the inauguration of this Centre, and it The most conspicuous feature durillg the past year was the great demonstration at 'Whitehaven in October on the occasion of the final competition for the hand 0111e ilver Challenge Shield given by the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. George coular, c . C., St. Bees. 'fhe Shield was won IJ'y the Egremont team, with 11 marks out of a pussible total of 120. The other two competing teams -obtained respectively 112 and Ill. The examiner, Dr. Mathe\\' , said he had the greatest difficulty in judging, owing to the high standard of excellence reached by all the teams. The chair was occupied by the Hight Hon. the Earl of Lonsdale, Pre ident of the Centre, and the Countess of Lonsdale presented. the Shielu to the winning team. The meeting was of a most representative and succe Eul character j owners, managers, and workmen from nearly every mine and quarry in ,Yest Cumberland being in attendance, and the result cannot fail to afford an immense impetus to the cause during tJle coming and future ses ions.

Mr. E. Green, L.ll.C.P., Lond. nil'. C. H. H ough , :\LR.C./:;.

Mr. W. Benthall, ~LB • Mr. L. Bryson, :If. B. l'l1r. F. Cassidi, M.D. i\Ir. A. Cham bel'S l'l1r. W. G. Copestake, :lLll.C.H. nIl'. C. Fletcher; :If. H. C. fl. :Ill'. '1'. Laurie GentleH, L.lL C.l'., Lond. D1r R ,V. Gentles, L.ll.C.l'.

Mr. R. Laurie, :\LD . Mr. R. Morrison Mr. Parry-Jones, M.D. Mr. ims, ::-LD. illr. J. A. Southern, L.R.C.r., Lond.

~ontinues to make very ati factory pl'ogres.

I SSUE OF CERTIFICATES AND 1IlEDALLION No. of Men who have comI11~te~


No. of Wom en who have completed a COUI' e of instructiou.

who bave received Certificates .

.L course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xw·sing.

wbo have received Certificates.

1st Aid I Nursing.

1st Aiel

1185 SINCE









of Certificated Pupils who have received i\1edaLIions.

I Nursing. Men. I Women. 270




WE are pleas'3d to report that the last year has been one of continued satis~actory . aress 6 cIa ses ha\"inrr been held, the members of which gained 163 certtficates . , 0 . comprising 113 (male) first aid, 18 (female) first aid, a~d ~2 (male) nlUslDg certificates. In addition 36 ll1ales pa 'sed their first re-examlDatlOn, and 26 ~ales and 10 females, having p3.ssed their second re-examination, gained their medallIons. Thirty-four officers aud men of our local Brigade Divi ion h~ve proceeded t? t~e seat of war. Of these 5 are still erving, and 1 has recently enhstell temporal'lly lD the R.A.ilI.C. and gone ont again. lYe deeply regret that 'Yo Hudson who had taken his discharge in outh Africll, and then volunteerell to erve again contractecl enteric, and died April 23rd, 1901, and that Jas. ims, wbo had returned home, has since died at Bradford, on November 9th, 1901. PIO o

Stcttenwnt of Receipts aHcl Expendilll1'C fa,· the yea?' ending Sept. 30th, 1901.








11 To Balance, cpt., 1900 . £')0') ]2 14 ubscriptions 22 14 "" Fees ) 0 10 " Stores. olel 7 0 " lIIeuallions o 10 " Bank I nterest "Storesin hand, Sept., 1900 2 2 " Stores in IHtnd, Sept. , 1901 (j 17

111 0

1 6 4.

0 0

44 I

Postage, By Allvertisillg, £5 4 ]0 Calico, etc. " Ex:aminer's Fees and Tra16 0 0 yelling Expenses 5 5 0 " I nciden tal Ex:penses 17 1 1 tores "" :r.redallions 7 0 6 . Amount transferred froll " General to Brigade 20 0 0 Acconnt 2 2 0 " Stores in hanu, Sept., 1900 G 17 0 " " ,,1901 5 10 1~ " Cash



DERBY CENTRE. Form ed 1886.

£ 5


Audited and founel correct, Oct. 24th, 1901, Tno . '\1' ALTON .

P,·esident. ::-f.D . , Han. Scc)'cta?·y.


Mr. Francis Ley.


£ 5 0





10 9





of Women

wh o have No. of Certificatcd who have who have who have Pupils who hav completed a completed received received received course of a cour e of Certificates. Certificates. instruction. Medallions. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I WorneD.







SINCE FORMATION OF OENTRE. 41 I 13 I 563 I 652 SIN CE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 32 I 25 I 1 1







who have who have completed a who have received course of completed Certi fica tes. illstruction. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

I 2469 I



No. of Women


of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Certificates.


1st Aid. I Nursing.

Sl TCE FOItMATION OF OENTRE. I 3700 I 1330 I 2990





I Women












DUBLIN CENTRE. Formed 1881.


PrcSiclcut luul ChlllI'JUllU.

Formed 1893.

Mr. F. R. Davies. Prc i«le ue.

Tl'CllSUI'cr unci IlolloI'm'Y St orck ce pcl'.

Th e Right Ron. the Earl of Dudley.

Miss J encken.


IlOnOl"IlI'Y Sccrctary.

Mr. T. F. Higgs .

.Mr. J. Dallas Pratt, M.D., F.R. C.s., 25, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. Mr. Barton Mr. Boyce Mr. Oosgraye Sir R. Jackson, c . B.

IcOullagh ]Hr. McDermott 11'. Dallas Pratt Mr. Wright.

THE work has been carried on well by the Royal Irish Constabulary, who are all now instructed as recruits. Th ere has also bcen a class in the Boys' Brigade.

Stcttement of R eceipts and E xpenditw'c fo/' the year eliding September 30th, 1901. Receipts. Expenclitu?·e. 1900. ] 900. Nov. 24. To Draft . £30 0 0 Aug. 3l. By Balance of Ace. Dec. 3. 1 14 0 received £37 16 " " 12. 11 7 0 Nov. 15. By Oash . 10 17 "120l. " " Det:. 6. Subs. from Classes 2 9 Aug. 3l. Balance ]9 10 1 1901. " Jan. 7. 0 5 " " Ap1. 6. 3 13 " " 25. 1 3 " " June 4. 1 10 " " 2 0 11. " " 1 1 19. " " Aug. 12. 1 0 £62 11



later, King

treet, Dmlley.

llctUcal Staff.

Mr. H. O. Brown :Mr. A. E. Dantlo Mr. "\Y. E. Mewey

Mr. T. F. Higgs, ::ILD. Ur. R. Griffith., M. D. Mr. J. Howanl Wilkinson



1111'. J.

Mr. S. Ward, Solicitor.



Jlo1loral'Y Secretlll'Y·

Trcll nrc I'.

lU c dical Stall.

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

AN UAL REPORT. DURING the past year 6 classes have 1een held-viz., 2 men's first aid, 2 women's first aid, and 2 women's nursing. There are no cases of public importance to report. The rendering of first aid is of such common occurrence at the various works of the district that few not~ces are sent to the Secretary. One of Wilson and tockall's horse ambulances has beell purchased from the funds collected by the staff of the Dudley ambulance corps, and is kept at the fire-station. ISSUE OF OERTIFICATES A

FRANcrs ROBEltT DAYlE.', F.R.H.S., JlLR.LA., P?·esiclent. J. DALLA , PRATT, lIf.D., Han . Sec?·eta?·y. AMELIA JENCKE:S-, lion. Treasu?·e?·.

No. of W(}men

No. of Men who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

£62 11 1 384







who have completed a course of instruction.

who have received Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

1st Aid. I Nursing.

1st Aid. ! Nursing.

Men. I Women

SINCE FOltMATlON OF OENTRE. 169 15 I 122 I 136 SlNCE 1 T OCTOBER, 1900. 54 4 I 47 I 4]

82 29






110 ancl StcGtemen t OJ,F .Il.Decei?)ts ~. BeceilJts.

Exz)enclit~L1'e jfJY'


Formed 1 93. l~l' CS id C Jl t.

His 'Yorship the Mayor, Alderman Pratt. { 'II a il'llaan. ~Ir.

J. R.

Tl'c a ·nrc I'.

:JIr. T. Hyslop, Mauche tel' and Li ,'erpo01 Di trict Banking Co., Ld.

Sept. 30th, 1901. To Balance brought forward

. Park.




16 14



J[ou o l'ary Sccretary.

Joseph Rani on Beard, Towu Rall, Dukinfield.



To Subscriptions : Councillor J. E. Barraclough . .' . £1 1 Messrs. J. ChaclwlCk & Co., 1 1 Ltd. . . 1 1 Messrs. D. Adamson & Co. o 10 Mt'. J. T. Holderness 7 11 Sale of Stores . . 4 6 Profit of Soeial Evenm.g Instruction Class ReccIpts 10 15 o 5 Bank Interest


the yea?' endin(J SeZJtembel' 30th, 1901.


St. John Ambulance Assocn., General Stores, Medallions, and Exam. Expenscs . £25 18 3 " Postages and Sundries . 1 911 " Printing, Stationery, and Advertising Instruction Classes • 7 o 6 "Use of Room for I nstruction Class 1 16 o " Allowance to Caretaker 1'e Instruction Class o 9 0


~Ir. A. E. Clarke :JIr. J. :JI ill (:l'


. PAHK, Chairman. JOSEPH H. BEARD, Han. SecretCl?·Y.

l.Ir. J. R.

. Park I S UE



C. A.• windells

who have completed a course of



Xo. of Women

Ko. of Men

who have cOllll'letpd a course of il1l;truction.

who have received Certifiea tes.



who have received Certificates.

1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ' 1st Aid. I Nursing.

1111'. J. :'1iller ~Ir. J. R. . Park









103 22

Xo. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.


I Women. 3



STEADY progress has been madE: in ambulance ,,"ork during the past year.


-- - - - - - - - -


instruction classes are now included in the Dukinfield Technical Committee's syllabus.


J. R.

Jlc(lical St:'l.ff.

Mr. D. Booth Mr. A . E. Clarke


~-\T.A. ~~;I~~NDELLS}A~lditO?'S.

:u c m l)cI·'S .



Audited and found correct,

H Ollorary Ancli tol'S.

?Ill'. William. mith



October 30th, 1901. Lifc

£36 13 ept. 30th, 1901. By Balance


The results have reached all expectatioIls, and proved to be a wise change.

The Dukinfield School Board has granted the use of one of the large central halls at the Crescent Road Board School for weekly practice and drill for the Brigade Division.

It is hoped that the several employers of labour will recognise the efforts of this Centre in order that the duties undertaken may not only he maintained but advanced. The

Formed 1884. Pl'e itl Cllt.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Lord L ieutenant of Forfarshire.

Committee are indebted to the Hon . Mcdical Starr', the Dukinfield Town Council, the D ukil1field School Board, the Ron . Auditors, 1111'. Henry Shaw (for housing _ambulauce carriage), and the local press for thcir assistance .

l'atl'Olle.. o f lVolllc n 's .CIa sc .

The Rig11t Hon . The Countess of Strathmore.



112 Chili 1·IUllU.

Colonel J. Rankin. Honorary Trcasul'CI' nllel


Mr. David Don, a.A., 104, Commercial Street, Dundee. ANNUAL REPORT. THE Committee beg to report that during the pa t session 26 clas es have Jeen held under the Dundee Centre. The total number of pupils who have received a com)l t course of instruction on first aid to the inj ul'cd and sick is 438 (286 men \~1~ 152 women). In all 187 pupils have received Jirst aid certificates, and 43 b e nrceiveJ the medallion of the Association. The total number of pupils who h:: received instruction in first aid junior comse is 87, of whom 65 have recel','ed' . e . . JUllJor certlficates. The total number of puplls who have re0eived instruction on hom nursing and hygiene i 146, of which 72 have received certificates. e Again, as in former years, warm thanks must be rendered to the doctors who have so kindly assisted in lecturing, examining classes, and in other ways; also to the gentlemen who have acted as secretaries at the various "Sections" under the Dundee Centre. The Committee are i~debt~d to Dr. M'Gillivray for having dclivered two public lectures under the ausplCes of the Dundee Cen tre on "First Aid in Eye Injuries "_ one in Alyth and the other in Dundee-and they ha ve pleasure in reportiug that these lect~res proved interest~ng and instrllcti ve, and were thoronghly appreciated by large andlCnce. The Coml1uttee have much pleasure in reporting that in December last they received from the Dundee Town Council the sum of £25, being amount voted by them to the Dundee Centre out of the Local Taxation Grant, 1899-1900, in aid of ambulance work in the city. Iany tributes to the ambulance skill of old pupils have been paid during the past year. Notably, three cases :-(1) A man who had sustained a compound fractUre in the leg in November last was temporarily and successfully dressed bV a member of the police force. (2) A man who had fallen into the new Fish Dock in June la~t was, rescued by a .member of the Harbour Ambulance Corps, and after twenty mm~tes work the patlent was restored to full consciousness. (3) A boy accidentally fell mto the Tay about three weeks ago, and "'as rcscued apparently lifpless. A. constable on duty was immediately on the scene, and after thirty-five minutes' constant application of the artificial mcans of rc pi ration the boy was in a condition to be removed for further treatment. These threc cases alone exemplify the usefulness of ambulance work in a large and busy centre like Dundee, where accidents are occurring almost daily. The Committee acknowledge , with thanks , the subscriptions received during the past ycar. The third competition for the Challenge Shield, opon to all members who hold the first aid certificate of the Association, and who reside in Scotland, took place in the Drill Hall, on Saturday, April 13th. The following teams took part:(1) Cardenden (Dr. Rorie, instructor); (2) Downfield (Dr. Butter, instructor); (3) Downfield (Dr. Butter, instructor); (4) Perth (Dr. P. Stewart, instructor); (5) Dundee (Dr. Gray, instructor); (6) Auchterardcr (Dr. Forrest, instructor); (7) D~~dee (Dr. Gray, instructor) ; (8) Dundee (Dr. Halley, instructor); (9) Dundee (Dr. Rmnear, instructor).

. lum numb er of points was 100 ; and the result of the competition was TlIe maXlD r 11 . (1st) Team No. 1.-85 points, silver shield and silver badges. as 10 ows.. . (2nd) Team No. 5.-83 POUlts, bronze badges. (~~'d) !eam No. 8.-77 POllltS. (4th) Team No. 2.-75 points. (5th) Team o. 3.-/3. pomts. (6th) Teams Nos. 4, 7 d 9.-70 points each. (7th)-Team No. 6-40 p;)lnts. , ~~ the presentation ceremony Colo~el R.ankin presitled, an~ amongst those present were Lord Provost Hunter, Surgeon-Captam Halley, Dr. Rone, Dr. Butter, Surgeon· t ant Focrgie Dr • Lennox, Dr. Greig, 111'. James Cleland, 1Ifr. David Fairful, Lleu ell, , t> , nil'. John Grieve, 1Ifr. David DOll (Secretary), and others. Colonel Rankin, the Chairman, stated that thcse competitions had done much to foster intercst in ambulance work, and that in Dundee Centre they had during the past season the larClest number of classes compared with any sincc the institution of the Centre sev:nteen years ago. He then announced the results of the competition. Lord Provost Hunter, in presenting the trophies, said that ambulance work deserved every encouragement on the part of those who were at the head of affairs. He remiuded those present that splendid service had been rendered in South Africa during the past two years by those who had a knowledge of ambulance work. H e 110inted out that a knowledge of first aid was not only llece sary for soldiers, but for men ilJ the railway service, in the police service, in engineering establishments, and in mills. Dr. Rorie (Carclenden) proposed a cordial vote of thanks to the judges, which was unanimously passed. Bctlcmcc Sheet CtS at 20th Ap1'il, 1901.

Assets. to res £12 o 0 1;) 9 Sundry Debtors ~ CashIn Dundee Savings Bank 90 311 In British Linen Co. Bank 29 211




Liabilities. Local Taxation Grant, 1 991900 . £25 0 o unc1ry Creditors 1 11 6 Balance, being'mplu at 20th April, 1900 £141 5 11 DeductDefiei t at 20th April, 1901 7 14 10 133 11 1




R cvcntte ancl E.cpcnclitul'e Account for pe1'iocl to 20th Ap?'il, 1901. R eccipts. Examination Fees . £33 Class Fees 18 Subscriptions 16 Interest 2 Miscellaneous 1 Balance, being deficit as at 20th April, 1901 7


o 10 11 10


9 0 8 2

14 10


Payments. Examination Fees . £37 15 'eeretal'y's Honorarium, 18991000 21 0 Printing, Ad vertising, tationcry, &c. 15 9 Rent of Lecture Rooms 6 0


£ 0


6 0 9 0 3

DAVID DON, T?·easw·c1·. JA::'1E. RANKIN, Col., Chai1·"wn.

The above Accounts examined, found fully vouel!eu and corrcct. PETElt hEIlR, A ~~clit01·. Dundee, 23,'cl Ap"il, 1901.






No. o! Womcn

Xo. of WOIllen

Xo. of Men who have complcted a C011I"SC of in. tr,u;tiOIl.

who have who have receivtd completed a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. l ~nrSill~.


Aid. I N"u rsing.

wh o have rcceived Certificates.


htAiC\. I Nursing.

No. o.r Certificate( PupIls who have received Medallions. Men.

I WOl1len




I 3509 I 963 I 1576 SlXCE 1ST








1900. 116 I 57


who have completed a COUl'se oC instruction. t Aid. I Nursing. 1st Air\.




who have completed a conrse of instruction.

wh o have received Certificates.

who have received Certificates.

I Nursin g . 1st Aid. I NIIl'Hing. 1st Aid. I Xursing.

of Certificated Pupils who bn.Ye received Medallions. Men.

I Women.






Cocil. ·E .







33 1900.












Form ed 1879.

Formed 1879.

PJ'csidcJI t.

Pres ident.

Sir George R. Tl'CIlSlU'el'

Re\". E. ,Yaul', D. D., R ea<l :Jla tel', Eton College.

itwell, Bart.

n()U Ol'nry

alltl JlOJlOl':tJ'Y SCC l' c tlll·Y .

S 'cref nl'Y.

Captain G. A. J. Soltau. 'y mom;, A(ljntallt, ~lld. Bucks (Eton College ) R. V.C., Eton Colleg', Windsor.

1111'. R. Dllmbleton , 13, Church Street, Eckington. iU ctlical 8ta.r.

Life J'tlcml)(')')o,.

Mr. G. H. West Jones.

The Officer Commanding, 2nd Bucks. (Eton College), R. Y. C. The Adjutant, 2nd Buck ,. (Eton College) R. Y.C.


:U edi('nl .· taIT.

ALL the classes held during the year in the various districts have been very well attended, but at the same time there is a want of energy displayed by the publie especially by those who are outside the large firms.

l'urgeon·Captaill E. I'. Norris, l.I.B., 2nd Bucks. (Eton College) R.Y.C. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE,' AND nIEDALLION .

To " " "

Staternent of Accounts for the two year's ending September 29th, 1901. Receipts. EX'pendit~we. Balance. £0 6 1 By Payments to St. John Class Fees . 1 4 0 Ambulance Association Profit on Stores Sold £8 10 8 o 6 7 (Head Centre) . Subscriptions o 15 ~ 0 8 18 5 "Hire of Room "Stationery, Printing 1 9 5 Books, and postage £10 15


-who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

11a\'e completed a COUl·tie of ins truction. W110

1st Aid

I Nursing.



1st Aid

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupil. who have received Medallions. Men.

I Women,




lIon . T ,·eas. cmel Seer·ctary.

who have received Certificates.


£10 15 1

Examin ed and found correct, November 12th, 1901. A. E. BETTS. R OBEnT DUMBLETON,

Xo. of Womeu

No. of Men








To " '; , "

The RigM Rev. the Lord Bishop of ",Vinche. tel'. '['rcasu I·cr.

](ollornry Scn·Nary.

)11'. \\ . R. WOI' am.

Mr. A. Winslaae, 115, East treet, Fal'l1ham, Surrey. )(cllicn 1 Sf 1\ ff.

Mr. S. G. Sloman, L.n.c.p., Lond., Ln.c ..

" " " "

Statement of Receipts and Expenclitgre (if)' the yea?' ending June 30th, 1901. E[)Jpenclit~t1'e. Receipts. C f Clency Fund . £29 5 6 By Removals . . £31 16 B~~a:~ in band, June " Purchase of Private T ele· 10 15 30th, 1900. 2 1 2 pl~one. 5 5 33 14 0 "Ladles Classes Recel'l)ts for Removals E . t' F & 5 2 Subscriptions and Dona" ,tanllna lOn ces, c. 4 4 tions. . . 17 15 0 ,,?re~ . . 3 13 L ture Fees and l\lembers' " Pl'llltlll.g and StatlOnery . 2 12 e~ubscriptions. . 7 4 0 "MedallIons 2 0 Sale of Books, Badges, &c. 3 18 2 "Rent ~f hed Messrs. Potter & Crund" DonatlOns Schools for well. . . 1 1 0 Cas and :Blnng. . 1 1 Fonr Silver Medallions 1 0 0 ,,:JIes rs. Potter & ,CrundInterest to N OY., 1900 0 14 6 well for Lawy ers Agreement 1 1 0 " Postagc, Bill Posting, &c. o 18 10 o 11 9 " Repairs undry small Account o 11 11 " Insurance o 5 0



II'. Hugh F. ~aland, L.R.C.P., L.n.c ... , Edm., L... A., Lond.





£96 13



Ohairman of Committee. 'V. R. ,V OIt.'AM, T'reaSll?·er. A. ",VIN;;LADR, Hon. Sec1·eta1·Y.


annual cour c of lectures for men in fir t aid was given as usual during the winter by Drs. S. G. loman and H. F. Ealand, when there wa a fair attendance of new members. The result of the examination being that 19 l1cceeded in passing: viz ., 7 th eir first, 4 their re-examiuation, and their final, for the medallion. D!'. Sloman again gave courses in first aid and nul' ing for laJies, the result of thei!' examination being that 8 passed in first aid, 3 their re-examination, 2 in nursing, and 7 their final for the medallion. The sel'vicell of the member have again been in great request, no less than 2 cases having becn recordeu as against 72 for the previous year. The ambulance van has been in great demand, haying conveyed <18 cases a distance of 422 miles, two of the ca es, yiz. olle to L eatherhcad, anu one to l field, Sussex, occupying two days. We regret to record the 10 s of a member of the Committee by the death of Dr. J. A. Lorimer, who was thrown from his trap and sustained a fracture of the base of the skull. The members of the Corp were very smart in turning out to his assistance, heing on the scene of the accident with the van, a distance of two miles, within half-an-hour of message. Thi was due in a measure to an important addition to our equipment, the Committee having pur· chased a private telephone wire between the hOllses of the two chief officers, one of whom being connected with the National Telephone Co., we are therefore able to call up members in each part of the town. Th e annual distribution of ccrtificates and medallions took place at a dinner (the first it is hoped of a series) at the Bush Hotel, presided oyer by Dr. S. G. loman, many of the principal residents being present. The voluntary work of the members being very highly spoken of by all speakers, especially by Dr. C. E. Lanner, who proposed the toast of the evening. The members took advantage of the gathering to present Dr. Sloman with a silver-mounted Winchester bread platter, and silver book marker to match, as a small recognition of his services to the Centre.

£69 17 5 22 15 0 4 0 11

" Balance in bank " Balance in hand





No. or WOlllell


who have who have completed received a course of Ccrtificates. Instructioll. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. I


No. of Certificated wlto have who have Pupils who have completed a received received cour'e of }Iedallions. Certi fi cates. instructiou. lst Aill. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.






















The Right HOll. Lord Harris.






Captain C. Hooper. Mr.


lI o nol'a)'y 8c-cl·elnr-y .

Treas urCl·.

'V.E . Rigden .

Dr. Alexander, GatcHeld Honse, Fa\'ersham .

Formed 1881.

iUc tli c nl Slalr.

11'. S. R. Alexander,

PJ'csi(ICII t aJul Chail'llt:lJI.

MI'. C. M. Al1Ller on, ~LD., O.M. Mr. C. J . Evers, M.D.

:M. D .

Mr. J. 1'.I. Collett. UOll Ol'at·y

AN UAL REPORT. Ix Favcrllilm 11 class in first aid was held, resulting in 15 men galDlDg certificates, amI 2 meuallions. A large class \\".tS held at Doddington, 34 mcn baainiuClb certificates in first aid, many of whom have now fOl'moo a local Division of the St. John Am bulance Brigade.

Statellumt of Receipts and E xpenditl0'C fl'oln Jl~ly 1st, 1900, to Jmw 30th, 1901. Expenditu1·e. Receipts. By Balance from last year T o Subscriptions 13 9 0 £8 9 11 Head Ollice for Fee and Borough Technical Edu" Inciclen tal Expen ses " catioll Committee 10 0 0 7 5 10 Class Fees 1 2 0 Printing, " Advertising, " Amount received for Postage, and S tatiol1cry :, 311 6 o1 6 Books, &c. ervice rendered . . 1 2 6 Balance from , Cash "" .. tores purchased 4 16 2 4 10 3 Presentations to Lecturer Doddingitm Class 5 5 0 " un(lries 0 7 6 " Hire of Stores, &c., to o 10 0 " Doddington Class 0 8 8 " Balance due to Treas.


itlr. T. W. Wilson, Dean's Walk. .l ssi s t a nt SCCl'e tal'Y.

l\Ir. J.!. G. Matty, 2, H ethers ·tt Roa(L .U c (li c al S talT.

Mr. G. Wayland Ancrum,

~Ll3., L. n.G.l'., • Mr. J. R. Bib1y, l\LB., Edin. Mt'. G. A. Boodle, )Ln.C.S. nIt'. J. Oampbell, ~I.D., )Lll.C.S., L.JU'.l'.

Edin .




£30 18 5

Sloc/.; Account. 1901. Jun e3 0th.-Yalue of Stock £1 17 5 sold £3 7 11 5 8 0 o 10 0 II "u ed up 3 7 6 , , "in haml

1900. July 1st- Value of Stock in hand " added






5 5

I have examined the above Accounts, and the Vouchers relating thereto, and fi nd them coneet, Jt~ly 22ncl, 1901. FHA~l;: OUOSOER. ISSUE OF CERTIF ICATES AND MED ALLIONS. No. of Women

N o. of Men who have completed a course of

who have received Certificates.


lat Aid.


I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I KUl'silig. 22





who have completed a COUl'se of instruction. 1st Aid.

who have received Certificates.

I Nursing.

lst Air!..


I Nur~in~. 118

Xo. of Certificated Pupils who have received ')fedallioDs. ~1."I.






I Women,


Sccr c lal'Y :tlltl 'fre a s ure )'.




Gr05venor, :\I.D., L.R.O.P. 111'. 'V. R. Hatlwen, l\1.D.) :\I.n.o. .·. 1111'. W. R. Hodges, l\I.It.C.I:; . L.R.C.P., D.P.H., Cantab. lIIr. A. E . Price, )I.R. O.S., l\1.D. M. lLO.S.,


the past year J male fit'!:it aid, 3 fem1.1e first aid, al1Ll1 female nursing classes have been held, 97 males, and 92 females haying attend cu. Of this number, 165 presenteu themselves for examination, and 11 0 passed. At the Forester's High Court F ete lately held in Gloucester, the Oentre was represented 011 the Demonstration Committee by the two secretaries, who were responsible fol' all ambulance arrangements both ill the procession and at the fete . The various classes responded well to the in vitation to a i t in making a good show, the nlidland Railway Goods Department having a tableau reprcsenting a miniature hospital in "'orking order. The Corporation cIa had on a large trolly a capital representatioll of the good Samaritan, and the t . Peter's class (C heltenham) brought a cycle section with litter mounted on bicycle. Other cla e~ were distributed throughout the procession with tretchers allJ appliances in onler to be in readiness in case of ac(;ident, thongh happily none occuned on the somewhat lellgthy route. Twelve men with an ambulance tent were present on the grollnd ciming the fete where they attended to 15 cases. At the Ohurch Parade of the Glouce tel' Friendly and Trades Societies, the am bulallce classes \\'ere well repre ell teu . Two men have been sen t to every football match on the Kingsholm Ground, 13 accidents being attended during the season. The total number of cases reporteu to the secretary as having been clealt with dUl'ing the year i. 67. At the Challenge hield Competition held at thc Baths in D ecember, 5 teams competed, Surgeon-Major Hutton lJeillg judge. The police were the ,,,inners with 590 marks out of a I)ossible 600 , being followed hy the Great Western , No. , 2 555 ,' St. Oatharine's, 550 " Corporation , 540', and Matthews Limited ) 465 . Arrancreb ments are being made fol' all ontLloor competition open to the county to be held next year in addition to the '}lield Competition .




No. of Women

wh o have who have who have complcted a completed received COUl"C of a conI' e of Certificate. instrdc·tiol1. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. TNnrsillf:!;. 1st Aill. I Nursing. r ~CE

Not known.





No. of Cerlificate d Pupils who hav e received 111edallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st A irl. I Nursing.


~I e n.

I Wome n.


o account having been I'cpt by previons Secretary. IN E IsT OCTOIJEIl, 1900. 63









as aiven by the Vice· President, followed by a very excellent demonstration address w' .1 b I d '1 Vl.'lOnS, . . . 1U~lllg ,1' I ales, d' .1 nllrsincr by teams from bot 1 mc coas t guar d of fi rst a lu anu b . . . . ·j·t. police fire bricrades postmen, all'l clvtilans. An ambulance carna[.!e, meo, JDl 1 alY, , b'. . . . uhscl'i[1tions cratbered III dlUIllg the past three years, was exhibited for b ., . purc Ilase d by S the first time. It has a~ready proved Its utIlIty. St(ttemen! oj Poecdpts and E .'penditu,'e jor the yew' 1900·190l. R eceipts. To Subscriptions & Donations £14 18 Sale of Stores ' . . 4 " Balance of Class l'eceipLs" GOSI)ort & Alvei'· . stoke Dlvs. . 12 19 6 Fareham Div.. 1 15 6 14 15 Grant for three clas .. es from " Local Technical Committee12 1~ Grant by Oounty COllllcil to " the Fareham Division . 5 7


£52 Balance, Oct. 1st, 1900

0 26 14

Formed 1 99. (From 1

2 to 1899 a Di"isioll of Port 'mouth Centre). Pl'cl'> ill c nt.

General H.R.H. the Duke of ConnLLught LLIlLl

trathearn, K.G.

( 'tan i1'JUII n.

Surgeon·Major E. J . Hunter, A . ~LD., L.R.C.P., F.r...I.p.rL )[01101'111'), Scc r c t ln y .


I nspector.General Henry C. IYoorls, c.v.o., ~LD. l'LX., K.If.P.

0 0


o o 0

Expenditure. By Head-quarters chargesEX<l.1lliner's Fee for six classes £6 6 0 Travelling expns. 1 12 10 'F ee for 7 classes 3 13 6£

"Head'quarters, for tores " Printing, Ad vertising, StatiQl,ery and Postage. " Ex pen 'es of Anllual Demonstratiou " ' undries . "Lecturer's Fee, to Dr. Kyffin, Leeslalld's 'Women's Class . " To Dr. , \'ood , p..~., and Dr. K J. Hunter, and transferre(i hy their request to the Gosport fwd Al vel'stoke Ambulance Carriage Fuud




1 13 1 10









Total expenditurli 40 0 Balance 37 14 Gosport & AlveI" stoke Div. 16 4 Fareham Div.. 12 6 0 Centre Fund 9 3 7

5 3

£77 14


£77 14

Tre a Sllre I' IUlIl ·tor c k cep c l'.

116 12 1

Mr. W. M. Clay, Anglesey Lodge, AlveI' toke. HEXl~Y EDWIN'

C. "'OOD, Vice·President. Jou:\' HUNTEH, Chai,·man. " ' . M. LAY, r£oll. Tl'eaS1b1'e1·.

iU c cllc nl S tall'.

Surg.·Capt. H. Darville Brook, L.Pe.C.P. Mr. H ugh Case, L . ll.C.P. Stll'geon.M:ajor E. J . Hnnter, L . R. C.P. Surgeon.Oaptain J . Kyffin, M. R. c . . . ,

I'll1'. Peal'll.

NovclI~be ,.

13th, 1901.

Mr. Priestley, :'1[, D. Ill. pector-General II. O. IYoods, ('.v.o., M.D., l~.X., K.n.p.



L.R.C.I'. &L.S.A . ,

N o. of WOlllen

;:... o. of Men

ANNUAL REPORT. T HE Committee has great pleasure in reporting a most satisfactory year's \l'ork. Nine first aid classes were held. T he officers anrl men of His ~rajesty's Yacht Victoria and Albei·t had the great honour of receiving their medallions and certificates at the hands of H er Most Gracious Majesty Queen Alexandra on hoard the yacht, hearing most gmtifying te~timony to the strong interest taken by Her Majesty ill the work of the Association. At a meeting held in the Thorugate HcLll, Gosport, in June, the remainder of the certificates were presenteu by the HOll. Ml'. Bligh, of Fareham, when a short

who have who have who have ('olilpleted a completed receiveLl course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aicl. I Nursin/r. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing.






16 I



SrxCE 19




who hnve received Certificates. htAid.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have l'ereived Medallion .

I Women.

I Nursing. Men.

oIi: X'l'ltLi;. ;37

SINCE 1 '1' OCTOBER, 1900. I 45 66









Formed 1898.

Formed 1896.

I»res ill ent • .Mr. E • .M. Mundy.

]'}·es ltIc llt.


The Right Hon. Lord Olaud J. Hamilton .

D e pnty ('h n il·mnn.

Ur, Geo. Spencer.

Captain Walker.

UOUOI':U'Y Secl'e t:u·y.

Mr. T. O. Mei n, Loco' Department, G. E. Ry., Stratford, E.

Trea s urer. Mr. 'Ym. Fletchc:r.

IIOJlOl'Hl'Y Surgcon.

M 1'.

UOJlOrSlry Sccr c t:u·y•

.Mr. J . Herbert, 3, Bennerley Street, Ilkeston. .Mr. Arthur Dobson, :\LR.C. '., L.R.C.P. REPORT.

T HE 23 nursing certificates were obtained by member.' of the Ambulance Brigade after a three m.onths' COUl' e of iustl'llctioll by thE hon. snrgeon, Dr. Dobson' man~ m~re of the. members .attended at different times, 30 in all qualified fOl: examlllatlOn but fmled to put Jll an appearan ce before the examiner. The first aid class \fas held with a view of prepariu 0a new llHlIlJ bel' for the Bricrade ' 1 d • 0 , l passe , one faIled . ,Ve hope to be more succes. ful in the near future, much useful work has been done during the year in attending the injured.

Statenwnt of Receipts and Expe/~ditn1'e for the year ending Septembm' 30th 1901. Receipts. EJ1)c/~ditn1'C. ' To St~res.fro~ St. John's Gate £4 19 10 By Received by 'ecretary for " EXallllt;tatlOl1S 3 0 General Expenses . £4 4 0 "MedallIons.. 1 19 6 "for .Medallions 1 19 6 " Old S~ock wntten off 0 10 0 "Stores 4 15 10 " Cash III hand 0 2 0 £10 19


£10 19 4

,V. E. ,)TALKER, per A. J . WALKER, D eputy Ohair man. J . HERBERT, Han. SeCl'cta1·Y. Audited and found correct, J. AUSTIK.

Mr. J. J. Dickinson :Mr. G. Ell iston Mr. S. Evans Mr. F. D. Grayson Mr. K. Gimsoll Mr. J. S. Hinnell :1[1'. A. O. Ingle Mr. O. Jackson

AN.r U AL REPORT. work of this Ocntre dming the year has been actively carried on, 13 clas es having been held for servants of the +.E.R. 00., two of which were held at stations where no ambulance clase::; had pl'cviou ly been conducted. The aunual G.E.B . Competition \"as again a success, 17 teams com peting, and the Ohallenge Oup giyen by the director of the com rany was WOll by the Oolcbe tel' team, consisting of nre srs. W. D. Green, A. OhatfielJ, B. Burn , E. 'Y. Boyden, anrl O. Grooves, who represented the co mpany in the Inter-Railway Competition for the Ohallenge hield presented by the As ·o~ iation. Thi team ecnred fourth place . The Ohairman, Directors, and chief ofticer::> of the company continue to take great interest in the Centre, aUlI by doing so assist materially the good work \\'hich the Oentre i ' doing.




who have received Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

1st Aid. I Nursing. . "ren.












I Women

who have who have who have completed received completed a a course of Certificates. course of instruction. instruction. !tiL Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid Nnrsing' 1st Aiel. I Nuraing.



who have recei\'cd Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

No .of Certificatt.d Pupils whnltave recei\'ed .M euallions. Men.



31 SINCE Il;T OCTOBElt, 1900.

SINc r.; l:ST OCTOBER, 1900.


No. of Women



52 18



No. of Men

No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. illstrnction. instJ'Uption . IRt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

~Ir. A. H. Langridge Mr. O. Low Mr. C. ~Iallsell Mr. R. J. ~Iil1s ~lr. J. E. Mol on 1\11'. T. H . ':'loxon ':'11'. O. P. O'Oonnor nil'. J. O. R. Richardson nil'. 'r. Richardson :Mr. R. J. Roberts l\Ir. J . H. I mith Mr. J. F. Taylor 1\11'. T. Taylor 1\11'. A. "\'h·ight.

Mr. Adams Mr. J. Ashton Mr. J . Becker Mr. Belding Mr. A. J . Boyd Mr. Beswick MI'. O. H. Oonolly


~r. D.


JlclUcal S talf.

JIe lUc n 1 S taff.










I Women.






Formed 1896. Pl·cslclcnt.

H.R.H. the Prince 1\11'.

'Y. H .


Sce l·c htry .

launder, Pacluingtoll Terminus.



1\11'. 1\11'. 1\1r. Mr. [r. Mr. 1\11'. 1\1r. Mr. Mr. MI'. 1\11'. l\Ir. .M 1'. 1\1r. 1\11'. 1\11'. ilI1'. :M r. Ml'. MI'. 1\11'. )[1'. MI'. 11'. 1\11'. Mr. )[1'. l\ll'. iiII'. 1\11'. iiII'. 1\11'. II'. 1\ll'. 1\11'. 1\1r. 1\[r. Mr. Mr. ~[l'.

1\1r. MI'. 1\11'. 1\1r. 1\11'. 1\1;-. Mr. Mr 1\11'. M1'.

No. of Men



who have rOlllplete(1 a COllrse of illstrllctloll.

who have re('eiveil Certilitatcs.

who have completed a COUl' e of instruction. ~. 1 NlI"ill" 1st Aid. I Nllrsil1l,(. I st Ale. I ' o'

received Certificates.


1~1t AI<. I . I •" IIr-IIlg. '


who have

No. of Certificatedo Pnpils who l1ave recei ved lIIedallions.

I If't A'1<., I I Nnrsing. 1I1ell. I WOII,en

81:-:c10: F()I:~IATIO:S OF OKKTIlE.

lUe elie ni S taff.

.Mr . J . L. Atkinson 1\11'. C. J. Bennett Mr. D ll Boulay 1\11'. Bri coe .M1'. Bulgar Ur. Mc. D . L . Campbell Ur. W. H . Clark Mr. Philips Conn l\Ir. Cooper 1\11'. COl' ben .Mr. ' V. J . Corrigan 1\11'. J . Kynaston Couch Mr . N. Culli nan Mr . J . E. H. Davies 1\11'. Ll. Davies 1\Ir. S. Davis 1\11'. H. F . Devis 1\11'. 1'. 1\1. Donoyan 1\11'. W . R. E dmond 1\11'. W. Edmon ton 1\Ir. F. C. G. Ellerton 1\11'. E. Elliott 1\11'. O. C. P . Evan 1\11'. R. D. Evans 1\11'. W. Fairbauk 1\11'. 1\1ark 'Farrant, J nm. 1\11'. E. Forsyth 1\11'. L . A. Francis Mr. J. C. Freeborn 1\11'. A . L . Fnller 1\11'. H . Grim bly 1\11'. W. Hammond 1\1r. A. H. Hardwick Mr. R. W. Haslett 1\11'. W . R. H adwen 1\1r. J. 1\1e. H arrison 1\11'. W . H odges Mr. T. H opkins 1\11'. H. L . H nghes M1'. G. W . H utchinson 1\11'. Jacob 1\11'. G. H. Johnson 1\11'. J. P. John:lon 1\11'. G. E. Jones Mr. J. Arnallt Jones 1\11'. T. O. Jones Mr. W. Kirkpatrick .Mr. H. A. Latimer M r. Fawson Lee 1\11'. W . W . Leigh Mr. J. H. L illey

No , of WOll1en

Limbrick C. R. LUll n Lytle _.-\" G. MeKenzie Mattiu H. Mason W. J. l\la '011 )lcDonald F. L. Milburn Milner Eu win 1\1orton J. W. 1\1ulligan W. E. C. Murphy .M u !Tell J. F. NeYille F . E. Paton Pegge . Pollard J osbua Powcll '. Price W. E. Price D. A. Reiel \ \'. Ll. Hhy E. ]{iclJard~ D. T. Rieharu, P. A. l{oclen E. P. atchell G. O. earle H. C. Sharp W. "alisbul'Y- harpe Walpole immolls J . W. lllith J . O. Sullivan T, D. Sulliyan Cal'lylc utton G. R. winhoe 'Y. Taylor E. Thomas 11. H. Thomas W. L , Tll0!l1af-: 'V. Vernon R. Wade E. H. ,Yarner W. H. Webber S. T. Darby Weston W. M. Whitehouse E. ,Yilliams E. B. Williams E. R. Williams \\T. B, Winckworth J . W. ,Vyncoll

2810 414


I 2625 '[ .C"~ 1ST




OCTOngH, 1900.




GRIMSBY CENTRE. Formed 1881. l'l'c,ij ld c nt .

The Right Hon. the Earl of Yarborough, ( 'halrnll1n .

Mr. E. Bannist<:!l', 1'rc n sUI'r l' ntlel Ifollol'nry Sccr c tnry •

Mr. J . Morley Dennis, 45, Victoria

treet, Grimsby.

AN UAL REPORT. THE CommitLee haye pleasure in l'epol'tiug that during the past year clas es bavebeen held, consisting ot' members of the Dorough Poli<:e Force, and of the Borough Fire Brigade respectively, who were ill 'trllcted b.~' Dr. Bruce; also of. Great Central Raibray police, guarll , and portcl's, .who were 111 tructed by. Dr. Impson. A a result of the examinations held rlul'lng the year by Dr '. MIlburn, Goodman, amI ,Vaters no Ie , than 72 candiclates ecureu certificates in first aid, out of 0 who hall completed a COl1l"e of instruction. A very unusual accident happeueu in Grimsb.\·~ whichstartlecl th' iuhahitants (;on;;iueralJly, on the 2nd of February, 1901, a day eyer to be remembered a, the Fnneral of Qneen Yictoria. A soldier nn-med Anthony Stovin, of the Roy"l Engineer~, who, after being ,ixteen years in the Army, allll ~cl'ving five year in ollth AJriea, without ev~n receiving a ;;cratcb, ha~l the four finacl's of his left band blown off hy the ex plo 1011 of a pom'pom shell, wluch he bad picked up after one of the engagemellts in which he took part, B:nd ·" ,hich he ".~ exhibitilJg to hi, friends. Fil':t aid wa efficiently renuered to h1ll1, as also to IllS mother, by two of the recently trained Borough Police. The mother recov~red, bnt the soldier, after lingering evcral llays, died in the ho pitaJ. The applIances at the six street ambulance station' continue to be ll 'eful.

Statenwnt oj Receipts and E;I:PCHclitllJ'ejoJ' the ycct/" ending September 30th, 1901. Receipt. E,llJenditure. ToBalance in hanuon cpt, 30th 1900 . . . £7 3 2 "Contributions and allowance received during the year . 3 4 11 " Stores, etc. . . 10 12 7 " Examination Fee , etc. 3 16 6

£2'* 17

By 'tores, ~tc. .£10 12 i "Co. t of Examinations 3 16 6 " Printing and other Sundry Expenses . . 0 18 10 "Balance re erved for Maintenul1ce of Centre, and ix treetAmhulance tations, as under:On Deposit at Lincolu Bank 5 0 0 I n hands of Hon. ecretary 4 9 3 £24 17



Examined, compareu \\'ith the Yonchers, and fonnd correct,

C. E. Octobe1' 18th, 1901.





Gh ai!'111 an. , Hon. S ec1'ctCl7"yand TJ'easw·e1".



126 N . B .-At the close of the the Corporation of Grilllsby amount to the H ead Oftice tl~is Centre, and the amOUD t dIscharged.

linanci:ll )Ie-fir, ept. 30th, 1901, £7 lOs. was ow · to thi Centre, and this Centre was OWillO' th lUg by in London which amount has since been l~cei e ~lbe due by this Centre to the Head Office has hee~ed IY

No. of lIIen



- T


who hav e who have who have rompl cted a cnmnleGtl:! l'ereived COllI' e of <l course of Certificates. ill strllcti Oil. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursin~. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing'.

32 72

wllO have received Certi 11cates.



NO . o.t' Certificated P np! Is who have received 1II eelalliollS.

h;t Aid I N ursi ng. · ~lII;--e-n.---'I-W-o-m-eD-.

SINCE FOll}\L\.TION OF OENTltE. I 112 I 21 I 65 SINCE 1:;:1' OC1'onEH, 1900.







R esuscitated 1

TIlC Iloll. T. A. Bra!- ·cy .


JU e lli ClIl S tan'.

Tl'Cll S1U'Cl' :uul llono .. :1 .. ,}' i"i e cl'c ' :1l'Y.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

treet, Guernsey .

111 Nli c :11 S tntI'.

Mr. Francis E. Carey, M.R. C., ., L.:lI., L.S . A. lIon . Brigade-Surgeon T. H. ,M r. O. J'Auvergne Collings, M.D., :If.n.c.s. Thornhill, M . B. 1I1r. Ernest L . Robinson, L. R.C .P. , Lond.) M. lt.C.S. Statement of Receipts and E ,l'llcnclitul'c, 1900-1901. . Rccdpts. E xpencl it II 1·C. T o LadIeS Olass Fees £10 5 0 By Balallcr due to'l'rea urer "Men's do . 6 3 0 f1'ol11 la t year £1 5 " Ad vel'tisillg 1 4 :, Boys as UOtlels o 18 " Porterage o 0 " Postages o 3 " Hire ofH.oom , & Caretakers 1 11 2 2 " Lecturers' Fees . " :'IledalliOI1 Exam. Feee 2 2 " Head Olllce, Lond.-Examiners' Fee 4 4 2 2 I llcidental Expenses Premiulll on £10 10 . Brit. o lO

nIl'. Andrew nIl1l'ray. 4 10 4

5 0

0 0 0 0


£16 8 0 L E CocQ, T 1'cCtSurentncl Ilon. Secreta1·Y.

Examined and app'ov~d, MARY



Secr e tary .

Mr. George Locke. -17, \Yellington "(lnare, Hasting. lle all-Quart c l" :

The Bras ey Institute, Claremont, Hasting .

£16 4 1 Balance ill Treasmel"s hands 0 3 11


:Jlr. H. R. :J[an 'ell :JII'. F . \Y. n. . outh Mr. A . Mo . man :'Ill'. A. H. H. Hnckle Mr. F. F . .i\loore

O. E. Higgens IV. F. Lo\'e11 George Loeke Otho Traver F. B. Lewis Tl' e a~lll· C ) · .


27th, 1901.


I' t ·(' 1'0 hlc u t.

ir T. G. Carey (Bailiff ).


149 37 23 46 345 I 347 SINUE 1ST OCTOBEIl., 1900. 45 I I 39_~_ _~_2_...!--_8_

FOl'lnetl 1

Major-General M . H. "awanl (Lieut. -Governor).


I Women:


l'l'es hlellt.

M a1'ch 22ncl, 1901.



Formed 1 81.


Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have received :Medallions .



£ 16

who have received Cerii[icates.

who have completed jl1~truction. a course of instrllctio ll ._ . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1s t Aid. I Nursing. st .A id. I NLU'sin~. lst Aid. I NUl's11lg. , -, SINOE FOH:lIA1'IO:>f OF OE~ fIlE.


Mr. 3ausmarez Le Cocq, 11, Union

who have cOlllpletetl a eOlln;f!l of

who have received Certificates .


:;;roo of Wom en

No. of Men





A NUAL REPORT. TIlE report for the Session 1900-1901 shows a falling-off in the number of the pupils taurrht and certificates bcrainetl. The nmmer has l)rOvetl to be not confined to work o and study; however. this is being remedied at the pre ent moment, for there are classes in acti ve work in connection with both of these services, still there have been taucrht durincr the session a total of] 31 per ons in nursing and b b first aiel, so that we are not ashamed of thc amount of work accomplished. Financially the Association still pays its way, and the only debt we have to face is a diffi cult one to pay--viz., the debt of gratitude \\'e owe to our subscribers, to our Oommittee, and last, but not lenst, to our medical men, wh o come t o our aid in giving lectures so freely and ably . Thanks are again due to M iss E. Rowe L ewis for




.a contribution of £ 2 from Hollington, to the HOll. 1111's. Egerton, Mrs. Harkness Mr~. W oodruffe, for their oft-rcpeated dona tiol1s.

It is with feelings of the deepes~ orrow that the Committee have ~o record the ~vere 1.0ss we ha:e sustained during the year in the death of the Cha11'man of the Execnhve CommIttee, Major-General .J oseph Ford Sherer, his "alnable aUll generous care and support for ten years have mainly contributed to the success and maintenance of the work of the Oentre, While his genial temperameut always ,rendered diniculties conspicuous by their absence. .1\11'. H" ' Y. Mitchell (Ohairman of the School Board) has kindly accepted the position of ·Chairman of the Executiyc Committee rendered vacant, and has been appointed to.day by the Committec. Two ca es of first aid have comc to thc notice of the Secretary. ,C. BuffaI'd, in the employ of the Hastings Oorporation, rcceived severe injuries through the falling of some cement, a broken thigh, a broken arm, and several broken ribs . J ames Hope, a pupil of these cIa es, promptly rendered efficient help, and was complimented by the house sUl'f!eon of the hospital, whither the sufferer wa conyeyed. At the cricket match a lady's clothcs were set on fire by a carelessly. .thrown match. lUr. Thoma::. Boucher, who was standing uy, threw her to the ground and with his hands put out the flames, and thus prohably sayed her from severe injury.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditwre, 1900-1901. R eceipts. 13.1' Balance at Bank Subscriptions " Hollington Branch, per " Miss Lewi ,. Class Fees Mle of lIIerlalJions Sale of tore;; ", t. Leonards Oycling Cluh .E. & C. Railway " Ore Olass, pCI' Mr. " .JImray . ~

E:r:penclitw·e. £0 12 2 1

2 6

2 0 12 0 3 7 9 2 1 11 1 15

0 0

1 16




6 0

To Beall OfficeStorcs and General Expense . . £19 12 0 " Ad verti elUell ts . 3 13 7 " ~11'. Ticehnrst, Report o 15 6 " Boy Mollels . 1 2 6 " Paid for ~letlallions . 3 7 6 " Po tage, Telegram, &c .. 1 2 6 "Caret.akcr, Bras ey Institutc . o 12 6 J, Oaretaker, Towll Hall . o 2 6 " Hastillgs Hill Posting Co. 1 1 10 " Balance . 2 16 5

6 10


6 10

Audited and approved, W. P . HAHYEY. R. ,V. MITC'IIELL, Ghcti1'1nan. GEORGE LOCKE, Sec7·etary. ISSUE OF CERTI FICATES AND MEDALLION. No. or Men

No. of WOlllen

who have who have who l,ave cOlllpleted a cOlllpleted received course of a course of Certi ficates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. I 1st Aid. I NurSing.







who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.


] 97

Sr CE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1900. 53 I 42 I 26


No. of Certificated Pupil who have received Medallions. lIIen.

I Women. 138


Formed 1883. )'J'C.

leI c u ••

Vacant . ( 'hair.IlRII .

Captain P. B. Walker, Thol'llhill Lees. Trcn

)(ollol·ary.'ecr c tary •


Major Ohaley Fox, DewsbUl'y.

Mr. Duke Fox, Oalder Bank Milb, Dewsbury. Sccr c tary .

Mr. R. GaLlie, Field Hill, Batley. Li f c )(c m b c J's .

Major Oha1ey Fox MI'. Robert Gallie . Messrs. G. and J: Halg~l .Mr. and Mrs. Allred HIll lIlr. E. T. Ingham Major Parker j\Ir. W. Preston llIr. S. H. Spedding. . Lancashire and Yorkshll'e RaIl way Co. Mr. Oharles Wheatley Birstall Oo-operati ve oci~ty, Lt~1. Heckmondwike Co·operatlve . oClety, LLl. Batley ,Yorking Men's Club. Messrs. J. Oritchley & OilS. MI'. B. Wilson 1111'. S. J . Ohadwick Messrs. Wormalds and ,Vnlker, Lt(l. )l c eU c nl

.Ur. Ambrose Mr. Applegate .Mr. Beattie ~lr . Bennett )11'. Bridgeman Mr. Broughton (Batley) .Mr. Broughton (Heckll1011ch\-ikc) Ml'. Brown Mr. Tennyson Brown Mr. Olay Mr. Eley Mr. Fairclough Mr. Field Mr. Fitton Mr. Forsyth Mr. Fryer Mr. Garrett Mr. Hall Mr. Halliwell Mr. Laird Ra vensthol'pe

Dewsbul'y Pioneer I ndustrial ociety, Limited M1'. Mark Oldroyd, M.P. Mr. Duke Fox Captain P. B. Walker 11'. George Lee Mr. B. Bullock lessrs. Crawshaw and Warburton ~lr. Robert Swan Balden .Mr. C. B. Crawshaw Batley Co-operative Society, L td . r.I1'. W. J. R. Fox, Batley Mes 1'S. M. Sheard & Sons, L td ., Batley Me sr . R. Brearley & Sons, Batley 1111'. J. W. Blackburn, Old Mill, Batley

!'i. a fT. Mr. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'. Mr. Mr. 111 1'. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. MI'. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'.

Laird Lee Ma on Milne Patterson Prior Pritchard R icll arn on Roberts proulle ellars Law ~mith

tewart Stuart Sutherland Th01l1pson Watts ,Yood

AN UAL REPORT. Oommittee re pcctfully pre ents its eighteenth annual rcport. During the year fifteen courses of lectures have been held :-Nine first aid clas e for men; three fir t aid classes for women; three 11tH ing classes for women. These first aiel and nursing chsses have bef1!l attended by 142 men and 129 women, of whom 124 men and III women presented themsel ves for examination, and with the exception of two women, YOl:R



all sncceeded in atisfying the eXl1l1liner. Over and above these, 150 men and 3~ women attended I) rial courscs of lecture for preparing themsel ves for re.exalll· , lna· tion for ,"onchers and medallions. Of this numbcr two men and four women failed to sati fy thc examincrs. From the above wc scc that there hav e been 292 men and 165 women, or n, tobtl of 457, who haye rcccivcd in truction in rendering first aid to the injureu during the year cnuing cptcm bcr 30th. D uring the month of June a mon tcr Coal Mincr ' DemOl}stration was held ill De\\'sbUl'y, \\'hen no less than 0,000 miners ",alkell in procession through the principal strect , accompanied by eighty bands of 111n ic. A nunlber of certificatecl membcrs, along with a batch of thc Divi, iOIl of the Brigade ancl Nursing sisters, were told off to variou stations, to render first aid if neces al'y. All passed oIf well, as only fiftepu ca es of fainting had to be rcported, thanks to thc excellent arrangements made by the :Mayor and Chief ConstaLlc, ince the formation of the Heavy Woollcn District Centre, 5,746 Certificates have been i ned, a \\' ell as 76 medallions, making a grand total of 6,622. The thanks of the officers and Committee are herc tendered to the meuical gentlemen \\'ho have lectured to the several classe<> during the year. It may be of some interest to state that 256 conrse~ of lectures l1ave been gratuitol1sly given by the medical men in the di trict. The num bel' of qualificd practitioners who have willingly taken part is fifty, the whole of whom are, or haye been resident in the area of the Heavy ·Woollen District Centre; amI when we conf!ider that each COlUHC COil ists of at lcast . ix spccial evenings, ,,"e find that the e gentlemen have given 111' no Ic than 1,530 evenings to this charitable object. Cash ACColmtjor the yeai' ending September 30th, 1901. Payments. ReceiZJts. By Books, Bandage" and other To Books, Bandages, and other Stores £26 15 1 -£:24 4 i Store 6 9 0 » MeLlallions . 6 9 0 » :Medallions, 14 15 0 " Annnal Report Ashford Litter 9 13 0 " Advertisements in Allnual " A(l vertising 1 7 6 " Report . Carriage of tores o 15 11 . . 3 10 0 " Po tng'C and Telegrams 1 12 Expenses (cstimated) ,Vest " Riding Police Class 2 10 0 " Caretaker, Industrial Hall . 0 2 6 " 'undrie 0 4 6 Over-payment of tores " (Heckmondwike Colliery) 0 9 5 " ecretary and Oyercharge " returned to De\\'sbury Be-examination Fees and. " Charges 12 0 0 5 8 0 cction ( 111' ing) Head Office Examination Examination Fees (Ne\\' " Fees " Classes) and General Ex· 22 16 4 Head officc Incidental 9 19 0 pcnses " Cbarges 8 12 6 o 10 0 £69 15 6 Bank Charges " N ew Stationery 1 9 0 Accounts still dne from " 13 5 6 33 7 6 " Ashford Litter ectiolls .



£103 outstanc1ing Account,; from former years- £ s. d. £ Liversedge-1898 1 5 7 o 19 4 1899







£103 3 0

s. d. ,1 11 3 0

£5 7 11

CIIALEY Fox, T1·ectS2b1'e1'. Audited and found correct, GEORGE LEE, Oclobe1' 9th, 1901.


No. or Men

who have who have who ~ave completed a comnlaw;! rcr.e.lved course of .1 course of Certlflcate~. in struction. instruction. . . I 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ald. I Nursing. 1st Aid T Nursing.


who have r eceived Certificates.








Aid I

SINCE FOR [A'I'JON OF CENTRE. 47 I 2332 I 674 I 1251 SIlS'CE :::'ST OC'l'OBEU, 1900. i 129 I 50 I 107

No. of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e received 1rJ edallions .



I Wnm PIl.








HEBDEN BRIDGE CENTRE. Formed 18 7. I'l'es icl c ut.

.1111'. D. J . Crossley. T )'c a s 1I1'el'.


l\J 1'. Geo. Hahergham.

Mr, E. J. Crossley, Secretary.

Mr, Albert Hinchlill'c, IIeath Cottagc, Hebden Bridge. A..,,, i s l allt Scc)·c tat·,r.

1\11'. Fred. Hawi;oll,

,Cambridge Street, Hebucn Bridge.

Bra Il(' It S('Cl·cllll'jes.

Hebrlen Bridge-illr. BertholLlJcnkillsoll . ) :M:ytholmroyd-Mr. J. Cros.,land. Eastwood-Mr. G. H. Grccnwood.

Cragg Vale-Mr. Samuel Greenwood, Tonulordell -:'tIro Alfc1. tevenson.

IUc<1ical Stalf.

Mr. nIl'. Mr. Mr.

Russell Cairns. Garnett G. La\\' on. p , M. :MacRobcl't~;, J. Lawson Ru ·sell.

:MI'. 1.11'. :Mr. :Jlr.

J. H. Thompson. ·Willi.e Th om11son . F. tcven ·on . R. Blarkie Wallace.

ANNUAL REPORT. Committee beg to report that during the last session 15 classes have been held under the H ebclcn Bridge Cen tre-viz., 5 classes fol' males in first aid and fOlIT for femal es; 1 class for males in home nursing and 5 for females . The total number of pupils who have completed the course of instruction in first aid is 136 males and 69 females, of whom 103 males and 60 females have rcceived certificates. The total number of pupils who have completed the course of instruction in home nursing is 15 males and 87 females, of whom 12 males and 74 females have received certificates, 34 pupils have passed their first, and 14 their final re-examination, and 8 have received the medallions. The Committee wi 'h to impress upon members the desirability of a much greater number coming forward for their first and final re·examinations, so as t o show that they are retaining that knowledge in ambulance work which has been imparted to them. The Committee takes this opportunity t () T HE




-expre s their appreciation of the valuable services rennered by thc medical staff . lecturing to the classes, and to the cl~ss secretal'ie~ for thcir aid in promoting a~~ arranging the cla es. The thanks of the CommIttee are also due to the Hebdeu Bridge U.D. chool Board for gratuitously allowing the use of school·rooms for lectures and examinations, and for drills and in pections of the Brigade; to Messrs Richard Crabtree and on, the H on. Auditor. ; and to the Trades Demonstratio~ Committee, for kindly pre enting to the As 'ociation eight street ambulance boxes. The ambulance carriage has again been very useful, having been used eighteen times during the year.



To "

" " ,. ,,

£ 1




1 10





E.cpenditu1·c. By tores Purcha. ed . . £36 0 II "Examiner' Fees and In· cidental Expen es . 27 16 "Ambulance arriageHorsing 10 9 0 " Printing, tationery and Advertising 510 ,. Po ·tages, Railway Fare and Sundries . 0 18 ~ " U 'c of Room for Meeting. 0 10 0 "Eastwood Section (One Quarter' II e of School, &c. , 12 '. 5d., less Stores sold -1 . 6tl.) o 7 11 Ambulance " Repairing Stretcher. o 3 0 " Bank Charges o 1 1

7 9

for the yea?' ending 30th S eptembe1', 1901. R eceipts. E xpenditlwe . To Balance in Bank . . £96 2 8 By Uniform Purchased . £74 3 11 "Subscriptions (Eaf:otwood) 28 o o " Printing, Stationery, and 3 12 4 Adverti ina " ,,(Hebden Bridge o 2 0 District) balance 5 16 11 " hertue Book 017 " , , ( alem, un. School) 8 0 0 " Carriage 2 10 0 " Bala 11 ces, , ( Cragg Vale) " 1 1 0 In Bank. £65 9 8 " Donation 1 18 11 " Bank I nterest In hands of "Members of Brigade on Superintenuent account of Uniform 5 3 6 of tores 5 3 6 70 13 2

£148 13


£148 13 0

We have examined the above acconnts of Receipts and Expenuiture with the books and vouchers, and certify the same to be in accordance therewith. R ICHARD Cn,ABTREE & SONS

H ebden Bridge, October 7th, 1901.

(Oharte1'ed Accountants), H on. A1tdit!Yrs.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

No. of Certificated Pupils who ha.ve received Medallions.

I NUIsing. Men. I WOlDen.




I 537



I ] 03


297 I 145 I 24.9 IN CE 1 'T OCTOBEll, 1900. 12 69 I 7 I 60









Pres iclc nt.


MI'. Thomas Popple.

Dr. H. H . J . Hitchon. U edical S tnO".

Mr. Laird. 1\11'. TOlTop. ~Ir. ·White. Mr. C. 'Yisk en .

JILl'. Butterworth. 1111'. Hartley. Mr. Hunt. :Mr. H. F. Jeffery .

)(ou orary ccr e t a r y aU41 Tt· Cll . Ilrcr. Abraham Waddington, 112, Pil worth Road , H eywood.

£81 7 9

Statement oj Receipts and E xp enditure in connf!ction 1lJith the Unifor1lt Fwu},

No. of Women


who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. idt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I N.UIsing. 1st Aid. I Nlirsing.

Statement oj R eceipts and E.l.:penditn1·e (01' yca?' cnding Septcmbel' 30th, 1901. Rcccipts. Balance in band of ec., Hebden Bridge Di '-., t. John Ambulan ce Briga(le £0 Sale of tore and CIa Fees (Ie s sundry mall payment at Centre and 65 Branche) o Bank I nterest Ca h received for use of 5 Ambulance Carriage Balance due to 'ec. £0 1 0 , payahle by Nur ing In titu' 8 15 3 tion --- 8

No. of Men

To " " "

Statcuwnt oj Rcceipts WId E.l.'pcllditnrc jor 1901. Rcceipts. E xpenditu1'e. £-1 0 0 By tores and Examination Balance :2 15 0 Expenses . £5 11 7 Fees from ursing Cla s ~ 10 0 Postage, Telegram, Money First Aid Cla s o 13 6 " Order anu Caretaker's exBooks and Banuages penses 0 15 10 Ca h in Hon. ec. and " Trea urer's hands 311 1 £9 1

H. H. J.

December 6th, 1901.

£9 1



Chairman. Hon. S ec. and Treasw'eJ',

ABlUlI .l.~l 'V.I.DDL GTOX,

I ~o.


of Men

Xo. of Women

No. of Certificated who have who have who have who have Pupils who have cOll1vleted a completed recei\'ed received received (,OUl"e of a course of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.

215 2i


1 1


U3 I 105 I 12 OCToBEn, 1900.






INl'E 1 ' '1'













The Right Mr. Wyatt argent.


Formed 1882.

the Lord Mayor. Sir aville Crossley, Bart. Tl'ea

DCI)uty Chairman.

Pre idcnt.


The Most Honourable the Marquis of Ripon, (Lord High Steward of Hull.)

Mr. H. N. Hamilton Hoare.

Mr. James Thorley.

Re-formed 1888.

K.G . ,


lIouorlH'Y Secrcta ry. ChnirnlllJl.

Mr. A. R. Runclell, 54, Gray's Inn Road, \Y.C.

Col. H. Fawcett Pudsey,

ltlc«licnl Staff.

Mr. Charle Abbott, L.lt.C.P., L.n. c.:>. l\l!'. Reginald Ingram, L . . A. Mr. T. R. Taylor, M.D., B. C., F.Il. C. . , L.n.c.p.

Tl'l'a nrcr.

Mr. Arthur Egginton.


Jlonorary Alulitol's. .:'IIessrs. Hodgson, Harris & Co., Chartered Accountants.

Messrs. , Yo H. Pannell & Co. Statement oj Receipts and E ;t;p cnditul'c jol' the y ea?' cnded Janna?'Y 6th, 1902.

£100 11

£100 11



CERT [FIC A1'ji~

who have completed a COllrse of

JlOlJOl'al'Y Sccrctm·ics.

MI'. C. H.

Mr. A. 'V. Scott, l\1.ILC. S., 139, Beverley Road, Hull.

~Iilbul'D, ~1. B.



1Ilr. W. H. Englaud. Life

Mrs. Walter Bailey Col. B. Hobart, n. A., D. L. Mr. J. French Thompson.

Mr. P. R. Ash, ~r.lt. . . lUI'. D. H. Davy, ~1.R.C.S. Mr. J. Divine, ~r.B. Dr. F. W. Fullerton Dr. Robert Grieve Mr. A. E. Hart, B. A., l\1.B. Mr. S. R. Henson, :\I.R .S. Mr. J. Hollingworth, 111. R. C. " Mr. E. H. Howlett, F.R.C. ' . 111'. A. H. Johnston, l\I.R.C. '. Mr. J. l'lIacNiddel', 111. D.

~lcl1J \)ers .

Messrs. Reckitt & ons, Limited. Messrs. Blundell, pence & Co., Ltd.

:;\11'. C. H. Milburn, l\I. n. 1\1. o. ~rurdoch, L.ll. C.I>, Mr. W. Mmray, ALB. Dr. a B. Poole Mr. J. outter, M.R.C.S. Mr. A. W. Scott, :\LR.C.S. oMr. A. E. proulle, ~.R.C. Dr. Geo. Savege Mr. J. Stothard, M.ll.C.S. II'. W. Stephenson, :\I.R.C. Mr. J. Leith Waters, l\I. D. ~liss





1st Aid.










142 1900. I 8

Pupil ' who have r eceived Medallions.

I NnrRing. "Men. I Women




- - ~o. of Certificated

who have recei \'ed Certificates.

who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of ill~trllctiOIl. instruction. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUfRing. 1st Airl I N1lI'si1lQ.


mith, Bros. & Co.

No. of Women




'YY.\TT AlW",,~~T, Chai7·?ila?t. HA~lILTO T HOAHE, Hon. T1'C(I urcl'. ALFHEll R()JlEHT RU'>llELL, Hon. Sec.

o. of Men


Messrs. Samuel

:tlc«lleal Staff.

J. A. A~H, }A~lclit01'S. H. W. WINTElt, ISSUE OF

Ballkcl·s .

Expenclitll?'C. By Ambuhmee DivisionGeneml Repairs . . £13 2 11 Uniforms 5 13 9 " ursing Diyi ion 4. 7 4 " RelllOyals by Jn valid Tran port Corp 11 16 6 Fir t Ai{l lasse " °E xaminer's F ee, etc. 3 3 0 Text books, bandages, &c. 9 10 5 23 14 0 " Ambnlnnce Boxc: tores for Boxe 21 1 8 "" Printing and Postage 5 1 9

Receipts. To Ambulance Division. £10 0 3 D onations 7 3 5 Members' Sub cril tions 9 19 Instalments for Uniforms Grant from St. John Ambu4 9 3 lance Brigade . " Nursing Division1 4 0 Members' ub criptions " Part paym.ent fer Removals by InvalId Transport Corps 4 6 0 " First Aid Olasses0 17 0 Members' Fees 1 2 Sale of Text Books, &c. 0 8 Sales AmbullJ.nee Boxes. " Sales of Stores for Boxes -! 2 10 " Grant from Hospital Sat. " 48 1 3 Fund





last report 9 classes in first aid for men, 3 first aid for women, and 2 nursing for women have been held, and as a result 136 men and 62 women have received first aid certificates, and 34 women have obtained nursing certificates. In addition 25 men and 22 women have received medallions during the year. A class was also conducted in home hygiene, and all the candidates (7) who presented themselves for examination received certificates. The provision by this Centre of a horse ambulance wagon for this city has been justified. and its usefulness is now well recognized, its services being in constant and increasing demanCl.



