The Venus Factor Review

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The Venus Factor Review: Frequently asked Questions What is the Venus Factor? There is scienti+ic data to explain what an attractive female body is. The ideal waist-­‐to-­‐hip ratio should be around 0.7 (it does vary a little according to culture, but not much). So the closer you can get your physique to match these ratios, the more attractive you'll be. It doesn't mean you have to have a perfect body, but you can improve and become the sexiest version of you. That's the reason this program is called the Venus Factor. What do you get if you order this program? 1. Diet Manual: This book has nearly 180 pages of information with a complete nutritional and exercise plan designed to help you lose weight. You'll learn the philosophy and science behind this program and the rationale behind the way it is designed. Pay special attention to the diet/nutrition section because this is crucial for reaching your goals of losing weight/fat. 2. 12-­‐week Workout System: This workout program will take you through three complete months of training. It also includes videos that you can watch so you'll be able to properly execute the movements (exercises). It's all you need as a guide when you go to the gym. 3. The Virtual Nutritionist: This is a piece of software that will show you exactly what you should be eating. You just put your body measurements in and it will show you how much protein, how many carbohydrates, etc. 4. The Venus Community/Forum: You will get a membership to an online forum. This will allow you to talk to other members who are also doing their own transformations. You'll get a lot of helpful advice from other women as well as extra motivation. 5. The Podcast: These are audio +iles that you can listen to and see what other women have done-­‐-­‐you'll hear their stories of weight loss and body transformation success. I think you will get some extra insights into what it really takes to make lifestyle changes from listening to these. Where can I get more information? Just check out this complete Venus Factor program review if you'd like more information.

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