Christmas, Toddler play and sleep & Family Finances

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Busy Mums Mag

Volume 8 November 2015

Christmas 2015

Budgeting & Finances

Playtime & Sleep

Editors Note

Over the past 6 years, like mums, MumsDelivery has evolved to respond to market demand and the children of today. Today MumsDelivery offers Product Reviews, Competitions, the Busy Mums Magazine and more. None of which make me prouder than the opportunity to connect with fellow mums, share my experiences, thoughts and opinions in the hope that others will benefit from it. I enjoy connecting with the mums in our market and will continue to enjoy the journey through Motherhood with my friends and ‘sisters’ online who support us and help us learn, grown and become a website that can better serve our audience. The Busy Mums Magazine is designed as a tool to consolidate the information on MumsDelivery together in an easy to read format. Designed by mums for mums, we are always open to your thoughts, opinions and looking for more mums to join our team of writers and reviewers. Thank you for supporting us and we would love to hear from you as you move through your parenting journey. Your stories empower us and provide us the opportunity to understand how we can tailor our magazine to better help you through Motherhood. Best Wishes, Lorraine

Would you like to become a contributor for Busy Mums Magazine? We are always on the look out for stories and mums wanting to share their experiences & tips Get in touch: Editor: Lorraine Salvi Advertising Enquiries: Office: (02) 9940 3097 2

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Table of Contents Baby

Colic and your Diet Caring for Stretchmarks Naturally Latest product reviews


First Aid Tips for Breaks and Fractures 5 Gentle Ways to encourage Toddler Sleep Encouraging independent play and successful sibling playtime

Christmas 2015 Christmas Gift Guide & Huge Competition Christmas Recipes Charitable idea for Christmas Christmas: It’s about Brussel Sprouts not buying and spending

Lifestyle -Finances Other Competitions New DVD Releases New and Noteworty

Jingle Bills 5 Steps to Buff Up your Finances 5 Steps to raise Money Savvy children Ways to save on Family Shopping Online Shopping For Mums 4 Budget Date Ideas in Sydney


Colic and your Diet

Wind, Gas, Colic... call it what you want, it sucks! Today just so happens to be my beautiful son’s 23rd birthday today. As I think about those early days and believe me I can remember even though they were a complete blur I have to confess I couldn’t work out what I was doing wrong, this baby was cramping, crying and distressed continually to say the least. Remember we didn’t have Google. What we did have, were the old wives tales and comments like “don’t you know babies cry”. Eventually, after a hospital stint, Colic was the diagnosis, however it was not very common during the 90’s, certainly not as common as I think it is these days. What happened next was the beginning of a life-changing journey, plus career changing as well. My journey led me to discover that I had food intolerances and so did this beautiful baby. I wondered how could this happen. Not much was known back then about food intolerances or allergies. We were able to discover most of the foods by accessing the Hair Test 500 + Baby Test. Once we both eliminated the foods that were causing both of us inflammation we were somewhat back on track. Incidentally, we both had the test because I was breastfeeding at the time. I then discovered the crucial part that bacteria play in our bodies and if this balance is disrupted complete havoc starts to play out. This is usually in the form of digestive issues, constipation, diarrhoea, food allergies, intolerances, sugar and carbohydrate cravings, fatigue, poor concentration, prone to general colds and flus which indicates your immune system is compromised, acne, eczema, fungal infections eg. Candida, and a whole list of additional inflammatory disorder are all signs of an imbalance in good bacteria. So, we then introduced probiotics, but not just any probiotic, we found one on the market that was therapeutic. Why is this step so vitally important to the health of your baby? Well, wellness is all about the gut. We in fact now refer to it as our second brain. Our


digestive system holds the root of our health; if the gut is not healthy, nothing in the body can be healthy. When food does not get digested and absorbed properly, the person develops multiple nutritional deficiencies. The digestive system, instead of being a source of nourishment for the body, becomes a major source of toxicity. The damaged gut wall in patients lets through various partially digested foods; the immune system finds these substances in the bloodstream and reacts to them; hence the person develops food allergies and intolerances. Autoimmunity is also born in the gut wall. You see over the years the health of our gut and digestion has deteriorated enormously. Did you know that if your grandmother and/or mother had a course of antibiotics prior to giving birth, they would pass on a compromised good set of bacteria. Additionally if you have given birth via C Section, your baby has by-passed the first gulp of good bacteria they would normally have received through the birth canal. This is crucial for the babies gut health. If you have been exposed to toxicity in your life and particularly during pregnancy, eg. Household cleaning products, personal care, cosmetics, and more. Read the rest of the article here


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Caring for Stretchmarks Naturally Growing a baby can be hard work! You may notice changes in your body in the early weeks, closer to the end of pregnancy, or the changes may come and go throughout. The majority of pregnant women will tell you that they got stretchmarks, mostly on their abdomen and some on their breasts, hips and thighs. A stretchmark is a form of scarring. During pregnancy you will be affected by changes in hormone levels and your skin will be stretched by the growth of your baby and the enlargement of your breasts in preparation for breastfeeding. Skin becomes more pliable and better able to stretch when it’s well hydrated. Wearing a supportive maternity bra will also help minimise stretchmarks to the breast area. At first, stretchmarks may show up as reddish or purplish lines that may appear indented and have a different texture from the surrounding skin. Fortunately stretchmarks often turn lighter and almost disappear over time with daily massaging with a hydrating cream or body oil. There is an assortment of products which claim to reduce your stretchmarks. While some claims are more legitimate than others, you can easily prevent and reduce your stretchmarks with time, persistence and great natural moisturisers. Many natural oils, especially pure essential oils, are powerful stretchmark reducers because they contain highly moisturising essential fatty acids, skin healing and collagen regenerating minerals and enzymes, and natural antioxidants to repair damaged skin. If you consistently apply these oils to your skin, your stretch marks will fade or disappear naturally over time. Look out for products containing the following oils, organic if possible: Rosehip Oil - very hydrating and high in linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, which encourage regeneration and repair of skin tissue, even out skin tone and reduce the redness and appearance of scars. Jojoba Oil - similar properties to skin’s natural sebum, it’s easily absorbed with a nice texture and feel. Regenerative and firming, it is useful for improving the tone and condition of skin. It provides important nutrients, i.e. Vitamin E and B group, minerals and essential fatty acids. Wheat Germ Oil - a very nourishing oil that contains very high amounts of vitamins E and A, as well as being high in essential fatty acids. Useful in healing damaged or scarred skin, reducing the appearance of scars and improving suppleness and elasticity. Cocoa Butter - softening and protecting and is especially good for dry skin. Helps maintain suppleness and elasticity of skin and minimises stretchmarks. Aloe Vera - a skin nutrient renowned for its soothing and hydrating action, it is used to soothe minor cuts and burns, moisturise dry damaged skin, reduce redness, and provide long-lasting moisturisation.