136 Gash Account j01" the yea?' ending Septe?nbe?' 30th, 1901. Receipts. Expenditu?"e. By Puhlic Appliances Acc.To Balance in hand. £335 5 2 Ambulance Wagon, Bank 5 4 8 Cash APdliallces, Repairs Sale of Stores, Medallions, an Expcn es .' £169 12 6 " Pocket Certificates, " tores purchased for 33 17 4 Sale and use of Classes, Badges and Bandages Class and Examination including Medallions " Fecs 59 1 o and Badges. . 78 17 4 D onations and Subscrip" Central Office for Ex" t ions 27 19 6 amincl ' Fees, TravelPublic Donation to ling and Incidental " A ppl iances F und and Expcn c s . 77 4 0 Ambulance Hire of " Lecturer's FeeR . . 14 14 0 , Yagoll 6 11 4 "Prin ting, Ad vertising, and tationery . 4 0 " Bank I nterest 9 11 0 " Postage., T elegran1s, N OTE.- T bere are outand Parcels. . 3 2 ll~ standing liabilities of tbe " 'hallenge Trophy ComAssociation amounting to petitioll Expenses . 2 12 6 £5 16s. 10d., and there are " COllnni sion on Collection debts due to the Association of ubscriptions, and amounting to £ 18 16s. 3~d., Sale of Stores. . 2 3 0 anu a stock of Stures on " Victoria Hospitalfor use hand for sale. T here is also of ROOlUS (two years) . 440 a quantity of applianccs on " Spring Bank Orphanage hand for public and class for Boys as Patients purposes. (two years) . 110 " Port of Hull Society for Boy a Patients (two years) . 1 1 0 "Honorarium to Secretary's Clerk . 5 0 0 " Balances in handAt Bank 97 9 7 " Cn h in hands of Sec. anu tores AgeD. ts 5 6 9i

£471 19

£471 19 8


Formed 1887. .-res lcle nt.

:Mr. P. M. Chester.

who have completed a course of instruction. l ~t Aid. I Nursing.

No. ot Women

who have received Certificates. l~t

who have completed a course of instruction.


Aid. I Nnrsing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.













1st Aiel. I Nursing.

Oakwell Oolhery, Ilkeston. Statement oj

SIXCE FORMATION OF UENTHE. 54 I 972 I 548 ! 654 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 0 I 62 I 41 I 44

H ome H ygiene: Men passed, 3 ; women passed, 4.


389 34


Receipts. To Balance as per last account £1 1901. June 14. Medallions . 1





cmel E xpenclitn?'e, 1900-1901. Expe/nclitw·e. 1901. June. By tores, &c. 6 " Postages " Cash ill hand


. £1


o 1 o 19



() '2' 11



P. M . CHESTER, P?·esiclent. T . \V. SMITH, Local Hon. S ee. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES AND

w!Jo have who have who have completed a receiveel completed course of Certiflcaws. a course oC instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ] t Aid. I Nursing. ' Ist Aid I Nursing.




No. of Women


who have received Certificates.

1St Aid I Nursing.

SrXCE FOR)£.\. TIO:s" OF CENT! E. ,11 1:20 51 "l:s"CK 1:;1' OCTOBEr., 1900.




No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallious. Men.






Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

Mr. A. Dobson, M.R.C.S. Mr. H. Potter, M.R.C.S.

T. W. Smith, .

INo. of Certificatedl

who have received Certiflcates.

M e dl e nl Staff.

Honorary Scerctal·Y·

We h aye atiditen tb e accounts for the year ended 30th September, 1901, and certify that, in our opinion, the foregoing statemen t is correct. We have verified. tlw balancc at the bankers. (Signed) HODGsox, HARHIS & Co., ChCt1·teTecl Acco~tntants. Decembe1' 6th, 1901. ISSUE OF CE RTI FICATES A D .\IEDALLIO No. of Men


Formed 1


J>rcs iflcnt.

I Women.

The "W orshipful the Mayor. 186

275 25



(Jhl!. i!"lllltn.

Brigade Surgeon Lt. - Col. Elliston, V. D., Y.M.S.

TI' c mHU'c r nnel

J(ollorary Seer c C:uy .

:Miss Coulcher, Beechholme, I pswich.


13 )I c dl cnl Stu'f.

1\1r. 1\11'. 1\11'. 1I1r.

J\f1'. Eade , L.H.. C.P., L.R.C .S. , Edil1 . Mr. Elliston, M . R. C. S. 1\11'. Fryer, L. R. C. P. J\I1'. Gibb, M.)). Mr. Hos ack, F.R. C.. . , Edin.

Hoyland, lILD., Durham. Pater on, M.B. ,Vard, lIL D. , Vood, lILa.c.s. , L.R.C.p.

Lifc ;U c mbcr s .

Mr. Fryer lVll'. D. Ford Goddard, M.P. Mr. Hossack .Mr. Hoylaml, M.D. 1\11'. F. Nnr~f) Mr. '.V. F. Paul Mr. E. P. RiJley

:Mr. Bartlet, M.D. ~'1r. Berners :Mr. F. T. Cobbold 1\1rs. Coulcher .Miss Coulcher :Th1r. Eades 1\1r. Elliston 11[1'. E. H. Fison


Rl:ceipts. Balance in hand . . Gra u t from Town Council Donations and Sll bs. :illrs. Hunt (subs. ) Mr. F . Turner (subs.) Stores Bxaminations :i\fedallions

£0 20 :L8 1 1 Hi 10 3

fol' the year 1900-1901. E J-1Jcnditu?·e. . 2 5 Ry Reports and Stationery 0 0 " Lecture ROOD1£: &c., for 13 6 Classes 1 0 " Advertisements, Parcels, &c. ] 0 " Badges for Uniform . 16 0 " Competition and I nsurance 6 2 of CUI) and Litters 14 6 " Stores " Examinations " Medallions

£80 14

October 1st, 1901.

Receipts. To Balance from Concert . £66 (1900) 3 Donations . 14 " Officers' Uniforms " From Orwell Works . 22 " Sorial Settlement 13 " "(Concert, & c. ) . From St. John's (Concert) 10 25 " Defi' Cit . • .

10 7~ 19 4~ 14 6 5 10 14 5

4 9



Expenditure. By Messrs. W. Fraser & Co. " " Hebbert's " " Hess . " Telegrams and parcels

£87 15 52 9 16 3



o 4 6 1

£156 16 11

£156 16 11

I certify the above account to be correct.

ANKUAL REPORT. THE work has gone on and. increased, and. over £360 has passed through the Secretary's hands this ),e:1r. This is greatly because Association and Brigade work together here, and so the uniform of the I pswich Corps has been all paid for through the Centre. The Hon. Secretary of the Centre was also asked to present the new Ea t Anglian ChallEmge Cu p at the first com petition. A very successful fete was held on Whit-Monday, and the £34 gained. is to be the nucleus of the H ead-quarters' Fund, a head-quarters being now an urgent necessity. There have been quite 200 cases of fir t aid rendered and removals, and the horse ambulance carriage has certainly travelled 300 miles. To Messrs. C. W. Gooderham and Ide belong)he credit of ha,ing saved life. A man with compound fracture of the femur would have bled to death before reaching the hospital. The crowd tri ed to give brandy, and was thoroughly angry with the ambulance men for refusing to allow it, and to use the cab which had been sent for. The men rendered first aid until the arrival of the ambulance carriage and of the doctor, Dr. Eades, for whom they had at once sent, and he testified at once to their having saved the man's life.

To " " " " " " "

Unifonn F'und.


F. EDGAlt MAYHEW, A.C.A., Han. Audita?'. G,:u. '. ELLI'TOX, Ohairman.



. Kl

'G .

:MARY C. COULCHER, Bon. Seaetary.


Receipts. To Donations 'ale of Tickets and Gate. :: Advts. and Tenders

£5 0 93 19 17 6



0 6 6

Expenditure. . £10 By Ground 41 " EntertH.inments, &c. 30 " Advertising, Carting, &c. 34 " Balance in hand

8 6 9 2






0 0 8

I certify the above account to be correct.

October 1st, 1901.


F. EDGAR MAYHEW, A..C.A ., Han. Audita?'. GEO. S. ELLl TON, Ohai?"'Inan. W. . KING. MARY C. COULCHER, Hon. Secretary.

£8 10 6 19 5 1 1 0 7 19 15 7

Pa1'k LtUe,.,· Account.

Receipts. To Donations .

. £2

3 16 6 14 5 B 10 6 2

1 certify thc auove statement to be correct. F. EDGAH. MAYHEW, A. C. A ., Han. Auditor. GEO. S. ELLISTON, Ohair man. W . S. EADES. MARY C. COULCllER, Han . Sec7"(Jtary.



Expenditure. By Deficit of last year



o 17 2 18

6 9

£3 16



Account closed .

314 6

£80 14 7


Hone Ambulance Oa?"1'iage. R eceivts. Balance in hand Donations for Cases

Expenditure. . £2

3 1 12

9 6

£3 16


By Insumnce " Balance

GEO . S. ELL I TON, Cha.iT?nan. W . S. KI 'G. !ll ARY C. COULCHER, H an. S ecl·eta?·y.




139 f whom WOl.e su ecessful , 1 6 of these gaining their medallions. The Committee o . bl t "an17e for one class that at Wellow, to he held under the grant 'erc only a e 0 all b ' . h b' " h O t . by the Technical Education Committee, owmg to t ere emg lade to teen I e . d fl' h n b h th r tho usual annual grant of £30 would be made, mstea 0 W nc some dou t we e . . C 'tt h 10 ultimately was made. The Techmcal EducatlOn omml ee ave a O'ran t 0 f on I y £ . . 1 h f o . ' tel' promised a grant of £20, on their apnrovmg t 1e sc erne 0 for the oOIDmg W1l1 ~ . 1 '11 en<lble the Committee to arrange some of the Village c asses classes an d th IS WI '11 b ' b ked for It is however hoped that the usual £30 grant WI e . " . h f h which have een as ' time The waC/on belonging to the Centre, and III the c arge 0 t e I e. b • rene wed anO tl1 · 's I'on of the St • John Ambulance Brigade, has been out twenty times Newpor t DIV1 h 1 31 t 1900 to July 31st 1901 and its comfort and usefulness aTe muc from J u Y S , ' " . , 11 . t d by those who employ it. The thanks of the CommIttee are glven to a apprCCla e . h the Lecturers, and also to the local Hon. Secretaries, and others who help w Ith t e

No. of Men

who have who have who have completed a received com pleted course of Certificates. a co urse of in trl1ction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NursiD!/. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




546 72


No. of Women

K o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have rereived Certificates.


1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE FOLUIA'l ION OF CJ!: THE. 43 444 I 609 i 301 SIN CE 1ST OCTOBER , 1900. I 33 I


I WomeD:







different classes.

StatclIwnt oj Receipts and E.cpenclit1&re, HJOO-1901. Rtceipts. Expendit1we. To Ualanee at Bank, Wagon Ace. £6 4 11 General" 24 11 9 - - - £ 3 0 16 35 4 " From Classes



" H.R.H. The Prin ce s Chri~tian. TrcaUI·Cl·.

.111'. Hugh " 'yeth. JlonOl':ll'Y Sccl·c lal'l es .

Miss E. A. Evelegh, ShidtJ Vie\y, Ayondale Road, N ewport.

1\[r. A. ' Yo Drew, ,Volverton ,



Subscriptions to Centre : Lord Al verstono £1 1 0 Miss Olarke 0 5 0 0 2 6 Miss Feneran Miss Mortimer 0 10 0 Miss Evelegh 0 5 0 Lady IsabolAtherley 0 10 o Mr. A. ' Y. Drew. 0 5 o Mr. H. Wyeth 0 5 o Messrs.B. W. MolV, Langton&Co.,LtJ.l 1 0

" Oounty Council Grant

Jlcfllcnl Staff.

Mr. A. Banks, F.R.C.S. Mr. H. M. Barktlr, M.D., L.R.C.P., M. R.C .S. Mr. G. A. Barr, L.R.C.l'. , M. R. C.S. :Mr. V. J. Blake, M.B., B.S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. lUr. J. G. Breretun, L.R.C.l'.I., L. R. C.S.I., L. M. Mr. C. G. Brodie, F.R. C.S., L.R.C. P. Mr. J. Cowper, )LB., C.M . Edin. Mr. H. 'Y. Ewen, M.R.C.S., L. . A . Mr. G. G. Flemyng, :>I.D., B.S., Dub.

lUI'. H. W. Godfrey, M.B., C. M., ltL R.C... , MI'. ' Y. E. Green, M. R.C.S., L.S.A. Mr. J. Groves, B.A., M . B ., L.R.C.p.~ Mr. A. Hollis, M.D., C.M. ,M.ll.C. S. Mr. 'Y. J. Jolliffe, L.R. C. P., M.R.C.S. 1111'. S. Nockolds, L.R.C.p., L.R.C.S.,


4 . 10



£ 0




£0 5 By I nsurance 16 15 " Head Offi ce Stores " " Examination Fees 19 14 o 18 " Printing and Advertising. 1 6 "Stationery and Postage . " L ecturers' Fees and Ex7 5 pe11 e 5 6 " Repai 1'S to ,V agon . " Ca·h at B:l.Uk, ,Vagon Ac:conut . £0 1 11 " General Acconnt 27 16 1 28 15

9 6

o 5

o o o

o o £ 0



GEO. B. PnuG>" Chai1'lHcm. HU GH ,ViETH, Tl'easw·e?·. E. A. EVELEGH, 1 Hon. Sec1·eta1·ies. ALFRED ' VII.T.IAM DREW, \

OCtObC1' 2nd, 190 l.


L .J\I.

:No. of Men

Mr. L. Preston, M. B., B.S. Mr. C. J. Thom11sol1, M. R.C ... , L.n.C.l'.

A 'NUAL REPORT. TH E Committee have to r eport that for various reasons there were not so many classes held during last winter, but the interest in the work is still ,Yell maintained. There were 219 members joined the classes, and of these 149 entered for examination,

Xo. of Women

who ha\'e who have who have cOlllpleted a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I- NurSing. iStAid. I i\ursin/<. 1st Aid . I Nursing.



74 22

987 43

~ o.

who have received Certificates.

of Certificated Pupils who have reeei \'t~d Medallions .

iSt Aid. I Nursing. l."Ien.

SINCE }f~Ol\l\r A TlON OF CENTHE. 41 I 120 I 719 I 799 Sr CE 1ST O CTOBEIt, 1900. 13 I 45 I 30 I 35

3 2




I Women.

157 9





Formed 1898. Formed 1893. Pres Ide nt.

Sir Bostlin T. L each.

I-reSide nt :lJul Cha il'man.

Mr. J . T . Stock burn .

T r e a Slll·e l'.


Mr. J . E. Allen.

Mr. W. H. Soutbern. Tren nl'el'. HOllOl'llry Secr e tary .

1\11'. ' V. F. Neilson .

1'111'. F. A. Haworth, care of Me'3srs. Dilworth & Son, PallllIall Court, Manchester.

}(OlLOraI'Y Seer e tlu·y .

ll1r. C. W. Lane,

olicitor, Kettering. Ar. NU AL REPORT. T HIS Oentre has held its position fairly well during the past year.

Five classes were held for men, which were attended with much interest by ~he stu~ents, as the results of the examinations show. No class for women was orgamsed thIS year.

:tIeclieal S taff.

111'. 1\11'. 1\11'. 1111'. 1\11'. .1\11'.

J . Allison G. W . Baker J . W. Dryland L . W. Dryland H . Gibbons W. L ee

1\11'. James More 1\11'. John 1I10re Mr. J. L. Price Mr. J. J . Roughton Mr. J. P. Roughton 1111'. Van-Vestraut

Statement of R eccipts and Expenclitu?'c, 1900-1901. E ;.cpenditui'c . By Put'chase of tores . £7 17 10 "Pocket Certificates and 2 13 0 :Jledals . 6 7 0 " Examiners' Fees 2 12 6 " Head Office Fees o 19 2 " Printing and Postage 5 14 3! " Balance in banu .


ANNUAL REPORT. THE present position of ambulance affairs throughout this Centre is highly gratifying. Ooe looks back on times of apathy and discouragement, and realizes that, after all, steady and persistent work is sure to tell in the long run . During the past year 19 classes have been conducted; 209 men and 117 women have completed courses of instruction; 256 certificates and 41 medallions have been gained. No previous year has shown any such results, and this is not all; the certificated pupils pass into the ambulance corps and nursing divisions, all of which are in a highly efficient state, and ready for every eme rgency. T he services, alike of ambulance men and nursing sisters, are in frequent demand in tbis (factory) town and the adjacent villages, and gratefully welcomed.

To Balanc:e in hanu from 1900 £5 17 Sale of tores . . f) 13 " Oharaes to Classes 10 " Stores <> in lund . 3 9 " Medals and Pocket Certifi" cates 2 13



9 6








SIlt BOSDIN T. LEACH, P?'esiclcnt. 'Y. H. OUTHERN, Chairman. J . E. ALLEN, TrcasunJ" . F. A. HA'VORTH, Hon . SeC1'eta?·y. I SSUl!: OF CERT I FICATES A~D MEDALLION S.


No. of Women

who have who have who have completed received completed a a course of Certificates. course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nursing. 629 189

20 20

517 146

who have receivcd Certificates.

No.of Certificated Pupils wh" have received Medallions.

1st Aid. I Nursing.

Men. ~ I Women.

SINCE FORMATIOK OF CENTRE. 20 : 330 I 220 I 258 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 61 I 5R I 45 20

11 6 26






68 93



of Women

who have who have who have who have completed a received completed received course of Certificates. a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

277 158



No. of Certificated Pupils who bave~ received Medallious. Men.



I Women.




Mr. A. S. Barling, M.R.C.S.


Formed 1 97.

lIonornry Sceretary.

Major Edward W. 'tokes, Ellel Hall, Lan caster. Prc Id c nf. ~Ir.

J. A. F. Aspinall, M.LC. E., M.I.M.E. ( :reneral Manager L. & Y.R.).

1,ICe :llclllbcr. •

Messrs. Storey Brothers & Co.

Mr. A. Greg

Honorary SCC l'C' al'y.

:lINli cal Stltff.

1'111'. R. H. Selbie, Chief Traffic Manager's Office, Manchester. JUc cllcal Staff.

Mr. M1'. Mr. 11'.

1111'. H. J. Bailey, M.B. 1'111'. J. 'Y. Cook, 1ILB. Ir. B. J . Courtney, lILB. 1.11'. R. D. Cran, ~I.R.C.~., L.R.C.P. 11'. A. nI. El'skime, M. B. 1.11'. G. W. Fitzgerald, lII.D. Mr. T. O. Halliwell, ~r.l .c.s., L.R.C.r. .Mr. A. Hodge, M.R.C .. . 1.11'. J. H. Jackson, M.H.

1'111'. 1'111'. Mr. Mr.

J. Johnston, M.D. A. Macgregor, M.B. L. G. . Molloy, liLA., M.D. A. P. Perc:val, ~r.B . A. G. P. Thompson, lILD. G. E. Scholefield, ~LD. J. P. ,Yalker,M.n.c.S.,L.R.C.P. T. H. ,Ye::;tmacott, F . R.C.s •

ANNUAL REPORT. THE work of the Centre has been carrien on uccessfully during the last twelve months, eighteen classes having been held, with the 1'e ult shown below. The Corps, which are in existence at various part of the line, have held regular practices and the number of members has increased. During the year 1,322 cases were reported in which first aid was rendered by men train d under this Centre, mainly to servants of the Company. The second competition for the Challenge Shield among the various Corps was held in March, and the 'hield was won by the Knottingley team. Fourteen teams competed, and were complimented by the doctor, who acted as judge, on their general efficiency. I SSUE OF CERTIFICATES A TD MEDALLIONS.

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. lIlstruction. lbt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE 2634




ANI UAL REPORT. THE number under instruction have been about the same as during the previous year. Besides certificates thirteen medallions have been gained. A branch of the Brigade has been lately formed by Dr. Lampert, and there are already over twenty mem bers. The Corporation have provided a horse ambulance for the police, which has been largely used. The number of co. 'ualties in the district has beeu larger than usual, and many of them have been of a grave nahll'e. The Borough police alone have rendered first aid to 6 fractured legs, one of which was compound, 1 fractured thigh, and 1 fractured clavicle, besides attending to 54 other cases of wounds, burns, drowning. fits, &c. Large number of cases lla\-e also been treated at the various works and railways.

Statement of Receipts (md Expenclitw'e front Oct. 31st, 1900, to Oct. 31st, 1901. Receipts. To Balance in Bank, Oct. 31st, £8 7 5 1900 24 19 1 " Subscriptions, etc. Bank I nterest 0 5 6


£33 12

No. of Women

No. of Men


who have received Certificates.

Mr. Edward Jackson, M.B. Mr. Hugh F. Oldham, M.D., Mr. W. W. Wingate-Saul, M.D.

Mr. A. S. Barling, M. n. c. s. . Mr. Charles Dean, F.R.C.S., Edm. Mr. Croft Helme, M. D., C. M. Mr. Jos. H. Irvin, 111. R. C. '.

No. of Certificated Pupil who have


I Women.

6 1



£33 12


ALFREn ". WHELOS, Han. Auditor. EDWARD \V. TOKE, Han. S ecretary. A. , . BARLING, Treasurer.

Medallions. Men.

3 2

Audited and found correct,


1st Aid. I Nursing.

1901. Expenditure. By Hemittances, etc. £27 Cheque Book 0 " Balance at Bank, Oct. " 31st 1901 6

Octobe?' 31 st, 1901.




1108 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900.





No. or Men who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.






The Right Hon, Lord Ashton.


of Women

41 who have completed a COUl"se of in ·truction. 1st .Aid.

who have received Certificates.

I Nursing. 1st Aid. ! Nursing.

SINCE FOlOIATION OF CES'l'RE . 570 I I 570 lNCE hT OCTOBER, 1900. 27 I I '27


No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men. I Women I

81 1::3




LEEDS CENTRE. ANNUAL REPORT. Formed 1878. Honorary {'hnirJUall.

The Lord Mayor of Leeds. ChnirJllan.

Mr. Edward Atkinson,

F . L, S.

Honol'lll'y Sccrctary.

M1'. Walter Rowley,

M.L e . E., F . S. A ,

Honorary Sccretary to "lVolllCn's Depal'tnlcnt :1JHI Clas. es for 'Vomen.

Mrs. Walter Rowley, Ald er Hill, 1\Ieanwood, L eeds. HankcI·s .

Messrs. Beckett and Co., Leeds. OJllcc •

20, Park Row, L eeds. Life lUcmbcl' •

Messrs. John Barran and Sons Messrs. Rerkett and Co. MI'. John Hepper Mr. R. Benson Jowett Sir Lionel 1. Swinnerton-Pilkington, Bart.

Mr. Briggs Priestley, M. P. Mr. Walter Rowley 1111's. ,Valter Rowley Mr. Charles Ryder fill'. Geo. Austin Sllddick filessrs. Joshua Tetley and Sons.

DURING the year 46 classes have been helLl in connection with the Centre, consisting of 33 first aid male clas. es, 5 first aid male classes, 4 nursing female classes,. hesides 4 re.examinations. A large number of elasses ha ve been held amongst the pohce force of the city; 1 class at the Y.nI. C.A. on first aid, and 1 on first aid and 1 on nursing at the Y. W. C. A. the remainder being held amongst rail way employes, colliery workpeople, and in connectioll with the various places of worship in the city. Besides the above-mentioned classes about 10 llew classes have already commenced in connection with the forthcoming session. 'iuce the beginning of the year the Centr.e has continued to send out comforts for the sick and wounded soldiers through the Red Cross Society,as well as to the soldiers at the front,and the oldiers' flnd Sailors Homes at Southampton and Portsmouth, etc. Up to the present time since the of the war goods to the value of about £2,000 have heen sent off. The beainninCY o n Oentre have much to regret in the loss of Sir Andrew Fairbairn, who was rresident of the Centre from 18 1 up to thc timc of hi.s death on :JIay 31st, 1901, a period of twenty years, during which time he rendered great service by the interest he always showed in the work, as well as finuncial help when caller! upon to render it. Thanks are I\gain due to 1\11'. J. C. Kirk, C.A ., who has so kindly audited the books and accounts for the past year.

Statement of Receipts emel Payments, October 31st, 1900, to October 31st, 1901.

lUedical StalT.

1\Ir. H. J. Aitken Mr. Allen 1\Ir. F . E. Atkinson 1\11'. Edward Atkinson Mr. Eldredge Blomfield Mr. G. Blomfield 1\11'. J. Bradbury l\lr. J. E. Brisroe MI'. J. W. T. Brown Mr. C. W. Buck Mr. E. Carter Mr. W. R. Clarke 1\11'. J. Clough Mr. Basil Ewing Mr. J. Exley E\,ing Mr. John Exley 1\11'. J. E. Gains 1.1r. C. S. Greenwood Mr. T. Wardrop Griffith, llIr. F. W. Halliday Mr. R. H ann 1\11'. Hardcastle 1Ir. R. Grey Heald Mr. Geo. H. Heald Mr. B. A. Heathcote lllr. J. B. H ellier, M. D. 1\lr. G. H epworth 1\11'. C. E. Hollin gs Mr. J. Howard Mr. W. L. Hunter


Mr. P. James Mr. Jeffery 1\11'. E, ,I'. Kemp 1\1r. R. L. Knaggs Mr. H. Littlewood Mr. J. S. Loe 11r. W. S. Mackenzie Mr. J. G. McCandlish 1\11'. A. McNab Mr. S. Moore, ~L D. 111'. B. G. A. Moynihan 1\11'. J . ightingale, :DLD. 1\11'. C. Oldfield Mr. H. J. Roper Mr. Sydney Rum boll Mr. H. Shepherd 1\Ir. C. W. Smeeton Mr. H. Archbold Smith 1\Ir. Smith Mr. J. Snell 1\Ir. C. E. South\\'ell Mr. H. Spong 111'. W. Thompson Mr. F. Waddington Mr. J. O. Ward Mr. A. ,Veal', ~I.D. Mr. L. F. West Mr. H. C. Woodcock Mr. McGregor Young.

Receipts. To " " "


Balance, 31stOctober,1900 £90 6 4 Annual Subscriptions 6 16 6 15 10 6 Donations Receipts from Classes for Class Fees and Stores 215 6 11



By tores purchased £98 4 " Examiners' Fees and Incidental Expenses paid to Central Executive Committee 74 16 un dry Disbursements, " alld~ ecretary'sTravelling Expenses, etc., to 30th June, 1901 11 8 Allowance on Account " of Assistant ecretary 1st July, 1900, to 30th June, 1901 50 0 6 8 " Printing and Stationery Balance" In hand £24 15 7 In Bank 62 7 1 7 2




Examined with the Y ouehers and accounts, and found correct. (Signed)

J. C.


Gharte1'cd Acc(YUntant.



so~, (Jhainnan.


Decem.be?' 12th, 1901.

Hon. &c7·etary. L






8 3




No. of len

who have who have who have completed a received completed cour e of Certificates. a COul' e of iustruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I ~Ul'sinlr. 1st Aid. I NlU'sing. 1st Aid. I N~lrsillg.

6646 516

5121 487


No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Certi fi cn tes. 1st Aiel.

I Nursing.

S1 'CE FORMATION OF OENTRE. 41 I 2 22 I 1033 I 1 09 Sl 'CE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 87 I 43 I -1

678 43



L ady King Hall 11'. A. Paget Th e Oountess of Stamford anu Vfal'l'ington Mrs. W. ,\Vright nIl'. Euward \Vood


I Women

I 779 I I

Miss M. L. Broughton ~1rs. Buck blrs. G. H. Ellis Miss Emily Ellis Miss Fortescue The Rev. H. J. Fortescue,



THE Committee have plcasure in submitting their twenty-first annual report.


past year has been one of unprecedented activity in ambulance work, both in Leicester and Leicestershire, and there has been a marked increa e ill the number of


students as compared with previous year. This may be accounted for in two ways-


the impetus given to the work by the splendid manner in which L eicester responded

Pre i<lenl.

to the call for ambulance men for the South Aflican 'Val', of which we are j Ilstly

The Worshipful the Mayor.

proud; and of the action of the Oounty Oouncil in reinstating ambulance instruction



Mr. 'Vortley S. Lovell.

R ev. Oanon Sanders, LL.D.

Jlollorary Secretary.

Trca s Ul·cr.

Mr. Frank H. Turner, 2, Granby Street.

Mr. T. Howard Lloyd.

A. si tant Secretary for 'W om en's Cla.sses.

Miss Fullagar, ) 4, St. Peter's R oad. lledical

Miss Frances Armitage, M.D., B.S. lYIr. Astlett, ",LR.C.S., L.P•. C.P. Mr. Astbury, M.R.C .S. , L.R.C.p. Mr. A. E. Barlow, M.R.C.S. : M.B. Edin. Mr. Beresford, ~1. R. C. s. Mr. Berridge, L.R.C.r. .1Ir. Briggs, L. R. C. P. Mr. J. H. Blakesley, F.R.C.S. Mr. Ooleman, 111. R. C. S. 111'. Astley Olarke, 111. B. M1'. Colley-Salter, L.R .C.p. .Mr. Cogswell, M. R. C.S., L.R. C.p. (Lond.) Mr. Oollington, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.p. (Edin.) ..M1'. E. R. Oowcher, L.R. C.p., L.R.C.S. .:1fr. G. H. Orofts, 111. R. C. S. , L. R. C. p. Mr. H. Davies, M.D., )L R.C .S. M1'. O. Douglas, F.R.C.S. :Mr. Davidson, L.F.p. & S.G. 111'. W. L. Emmerson, M.R.C.S . , L.S.A. Mr. W. A. Griggs, L.R.C.P., Lond. M1'. Gunning, lILR.C. S. Mr. R. Hancock , M.R. C.S. lYIr. L. K. Harrison, B.A., M.B. M1'. H. T. H eginbotham, L.R.C.p. :lIfr. Wallace H enry, M.D. Mr. W. F. McAllister-Hewlings, M.B. and C.M. Mr. James Hunter, M.D. Mr. Harris, M. R.C.S., &c.


1\11'. Hutchinson , M.R.C.S. Mr. A. W. Jenkins, M. B., B.S. (Loud.) Surg.-Oapt. T. G. Kelly, M.D. Mr. F. Lewitt, ",LR.C.S. :Jlt-. A . L. MacLeod, M.A., M.B., C.M. 1.1r. uttall. :lLJ:. C.S. Mr. J. H. Nicholson, L. . A., Loud . Ir. J . Peacock, M.B., B.S. Mr. Pemberton Peake, M.lt.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1\11'. Phillips, M. R.e.S., L.R.C.p. 1\11'. F. M. l ope, M.B. (Oantab.)M.R.C.S. , M.R.C.P. 1\11'. Potter, M. R. C. s. Mr. R. Pratt, M. D., Lond . 1\11'. T. P. Shearer, L.R.C.P., & s., Edin . Mr. A. Skipton, M.R.C.S. Mr. R. Sevestre, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Surgeon-Col. Bradshaw Smith Mr. Sidebotham, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. :Mr. Sidney F. Smith, i\1.R.C.S. 1\11'. Spence, ::'IL R. C. s. Mr. T. N. Thomas, L.H"C.P., M.R.C.S. Mr. J. A . Unitt, L.R. C.P., L.R.C.S. ~Ir. J. E. 'Waite, M.B., Lond. Mr. R. M . West, M.R. C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. Wright, M.R. C.S. Mr. Wells, M. R.C.S. Mr. Young, M.R.C.S.

iu their list of subjects.

Forty-eight classes have been held in the town and county;

4 women's nursing, 10 women's first aid, and 1 in men's nursing; and 33 in men's

first aid; 507 men were examined, 454 of whom passed, and 177 men examined, 157 passed, making a total of 611 certificates issued.

The re-examinations also show

a considerable increase; 236 men presented themselves, and all satisfied the .examiners; of 33 women examined, 30 passed.

During the year fi5 mellallions bave

been i sued, 30 to men, and 25 to women. The Committee have pleasure in stating that two large and successful classes have beeu held, cons isting of Midland Railway employes, anu 26 men of the Permanent Way Department, and 30 of the Locomotive Department obtained their certificates. 'This mnst be regarded with special sati faction, ambulance knowledge being most e sential to men who are constantly among t the dangers inevitably associated with railway work.

It is no less gratifying to report classes in connection with the

borough police and the fire brigaue, a large percentage of the member of which are now certificate holders . The Oommittee desire to eXl!ress their gratituue to the Medical Staff for their gratuitous as istauce.

The increased work of the Oentre during the past session

adds materially to the deep sense of the obligation the Oommittee owe to them for the \yilliug manner in which they have given their services. The annual public meeting took place at the Temperance Hall on Monday, October 22nd, 1900, and was largely attended, the hall ueing filled in every part. Amongst those who were present was His W ol'ship the Mayor (Ahl. 'Yindl ey,

J . p.


Sir John Rolleston, M.P. , A sistant Oommissioner T. H. \\~oolston, Rev. Oanon Sanders, LL.D. (Ohairman of the Oentre), Mr. Wortley S. Lovell (Vice-Ohairman).

The Mayoress, Mrs. Paine (Bed ford Oentre),

Irs. Edwin de Lisle,

riss Eveleigh


150 (Isle of ,Vibcrh t Centre), l\Iiss Fnllagar, and liss Noble. The proceedincrs '" • . b "er& rendered additionally attractive by the presence o[ Lady Sarah 'Wilson, who gracefully presented the certificates and medallions. The re nIt of the aturday collection, considering the nnmber of calls which were being made at this time upon the genero ity of the public, mllst be considered as fairly succe flllly, £19 Os. 9d. being rea Ii ed, '.fter all expenses hac.l been paid. The Committee acknowlec.lge with gratitude .he material help given to the Funds of the Centre. They have, however, to take into early consideration S0111e more permanent method of obtaining money to carry out the large: .nel increasing work of the Centre. The Committee again express their thanks to the Subscribers fot' their kind help, in enabling them to uphold the l)roud position Leicester has gained in ambulance work., at the same time they trust that duringlthe corning year the subscription list will be considerably augmented, Sl) that the Centre ma;v still further extend its sphere of usefulne s. The opportlUlity cannot be allowed to pass by without expressing the regret of the Committee at the 1'e ignation of l\Iiss Fullagll.l' from the l)osition of Assistant Secretary for the women' classes. Mi s Fullagar, who is an H onorary Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, hus been connected with the ambulance movement since the formation of the Centre, first as General Secretary, and afterwards as Secretary of the women's classes. The Committee most unwillingly accepted her resignation, knowing as they did the thorough and earnest work which had been done, and the valuable and skilful help Miss Fnllagar always so generously gave to the furtherance of the eause of first aid anrl sick nursing. They trust that for the sake of the "ork her advice and experience may l()ng be held at the disposal of the Committee. The annual Shield Competition took place at the Old Town Hall on Tlmrs:!ay, January 24th, 1901. Depnty Inspector-Generall\I. Coates, ~r.ll . , R.X., again undertook the duty of judging the merit of the respective teams. The following was the award :-1. The \Vheatsheaf Division, with a total of 372 marks; 2. The vVorking Men's Club and Institute Division, 3-16 marks; 3. The Adult 'chool Division, 307 marks. Maximulll numher of points, 450. The following are the winners of the Shield, which they are entitled to hold for ~yelve months :-1\lessrs. Matthews, Wignall, Lord, Pmyell, and Ward. In addition to becoming holders of the Shield, the Wheatsheaf Di,i ion receives the sum of £2 lOs. towards its working expenses, and each member receives a silver medallion, or its equiyalent. Th e members of the second team each reccive a bronzc medal. An unusually large number of cases of first aid rendered by certificate holders has been reported. Space will not permit a detailed account of the different injuries that have been treated. It must be sufficient to say that the Leicester Branch of the St. John Ambulance Association continues to do a splendid work-a work appreciated by the public generally, and which has the hearty co-operation and a si tance of the merlical men of the town. I n conclusion, it gives the Committee much pleasure)n reporting that the work of the past session has been the greatest since the formation of the Centre, and that the prospects for the coming session show no sign of any diminution or loss of interest in the work.


Gash Statmnrmt to Septembf!/i' 30th, 1901.

Receipts. To. Cash in Secs. hand . Subscriptions and Dons .. " Divisional Subscriptions . "Receipts at Annual Meet" lllg . Grants from Park Com" mittee. Stores Sold . " Examination Fees " Medallions . "Part of net proceeds of " Saturday Collection Due to the Treasurer

£1 0 41 12 2 13



1 10

52 85 6

3 3 6

9 10 6 17




Expendit~l?'e .

o o o

By Balance flue to Treas. " Head-rluarters Account: Stores Examination Fees 6 " Hire of Old Town Hall and Corn Exchange o " Carriage and Porterage 4 " Medallions o " Gratuity to Mrs. Dexter, Storekeeper 6 " P ostage and Telegrams , 5 " Printing and Stationery. 8 " Stores " Sundries at Annual " Expenses Meeting Agricultmal Show , ")' Annual Inspection. Abbey Park Flower " Show " Shield Competition Prizes and EX]Jeuses . " Maintenance and Repairs of Ambulance 'Vagons. " Secretary's H onorarium . " Address to H.1II. the King, and Photograph of same " Cheqne Book . " Cash in Secretary's hands




44 80

0 1

4 4

846 1 15 9 6 6 6 1 11 6 9 4 11 16 16 3 257 o 16 0 16 14 11 o 14 9 o 9 6 1 12





6 25

6 0

0 0

150 026 100 £231




The following Account is unpaid, awaiting the decision of the Committee:£2 lIs. Dd.

B7'igacie Equipment


To Casb in Bank brought forward • £20 13 " Saturday Collection 26 7



9 4

Treas1trer's Cash Statement.

By 6 Stretchers £11 5 0 ,,2 H avresacs 2 13 6 " 6 Water Bottles 0 15 0 " Bandages; &c. 2 10 1 "tove,Lalllr.Crockery,&c. 0 17 8 " Hamper and Sundries 2 5 3 " Expenses of Saturday Collection . 7 6 7 " Part of llet proceeds of Saturday Collection to Centre Fund 9 10 5 " Balance in Bank. 9 17 7 £47




The following Account is unpaid, awaiting the decision of the Committee:£1 17s. 6d.

South Af1'ica;;, TVaI' Fnnd. - Treasu1'cr's Cash Statement. To Cash in Bank brought forward. . £11 16 ] 0

By Outfit purchased "Balance in Bank.

9 17 1 19

£11 16 10

£11 16 10

Audited and fonnd cOl'l'ect,

Octobe1' 28th, 1901.

6 4


& Co., ChMtcl'ed ACC01Lntants.



Numerous instances have occurred in which the knowledge has proved to be r • • , fima1. f the greatest possible value. rhe classes orgamzed by the LIver pool School of ~ookery are in no way connected with the Liverpool Oentre of the Association.


No. of Men

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of Certificates. a course of in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. Nursing. 1st Aid. I Ntlrsin~. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

No. of CertiQcated Pupils who hay received Medallions. Men.

Particulars of Classes as follows-

I Wome n.




3768 1


1 22 7 11025 1 1577




440 1



1ST OCTOBElt, 1900. 134 1 59 1 109 I








Wom en.

6 1

Liverpool Oity Police H. M. Prison, Walton .. . . .. Litherland Technical Instruction Oom. Huyton and Roby " " Y.M.O.A., Liverpool Woo lton Cheshire Lines Midland Railway Gordon Hall Ohrist Ohurch Dingle No.3 St. Silas, Toxteth St. Agnes Girls' Olub


1 1




1 1


1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 8



Receipts. To " " " "

Formed 1880. Pres i<lellt.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G.

Balance last Account Subscriptions Class Fees Stores Bank I nterest



1 7 By Stock Account 12 13 6 " Office Expenses 44 5 4 " Balance . o 2 11 5 9 11


£107 13

£3 11 2 51 1 10 53 0 3


£107 13


Mr. Frank Tobin.

F. TOBIN, Ghnirman. J . O. ELLISON, Sec. nncl

Trea surer and Honorary Secr e tary .

Mr. J. O. Ellison, 1, York Building .. , Dale




Life iU emlJe l·s.

T he Earl of D erby, K.G. L ord Brassey, R . C.B. Mr. William Adamson Mr. Thomas Bartlett Messrs. Balfour, Williamson and 00. Mr. E dward Bibby, F . R.G . S.

Mes rs. 'Vm. Johnston aud Co. Mr. J. T. Nickels Me srs. Papayanni and 00. Mr. A. M. Smith 1111'. James Lister.


No. of Men

of Women

who have who have who have who have cOIl1)Jleted a received receiveu completed course of Certificates. a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NursiD~. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. lst Aid. I Nursing.

No. of Certificated J'upils who have received Medallions. Men.

I Women.


JIC(lical S taff.

Mr. Bradsha,Y, L.n.c.p. 'IV. Murray Oairris, M.l.;. Mr. Oornett, L. P•. C.P. Mr. Thos. M. Dawson, M . D. Mr. J . R. Judson, ::ILl). Mr. Richard Humphreys, !If-B. Mr. Moore, I,. H.C.P.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

8923 Ll ewellyn Morgan, M.D. Nevins, ::II. u. G. Scott Sugden, M.D. Thos. 11'1. 'Y ills , F.R. C.S., Irel. G. Wallace )I.B. L. IV ood, ::II:. B.

ANNUAL REPORT. THE Oommittee have much pleasure in stating that durin.g the past year 21 first aid and 3 nursing classef,l have been held. The number of classes for women both in first aid and nursing are well maintained . During the year 84 me·mbers of the Oity Police have gain ed certificates in first aid (which makeB about 2,400 since the formation of the centre); 58 have passed the first re-examination, and 160 the


121)78 I 1. T 1 H14



1 139




1980 1900.

1 14.3



LIVERPOOL SCHOOL OF COOKERY BRANCH. Forll1E:d 1878. Offices. Technical Oollege of Domestic Science, Oolquitt Street.




lUc(li c al 8 t:lfT.

(' hail'l lltlll.


1\lrs. Rowland 'Williams. lIo11orary

Mi s Fanny L. Calder,


Coghill, M.B.


.A. FIRST AID class for men was held in 1900, and although not largely attended l'ovecl very successful. Thirteen candidates presented themselves for examination, fncll1uing seven police officers, and all passed. rrhe lectures were given by Dr. Davies. I n February, 1901, a flrst aiel class for women was formed by:Miss Eakin Ormeside, and was very well attended. i:lixteen members presented themselves for examination, and all gainell certificates, including three jnniors. The lectures were

~CC l' C t a ry.

chool of Cookery, Colquitt Street.

Honorary Assi stant Sccl·c t:ll'i es . 1\]rs. Dol]Jllin.

given by Dr. Woodhouse.

iUc (li ('al StafT.

:Mr. D amer Harrison, F . Il. c . ~., Edin.

Mr. T. L. K. Davies, M.B. Mr. 'Woodhouse, M.P•. C.S.

1\1r. James Oraig, M.B. Mr. Thomas Dalton, M. D.

Lord Derl>y.

Statement of ReIJeipts and Expenditw'e fl'oln OIJtoba 1st, 1899, to September 30th, 1901 .

Mr. Howe.


Receipts. Ai\NUAL REPORT. THE classes for women continue to be well attended, and to be doing good and useful work . I SSUE



Xo. of Men




No. of \Yomen

£0 16 To Class Fees received 1900 0 :2 Medallion . " Stores sold. . . o 11 "Class Fees recei veLl pel' " Miss Eakin Ormoside, 4 10 190 1 o 15 to res sold ditto 0 0 "" Balance






No. of Men

.11r. J . A d ey Wells.

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. lIst Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 97

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 122 39 93 SINCE 1. T OCTOBEn, 1900. 1 I I 1 fi



HOllor:ll'Y Sc c r e tary .

Mr. L. Conway, 110, Mostyn Sh'eet.

Formed 1884.

LiCe lUe mbcr

President. H . R. R . Princess L ouise, D uchess of Argyll.

Mr. C. L e Neve Foster.


No. of Women

Tre a sure r.

M r . W. B evan .

6 0


£6 14

The R ight Ron. Lord Mostyn. D eputy Cllail·man.




Formed 18 3.

2 1 0 9

Examined and found correct, ALFRED COXOLLY. J . ADEY ,VELLS, Treasurer. LOUIE CONWAY, Bon. Secretary.



0 0 6

By Balance, Sept. 30th, 1899 . £1 2 0 7 " Stores bought 1900 . 0 2 " Medallion ditto 1 17 " Examination o 13 " tores Lought 1901 2 1 " Examination 011 " Sundry disbursements

£6 14 8

No. of Certificated who have who have who have who have Pupils who have coml'letpd a completed received received received course of a course of Certificates. Certificates. lIIedallions. instruction. in!;truction. l~t Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing, 1st Aid, I Nursing. l!;t Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. I 1471 I 995 I 725 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. I 60 I 47 I 42

0 0 2

Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Meu.


I Women.





Tl'c nSllre l·.

Rear-Admiral Earlo, Lnflles ' HOllorary SCc l'e tSll'Y.

Formed 1880.

lIo1101'1Iry Sccr c'lIry.

1111's. E. F . Chine1'Y. lUcfllcal S tnff.

Mr. R. Bruce, )r.n.c.. , Mr. E. F. Chinery


Mr, H . Pl'yse Holloway.

L • . A.

Colonel tirke (late 69th Reot ) I vy HouRe, Lymington. I ) .

Presid c nt.

The Very Rev. the Dean of Manchester) D.D.

Mr. A. D . Pithie.


~l e (Ucal

ANN UAL REPO RT. T wo classes-one (first aid) for men and one (nursin a ) for women-\\,e1'e c l' , . ,t:l ommenced Lecturer, D r. A. D . Pltlne. Inspector- General II . 0 • 'XT d ear y m March. . n 00 S C.Y 0 R.N., examll1ed both c\asses on May 7th; 21 women were examinecl 19' ", ') 0 .,' " ' passed; ~ men wele exammeJ, all passed. AId "'as 0alven by men traineeI at tl' tr to . . us 0 en'e ll1J ured people, one a gentleman bitten in the halld by a doa another 0.1 '1 . . , , 0' I epl eptrc selZUle, &c. On August 22nd the annual General Mectina was held th R B ~l t ' V ' b , e ev • .11 a Ul'lU, .!Car and Rural D ean in the Ohair. He presented the 11"I eda11'lOllS and. . Oertrficates gamed during the past twelve months.

Statement Receipts.

0/ Receipts and

To Balance ill hand, 31st Dec. , 1899 £20 2 8 " Subscriptions, 1900 13 1 0 " Oash received for books, bandages, fees, etc. . 2 15 6 " Oash received for Medallions 2 18 6 " D onations, 1 99-1900 11 5 0 Grant from H ants County " Oouncil for Olasses . 9 0 0

£59 (Signed)

J amtCt1'Y 4th, 1901.


E~,:penclitu1'e /01' 1900.

E,l:penclittt1'C. By Stores f (books, bandaaes I) , etc., rom Oentral Office), &c. . , . £2 17 4 " Fees (paid to Central Office) 3 3 0 " Medallions (Oentral Office) 2 18 Ii DOllation to Central Office " for 1900 3 0 0 " Don ., Prizes Forest~rs' Fet~ 1 1 0 " Petty Oash 4 0 0 " Doman-Printing, etc. 2 9 7 " Lecturer's Fees, 2 classes . 9 0 0 " Balance at Bank, 31st Dec., 1900 . . . 29 16 3



A J U AL HEPORT . D URING the year 32 classes have been held under the direction of this Oentre (27 male and 5 female); 7 were composed of mC!mbers of the police forces and fire brigades of Manchester and 'alford; 12 in connection with the technical and other schools of this city and the districts around; in association with clubs for mutual improvement; 3 the employes ill illlportant works, and 2 consisting of railway work men. Quite recently an a,ml.mlunce Oorps has been formed in :n Ianchester under the auspices of the Watch Oommittee of the Manchester Oorporation ) and with encouraging results. At present it llu!nbers over 100 members with Mr. R. Peacock, the Chief Constable of Manchester, at its head . I n association with the Oommittee of this Oentre a review and demonstration in ambulance work was organized ami held in Manchester in June last, the Brigade in Lanca~hire being well represented thereat, and earning a high eu10gillm from the Ohief Oommissioner, Oolonel BowdleI'. Statement of Expcnditurc fo!' the yem' ending September 29th, 1901.

Lecturers and Examiners fees and material . Working Expen es, including caniage of Goods, Postages, Stationery, Prilltillg, and Ad verti ing . Donation to Brigadc Hevie\\' held in 1au(;hestel'

295 19


l ~t.

Airi. I Xursing.

183 11

who have completed a COllrSe of instruction.

1st Aid. I N11l'sing. 1Rt Aid. , SINCE FORMATION OF OENTRE. I 193 I 186 I 110 8mCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. I 24 I





2 5

63 10



£ 175




No. of Men

who have received Certificates.

£ 101 17 10

Examined and found correct, G. H. DAItWIX, :lLD., Ohainnan . ALFRED BDIYOX, (Oapt.), T1·easW'C?·. BENJAMIN Bnowx, C.A., H on. SeC?·eta1·Y.

December 4th, 1901.

No, of Women

who have received Certificates.

Mr. W. J . H eslop Mr. R. S. W allaee.

Mr. S. Mewb url~ Brown, ~[.D. :Mr. G. H. Darwlll, 11[, D. Mr. R. Jessap Dearden


who have completed a course of instruction. ] ~t Aid. I NUl'Ring.

S taff.

2 8

HAMILTON EARLE, n . N., Chairman. H . T. PRYSE HOLLOWAY, T1'easu1·eT. R. F . STIRKE, (001.), Bon. Secl·eta1'Y.

No. of Men

1111'. Benjamin Brown, F.C.A. , 17, Oooper Street, Manche ter.

Captain A.. Billyon

Lifo ;U cmbe l·.


JlonOl'nry Secretary.

'l're n s lire I'.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have reccived 1lIedallions. :Men . I Women

44 3 I

57 4

, who have who have received completed a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing ]st Aid. I NurSing.

8928 /' 561







who have completed a course of instruction .

who have received Certificates.

1st Aid I Xursing. 1st Aidl Nursing. SINCE FOR)lATION OF CENTRE. I 2899 I 2126 INCE l 'T OCTOBER, 1900 . I 57 I I 42 I

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.


I Women,







Formed 18 1.

who have who have completed a who have received course of conlpleted Certificates. instruction. a course of instrUCtion . ___ - --C" - .iSfAict-:-INursing. 1st Aid. I Nursmg. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

PI·cs i<IcllC.

fill'. Astley Bloxam, F. R . C.R. Trca sllrcr. 1.1(1'.

UOllol'm'Y Sccr c tary.

F . John F . Oulhane.


No. of Women

No. of Men


Jack on, Lowood, Bourne End, Bucks.


Life U CIlI b c l's .





who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SI).'"CE FOmIATION OF OENTIm. 131 I 102 92

of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e repeiv~d

Medallions. Men.



I Women.



Mr. Aaron -Williams.

Oolonel Ol,en Wethered n ccU caI Staff.

fr. Thos. G. ichol·ou, M.B. lllr. Oecil H. I icholls Brigade- mg.Lt. -Ool. J. W. Shone lllr. J . ,Yo Stone l\Ir. H. E. Waller

:Mr. J. Astley Bloxam Mr. F . J . F. Oulhane Mr. J . Dunbar Dickson lIIr. F . Gibbs Sir Francis Laking, M. D .


ANNUAL REPORT. THE annual meeting of the Oentre was held at the Institute in June last. Several Oommittee meetings haye also been held Juring the pa t year. Keen interest is still maintaineJ by the local executive, but public intere t is dormant. A first aid class and a nul' ing class for "omen, and two first aid cla .. e for men are now being held in yarious parts of the Oentre, and the examination will take place before the New Year. The Oommittee thank their kind su pporters, and would again remind them that the Oentre is entirely supported by voluntary contributions only. The Centre has just completed twenty years' ,,"ork, and fund are much needed to carryon the work in the rapid ly -increasing neighbourhood.

Prcs idclli.

The Marquess of ZetlaDll,

K. T.


T rca s urc r.

Mr. O. 'IV.

Mr. J . J. Burton.


Jl Ollorary . eCI·c Unics.

Mr. Waynman Dixon.

Mr. F. Herbert MarshalL

:Ml'. D. J. Wood, Stockton.

Balance Sheet to Decel1tber 31st, 1901. Receipts.

To " " "

Balance brought fO~'ward Annual Subscriptions . Olass Fees Sold l\Iaterial



2 1

£ 17 19

. 8~ By Examiner's Fee 0 " I ncidental Expenses tores 6 9 "" ::;tretcher " Use of Institute " Oaretaker " Boys for Olass " Printing and Stationery " Postages and OalTiage of Parcels " Oab Hire and Examination Expenses " Oaretaker, Bourne End " Balance in Bank 11~

Liabilities, say £1

December, 1201.

A si taut Sccr c hll'Y :Iu(I Store k ecp e r.

Expenclitlt1·c. . £8 2 5 13

11 0 1 0 8 1 15 1 1 0 1 0 o 10 0 1 17 9

£2 1 1 1 1 1

1 19 1

o 14


0 8 0 3 13 31

£1 7 19 1l~



(Signed) J OlI~ OULIIANE, T1·eastWer. Audited and founu correct, (Signed) ALFRED DAY!:>, Junr.

~1r. R. T. Milner, Royal Exchange, Middlesbrough.

Lifc iUcmbcr s .

The Marquis of LontlondelTY, R. G. The Marquis of Zetland, 1(,'1'. The Anderston Foundry '0., Ld. Ashmure, Benson, Pease & Co., LeI. Blair & Co., Lu. Bell Brothel' , LeI. O. F. H. Bolckow Bolckow, Vaughan & 00 .. Ld. Durham Oounty Oonstabulary Oargo Fleet Iron 00., LeI. Carlton Iron 00., Ld. Cochrane & Co. Cochrane, Grove & 00. Durham County 001l ·tabulary Sir Ray HOll Dixon & 00., Ld. Dorman, Long & 00., Ld. 'fhe Mayor and Oorporation of Middlesbl'ough

Morrison & 00. The N ol'th-Eastern Railway 00. I orth-Eastern Steel Co., Ld. N ol'th Riding Oonstabulary. Sir J 0 eph Pease & Partners, Ld. Richardsons, estgarth & 00. Ld. Richardson, Duck & 00. Ropn:er & on. Sir B. Samuelson & 00., Ld. alller & 00., Lcl. kinningrove Iron 00., Ld. Tees Oonservancy Oommissioners Tees Bridge & Engineering 00., Ld. W. H . A. Wharton '1Y. Whitwell & 00. Wilsons, Pease & 00.




]feflicnl SCnfT.

:Ur. G. H. Anderson, M.D. :Mr. Sam!. Bateman, ;lLD. Ml'. E. Burnett, M. B. Mr. Oaldwell, L.R.C.P. & s . Mr. J. P. Clarke, ALB. Mr. J. W. EdwartI , lII. B. Mr. John Ellerton, ;lI.D. Mr. S. Farmer, M.R.C.S. Mr. G. O. H. Fulton, lII. B . nil'. John Glen, M. D. }.Ir. Jno. C. Glen, L.R. C.P. & s . Mr. R. E. Grainger, L. R. C. P. & s. Mr. John H p.dley, M.D. }.Ir. R. E. Howell, ;ll.B., C.M. Mr. H. W. J ackson, ;lLD. Mr. William Knott, ;II. D. 1111'. J. B. Laverick, :\I.D. Mr. H. D. L evick, :\I.D. Mr. 11. A. Levick, M . D. Mr. Jas. Mackin lay, :\I.R.C.S. 1111'. W. Mackinlay, :\I.D. Mr. S. H. Merryweather, M. R. C.S. 1\11'. F. Munroe, M.B. Mr. 1I1essenger, M. D.

Mr. 1111'. 1111'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 1111'. Mr.

W. Shand, M.n.c.s. And. tecle, L. R. C. P . & S. Jno. teele, L.R.c.p. & s. "'V. A. Stephen, liLA., lILB. J. 'l'horney, L.n.c. p. T. Tinley, 1II.D. F. E. Townsend, M.D. W. Y. Veitch, L. J:.C.P. ",Vntts E. Oroft, M. D. Ir. J. ",V. Williams, M.D. 1111'. Saml. ",Valker, LR.C.S. Mr. Geo. Yeoman, B.A., L.R.C.P. STOCKTON BRANCH. Mr. J. A. Blandford, 111. n. c. s. 1\11'. E. 1. Oowen, 111. R. C. '. Mr. G. H. Douthwaite, 1ILR.C.S. 1\11'. H. Fawcett, M.D. Mr. Geo. Hogg, ;II. B. 1\11'. Thomas Horne, M.D. Mr. H. 1\L Hughes, M. B. 1111'. E. H. Hunton, 1II.D. 1\Ir. G. L. omerville, M.B., C.M. 1\11'. Thos. Watsol1, M. D. :;')11'. Jno. Wilson, L.R.C.P. & s.

ANNUAL REPORT. are conducted under the auspices of the Technical I nstruction c1asses . ' . f the Millol11 Urban District CouncIl, and the recelpts and expenditure Committee 0 are included in its general accounts.




INo. of Certificated

No. of Women

No. of 1\1en


who have Pupils who have who have who have who have cOll1pleted a received received received completed course of Medallions . Certificates, Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nm'sing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. SINCE FOP.:>fA TION OF CENTRE .




1 6















:'\0. of Women


who have who have who have cOlUvleted a completerl received course of a course of Certificates. ill tructiOIl. instruf'tion. 1st Aid. I Kursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

who haye received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

NEWARK-ON-TRENT CENTRE. Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

Fonned 1884.

I Women

Men .



I *5969 I



The RiO'ht Hon. Earl o

SIXCR 1ST O CTOllEH, 1900.











*Men and Women.

Mr. E. H. Nicholson. 1I01101'ary Secretary.

Trcasu.r cr. ~'IILLOM

Formed 18

1\11'. F. H. Appleby, M.R.C.S., Edin.

Mrs. J. G. Bral1ston.

Mr. D. Lang.


Honorary Sccretary.


Mr. W. T. Lawrence, 1\lillom .


had a very successful class in the spring in first aid for men.

attending being raihyay men antI connected with engiueering. only 2 failures.

lUedical Staff.

1111'. J. W. Hudson .

Jlcdical Staff.

Life :UcmlJer.


Mr. J. J. Anderson.

:Mr. E. Fairburn Milthorp, Baldel'ton Old H all, Newark.

111'. Robert H odgkinsou.


Mr. P. B. Stonoy.


Out of

Most of those 69

there ,yere

Every member of our borough police force is now a certificate

We have no special case of first aid rendered to rccord during the ycar.



Cas tle Ashby Section.



ChaiTman-Thc Marquis of Northampton. TTeaSU1'e1' ctnd lIon. S ecTetcwy-JUl'. n. G. Scriven.

No. 01 Women

No. of Men

who ha.ye wbo have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a COlll'se of instr,lction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. l !>t .did. I Nursing.

who ha.ve received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.

IN o. of Cerlificai Pupils who hav received lIIedallions. Men.

I Wome-n




1 T








200 1900.








Daventry Section. lIon. Sect·etary-Ml'. O. H. Roche. Earl's Barton Section. Ghcti1'lnetn-Rev. B.. R Oobbold. Tl'ectsw·cr-Mr . '1'. F. Thorpe. lIon. S ec1·elw·y-'JIr. F. W. Austin, Harlestone Section. Ghainnetn-Rev. Oanon Bury. Han. Secl'eta1'y ancl TTec£8U1·el·-:Jlr. J . Fieldsend. L ittle H ough t on Section. Chainnan-j:,Ir. C. 'myth. lIon. Sec1'etaryancl Treaswu-Mr. D. Deacon . R oade Section. IIon . Secl·etaTy-Ml'. Shonler. T ovvces te r Section. Ghai7"lwn-:'Ir. B. Wentworth Vernon. T7·eaS!Lt·el·-r.Ir . J . Hanbmy Jephsoll. lIon. Sec1'etm'y-Superintendcnt D. Norman.

Paulerspery Sub-Section.

Formed 1886.


Pres ident.

The Most H on. the Marquis of Northampton. Cha iJ'ru fin.

Mr. J. Oooper. TJ'eaSlll'Cl'.

nonorat·y Secretary.

Mr, W. H, Smith

Mr. H. '1'. Fracy Honorary As


taut Sccrctary.

Mr. W. D. Gihson Office.

1, Mercer's Row, Northampton. Life lUerubers .

The Marquis of Northampton Lady Robinson Mr. O. O. Becke The Northampton Rugby Football Olub The N orthampton Amateur Operatic Society

1.11'. l\Ir. 1.11'. Mr. Mr. Mr,

T. P. DOl'ruan T. Manning H. E. Randall O. E. Thorpe W. Bonner. M. W, Oave

lUedical Staff.

Mr. JUl'. Ml'. Mr. Mr. }1r. Mr. Mr. Mr,

G. H. Brand, :\I.D. T. Oairns, L . R. C. P. W. H. Ohamberlain, L.ll.C.P. H. Oropley, F . lt. C. S. O. J. Evans, lIL R.C.S. vV. Harding, lII.B . , M.ll.C. P. H. H odgson, lILB . J. K. Hyde, M. R.C . S. E. F. J ones, M.R.C . S., L.n.c.p.

l\Ir. Mr. :Mr. MI'. Mr. MI'. Mr. !HI'. Mr.

A. P. Kingcomhc, M. R.C.S. S. O. Lawrence, lILll.C.S. D. G. Lewis, M.lt.C .... A. Linnell, M.n.C.S. J. R. Lowndes, L.n.c.p. R. A. Milligan, lILD., lILR.C.S. W. H. Ryan, lILQ. C. P.I. D. Stone, M.B., C.M. J. Terry, lI1.R . C.S.

C'hnin)1cm-nIr. A. Linnell. wul TTcas!G1'ei·-l\Ir. J . T. Pilkington.


Ar NU AL REPORT. ALTUOUGH the number of clas es held in this Oentre during the past year has not been quite so numerous as in thc previons one, yet they have been well attended and most successful. Therc have bccn held 12 clas cs in first aid, attended by 277 pupils, and 4 women's nursing classcs, attendcu by 97 pupils, anu 2 0 certificates haye been granted. Large numbers of those who year by year obtain certificates join the Northampton Oorps of the St. John Anlbulance Brigade, and render efficient service in first aid anll transport work. During the pa. t year 520 cases of first aiel have been reportcd, incluuing over fifty fractures and dislocations. A special word of praise ill this connection must be given to those who so promptly and efficiently rcndered as istance to the sufferer's in the recent dreadful accident cau erl by the overturning of a loaded tramcar in l\Iercer's Row, the fact that over twenty serious case, principally componnd fractures, ,yere attended to, and properly conveyed to the Iufil'mary on stretchers within twenty-five minutes of the catastrophe speaks for itself, and the Hon. Surgeons at that Illstitutioureport that owing to the excellent manner in which first aid had oeen afforded to the sufferers the majority of them made a rapid recovery. The ambulance carriages have been used dnriug the year for the transport of 84 patients, and have travelled 612 miles, the services of officers and men being in every case cheerfully and gratuitously given. It is with profound sorrow that this Oommittee have to record the death in the prime of life of one who must be lookell upon as the founder of ambulance work in this district, and who for the whole period since the formation of the Oentre has taken a leading part in the organization . Whether as local H on . Secretary, Chairman of Oommittee, or Ohief Surgeon of the Corps, the late Dr. Arthur H. Jon es always threw his great, energy and business capacity into t he work . and :\[



inspired in others much enthusiasm to assist in the cause of suffering humanity. At a meeting presided over by the Mayor (Mr. F. G. Adnitt,), high tribute was paid to the memory of onr late Ohailman, and a vote of deepest sympathy accorded to Mrs. Jones and her fami ly in their irreparable loss. The Oommittee desire to tendcr their sincere thanks to those noblemen and gentlemen who so generously entertained at a banquet in the Guildhall those men who had returned after having served their Queen and country in outh Africa. The remembrauce of that gathering \Villli ve long in the memory of those privileged to be present, and especially the gracious messages of thanks and congratulation sent through the Pl'esident, the Marquis of N orthampton, by Her Majesty the late Queen Victoria and H. R. H . the Prince of Wales. Excellent reports have been received from country sections, in most of which good work is in progress. I n conclusion, the Oommittee tender hearty thanks to the Governors of the I nfirmary for the use of a room for lectures and drills; Messrs. Hughes & 00. for providing the Oentre with an office : Drs. Ohamberlain, Cropley, H owatt, and Jacobs for p-ratuitous courses of lectures; Mr. J . Oooper, J.P., for his great kindness to all at the annual inspection of the Oorps and to Mr. G. W . Gordon for a uditing the accounts.

Liabilities. Assets. • £1 0 0 f) To Balance at Bank. . £81 8 6 By Sundry Cl'editors . 2 14 ll~ "Balauce, excess of Assets . 262 11 11~ Do in H an. Sec. 's hands " Sto'ck of Material at " Stretcher Stations, &c. 172 1 0 16 7 6 Sundry Debtors •


£272 II


£272 11 ll i

Audited with vouchers and found correct, (Signed) G. W . GORDON, Atulitor. J ORN COOPER, Chairman. W. H. S)IITR, TreasU1'er, HENRY T . FRACY, Hon. Seeretary.

A:!bgUst 13th, 1901.


No. of Men

wllO Lavtl

State?nent of .lwceipts and


Receipts. T v Balance at Bank (General Fund). . £71 0 7 " Do. (Dinner Fund) 1 16 9 " D o. in Hon. Sec. 's hands 3 16 6 " Subscriptions 30 16 0 ., Donations . 34 17 0 " Special Donations and Sale of Tickets, Annual Dinner 22 19 0 ., Admissions, &c. to Annual I nspcction . 1 11 0 " County Council Grants 85 10 0 20 5 6 " Class Fees 41 17 7 II " Stores " Medallions . 8 1 3 " Brigarle Subscriptions • 2 13 11 " Stores, Material . 30 4 5 " Uniforms " and " Badges " 30 16 2 " T ransport Fees • 42 15 0 " Rank I nt erest 1 13 0

for the yea?' ending Jljc£y 31st, 1901. Expenditu1·e. By Expen es of Annual Inspection " Ditto ditto Dinner " Attendant, Olerk and Oommission . " Printing and Stationery of Centre " Ditto ditto of Corps I I Stores for Olasses . " Lecturers' and Examiners' Fees and Expense. , with I ncidental Expenses • I I Sundry Expenses of Oentre ,. Do. Do. Oorps " Medallions . " Brigade Store ,Material . Uniforms " and Badges " " Transport Expenses " Repairs to Material " Remitted to St. John's Gate from N orthants Transvaal War Fund . " Equipment of Ambulance Voluntecrs for South Africa and Ohina . " Ba1ance in Bank (General Fund). . " Ditto ditto (Dinner Fund) " Balance in Hon. Sec. 's h ands •

£7 18 6 19 16 10

who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. lDstruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.






12 14 4 6 6 8 17 12 0



I 112







who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

OF CENTRE. 539 i llll

SINCE 31ST OCTOBER, 1900. I 135 I 97 I 96

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.




I 51



188 44

24 3 3 93 3 9 7 35

3 3 17 8~ 6 0 7 6


3 4

Formed 1898.

53 5 !Ii 35 1 3 o 18 0


Mr. W. W. Oarlile,

~ . P .,


1 10 0 , 'l cc·PI·esidenf •


6 I!

76 9 7 4 18 11

Mr. W. A. Attenborough, ~.A.,


Major Bowyer, R.E.

Brigade-Surg. L t . -001. W. H. Bull, V.D., F. R. C.S. Brigade-SlUg. Lt.-Ool. P . B. Giles, V.D. , F.R. C.S.

2 14 lli Chail·Ulan.

£430 13

I Women.


£ 430 13 8

Brigade-Surgeon Lieut. -Colonel W. H . Bull, V.D., F.R. O.S



Tl'cu1>urc r and lIollorm'y " c l'c lary . Ur. S. C. H. :JIoberly, ~LRC.~., L . r.. '.1'., ·Winslow.


:U c di c al . I II IT•

.l.rr. ,\Y. Bl'adbrook, ~f.l:.r.·. L.. .. .\: Mr. P. L. Ben on, :\!.D., D.P.H. Dde.· urg. Lt. -001. ·W. II. Bull, \'.D., F.lt.C.:-. ~[l·. G. ,Yo Buxton, :\[.r..C ... urg -Lieut. '. L. Deyns, ~r.r:.r .. ·. Bde.- urg. Lt.-Col. P . H. Gile , V.l).,

~Ir. Yinccllt Howard, :\1. I:.C'.S.

Formed 1 95.


ilIt-. '1'. L. KcnDi.h, :\f. 1>. 3Ir. U. H. ~Iile , L. n.o.p. :'Ill'. ,'. C. H. Moberly, :\f.I:.c ... ,

The Chairman and Directors of the North-Ea tel'll Railway Company.


iiII'. E. Kichol Oil, :\L It.('.,., L.R . C.p. ilIt'. ,\Y. G. Rutherford, L. It.C.P . ,

F.TIJ' . .

, mg. -Ca pt. F. J. Grinc1oD, :\1. H. . ' . Mr. J . O. Harvey, ~r.l~.C .. ·. , L. IU·. P. Mr. P. Lake Hope, :\·LI~.C.S., L.I~.O.P.

). rc"i(\cut. illr. Gcorge

L I:. C.S.

:JIr. H. '1'. Wie:kha;lJ,


. Gil)h.


