10 minute read


B y : C l a r e D e a l e

Clare Deale is an Intuitive Guide/Mentor, Seer, Medical Intuitive, Energy Worker and Homeopath. Her abilities in seeing where and how you are blocked are quite profound, the space she holds for you is powerful, sacred and healing. Supporting & guiding people to their awakening and seeing their own infinite light & power is her calling in life. With the combination of her training as an Intuitive Guide with the Institute of Intuitive Sciences and her years of practising as a homeopath and her natural abilities.


Her goal in life is to provide the space and

support individuals as they remember whothey are, with the intention that they go onto live a life that is in flow & alignment withtheir higher selves.

Instructions Without any judgement or overthinking, ask your questions with the month in mind such as "what would support my growth in February", then close your eyes, tune into your heart and choose an image. Then below you will see a reading for each image as well as corresponding to the month that you are inquiring about.

Please note this is for your entertainmentonly.


Until you realise that you are the one holding yourself captive, and holding yourself back from reaching the places—or, more to the point—reaching out to those who can and will support you—there will always be a sense of not being capable, or not being able to meet the mark … no matter what you do.

But, it’s a trick of the mind; or programming that has been playing out for such a long time that often you don’t even see it for what it is: simply a part of your being.

Finding support, looking for and bringing light to that subconscious programming that has been dominant; telling you it’s this way, when in truth it isn’t. You are ready to change the unimaginable, break the chains of the past, and the belief that it is not for you even—though you crave it.

Watch your sugar and stimulant intake. Your body is looking for the sign that you will take care of it, which sets the foundation for success on all levels. Take the word ‘diet’ out of your vocabulary and rather, look at it as conscious eating and conscious living, because that is what it is. Valuing yourself and, understanding and respecting the choices you made, have an impact on your past, present, and future. Joy is as much a choice, as it is circumstantial.


Peace is a goal for this month. Make choices to leave discussions or circumstances that are triggering, or overly dramatic, as well as lowvibing, and don’t apologise for it. We can either exponentially grow that which does not serve us, or magnify that which changes our trajectory for the better.

Attracting people and experiences that you deserve—that will support you in acknowledging and celebrating this fact as well as accepting it. Finally!

There is clarity around issues/problems that have seemed overwhelming, or that you have believed you would never find a solution to. The reason this occurs, is because of your willingness to take responsibility for your part, to forgive for that which you thought you never could, and to understand, that what we want isn’t always what we need.


Your health needs to be your number one priority this month. Good quality sleep, early nights, hydration, as well as less time in the airconditioning, and more time in nature. Watch your stress levels. Have that massage you have been putting off. See that naturopath, GP, homeopath, healer that you have wanted to call for a while but haven’t got around to. Lingering issues have an opportunity to be greatly shifted for the better.

This is the same for the health of your finances; what have you avoided facing. Spending more on your credit card, living beyond your means, etc., then feeling sick about it. The imbalance of power is impacting you greatly. What we ignore gets bigger; what we face lets us see it for what it is and reminds us that we’ve got this!

Find that financial advisor, that business consultant, or hire that VA to help you get organised and see what it is that you are dealing with, so that you can move forward. Be clear on what needs your attention and why. Distraction, avoidance, and denial is your subconscious and ego’s way of remaining the same: unchanged.


There is so much potential in the air, but with that comes trepidation—and at times overwhelming of all the possibilities —as well as your inner shadows of not being good enough, nor be able to succeed in the way you desire. Take the time, and make a conscious effort to observe your thoughts. Catch yourself in the act of thwarting your own steps into the future of the highest timeline; where flow comes with ease, and you not only see your capabilities, but are also brave and excited to share them with everyone.

A culmination, or a connection of two to three people where sparks occur , can help each individual—and as a group, explore profound breakthroughs and insights, with the possibility of agreeing to a partnership. If this is the case, be clear from the get-go. Honesty is essential, even when it is uncomfortable; for you are setting the foundations for your future enterprises.

Double- and triple-check your contracts, even leases for new business premises and homes to live in. Trust the unexpected changes.

They are here to guide you to what is for your greatest good, even though the ego may not like it.

Your children may also tend to be emotional as there are karmic ties being cut; they are processing it for the family unit. Keep offering them a safe home, and a soft place to land.