Baby Vitamin E provides nourishment, hydration, helps reduce redness and smooths scars. And the Pure Essential Oils of: Lavender - known for its calming and soothing properties, encouraging relaxation. Used to provide relief for mild skin disorders, it contributes to the healing process by stimulating the cells of a wound to regenerate. Particularly soothing for inflamed skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis and is beneficial in relieving itchiness. It is considered suitable for use during pregnancy. Frankincense - recommended for use on scars and dry skin. It’s regenerative and promotes the healing of wounds and the formation of scar tissue. It is considered suitable for use in pregnancy. Mandarin and Tangerine - recommended in massage blends to prevent stretchmarks during pregnancy. It is often blended with Lavender or Neroli and considered suitab le for use in pregnancy. Neroli - reputed to have a rejuvenating effect on the skin as it has an ability to stimulate the growth of healthy new cells. It is considered suitable for use in pregnancy. Patchouli - recommended for treating conditions such as sores, fissures and scars due to the regenerating, moistening and cooling action is has on skin tissues. It is considered suitable for use in pregnancy. Remember a stretchmark is a scar, it will take time to fade, just be consistent and the rewards will come. Article written by Michelle Vogrinec - mum of three, creator of GAIA Natural Baby and GAIA SKIN+BODY Pregnancy + New Mum


Reviewed Lil Wendy Toddler Shoes It’s been a battle getting my daughter to wear shoes, she started walking at 11 months old and before we knew it she was running and wanted to explore. That was, I’m glad to say until we tried the Lil Wendy Toddler Shoes Read the review

The Swinfin is an absolutely brilliant swimming aid! My 3 year old son loves it and the vibrant orange colour it has, so does everyone else who has seen it on him. The Swinfin is the perfect self-adjusting swimming aid for toddlers and children. It helps keep your child in a perfect position for swimming. Read more

Sylvanian Families are a range of animal characters with stunning detailed homes, furniture and accessories. This year Sylvanian Families are celebrating its 30th anniversary! We were lucky enough to review some of their range. Read here to see what our reviewer thought.

Kids have a tendency to misplace their belongings; no matter how big or small and the only thing parents can rely on to help retrieve these items is a name label. Labelling your belongings especially for children in childcare and school is essential, so as a parent it is important to find a good quality label. See our thoughts on Skool Labels


LeapFrog EPIC LeapFrog EPIC – Android-based tablet that grows and changes, just like they do. EPIC is the perfect tailored learning device to help your child Leap Ahead. RRP: $199.00 Available from: Exclusively at JB Hi-Fi. FirstBIKE Limited Edition Blue Balance Bike We have been road testing the FirstBIKE Limited Edition balance bike and I am impressed. This German engineered bike offers a safe, fun toy for toddlers which covers all possibilities and safety concerns. In addition to this, it is stylish, easy to use and hardwearing. Read the review and see the bike in action here

Reviewed FLO Baby Saline Nasal Spray is a handy little saline spray for babies and infants which relieves nasal congestion from flus, colds and allergies. Application is really simple. It has this thumb pump action that delivers a gentle mist spray into baby’s nostrils. Read more..

Rainbow Blocks Set This quality beautiful Rainbow Blocks Set is bright and stimulating, giving your child an opportunity to be very creative while promoting their coordination and motor skills. The Rainbow Blocks Set comes with 12 blocks, each in the colours of the rainbow can be built together to form a rainbow. More

Fawn Summer Zip Playsuit Right from the outset of receiving the Li’l Zippers Fawn Summer Zip Playsuit, it just screamed quality! The soft cotton material of the playsuit feels beautiful: it’s incredibly soft, and remarkably stretchy meaning my 19 month old son was not inhibited or restricted by his clothing. Read the review

Sinchies Reusable Food Pouches If you’re like our family, always on the run, using endless amounts of disposable sandwich bags and gladwrap, you will love the Sinchies Reusable Food Pouches. We use them for snacks in the baby bag, lunches on the go and more. Read the Review...


The SmarTrike Explorer 5 trikes in 1 is a stroller and tricycle, all in one. For little ones from the age of 10 months old it is a stroller, with a supported backrest and 110° reclining seat for naps when out and about. The smarTrike has features which helps encourage development of coordination with easy transition to a trike at 24 months old. Read the review Springfree® Trampoline Bouncing on a Springfree Trampoline brings out the best in our kids! Choose from six models and three shapes: round, oval and square to suit your family and backyard. RRP: priced from $1,199 Available: Nationwide 1800 586 772 or