AX_~UAL REPORT. Committee record witb re"ret the fact that the pa"t year has not been .f) uece ::.ful a::; it mirrht have been. Thi: i' (lne to the Technical EducatioTl Committee refu ing to grant more than £5 to ontlyinlf village., the medical men thus havill:{ to take inaueq nate fec for their ,'crvire , or else the: villagers ha viug to pay a subscription, which they cannot wl'1l afford. CIa.·se. have only becn held at Bletchley, Great Dric:khill, Hauslope, Newport-Partnell, ,'tony 'tratford, ,\roughtoll. on-Green, and Wolverton . Tbi::; year the 'ilver Challengl' Cup Competition took place in Addington Park, by kind im-itation of the R:ght Hon. Lonl Adllingtoll. The arne number (10) of team a' la ·t ,Year competed, and after a clo. C cOlllpetiticll the Cup wa' awarded to the Blctchlcy Locomotivc Engine 'hed team.



a . Ilre r.

)11'. Philip Blll'tt.

F. Penty, York.


Statement of Reccipts and ECjJcnditnrcfol' thc year Reccipts. To Balance 'ubscription . " Rxamination Expcnses " ,'tores " :Jledallions

£9 1:.i 9 17 10 3 10 1 i)




,. " " "

0 6

,'tore:, 60 Local Aunnal Rep;)I-ts . :'Ile( lall iOllS Ul1riries

" £41 19


3 0 1




11 12 ., ---.)


O. H. L:JloDEllLY, H(1I1. Sft'o and TI'I.os.


XI). of 'WolJlen

I who have who !Ia\'e who have completed a completed re~ei ved course of a courseo! Certificates. in;;tructioll. instruction. 1st Ai ,l. I Xursing. llst Air!. I Xur;;in~. ht Airl I Xu-r~irI2. I




Xo. of ~[en


ti I

£41 19 0



[J n

9 17"

Balance: ill hanll


'\Y . H.

237 68

who have received Certificates. ht .\id

'rXCE FOR~\[A1'IOX OF CE,';'TltE. I 296 SL.TCE 1:',1' OCTonr.H, 1900. I I 7 I

])i.,(ri l .' e ·I' c tal'lc ...

Darliu(fton Di trict-:'Ill'. J. '. Tinkler, Thornaby. JIartlepool " ;'11'. '1'. H . Curr)" Hartlepool. Hull ,,::'Ill'. F, Ooates, Hull. Leeds ~ll'. '\\~, J . Parker, Harrogate. N" e\\-cu_tlp, )11. \Y. Holling, TYIl t; Dock. York ,,::'Ill'. R :'IIacpher 'on, York. U ,.liral MalT,



X O. of Certificated Pupil' who have receive,l )[ellallions.

I Xursing. )lell. I Womel •. 111




.., ('c l · (· (al·).

JIl'. (;eo. Ju\.:k::;on, P. 'Vay'tore-keeper, ~orth-Ea tel'll Railway, York.

SepllJ/ilbr;r 30th, 1901.

IBy Exam. Expell::;es E,qJcnrlillU'c.


IIOJIOI'al',} t;cn c raI



::'Ill'. illr. ?Ill'. Mr. :J11'. :Jlr.

Mr, ADder~on nIl'. O. L ..Appletoll :Mr. P. A. A h Mr. Ashwin 111'. W. D. Amison Mr. Baigent Mr . Bampton 11 r. R. T. Brown Mr. Bryant Mr. J. Buchanan Mr. CalJ.weJl Ur. ,T. R. Crease 1Ir. H. J. Ducrgett Mr. R. W . Darwcnt Mr. Fawcett Mr. J. C. :b' rench Mr. F. W . (~ibbon illr. A. W. Gilroy Mr. ,J. Gray Mr. W. Gray Mr. ,T. Blair Hartley ~l r.

.\11'. jlr. :Jlr. )11'. )11. )Il. )11.

W. J. JcfJ'er::.on

.J, R. Ktith E. \Y. Kemp Lightfoot J. D. Md\:ay W. B. :J[aeKay J. jfacKinlry W. II. :Jlanners F. C. )[eal's A . W . )letcalf :'IIi111e A. W. ::'IIo1'rison E. P. Picker 'gill A. J. Pollard

)11'. )11'. Pratt

JII'. n. F. Robert on :J[I'. Leo .1... Rowden ~Ir . :l- • .'uvage :JIr. R. W. ,'meddle

)11'. H.


:JIr. park' :JIr. J. 'totharcl :JIr. TlllH'ucy Mr. WiLon

T. Haworth

1l1r. W. L. Hickey 1\Ir. A. Hillaby 111'. RollingwDl'th ANN"UA L


Dum~G the past y ear 37 clas es have been formed, and in auLlition to those members examine 1 for preliminary anLl final examiuation , 116 passed the first re-examination.


168 During the year ending December 31st, 1900, the members reported 4 893 . which they had rendered first aid, making a total since the formation' f tl cases, In f 18 553 A . fC . . 0 Ie Centre o , . senes 0 ompehtIOns wcre again h eld in each district t h' D' t . ,ow lCh the lrec ors agam gave over £50 in pri zes and also a medal to th . . . . . . ' , e Wll1ner of the I n d H'ldual CompetitIOn. WIth a view to the fl1l'ther encoura cr emellt f th th D'. . . . b 0 e work e llectors have offered to glye a peClalMedal to any mcmber renderinO' "s .' Meritorious First Aid el'vice. " 0 peClal ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE No. of Men

AND .,\IEDALLION No. of Women

No. of Certificated who hal'e who have who 1Ial'e who haye Pupils who have completed a completed received received received course of a cow'se of Certif1ca te . CerWicates. Medallions. in trLlctioll. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ail!. (Nursing. htAid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. --







IXCE 11,1' OCTOBER, 1900. 353





I 16


lUc cUcal Staff.

Mr. :r,lagnus Adler, M.I{.C.S., L.R.C.P ., Land. 1111'. A. Aitken, M.B., C.M. Mr. S. King Alcock, M.ll., Lond. Mr. C. M. Alle n~ M.A., 1>I.B., C.1I1. Mr. J. Frell. Arllllge, L.R.C.r., L.l:.C ..·. Mr. Geo. Me. M. Brown, aLB., & C.M., Rrlin. Mr. A. T. Bury, L.ll.C.P., Edin., M.H.C.S. !lfr. P. J. Byrne, L.lt.C.P., J•. I{. C. S. Mr. W. J. Covey, aI.T!.. U:S. , L.R.C.P. Mr. Jas. Craig, M.B., EJlll., M.lt.U.S. i\Ir. Chas. F. Daly, 1>LD. Mr. Thos. Dixon, 1>l.R.(·.S., L.R.C.P., Lonu. Mr. W. Down', M.B. Mr. Francis E. F ernie, 'Ll~.C.S., F.lt.C. l'. MI'. A. V. Griffiths, M.R.C ..·.L., L.R.C.p. MI'. A. Hall, 1>L R.C.S. IIII'. J. T. Hall, 1.. l{. C.l'. , Lond., )Ll~. c. s. Mr. A. C. Harkness, L.Il-C.I'., L.U.C. ·. Mr. G. Stokes Hatton, ~[.ll. ~['S . , lIl.R. C.S. MI'. J as. Hindle, L. R. C. 1'., L. U. C. s., Edin.

E. White Jones, M.B., Ch. M. John Leys, M.A., M.D. E. .M ackenzie, M.D . Ja1:i. H. MaguiJe, L.R.C. S.I. J. Payne l\'I.assingham, M.R. C.S. 'urgeol1-Major 1st S. and . V. Artillery Mr. A. M. 11cAldowie, M.D., F.R.S . Edin. },II'. G. 'l'. Mockett, M.R.C.S. Lond. 1'.11'. H . Kicholls, M.A., M.D . (Cantab). 111'. A. Parkes, M. H.C.S. 1\11'. vV. Partington, lIl.B., C.M. 1\11'. C. H. Phillips, )LD. ~Ir. W. Dowling Prendergast, M.D., 111. Ch., M.A.O. , D.S. SC. Mr. Bernard 1{obin':ion, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.B., Lond. Mr. J. RussP.lI, 1>LA., ;\l.B. Mr. J. Steele, L.R.C.l'., L.R.C.S., EJin. Mr. J . Vernon, lILB., B.S. Lond. .urr. Daviu F. Walker, B . A., M.B. Mr. H. Langley ,Vebb, M.ll.C.S.

Mr. :Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.



Be-organi zed 1888.

Pl'cs hl c nl.

His Grace the Duke of Sutherland. Chairma n.

Rev. 1. C. R.

cott, lIf.A.

rUonOl'a l'Y SCCl'c t:u'Y l UHl T r caS llrer.

Mr. Sydney \Y. Malkin, Bock Cliffe, CheaJle, Stoke-on-Trent. llon Ol':t l'Y _-lllditOl·.

Mr. Frederick Geen, F.C.A. Life

lU c mbCl·S.

His Grace the Duke of Suthcrland. Her Grace the Duche1:is of Sutherland. The N Ol'th Staffordshire Bailway Company.

IT is with pleasure that the Committee present their eventeenth Annual Report . The work continues to be satisfactory, and there is abundant reason for congra.tulation. But the Committee much regret to have to record the 10. s by death of one of their Vice- Presidents. The late Mr. Woodall seems to have been the very first to take any practical step towards promoting ambulance work in the Potteries, at Bnrslem, and elsewhere in North StalforJshire, his interest and active support were always available. His high public position, well-known sympathy with all philanthropic effort, and his great personal popularity enhan ced the effect of all that he did for the cause. This Ambulance Centre feels hi los k een ly, and will gratefully cherish his memory. It is a pleasure to announce that il' Thomas alt, Bart., ha accepted the office of VicePresident. Sir Thoma Salt in his position of Chairman of the North Stafford Railway CompaT1Y, has long taken an interest in Ambulance ,Vork, and, together with hi Board of Director.;;, has done much to encourage Railway men to become efficient in first aiJ. The year has been fmitful in steady progress. 'fhe chief cause for sR-tisfaction is not any increase in the number of students-which cannot always be expected-but a vi ible growth of appreciation of a,mbulance \\'ork among th e public, anJ an even heartier support than ever on the part of the m embers of the Medical Profession. The Committee again offer thp.ir incel'e thanks to all the Honorary Medical taff. We have already allurleJ to the general efficiency of the N. S. Railway men. ,Ye arc glad to add that the Police of the County, and of se\-eral Boroughs, are also encouraged 1y their Authorities to qualify themselves. This is an important factor in increasing the public safety. The Staffordshire County Council have kindly continued their welcome grant in aid of certain of the classes organized by tho Centre in accordance with theilregulations and reqnirements.


17 1

The COI~mittee ten~er th:ir thanks to the douors of Challenge Cups and Medals for the Pollee and Ratlway Employees, anu to Dr. and Mrs. Arliurre for OI'CIa!' . . . . ' . '" 0 UZlllg the CompebtIOns. Theu' thanks are also oITereu to the CInef Superintendent of th N.S. Corps o~ the S.J.A. Brigade for kindly allowing the Competitions to take Iliac: at the same tune as that of the Corps. Also to the Officers who kindly officiated a judges on tlutt occasion. To the Aud itor, the turekeeper, the Class Secretaries, allC~ every other Honorary "'orker in the Cl1nse, sincere thanks are also offereu. As each year closes, it becomes more and more ~pparent what the Centre owes to its Honorary Secr.etary, Mr. Sydll~y W. Malkin. His experience, ability, and energy are above all praIse. The COmll1lttee can hut once 1I10re offel' him their warmest thanks . Receipts and Expenditw'e foJ' the year elLded September 29th, 1901. 'To County Council grant . £22 0 o By Balance brought forward . £2 6 6 " CIa's Fees 9 13 o "tores . . . 24 10 10 ".tores 32 7 4 "Examiners' Expenses and , Medallions. 6 7 6 Fees . . . 27 11 9 " Subscriptions and Dom. 4 12 3 "Medallions. . 6 15 6 " Balance carried forward 1 1 7 "Mi cellaneous Expenses 14 17 1 £76



Balance Sheet, September 29 t h, 1901. LiabiUties. Assets. To Estimated Amount of Ac· By Outstanding ACC0l111t anel counts outstanding . £3 5 6 Value of tock and tores " Balance due to 1'rea nrer. 1 1 7 on hand . . £51 " Balance-A ets over " County Council Gl'aut I Liabilities 64 19 9 £69

6] 0



of Men




PJ·C. itl c n ••

H. R. H. Princess Chri tian of Schleswig-Holstein. D ell uty Chairulau.


Mr. C. E. Tritton,

Th e Rev. John Rice Byrne.

)I.P .

'f1·cnSllrer. ~[r.

H. Ethel. ton Nightingale. UOIlOI'a l'y Secrel arics.

!lIl's. Euward Colegrave, Braccbl'iuge, Central Hill, K orwood. Mrs. Notley.

6 10 o 0 6 10

Chartered Accountant.


No. of W01llen

K o. of Certificated who have who have who have wilo llave Pupils who have cOllll'letpu a cOlllpleted rcceived receivf-d receh'ed COllI'S£: of a course of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. in~trucliOIl. instrllPtinn. 1st Aid. I ;>,ursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. ht Aid. I Kursing. Mell. I Women.


SINCR FORMATION OF CKNTltE. I n consequence of the l'ecnrds not having been prcserved for 18 4·5 & 6, it is impossibJe to give the particulars. SrxcE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 20ii I I 161 4-2 i I 24 ]9 10

nIi 'S Thurbum. ~Iiss Villiers.

:U c (li cal Staff.

Mr. Arno1d,

Victot'ia Cha1nbel's, Stoke-on- T 1'ent, Octobe1' 26th, 1901. IS~UE

Formed 1892.

1 8

SYDNEY 'IV. MALKIN', Local llun. SecI'ctary alid Trcasu1'e?'. .Rock OlifftJ, Cheadle, Staffs. October 20th, 1901. Allowea and signed at the Anuual Meeting of the Committee, hcld at Stoke.onTrent, this 26th day of October, 1901. IX GLIS C. R. SCOTT, Chairman. I hereby certify that I have cxaminell the foregoing account~, with the books and Yvuchers, and find them in order ant! correct. FREDERICK GEEN,


)f. B.

Mr. Austin, ;1[. D. Mr, J. G. Carruther , )I.l1.C.S. lllr. Curling Bates, lILn. c . ,'. MI'. Douglas, M.D. Mr. Duncan, :tILB. Mr. Annesley Eccles, M.D. :til1'. .Mel ville Greell, )1. D. 1I1r. Lacy, lIL D. Mr. Macleod, )I.D.

Mr. :Michael, ~I. B. Mr. Poole, ~LD. l\lr. Rohin 'on, ;\I.D . 1111'. Rugg, M.R.C.S. Mr. waYlle, lIL R.C.S. MI'. 'oott Turner, )I.H.C'. ,' • Mr. Umuey, M.D. Mr. 'W elby, )I.D. ;'11'. 'W ilkin on, )I.D. lIIr. Yolland, ~LR.C.S.

ANI UAL REPORT . THOSE interested in the N or\\'oocl Cen tre will he plea 'cel to hear that it still retains its usual vita1ity, nineteen classes having been hcld during the past se ion. The same keen intere t as heretofore is . ho\\'n ill the classes and ambulance work throughout the neighbonrhood. As in past years this Centre still continu:s the free <:lasses to workincr men and women which are always so much appreclateu. In consequence of tile death of Her Majesty Queen Yictoria the distribution of certificate. usually hclJ in the spring wa.s deferred for a year, when 500 certificat:s and 94 meda.Hious will be presented. The Directors of the Cry~tal Palace have agam generously promised the use of their concert hall for the ceremony. The thanks of the Committee are due to the Meuical Staff, who have once 1110re given their valuallle services gratuitou 'ly to the Centre. The Executive wish to call special attention to the excellent work done by the nursing divi ion of this Centre amongst the poor of the neighbomhood, and at the depot of the Crystal Palace.



Statement oj Receipts and Expenditu?'e, 1900·1901.


Receipts. 1900. To Balance from last year's account £15 0 1901. " Olass Fees (including Sale of tores). . 53 15 " Subscriptions 10 " Medallions 1 19 £81


E,rpenditllre. 10 6

6 6

1901. By tatiollery, Printil1O' &c • £11 2 O' 6" CIa s E xpell es . 5 10 2 " Pnrcha e of tores . 13 19 7 " Examiner's Fees . 19 4 4 "Po~tage. . 0 5 0 " Balance carried forwanl 31 2


No. of Men




01 37

HonorCtry SCC1'ctal' Trea nrcI'. y.





Receipts. To Balance brought fonvarcl Charges to cover cost of " Examinations. 011 " Discount allowed Stores .

£0 11 8 By " 31 1:2 7 " " 1 15 10 "


" £34

who have rer~eived

Cerbificates. 1st Ai(l.

I KUl'sing.






No. of Men


Formed 1

5 8

6 8

7 2 10

30 19




P,·esiclent. K . ELLIS, Hon. Sec. and T,·eas.

Xo. of Women

-- -

who Jtave who have who have ('olllpleted a received completed cotll'se of Certificates. a course of ill truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. ;';un"ing. 1st Airl. I 1S'ursing.



8 6


I Women.


o 1 o




. 711



£0 15

Set of Diagrams Reports Cabs for Examiners Postage, &0. Oheque to St. John's Gate in payment of Account for ExaminatiGns and Inciclental Expenses Balance carried forward


Ko.ofCertificnted Pupils who have received Medallions.


n: CE .r or..:.rA TJO~ OF CRNTUE. 25 I 1 39 I 1298 : 1076 SIXCE I~T OUTomm, HlOO. I 169 I 133 I 9;:; T


Statement of ReceilJts ancl E'J'1Jenditurcj?'om Octobe1'lst, 1900, to Septembe?' 30th, 1901.

o. of Womeu

who have who have who have completed a completed 'received coul'se or a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursin~.



£81 4 4

, Ve have examined the aboye account, and tim! the same correct J; RICE Byltl"E, Deputy Chai;·man.


re.examination, and 40 their final re·examination.



H. E.

OF those who have received certificates 127 were students at the School Board's 'ngclasses 54 arc Midland Railway men, 12 arc employed by the Great Northern eveJll , Railway, and 22 by the Great Oentl'3.l Railway 00. ; 58 persons have passed their first






1. 156






hT ~()





have received Certificates. WllO

1st Aid.

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who haye rereived Medallions. Men.

I Women.


710 1900. I 47









]·1'(,8 i(I C1I t .

Mr. Richard Enfield. Treas urer 111Hl Jlollol'ary . cc)·c l;\I·Y. 111'. Francis N . Ellis, The Pa,rk, N ottillgham.


)Ic tlical S taif.

Mr. M1'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

J. F . Blurton, M.R.C .. ·• Bruce Edge, M.n . c.S. G. A. Ferraby, M.ILC.S. Hervey Francis, M. D. A. Fulton, :tILB . R. R. Giddings, :r.LR.U.S. M~ss S. Gray, L . R.C . l· . , & s . MISS Henwood. Mr. Belis, M. R.C . S. Mr. J acobs, M.D . Mr. J ohnstone, M . B. Mr. H. T. Jones, J)Ln.C.S.

Mr. Lander, M.R.C.:>. Mr. F. R. Iutch, J)Ln. Mr. II. J. Neilson, M.D. 1\11'. E. W. Paul, M.lLC.S. Mr. W . R. •'mith, M.D. .Mr. John Smith, M. R.C.S. 1\11'. J . uther!and, 111. R.C.S. Mr. Holmes Thompson, M.R.O.S. Mr. W. Tibbles, M.R.C.S. Mr. Williams, nLR.C.S. Mr. Willies, M.R.C.S. Mr. J. Watson, M.B.

Formed lu 4.

Mr. Samuel Radcliffe Platt. Treasurer.

:Mr. Ge~rge Lees.

lIOnorllry Secr e tary .

Mr. George Thomson, M. D., 5, Huddersfield Road, Oldba.m.



Li 1(' ..lJ embcr s .


Mr. I saac Bamford . Mr. John ·Walker Hague.


Mr. Samuel Radcliffe Platt. Mr. Charles G. Jackson.


~r.13. ~I.B.

J as . Bauchop,

:Mr. J. B. Boyd,


J. S. MacGowan, M . D. Will. Oliver, Z,1.B. F. Railcliffe, M. R. A. G. Thom on, Z,LB. George 'l'homsol1, M.D. E. Wakelalll, L.ll.C.s. M!'. James B. Will<inson, M.D.


1955 240

who have completed a course of instruction.

who have recei ved Certi ficates .

1st Aid. I Nursing.

1st Aid. I Nursing.

who have received Certi licates.

who have cOIDvleteel a COUl'BIl of iDstrucLlOD. _ , 1st Aiel. Nnr~ing. 1st AHI.

Mr. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'. Mr. l\Ir.

IIll'. C. H. Buckley, LR. C.::>. Mr. T ho . Fort, M.H..C.R. ~lr . H. Greaves. M.R.C.S. lUr. "\V . Hcam, L.lL C.P. Mr. Joseph La\\', ;\J . R.C .• • .M r. John B. Lendrnm, M . B.

No. of Women

No. of Men


.. '

I Nursmg.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

I Wom en .

" SINCE FOIDIATION OF CENIRE. 392 385 202 128 948 I 485 I 673 145 1 1719 SINCE 1ST OCTOBEU, 1900. 79 128 I 109 l_l..:..0~6--.!._ _9_6---,-_3_0----,-_3_9 91 I 2141



THE past year has been characterized by the same activity and earnestness in ambulance work which was commented on in the la t annual report. It is gratifying to be able to say that the stimulus given by the outh African war appears to have permauently benefited the work of this Centre. Of 137 ambulance men who went from Oldham to South Africa a large proportion have now returned home, and the Committee wish to express their gratification that "'ithont exception the conduct of the men ha been good, and their work has been done in a sati factory manner. The Committee deeply regret that three men lost their Ii vas in the performance of their ·dnty in South Africa, and eXl)I'ess their sympathy with the relatives and friends who mourn their loss. During the year 23 classes have been completed, and 495 certifi. ·cates aud 69 medallions have been awarded. To the lecturers, Drs. Bauchop, Oliver, "\Vakelam, A. Thomson, Fort, Hearn, La,,,, Lendrlll11, and "\Yilkinsoll, aU of whom have, as usual, given their services gratuitou 'ly, the cordial thanks of the Oentre is again ·d ue. T he Oommittee have great pleaslll'e in recording that District Ohief Surgeon T homson ani!. Ambulance Officer Sellars had the honour on July 17th to receive from the hands of H is Majesty the King the medal for conspicuous service to the .ambulance department of the Order. A large number of cases have received efficient first aid during the year, and the horse ambulance service has been worked with .great promptitnde, and has been largely taken advantagc of.

Statement of Receipts and E.."Cpenditu?·e, 1900·1901. Receipts. lEy " " "

1900. Balance iu Bank 190 1. Olass Fees and Stores Oa h for :!Iledallions Bank I nterest

£33 16


90 10 1

0 5 0

0 0 2




Payments. 1901. By Don. to Oldham Oorps . £30 0 0 2 0 0 " " I nfirmary 0 4 6 " Olass Expenses tationery and Postages . 2 7 6 " St. JohnAnlbulance Asso· " ciation- Examincrs' Fees 32 5 6 and I ncidental Expenses 34 14 8 Do. Stores 10 5 0 Do. Medallions 23 4 1 Balance ill Bank .


December 3rd, 1901.

£ 135

Examined and fonnd correct, Tuos . S. SCHOFIELD, Audita?'.


OTLEY CENTRE . Form ed 1 I·l'('",iclc nl .

Colonel W. C. Daw on, \\~e:,toll Hull. Tl' Ca S lll·Cl'.

Mr. O. 'il1c1all, Bl'at1fold Old Bank . )(OllflJ':tl'Y sec r e t al'i c •

Mr. "\V. II. Ellwards, 71, Orow Lal,e, Otley. Miss Walk er, Market Place, Otley. ;lI c cHcal

Mr. W. E. Bennett,

Life lllc mb cr.

talT . L.lt.U.I' ..


Col. W. O. Dawson.


TIm Oommittelil again have pleasure in reporting a successful year's work, and they take this opportunity of extending their most grateful thanks to all those "'ho have assisted them . The horse van has been of great service, having been in use on eleven occasions. The wheel litter has also been of great ser vice having been in use on ten occasions during the year. The Oommittee are also gratified to announce that a successful entertainment was helel last Decem bel') at which a profit of £13 lIs. was realised which has enabled them to free the horse van from horse h ire, and the wheel litter from railway fare, they have also been able to get the horse van thoroughly renovated ont of the profit. A ladies' first aid class has been held during the year, at which there were 14 candidates, 6 for the first examination, 5 for the first re-examination, and 3 for the final, all of wh om were successful. One new amhulance box has been added to our stores. Eighty:eight cases of first aid have been rendered by members of this Oentre durin oO' the year'bcinCT an increase of twcnty·four cases reported d uring the 0 previous year.


176 Statement oj Receipts and E.vpenditw·e 'To " " " " " " " " " "


Receipts. . £8 7 Balance forward 1 0 Surgeon-~lajor Mitchell 17 3 Ooncert Account . o 8 Discounts. 1 10 Horse Hire 1 6 Olass Fees o 6 Medallions . . 2 2 Oash per Frienclly Societie.s " , Vharfedale Agn1 0 0 cultural Society o 13 0 Armlets o 3 11 Stores solLl

(;11:\ i 1" Ulall.

the yeal' ending Octo bel' 31st, 1901.

Mr. Oharles Knott, M.R.C.P.

Expend it1t1·e. By Bennett. • £1 1 0 " Nicholson & Dockray 6 3 0 " Pratt 1 18 5 " Robinson. 076 " Skinner . o 15 0 . . , . Tempest . o 10 1l~ " A ttendance at Otley Show o 18 0 " Oheque Books o 2 0 " Ooncert Account 4 2 4 ,. Examination Expenses 1 16 0 ,; Horse Hire 4 7 0 " Medallions o 6 0 " Po tage o 10 11~ "Printing . 2 3 4 " Railway Fare o 8 8 " to res 1 0 1 "Sundries . 1 14 0

Dcputy·(;hnirrn:ln all.,tl TJ·casurer.

Mr. Geo. E. Couzens. UOn01'31'Y Secr ctar y .

Mr. Fred J. Ooward , The Woodlands, Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. JlonOl'lu'y As . i.-raut Sccretari es .

Miss B.


Miss K. Sangster,


Outram Road.

2, Palmerston Road,


JlO1l01'ary Auditor.

Mr. W. F. Barratt, 4, ' t. Andrew's Roau, Southsea. Li fe )(cml)cI'S.

£28 4 3 5 15 10

Oash in hand £34





1st Aid. I Nursing.

l!<t Aiel. ! Nursing.



who have received Certificates.




Lyster Oole-Baker, B.A., ::If.D. L. K. H ackman, L.Re.p., L.S.A . H. F. Hann, L.R.C.P., )LR.C.S. Chas. Knott, ~r.R.C.P. .Mr. l\l. Aston Key, B.A., ~r.B., B.C. Mr. J. 1\Ialpas, L.R.C.P., ::II.R.C ..·. Mr. J. McGregor, L. R. O. P., F. R. C. S.

No. of Certificated

Pupils who have received Medallions. Men. I Women



1 0



SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. I 11 I I 11

PORTSMOUTH CENTRE. Formed 1881. Prcsitient.

General H.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught and Strathearn, R.G. Lady ""resilIcnt.

H.R.H. the Duchess of Oonnaught.

Mr. J. :Mulvaney, L.R.C.P. Mr. B. H. Mumby, :ll.D., D.P.H. .i\lr. O. H. Newby, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ?Ill'. C. P. Ruel, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. )11'. J. H. F. Way, ::If.R.C.S . Mr. Montagne ,Yay, )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

Mr. 1\11'. Mr. :Mr.


who have completed a course of iustruction.



No. of Women

who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Air!. I Nursing.


0 1

Audited and founel correct, J AI:;. H. R. REXWICK. O. E. ORAYEN.

.()ctober 7th, 1901.

General H.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught, K.G. The Right Hon. Evelyn A 'hley 111'. A. O. Harmsworth



ANi UAL HEPORT. AT the annual distribution of prizes, mcdallions, and r.ertifieates on N uvember 6th, 1900, presided ovel' by the Mayor (iiII'. H. R. Pink) the Oentre was fortunate in having, as the guest of Dr. C. Knott, Oolonel ir Herbert O. Perrott, Bart., the indefatigable Chief Secretary, who gave an iutere ting account of the origin and formation of the Association about twenty-two years ago. The Oentre has done even better work than last year, having held. 10 classes, attended by 227 pupils; 55 candielates passeJ for certificates in fir t aid and m~rsing, and 17 for medallions. Since the formation of the Oen tre in 1 1 4,427 person:; have received certificates in first aid and nursing, and. 634 have passed the three examinations, entitling them to receive medallions.

Statement oj Receipts and E:cpcnditlue jar the year, 1st Oct., 1900, to 30th Sept., 1901. Receipts. Ea-'Penditlt1'e. To Balance from last year £49 12 10 By Stores Account. £14 2 5 " Stores Account 17 10 6 Olass and Incidental " Class Fees " Expenses 32 9 2 42 17 2 " Subscriptions 1 1 0 Balance in bank 43 13 11


£100 13




£100 13

Examined and found correct, W. FORTESCUE BARRATT, Han. Auditor.



17 9

I n'the above statement the store purcha ed and sold show a diffcrence of £1') I than last year, yet the net gain to the Society i about the same. The class fee- e jS ' " S anr expenses are very heavy, and lllclude elgh.teen months rent and gas for head quarter rooms at 5, Pembroke Road (£14: . ), '~'hlCh by a new agreement is paid half-yearly, Further there were two classes more tIllS year than last, the examilJcrs' Cees b . • eUl<t £20 s. 3d . , or £6 in excess of last year. I:>

The Oentre regrets the resignation of Major Scott- White, as H on. Secretary, after . d exteUllin bcr over eleven years, anu a cordial vote of thanks was passed to him a peno at a. mee tl'n I:>a of the' Oommittee on Jan . 12th, HJOl. At the same meeting Lt.-Col. P. ~Iurray was elected to the vacant Secretaryship, which appointment was afterwards duly sanctioned by the Central Executive Oommittee. The Centre are deeply sensible of the debt they owe to the Hon. Medica.l I taif, and desire to place on recoru their appreciation of the time a~d professional knowledge placed at th~ disposal of the Oentre in the canse ofhumamty, by the honorary Lecturers to the varIOUS classes.




No. of Men


who hal'e W]10 have who hU\'e cOlllpleted a completed recei\'etl conrse of a course of Certi f1 ea tes. instrnction. instruction. Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Airl. NHrsing.



2952 0

85 17

2257 6!'l


:\n. of Wom en


who have received Certi ficates. htAicl. I Nnrsing.

IXCE FOR)IATIOX OF CE:"TIlE. 67 I 17 0 II 1076 I 1303 SIXCE 1 T OCTOBI!.U, 1900. n-.J I 14 32 I 2:i

No. ~f Certificated PupIls who have received Medallion. lIlen.






WOIll l' n.

Balcmce Sheet, J 900 -1901. Expendit1.bre.

Receipts. To Oash Balance from last . £40 11 Account 2 0 Sale of Stores f" Class Fees 17 8 " Ron. Sec., Petty Cash, 4 9 " Stores, ~ledallions, &c.

By J. A. PoweJJ, for Bouquet £0 10 " Gratuities to Elgar and Kingsland, haH·keepers, 1 3 Models 0 8 " Blinko, tationery for Ron. " ecretary o 17 " Printing and Advertising. 4 6 Purchase of Stores 4 15 " Examiner's 'Fees and I n" cidental Expenses 9 0 0 1 " Stamps lion., 'ecretary,Petty Cash, " tores, tamps, lUedal'ns., &c. 4 12 Balance in hand 38 14

0 '>1~ ......

0 6

352 11


6 0

3 4 0 ll~




1. Audited and fOlmd correct this 14th day of D .L.

Chail.·Ju:ln an(I Trea surer.

eptember, 1901.

H. '\YEIGALL, President. L. ,V. V _\.ILE, Vice-President.

Pre. iel eul.

:Mr, H. ,Yeigall,


COTTOX, F.R.C. P. , Treasurer.

JlClllOI':lr y Sec t·e ta .. y.

Mr , Oharles Ootton, F.Il.C. P.


lUI'. Charles COttOll , F . n.C.l'. JIc lli cal SlllO'.

lUI'. A. D. Griffiths, M.D. l\h. C. W . Scott, )l.B. 1\11'. C. H . Tamplin, J)l.n.c.s. 1H r. F. 'W oods, M. n . c. ::;.

ANNUAL REPORT. SIX claSSeS have been held during the past session which were attended by 114 pupils. A new depa.rtl1re was the inauguration of a class for Smack-boys; this was held, by kind permission at the Smack-boys Home, and was commenced by Dr. Tamplin . Arrangements are being made to hold simultaneous clarsses for the fisher folk here, and at L owestoft, as there is considerable difIleulty in gettillg opportunity for the necessary instrueti.on at one port only, and it is believed that as soon as arrangements are finally made, a nd become generally known, such classes will be warmly welcomed by those concerned, and will be t horoughly successful.



Lt. -Col. P. Murray, Grove End, • t. Mildred's Road. Li f e .U e JlIJj Cl·.

Surg. · Capt. J . Berry, 111. Il. C. S, 1111'. T . R. BO"'den, M.D . M. O. Cotton, F.R.C.P. U r . J. B . Courtney, )[.:u .

0 0


£64 Formed 1



Xo. of Women

who have who ha\'e complete;! received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.








,,'110 ha \'e completed a course of ill tructiOlJ. l ot Aid I Nursin~


mCE FOR)L-\.TlOX OF OEXTRE. 7 395 ~44 I 366 IXCE hiT OCTOBEIl, 1900. 7 H I 17 I 13

READING CENTRE. Form ed 1 93. l~ e

i (l end.

11r. G. W. raImer,

No. of Certificated ) Pupils who have received r.r edallions.

who have received Certificates.

)1. P.

I Nursing.


I Women,









Statement of Receipts and Expenditure/or the year ending September 30th, 1901. ChnlrJllnll.

Mr. G. H. R. Holden, M.A., M.D. lIoll01'al'Y Secl'ctlll'y .


Mr. A. G. Smith, 39, Vastern Road , Readl'nao'

11[1'. H. H. Phillips· Conn, M.D. Lifc lUcmbcl's .

Mr. C. B. Stevens.

lIr. G. W. Palmer, M.P. Mr. G. H. R. Holden, M.A., M. D.

Receipts. To Balance in hand, Sept. 30th 1900. . .£15 Subscriptions 16 " Medallions. 0 . 6 " Stores • " Olass Fees-Reading 6 " Caversham. 3 ,Town ," . Grant CounCll . .20 " Entrance Fees for Competi. " tion 0

E xpenditwre. By S t. John's Gnte, Exam. Fees and Expen3es . £5 15 " "Incidental Expenses ~ 2 II "Stores • • 7 6 " " Medallions. 0 18 10 10 " Lecturer's Fees 0 13 " ' tores (local) " Printing and Stationery 2 8 "Postages. • 1 18 " Hire of Rooms. • 8 0 " Expenses of Judge for Com. petition . . • 1 5 II Medals and Engraving for presentation with Cup . 2 2 " Hire of Bedstead for Class 0 2 " Rollers for Set;of Diagrams 0 15 II Balance in hand. . 24 16

1 10 2 0 18 0 2 8 10 7

7 0 0




lUc{lical StnfT.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. :Mr.

Miss Florence Armitage, M.D. Mr. G. S. Abram, B.A., M.B. lIfr. H. Child, M.R.C.S. lIfr. N. B. Clowes. M.R.C.S. 111:1'. W. T. Freeman, M. D. Mr. H. Gilford, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

G. H. R. Holden, M.A., M.D. J. B. Hurry, M.D. H. S. Littll3, M.R.C.S. G. H. Murrell, 11[. B. H. H. Phillips·Conn, 1I.D. G. M. Wilcockson, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., Edin.

£68 14



No. of Men

Trcas Ul'cr. ~fr.


E. Deane, M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P. Honorary SCCl'ctal·Y.


6 6 0 0



£68 14


of Women

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Kursing. 1st .A id. I Nursing.

Mr. W. B. Hope, J.LR.O .. , L.R.C.P.



G. H. R. HOLDEN, M.D., Ghainnctn. H. H. PHILLIPS· CONN, Treasurer'. A. G. SMITII, Hon. S ecretr1·Y. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE

Cha iI'Juau.

8 0 8 0 0 9



No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




, rXCE hT OCTOBER, 1900. 22 I 29 I





I Women.






Mr. C. H. Johnson, 2, West View Terrace, Caversham.




YOUR Committee have pleasure in reporting that the work of the centre has been Formed 1 82.

successfully carried on during the past year, two classes having been held, one male and one female.

With the approval of H ead Quarters a section of the centre 'Vas

formed at Caversham, and two classes have been held.


The President very kindly

Sir John 'Yhittaker Ellis, Bart.

presented a handsome Challenge Bowl to the centre, and at the first competition held in April, it was won by a team from the local division. Hutton very kindly carried out the duties of Judge.

It is gratifying to notice that

nearly all the police hold the Association's Certificate. -efficiently rendered by members on several occasions.

Surg. Major G. A.

Treasurcl'. Colonel Sparks.

First aid has been very



Life UClll b cr s.

Mr. J. Williamson, M.C.

M1'. and Mrs. A. Bridger, Ashdene, MountArarat Rd., Richmond. Mr. 'V. Bateman, F.R. C.S.



lUcdiclll Senff.

1\11'. J. Williamson,

Sta.tcment of Receipts and Expenclit1.we fo?' the yea?' Meting Septernber 29th, 1901.

.Mr. Matthew Gardiner,



Statement oj Receipts and Payments jt·O?1'/, 1900 to 1901. ' Expendit1.t?'e.


1901. 1900. . £15 1 2 By Railway Olass for Stretcher £0 5 0 To Cash in hand "Ohief Sec., Examiner's 1901. Fee . . " Subscriptions1 5 9 o 5 0 " In cidental Expenses " Col. Sparks o 10 6 o 5 0 ;, Postage and Parcels 1\1rs. Sparks . o 5 10 o 10 0 " Balance in hand Han. Harriet Brodrick 16 2 11 o 5 0 1\11'. R. A. Smith o 5 0 Mr. A. Bridger o 8 10 " P.O . . Bank Int. 1900 . "Examination Fee-Mr. 1 10 0 Milner £18 10


A. BRIDGER, Eon. Bec1·eta?'y. ROBT. SPARKS, T1·caS1.t1·(3?·.


who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a COlU'se of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.






who have received Certificates.



I Women,





£4 10


£4 ]0





1st Aid. I NlU'sing.



Formed 1


Pl'cS hlcllt. ~I. p

C h:l it' 111:Ul.


Alderman J. R. Heape, J.P.

Formed 1891.

UOllOl':lry Secl'etm·y.

Mr. Leonard Barry, Town Hall , Rochdale. Chairlllall.

Mr. A. L. Wright.

T1'cnSlll'Cl' •

Mr. L. C. N. Funncl


Secre tary.

Mr. Frank Allfrey, Ripley, DArby.

llJetUcnl Stnff.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

P. Baillie T. H. Rayle A. Jefferson W, J. Kerr S. Lord

Mr. nIl'. Mr. 11[ r . Mr.

T. Melvin W. nIills J. Rodley R. Bmdett·Sellers J. P. Walker

I Women . 40


Colonel C. :llI. Royds,

l'l·cs hle llt.


No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.




who have received Certifica tes.


M:r. F. Wright


No. of Women




o 7 6 o 1 o o 1 2 o o 6

of carriage . , " Butterley Co,-Rent of Carriage Dcpot " Secretary-Postage, &c, " Balance in hand, Sept. 33th, 1901

who have who have who have completed a rcceived completed course of Certificates. :\ course of instruction. Illstruction. lot Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

SINCE 1.1' O 'TOBlm, J 900. 19



No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

1st Aidl Nursing.

OF CENTIm. ~60 I 372

4 0

No. of Men


of Women




£0 10

C. LAWTON, Ghainncm. L, C, N. FUX~EL, T7'CC~S1.t1'e1',

£18 10 0

No. of Men

Expenditu?'e. By Expenses of first aid class £4 " Mr. Lawton-Cleaning

Receipts. To Balance in hand, Sept. 30th, 1900 . Grant from D erbyshire " Oounty Oouncil




DURIXG the "veal' 14 classes have been held, an increasc of 6 classes on tho pI'e VlOUS . year. They were as follows :-7 malo first aid, 3 female first aid, 1 male nursin 3 female nursing. Since the formation of the Centrc 15 years ago 2,125 persons h g, receive~ the certificate qualifying them to rende:' first aid~ and 225 have recei~:~ medallIons; 55 males and 319 females have receIved nursmg certificates. Durin the past year there was an increase of 429 certificates and 37 medallions, following honours \\'ere conferred in this Centre :-~Irs. Royd , Decoratioll of Lad of Grace; Chief Surgeon ellers received -the erv ice I edal for sixteen years' servi/ from His Majesty the King on July 17th. Uilnrow ann. Newh ey and Castleto~ Divisions have been completed and are now in working order. It is anticipated that orden ,vill shortly be forming a Divi ion. Whitworth Division is now croin forward sati factorily. The Central Divi ion ha. now over 50 men provide/wit~ uniform. All Rochdale men who volunteered for ervice in Sonth Africa (except Private D. J. Appl egate, deceased) have returncd on completion of term of service. Drs. Rodley, Carse, Kerr, U el vin, Mill, L ord, and Baillie were made R on. Life Members of the As ociation in accordance with laot year's recommendation of the Centre Committee.


Statement of Receipts and E.£penclitlll'e [ai' the yea?' cnding Septcmbe?' 30th, 1901. E~1)cnclitU1'e,

Receipts, To Balance brought forward. £14 19 Valne of tores in hand, 9 7 1st Oct., 1900 " Stores disposed of during 41 19 the year . . "Examiner's Fees and Head-qnarter's charges 30 0 received from classes . 0 4 " Bank interest

11 By tores lmrchased from Head-


" "




" "" "

£96 11

£41 16 9 1 1 9 £40 16 Examiner's Fees 6 Incidental Expenses ecretary, postage, &c, 0 A !;i tant. ec., Honorarium 2 4 Gl'l1nt to Central Division. 1 Whit"'orth Div. " of tores in hand, Value 12 1 t October, 1901 12 Balance quarters LesH


15 0 0

15 () 5 0 2 0 4 0 1 0

0 9 1


Pl'e 1<lent.

Mr. W. Buckley.


who have who have who have who have cOITIJ,lJeted a received completed received courSFl of Certifica tes. a course of Certifi cates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. M~n.








FORMATION OF CENTRE. 622 55 737 I 367 SI TeE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 38 93 I 85 I 76

lIonol'ary SeCl'etary.

Mr. Albert Washington, The Sr1l1are, Uppermill, near Oldham. lUedlcal Staff.






Ur, Roberts Mr. ·Wakeman

Mr. Campbell :I){r. Price Mr. Ramsden

ANI UAL HEPORT. DURING the year classes have been held at pringhead, D enshaw, Uppermill, and Diggle with very gratifying results. It is pleasing to the Committee to know that there have again been many instances where the knowledge gained at these cla~ses has been of great value in alleviating pain, and in at least one case of saving life. ·While such usefulness exists the Committee feel sure that they will receive, as in the past, the hearty support and assistance of the public at large. To the nledical Statf, the Committee and students are extremely grateful for the uninterested efforts they have put forth. I n June last a succe ful cycle parade was held, by which both the Association and the Volunteel' force were benefited. During the year 36 men were examined in first aid, 19 ladies in first aid, 51 ladies in ick nursing, and 36 ladies in hygiene; 3 men failed in fir t aill, :2 ladies in sick nursing, and 1 lady in hygiene; 2 meu and 30 ladies have q l1alified for the medallions issued by the Association. Since the Centre was formed 211 men have been examined in first aid, 249 ladies in first aid, 1 6 ladies in sick nursing, and 36 ladies in hygiene; men failed in first aid, 4 ladies in first aid, 9 ladies in sick nur, ing, and 1 lady in hygiene; 41 medallions have been is ued to men, and 68 to ladies.

Statcmcnt oj Receipts and E''-'1JCiulitlli'e jar the yea?' 1 900-1901. E.']Jenditul'c. Receipts. To " " " " " " " "

Balance in band. Uppermill Classes Denshaw Classes Springhead CIa ses Diggle Classes Cycle Parade Mr. C. Byram Books sold by ecretary Medals, &c.



Ur. J. W . Haigh.

police Superintendent Prosser.


8 3~ By tamps, ta tionery, &c. 1 15 0 " Printing, Posting, &c .. 2 9 0 " Puinting Boxes, &c. 2 7 2 " Duplicator, kc . 1 12 O~ " Cycle Parade Prizes 53 5 9 " Paid Volunteer Force 0 1 0 " Pai,l Association 0 2 6 " Odd fellows' Hall 2 10 0 " Medallions. &c. tore, Examinations,&c. " unclries "" Balance in hand

£1l0 10



Honorary Tt·easurel'.


£ 96 11 1


Audited and found correct, LEr):\.u:D B.\RIlY, H an. Secretary, EDw. HEALEY, Auclitm·.

Xo. of Men

Formed 1894.

Jan. 14th, 1902.


£1 7 2 7 o 16 1 6 35 4 12 0 6 1 0 9 3 0 18 17 o 12 28 9


0 6 6~ 8! 01 O~

0 3 6 6 6l.2


£110 10

Audited :l11cl found correct, HERYEY CARTER,} Atldit01'S. CHAULE BYRAnI,



186 I

Assistant Secr c tary.


Mr. A. W. Warner, 18, York Street. No. of lIIen

o. of Women

Life lUculbcrs .



wbo have who h:we who have completed received completed a a course of Certificates. cour oe of instruction. i~truction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nursing.

No.of Certificat~ d Pupils wh'lhav e received Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.


I Women


I 1 6 I 245 1ST OCTonER, 1900. __3_6~________3_3~____~1__1_9_! 51 I 19 211






Th e Right lIon. the Earl of 'Wharncliffe Mrs. Hamilton Smith Mrs. T. H. Bingley . . 'teel, Peech & Tozer, Ld. John Brown & 00., LImited Sir Reury Stephenson Oharles Cammell & 00., Limited Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ld. 1.11'. J. Bradley Firth 1\11'. E. M. E. Welby ltlr. Mark Firth :Mr. O. Macro Wilson. Mr. J. H. Keeling, M. D.


Hygiene: Examined 36.




Pas ed 35.




Vacant. Tl'ea nrcr mHI llonOl':tl'Y Secretary. 11[1'.

John H. Burrows, 1 ,Broarlway,


:tIc(lical Staff.

Mr. Charles AlTol,

11'. Julius Oresar,

:'I1.D .


:No. of ,Vomen


I 205 I



who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I :Nursing. 1st Aid. I NurSing.







Xo. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who bave received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.


I Women.







SHEFFIELD CENTRE. Formed 1878. I'rcsident.

The Right H onourable t Il e Earl of Wharncliffe. Tl'e:ts nl·cr.

Mr. Bernard A. Firth.

Ilonorary SeCl'ctal·Y.

Mr. John W. Martin,



AN TUAL REPORT. IN presenting the Nineteenth Annual Report the Committee are glad to be able to state that dnring the past year much good work has been done hy the Sheffield Oentre. Twenty-six classes have ueen held (twenty-four first aid and two nursing), and in audition to these the memuers of thirty-eight classes (twenty-seven first aid and ele\ren nursing) heldJin connection with chool Board Evening Oontinuation Schools, have had the benefit of examination by the Official Examiner of the Association. The total membership of t.hese classes was 961, as against 835 in the previous year. At the examinations h ·ld on behalf of the Central Execntive, 6 7 students (including 89 juniors) passed the first examination, 142 the first re-examination, and 139 the seconu or final re-examination. These figures , added to those of previons years, make a total of ll, 035 passe~ since the formation of the centre. The follO\\"ing members of the medical profe sion have kindly acted as lecturers uuder the Centre during the past year :-Mr. P . E. Barber, Dr. P. Bennett, Dr. W. Branson, Mr. V. G. . Dearden, Dr. Fordyce (Hackenthorpe), Mr. H. Hallam, l'tlr. J. R. Hill, Dr. Kenny (Treeton), Dr. Peterson (Intake), Mr. R. H. Pritchard, Dr. Rooth (Dronfield), Dr. Scott (Woodhouse), l'tIr. T. A. Sheahan, Dr. G. Skinner, Dr. Innes-Smith, Dr. J. Stokes, Mr. J. W. tokes, Mr. W. E . Toync, and Miss Westlake. Successful classes have been held during the past year at several of the large works in the district. '1.'hc Oommittee wonld again urge npon all employers of labonr the desirability of enconraging the formation of fir t aid classes amongst their men. A class has been held for llIe1l1 hers of the Police Force, and 34 officers have during the year passed the first examination. The Committee wonld respectfnlly point out to the Watch Oommittee the advisability of maintaining the proficiency of the force in the art of rendering first aid to the inj ured. Classes have also been held in connection with the heffield Ambulance Brigade the Boys' Brigade and the Sheffield Sunday School Union. The Ambulance Brigade formed in heffield two years ago has continued to do much good work in maintaining the high standard of effi ciency attained to by many ambulance men in Sheffield. The Committee would heartily congratulate the offieers and members of the Brigade upon ttle success of their efforts. Reference was made in the last Annual Report to the pnrchase of an improved twohorse ambulance carriage by the City Watch Oommittee. T his carriage, and also the one provided by t he Centre some years ago, has been very much in request during the past year, the number of calls since January 1st last; having been no l ess than .589, as compared with a total of 29 in the preceding year. The carriages are in



charge of uperintendent F rost, at the Central F ire Brigade Station, in Rockin<1ha Street, and a call for them by telephone or otherwise is very promptly attend;d till o. The Committee would expre s their satisfaction that greater facilities have thus been provided for the removal of the injured, The Committee desire to convey their best thanks to the Hon, Secretary (Dr. Martin), the Lecturers, the Class Secretaries, anu all those who have by their kind assistance helped forward the work of the Centre. Statenwnt of R ecmpts and E ;cpenditlt1'e f01' the yea1' ending Septembe1' 30th, 1901. E ;'Cpenditw·e. Receipts. By Examination Fees and To Balance in Bank, October Examiners' Expenses £9 7 6 1st, 1900 . £57 17 7 79 13 6 " A sistant ecretary's " Class Fees alary . 21 15 0 " Suuscriptions . 40 0 0 14 2 2 " Meuallions " I I Stores 7 18 4 I I Printing and tationery. " Bank In terest, (Ie Com5 17 2 o 8 10 " Postages mi sion) . " 4 2 10 I I Advertising . 1 18 8 " H ire of l~ooms . . 2 11 0 " Miscellaneous Expenses. 3 8 4 II Balance in Bank 1 13 1




£125 7 0

I have examined the Cash Account for the year enued September 30th 1901 with the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify the above to be a' correct summary of such Cash Account. GEOnGE Fn "\~KIN, Chm'feud Accountant, 'heJiield. N oue1nbc,' 2nd, 1901. ISSUE





No. of Women

"So. of Men

No. of Certificated who have who have who ha\'e who have Pu l1ils who have cOl11l,letpd a completed received received received course of a course of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.

Treas ure l'.

Ml.. ~J, I. Davison, ](OllOl'ary

Sccr e l flry.

Mr. D. F. Gribbin, 21, Birklands Road. Life lU e mll c l'/j .

Mr. Geo. C. Waud.

I Shipley Friendly and Trade Societies. Messr . Rogs, Wilks, and Crabtree ~IC4Ucal

Mr. Mr. Mr. MI'. Mr.

S taff.

1\11'. "Y. Foster, M.B. 1\11'. S. Graham, J1.R.C.S. 1\11'. J. J . Rutherford, M.D. ]",[1'. E. Thornton, M.B .

W, T. Ainsworth, M.n. D'Arcy B. Cartel', M.I1.C.S. C. Eames, M.ll.C.S. W. H. Ellis, i\J.n.c.s. J. Emerson, L.R.C.S.

ANNUAL REPORT, THE work of this Centre continue as usual; 2 classes for men have been commenced during the year, one in first fLirl, and the other in nursing. The latter class is still undergoing instruction. During the year 19 men have pa>:sed the first aid examinatiOll, 9 the first re-examination, and 4 the final re-examll1ation. At a social gathering held at the close of the year the certificates, vouchers, and llrdallions, were presrnted to the successful men by Mrs, J olm A. Burton. Statement of R eceipts and E,i1Jenditw'c for the yea1' cnded September 30th, 1901. 1 E'l.'penclitw'e. Receipts. £1 15 0 £3 0 7 By Examination Fees To Balance John Ambut. 2 tore, 6 5 " Class Fees " 2 3 0 lance Association ~ 12 11 II Stores 0 1 10 II Beighley Centre II o 16 0 Printing and Ad,ertising II treet AmbuII Repairs to o 17 6 lan ce Box 0 1 0 Rent of II "I I ~IeclallioDs " 3 9 6 1 12 2 Balance


£10 16

£10 16






4 53




FOJUfA.TIO);, OF CEXTItE. 37 I 1751 I 779 I 13% SrKcE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1900. 37 118 I 80 I 118

594 0

I 1535 I


D'Anc, B. CARTER, Chairman. JOIIX 1. Dxn ON, T nas1l1·er. D. F. GRIBBIX, Hon. Secreta1·Y.

246 28 I


No. of Men

SHIPLEY CENTRE. Formed 1896. Pl'cs itl c nt.

Mr. George C. Wand.


who have who have who have completed a completed received cow'se of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st AieL I Kurnn g. 1st Ait!. I Nursing.




I 19


Mr. D'Arcy B. Carter.


who have received Certifica tes.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

1st Aid. ! "Sursing.

Men. I Women.

SINCF. FOR:lfA.TION OF CE~TRE. 12 23 23 SI CE 1ST OCTOBEn, 1900. I i


45 8







Formed 1 83.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Lathom. CJw il'JlW n.

The Rev. O. T. Porter, D.D, LL.D.

Mr. James Readhead.

Uonorary Secretary antI Trca Iu·cr.

M1'. Johu E. 'Yillett, 3, Park Road, Southport. JUe cHcal StaW.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

F. J. Baildon, M.B., C.M. H. J. Bailey, l\I.R.C.S. S. M. Brown, M.D., M.F.C.S. A. E. Oox, M. B., C. M. . B. Feun, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. W. Maule, l\f.B., C.M., L.ll.C.S.

11'. R. Smurthwaite, l\LB., B.S. Mr. T. H. ykes,L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Mr. J. P. Thornton, M.D. 11'. J. ,Yilsbaw, JlLB. Mr. J. Fonester Wood, M.B.


£18 16

O. T. PORTER, Ohail'1ncm. JOHN E. , VILLETT, Hon. Secreta?'y and T1·eaStWe1·.

Octobe1' '22ncl, 1900.


of Men

No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. illstruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.







HOnorary A. udHor.

Mr. F. Thirlwell.

Mr. T. A. Binks. JlollOl'ary Secretaries.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

58 10

I Women 8

Mr. W. G. l'llorant.

Mr. James Page, New Oourt Buildings. ~(c(Ucal

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the past year several classes have been hcld; 35 members of the Borough Police Force attended a conrse of lectures, and of these 3 received medallions, 10 received first re·examination vouchers, and 15 received first aid. certificates. On several occasions they have been able to render valuable aid in cases of accident. For the first time in the history of this centre a clas of men have attended nursing lectures and all succeeded in passing. For several years past classes for first aid training have been held in connection with the Science and Art Oommittee of the Southport Corporation, but hitherto that Committee have refused to allow the pupils to be cxamined by the t. John Ambulance A sociation Examiners. It has now been arranged that for the future all such classes shall ba held in connection ",ith this centre. Statement oj Receipts and Expenclit~wejor 1900·1901. ReceilJts. Expenclit~£?·e . To Balance from last account £6 2 3 By Ohief Office for Stores,&c. £4 3 0 " Fees for Classes 9 4 0 "Examiners' Fees, &c. 7 0 0 " Sale of Stores, &c. 3 9 0 " Postage, &e. o 4 0 " Bank Interest 0 1 4 "Balance in Bank . 7 9 7 £18 16


Mr. J. R. Crease, F.R.C.S., Edin. }Ir. H. Goudie, M.B ., C.M., EJin. Ur. Gowans, :Mr. H. Hunter.


:Mr. J. Macdonald, ;\L B., C.M., Ec1in. :Mr. illartin. 1\11'. Ord . ;)11'. O. J. Sutherland, M.D., L.R.C.g., Edin.

ANNUAL REPORT. IN presenting the cighteenth annual report, the Oommittee are pleased to state that the work of this Oentre is carried on with unabatcd interest, and that steady progress continues to be the feature of this Centre's work. During the year ended October 1st, 1901, 13 classes han been held. Oompared with last year this shows an increase of 5 classes with an aggregate of 190 students against 176 last year. Since the formation of this Centre 1 years ago, the following certificates and medallions have been granted :-Lac1ies' first aid 477, nursing 264, medallions 215 ; men's fhst aid 17l0, medallions 363 ; grant total certificates and mcdallions 3,029 . The progress of the work of the Oentre is largely due to the' indefatigable energie3 of the Medical Staff, whose di intere ted labours are willingly placed at the disposal of the Centre, and to all of whom yonI' OOlllmittee are deeply grateful, likewise to the Hon. Class ecretaries of the men's classes, and to :;Uisses Robson and kinner, Hon. Secretaries to the ladies' cIa ses. The Committee gratefnlly acknowlcdge the continued support of the Oorporation by a grant from the Technical Educ[1tion Oommittee, which brings the opportunity of obtaining instruction in ambulance work within the reach of all classes of the community. The interest of the police in the work is unabated, pmctically the whole of the members of the borough and river police are certificated men, and are freq ueat1+called upon to render [1ssistance in ca e of street accidents, some notable cases where first aid has been efficiently rendered have been reported. Weare pleased to record that tile borough police have formell themselves into a Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigarle. This is the first men's Division formed in the town. Seventy. five boys of the Wellesley training ship have passed a highly creditabl~ examination during the year. This is a most satisfactory state of things, and shows the great interest taken in the boys by Oaptain Baynham and the officers of the Wellesley training ship.


192 Weare again indebted to 1\1iss Ro bso11 and 1\1iss Skinner, the Hon. Secretaries t the ladies' classes. The interest taken in these classes is very satisfactory , for' , as0 was pointed out in our last annual report, from these classes alone the ranks of th ladies' nursing guild are recruited, also the ladies' division of St. John Ambulanc: Brigade, which was formed last year. In conclusion, we do not record the cases where invaluable help has been oO'iv en, and probably life saved, by our students, but from cases reported the Committee are convinced of the reality of the work of this Centre, and are encouraged to continue their work, relying upon the inhabitants of the borough for practical sympathy and support to an Association, which has for its only object the relief of human suffering.

SOWERBY BRIDGE CENTRE. Formed 1890. Prc ideu t.

1111'. W. H. Gibson. Assi s tant Secr etary .

lJonorary Secr e t:1l'Y·

Statement of Receipts and Expenditlt?'e, 1900-1901.


Mr. W. Tolley, 151, Park Crescent.

Receipts. £6 1 To Balance 23 19 " Fees 6 7 " Stores, &c. 1 2 0, Medallions " Subscription, Mr. Joseph Moore • 1 1 1 1 "Mr. John Taylor • " 5 5 " Balance due to Treasurer.

0 0 5

Expenditw·e. By Head Centre Exam. Fees, &c. . . £18 ~ 10 Stores 9 5 0 " " fedallions 1 12 6 "" Rent" of Rooms and Class Expenses . • 7 8 0 " Ad ver.tising and Printing. 6 10 0 " Sundnes, Postages, &c. • 1 19 10

£44 18


£44 18 2



Liabil ities. T o Balance due to Treasurer. " Supplies

9 6 0 6

555 5 8 7 £10 14

By to res in

Assets. teck

• £10 14 0


£10 14 0

Audited and certified, December 23rcl, 190 1.

THO)fAS A. BINKS, A1~ditor. FRANK THIRWELL, T?·casurer.


No. ot Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. h;t Aid. I Nursing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.

I Women


477 I 264 1 141

SINCE ] ST OCTOBER, 1900. I 16 I 11 I ] 6



1 363 10



Mr. L. Haigh. Auditor.

Tl·ca surcr •

Mr. J. Hanson. Mr. W. Perrin Brown.

111'. T. Hoey. :Uc tUcal S.nO.

Mr. J. Dunn. A "NUAL REPORT.

INpresenting the annual report the Committee are again pleased to record that a large number of good work has been accomplished during the year. The work of the Centre has progressed favourably, increasing interest has been manifested, and the outlook for next session is very encouraging. During the year two classes have been held-one from females (conducted by Dr. W. P. Brown) and one for males (conducted by Dr. J. Dunn), for instruction in first aid. The classes have been most successful, for which great credit is due to the instructors and to the students for the interest they have taken in their studies. As mentioned in last year's report, the Committee have expended £10 on nursing appliances, which have been in great demand by the public. A cupboard has been erected in the fire brigade station for hould anyone require any of the above appliances the purpose of storing the same. they can be obtained from Mr. Dilworth, caretaker of the Public Baths, on production of a written request signed by the sick person's medical attendant, district nurse, or t.he local Hon. Secretary. The ambulance carriage has been used twenty-six times since March 1st, 1900, and students have rt'!1dered valuable assistance in the removal of accident and invalid cases. It becomes a pleasant duty to revert with sincere gratitude to the continued devotion of the medical staff, Dr . Brown and Dr. Dunn, who are unceasing in rendering gratuitous services in instructing students, and without their valuable assistance the certificates of the past year could not have been gained. The Oommittee beg to tender their most hearty thanks to all subscribers and friends who have helped on the work in anyway. It is a pleasure also to be able to state that the Association was instrumental in raising the sum of £25 by a concert held in the Town Hall on March 3rd, 1900, for the purpose of assisting the local War Relief Fund, which amount was handed over to the Oommitt.ee dealing with that matter. In conclusion the Oommittee beg to impress on all present the growing necessity for a knowledge of how to render first aid in cases of accident or sudden illness, and so be the means of saving much suffering, and may be human life, an d trust that the new classes may be still more successfnl than those of the past.



D c puty Chairm a n.

Statement of Receipts and E;1Jpenditu?'e, Session 1900-1901. Receipts. To Cash on hand-Bank . Secretary " Student'" Fees " Annual l1bscriptions " Donations. " Silver Medallions . " 1111'. E. Whiteley, for " Medallions 111'. J. H. Scholefield, for " Medallions 1IIessrs. Geodfrey Rhodes " and Evans Collection at Town Hall " Bank Interest " Text Book , Bandages, and " Diagrams Mr. H. Riley-Medallion.


£8 13 1 4 4 16 12 16 1 9 1 2 1


o 16 1

1 2 14 0 5 1 17 0 2

Alderman Riclyard .

Expenditw·e. 11 By Postage paid by Mr. T. W . O~ R.ichardson . . £0 6 0 " "\Vm. Ingram, Loan Book 0 and Pencils . o 6 6 " B. Holroyd, Cllpboal'll . 3 10 0 " " Keys. . o 3 " 'V. Ackroyd, Annual Re0 ports, Post Oa.rds and Printing . . 1 11 0 " Large Handbills and " Ad vertising . . 0 15 0 " " Programmes & Posters 1 1 2~ " W. H. Hall, Books (First 10 Aid and Questions) . 2 3 " St. J.A.A., Exam. Fees. . 3 6 -1 ,. ,, Medallions 3 0 0 " J. Brig~s, Use of Room . 2 10 " .r. Smith & Co., Bill posting 0 3 " J. Baume, use of Piano antl ervices rendered . 0 1~ " J. Hanson, Hire of Town Hall and Class Room 1 7 " Secretary's Accoun t 1 12 " Cash in Bank 14 4 " In Secretary's hands 1 5

£37 17 10

6 0 0


7 6 0 0 6








1 8~

No. of

Ko. of Women


who bave who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.



i 39


who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who bave received Medallions. Men .

I Women




SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 30 I 23 I 25





No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

STOCKPORT CENTRE. FOl'lI1eu 18 3. P rcs idcnt.

The Right Hon. the Earl Egerton of Tatton. Ch a i r m an.

Mr. A. E. Fern .

Resusc ita ted 190 1. Chairman aUfI PI'CSitlCll'.

Mr. J. F. Cheetham.



I Nlirsing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. SINCE FOR:'lATION OF CENTRE. I 212 II 149 ! 160 117 I 53 73 SINCE 1ST OCTOB!l:R, 1900. 9 9 8 10




ALEX. DISHI~GTGX, Tr·easu1·er·. JAS. H . HYDE, Hon. Sec-reta?·y.


TOLL1W, Hon. Sec?'eta?·y.

who have received Certificates.



Jos. RIDYARD, Deputy Ohai-rman.


No. of Women

who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.


Expr-nditm·e. Receipts. . £12 1 o By Lecturer's Fees £13 2 To Students' Fees . 3 16 o "St. J . .A..A. Examiner's Exam. Fees " Technical " . Fees and Travelling ExInstructlOu3 7 5 penses, &c. . . 511 " Committee Grant " Examiner's Fees, Books,&c. o 10


who have com p 1eted a course of instruction.


Statement of Receipts and Expenclitw'e fv?' year ended 30th Septembe1', 1901.

£37 17 10


No. of Men

:Mr. J. H. Hyde, Victoria House, Motham Road, Stalybridge.

Mr. Alex. Dishington.

0 0 0

W. H. GIBSOX, President. J. HAxso~, TreaSll?·er.


11011. Sccrctary.

TrCfl s nrcr.


T l·e a SUl·er.

MI'. Henry Bell. 1I0n ol'ary Sccl'c 'ary .

MI'. Arthur Briggs, 36, St. Petel'sgate, Stockport.



196 Lite

Trensurer. MI". R. Lownd es.

~leJl1ber s .

Mr. Henry Bell. Mr. A. E. Ferns.

The Right H on. the Earl Egerton of Tatton. lIr. A. H. Skycs, D.L.

Jlonol'nry Secretary.

Mr. Hedley Satchell, 50, Hagley Road, Stourbridge.




Mr. H. P. Ilderton fr. F. ,V. Jordan Mr. J. Keay Mr. R. A. Murray Mr. E. Rayner Mr. F. C. Rogers Mr. H. G. Smeeth Mr. T. Hanson Smith Mr. J. Worthington.

Mr. W. B. Bale Mr. H. R. Bellamy Miss L. M. Blake ~fr. F. Cant Mr. J. B. Chadwick Mr. L. M. F. Christian Mr. G. H . Darwin llr. H . J. Dickey Mr . J. J. Kent Fairclough

Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1'c to September 30th, 1901. Receipts. T o Balance. " D onations " Medallions " Fees for Classes " Bank Interest

£9 3 5 ]0 0 0 080 600 075

Expenditu?·e. By Medallions " Balance in Bank

£2 11 6 23 7 4

£25 18 10

£25 18 10

Examined ann found correct, ,V. CHALONER, Chartered Accountant. 'Stockport, Decembe1', 1901. ARTHUR BRIGGS, Bon . Secreta?·y. I SSUE OF CERTI FICATES AND MEDALLIONS. ~o.

of Men

No. of Women

who have who have who have compJeted a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing.





who have received Certificates. 1st A.id.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have rereived Medallions.

I Nursing. Men.

SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 573 I 117 I 405 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 13 I 11 I 12

I Women.







DURING th is year there were two classes held, one for men on first aid and the other for women on nursing. Dr. Kirkpatrick gave a course of lectures to men on first aid at the Dispensary, Stourbridge; 17 men entered, of whom 11 presented themselves for examination, and all passeu . Mr. L. A. Taylor, of Brierley Hill, was the examiner. Mr. G. J. Dudley gave a course of lectures to women on Nursing at the Schoolroom, Lower High Street, Stourbridge; 16 women entered, of whom 13 presented themselves for examination, and all passed. Mr. L. A. Taylor, of Brierley Hill, was the examiner. The Local Committee again acknowledge, with thanks, the help it has received towards defraying the cost of the classes, The Urban District COllncil charged only for the gas used in the Corn Exchange, while the Dispensary also lent its room for the lectures. The following cases of first aid rendered to injured persons durmg the past year have been reported :-On 23rd March, R. E., of Woollaston, sustained scalp wound. P.C. George James rendered first aid and stopped the bleeding till his arrival at Dr. Kirkpatrick's surgery, where the wounds were stitched. Dr. Kirkpatrick certifies that "P. C. James did his work most efficiently." On 4th May, E. C., of the Heath, Stourbridge, received a severe cut over the ankle. P. C. 'W illiam Lilley rendered first aid and stopped the bleeuing. The patient was subsequently removed to her home. :Mr. G. J . Dudley certifies that "P. C. Lilley rendered first aid in this case most efficiently." On 26th May, E. B., of New [Street, tOUl'bridge, was rendered unconscious through suffocation; P. C. ,Yilliam Lilley and P. C. Arthur Kendall rendered first aid. They removed the patient into the fresh air, and performed artificial respiration on him for half· an-hour with success. Dr. E. L. Collis eertifies that" when called to this case I fonnd the first aid treatment had quite resuscitated that which might othen,ise have been a fatal case." On 27th May, W. H., of Worrall's Yard, tourbridge, received a scalp wound. P.S. John Beddoes and P.C. Arthur Rendall rendered first aid aud stopped the bleeding till the patient arrived at Mr. Freer's surgery. Mr. A. Eldon Freer certifies that" P.S. Beddoes and P.C. Kendall had managed the injury very well."

Statement of Accountsjor the yea?' ending September 30th, 1901. Receipts. To Balance brought forward £14 7 "Subscriptions. , 5 18 . " Fees for Classes , 7 12 " Materials and Books sold o 4


6 6

o 9

STOURBRIDGE CENTRE. Formed 1883. Pl'esldent.

