3 minute read


B Y : J E S S I E R E I M E R S

5 years ago I had exceptionally low self worth, I didn’t know who I was, I didn’t like who I was, I was scared, isolated and struggling with my physical and emotional health.


I was on welfare, trying to provide for two young kids and had really lost hope.I had lost hope for my health, for my future and I had a deep sadness within me. I was also angry, angry at a system that wasn’t helping me heal.

I was in victim mode, blaming every external circumstance possible, refusing to take responsibility for my life and my choices, I wanted someone to rescue me and take all the pain away.

Everything started to shift for me when I finally had the realisation that if I wanted things to change I had to take personal responsibility for my life and start making small daily choices in the direction of my dreams.

As a young woman with Aspergers, severe social anxiety and a massive introvert that preferred my comfy bed and my comfort zone far more than the anxiety producing thought of actually putting myself out there, being seen and connecting with the humans, it was a big deal for me to turn my life around and change my beliefs and behaviours.

But I didn’t want to continue living the way I was and experiencing the life through the lense I had, so it was time to make some serious changes. I started researching how to heal my life, I read my first personal development You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, I started doing mirror work, looking in the mirror into my eyes and telling myself I love myself, which was extremely difficult and uncomfortable at first. I started eating nourishing food and started a petition to stop the Heart Foundation promoting margarine and highly processed, sugar filled food such as Milo cereal as heart healthy.

I started doing mirror work, looking in the mirror into my eyes and telling myself I love myself

I ended up on A Current Affair, Sunrise, Studio 10, the Morning Show and regularly debating the CEO of the Heart Foundation on ABC Radio National. I started developing trust and a really beautiful connection with my audience who really felt my transmission of wanting to bring through information and share my healing journey without the corruption and greed of big companies who didn’t truly care about their health and wellbeing.

Then a woman that was following my journey and got behind the petition sent me some essential oils, she knew I was struggling with some physical and emotional challenges and sent them to give me some support- then let me know that there was an opportunity to create my own business by teaching others about the oils and how to create their own business too.

I had incredible results and experiences with the oils and just started teaching others about them. Within 11 months I created a six figure income and within less than 2.5 years I had created a seven figure business. I now work around 5 to 10 hours a week doing what I love, teaching people about plants, helping people create financial freedom and constantly work on mymindset.

I wake up each morning and practice qigong or yoga and DANCE and sing every day. The more I can be in my body and have complete and full bodied expression of who I am, the more good people are magnetised to me and want to be a part of what I'm creating. The level of self worth and confidence I have continues to increase the more I choose myself every day and lovemyself. And it can for you too. Just choose you.

Jessie Reimers is an international speaker, writer, seven figure business owner, e-coursecreator, leader and disruptor.

As a young woman with Aspergers, a mum, and coming from poor health and poverty, Jessie has overcome many different challenges to create her success.Jessie thrives on educating and empowering people to smash through their fears and draw on their inner strength to courageously create the life of their dreams.

She is raw, real, vulnerable, down to earth and brutally honest. She teaches people how to lead themselves, teams, businesses and companies with absolute integrity and lift others as they rise. She speaks to removing competition and comparison - replacing it with collaboration, as we are so much more powerful united and when we can learn from and be inspired by oneanother.