First Aid Tips for Breaks & Fractures Many a time, while children are playing they can fall down and as parents it can be difficult to know whether the fall has caused a serious injury or not. Mary Dawes, Director of First Aid For You has advised that while there is no doubt you will see your child fall countless times whilst playing, basic first aid has the potential to turn the situation around and identify the extent to a child’s injury. Here is a list of some of the telltale signs that your child has broken a bone; • If a snap or loud grinding sound is heard, it can be an indication that the child has broken a bone • There will be swelling, bruising and pain around the area that is inured • It will be painful for your child to move or place pressure on this area – watch for them guarding or protecting their arm from others touching it or from them using it The following steps should be followed, should your child experience a fall, injuring their arm; • Immediately remove the child from any danger • Check the injured area for swelling, bruising or deformity • Apply a cold compress or icepack if a break is not evident. Do not apply ice directly to the skin • Never apply pressure to a broken limb- simply keep the limb in a position of comfort • Seek medical advice as soon as possible

climbing on outdoor equipment. Importantly, explain to children that if they were to fall, they could find themselves in a lot of pain, and they should call for help immediately. Remind them to stay calm, without moving the injured area too much. These tips were provided by Mary Dawes, Director of First Aid For You. www. It is important to note that these tips and advice are not substitute for first aid knowledge. A first aid courseespecially one dedicated to children’s first aid - such as the First Aid For Kids course will equip your and your kids with the skills needed in such an emergency and you will be grateful you spent the time learning the vital skills.

To minimise the likelihood of injury, Mary offers the following advice: “Supervision is key to minimising the chances a child having a fall and it only takes a split second for this to happen while a child is busy playing. The severity of the fall your child takes is a big indication to the type of injury in which they may have,” Take a minute to do a sight sweep of all areas of play, looking at the potential hazards and the high places children may jump from before letting your child play. Educate toddlers and older children of the dangers of jumping from high places and





5 Gentle Ways to Encourage Toddler Sleep With so many parenting books telling you how to get your baby to sleep, it comes as a shock when you reach the toddler and preschool years with one that still doesn’t sleep well. 25% of all five year olds are still waking during the night and this can cause a huge strain on the whole family. I had one of these along with a 3yo who takes forever to go to sleep each night. If you are lucky enough to get yourself a non-sleeper for a child, take heart, it is not going to go on forever, by the time they are teenagers you will be finding it hard to wake them up. In the meantime, there are plenty of gentle ways to help encourage your child to sleep better. The first step, though is to get to the bottom of why they are waking through the night, finding it hard to get to sleep or waking early. This could be as simple as their room being too light, or too dark, both of which are relatively easy to change. It could be a physical issue, which will need a visit to a medical practitioner to rule out.

Once you have ruled out any physical or environmental reasons for their night waking then you can look at the more mental and holistic possibilities and how to encourage more consistent sleep patterns. Start gently, and stay consistent. It can often be trial and error when it comes to gently encouraging good sleep patterns but trying too many new things at once or chopping and changing too often is going to confuse the message. I recommend trying each one for a couple of weeks before deciding if it has worked and starting something new. Each family will have success with different techniques so make sure you try them all over time and see which one works for you and your family.

The following tips can encourage better sleep in toddlers and pre-schoolers: 12

Parenting • Turn off the Technology: for the two hours before children’s bedtime turn of the TV, shut off the computer, disconnect the xbox. All these run on a blue light spectrum which actually inhibits the brains ability to create melatonin, the sleepy hormone. Thereby making it hard for the child to turn off and go to sleep at night. • In addition some games and movies can be seen as violent or scary through a child’s eyes even if we believe them to be the most innocuous games and movies out there. For ages my daughter was scared to go to bed after watching the Disney classic Cinderella. • Relaxation: There are a number of guided relaxation CDs out there especially designed for children as well as a few great meditation books for you to read to them each night. • Make it a habit that every night after their bedtime story, they get a meditation either one you read to them or from a cd, teaching them now at this early age to relax their body will go a long way to help them master their emotions in the adolescent period. • Essential Oils: Lavender and Cedarwood Oils are both good to help relaxation and sleep, diffuse one in the child’s room, or alternatively put it in a spray bottle with some water and encourage your child to spray their room. They love the spraying! • Alarm Clock: If early waking is your problem consider one of the children’s clocks which shows them when it is time to get up. • Make it a rule that they do not get up till the clock says so. I’ll be honest, I have noticed that this really only works for slightly older children and even then not consistently, however your child may be different so give it a try.


• Create a Nest: If you child is missing you in the night, consider creating a ‘nest’ in your bedroom, put a mattress on the floor of your room (or just a folded doona) and create a bed that your child can come into in the night to be close to you. I found that my daughter came in every night for about two months, then it started to wind down until about 8 months after we created it we realised she hadn’t used it in over a month. • Let them set their own bed time: This is a controversial one that works for some people. Get your child ready for bed, read them a story then let them have quiet play in their bedroom, set some rules such as only allowed to come out of the room once, and that this is time for Mum and Dad to have some together time, ask them to come and get you when they want to go to sleep. You will be amazed at how well this works for preschooler and school aged kids. If all else fails, become an early bird or a night owl to be there with your child while they need you, it is only for a short period of time. Trying to make your child fit into the way you expect the experience to be, will be stressful for all, if you adjust your expectations the whole family will do better. Article written by Shirley Taylor. Shirley Taylor runs The Parent Academy where parents can get support, mentoring and information on issues they are facing with their under 5s. She runs the MotherCalm Program designed to assist parents to reduce their risk of Postnatal Depression. She also runs retreats for mothers in need of a little pampering and support. Find out more at


Encourage independent play & Brothers and sisters can be great friends and playmates, but there are times when even the closest of sibling relationships can become strained. Educational and Developmental Psychologist Robyn Fallshaw says that while it is normal for children to occasionally become bored with one another, time spent with siblings is an important part of building family relationships and teaching kids to Camping out in a backyard tent is also an co-operate, respect and compromise with others. exciting adventure for kids of all ages.” ‘Many parents spend a lot of time and money rushing from one activity to the next trying to keep their children amused,’ Robyn said. ‘Before they know it, everyone is overtired, overstretched and overspent. Kids don’t always want material things. More often than not, all they want is to be with you.’ Robyn suggests that keeping kids happy and occupied requires creativity and planning.