The Right Hon. the Viscount Cobham,




By Expenses of Classes £7 11 6 " Printing Annual Report 1 12 6 " Do. Bills and Post Cards o 16 6 " Advertising . o 16 0 " GItS at Annual Meeting, 034 " Secretary's Expenses , o 16 2 :, Balance in Midland Bank 16 6 9 £28



I have examined the vouchers with the books and find the Statement a correct account. 13th December, 1901. W. H. H UGHES,




who have who have who have completed a received comp1eted course of Oertificates. a course ot instruction . instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I NurMing.


886 11



No. of Women


who have received Certificates.

No. of Oerti ncated P upils who have received Medalllona.

1st AidlNursing.

Men. I Women:-


I : 303





.A CLASS was held during March last, when thirty-one students attended the l ecture. The examination was held April 11th. Twenty-four students presented themselves for examination, and all passeJ. Several cases of first aid work have been attended to ill this district. One instance, which was a very serious Olle, was that of a young man employed at Kilnhurst Colliery, having had his foot taken off by some machinery. First aid was promptly applied by J . Williams, a member of the ambulance class. The doctor in remarking upon this case said that first aid was the Iilleans of saving the patient's life. Stc~tement




Formed 1891.

" " " " " "

TI'CIlSUI·c r.

Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis, M. D. , R.N. HOllornry Sccr e tllry .

Mrs. Cave-Browne-Cave, Burnage, Streatham Common. ANNUAL


R eceipts. Expenditure. 1901. 1901. By S.J.A.A. . Balance in halld brought . £5 12 6 • £0 13 11 " Stores and Exam. Fees fo rward . 5 10 4 8 12 9 " Mr. J. Lucas . o 3 o Bank Deposit 2 19 0 " Stationery and Stamps Fees received o 5 6 o 10 0 "Printing. Broll7:e Medals sold . o 10 o Manvel'S for Subscription 2 2 0 " Rcnt of Lecture Room . o 13 o o 10 0 " Balance carried forward, viz., Books sold o 1 7 Bank balance £2 12 9 Bank I nterest " Cash in hand 0 2 2 2 14 11 £15

Ownm to ill-health only one class was held between Oct. 1st, 1900, and Oct. 1st, 1901, and no annual report was issued. I SSUE OF CERTI FICATE



t. 0






No. of Men




who have completed a course of instruction.

who have received Certificates.

1st Aid I Nursing.

1st Aid I Nursing.



No. of Certificate d Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.


S1 TOE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 13



SWINTON CENTRE. Formed 1888. Chait'man nu(l Trc a Slu·c r .

lIouorllry Sccr c tlll'Y·


Mr. J. E. Drabule.

Mr. Edwardl\1organ, 17, Queen Street, Swinton.

Formed 1878.

Lifc lU c mbc r. M . B.


No. of Women

who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.


1\11'. C. S. Blythman,



No. of Certificated who have Pupils who have who have who have who have completed a received received completed received of course Medallions. Certificates. Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. i Nursing. Men. I Women.

SINCE FORltlAT10N OF CE TRE. 378 I 289 I ~67 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 15 I

9 3

J. E. H. DRABBLE, Ghainnan and T'J'easu?'er . E MOHGAN, Hon. Secretary.

No. of Women

No. of Men

of R eceipts and E xpenditw'ejor the year 1901.

)-·l·csid cut.

Colonel Sir Charles Seely, Bart.


I Women,

201 200 TON BRIDGE CENTRE. Honorary Sccrctary. Mr. R. E. Coupe, Colliery House Tibshelf, Alfreton. '

Chairman all(1 TrcaSlll·cr. Mr. Stuart C. Wardell.

Formed 1879. Presltlent. Mr. J. G. T albot, M.r.

Life lUcmbers. Colonel Sir CharlE:s Seely, Bart.

lIonorary Secrctary. Mr. George Eo.win Skinner, Rose Bank, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge.

lUcdical SCnff.

Mr. F. Marriott, L.S.A., Lond.

Mr. W. A. Stamford, ?I.R.C.S.

lUe(licnl Staff. Mr. Eyre levers.

ANNU AL REPORT. THREE classes have bcen held during thc year. A nursing class and first aid for men and a first aid for women. Great interest was Laken in the lectures, especially the nursing class for men, it being the first that had been held in this centre. Fourteen men of the Ambulance Brigade volunteered for service with thc R. A.1I.O. in South Africa, thirteen of whom have returned. One man, Private A. England being specially mentioned in despatches with three others, by thc Principal Medical Officer, ~ atal, for excellent services rendered. ,Vorking parties were organized by Mrs. S. C. Wardell, Lady Superintendent of thc Nursing Division, for supplying comforts for the Soldiers in South Africa.

Statement of Receipts and EXIJenditU?'e, 1900-1901. E.'Cpenditure.

Receipts. .

To Subscriptions " Books Sold

By Stores fl'om St. John's Gate " Examiners' Fees " InciLlental expense3 " Cash to Head Office

9 0

£10 12 1 19


£12 11

£2 13 7 6 16 6

2 12 6 o 9 2 £12 11 9

Examined and found correct, STUART C. ,VARDELL, Chainnan and ROBERT E. COUPE, Han. Secretary.

ANNUAL REPORT. DURI~G the past year four classes have been helo. in this district.

That held at the Technical Institute was comprised of firemen principally, who will no doubt find the instruction valuable in their calling. Another class was held at the Redlands Asylum, when all those who were instructed satisfied the examiner. A class was ~1elc1 at Hildenborough for the first time, and the usual class was held at the Tonbndge Grammar School with good results.

Bctlance Sheet/or year ending September, 1901. Receipts. Expenditure. To Balance 1900 account Examination Feel:! re" paidRedlands Technical Institute Ton bridge School Hilden borough Stores sold "" Medallion Fee







No. of Men Pupils "ho have received Medallions.

who have rereived Certi fica tes. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.


I Women.
















2 6 1 15 1 18 2 4 6 19 0 2

5 6 0 0

£18 17




"Stores . " Medallion . "Postages, Carriage, &c .. "Balance in hand

311 5 15 4 o 2 0 o 6 4~ 4 9 10~



£18 17


No. of Women

I~o. of Certificated

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. Idt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ald. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nt~rsing.


6~ By Exam. Fees to S.J.A.A.


No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. lilt Aiel. I Nursing.

£3 12

CHARLES C. TANCOCK, Chairman. EDw ARD PLOW RIGHT, T,·utsl.lrer. GEORGE E. SKINNER, Han. Sel',retary.



Treasurer. Mr. Eo.ward Plowright.

Chairmnu. The Rev. C. C. Tancock, D. D.

1111'. Stuart C. Wardcll.






who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

Sr TCE l!'OR;\IATION OF CENTRE. 63 I 133 I 259 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 3 I I I 3

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

I Nursing. Men. I Women. 4~

61 1






No. of Men

Formed 1879. Ivho have comn!ete:!

Pres ldcnt.

HOIlOl'nl'Y Secl'etnry.

Mr. C. R. Fletcher Lutwidge Shandon, Tunbridge W~lls.

Mr. F. Wadham Elcrs.

who have received Certi ficates.

a course of instruction. [st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st A.id I Nursing.

The Most Hon. The Marquess of Abergavenny, K.G. Trensurcl'.


who have completed a course of instruction.

who have received Certificates.





I Nursing. Men. I Women.

1st A.id



No. of Certificated Pupils who have receivecl Medallions .






]ledled StnO'.

111r. :Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. :1\11'. llfr. 1\11'. .1.11'. Mr. Mr.

Mr. Percy Low Mr. Malden 1,11'. Manser 111'. G. F. Oldham Mr. Pardington Mr. PerkinR Mr. Cranley j\f. Perry, M.R.C.S. Mr. Ranking Mr. B. Rix Mr. Stamford Mr. Edwin A. Starling Ur. C. Vise.

Adeney Walter C. Aylward, M. R. C. s. Bissbopp F. Bisshopp W. Laird- Cox:, M.R.C.S. C. R. Crawfurd, M.R.C.S. W. G. Earle. J. Bulkley Footner, F. R. C. S. N. Hay-Forbes, F.R.C.S. T. C. Guthrie, ALB. C. Lammiman, F.R.C.S. Llewellyn ANNUAL

W ARRINGTON CENTRE. Formed 1881. IJJ·cs ldcnt.

Mr. Thos. J. Hulse, 8, Salisbury Street, Warrington. lUCfUenl StnO'.


Mr. Reginald Smith.

Statement oj Receipts and Expenditure for the year ending &pt~7Jlber 30th, 1901. £14 18 4 12 o 17 o 15

6 6

0 0

o 17 6

o 10

Expendittt?'e. By Examination Expenses . "Purchase of Stores . "A. K. Baldwin, Printing. "Incidental Expenses " Balance .

£5 14 0 2

7 8



of Men

Ro. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. .tst AidT Nursillg. 1st Ai(l. I Xnrsing. 1st Aiel. I Rl1r~illg.

2 7 0 1 0



who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have rer.ei\'I'd Medallions.

Xnrsillg.1 Mell.


W OIllf'1t



15 8 8

SINCE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1900. *74


Mr. R. Guest Gornall.








* In?luded in this 1-1 vouchers. There bas not been a record kept of the number of certlficates and llledallions in previous years.

130 1 15 6 020 o 6 10 £25 18

Mr. George R. Crosfield.


Honornry Sceretnl'Y.

T RREF. first aid classes for men have beeu held, one in Tunbridge Wells, at the Albion Road Social Institute, and two outside tbe town-namely, at Blackhurst and High Brooms II'ith satisfactory results, and a firRt re-examination has been held.

Receipts. T o Balance from 1900 " Annual Subscriptions " :Miss E. Frank, Stores . Don. towards Exam. " Miss Constance Tiddy, Stores. . . Den. towards Exam. "Mr. E. G. Brethel'ton, Stores. . Exam. Expenses " Arm Badge " Credit Note


M.r. Robert Pierpoint,

£25 18 4


Vouchers examined, accounts audited, and found correct. Formed 1880. CRAS. S. WICKENDEN, Auditor. F. W ADRAM ELERS, T reasure?'. C. R. FLETCHER LUTWIDGE, Hon. &'C1·ela1'Y·


Rev. ~ Prebendary Aldridge.


j\fiss McAdam.




ltl c<licnl Staff.

CA,ptain Lamb Philp, 7, Royal T errace, Weston-Super-Mare.

Miss McAdam, 5, Raglan Circus, 'Yeston-Super-Mare.

.Mr. W. E. Audland, ?I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Mr. H. S. Baker, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. .Mr. H. Burlanu, M.R.C.S., L.;S'C.P., Lond. Mr. W. W. Clark, M.D ., Edm. Mr. J. Orew, !II.R.C.S., L.S.A.

ltlc(Hcnl Stnff.

Mr. Mr. :M r. Mr.

Mr. R. Rox burgh

H. S. Ballance C. P. Crouch S. Green G. F. Rossiter

Mr. S. W. Smith Mr. G. 'l'emple Mr. J. Wallace


Ohurch Street, Wellingborough.

Statement of Receipts and Expenclitu?'e fa?' yea?' encling Septembe?' 29th, 1901.

Stateml?:nt of Receipts ancl EJ.-penditm·e, 1900-1901. Exptnditltre. Rectipts. To " " "

1900. • £1 H 0 S.J.A.A Expenses 014 " Books, &c. 1901. Two Medallions. . 040 Balance in Hon. Treasurer's 1 15 10 hands

£4 12

1900. By Balance in hand . " Donation Y. W.C.A. . " ale of Books, &c., to Olass " ubscription 1901. " Subscriptions . " Members for Medallions " Use of Stretcher.


£0 11

o 10 1 7 o 10

2: 0 0 0

1 5 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 £4 12 2

Auditeu and found correct,




Fox Fowler's Bank, 'Veston-super-Mare. A. 1\1. McADA}f, T ?·ectSll7'e7'.

7th Septem,be1', 1901.

E xpendit1tre. Receipts. . £76 11 9 . £24 17 11 By Stores and R emovals To Balance from last year 311 o 7 13 6 " Printing Subs. and Donations " County Oouncil Grant . 53 3 0 "Examiner's F ees, Head 26 19 o Office • :: Technical Institute Grant 15 0 0 21 0 o 1 4 5 " Lecturer's Fees. • " Class Fees 59 11 3 "Sundries, Postage, Tele" Sale of Stores • 2 7 4 grams, Carriage • 490 " Received for Tramports 916 " County Equipment Fund 51 15 0 " Transport Expenses 25 15 1 2 0 6 " Division Expenses " Gate Money at Inspection 3 10 0 5 0 0 " Brigade Expenses " Mr. W. Lewis, for Tea . 11 13 2 8 18 3 " Annual In spection " Balance dne to Treasurer 050 " Insurance . . 51 15 0 " Brigade Equipment 140 " Expenses County Show



No. or Certificatedl who have Pupils who have who have who have who have comvleted n received received complete(l received cow'se or Medallions. Certificates. Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women SINGE :FOHlIIA1'lOX OF C.:E:STHE. 72 248 154 45 9 I 234 I 174 I 162 SI CE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900. 1 23 23 15 1 I I 11

Audited and found correct, November 18th, 1901.

Formed 1888.

No. of Men

THO)Il' O~.

A. C.

No. ot Women

No. of Certificated who have Pupils who have who have who have who haye completed a received completed received received of course Medallions. Certificates. a COluse of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. hlt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women





TH OMAS E. GRAVELY, Trect,81.t?'e?·. 'V. E. AUDLAND, H an . S ec1"etary. T. H. HILTON , H an. Assistant Secreta?'y .




£233 12 10

£233 12 10


Mr. H. Hollis, M:D., Cantab. . Mr. W . MackenZIe, L.R.C. P., Edm. Mr. W. Robb, M.B., Glas . Mr. W. Saunders, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Mr. W. J. Watson, ~I.B., Lond.








SINCE FOmfATION OF CE~nRE. 130 687 I 231 I 570 SINCE 1 T OCTOBEF., 1900. 43 91 I 15 I 77

214 15

Treas urcr.

Mr. David Dulley, C.A.

Mr. Thomas E. Gravely.

Honorary Secrctnl·Y.

M1'. W. E. Audland, Oxford Str'3et, Wellingborough. HOllol'al'Y AssisfUllt SecI·ctIUY.

Mr. T. H. Hilton, Somerville, Wellingborongh.



Pl'c!licl c nt.

H.R.H. Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein.








A~ UAL REPORT. ave been helcl during thl3 past session at "\Vo mbw ell , Hemingficld and



Cr,ASSES h IVombwell Main (Railway Centre.)

Mr. W. Sandby

'Th e Rev. Canon R. Gee, D. D.

](Ollornry Secretary.

Recei'1lts emel Expenditw'e /0" the yea,,' ending NovembeT 18th, 1901. "1:' _, • • Receipts. EJ.peadtture , b ucrht forwardBy Central Fund . . £13 7 1 " Expenses Tea and Concert 11 11 3 To Balance r~ 0 £16 11 9 B ISn 'e:;~y 2 1 11 "Printing~ Postage, and 1 16 lO b eCI £18 13 8 undnes . 3 2 2k t Sold for Tea and " Balances in ~ank · 7 0 6~ " TICCe s t 10 14 9 " In Secretary s bands onceI' . . Major Mitchell, (sub.) oj 1~ 0 " Bank Interest 0 " ld 5 19 6 " Stores so £36 17 11 £36 17 11 State men t

:Mr. H . Burton, 23, Groye Road, 'W indsor, Berks. :'tlc(licnl Staff.

Mr. W. Fairbank. ANNUAL REPORT.

MR. W. F AIRBAXK conducted 2 classes in Windsor and 1 in Slough; 59 attended in all ; 58 passed; 1 failed. H. R . H. Princess Christian most graciously attended at the Royal Albert Institute on June 1st, and pri,ately presented the certificates and medallions for the past two years. T he Wind!.or classes for men and women were held nnder the Technical Committee of the Windsor Town Council.


ROBIXSOX, T Teasurer. J. GREGORY, Hon. Secretary.

S tatement oj Receipts and E xpenclituTe. Receipts. Expenditure. T o Balance in hand, 1899 • £23 10 3 By Expended • • £27 15 5 " Fees, Donations, &c. 38 7 2 "Balance in hand • 34 2 0 £61 17

Novembe1' 11th, 1901. I SUE OF CERTIFICATE


who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.





No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.


who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a cour'e of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. l.8t.Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.





No. or Women

No. of :Men

£61 17 5

R. GEE, D.D., Ohairman. "\y ILLIA.:.\[ SA~DBY, Treaslwer . H. BunTox, Hon. Secreta,·y.

No. of Men






SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1900, 16 I I 15

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have receh'ed Medallions.







who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I ~ ursing.

SIXCE FOr.:'\L\'TIO~- OF CE~TRE . I 177 I 112 I 134 SIXCE 1ST OUTOBER, 1900. '27 I 9 I 15

Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have received }f edallion . Men.





I Women.



73 Formed 1 90.



4 Pl'csiclcllt. ]\II'.


W. H. Jal1and,


lIo1101'al'Y SCCl'ct:ll'Y :11Hl Treasllrer.

Formed 1885.

Mr. J. H. Turn er, 17, High Ou egate.


Major 1I1itchell. Tl'CaSUl'cr. Mr. John Robinson. Honoral'y Secr c tary.

Mr. J. Gregory, Cortonwood Collieries, Wombwell, near Barnsley.

Uc(lical Staff.

Mr. Mr. Mr. 1fr.

W. A. Evelyn. Henry Foster. Noel L. Hood . S. Long,

II'. A. \\' . Metcalfe. Mr. A. B. Northcote. ?>Ir. H. W. Reynolds. Ir. J. P. Wightman.

I Wome n.


58 12 .,



ANNUAL REPORT. "THIs Centre has been in existence since 1890, and the Committee in presenting their report for the past year have pleasure in stating that the work has been fully of the average character j 3 first aid classes and 1 nursing class has been held. Of those who presented t hemselves fo r examination from these classes 56 passed. I n addition to this 14 were awarded vouchers for passing the first re-examination, whilst 36 passed the final re-examination, aud 12 have received medallions.

British Dominions Beyond the Seas. AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE CENTRE. Formed 18 4. I'res ltlcllt.

Statement oj Reuipts and Expenditure, 1901.

His Excellency Lord Tcnnyson,

Expenditure. By Head Centre, Balance on Old Account £ 11 4 0 Stores 7 5 " " Exam. Fees 8 7 3 "" "" Incidental Exp. 2 2 0 Printing and Advertising 12 2 6 " Balance in hand . 1 0 0

Receipts. To Balance in hand, 1899 , £ 3 1 9 "Fees, Books, Bangades, &c. 38 14 5

C ltah·Jllllll.


Mr. W . Herbert Phillipps.





Mr. Thomas Padman. Life lUc ml> er s.


H. J ALLAND, President. J, H. TURNER: Hon. Sec. and Treasure?'.

;Uc(licn l Stafl'.




Mr. T. W. Corbin Mr. B. Poulton :Mr. A. A. Hamilton Mr . R. Brummitt Mr. E. D. Archer

No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.


1ST 44




who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

1900. I 40

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

I Nursing. Men.


Mr. B. Poulton Mr. E. W. van Sendeu Mr. R. St. Mark-Dawes.

Lord Brassev Mr. A. M. 'Simpson Mr. J. H , Angas Mr. T. W. Corbin



Mr. Charles C. Driffield, Clifton Cham bel's, 22, Anne Strf;:et, Adelaide.

Mr. W. Herbert Phillipps.

£41 16 2

:No. of Men

Secr etary .

TL·ca s urc r.


£41 16

G. c. M. G.


I Wornel!.




J. A. G. Hamilton Mr. R. Hamilton :Mr. J. H . Henderson 1111'. C. H . Soutar.

A "NUAL REPORT. Oommittee, in presenting the annual report of the Adelaide Centre, have much pleasure in stating that the progress made during the period under review has been satisfactory in every respect, as whilst the finances of this Centre have greatly improved, no less than 210 pupils have been present at first aid classes and 44 pupils have attended nursing classes. Bp.fore referring more particularly to the work of the past year the Committee wish to place on record their sense of the deep loss which has been sustained by the whole of the British Empire through the death of H er Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, the Sovereign Head of the Order of St. John of Jerusalcm in England. By the financial statement which accompanies this report it will be noted that the Association is once more in receipt of the Government subsidy of £ 50, which is gratifying, and enables the Association to revive the liberal terms on which the railway employes and. the police can attend the classes. So far the railway servants have not thi year for111ed. any classes, which is to be regretted when the special character of their occupation is considered j but it is pleasing to record that Colonel Madley (Commissioner of Police) has formed two maximum classes from members of the City Police Force, one of which is now going through a course of lectures under Dr. Morgan, and on completion the other will immediately follow. By the class books of the Association it is now shown that 1,702 persrms hold firs t aid certifi cates, 24.6 hold nursing certificates, and 170 hold junior ccrtificates from the Adelaide Centre.



211 lUcdlcnl Sfufr.

In conclusion, th e Committee would point out the good work done by this Centrein the ?~st, and express the .hope that all who are ~on.versa~t with the advantages of the trallllllg and knowledge Imparted by the ASSocHl.tLOn WIll combine in inclucina their friends to attend the lectures, and so acquire information necessary to euabl: them to render assistance in cases of accillent or illness. Statement of Receipts and Expenditw'e /01' the yea?' ending 31st .A:fa1'Ch, 1901. Receipts. To Balance brought forwarn . £65 10 from last year Donations and sub scrip" tions . 10 3 6 66 19 1 Class Fees 2 15 0 "" Medallions Bank Interest 1 9 3 50 0 0 "" GoYel'llmen t Su bsidy

EX1Jenditw·e. By Lecturers' Fees . " Examin ers' Fees " Annual Meeting anel Printing Anllml Report "Advertising. . " Printing " Officc Expenses, including Office Rent, Hirc of Rooms, Postages and Petties " Balance Savings Bank Depo it " Balance Comm ercial Bank " Cash in hand •

. .

£196 15

£21 0 01 15 17 6 12 6 0 3 0 0 1 8 6


0 9

29 11 3

77 0 8 511 0

£196 15 8

W. HEUBEr.T PHILLIPPS, TnastL1'er. CHARLE' C. DRIFFIELD, Bon. Sec?·ela?·y. Audited and found correct, Tuos. PADlIfAN, Hon. Auclito?'.

17th .May, 1901.


No. of Men


who have who have who have completed received completed a Certificates. a course of course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nnrsing' 1st Aid. I Nur3ing.

SINCE 1655 98




1st Aid.

Pupils wbohave received Medallions.

I Nursing.


I Women.




who have received Certificates.



OF CENTRE. 565 308


SINCE 1ST MARCH, 1900. I 112 I 44 I 66


NEW SOUTH WALES CENTRE. Formed 1890. l'l'es III en t. His Excellency The Hon. Sir Frederick Durley, G.C.M. G. Tl·caSUl·er.

Secref Ilry.

Mr. J. Barre Johnston

Miss A. Green way. Ilend OHlcc:

21, Equitable Buildings, George Street, Sydney.




Mr. G. H. Abbott, !tLB., Ch.]\[.. Mr. S. A. Alcorn, i\LB., Ch. ~ .. (Dublm) Mr. Richard Arthur, ]\[.]). (Edlll.) !Ill'. Frederick Ashwell, ]\[.B., Ch.M. Mr Robert J. Alcorn, J,.H.C.S. (IreI.), . L.P.. C.P. (Rdin.) !Ill'. G. Allan, ~LD., M.S. (Aber.) J-Ir. Joseph F. Bartley, M.B., Ch.B. (Melh.) Mr. Reginald Bowman, ::II.B., M.lt.C.S. Mr. Paul Boelke, III.B., Ch. IlL (Sydney) Mr. T. ,V. Brown, M.B. (Melo.) Mr. Leslie F. Bucknell, L.l{'().S., L.:r.. C. p. (Edin .) Mr. W. Sigismund Brown, M.lLC.S. Mr. J. L. Beeston, L.H.C.S. (IreI.) Mr. W. A. H. Burkitt, M.B., Ch.B.,(Dub. ) Mr. Harold Browne, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Miss Agnes E. L. Bennett, ::II.B., ~I.s. (Edin.) Mr. Walter F. Burfitt, ::ILB., Ch.III. ('yd.) Mr. C. P. B. Clubbe, L.R.C.P., i\I.R.C.S. Mr. WilliamClarke,::ILR.c.s.,M.D.(Cantab.) Mr.CharlesU.Canuthers, L.R.c.s.(Irel.) Mr. Brabazon N. C'1.sement, i\I.R.C. S. Mr. F. G. COllllor, ::ILB. (Edin.) Mr. Wm. T. Chenhall, M.B., Ch. B.(Melb.) Mr. Aubrey J. C. Crawley, IILB. (Syd.) Mr. Allaster E. Cox, M.B. (Erlin.) Mr. F. H. Cox, ~LB. ( 'yd.) Miss Iza F. J. Coghlan, Ch.1\1. (Syd.) Mr. Alfred .r • Chenha11, IILB. (Melb.) Mr. John I. C. Cosh, i'I.B., Ch.::I1. Mr. L. S. Davidson, M.B.,M. Ch., (Syd . ) Mr. Thomas Storie Dixson, M.B., C.M. (Edin.) Mr. T. Adam Dick, )LB. (Edin.) Mr. Denis Doolan, L.R.C.P. , L.R.C .. (Ed.) Mr. N. J. Dunlop, ~f.B., (Ed.) Mr. C. A. Edwanls, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S. (Edin.) Mr. F. W. ELller, F.R.C.S. (Irel.) Mr. W. L'Estrange Eames, IILB., Ch. B. (Dublin) C.B. Mr. T. Carson Fisher, M.D. (Dub.) MI'. Alfred Foster, L.R.C.p., M.R.C.S. Mr. Sinclair Finlay, L.R. c. P. ,F. R. C. s. (Ire.) Mr. Alfred Fitzpatrick, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Eelin.) Mr. John Bass Graham, M.D. (Ire1.) Mr. ,V. R. Graham, L.RC.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin. ) Mr. T. Arthur Grieves. L.R.C.P , i\I.R.C.S. Mr. A. Maitland Gledden, M.D. (Lond.) Mr. G. A. Going, ::ILR.C... Mr. MacDonald Gill, M.D. (Lond.) Mr. J. C. W. Halliday, l\I.B. (Sydney). Mr. Cooper Hardcastle, M. B. (Ed in.) Mr. T. J. Henry, L.R. C.P., F.R.C.S. (Edin.) Mr. A. Jarvie Hood, M.B., M.S. (Glasg.) r. H?rs~all, M.B" Ch. B. (Syd.), D.S.O. M r. Hl!l:oO'lllS, i\L B. Oh. M. (Syd.) ~. Mr. John Harris, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. u' (Edin.) .LtllSS May Harris, L. R.E C. P., L. R. C. s. (Edl·n.) M r 1'. • Cuthbert Hall, M.B. (Syd.)

Mr. M. O'Gorman Hughes, M.B. (Syd.) II'. ~. Hall, L.R.C.S. (IreI.) Mr. ]ired.ck. W. Hall, M.D. (Lond. ) MI'. Nevlile R. Howse, M.lt.C.:;., L.Jt.C.P, Y . C. Mr. E(lmund R. Kavanagh, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Edin.) II'. R. Vandeleur Kelly, F.R.C. S. (Ed.) Mr. A. Livingstone Kerr, M.D. (Ed.) Mr. 1-'. J. Kelly, III.B. (Syd.) M1'. Th. '1'. Spiers Kirkland, M.D. (Glas.) Mr. L eslie J. Lamro ck, M.D. (Ectin.) Mr. H. Sanderson Lloyd, ~1.D. (Ec1in . ), M.R.C.S. Mr. Frank Liddell, M.B. (Edin.) Mr. W. F. Litchfield, ::If.B. (Syd.) Mr. Harry M. Massey, L.R.C.P.,~I.R.C.S. Mr. Joseph Marshall, ::II.B.,Ch.B. (Dub.) Mr. J. Gilbert McKay,::IL B.,Ch .B.(Melb.) Mr. A. H. Meeke, :M.D. (Dub.) Mr. John Brook Moore, L.R.C.S. (Irel). Mr. G. Lane Mullins, M.D. (Dub. ) l.1r. ·WilfridJ. R. Nickson, M.D. (Dub.) :Ml'. Harvey 1 ickol1, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.) Mr. Philip K. O'Brien, M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P. Ir. W. J. O'Reilly, :'ILD. (R.X.I.), M.R.C.S. Mr. Cecil Purser, ::ILB., Ch. M. (Sydney). Mr. A. Aubrey Palmer, L.P.. C. P., (Lond.), ::IL}{.C.8. 1111'. W. F. QU&.ife, )1.B., ::ILS. (Glas.) Major Reuter E. Roth, M.R.C.S., D.S.O. l\Ir. ,\TaiteI' E. Roth, L.R.C.P., !II.R.C.S. Mr. Fairfax Ross, M. R. C.Il. Mr. Clarence Read, )LR.C.S., L.R.C.P. nIl'. James Reiach, ::I1.D. Mr. William C. Robinson, L.R.C.P., IdLC.S. (Ed.) lUI'. W. G. Cumming Smith, ::ILB., C.M. (Gla .) M1'. A. J. mith-Ventry, L.R.C.S. (Ire1.) Mr. G. H. 'Walton Smith, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.,. (Edin). Mr. 'W illiam E. Strong, M.D., J\LR . C.S. M1'. Clifton Stlut,L. R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Ed.) Mr. F. C. Stevenson, L.R.C.S. (Ire1.) Mr. C. H. Scott, ::ILB. (Melb.) Mr. H. G. H. Scott, 1\1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. P. J .'Sexton,L.R.c.P.,L.R.c.s.(Irel.) .lUr. G. 1-'. ~tanley, )LB. ( yd.) 11'. tratfol'dSheluon, M.B.,Ch.M.(Syd). Mr. R. Bindon Stoney, M.B., Cb.B. Mr. Murray Sander<;on, L.S.A. (Lond. ) Mr. William Sproule, M.D., ~r.s.N. (Ed.) Mr. S. H. Seccombe, ::If.R.C.I:i. & L.S.A. (Lond.) Mr. W. H. 'l'omlins, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Mr. David Thomas, F.R.C 8. Mr. H.. B. Trindall, M.B. (Sydney). Ml'. E . Stan ley T resl'dde I,. L.R. • C• P, M.R.C.S. Mr. Percy Moore "\VOOd,L.R. C.P.,M.R.C.S • M F . H amI'It on TIT' s (Ed . ) . 1'I ng1ey, L. R. C.. 1\11'. Watkins, M.R.C.~. p

212 Life


~I C lllb cl's.

The Right Hon. Lord Bras ey, G.C.B. The Right Hon. Earl Oarrington, P.c. , G.C.M.G. The Hon. Sir Frederick Darley, G.C.)1.G. The Hon. P. G. King, )1. L. C. Major-General Sir Ed. T. H. Hutton, 1\:.C.:l1.G., c.n., A.D.C. The Right Hon. Yiscount Hampden. Viscountess Hll,mpuen. 1\11'. O. R. 'Valsh. Mrs. Reuter E. Roth.

Mr. Alban Gee. Ml'. 'W illiam R. Tomlinson. Captain J. Iergel!. Mr. G. Dougla. Iitchie. 1111'. Frank A. Boyce. Mr. Jacob GaITard Captain J. L. Fawkes. :Mr. George Maiden. 1\11' . J. O. Ellis. l\lrs. R. B. Trindal1.

ANNUAL REPORT. IN presenting the Ele,'enth Annual Report uf the New South Wales Centre of the St. John Ambulance A ociation, the Council have much pleasure in referring to the increasing actiyity of the work of the Oentre. An address \)f loyalty and welcome was presented to His Excellency the GovernorGeneral shortly after his al'l'ival, in which was included expressions of sorrow and regret at the death of Her late .Majesty Qlleen Victoria, the "overeign Head and Patron of the Order, anu a declaration of loyal allegiance to her son and successor, His Majesty hing EdwarJ. VII. Perhaps the most important work of the year is the establishment of the St. John .Ambulance Brigade for the State of New South ,Vales. On :llIay 29th, H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall and York received a deputation from the Executive Committee when an address of welcome was presented, anu which was duly acknowl edgeJ. by His Royal Highness. Lt. -001. Yandeleur Kelly, Lt. -Col. T. Parrott, Lt. Col. Fiaschi, D. S. 0., and lIIajor Roth, D.S. O., who had been a,ny on active service, were welcomed back to office. Your Committee report with pleasure the formation of a branch of the Association at Suva, Fiji, where it is expected good progress will be made in this new fielJ. The Medical men and officers are showing a keen interest in the work of instruction on these islands. A large public meeting was held in connection with the Balmain Branch in 1I1arch last-lI.i:r. J. W. Hope presiding-Lt. -Col. Parrottj presented medallions and certificates. An important public meeting was also held in May last at Summer EiJl, when the Western Suburbs Branch officially opened their Ambulance Station. 1111'. Winchcombe, M. P., presided, and Major Roth au dressed the meeting. Largely fI.ttended public meetings have also been held in the city, suburbs and eountry districts for the purpose of forming classes and presentation of certificates. A number of classes have been instructed during the year in all parts of the State. Perhaps the most important are those held in connection with the Police Department; members of the police force are constantly receiving instruction in first aid, and an arrangement is a bout to be suggested to the Inspector-General which will admit of members attending classes who are not at the time required for duty. The number of metropulitan police now instructed amounts to 354, of whom 236 hold certificates and 8 have received medallions. The Superint endent bas kindly furnished a report, giving a number ot cases in which important first aid has been rendered by certificated constables.

The Minister for Public Instruction has again IJeen pleased to have classes formed amongst the students in training at Fort treet and Hurlsione Training Oolleges (:Ma jor Roth being the L e c t m e r ) . . . . Lectures in aiel of the funds were glven by Major Holmes, D.,'.O., and 11aJor Roth, D.S.O. , by means of which about £40 was realiscd. three adJ.itional boxes of comforts were forwarded to the Red DurillO'o the year . .Cross Oommittee at Cape Town, for the Australian Troops. Messrs. Dalgety & Co. rendered us valuable assistance in this work by carrying the boxes free to Cape Town. Sir Herbert P errott and the Commissioner of the ReO. Cross Association at Cape Town tendered their best thanks to Miss Greenway and the dOllors of the comforts. The work done shows that 723 candidatcs have attended a full course of instruction during the year-(289 men and 434 women), of whom 499 passed their examinations (men 219, women 2 0), and 19 (lllalified for medallions. The total number of persons who have attcnued a full course of Ambulance Lectures now amounts to 7,572 , of whom 5,146 lJassed their examination (2,352 men, 2,794 women), and 245 have qualified for mcdallions by passing the third and final examination.

Stc£twwnt of R eceipts and E ;;lJenclitw'e {oJ' the yea?' ending Septeii~be?', 1901. Receipts. E xpendit'l.ue. Amount at Oredit in the Bank as per previous statement, 30.9.00 . £102 2 6 " Oash iJ: h~nu. 1 1 0 SubscnptlOns and Dons. 41 17 5 " Class F e e s . 76 10 3 '; Examination Fees 50 4 0 ;, Books and Stores 50 6 7 " Bandages, &c. ' . 1~ 12 11 " Bandages ane! Sundnes. 31 14 9 "OoUectionlst. Jan., 1901 12 6 6 " " by Police Band 8 3 9 " Proceeds of Lectnre by Major Holmes 15 2 0 Major Roth 22 15 0




By Stationery and Printing " Office Expenses . " Examination Fees " Postages, Petty Cash Acc. " Rent, Gas, &c. " Books and Stores " Bank Balance ., Petty Oash (stamps in hand) .

£41 78



0 0

6 18 6 39 17 10 39 0 2 2 0 0 84 8 5

o o


E. and O. E.-Sydney, Sept. 21st, 1901.

£433 13 £433 13 8 tock on hand as per list £15 13s. 5d. Audited and found correct, WILFRED DOCKER, C.A.A. Audz't01·. T. S. PARROTT, Dep~£ty-Chair1nan. J. BARRE JOHNSOX, Treasure?'. A. GHEENWAY, Secreta1·Y.



Xo. of Women

who have who have who have completed a complete:! received cow'se of a course of Certificates. i nstructiou. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.

3427 289

2352 219

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid


of C,rtifl",t,d Pupils who have received ~J edallious.

I Nursing. Men.


I Women.

245 ]9



The Head Association has intimatecl that His Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to accept the office of Fcttron of the Ambulance Depar·tment, and has been succeeded in the office of President by His Royal Highn ess the Duke of Oornwall

VICTORIA CENTRE. Formed 1 L3. )'nl l'o ll.

His Excellency

ir J olm Madden,

K. C.!l f. G.

Pl'cs l«le ul.

Mr. James Ed,,-anl Neilu. ( 'Ita i l ' IU II JI .

Mr. John Blyth. Tl'c a " 111'(' I ' .

Mr. J. C. Ander ·on. S\CC1'C IIl 1'Y.

Mr. ·W iIliam Hamilton. Head Office: 41, Selhorne Ohambers, MellJolll'llC'. Lif e

Lady Olarke. Lord Brassey. Oaptain W. F. S. Mann, U.K. Sir Matthew Davies, Dr. Henry Gyle Turner. His Excellency the E:1rl of Hopetoun. Mr. Oliver Penfold , Bendigo. Mr. James Aitken. Mr. J. M. Bruce. His Excellency it' John Maddcn, R.C.M.G. 1111'. eptimus Miller.

~ l c lIll' c l' s .

Mr. T. J. ~rBriue. Mr. J. M. Jiall. Oaptain J obn Ogilvie. Sir Frederick Sal'good, K.C'.M.(~, Mr. Rohel't Stroud. The Hon. Frank 'tual't. fr. John ·Warren Swanson. Mr. Hugo W erth eim . The Hon. Robert Reid. 1\11'. "'William idcleley.

ANNUAL REPORT. THE Oouncil of the Victoria Oentre of the St. JOh]l Amlmlance Asso ciation hare much pleasure in presenting their Eighteenth Annual Report to the members and subscribers. On learning of th e death of H er late Maj esty Queen Yictoriu, the SoYereign Head and Patron of the Order, (the Oouncil, through the President, Dr. J. E. Neild.. forwarded to His Majesty the King, through the Ohief eeretury in London, a cop; of a resolution expressing their sincere sorrow at the death of H er late Majesty, and declaring their loyal allegiance to her son anu 'ucce · or, Hi Maj esty King Edward VII. The Oonncill'eport with sincere regret the death of their esteemed President, 1111'. Lloyd Tayler, which took place on the 17th August; and that a letter of sympathy was forwarded to his widow and family. Mr. Lloyd Tayler was Olle of the founders of this centre, and was connected with it since its initiation in 1 83 , and as President since the death of Sir Wm. J. Olarke, Bart. H e always took the greatest interest in its IJrogress, and was most regular in his attendance at all it meetings. The Oouncil have also to record the death of Mr. George Wrigley in May last. He was connected with the Association as a member of the Oouncil since 1895, and proved an active member. Dr. James Edward Neild, Honorary Associate of the Order, was elected ,President in place of the late Mr. Lloyd T ayler, and Mr. John Blyth, Ohairman of Council, and Mr. J. O. Anderson, Hon. Treasurer.

aud York, K.G. The work of the Association shows some progress during the year, 33 classes having bew in structed, and the receipts from class fees show a small increase-still insufficieut to uefray the ",Jorking expenses. The list of Life members bas been increased by fifteen. The Oouncil beg to tender their sincere thanks to those members, and would be glad to add others; the ,qualification is a llonation of five guineas, and these rlonations enable the Association to extend its opemtions in instruction, and to maintain the ambulance service. Your Council also desire to tender their thanks for many other liberal donations. A new am bulaJlee waggon has been built, and through the generosity of the "Daughters of the Oourt," who establishec1 a Twentieth Oentury :Fund for the purpose of defraying the cost of the waggon, the sum of £90 was raised and forwarded by Mrs. L. J. Bevan, High Dame of the Order, anu Mrs. Neild to the Association through the President, Dr. J. E. Neild, for the purpose. The ambulance waggon has proved a great boon to the public, both in cases of accident and for the transport of invalids, as evidenced by the fact that it has been called out over 400 times during the past twelve monLhs. The Oouncil desire to acknowledge the valuable assistance whieh Ohief Officer Stein has rendered in superintending thi!:l work; also to express thanks to the Fire Brigade Board. who so generously permitteu it to he canied 011 until, owingto the increasing demand on the time of their men and horse ', it became necessary to request the A sociation to recoup them for the actual cost of maintaining this service. The ambulance waggon may be summoned hy telephone or otherwise, and sufferers from any serious accident will be expeditiou 1y removed by members of the brigade, who have been carefully trained how to render first aid to the injured when required. Your Council arc glad to notice the increasing appreciation of ambulance classes, which have been held in connection with Public and Private chools, Mechanics' Institutes, Schools of Mines, Technica l Oolleges, the Australian N ati ves' Association, Young Men 's and Women's A ocia tions, Girl ' Friendly Societies, and kindred associations which afford pecial facilitie for organising and holding classes, and also in connection with manufacturing companies, such as the Deer Park Explosives Company, The Ohemical ,Yorks, The ugar Refining Oompany, The Mutual Store, &c., &c. The Council ag,l,ill uesire to impre s on the jl,Iinister of Education, the principals of schools, and all education:11 institution, the importance of forming classes und having their pupils taught \yha,t to do in cases of accident 01' sudden illness until the aid of a medical man can be obtained. The ability to renLler first aid is undoubtedly one of the most important branches of eLlucation. Schools, above all, afforu the best opportunity, at the age when impressions are most deeply made, for leaming what to do in ca es of accident; and as an ind.ncement, the fee for tho e attel1Llin oa . chool has been reduced to five shillinas for 0 a course of lectures on first aid, and a certificate is a\yarued on pa sing an examination. The Annual Special Examination for valuable prizes h eld in the month of March -each year, open to all who since the pl'eviou examination have obtained" much



credi t}' in. any first aid examinatioll, was attonded this yoar by 30 nlen1 b CIS ' , TIns ' . . exa,mmahon acts as tt ,timl1lus to the acquirement of a more thorol1 cr ll I ] I h' . . " 0 mow ec (fe of I)erCellt" cr f b Iow .to 11en rIel' first aId to the 111J med, as eVidenced by the hirrh 0 "oe 0 marks o )ta,lllec and the excellence of the pl'11ctical work. 695 pupils have bee . t d .' tl f n III ruct ed uung Ie year, 0 whom 349 pas erl their examination [01' certificate , ' 5, auc1 39 · comp Iete d then' COUl' e 10[' medallions. T he total number of porson ill trneted now amounts to 1')." 418 ,0 f W110m 7 113 b ave sucee fully pa sed their examination '. ' tl' D uring the yCtlI' the members who hav fully qnalified themselves 1)y 1"s" 1" , . . .,. . . )" SlOg lell' t :ud exanunatlOn hrst md t.o the lI1JureCl. have l,een increased by 39, of whom 29 WIll be presented -,WIth medallIous at the Allntl11,l Distribution by II"IS E'·Kee 11 eliCY L or d R opetoun, ("C.M.G., ou 13th JUlle, 1901. There hayc bcen during the ye,n 11 men's allll 16 \\'omen's fiJ' ,t ""1'cl eIasses, (Llll 1 (I. 1 nurslllg case . Under the rules of the Yictoria Centre' it i J ' the dut,· of th e lIl "l'll '" leI'S pre 'ent to 1 e eet the Conncil for the en uing year. T. hanks. to Lectll1'c?'s, Hono?';t1'Y SeCl'etarl:cs ' the r,.ess , and olhc/'s ' . -TIle ComlCI'1 agam d~sll'e to place on r~col'cl th~il' ~ontil1ued inc1ebte(lnes," to the meclieal gentlelllen who have so generously gIVen theu tune and labour to the il1"ltruetion of classes in Melbonrne:l~d uburbs J and throughout the taLe; to the lac1ie~ l1n(l gentlemcn who have 0 'Yllhngly undertaken the duties of hOllomrv , J seureh,rie , . , al1e1 to \ \ ' I10m tlIe success of tue uu·Centres haye been mainl v due' and to the Pl'e [01' tlIe cour t eons . . J", manne~' 111 IYll1C~l they have opened their columns ,\'hen reque ted to make public the plulan,throple efforts and IYork of the A ociation, anll to other numerons friends who have 111 JUallY way helped to further the interests of the As OCil1tioll.


Statement oj Rece~pts and Receipts, To D onation.s Subscl'lbers · f ~I b LI e 1\ em ers · D a:ug ht erso f theCourt RaIlway Department , For Use of Wab(faon , · 0 Stores, as per 11St }' 111 d 11' F " e a lon ees, Badaes " C1 0 F " ass ecs . " Annual D emonstration, Balance for ward

E,r:penditnrc fa?' the year ending 30th April, 1901. E,l:pell!litllJ'e. By Stores . £109 ;] 9 £3') 10 5 5 . ~ 15 6 " J.l111 etI a II'lOllS 78 l O O"P " rmtl11g all( 1 tatiollery' :2 9 0 90 0 0 "Exallliners' Fees 67 ,1 0 50 0 0 "ecretary . , 150 0 0 43 9 0 " l-"elJt 13 0 0 \ , , 73 l O O"P os,tage!) ane1 P C ash' 12 15 1 etty 13 10 6 I ntere ' t 130 3 16 0 "A b l ' . . " m U <'Lllce ervice206 5 5 ,\Vacraon 99 1;; 0 16 2 0 l\let~·~. Fire Bl:igacle : 100 0 0 Collector's COlllllli sion 10 14 0 £607 18 5 "Special Exalllination 18 9 6 44 9 6 "Annual Demollstratioll 23 5 0 " BalallecColonial Ban k £22 5 3 Less Cheques UIl· prL'se ll ted, os. 139·4~ anc1 145 15 1 1

8 4 £652

7 11


7 11

J, E. NIELD, P?·esiclent.

J . C. ANDEllSO T, l'n{tsu?·e?·. 1st May, 1901.

Audited amI fOllnrl correct




F.F.I. A., Han. Attclit01·.

WEST AUSTRALIA CENTRE. Formed 1 92. Pall'On.

Ilis Excellency Sir Gerarll Smith, K. c.)[. G. PrcS id e nt.

H is Excellency Sir A . C. Onslow, Kt., Administra tor for Govel'llmen t of , Vest Australia. )(onOI'Il I'y SeC t'c'tar,)".

Mr. J as. A. Venning, c/o Dr. G. F. :i\lcWilliam.', Beaufort :'treet, P erth. ,\ ss is lallt


sec re tary.

Mr. Herbert :JtcKean . Tl'c a s lll'c r.

Mr. John L)l1ch . A Tl\UAL REPORT. THE Conncil are gratifIed to be able to report a marked progress in the ,\Yest Anstralian Centre lluring tlte past year. The Council still feels that much remains to be clone in sprelt(ling a knowleclge of amlmlance work amongst the gen0ral public. Member:'! are rC(luestct 1 to relax no efforts during the ensuing year, to bring as many as possible of the general public within the reach of the Centre, and to continue the good work of spreading its influence. The memb ers who have qualified themselves to receive certiticate~ and medal! iOlls uumber H for the past year. Gow~cil.-Hi,> Excellency the Hon. ir Arthur Lawley, has consented to accept the office of Patron, rendered vacant hy the return of ir Gerard Smith to England, Chief Justice :JJ r. E . A. Htone ha al 0 been good euough to take the office of P resillent in the rool1l of ir A . C. Onslow. The HOll . 'ecretary, :Mr. John E. L yncll, after valuable sen'iceR to the AssoeiaLion, re igned, an l l such \York has since been carried out by 'llpt. Lap ley pending the appointment of :Jl r. Ja . A. Yenning. T he Hon. Treasnrer, Major Campbell, ha , we regrl3t to ay, been compelled to re ign in consequence of his inel'ease(l military duties and hi place taken by Mr. John N. Lynch. SlLb.Centl'es.-Cbsses have g eCR (' tabli ,hell at the Boulder and E:algoorlie on the goldfields, and at Fl'eemantle, \\'here we hope tt large amount of good work will be done amongst the shipping, \\'e therefore have great hopes of a "ast extension being made before long in th i di rection . T he Council arc now taking step to raise clas es amongst tIle spOTting and tradespeople who so often neeu tcmporary a sistance when accidents occur. T he Council desires to phwe on record its high appreciation t o a11 who gave their servines towards making the First Annual Ball such a succe '>, thus r elieving the long.standing liauilitie of the Ceutre and giving the Association a new start in it fi nances . We hope thes'3 ladies and gentlemen will come forward again this year and help us in the ball which we tt'll t \yill take place in September next . T he Conneil again desire to place on record their continued i ndebtedness to the medical gentlemen who have so generol1 ly given their time and labour to the instruction of classes i n Perth and elsewhere, anll to t he Press for th e courteous manner in which tbey have openecl their columns when req uested to make pu bl ic the philanthropic eITorts and work of the Association, also for spontaneously dealing


218 with the objects of the Association in the most prominent part of the papcr and to furth er th e intel'c ts of the As ociat:on. In conclusion your Council earnestly gi ve great prominen ce to the followin g racts:_ First.-That the in trnction given by the A sociation is only intended to give relief with jLHlgment and skillulltil the arrival of the duly-qualified m edical aid. econd.-That th ey are encouraged by the d ecid ed progress m alle, yet they realise that only the first t eps lHLYe a yet been taken toward the great end they cek to attain; the dis emination among t the mas e , th e tritdesmen, the lLrtizans, the fire brigades, the tram way employees, the miner, th e ta tes' chools and , indeed , among all classes, of th e information which will enahle them, in th e constantly recurring emergellcies of life, to alleviate, ins tead of a crgravating, human sufferincr until the sufferer can be placed under qualified medical care. 0' And la tly .-That this great and 111lJ11ane work camlOt be cal'l'ied on and pro ecntetl to that extent and with that vigour that its importance demand, without olid and ubstantial pec uniary aid from those to wh om it large and invalunhle aims l'ommend it, and to th em theyearne tlyand conlid ent!yappeal for continued an ~l in creased support. Balance Shect at 31 st M ay , 1901. LiabiliUcs. A ssets. f o Sundry CreditorsBy I tore. Mechanics I nstitute £0 17 6 On hand from la&t y ear -£12 0 0 W . andover & Co. 3 18 4 Purchased thi ' year . 30 0 0 lands & ilIcDougall 200 P er cell tage a;lLle(l t o JIarning H cmlcl 381 cov er halldling, &c. . 7 10 0 Bryan & Co. . 1 2 6 " Sundry D ebtor Dalgety & Co. . . 8 10 0 Cen tl'al and Bonlder " Profit a p er Revenue Acc. 51 5 7 Brallch~ . . 1 0 0 " Cash in haull and at ba nk 3 12 0 £71




2 0

To " " " " " " "

£123 11

2 1 3 6 6 4


19CO. By ea h brought forward 1901. " Annua l Ball, 1900, gross proceeds £130 ;3 0 " Less Expenses 66 7 8


" Con cessions from Credi tors on old liabilities brought forwarrl from pl'eYiou. Council . . . " P ercentage aJded to Co t of Stores " Class Fees " Subscriptions ,: Stores sales


£2 13


63 15


PreSid e nt.

His Worship the Mayor, Mr. D . Goldie. Treasurer.


Mr. C. J. Tunks.

1111'. J. J . Holland. Auclitor.

1\11'. S. T. Twentymall. Sem·e tnl'Y·

Mr. \Y . Rattray, 7, Mercantile Chambers, Jle cHcal

Mr. E. D. Aubin,

~l.lL C . S . (Edin.), L.R. C.P.

Lond. Mr. A. S. Brewis, )f.D. (Durh. ), M.R.C.S. (Edin.), L.S. A. (Land.) Ur. Pat.rick Oallan, L. n . C.R. (Irel. ), L. )[. & L . K., & Q.( ' .l'. (IreJ. ) . lVIr. J. L. Oarolan, 1>[, It. C. R. (E lll11. ), Mr. W. R. C. Erson, 1,.11.1'. & i"i . (Glas. ) Mr. F. O. S. Forbes, )I.B., )I.S. (Aberd. ) Mr. G. Tonssaint Ginller, L. s. A. (Lond.), L.n. C.V. & L.n.c.s. (Edin. ) Mr. K. ~lcKay Grant, 1>[, D. , C. ~l. (Ont. ) Mr. Thomas G. H . Hall, L. n. c. S., L. 1>[, , & L.K . & Q.C.P. (Irel. ) Mr. F. ' Y. R. J. King M . l~. U .S., L . R. C. P. t Loml. ) JYlr. A. Osborne Knigh t , r,..·. A . (Lond . ),


6 0

i 10 0 22 12 6 1 10 0 0 4 6


J ORN N . LYNCH, 1'1·cas1wcr. J . M. L Al'SLEY, Han . Audito?·.



Mr. A. L. :M nrray, L.ll- C.P . . , L.R. C.S. (Eclin. ), L. c. P.,. (GIas.) Mr, A. E. Marsack, L.R.C.P. & L. R. C.S. tEdin. ) Mr. W. n . Parke, :\['B . & M. S. (Edin.) ~l 1'. A.. Challinor Purchas, :\1. R. C. S., B.)1., :II. . (Edin.) 11'. F. M . Purchas, 1>J.B., :lLS. (Bdin . ) Mr. M. W. C. Perceval, L. & L . ~1., K . & Q., C.P. (Irel. ) ~Ir. J. C. Pab t, :\1.D. , B.S. (Melb. ) ~lr. C. H . R. Pentreath, ~1.B . , B. , . (Cam h .) Ml'. E. Robertson, M.lLC.S., lUL, ~1.s., ~1.D. (Edin) . Mr. E. E. RolJerts, B.:\1., ;\1.8. (Edin . ) :illr. W . G. cott, L.S.A. (L ond). , :\[. R. C ... , 1>1. 1>.

Dr. R . C.S. Mr. P. A. Linll ay, B.~1., ~1.:4 . (Edin.) :till'. G. de Clive L owe, L.ll. C.l'. , & L.R.U.S . (Edin. ), L.F.l' .. (Ola . ) Mr. J. A. Laing, )I.B., ~L"., ~['D. (Edin. ) 1111'. W. O. W. McDowell, ~LB. , )1.s. (Edin. )

Mr. E. W . Sharman, L.R.C.P. & L.ll. C.S. (Edin. ) :illr. G. B. Sweet, :lC B., :\1. , . ( ydney, ) )11'. G. T. mitb, :l1.n. c .. . E., L., .A. Lonu. :Jl r. H. ' Yalkel',L.F.P. & G. (GIas.) :i\Ir. T. O. \\Tilliams, L.R. C.P. (Edin.) L.F.P . & G. (GIas.)

ANNUAL REP ORT. Oommittee > in 11l'esentinCT the Ninth Annual Report of the Auckland Cen tre, n have much pleasure in stating that the past has been a, very satisfactory season. .r 0 less than ~O O have been present at the first aid classes, and 90 have attended the nursincro classes , makiner ;::, a 0errand total of ~ , 710 who haye attended classes since the formation of the centre, and 0 acquired knowleJge of value to themselves and their suffering fellow-creatures. Before referring more particularly to the work of the past season, the Committee, wish to place on record t heir sense of the deep loss which has b p.en sustai ned by the whole British Empire by the death of H er Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Vict oria, the Sovereign H ead of the OrJer of St. John of Jerusalem in Englann, of whieh our own Association is the Am hulance Depar tmen t . T IIE

£123 11 C. COVENTRY,

Formed 1 92.

Mr. T. R ope Lewis, L.S.A. ( Land. ),

E :cp cnditui'c.



l\[. R. C. R.

Rn'cnue Aeca~tnt fa1' the yea,. cnded 31st I1Jay, 1901. R eceipts. 1900. Debit Balance . £42 6 1901. Expenses of la t Annual Demonstration . 7 6 Advertising . , 3 8 Pr inting and Stationery. 6 11 Petties, Postages, and Sundries 7 18 H ire of COllncil Room o 17 H ire of Plant 3 18 Profit Balance expended as per balan ce sh eet 51 5



220 At the Memorial Procession h eld in Auck land on the day of her Majesty's funeral the Oommittee was represented by Mr. J. J . Roach and the Secretary, who carried ~ wreath and placed it at the l)(LSC of the statue of her .Maje ty in Albert Park. Another death, which afYecteu us 1110re closely, was that of Dr. F. 'V. E. Dawson who was Ohairman of the Honorary Medical tail' from the formation of tho centr~ until his llntimely death, which occurreLl in October In. ·t, aud who was always most ind efatigable in promoting the good work of the A ociation . By his great ability as a lecturer, his thoroughness as an examinor, nnLl his careful attention to the geneml busine s of the centre, he was mainly instrumental in raising it to its present satisfactory po ition. In accordance with a rcsolution canieLl at a meeting of the Executin Oommittee, pecially convened for the pnrpose, the Association was lepre ented at the late Doctor's funeral by .Mr. J. J. IIollanll, Ohairman of Oommittee , Me srs. J. 13. Gould allLl H. T . ~hclen.n, members ofroll1miltee, an(l Mr. ,V. Rattray, Secretary. .A hannsome wreath frolll the committee was placell on the grave by these gentlemen. As alreally stated the work of thc past sea Oil has been very. atisfactory. Dr. Parkes again lectured to the female central classe. The first aid cIa s was attended by 24 ladies, of whom 13 passeLl in first a.iJ, and 3 gained the medallion. At the nursing clas 1.5 ladies atte1ll1ed, of whom pa 'o(l in Nursing, an (I :.; gained the medallion . At the Ta1)el'llacle Dr. Knight leetUl'etl to two first aid classes, each attended by 24 ladies; and to a nursing class attended by:2. In first ,tid 31 passed, and iu U11r ing 14. At the Y. 'Y. O. A. Dr. :ilIcDowellloctnred to 22 ladies in first aid, and to 21 in nursing, the result of the examination howing that 13 passed in first aid, 12 in Nur ing, and 7 gained tho mCflalliolJ. Dr. Grant leetured at , t. Peter's Ohurch to 13 ladies on fir t aid and t) 9 011 Iltt:'sing. Of these ::; pa ','ed in first aid, 1 the fil"t re-examination, anll 5 gained thc me,lallion. At Devonpol't, Dr. Laing gave the first aic1lectures to 17 ladies of whom only 5 prt! 'e ntecl themselves for examination and 4 passed . There \"pre two male cen tral das es for first ail1. At the former, the late Dr. Dawson lectured to 18 men, of whom 1'2 passf'tl in first ail1, and 2 the fir t re·examination. Dr. Ohallinor Pllrchas lectured to the sGcond class, which was attended by 1 men, 7 of whom passe(1 in fir ·t aiu, 3 the fil'"t re-examination, and 4 gain ell the me clallion. The male centl'alnUl'sing class also received the lectures from Dr . Purchas. Twel ve men atteudetl it, of whom 9 passed in nnrsillg, and 1 gained the medallion, as did 3 who iutLl not attended the Classes this season. At Birkenhead Dr. :.\Iurray lecturcd on first aid to 13 men, of whom 10 pa sed. At :m. Eden Fire Brigade Station Dr. Pentreath lectured on nursing to men, of whom 7 passeu. Only 1 country class W'lS held during the past season, at Oambridge, where Dr. Roberts ga.ve the first aiu lecture's to 22 ladie'3. Only 8 presented themselves for examination; of these, 6 passed in first aid, anu 2 gained the meuallion. T he committee tendel' their very hearty thanks to the above-named medical gentlemen for thAil' lectl1l'ing; also to Drs. Brewis , (+inller, Grant, King, Knight, Lewis, Lindsay, de Olive Lowe, McDowell, Parkes, Pentreath, "W alk er and Williams and ilIessrs. Pilkington and Tunks for their service as examiners. They would also thank :.\Iisses Davis, Yeoman, Sommerville, Gwynn eth, Sorley, Doughty, Harvey and Searle and :Messrs. Champtaloup, D unn, Holt, and Frith for the assistance rendered as class secretaries. A new feature was introduced into the work of the centre uuring the past year ilL

of Practice classes. The obj ec t so ught was to enable those attending the the form fce banc1arrinrf toO'ether, and those who had gained tll e medallion to lectures to.r.ra~a~tieal acrl~ai~tan~e with the work. These were hel(l in Dutton'!; renew thel, !In Street. and were fairly attended, though not so well as they would Hall, Uppelh "Vluetlle)T bee~l held in a more central position. In order to provide llave been . t'1Ono;, . 1 ill'ae accommodation also a Ctmtra1 POSl't'lOn I'or 1ec t mes, examma lllcre~s~ccl~S~~~ and committee ~leetings, the committee arranged with the. 'ecretary pl'actlkc to ta e J o. 7".llIercantile Ohambers, as the office of the centre, they paying the difference in rent. . . The ECt1'l of RCLnfw'ly on Amblllctnee Work ~n T~me of WaT. ' E' lleney the Governor, referring to the South African war, in an interesting H IS xce \\T 1J . •1 ddl'ess, on the 31st July, 1900, ~t , e ,mgton, salf : . . a Tl St John Amhulance ASSOClat1011 III London had been almost entIrely occupl?d la~~ wi'th the South African war, an(l had SCl,lt out o~er 1,200 members, of ~he , t. of I A bnlancc Bricrade to act as bearers, be:mle!; tramec1 nurses to a !;lst III the Iill They ha(tsunk thei r in(li vi(ll1ality in this war, because of the patriotism ~rr~ea )~ople; as othrnvise it would have been impossible 1.0 have had complete , I hon al1ll to rret the best re,'ults from all volunteers. Those who had gone or"anlsa 01, b . 1Jut mot l y from W Ila i Ile nng . ht t erill to °the front were from all dasses ot. , 0CI~ty, th e better classes : persons wh~ wer~ ~a.rll1ng from three to fi':.e hundred and more a - , These JUell crave up thcll' posltlOns, and acceptcd Is. od. 01' I s. 6d. a dayY~·I.h was the Army Medical ervice pay-out of patriotism, and many had becn in ~~lelCfir.'t line of tire. carrying out the sufrerill g and wounrle? H e had le~rned fr om , alided New Ze'11and solrli ers holY the e men werr workmg ancI carryll1g on the ~~~'k of an Order [oullllerl o~er .nine hllndrc(l years agu, for tendi~g sick and wounded in Jerusalem. It \"as a cOlllCldence that work started, at t~lC ~lme of t~le Orusades should he carried on hy the s~l1le Order at t~e present tm1e 1Il ollth Afnca. I n conclusion, the OOllll1nttee ,,-ould pomt out the good \York done by the cen~re during the past nine years, and express the hOI~e that all ~"ho are .col1\.'ers.ant 'i\.lth the advantages of the training and knowleclge 11l1,Partecl \~lll com ~lOe m lOducmg their friends to attend the Lectme" and so acqUlre the. ll1fOrmatlOn necessa.ry to enable them to rencler assistance in cases of accidents all(llllness.



To "

" " !,

" " "

Receipts cmel Paymentsfor the year 1900-1901. Receipts. Payments. Balance in hauk £16 13 2 By Printing and AdYerti ing, Class FeesPostage and Petty Oash £23 7 5 Oentral F. A. Olasses 11 5 0 ' " Le(!ture and Examination 33 11 6 Tabel'llucle !=) 0 0 Expen es 21 13 6 taft· Corps 1 6 3 " Mec1a,llions Bought 10 5 11 Garri 011 1 ti;3 " Book ', etc. , Bought Y. W.O.A. 5 12 6 ,,'ecretary's 'alar}' 30 0 0 200 Deyonport 4 5 0 " Hire of Drill Hall 574 St. Peter's ~ 7 9 " Cost of Platform, etc. 186 Birkcnbenll ~ 10 4 "Ohair for Offiee . 5 10 0 Police 0 3 9 " 0 Hice Rent 2 11 6 Central Nursing 12 12 0 " "W rcaths and Oab Hire 5 19 Tau el'llacl 0 " 7 7 0 " Balance in Bank . Mt. Eden " 2 :2 0 Bearer Co. " 0 15 9 Y.\Y. O.A. " 4]4 6 St. Peter's" 3 7 6 Re-examination Fees 1 0 0 Practice Class Fees :2 16 0 Medallions sold 22 12 ti Books, etc., sold 17 4 5 Po tages Refund ed 0 3 4 Savings Bank Interest 0 12 4 Annual Subscriptions 4 17 0 1 1 0 Oambridge Olass


£141 ]5


£141 15



222 Life

Assets and Liabilities on 31st March, 1901. Asset.

L iabilities

Balance in Bi1uk .£5 19 Books, etc., in stock and il; tran it 23 17


£29 17


Offi cr R cut . . £0 16 6 SGl"plus oC As ets over LiaLilitie 29 0 7


~9 17 1

\\' ILLLUI R.\ l"l'HA Y, SCC1'CtCt1'Y C. J. TU':\K~, H on. TrcCts1l1'cl'.' Examined and compal'crl with Oash Book, Bank Book and Y ouch ers a d f , 11 ound correct, . T. T\\'ENTYM \K, _I.. \. A. . N ..,.I Z LeTIoII. A Ital't~ 01'. Auckland, N.Z.,


No. of Women

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a COUl' e of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. T~llI' sil1g.







who have recei,'eel Certificates. 1st Aiel. I

Sn,CE F OIUIATIOK OF ESTRE. 27 I 1198 I 801 60 Sn; CE 1. T Al'ltlJJ, 1900. 16 I 101 I 69 I 72

~ ursil1g.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallionn. ~[ell.

I Women

560 3



nem.H~ I·S.

Hi s Hon or Mr. Justicc Williams

M ' D Colquhoun, ;\-I,D., M.R. C.p. Tl~~ Right Rev. the Bi shop of Dun edin ;UecUcnl Stan'.

~I I.' John , Yo Anderson, :'01. I:l., (' . M . Edin. ,,'.1' Mr. Wm. Allan, :'o1. B., C.:lI. .c..ulll.


M1'. L. E. Barnett, F. H.C:H., L.ILC.1'.

Lon., :lLB., C.:lf. Edm. . Mr. W. Brown, "'LA., :lLn., C.M. ~dl11. IVIr. W. J. Cattan , :'It. n., C.]'o[. EdlJl. ~ Mr. Rott. Church, )L B. and B. CH. 1\ e\\' Zealand. Mr. J. O. Clos., :lLn., C.:'ol. Edin. 1111'. D. Colquhoun. :'of.n., :'o!.n..c .l'. L on . , M.R. C.S. Mr. G. A. Copland, :ll.D., K ew Zcalalld, M.n.. C.S., L.ll.I ·.P. .Mr. B. E. De Lautour, )1. n. c . H. Mr. A. Donglas, :'01..\., )I.B., c.;\-!. ~dill. Mr. Jas. Fitzgerald, :lI.n., C.:l1. Echn. Mr. W. A. Fleming, :lI.B., C.:I!. Edin . Mr. R. V. Fulton, :l1.B., ('.:If. Elliu. Mr. A. J. Garland,:l1. n. ( . H., L.n.C.P . Edin. :ilIr. H. Harding, B.D. Callt~b . , M.n.c .. ·. Mr. W. Hislop, :'ol.B.C.n . .i. ew Zealand. 111'. T. nL H ocken, )!.1l. c. -,; ., F. L .:->. Mr. R. Gordon )Iacdonald, L.ll. c . P. Edin., L.F.P.S. Glasgow. Mr. T. G. McKellar, :'oLE., C.:l1. Edin. 11r. J. Macpher on, )1. B., C.:\1. Ec1in.

l'l11 . K . McAdam, :lI.B. N ew Zealand. M.n..C.S. :Mr. W. J. Mullin, ~I.B., B.CH . New Zealand. Mr. J . A. N ewell, B.A., M.B., B.CH. New Zealand. fill'. F. Ogston, M.D., Aberdeen nll'. F. R. Riley, F.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., Lon. nIl'. W. ,'. W. Ruuerts, ~I.R . C.S. l.Ir. J . H. Scott, ~r.D . Edin. M.R. C.S., F.H .• . E. )11'. W. 1\1. Smith, i'>LB., B.CH. Cam. 1\11'. \V. M. t enhouse,)1. D. , C. M• Glasgow. ~Ir. IV. E. tevens, :;II.R. C.S., L. R.C .P. Lon. Ml'. 'V. tewart,:lLD . Glasgow, L.R. C.P. LOD . , L.R.C.H. Edin. l.Ir. Jas. Sutherland, :lLB., c .M:Edin. Mr. -. G. Trotter, M.D. Ec1in. Mr. J . T. W a it, L.R.C ... , L.F.P. S. Glasgow. 1111'. Jas. \Vhitton,M.D.,Q.U.I.,L.R. C.P. Edin . l.lr. W. J . ,Yill, M.B., C.:l1. Edin.


Sccretc£1·y-Mr. H. Thoma'. P.U)[EItSTOX CLASHEs.-)Ir. D. R a.nkin, Sec7·eta1·Y·


W.UKOUAITI CLA '~Es .-Mr. Thomas Pickup, Secl·eta1'Y· TAPAXUI OLA. SES.-lIll'. D. Colquhoun, Secr eta1'Y. DusBAcK OL ASHE .-lIlr. John


Inrray, Secl·etary .

Kunow OLA:-;SES.-Mr. E. G. Hill e, Secreta1·Y·

His H onor iIII'. Justice William., "''[ .A. , LL. :lI. t:hairlllan.


Oolonel \Vale .. . Dcpn' .l'·Chai [·Jllcn.

His Worship the Mayor.


Dr. 'ViII.

Sccretary and Treasurcr of Ccntrc.

:iiII'. W. Livingstone, Royal Terrace, Dun edin. lIoll. illll1itor.

Mr. W. A. Fastier.