It is easy to be triggered or angered by their reactions, but, I implore you to find inner patience—support them through this, even if you don’t understand. You are cementing patterns in your relationships, and healing your inner, wounded child.


Pace yourself. There is so much that can pull you in every direction, making you feel spread far too thin—if you let it. This is an opportunity to set the pace and the rules for this year. Are you going to let the ‘busyness’ of life swallow you whole? Or are you going to prioritise you and your needs and wants above all else? No more being fed up, resentful or exhausted by what others ask of you.

They can ask all they want. It doesn’t need you to do or be everything. It’s time to look at what you have allowed—over the years— and agree to that what has insulted your soul, and undervalued your energy and time. Until you value yourself, no one else will.

You have those that look up to you; learning from you by what you say, but more importantly by how you act. There is much undoing of family dysfunction and ways of being that left a sense of sadness.

I would also be a great idea to get your bloods taken and have an overall health check to put you in the best footing.


Pleasure is not a sometimes thing, but an essential need of being human. It comes in many ways; through our senses, our choices, our beliefs, our thoughts, our programming.

There is so much that is open to reroute and reprogram how it is you feel about yourself, and how it is you have perceived the world and yourself within it.

Less worrying about what others think, and more trusting what you feel. Your BS GPS is one of your greatest assets—yet you rarely use it. This is about trust; trust in yourself and your choices. Frightened of taking risks? The question is: Are they risks or chances you’ve never taken? That it is fear programming. Risks are riddled with fear, but chances are filled with hope.

Where is it you have felt hopeless, when in truth you have had the Midas touch? The ability to see and know what no one else does, but are too frightened to say what it is you were thinking; and then regretted it later. Thinking ‘I knew that would happen!’

Now is the time to stand up and trust you above all else; as well as speaking up and asking for the help and support you need. Be specific, if all you want is a sounding board. Be clear with those you are speaking to. Often, it is the getting it out of your head that you gain clarity, where before you were foggy.

Strength is not being fearless; it is moving forward in spite of it. You can do this but first you need to take the first step.


What is it you thought would happen? Why are you disappointed when you knew on some level, great changes were taking

place? Your resistance to change has, and does cause you pain and heartache that is unnecessary—and energy draining. The belief that things should pan out this way, and when they don’t, you hook yourself into the pattern of you must have down something wrong—somehow—when you haven’t.

Why is it always your fault?

Why do you so easily slip into victim mentality, when it takes a collective to make things happen? Sure, you may be part of the problem, but you are always part of the solution. So comfortable looking at the deficit, but resistant to seeing how amazing you are.

The attempt to make yourself smaller, when you are being called to expand bigger: energetically, emotionally, mentally.

You hold the cards, yet you only reveal two or three, when it would do you well to start to show at least five. Not to everyone, of course, be discerning, but also be brave.

You don’t know what you don’t know until you are prepared to put yourself out there. There are great discoveries to be made. When will you put the money on yourself?

MarchTaking stock of what did and didn’t work last year, will serve you well. There is a tendency to slip into the old groove. Same day, same time. On a deeper level, there is profound boredom with this, where there could be creativity and excitement.

Boredom can be a way in which we close ourselves—and our creativity—down. It can be the excuse to remain the same; safe in the ways we have always ‘done’ things.

This needs to be acknowledged, celebrated, and respected. You are not who you thought you were; what you once desired and what you desire now, can and will be vastly different at times, and that’s okay. In fact, it is fantastic! It shows you are ready to evolve beyond where you thought possible. Go you!


A spring clean of your diet is in order. Check what’s slipped into your routine, or those things you are having too much of; perhaps: coffee, sugar, or that extra glass of wine.

Look to your support team within your work mentors and VA’s, as well as your health team; GP’s, energy healers, naturopath, therapist, and so on. Being prepared to dig deep—to really see—process and shift that which you have avoided.

Your stressors are not always what you take at face value, you need to go much deeper than that.

By spending money now, you will save money in the future. As the saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’. This is on all levels. With bravery comes great rewards. Denial is exhausting and a way to remain hooked in the narrative of your past; and the beliefs that you will not succeed in the way you dream too. Are you ready? Yes you are!