Robyn’s indoor activity list includes simple art and craft activities, cooking, jigsaws and reading. Playing with cars, dolls, dress ups, board games and construction toys like Lego are also popular pastimes, as are visits to grandparents or another special friend. She suggests that movie marathons with popcorn are a relaxing way to spend an afternoon and are particularly useful when kids are hot, tired and need a break.

A combination of indoor and outdoor activities will ensure children have a healthy mix of active and quiet play.

Robyn’s practical tips for parents also include organising play dates with friends, neighbors and cousins. She recommends inviting a visitor for each child in the family so that “Kids need to swim, jump and run around, but a brothers and sisters each have someone full day in the hot sun can result in tired children who fight and squabble,’ she said. ‘An hour or so of special to play with and are less inclined to intrude on their siblings’ play. outside fun, broken up with short bursts of indoor activity usually helps to keep everyone calm and ‘Play dates do not have to be for the whole happy.’ day,’ she said. “Children get just as much enjoyment from seeing their friends for a Robyn’s ideas for outdoor activities include couple of hours as they do from a full day.’ regular visits to the beach, play at a nearby park, gardening, bike riding, walking pets and playing ball games in the backyard or at a local sports ground. Drawing with chalk on the driveway and using buckets of water and old paintbrushes to ‘paint’ the garden fence are other creative and inexpensive suggestions for keeping children happy and engaged. ‘Cubby houses are also a perennial favourite and are great for imaginative play,’ commented Robyn. ‘A beach sun shelter or tree draped with old sheets will give kids hours of fun and won’t cost a cent.


Robyn advises that shorter play dates can reduce the risk of sibling conflict and often help parents get through key points in the day when children are hungry, tired or bored. ‘Sometimes, inviting a friend over for a midmorning play and a special lunch works well. For other kids, a mid-afternoon play from 2pm until 4pm will keep them happily occupied in the period before their evening routines begin.’

successful sibling playtime


Successful sibling playtime is simply a matter of getting the mix right. ‘Going to the movies, workshops and other outings are all great fun, but having the freedom to enjoy being at home is important for children,” she said. ‘When our kids are grown up and look back on their childhoods, what they did with their brothers and sisters will provide some of their strongest memories.’ ‘With a bit of creativity and thought from parents, there’s every chance that those memories can be fond ones.’ Sonja Walker (B.A.Dip.Ed) is a qualified teacher and founder of Kids First Children’s Services, an integrated children’s health, therapy and education centre in Sydney. She is also an ambassador for and has a regular blog on the site about educational themes, parenting advice and shared experiences.






christmas competition



2 x Code Folding Scooters

3 x Zoku Space Pops

1 x MercedesBenz Rose

1 x Bosch MaxoMixx hand blender

5 x Disney Pixar Inside Out DVDs 1 x Boon Inc Prize Pack

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1 x Globber My FREE 4-in-1

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2 $50 Gift Vouchers for

1 x Charli Bird Bamboo Poncho

5 x W7 makeup kits

2 Mercedes-Benz Le Parfum for men


1 x Organic Hand Care Gift Set


Very Berry Pavlova Gluten Free Serves 10 Preparation time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 60 minutes Ingredients 4 large egg whites 1 cup caster sugar 1 tbsp cornflour 2 tsp white vinegar 1½ x 250g punnet strawberries, hulled and quartered 2 x 120g punnet raspberries 350ml light cream Mint leaves to garnish Directions Preheat oven to 120˚C and line two baking trays with some baking paper. Draw a large circle (25cm in diameter) on each piece of baking paper Place egg whites into an electric mixer and beat on medium high speed until stiff peaks form Gradually add sugar, one tablespoon at a time, until the sugar dissolves and the mixture is thick and glossy Gently fold in the cornflour and vinegar Divide mixture evenly between trays and spread with the back of a spoon until they’re an even thickness Bake for 50 minutes, swapping trays half way, until mixture is dry and crisp Turn the oven off but leave meringues there for one hour, or until completely cooled Combine berries in a large mixing bowl Beat cream with electric beaters to soft peaks Place one of the meringue discs onto serving plate and spread with one third of the cream Scatter one third of the berries on top of the cream and place remaining meringue on top Spoon the remaining cream on top and pile on the berries. Garnish with mint leaves and serve


Melted Berry Blue Frozen Snowmen Number of Serves: 8 Prep Time: 30 minutes Setting Time: 2 hours Ingredients: 2 x 85g packets Aeroplane Original Berry Blue Jelly 1 egg white 1 ½ cups icing sugar 9 marshmallows Assorted cake decorations for making snowmen faces Method: Make Aeroplane Original Berry Blue Jelly to pack instructions, pour into 8 shallow bowls then place in the refrigerator to set. Mix egg white with the icing sugar to form a pliable icing. Form palm sized, thin flat shapes and cover the marshmallows with the icing. Decorate the snowmen and place onto the berry blue jelly and serve.


Christmas Pudding Ingredients 40g (1½ oz) gluten-free plain flour 30g (10z) ground hazelnuts 60g (2oz) dark brown sugar 20g (¾ oz) egg replacement powder ¼ tsp each ground mixed spice and cinnamon 40g (1½ oz) dairy-free spread 175g (6oz) mixed dried fruit 30g (1oz) apple, peeled, cored and chopped, optional ½ lemon, finely grated rind and 2tbsp juice 1tsp golden syrup 1tsp gravy browning 2tbsp brandy 6tbsp soya milk Icing sugar, for dusting ¾ litre (1¼ pint) pudding basin greased and a disc of greaseproof paper placed in the bottom Method Mix all the ingredients together. Spoon into the pudding basin. Cover loosely with a piece of greaseproof paper. Microwave on high (calculated for an 800 watt oven) for 2½ mins and leave to stand for another 2½ mins, then cook for a further 2½ mins. Remove the paper. The pudding won’t look fully cooked in the middle, so leave it to stand for 5 mins before turning it out and serving, dusted with icing sugar. Not suitable for freezing.