IN presenting the report for the year the Oommittee i pleased to be in a l)osition to state that the work done ha been satisfactory. Three classes were held in Dunedin -viz., a men's first aiel, conducted by Dr. H. A. de L autour, and examined by Dr. Macpherson and Dr. Stenhouse; a women's first aid, conducted by Dr. Macpherson and examined oy Dr. Will and Dr. de L autour ; a women's nursing, conducted by Dr. Will and examined by Dr. Gordon Macdonald and Dr. MacKellar. The applications for attendance were in excess of the means of instruction, so that many had to be refu sed in each class. The number attending the men's first aid class was



55, attending the women's first aid 5 ,and attending the nursing 69, making a total of 1 2. Besides the e classes, one composed of ])jem bel's of the Engineers was held with an attemll1nce of 46, which was conducterl by Surgeon-Major Will and examined by Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel de Lautour. In Oamaru the Branch of this Centre canied on nccessfullya cla s each [or men's l1nd women's first aid and anothel for Jll1l'sing. The lecturer for these cIa ses were re 'pectively : Drs. J. 'Whitton, Dr. A. Douglas, and Dr. K. McAdam; Dr. Falconer undertaking the examination of the men's first ail and the nnrsillg, while Dr. Cruickshank conducted the examination of the women's fir t rtid . Dr. A. tenhou e lectl1l'ed to and Dr. MaeKniaht examined a cIa s in meu's first aid at St. Bathan's. At Crolllwell n, class in lll~'S first aid and one in women's fir t aid were held, the lectures being given by Dr. Morris and the examination made by Dr. Gregg. Tapa,nui, again this year, had a class each for women and men in fir t aid, Dr. B. E. rle Lantour lecturinCl and Dl' , t:> G. A. Copland examining. Dr. Hislop's classes at \Yaikonaiti were also helel, and Dr. Macpherson examined the member. In the majority of the pa, ses the knowledae I:> ~hown by tho e coming up for examination wa, the examiners say, yery creditable, and in some case remarkably 80 , As n ual, a numher of students at the l\Iining School attended the men's first aid class in Dunedin to obtain the St, John Ambulance Certificate, which is required before the diploma can be received ,' also four ladies who are being trained in missionary work attended the women's first aid class to obtain a knowledge of ambulallce work. The Committee takes this opportunity of thanking the medical gentlemen who have conducted the lectures and examinations, and at considerable trouble to themselves. The thanks of the Centre are due to uperintelldent Mitchell and members of the Fire Brigade for the use of the Brigade rooms for meeting of the men's class; to the New Zealand hipping Company for their appreciation of the good work done by the Association by remitting the freight of the litter, &c., for the Oamaru Corps, this being the second time the company has done so in Dunedin; and to the Hon, Auditor.

Statement of Re..:eipts and E.JJpenditu1'e, 1900. Ejpendit'twe. Receipts.

. £42 2 10 68 2 6 Class Fees-Duneclm " Country. 12 4 1 1 0 0 " Exall1inatlOns ". . . . 19 13 6 " Payments for MedallIons 3 5 0 " S unclries .

To Balance in Bank . .


By Printing, &e . . £11 14 " Expenses Annual Meeting 5 10 " Sundry Expenses . . 19 2 1-1 earl Oentre for Medallions 19 " Rent of Booms for Classes. 11 1~5 " Hire of Chairs, Bed, &c. 6 10 "" Advertising 8 8 " Sundry Class Expenses 31 3 Men's Corps 1 6 " Balance in hand 28 14







0 9

0 5 (j

0 0 0 6 2 4

\V. LIVING."rON, T1·easure1· .

Audited and found correct,

W. A. FA, TIlm, Hon. Auditor.


No. of Men

I~o. of Certificated who have who have who have Pupils who have who have completed a received rcceived received completed course of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I~ursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. . " . SINCE FORMATION OF Cl~~lnE I 1483 I 1004 I 56 876 340 I 144 I 119 1827

NEW ZEALAND, NEW PLYMOUTH CENTRE. Formed 1 99 . ]:>rcsldcn •..

His Worship the :Mayor, Mr. E. Dockrill. ClJ u irJUUll. }',II'.

OAMARU SECTION A NUAL REPORT. I n presenting this the ninth annual report of the Oamaru ection for the year 1900, your Committee have no hesita.tion in stating that the work ha been as satisfactory as in previous years. The classes were held in the Athenreum Hall, where splints, bandagcs, &c., are located. First aid material is to be found at Mr. J. Wansbrough's and an Ashforcl litter and first aid hamper are procurable at the fire brigade station. We take this opportunity of tendering our sincere thanks to the lecturels and examiners for their very valuable assistance, also to the press for giving publicity to the work, t he ladies and gentlemen who assisted at our annual meeting, to the class secretary, the auditor (111'. W . F . Cook), and to all those who have promoted the objects of the Association.

R. C. Hughes.

lion. Sccretary nUll Trea surer.

1111'. H. T . Ainsworth. Statement of Receipts and Expenclitw't!. fo?' the yew' ending 11Ia1'Ch 31st, 1901. Receipts. E,r;penditure. To Balance March 31st, 1900 £2 10 8 By Advertising . £2 0 4: " " " "

Donations Class Fees Sale of Goods, etc. Medallions Sold


614 9


10 7





0 0 0 0

" Hire of Hall for Annual Meeting . " Goods purchased, etc. "Honorarium to late Sec., Mrs. 1\1. Collis "Travelling expenses, etc., 1111'S. Collis " Postage exchange, Stationery, etc .. ,; Bank charge for CWTent Account. " :Medallions . " Balance


0 10 8 9 3

3' 0






o 10 7 0 12 13

0 0

£3 6

H. T.


0 3







No. of Men

who have who have who have completed a received completeLl cour e of Certificates. a. COLII' -e of instruction_ instrllction. 1st Aid. I Nursing . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

who have rereived Certi ficates. 1st Aid.




I NurSing.

No. of Certificated Pupils " ho haye received Medallions. Men.

SINCE FOI.:tlfATION ()F CENll.).,.






I Wornen.



INDIA. BOMBAY CENTRE. Formed 1901. J'n'rou.


His Excellency tll e Governor.


l'l·es icl cllt.

1\11'. W. D. Shepherd,



ANNUAL REPORT. efl'ess hac been made with this Centre since its inauguration in last May. GOOD pro" ~ . ' . Owing to the shortness of tlme, no detaIled report or statement of account wIll be , t till the end of September, 1902. Since the report sent on July 23rd last out ~~n'l class of 32 females 29 have passed. Out of a cla.ss. of 25 European co.nstaoles 16 went up for eXal11illatioll, 15 passed; another class IS lU course of mstructlOn . Of native Sepoys nearly 50 have qualified. Of Government telegraph signallers out of a class of 31,17 pas -cd. or the garrison class out of 71 gunners, 54 went up for examination, 51 passed. or their wives out of a class of 12, 6 went up and 6 passed . or the G.P.O. awl P . "\Y.D. comhined class of 3~, 8 ouly presented the:nselves for examination, 8 passed . For all of the above certdicates have been applIed fo r. Another first aid ladie!-l class is being formed, and a hygiene class is being instrncted under the allspices of the Y. "\Y. C. A. here. At Karachi a ladies' class in first aid is formerl, an<l lectmes ",ill commence on the 5th inst. Dr. Sir Balchandra Krishna Bhatadfwekar begilJS a class in first ai(l to HinJu males on the 5th inst. At a football tournament rece!ltly held here an ambulance was in attendance in charge of a European a11d ~ native CjualifieJ Sepoys; 4 severe sprains, 1 cut, and 1 abrasion were treated. Pell(ting pur'cbase of one of 0 111' own, Government have lent it tent. A riag a1ll1 Jlag-staJf arc being provided. A list of life members will be found detailed among tht' personllel of the Centre. The funds in hand up to date are Rs.l,OOO.

l 'i ce·{,'ha i l"Iunn.

Brig. -General Riddell.

The Hon. Ju tiec L. P. Russl'll. Tl'cn. nl·Cl·. Mr. A. E. Kenyon. Joint lion. Secre'aries.

Capt. H. E. Pritchard, I.e.s. Municipal Buildings.


Mr. l:eorge Lund.

Life llembe r s.

1\11'. N. 1. Uocul<las~ . 1\11'. N. W. Waclia, C.LE. Mr. J ehangir B. Petit. }.II'. Yijbhucundas Atmaram. Brig. -General Riddell.

His E xcellency the Governor. Sir J amsetjee J eejeehhoy. Mr. Damodar Goverdhandass. Mr. Bemanjee D. Petit. Lieut. -Col. Harwood, R . A . :lI. C. Mr. George Lund. iUe (Ucal Stafl".

1\11'. Bradley, 1\1. D. :Mr. A. M. Bensoll, :'LD. Lieut. -Col. H atch . M1'. Ismael Jan Mahomed . 1\'[1'. De Monte. 1\'[r. Dadachanj ee. Major L. Childe. Major Crimmin, v.e., C.I.E. Major R. W. Lyons , I.M . ~. Major Quicke, I.:lr.~. Major H ojel, ULS. Capt. Jackson, I.l\I.~. Mr. D. A. T urkhacl. Mr. Choksey. Mr. F . A. Foy. Lieut .-Col. Dimmock, J.M.8. Dr . G. B. Pesakakar. Sir Bhalchan dra K . Bhatavadekar. Major J. Lloyd J ones, 1.1\1.8.

Mr. R. T . ariman. Mr. Kalliawalla, Ahmedabad. 1\1r. Dlll'ranath N. K. Danc1ekah. Mrs. DeMonte. 1111'. E. F. Underwood. Mr. R. D. Guzda,r. Captain H . A. L. Howell, R.A.M.C. Lieut. Tobin, ll.A.M.('. Major Jennings, I.:ll.S. Lieut. -Col. Boyrl, I.M. s. Lieut. -Col. Harwood, It. A. lIl.C. Lieut.-Col. J. W . Anderson, UI.S. Capt. Lawsley, It.A.lILC., Karachi. Mr. B.N. HarrischandraBandekar. Mr. B. H . N anvaty, F.P•. C.S., Ahmedahal1. Mr. Arthnr Powell, Police and Coroner's Snrgeon.

CALCUTTA CENTRE. Formed 1901. l'aCt'o n :11ul .>re idc nt.

His Honour, 'ir John ""'oodburn,

K.(,.~ . I. ,

Lieutenant-Goyernor of Bengal.

JlouOI'nl'Y Secr etaries.

Mr. H. B. Mason, 4, Esplanade East, 0alcutta. Trc a s ll" c r ~


Mr. W. H. Taylor (Bengal).

and llnukcI·l>.

Messrs. King, Hamilton & Co. AKNUAL REPORT. THrs Centre was established in .JIarclt, 1901, by Major Yate, 1.8.C., Hon . Organizing C:>mnlissioner for Imlia, and inauguratcd by no public meeting in the Town Hall, at which Sir John 'VooLll.ll1rll, K . C.S.r., the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, presided . The work of the Centre wus first organized and commenced by Dr. T. F . Pearse as Hon. Secretary, under whose management a number of classes were held. The first meeting of the General Committee was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday, June 1 tr., when Dr. Pearse resigned the position of Hall. Secretary, and Mr. H . B. MaSOll was elected. The movement has been very sllccessful in Calcutta. The following list of classes which have been helJ indicates the wiJe-spl'ead influence which the Cenh'e has already attained:-Y.l\I.C. A. Class, Dalhousie Institute Class, 1st 1Uahomedan Class, Saturday Club Class La(lies' First Aid, ditto Laclies' Nursing, Calcutta Rowing Club, 1st Y.W.C.A. Class, Port Defence Volunteer Class, 2nd Y. W.C. A. Class, 2l1d Mahomedan Class, Calcutta Light H orse Volunteer Class, 3rd 1't1a.homedan Class, East India Railway Class, 4th Mahomedan Class, F. Company Calcutta Volunteer Ri fle Class. Other classes are in course of formation, an d are being arranged for. Q




MADRAS CENTRE. Formed 1901. His Excellency Lord All1pthill,


]·rcshlc llt.

Cb :lh·nlall.

Surgeon -General D. Sinclair, c ..·. I., 1. i\f. S.

Brig.-Gen. R. Gilchrist, I.e.s.

who have who have completed a who have received course of completed Certi ficates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

Jl OIIOJ'lll'Y Sccn'Cal'Y IUlcl 'l'rc IlSllrc r.

Colonel H . Harvey-Kelly,


.G., Gleucant, Tynampet.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.


lU c (}ic al S Clltl'.




Mr. HunteI'. Lieut. -Colonel Maitland , ULS. Major Mol esworth, l.M.~. Capt. iblock,1.M.i).

Capt. Fraser, 1. 111. s. Lieut. -Col. Van Genzel, 1. M. S. Capt. Harrison, 1.111 ... . urgeon-Gen. Hay, lL\"M. C. Mr. Macauley Hayes.

No. of Women

No. of Mell

l · atrOll.




No. of Certificate d Pupils who have received Medallions. )

I Nursing. ) Men.

I Women

1900. 25

QUETTA CENTRE. Form ed 1901.

ANNU AL REPORT. THE Madras Centre-i.e. , that of the South I Utlia branch of the 'to John Ambulance Association-was only inaugurated in April, 1901, after a meeting at the Banqueting Hall, under the presidency of H.E. Lord Ampthill, Governor of Madras. A committee of management was appointed, and since then fOllr classes ill first aid -viz., two for men and two for women- have been ll eld wilh very satisfactory results. The movement is at present in it~ elllbryonic stage, but is making steady progress, especially with the railway companies, and in the Mofussil dislricts where centres are being formed. The formation of thcse centres is also greatly facilitated by the recent ruling of ViscounL Ellutsford and the Central Executlve Committee contained in the Chief Secretary's letter, daterl ,ejltembcr 5th, 1901, as regards the qualifications of lecturers to the Association in Inuia. There is now every prospect of the work of the Association rapidly spreading all over 'Hlthern I nuia.

l·ntl·olls .

The Hon. 001. U. E. Yate, c. ' .1., C.M.G., Agen t to the Governor-General and Chief Commissioner, Baluchistan. Maj or-General Sir R eginald C. Hart, v . C., K.C.B., commanding Qnetta District. Pres icl c llt.

UollJlld T. S. 'Yeir, I.~U;., 1'.~f.O., Quetta District. Chllirm:lll.

Lieut. -Col. F . W. Bromfield, the Cheshire Regiment. Trc a s llrcr.

Mr. Duncan Macoean, The Punjab Banking Co. 1l01101':tI'Y SCC l' e tal·Y .

Oaptain A. B. Creagh, Station 'taff Officer, Quetta. Life ;U c mUc l' ·.

Statement of R eceipts and Expenditw'e fol' the yea?' cnding Octobe!l', 1901. Receipts. E xpMdit U1·e. Rs. a . p. Hs. a. T o amount placed to credit of By amount l)aid Major Yate Association with Messrs. for Appliance . 10 3 Arbu thnot & Co. , by " amount of Fees for CertifiMajor A. C. Yate 125 0 0 cates . . 16 12 140 0 0 " amount paid for Postage, " Subscriptions received Telegrams, Stationery, Carriage of Goods, &e. . 30 2 "amount l)aid for Printing aml Advertising, Messrs. Addison & Co . . . 32 4 "amount to be paid to Messrs. Ring & Co., for Appliallt:es and tores 174 6 Sll pplied . 1 4 " Balance in hand Rs. 265




The Hon. Col. O. E. Yate,

p. 0

0 0 6

0 6

0 0

H. H ARVEY KELLY, Han. Scc. and T1·caS1.Wer. N. B.-There is a small credit due from the classes surplus after payment of expenses. T his amount should all be eventually recoverable as the articles are being sold locally by Messrs. W . Smith, chemists for St. J. A. A. classes.

C.S.I., C.M . G.


Khan Bahadur B. D. Patel.

)( c dic:l I 8 ta tr.

CalJtain T . S. Novis, ~!.lt.C.~. , r.~u;.

Lieut. C. '. Lmy 'on, M.B., I.M.S.


AT the l'cque!:lt of lajor A . C. Yate a meeting ,vas heW on April 22nd of those interested in the As oeiation, at which it was resolved that a centre should be estaLbhed at Qlletta. On May 28th Lt.-Col. Battersby d elivered an interesting preliminary lecture to a large and represen tative audience. Lieut. Lowson instructed a clnss of native :soldiers and lJolice, and aLa a ladies' class, and Capt. N ovis a cIa s composed of Vohlllteers and persons connected with the N .·W .Railway. These officers kindly gave their services gratis althongh their professional duties left them little leisure. The troops were instructed in ambulance duties by their own mr::dical officers, but there ,\'Us no one availabJe to lecture to them in accordance with the rules of the .Association. The laLlies class 'Tas not examined for certificates as most of them had left for the hills before an examination could be arranged. The winter months at Quetta are mOl e favourable than the summer and autumn for holding classes, and it is intended to holll flesh classes in November when it is hoped t hat more progress will be maLle. It must, however, be borne in mind that in Ql1etta there is no leisure class and recruits have to be obtained from tberanks of those whose


230 professional outies all ow them but little timc for recrcation. D r. Jukes, O. M, S. ha~ kind ly translated into Urdu t h e text book on first aid to the injured. Statements. of accounts and of certificates obtained are attached.

Receipt· and E'f:penditw'c jo)" the yea?' cnding 15th October, 1901. Receipts. E 'I.:pellditm·e. Rs. a. p.


By Subscription to date.


8 0


ANNUAL REPORT. There is a marked rcvival of interest in tllis Centre this autumn . Two classes for women, and one for men, are in acti ve operation, a l.~o a Junior Class in connection

with the Boys Brigade.

Rs. a. p. By PurchaRe of Storcs, Station('ry and Postage, &e. 159 9 0 " Balallce in Bank 281]5 0

--8 0


Rs.441 A. D. CIlE.\GII, Hon. DUN A I .niACBEAN,



Sec1"f!-ta?·v. T?'C(lsurer. Deputy-Chm·nnCtn.


No. of Women

or Men

who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course ot instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nnrl:liTl!;.



3rd Octuber, 1901. I SUE OF CERT I FICATE




No. of \Yomell

No. of Men





who have who have who have cOlllpleted a completed received comsc of a course of Certificates. in trnction. instruction. ht Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. Nlusillq.

who have received Certificates. ht Ait!. I Nlll'siug.



No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Me(lallions.

1st Aid I Nursing.

Men. I \\'omclJ .







1900. 23




No. of CcrU Ocate(\ Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have received CcrtifLca tes.


















Fonllcd 1 99 .


l'I'cs icl e ll t.

Formeu 18 O. His Excellency

]>l·eshle nt.

1I1r. John

J(o nol'ary

Tl·e :umrer.

Lt. -Col. Jas . Mason.

r . Small.


ir Augustus Hcmming, K . C.)I. G. ( ·h a i1')lIau.

Mr. L. G. Grnchy. ~ ('(· I·e tary .

Frecleriek F(,ll ton,

)f. n.,

61, Charl('s St.

J(Ollo ral'y Secr e tary .

Trea s I1I'er.

Mr. Charle ill. Ogi]Yie, F . n.c . s. Eclin .

Mr. Percival O. Cuuha.

Lire JI ClIlbc r.

1\1rs. Henry Camthea,. U c (lical St:lff.

Mr. H . B . Anderson, Mr. G. A. Bingham. Mr. G. Boyd. 1.1r. H. A. Bruce. 1\11'. F . Bryans. ?!Ir. J. T . Clarke. Mr. C. J . Copp. }'Jr . L. Davis. Mr. A. R Dickson. Mr. F . Fenton . Mr. A . N. Garratt. Mr. D. G. Gordou . Mr. F . L . Grassett. Mr. W . G. Greig. Mr. S. M. H ay .

.nIr. C. A. Tlodgetts. Mr. N. l'IIc1It'l"ehy. Mr. D. C. Meyers. :111'. ,V. ~ athess. 1111'. A. Primrose. Mr. C. O'Reil1ey. Mr. G. S. Ryer on . Mr. B. L. Riordan . II'. J. A. Roberts. Mr. C. Sheard . Mr. E. W. Spragge. Mr. J. Thomas. Mr. J. Thorburn . Mr. A. N. Wright.

JJ e l1ic'al Staff.

1111'. George Henderson, '\I.ll. Mr. James Ogilvie, F.R'c'.S . Eclin. A~NUAL

illr. Philip M. Ragg, )I.B., C.M. Major Geo. Scott, R. ,\ . ) f. C. REPORT.

TI:IE work of thc Centrc 11,ts proceeded steadily during the yr.ar. A re-examination of thCl candidates was heM in February, at ",hich H pupil pa sed the sec.:olld exaulination, and illr. George Sargeant Cox, haYing passed the thinl examination, was awarded, and subsC(l uen tly received, the medallion of the Association . He therefore holds the fir t 1l1cthtllioll WOll through this Centre. Through the generosity of a localmerchunt au Ashford litter has been provided for the work of the Oentre, and funJs are being collected for another of the same kind. The officers and committee again tender their thanks to the medical staff for their a.ssistance, and to the Militia and Mico College authorities for the u e of their lecture hall s.

23 2


Statement of Receillts and E ,l')Jenditlwe, R eceipts. To Balance brought forward . £2 " Su bscl'iption and Contributions, &c, 7 " Donation for Purchase of Ashford Litter . 17

8 11





EX)Jenditll?'e. By Paid for Purchasr of Ashforel Litter , £14 2 " Duty and Charges on salllc 2 6 6 " Plll'cha e of Book 2 0 0 , Balance in hand 8 5 4


£26 13 11

£21) 13 11

L . G. GnuCHY, Chai1'1nan , PEHCIVAL C, Al\rBEll, T?'easlt?'cr, CIIATILES 1\1. OGILnE, Hon, Secrctary.

NO'l:ernbel' 1st, 1901.

Statement for the ye(),1' ending 30th Septembe'l', 1901 . EJ;pendit~t1'e, Receipts, 235 02 By Messengers and Postage . To Cash on hand Ist.Oct., 1900 , 71 00 " Draft to Ohief Sec. St. John Subscription actlve members 10 00 .Am bnlancc Association " passiv e " 3 00 £216s. . " Books" Sold , 51 ] 5 " Priu tillg aud Stationery " Class Fees -16 20 " Primeros .Auxilios :M edals , " Medall iOlls , " Mrllding ,'tore Box &.ncl "Balance transferred Mr. .J 50 Lock " Rankin Presentation Fund " Balance in halHls of Trens. Cash rece i ved from LuLlies S II b" Committee. ' , H720

$568 07

14 55

32 10 10 5 15 00 :2 80 493 04

$568 07

Audited by


N o.


who have who haye who have cOllJpletcd a. completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~u !·sing.


'Yom en who 11aye received Certificates . [ ~t

Aid. I Nursing.

I ~o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallion.


I Women.





I SSUE ~o .








S'':\,'E 1ST

ARGENTINE CENTRE. Formed 1 97 . •· "f ,.,illc ut .

HOll. Sir Wlll, .A. C. Barrington,


S('(· I,(" al'.)'

(a c tin g).

1\11'. F , I" . Bnch, Tallel'l's de 801a, F,C. 'uJ., Buenos Aires. l · l'C :I ., IIl'I'I'.

Mr. J, S. Dillon. )[c llie tt l s ta O·.

ilIl'. H erber t Penuell. .ANI UAL REPORT,

ONE class only, viz" a. firi>t class for males was lleld during tIle yeul' 1900-1901. Tbis class was, however, a very successful one, there not being a sil1g1e fuilul'(' among:t those presenting tllemselves for exa mination,

i\IEDALLlOr~ ,





Xo. of \V Olllen

of Mon


( 'b a i,'uIHll alLd II OJi 0 1':1 1',)


No. of Certiflcated w110 ltavc w110 ltave Pupils who have wholl:we who have eOllll,lcLpd It received received r ecf'i \'ed completed course of Corti ti ca tes. 1I1edallions. Certi lieates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st A.id. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nllr~illg. 1st Aill. I Nut'sill~. 1st Aid. I Nursing. l\f pn. I Wompn.


Mr. John O'Cono1'.


1 IXCE 1 '1' O CTOllEH;


J. , , DrLLox, Hon. Treasurer.



BA C.' H,



UF CE~TllE. 52 40













A l\1NUA L







Superior Officers of the Brig;1c1e appointed hy H .R.H. the Grand Prior..


Staff of the Districts


Chief Commissioner's Report


Deputy Commissioners' Reports :No. I. District


No. II. District


No. III. District


K o. I V. District


No. V. District

3 0

No. VI. District Oolonial Oorps

-111 R

Oorrected to llI cwch 1 t, 1902.




of tbe :fJ3rigabe

:Bppotnteb b}? 1b.1R.1T). tbe (Pranb


<tbief <tommi55ioncr. COLONEL C. "\tV. B. BmVDLER, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of , t . .Tohn of Jerusalem in England. June, 1 9 .

IDeput}? <tOl1lmi55ioner5. LIEUT. ·COL. C. J. TRU,IBLE, V.D., L.R.C.P., 5th Lane. Vol. Art., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital o~ St. J Ohl1 of J ernsalem in England. August, 1 90.

MR. S. C.



Knight of Grace of the Order of the Ho 'pital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1 95 .

BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT-COLOi EL G. S. ELLI TON, V.D., M.R.e.S., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Ho pital of t . J olm of Jerusalem in England. August. 1 96.

Staff of IDistrict5.

BRIGADE DISTRICTS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. No. I. District. -Comprising the 'Ietropolitan Police area (parts of Essex, K ent, Middlesex, and Surrey). Total: One Corps, with 35 Divisions and 9 Nursing Divisions, 1025 Officers and Men, 141 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Com1Tl,issioner in Charge of District.

INSPECTOR GE ERAL B. NnmIS, M.D., R.N. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1 98.

INSPECTOR GENERAL B. NINNIS, l\I.D., R.N., St. J obn's Gate, London, E. O.

MAJOR C. H. MILBURN, .l\1.B., 2nd East Riding Vol. Art., Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 189 .

.l\IR. W. VER 0', Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of July, 1 99 .

l.RC.S., t. John of Jerusalem in England.

:a55i5tant <tOmmi55ioners. l\'IR. J. C. D ERHAM, R on. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. J Ohll of Jerusalem in Englantl. April, 1 96.

l\IR. T. H. ,VOOLSTO ,

District Chief Sm'geon A ssistant Commissioner .Dist1·ict Chief Sltperintendent Acting District Supt. Secreta1'y .District Superintendent of Stores .D ~strict Slperintendent T1'eaSUrel' District


of Stores

MR. S. OSBORN, F.R.C.S. MR. F. D. .l\L-\.CKENZIE. .l\1R. \V. H. MORGAN . l\fR. W. J. H. PONTIN. MR. S. B. PIERS . MR. \V. H. 'VINNY .

(S~tpe17l/ltmem1'Y) MR. A.


E sq nire of the Order of the H ospital of ,t. John of J ernsalem ill England. Novemher, 1 96.

IR. F. D. MACKENZIE, Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of ,t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1897.

l\IR. S. ,V. MALKIN, H on . Serving Brother of the Order 0[' the Hospital of 'to John of Jerusalem in England . April, 1898.

N[R. H. GATLIFF, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital (If t. John of Jerusalem in England. November, 1 98. ~on.

MR. C. R. LAURIE, M.RC.S., Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1899.

Mr. J. S. GRIFFITHS, M.R.C.S. (Acting). July, 1901.

:fSrigabe <tbief Superintenbent. (With honorary rank as Assistant Commissioner.)

MR. 'V. J. C. BRASIER, Hon. Associate of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of J erusaleru in England. August, 1895.

No. II. District. -Comprising tbe counties of Berks, Bucks, Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Gloucester, Rants, Hereford, Herts, Kent, part of Middlesex, Monmouth, Oxford, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex, Wilts, the Channel Islands, Isle of ,Yight, and South \Vales (Brecon, ·Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, Montgomery, Pembroke, Radnor). Total: 45 Divisions, 855 Officers and Men, 144 Nursing Officers and Sis tArs.

Deputy Commissione1' in Cha1'ge of Dist1·ict. ,V. VERr ON, Esq., l\I.R.C.S., Rodsley, \Veston-snper-l\1are.

Assistant Commissione'l·s. MR. C. R. LAURIE, M.R.C.S. Mr. J. S. GRIFFITHS, M.RC.S, (Acting).


238 No. III. District.-Oomprising the counties of Bedford, Oambridge Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, Northampton, Hutland, Salop' Suffolk, \Yarwick, and \Yorcester. ' Total: Oorps, 13 Divisions, 1546 Officers and M en, 163 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Report of tl?e Cl?ief Commissioner of the St. cJoh,n Jimbulance Brigade for the year 1900-1901.

Deputy Cormnissione1' in Charge of Dist1·ict. BRIGADE-SURGEO

LIEUT.-OOL. G. H. ELLISTON, V.D., M.RO.S., 2, MluseulD Street, Ipswich. District Chief S1l1'geon ]\fR. ,V. E. AUDLAND, M.RO.S. Assistant C01n117,issionm' MR. T. H. ,VOOL. TON. Acting District S1{'pt. Secretary Surg. Oaptain F. A. BROOKS, M.D.


31 st March, 1902.

District-Oomprising the counti es of Oheshire, Oumberland , Lancashire, ,Vestmoreland, the Isle of ian, North \Yales (Anglesea, Derrbigh, Oarnarvon, Flint, lerioneth), and Ire]and (Belfast). Total: 12 Oorps, 35 Divisions, 24 Nursing Divisions, 2920 Officers and Men, 676 Nursing Officers and Sister s.

Deputy CommissioneJ' in Cha1'ge of Diiitrict. LIEUT. -COL. O. J. TRIMBLE, V.D., L.R.O.P., Bam ber Bridge, near Preston. Ill. G. THO:3ISO , M.D. Dist1'ict Chief Snrgeon J\1R. J. O. D ERHAM. Assistant Comnnssioner J\1R. L. \Y HITTAKER Dist1'ict Chief SuperintendentJ\TR. A. L. GARNETT. District Supe1'intendent Secreta1'y OAPT. E. B. POOLEY, L.R.C.P. District Superintendent of Stores IR. F. DE B. PUI, L.RO P. DistTict Superintendent T1'easu1'e1' -

No. V.

District.-Oomprising the counties of D erby, Lincoln, Nottingham, Stafford and York (\Yest Riding). Total: 6 Oorps, 23 Divisions, ] 4 2 Officers and Men, 142 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissioner in Chc{,1'ge of District. S. O. \V ARDELL, E sq., D oe Hill House, n ear Alfreton. A ssistant Commissione?' NIR. S. \Y. M ALKIN. Total: 1 Omps, 2 Divisions, 132 Officers and Men, 7 4 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

No. VI.

District.-Oomprising the counties of Durham, Northumberland, and York (East and North Ridings).

Dep z{,ty pommissioner in Clwrge of District. MAJOR O. H. MILBURN, M. B., 158, Anlaby Road, Hull.

reports rendered by the Deputy Commissioners of Districts show that the work of th l3 Brigade is being carried out with increased activity and efficiency. 'W ith v ery few exceptions the Oorps and Divisions already established have continued to. prosper, and the many ne,,:lyformed units have commenced work WIth a far better understandmg of the real objects aud duties of the Brigade than was formerly the case. Although there has been a marked advance all round in the matter of compliance with the regulations regarding the efficiency of members, there is still much room for improvement in this respect. The importance of insisting on the personal efficiency of every individual member, as defined in the regulations, is apparently not always recognised, especially in some of the older units, and many men are still allowed to retain membership who are not entitled to be considered efficient under the regulations, although they may be presumed to be still capable of rendering first aid. Still there are unmistakable signs that officers in charge of units are becoming more alive to the fact that it is better for the Brigade, and more honest towards the public, to have a few well instructed, well drilled, and well disciplined men who may be relied on to turn out for duty when required tlian to show a large number on paper who cannot be said to possess those qllalifica~ions or to show any particular eagerness to do duty in 1mblic. Accordingly it is gratifying to note that useless members of all l'ii.nks are gradually but surely being eliminated, and during the past year a good number of officers, both medical and ambulance, have been called upon to resign, and a large number of the rank and file dismissed from the Brigade, owing to persistent non-compliance with the regulations as to efficiency. The periodical returns required to be made by Oorps and Divisions are now rendered with much more regularity than in past years, some Districts being markedly less observant of rules in this respect than others, and comparatively few cases of "election" of officers and others without the knowledge of the respective Deputy Oommissioners now occur, and those only ill one or two Districts. Still there is much roo~ for improvement in the matter of rendering the periodical returns l'eqUlred by regulation, and in making out the forms of application for


No. IV.


240 the appointment of officers and oth.ers, ~nd officers in ch~rge of Corps and Divisions will do well to bear III mmd that any claIms they may prefer for distinction, such as the Service Medal, will be judged not merely by the bare attendances that they ~ay. be able ~o record at drill, annual inspection, and annual re-exammatIOn, but WIt~ reference also to the punctuality with which they render the officIal returns called for and the care with which those returns are made out. At the'beCTinninCT b I:> of the •year a revision of the General H.egulations was issued, e~bodying all the Brigade ~rders ?f. permanent effect that had been published up to date. A revIsed edI~Ion of the Explanatory Instructions which are necessary for the gUIdance of persons who contemplate' forming new Divisions, was also issu~d at the same ti~e, and it may fairly be considered that the regulatIOns for the routIne administration of the Brigade are now as complete. as they can be made under present conditions. A revision of t~le. DrIll Manual has been ready for publication for many months, and It I~ much ne~ded for new!y formed Divisions' but as it is understood that certam changes III elementary foot d;ill, which mayor may not be improvements on the present system, are contemplated. in the army, it has been thought inadvisable to publish th~ work wlllc~ has be~n prel?ared f?r th~ use of the Brigade. As the DrIll Manual hItherto 111 use IS obSOlete III every respect, the elementary recruit and squad drill re9.uired has to ?e taught from the Infantry Drill book at present used ~n the army, whIle the stretcher drill is carried out in strict accordance WIth the Manual for the Royal Army Medical Corps. . The most important addition to the General RegulatIOns of 1902 was a rule that in future all Divisions and Corps must adopt the printed Rules issu€\d by authority. This was absolutely necessary owing to the impossibility of sanc~ioning m~ny of the proposed ru}es that were submitted from time to tIme, especIally by newly-formed umts, the members of which had no knowledge whatever of the regulations and rontine of the BriCTade; in addition to which a good deal of disappointment was nat~rally felt when sanction could not be given to impossible rules which were directly opposed to the General ReCTulations, and the necessity of explaining the reason why these fancy rul~s could not be allowed frequently entailed interminable correspondence from head-quarters. . The revision and correction of the Annual Reports of the varIOUS Di visions and Corps, especially those rendered from some Districts, have again given much trouble at head-quarters. In many cas~s the reports were absolutely unintelligible and the fignres rnamfestly incorrect. .Many units, as may be seen from the following pages, have not furnished reports at all, and some have only done so after repeated application, four or five months after the date on which they were due. In future greater punctuality and more care in the preparation of th~se Reports will have to be observed by many officers in charge of umts, if they desire that their service shall count as efficient service. . The supply of men as Hospital Orderlies for service in South. AfrIca continued without interruption) and without the slightest hItch or




failure until the issue of Special Army Order of 11 th March, 1901 (subsequently Army Order No. 86), the wording of which so effectually damped the enthusiasm of the officer~ and men of the Brigade that but few have since volunteered for serVICe. Up to the date of the Army Order referred to, the Brigade had supplied 1,934 men, including 50 men specially enrolled for service in the South African Constabulary, and it would have continued to supply as many men as might have been required) however long the war might have lasted. Since the Army Order came into operation, and the special inducement to throw all their energies into the work of keeping up the prestige of the BriCTade by furnishing all the auxiliary hospital orderlies required w~s taken away from officers and men) ~unly 112 have joined the ranks of the Royal Army Medical Corps with permission, thus brinCTing up the total who have served as Brigade men in South Africa (anla few of them in China also) to 2,046. A few men, the number of whom beyond 60 cannot be ascertained, have enlisted without permission, including some who would not have been selected by their own officers. It speaks well for the care with which volunteers from the Brigade were as a rule selected and examined by their medical officers, that the percentage of deaths from disease in South Africa was comparatively low) bu t it is r egretted that, according to official reports received, 62 men of the Brigade succumbed to disease contracted in the perforruancA of their noble work. In addition to these it is believed that 3 men have died in the service of the South African Oonstabulary. Nearly all the war medals due to men of the Brigade who served directly under the 'Var Office have been received from the military authorities and issued, but men who were attached to some of the private hospitals, such as the JJIaine and Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, have not yet received their medals, owing probably to the fact that they have not been sent to the Chief Commissioner for distribution, but to the Oommittees of the several hospitals. Every effort is, however, being made to secure the early distribution of these medals. The correspondence connected with the pay of men who have served in South Africa has been very trou blesome. Every possible help in obtaining the arrears of pay supposed to be ,due to them has been given, whether they have left the Brigade or not, but it is difficult for them and for their friends to understand that the Brigade has nothing whatever to do with tbeir pay, and that the Chief Commissioner can only give them advice as to the steps they should take in order t(1 secure any arrears that they may consider to be due to them. Much corr~spondenc e has also been necessitated by requests received from medIcal and pay officers in South Africa to recover sums of money found to be due from men after they have been settled up with. The following men of the Brigade have been mentioned in despatches as having rendered special and meritorious service :-Sergt. \V. ,y. Foulkes (Redruth Div.), No. II. District; Sergt. C. Eccles (Preston Oorps), Se~gt. F. H. Oldham (Crewe Division), Pte. B. B. Banks (Kendal DIv.), Pte. ,V. Rogerson (Preston Corps), No. IV. District;


Pte. A. England (Tibshelf Corps), Pte. A ..Ke~v (Leeds Corps), Pte. E. H. G. 'Vinyard (Sheffield Corps), No. V. Dlstnct. ~Pte. E. H. G. 'Vinyard has also been awarded the Medal for Distinguished Conduct in the Fie~d. .. .. . His J\Iajesty the King has gracIously sIgnIfied IllS mtentlOn to present war medals personally to a number of men selected from each of the Districts. It is not pleasant to have to record that the sergeants who contracted with the Colonial Office to serve for a term of years as ambulance seraeants in the South African Constabulary were arbitrarily reduced to ~ lower rank on arrival in South Africa, on the ground that they were not qualified compounders of medicine. The matter was duly represented to the Col?nial Office some n:onths ago, but .the ~en do not appear to have receIved a~y (;ompensatIOn or otl!er sa~sfactloI:. The St. J ohn Ambulan~e Brlgade War Fund, of whIch H ..r". H. Pnncess Christian was president., and the Viscountess Knutsford was chairman, has durin a the war expended the sum of £951 for the purchase of comforts f~r the men on service, besides contributing large quantities of material in kind, and all ranks of the Brigade have thoroughly appreciated the kindness of the members of the co~mi.ttee and of the subscribers who so liberally supported the fund, whICh IS now closed. Four of the "Bearer Companies (St. John Ambulance Brigade)," which are being provided for service in case of mobilization of the forces for home defence, have been officially inspected and handed over to the War Office. These have been furnished by the Bolton, Preston, Sheffield, and Oldham Corps respectively. A fifth will shortly be furnished by the Accrington Corps. It is to be regretted that neither the Metropolitan nor the Northampton Corps has as yet been able to provide a company as was originally intended. It i.s to be hope.d that the military authorities will see their way to acceptmg the serVICes of the Honorary Surgeons of the Brigade as officers for these Compan.ies in case of mobilization, always supposing tha.t there are medIcal gentlemen in the Brigade who poss~s.s the necessary qual~fi.cations as .to military command and are in a posItIOn to undertake to Jom for serVIce in any part of the united kingdom at a few hours' notice should mobilization be ordered. A scheme for the employment of men of the Brigade as Auxiliary Sick Berth A ttendants in ships afloat and in land hospitals in case of war bas for some time been under the consideration of the Admiralty. A gratifying feature in the administration of the Brigade is the increase of units in the British Dominions beyond the seas, and t.he desire shown by most of these to maintain close touch with the parent Brigade. It is hoped that Annual Reports from some of these Corps and Divisions will be received in time for publication in future. At the Royal Agricultural Show, held at Cardiff, the usual ambulance service was supplied by the Brigade, a small detachment from. he~,d­ quarters being supplemented by officers and men of No. II. DIstnct, chiefly from the Bristol Corps. Eight-four casualties were treated. Many visits to provincial Corps and Divisions have been made during the year, and in all cases with satisfactory results. On the 1] th May the



Bristol Division, a comparatively young but well-organized unit, was inspected an~. f?l'med in~o a corps. The..combined N.E. ~ancashire Corps and DI:'lSI?nS .were. mspected on the 22nd J ur~e, ~nd a full account of the inspectIOn IS glvenm the report for No. IV. DIstnct. On the 17th September 1901, the Northampton Corps was inspected. 174 of all ranks were on p~rade and the condition of this fine Corps was found to be very satisfactory. The Metropolitan Corps was inspected on the ~3rd November, 1901, when 494 of all ranks were on parade. In the competition for the Dewar Shield and the Symons Eccles Cup which was held in London on the 9th May, the first place was taken by a team frc:m East Ham, Metropolit~n Co'rps, ~eams from vVellingborough, Bnerfield, Sheffield. and ChIchester bemg placed second, third, fourth and fifth respectIvely. The Symons Eccles Cup was won by a team of the \Vellingborough Corps. A conference of officers was held at Hull on the 12th and 13th July when interesting papers were read by Chief Surgeon Sam. Osborn (Loddon), and Hon. Surgeon L. Molloy (Blackpool). It is to be regretted that the conference was not well at~ended: The approximate total strength of the BrIgade m England, 'Vales, and Ireland at the end of the past year was 9669 medical and ambulance officers and men, and 1835 nursing officers and nursing sisters. The Deputy Commissioners and their Staff Officers have throughout the year rendered invaluable service in their respective Districts, and all continue to gi,oe me every assistance in seeing that the regulations are observed. My especial acknowledgments are due to Deputy Commissioner Inspector-General B. Ninnis, who for several months carried on the routine work at head-quarters during my enforced absence from England.



Ohief Oommissioner.


Depltty CO?n?nissione1'-Inspector-Genel'al B. NINNIS, M.D., R.N. Dist1'ict Chief SU1'geon-Mr, , . OSBORN, F.R.C.S. Assistant Cmn-missione1'-Mr. F. D. MACKEl'ZIE. Distl'ict Ohief fhb17erintenclent-Mr. W. H. l\10RGAN. Dist1'ict Sl£p6l'intendent SecTetCtl'y-(Acting) Mr. W. J. H. PONTIX. Dist"ict Slbperintendent of Stores-Mr. t. B. PIERS. Dist1'ict Sl£17e1' intenclent T ,'eaSllrel'-Mr. W. H. ,VINNY. District SlbpeTintendent of Stores (Sllpemumel·ct1'y)-Mr. A. J,



1st Octob'!l', 1900. I,

SIR, I have the honour to report for your information that the general state of the Metropolitan Corps, No. I. Di trict, during the past year has been highly satisfactory, and will bear very favouraule compari on with its condition at any previous period , One Hew Division has been formed, and one Division disbandeJ, and one is in abeyance; but I trust that the last will resume working at no very distant date. The Annual Divisional In pecLions were with fe\\" exceptions very sati factory, and I am informed by the Chief Surgeon that the re-examina.tions were quite up to the average. The number of officers, men, andnUl'sing sisters on public street duty during the period comprised in the report has been very large: for instance on the returtl of the C. L V., 362 of all ranks were on duty, rendering first aid and as i tance to 1,124 casualties. On the return of Lord Roberts, 212 members of all ranks were on duty, and attended to 6 casual tie , At the Funeral of Her Late Maje ty Queen Yictoria, upwards of 700 of all ranks were on duty, and attended to 1,305 ca ualties, In adJition to the e, the usual public street dnty and duty on open spaces have been carried out with the best results to the public. A . ~e.tachJ11ent has likewise been in (bily attendance at the Earl's Court Exlllblhon since May, and has contiuued to perform its duties up to the present date . . The very satiflfactory state of the secretarial depa.rtment of the Metropolitan Corps I S .d~l~ to the ahle and self-uenying services of some of the members of the Cyclist Dl~lslOn, under the superintendence of uperintendent Pontin of that unit, and for whICh I take this opportunity of tendering him and them my thanks, It is Hot too much to say that, without tbeir assistance the larrre and increa LnO' \,ork of that department conld not be carried on. 0 0 Tabular statements of detail III connection with the personnel, matel ial, and routine, accompany this report. I have the honour to he, ",iI', Your obeuient ervant, BELGRAVE NI~Nl, ,

To the Chief Commissioner St. J ohn Ambul a~ce Brigade.

Deputy Oommissioner, !I-o. I District,

,. 2~6 REPORT






247 METl1.01'OLITAN



30TII, 1901.






Members on duty.




g ~c 0;::




---- ----------------

17 29 Nov.

5 5 9

10 15

31 1901 Jan.


27 Feb.

2 9 9

14 23 2

April 2 5 8 8

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8


-- ---- - - - - - -

Church Lad' Brigade, St. Paul's Cathenral Festiyal , Guild of t. Luke, t. Paul' Cathedral ... ... ... Return of City ImpErial Yolunteers .. Bonfire Boys' Carui,al: Higham Hill Gny Fawkes Carnival, Hampstead H eath ... ... ... .. Lord :;\Iayor' Day ... .., ... Laying Foundation 'tone, :Kensington Green ... ... ... . .. London Church Choir Festival, t Paul's Cathedral ... ... ... Special EYening enrice, St. Paul's Cathedral... ... ... ...




::: 'li







-'='E ..:1.;:: ;... 60 Q)





2- c:S... 00 .-rna.> ~-...,

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c:: <:.> ;...



Eo< Y)








w -- -- -- --- -- --

Oeca ion.

1900 Oct. 15

on duty.




3 1




1 11











1 1


Return of Lord Roberts .. . ... Queen' Iel1lorial Service, t. Paul's Cathedral.. .., ... . .. Funeral of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria .. , ... ... ." North of Tham es, Cross Oountry Championship, Wembley Park .. , South of Thames, Cross Country Ohampionship, Bromley ... . .. Opening of Parliament ... ... Southern Counties, Oross Country Championship, \\'embley Park ... Welsh F estival, t. Paul's Cathedral Passion Music, " " Good Friday, Tee-to-tum Grounds, Stamford Hill,Athletic Sports... ... .., Easter Monda y, " " " Battel'sea Park... ... " Blackheath... . .. " Bostall Reath ... . .. " Bromley... .. . " Chingfonl ... .. . " " High Beeeh .. " , , ' , Rising Sun" " Olapham Common .. " Hackney 11'!.al'shes .. . " Hampstead Heath .. . " Harrow... ... .. . " Peckham Rye ... .. . " VlT anstead Flats ... " 'Velsh Harp, Rendon " Wormwood Scrubbs Cup Tie, Crystal Palace ..

6 266 13







4 3

1 1




1 1



542 106 12


13 1


11 120





1 1

1 1


fi4 2 4

1 221

1 1 1 1



1 1

19 19 20 20 20 22


41 10 15



1 4

6 6





4 2







6 9

6 10


17 15



13 17


7 39



3 5 6 9 4

1 2 1 1


11 11

5 2

15 21 22 22


2 2

3 2

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 17 June 15




May 2:5

23 1



3 2 3 3

29 5

16 14

24 25 25 25 Aug. 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Crystal Palace (Visit of Lord Roberts) Whit-Monday, Alexunder Palace ... ... Battersea Park " ... ... Blackheatlt " ... Bostall Heath ... " ... ... Cltingforcl " High Beech ... " " Risi11g Sun" " " Common .,. " Clap]lam " Hackney i.1arshes ... " ... Hampstead Heath " .,. Merton Hall Farm ", ... Peckham Rye ... ... 'Vanstead Flats " 'Velsh If al"p, Hendon ... " ... W em uley l'a1'k " . .. Wi1l1111edoll ... " 'Yormwood cm hbs " Crystal Trallc Sports, Printiug ... .. ... Palace .... . .. Kildare. ports, Acton ... 'chool Boan1 ports, tam ConI Bridge ... H.A.. C. Sports, Rarrow ." .. Civil crvice Sports, Herne Hill .. . ... Cycle Track, Bo'Ll halll ... Mary lebone j)Iullici pal Employe's Organization F&te, Wembley Park Fire Brigarle Review, Batter 'ea Park how and Sports, Horticultural ... ... 'Yimblellon Hill ... . .. ... 'Yalthamstow ports ... ... ... Fire at Pinner Green ... Fete at' Priory," ,,-al t hams tow ... ElLrly Closing As ociation Sports, ... Richmond ... . .. ... ... ... Farm Fire at 'Yeahl. tone Fire at Roches Field, Harrow ... .., .. , Fire at Harrow ... ... Cycle Club Sports, Harrow ... ... MOHOUX School Sports, 'Valthamstow Kew Marylel10ne Denl'yoleut Society's Chilrlren's Outing. W em bley Park Horticultural Society .-'port·, A.cton ... Children,!; School Treat, Barking ... West London Co-operative 'ociety Fete, Fulham Palace ... ... Cart Horse Show, Waltham stow Anuual ,'ports, Manor Farm, Merton Bank Holiday, Battersea Park ... Blackheath ... " Bostall Woous ... ... " Bromley ... " Chingford ... ... " "Ri ing Sun" " " "Robin Rooel" ' "






1 2




1 1 1 2 1

1 -



1 1

1 -





1 1


1 -


1 1


1 1 1 1


1 -
























1 1 1



1 -



8 1 7

2 4

1 -

22 17 5 27 13 10


2 2

4 1


2 1



3 2 5


6 4



5 16 10

12 4

2 -

4 -


5 -



5 1 3







4 13 10 17 8 3 28 8 1 14



1 1 1












9 26




10 2;:



1 1 -


2 6

10 6 13


6 2

7 11 4 9




1 8 3 4












6 2

1 1





3 2

5 5 46 2







2 2 4

8 31 10 28 8





30 7 15 1





















4 24







4 2



249 iHelllbers on duLy.








---- ---------------1901 Aug. 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


10 10 14

19 19 29 Sept. 7,

12&14 18 19 19 May 4 to Sept. 2 May 4to Sent. 28 :May 4 to Oct. 19 Oct. 1 to ept. 30 Oct. 1 to Jan, 9.

Bank Holiday, Clapham Oommon .. . " Hacklley Uar hes .. . " J-Jampstead Hcath .. . ,Yest London Baml of " H ope Fete, Fulha.m Palace Ground .. . Pcc'kham Rye... .. . " Wan tead Flat .. . W eI h Harp, Heullon .. . " ,Ye 111 bIer Park .. . " ,Yorll1wood cruoo ... "" 'l'ottenhamand'Vemoley TOllrna men t, Football Ground, Tottenbam Athletic ports, Mertou " Hall Farm... .. Athletic 'port, Tee-to " Tum Ground, tam· ford Hill... . .. Deut cher Radl'ahrer Olno, E ex Cycling Track, King Oak, High Beech .. ... ... .. City of London Police Sports, Wembley Park ... ... ... Athletic port, 'l'ee-to-Tu111 Ground, tamf'ord Hill ... ... . .. E,ening Meeting, H. O. O. Recreation Gronnd , Harrow ,., ... Children's Party, Rigg Retreat, Ohingford... ... .. .. Fete and Gala, Belvedere E tate, Wim hledon Hill ... ... . .. Fete, Central Park, IIford, E ex ... Athletic Sports, Tee-to-TulIl Grounds, Stamford Hill ... .., ... Children's F3te, Willesden Col tage Ho pital, Round,yood Park, Harlesden .. . .. . ... .. . Balham Cycle Olub Race, Orystal Palace ... .., ... ... WillfRden Oottage lio 'pital Fete, Wembley Park .. , ... ... Tottenham 'Carnival, Ohesnut Park, Phillip Lane, Tottenham Green ... } Hackney Marshes, Oricket Season .. . } Victoria Park, Oricket Season

-- -- -- ---

9 4 1

}St. Paul's Ambulance Station ... Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station ... .. ... . .. Oricket Season, Regent's Park .,. Football eason,,, ... Cricket Season Clapham Oommon ..





24 11 4


1 3



5 9


3 2 2 2


15 9 7 9 1

2 2















1 1



30 3


2 1



















329 415 99

34 40 13 Total 4461

~S 0




... A cton Division .. . . .. B arking Division B ermonclscy & Rothel'hithe Div. ... B r011110y Division ... B ryanston " ... au tou's o " Division C'hilul'en's nome " Clarinco Division ... Cyclist Divison ... Doulton Di vi ion ... ... ... E aRt Haw " ... East London" ... Enfield " ... ... Fulham " .. , G.W.R. (Pa.ddington) ... ... H aggerston .. , ... Hampstead ", ... Harrow " Fund Div. H ospital aturday Kil1g'sCross (G.N.R.) " Ley ton & Leytonstone L.B. &S.C.R.(NewOross) " " Mcrton & Wimbledon " North London Railway " Norwood " St. John's Gate No. 1 " No.2 " St. "Mark's " South Ietropolitan Gas Co, "" Tottenham&Hamp teadJn.Ry. Toyubee HaIl " Waltham tow " Watel'low " Wembley & Harlesden " Whiteley Barking Nursing Division " Belgravia " Children's Home Turs. Div. East Ham Hospita.l at. Fund " " Norwood " St. John's Gate Wembley "" Wimbledon & Merton"



.. .








... Ei






5 -









1 2 1 1












1 1





















































1-= -













1 1

1 1

1 -







t.> 0.>


1 -







1 1 1 1





2 2

1 1 I-













tD •

.:: .- ... 3-d:; ....... ::s.~

0<0 ()






rn '"















30 49 23 23 25 40 48







30 25 19 39 66 21 30 22 55 29 2
















2 1





;:..'" .......

28 19 18 15 17 10 18 18 24 3-1






































1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 -

2 -

2 1


















14 8 20 23


2 11 6 ---- -- -----46 22 13 10 ' 8 936 141

-- -5

..; oI(!






Eo "...,




1 2 (1) (1)









4 1 1







1 1







"' .,... ~



3 2 1 1 1



- ---- -

















I --

1 1 1 2 1 2 1

6 . . 'i::",rn 00 0. ....











The honorary surgeons sho\vn ambulance Divisions.

c'" ';: ~ =~ ~~ 0",




... 0












...,.,.= .



- -- - -




1 -


Total 1







rr. ..... -'" 00 ';::: '11';;"'13 ':n;nC



District S taIT


... '" 0eo .~ ...,ui Ȥ ....,='0 ...,.... 13 '00

Name of Divisions.




.. .

:Military Exhibition, Earl's Court (daily) ... ... ... ..







parenthesis are counted in the corresponding




Fonned. June, 1 7 July, 1 3. NO~tll London R ailway April, 1 4. Leyton and Leytonstone .July, 1890 5. Ohildren's Home December, 1 90 6. Oyclist March 7, 1 91 7. Toynbee H all April, 1891 8. Barking . January, 1 92 9. St. John' Gate No.2 Feb. 15, 1 93 10. St. Mark's . )\Iarch, 1893 11. ",Yembley and HarlesdenMay 12,1 93 . June, 1 93 12. Waterlow 13. King's Cross (G . .!: .R. ) Oct. 4, 1 93 14. Bryanston April, 1 ~'* 15. East Ram . April, 1 95 16. London, Brighton & South Ooast Railway . July, 1 95 17. Merton & Wimbledon Sept. 14, 1 95 1 . F ulham Nov. 13, 1 95 J" o.

1. St. John's Gn,te No. 1 2. Haaam'ston.

No. Formed. 19. Stll.l\IetropolitanGasOo. Dec. 5, 1 95 20. Hampstead . January 31, 1 96 21. Bromley . April 24, 1 96 22. Hospital Saturday Fd. July 27,1 96 23. Norwood Noyember 26, 1 96 24. Doulton . Septem bor 30, 1 96 25. Tottenham & Ramp ten.d Junction Railway February 8. 1 97 26. Enfield .Tuly ~, 1 97 27. Acton l\Iay 16, 1898 2 . Harrow June 21, 1 98 29. Walthamstow. Jan, 5, 1899 30. Ea t London . " 12, 1899 i\Ifl l'ch , 6, 1 99 32. Olarnico 33. BermondseyandRotherhithe " 10,1 99 34 . Whiteley May 4, 1 99 36. Oanston Feh. 14, 1900 37. G.'Y.R. (Paddington) Oct. 18, 1900

very seriously so) wl~ell the bu~lel', explode(l. i.n. the Palace grounds. The Division also shared the Llllties ttt Earl s Oourt ExhllntlOn and at the permanent station in the Strand, and was r eprcsent~cl at all dutics undertaken by the Metropolitan Oorps Juring the year The uperllJtcn(lellt and one private assisted at the station placed in the Roynl Agricultural.Sho\\'Yl1:rd, O~ruifr, ill June. Tbe large number of cases attended .when not .on PUh~lC duty lil.agalll accounted for by the amhulance box kept ?n the ~llliland RaIlway (,00<1- StatlOll, St. Pancras, ullder the charge of the sUl~er~ntenclellt;. ovcr 100 case,~ have been treated on the station, a very large maJonty by Pnvatc En.l ey. l'lfty ca c~ werc treatell by memhers of the ",Vest London Section, which is composed of postal omcials-twenty-eicrht of the fifty hy Seracant Oollins. " o


Ohildren's H ome. St. John's Gate Wembley Barking Norwood

H. BinI,

S upt. and Hon. T reasurer.

M. R. e. s.

H. H . Ilett, 83, ltlansfield 'treet, Kingslanu Boau, N. E. 1st Officer.

[Formed 6. 7.]


Honora ry S u rge on s.

J. F. Woods,



II. ·Wak ely.

Funned. Fm·mul. July, 1 96 Dec. 1, 1 90 6. Hospital atnrday Fund January 23, ] 93 7. ",Vimbledon and Merton June 11, 1 9 l\Iay 4, 1 99 May 2,*, 1 93 8. Ea t Ham Nov. 7, 1 99 1 93 9. Belgravia June 11, 1896 I



Honorary S urgeon.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

27 &

In spector of Stores.

1st Olass


Honorary S ecret a r y.

Ptc:. J. 'Will , 11, Malvern Road,

T. Atter1.mry.

Dalston, N. K 'ergcunt. 3. Prin,te' 16. Total effective 52 . Olli.ccr. 3. Increase since In .. t report 14. Drills hel(l 3,1,. Average attendance!) '41. Oa es ~ttende.cl on publIc (lnty 30. On -es uttenc1ecl not on pulJlic duty 50. Annual lDspectlOll, June ~:2n(1. Total on paradc 41. Ab. ent with leave 2. ,Yithout leave 9. ..;\ nil ual ~'e.-exalllination, 14 til. A llgUS~. ;\Ieclallioll6 :29. en'icc badges 12. Nursmg certificates 9. RcgulatlOJ1 Ul1lfOnll WOl'll . Material : 1 litter 2 stretchers, 1 h?-':r~sac, 1 cahinet ( for use of mcmhers) with recjuisites, and 16 wat~r bottle. DlvlslOn npportbd hy member' nb cription . SlDce la t report the members ha\'e heen very bu y doilla duty at Ohinaford Earl's Oourt, etc. ' " ' ' ,

J . G. Moore, ~r.R . e.p. R. M. Ooffin, F.n.c.p. Snrgeon-nIajor R. R. leman.

Supt. a nd Hon . Treas.

1st Officer.

, Yo D. Liddell, Bequia, l\l us"ell Avenue, l\Ius,Yell Hill, N .

T. P. Holmes.

Honora ry S e cret ary.

In spector of S tores.

No. 3 (NORTH LONDON RAILWAY) DIVISION. [Formed 1. 4. 90].

Pte. F. G. Ealey. Sergt. T. D . Russell, 18, Lancaster Road, West Norwood, S.E. Officers 6. Sergeants 6. Privates 33. Total effective 45. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 30. Average attendance IG. Oases attended not on public duty 200. Annual inspection, 17th June. Total on l,arade '21. Absent with leave 22. Without leave 2. Annual re- examination, 9th Sept. Medallions 18. Service badge~ ~ O. Members passed 28 . Did not appear 13. Nursing certificates 15. Hegulation uniform worn. Material : 3 haVTesacs. DivlSlOll snpported by members. The state of the Division is about the same as last year as regan]s numbers, and members are still doing duty in South Africa. Private Plumb, one of the first to voluutber, was invalided home, and after re-engaging and being promoted to sergeant, unfortunately died . Special duties have been undertaken at St. Paul's on seveyal occasions, and the Division has shared the duty at the Alexandra Palace, attenumg four times a month, three of the members attending a number of injured Ilcople (some





Hon orary Su rgeo n .

J. J . Dickillson,

~I.H.e . s.

S uperintendent.

Inspecto r o f S t o res.

J . A. Licbman, Dryden Ohambers, 119, Oxf0rd Street, \\T.

Pte. R. Di ney.

Honorary S ecret ary.

1st Olass Sergt. W. J. Hyrons, 33, MOllcgar RoaLl, ,Yhite Post Lane, Manor Park, E. .Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Privates 22. Total effective 27 . Decrease Slllce last repOl t 6. Drills held 44. A vel'aae attendance 15 Oases ~ttende.d 011 public duty 23. Oases attcllded not on public duty 13 . Annual ~~spectlOn, 12th Jun~. Total on parade 1]. Ab ent with leave 1. Without leave . Annual re-exammation, 25th Scpt. l\Iembers passed 10. Failed1. Did not



appeal' 15 . .JI edallion~ 16. R~gu.l ation uniforlll ":01:11: Materia~ : 1 litter, .stl'etehel's, and uumerous boxe ot matenallll work hops. D lvi IOU supported by NOlth London Rai lway Company and members' subscription . . .' This Diyision turned out well for pnbhc duty as usual, fo~ "Inch Lhe members were commended by the Deruty,COl1ll1lis iOlle.r, as al~o for theIr thorough knowledge of their duties, ou the occa ion of the annuallll peetIOn .

three years ago, viz., rlming the Cl'~cket season on Hackney Marshes, where there are between two allrl threc thons~n(l cYlCketcrs playing every, 'aturday afternoon. The value of the amhnla:nee serVIces Ii') fnlly ,leillon trate(l by the fact that nearly one huudrcd cases of acculent were treated, cause(ll'l'incipallv by cricket balls. The men of the Division haw evinced great interest ill their 'rork , and consequently t here bas been a full muster every atLtl'day .


No. 6 (CYCLIST) DIVISION. [Formed 7.3 . 91.]

Honorary Surge on .

A. T . , Yhite,

IIF.AD'QuAlnE't: .


J. J . Olley, Acorn "illa, 91, Fairlop Rd., Ley ton tone.

H. C. Howard,

A. F. Paddon.

Sergt. H. Mar ·ton, 5 , Selby Road, Leytonstone.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Privates 45. Total effective 52. Heser,e members 1. Increase ince last report D rills held 30. Average -attendance 13. Case attended on public duty 5. Removal' 4. Ca es attended not on public duty 100. Annual inspection, 2211d June. T otal on parade 38. Absent with leave 14. Annual re·examination, 23rd Oct. Member pa sed 39. Did not appear 12. Medallions 26 . ervice badges 18. Nuring certificates 20 . ReCfulatiou uniform worn. Material: 1 Ashford litter, stretcher, 2 marquees. 2 bell t;uts, 2 folding beusteal!s, 4 folding chairs, 4 l,lankets, 4 waterproof sheets, 4 banesacs, &c., &c. Division supported by it memhers. T he Division has made fairly good progreso dming the year. Public (lutics were performell. on Wanstead Flats, on Good F l'iLlay, Satnnlay, ancl Ea~tel' Monuay, W hit-~Ionday, August Rank Holiday; return ofC. I. V. two days, Lord Mayor's Day, Lord Robert's Return, Queen's Funeral, Earl's Court (two weeks' ann three (lay. ' duty) and at St. Paul's Cathedral. , Vith regard to thednty 011 ,Vansteall Flats, thanksal'e due to npt. L.l\l eKenzieaOlI n!en under him fortheir a sistance, al 0 to the uperinten. dent of Police and his officers \\'ho help in every pos ihle way. The con(luct ot the members of the Division during the pa. t year bas beeu all that could be dC 'ired, and great praise is due to them for the time they devote to the work .

Honora ry S ec. a nd In s p ector of Stores .

1st Cia 's Sergt. H. J. Hallatt, Ponders End, Middlesex . crgeant 1. Pri ~'ates 17. Total etfective 22. Officcrs 4. Reserve member 2. I ncrea, e since ]a t report 3. Drills held 34. Average attendance 13. Annual i.ll ' p~ction, 211r[ .1uly. Total on para(le 20 . Absent with leave 2. "~l1nnal re'(,'Xal~1ll1ntlOll, 16th July.. l\1em~ers pas ed 16. Did not appear 1. l\Iec1alhons 16. ervlce hadges 9. .l:\UJ'Sll1Cf ccrtlficates 17. ReClulation uniform worn. Diyi. ion supporterl uy mcmber . 0 n T~e Di'~ision ~g~ill show an incrca c ill llIcmher hip. and well maintains its preVIous 11lgh efIlelf:'I}(.y. An iucl'casecl nl1mlwl' of drill. ' ha heen held and the average attellrl:1.l1ce has hecn I'on 'iderahly higher. Pl~hlic duty has been u'ndertaken on n:any occa:lOJ]!" the atten,lancl:: of lIlCI~lhel' heing ,"ery gOO(l. Cycle race meetings ~t RlCh~110IJrl and Putney tn.cks have agatn beel' attended on seycral occa'ions. As 1J1 prevl~us years, duty has 1)een uurlel'taken at Earl's Court (Jlilitary Exhibition) and St. ~auls Alllbulan.ce .'t~tion. The Divi:ioll is inanexcellent tate both as regards its effiCleney and also finanCI[1lly, there lJCing It :ub 'tautinl balance in hanu . I


No. 5 (CHILDREN'S HOME) DIVISION. [Formed 1.12. 90 .] Honorary Surgeon.

Sm'g. ·Capt. A. C. T unstall,



' Yo B. Jone ',

Sup eri nte nd e nt.


E. J. Kimber, 4.5, Endwell Road, Brockley, S.E .

1st Office r. lIf. D .

[Formed 4.91.J

Honora ry S u r geon .

N .E.

W . Sharman.

Honorary Secretary.

1st Class Sergt. R. J. Hayes, 13, Sewarustone Road, Victoria Park, N.E. Officers 2. ,ergeant 1. Privates 16. Total effectiye 19. Drills held 38 . Average attenrlance 6. Cases I ncrease since la:;t report 5. attended on public duty 190. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 148. Annual inspection, l Oth June. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 5. Melllbers pac;sed 11. Did not appear 4. Annual re-examination, 15th June . Medallions 13. Service badges 5. ursing certificates 12. Regnlation uniform worn. Division suppo rted by members' subscriptions. D uring thc year the Division has continued the duties which were started two or

L.R.C.S . , R. N.

'. H. Vilyen.

33, Sothehy Road, Highbury, K.

Honorary S ec r et a ry.



1s t O ff. an d H o n . T reasurer.

W. J . H . Pontill,

, Yo G. Iagnn . Pte. B . Green.

J . Brown,

;lLll.C.S .

S uperi n ten d e nt.

2nd Officer. Inspector of Stores.


Hon o rary S u rge on s.

1st Offi ce r .

Supe r intendent and Honorary Treasure r .



1st 0 ffi ce r .

H. L. Jones.

2 nd O fficer.

J. A.

. Colem'111.

Insp. o f Stores .

....ergt. W. H. Bceton.

Hono ra ry S ec. and T reasu re r .

Pte. J. G. Thompson, 130, Kensington A venue, East H am . . Officers 4. ergeants 3. Privates 52. Total e1fective 59 . at Increase smce h~st report 5. Drills held 4.0. A.Yemge attendance 20 .13. Cases 45tended Oll p~bllt: duty 2 0;. Annual inspection, 19th June. Total on parade 1\1 ' bAbsent wlth leave 1. \\ Ithout lCl1vC 12. Al1nuall'e·examination 17th July ~~~i:rs p.a~~cd ~1. Did not al~pear l?: :\Ieclallions 22. ervic; badges 24.: h ' g cel tItieates 16. RegulatIOn ullliorlH worn. Material : 4. stretchers 4 aVlesacs , 4 water bottles, 1 surgeon's box, vl1l'iol1s uandaaes plints &c. Division supporte(1 by members' subscri}ltions. 0 , J

255 254 The Division still continues to make good progrf' s, and, .in spitc uf the weedingout of sCYeralllOn-efiicients, bas illcrca en ill llulllhers ~U~'l~lg the pa t year. The standard of \York has also ueen well lllHintainetl. The:: DIVI 1011 ha: performed duty at Earl's OOllrt Duncan Memorial, aull t. I nul' Am bul!1l1cC tatIOlls, the FUllcral of Her Late l1a.lesty Queen Yieloria (\\'hen 110. ca es \\'ere treated~, the return or~~rl Roberts. the Opening of the Houses of ParlIament, and the ~"etul'll of tbe City Imperial Volunteers. An:ong the ca ~ treated on th~ 1<1 t ~cca '1?I1, " 'err> 2 ca:es of fractured skull ::3 case ot fra,etnred nb , 2 case. of lractUlcd a1 m ." and about 100 cases of a Ie s e~'iou Jlatnre . Although the membership of the Mi1lwall -'ecLion l10es not increa e so quickly as might be de ired, the 1ll,CI!lbers, nnder cc~nJ .Officer Ooleman , takc a 0O'reat interest in the work , and the e[hclCncy of the sectIon IS \\'011 main tained.

The members of th.,e Dfvision have pe.r~orlllo;l publi~ duty at the fo1lowing l)laces: ilampstoo(l H eath, Earl s Oourt ExlllhltlOll, ~t. Paul s Oathedral, l\Iildmay .Flower Show, Miltlm ay Poor Ohiltlren's Dinner and Oarnivn,l, Lord Iayor's ~bow Hetnrn of the O.LV., Return of T,R.H. the Duke and Duchess of York. The're are five members still erving in SouLh Africa, Bv ry call for duty has been responded to often at very short notice. everal nOIl-clesiralJle lllClllhel's have heen weedell out o'r the Division , notwithstanding which ~hc llUl.l1?ey of n?embers increaseu by ~O. 123 ca. es were attende(l to hy meJ1lhel" o~ the DIVIsIon l1Cionglllg to the Mildlllay, Bradlangh, auel Central Olnbs, when 011 duty. Drills are l)l~illg uctter attended, and anangclllcnts are being made to vary them by a monthly lecture by the divisional surgeon .






Honorary Surgeons .

F. Gibbens,


Ho norary S ec. and Inspector of Stores.

Ptc. W. A. Gray, 58, Rothbury Roau, Victoria Park. Pte. J. Geerts,

Hono rary S ecretary.

erf,rt . J,

. E.

Honorary Treasurer.

J, C. Garhctt.

Inspector of Stores.


Sup erin t endent.

1st Offi cer.

J, \\T ells; l'ark Avenue, Barking.



W. J, Horton, 50, Beale Roarl, orth Bow, E.

B . .IJ, POl'kins, l\[.l~.C.i'.

",L!l.C . "

Supt. and Hon . Treasu rer.

Pte. J. Fitzgerald.


im111011d, 9, Oambridge Road, Barking.

erO'eants 1. Pri"atc 10. Total effecti\'e 1:i. Officers 4. Drills held 30, A"erag~ attendance 3. Cacs attelltle<l Oll vublic .linty 70, R emovals 1. Oases attended not on public duty 110. Annual In'peutIOn, 11th July. Total on parade 8, Absent \"ith leaye~. Without leayu 5. .Allnual re-examination , 29th Aug. Members pa 'sed 9. Did not appear 4. l\Ierlalho~ls 13. Service badges 7, Nuring certificates 13, Regulation uniform " '0 1'11. Matenal; 2 tents cquipped for open spaces duty, 3 stretchers, 2 h~\'~'e.sac , 2 water bottles, splints, handages, and tirst aid dressings, blankets, &c, Dn'1'10n'npportecl by local assistance. The Diyision has attended open spaces and other duties upon several oc~asiolls, an.d has rendered first aid in 209 cases. Member continuc to be of great 'erYlce at theu' different daily duties.

OIficer 1. Pl'i\'ates 21. Total effective 22. In crease since l~st report 7. Drills held 48. .Average Reserve member 1. attendance 22. Oases attended Oll pnhllc dnty 56. Removal 6. Oases attended not on p~lulic duty 73. An~ll1<Ll ill . p('cti~\l, 17th June, Total on paraue 17. 'erVlce badge 3. Nursing certificate 4. Absent .'\'lth l?ave 5. ~Jeclalbon~,'*RegulatIOll nl1lfOrlll ,,·om. MaLenal: 2 !:;t\'eLcher', 1 hancsac, 1 watcr llOttle ' 1 box of splints aud uallclages, Division!:iu pportecl by lllelll bel'S,


[forlJled 12,5.93.]



Honorary Surgeon. Eo Go(hlal'll, "'I. D.

Su peri nten dent.

A, Paull, Kylecote, Wembley.

lVwtblc!J 'cclion , Honorary Treasurer.

No. 9 (ST. JOHN 'S GATE, No, 2 ) DIVISION , [Formed 15.2,93.J HEAD-QUARTEP.S;





G. Ohillingworth, 27, Spital SCluare, Norton Folgate, E.

Inspector of Stores.


Pte. E. Eclwanls.

I£a desdl' I~ Sect io It.


Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Surgeon.

L. Hawkes,

,Gaubert (Hon.


M.D .

Honorary S ecretary.

1st Olas Sergt. J. LO"'e, 43, Elmore treet, Oanoubnry,

Inspector of Stores.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Pte. H. Bennett.

Sergt. 0 , Wright,


Officers 2, ~ergeams and 001 porals 6. Privates 60. Total effecti,ve 68. ? DrilL held 38. Average attellc1unce 26. Cases attenJed not on Imbhc c1ut,r 1~3 .. Annual inspection, 10th J nly. Total 011 parade 52. Ahsent with leave 4, Wlthout leave 12. Annual Te-examination, 12th June alld 29th Nov. Members passe~l 45. l\Iedallions 41. Service badges 20 . Nursing certificatcs ~5. Regulatioll Ul1lronn worn. Division supported hy III embers.

. H . JOllCS (llon . .JIClll.).

Officers 2. el'geants 1. Private:; 24. Total effective 27. Reserve meillber 1. Dccrease 'ince last rcport 6. Drills held weekly. A vera,L'C attendance? Oa es attcnued 011 puulic duty 30 , Remon.ls 2. Oases attendL:ll n~t on pl1bhc dut,r I). Annual in 'pection, 6th Jl\ne. Total 011 p[1l'!1lle 16. Absellt With leave 8. \Vl~hoL1t leave 0, Annuall'r-cxal1linatiol1s, 16th July, 24th cpt .. 16~h Oct, Meualhons.1. 'ervice hUIIges 10. I J ursillg certificates 13. Regulation ulllform worn. n:Iatenal: 1 tent, 3 littcrs, 9 strctchers, han'e acs, water bottlc.', 15 blanket.', 1 waterproof sheet. Di\'isioll supported by local subscriptions. At the com11lencement of the year, Dr. J, 11. Churchill kinLlly lectureu to the members on nl1l'sil1g, with the re nIt that se\,CIl gained the cert i!1catc. The members ~ave responded well to the call for public duty, including the retul'll of the 0.1. Y. (2 days), the l'eLnm of Lord l:oberts, anll clio late I~ucell's Fllneral. Owing to tlle



chano-e of mann rr C111ent at 'Yembl ey Park, duty was not undertaken there on Easter Monday, but it \\~s 011 tho remaining bunk holilln,ys, and on six other occasions. On 26th March a very successful concert was held at the 'Yorkl1l en's Hall, 'Yembley when those members ,yho had served in South Africa and had returned wer~ welcomed l:ome by J. L. Chapman, E q., ,r. P., on behalf of the neigh hourhood, and the nUl' ino- certificate and service Ladgc: \\'er8 presented hy Mrs. Goddard. Late on Easter Monday night, a Yery eriou brake accident occulTed in front of Dr. Goddard's house. nfortunately messengers "ho were. ont failed to tind some of the members of the Diyi~ion, but Private JI. Beer pas ing at the time renc1ereLl efficient help to the doctors, and afte!'wanl . cOllYl'yed one pcttien t to 'Villesden on the litter, reaching hi, own home ngain ahout 5 o'clock in the mOHlillg. Owing to members leaving thc di trict, the number especially ill the " Tembley section hal'e decreased, but it is hoped to ontain recruits from the first aid cla's which is now organized.


[Formed 6.93.]


S uperintendent.


T. Hu twayte, 7,

purstowe Road, Amhl1l'st Road, Hackney, N.E.

Hon o ,"ary S ecretary and Treasurer.

Pte. H. G. Berry, 22, Glendish Road, Tottenham. Officer l. PriYates 2. Total effectiye 29. Increase since la t report 5. Drills held 66. Averacre attendance 6'42. Ca. es attend ed on public duty 7. Remoyal ? Ca es att.endeu not on public duty 2 O. Annual inspection, 29th JUlJe. Total on parade 17. .All. eut with leaye 3. Without len.\'e 9. Annual re-exanlinatiou, 11th July. ilIC?Illher pas ed 2l. FaiJed l. Did not appt:ar 7. ~Ie']allions 13. ervice badge 4. Nursing cert.ificates 20. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 1 litter, of stretchpr , 4 ha,vresacs, 4 'Yater bottles, blankets, camp stools, &c. Divi ion . npported by Messrs. ,Yaterlow and Sons, Ltd., and mem bel'S' subscription. This Division is formed exclusiyely o[ the employes engaged in the varions departments of Messrs. 'Vaterlowand Sons, Limited, and owing to their emploYlIlent it is not always possible [or members to tum out for public duty, or to avail themselves of regular attendallce at drill. The llIemuers hrL\'e attendeel 367 C'l.se of accident or sudden illness dming the year, and public duty ha been ped'ormed on the occasion of the R eturn of the City Imperial Yolunteer, Lonl Mayor's Day, Return of Lord Roberts from South Africa, Fllllelal of Queen Yictoria, Duty at Earl's Court Exhibition, Blackheath on bank holidays, and unda), duty at t. Paul's Oathedral. The members regret that ergt. Brown ha3 been compelled to resign o\ying to illhealth. As one of the founders of the Diyi . ion, and in recognition of his plel1llid work, the members presented him with a testimonial to remind hil1l of their appreciation. The Division ha sustained a very serious loss by the untimely death of its respected hon. surgeoD, F. G. Engelbach, who volunteered for service in South .Africa. He was killed while succuuring the wounded ill the night attack on General Clements, at Nooitgellacht, on 13th D ecember, 1900. The Division is indebted to the School Board for London for their continued kindness in granting the use of the cruttou treet School, Fin bury, for drill purposes.

No . 13 (KING 'S CROSS [G.N.R. ]) DIVISION. [Formed 4.10.93.J HEAD-QUAHTERS: KING' S CRO. S


Ho norary S u rgeons.

R. Main,


J. Brnnton,



1st Officer and Hon. Treas.

G. T. Cooper, 7, Lothair Road,


E. Hankin.

South IIaningay. 2nd Officer and Hon. Secretary.

P. J. Sebright, 61, Devonshire Road, Holloway, N.

Inspector of Stores.




Offl cers 5. Sergeants 4. Privates 36 . Total effective 45. Decrease since last report 12. Drills helel 60. Average attelJ(lallce 1. Ca. es attended not on pllblic duty 1,313. Annual inspection, 2ud July. Total on parade 2il. Absent with leave 1. 'Yithout leave ~1. Annual re-exallliuatiolls, 1 th .June, and 9th July. Uembers pa"sed 23. Failed 2. Die1 not appear 20. Medallions 30. Service badges 25. Nll\'sing certificates 34. Regulation uniform worn. Material: complete eq uillmen t. Division fiupporterl by subscriptions and donations. Three more llIell1 hers volunteerecl al1e1 were ac('epted for service in outh Africa, makincr a total of 7 sent by the Division. The Massey-~Iaillwariug Challenge Cup was w~n by a team from the Divi ion, October, 1900. Teallls entered for the " Osborn" and "Dewar" hields, bu t 0111y a second pla.ce was obtained in both ca es. The Diyisioll has taken speeial (lnty a,t the Alexandra Palace, Hampstead Heath, Earl's Court Exhibition, t. Clement" Dalles, St. Paul's Cathedral; also on the occasions of the Funeral of Her Late Maje ty Queen Victori:L, the Lord Mayor's Show, the return of the C.I.V., aIHl also the retul'11 of Captain Lambton's Ka\'al contingent. A c1eta::hmeut from this Division formed part of the guard of honour at the opening of the Jew Crypt, t. John's Church, :May ~lst, 1901. A team from the Division gave a tlispl~y on t. John's Day, June 24th, 1901, at the Charterhouse. The numher of ca. es attendcd to by members when not on public duty was 1,313, making a total of 3.951 ince the forplation of the Divi ion. The avtrage (luties attended by member was three. The Divi iOIl wi 'he to record its appreciation of the valuable assi. tance giyen by the Great Northern Railway Coml1any.


[Formed 10.4.94.J


Honorary Treasurer.

F. W. Cox 3, Leiccster

(in charge), qnare, \Y. C.

Inspector of S tores.

ergt. J. Staines.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. F. J. Phillip, 270, Ladbrook Groye, W . Sergeants 2. Private ]7. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 7. Annual inspection, 14th June. Total on parade 15. Absent with leaye 2. 'Vithout leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 17th May. Members 'passed 9. Failed 2. Did not appear . Medallion 10. Service badges 8. N urSlJ1g certificate 9. Regulation uniform "om. Material: 2 stretchers and 1 small hamper. Division supported by the mem bers. As.nsnal the members have reo ponded weH for public duty, being lwesent on the OCCaSlOl1 uf the Funeral of H er Late Majesty Queen Victoria, R eturn of the C.l. V., St. Paul's (S~1T~day dnty), Duncan Memorial (1Jight cluty), Lord Mayor's Day, Earl's Court ExlulntlOll. One membe!' who had served six months in outh Africa went out again in April last. ' ,


25 No. 15- (EAST HAM ) DIVISION. [Forl11ecl 4,1. nfl. J HE·..I.D-QUARTE~t; :


Hono rary Syrgeon.

F. J. l\l cKcttrick,

~r. n.

1st Officer.

Honora ry Se cretary.

A. A . Atkin -41, Fir t Avenue, 1\1a,nor Park .

Pte. F. G. Co bnrn, 129, 'arlyJe Road, Manor Park, Es:;cx. Honorary Treasu rer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Hurden.

Pte. J . Brickell.

Officers 3. Corporals 3. Privates 21. Total eO'e ctive 27. Decrease since la t report 5. Drill helll 4.6. A,erage attendance 1 Annual illspectioll, 23rd Ko\'. Total on p~rade 17. Ab:;ellt with leave .10. Annual reexamination, ~ncl Au cy . , and ~2nd 1'10\' . Member. passed 21. DId not appear 1. ::\l~dalliolls 20. ervi'ce badges 7. Nursing certificate 14. Regulation uniform \rom . Material: 1 litter, 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 box of first aid material, oil ston, kettle, 1 bell tent, and fittings coml)lete. Diyision upported by lllember' n1 cription . The Division maintains its high efficiency, but it strength is slightly recluced . Oue member has joined the . A. C. l\ledical Department, and is now ill outh Africa. The Divi iOIl [wain holds the" Dewar" hielcl, which was won for the second time in succes ion. b The large average attendance of memhers at all public duties and practices i very sati factory. A litter anilable at all hours is kept at the East H am Connci l's Fire tation at Manor Park .

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. A. J . Kent.

Set.at. O. II. Darker (ill chargc), 39, H ardy Road, Wimbledon.

OfIiccr 1. • ergeants 2. Privates 28 . 'fotal effective 31. Increase siuce last report 1. Drills held 5~ . A verag(: .atteudauce 12. Cases attendell on public uu ty 27. Cases attend eel Hot on I!lll~hc duty 112. ~nnual inspection, 11th Jnne . :rot~l on parade 20. Absent wIth le.ave 1.0. VI Ithout Ieave 1 Annual re-exanunatLOn, 20th .J uly . Members passed 16. DId not appear l 4. iredallions 19. . Seryice badges 12. N l1r':i.ing certificates 1.2. Regulatio~ l1iform worn. l\1atenal: 4 stretcher.·, 1 surgiCal bavres:.Lc, 1 /teJd hamper, 2 ~~llprovised havresacs. 1 station water bo~tle, sheets, pillows, hlankets. Division . u pported by melll bel'S and. hOllo~'ary su \..Jscnbers. . The Division mailltains its satisfactory progress, and recorrls an InCl'e~se of us~~ul work accomp1ishcd. The safe rptul'll of a11 seven ~ne11l1~(':s f~'om Sou~h. ~fn~a {including ~ upt. C. \>rcliard,. who will shortly resume Ills posltLOn III the DIViSiOn) IS 1'cl!orded With heart-felt gratitude. . During the year local pul~lic dntie' llaye been perfol'1l:ed at the Polytl'~hmc, ~hnor Club. and Chnrch IlIstLtute Football gronl1cls, the WImhledon Flower h~w, ~huor Farlll Gardcn Fete antI .'[lorts, Lord's Club Sports, and Belvedere Fete. Ullder District Onlers the Division has also attenued on duty at the Lord ~rayor's Sltow return of the City I 111 pc rial Y olnn teer.:;, retul'l1 of Lor,l Rol)erts from South Afric~ the Funeral of' Her Late ~la.ie ·ty (lueen Yictoria, the Opening of Parliament 11Y th~ Kin g, :::It. Palll's Cathec.Iral, Duncan Memorial Station, Earl's Court .Exhibition and bauk holiuay cinhes at Batter ea Park. Of the 112 fir:;t aId cases sncc~ sfully treated hy l1Jembers. in th.eir ]lriY3te capacity, are creditpd to Pte. II'. J. liould the OC('ul'lencp beiliU Cllll'fly at the Army and :l\avy StOres. The principal event ill the lliOtory of t!le Di\'ision h~s heelJ the opening and inauguration, hy, 'ir Yincent Kcnnett-Barnngton and CIlLef. upt. \\. ~Iorg~n, of th e hanu!:ome ne\\' hcad-cluarter proviued by tbe generou It)umficence of the Presl~ent of the Finance Committee of the Division, JolIn Innes, Esq., J . P., who has prOVIded the Division with a home far surra ing in comfort and convenience anything existing in th e K o. 1. District. The continued popularity and self-sacrifice of the hon. s'lrgcon, Dr. Hargreaves, accounts for much of the progress and i1lcreased interest of the n:embers, a~d they would express their incere thanks to all kiwi patrons and ub cnhers, p.artlcul~rly Lord Rathmore, Colonel Mitchell, and Eric C. H ambro, Esq., ~I.P., for theu' pradical interest aou help in the extension of the "'ork of the Brigade.








Cnos. ·,

. E.

Honorary Surgeon .

J. l'lI. Carvell, !\I.IL C. S. Superintendent, Hon . Sec . and Treasurer.



Trangmal', 61, Jerniugham Roael, New Cross, S.E.

Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Privatr 41. T otal efI'cctive 46 . 'Reserve members 1. I nerea e since last report 8. Drills held 3. A "erage attendance 27. Cases attended llOt on public duty 305. Annual inspection, 23rd June. Total on parade 32 . Absent with 1eave 12. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination , 12th 1\1ay, and 13th Oct. 1\1emb2rs passed 29. Failell 1. Did not appear 14. ~f edallions 29 . ervice badges :66. Nursing certificatcs 22 . Regnlation uniform worn. ~laterial: 1 havresac, 2 strete~ers . Division su pported by concerts during the winter. The condition of the Division financially continnes satisfactory, and thele has been a very satis fa cto ry increase in the number of members. Tile attendance at drills and practices bas been good, and on occasions of public duty excellent. A team from this Division won the Silver Challenge Cnp, pre ented by the director .. of the L. B. & S.C. Railway at a competitioll held in ~Iarclllast, open to all holuers of fir"t aiel certificates in the Company 's service.


[Formed 14 . (l.95 .]


Honorary Surgeon .

Inspector of Stores

K. H argreaves ,

Pte. ",V. J. Boulel,


M .D .


[Formed 13 .11. 95.]


Honorary Surgeon .

E. '\T. L e\\'is,

1\1. H.C .

Honorary Secreta r y in charge.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. H. Young, 17, Kinnoul Rd., Hammersmith, IV.

Pte . A . ",Y. Boyle.

01ii<.:cr 1. Privates 11. Total eU'ective 12. Increase since last report 1. Drills held .J. . A verage attendance 7. Cases <t;tcncled Oil pn1Jlic duty 1. Ca 1::; attel1lh'u not on pl1ulic uut,\' 35. Annual in pection, 25th J1I11e. Total on panule 9. Ah:;el1t with leaye~. Without leave 1. Annnall'e-examination, 21st ~lay. Members pal!:;etl 5. :Fa,iled 1. Did not appear o. Mf'dallions 8. Service badges Nursillg certiticate 1. Regulation uniform worn. Material: ~ stretchers, havresac, water bottle, and sUllul'ies . Division supported by members' sullscription ... 'l'heDi\'ision still continue to do good \I'ork in the illlll1ediate neighhourhood, and 33 public duties ha\'e been performed, including Queen's Club, 1 football matches,


2tiO Earl' COUlt Exhibition, Hampiead Heath, return of C. 1. Y. and LoreI RolJel't Funeral of Her :Jiaje ·t.' Queen Yictoria, Ollening (If Parliament by His Majest, th~ KinO" Lord :JIayor', DaY, ,\-e ' t London IllLlu ,trial Co-operatiye ncicty',' }'("te Te,,~;erance Fete, and ,,'to Paul' Cathellral. Tlte majority of' the mClllhel. ar~ employed on the Di triet Railway, amI a full lIl11!>ter cannot therefor ' alway ' lIe obtained.



'YlIm~s, OLD 1\:1::_-1'

Honorary Surgeon .

A. A. ,Yard,


Sup erin t endent.

J . C. Line,;,


93 lYe, t End Lane, Honorary Secretary.


ergt. W . J . Gouden. tiO, Xa,]or Road, Peckham. , . E. .

"T. H 'al1lp teau, X. W.

Honorary S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

, erc't.

COl pI. C. Osborn.


Roger, 4 , Gayton Hoad, Hamp. tead.

Honorary Treasurer.

H. Cl.uk Hon. :JIemuer. ) Officer. 2. ,'eracant 1. Corporall. PriYates 21. Total efl'ectiYe ~.j. Drill held 3. A ~erage attemIallce 11. A~lllual r('-exalliin~tiol1,. 24th ellt. )Iember pa,;."ecl 17. Di(l11ot app 'ar 7. :JIellalholl ' ~ 1: . Regulatloll ulllform W01I\ ~Iate rial: 1 hant', ac, 3 stretcher", 1 ,,'ater hClttl ' . Dl\·ISlOlI. upl'orted lly lllellllJPr' snbscri ption '. . . . . . " . .' Thi. ba ' be 11 !l 'll11et ycar \\'1t1l thu lJl\' !SIOll, aud the, Ul'erllltell(lc'lIt ha . ha<l grc'at difficulty ill getting the Illen to take tllt' "ame int (' r~ t ill Brigaclc work flS fOl'lll~rIy. However, the Diyi ·jnn tum ed ont we1lull th' day ot the Funeral of H er L~te :JIaJe"ty Queell Yictoriu , a1lrl the.' c1i(11Jlot exe llellt work where they, were. tatIOned. ncar Hyde Park. The Divi. iOIl l1a abo att ('nrl,'!l on ce the Open ,pace Duty on Hampstead Heath 011 h,lllk llOli,lay:·;,

Tr easure~

Mr. H. Fox HOll. :JleI111)(:r. )


Officer." 2. "'cr~eant 1. P)'i\·alc.. 28. Total efl'ecti\'e 32. Re er,e member 1. Decrt:!a~e ince la·t report 3. Drill held 37. .\\·crage attendance 11. Case attended Oll puhlic duty 294. Hemo\'ab 36. Cat's attended not on public duty 100. AUllual illspection. ~.)th JUlie. Total 011 parade 24 . Ab ent with lean 4. "-ithout le:we 4. ~\unllal re-examination, 3utll July and 12th "ept. )lember" pascll:2. Dill not apl,ear 3. :J[e<lallio)) ~rl. Sen-ice badge~ 1 . X ur ing certificate:; 26. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 4 ·tretchel'S anrI12 water bottle. Di\iionUPl'Ol'ted by tile 'ol11l,al1Y and the nl(~llIhel". The continued practical encouragement kindly ginu uy the <lireetor" and otfi l:inb of the outh }Ienol,olitan Ga" Co .. i again gratefully ackw)\\'ledged by the not officer and 111 em bel' of the Di d!>ion. ~is a cla.' rarc ly pa,;e wIlen Ollie u. l' made of the acquired fir t aill knowledge, it ha. IJeCOllle allllo"t a IIcces,;ity that an efficient Di\'i iOIl be centred in the ,York', aua to tlti,; elld the diredo)'.' kiuclly of reI' sil,er medallions to all \,ho qualify for them . There is q .. treet alllimiallce ·tatio)) containing a litter and the nece ary eCluil'ment permitted "'ithin the "'orks, allJ ix ambulance boxe al:e di.tributed at yariou' l'?int -, which are of the grcate"t u.e. :JIembers haye been hIghly cOlUmeudel1 I,y YarIOU. doc tal and hOlL'e Slll',~('on' of ho l,itals for the careful way in which their "'ork ha . lleeu cIolle. In Olle in t itnC€' a boy fell from a jetty 35 feet high into a IJarge, breakillg hi . le.a in t\\'o places allu hi' ankle . The injuries \\ ere treated ,,-ith [Ilints and lJanclaue , and the . ufle1'f:, r cOll\'cred three mil.e ~. t.o ho pital "'itbin 30 minute .. T!le anllual (fi!>l'lay was not helll thi.· year. The DnTlO?- sen.t ?eYCI1 men to outh.Afnca, alJ of \\'hom l'etul'lled :-.afely. One member Las lUce Jomecl tbe outh Afllcan Police. A \\'elcOllJe-]JOllle .·upper \\:<:; gi,en to t~e mem l,e!' on tl~eir retnrn, the occasion lleing made llse of for tbe }llll'l'0:-.e of presentllJg a gol~ medallIon to hoth hOllorar,Yurgeoll and snperintelldeut, and an umbrella to :Jlrs. LlUe for her kindness to the Divisioll. 0ports are shll held in the Recreation ~rounll. attached to the 'Yorb. alltl much u eful work ha been llnuertaken on the everal oeca 'iolls uy the alllblllalice member . . The large percentage of mell alJ ent ~r0m the aI~nual inspection is explaille!1 by thp. fact that a the \,ork of the company IS of a contllluou lIature. a full 1Il11 tel' at one time is impo sible. Duty ha' been undertaken in re6ponse to 'the eyeral calls fro111 h ead -quarters during the year.




HEAD·Q1:.\JlTEIt:-. :

Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

J. H. \"ollall!l,

~. Hawkins, Ethelbert Road, Bromley, Kent.

)!.It.r. ..

I nspector of S tores.

:-'Cl'!:.;t. ,'. Du"ll. Honorary Treasurer.

Ho norary S ecretary.

" e l~rt.

l·t CIa;.;;; , el!,. . F. Field, 55, -'olltltl nu!Is Roall, Bromley.



Ofliccr' 2. , l~('ant 3. PriYate. 16. Total efl'ecti\-e 21. Decrease 'luce la. t rello}'t 11. Drill lll.· ld 31. A,erage attellCIallce 10. Ca'es atten(led on public duty 137. Hemond 17. Casp. attent!elll~ot oIll'uhlic d:l.ty ~;). Annual illspe ·tiOll, ~7th JUlJe. Total fill para(h 1 . . All ent ,nth lea\-e 1. ,\ lthom leaYe 2. .llllnal re-examination. I t Aug. }l! 11111cl''' l'a,,!:)ed 14. Did not appear 6. ::'IIedallion - H. .'eryi(;c hadge!> I:!. Xnr ing certificate,; 14. Regulation unifonu WOI'll. )lateri 11: 1 littel, ;; "tr ,tcller". ~ t eut. am! appliances. 3 ;.;nr~ical havresacs, 3 water uottles. Di\'i ion ~upl'olt(d IJY donation aud nb cl'iption..;.

No. 22


SATURDAY FUND ) DIVISION . [Formed 27.7.96.J


54, GIU.Y's

1);.- ROAD,


Hono rary Surgeons .


R. Taylor, ){. D.

R. Illgram

C. Abhott, 1.1\ . . 1.

Superin t endent.

A. R. Rundell, 26, l\orthwood Roall. Highgate, X.

L. ". A.

Inspector of Stores .

ergt. J. BnIJdy.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.


Honorary Surgeon.

E. Jes.op,


32, H IGH

[Formed 31.1.96.]


X. ,y.

Sup erintendent.

E. H. Evan, 32, High treet, Hampstead.

ergt. R.


Hendon, 59, Regina Road, 'l'ollington Park, X.

Oilicer' 4. •'ergeanb 2. Prinlte 23. Total effective 29. Decrea e since la t repol't 3. Drill' ]lelc1 4. Average attendance 1'2. Cases attendecl on public dnty 162. Rcmoyal· 4. Ca ' e attended not on pll hlic duty 10. Aunual in pectioll, 9th JUly. Total on parade 17. Au ' ent with leave . -Without

:W3 leave 4. Annual re-examination, 25th J uue. MelD.ber pl1 ed 19. Did not appear 6. ~Iedallion 9. cnice badge ' 3. Xm ing certiflcaLes 17. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 3 ten t , 7 . hetcher, 7 11a nesncs, 1 amlmlancc station hox, 4 waterproof heet ·, 4 rng ', 6 o"ercoat , 30 water LottIe, large stock of Landactes 0 , tlrug3, &c. Did ion npportell by nb 'criptioll ' and donations. Public duty ha been undertaken at Earl" Court Exhibition, Retul'll of Oity . Imperial Yolunteel", Heturn of Lord Robert.;, Queen's Fun eral, 'to Paul's Cathedral '\'\ elsh Harp, Hendon, Oll hank holi(lays, Regent's Park durillg fontllall and cricket sea 'ons, Prill tel's' '"' port' at Crystal Palace, LondolL Board uhool 'ports, Tufllell Park, and other football grounds,

[Fcrllled ~6.11.96.]

No. 23 (NORWOOD ) DIVISION. HEAD-Q"C",\.nn:r.s:


Txrro", CltY1AL

P.U. A


Honorary Se cretary.

Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.

E. R. Goodwin,:W , Friel'll Road, Ea t Dulwich, ... . K

Pte. \\', J. Channing, 16, Fernholme Road, Anerley, •. E.

Officer 1. ergeant 1. PriYates 1. Total eii'eetiv(! 20. Ca cS' attellded Oll public duty O. I ncrea. e since la t report 2. Drill' held 42. ,Remo\'al 12. Annual re,examination, til .JIay. ~IeJllLcl's p:l . eJ 12. Diu not appear . ~ledallion 9. • en'ire badges 2. Xur 'iug certificate ' 7. Regulation uniform worn. .\Jaterial: 3 tretcher, 3 haneac, ~ water Lottles, 1 bell tent and fittings for station. Didsioll snpportetl by . ubseriptions. Public duty WH ptlform ed by the mell1ber:; of the Div:sion 011 hank holidays, and at the football match meeting at the Cry tal Palace. Tile Divi. iOll llad an ambulance station in the Centre Tran el,t of the Palace during the XaYaI and Military Exhibition 23rd )lay to 2 th September, over 70 ca. es beillg treatetl.



HEAD-QU .utm!:;;: ,''I'. PAUI:S CllUltGll ROfJ;\[, HAllItL-OAY PAltK,

Honora ry Secretary (in charge).

Honorary Surgeon.



Sergt. E. Stevens, 7, Yale R11., Harringay Park, ~-

~lurray, :11.1:.('.1' .

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. F. Hollingsworth.

Sergt. W. Barrell.

Ofiicer 1. ,'ergeants~. Privates 20. Total effective 23. I ncrease since last repolt 3. Drills held 45. Average atteudanr.e 9. Ca. es attended on pul)lic (lnty 45. Removal 1. Ca.·c:, attended not on public duty 15. Total on }la1'a(1e 10. Al)sf'nt with leave 1:3. Annual illspectinn, 16th June. Annual re-examination, l!1th All~. 1I1embcl's passe!l 19. Dirl not appear ;1. :Medallions 13. ,'ervicc ha(lges 1=3. ~ - ursillg certifica te l. Hegulation uniform worn. Material: stretcher, han'('sac, and water Ilottlc, splints, l.,andage" &c. Division supported by general pu\)lic. . The Divi iOll has 111'l.lle steady jJrogn.. s clunllg the pa t year. Public duty has heen uudertaken lLt the Tnttenhalll .Jlilitary Toul'llament, Tottenham CarniYal, Earl's Court Exhi\)ition, IIal1lpsteacl Heath on lJUnk holidays. Opening of Parliament, Lord :\layor's . how, Retul'll or C.I.'.'., the Funeral of H er Late .JIajesty the Queen, aul Oil all oc('asi0l1S wlirn rlnty has Leen ol'rlered from heac1-ql1art~r. The drill and practic P ' have Leell hetter attpuclerl. The large number of men ab ent from annual in 'l'ection is explainerl b\T the rar·t that all the me1llber Leiug raih\'ay employes. anrl the work h~ing of a continuous nature, it i· impossihle to get a full muster at on e time. Dr, .JI\llTn.y is Again g1\'incr a eol1l"p' of It'dl1l'e to a new cla .. s which, when completed, will a(M to the tl'lmgth of the Division. The Division i still grratly indehted to tIl(> '.'icar of ,'t. Paul's Church. Harringay, for the free usc of the drill room. The Didsion (let'ply regret· to han to reconl the death of one of its nH'mber', Pte. O. Ea ey, who (liell from ~;lU(;l'r arter a long and painf'l1 illne S. This has been the only decrea, e in memher 'hip . illce last report.

No. 26 (ENFIELD ) DIVISION. [Formed 9.7.97.]

[FOl'Illeu. 30.9.96.]

H EAD - QUARTEm;: DouLTo~'s l ~"TI1TTE, HIGH


IIE,\D-QLu:TEI:. :



. E.

(X 0 report received.) Honorary Surgeon .

R. G. Reid, S ergeant (i n charge).

, .


Bulcraig, 4.2, Tregarvon Rd., Clapham ('omil,on, . ,\Y. Inspector of Stores .

Pte. A. Harris.

)1. B.

Honorary Secretary,

Pte. O. Outridge, Boai'll, chools, Westmin tel' Bridge Bel.. .E. Honorary Treasurer.

.JIr. C. Thacker (HOll . ~Iem ber.)

No. 27 (ACTON) DIVISION. HEAD-QU.\l:TEr...: : ACT<I _' , T \Tro",

[Formed 16.5.9 .]

N. & . ,\V.



Honorary Surgeon .

H. J. Thornton, :\LR.C .. ·• Honorary Secretary (in charge).

Offker 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 17. Total effectiye 19. Increase since last rep0rt 5. Drills helti 40. Ayerage attendance 7 '10. Oases attended on public duty 20. Removal 1. Cases attended not ou public duty 164. Annual inspection, 5th July . Total on pal'aue 14. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, 27th .'ept. :JlemhelS passed 13. lIIeclallions 8. N"ursing certificates 5. Regulation uuiform worn. )latcl'ial: 2 stretchers 1 sure,ical havrtsac. Di\rlsion Rnpportecl by members aud hon. members. '0 Dr. R. G. Reid presented to each of tllC font' Hlentbers who ,rent to Sonth Africa, .a silver Albert chain aod a medallion 011 return. ~lnch al)preciatiol1 aud enthusiasm has lleen shown by the members, owing to the kindllcss of H. Lewis Doulton, Esq., who is giving prizes for atrenuanee and first aid work.

1st Ola's ergt. L. ,\Y. ToUer, .Jlyra Hou 'e, 25, :re\yton Avenue, Acton, W. Officer 1. ,'ergeant]. PriYate H . Total effective 16. Decrease ince la t report . Drills helel.n. nxerage attendance 10. Case attended on public duty 30. a 'p alten rletl not on public duty ~5. Annual inspection, 26th June. Total on parade 12. Ab ent with leaye 4. Annual reexamination, 2;jth .Jlay. ~lemher pa .. cd H. Did not appeAr 1. :Jfedallions 12. Senice badges fl. Nursing certificates ·!. Regulation uniform worn, Material: 3 stretchers, ambulance hamper. and material. Divi ion supporte rl by North and South Western Junction Railway Oompany and by members' sub criptions. This Division rl'ports a very nct:e. I'lll yeaI'. AttC!l1Llance at drill ancllectnres have been Yery good. The Divi iOll was 011 public. duty 0]] the fol1owing occasions:


264 The Retn1'l1 of Lonl Hobert, the Royal Funera l, Opening of Parliam ent, and Lord Mayor's Show. Th e work done by the lllem hel'~ on each occa ion was very good. Eight;member have been truck off the trength 101' non-attendance,



[Formed 21.6.9 .J



Honorary Su rgeon.

E. W. F. , ti"en,


W. T. Ball, Oak Lodge, Harro\\,. Hon . Secretary.

Pte, F. H. ,Yatkiu , Ferndale, Kylll berley Road. Hano\\,. Inspector of Stores .

Honorary T reasurer.

Pte. 'Y. H. Hunt.

II'. A. Fillmore (Hon. Member).

Officer 2. Pri,'ate ~3. Total effective 25. Increase since last report Drills helll 79. AYerage attendance '2. Cases attended on public duty 9. Removal 6. Case atteu(Iecl not 011 1mblic duty 32. Annual in pection, 6th Tuly. Total on parad e 21. Absel1t with leave 4. Annual re·examination, 26th July. Members pas ed 21. Did not appeal' 3. Mellallion 12. ervice badges Knr 'illg certificates J. R egulation uniform ,,·om . Material: 1 litter, 3 stretcher . 3 havresacs, 2 ,,'ater bottles, rug, mackinto he:, &c., and a quantityot' fir t aid material' at three, tation . D1\'i:ioll upportcd by meudJers' subscription . Ambulance tation (ayailahle at all hour): 1. Victoria Hall. 2. F el'lldale, Rymbedey Road. 3. c/o T . We t, Middlc Road. The Division ha hown considerabl e improvement dUl'iug the pa t year both as regards drill and first aid work . The cla ses organized l'e ulted in the addition of 10 ne\\' members. Public dnty has been PCl'fOl'll1elI in London 011 I.'\"cral ot'casions, inc1urling the Fun eral of H er ::'lajc, ty Queen Yictoria, and Earl's CO\1rt Exhihition. The Division bas also attendcd local fire, the average tillle ror ':1 111en amI equipmcnt to be on the way ueing auout 211llinntes, n,lId on tl\'O occa ion' the Divi ion remained Oll duty for 9 hours . These duties rcsnl ted ill 17 cases I'ccei vi ng attention . Assistance has also beeu lent to i\o. XI. Di,-i .. ioll (by reque t) for several duties at IYembley Park. One member is still on service in'outh Africa, fOl1l' ha\-ing returnecl since last report.

No. 29 (WALTHAMSTOW) DIVISION. [Formed 5.1. 89.J HEAD-Q1:AP.TER-i: 11:t, HIGH STHRET,


Honorary Su rgeon.


H. T. Challis, ,,1. D .

W. H. Wel ch, Higham Hill Road, , Val thalllstow.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. F. W. Stevens, 114-, High St., Walthamstow.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. A. Greenway.

Pte. W. J. Card.

Officers 2. Privates 29. Total effective 31. Increase since last report 5. Drills held 25. AveraCfe n.ttendance 16'3. Cases ~ttend~d on public duty 4. Cases attended not on °public duty 54. Annual lllspccbon, 5th July. Total on ' parade 2l. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 1. An.nual re-exami~ation, 15th Aug. Members passed 20 . Did not appear 10. MedaLlIons 13. ScrvlCe badge 1. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn. :Material: . l~t~er, stretcher, am bulanca box, havresac, 2 blankets 1 waterproof cover. DIVlsIOn supported by members' contributions.

Since the last report this Division has m[trie steady progress. The Division has performed pllhLic (Inty locally on the o(;(:asion o[ the Cart Horse, 'how, Monoux School Sports ,ports and Pa tillle Fete (~clays), Bonfire Boys' Caruival. Th e Di\'ision has' aLso perforllle(l puhlic <luLie!') at ,'t. Clrll1ent Danes, Earl's Court E~hibition, Lonl 1\1<Lyor's Show, Queen's FUlieral, Guard of Hononr, St. John's Cilllreh Clerken\\'ell. The Divi.. ion also has two men on duty nightly (. unclay exeepte~l) at the D~\'.i'ional A 1.nbulallce ,'tation from 7.:10 to 10.:~0, 'atunlays, 6.30 to 11 p.m. in a(lcllLlOJ1 to wludl two or three members are avaIlable at any hour durillCf th~ day 01' nigllt on ,t call bring given at the station. Du~ill Cf the pft t yenr 54. cases have been tl'eated locally, 9 of which were sent to the hospital , 6 removed t? hospital on litters, including one case of severe burning, and 2 removed hOl11e on hUeI'. The Division presenterl Dr. Challis \\'ith a handsome oak combination liqueur and Cfames cabinet us n. murk of appreciation of his instructive lectures. In Augu t last, the membcrs were ilwiterl to spend an evening at Hazeldene, Prospect Hill, the residence of the Prrsirlent of the Finance Committee of the Division, when a short fir t aid display was givcn . . .. The Divi iOIl held a Church Panul' IJl AlIgn ·t a' a thanksgIVIng for the safe return of the six membrr who served in, outh Africa. One has incejoined the onth African COllstabnlary, a.nd has been twelve month on active 'ervice WIth that Corp', of which he is no\" gazetted lientenant. The Division have to thank the Walthamstow School Board for the 1], e of a nne playground and covered ~pace adjoinmg the headquarters, where the rhills are held.





Honorary Surgeon .


B. E. .:\[yer, )[. D.

P. Hayman, ,Long Lane, Alder gate 'treet, E. O.

Honorary Secretary and Inspec tor of Stores .

, el'gt. X . Hambnrger, 1 , BrOWll!')\\'oorl Park, Green Lanes,


fficcr 2. 'ergcan ts 2. Private 32. Total effective 36. Increase siuce la t report 6. Drill ' held 39. Average attendance 21. Cases attended 011 public duty 321. Ca'e: attended not on public duty 4.5. Annual inRpection, 19th June. 'fotnl on parade ~. Ab entwith leave 3. Without leave 5. Annual re·examination, 24th July. :Jlclllbers pa ed 1. Did not appear 17. Hedallions 5. Service ha.dges 2. Xur.ing certificate 16. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 5 stretcher', "- hanesacs, watcr hottles, splints, bandages. &c. Division supporterl by mem bel'S' !:ill bscri ptions. The regular weckly drills ha\'e been continued at heael-qnarters, and the attendance has been f,tirly satisfactory. The Division ha a1 0 been on IJublic Juty on nineteen occa ions. There is a.n increase in the number of members since the last report, and recruiting i actively proceeding.


[Formed 6.3. 99 .]

HACKNEY IYr eK 'Yorn;:~ .

Honorary Surgeon.

A. G. Sonthcombe, Honorary


M . R . C. t;; .


B. Johnson, 309, Victoria Park Roacl,

outh Hackney.



OtHccr 1. eerp'cant 1. Pril'ates 9. Tola1 efl'ecLive 11. R e prye me\llbcr 1. Dec~'ea e ~inl'e last report 2. Drill· heltl ~2. Average attel1llnnee 6. Cases attencleel on public duty ,16. Removal·l1. Case,; atteudecl not on puhlic llnty 125. Annual in pp-crion, 23rd July. Total on panllle 9. Ah~l'nt with Ie aye 2. Antlual re-examination, 13~h Ang. Mem~)e~·s.l)as eel 11. IechLlhons . Nur ing certificates 1. Regulation nmform worn. Dn'lslOll snpportl'd hy Mcssrs. Clall;:. Rickolls & Coombs, Ltd.


[Formed 14.2.00.J


Hono rary Surgeon .


. Hudson,


~I.D .

G. S. Elliston, 9, Eastcheap, K C.

Honorary Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. W. F. Galsworthy, 139, Clapham Road, S. 'N.


H BAD-QUART,.,~r:,;;'


THE SE·r'I'LE ..'' IEXT, F_\1t",cn:\II3I~ STREET, l

Ho n. Surgeon and Treasurer .



J A\L\'H'

\. ROAD,

S. E.

Inspector of Stores.

PtC. P. J. Pett ..


Hono rary S ecretary (in charge).

Sergt. T.

aunder, Board chaol, Wellh'treet, Bermol1llsey.

Officer 1. ,sergeants '2. Pril'ates 26. Total effective 29. Increase 'ince la t repol't 6. Drill held 43. A\'Cra~e attE'lld:ncf' !.1·35. Annual inspection, 2 th June . Tote,1 on parade ~O. Ahsellt 'nth leave I . . , \ lthout le81'e 2. .Annual re-examination, lOth llay. Mell1 hel's l~assed?l. Dld not a pp~ar 7. Medallions 9. Nur ing certificates 13. Rf'gulatIoll lllufol'lll W01II. Matenal:. 3 stretchers 3 Slll'rrical havre acs, 3 \I'atel' 110Ules, ] 0 oVfl'coat , ",atel hottl~s, .C)uantlt.y of bal1llage, , splilJt, &c. Divisioll tlJlportec1 lly meI11her>i' suhscnptlOm; and concerts. This DiTIsion h3. made good progre sinee tl.lC las,t report. Dnrillg the ycar 3 surf11cal havre acs 3 wa~C:'r bottle,.;, and a CjualltJty ot stole' ha~e lll~en pur?hased, am! the !nembersilip has been increa erl. The DiYi , i~1l ha pertol'lllc(l Jlubhc duty on twenty-four occasion. SaturdaY.8:ft.ernooll dlltIe ,,:el'e cOI?llleneed O~l 24th AUCTust at ollthwark Park, and the DIVISlOll hopes to l.:ontll1ue tIllS duty rlul'lng the footb all and crickct seasons.

Olficers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 14. Total effective 17. Drills helel 42. A vcrage attendance H. Case .. attendcd 011 public Iduty 23. Oases attendcll not on pnblic duty 30. A1ll11ml inspection, 16th July. Total on parade 15. Abscnt wiLh leave~. Anllnal re-cxamination, 27th March . Members passed 13. Diu not a[l~JClU' 3. 1\1cclaliiollS 6. lU'3ing certificatcs 6. Rcgulation uniform worn. MatcJ'l~l: 1 stretcllCr allli 1 havresac, bandages and splints. Division snpportl'rl by Ir J f)seph Canstoll & ,'ow;, Lt(l. Althongh the Di vi .. ion shows no inerease in llllln bel'S elu ring the past year, it bas done a lot of hunl ,yark and reached a higll average of c:fIiciency. The drill and parade work still leaves lIl11ch to he c1e~irc(l , appearing to interest the Division less than the more pmctical part of first airl. The goo!l atteJl(lance average. hown above, proves that the illLel'est has been well snstained tlll'Ollghout the year. The best evidence of the SUCl'CSS of the work clone i ' seen in tlIp position taken by the Division in the various cOlllJlPtitions: viz .. 2ml in the .M assf'y-Mainwaring; :3rd in the Dewar (I o. I Dist., prelililinary); alld Willl1erS in the initial c011test for the Osborn Shield . These results han lwen attainerlnot ll'y sacrificing the efficiency of the Division as a whole to secure a strong team for competition purpo .. es, but ra,thcr by encouraginCf every member to strive for a place in aile or other of the teams. 0 Public duty has been undertaken at Earl's Court and on other occa ions, as notably at the Funeral of Qneen \ Tictoria, lmt the small number at present in nniform makes it illlpos~ible for the Divi ion to do much in thi respect. In the factory of Sir Joseph Oauston & .' ons, Limited, however, llluch valuahle \York has been done, which has more than once heen cummended by the various hospital authorities.


No. 34 (WHITELEY ) DIVISION. [Formed 4.5.99.] HEAD-Q uAP.n:ns: 39, "",T E . TBOURXE Gr.ovE, 'Yo



Honorary Secretary.

W. H. Mann(lel', Audit OlIke,

Pte. A. Griflith', ChiefGoocl' Manager's Office, G. W. Ry., Paddington.

G. "\Y. By., Puddingtoll.

Honorary Su rgeon.

E. J. Maclean,



Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Secretary and Treasu rer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. F. Knaggs, 39, W estbourne Grove, W.

Pte. R. H. Corlett.

Officer 1. Privates 27. Total effective 28. Increase since last re}Jort 3. Drills held 191. Average attendance 7: Oases attended on pnblic duty 32. Removal!' 2. Ca es attemled n0t .Oll puhhc dnt;,r 63. Annual re-examination, 6th June. MemlJers llassed 10. DId not nppear,Ir. Medallions 3~ R ursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform \1'0111. J,latenal : stretcher, hanesac, \Yatcr bottle, 2 blankets, slilints, bandages, \\'001, etc. Diyision supported by :Messrs. Willian~ :\~hiteley, Lttl. , , Since the last report the DlvlSlOn hal:; performed duty Oll thc Lord Mayo~' show Day, Return of C.l. Y., LOld Roberts' A,niHI, . Fu~le.ral of Her Late J,IaJesty the Queen, Kildare S}Jorts, and the Earl's COlli t jl'Xh.1 bltlO11. Eleven mem uers have served in South Africa and of these three have agam gone out, and the members sincerely regret that S~l'gt. C. G!d\lens, who r~turned to S~nth 11 frica, ~ncclllllbec~ to dysentery . The enthm;iasl1l wInch has be~ll dlspl~yed ~lunng tIle y~al' .m ('ollnectlOn with the South African War ·and puhhc occaSlOns lS most gratJfymg, and tlle Division is lookin g forwaru to a most successful year.

Pte. E. Bak('l'. Officer 1. Priyates 30. Total effective 31. Drills held 17 . .Average attendance 23. Anllual inspection, 26th June. Total on parade 30. Absent 'lith leave 1. Anllnal re-examination, 13th June. Members passed 28: Dill not appear 3. Medallions 7. Tmsing certificates 4. illaterial: Ashford lIttcr, 4 streteher.. , &c. As this Di\'i ion was only got into working order in the early part of 1901,randltbe members are not yet in uniforlll, llO puhlic duties haye been l,erformed. The ~embe~'s were commended by the Deputy-Uoll1111i ' 'ioner on the ocea ion of the lllspectlOn.






Honorary Surgeon.

A. C. 'l'unstall,

1II. D.



Lady Superintendents.

Mi S B. Bourke, ::18, Victoria Park Hoad, N . E.

}\[i E. C. Goodin, ChilJren's Home, Bonner Ru., E.


Hono ra ry Surgeon .

1st Nursing Officer' and Lady S ec r etary.

Miss E. Bourke, 3 , Victoria Park Road,

C. E. Goddard,

outh Hackney, N . E.

Mrs . A. Paull, Kylecotc, Wembley.

Mrs . E. Brulllling. Officers 5. Nursing i tcrs:2 . Total efrective 33. Decrease since last rcport 1 . Pr,lctices helJ 35. Average attendance 1 . 2. Cases .attendell not ou public duty 1,0i/. Cascs privately llUrRed 1,101. Annual i nspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 32. Ab cnt ,yith leave 1. Annual reexamination, 2ud, 20th, aml 24th July, and 1 t Oct. ?l1em bel'S passed 32. Failed 1. Medallion 31. Sel"l'ice badge' :22. Regula,tion uniform ,Yorn. nl aterial : 2 complete nlU"'ing e<}uipmeuts. Divi ion supported hy members' sub. criptiollS. This Diyi ion contiuue to maintain it elliciency, the average attelHliwce showinC1 a light illcrca e. I ublic duty ulldertakcn during the year is as follows :-Retum of the City Imlrerial Yolunteers, Receptiun of Lord RoLerts, Funcral of lIer Late Iajesty Queen Yictoria, Opening of" Parliamen t by King Echmrcl "II., Children' Fe es (3). Fire Brigade Inspection, Walthamstoll" Horse ho\\-, Sunda)' duty a,t t. Paul's, the bank holide. . and the Military Exhibition, 011 thirty occ:asiolls. District nul' ing and weekly attendance iLt nle<.1icnl l\Iissiuns s"till form a great feature of the work of some members.


R. Roberts,




:.\1.R. C.S .

Lady Superintenden t .

Lady Sup e rint e nd e nt.

1st Nurs. Officer, S ec. a nd La dy Tre a s.


[Formed 23.1. 93.]

:rtfrS. W . J. C. Brasicr, 44, Clurellloll t Road, Highgate, Mr~ . 'Y.

Officers 5. Nursing sisler;; ~3. Tolal effectivc:2 . Decrease ince last report 5. Practices held 1 . A "cragc atteuclance ~~. Cases pI:ivately nur"eu ~OO. Annual illspectioll, 19th ,Iune. Total on paralle ~.1. Absent With lea\'e 40: A1Illual re-eXami1Jf1tion, :2-:lth July and 1 tith Ocl. 11elll hcl':; passed 26 . l\lerlalhonR.2;) . Seryice badgc:; 23. llcgulatioll uniform wont. 11atcriul: fnllnurs~llg eqn~pn.Jent, 3 hane acs, bandages, splints, &e. Divisiun supported hy members SUbSCl"lptlOns. The llUJillfr thc lnlst '"ear 0 0 J ' thc attcndance . Division has maue steaLly lll'ouress 1l~Yll1g bee:l ullusuall:y '~·e1lll1aintainetl . The Division has greatly proliteLI by the kmdness ot Dr. Call the 10 attending ~o oftcn, aUlI ill giviug a seril's of" illstl'uctive l~ctu.res . . Duty ha .been unclertaken on all occasions II"hen recluircrl. The anuual dlstnbutlOn of clotlllng to the poor of the Parish of ~t. J obu, \\"as heltl 011 December 19th, when lllHvarcls of 260 garments werl' giycn with rrifts of cake alld fruit to the -children. The Division again wishes to tha1~k the two Ambulance Divisions who have so generonsly helped with subscriptions town,nls tlti. branch of the work . Public duty has been performed us follo\\"s :-The Return of the C.LV. L ord Mayor's Show, Festivals at St. Paul"s Cathedral (5 timec;), Hetul"ll of. Lor? Roberts.. Funeral of the Bisholl of LOllJOll ( .. t. Paul's), FUllcral of Queen VlCtona, Openmg of Parliament by Killg Edward V I I., Easter Mouua,y, 'W hit M onday, ~ugust bank holiday, Earl's Court Exhibition (24 times), Alexandra Palace (3 tunes), Central Club Sports at Chingford, Royal Agricultural Show, Cardiff (1 week ),

1st Nursing O ffice r a nd La dy S ec r e t a ry.

':'1I"s. G. Clarke, 201, Ripple Road, Barking.

Lady Inspector of Stores and

S. Gent.

[Formed 1 93.]

Tuw, BALI., B _l.llKDw.

Mrs. J . Wclls, Park Annllc, Ihrkillg.


2 nd Nu rs. Offi ce r a nd Lady Insp. of S t ores.

Mrs . J. C . L ines , 93, West End Lane, N. W.

1\[rs. Buss, R osmoylte, 'Vembley.

Ofticcrs 2. Nmsing sisters 11 . Tl,tal effective 13. Practices helrl 1. A.vl'rage attendance 6. Anuua,l inspect-ion, 6th July. T otal on parade 7. . Absent With leavp 6. ~llnl1al re-examination, 23rd July . Members pass0d 8. Dlclnot appea,r '1. i\lcclalholJ<l7. ReaulaLion ulliform WOl"ll. Materia,l: N ~lr.tJi.l1g basket COil taillillg ret] uisites for pl1 hlie d~ty, also stores for private nursing. DIVISIOn supportcl1 I)y members anel hOll. llH'llllrel's. ~~ Steady work has hecn clonc dUl'i1Jg the past year. Attelldallces at practices and lect.ures haye been goorl, all!l a learly r(;sl'.o~lse given to calls for public duty. OWlI1g to the 1m ge lltllll her of cascs rCl1111nn treatment 011 several occasions notably at the Funeral of tlr elate QW'ell, aurl 011 "the Return of the C. Y. it wa~ founel !luite i1l1[l~ 's ihle to kc?p a ~l'col"ll of ellsC's treatpc1 by llurses only, suffice it to say that on the forlller occaslOll 11 llame:, ,rere recorclecl at one station alone other two stations heillg also sllpplied lly ]]lll.-illg sisters frol11 this Division. Duty has also been done at \Veml1ley Park Oil 11<111k holic1ay, a.' well a.' at various Fetes and SpOt~ts, at Earl's. UOll~·t, on the Heium or ~()r,l Rol)crt.s, and at the Opening of ParlIament; whtle pnvaLe cases both of fir. t mel a1111 nursIng have heen successfully undertaken anel trea ted.

Honora ry Surgeo ns.

J . Cantlie, F.P-. C. .


La dy In s p ecto r o f Sto res a nd Tre asurer.

La dy Sup er int e nd e nt 2nd Nurs . Offi ce r' and Lady Tre asur e r .


[ Formed 24.5 . 93.]


':'Iiss Long. Olllcen.i~. l\lll"siug si tCh 0. Totall'1fectiye 11 . Increase sincc L~st re]'ort 3. Pru~tlces hplll ~O. .tlxerage attendancc 7. Ca es at.~e.l1ded, on publIc _duty 40. C:1:ses at~l'lllled !lot 011 1mblic.: uuty 70. Cases pInatel) .nursed 1:1. AlIlmal lIl>SPCl·.tlOll, 11th July. Total on parade 9. Abs~nt. mtll lea,\'l'~' AlJIlUal l"l'.exnmlllytion, .~0th Aug. :Jlemhers passed 11. MeclalhoJ1~ g. HCI'VIC: C 11l1Llgc;; 4. Rcgula LIOn II llliorm ,,·orn. Material: bed pans w~t?r'prool sheels, hell cr<tclles, llltr.·illg hags, Jittecl rollcl' hanl1ages, blankets, &c: Dn'lslOn snp]lortc,1 by lllelllbers' sl1hscl'iptiOllS alllilocal ,upport. . )Iel~bers ha,'~' a~lelll~'~l opelJ sllace,.; awl other lluties when callcn upon, and have ~enael~d fir ~ nJd 1Il 110 ca 'c . They l"Ontillue to do most useful ,york in their lmmedlate chstri!·t, ha\'illg rE:llLlererlJilst ,li!l imel nursing in ~30 cases.


Honora ry Su r g e on. 1!~.

G. S wayne,

liLA . ; 1>LB.


[Formed 11.6.96.] S.E.

La dy Sup e rint e ndent and Treasurer.

Mrs . V. Colegrave, Bracebridge, N orwood.


271 Lady Inspector of Stores .

1st Nursing Officer" and Lady Secr"et a ry.

Miss 1\1. Villiers, Glenmahra,

Miss I\.. II Ull t.


Officers 3. I11'sing si ten320. Total efl'ective 23. I ncrea e since la t report 4. Practices held 112. A vcrage atte1ll1allee 15. Cases attended 011 public duty 130. Oases attenc1rc1 not on public duty 105. Ca es privately nursed . Annual inspection, 19th June. Total on l1arade 12. Absent with 1eave 3. 'W ithout leave 4. Annual l'e-ex<),mination, 15th May. Members passed 10. Did not appear 8. l\IeuaJlions 1. ervice badges o. Regubtion uniform worn. Mat~rial : tretchel", all nece sary medicines, Hplints, bando'<!cs di~infeetant ,&c. Division supported by members. b , The la t year has been ;1, very busy one with this Diyisiol1. Eighty-eight cuses among the poor, 105 first aid cases at Ory .. tal Pa.laee, amI 130 first aid cases on public duty have been attended to. The local medieal11len are yery 11luch pleased " ith the work clone by the nursing Rister. The Division fpels lllOst grateful for the help :md kindne shown to it by the local llledical mell, and al 0 hy Dr. F. G. Swayne, "!lon. surgeon.


54 ,



Lady Superintendent.

Lady S ecretary.

1\1rs. 0, H, Darker, 39, lIardy Road Wimblrdon. '

1\1rs. W. G. Timpsoll, Hope Oottage, Morden Road, :JIel'ton.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. G. M. Ohapman. OIJicers 2. Nursing sisters o. Total cffecti ve 8. 31. Avcrage att(;]lc1ar~ce 5. .Oases attendcd not on public duty 58. llUl'scc1 31. Annual :ll'lP.eellOll, 11 th June. Total on paralIc 7. Absent With leavc 1. . All1~ual re-e,xammatlOll, 30th July. Members pasRecl 6. Did not appeu,r 1. Merlalhons (. ,eI'VICe lJac1ges 2. Hegulatioll uniform worn. :Material: havl'e~ae, hamper, be~l .a!1l1 lJeullillg, lJlankets, 1nw rl ages, linen, roller bandage maclllne, &c., &c. DlvlsJon supported by members and hon. members. The Division hiL' lJeell very a~ti\'('.lyr.ll1ployec1 during the past year, and the interest throughout ba~ hern keenly mallltullled hy eyf'l'Y 1llC'JlllJer. A eonr. e of lectures has been kinc~ly ~Ivrll lJy, Lhe h.on. snrgrol1, \\'~lich thr Division greatly appreciated. The nursmg slsterH stIll COlltllHlP to holrl then weekly meetinCfs ,tufl Cfood practice is obtaiued. The following calls for dnty have.heen responded to ':-Ea~l's Oourt (rluty 31 days), Batterson Park (1 tlays), outh Flelc1.;, Fnlhall1 (~ days), Return of the C. L V. (2 c1~ys), Lo)'(l .Mayor's ,'how, L01'(l Robrrt!:;' Retul'll, Funeral of the Late Queen! OreDln~ of PUl'hitment. Local pnhlic duties have heen performed on the followll1g occasIOns: Local ~Flowel' Sham; (2 days), Oarnival, 1IIerton 'port!:; (2 days), Polo Gronnds, n(~lvedere Fete. Thr llumher of nursing visits made were 200. The number of first ald cases reporterl lJy mem hrn; shows a consil1erable increase and may he acceptNl as evillencr of the extellcled appreciation and confidence i~ the prompt application of first aill. Pl'aeti~es hel(l Cases pn~atcly


Honorary Su rgeons.

T. Taylor,

R. Ingram,


L.S ..\.

Lady Superintendent.

1\1iss J. O. Mann, 79, Gore Road,

outh Hackney, J.E.

1st Nursing Officer, Lady Secretary and Treasurer".

1\Ii. s E. E. Mann, 79, Gore Roall,

outh Hackney, N.K


No .~ 8

III~'\l)-Qu.\nT Ens: OLD NATION \L '\~IIOOLS,


2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores .

F. J. McKettrick,

Miss E. Dank'. Officers 5. "ursing sisters . Total efl'ective 12. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 14. Casl's attended Oll public duty 235. Oases attended not on public duty 30. Oases privately nlll'sed 23. Annual inspection, 6th July. Total on parade 10. Annual rc-examillatioll, ~Oth July. Members passed 8. Did not appear 3. :lIIec1alliolls 11. ,'enice ballges 4. Regulation uniform worn. The Division continues in a very satisfactory condition. The lllusing sisters~'were on public duty on the follo'iViug occasions :-The Rctul'll of ill(; a.LV., Loru Mayor's Day, Return of Lord Hoberts, Que('u Victoria'!:; Fuueral, Opening of Parlia" ment, Regent's Park, Earl's Oourt, 'Welsh IIarp, H endon, each lJank holi(la,y, Board School Sports, Stamford Bridge, Press ports, Herne Hill, H ospital atun1ay FUlld Sports.


[Formeu1.5.99. :JIA:"on P.um.


lit. n.

P. R. Walli.,


Lady Superintendent.

Lady Secretary.

:Mrs. . Randall, 71, Oarlyle Road, Manor ParI"

l\Ir . X. Harrop. 3", ,Yynr1ham Road, Upton Park.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. Eaton.

?III'S. Hun1en .


Officers :3.

Tlll'sing' sisters 14. Total effective 17. J>rac:ticrs hel(1 4l. Avcrage attendallce 9. Oases a en e not on public duty 3:3 . Oases pl'ivu,tely llUl'sed 11. Annual re-examination, 211~1 ~llg . Melllhel's p~ssecl 10: Di(l lIot appeal' 5. Medallions 10. Regulation umfoIll1 \\ 01':1. :'IIatcl'lal:. pllllts, lHll1darres basin feedillO' cups &c. Division sllpporte~l ?:Y melllb~rs' sub criptionH. b) ) 0 , ~ The DIVISIOn cOlltlllues in a very sl:tisfactory cOlldition, members attend practice well, anr1 44 eailes have been dealt WIth c1urilla the year many of them entailina a great deal of night work, which has been chee~fully und~rtaken by the members. b tPe~r~se .'lIlee la t report 4.



Honorary Surgeon

M. K. Hargreaves,


No.9 (BELGRAVIA) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 7.11.99.] HJ£AD-QU A]{1'ER.:


Honorary Surgeon. 11, L.ll.C.P.

J. J. l\Ia,r


S. ,V.

273 272 Lady Inspector of Stores .

Lady Superintendent.

The Yis';ountes F!1Ikland, 76,' Eaton


Lally Ken nelt· Barrington.



4J, CJu.l'emolll Roa<1, Highgate'

II on.

Lady Maull D. ,Yilbrn.ham, 26, Lower loall(~ treet, "' . ,y.



,'tretchel' and First Ail1 Applianccs.

'fhi' sLation is available at all hours.

Lady Treasu rer.

Lady Secretary.

Dose?' il)lion.





Ollicel' 2. .r ur 'ing islcrs 22. Total e[[eetiyc 2·l. Increase inco ln. t report 2. rractices hol(1 2:1. Avcmgc attcllllnllce' 15. Case attended on public duty Ull . Anllual im;p<'ction, :2:1rd l\lay. Total on pamd(j :2l. Absent with leave 3, Annual re-eX[llllination, 231'(1 l\lay. Mem bCI" rasse<l 2l. Did llOt appear 2. Medallions :23. Regnlalioll unirlH'!l1 worn. Material: lent 2 urgical hamper, stretcher. Division u11porte<l by su]'::;criptioll '

Borough or Hackney Cluh, I Ashford LiLtor, 'tretdlCr amI First Aid Appliancc.· . HaggerHlrJll I -'--:-.-7c This station is lwailahle at all hOl1n;.


AsHonl Litter, ote, HyLle 1\1rk Corner. Thi--s-R-['-a-ti'-o-n-l"-'" ,n:;UI,11~t all h~


The Winchester Hall, HoLel Staules, High gate Hill

LitLer and First Aiu Appliances.

This .tatiotl i:i ;Lvl1ilable at all hOlll's. 12.



_Fir. t aill appliauces, etc.



TIlls station






Ambuh111ce 'YllgOllS, Litters, etc.



Duncan Memorial Ambnlance tatioll, West Inelia Docks

Ashford Litter,


Box containing tretcher and First Aid Appliances. A vailable at all hoUl'.·,


Ludgate Hill Railway Station


'tation Yard, Lomloll'& N orclt We ·tel'll H.llil\\,ay, ,YclIlhIL'),


The Lodge, \Y emuley ral'k


el_.a_s_p_a_s_s_el_lb_a_e[_._S_~_t,i_Oll~'",I~~A-,Sl,i,fu_I_'cl__L_it_t_c_r,__et_c_.____-____________Available at all hoUl's.


Bryanston W ol'king Men's Club, Lissoll Grove, W.C.



Fir t


hetcher and First Aid Appliance'.

This sttttioll is an1ilable at all


1 .

Stretchcr and small Hamper.

This stu.tioll is available from 10 a .m . to 12.30 a. m.



3, Oanterlmry Terrace, bury

------- -

Box containing Stretcher and Fir t Ai<l A ppliallces.

S_t._p __all __

II __


Litter, tretchel' and Appliances. This station is Hvailt1ble at all hOUl'S.

Litter, b'etcher, Appliances.


Tlli' t;1tioll

Cn.rlYOll Cottages, Alpertoll



Fir ·t Aid

:tvai\;1ule at all hoUl's.


trelcher anLl Fir t Aid ~\ ppliallce .

This station is :l.Yuiluhle at all hour .

A vailable at all hours. 6.

Li Ltc]', tretchel', amI Fir t Aid Dresslllg', Autidote , Nouri hments, &c.


General Post Office .


availuhll' at all hours.

tretrhcr, Hamper, ct~,

This station is open durillg business hoUl's.



~u~uays 2.30 p.m, to -.30_y.m. _




1\..shf01'll Litter A ppliauces,

Thi~ .tt1tion is ullder the control of tlte authoritie~ of the Home and is

Ashford Litter, -'tl'etcher, Hamper, etc.


_---;_T ~h:.::.is=_station is open from 9 a.m, to 6 p.m,


The Chilllrcn's Home, BOllnel' Roall, K


ThiR station i' u.vailablc at all h()un;.--~

St. Paul's Oatheural


DcsCl' ipt iO)l.

t. John' Gate, Clcrkenwell .


outh MetropolitanOasWolk s , CalH11 Brillge entrance, Old K 'n[, Road, ,E.

availttlJle at all hours.


Di trict.





The Yictoriu. Ha.ll, Hal'!')\\· .

Ash 1'01'<1 Litter,

tretcher, etc.

275 N o. 20.



DesC1·iption .


Hn.rle den Lane, ne,U' Royn.l Oak

Ashford Litter, Sttetcher, &c. I This station is a\'aila.ble ll,t all hours.

Toynbee Han, Street, E.


N o. lI.- Southern and Western District.


Depnty Commissionel·-Mr. W. VER~ON, l\Ln.c.s. Assista.nt Commissionel·-Mr. C. LAultIE, itr.R.C.S. Acting Assistant Comm,issione't '-Mr. J. GItIFFITH', M.R.C.S. .Acting District Chief SuperintMclent-.Jlr. G. COURTENEY, ;\f.D. Distn'ct Superintendent SccretaT!J-.JIr. ,V, J. PHILLIP:;.

trctchcrs and First Aid Applianccs. 1

This stn hon is a vnilable from H a.m. to 11 p.m. 9<)


Kilburn Pro\'itlent Medical In~titute, 1, Greville Road, I\:ilburn

~3 .

Ashford Litter, Stretcher, &c. REPORT OF THE DEPUTY COJ\DIISSIONER.


ignal Saxby anll Farmcr' "'ork , Can tel' bmy Road, KilblU'n

Park tation (L. 24. / Queen's N. W .R.), Kilburn

St. .T ohn .Am1miance Litter.



Bron des bmy Station, l\Ietro]1olitan Raihmy


Hampstead Station, 26'1 ,YestMetropolitan Railway ?7. , Swiss Cottage tation, MetI'o-

._tI rtcher.


.. D.

politan Railway

:Mark's 28·1 St. Hill 29.



112, Shirland Road, Paddington, close to Welford's Dairy

tI'etcher. tretcher.


The last eight stations were established and are kept up by the No.9 District Metropolitan Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, the Committee of which iRsue a very handy little map of the District shewing the stations.