Glorious Ginger Kids Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes (Oven) No. of serves: 20 standard size biscuits Ingredients: 400g self-raising flour 1 tbsp McCormick Ginger, Ground 1 tsp McCormick Mixed Spice 1 pinch salt 120g brown sugar 60g butter or margarine 4 tbsp golden syrup 1/4 cup milk Method: 1. Place flour, McCormick Ginger Ground, McCormick Mixed Spice and salt in a large mixing bowl. 2. Melt sugar, butter, golden syrup and milk together and mix with the dry ingredients (if too crumbly add in a splash more of milk). 3. Knead lightly and roll out the dough until 1cm thick. Cut out shapes and bake in a 170°C pre-heated oven for 10-15 minutes. 4. Let cool then decorate.


Charitable ideas for Christmas: It’s about Brussel Sprouts not Christmas

Dymocks Children’s Charities launches Christmas Appeal with support from the world’s bestselling author This year’s Christmas Appeal is supported by a unique gift from the planet’s most popular author, James Patterson. Donate $20 or more to support kids in need this Christmas and you could win the chance to name a character in the upcoming James Patterson novel Never Never, to be published August 2016. With literacy rates in Australia declining, it’s more important than ever to support the important work of Dymocks Children’s Charities (DCC). Funds raised through the Appeal will help to increase children’s literacy in priority areas through a range of programs - Book Bank, Library Regeneration and Duck Libraries.

Buying & Spending

Christmas 2005 was my best Christmas EVER. I spent the day knee deep in mud, shared one slice of Christmas cake with my family and sang Christmas carols with complete strangers. We were travelling to the Maasai Mara in Kenya in a rusty old minivan and spent 14 hours of Christmas Day waiting, patiently, to cross a flooded river. There were no presents, no decorations and no lavish commercial displays of affection. Instead my family laughed until our bellies ached, created impromptu noprop’s Christmas games and made memories we’ll cherish forever.

Getting involved is easy, simply visit www. and select the value of your donation. For every $20 donated you will automatically be entered into the James Patterson Never Never ‘name a character’ draw. $20 will provide a Duck Library book for an early learning centre, $100 will give one book per term for two primary school children for a year; $950 will provide a complete Duck Library filled with books for an early learning centre. The Dymocks Children’s Charities Christmas Appeal runs until 24 December. Your support will give a disadvantaged child the gift of reading this Christmas. Every donation big or small goes a long way to help change kids’ lives – one book at a time!


Last year Christmas spending cost each Australian AUD $1,079.00. Research by the Commonwealth Bank suggested that Aussie’s spent $7.6 billion on gifts and $4.6 billion on Christmas holidays, whilst research in the USA claimed that the average American spent more than 15 hours in the three weeks before Christmas shopping for gifts. As part of writing my book Underspent I interviewed hundreds of men and women in Australia, UK, New Zealand and USA about their shopping addictions and buying habits. They said their biggest fears about quitting shopping, buying and spending were making do with what they already own and have (most of us own lots of stuff but don’t think it’s enough) and feeling unprepared

Christmas Many of us believe that Christmas is now more about spending money. For most of us, Christmas shopping, buying and the subsequent credit card debts are triggered by depression, low selfesteem, peer pressure, past poverty, family issues, relationship problems and passive aggression. So I’m asking “Christmas. Is it about the Brussel Sprouts, not the buying & spending?” Yes, personally, I believe it is. I didn’t buy anything new or 2nd hand during 2014. I quit shopping for 365 days. I saved 38% of my take-home salary without dramatically changing my life. It was one of the best years of my life. I’m doing it again in 2016. Here are 5 things I did last Christmas 1. Presence is the present I spent time not money with the people I love and cherish. I switched off the TV, the phone, the computer and the social media. I reconnected. I gave people my quality time not my money. That meant helping my friend Deb with the homeless shelter soup kitchen, long beach walks with my best friends and good fun days out with my family. In today’s frantically busy world an hour of time is priceless and so sharing each other’s presence really is the greatest present of all. 2. Re-gifting I wasn’t too embarrassed to re-gift. My Great Aunt May was a serial re-gifter. Years ago it was frowned upon but with the rise of swapping, sharing and restaurant doggie bags anything goes. I found precious books I’d read and loved, I wrote a personal message inside and I re-gifted them to someone who I knew would appreciate that book just as much as me. Happiness doesn’t have to be purchased in a store. 3. Experiences and memories It’s the memories we make, not the presents we receive that we’ll remember for years to come. I gave my family experiences to treasure not something manufactured and wrapped in plastic. I expressed my love with things they love; movie tickets, adventure park passes and coffee vouchers.


4. Borrowing not buying I borrowed. If I need extra plates, cutlery or chairs I borrowed them from neighbours. Moses henry Cass said “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”. Our world’s resources are limited so I borrow what I need, if and when, I actually need it. 5. Contentment not comparing Everyone is on a different life journey and we all have a different story. Let’s not compare our Christmas with others instead let’s enjoy the one we have. Let’s be content with what we own, the size of our home, the age of our car and the dynamics of our families. Sure, the Smith family have an argument – or three! – on Christmas Day but Christmas, we know, is a celebration of being together, not the perfect tree. It all sounds easy, right? If we really want Christmas to be about the Brussels, not the buying let’s share each other’s presence as the greatest present of all, let us not be too embarrassed to re-gift, let’s give the people we love memories to treasure, let’s be happy borrowing not buying and let us be content with everything that we are and have. That way, even if we are knee deep in mud with only one slice of cake to serve all four, we’ll make Christmas memories we’ll cherish forever. Do you agree? What inspires you at Christmas? What would you do for family and friends instead of buying gifts? Article by Rachel Smith. Rachel is an Author, Columnist, Speaker and had two TED talks. She is the Author of Decongestion and Underspent. She didn’t buy anything new or 2nd hand during 2014 and saved 38% of her take-home salary without dramatically changing her life.