II' ESTON-SUl'ER-MAltE, 30th NovembeT, 1901. Sm, . .. .. Dl1l'inu the pn ·t year stcady progres has been mamtalllCu. III the ma.lonty of the Corps and DiYlsioll'> of thc Brigade in 111y District, several having beeu able to plar,e their mCll in uniform, lll'ovi(le morc 'naterial, aDd obtain .uetter drill a~con.l­ modation; thcrp is also a greater tendency alLlongst the publIc to lenel then alLl tiuancially. The greatcr 111l1l11,cr of Corps and Divisions have u£:en inspected by myself or my A 'sistant Commi 'sioners (Dr:. Laurie and C~rillith~); th~se not in':ipected either \\'l:re 11l1a1']e to meet. tJl~ rel)Ulrelllents of the msp.e~tmg officer, or "'ere (as in some oj the agnctlltural (h:tnct ) unable to place a sufilClen t number of men 011 ]Jaratlr to jn.tit'y me ill going to the eXllense of an inspection. I have received frolll my A~si 'hUlt COllllllisioncu, tIle 1ll0st sati factory reports of the efticienc), of the various Divisions they impeded. Kine lIew Divisions and one Kl1l'sillU Divi 'ion havc !Jeen formed during tllO ,cal' anLl other arc ill the course of formati~ll. On .Jlay the 11 th the' Bristol DiYisi~ns were formed into a Corps which is the strongest I ha\'c in Ill)' distril:t, Halllsgate coming next. I am confident that if the Oentral Execn ti \'c Committec of the :'t. John Ambulance As ociation \yould grant permission for Corps and Di vi;;ions to orgauize First aid Lectures iudcpendent of Local Centres \\'e shoul(l he able to oMain 11Iany more recruit.'. On the OCl'nsi,ill of the Funeral of lIer late .Jlo.t Gracious :Jlajesty Queen Yictoria, at Wind '01', I harl the honour to be in command of the men of the district on duty and can speak in the llighest terms of the smart and etticient manuel' in which both officers alHllllcn ctlrricd ont their rtnln()u:> dlltic.'. i.ly thank are e' pecially Jue to Brigade Ohief"uperintcllllent Bra'i"r 1'0l tIle ahility he Llisplayed in the billcting of and the catering for the mcn, no ca 'y ta·k WhCll everything ,,·as at a premium. There was a total of 151 of all rallb on paralIc. I f'hould like to 111cntioll that at the commencement of the war, the Lord .Jlayor of Bl'i:>tol ( ir H. Ashmalr) entru ted his Transvaal ,Yar l?ulHl for Sick rind W oundcc1 'oldicn; to the hant! of' my Distl'ict Staff resiLIent ill Bristol. The llItlllagelllcllt of lhis fUlid. which cn tailed an enormous amount of attcntion <lllcl corl'cSpOUllCllCC, was 1110 l iLbly canied out by Acting Assistant COllllnissiollcr J . Grifliths. to whose zcd, ability and llntil'iIlg energy, its great success is dne, the' \\'ork ha vi ng heen carried out with little or no expellse to the fnud. It is "itl.!. great regret I ha\'e to rl'port tbc untimely death of Dr. Browne, H?n . Surgeon of the BryllllHt\YJ' Di \'i8io11, O\\'illg to lJeing th !'Own from his trap; tl11S Divisioll has lo;::.t a "alliable frienll by hi death. In conclusion, 1 wi·h to take t11i, opportunity of tendering my sincere t.hanks to aU Ollicers, Sergeant, Corporals and IE'n of tIle Di trict 1'01' the loyal "'ay in which they have done their duty ant! uphehl the honoUl' of the Brigade. I hn.ve the honour to he, Sir, Your obedient Servant, ROlJSLEY,

Deputy C07nmissione?', Tf o

the Chief Oommissioner, St. J o11n Ambulance Brigade.




II. Dist?'ict, St.J.A.B.



A~D Dln'[Q~R I~ OnDER OF

OI'P Date or Di \'i 'ions. ". hen Conned. Ashford 1\1\\'11 Di,·, April 1, 1879 Tunbridge \Yell DiY, . June 1, U,,,O Oxford Diyi ion . .Inn, 5, 18S9 Newport (1. of Corps) Diy, . Feh. 19.1,,90 Guildford Di \'i ion. :Jlnr. 3, 1 PO Bath Town June Ii, 1'=90 .:\.yle bury" lIInr. -!, 1 91 Fa\E~r ham., April 5, 1 ~n Ramsgnte orrs, Town Diy. . A1n'il~ ,1 91 Port mouth orp (Land· port Diy.) . July 1, 1 g'") Chiche tel' Divi ion Apl'il2S 1 93 Petecfleld " June 14,1 ,, 93 Herne Bny " Oct. 11, ] 93 Redruth " Oct. Ie. 1 03 Rending " Dec. 13. ] 93 ",Yestgate·on. en ., . :Mar. 29. 1295 RYLle ~ 1. of'iL Corp) Diy. :JIay ,1 ' 95 YentnoqJ. of ,y, orp') Diyi ion . .May 24. 1,, % Newton ~\.llbot" . Oct. 29, 1 9;:; Mill Bay (G. W. Ry. ) Diy. Feb. 23. 1 96 Boughton·uuder·Blean Diy.:Jlay13,l go Ro -on·\Y'e Diyision lira, 1-1, 1896 Caterham Diyi ion :JIay 1 , 1 913 DOleI'" Oct. U, 1 9ti


Bri tol ity of) Corp Feb. 20. 1 97 Do\y lai Di vi ion "ept. 14. ].,, 97 Bath pIiLl. Ry.) DiL Oct. 1, 1 '97 Ramsgate Corp, ".E.R. Din~ion Apl. 26,1 0i



orp, Dnt e 01' Diyi ions. when fornwd. R,lm::;gate o1'ps, Police Did -ion . ApI. :?6, IdJi Bill tcaLl (1. ony. Corp,;) Diyision July (, 1 - ~ BryllmtH\T Division Od. Hi, 180 Liphook Di\'iion. Jan. 1,] n9 hri:;tchnreh I1lar. 20, 1..:99 l~ l: oclrich ,. 1\1ar. 22.1 99 lYe 'tOll- 'uper-:Jlllre Diy. " cpt. ~i.l -99 Bcdmiwiter (ity of' Oct. 1 0, 1 ~ \19 Uri tol Corp ) Di\,. Ebb\\' Yalc TO\'. 1, 1 ' 99 '\'1'oxa11 (1. of 'II'. Corp) Di \'ision Jan. 1.\ HlOO A~h hnrton :Jln y 1, 1HOO Tantyglo l\luy 5, 1900 Ea ~ tboUl'u l' (L. B. & , . Raihlay Did, I011) :Jlay1i,1900 EIl-.t o"e:; (1. of \Y. COl1's Di"Uon . .TUllC H. 1900 Kuth,' j " July i. 190() \\' e~t' o\\'e (1. of ,I'. Corp ) ])iyi ion . Aug. 3, 1900 Playdl'll Di\'i ion ept. 2"" 1900 t . .Tohn's(1. of\y. orp ) Noy. 10,1900 Di \'i 'iOll Dec. 10. 1900 'wi n Ii on Di Yi~ion . -'hanldin (I. ony. Corp) Feb. 11,1901 Diyi , ion Gorlshill (I. of W. 01'[1,) Feb. 21.1901 Feh.2.1!101 Doddington Diyision lay 1 , 1901 ,\'aHonl ,TUlle 6, ]901 ,Yoking July 9. 1901 Bath City Police "ept. 29, 1901 1\lountain A h

EG Dln~lO);" .

Ram gate (Ram gate Corp) Divi ion . . . Oct. 29, 1 90 PorLmouth (Port mouth Corp) Diyi iOll, . Aug. 1, 1 95 dony tratford Division :ilIaI'. 25, 1 96

,Yohel'ton Di\'ision

Lmlgvun Rending ,YatforJ



. ApI. }i'eo. lllr. l\lay.

16 1 96 2 -.1 99' :20. l · 99 11,1901

Distrid L,dI' " A h burLon Di vi ion Ashford Towll * Aylesbury " Ashfol'll '1'OW11 " 1Mh (CiLy) " (Policc) " . l':I.)'." .,, :Jill!. DOlllTh tOIl·ulIller- Blea 11 Di \'. Bri tol (City of) Corps tBrYlllllawr Di\' i ·ioll .. , Catt:rh,tlll " Chichester " :::Christchurch " DodLlingtoll "

1 2[ 1




''' 1 -

Biu,;telul Di \'i -ion ,. Ell 't Cn\\'l's God~hill



'11','11kl in

' t. John's Yen tnor

:::Wc ·t


•. E.R. r



1 2





I -



-- -

1 1 1 ·1




~ '





1 -

:2 1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1~ 1 22




1: 11






1 1

1 1 1 1,1 -

1iJ 2 13 9 ? f!5 l 11 ' 1




[ -


1 1, 1 -

1 1

~~ 1 = ]:i

111 1-


- 1-




,!J ~O







1 1 1 1 1







H) ~:3

'2 1



2 13





1 1


1 1 1

~ , :!~

1 1 1





40 1 1-1



29 1 1 26 11 ]3-

11---: ~ =I 1

1 -

Reading " Rpdrnth " :l:Ro·'·on.Wye " - I 1 1 - I wiuclon " 1 1 Tunbridge ,roll, " 1 1 1 lYe tgate.oll' ca " :::We tOil· upcl'·lIIaI'e +,-.;.,. " + 1\ atfonl " .. . 1 Woking " .. . I N URSTNG DIY. ~OT IN CORPS. _ 11 1 Ludgyan Divi ion 1 1 Reading , 1 :l:Stony Stratford Div. Wolverton " 1 1 Watford " Total :2 ' 11:211 1 1 1 The figure (in italics) for Divi ions which hayo made no return tho annual report for 1 99-1900. " Being re·organized, 110 rcport. l' N c\\' ly fOl'lllLll. ::: No report.



9 ..!u 1"

1 1 1 1 1

~1 I ~-



Ii 1-


::: Wroxall " :::Lil'hook Milllhy(r.\\'.H.) "" MonntailJ .\.sh " antyglo " Te\\'ton l\.hboL " :::Xutley " Oxford "., * Peter'fielL1 Pln\'don " Port month Corp' Landport Di\·. Port mouth Tll1' lllg Ramsgatc Corp::. TOII'n Division II Ptllicc

" ""



1 L'j 1 uti 1 11


1 1 1 1

" " " " "

:::;1' clrport



1 1 1 1 1

:J \-- I [


1 1



12 19

1 1



Di\l:ion ~Etltbonl'lle ( L.B.& '.C)DiY. fa\l'r ' halll ,," Goollrich " .. . :;:Guiltlfol'll " Hernc Bay .,

hIe of Wicrht Corp

1 1 ... 1 1 1







31 1 1


;;-1 I, 1 ]6

25 ~9

3 10

19 29 -- 112


-1~ 12010,-, 0125

,trI' taken from



[Formed 15. 1900. ]

HEAD-QUARTERS: TIm GIlAlIU1Alt Hon. Surgeon .


Fi rst Officer.

H. G. Burton .



CHOOL. Acting Superintendent.

,V. T.

,\'ilcox, :\f.D.

Butchers, East


BATH CITY (SOMERSET) DIVISION. [FormerI2. 3.91. R e-formed 7.1.1900.J

treet, A. hbUl'ton.

A. S. ,V ohlmann,

Inspector of Stores

Pte. J. H. , VilIs. Omeers 2. Pri...-ates 12. Total eITective 14 . . Drills ~held 29. AYCl'agc attendance 9. Rr>ll1ovals 6. Ca e attended not On l1ublic duty 15. Annual in pection, 1 til July. Total on paraue Absent " 'ith leave 5. Anllual re-examin:1ti~n, 2nd March. :Member pa 'sed 13. Material: 2 str~t~hers, mg 2 ets of phnt." bandage, . etc.; al 0 a street cmergency box contalllmg s.tl~e~cher and other applIances fixed 111 centre of the tOWll, vested in the Offi cer~ . DIn .1011 • upported by me~ber ' suh cription and general public. -IT?-e mterest III the wor1~ of til' aId has heea well sustained among the members dnrmg ~be ye.ar. The dl.'llls (29) have been well attended and much interest has heen eVl~ce~lm the l~racttces prior to the re.-examination and inspection. A public (le.m.o?- tlat~on was ~lven 011 9th :ro\'eulbe~' III the l\1a.rket Hall, by members of the D1vlslon, kmdl,y a' 1 ted by a strong contingent from th e Newton Abbot Divi iOIl in ch~r&c of Supenntendent Je\,ell. The appeal for sub cl'iptiolls \IaS responded to in a atl tactory mallner, and as a result a «treet emergency box has been proviJed.


F. Sprawson, 8, Broau. Street, Bath.


1st Offic er and Hono rary Secretary.

Honorary S ecretary.

S. Lamb head, Grammar School r~ shburton . '

S uperin t endent.

Honorary Surgeon.

A. B. Moore, 16, Pulteney Gardens, Bath. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Plivates 1:5. T otal effective 20 . Decrea,se since last report~. Drills held 26 . Average attendance 10. Cases attendeLl on puLlic duty ~. Removals '20. Oases attend d not .on public (Iuty 2. Annual in pectioll, liiLh July. Total on parade 14. ALsent with leave~. ,Yitbout leave 4. Annnal re-examination, 15th July. Memberspa secl13 . Did not appear 6. Mellallions 2. Regulation uniform worn lJY 2 OH-it:ers, 2 Sup. Off., anu. 6 men. Material: 1 horse ambulance, 6 stretcllers, an(l 1 medicine chest, vested in the Committee of the Bath Cen Lre. Division supported Ly su bscriptions. The Divi ion has hall a very SllCCC' ful year notwithstanding that there is a slight decrease in llumhcl',. Eight me 111 hers have hI' en provided with uniforms during the year, those eqnipl.leu. contributillg part of the neces 'ary outlay amI the balance beil1 cr kinc1ly contnhl1ted 1)y CololJel ,Vyn(lham :0IlllTay, ~I.P., and Mrs. Murray, to who~ the Di"isiull it; greatly indehted. The 8upcrintemlent has also pre. ented the Division with fivl' pairs of slings for the stretchers. :0Iembers of the Division have been on puhlie dnty twice during the year, two minor cases being all that they were called upon to treat. Twenty removals have bpcn 111ll1ertaken, principally from or to the Royal UllitetllIospitnl.


IIE.\.D-QUAIlTEUfi: 1\I. n.

[Formed 1. -1. 79.J


Sup ermtendent.

F. G. Warwick, 13, The Oirclls, Bath.

HEAD-QlTARTERS : ASHFORD Ix. TIT1JTE. 1st Offi cer. Honorary Surgeon.

R. J. Woochlal'd.

C. M. Atkinson, :\r.n.c.s. Superintendent.

G. )1. )Iather, 33, Hardillge R oad, Ashford, Kent. Honorary Sec re tary_

E. C. Floon, 52 , H em psted Street, Ashford, Rent.

1st Officer and In spector of Stores.

E. J. Bowles. Honorary Treasurer.


,ycnllulll .

Officers 3. Privates 19. Total effective 22. in ce .rast report 2. Drills helel 31. Ayerage attendance 14. Cases attended. on pl~Lhc duty 2. Removals 5. Oases attended not on public dnty 6. Annnal ll1specbon, 14th June. Total on nararle 9. Ahsent with leayp n. Without le_a\e 6. ~I edallions 6 .. l\lateria~: 1 littel',~ 3 stretchers, 1 hamper, havresac, . plints, t)anelages, etc., vested III Comnllttee of Di vision. Di vision SUppOl ted by Local Cenh'e, St.J.A.A. The. work. of the Divisi?n has been well maintained throughout the year, although there 1S a shg.ht decrease III the strength. Pn blic duty has been performed, and mlS m11ch apprec1ated, at .the Sunday School Union Festival, wh ere 1500 children assembled toget~ler, ~)esIdes adults; 1.wo accidents occurred, one of a serious nature. T he demonstratIon glven by members in the Corn Exchanrre in the early part uf the year hns been of great benefit to the Division. 0 ~ Decrease

Hon . S ec. and Treas.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Eames, Pte. J. Gibbons. 3, Hopemead Buildings, T\\'erton, Bath .

OJlicel'ti 2. Corpnral1. Private 9. Total effective 12. Dccreatic since lrttit report 6. Drill lle1<1 24. .A nrage attendance 7:1. R emoval 1. Cases attended not on pu1)lic duty 9. Annnal inspection, 29th Sept. Total on parade 10. Absent with leaye 2. \\'ithout It'ave 1. Annual Te-cxamination, 29th Ser t . Memberti pat;se(l 10. Did HOt appeal' Z. Medallion 11. Material: 1 wheeleu. litter, 3 stretchers, 1 tin ease of first aid appliance, 1 havresac, 1 box, containing band acres, splints, etc., vesteel inM.R. Co. Division supported by M.R. Co. and members' subscriptions. This Divisioll Itati had a SHcce srul year, although there has been a slight decrease in the strength. The present ofiir.ers and men hO'i\ever continue to take an active interest in their work.

BATH POLICE DIVISION. [Formed 11.7. 01.J HEAD-QUARTEIlS : OltANGE GnOVE, BATH. Honorary Su rge on.

T. M. Harper, lILU. C.S.

2 0 st Officer.

2nd Officer.

R. Payne.

J . Barter.

281 BRISTOL (CITY) DIVISION. [Formed 1890.]

Honorary Secretary.

J . C. G. Bcamish, Orange Grove, Bath.

Officer 3. ergeant 1. PrinLte 36. Total effective 10. Drills held 3. A,erage attendance 37 . Ca es attended 011 public duty 10 Mn.teri~l : litter, \'ested in the ,Vatch Committee. Division supported by Watcl~ COl1llUlttee. This Divi ion was only formed in July, and owing to this only three drills have been held. 'fh e members have attended very well, the average attendance behla 37 The members have attended to 10 cases, which occulTed chiefly in the strcet ~'hel~ they \,ere 011 tluty.

l1 gAD-QUAUTI~ltH :


Honorary Surgeons.

C. A. Hayman, ~LD . 1st Officer.

.F. Morrish.


E. Peake,

:\r.r:..C. H.

2nd Officer.

3rd Offi cer_

A. Dl1mbleLon.

H. LarnlJert .

4th Officer.

5th Offi cer.

A . Fl'ontie.

R. C. Tuckett. Honorary S ec retary.

R. Pad-er, ;3-1, Belmont Road, Bishopston, Bristol.


Honorary Surgeon.

,·r. Scatchard,

2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

1st Officer.

A. T . Castle, Hi~h


t., Boughton, Fayersham.

C. 'Y. lllith, tocker'!> Hill, Boughton, Ileal' Fa\'ersham. Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

ergeant B. Ralph.

Corporal J. J. A. Curling.

, Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates ~2 . T otal ell'ectiyc 28. Decrpase since ~ast report ,1. Drills held 29. Aycrage attendance 17. Cases attende~ on pu?hc duty 15. Remoyuls 2. Cases attended not 011 puhlic (luty n . AunuallllspectlOn, 13th June. Total on parade ~O. Absent with lcave 1. I\Tithout leaye 3: Annual r~-exall1inati~n, 1 t -,?-pl'il. ~~~11lbers passed 27. Did not appeal' G. Medalll~ns 9. erVlce ba'lges o. ~ur l11g certthcate' 1:2. H.egulation uuiforlll worn by 2 Officers, .1 Sergeant, 2 Corporals, ,lllcl 17 mel! . :JIaterial: 4. tletcher, water bottle, first aid box, complete outfit of splints, balldacrcs, etc., sl1l'crical hayresac veste~ in C.o~ull1ittee . of Division. Division supported °by public suh~criptiollS. ' !~lS Dn"lSl?n contLllue~ to make .tca(ly a11l1. satisfactory progre!> , tIle members t~ll111ng up \\ e1.1 at practICes and elnll. Public duty has been uuclel·taken three ~lllltlS locally, and the Division snpplicd a contiugent of I:) officers ulllimen for duty III t~e streets of ,Yindsor on the day of Queen Victoria's fUllcral. A coursc of nurslllg lectures was gi ven during the winter hy tllP hon. surgeoll, aUlI 11 good percentage of those who attende el for cxamination passcd.

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Treasurer.

ergt. F. 'Y. Brice.

J. H. Ree(l.

Officers . ~ergcants anel Corporals 9. Privates 97 . Total elfecti,'e 11·1. In crea~c si lice last report ti9. Drills held fi6. A "erage attendance 47' 5. Cases n.ttendecl 011 public dnty 13. Removals 21. Casps att('udecl not Oll public duty 331. Annual inspectioll, 11th April. Total 011 para(lc 7. Ausent with lea,-c 1 . Without leav€' 1. Allnun,l re-examinatioll, 2Gth ~ept. ~Iembers passed 34. Did not appeal' 12. l\leLlall ions 29. K ur::,iug ccrti ficatcs 33. Regulation uniforlll worn by 8 o[!1cel's, 0 Sup. Of!'. and < 3 men. :JIatcrial: 1 Ashford litter, 9 stretchers, 3 lI1edical havrcsacs, banlbges, splints, ete., vested in St. Johl1 Amlmlance Brigade. Divi ion supported by the pnlllic. It is gratifying to report that progress has ueen lllalle throughout the year, a large numher of mCll having jOilH:'ll. The ChiefC01l1111is"ioner accompanied IJY the Depnty COl1lmis.'iolll.:r and the Distriet " tall' helel an illsl'eeLiull of the Division at the Rifle Drill Hall Oil 11th April, 1901, al1l1 at that parade the Di VI ion \\'as forllled illto a Corps. The gOOl! advice which th' Chief COllllllissioncr g,we on his visit has bol'lH' excellent resnlts; the rank allc1 filc hal'c put hcadillt'ss into their 'York, recruiting is bri k, and tbe o:-;tahlislt lIlent is tIm,:, kept up to a lligh standard. ..t\.. large amount of puhlic duty has been done locally, amI at the usual stations throughout the city when Field :JIarshal Lonl Ro herts visi ted it. 'rhe Corps ",as hononred by recei ving orders to atteml the fn!ll'ml of Ilcr la.te :Jlaje:ty Qllecll Victoria. at "Tindsor, and on the occasion of the Itoyal Agril'ultmal Show at Carclili' took 11 share in the ulllu111ance anungements under the Brigitdf' Chief Superilltendellt. On the. 'Lll1tiay before I t. John's Day the Cor[1s, uuder the COllllltallll of the Deputy Commissioner, attended Dil'ine sen'ice at the Catheelral, when C;moll Barnett preached a serlllon eulogizing ambulance work. :lIHI pressing it· claims home to thc citizen of Bri, tol. Prep~rations have been malIc to cstal)lish a, 111l111l)el' of <l1ll1Jlllalll'e statioll throughout the city, and all'cadystreteh"rs hayc been (!('po~ite,l at the most important centre . . The Corps has reeei,en rlUl'ing the year much mat('ri,ll it.'~islallce from Dr Urittitll.', allll in deep appreciation of his work ror tell years as HOll. 'lll'gcon to thc Di,ision, the Corps made a presentation to him of a sih-er sahcr. :J[r!>. Grittith" who \\-a chiefly instl'llment:l.l ill mising tto fuud 1'01' tllC erillipmcnt of the Corp<:, was also presentetl with a C!'oss of golt! lilagree work set wilh pearls Durin!; the year :JIr. Philips, the late 'llperilltellrll' nt, 11<1,-; lJeen appointed to the Dis rict'talt'; the Corps regrets the severance of this ollicer, hut heartily congrutulates him 011 his 11romotion.

BRYNMAWR (BRECKNOCKSHIRE) DIVISION. CITY OF BRISTOL CORPS. [Formed 11.4. 1901.] Chief Superintend ent.

W. H. Reed, 35, Freemantle R oad, Bristol.


Honorary Surgeon.

W. Bligh,

~['D .

[Fol'mecl13. 9.9.]

[Formed 1 .5.96.]


Superintendent and Hon . Sec.

A. J. Hiley, 9a, Morland Road, Croydon .



Ofllccrs 2. Sergeant 1. Privl1,tes 11. Total effective 14. Decreasc ince last report 1. Drills heht H. Average attendance 5. Ca es attended on public duty 3. Removals 9. Oa es attended not on public duty 19. P'l'vice badcres 11. Nnrsing ce.rtificate l. Regulation uniform \yorn by 1 Officer 1 Sup. Off.~ and 12 lIlen. Material: 1 ",hedpcl litter complete ",ith 2 army blanket and "'aterproof heet, 2 stretchers, lifting board, 2 havl'esac., 2 water bottles, and a quantity of spare splints, anti bandages, a.lso amlllllance station anr1 furllitnrc, ,csted in the Executive Committce of the t.J .•\. A. Division supported by local ub. (Tiber . Althouah the en'ices of the members of the Division have proved very useful to the di'tri~t, no special cascs have been trclLted, tIll' injmies chiefly beil1g contusion s, lacprated \vounds, concussion. and fit. The r01l10\'(1.ls by litter have been of great seryie:E' to the l1aticnts, s~me bei.ng from a dista.nce of hyo miles,. and in :t very hilly rlistriet. On the occa lOn of the fllneral of Her l\lost Gnt::lolls :JJa,lesty Qneen Yietoria, the Diyi ion attended at ,Yinc1sor \yith 1 uperintenc1ent, 1 sergeant and luen, fully equipped. The Division has been unable up to the present til1l~ to erect the propo ed ambulallcI! tatioll in memory of IIarry Borcr (who died in South Africa), owing to delay in obtaining the proposed site, which is puhlic land, and in the control of the Charity Commi. !:lionel' . hut it is expectecl tIll' negotiation. will . horth- be concluded an,l anction gi n'l1 1'01' the erection. About tti,') bas l)een already r eceived and promisetl for the u\lil/lillg.


Superi nte nd e nt, Hon . S ec. and Hon. Treasurer.

'IV. E . Moorey, IS, Oastle Street, Christchurch. 1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

A. Crowther.

Pte. E. Hickman .

Officers 3. Corporall. Privates 22. Total effective 26. I ncrease siuce last rcport 3. Drills helLL 22. Average attendance 14 '09. Cases attended not on public du~y 12. Removals~. Annual inspection, ~ndApril. Total on parade 19. Absent wILh leave 4. ~Vlthout leave 3_ Annual re-examination, 21st Feb. Mem \~el's passecl 17. U~dalholls 12. R egulation uniform worn by one corporal. 1\1~t~l:-al: stretchers, spl111 tfl? ~andages, etc., vested in officers of the Division. DlvlslOn supportcll by SUhSCl'lptlOl1S. The Division has malic good progress (luring the year. The (lrills have been well attended and the enthu'iasm in the work nw,intaincll. The services of the hon . smgeon .have been !1lUch appreciated, and t!le loan of the Town Hall by the Corporat~o~l ~t a consIJera,hly .redueed fee for dnlls, has. tended. to aLid to the efficiency Th~ D1Vl lOn attended the memonal sprVlce to Her late Majesty of the DlVlslO.n. Queen Victona. Dunng the ummel', route marches to outlyin cr districts were arranged, and on ar~'iving at th~ rende7:vous tents were pitched andocamp formed on linesofR.A.lII.C. dl'lll, and bearer sectlOn sent out to bandacreand brin cr in patients from surrounding hill . 0 °

[Formed :W.,l. 93.J

DODDINGTON (KENT DIVISION . [Formed Ho norary Surgeon.

S uperintendent.

F. Skaife, ::-1. R . C.:->.

E. E. Street, St. Martin's House, Chichesler. Inspe c tor of Stores .

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. H . G. States, The Institute, South tl·cet. Chichester.

Pte. H. ,Yo Gambling.


Honorary Surgeon .


Pte . Rev. J. Henrlerson.


Acting Superintend en t , Hon . S ec & Treas.

Honorary Surgeon.

L. Bnrnett,

lI1.A., lILB.

Inspector of Stores.

T. Potts, Doddington, Sittinghourne.

A. Davis.

Officers 2. Privates 32. Total effective 3,1. Drills held 19. Average attendance 1. Removal 1. Cases attended not on public dnty 10. l\Iedallions 2. I U1' ing certificate l. l\Iaterial: 2 stretchers, 2.a:r:n?ulance basket, splint, bandages, ve tell in a committee of five members. DlvlslOn supported by suh cri11tions.


[I<'ormed 1l.97.J


Hon . Surgeons.


J. D. Howden, :M.D., E. E. Murphy, L.n.c.p.

H. L. Lawes, 1, Chih'erton Terrace, Folkestone R oad.

1st Off. and Inspecto r of Sto res.

2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

G. French.

'V. Brett, 3, Glen Grove, Folkestone Road. Honorary Treas urer.


elby, ;\l.lLC . S.

Honorary Treasurer.

Officers 2. Sergeants and Corporals 2. Privates 13. Total effectivc 17. I ncrease since last report l. Drills helel ,10. Average attendance 9'7. Removals 3. Annual re-exa!uillations, 23rd and 24th 'ept. ~lc1ULers 1'<1. sed 15. l\IerlalliollS 7. Knrsing certificate 1. Regulation llnif0rlIl worn by 1 Officer, and 7 mcn. .i\Iatcrial: Ashford litter, stretcher, havresacs, and water bottle, \yaterproof sheet, etc., ve ·ted in the Committee of the Division. Di vision ~u pportetl by :-,u hseri ptlOllS and donations. The progrp s mentioned in last year's report has bren ·tea(lily maintailled. A successful exhibition and demonstration of first aid work was given in March last, and was largely attended, and did much to make the Division better known in the locality. In the annual competition for the Superintendent's prizes, the struggle for supremacy was so keen that only a very few marks (livided the eompetillg sCl'lads. I t has been decided to a(lopt the regula.tion uniform [or the whole Division, a funds will permit. The removal of sick and injl1retl patients has l)ee11 canied out with great success. and has been of great sen'ice on several occasions.


2 .2.0l.J

Private G. Plates. Officers 5.

Privates 28. Total efr'cctive 33. Drills helJ 40. Oases attended not on public duty 3. D~nual lllspectlOn, J.ll:l~. Annual re-examination, May. Members passed .1)0. Id not appear 3. DlvlslOn supported by the members.

A Increa~e since.1 ast report 7.



284 During the year fair progress has been Illude, the mem bel's taking great interest in several ont-door practices which have been held lIming the summer ill the Oollecre grounds, kindly granted to the Divi iOIl by the head master. Three cases havo be~n attended by members not on public duty. A number of member attended the lifeboat procession in July. An endeavour is being made to provide uniform.

public duty. It is hoped by an e:1.r1y date that the whole of the Division will be fully equipped. The ~wo r~01~11l~eers fr om t~le Division, who did duty on the 'Princess Ohristian H ospItal I rall1 lJl Son th Afnca, came back safely.


J. Evans.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Officers 3. Private 12. T otal effective 15. Decrease since last report 7. Drills held 49. A verage attendance 9. Oases attended not on public duty 9. Removals D. Annual re-examination, 2nd Oct. l\lem bel'S passed H. Did not appear 1. Medallion 7. Nursing certi ncate 1. Material: stretcher, splint, and uandages, vested in Division. Diyision upported by honorary and memhers' subscriptions. A team, compo cd of five members of the Division, competed at the National Eisteddfod of , Vales held at Merthyr in 1\ ugust, aud obtail1~d seoond prize, a member of the team winning the second prize for individual work. As a result of a visit from the Deputy Oommissioner a Oommittee was formed in the town to aSRist in fmthering the objects of the Brigade in the district, and much valuable a sistance has been thereby rendered to the Divi ion. Several first aid cases of a serious nature .have been treated during the past year.

EASTBOURNE (L.B. & S.C.R. ) EBBW VALE (MONMOUTHSHIRE) DIVISION. [Formerl1.11.1900.] rel,ort received . )


W el sh Hicllll oe, B.o.'. .

Officer 1. Privates 9. Total effective 10. Drills held 16. Average attenllance 9'7. Hemoval 1. Meda1lion 1. Material -vested in the First 0 (ticer and HOll. 'ecretary. Division supported by subscriptions.

G. Davie.

11. Luca , 12, Charlotte Street, Dowlais.


Honorary Secretary.

Rev. Prebendary Seaton, Goodrich Vicarage, Ross, H ereforushire.

V. Wade, The Old Rectory, 1st Officer.

C. I rice, 4, Blaen Dowlai , Dowlai .



Acting 1st Offi cer.


Super in tend en t.

Honorary Surgeon .

H. L. Hllghe ,

[Formed 14.9.97.]

[Formed 5. 5.91.]


Honorary Surgeon.

. R. Alexander,

M. D.

Supe rintendent, Hon. Sec. and Treas .

1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

C. E. Cliuch, 3, St. Ann's Road, Faversham.

A. P. Sherwooll.

F. Brett.


[Formed 3.3.90.]

(N 0 rel,ort received.)

HERNE BAY (KENT ) DIVISION. [Formed 11.10. 93.J HEAD·QU"\RTEllS:


Superintendent and Hon . Sec.

Honorary Surgeon .

E. O. Fenoulhet,

J. F. , helley, 70, Mortimer t., H crne Bay.

}1. H. O. ' .

Honorary Treasurer .

II. A. Vase. Officers 2. ergeant amI Corporal 2. Privales 11. Total eITectiye 15. Decrease since last report 5. Drill hel<1 19. Average atteudance 9. Oases attended OIl public duty 13. Removal H. Ca~cs attenrled uot on public duty 31. Annual in pection, 3rc1 July. Total OIl paraelr o. All ent with leave 5. ,Vithout leave 3. nledallioll 1. Sen'ice haclge 1. Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform wol'l~ by 1 Oflicer and all mell. Material: litter, 3 tretchers, hamper, etc., vested in the Division. Division sUI'Porte-l by voluntary subscriptions. Dnring the year under l'f'yiew the Divi 'ion lIa. uecreased in numbel', owing chiefly to several members having l"rll10v·d to other tOWllS, notwithstanding which much useful ,york ha been done. 1 uperintendcnt, 1 sergeant, and 4 men were on duty at Windsor on 2nd Fehmary, 1901, on the occa ion of the late Queen's runeral, when 13 Cdses \Yere attended. The members turn out for duty in lluifOlI1l at all fires attended by the local fire hrigade, and ha\'e rendered first aid on e\'eral occasions. Assistance has been given to the head tlllllrters transport eorps once during the year. 2 cases have been removed to the workhollse (3 mile) ; others to thc cottage hospital, or from one adJrcss to anoth r.

Inspector of Stores .

G. Amos. ~lficers 4. Sergeants and Oorporals 4. Privates 14. Total effective 22. . DrIlls held 50. Average .attendance 13. Cases attended on public duty 10. Cases attended not o.n publIc duty 43 .. Annual inspection, 3rd July. Total on pa~ade 21. Absent Wlth leave 1. Medalhons 7. "ursing certificates 20. Regulation umform wo~·n by 3 Officers, :1 sergeants and corporals, and men. Material: 1 .'v~~eled lItter, 9 stretchers, 3 baskets, 1 carrying sheet, vested in the Officers. Dlvls~on ~url?orted by d?nations and members' subscriptions. T~lS Dl VISIon has dunng the past year maintained its usefulness, and has been on publIc duty locally OJl several occasions, rendering good. service. In January last a number. of t.he me:nbers did duty at Windsor at the funeral of the late lamented 'Qu~en VlctOrIa. S111ce the last annual report 14 uniforms have been purchased whlCh have much enhanced the appearance of the men, both on occasion of drill and


[Formed 15.6.99.]

Ch ief Superintenden t . V. Blake, .\1. B.


(1. W .

CORPS .) [Formed 7.7.98.]


Honorary Surgeon.

A. Banks,

F. H. C.S.

2 G



Honorary Secretary.

W. Read, Wellwood Lodge, Binstead .

Pte. W. A. Beale, School H onse, Binstead.

Officer 2. PriYates 7. Total effective 9. Drills held 9. AveraCle attendance 6. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual re-examination, b th Oct. :Members pa ~ed 7. Diclllot HIlpea.r 1. Material ~ Stretcher, bandages, splint, etc. Division supported hy members and friends. OWillO' to removals the number of member has reached rather a low ebb, but it is hoped t~ form a new class in the villn,gc from which recruit may be obtained.

EAST COWES DIVISION (I.W. CORPS.) [Formed 7.99.] H EAD-QuAR'l'Ens:


NEWPORT DIVISION (I. W. CORPS. ) [Formed 2.90.] (N 0 report recei ved.)

Su peri ntend ent.

Honorary Surgeon.

H. ,V. E\\ en, )[.}

certifie!1tes 5. Material: stretchers, surgical havresacs, hamper, water bottles, etc. vested in the Oommittee of the Division. Division sUPl)orted by public sub~cription and by grant from Technical Oommittee of St. H elen's Urban District Oouncil. Five cascs have been attended to by members whon not on public duty, viz. : broken leg, broken arm, wound in abdomen, sunstroke, and head injuries. In the first two cases the members were complimented by the house surgeon at the Ryd e Infirmary for the way in whi.ch they had put up the fractures. Th e Division was represented by a stretcher sfJuad on public duty on the occasion of the visit of Lord Roberts to her late Majesty Queen Victoria at Oshcme.

J . A. Oatley, 7, Albert Terrace, Victoria Road.

. C.:':.

Honorary Secretary.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Pte. Red tone, 13, Beacon field, Victoria Road.

Pte. R. Kintley.


[Fol'medS .5.95.] (N 0 report received.)


Ofilcers 2. Privates 22. Total eflective 24. Drills held 10. Cases attemled on public duty 5. Cases attellded not 011 public duty 15. Medallions 5. Nursing l:e rtificate~ 4.. l\laterial: Spli~l ts, bandages, stretchers, etc. Division supported by contnb utlOn and grant from Technical Education Committee.

(No report received).


(1. W.

CORPS.) [Formed 24.5.95.]


Superintendent, Honorary S ecretary an d Treasurer.

G. H. Oorney, Fairlawn, Ventnor.

GODS HILL DIVISION (I. W. CORPS. ) [Formed :21.2.1901.] HEAD·Qu_\. nTEIV : GommILL.

Inspector of Stores.


C. H. Hawkins.

J. At trill , Ohurch Hill, Godshill, I. W.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

E. Hayles.

E. Dani.el. School House, God&hill.

Officer 1. Privates 15. Total effective 16. Drills held 14. Averao-e attendanl:e 9. Ca e attended on puulic duty 1. Oases attended not on plfblic duty 2. Annual inspedion, Is~ April. Total. on parade 4. Absent with leave 4. Without l~av~ S. . :Meclalho~l .1: :Matenal: stl-etchers, havresacs, water bottles, etc., ve tedm Oommlttee. D1VISlO11 supported by voluntary con tributions. . . . This Divi ion was only formed late in February, and tIle chstnct I S purely agricultural. Thc members have not all been enabled ~o attend the full number of drills, owing to hay harvest in June, and wheat harvest m Allgl1'3t and Septembcr.




Honorary Surgeon and Treasurer.

L. L. Preston, Honorary Secretary.

W. Stockham , Elmfield, Ryde. O~ cer


Inspector of Stores.

G. Jam es.

1. Privates 17. Total effective 18. Drills held 25. Oases attended not on 1mblic duty 5. Annual re-examinati?D, 8th Oct., 1901. Members passed 13. Did not appear 2. Meuallions 7. Nursmg

Officer 1. 'ergeant and Oorporal 2. Privates 9. Total effective 12. Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 1. Average attendance 6. Oa es attended on public duty 1. Oa e attended not on public cluty Hi. Annual inspection, 1st April. Total on para lIe 5. Absent with leave 4. ,Yithout leave 3. Medallions 10. Service Badges 5. Nursing certificat(;s 10. Regulation uniform worn by 4. men. l\Iaterial: tretcher', surgical hanesacs, water bottles, etc., vested Division supported by pnolic sub criptions, etc. in Committee of Di"isiol1. Members of the Divi ion attended at East Oowea for pnblic duty on the occasion of the visit of Lord Roberts to Queen Yictoria at Osborne, after hi· retum from South Africa, alld on the oecll. 'ion of the removal of the remains of the late Queen Victoria from ORbome 011 its way to 'Yindsor. The Division has maLle little rl'ogress during the past year f chiefly ill consell nence of resignation of a n umbel' of active member, who haye left the towll, and difllenlty experienced in obtaining suitable :r 0 ne\\' members have been enrolled clming the year on room for drill }lu'poses. account of inability to obtain a nffieient number of men to form a first aid class, but arrangements are in pl'ogre. for a new ela's to c('·mmence shortly, after which it is ~oped that the memhership of the Diyision will be materially augmented. In spIte of the decreased 111 111 bership the Division has rendered good and useful service during the p:1 t twelve-months .

WROXALL DIVISION lI. W. CORPS). [Formed 9.1.1900.] (N 0 report received.)

LIPHOOK (RANTS) DIVISION. [Formed 4.1.99.J (N 0 report receinc1.)


Honorary Surgeon .

H. W. W ebber, l\1.D.

[Form ed 1.2.96.J

MILL BAY, PLYl\10UTH. Superintendent and Hon. Sec.

J. A. 1lott, 9, \Vest Hoe Tcrrace, Plymouth .


2 8 1st Officer.

G. P. Hoblin.

2nd Officer.

Insp ector of Stores.


,T. Hatch.

II'. T. H. Gibbons (Hon . Mem.)


ergeant 1. PriYate '17. Total elfectiye 32. Officer 4. Drill held 40. Average attendance 13. Removal 4. Ca es attellued not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 1 t cpt. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 10. ,\'ithont leave 5. Annual re-examination, 8th Mar. 1\Iem hers passed 14. Did not appeal' 1. Iedalliolls 1. ervice badge 7. NUl'iller certificates 2. ReO'ulation uniform worn by 2 Off., 1 up. Olf., and men. l\laterial: 1 carriacre 2 litters, box, wH,ter bottle, 2 havresacs, ve ted in G."T.R. and members. Divi fo~ supported by members. The prog,'e s of the Division has been maintained, and the record shows much useful work accomplishecl during the past yen,r. 0111e of the ca c attended haye been of a lery serious nature. One 'va that of a man who wa knocked down by a train. his left foot being crn hed and hi leg broken, accom panied 11)' arterial bleedin Cl • The artery wa promptly secl1lwl and plillts applied, and he was then com-eyed hospital. Fonr mem bel's of the Diyi ion entered for the competition fo!' the Devoll and Corm,a11 bowl, which they were ucce~sful in winning.



: D1:FFnl":N


Honorary Surgeon .

D. D. Jone ,


Acting Supt. and Hon . Se c.

Honorary Treasurer .

R. P. Dowling, Duffryn School, Mountain A 'h.

T. W. Phillips.

Officers 2. Private 22. Total effectiye 24. Drills held 1. Average attendance 15. Cases attenued on public duty 1. Removals 1. Medallions 6. Material: stretcher, plint, bandage, vested in the Committee of the Division. Divi sion supported by sub criptioll . The Division was formed in July, and one drill only having ueen held, progress cannot be reported. One case of fractured thicrh has been attended by member of the Divi ion, and the patient was taken to Mountain Ash Cottage Ho pital, where the matron of the hospital complimented the lien on the manner in which the patient was handled.

Honorary Surgeon.

R. H. Grimbly, )L It.C.S. Superintendent.

\Y. Jewell, 141, East 'treet, Xewton Abbot.

W. H. White, 1, CtLll1pbellville, TorCIuay Road, :rewton Abbot. Honorary Treasurer.

H. Knight. Officers 3. erwant amI Corporal 9. Privates 31. Total effective 46. Increase ince la t report Iii. Drills held 47. Average attendanpe 23'2. Removals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 95. Annual in pection, 13th July. Total on parade 34. A?sent with leave 12. All~lUal re-eXal1Jill3:tion, l~~h July. Members passed 34. DId not appeal' 12. Med~lhun: ~2. :r~r lllg certJiicates 23. Regulation uniform worn by all ran ks. latenal: 3 htters, ( am bulance ca~es, 7 strfltcbers, bandages, splint, awl other appliances, yes ted in Ll)cal Centre, t. John Ambulance Association. Division supported by voluntary subscriptions. Dming the past year good progress ha, been Illade, and interest in the Division well maintained. A station lla been opened at Kingsteignton with a full equipment of appliances and a litter of the newest de ign gelleron Iy presented by 1\11'. '\T. Dunn, of Newton Abbot. A similar litter au(l et ot appliances ha also been presented by Mr. G. O. Browne. It is with deep regret that the death of the last-named generous. supporter of the Di vi ion i recorded.



Honorary Surgeon .






Honorary Surgeon.

F. 'Y. Bevan, Acting Officer (in charge).

)ULC. ' .

Honorary S ecretary.

Blaima, Mon.

W . H. Edwards, 1, Prince Street, Xantyglo, Mon.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

D. Trehearne.

C. Palmer.

W. J. Newman, 12, Clock Row,

Officers 2. Privates 23. Drills held 12. Average attendance 9. Material: stretcher, surgical havresac. subscriptions. -

Total effective 25. Cases attended not on public duty 6. Division supported by voluntary

[Formed 7.7.1 900.J

(X 0 report recei ,'ell.)

W. J. Turrell,


Inspector of Stores. 'l,T. H. Crossman.

Hon orary Secretary.


Reformed '9 .]



T. E. Foort, 50, Thornclifi'e-Road, Oxford.

1st Officer, Hon. Sec. and Treas.

F . Dearle, Foxcombe Hill, Oxford. Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 13. Total effective 1 Decrease since last report 4. Drill helu 27. Ayerage attendance 10."". Cases attende~ on ]l11 ?lic (luty 24. Re~10val 3. Ca es attended not on public duty 1 . Annual.msl:ectlOn, lOth Sept. 'lotal on parade 10. Ab,ent with leave 7. Annual l'e-eXaIl1lJ1atlOn, 25th June. Member pa eu 11. Medallions. ervice badO'E's 2. _ ursing certificate 2. Regulation uniform ,rom. Material: 1 wheeled fitter, t> sh'et?her , 6 havresacs, 1 large ambulance box complete, splints, bandaO'es etc. ve~ted III .t~e.Of:Iicer of the Divi. ion. Diyision upported by ,oluntary contribl{tions: The DIVl :on h~s been working in an energetic manner during the past year. Several publIc dutIes hav e been attended, iucludinO' the occasion of the funeral of Her late l\Iaj estl Queen Victoria, wh en 12 officers alJdomen journeyed to 'Yindsor. The Oxforc1.Agncultural Society invited the Divi. ion to attend their sho.w at Thame. HIS Grace the D.uk e of Marlborough also asked for a quad to attend the COllservat.ivp, DemonstratIon at Blenheim in August. The usual sports fetes and annnal fairs ' , were also attenued.


290 PETERS FIELD (HANTS ) DIVISION. (N 0 report received.)

[Formed 14 6.93 J




Honorary Surgeon.


[Formcd 2_6 .4.98.J

[Formed 8.9.1900.1

F . Woods,

W. B. Jones, Ohief Oonstable's Office, Ramsgate.

M. n. C. s.

Honorary Secretary.





Hono rary S urgeon.





Acting 1st Offi ce r.

Honorary Secl·etary.

F. J. Oandler.

Pte. E. 1\1oore, Rose Villa, Iel en.

Officers 2. Private, 13. Total efl'ective 15. A "erage attendance 2 '6,1. Annual I ncrease i nl:C la t report 2. Drill held re-examination, 10th Jail., 1901. Member pa 'sed 9. Failed 1. Did not appear 7. Medallion 1. Material: stretcher, surgical havre ac, splints and bandage, vested in L ocal Oommittee. Div} ion supported by local contributions. ' T he Di visioD has uufortun:1tely made little progress during the year, o,yinO' somewhat to local change. Special efforts are now being made to increase th~ membership, and it i hoped that a more satisfactory report can be fmni hed next year.

H. It. Thornton, Ohief Oonstable's Office, Ramsgate . Officers 2. Sergeants 7. Privates 40 . Total effective 49. Increase siDce last report 8. Drills held 16. .A. verage attendance 20 . Cases attended on public duty 69. }{.l:)lJlovals 17. Annual inspection, 8th :May, 1901. Total on paraue 43. Absen! wit.h. leave 5. Annual re-exa~ination, 3rd ~Iay, .1901. Members passed 3 (. DHl not appear 1. MedallIons 23. MaterIal: httm's, stretchers, and dressing case, vested in Ram gatc Oorporation . Division supported by Ramsgate Oorporation. . . . . The services rendered hy the DlVl 1011 have been to persons who have met WIth aceidents in the slreets, the vicinity of the royal harbour and the sands. In seventeen cases the injured have becn removed on the litter to the local hospital or their homes.


[Formed 28.4 .91.]



[Formed 1.11.92.J

Hon . Surgeon , Su perintendent, and Hon. Treasurer.

A. D. Gl'itfiths,



[Formed 1. 7.94.]

J. R . F. Way,


Supe rintendent.

J. ilIalpas,

Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.

J . E. Ohard, Oressy Rouse, Ore sy Road, Portsmouth.

11, Albert Road, Ramsgate. Inspector of Stores .

1st Offic er and Hon . Sec .

F. W. Conconi, 14, Artillery Road, Ramsgate.


Honorary Surgeon.


,1, Fawcett Road, Southsea.

)I.Jt.C .. '.,

Inspector of Stores.

W. E. Stoakes.

Officers 2. Sergeants and Oorporals 5. Primtes 24. Total effective 31. D ecrease since. last report 1. Drills held ~9. A "erage attenllance 11. Oases attende(~ on p,:bhc duty 1. Removals 1. Oases 'lttended not on public Juty 6. AnnualmspectlOll, 2nd April. Total on parade 6. Ab 'ent with leave 10. Without lean . Annual re-examination, 6th Aug. :Jlember8 passed 16. Dirl not ap~ear 10. Medallions 12. ervice badge; 7. Jursing certificatcs 20 . Regulation umform worn Iby 1 Officer, 5 sergeants an(l corporals, and 21 men. 1\1a.terial: 5 st~e~c.hers, 2 surg~cal havr~s~c?, 2 water bottles, splints, bandages, etc., "estcu in DIvIs~ona~ 9~mn:Ittee .. Dlvision supported h,)' subscl'iptiCln of melJ1bel's. ThIS DIVISIOn IS makmg steady progress. A ttendallce at d rill has improved during the l~st quarter, mainl,)' owing to the rcmoval of head quarters to more cOln'enient premIses~t~e gymnaSLUl11 of the 3rd V. B. Rant.·, kindly placed. at the eli posal of the DIVISIOn by Oolonel A. E. Holbrook. One sergeant and six men were detailed for duty on the occasion of the funeral of the late Queen at 'Yindsor.

F. R. 'Yelch .

Officers 2. Sergeads and Oorporals 4. Privates 22. Total effective 2 Increase since last report 6. Drills helel 27. Average attendance 1. Oases attended on public duty 12. Removals 29 . Oases attended not on public duty 38. Annual inspection, 3th May. Total on parade 25 . AlJsent 'with leave 1. "\Yithout leave 2. Anuual re-examination, 1st lUay. ~fem bel'S passed. 23. Dirl not appear 5. :Medallions 6_ ervicc batlges 5. Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Off. , 4 sergeants and corporals, and 22 men. Material: litter, stretchers, havresacs, water bottles, 1 tent, and other ambulance material, yested in Ramsgate Centre, • t.J.A.A. Division supported by public subscriptions and fees. The work done by this Divi ion during the year has been of a very sati factory nature. Public duty was undertaken as follows: at ,Yindsor on the occasion of R eI' late Majesty's fnnGral, at local municipal fetes, and at a cycle gymkhana, whilst at the East Kent Agricultural Show at Ramsgltte relays of n:embers were on duty for two days and nights. The discipline of the Division has improved, and,lby c~ustant attention to drill and practice, members are gradually rendering themselves hIghly efficient. The Division regrets that owing tv ather e arrangements they have been compelled to seek llew quarter for drill, but earnestly look forward to the day when permanent hMd-qu3.rters ,,-ill be established. The th ank of the Division are presen~ed to Mr. Oluttoll, a local yachtsman, who has not only given the Division a mUl1l~cent donation towards eq,-,ipment, but also invited tbe members to compete for a pnze on hi yacht under peculiarly interesting though exacting circumstances.


G. Oourteney, ~r. D .

[Formed 18.6.99. ] HEAD-Q1JAH'l'ER.·:

Sup erinte ndent Secretary. O. Cotton, F . n . C.p.


Hon . Surgeon and Supt.

O. Scott, 1II. 13 " 1 02, High Street; Ram,gate.

[Formed 26 . -1. 9 .]

RAILWAY STATIO~. Hon . S ecretary.

G. IV. Feal'll, :H, \\Tillstanley Orescent, Ram gate.


292 Officer 1. SE.'rgeants and Corporals 2. Privates H. Total effective 17. Increase iuce last report 4. Drill held ~9. Average attendance 7'7. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 6. AU~1lla] in pection, th ~]ay. Total 011 parade 10. Ab ent \yith leave 6. Anuualrc-examin,ttioll, 30th April and 7th May. Members nas ed 12. Did 110t appear 2. Medallion . ~late)'ial: tretchers, splints, and bandage . Divi ion upported by '.E. ,,- C. Railway (to a limitell extellt) The pa t year has been a fairly quiet one '0 far as tIli' Divisioll is concel'lled. The members although not 111l111erOUi:i ta,ke a great interest in their \york antI 011le of them are thoroughly efIicient. If they ha\'e not treated many ca es it is hecause fortunatrly, opportunities haye been rare. 1\\'0 competition' have heen takeu part in, viz : a competition held by the railway compauy 1'01' the yarious tation on their line, and the competition for the Dewar shield, in wllich the Division made a very creditable show.


WANS/<;A ROAD BO .l.nn

Officers 2. Sergeants and C01]101'als 2. Privates 13 . Total effective 17. Decrease si11ce last report 4. Drills beld 46. A\'erage attendance 10'4. Cases attended nClt on public duty 10. Hemovals G. AUllual inspection, 30th Sept. Total Oll parade 17. Annual re-examination, 30th Sept. Members '[lassed 17. Medallion 3. Service badges 3. Nnrsing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 .corporal, and 12 men. Material: 1 litter, ~ stretchers, 2 dressing cases, tent, and water bottle, ve~tec1 in the Officers and Committee. Division supported by member,,' and public subscriptions . Ten cases have been attended to during the year by the memlJers, some of them being of a seriolls nature. The usefulncss of the work is being recoanised more fully by the local doctors and the general public. 0

ROSS -ON-WYE (HEREFORD) DIVISION. [Formed H.4. 96.J (No report received).


M.A., :M.D.






1st Officer.

Superintendent, Hon . S ec. a nd Hon . T reas.

A. G.

J. Wickett.

S. James.


Hono ra r y Su rge o n.

G. H. R. Holden,

Honorary Treasurer.

Insp ecto r of Store s.


mith, 39, Vastel'll Rd., Reading.


G. R. Swinhoe,

Insp ec t o r of Sto re s .

G. W. "W ren. Officers 3. ergeants and Corporals 2. Privates 26. Total effective 31. Decrease since last report 22. Drill held 30. AYerage attenrlance 1. Cases attended on public duty 51. Removal 1. Ca!ies attended not on public duty 27. Annual in pection, 30th ept. Total on parade 24. Ab. eut with lea ve . "W ithout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 5th ept. Members pas ed '1.7 . Did nut appear 11. Medallions 25. ervice badges 4. K ur ing certificates 24. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officcrs, 3 sergeants and corporals, unu 12 men. Material: 1 litter 6 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, 4 l1avresacs, 3 water bottles, bandages, and bell te~t, v~sted in Local Centre, St.J.A.A. Division SUIJpol'ted by members' ubscrilltions and Local Centre. There is a large de.crease ill the strength of the Division thi year, cau ed mainly by a process of weedlllg out, but on the wholc the Division is in a higher state of efficiency. It is hoped that funds will be obtained for putting more lllCll in uniform this year. Duty has .been undertaken on the following occa ions :-:;'lIarden Erleigh Steeplechases (three hmes ), funeral of H .lII . Queen Victoria at 'Vinrlsor, 'imultaneolls Mission, Town Hall, Rcturn of Volunteer 'ervice Co., celebration 011 return of Yeomanry and Volunteer, PUl'ley Fete, and Temperance Fete. In the first competition for the G. IV. Palmer Ambulance Challenge Cup a team from the Division was placed fi rst. All the men who serveu in South Africa with one exception have returned ~af.ely. Senral recruits are anxious to join at tbe commencement or next year, and It . 1~ ~oped. that ~he membership of the Division will be greatly increased. The Dl'VlSlOll has sustamed a great loss ill the resio"nation owincr to ill health of the " pennten . dent,1.\ 111r. R . J . Rogers. T he members are greatly ' b i::in indebteu to ' him for the good work he has done.

Supe ri nt e nd e nt.

Honorary Su r g e on . :\l.R . C.i'.



Hono r a r y Secretar ies .

2nd Office r .

A. H. Lawrence.

1st Offi c e r a nd Hon . T r easurer.

W . R. Bird, 125, Goduard Avenue, Swindon.

A. II. Lawrence, Rosslyn, Maid tone Road, Swindon. C. A. Payne, 2 , Read Street, windon . Ins pec to r o f Sto res.



Offil:er' -J. Sergeant · and Corporals 6. l)l'i yates 5,*. Total effective 64. Cases attenliecl on public duty 8. Drills held 33. Average attendance 33. Cases attendeLI not on 1mblic duty 1~5. Annual inspection, l3tll April. Total Oll parade 46. Absent with lea\-e 2. Without leave 16. Annual re-examinations, 3rd, 7th and 10th lIlay. Members pasRcd 54 . Did not appear 9. Medallions 30. N~l~ i.ng certificates 3. lIIaterial upplicd l,y the Great Western Raihyay ~ Co. Dlv1slOn supported hy membe~' , sub criptions.



(N 0 report recei \'ed.)

WATFORD DIVISION. (No report received ).


Honorary Surge o n.

A. F . Street,




Super intend e nt.

Honorary Surgeon .

F. H ichens, )[. D .

R. J . Parsons, 26, Basset St., Redl'llth. Honorary S e creta ry .

E. T. Hamilton, DeVOll & Cornwall :Bank, Reuruth.

)L\. . , )[. D.

Sup erinte nd e nt.

1. Venis, 16, Station Road., IVestgate-on- ea .

1st Offic e r .

J . Kinmont.

. Officers 2. "ergeant 1. Private 1. Total effecti \-e 22. Dnlls held 27. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on puhlic duty 25 . Removals 66. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 13th Jun e. Total on parade 9. Absent with leiwe 13. J\ledallion,s 10. . Pl'vire badge:; 7.


294 Re uul(1tion uniform WOl'll by 2 Officer, 1 el'gcRnt amI 18 men. Mo,tel'inl: A:;hford litter, box of fir t ai~ appliances, blankets, water bottle, splints, and strr.tchel'. D ivision supported by vol~ll1.t~ry donations. ,. . 'The efficiency of the DIVI lOn ha been .well 1~lall1tallled dnr~ng th~ pn,st year, areat interest being hown by the members 11l thel]' work and ell'lll. J llle members ~ent to 'Windsor for treet duty on tbe occasion of the funeral of the late Queen, and lad 25 cases to treat during the day, one rather erious cu. e of collapse having to be taken to the ho ' pital ; all present greatly u.ppreci~ted t!le ,or portunity of gaining the practical experience they were enabled to (10. 'I he pnnclpal [oothall and hockey matches, al 0 cycle and horse junlping competitions at Dent de Leon, Garlinge, were attended by the member . The J:?ivi ion ha n,ssi ted in, th.e formation and carrying ont of ladies' clas e for first aId and nurslllg, and It IS hoped that a Nursmg Di vi ion will be formed during the coming year.

. t t vestcd in the Division. Division supported by membcrs' subscription.s. splTlllh s'D~ ~'s'ion has made satisfactory progross, and the interest of the memhers I.n e IVI. . . I 'l'h e h omo. nUrSl~Jg . 1)y mem b 1 drills and lectnros has bcen we11 mamtalllec.. er ' " 1" t 1e I ]'eciated lJY the sick poor. Foul' of the l1urSlllg sisters have been roue 1 ' app ., 'k 1 A mong t IIe ca:;es . pll.' va t eI y ~nurse ' . l men lor wor (one. " tcrl by medICal compI Im_n . d 1 h't' were several cases of pnenmoma, C(1nce1", an H'onc 1 IS.






1st N u rsi ng Offi cer and Lady S ecretary.



Lady Sup erintendent.

~r. H . c., .

Mi s H. M. Baker, Trec1orwill, Towednack, Penzance.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss A. ,Yo Baker, Tredol'win, 'l'owednack, P enzance.

Lady Treasurer,

.Miss L. E.

Miss E. F. Woolward.


T. Mudge,

Mrs. F. \\T. Hinds, 57, Queen. 't. , Ramsgate. Lady Inspector of Stores.

(No report received).


Mrs. A. Cotton, 42, .' penceI' S(l nare, Ramsgate.



rcport recei ved .)

Honorary Surgeon ,

Lady Sup erintendent.

Honorary Su rgeon,

C. Cotton,


[J!'ormed 29.10.90.]

Mi S E. L. Dudley.

Honorary Treasurer.

W . K. Bakel'. Officers 2 . Nursing siste rs 3. Total effective 5. Decrease since last Ieport 2. Practices helti 17. Average attendance 3. Oases attended not on public duty 5. Cases privately nun:ed 6. Annual re-examination, 6th July. Members passed 4. Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 5. :JIaterial: small ambulance hamper, etc., vested in the Committee of Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions and occasional grallts from the local T echnical I nstruction Committee of the Cornwall County Council. Progress satisfactory, though small numher of members is a great drawback. Two lectures were given by a trained nurse in the spring. Cases were few, but several had to be treateu for several ,,'eeks. One of the members has beeu giving lessons in elementary nursing, etc., ill hei' school.

01!icers 3. Nursing sisters 29. Total elrecti ve 32. Decrease since last report 7. Practices held 32. Average at~el1clan~e 14. Cases attenc1ed Oll public duty 2. Cases privately Ilnrsell 15. Annualmspectt?u, ~th :Jlay, 1901. Total on parade 10. Absent :,'ith leave 11. Annual re~examl~atlOll,. 4.th Ma r 1901. Members 11asserl 16. DId not appear~ . Me~alhons 22. elTICe b i~es 3 Recrulation uniform \\'orn by 3. l1atenal: All' cnslnons, blanket~, sheets, ~l~w slips, bath chair, spinal coucl~, ?a1'1'ying chair, etc., etc. , vested m Local bentre. Division 'npported hy subscnptlOlls. _ . . . The Ramsaate Nursing Division has attended ~~ cases, and made 132 VISItS JUrIng the eleventh °year of its work. The number of VI 1t~ paId appears to be very large compared with the number of cases nursed, but this is due to the fact that some. of the cases have been of a chronic character, Olle ca: e alone den::a,nclmg almost d,aIly visits. Public duty ,vas performed on the occa.lOn of .the YISIt of the East hent Agricultural how, when the memhe:s \\'ere on duty dUl'l?g the ,two days July 3rd and 4th from 10 a. m. till 8 p, m" talcng charge of a rll'Qssmg statton.




H EAD-QUAr,T.cr,s:

Honorary Surgeon ,

C. huott, ~LR. C . P .


Mrs. A. Chard, 30, St. Mary'S Butts, ReaLlillg. Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss K. ,'angster, 2, Palmerston Rd., Southsea.

1st Nursing Officer, Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

Miss B. Gieve, -7, Outram Road, Southsca. Officers 3, Jursing sisters 23 . T otal effective 26. Increase since last report 7. Practices held 24 . Average attendance 19. Cases attended not on public duty 11. Cases privately nursed 4. Annual inspection, 2nd April. Total on panlde 22. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 2nd A p~il. Me,m bel'S passed 20. Did not allpear 2. lI~eual,lions 23. • el:vice badges 2, RegulatlOn umform " 'orn by 2 Officers, and 18 nurslllg SIsters. Matenal: lJanuages,



Honorary Surgeon.

Miss F . Armitage,


Lady Sup erintendent,



nli. 8 E. Gilbert.

Lady Secretary.


Miss A. E, H olmes, t . Mary's Butts, Reading. Lady T reasurer.

:Mrs. F. Dowson.

Officers 2. Nursing isters . Total effective 10. Decrease since last report 5. Practices 17. Average attendance 10., Ca es attended on public duty 0. Cases uttendell not on public duty 5. Ca.s~s pnmtely nur.sed 2. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. T otal on parade 5. Absent WIth leave 6. -:Vlthout leave 2. Annualrc-examination, 15th Oct. Members pas ed 11. Me~alho~s 11. Service badges 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, and 3. lllll'Sll1g sls~ers. Material: bandages, winuers, splints, andn11l'sll1g hampel', v ~st~d m the Comnllttee of Nursinu Divi1:iion, Division. supportel by members' subscnrtlOUS . . The Lady Superintendent, with one nmsing si te!', has attended publIc duty at the Town Hall School Treat and United T emperance Fetes.


No. IlL- Central and Eastern District.


[Forllled 25.3.96.]

Deputy Conwlissioner-13rigade-. 'tugeon Lieut.-Colonel G. ,', WATFORD NURSING DIVISION. HEA.D-QL-\.RTER,,:

[Formed 4..5.01.]



Lady Superintendent.

:JIi· A. H . Hrmm. 21, Liverpool Road, Watford. Lady Inspector of Stores . ~1i A. Pitkin.


Lady Secretary_

43, "ind or

tre~t, \Yol,erton, Bucks.

'ngeou-Cal'tain F, A. Bllo(JK. ,

::If. D .


:.J1lJ ·ElJ)[ . 'TImET,

)11'. J. ''i-oolman (Hon. il1em.)

[Formed 16.4..96.]

Lady S ecretary.

)li ... E. F. A.illtre, 1, Yictoria Terrace, \\-oherton, Bucks.

Otlicer 1. Sur ing i.:tel' 2. Total ell'ectin- 29. D ecrease ince la t rel'Olt 9. Practice Leld o. A\'erage attelldallce 14.'3. Case privately nured 19. ~ledallions 30. Regulation unifonu worn by:2 Ollivers aud 2 nursing i tel's. )Iaterial: plint·: bandage", etc. Di,-i5ion supported. by small annual ~ub cription . Practices are well attended.


15th Ucf.ober, 1901.



F. F. ,Yehber,

SUjJr:i"iilfr'ilrlCilt SpCl'cl(Il'!f-'

)li O. Wheeler, Graham Honse. 'Yatford.


Lady Superintendent



Officer 2. Xur ing ister 12. Total etfecti,-e ] 4. Practice held . Ayerage attendance 9. 5. ~lellallion :2. Re"ulation uniform worn by 1 Otlicer. )Iaterial ve. ted in the Committee of ,Yatfonl Puhlic Library. Din ion ·ul'ported by ~uh cription . The Di\'i ·ion "a formed ou ~Iay 4th, 1901. and. the fir t practice "a Ilf-ld on May 23rd. ince that date practice ha,-e l,een held ~ll the til' all~ third Thur day of each month. The Hon. urgeon, Dr. Hall, ha., WIth one exceptlOn, heen pre ent on each occa ion.



AUDLA. -]), )r.l~.C.S.

Assistant C'ollwlissio,ICi"-),Ir. T. H. Acting District

Honora ry Surgeon .

C. H. Hall,

Di'trict Chi"! SIlI·yt;O,I-),lr. 'Yo E.


In. ~-o.

I ha\'e the hOJlour to . nUlI1it tile followill" a

my Annual Report for

III. Di,.;trict for the :p·ar en (ling :30tlt '-;'l'tewlJer, 1901.

The '""trious COl'l'" awl Di\'i~ioll in tL - di.,trict lIa,-e. n~t only ~lade ?on:·i'ler~ble p]"c)gress during the 'y~ay, lmt then: 1Ia. lwen a su irt3.n.tta llUcrea e 1U then nn.mcncal ·trength. The recrUltlllg ha , d.onbtle~-;, beell much Il1ftnellce~ by the c~l1ltll1nance of the war in. 'unth Africa. a ullInlJer uf l11urt youug men bavmg lJeen mdl1cpd to jilin the rank of the Bri"ade.. ... Durinrr the year two 11<:\\- nllr"lllg Dln lOU., have heen forwell at Hll Iden and Irthlin cr torol1';h and ue\\' all1lJlllaucc Di\'i~ion . lut'·.:! been raied in tbe ~- ortliampton, Dlldle)~ E.et[~ri~lg, Leic('. ter, We~lilJglJol:()ucrh. aud III wich Corp. Iu a.l.!htion to thee. lle\\" Diyi",ioll' have corne UHf) eXI tellcc at Croiller, Duuchnrch, ~ '.lllCaton, alld Coventrv. .·lrn~ \\· bury Di"i ion i" beiug recon~tructed.: and there is every Ill' v P"ct of B·iru~il?ghalJl ,il~~i~ falling in!o lill - with t.lte Brigade: bye. talJli. hiug ~e\-eral new Dl\"lSlOIlS. fin b a lIlaHer tal' C01l3ratlliatlOll for d nnng the war tue BirmiughaUl City Di\'i"ion Ita'; ,ellt ll]lWi1r<l of thirty men on actin seTvice in tLe Brig;lde to . outh Africa. The annual in'l't:<.:tions of all Coq. and Di,-i. iOll have lJeen carried. ont in a sati ractory manuel' rhrjl1~ he year, The Chief ol11mi ·. ioner !ll ·pect~d tire XorthallJptoll COlp. on :-iel'telllbt:'I' 7th. I coll(hwtpd the anuual IllspectlOu· at WellilluborrJllgh. Il,,,\yih. Crullll' r. alld. Fe1ix,to\\"c. while the re t wcrt:' uulerraken hy ID): Di triet ,'tall', \"iz. :-Ai"tallt-Colllllli,,·ioller "-oolton:. Ohid' 'urgeon AudlallLl. allcl .'lll"~POll- 'uptain Brook. \\·lto ... e report. were of a satbfactOlY natnre as re~ard" the -· tticieuc,Y aurl di"cil,line of tlte \'ariou Corl': ullrl Di\-isioll·. The e'-eut 0[" the year in thi ... (listtict W ,l the loyal and hearty welcome given ,)arly ill Jan nary by the TowlI and \~onnty of ~ -orthalU ptOll to 60 me 111 h .1' of the Brigade \dJO had recently retnmed flolll active ser,ice in ,outh Alrica. At the han'luet, which \\"a attended hy tile elitr of the OOllllty, thf~ )'I,lf(llll of ~~ orthampton read a touching me" .. age fr0111 Her 1 t':! )10,t (:;'rll:iou :JIaj':!' ty Q let:'ll Yictoria, thauking the lIlen of tlte Bri~ fl(le fat' their .• \-Olllntary ,.,eHice of mercy" in 'outh Africa. That IIlC'S ·acie had a patnetie inrere"t, heiug the la:,t that wa" :,ent to any b:)lly of her :ll.jects. The Tran"port. .'enriee ha con iderably inerea. ed during the year, everal new horse ambulances aurlEtt'-r ' haying been c talJli bed at OIDe of the more populou cennes. I ha\'e great hope' that dnrillg the cominrf year I may I)e able to arran~e f01" a Ditrict Ca.m p of In:truction, a· they are "ery l,opular with the Corps in the ~lidland Diu·let. :.JI,Y thanks are e T) ·L.ially due to A~ ~ i , tant-Commio;ioller \\ o0lston and the members of my Ditrict :·tatl· for the valuable help the: have at all time gi,en me ill carrying ont the Bri,ra,le dlltle ~ in thi.; lar~> and important Di nict. I haye tbe honour to be. "il. y ml' ohedient Sen·ant. GEOI~GE , . ELLIsro.-, Knight qf Grace, Order of llll Ho,-pital of St. Johil of Jernsalelli , Del,uly Commissioner, Xo. 111. District.