Jingle Bills, Jingle Bills - bills are on their way A summer energy bill is kind of like Santa Claus… it knows if you've been good by conserving energy or if you've been naughty by running your airconditioner and other appliances around the clock as the temperature rises. If you’ve been good, ‘Energy Santa’ (your energy provider) will deliver you an affordable bill that's roughly about what you were expecting or, in some kind of Christmas miracle, even lower. But if you’ve been naughty, you might receive a higher than expected energy bill that stretches your finances during an expensive time of year and keeps you awake at night. And while Father Christmas has come and gone by December 25, ‘Energy Santa’ will arrive to deliver your bill at the end of summer just as you have paid (or loaded up your credit card with) expenses like holidays, back to school supplies and Christmas presents… Translation - it couldn’t come at a worse time. So what can you do to get in Energy Santa’s good books? While milk and cookies are enough to placate the real Santa… Energy Santa is more likely to be impressed by consumption and cost saving measures that you have implemented at home over the summer months. The more you do, the lower the bill. The magic number A good place to start is the air-conditioner which is ‘mum's-best-friend’ over the sweltering summer months. Consider setting it to 23 -25 degrees…every degree below that increases energy consumption by around 10 per cent. Your biggest fan Or as an alternative to air conditioners, make use of portable fans which only cost 2c an hour to run but can reduce the temperature of a room by 2-3 degrees.


The curtain defense Closing curtains and blinds in the morning can also be an effective way of keeping the heat of the day out of your home, while opening your windows at night to let the cool breezes in can help you sleep easier. If you can’t take the heat… get out of the kitchen When it comes to dinner time, using the oven or stove on hot days will only heat up the house further. Instead, head outside and fire-up the BBQ which is an energy efficient (and delicious) way to cook in any season. Get the best value provider No matter how many energy saving initiatives you implement around the home, reviewing your current energy contract can be the most costeffective tactic. And if doing it yourself seems daunting or overly time-consuming, call an energy comparison service like iSelect and they can take you through your latest bill. They will be able to tell you once and for all whether you are on the best value plan to suit your individual needs or if there is something better out there. There is nothing you can do to stop Energy Santa delivering your summer energy bill but a few simple things will help you stay in the good books and make the arrival of your summer bill as stress-free and affordable as possible. By Laura Crowden. Laura Crowden works for leading online comparison site iSelect and loves nothing more than spoiling her cat, long brunches and helping Australians find the right energy plan.

5 Steps to buff up your finances


It’s time to get fiscal, and pump up your financial wellbeing. The New Year is a great opportunity to boost financial fitness – and it doesn’t involve working up a sweat. Check out our 5-point fitness regime to get your money matters looking trim, taut and terrific for 2016. Check your financial pulse Let’s start with a quick check of your vital signs. Is your credit card debt under control; are you growing regular savings; do you have a pool of emergency funds to fall back on? What about your home loan – are you sure it’s competitively priced, and are you making additional payments to get ahead with the loan? Are you juicing your finances too much? Overspending is seriously bad for your financial health, and an early warning sign can be a bloated credit card balance. To get cash under control, you need to know exactly what your spending habits look like. The government’s free TrackMySpend app is useful for recording daily spending or simply maintain a handwritten spending diary for a month. When you know where your money is going, draw up a budget. ME’s online budget planner lets you compare total outgoings to household income. Visit and click on ‘Calculators’. Your budget will also highlight areas where you can cut back spending to free up cash for saving or investing.

Tone your savings Personal savings is one muscle group none of us can afford to overlook. Savings are the foundation of wealth and can provide a financial lifeline when unexpected expenses crop up. Your budget will show how much you can set aside in regular savings. Now make it happen by organising an automatic funds transfer from your everyday bank account to a high interest savings account. Time the transfer to coincide with pay days to be sure you give savings (rather than spending) top priority. Aim for a personal best Debt under control? Check. Action taken to grow savings? Check. All that remains is to set some financial goals to work towards. Make your goals realistic and achievable, and share them with your other half so you encourage one another to stay on track. No matter whether you’re aiming to buy a first home, give your kids a quality education or build funds for retirement, the goals you set today could set you up for your best financial year ever.

Detox your finances - whittle away debt Your overall debt is important but some types of debt are worse for your financial health than By Nic Emery, Head of Deposits and others. In particular, relying on high interest debt to pay for items of no lasting value is the Transactional Banking, ME fiscal equivalent of carrying unwanted kilos. Detox your finances by aiming to clear high interest debt – like credit card or store card balances, with extra repayments. Or consider switching to a low rate card. Savings on interest charges make it easier to clear the debt sooner.


Lifestyle Finances

5 Steps to raise Money Savvy Children We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees. Unfortunately, unless we teach our children the value of money from a very early age, they don’t necessarily understand this concept. With the introduction of debit cards, credit cards, online and telephone banking, children don’t have a lot of physical interaction with money. As a result, they can often fail to appreciate the true value of money. Thankfully however, there are five simple tips that you can implement today to make your children money savvy, including:

2015 Christmas Gift Guide OUT NOW! 1. Start a money box: Children love being able to open up their money box and see how much money they have saved. Better yet, by having a money box, you can sit down with your child and educate them on the different coins and notes and the different values each coin/note has. 2. Counting games: Children love games and educational games are no different. Create different money games with your child so that they can not only learn what the different coins and notes are, but improve their mathematical skills at the same time 3. Pocket money: Getting your child to do chores – such as putting their toys away or cleaning their room – in return for money can help to teach them the value of it. If they know they have to work for the money, they will be more inclined to appreciate it. 4. Get tech savvy: For the tech savvy parents and children, there are plenty of apps available that can teach your child the value of money. Some games available on the market will use interactive gaming technology to teach your little one how the choices they make can add up to big savings or big expenses. 5. Model behavior: Avoid negative financial phrases such as “we can’t afford that”. When a child hears this phrase they may be inclined to think the family is struggling financially. Instead, try saying: “we don’t choose to spend our money that way” – this statement shows that you are in control of your finances. This article provided by Mortgage Choice spokesperson, Jessica Darnbrough



Ways to Save on the Family Shopping Growing up in a family of six children, we learnt early that we needed to be careful with money and make what we did have last. I learnt from the best - my mum! We grew up on a farm outside a small town a long way from a major town, so trips to "town" for supplies were fortnightly at best. We didn't have the luxury of the convenience of daily trips to the supermarket or online shopping, so we had to plan our shopping list carefully and only buy what we really needed. I still think this is the best way to shop now. I know we all get busy and it's easy to run to the shop everytime we "think" we need something, but with careful planning and resourceful shopping, you can save both time and money. Now as a mum myself to two young boys (aged 6 and 7) and still living on a farm, I have had to implement my own money saving plans and here a few ways I do it...thanks mum! 1. When buying a BBQ chicken, use it for as many meals as you can. Buying one chicken can provide you with up to three family meals. When it's fresh you can have it with salad or veges. The next day, use what's leftover in sandwiches for the family and then finally don't throw away the bones and carcuss, use this to make a casserole, gravy or soup. 2. Freeze EVERYTHING! One of the best ways to save money is to buy only what you need and prepare all your meals in advance and freeze them. Having these on hand will ensure that you don't buy unwanted items or things you don't need. 3. When shopping, use a list and shop alone. Yes that's right, don't take the kids! The only way you can save money when shopping is to follow a list. Impulse buys add up. Only buy exactly the number of fresh items that you need to ensure that they don't perish and get wasted. Rather than thrown them out - refer to tips 1 and 2! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rachel Smith, QLD mum of two, teacher, farmer, bookkeeper and one half of country music duo "Innocent Eve (".

Online Shopping - Ideal for Busy Mums The latest Australian Online Shopping survey by Roy Morgan Research for Rackspace has been released and it confirms that Australians are shopping online for convenience (82%) followed by price (71%) and a wider range of products and services (47%). While the majority of Australian’s may be shopping online for those reasons, Mums in particular find the convenience of being able to shop at any time of the day along with the ability to find unique and interesting products without temper tantrums or dragging a child from shop to shop very appealing.


Founder of MumsDelivery and Mother of two, Lorraine Salvi understands the appeal of online shopping “Online shopping is a lifesaver! Thanks to online shopping my husband now does 50% of the Christmas shopping and I can shop for birthday presents without the children getting an inkling of what I am looking for” So if you haven’t shopped online before or are hesitant with online shopping click here for tips when shopping online.


Reviewed OvenU – Oven Cleaning Service I really thought my oven wasn’t that bad and gosh was I proven wrong. Booking an oven clean with OvenU was so simple and easy with just a phone call. Find out how they cleaned my oven and what they did to really impress me.

The Kambrook Pancake Perfect Breakfast Skillet offers a temperature controlled electric pan perfect for the breakfast meal ideas. The Pancake Perfect Breakfast Skillet comes with a set of 3 heat- resistant silicone pikelet/ egg rings. Read the review.

ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP200 The Asus TP200 Transformer notebook offers the versatility of a laptop and a tablet combined. Utilise it as a Laptop easily by lifting the screen open to enjoy complete laptop functionality including an easy to use keyboard and screen with good definition. To convert to tablet mode, simply flip the screen over to the back of the computer and you can quickly and easily browse with ease. Keep reading to see how you can win one!

Edifier R12U Speakers I am always a little sceptical when someone shows me a small sized speaker and promises that they will sound good when hooked up to something. I know technology has come a long way but I still don’t really trust small speakers. I was assured the Edifier R12U speakers would be different but I wasn’t so sure… Read the review to find out how I went


Moo Moo Beach Gown We are so lucky where we live. There is a public pool just a few minutes’ walk down the road. We all love swimming and I have always hated all the packing to go and things you have to take with you!! See how the Moo Moo Beach Gowns can help with this dilema in our review


4 Romanic Budget Date Ideas in Sydney Ever find yourself constantly struggling for more time? When you have kids and you’re juggling your dayto-day with other chaotic things like a full time job or even routine errands, making time for a nice, intimate date with your nearest and dearest can seem impossible. However, it is important to take a break every now and then to connect with your other half. Looking for romantic date ideas in Sydney that will get the sparks flying without breaking the bank? It’s possible! Here are four options to consider.

1. Wine & Dine Together Fine dining restaurants in Sydney can be exxy – there’s no doubt about it. However, if you’re happy to do some research online, you may score yourself a waterfront dining experience at a bargain. Research online to scout out restaurant coupon offers and packages. You’ll be able to find decent 3-course meals at popular Sydney restaurants for a variety of cuisines and some even come with a bottle of wine too. Opt for lunch courses to take advantage of Sydney’s beautiful summer weather – it’ll also be less expensive than dinners. 2. Escape On A Day Trip If you’re looking to escape the city without an overnight stay or expensive hotel fees, why not drive up to the Royal National Park or Palm Beach for a quick day trip and hike? Make a personalised playlist beforehand with all your favourite songs together as a couple, to enjoy on the car trip. Once you’re there, soak in the view and spend some quality time together hiking. You’ll get to have a date and slot in some exercise too while you’re at it. Make sure you check the weather beforehand, wear comfortable shoes and bring your SPF.