To the Chief Commis·ioner, t. John Ambulance Brigade.



ORPS A.l' D DIV I 10


S u p eri nt e nd e nt a nd Ho n . T reas ur er.

Honora ry Surgeon .

A. Orcherd,

C. E. Baxter, 9, Market, 'treet, Ashby -de-la-Zonc]l .

M.n.C. S.

Kame of Corps or Division.

o. III. District taff' .. . Ashby-de-la-Zouch Division .. . * Bedford Di vi ion ... . .. Birmingham Railway C:1l'riageand W agon 00. Division ... Ooventry Oo.-op. Division ... Oromer Di vi ion ... .. . . .. Duuley Oorp ... ... . .. D unchnrch Divi ion ... . .. ... .. ... Dllnstable" F elixsto\\'c" ... ... . .. " ... ... ... H allatoll ... '" .. H averhill " .. . .. . I pswich Corps ... I ronbridge" ... ... .. . Kettering" .. . .. . .. . Leicester " .. . .. . .. . .. . L eighton Buzzard Divi ion Madeley (Mines) " .. . Market H arborough " .. lleubonrne Division ... .. . N orthampton Corps ... .. . .. . N uneaton Division (No. 1) " Railway Div. (No. 2) Ou nule Division ... .. . .. . Shre wsbury" ... ... .. . T angye,;;" .. . .. . .. . W eUing borough Corps . . . . .. Birmingham Oity Division .. . Broseley ] lusing Di vision .. . I pswich " " .. . Ironbridge" " .. " .. . I rthlingborough " " ... K ettering L eicester, ,, .. . L eighton Buzzard Nursing D iv. Madeley Nursing Divi sion ... .l\1uch IVenlock Nursing Div. . .. N orthampton .. " ... Earl's Barton " " .. . Little Hough tOil" " .. . Shrewsbury " " .. . IV ellingborough, " .. . "', .. . Ringstead R oth\\'ell "" .. . Rushden "', .. .1'



1 1

20 16

10 5

27 4


1 1

10 1



1 1 1 1

16 1 1 1 1 1


14 1 1 1 1 11


3 8 4 19 10 2 6 4

2 2 1 9 1

146 204



[Formed 1 . . ,UHl.]




(N u report receiveLl.)



HEAD-QL"AllTEltS: ;\1.


Offi<.:erl:l 2.

17 22 13 14




26 12 15 10 9 9 23




2 1 1



*Under re-orgallizatiol1.



Printes 20 .

J. Harkness, 295, Holyhead Road.

Total efl'ective 22.


wheeled litter, emergency boxes.


Honorary S urgeon. R. Rice, )[, D.


12 46

Hon . S ecretary.

Barker, 3, Tmfalgar Road, 'meth\\'i<.:k.


11 1





w. H.

Annual inspedioll, 14th ,'ept. Division SUIJPorted by Compauy.




S uperintendent.

Ho n. S urgeon.

W . H. , tephel1,

26 27 231 30


Honora ry S ecret ary.

A. J. Baxter, 9, larket Street, Ash by -de-la -Zonch.



:L 14 2


T. HeaJield .

G. A. Smith.


26 14 1:30 34 35


In s p ect or o f S t o res.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effedive 19. Drills held 22. Average ctttelldance 9. Annnal inspection, 25th ept. Total 011 parade 15. Absent with leave 2. vVithout leavp 3. Annual re-examination, 26th Sept. Members passe(l I? Did not n,ppea~' 2. :MedalliOl~s. Ma~e~'i?-l : stJ'etcher, litter, bandage, phnts, &c., vested III local 0001 Iluttec. Dl VISIon SU ppol'te(l by 1m hlic Sl1 hsc~·il!tions. Division has IIlade sahslactory progress during th e year, bnt there have been no case attended to or rell10vals.

15 1 1

1st Offi cer.


2 2 3

[Formed 13.4.1900.]

Supe r inte n de nt.

A. H. Manley, 39, Canterbury St., Co\'entry.

1st Offi cer, Ho n . S ecret a ry, a nd Ins p ector o f Sto res .

J. W. Ootton , Compton House, Fole hill Ron,d, Conn try.

Officers 3. Privates 27. Total efrectiye 30. Drills held 10. Average attendance 17. Cases attcnded on pulJlic duty 25. Removals 1. A1111l1al inspection, 5th Oct. Total on parade 16. Absent without leave 11. 1I1edallions 10. 1I1atcrial: 1 stret<.:her, splints, triangular and roller bandages, vested ill Divj ion. Divi ion supported by memhers' suh criptions. The Division has been represented at ix Cycle and Athletic Sports in Coventry and District. There "were accidents at all. A a rule, four men were told off .for each day's sports. At the Cycle port., held June 22nd, there were t en aCCl~ents, only one rather serions-a leg uadly cut open. This was attended to by a medlCal man, and the patient sent in a ca1'l'iage to the railway station. On August 5th, at the Philanthropic Fete and Gala, there were eleven accidents. \'


[Formed 19.3.1901.J

HEAD-QUARTER : BOARD Hon . Surge on .

IV. E. Manby,

~r.B., ~r. R.C.A.

Hon. S ecretary.

.A. Salter, Hillside, Oromer.



Supe rintendent.

1st Officer.

F. H. Barclay.

F. J. Emms.

Inspector of Sto res.

Hon . Treasurer .

J. Kettle.

P. E. Hansell.

Officer:2. Oorporals 2. Pri,-ates 16. Total eITective 20. Drills held 6. A verage attendance 13. Removal 1. Cases attellded not on puhlic duty 3. Medallion of. Regulation nniform \\'Ol'll by 1 Office r, 2 Oorporals and 16 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 carriage. havresac, etc., vested ill locl.l Oommittee . Division snpported by voluntary subscriptions. As the Divi ion ha only been in existcnce ix months, there is little to record other than that the work of the Brigade bas beell taken up lllOst enthusiastically by the mem bel's.

A new Di vision has bp-cn formed at etherton . Members of the Dnuley Division have .attenued at Oastle fetes, cycle parades and sports, and footuall matches. A number of cases have been treated hoth Oil an(l off puulic Iluty, but none ca.lling for special remark. A horse am hulance has heen proviuerl by mcans of donations obtained th1'OllO'h the efrorts of Corps. I t will be kept in the Firc Station. The €iO'ht Voluntee~s returned from hospita1llnty in SOl1th Africa \\'ere entertain ed at a pl~blie banquet, and each was pl'cscntell with a gold mel1al and illuminated address.

1st DIVISION (DUDLEY CORPS ). [Funned 29 .9.92·1 HEAD-Ql'AltTEr.s : NEAlt


STXfLON. Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon .

J . H. ,\Yilkinson,

;If. R.

C. K.

A. T. Dl.wson, Himley Road, Dudley.

1st Officer, Hon . Treasurer, a nd Hon. Secretary.


[Formed 19.2.1900.]


H . Gibbons,

1st Offi cer.


,\Y. T. Orchard. Honorary S ecretary.



Bloore, 99, Rushton Roarl, De borough .

Officers 2. Sergeants and Oorp?rals 5. Privates 29. Total effective 36. Decrease since l.ast report 3. Dnl1s held 40 . Average attendance 22. Oases ~ttenu~d on publlC duty 30. Cases attended not on I ublic duty 59. Annual mspection, 28th Sept. . To~al on parade 22. Absent witb leave 7. 'W ithout Jeave 6: An.nual re-e;rmmnatI.on, 30th Aug. Members pa sed 24. Did not appeal' 7. Iedallions 2. Nursmg ccrttfic.ates ]. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer 5 Sergeants ~nd Corporals a.nd 29 men. Matel'ial: stretchel's, allllJulance box' banda~es~ splmts, &c ., vestetl III the local Oommittee. Division npported bv to\l'~ su bscl'! phOll . ' The Divi 'iOl~ ha. m)a.~e good P!'ogrcss .since its formation . 1\ ell lleau-lluarters have been ohtalned . Invatc A. "\\ In.te, who voluuteered for unth Africa ill :Jlarch, on Oct. 6th, volunteered 011 2 Q~. tb JaIl , 1"01 ~\Tl 1900, ureturned II . . and aCfam b ~ • \ leu a secon ca was recelved Pnvates F . Hornsey, F. Pridmore, and F. Keep volunteereu The "whole of the memlJers have beeu fUl'llishec1 with the regulatioll uniform. .


Officers 3. crgeant" and Oorporals 2. Privates 3~ . Total effective 37 . Increase sincc last report 4. Drills held 39. Average attendance 12. Oases attended on public duty 7. RenlOvals 1. Cases attended not on 1mblic duty 10. Annual inspection, 6th July. Total on parade 17 . Allsent With leave 9. \Vithout leave 11. Medallion 17 . . en-ice bac1cres 4. NUl"ing certificates 12. Regulation uniform WOl'll 1)' 3 Officer, 1 Sergeant and 13 men. Material: 4 stretchers, il havresacs, vested in Dudley Ccntre. lJivisi on snpported by members' subscriptions.


Hon . Treasurer (in charge) .

Hon . Surgeon .

R. Griffith .. ,

[Formed 23 . 3.1901.1

'el'geallt T. B. Haw kes, 5, Oa tIe 'trect, X ethertoll, Dudley.


Officers 1. Scrgeaut and Corporal 2. Pl'iYllte L: . Total effective 11. Drill held 22. Average attendanee 7. Annual inspection, 6th July. Toh1 on parade 9. Absent with leave 1. Material: stretcher, splint, and bandages, vested in the Dudley Centre. Divi. ion snpported hy members' suhscriptions.

[Formed 28.9 . 92.J



J. H. Wilkinson, M.R.C.S.




Honorary Surgeons.

R. Griffiths, ~r.D .

Chief Superintendent.

J . Slater, King Street, Dudley. Officer~ 5.

1st Olr. G. H. Hartlau(l, 26, N clson Roao, Dudley.

Sergeallts and Oorporals 4. Privates 40 . Total efl'ective 49 . In creas: Slllce last l'el)O~·t 14. Allnual inspection, 6th July. Total on )arade 26. .Absen~ With leave 10. Without leave 12. Material : 1 horse ambulance 51tretchers 3 surglCal havresacs, 1 wall am1ulance box, vested in Oommittee of th 0 tr' <Corps supported by members' subscriptions. e en e.

Hon . Surgeon.

J. B. Unwin,

M. D.

Hon. S ecretary (i n charge).

ergeant ,\Yhiteman, Dun chlU'ch, Rugby.

Officer 1. Sel'gefLnt l. Privates 10. Total efi'ectiYe 12. Drills held 2. Average attendance 8. OlL es attendcd on public duty 1. Removals 1. Cases attended not on Jlublie (luty 4. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 30th Sept. Membel s passed 9. Did not appeal' 2. :1Iec1alliolls 2. Ma.terial: stretcher, ve8ted in a Oommittee of membcrs of the Oorps. Division supported by subscriptions.








In C harge.

Honorary Su rgeon .

A. D. Hllghe ,

ambulance hampel', bandages, spl~nts,. vested in local Committee. Division supported b members and voluntary contnbutlOl1s. . yThe attenclance ancl diseiplinc arc vpry gooel, awl the mellll)ers C'ontlllue . tQ take an active interest in tltc ,~ork. Se~'gt: Shaw has returllcd from South Afnca after 18 months' acLi vo ser'0ee. I~ IS l11LCll(~eel that all the ~I?m hers not yet possessin Cf it he shortly ]lut mto U1uform. Pnvate Hawkc has JOllied the S.A.C. AlI1bulall~e for three yeal'~, going out for the seconel time to South Africa.

.6 .1900.]

erg!.. A .



Inspec t or o f S tores.

Hon . S ec. a n d T reasurer.

Pte. G.

G. T . Good\vin, 73, Church h'eet, Dllllstalrle.


Officer 1. L'rgeant 1. Pl'inLte lL. Total eITectivc 20. Increase since last report 7. Drills held 23. Avernge attendance 12. Cases attended on pul/lic duty 1. Removal 1. Cnses aLtended not 011 pl~bli' duty 4. Annual in pection, 29th August. ToLal on palacle 10. Ahsent with leave 0. , Yithout leave 3. Nul'. ing rertificatps 1:3. l\Iatelial: stretcher, i>urgica\ havrc 'nc, &c" vested in Town Council and 0l11mittee. Division 'uppol'ted hy :mhsl:ription'3 and COlllmittee. The Division ha mad e fail' pr0glc, s. l\Iembrrs hn,ve attended a motor ear accident, taken two mcn by litter anll rail tn Bllte HospitaL aIHI attended two public demon b'atioll , when seyeral accidents were attended to hy 11lelll bel' ,






t. Fclix, FelixsLo\\·['.

Ho n o rary S ecret ary and Ho n. T reas u rer.

Inspector of Stores.

T . Bullock, Orwcll Roan, Felix towc.

A. '1'. Bro\\'c .

Officer 1. Privates 15. Tolal effective 16. D rills held 17 . Average attendance 15. Ca.'e, attendeel not 011 puldic duty 3. Annual inspection, 17th June . Total on parade Hi . Absent "'ithout lpaye 1. Allllual re-examination, 29th Apnl. Members pas ell 15. l,IpdalliOI1 ' 1:'i. Hcgulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 10 men. Material:, tretcher and ~l1l'gical havre <tc, vested ill Committee. Divi<;ion snpportcd hy memher:-;' ubc;criptiolls. T he Diyi iOll ha continued to make it 'elf more l'roficicllt. A i>quad fl'0111 this Division came out second in the competition for tll" "Ea~t Angliml Allllmlalltl' Challenge Cup." An entertainment orgaui '('(1 hy thc IUl'eetor of tOl'e~ ('nahll'd six more men to he put into uniform.


T . Vi:)keI'Y, 76, Great Arthnr

treet , Smcthwick.

Honorary Treas urer.

In s p ecto r or Sto res.

Pte. A . Harris. Sergt. A. Richards, 41, Market treet, Smethwick . Officers 2. Sergeauts and Corporals 3. Privates 27 . Total efIecti\'e 32. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held ;32. Average attendance 16 '5 . Re11l0vals 50. Case attended not on public cluty 1592. Aunual in pection, 14th Sept. Total on parade 12. Absellt with leave 5. Without le,we 11. Anllual re-examinaLion, 24th nlay . Members passel 1 23. Did not appeal' 5. nledalliolls 15. ::lervice Badges 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, ;3 sergeants and corporals ami 10 mt::~ . Material : 13 altllmlallce boxe', 4, stretchers, water bottles, tavresac, &c., vesteJ m Tangye's Lilnited, aUlI Jllemhers. Divisi~111 s:lppol'ted by Illember's sul1scripti.ons . . During the year the large llumber ot aCCIdents recol'lhd above, many ot .\\'lnch have been of a very serious nature, have been attencled to promptly awl effiCIently, in some cases receivill{? Lhe comnlellliatioll of the sl1l'geonswho attended the patieuts. The members att-cndecl with the l\Iayor at Church on two occasion!';, the first being the memorial service to Her late i\Iaje ty Queen Victoria, and the ~econLi the Amalgamated Fl'ienLlly ocieties' Church Parade. No acciden ts oecu rred in the streets on either day. Pte. J. Trustlove.

Ho n or-a ry S UI-geon and S uperin t e n dent.


l\l.lt.C . R.


S u p eri nt e nd e n t.

Honora ry Su r g e on .

Honora ry S ecre t ary.

[Formed 30.10. 9~.]


urg. -Captain F. A. Brooks, ~L.D.,


(N 0 report recei veIl. )

J. F . Atkins,


[Formed 1895.]


[Fol'lned 14..2.9 .]




[Formerl 20.4.99.] THEE']',


Honora ry Surgeon a nd Sup e r int e nd e nt. Hon. Su rgeo n a n d Sup er intende nt.

W. T . Heuley,

1st O fficer.

~['B., Hallaton, 111'. UppinglJam.

R. ,'haw.

1st Officer, Hon . Se c. and Hon . Tr eas .

Hon orary S ecretary.

I nspector of Stol-es.

CorpI. A. Bird, Hallaton, nr. Uppiughall1




1"1 isby.

Ho n o rary T reas u rer.

Pte . R.

T . H . Goodman, ?lI.H. C.S. , 39, High

J . Rillingrey.

Officer:; 2. Sergeants and Oorporals :3. Privates :20. Tot.al c(rective 25. I ncrease since last report 9. Drills held 32. Average attellrlance 1. Case attended not 0~1 pnlJlic duty 7.. Annual illf'l,ection, 20th JUly. Total on parade 17. Absent "'lth leave 'J WIthout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 7th Sept. Mem bel'S passed 15. :Meclallions] 2. K lll'sing certificate 1. l~ egula tion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeants ancl corporals, ancl 10 men . Material: 4 stretchers,

R . Potter, 122, Withersfield Road, Haverhill.

b'cet, Haverhill Insp ector of Stores .

ergt. G. \Y. Davies.

O fficers~. Sergeants and Corporals::3 . Private 24 . Total effective 29 . I ncrease since last report 3. Drill held 37 . Average attendance 16. Case attended 011 public Linty 17. Removal 1. Cascs attended not on public duty 10. .Annual inspection, 27th July. Total 011 parade 25. Absent "'ith leave 3. Without leave 1. Annual re·examination, 19th ept. Members l)asscc1 25. Did not appeal' 3. l\I edall iom 10. Nnrsing certificates 8. Rf'gulation uniform wurn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, ['mel 12 men. l\laterial : 4 tretchel's. 4 h~v resacs, hlankets, water-bottles, flag, splints, bandage , etc. , vested in the CommIttee of the D ivi ion . Divi iou snPllorteu by member ' sub~criptions, lluhlic


304 subscriptions and grnnt from the Technical I n. t. Committee of Urban District Council. The Divi ion has made good progres during the year. COUl" es of first aid and nUl' ina- lecture han heen held by the HOll. nrgeoll. In all Cil es where services were r~uired lllem her performed ~u.ty very sa.i~ ,ractorily. The tOWlJ and di trict han ba-iven ilJel'ell I'd stlllport percelVlng the utIlIty of the cause. Public duty wa taken at the E ex County' Cycling and Athletic A ociat~ou's Race Jl.Ieeti;lg at Chelmsford at the Haverhill Athletic port on Bank HolIday, and at the local football m,{tches. A detachment took part in the East Anglian Challenge OU}! competition. The Division had a chur~h. pamd~ ill AUt-'ll L. at .t. J?hn.'s, Littl e l.Iaplestead, the church founded by the hmghts of t1.lC Onle~' III tlns Dlstnct. TIll' three mem bel' of the Divi iou who yolunteered for actIve servlCe ll<we rl'tllrued safely. The Division i still a-reatly indebted to JUr. A. J. imp on and to tbe chool Board for the u e of theirbground for drill. &c. During the year the majority of thc' Diyision 11a\'e adopted the brigade uniforlll .

. 1 nl" • At the annual inspection tIle Deputy· Commissioner OambrId(Ge, .andl~l:c1 \e~]CT cxtremely llleased with the smart turn-out and general to expressed IU111se as efficiency.

POLICE DIVISION (IPSWICH CORPS). (N 0 report rer,eiveLl.)



[Formed 1900.J

H EAD-QUAUTEUS: CEllIST CHURCH lilA:\" ros, I p wrcrr.

Ch ief Supe r-i ntend e nt.

Sup eri nte nd e nt S ecret ar y.

' Y. Keeble, 46, Upper 01'\\"e11 Street, 1pswich .

J. II. Cuckow, n, l)ring I pswich.





S u p eri nt en d e nt.

Hono rary Surgeon .

,V. F. Fryer,

[Formed 26.4.9



G. Curtis, 149, Bis:lOp's Hill, Ipswich.


Ins p ecto r o f Sto res.

Hon . S ec. a nd T reas u re r .


[Formed 10.96.]

Corp1. J . . cadett.

. J. Butcher, 109, Alan Road, Ips\\·ich.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 23. Total eft"ectiYe 27. . It· ·t 7 Drill ' helt!. 24. Average attendance 14. Cases Decrease s1l1ce as lepnl. . . . 1 ~tl J Total on bli' (luty 10. Annnal lI1SpectlOll, !) 1 une. attended not on pu 'tl:l 1 Anuual re-examination 12th June. Members . d 18 Ab eut WI 1 eave . · .'·f b 1 Offi . pala e • Medallion 14. :rursiug certificates 4. l{egulatlOn UUl orm y . cel, pass~do;'~i and 14 men. Material: tretcher.", ambl~lallce box, etc:, ve ted III the ~oce~~l SE'ttiement Executive. Division supported by It. O\\"ll membelS.

[Formed 13.7.93.]

CHr.r. T CnUUCH l\lAN,-ro~, Ip~WICH .

Honora r y Su rgeon .

Sup e r inte nd en t .

S. O. Eacles, L. n.C.p.

F. Gooderham.

1st Officer and Honorary S ec ret a ry.

Insp ector of Sto res.

T. Woods, 22, Bath treet, Stoke, I pswich.

Pte. O. Bierdoll.



cnOOL Roo~[,

'T . JOHX" ~ .

Hono ra ry Surge on . F. C. IIo sack, F.P-.C ....

11'. \\ rCH.

Sup e r inte nd e nt .

,y. ,V.

mithers) 25, t . Johu'sRd., I pswich. Insp ector of Sto res .

Honora r y S ecret a ry.

Officers 2. ergeallt·1. Privates 20. Total efl"ecti\'e 23. I ncrease sillce last report 4. Drills held 20 . Ayernge attendance 14. RCllIova s 62. Cases attended llot un pllblic duty 26 . Annual in'l'ectiolJ, 15th Jun e. Total on parade 20 . Au:-;ent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, 5th Junc. :Olembcrs passed 15 . Did not appear 5. ~Iedallion 16. Nuring certificn,tes . Regulation uniform "om by 1 Officer, 1 smgeant, and 10 Ulen. ~laterial: 1 litter, 2 . tretchers, tent, &c., vested in local Centre. Divi iOIl supporteLl by m embers' coutriimtions aud donations. The Divi ion has made cOllsideral)le progre during the year. :;\ille men have been put into uniform, and two more are aliout to receive tlleir... Fonr nell' mem bel'S have joined, and the Di vi ion has made l"a},id stride in eUic:iellcy. It has been the \yi h of the local Hon. Secretar.y or the St. John Amhulallce Association (Miss Coulcher) to have a Challenge Cup for the various Di\"i iOllS to c011l}lt'te for, and at la t her wish has been gratified through the help of the Deputy,COlllllli t:liolJer aud District S uIJerin tenden t Secretary, who have 0htained su hscri ptions from S.\ llll'athisers with the work ill the neighbomhood, and all the Hon. Smgeoll of th e Divi ions, the latter giving half the cost of the cup. A hand ome cup, to he calleel tbe "Ea. t Anglian Challenge Cup," was cOlllpeted for in July. Five Di visions entered, ascI uad from this Division being the winners of the cup and of the ilver medal presented by Miss Coulcher. Many mem hers, in their pri vate capacity, have rendered valuable first aid, and Chief Superintendent Keeble, and ,11perintenclent ecretary Cuckow, \\"ith the assistanc:e of others from t he Divisions, have attended 62 cases with the horse ambulance or .litter by l:oad and rail, lllany of the joumeys lasting se\'eml hoUl's, one joun~ey bemg 18 llliles, one 21, and one 44 miles ly road, the carriage and litter havmg gone to Manningtl'ce) H an\"icll, Shotlcy, Needham, Copdock, Mellis, Finllingham,

[Formed 19.11.97·1

D. R. Brown, 4~, Rillgham Boad, I pswich.

ergt. F. H. Cogman.

Ofticer? el'rreant 1. Privates 2 Total etfective 31. 1 . I · t~: ,t 13 Drill held 21. Averaae attendance 12. Remoya s I ncrease smce as lepol . l' 0 t" ] ~th June Total on 6. Oa e,s attcl1l1e<l 11~~ 011 pl:bl~c dl~~~:J;OU:l~~~~: ~l.IsP~cU::~1 r~-exami~atio~, 20th parade 22. All cut \\ltlt leave 3. :\1 d 11" . H Nursina- certlficates May. 1ie1U?erS pn. .. el.tll. ~id nOi ab}~~~'/: ' 1 ~ e~.a-~a~~~:;anri ;15 men~ Material : 7. ReglllatlOn umlOlll1 WOlll by I? tl C mmittee Divi ion supported litter, stretchers, spliut , and ea e, vestee In Je 0 . by the members .


Honorary Su r g e on .

F. WarLl,


1st Offi ce r .

Superinte ndent.


. J elferies, St. Heleu's Lodge, I psw-ich . 2nd Offi ce r and Hon . S e c.

R. A . Elli .

J. Pawsey. Inspector of Stores.

G. W . Bone.

306 Officer -±. Cl'geallt amI Corporals 3. PriYate 2 . Total effective 35. D ecrea e ince la t report 1. Drill held 21. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public dnt)':2. Removal 2. ea e attcnded not on puhlic duty 16. Annnal in pection, 15th June. 'fotn1 on )lnnule 24 . Absent witlt leave 10. Annual re-examination, ·HIt June. illembels I'll ed 3:2. Did not appear 2. Medallion 15. N Ul"ing certificate 2. Regulation uuiform "'om by 4. OJlicel's, 1 eraeant, 2 Corporal., and 2 llIen . Material: stretchers, cupboards of fir t aid aplliiauce in all the principal (lepartment " ye ted in Me S1'S. Han ollles, im, and Jefferies, Ltd., by whom the Divi ion is supported.

. Dl'vI' ' l'OIIS" nt 131'ose1ey , T1 Nur 111f' .

hOll 13l'icl rr e, amI Made1ev are hIking lectures in t'l • I . be 11]I(le1' the, 'i, John .tlJlIlml,tlIc'e Association scheme to flUther lllcrease )lOme 1y~I611 their cffiClency.




[Follned 20.3 .9 6.J


Honorary Surgeon.



Honorary Surgeon .

, . S. H oyland,


. Hud on , 50, Lacey

Honorary S ecretary .

'Y. Phillips, ,Yater100

H. J. J ame , Matleley \V ood,

Inspector o f Sto res .

treet, Ipswich .

G. T.?lIo , 51, Alexandra Road, lp wil:h . Officer~. ~el'geant 1. Privates 12. Total efi"ectiYe 15. Decren e ince la t report 1. Drills held 12. Ayemge attendance Cases attended on public duty 1. Ca e attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 15th June. Total on parade . All "llt with leavel. 'Without leaye 2. AllnUal re-examinatiou, 10th May. Member pn. ed 13. Did not appear 1. Medallion 1. Nul' ing cert~ticates 3. R egula,tion uniform worn by 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant. and 6 men. :JIateril'LI: 1 sh'etcher, plint, and bandage, yes ted in Committee of Divi ion. Diyision uppal' ted by it member.



[Fol"meu 20. 3. 96.]




1. Baugh. Ollicel" 2. ergeant 1. Primte ~1. Total effective 37. Cases Increa e since la t report.J. Drill heM 30. Average <tttendance ~9 . a.' attended not on p~lbhc duty 60. attended all public duty 20 . Removals -±. Annual inspection, ;;tlt ,J une. Total Oll parade 20. ~~. ent w.lth leave I!. Annual re-examination, ] 5th May. . Members seel 3:>.. Falle~. 3. Did not appear 10. ~ledallioll' 6. . erVlce badges Ii). Nurll1g cerh.?Ca:es. 1~. Regulatioll uniform worll by ] <? (hcer, 1 :ergeall t, amI n~e).t.. illatell~l: lItter, stretcher, iUlvresa.c. , vestell III Ironhndge Corps. DI V),lOll sup)Jorted by subscription.



Ch ief Surgeon.

T. L.

,yeb b,

Superintendent Treasurer.

J . W. ,Yhi te, The Bank, Iron Bridge.

T. Cooke, :;\Inch IV en10ck.

Officer 16. Sergeants and Corporals 4. Privates 115 . Total effective 135. In crease since last report 4. Drill held O. A\'erage attendance 7. Cases attenued on public uuty 47. R el1lovals ases attenued not all public duty :W7. Annual in spection, 15th June. Total all parade 7. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, 16th May. Mt'mbel's pa sed 109. Did not appear 26. Medallions 49. el'vice badges 29. Nursing certificates 34. Re,!{ulation uniform " -Ol'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, anu 24. men. Material: 1 litter, 1 Bath chair, 1 hospital tent anJ eqnipment, treichel'S, havre 'ac, &c. , vested in the Iron Bri(lge Corps. Corps ul'Ported by County Council, and su bscriptions. Thi Corp has contillued to increase in mem berhip and efficiency during th )last year. The field chills and al 0 tho e at the heall-quarter of the various Di \7isiolls were rna t succe. ful, arousing considerable illtcrc t in the brigade. The church parade have been well attell ded. everal new contingent have gone to outh Africa ince la t report, makin g altogether about thirty llIell who have represented the Corp. The Divisions are now making a great struggle to get their l1Ien into uniform. A i tant-Commissioner ,Vaal ton, at Jlis inspection on June 5th, expressed himself as satisfied with the work done hy the members, especially that of the nm ing sister . I n the large number of cases that have been reported there are some in which lives have undoubtedly been saved 1Jythe prompt mea 'nres taken.



[Formed 20.1.9 .J


Honorary Surgeo n .

~L n.

Chief Superintendent.

treet, lronbl'idge.

Iron1 )ridge .

Honorary Secretary.



Super intendent.

I l',nn('1I.

Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

l LD .

G. L. Proctor,

[Formed 1.6.99.]

N. F. Euwanls,

;\I.B .

In Ch arge.

ergt. A. J. Humphries, Jackfielu, R. .0.,

hrop hire.

Officer 1. ,ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Private 12. Total eifectiv.e 15. ~ Drills held 26 . Ayerage attendance 10.. Ca e .?-ttended on ~ublic ~uty 10 . Removal 3_ Cn e attended not all puhllc duty 4~). Annual lDspecbo,n, .5th June. Total on pal'aue 9. Ahnent with leave 6. Annual. re-examlllatl~n, 14th May. nlembers pa 'ed 12. Did not. appe(~r 3. illedalhons 6. SerVIce badges 4. lll'sing Certi ficate . Regulahon ulllform ,,"OJ'I~ by 1 ergeant,.1 eorporal, and 10 men. Material: tret("her '. b~vre acs, SplllltS, &c., ve t ed III Ironbridge Corps. Divi ion upported hy UhSCl'll'tlOns.


[Formed 20.3.96.]


Honorary Surgeon.

T. L. W ebb,

Honorary Secretary.

Superinte ndent.

H. YV. Thomas, Yew Tree H an e, Mad eley, alop.

;\f. B.


mith, Tin ley Terrace, l\ladcley alop.


308 Officer 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective 1 . Increase since la t report 2. Drills l:old 35. Average lLttendance 12. R emoyal 1. Ca e attended not on p~lbhc duty 10. Annual il1spection, 5th June. T 0tal on parade Absent wIth lcave 10. Annual re·examination 16th May. Members pas ed 14. Did not appear 4. Iecl allions 6. ursin~ certificates 12. Material: treteher, havre 'ac, plints, etc., ve. ted il1 Iron~ bridge Oorps. Divi ion supported by Coullty Council anel subscriptions.





Honora ry Surgeon.

F. J. Hart, Superintendent.


Honorary Treasurer.

F. J. Dank, Bull Ring, Much \Venloek.

T. Cooke.

Officers 2. PriYate;;; 12. Total effective 14. Decrcase jnce la t rel,ol't 2. Drills h eld 12. Average r..ttenciallce 10. Cuses attended not on puLlic duty 15. Annual inspection , 1 th D ec. T otal on l,araue 10. Absent with leave 5. Annual re· examination, 18th Dec. MellJuers passed 10. Did not appear 5. .l\ledallioDs 6. Service badges 6. Material: stretcher, splints bandages, etc., vested in Ironbridge Corps. Division supported by snb criptions. '


[Formed 10.93.]


Honorary Surgeon .

J. W. Drylancl,


H. Luck , Wellington Street, Kcttering.

1\1. It. C. i-i.

Honorary Secretary.

J. W. Joyce, J.J, IIawthol'll Road, Kettering. 'eraeants and Oorporals 6. Privates 20. Total effective 2 Officers 2. Increasc sincc last l~port 14. Drills he'lll 2.J:. Avcra~eattenc1ance 10:,3. Annual ill lection, 2 th Sept. TO~'l. l on parade 13. Absent ...nth leave 10: \\ Ithout leave 6. 1 Annuall'e-eXalliinatioll, 2·1t,h Se.pt. Members passed 10. Dlll not appear 10. Reuulation uniform WOI'11 hy 1 Olficcr, 4 s rgea nts ~Jl(l corp?ral s, all~l 14 l.L1en. nI,{terial: 1 wagon, 2 littrrs.' 1(\ ~trctc.hers, ~O ]JOX~S .fully e~lUlpped WIth. splmts, &c. 111aeed at va,nous lac tones and pulJhc lllstItutions, vested III Oorps ba nu,lact"s 0" , , l'b . . Committee. Division supported by vo untary eon tl'l u tlOllS . Th e ambulance boxes, which are lllaceci in. ".ariol1s lJU1Jlie lJlaces i~ the t?,':n, ~nd in most factOl'ie ,aro fouucl to be very hellelicml and most !lelpfnl ~n adnnll1~terlllg first aid . Owing to neglect of the mem ber!-!, several cases or fil';:;t aId and removal, both by wagon and littcr, have not been reported, hut step al'~ now taken to ellsure a conect retu1'll in future. FlIll;:-eqL1.ippe(~ S(luads have lJee~ 111 attendance at all foothall matches, sports, and other fun ctlOns lD the town dunng the past year, and their services have been much appreciatrll.


[Formed 5.0 1.]

HEAD- Q'L'AltTElt' : Bl'RT()X LATDIEr:.

Acting 1st Offi cer and Hon . Sec.

E. Cartel', Burton Latilll el', Kettering.



Chief Surgeon .

J. W . Dryland,

i\I.lt.C. I:l.

Chief Sup erintendent.

F. T. Trenery, 14, Ranelagh Rd. "\Yellingboro'.

Superintendent Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

O. W. L ane George Street, Kettering.

W. F. :rei I on ( H on. Mem.), Kettering.

Hon. Surgeons 6. Officers 8. ergeauts and Corporals 19. Privates 146. Kursing Officers 3. Nur ing isters 54. Th e Oorps is composed of the following Divi ion, viz. :-Head·qnal'lcrs, Kettering, Rushton, Rothwell, Twywell, D esboro' , and Burton Lati mer, each of which is well equipped and self·supporting. Since Septemher 30th, Broughton ,,'ith twellty.two m en has ap]Jlied to join as a Division, and th ere are hope', durillg the year, of' adding at least two more Divisions to the C'orps-viz., Geddingtoll and Pytchley. T he Corps was inspected by District Ohief Ul'geoll Autllalld, ~r.u.c."., on September 2 th, who expressed him self well plea. ed with what he aw, and c?ngratulated. both odi~ers and men on the efficiency of the Corps, a,nd the nul' ing slsters on theIr bandaglllg. Th e past year has sho wn a marked i11lprovemellt ou the previous year. All tl.le Di\'i ion. ha\'e had fully. equipped stations at foothall matches and other Imbhc gatherings in their re. pective tli trict : alJ(l their cl'vices h aye been frequently refJui itioned. The horse amlJulance ctt Ketterinu is continual~y in use, many vel'.y lo~g journeys haviIlg heen taken during the year, two espe?lally-a casr: ot bUl'lllng frOlll Drayton to Kettering Hospital, antI a case of severe lllJl1l'Y to the SplllC from 'l'wywell to Kettering. The Di visions are scattered over a wide area, and persona.l visits involve no sl1Jall amount of railll'ay and other trav.elling, bt~t the Chief u~) erintencl ent feels hilll self amply repaid by the general effiClency wInch the whole of the Corps has attained.

Ollicer 1. 'ergeant 1. Pri\'ates 13. Total eITcctive 15. Drills held 21. Average attcndance l~. Cu es attended not on pUbliC; u llty 30. Aunnal inspection, ~ tll 'ept. T otal 011 p:J.rad e H. Ausell t with lea ,:p 1. :lIleuallions 2. Realiialioll ulliform ,,'orn by 1 ,cl'gennt and 13 meu. Matenal: 1 stretcher, splints~banda,ge', &c., vo tell in Local UOllllllittee. Diyi::,ion snpported by voluntary subscription '. The holdin" of fir ,t aiel cIa' es for men in April la t ha re. ulted in this Divi ion beinu re,ol'ua~ize(l. 'ilH:e the re·orgallisation, good work ha been done by the mem<hel', tllil'ty ca.es 11a \'ing heen attended to, including epilel~ti? fits, scalds, se\'ere cuts, a fractlll'erl colhll' lione, &e. On all corps parade the Dn'! Ion bas lleen well repre 'ented. Thc ofJir.:er· and men of thc Di \'i:,ion wi::;h to place on rer.:ol'd their best thank to lITr. \\'. Jtlmes, of Burton Latinlel': who e kindne . in granting special far.:ilities has resulteu in the Di \'i 'ion ],cing in po.'e 'ioll of full uniform. There is every prospect of a llt't'essful future for the Divi io n.


1st Offi cer (in Ch arge.)

Honorary Surgeon.

J . More,


Hon . Secretary.

G. D. Adams, 36, Gordoll t.,

[FormeJ 1~. 97.]


F. Barlo,,'. IliSp . of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

J. Ow en .

O. Lay\\'ootl, junr.

Roth well. Officers 2. ergean t::; 2. Pri va tes 51. T otal e ffecti ,'e 55. Increase since la:;t rcport :22. Drills heM 31. Annual ill 'pection, 2 th Sept. Tot>tl on parade 3 . All 'e nt with leav e 16. Allnual re-exa.millatiou, 1\oyemh er. Memuel's pas ell ~O . Medallions 19. R egulation uniform ,,'om by 1 Ollicer, 2 sergeants, and 3 men. Material: litter, 3 stretcher, &c., ye t eLl in local Committee. Division supportcd by local subscriptions.


310 ince la t year thirty-five men ha.ve obtai ncd the brigaLl e unifo rlll, and thcre are now forty-oue o.fficers ,md men in uniform . Every foothall match ha heen attended, and a large number of C<L'es 1m been attendcd to: SOIllC bcing very seriou, . It ha been a year of grea t progre . RUSHTON DIVISION (KETTERING CORPS ). 'YOItKI~G



IE~'s 1 ~i'lTITUTE, Rl:SlITOX .

Hon. Surgeon .

Superintend e nt.

Inspect or of Stores .

H. Gibuon , JlL B.

J. Oruick hank,

Pte. A . Bftl1lford.

Rushton Hall, Kettering. Hon . Secretary.

Hon . T re asure r .

001'1)1. A. R. Bone, Pte. A. Oooper. R u htOll, Kettering. ergeants and Oorpoml 1. Privates 22. Total effecti\'e 28. Officer 2. I ncrease since la t report 12. Dril! held aD. Average atteuc1allee 14. Case' attended on public duty 1. Oa e attelld!'ll not all puhlic duty 12. Anllual inspection, :3 tIl Ppt. T otal on pa.ntde 12. A h ent with lea ye 15. Ann ual re-examination, ~larch lath . )1e111her pa' eel 19. Did not appe'U' , l\[e<lallioll 16. Service badge 1. Nnr ing certificate 1. Regulation uniforlll WOJ'll hy 1 Officer 1 Sergeant anel 10 mCll. Material: ] litter, stretchcr" splint, etc., yested in th~ uperintendent. Divi ion supported by n c or Triangular Lodge. ince t he last report the Di~-i~ion has increa cel hy twelve membcrs, anrl all take a g reat intere t in their \Y ork . P te . J. Kendall (no\\"ergeant) Yflll1ntcered twice for service in, outh Africa . T he services of the Diyi ion arc muc.:h apl'rceiated in the neighhourhood, first aid having been succe fully rcndered in some serious cases. TWYWELL DIVISION ( KETTERING CORPS ). H EAD-QUAUTEft


I x:nTuTf~, TWnYELL.

Honorary Surgeon .

J . W. Gainer,

[Fonned 12.91:).J

Acting Supt. and Hon . S ec.

)I.n .

Rey, ' Y. W. Dennett, TWY"'ell Rectorj', Thra]l::!ton .

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores .

W. 'Vilm ot.

Pte. H. Oockyane. Office rs 2. Sergeant 1. PriYate 7. Total cfTective 10. D rills h el d 21. Average attendance 6 '0. Annual i n. pection, 2 th ept. Total on parade 6. Absent with l eave 3. , Vithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, '2 th Au g . ~Iember ]Jassed 9. D id not appear 1. Medallions 5. Regulation u niform " 'orn by 1 Officer and 7 men. :Jlaterial: stretcher, &c. , ve 'tecl in Committee. D ivision supported by sub criptions. T he work of the yea,r has not been such a calls for. pecial comment. Almo t every member of the D ivi ion has rendered first Ltid in ac.:ciclents of (treater or less importance, and the exi tence of the D ivision in this district of irrll~ tone (luurries h as been amply justified hy its proverl u efuluess ; but it is a n eflllness of a quiet and unost entatiol1s character. T he d t'ills h ave, as a r ule, been well attcnded. LEICESTER CORPS . H EAD -QUAP,TERS :


[Formecl14. 11 . 2.]




Chief Surgeon.

F. M . P ope,

B. ,L, ?LD .

Sup e rintendent of Stores .

Superintendent S e creta ry.

J. G. Mobbs .

F . H. T urner, 2, Gran1)y Strcct. Sup eri nt en d e nt T reasure r .

F. G. Brisc. In response to furthcr appeals for men to acL as hospit~ll orrlcrlies ill ,'outh Africa. . teen mell volnnteered and were accepted, some for SlX months, some for <t year. mnle others until the end of the war. Of thi.· num l)e1' eigh t were llJell who had ~~~~u'ned home and were volunteering a second tillie, the total number of men who ~ ave volunteered from the LcicesLer (,jorps beillg fifty-nine. The Oorps ha~ to mourn t1he loss of one cOlllmdc, who {'cll a vietill1 to entcric fever. As to the general work of the Oorps, steady progresH IHtS L~g,till been made . Thc am bulancc tent, which h~s been much apprcciated at the vanous sports, &c., has had to l)e enlarged, and SlX llel\' stretchcrs, tIro haYl'esacs, together with wat~l' hottles, Slllil1ts, ancl a large. number of ballllages hav~ bcen acld~d to the. e<[Ul]Jlllellt; . I n the earl:f part.ot the year a (;i;-cular was 1ssued, .c~lllllg ~ttentlOll to the B~lgaJe RegulatlOns \nth regard to the (-ouditions ~,f cJIiclCncy, III onlp.l'. that a l~l~hcr stalld~rd may be attaillel1. To this ellLl speClal pantclm:i were, I,y kmd 112rl111S 'lon, held III the Oorn Exchan<fc for (;ombiued praetic:e in" fir 'Laid," ano. \\'I'rc well attenued. COllllllunication drill a1~ no\\' bein c! he1<1 for prolllotioll, and nUl', ing clu.c· for mell \~ill be arranged for as early a: p~ssi1.Jk A new Di\·~~.ion has heen fOl'me(~ ~t. '\"i~s~on, which promises well, ~nrl ~here is ~vc]'y p!'ol!ab1ht~ ?~ allot~lCr goofl Dn~lSlol1 l)Clllg fon.ned in a ncicrhbOUl'lll(r v1llacrc. The"lll' 'lI1g D1Ylo'lOll still keeps up 1ts good rcplltatlOn, heinr! ,,:='c]] oJlice~crl, a~d the lllemher· taking great interest in the work . Pu1)lic c1\lt)~ has been undertakcn 11y the memhcrs ot' the Corps on the ocea'ion of the funeral of Hp!, :Jlaje ty the Queen, thc K,tTional '1'0 Country Championship, the LeiN,' ter Athlctic ycll' Cln], ,'port... Alll1mlance 'aturday :::>trect Oollection, Leicestershire j.rrric111tnml ,'how (two days), Public Reccption of the rctlll'lH'rl Yeomanry, YoluJlte~rs, an<1 the Oorp Anlblllance COlltillgCl~t, . !nfil'll~ary anrl Blind ports, an<l the A1111ey Park v.lower !-)holY (two days) .. i\ l1l'Sl~g ,1 :te~" were also on duty at the allllual in 'pecllOll of the Corp hy AssHitant-OomnnsslOner T . H. Wool tOD. The Hum hcl' Oil parade was H:3 officers and men, amI 26 nursing officers and :istc!'s, making a. total of 109. In addition to these. 10 men "'ere an duty, with the alll1mlallc(' tent, at the Infirmary and Blind '·ports. These men paraued at thc rlo 'C of the ilJspection, \\,l;ich brought up thc total to 179 of all ranks . At the clo'lJ of thc illspeetion the Ai:,tant-OOlllllli' ioner and District Ohief SUl'tr('on exprL'ssed themsch'cs as highly plcasell with the work doue, cOO1plilllellti~g Hll' men 011 their stl'ekbcr ctrill, and the lluniing sisters on their smart unifornls and the l1lLLllllel in wbic.:h Lhcy harl carried out their drill. The inspection of the Wig:,toll Diyi.'ion wao' held 11Y Ohief nrgeon Pope, M.D., who eX}lre sed himself as well 'atifiell "'ith thc \york llone. The horse and most of thc hal1(l allllll1lalll'C's ar(; in fairly goo<l c.:ollcliti()l1. It i' hoped that some of the latter \I-ill soon be rephtced by more up-to-date litter. The horse ambulance IVa, out 114 times for acc.:idcllts anll im"alid nan port ca c. The North Evington, Boro' of LC'ic'estcl ,forking nIell'. Club, anu Friemls All ul t chool Divisions have ceased to exist. The Corl's now c.:ollsi -ts of the follo'l'ing Divisions : Fire Brigadc, L. & . W .Ry., Town, ,\'orking Mcu's College, Y.lII.O.A. Oyclists, Wheatsheaf, and Wigs tOll. The C01'l) clC'eply lamcnt. the death of the late Mayor, Alderman S. LClllHtrci, J.P., through \\'hoe kindly influence t,,'elyc men were fully equippell aIHI sent to the front, and who had shO\\'n hi ympathy "'ith alllbulance work by promising to as ist in special efI'orts which were about to be made for obtainlllg a ncw amhnlance wagon, litters head-quarter for the Oorp , anrl uniforlll amI efluipmellt ror the mell .

Honorary Surgeons .

J . Hun t er , ?I.D . T. P. S hearer, L . lt. C. P . E. R. Oowch er, L . R . C. P . R. Hancock, III . H. C. S. T. ". Thomas, ) f. R . G. S.

, . R. , evestre,

M.A., M.D .

L. K. Harrison . ?1. n. G. s. S. F. mith, M:R. O.S. W. "' . Aslett, nL H.('.I'. S urgeon-Major T. G. Kelley, Chief Superintendent.

J. L. King, 51, OhatsYl'Orth , trcet.




[Formed 1 93.J

OE~TIlAL FIlm '[ATION, L EICEI'>TER. Honora ry Surgeon .

Sprgcon-Mnjor G. Kelly, ~l. D.


312 Superintendent.

, V. E ly, Ce ntral Fire Leicester.

1st Offi ce r and Honorary S ec r e tary.


F. La,,-, Central Fire tation Leiccstcr. '

Officer 3. PriYate 30. Total effective 33. ,\ lIuual ins.l1C'ction, 20th Jul '. Decrea e illce ~a t report 7 . . Drill. hcl<[ 20. T otal on paralle 13. Ah 'ent with le,we 19. Annual re-eXanl1llatioll, 26th t:lep{ M embers pa~ ed 26. Di<l not appear 6. ilIaterinl vCi:,ted ill the Watcll Committee:

Honorary Secretary.

Chief Superintendent (in Charge.)

1st Class ergt. Macnam ara, 76, Wellington Street, Leil:ester.

J . L. King, 51, Chatsworth Street, L eicester.

Officer 1. Sergeant ancl Corrorals 3. Privates 16. Total effective 20. Annual inspection, 20th July. Annual re-examination, 17th April. Owincr to the action of the officcr.', the Divi'ion has harl to he re-formed. T he material, books, &c., heing retained 1)y ~lle late . ecretary. The DiviSion, for the time being, is uudcr the charge of tIle (ilnc[ . upenntendellt.


[Fo rmed 1 90.J H EAD-QUAl1TEll ' : ' Y. ~I. COLLEGE, U~JON



Honora ry Surge on .

T . P.

J . Hunter,

hearer, L.R.C. P .


1st Offi cer.

Z. Langham 47, Cellar Road, Leice ter.

. J. Chapman.

2nd Officer.

3rd Offi ce r .

H. T . Taylor.

H. Breward .

4th Officer.

Insp ector of Stores .

J . F. TimsOll.

Pte. J. B . Moore.

Hono r ary S ec r e t a ry.

Pte. Richard on, 17, Guildford Street,

. "tt1phen's Road, Leicester.

Officers 6. ergeant and Corporal 6. PriYate 2. Total (::H'pctive 94. _ D eer~ase since la t report 1. Drills helLl 2.). Average attendance 33'. Annual lDspeetlOn 20th.Jul;r. Total on parade 35 . Ab ent with lra,'c 44. Without leave 16. Annual re-examlllatlOl1 , 22nd Aug. and 17th Sept. Member ' pa : eel 36. Did not appear 59 . ~I eclallion 05. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 2 Officer. Material : 3 stretchers, I lint " bandages, &c. ilIaterial ye;;ted in ,rorkilJcr Men' Collecre Division supported hy the lI <embers , n n '


ana ' Y.

H EAD -QUAIlTER.': GOOD::; DEPAllDIE,';"T, LEICES'l'Elt. Honorary Surgeon .


. Thomas,

1st Offi cer .

~r. R . C...

Honorary Secretary. C. Mycock, Kerhy Mnxloe, Il r. L eicestcr.

L. C. Watkins. Inspector of Store s .

' Y. True .

Total effecti \'C 11. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Private. Drills held 24. AvcrAge attendance 15. Cases D ecrease since last r~port 9. a t tended not ?n pllbllc duty 6. Annnal in.'pection, 20th July . Total on parade 4.:-Absent wIth leave 6.. Annnal re-examination, 13th Feb. Members passd 9. DId not appear 1. i'lIedalhons 7. Nnrsing certificate 1. Material : stretcher and ambu iance basket, vested. in L. & N . W . R ailway. D ivision supported. by members.

~LR . C . .' .

Super intend e nt.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

F. Spencer, 211, Welford Road, Leicester.

' Y. G. kinner, 1, Leopold R oad, Clarelldon Park, Leicester. 2nd Office r .

T. B . :l \Iatthews. Officers 5. Private 30. Total effective 35. Increase since la t report 2. Drills held 30. Anuual inspection, 20th July . Total on parade 20. Ab 'ent with leay~ 3. Without l~ave 1. ~.nuual re-examinati?n, March. Members pas ed :23. MedallIon 1. N urslIIg certtficates 14. RegulatIou uniform WOl'll by 1 Onker. Material: stretcher, bandages, plint, &c., vested in the Co-operative ociety Wheat beaf 'York. . Division supported by the D irector of th~ above 'ociety.




TREET BO_\RD 'CROOL. Superintendent.

Hon . S u rge on .

E. R. COI\'c11er,

L. R. C. S.

J. Burkitt, Junction Road, \Yigston.

lst:Officer and Hon . S ec r eta r y.

Hon. Treasurer.

F. L. Po tnett, 39, Leicester Road, Wigston .

PriYate W . Broughton.

Officers 3. Privates 1 . Total effectiye 21. Increase since la t report 11. D rill held] 6. Cases attended on public duty 4. Cases attended not on public duty 3. Annual in 'pection , 7th Sept. T otal on parade 18. 'ent with leaye 2 . Annual re-examination, 20th March. Members passed 14. Failed 2. Medallions 2. ervice badge 23. Material : 3 stretch ers, 1 havresac, etc. Division supported by member' suhscriptions.



[Formed 15.5.90.J

HEAD-QuARTRHs : Y .ilLC. A . Roo)!'.


[Formed 11 .82.J

Honorary Surgeon.

H. H ancock, ::ILH. C.S.


S. R. Sevestre, M,A.,

M .D.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

W. Catlin.

E. J. Berry.


314 Honora r y Secretary.

Honol"ary Treasurer.

Honorary S ecl"etary.

J . Graham. T. L. Tilley, 49, Norman Street, Leice ter. Officers 2. Private 15. Total effective 17. Drills held 25. Average attendance 1~. Ca es attended o.n public rlnty 2. ea es attended not on public duty 4. Iatenal: bandages and splmts, ve ted in the Divi ion. Th e Divi ion supported by memilers.


[Formed 22.2.98.J


Honorary Surgeon .

,V. H.



Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.

J. H. Folmer, Leighton Bm:zarcl. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. PriYate 17. Total efrectiYe 21. D ecrea c since la t report 10. Drills held 2. A "erage attendance ~O. Cases attended on public duty 3. Remnvals 3. Cn e attended not. on pubhc dut~T 2. Annual inspection, 22nd Aug.. To~al on par~cle 12. Absent ,nth lease 2. .Vhthout leave 7. Annual re-exammatlOll, 24th cpt. Iembers Pft. ed 11. DId not appear 9. Medallions 8. Regulati?n uniform worn by 1 .0IHcer, 1 sergeant, 1 Material: .h~t.er, stretcher, carr'yJJ~g. Rheet and poles, corporal, and 8 men. havresac, splints, and bandage~. Dn'lSlOll suppor~ed hy: uhscnptlOl1s. The year has again been one of steacl~ progre',' III elhclenc,Y. The decr~ase of ten is owing to several of the members havl11g left the town and to the weedlllg ont of inactive men .

Inspector of Stores.

1st CIa s Sergt. W. Tooth, 6, Springfield Street, Market Harborongh.

Pte. W.



Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. Tooth. Officers 2. Sergeants and corporals 4. Privates 26. Total effective 32. Increase since last report 5. Drills held 45 . A verage attendance 17. Cases attended on public duty 2. Removals 19. Cases attended not on puillic duty 28. Annual inspection, 22nc1 Aug. Total on parade 26. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 25th Sept. Members passed 31. Medallions 13. Service badges 14. Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 4 Sercreants and Corporals, and 25 men. Material: wheeled litter, 5 stretchers, splints, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by suhscriptions from . puLlic and mem uers . Drills have been regularly held anll well attended clurlllg the year. l\Iany cases of various kinds have passecl through the hands of members, and in all the work has been of a sati factory character. On ,Yhit Monday the Division was invited by Viscount Downe, C.B. , to spewl the clay at Dingley, when good drills were held, both morning and afternoon, in the Park, and in the eYening certificates and medallions wer13 presented by Earl Roberts, V. C., who was on a vi"it to Vi count Do,,"'ne and who tOvk much interest in the drill. The four men who volunteered for service in South Africa have all retnrnell safely, one having served 16 months, one 12 months, and byo 6 months.


[Formed 3.3.99.J


Honorary Surgeon.


[Formed 30.11. 91.J

D. Duke,



ergt. T. Searcy, MeLlbourne. Inspector of Stores.

)I.Jt. C...


Honorary Secretary.

Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.

J . C. J. Raspass, Madeley,

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

T. Skeffington, MedboUl'lJe, near Market H al'borough.

Hono rary Surgeon.

T. L. ,Vebb,

M. n.C.H.


CorpI. B. Rowe, 1lIaueley,


Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. J. W. Fletcher. Offi cers 2. Sergeants and Corporals 6. Privates 32. T otal effective 40 . Drills held 10. Average attelldance 30. Removals 2. Cases attended not .on public duty 26. Annual i~lsp~ction, 5th June. Total on para~: 25 .. Akent Wlt~ leave 15. Annual re-eXamll1atlOn, 5th June. Members passed 21. ~ld not appear 12. Medallions 17. Nursing certificates 2. Material: 0 stretchers, 1 htte~., ~ boxes, splillts, &c., vested in Committ~e. ~ivisi.ol1 supp~rte(l by priyate suhs.cr~ptJons: Th e members have shown an ll1creasll1g mterest 111 theIr \\'ork. ThIS IS due 111 a areat measure to the visit of As istant-Commissioner ,Vool ton. Two men who were ~ent to South Africa haye returned.


. Garfield.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 14. Total effective 18. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 34. Average attendance 13. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Anuual inspection, 13"(;h Sept. T otal on parade 15. Absen t with leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 11th ept. Members pa sed 15_ Did not appear 2. Mellallions 10. Tl11' iug certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by ] Officer. Material: 2 tretcher::;, 1 havre 'ac, splints, bandages, vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions and donations.



Chief Surgeon.

R. A. Milligan,


Honorary Surgeon.

T. A. Durrant, l\1.TI.C.S,




G. Green, 52, High St., Market Harbol'ongh.

:;\1. D.

Chief Superintendent.

J. Perry, 54, ,Vaterloo, Supt. Secretary.

orthamp ton.

Superintendent of Stores.

H. Wilkinson, Billing Road, N ol'thampton.

O. F. Olney.

Supt. Treasurer_

W. H. Reeves. w

316 Officers 25 . Sergeant 14. Privates 34 Total effective 364. Decrease ince la t report 24. Drill held 66. A"erage attendance 33. Cases attended on pnblic duty 61. Removals 77. Cast;) uttendC:'<1 not on public dnty 4 7. Annnal in pection, 7th ept. Tot?,l Ol~ para~le 1 O. Ah ent with leave Without leave 11. Annual re-exannuatlOn, bth, 12th, 19th, 26th and 30th ~Iarch. 1I1ember8 pa sed 252. Failed~. Did not appear 91. MeJ~l1ions 277. Sen-ice badere 50. Nur iug certificates 5. Regulation nniform worn bv 10 Officers, 14 ergea~t, and 11.3 men. ~Iaterial: 2 wagon, 9 ~shford~itler .' 73 Fl{rley stretchers, 66 eqlllpillent , eIther vah e or hamper ve ted III the U0l111111ttee of the Northampton Centre. Corp suppoI:ted by. Y.o~untary subscriptions. . The Oorp con i t of the follo\Ylllg DIVIsion :-H eatl'(lnarters 'nth Sections: Cyclists, Far Cotton, Fire Brigade, King ley Park, Kingsthorpe, Borough onstablliary, L. N. 'Y. Railway Oompany, N os.l amI 2, Head-(luurtp.J's Nursmg. Country Di vj i011S:Great B illin 0' . Bli worth. Brixworth, Daventn', Earls Barton, Earls Barton :Nursing, Littie IIoughtol~, Little H oughton Nursing, Kislingblll'Y, Moulton, Paulerspury, Roade, 8~oke Bmeme. . Gr~at. progre. ha lwen made. average .attenJance at drill ha lllcrea eJ anci IS tIll lDcrea lUg (29 hst quarter and 33 this), small decrease in member. hip (2-:1:). The large and co tly material has been well maintained and increa ed both in town aULl cOllntry, andl the numerous stretcher and litter station' regularly inspected. Both ergeant and memuers of Oyclist Di vi ion have rendered l1l0"t valuable ervice by a.ttending drills of Oountry Division, such drills being well mailltaiiled anu attemled throughout the Oorps. The Transport ervice, both at Hearl-quarters and Earl Barton, has been admirably -conducted "ith a slight increa e in number of cases; every ca. e has been conducted with great sati faction to patients and medical staff. The annual in pection of the Corps was held by kind perUlission of J. Cooper, ESlh J. P. (Chairman of Oentre Committee) at Delapre Park, where about 200 officer., men, and nursing sisters paraded, including 0111e 30 of tho e who hall returned from actiye ervice in • outh Africa. The County Police (1 strong), Borough OOlll:itablllary (17), Northampton Fire Brigade (15) again formed an efficient contingent. The in pecting onicer was the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade, who was accompanied by the Marquis of Northampton, President of the Northampton Centre of the t . John Ambnlance A ociation and '1'. H. 'Woolson, E q., A' i tant Commissioner. The Ohief Commissioner ex pres ed himself as plea cd with the way the nursing ister ' and men had tmned out for inspection and \"ith the \York the.\' had done. First-class Sergeant F. Ekins "as then called and, at the req nest of 001. Bowdler, the Marquis of N orthamptoll pinneO. on his breast the 'outh African medal. After the inspection the Oorps, under the command of Ohief Superintendent Pe1'1'Y, was marchcd to their Head· quarters at Northampton General Infirmary, whence they proceeded to the George Hotel where 206 men sat do\yn to dinner, the lIIarquis of N orthampton p~'esiJing, supported by the Ohief Commissioner, 001. RO\\'dler, J. Oooper, E q., J.P., A sistant Commissioner ,Voolston and others. '1'heOorp. was examined (by Divisions) by the Hon. Surgeons in October, 1900. Lectures haye been given from time to tillle by the Hon. Surgeons. Street duty, demonstrations, &c., taken part in hy the Corp are:October 2nd, 1900, Declaration of Borough Poll; Gcncral Election. February 2nd, 1901, Oommemoration enice Queen Victoria. ~In,y 27th, 1901, Puulic Duty Abington Park. June 1st, 1901, Infirmary Sports, County Gronnel. June 21th, 1901, Cycle Parade. June 26th, 1901, Working Men'. Club l)Olt. Augu ·t 6th, 1901, Northampton Amateur Athletic Olub ports. eptember 30th, 1901, Presentation of Medals to Volunteers by the Oommander-in·Chief (Lord Robertl;). January 13th, 1901, Thanksgiving Sen"ice in Doddridge Ohapel for Return of Members from the Front. November th, 1900, Funeral of Private James. ovember 4th, 1900, ,VeJcome to Sergeant Lloyd. Jal.'luary 12th, 1901, Complimentary Dinner to i\lemuers of the N orthamptonshire Corps who had returned from South Africa, held in the Town Hall, J" orthampton, attendpd by the elite of Town and County, when handsome presentations were made to each man . March 1st, 1901, pecial Parade to select men for Brigade Bearer Company; Memorial Servicc for Private Farrow at Earls Barton. The Oorps has suffered irreparable loss by the death of Chief Surgeon A. H. Jones, M.D., M.R.O.P., who quietly passed away on February 11th, 1901. The funeral, which took place on February 13th. 1901, was attendrd uy Assistant Oommissioner Woolston, District Chief Surgeon Dr. Audland, Brigade Surgeon Lieut·Ool. Bull and others, also 80 officer~ and men of the Corps, besides officers of

31 7 neighbouring Oorps. The ~)earer party cons i~tcd of eight of the oldest members of this Oorps . . After the ser~lc; at the grave-SIde each officer and man cast upon the coffin a spng of St. John s N o.rt as a last token of reverent esteem to oue who .devoted a large sharc of a husy lIfe to the work of the Oorps and Association.




Honorary Surgeons.

'0 ..J. Evans, M. R. C. s. H. Oropley, F.R,C. T. Oairns, L.R.C.P.

E. F. Jones, ~f.R.C,S. D. tone, M.B . Acting Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.

,V. H. Reeves, 4, Oastilian Tenace, r orthampton. 1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

J. W. Beale.

F. C. Gardner. Honorary Sec r etary.

A. E. Oox, 77, Byron, treet,


01?cers 2. Sergeants 11. Privates 112. Total effective 125. Decrease slUce. last report 20. Drill held 40. Average attendance 30. Cases attended ~n pub~lc dl~ty 56. Remoyal' 72. Oase attcnded not on public duty 341 A~nual lDspectlOn, fth cptelllber. Total on parade 4]. Ab ent with leave 27' "lthout leave 42. Annual re-exalliinatiolJ 5th 12th 19th 26th ci 30th ~Iarch.~ Me~nber passed llO. Faded 2'. D'id not a e~r a~ cr certl'ficate 44 Medallions 70 f. 37. NnrsilJ R egu Ia t'IOnpp urn'form. . b ' , en'ICe bacleres to .. to ' • WOln y ~ fticel, 11 sel'gea.nts, and 09 men. Material: 1 ambulance waO'on Ashford lItter, stretchers, erllllpmellt , either valise or hamper ve ttd' 0 !'>tt ' of North.al?pton Oentre. Division supportcd by \'oluntary sub~criptio;~. omml ee The ~IVISIO~ ha made great. progress during the past year, seven new stretchers and thlee surgIcal havre 'acs bemg a~ded to tL.e equipment. The drills of Division hav~ been held wee.kly at the Infirmary, and have been well attended showin an ll1c~ease on l?revlOu. ye.ars . .A.featnre of the Divi. ion has been the 'continue~ splenilid work ot m~mber lJl a I tmg in transport work in the di trict. Members hav.e been on PUb~lC duty at Infirmary, port, Athletic: Club port, Friendl Somety Sport, Ablllgton Pa~'k, on ?CCaSIOll of . unday chool Union Fe tival an~ ;e~tly I?~tball match~s, llllclm each ll1stance their "ervices have been well appre;iated ~ . ~ I ereDt C~mllllttees anel the public gcnerally. treetdut wa taken b the Prl\llSlOl~ on o~ca~lOn.of Oommemoration p.Iyice of Her late l\Iaje[ty Queen Vicforia e8bt~, by ~l1vltatlOl1 of. t~le Mayor, attended Divine ervice at DoddridO'e Ohapei Janu~r~ erE ~ so . Tl~~nksgIvlllg ervice for safe return of men from the °Front in also dt;rin xamllla lO~lS were held each week during March by Hon. Surgeons, who S ' fIg .t~le yeal, gave some excellent lectures which were well attended O~~~e~~ u . v!-s!-ts have b~en helLl by the Oycli t rction to the folJowin~ RoughlonDlRsl~nSSotnl tlBle~r ~'espective~. dl.'ill nights :-Bbsworth, Monlton, Littl~ , oa e, 0 {e lUCIlle, and I\.lshngbul'Y.



Honorary Surgeon.

H. Hodgson,



318 Act ing Sergeant (in Charge.)

Ho n. S e c. and T,'easU/'e r.

1st Office r .

In s p ector of Stores.

F. ·W. N orman, Blisworth.

O. Young, Blisworth.

J . Abbott.

'ergt. O. W. Bradford.

Ins p ecto r of S t o res.

Hon . S ec. a nd T reas u rer.

, Yo H. Davis.

Sergt. F. W. Austin, Avondale Terrace, Earls Barton.

01:11ce1' 1. ActinO'-Sel'O'eant 1. Privates 7. Total effective 9. Decrease ince la t report 10. Drills held 24. A:verage .atte~dan~e 6. Removals 1. Oase attended not on public duty 20. Anllual III pectlOn, (th ept. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 3. Wi.thout leave 10. .Annual re-examination, 29th 1I1arch. :i\lembers pas cd Did not appeal' 10. Medallions Regulation uniform worn by 1 Actiug- ergeant. Ma,terial: bandages, splints, &c. Division supported by local subscription.


[Formed g.4.1900.]


Hono rary S urgeon.

J. R. Lownds,

L . U.C.l'.

Ho n o rary S ecret ary.

In Ch a rge.

Officers 3. Sergeants 4. Privates 24. Total effective 31. Drills held 14. Average attendance 11. Increase since last report 6. Annual inspection, Removals 4. Oases ,tttelldccl not on public duty 26. Absellt with leave 4. Without leave 7th Sept. Total on parade 23. 3. .Annual re-examination, 3rd April. 1\lell1 bel'S pasfled 13 . Did not appear 18. Medallions 14. Service badges 13. Nursing certificates 14. RegUlation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 4 sergeants, and 14 men. Material: wagon, litter, stretchers, splints, supply of bandages, &c., .ve~ted in the Oommittee, Northampton Oentre. Division supported by local ubscnptlOns, concerts, &c. The Division is in a fairly prosperous condition. A new dass held during the year has brought 14 new mem bel'S into the Division. Thp drills are well attended. The Division has losi by death one of its members, Private Albert Farrow, who died at sea, from pneumonia, on his homeward passage, after active service in South .Africa. A memorial serviee was held in the Parish Church, and it is proposed to place a tablet to his memory in the Ohurch. One of the members of the Division has had the satisfaction of saving the life of a child who fell into a well.

Ptc. J. Buswell, Berry Bank Cottage, Bl'ixworth.

P te. R. G. Martin, The School I-Iousc, Brixworth.

Officer 1. Sergeant 15. Privates 16. Total eO'ective 32. Decrease sin(!e last report 3. Drills held 15. Average a.ttendance 10. .Annual ~b 'ent WIth leave 2. ~nnual inspection, 7th Sept. Total on ptLrade 13. re-examination March. nIembers pa !led 5. DId not appear 11. MedallIons 5. Material : stretcher and equipment, veste!l in the Oommittee, Northampton Centre. Division supported by local ub criptions.


[Formed 2.6.99.]



H . J . Line, 61, Oxfonl

J . Terry, nI. R. c. S.


report recei vetl.)


Act ing S up t ., Hon. S ec. and Treas .

Honorary Su r g e on .

[Formed 1895.J