3. Relax With A Picnic Nothing says romance more than a picnic at the beach or a sentimental location that brings back fond memories. Head to the deli to pick up some cheeses, meat, marinated olives and sundried vegetables to complement a bottle of sparkling or wine. Our tip would be to go before sunset, but remember to bring some candles and mosquito spray for when the sun goes down. Not only is this cost-effective, it’s super easy and achievable. 4. Have Fun At The Outdoor Cinema With summer fast approaching and day-light saving in full swing, it’s a great time to book tickets for the outdoor cinema. You can find outdoor cinemas all over Sydney from December through to March and depending on the location, they don’t cost too much more than a regular cinema ticket. Opt for a golden oldie or a box office hit and cuddle up underneath the stars with your own rugs and pillows. It might not be “the drive in” you remember, but it’s pretty close. Adding some romance in your life doesn’t need to be boring or costly. Be creative and strategic with the options available, and most importantly, have some fun with your other half! Article by Adeline Lee, Head of Copy at Scoopon


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LEGO® Friends: Volume 8 – Kate’s Island Join the LEGO® Friends on their next adventure as they uncover mysteries on Kate’s island! In this volume, Olivia has signed the girls up for science camp and they’re excited to pack their bags and leave Heartlake City to embark upon their scientific adventure. But not everyone seems to be on Kate’s Island for the sun, hot air balloons and the deliciously famous ice cream... In their quest for answers, what kind of mysteries will the young scientists uncover? LEGO® Friends: Volume 8 – Kate’s Island, yours to own on DVD from November 26, 2015. Mister Maker: Clever Craft Creations Everyone’s favourite art show goes out on the road with the Maker Mobile in Mister Maker Comes to Town! Travelling everywhere and anywhere Mister Maker visits children - Mini Makers - and finds new friends whilst getting inspiration for brilliant new makes. Available on DVD from 2 December 2015

Elf tells the story of Buddy the elf and his quest to reunite with the human father he never knew existed. While Buddy’s sincerity and idealism are commonplace at the North Pole, these attributes are rejected in cynical New York City. But through song, dance, and relentless good cheer, Buddy rekindles the spirit of Christmas for the entire city. Available on DVD from 4 November 2015 ABC Kids: Festive Fun Get into the festive spirit with these episodes from a collection of ABC KIDS TV shows including Thomas & Friends, Mister Maker comes to Town, The Pajanimals, Peg + Cat and more. Available on DVD from 4 November 2015

LEGO® NINJAGO™: Masters of Spinjitzu – Season 4, Volume 4 Continue the heroic quest with Volume 4 as the Ninja travel to uncharted lands, meet new allies, gain powerful weapons and unlock hidden powers. Journey deeper into the realm when the Ninja arrive in Cloud Kingdom and discover it is the place where destinies are written, while other fates are destroyed. LEGO® NINJAGO™:Masters of Spinjitzu–Season 4, Volume 4 yours to own on DVD from November 26, 2015.


In an era with rapidly changing technology, it’s important to remind children of just how far we have come. To develop a thirst for knowledge. To learn more about our planet and the amazing things it offers, and never take it for granted. In the upcoming illustrated children’s picture book, Wow! The Wonders of Our World ($19.95), authors Joy Noble and Fiona Johnston have written an engaging book that aims to help children discover more about the world around them, and develop a sense of curiosity.

The newly released Little Live Pets App puts a pet in the palm of your hand. Since their launch in June last year, the hugely popular Little Live Pets menagerie of toys has gone from strength to strength featuring birds, turtles and mice. You can now play with your Little Live Pets in a virtual world, adopting your own virtual pet mouse, turtle or bird to feed, clean, play and accessorise.Free on iOS and Android, the Little Live Pets app works across all devices.


The daily challenge of feeding hungry children quick and satisfying snacks now has a simple solution with the launch of the Kikkoman Rice Inspir-Asian™ range of instant meals. The range of instant meals includes Teriyaki, Nasi Goreng, Curried Rice and Korean Bibimbap. The Kikkoman Rice Inspir-Asian™ range is now available from Woolworths’ stores nationally. RRP $3.79 Tilda®s new Mood Food Manual: ‘Eat your way to Happiness’ explains how the foods people eat can affect mood and wellbeing – creating either anxiety or calm. It includes a seven-day meal planner and easy recipes to incorporate top mood foods. The Mood Food Manual is free to download from Tilda website tilda-mood-food

The Good Dinosaur The adventurous, colourful and fun The Good Dinosaur toy line brings to life the films quirky characters and features a range of quality, collectible products. The character toys offer a diverse and tactile experience, enabling children to re-enact their favourite scenes from the movie and collect each character Galloping Butch - $59.95 Chomping Spot - $29.95 Stockist: Target, Toys 'R' Us, Big W, Myer and Toyworld

UNCLE TOBYS lunchbox muesli bars have undergone the biggest reformulation in the brand’s history; creating the largest range of 4 Health Star Rated muesli bars in Australia (at November 2015). UNCLE TOBYS lunchbox muesli bars are available at Woolworths, Coles, IGA supermarkets and Big W, RRP $3.99.


Tree Fu Tom - Time For Tree Fu DVD Tree Fu Tom is set in the enchanted world of Treetopolis where movement creates magic. With the newly released toy and DVD range, kids can bring Tree Fu Tom and his friends into their home each day. RRP: $14.95. Available from: ABC Shops and ABC Shop Online; Big W Kmart and Target

Celebrating all things fun and festive, the NEW Hi-5 Happy Holidays DVD will be available to purchase just in time for Christmas! The Christmas DVD features everything to get the kids excited for the holidays from Christmas Elves and Santa workshops to wacky weddings and even a

Baileys Ice Cream Available in 500ml tubs Flavours: Original, Chocolate and Burnt Toffee RRP: $7.49 Baileys Ice Cream Petites Multipack, 6 x 50ml sticks Flavours: Original and Chocolate RRP: $7.99 Stockist: Woolworths, Coles and Independent Retailers

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Spring into summer with these cool kaftans for girls. Little Chicks Kaftans are very soft and easy to wear over bathers at the beach or team with denim shorts for a fun day out. There are four gorgeous prints to choose from, each with a divine pom-pom edging and tie This Travel Journal is designed for all type of travel and adventures. Caravanning, camping, road trips, weekends away, long trips, international travels, even sleep overs at Grandma’s. Create a keepsake of cherished memories that will be enjoyed by the whole family for years to come. Designed, developed and printed in Regional Victoria. RRP: $26.95 Available from:


detail at the front. Available in sizes 2 through to 12. Exclusive to Charli Bird, these Little Chicks Kaftans cost $54.95 from

Wishing you a very

and a Happy New Year


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